Playwrights And Poets in English Literature MCQs

Playwrights And Poets in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. There are number of famouse Playwrights And Poets from the history to date who are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Because English Literature without them is no more. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 900 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole history of Playwright and Poet in English Literature. These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Famouse Playwright and Poets in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - A man can die but once is one of quote of following plays ?

Henry 4 part two

2 - Some born great, some achieve greatness And some have greatness thrust upon them. Above lines are taken from which of following plays ?

Twelfth night

3 - ____________is a late 20th century play written by a woman ?


4 - ____________was father of Desdemona ?


5 - A comparison of unlike things without using a word of comparison such as like or as______________?


6 - a description that appeals to one of the five senses____________?


7 - A number of the British Romantic poets argue what character to be the protagonist (or "hero") of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?


8 - A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry ?


9 - A poem that generally has meter and rhyme______________?


10 - A poem that tells a story with plot, setting, and characters_______________?


11 - A poem with no meter or rhyme______________?

free verse

12 - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man thematizes which of the following ?

All of the Above

13 - A verse form using stanza of eight lines, each with eleven syllables, is known as ?

Ottava Rima

14 - According to critics, how does Dante's underworld differ from Virgil's hell ?

Unlike Virgil's hell, Dante's underworld focuses on punishment for sins.

15 - According to critics, what is the function of The Dubliners' third person narration ?

it counters the sense of unrequited love

16 - According to Dante, what does the term "gramatica" mean ?

It is static language with unchanging rules.

17 - According to Dante, what place is at the top of his purgatory ?

The Garden of Eden

18 - According to Dante, when is it most appropriate to use Latin ?

In essays

19 - According to Dante, which class of people reside on the planet Mars ?

The warriors of faith

20 - According to Dante, which is necessary in order to make a perfect confession ?

A sense of gratitude for God's mercy

21 - According to Dante, which is the most serious sin in hell ?


22 - According to Dante, who resides in his ante-purgatory ?

The souls of those who are not yet ready to purge their sins

23 - According to Dr. Mazzotta, what do Dante's planets represent ?

The liberal arts

24 - According to Dr. Mazzotta, what does the phrase "the little bark" mean ?

It highlights the idea that Dante is on a journey of poetry.

25 - According to Dr. Mazzotta, what is the central allegorical theme in The Purgatorio ?

The poet's attempt to climb the mountain

26 - According to Dr. Mazzotta, what trait distinguishes Dante's purgatory from his hell ?

Purgatory includes references to time.

27 - According to Dr. Roger Dunkle, in ancient times, what was considered a tragedy ?

A song for the prize or sacrifice of a goat

28 - According to John Milton, political offices were to be filled by______________?

popular election

29 - According to John Milton's view of the structure of the universe, the "Created Universe" is surrounded by what ?


30 - According to Margot Norris, what do Joyce's novels imply about civilization ?

that it depends on repression

31 - According to Margot Norris, what is the significance of guilt in Finnegans Wake ?

All of the Above

32 - According to most critics, how does Dante distinguish love from lust ?

Lust involves the subordination of reason to desire.

33 - According to most critics, Vita Nuova is an example of which of the following genres ?

All of the above

34 - According to most critics, what does Geryon represent in The Inferno ?


35 - According to most scholars, what does the chariot in The Purgatorio symbolize ?

The conflict between ancient Romans and the early Church

36 - According to most scholars, what does The Purgatorio allegorically represent ?

The penitent life

37 - According to Paradise Lost, which of the following does God not create ?

He creates everything

38 - According to Randy Hofbauer, what is/are the purpose(s) of the epiphany ?

it prepares Stephen to accept his artistic rebirth

39 - According to Robert Hollander, what are the two types of allegory used by Dante ?

Allegory of the poets and "allegory of the theologians"

40 - According to scholars, what is the function of the rose that Dante sees in paradise ?

All of the above

41 - According to skeptics of Shakespeare's authorship, all of the following are considered to be the "true" authors of some of Shakespeare's plays EXCEPT________________?

John Shakespeare.

42 - According to Stephen, how is art represented in the lyrical form ?

the image is presented in immediate relation to the artist himself

43 - According to the "Book of Luke," Herod was the king of ?


44 - Adam, Satan, and Eve herself are all dazzled by Eve's______________?


45 - After ____________ years of his marriage he left his native town and try his fortune in the great city of London?


46 - After graduating from university, John Milton toured the continent of Europe and likely met with which of the following individuals ?


47 - After Milton went blind, he was able to compose poetry by using ______________?


48 - After the death of Christopher Marlowe who completed his unfinished poem "Hero and Leander" ?

George Chapman

49 - After they have both eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, the first thing Adam and Eve do is______________?

Satisfy their sexual desire for each other

50 - Aldous Huxley was a poet, but was better known as what ?


51 - All's Well that Ends Well is considered to be what kind of a play ?


52 - Ann Hathaway was____________years older than Shakespeare?


53 - Antony and Cleopatra and "Macbeth" was in ?


54 - Applying human qualities to non-human things ?


55 - As originally envisioned by John Milton, "Paradise Lost" would consist of how many books ?


56 - Astrophel and Stella is a ?


57 - At the beginning of the play, the Scots are at war with which country ?


58 - At the end of "Eveline," what decision does the title character make ?

she decides to stay in Ireland

59 - At the end of the play "Richard III," what happens to Richard ?

He is killed.

60 - At what age did Christopher Marlow die ?


61 - At what age did Mary Shelley start writing the novel Frankenstein ?


62 - At what age of did William Shakespeare marry Anne Hathaway ?


63 - At what famous university is Faustus a scholar ?


64 - At what point does the narration unfolds in the poem Paradise Lost ?

After the defeat of rebel angels

65 - Auld Lang Syne is a famous poem by whom ?

Robert Burns

66 - Between what time period did William Shakespeare begin a successful career in London as an actor ?

between1585 and 1592

67 - Blank verse refers to which of the following ?

Unrhymed iambic pentameter

68 - 'Book 1' of 'Paradise Lost' presents Satan with his angels fallen into Hell. When recovered, Satan awakens all his legions and speaks to them. The first he addresses is described as 'one next to himself in power, and next in crime, long after known in Pal


69 - Both Shakespeare and Christopher Marlow are thought to have been born in what year ?


70 - BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT is a quotation from ?

William Shakespeare

71 - Browning's famous poem 'Rabbi Ben Ezra' is included in ?

Dramatis Personae

72 - By which physical affliction was Joyce affected ?


73 - By which religious writer was Joyce most clearly influenced ?

Thomas Aquinas

74 - By______________ Shakespeare had established himself in London as an actor and dramatist?


75 - Carl Sandburg 'Planked whitefish' contains what kind of imagery ?


76 - Carlyle's work On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History is a course of ?

five lectures

77 - chaucer was imprisoned during_______________?

hundred years' war

78 - chaucer's franklin was guilty of which sin ?


79 - Choose the BEST answer to fill in the blank. John Milton is best described as a strong who emphasized the freedom of the individual ?


80 - Complete the following famous line from Hamlet: Something is rotten in the state of_____________?


81 - Complete the following statement. John Milton explains in the first 26 lines of "Paradise Lost" that that goal of his epic poem will be ?

to justify the ways of God to humankind.

82 - Complete this Shakespearan line – Let me not to the marriage of true minds bring________________?


83 - Concentrate on these elements when writing a good poem ?

theme, purpose, form, and mood.

84 - Dante's mention of the "sound of the angelic trumpet" refers to which religious event ?

The Last Judgment

85 - Dante's nine spheres of heaven are associated with which of the following religious concepts ?

The angelic hierarchy

86 - Denied the right to apply for divorce and facing intense humiliation, John Milton wrote what work ?

The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce

87 - Desdemona was _____________?

wife of Othello

88 - Desdemona was killed by _________________?


89 - Despite Samson's defeat and shame, Samson predicts that God will "arise and his great name assert" by making Dagon receive "Such a discomfit, as shall quite despoil him / Of all these boasted Trophies won on me / And with confusion blank his Worshippers"

Samson doesn't know he himself will fulfill the prediction.

90 - dominated English literature from the Restoration until the end of the 18th century with the emergence of Romanticism ?


91 - Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale. Who speaks the lines given above in Twelfth Night ?

Sir Toby Belch

92 - Dr. Ian Johnson suggests which of the following ideas about the play, "Henry V" ?

That none of the characters undergo a remarkable shift in personality over the course of the play

93 - During the period of which king did Chaucer fight in the English Army for the Hundred Years' War between France and England ?

Edward III

94 - During which period London theaterrs remained closed on account of the plague ?


95 - During which war the castle of Edmund Spenser, Kilcolman by name burnt by native Irish forces ?

Nine Years War

96 - Early in Book Two of "Paradise Regained," who yearns to see the missing Jesus (who has wandered into the desert) ?

First Peter, then Paul and Mary

97 - Epic similes are found in which work of John Milton ?

Paradise Lost

98 - Epipsychidion is composed by ______________?

P.B. Shelley

99 - Essays of Ella are ?

practically autobiographical fragments

100 - Estella is the daughter of ?

Joe Gargery

101 - Eve before the Fall might best be described as ?

a docile, vain creature

102 - Even in John Milton's lifetime, "Paradise Regained" was considered in literary quality as largely to "Paradise Lost." ?


103 - Everyday before the Fall Adam and Eve went out to work. What did their work consist of ?

Tending to the Garden of Eden

104 - Faustus asks two magicians to aid him in summoning the devil. What are their names ?

Valdes and Cornelius

105 - Faustus' servant shares his name with a famous German composer. Who ?


106 - Fill in the blank. According to Dr. Debora Schwartz, Greek "old comedy" was often characterized as being ?

Satirical and political

107 - Fill in the blank. According to Dr. Debra Schwartz, Greek "new comedy" was often characterized as being ?

Highly sexual

108 - Fill in the blank. In Shakespeare's plays, prose is often used in_________________?

Serious letters

109 - Fill in the blank. In the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Puck is also known as_____________?

Robin Goodfellow

110 - Fill in the blank. In the play, "Macbeth," a number of characters refer to the Three Witches as________________?

The Weird Sisters

111 - Fill in the blank. The plot of "Venus and Adonis" is based on passages from_____________?

Ovid's Metamorphoses

112 - Following are the characters of: Apemantus, Alcibiades, Flavius, Lucullus, Sempronius ?

Timon of Athens

113 - Following are the lines of: "I'm your wife if you marry me If not, I'll die your maid to be your fellow You may deny me, but I'll be your servant Whether you deny or not" ?


114 - For his poems, Shakespeare is thought to have drawn upon all of the following for influence and ideas EXCEPT ?

The works of earlier poets

115 - For inspiration in writing the poem, Milton says he depends on________________?

The Holy Spirit

116 - For Joyce, what are epiphanies ?

All of the Above

117 - For what reason was Dante exiled from his home ?

Because he was embroiled in the conflict between the Black Guelphs and White Guelphs

118 - From what century does the poetic form the folk ballad date ?

The 12th

119 - From what source is the title of Finnegans Wake taken ?

a popular Irish ballad

120 - From where Christopher Marlowe received his early Education ?

Corpus Christi College

121 - From which institution did Christopher Marlow receive Bachelor of Arts degree in 1584 ?

Corpus Christi College

122 - from which language the name "chaucer" has been driven ?


123 - From which of Shakespeare's plays is this famous line: 'Did my heart love til now?/ Forswear it, sight/ For I never saw a true beauty until this night'. ?

Romeo and Juliet

124 - From which year to which year that William Wordsworth served as the Poet Laureate of Britain ?


125 - G. Rossetti was a true literary descendant of ?


126 - Geoffrey Chaucer is also known as_______________?

The father of English literature

127 - Graham Greene's novels are marked by ?


128 - Greville was biographer of ?

Sir Philip Sidney

129 - Hamlet consist of _____________acts?


130 - Hamlet is considered to be what kind of play ?


131 - Hamlet is_________________?

a passionate lover

132 - Hamlet's famous speech 'To be,or not to be; that is the question' occurs in ?

Act III, Scene I

133 - Harapha claims he wishes he could have fought Samson when he had his eyesight because_____________?

he wants to seem more heroic than he really is.

134 - Harold Nicholson described which poet as 'Very yellow and glum. Perfect manners' ?

T. S. Elliot

135 - He married to the Anne Hathaway at the age of_____________in______________?

18, 1582

136 - Heaven lies about us in our infancy'. This line occurs in the poem ?

Immortality Ode

137 - How are Polonius and Laertes related ?


138 - How did W. H. Auden describe poetry ?

A game of knowledge

139 - How do historians say Joyce's exile manifest itself in Finnegans Wake ?

it led to the combination of multiple languages to form new words

140 - How do most critics believe Joyce's exile affected his use of language ?

After his exile, he used a mixture of languages and linguistic traditions in his works

141 - How does Joyce parallel Leopold and Stephen ?

both are artists

142 - How does Lady Macbeth explain her husband's wild behavior at the banquet ?

She informs the guests that Macbeth is ill.

143 - How does Queen Gertrude die ?

Poisoned by drinking from Hamlet's cup.

144 - How does Stephen react to his first sexual encounter ?

he feels alienated

145 - How has Stephen Dunn been described in 'the Oxford Companion to 20th Century Poetry ?

A poet of middleness

146 - How is Dante's relationship with Beatrice an example of courtly love ?

All of the above

147 - How many books were included in the secondedition of the poem Paradise Lost ?


148 - How many books were originally planned to form the work The Faerie Queene ?


149 - How many children did Shakespeare have ?


150 - How many from his plays were published in his lifetime?

Only seventeen

151 - How many languages did chaucer know ?


152 - How many lines are in Spenserian stanza ?


153 - How many narrative arcs does Paradise Lost have ?


154 - How many of Shakespeare's plays are classified as histories ?


155 - How many photographs exist of William Shakespeare ?


156 - How many plays didWilliam Shakespeare write ?


157 - How many soliloquies are spoken by Hamlet in the play Hamlet ?


158 - How many soliloquies does Hamlet deliver ?


159 - How many sonnets are attributed to Shakespeare ?


160 - How many sonnets did William Shakespeare write ?


161 - How many sonnets did William Shakespeare write ?


162 - How many times does Milton invoke a muse ?


163 - How many times does Satan work to tempt Jesus in the Gospels ?


164 - How many times suicide occurs in Shakespeare's plays ?


165 - How old was Rupert Brooke at the time of his death ?


166 - I have no other but a woman's reason I think him so, because I think him so Which of Shakespeare's play contain above lines ?

The two gentle men of Verona

167 - Identify the character in The Tempest who is referred to as an honest old counselor ?


168 - Identify the character who is a supporter of Women's Rights in Sons and Lovers ?

Mrs. Morel

169 - Identify the novel in which the character of Charlotte Lucas figures ?

Pride and Prejudice

170 - Identify the poet, whom Queen Victoria, regarded as the perfect poet of 'love and loss' ?

D.G. Rossetti

171 - Identify the rhetorical figure used in the following line of Tennyson "Faith unfaithful kept him falsely true." ?


172 - Identify the work by Ruskin which began as a defence of contemporary landscape artist especially Turner ?

Modem Painters

173 - Identify the work by Swinburne which begins "when the hounds of spring are on winter's traces.." ?

Atalanta in Calydon

174 - Identify the writer who first used blank verse in English poetry ?

Earl of Surrey

175 - Identify the writer who used a pseudonym, Michael Angelo Titmarsh, for much of his early work ?

Graham Greene

176 - Identify the writer who was expelled from Oxford for circulating a pamphlet ?

P.B. Shelley

177 - In "A Little Cloud," what does Little Chandler dream about becoming ?

a poet

178 - In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," who is chosen to play Pyramus in the craftsmen's play ?

Francis Flute

179 - In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," who is Nick Bottom ?

An Athenian craftsman

180 - In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," who says "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" (III.ii.15) ?


181 - In "A Mother," what does Mrs. Kearney make her daughter learn ?

the Irish language

182 - In "Hamlet," what is Hamlet's uncle's name ?


183 - In "Hamlet," which character is left alive at the end of the play ?


184 - In "Hamlet," who says that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" ?


185 - In "Macbeth," where is Macduff when he learns of his family's execution ?


186 - In "Paradise Lost," Milton calls his Muse by which of the following names ?


187 - In "Paradise Lost," what is the relationship between Satan and Death ?

Death is Satan's son.

188 - In "Paradise regained" who regained the paradise ?

Adam and Eve

189 - In "Samson Agonistes," Harapha exits because of what reason ?

He does not want to fight Samson.

190 - In "Samson Agonistes," Samson predicts "This day will be remarkable in my life / By some great act, or of my days the last". This is interesting because___________?

both statements end up happening that day.

191 - In "Samson Agonistes," Samson's father, Manoa, is trying to get Samson freed from imprisonment mainly so he can help Samson to____________?


192 - In "Samson Agonistes," the character who tells others of Samson's death is_____________?

a Messenger.

193 - In "Samson Agonistes," the Chorus describes the approaching Dalila as beautifully and lavishly dressed to better seduce Samson. This is interesting because ?

Samson is blind.

194 - In "The Dead," what do most critics suggest is important about the snowfall ?

the snow represents the quiet that covers life and death

195 - In "the tragic history of Doctor Faustus". Faustus was a ?

German scholar

196 - In "Two Gallants," Joyce's major critical commentary is__________________?

that individuals are too passive

197 - In , a good example of Milton's sharp rhetorical prose, Milton denounces restrictive censorship, arguing for freedom of the press ?


198 - In __________ year Shakespeare bought the largest house in Stratford, called New place ?


199 - In 1599 which famous actor and his brother Cuthbert set a new playhouse on the Bank side, called the Globe ?

Richard Burbage

200 - In 1613 the Globe Theater burned down during a production of which play ?

Henry VIII

201 - In 1660, after the Restoration, Milton suffered which of the following punishments ?

He was imprisoned.

202 - In 1960 'The Colossus' was the first book of poems published by which poetess ?

Sylvia Plath

203 - In A Portrait of the Artist, how do most critics suggest that the flight motif functions ?

All of the Above

204 - In A Portrait of the Artist, how is the artist represented ?

All of the Above

205 - In A Portrait of the Artist, the main character is named after which mythical figure ?


206 - In A Portrait of the Artist, what is Stephen's relationship with his Catholic faith ?

he is torn between his desire for freedom and his desire to be moral

207 - In A Portrait of the Artist, what is Stephen's relationship with his Irish nationality ?

he is conflicted by his desire to leave Ireland because he has inextricable ties to it

208 - In A Portrait of the Artist, what is the importance of music ?

All of the Above

209 - In A Portrait of the Artist, what unique style does Joyce use ?

stream of consciousness

210 - In an attempt to defeat God and his angels, what do the rebel angels make ?

A cannon

211 - In Book Four of "Paradise Regained," for his final temptation Satan takes Jesus to what location ?

The Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem

212 - In Book One of "Paradise Lost," the narrator identifies the fallen angels or devils by what names ?

The names of pagan gods

213 - In Book Six of "Paradise Lost," Adam is told of what major event ?

The fall of the Rebel Angels

214 - In Book Six of "Paradise Lost," Satan invents something that he thinks will help win his war against God. What is it ?


215 - In Book Three of "Paradise Lost," God the Father alludes to what theological principle in the following quotation: "I made him [Adam] just and right, / Sufficient to have stood though free to fall."

Free will

216 - In Books I-II, the rebels of Satan build the Pandemonium. What is it ?

The capital of Hell

217 - In coleridge's poem 'The rime of the Ancient Mariner'where were the three gallants going ?

A wedding

218 - In De Monarchia, what language does Dante primarily use ?


219 - In De Monarchia, what political opinion does Dante express about empire ?

He promotes the separation of Church and State.

220 - In De Vulgari Eloquentia, Dante writes primarily in which language ?


221 - In drama, what is a "climax" ?

The conclusion of a play

222 - In Finnegans Wake, how does Joyce represent the theme of tragic love ?

he uses an allusion to Tristian and Iseult

223 - In Finnegans Wake, which of the following typify family life ?

All of the Above

224 - In his introduction, Milton described the genre of "Samson Agonistes" as_____________?


225 - In his lectures on Shakespeare's tragedies, A.C. Bradley states that he will not do which of the following ?

Compare Shakespeare to other writers.

226 - In his Letter to Can Grande, which topic does Dante attempt to explain ?

His use of allegory

227 - In his poem Kipling said 'If you can meet with triumph and _____________'?


228 - In his reading of Shakespeare's "Fair Youth Sonnets," who does Charlton Ogburn suppose Shakespeare to have really been ?


229 - In how many books is Paradise Lost divided ?


230 - In John Milton's "Paradise Lost," Satan assumes the character and form of what creature in order to tempt Eve to eat at the Tree of Knowledge ?

A serpent

231 - In 'Leda and the Swan', who wooes Leda in guise of a swan ?


232 - In order to become an artist, what does Stephen Dedalus sacrifice from his life ?

his relationship with his family and friends

233 - In Paradise Lost, Book I, Satan is the embodiment of Milton's ?

Spirit of revolt

234 - In 'Paradise Lost', which angel is ordered by God to drive Adam and Eve out of Paradise? Before he does so, he shows Adam a number of visions about the future of the human race, beginning with Cain murdering Abel and ending with the redemption of mankind


235 - In Pride and Prejudice we initially dislike but later tend to like ?


236 - In Pride and Prejudice, Lydia elopes with ?


237 - In Saturn, what does Peter Damian say about God's ways ?

He says that God's ways are beyond human understanding.

238 - In Shakespeare's "Venus and Adonis," how is Adonis killed ?

In a hunting accident

239 - In Shakespeare's literary output, the period 1604-1608 is the period of__________________?

Historical plays

240 - In Shakespeare's play, Henry V is king of what country ?


241 - In Shakespeare's plays, when is rhyme often used ?

When the play necessitates ritualistic, choral, and sensuous effect

242 - In Sons and Lovers, Paul Morel's mother's name is ?


243 - In the "Book of Job," Satan speaks to what figure(s) ?


244 - In the Biblical book of "Judges,"?

Never records Dalila's visit to Samson in prison.

245 - In the demonic council of Book Two of "Paradise Regained," who proposes that Satan should tempt Jesus with lust for a beautiful woman the way Solomon was tempted ?


246 - In The Divine Comedy, what do many critics believe Beatrice allegorically represents ?

All of the above

247 - In The Dubliners, how does Joyce use epiphanies ?

All of the Above

248 - In The Dubliners, what do most critics say is the function of paralysis ?

All of the Above

249 - In The Dubliners, which best describes the order of the story arc ?

childhood, adolescence, maturity, public life

250 - In The Dubliners, which literary device does Joyce use most frequently ?


251 - In The Dubliners, which literary style is used ?


252 - In The Dubliners, which negative characteristic(s) does Joyce associate with Dublin as a place ?

All of the Above

253 - In The Dubliners, which story/stories provide(s) an example of unrequited passion ?

All of the Above

254 - In the early books of John Milton's "Paradise Lost," Satan conspires with which of the following characters ?

A and B

255 - In the first 75 lines of Book One of "Paradise Regained," Satan refers to which person he has recently seen, who is identified by the following quote? "Before him [Jesus] a great Prophet, to proclaim / His coming, is sent Harbinger, who all / Invites, and

John the Baptist

256 - In The Inferno, Cerberus is the protector of which circle of hell ?

The circle of gluttony

257 - In The Inferno, his journey starts on which holiday ?

Good Friday

258 - In The Inferno, how are the wrathful punished ?

They violently fight each other in a muddy swamp.

259 - In The Inferno, how does his journey end ?

He escapes into Purgatory.

260 - In The Inferno, how is heresy defined ?

As the denial of the soul's immortality

261 - In The Inferno, how is the idea of Fortune represented ?

All of the above

262 - In The Inferno, what quality does Virgil represent ?


263 - In The Inferno, where is hell physically situated ?

Beneath Jerusalem

264 - In The Inferno, which historical character is found in Satan's mouth ?


265 - In The Inferno, which three characters are located in the deepest circle of hell ?

Brutus, Cassius, and Judas

266 - In The Inferno, who defends the city of Dis ?

The fallen angels

267 - In The Inferno, who initially leads him around hell ?


268 - In the narrative poem, "The Rape of Lucrece," who is Lucretia ?

A Roman matron

269 - In the Oliver Cromwell "Commonwealth" and "Protectorate" administrations, Milton served as the British government's chief ?

Poet Laureate

270 - In The Paradiso, Dante bases his structure of paradise on which of the following ?

The Ptolemaic universe

271 - In The Paradiso, Dante focuses on which kind of politics ?

The politics of the Roman Empire

272 - In The Paradiso, how does Dante's journey through heaven end ?

With a vision of the Trinity

273 - In The Paradiso, on what day do the events occur ?

Wednesday after Easter

274 - In The Paradiso, what event does Dante allegorically represent ?

The soul's ascent to heaven

275 - In The Paradiso, which class of people does Dante place on the moon ?

The souls of those who abandoned their vows

276 - In The Paradiso, which quality does Dante associate with the wise ?

All of the above

277 - In The Paradiso, who does Dante meet in the sphere of the sun ?

Thomas Aquinas

278 - In The Paradiso, who leads Dante on his tour of heaven ?


279 - In The Paradiso, who questions Dante about hope ?

Saint James

280 - In the phrase, "thy seed shall bruise our foe," "thy" refers to__________________?


281 - In the phrase, "thy seed shall bruise our foe," the "seed" refers to______________?

Jesus Christ

282 - In the play "Richard III," where does Richard imprison the young princes ?

In a tower

283 - In the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," where is Helena from ?


284 - In the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," who is the queen of the fairies ?


285 - In the play, "A Midsummer's Night's Dream," who is the queen of the Amazons ?


286 - In the play, "Hamlet," what is the name of Polonius's daughter ?


287 - In the play, "Hamlet," who is Yorick ?

King Hamlet's former jester

288 - In the play, "Henry V," the Chorus serves to do which of the following ?

Comment on the plot and themes of the play

289 - In the play, "Henry V," what country does Henry wish to conquer ?


290 - In the play, "Henry V," who is the close friend and mentor of young Henry ?


291 - In the play, "Henry V," who is the daughter of the King of France ?


292 - In the play, "Henry V," who is the Queen of France ?

Queen Isabel

293 - In the play, "Henry V," who states that "If we are marked to die, we are enough/To do our country loss__________" (IV.iii.20-21) ?

Henry V

294 - In the play, "Macbeth," according to the witches, who will inherit the Scottish throne ?

The children of Banquo

295 - In the play, "Macbeth," how does Macbeth kill Duncan ?

He stabs him.

296 - In the play, "Macbeth," who asks "Whence is that knocking?" (2.11.55)


297 - In the play, "Macbeth," who assists Macbeth with planning Duncan's murder ?

Lady Macbeth

298 - In the play, "Macbeth," who becomes king immediately after Duncan's murder ?


299 - In the play, "Macbeth," who is the goddess of witchcraft ?


300 - In the play, "Richard III," who does Richard hire to kill the young princes ?


301 - In the play, "Richard III," who is manipulated into marrying Richard ?

Lady Anne

302 - In the play, "Richard III," who is Richard's elder brother ?

King Edward IV

303 - In the play, "Richard III," who is Richard's primary accomplice ?


304 - In the play, "Richard III," who is the mother of Prince Edward ?


305 - In the play, "Richard III," who speaks of "the winter of our discontent" (I.i.1) ?

Richard III

306 - In the play, "Twelfth Night," what country is Orisono from ?


307 - In the play, "Twelfth Night," what does Viola refer to herself as when she disguises herself as a man ?


308 - In the play, "Twelfth Night," who is Sebastian ?

Viola's twin brother

309 - In the play, "Twelfth Night," who rescues Sebastian after his shipwreck ?


310 - In the poem 'Tintern Abbey', 'dearest friend' refers to ?


311 - In The Purgatorio, how does Dante depict the punishment of the proud penitents ?

They are forced to carry heavy rocks on their backs.

312 - In The Purgatorio, how does Dante represent the entryway to the seventh terrace of lust ?

He must walk through an immense wall of flames.

313 - In The Purgatorio, the opening of the text resembles which type of poem ?


314 - In The Purgatorio, what do the steps to the Gate of Purgatory represent ?

The three components of the perfect confession

315 - In The Purgatorio, what is the function of the residents' punishments ?

The punishments allow the sinners to purge their sins.

316 - In The Purgatorio, where does Dante physically set purgatory ?

In the southern hemisphere

317 - In The Purgatorio, which of the following characters does Dante dream about ?

Rachel and Leah

318 - In The Purgatorio, whom does Dante cite as his example of temperance ?

John the Baptist

319 - In Ulysses, Joyce retells which ancient story ?

Homer's The Odyssey

320 - In Ulysses, to what does Bloom often compare life ?

a stream

321 - In Ulysses, which character best exemplifies anti-Semitism ?

Mr. Deasy

322 - In Ulysses, which characteristic(s) can be considered Modernist ?

the inclusion of various types of media

323 - In Ulysses, which experimental technique(s) does Joyce use ?

All of the Above

324 - In Ulysses, which stylistic characteristic(s) appear ?

All of the Above

325 - In Ulysses, with which mythical character does Stephen best correspond ?


326 - In Vita Nuova, how does Dante represent love ?

Love is an ennobling force that offers a chance for salvation.

327 - In what book does the fall take place ?

Book IX

328 - In what context does Joyce use the term "amor matris," or motherly love ?

in Ulysses, Stephen uses it in his lectures on art

329 - In what country is 'Dr Faustus' based ?


330 - In what form did Dylan Thomas's 'Under Milk Wood' first become known ?

A radio play

331 - In what way(s) did the events of the Easter Rising affect the work of writers ?

All of the Above

332 - In what year did Ireland acquire national independence ?


333 - In what year did the Easter Rising occur ?


334 - In what year was the First Folio published ?


335 - In which book of the Bible does the story of Adam and Eve occur ?


336 - In which century was Shakespeare born ?


337 - In which circle would Dante place someone who committed suicide ?

The circle of violence

338 - In which college Edmund Spenser study ?

Pembroke College

339 - In which country is Macbeth set ?


340 - In which dialect is Dante's Vita Nuova primarily written ?


341 - In which edition of the novel Frankenstein the name of the author Mary Shelley first appeared ?

2nd Edition

342 - In which establishment Coleridge enlisted himself in December 1793 by using the false name "Silas Tomkyn Comberbache" ?

Royal Dragoons

343 - In which hospital John Keats registered as a medical student after finishing his apprenticeship with Hammond ?

Guy's Hospital

344 - In which important medieval city was Dante born ?


345 - in which language the stories of Canterbury tale are written ?

Middle english

346 - In which location(s) did Joyce live while in exile ?

All of the Above

347 - In which magazine, in the year 1787, that William Wordsworth made his debut as a writer by publishing a sonnet ?

The European Magazine

348 - In which of the following ways was Dante involved in the Italian politics of his time ?

All of the above

349 - In which place of England Christopher Marlow born ?


350 - In which school did John Keats study ?

John Clarke's school

351 - In which section of The Divine Comedy does Saint Bernard appear ?

The Paradiso

352 - In which story from The Dubliners is snow an important occurrence ?

The Dead

353 - In which style did John Milton write the poem Paradise Lost ?

blank verse

354 - In which text did Dante introduce the "dolce stil novo" technique ?

Vita Nuova

355 - In which the the famous work Lyrical Ballads published ?


356 - In which town was Shakespeare born ?


357 - In which University Victor Frankenstein develops the technique to reanimate the dead tissues which ultimately leads to the creation of the monster ?

University of Ingolstadt

358 - In which way was Dante a precursor of humanism ?

He wrote classical epics with Christian materials.

359 - In which way(s) is A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man a Modernist novel ?

it uses experimental language

360 - In which work Edmund Spenser celebrates his marriage with Elizabeth Boyle ?


361 - In which work of Edmund Spenser the Ape and the Fox serve to satirize the customs of the court ?

Prosopopoia, or Mother Hubberds Tale

362 - In which work Samuel Taylor Coleridge introduced the term 'willing suspension of disbelief' in 1817 ?

Biographia Literaria

363 - In which year Coleridge met poet William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy which later contributed Romantic movement to the English Literature ?


364 - In which year did Chaucer fought in Hundred Years' War between France and England ?


365 - In which year did Edmund Spenser publish his poem The Shepheardes Calender ?


366 - In which year Geoffrey Chaucer born ?


367 - In which year Globe theater got fire and destroyed ?


368 - In which year Mary Shelley visited the famous Frankenstein Castle, where two centuries before her visit an alchemist was engaged in experiments ?


369 - In which year the play of Christopher Marlow The Jew of Malta first performed ?


370 - In whose memory did John Milton write Methought I saw my late espousèd saint ?

Katherine Woodcock

371 - In whose reign Morality plays began ?

Henry six

372 - Inspired by Satan's victory over man, Sin and Death construct ?

a bridge from hell to earth

373 - Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is a__________________?

Domestic novel

374 - Joe Gargery is Pip's ?


375 - John Donne's "The Anniversaries" is a______________?

An elegy in two parts

376 - John Milton claimed from an early age that he would become ?

England's poet laureate

377 - John Milton deliberately distanced himself from the poets, a group of poets known for their light, elegant style and frivolous content ?


378 - John Milton was born in 1608 in what city ?


379 - John Milton was fluent in which of the following languages ?

Latin, Greek, and Hebrew

380 - John Milton was inspired by the previous works of what authors ?

Homer, Virgil, and Dante

381 - John Milton's "Areopagitica" is best described by which of the following genres ?

Prose polemic

382 - John Milton's "Comus" is best described by which of the following genres ?


383 - John Milton's "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso" are companion poems and are both written in ?

tetrameter couplets

384 - John Milton's "Lycidas" is best described by which of the following genres ?

Pastoral elegy

385 - John Milton's "Paradise Lost" is best described by which of the following genres ?


386 - John Milton's "Paradise Regained" is a story largely about what topic ?

A quest for knowledge of the self

387 - John Milton's "Paradise Regained" is most similar in linguistic style to what books from "Paradise Lost" ?

Eleven and Twelve

388 - John Milton's "Paradise Regained" is written in a(n) style ?


389 - John Milton's "Samson Agonistes" is best described by which of the following genres ?

Blank verse tragedy

390 - Keats's Endymion is dedicated to _______________?

Leigh Hunt

391 - Macbeth hires assassins to murder Banquo's son, named ?


392 - Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city ?


393 - Marlow died of ?


394 - Marlowe born in______________?


395 - Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein in the form of a frame story that starts one character wring letters to his sister. Who is that character ?

Captain Robert Walton

396 - Milton in "Samson Agonistes" uses a Chorus, which he borrows from what previous genre ?

Greek Drama

397 - Milton's "unholy trinity" of characters includes_______________?

Satan, Sin, and Death

398 - Mr. Jaggers, in Great Expectations, is a_______________?


399 - My own great religion is a belief in the blood, the flesh as being wiser than the intellect. Who wrote this ?

D.H. Lawrence

400 - Near the end of "Samson Agonistes," Samson has decided not to perform for attendants at a certain event when (starting with line 1381) he suddenly reverses positions and agrees to go. Why does he do this ?

He experiences some "rousing motions" which might be from God.

401 - Near the end of "Samson Agonistes," Samson resists performing before attendants of what type of event ?

A and B

402 - O, you are sick of self-love' Who is referred to in these words in Twelfth Night ?


403 - Oedipus Complex is________________?

a son's attraction towards his mother

404 - Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our woe,With loss of Eden. This is an extract from ?

Paradise Lost

405 - Of which poet was it said 'Even if he's not a great poet, he's certainly a great something' ?


406 - On his blindness, a collection of sonnets is written by ?

John Milton

407 - On the second day of battle in heaven, what does Satan use that surprises God's forces ?


408 - On which Biblical theme that Paradise lost is based ?

The fall of man

409 - One important feature of Jane Austen's style is ?

humour and pathos

410 - Othello gave Desdemona _____________as a token of love?


411 - Othello was a _________________?

General of England

412 - Othello was sent to fight with______________?


413 - P.B. Shelley's Adonais is an elegy on the death of _______________?


414 - Paradise Lost is considered a______________?

Epic Poem

415 - Paradise Lost shows an influence of_______________?

Christianity and the Renaissance

416 - Paradise lost was lost by ?

Both a and b

417 - Paradise Lost was originally written in ?

eight books

418 - Philip Sidney was born on 30th November ?


419 - Picture must not be too picturesque'. Emerson here means pictures must_______________?

not dazzle

420 - Please identify the story: "her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition. "


421 - Pride and Prejudice was originally a youthful work entitled ?

First Impressions'

422 - Renaissance first came to the ?


423 - Renaissance is a ?

French word

424 - Roughly speaking, how long was the English Civil War ?

One decade

425 - Rupert Brooke wrote his poetry during which conflict?

First World War

426 - S. T. Coleridge was an Associate of__________________?

Royal Society of Literature

427 - Samson Agonistes differs from its source material, the Biblical book of "Judges," in what way(s) ?

In "Samson," Samson is married to Dalila, but he is not in "Judges."

428 - Samson Agonistes differs from its source material, the Biblical book of "Judges," in what way(s) ?

In "Samson," Harapha is Samson's enemy, but he is not in "Judges."

429 - Samson Agonistes is described as a "Closet Drama," which means_______________?

it was written to be read but not acted upon a stage.

430 - Sassoon and Brooke wrote what kind of poetry ?

War poems

431 - Satan's name before he fell from heaven was ?


432 - Seven Ages of Man appears in " As you like it". Which character's speech it is ?


433 - Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse ?

Iambic pentameter

434 - Shakespeare dedicated his long narrative poem Venus and Adonis to________________?

Henry Wriothesley, the third earl of Southampton

435 - Shakespeare died at the age of______________?


436 - Shakespeare died on ?

23rd April 1616

437 - Shakespeare is buried inside the ?

Trinity Church

438 - Shakespeare joined the Chamber lain's Men Theatrical Company as a ?

Playwright and writer

439 - Shakespeare made Stratford his regular home in ?

About 1610

440 - Shakespeare makes fun of the Puritans in his play ?

Twelfth Night

441 - Shakespeare often employed which of the following stylistic forms in his dramas ?

Blank verse

442 - Shakespeare sometimes used the trochee, which in meter refers to which of the following? In Shakespeare's plays, a troche is___________________?

The opposite of an iamb with a stressed and then unstressed syllable in a foot

443 - Shakespeare was the author of which of the following plays ?

Titus Andronicus

444 - Shakespeare wrote ______________ plays?


445 - Shakespeare's "Sonnet 153" is what kind of poem ?

A poem about love

446 - Shakespeare's father died in _______________?


447 - Shakespeare's Henry IV, Pt I contains his _______________?


448 - Shakespeare's only son Hamnet died in_____________?


449 - Sin was born out of Satan's_________________?


450 - Sir John Falstaff is one of Shakespeare's greatest ?

comic figures

451 - Spencer married in June 11, 1594 to _______________?

Elizabeth Boyle D/O James Boyle

452 - Sylvia Plath married which English poet ?


453 - T. S. Eliot has borrowed the term 'Unreal City' in the first and third sections from ?


454 - Ted Hughes was married to which American poetess ?

Sylvia Plath

455 - Tennyson's poem 'In Memoriam'was written in memory of ?

A.H. Hallam

456 - Thackeray's "Esmond" is a novel of historical realism capturing the spirit of ____________?

the Medieval age

457 - That Milton was of the Devil's party without knowing it, was said by ?


458 - The Aesthetic Movement which blossomed during the 1880s was not influenced by ?

Matthew Arnold

459 - The Archangel Michael might best be described as ?

Firm and militant

460 - The battle between God's army and Satan's rebels in heaven lasted ?

Three days

461 - The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. The above lines have been taken from ?

The Second Coming

462 - The better part of valour is discretion occurs in Shakespeare's ?

Henry IV, Pt I

463 - THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL refers to a group who emerged when ?

The 1960's

464 - The Canterbury Tales is an unfinished work, wherein each pilgrim was supposed to tell more than one tale. How many tales did Chaucer originally envision each pilgrim telling ?


465 - The character named Comus is often seen by critics as a prototype of what character Milton later portrayed ?


466 - The Chartist Movement sought ?

Protection of the political rights of the working class

467 - The collection of the papers and correspondence of a well-to-do Norfolk family is known as ?

The Paston letters

468 - The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as_____________?


469 - The concept of "prose" refers to which of the following ?

Ordinary speech

470 - The elegy began as an ancient metrical form ?


471 - The English Civil War was waged between what two political groups ?

Royalists and Parliamentarians

472 - The English masque has its origins in the traditions of what European country ?


473 - The epigraph of The Waste Land is borrowed from ?


474 - The first complete version of Bible in English language was made by ?


475 - The first regular English comedy, based on the model of the Latin comedy, is attributed to___________?

Nicholas Udall

476 - The first sonnet form invented was the____________?The first sonnet form invented was the


477 - The first stanza of John Milton's "Paradise Regained" begins with what topic(s) ?

A brief summary of "Paradise Lost"

478 - The following lines are an example of image. 'The river sweats Oil and tar' ?


479 - The foundation story of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" derives from what text ?

The Book of "Genesis"

480 - The fruit of which tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat ?

Tree of Knowledge

481 - The group of four plays known as the "major tetralogy" is ?

Richard II, 1 Henry IV, 2 Henry IV, Henry V

482 - The key-note of Browning's philosophy of life is ________________?


483 - The levels of purgatory are associated with which religious concept ?

The seven deadly sins

484 - The line "To be or not to be" comes from which play ?


485 - The magazine 'Contemporary Poetry and Prose' was inspired by which exhibition ?

The Surrealist Exhibition

486 - The main character in Paradise Lost Book I and Book II is ?


487 - The main reason for Adam's fall might best be described as ?

love for Eve

488 - The most notable characteristic of Keats' poetry is ?


489 - The novel The Power and the Glory is set in ?


490 - The ode on which topic that Coleridge wrote while attending Jesus College, Cambridge won him the Browne Gold Medal ?

On the slave trade

491 - The pastoral elegy often begins with which of the following poetic conventions ?

A and B

492 - The phrase "where the sun is silent" is an example of which poetic device ?


493 - The phrase 'Pathetic fallacy' is coined by _________________?


494 - The play, "Hamlet," takes place in which of the following countries ?


495 - The play, "Macbeth," is set in what country ?


496 - The play, "Richard III," takes place in what country ?


497 - The Pre-Raphaelite poets were mostly indebted to the poets of the ?

Romantic revival

498 - The Primary Narrator for Books Eleven and Twelve of "Paradise Lost," who relates future events is which of the following ?


499 - The Prince Of Poets in his time, on whom grave the inscription is given ?

Edmund Spencer

500 - The quote "abandon all hope ye who enter here" is from which text ?

The Divine Comedy

501 - The quote "take then henceforth thy pleasure for guide" comes from which text ?

The Divine Comedy

502 - The quote "women who have intellect of love" is from which text ?

Vita Nuova

503 - The rarer action is in virtue that in vengeance. This line occurs in ?

The Tempest

504 - The reason for Eve's fall might best be described as_______________?


505 - The reason for Satan's fall might best be described as ?


506 - The Renaissance was known for originating which of the following philosophical movements ?


507 - The repetition of beginning consonant sounds_____________?


508 - The repetition of similar ending sounds_______________?


509 - The Romantic Revival in English Poetry was influenced by the ?

French Revolution

510 - The second series of Essays of Elia by Charles Lamb was published in ?


511 - The style of Paradise Lost is ?

more Latin than most poems

512 - The term "Agonistes" is Greek and it means______________?

one who struggles for or champions a cause.

513 - The term 'the Palliser Novels' is used to describe the political novels of ______________?


514 - The theme is_____________?

the point a writer is trying to make about a subject.

515 - The theme of Tennyson's Poem 'The Princess' is ?

Women's Education and Rights

516 - The title of Carlyle's 'Sartor Resartus' means ?

Seaside Resort

517 - The title of the poem 'The Second Coming' is taken from ?

The Bible

518 - The title page which play of Christopher Marlow attributes the play to Marlowe and Thomas Nashe ?

Dido, Queen of Carthage

519 - The twins in Lord of the Flies are ?

Ralph and Jack

520 - The two archangels who serve as generals in God's army are ?

Michael and Gabriel

521 - There was aware of her true love, at length come riding by – This is a couplet from the Bailiff's Daughter of Islington. What figure of speech is used by the poet ?


522 - There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. The line given above occurs in_______________?


523 - Thomas kyd (1558-95) achieved great popularity with which of his first work ?

The Spanish Tragedy

524 - Through his magic, Faustus is visited first by which of the devil's angels ?


525 - Throughout the poem, Satan transforms himself into many creatures. Which creature does Satan not turn into ?

a mouse

526 - To be or not to be that is the question, is famous line of which of Shakespeare's plays ?


527 - To justify which purpose that Milton wrote Paradise Lost ?

To justify the ways of God to men

528 - To what does the title of Joyce's short story "After the Race" refer ?

the race to establish an empire

529 - To where Walton's expedition was headed when he meets the gigantic figure and the emaciated Victor ?

North Pole

530 - To which category that two works of William Shakespeare Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece belong to ?

Narrative Poems

531 - To which character in Hamlet does the following description apply? "The tedious wiseacre who meddles his way to his doom." ?


532 - To which theater was Christopher Marlow associated with ?

English Renaissance theatre

533 - To whom did Edmund Spenser addresses his sonnet sequence Amoretti ?

Elizabeth Boyle

534 - To whom did Edmund Spenser dedicate his work The Shepheardes Calender ?

Philip Sidney

535 - To whom Edmund Spenser dedicated the work The Faerie Queene ?


536 - To whom was Joyce married ?

Nora Barnacle

537 - Tracts for the Times relates to ?

The Oxford Movement

538 - Triumph, my Britain, thou hast one to show To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe. He was not of an age, but for all time". Who wrote above lines for Shakespeare ?


539 - Twelfth night is a______________?


540 - Twelfth Night opens with the speech of ?


541 - Under the green wood tree is a song in____________________?

As you like it

542 - Under which pseudonym the work The Shepheard's Calendar was published ?


543 - Uneasy lies the head that_______________( King Henry four, part two)?

Wears a crown

544 - University Wits were those who ?

Had training at two universities

545 - Unlike the gods and goddesses of classical epics, John Milton's God in "Paradise Lost" is and____________?

invisible, omnipresent

546 - Using words or letters to imitate sounds_____________?


547 - Utopia was first printed in ?


548 - Vanity Fair is a novel by ?

W. M. Thackeray

549 - W.B. Yeats received the Nobel Prize for literature in the year ?


550 - W.B.Yeats used the phrase 'the artifice of eternity' in his poem ?

Sailing to Byzantium

551 - was the companion in publication to John Milton's "Paradise Regained." ?

Samson Agonistes

552 - Was the Globe ?

An Elizabethan Theater.

553 - What angel often speaks to Adam in Paradise ?


554 - What are the best words to describe the Garden of Eden, the weather, and nature in general, before the Fall of Adam and Eve ?

Ordered and rational

555 - What are the three parts of Stephen's espoused aesthetic theory ?

wholeness, harmony, and clarity

556 - What author wrote "Life of Milton" ?

Samuel Johnson

557 - What Biblical story acts as a springboard for John Milton's "Paradise Regained" ?

The Baptism of Jesus

558 - What British Romantic artist famously depicted John Milton's "Paradise Lost" in a series of etchings and prints ?

William Blake

559 - What British Romantic author was particularly inspired by the work of John Milton ?

William Blake

560 - What century does the play, "Henry V," take place in ?

15th century

561 - What character in "Paradise Lost" is first tempted to eat of the Tree of Knowledge ?


562 - What character leads Adam and Eve from the Gates of Paradise in the final book of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?


563 - What country does the play, "All's Well that Ends Well," take place in ?


564 - What did Dante have in common with Aquinas ?

Both believed that reason and faith were part of the quest for truth.

565 - What do most critics say that Issy represents to her brothers and father ?

she is a source of secret, repressed desire

566 - What does "transhumanize" mean ?

It is the ability to move above the earthly state into heaven.

567 - What does Eve do when she first becomes conscious ?

Look at her reflection in a stream

568 - What does Faustus promise to the devil in exchange for great knowledge, riches and power for a period of 24 years ?

his soul

569 - What does 'I' stand for in the following line? 'To Carthage then I came' ?


570 - What does the term "renaissance" mean ?


571 - What does the term "translatio studii" mean ?

The translation of culture from one civilization to another

572 - What event occurs in the final lines of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?

Adam and Eve hold hands and walk across an arid plain.

573 - What important event(s) occur(s) in John Milton's "Paradise Lost" immediately after Eve first eats of the Tree of Knowledge ?

Nature is immediately wounded by Eve's transgression.

574 - What is a funny poem of five lines called _________________ ?


575 - What is a kunstleroman ?

an artist's novel of awakening

576 - What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word ?


577 - What is a sonnet ?

A poem of fourteen lines

578 - What is Christopher Marlowe's Nationality ?


579 - What is contrapasso ?

The idea that the punishment fits the crime

580 - What is Faerie Queene ?

An allegory

581 - What is limbo ?

All of the above

582 - What is Milton's stated purpose in Paradise Lost ?

To justify the ways of God to men

583 - What is purgatory ?

All of the above

584 - What is study of meter, rhythm and intonation of a poem called as _______________-?


585 - What is terza rima ?

A poetic form with an interlocking three-line rhyme scheme

586 - What is the best definition of humanism ?

The intellectual movement interested in classical antiquity

587 - What is the craftsmen's play at the end of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" about ?

Pyramus and Thisbe

588 - What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor ?

A simile uses as or like to make a comparison and a metaphor doesn't.

589 - What is the earliest surviving European poem ?

The Homeric epic

590 - What is the full name of the novel Frankenstein ?

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus

591 - What is the function of the Linati schema ?

it outlines the fundamental structure of Ulysses

592 - What is the function of the Primum Mobile ?

It is the home of the angels.

593 - What is the function of the River Lethe ?

It washes away the memory of sin.

594 - What is the imitation of natural sounds in word form ?


595 - What is the meaning of "Renaissance" ?

Rebirth, revival and re-awaking

596 - What is the meaning of Milton's work Samson Agonistes ?


597 - What is the name of the eccentric scientist in the novel Frankenstein ?

Victor Frankenstein

598 - What is the name of the playlet Hamlet stages for Claudius ?

The Murder of Gonzago

599 - What is the name of the popular fiction genre in which the novel Frankenstein belongs to ?

epistolary novel

600 - What is the name of the sequel to Paradise Lost ?

Paradise Regained

601 - What is the name of the short-lived journal that Coleridge established ?

The Watchman

602 - What is the name of the sister of William Wordsworth, who is also a poet and diarist ?

Dorothy Wordsworth

603 - What is the significance of the words "moocow" and "tuckoo," according to most critics ?

it captures the intellectual perceptions of a child

604 - What is the stated subject of Paradise Lost ?

Adam and Eve's disobedience

605 - What is the study of poetry's meter and form called ?


606 - What is the sub-title of the play Twelfth Night ?

Or, What you Will

607 - What is the title of the poem that begins thus – 'What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare' ?


608 - What is the title of the prose pamphlet Edmund Spenser wrote in the year 1596 ?

A View of the Present State of Ireland

609 - What is the translation of the term "dolce stil novo" ?

Sweet new style

610 - What is the word for a "play on words" ?


611 - What literary genre is Shakespeare's "Venus and Adonis" ?


612 - What nationality was Shakespeare ?


613 - What poet was famous for his "Eclogues" ?


614 - What poets before Milton were famous for writing epics ?

Homer, Virgil, and Spenser

615 - What poison does Claudius pour into the ear of Hamlet's father, causing his death ?


616 - What religion had the most political and social power in Shakespeare's time ?


617 - What type of play is "Richard III" ?


618 - What type of work is the work The Faerie Queene ?

allegorical work

619 - What was Shakespeare's first play ?

Henry VI

620 - What was strange about Emily Dickinson ?

She rarely left home

621 - What was the age ofWilliam Shakespeare when he retired from active service to Stratford around 1613 ?


622 - What was the cause of William's death in Sons and Lovers ?


623 - What was the first name of the playing company King's Men that William Shakespeare partly-owned ?

Lord Chamberlain's Men

624 - What was the first published title of Christopher Marlow's play The Jew of Malta ?

The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta

625 - What was the occupation of Christopher Marlowe's father ?


626 - What was the profession of Thomas Hammond under whom John Keats joined for apprenticeship ?


627 - What was/were the reaction(s) to Ulysses when it was first published ?

it was banned for obscenity

628 - When did Christopher Marlow die ?

30 May 1593

629 - When did Edmund Spenser die ?


630 - When did Geoffrey Chaucer start working on The Canterbury Tales ?

Early 1380s

631 - When did John Keats die ?

23 February 1821

632 - When did John Milton die ?

8 November 1674

633 - When did John Milton publish Tenure of Kings and Magistrates ?


634 - When did Samuel Taylor Coleridge die ?

25 July 1834

635 - When did William Wordsworth die ?

23 April 1850

636 - When did William Wordsworth marry Mary Hutchinson ?


637 - When God sees that Adam and Eve have disobeyed him, who does he send to "judge" them and the snake ?

The Son

638 - When John Milton studied at Christ's College, Cambridge, his college was a stronghold of what religious faith ?


639 - When Michael tells Adam what will become of mankind after the Fall, he is actually narrating stories taken directly from______________?

The Hebrew Bible

640 - When Satan leaps over the fence into Paradise, what does Milton liken him to ?

A wolf leaping into a sheep's pen

641 - When was Christopher Marlowe baptized ?

26 February 1564

642 - When was Edmund Spenser born ?


643 - When was John Keats born?

31 October 1795

644 - When was John Milton born ?

9 December 1608

645 - When was Paradise Lost published ?


646 - When was Paradise Lost published ?


647 - When was Paradise Regained published ?


648 - When was Samuel Taylor Coleridge born ?

October 21, 1772

649 - When was the first edition of the novel Frankenstein published ?


650 - When was the first edition of the poem Paradise Lost published ?


651 - When was William Shakespeare baptized ?

26 April 1564

652 - When was William Wordsworth appointed poet laureate ?


653 - When was William Wordsworth born ?

7 April 1770

654 - When Wordsworth's 'Immortality Ode' was first published in 1802, it had only ?

Stanzas I toV

655 - When, is it estimated, was 'Dr Faustus' first performed ?


656 - Where did chaucer bury ?

westminster abbey

657 - Where did Dante stay while he was in exile ?

All of the above

658 - Where did Edmund Spenser born ?

East Smithfield

659 - Where did T. S. Eliot spend most of his childhood?

St Louis

660 - Where does the sonnet form originate from ?


661 - Where was Hamlet studying before he returned to Denmark ?


662 - Where was John Milton born? Where was John Milton born ?


663 - Where was William Shakespeare was born and brought up ?


664 - Where were the pilgrims going in the Canterbury tales ?

To the shrine of saint thomas becket at canterbury cathedral

665 - Which American writer published 'A brave and startling truth' in 1996 ?

Maya Angelou

666 - Which angel does Satan trick by disguising himself as a cherub ?


667 - Which angel tells Adam about the future in Books XI and XII ?


668 - Which angel wields a large sword in the battle and wounds Satan ?


669 - Which author(s) are associated with Modernism ?

All of the Above

670 - Which best describes A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in terms of genre ?


671 - Which best describes Bloom's attitude towards nationalism ?

he is disinterested in nationalism

672 - Which best describes Cicero's concept of heaven ?

He believed that eternal life in heaven was the real one.

673 - Which best describes the tone at the end of "Araby ?"


674 - Which book Edmund Spenser dedicated to the Philip Sidney ?

The shepheaedes Calendar

675 - Which book of John Ruskin influenced Mahatma Gandhi ?

Unto This Last

676 - Which book was about the temptation of Christ ?

Paradise Regained

677 - Which century is known as Dawn of Renaissance ?

15 th

678 - Which character does Dante meet at the end of his journey through purgatory ?


679 - Which character says "wasn't she the downright villain to go and do a thing like that" ?

Molly Bloom

680 - Which character says he "fear[s] those big words that make us so unhappy" ?

Stephen Dedalus

681 - Which character spoke following lines? "What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot, Nor arm nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man, O be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet," ?


682 - Which college did John Milton attend ?

Christ's college

683 - Which college did William Wordsworth attend ?

St. John's College

684 - Which cultural event(s) led to the rise of Modernism ?

All of the Above

685 - Which culture is known for their long, rhymic poetic verses known as Qasidas ?


686 - Which devil advocates a renewal of all-out war against God ?


687 - Which devil is Satan's second-incommand ?


688 - Which devil is the main architect of Pandemonium ?


689 - Which event(s) caused the Easter Rising ?

All of the Above

690 - Which famous play does the quote,"When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" come from ?


691 - Which famous Shakespeare play does the quote "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!" come from ?

King Lear

692 - which famous Shakespeare play does the quote "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" come from ?

King Henry the Sixth, Part II

693 - Which famous Shakespeare play does the quote, "My salad days, when I was green in judgment." come from ?

Antony and Cleopatra

694 - Which famous Shakespeare play does the quote, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" come from ?


695 - Which famous work of John Milton's was based on the fall of man ?

Paradise Lost

696 - Which figure of speech is it when a statement is exaggerated in a poem ?


697 - Which group was at the bottom of England's social hierarchy during Shakespeare's early years ?


698 - Which historical figure appears in the circle of lust ?


699 - Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819 ?

Walt Whitman

700 - Which is an exaggeration ?


701 - Which is an example of a proverb ?

You can't have your cake and eat it, too

702 - Which is not a poetry form ?


703 - Which is the first extant poem of John Keats, which is written in the year 1814 when when was 19 years of age ?

An Imitation of Spenser

704 - Which is the first major work of Geoffrey Chaucer ?

The Book of the Duchess

705 - Which is the longest book ?

Book IX

706 - Which is the shortest book ?

Book VII

707 - Which is/are an element(s) of Stephen's aesthetic theories ?

art should be harmonious and proportional

708 - Which kind of poem is Edward Lear associated with ?


709 - Which method of narration has been employed by Dickens in his novel "Great Expectations" ?

Direct or epic method

710 - Which of Chaucer's works is associated with Valentine's Day ?

Parlement of Foules

711 - Which of Shakespeare's characters exclaims; 'Brave, new, world!' ?


712 - Which of Shakespeare's play features Sir John Falstaff ?

The merry wives of Windsor

713 - Which of Shakespeare's play is his only play that has never been adopted for film or Television ?

The two Noble Kinsmen

714 - Which of the angels is considered a hero for arguing against Satan ?


715 - Which of the following are characters of "Much ado about nothing" ?

Hero, Borachio, Antonio, Claudio, Leonato

716 - Which of the following are King Lear's daughters ?

Goneril, Regan and Cordelia

717 - Which of the following are not among the subjects of Shakespeare's sonnets ?

Shakespeare's father

718 - Which of the following are popular sources of dispute in the critical study of Finnegans Wake ?

All of the Above

719 - Which of the following are Thomas Hardy books ?

The Poor Man and the Lady

720 - Which of the following are tragedies of Shakespeare ?

Coriolanus, Timon of Athens and Titus Andronicus

721 - Which of the following best represents Dante's criticism of the medieval Church ?

He thought the popes failed to live up the requirements of their offices.

722 - Which of the following British monarchs was executed during the English Civil War ?

Charles I

723 - Which of the following British monarchs was executed during the English Civil War?

Charles I

724 - Which of the following characterizes Modernism ?

the desire to break with established forms

725 - Which of the following characters appears in The Purgatorio ?

All of the above

726 - Which of the following contributed to the rise of vernacular literature ?

All of the above

727 - Which of the following does Joyce address thematically in The Dubliners ?

Irish nationalism

728 - Which of the following elements DOES NOT characterize epic poetry ?

A "Tragic Recognition" Speech

729 - Which of the following events occur(s) at some point in John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?

Eve contemplates her reflection in a pool of water.

730 - Which of the following events occur(s) in the first book of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?

A and B

731 - Which of the following exemplifies the Modernist style of The Dubliners ?

the representation of a shallow, drab culture

732 - Which of the following historical events occurred in Dante's lifetime ?

The Crusades

733 - Which of the following historical figures influenced Dante ?

All of the above

734 - Which of the following is a common element of vision literature ?

All of the above

735 - Which of the following is a Japanese poetic form ?


736 - Which of the following is an unfinished novel by Jane Austen ?


737 - Which of the following is Golding's first novel ?

Lord of the Flies

738 - Which of the following is Hamlet's mother ?


739 - Which of the following is in correct sequel ?

All's well that ends well, The tempest, As you like it, As you like it,A mid summer night's dream, Much ado about nothing.

740 - Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost ?


741 - Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost ?


742 - Which of the following is not a literary device used for aesthetic effect in poetry ?


743 - Which of the following is not a poet ?

Terry Saylor

744 - Which of the following is not a poetic tradition ?

The Occult

745 - Which of the following is not a Shakespeare tragedy ?

None of the above

746 - Which of the following is not a work of John Keats ?

None of above

747 - Which of the following is not an apparition shown to Macbeth by the Witches ?

A bloody dagger floating in mid-air.

748 - Which of the following is not an English poet (i. e. from England) ?

Victor Hugo

749 - Which of the following is not found in Hell ?


750 - Which of the following is the earliest comedy of Shakespeare ?

Love's labour's lost

751 - Which of the following is the first novel of D.H. Lawrence ?

The White Peacock

752 - Which of the following is the theme of Dante's Vita Nuova ?

His love for Beatrice

753 - Which of the following is the theme of De Vulgari Eloquentia ?

All of the above

754 - Which of the following monarchs was "restored" to the British throne during the Restoration ?

Charles II

755 - Which of the following myths does not figure in The Waste Land ?


756 - Which of the following novels has the subtitle 'A Novel Without a Hero' ?

Vanity Fair

757 - Which of the following play was written in 1601 ?


758 - Which of the following plays of Shakespeare has an epilogue ?

The Tempest

759 - Which of the following playwrights is thought to have had the greatest influence on Shakespeare ?

Christopher Marlow

760 - Which of the following poems is considered to be the most neglected of Shakespeare's ?

A Lover's Complaint

761 - Which of the following poems of Coleridge is a ballad ?

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

762 - Which of the following poems was authored by Shakespeare ?

A Lover's Complaint

763 - Which of the following poets does Milton emulate ?

Both Virgil and Homer

764 - Which of the following poets does not belong to the 'Lake School' ?


765 - Which of the following published in 1579 and although it placed Spencer immediately in the highest rank of living writers ?

The Shepherd's calendar

766 - Which of the following qualities would most accurately describe Faustus' character at the beginning of the play ?


767 - Which of the following questions would a student of Book Nine of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" likely ask ?

B and C

768 - Which of the following statement is correct ?

Both (A) and (B)

769 - Which of the following statements about a sonnet is false ?

A sonnet is only written in Italian.

770 - Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE concerning Book Two of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?

The Narrator invokes his muse by the name of "Holy Light."

771 - Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning John Milton's poetry ?

He followed the Petrarchan rather than the Shakespearean sonnet form.

772 - Which of the following statements is/are TRUE concerning John Milton's ideal republic ?

There was to be no king, bishops, or House of Lords.

773 - Which of the following statements is/are TRUE concerning Puritanism ?

A and B

774 - Which of the following themes are developed in Finnegans Wake ?

All of the Above

775 - Which of the following themes IS NOT important to John Milton's "Paradise Regained" ?

Sexual desire

776 - Which of the following themes is/are addressed in Ulysses ?

All of the Above

777 - Which of the following tragedy is not written by Shakespeare ?

King Oedipus

778 - Which of the following was a popular medieval criticism about the Church ?

All of the above

779 - Which of the following was written first________________?

Henry six

780 - Which of the following words describe the prevailing attitude of High-Modern Literature ?

Both a & c

781 - Which of the following writers wrote historical novels ?

Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth

782 - Which of the Marlowe's plays were written in collaboration with Thomas Nash ?

The tragedy of Dido and Queen of Carthage.

783 - which of these is magnum opus of chaucer ?

The canterbury tales

784 - Which of these was not one of Shakespeare's plays ?

Shakespeare in love

785 - Which one is the famous prose work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge ?

Biographia Literaria

786 - Which one of Milton's senses were lost during writing his works ?


787 - Which one of the following dramas attributed to Christopher Marlow is believed to have been his first ?

Dido, Queen of Carthage

788 - Which one of the following is an unfinished work of Edmund Spenser ?

The Faerie Queene

789 - Which one of the following plays of Christopher Marlow tells the story of the disposition of a king by his barons and the Queen ?

Edward the Second

790 - Which one of the following rhyme scheme is the rhyme scheme Spenserian stanza ?

ab ab bc bc c

791 - Which one of the following terms is often called for the England's national poet, William Shakespeare ?

Bard of Avon

792 - Which one of the following works of Geoffrey Chaucer is an elegy written for Blanche of Lancaster ?

The Book of the Duchess

793 - Which period of John Keats as called "the most placid time in Keats's life" by Cowden Clarke, a close friend of Keats ?

Keats' lodging in the attic above the surgery at 7 Church Street

794 - Which Poem caused Milton's stature as a poet to be recognized ?

Paradise Lost

795 - Which poem ends 'I shall but love thee better after death' ?

How do I love thee

796 - Which poem of Coleridge is an opium dream ?

Kubla Khan

797 - Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry ?

William Carlos Williams

798 - Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece ?

Lord Byron

799 - Which Poet Laureate wrote about a church mouse ?


800 - Which poet was first who used metaphysical poetry among his contemporaries ?

John Donne

801 - Which powerful figure does Faustus ridicule with his new-found powers ?

The Pope

802 - Which problem(s) shaped Joyce's early home life?

All of the Above

803 - Which qualities do the fixed stars in paradise represent ?

Faith, hope, and love

804 - Which represents an example of alliteration ?

Peter Piper Picked Peppers

805 - Which river is associated with Shakespeare's birth place ?

The Avon

806 - Which roles have played by Shakespeare in Hamlet and As you like it ?

Ghost, Old servant Adam

807 - Which royal dynasty Edmund Spenser celebrates in his epic poem The Faerie Queene ?


808 - Which scene happens first chronologically ?

The Son is chosen as God's second-incommand

809 - Which stanza form did Shelley use in his famous poem 'Ode to the West Wind' ?

Terza rima

810 - Which statement about the Earth is asserted as true in Paradise Lost ?

Earth hangs from Heaven by a chain

811 - Which was a common metaphor used by Irish writers in their depictions of the nation ?

the metaphor of Ireland as a woman

812 - Which was Marlowe's first play ?


813 - Which Welsh poet wrote "Under Milk Wood ? "

Dylan Thomas

814 - Which work of William Wordsworth is generally considered to be his magnum opus ?

The Prelude

815 - Which work of William Wordsworth, with the joint publication with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature ?

Lyrical Ballads

816 - Which writer(s) is/are associated with the Irish Literary Revival ?

All of the Above

817 - While in exile, how did Dante's opinions about monarchy shift ?

He came to prefer the idea of an enlightened emperor.

818 - Who "headlong themselves they threw Down from the verge of Heav'n" ?

Rebel angels

819 - Who born in 1422 ?

William Caxton

820 - Who called 'The Waste Land 'a music of ideas' ?

Allen Tate

821 - Who calls poetry "the breadth and finer spirit of all knowledge" ?


822 - Who coined the phrase 'Egotistical Sublime' ?

S. T. Coleridge

823 - Who declared him as Britain's greatest dramatist in 1598 ?

Francis Meres, a lawyer

824 - Who derided Hazlitt as one of the members of the 'Cockney School of Poetry' ?

T. S. Eliot

825 - Who did Milton have to write his works down when he became Blind ?

his daughters

826 - Who directly challenges Richard for the throne in the play, "Richard III" ?

The Earl of Richmond

827 - Who discusses cosmology and the battle of Heaven with Adam ?


828 - Who does Milton name as his heavenly muse ?


829 - Who does Polonius send to spy on Laertes in Paris ?


830 - Who has defined 'poetry' as a fundamental creative act using languages ?

Dylan Thomas

831 - Who in Hamlet suggests that one should neither be a lender nor a borrower ?


832 - Who invented the term 'Sprung rhythm' ?


833 - Who is "till wand'ring o'er the earth" ?

Satan's associates

834 - Who is Bertram's main companion throughout much of the play, "All's Well that Ends Well" ?


835 - Who is Cato ?

An ancient pagan that Dante meets in purgatory

836 - Who is commonly known as 'Pip' in Great Expectations ?

Philip Pip

837 - Who is described? "For dignity composed and high exploit: But all was false and hollow" ?


838 - Who is King of Scotland at the start of the play, "Macbeth" ?


839 - Who is Mr. Tench in The Power and the Glory ?

A thief

840 - Who is Pip's friend in London ?


841 - Who is praised as a hero by Carlyle in his lecture on the 'Hero as King' ?


842 - Who is second Prince of Arragon in "Much ado about nothing" ?

Don Pedro

843 - Who is the American transcendental philosopher who was much influenced by Samuel Taylor Coleridge ?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

844 - Who is the author of "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" ?

Christopher Marlow

845 - Who is the central heroine of the play, "Twelfth Night" ?


846 - Who is the heroin of The Tempest ?


847 - Who is the heroine of the play, "All'sWell that Ends Well" ?


848 - Who is the main focus of a number of Shakespeare's sonnets ?

The Dark Lady

849 - Who is the main protagonist of Paradise Lost ?


850 - Who is the second attending gentlewoman on Hero? Ursula and_______________?


851 - Who is Thomas Percy in Henry IV, Pt I ?

Earl of Northumberland

852 - Who is traveling with Macbeth when he first encounters the Three Witches ?


853 - Who is Voltimand ?

Ambassador to the King of Norway from the King of Denmark

854 - Who kills Macbeth at the end of the play, "Macbeth" ?


855 - Who might be considered the friendliest and most sociable of all God's angels ?


856 - Who of the following is known as Child Of Renaissance ?


857 - Who pondered, "How such united force of gods, how such As stood like these, could ever know repulse?"?


858 - Who said 'Keats was a Greek' ?


859 - Who said that Shakespeare in his comedies has only heroines and no heroes ?

John Ruskin

860 - Who says "forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race ?Who says "forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race?"

Stephen Dedalus

861 - Who says, "Good night, sweet prince,/And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest." ?


862 - Who succeeded Lyly ?

Robert Greene

863 - Who tells Macbeth, "The queen, my lord, is dead " ?


864 - Who took Degree at fifteen from Cambridge in 1518 ?

Thomas Wyatt

865 - Who translated Utopia in English language ?

Ralph Robinson

866 - Who was "Fortinbras" ?

Son to the king of Norway

867 - Who was Can Grande ?

Dante's patron

868 - Who was Charles Parnell ?

All of the Above

869 - Who was killed by Hamlet unintentionally ?


870 - Who was often called as the Romantic Poet as most of his poems revolved around nature ?

William Wordsworth

871 - Who was sent to Earth to warn Man of the dangers he was facing ?


872 - Who was Shakespeare's wife ?

Anne Hathaway

873 - who was the companion of Adam in paradise ?


874 - Who was the first to eat the forbidden fruit ?


875 - Who was the king when Geoffrey Chaucer was born ?

Edward III

876 - Who was the last person the monster kills in the novel Frankenstein ?


877 - Who was the son of a rich London merchant and born in 1557 ?

Thomas lodge

878 - Who was villain in Othello ?


879 - Who will fall through his own "fault" ?


880 - Who wrote "Biographia Literaria" ?


881 - Who wrote "Holy Sonnets" ?

John Donne

882 - Who wrote "Mirror for Magistrates" ?

Thomas Sacville

883 - Who wrote "Ten Little Niggers ?"

Agatha Christie

884 - Who wrote "The Hound of the Baskervilles ?"

Arthur Conan Doyle

885 - Who wrote "The Massacre at Paris" ?

Christopher Marlowe

886 - Who wrote about the idyllic 'Isle of Innisfree' ?


887 - Who wrote Canterbury Tales ?

Geoffrey Chaucer

888 - Who wrote following lines: "_________ I am involved in mankind: and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." ?

John Donne

889 - Who wrote the poem 'Defence of Lucknow' ?


890 - Who wrote the poems, "On death" and "Women, Wine, and Snuff ?"

John Keats

891 - Who wrote 'The Winter's Tale ?'

William Shakespeare

892 - Who wrote this famous line: 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day/ Thou art more lovely and more temperate' ?


893 - Who, among the following writers, was not educated at Christ's Hospital School, London ?

Charles Lamb

894 - Who, among the following, is not connected with the Oxford Movement ?

E.B. Pusey

895 - Who, among the following, is not the second generation of British Romantics ?


896 - Whom did John Milton marry at the age of 34 ?

Mary Powell

897 - Whom did monster demand to Victor Frankenstein to create for him ?

A female companion

898 - Why did Miss Havisham remain a spinster throughout her life in "Great Expectations" ?

She was arrogant

899 - Why did 'Poetry Quarterly' cease publication in 1953 ?

Owner convicted of fraud

900 - Why do most scholars consider Finnegans Wake avant-garde ?

All of the Above

901 - William Morel in Sons and Lovers is drawn after ________________?

None of these

902 - William Shakespeare born in ?

26 April 1564

903 - William Shakespeare was born in the year_______________?


904 - William Shakespeare was______________ child of John and Mary?


905 - William Shakespeare's father primarily worked as which of the following ?

A glover

906 - With the accession of King James to the English throne, Lord Chamberlain's Man was renamed ?

King's Man

907 - With which character in The Odyssey does Molly Bloom best correspond ?


908 - With which famous writer Coleridge became friends with in Christ's Hospital, also called The Bluecoat School ?

Charles Lamb

909 - With which Irish figure(s) is HCE often identified ?

Charles Stuart Parnell

910 - With which other poet did Samuel Taylor Coleridge founded the Romantic movement in English Literature ?

William Wordsworth

911 - With which text(s) is the word "riverrun" associated ?

Finnegans Wake

912 - With whom is the concept of "claritas" associated ?

Thomas Aquinas

913 - Wordsworth calls himself 'a Worshipper of Nature' in his poem____________?

Tintern Abbey


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