American Contribution in English Literature MCQs

American Contribution in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. American's contribution in the development of English Literature MCQs from history to date that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. American's contribution in the development of English Literature is a lot. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 600 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole history of American's Contribution in English Literature. These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of 'American's Contribution in English Literature' covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - I hear my being dance from ear to ear. Here ear to ear refers to_____________?

a complete experience

2 - "A Boy's Will" is Robert Frost's------------..volume of poems.


3 - "A Boy's Will" was published Robert Frost.


4 - "A Further Range" by Frost was published in


5 - "A Witness Tree" a poetic collection was published in


6 - "Acquainted with the Night"and "Bereft" by Frost are the poems in the poetic collection

West-Running Brooke

7 - "Ah, wilderness!" and "Days without End" are plays by Eugene O'Neill written in


8 - "Allons!" is the repeated word in the poem, "Song of the Open Road". What does 'Allons!' mean?

Let's go

9 - "As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life" is set on a


10 - "Birches" by Frost subtly blends

All of these

11 - "Desert Places" and "A Lone Striker" are poems in the Frost's collection

A Further Range

12 - "Dynamo" (1928) is a play by

Eugene O'Neill

13 - "Fire and Ice" and "Misgiving" are poems by Frost included in

New Hampshire

14 - "Fire and Ice" and "Road Not Taken" are poems by

Robert Frost

15 - "Ghost", "Into My Own" and "A Late Walk" are poems in------------ by Robert Frost.

A Boy's Will

16 - "Gold" and "The Personal Equation" are the plays by

Eugene O'Neill

17 - "In the Clearing" (1962) is a poetic collection by

Robert Frost

18 - "It's a great game - the pursuit of happiness." is quoted by

Eugene O'Neill

19 - "Kitty Hawk" and "A Wishing Well" are the poems by Frost from the poetic collection

In the Clearing

20 - "Long Day's Journey into Night" by Eugene O'Neill was written in


21 - "Man's loneliness is but his fear of life." is said by

Eugene O'Neill

22 - "Mending Wall" and "Birches" are the poems by

Robert Frost

23 - "Mending Wall" combines the elements of reflective and dramatic lyric with

Both A & B

24 - "Mending Wall", "Bluberries" and "The Pasture" are the poems included in Frost's

North of Boston

25 - "Mountain Interval" by Frost was published in


26 - "Mountain Interval" is third volume of poems by

Robert Frost

27 - "Mourning Becomes Electra is set in New England at the time of

The American Civil War

28 - "Mourning Becomes Electra" (1931) was written by

Eugene O'Neill

29 - "New Hampshire" by Frost published in


30 - "North of Bostan" is Frost's------------.volume of poems.


31 - "North of Boston" by Frost was published in


32 - "Nothing Gold Can Stay" is the poem by Frost from his poetic collection

New Hampshire

33 - "Song of Myself" has a mystical and ------------tone.


34 - "Song of Myself" is in------------.verse.

Both C & D

35 - "Song of Myself" is included in

Leaves of Grass

36 - "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is a poem by

Robert Frost

37 - "The Death of the Hired Man" by Frost is included in his poetic collection

North of Boston

38 - "The Hairy Ape" and "The First Man" were published in 1922 by

Eugene O'Neill

39 - "The Mowing" is a poem by Frost. What is its poetic form?


40 - "The Onset" by Frost is written in the background of

Seasonal Cycle

41 - "The Oven Bird" is a poem by Frost included in

Mountain Interval

42 - "The past is the present, isn't it? It's the future, too. We all try to lie out of that but life won't let us." is said by

Eugene O'Neill

43 - "The Road Not Taken" is included in

Mountai Interval

44 - "The Scarlet Letter" is set in


45 - "The Siken Tent" and "The Gift Outright" are the poems by Frost in the collection

A Witness Tree

46 - "The Tuft of Flowers" by Frost is written in

Heroic couplet

47 - "There is no present or future-only the past, happening over and over again." is said by

Eugene O'Neill

48 - "Two Look at Two" by Robert Frost deals with the contrast between

Man and nature

49 - "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" is a/an------------by Whitman.


50 - (Your) uses an upper case because ?

he places his beloved in an upper place

51 - ________________is known as the 'friendly innkeeper of the town' ?

Goodman Parker

52 - _____________the eyes of all people are upon us; soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our god in this worke wee have undertaken and soe cause him to withdrawe his preent help from us, wee shall be made a story and a by-word through the world, wee shal

John Winthrop

53 - A crowd of sombre, dreary-looking people have gathered outside the door of a …… 17th century Boston.


54 - A diary of someone's day by day account of events_______________?


55 - A factual account of the development of a people, nation, institution or culture_____________?


56 - A good definition of American Realism is________________?

An examination of life as it actually is.

57 - A language come into existence when_____________?

there is brutal necessity

58 - A natural phenomenon comes to symbolize Hester's sin and Winthrope's virtue. What is that?

A meteor

59 - 'A Wife for a Life' (1913) and 'Recklessness' (1913) are On-Act Plays by

Eugene O'Neill

60 - … deligated to ask Hester about his sinner.


61 - ……..emerges from the prison door in The Scarlet Letter.

Hester Prynne

62 - ……..tells Whitman the story of Indian woman in "The Sleepers".

His mother

63 - …….…emphasized to reopen the case of Hester's lover.


64 - …….fascinates Pearl at governor's mansion.

The armour

65 - ………. found Orin's dead body.


66 - ………..does not wear a mask-like face.


67 - ………was the life time punishment given to Hester for her adultery.

Wearing Scarlet Letter

68 - ……calls Hester to witches' gathering at governor's mansion.

Mistress Hibbins

69 - Abortion', 'Fog' and 'The Movie Man: A Comedy' all were written in------------by Eugene O'Neill.


70 - About Christopher Columbus_______________?

B and C

71 - About Cotton Mather _______________?

B and C

72 - About John Smith_______________?

A and B

73 - About Johnathan Edwards____________?

B and C

74 - About the Delaware_______________?

All the above

75 - About the Iroquois_______________?

All the above

76 - About the Navajo____________?

B and C

77 - About the Pima_______________?

B and C

78 - About William Bradford__________________?

A and C

79 - Abraham Lincoln: the war Years________________?

Carl Sandburg

80 - Abslom, Absalom is a novel written by______________?


81 - According to "Hare's Adventure", how does he get his "burnt buttocks" ?

His buttocks was scorched by the sun which he had caught in a trap

82 - According to Hare, what work did the Earthmaker send him to do ?

To trample upon evil beings that were abusing his aunts and uncles

83 - According to Robert Frost what is the importance of form in poetry?


84 - According to the myth, how did frogs loose their teeth ?

Hare hit a frog with a club and burned the frog and cursed it by declaring it would never be able to harm anyone because it threatedned to hunt the hare down with dogs.

85 - According to the myth, which of the following are likely hunting preparation rituals that the Winnebago perform ?

All of the above

86 - According to the myth, why must all things have an end ?

Mankind would suffer because of a lack of food if there were more people than resources to care for them

87 - According to the narrator------------..has saved Hester from Satan's temptations.


88 - According to the poet in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" generations commincate through

Common experiences

89 - According to the poet in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" the identity is received through

The body

90 - According to the sign in the Kentucky Inn, what is branded to George's right hand ?

The number 314

91 - According to the tale, what horrible crime did the ucle commit ?

He killed all of the male children

92 - Adam and Christine thought that Ezra's death will be considered due to his

Heart disease

93 - Adam Brant and Louisa Ames are the characters in the Eugene O'Neill.

Mourning Becomes Electra

94 - Adam Brant has love affair with Christine. He also functions as the suitor to


95 - Adam Brant is the son of Mary Brantome and


96 - Adam Brant sworns------------Mannons.

Revenge on

97 - After condemnation sermon, Hester Prynne was taken to


98 - After Hare had destroyed all the bad animals what did he decide to do next ?

He decided to prepare some animals for humans to eat

99 - All of the following are traits demonstrated by the hero except ?


100 - All works of the highest art are meant to______________?

stir our intellect

101 - Along the way, goodman Brown and the character who seems to be the devil meet three people______________?

Goody Cloyse, deacon Gookin, and the minister.

102 - American Civil War was fought in_______________?


103 - Amos Ames is a------------in his fifties in he play "Mourning Becomes Electra".

Fat carpenter

104 - Amos Ames is a charcter in the play

Mourning Becomes Electra

105 - And then hopped sidewise to the Wall. Here the poet personifies the bird as a______________?


106 - Apess claims that Native Americans in New England are the "most mean, abject, miserable race of beings in the world." Which of the following is NOT a reason he offers as an explanation for their misery ?

They are legally denied the right to engage in commerce.

107 - Apess concludes his piece by____________?

Exhorting his allies and advocates to continue working to end prejudice

108 - Arthur Miller's Death of A Salesman was appeared in _______________?


109 - As a boy, Frederick Douglass witnesses a scene that mortifies him and brings him face to face for the first time with the horrors of slavery. What is it ?

Watching his aunt get whipped

110 - As I lay die_________________?

William Faulkner

111 - At Dimmesdale, Chillingworth's room contains

A laboratory

112 - At the end of Hare's adventure with the headless bodies how does he turned them into "fast-fish." ?

The headless bodies tried to abuse people so they were turned into 'fast-fish' as a punishment.

113 - At what time the story begins?

Late spring afternoon

114 - At which place does the action of the play take place?

Mannon House

115 - Bartolome de Las Casas wrote_____________?

The devastation of the indies

116 - Bear is supposed to be brave, so how does Hare trick him into being afraid ?

Hare took out his quiver and showed him four arrows.

117 - Beecher Stowe wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to illustrate the evils of_________________?


118 - Before advocating on behalf of the enslaved in colonial Massachusetts, Samuel Sewall participated in what early American crisis event ?

Salem Witch Trails

119 - Before humans were sold as commodities, what item was highly sought after in West Africa ?


120 - Berryman's The Ball Poem can be categorized as a_______________?

Confessional poem

121 - Besides mother and son, there was ……between them.

Oedipus complex

122 - Black Boy is an autobiographical account of whose Southern boyhood ?


123 - Black English is the creation of the____________________?

Black Diaspora

124 - Brant's clipper appeared

The night after Ezra's funeral

125 - Brant's Clipper appearsÂ

At a wharf in East Boston

126 - Bret Harte's "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" took place in_______________?

The Sierra Nevada Mountains.

127 - Brig. Gen. Ezra Mannon is a character in the play …….by O'Neill.

Mourning Becomes Electra

128 - But for many minutes the heart beat on with a muffled sound. This, however, did not vex me; it would not be heard through the wall. At length it ceased. The old man was dead. I removed the bed and examined the corpse. Yes, he was stone, stone dead. This v

His clouded eye

129 - But when a Boy, and Barefoot I more than once at Noon Have passed, I thought, a Whip lash Unbraiding in the Sun The speaker of this poem is_____________?

A boy

130 - But when to their feminine rage the indignation of the people is added, when the ignorant and the poor are aroused, when the unintelligent brute force that lies at the bottom of society is made to growl and mow, it needs the habit of magnanimity and relig

To grimace

131 - By 1600 Holland had____________________?

many scholars and sceptics

132 - Can this be so! cried goodman Brown, with a stare of amazement at his undisturbed companion. Howbeit, I have nothing to do with the governor and council – they have their own ways, and are no rule for a simple husbandman, like me. But, were I to go on w

Man of ordinary status

133 - Chillingworth and Hester lived in------------before coming to Boston.


134 - Chillingworth comes to the Boston to

Take revenge

135 - Chillingworth could not hold a beautiful wife like Hester Prynne because he was

A book worm

136 - Chillingworth dies ……..year/years after Dimmesdale's death.


137 - Chillingworth suspects that------------is the sinner of Hester.


138 - Chistine Mannon and Orin Mannon are the charactersin the play

None of these

139 - Christine and Brant plan to sail away to which country?


140 - Christine and Lavinia plans to

Flee east

141 - Christine hates

Her husband

142 - Christine is an attractive woman of------------years.


143 - Christine kills herself in

The study

144 - Christine proposes Adam to------------.Ezra.


145 - Christine wears …….dress.


146 - Chrsitine's counterpart in The Oresteia is


147 - Dark and unfathomable mystery of life is symbolized by------------…in, "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening".

Dark woods

148 - Define trickster tale ?

A story about a mischievous, supernatural being

149 - Dimmesdale punished himself for his sin by

All of these

150 - Dimmesdale seems to have a disease. Name it.

Heart pain

151 - Dimmesdale was convinced to pronounce her sin when Pearl was ……..years old.


152 - Dr. Blake knew Ezra's heart condition. However, he thought that Ezra really died of


153 - Dumas, whose father was a General in the French Army, is a Mulatto; Soulie, a Quadroon. He went from New-Orleans, where, though to the eye a white man, yet, as known to have African blood in his veins, he could never have enjoyed the privileges due to a h

A person who has one white parent and one parent who is a Mulatto

154 - During the Colonial Time Period, the writing was influenced most by what religious persuasion ?

The Puritans

155 - During the Revolutionary time period, what great document was written ?

The Declaration of Independence.

156 - Eugene O'Neill died in 1953 due to


157 - Eugene O'Neill wrote more than------------plays.


158 - Ezra Mannon's counterpart in 'The Oresteia' is


159 - Ezra told the reason of his death to


160 - For a time the narrator comforts Roderick by reading and painting with him; one of Roderick's paintings is described as follows: "A small picture presented the interior of an immensely long and rectangular vault or tunnel, with low walls, smooth, white, a

The narrator and Roderick bury Madeline alive in a stone tomb beneath the mansion.

161 - For what the metaphors of the blossoms of Rosebush are used?

Both A & B

162 - From where does Christine get the name of poison that she use to kill her husband?

Her father's books

163 - From where does Eliza cross into Cananda ?

Lake Erie

164 - From where Gen. Mannon is returning in the play?


165 - Frost co-founded------------…in 1920.

Bread Loaf School and Conference of English

166 - Frost conveys deep……… in a simple style and language in his poem, "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening".

Both A & B

167 - Frost received a degree from Dartmouth College in


168 - Frost spent most of his teenage years in

Lawrence, Massachsetts

169 - Frost's essay dealing his conception of poetry

The Figure Poem Makes

170 - Frost's poem The Road Not Taken is included in his poetical collection______________________?

Mountain Interval

171 - Frost's poem with different and original use of the couplet

After Apple Picking

172 - gave a hint of the rich culture that was forgotten________________?

Reported speech poems

173 - Governor Bellingham is a/an------------man.


174 - Governor Bellingham spends most of his time in consulting with

The other town fathers

175 - Gradually light returns to the street means_______________?

life resumes to normal routine

176 - Hanging Johny is the------------song that Chantyman sings to Brant.


177 - Having emerg'd from the Poverty and Obscurity in which I was born and bred, to a State of Affluence and some Degree of Reputation in the World, and having gone so far thro' Life with a considerable Share of Felicity, the conducing Means I made use of, whi

Benjamin Franklin

178 - Hawthorne draws strong parallels between

The red rose, Scarlet letter, Pearl

179 - Hawthorne's ancestors are associated with what historical American event ?

History of puritans

180 - Hawthorne's works belong to

Both of these

181 - Hazel Niles is 19 years old

Friend of Mannon children

182 - He glanced with rapid eyes_____________ they looked like frightened beads. The figure of speech used here is ?


183 - He had heard this destruction of the original possessors of the soil described, as we find it in the history of the times, where, we are told, "the number destroyed was about four hundred;" and "it was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire,

A historial novel

184 - He was famed for great skill in horsemanship; he was foremost at all races and cockfights; and, with the ascendancy which bodily strength acquires in rustic life, was the umpire in all disputes. He was always ready for either a fight or a frolic, but had

Brom Bones

185 - He will give the gloom of gloom, and the sunshine of sunshine. The pronoun "He" refers to_______________?


186 - He wrote a journal about his expedition in northern Florida _____________?

De Vaca

187 - Henry David Thoreau lived for a while_______________?

At Walden Pond.

188 - Hester always wears ……..clothes.


189 - Hester and Dimmesdale plan to escape their suffering by boarding a ship bound for


190 - Hester and Dimmesdale plan to leave Boston after

Four days

191 - Hester had embroidered------------on her dress.

A scarlet letter A

192 - Hester' husband is a/an


193 - Hester makes ……..for Governor Winthrope.

A pair of gloves

194 - Hester planned to meet Dimmesdale in the


195 - Hester Prynne and her daughter Pearl lived in an abandoned------------on the outskirts of Boston.


196 - Hester Prynne believes herself a


197 - Hester Prynne had an affair with


198 - Hester Prynne has committed crime of


199 - Hester Prynne squeezed her baby. Why?

To make her weep

200 - Hester Prynne was taken out of the prison to ……..her publiclly.


201 - Hester recognized her husbnad's dress due to

Slightly deformed shoulders

202 - Hester spotted ……in the crowd.

Her husband

203 - Hester supports herself financially by working as a


204 - Hester was buried next to


205 - Hester's letter "A" eventually becomes to represent …… the town's people.


206 - His son Rip, an urchin begotten in his own likeness, promised to inherit the habits, with thåe old clothes of his father. He was generally seen trooping like a colt at his mother's heels, equipped in a pair of his father's cast-off galligaskins, which he

Loose, wide breeches

207 - How did Chillingworth find out the reality of Pearl's father?

By becoming Dimmsedale's doctor

208 - How did Mistress Hibbins die?

She was hanged publically as a witch

209 - How do the Shelby's treat their slaves ?

Kindly but firmly

210 - How does Eliza cross the Ohio river ____________?

Hopping rafts of ice

211 - How does Frost treat nature?

Both A & B

212 - How does Hare outsmart Sharp-elbow to retrieve his stolen arrow ?

He takes a whetstone with him to retrieve the arrow and when Sharp-elbow attacks he uses the whetstone for protection against the attack

213 - How does Sam secretly alert Eliza to Mr.Haley's presence outside the inn ?

Shouts about his hat

214 - How does St. Clare die ?

He is stabbed

215 - How long is Rip asleep in the woods ?

Twenty years

216 - How many children does Uncle Tom have ?


217 - How old is Emmeline ?


218 - How was the priest's son's prayer answered ?

The dead uncle sent an earthquake to punish the corn clan for their wrongdoings

219 - Human body is described as sacred in the Walt Whitman.

I Sing the Body Electric

220 - I ask: Is it not the case that everybody that is not white is treated with contempt and counted as barbarians? And I ask if the word of God justifies the white man in so doing. When the prophets prophesied, of whom did they speak? When they spoke of heath

Hortatory sermon

221 - I knew him, however, as both mathematician and poet, and my measures were adapted to his capacity, with reference to the circumstances by which he was surrounded. I knew him as a courtier, too, and as a bold intriguant. Such a man, I considered, could not


222 - I know that many say that they are willing, perhaps the majority of the people, that we should enjoy our rights and privileges as they do. If so, I would ask why are not we protected in our persons and property throughout the Union? Is it not because ther

William Apess

223 - I took my visitors all over the house. I bade them search — search well. I led them, at length, to his chamber. I showed them his treasures, secure, undisturbed. The narrator is________________?

Leading the police to the scene of a crime

224 - I was somewhat unmanageable when I first went [to Master Covey's], but a few months of this discipline tamed me. … I was broken in body, soul, and spirit. My natural elasticity was crushed, my intellect languished, the disposition to read departed, the

Fredrick Douglass

225 - I would not have it imagined, however, that he was one of those cruel potentates of the school, who joy in the smart of their subjects; on the contrary, he administered justice with discrimination rather than severity; taking the burthen off the backs of


226 - In "Mending Wall" what thing does suggest the man made barriers and divisions at all levels?


227 - In "Out of the Cradle" what is the word the sea gives to the poet?


228 - In "Song of Myself" 'myself' represents Walt Whitman. However identity of the speaker is


229 - In "The Scarlet Letter" forest stands for

All of these

230 - In "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed",------------.'s death was commemrated.


231 - In addition to driving the family coach, what other responsibility do the St. Clare assign Uncle Tom ?

Managing finances

232 - In killing Brant, Orin fantasizes that he has killed

Both A & B

233 - In Saul Bellow's novel Herzog (1964), Moses Herzog is a________________?


234 - In Talbot county, Eastern Shore, Maryland, near Easton, the county town of that country, there is a small district of country, thily populated, and remarkable for nothing that I know of more than for the worn-out, sandy, deserts-like appearance of its soi

Neglect or decray

235 - In the enthusiasm of my confidence, I brought chairs into the room, and desired them here to rest from their fatigues; while I myself, in the wild audacity of my perfect triumph, placed my own seat upon the very spot beneath which reposed the corpse of th

Fearless daring or aggressive boldness

236 - In the poem, "By Blue Antario's Shore" who speaks to the poet?

A Phantom

237 - In 'The Scarlet Letter', the prison house's building's heavy oak door is studded with iron spikes, and the prison appears to have been constructed to hold….

Dangerous criminals

238 - In this technological world the child should build up_____________?

inner strength

239 - In Walden, who urges people to simplify their lives and look to nature for meaning ?

Henry David Thoreau

240 - In what year was the Fugitive Slave Act passed ?


241 - In which city does the St.Clare live ?

New Orleans

242 - In which state is Legree's plantation located ?


243 - In which state is the Shelby farm located ?


244 - In which state was "Uncle Tom's Cabin" written ?


245 - is the end of fame_______________?


246 - Isolation and loneliness are the themes of------------…by Frost.

Desert Places

247 - It was about this time that I conceiv'd the bold and arduous Project of arriving at moral Perfection. I wish'd to live without committing any Fault at any time; I would conquer all that either Natural Inclination, Custom, or Company might lead me into. As

Benjamin Franklin

248 - It was assumed that Hester's husband had lost in

The sea

249 - It was possible, I reflected, that a mere different arrangement of the particulars of the scene, of the details of this picture, would be sufficient to modify, or perhaps to annihilate its capacity for sorrowful impression; and, acting upon this idea, I r

A small mountain lake

250 - It was the very witching time of night that he, heavyhearted and crestfallen, pursued his travel homeward. Far below, the Tappan Zee spread its dusky waters. In the dead hush of midnight he could hear the faint barking of a watchdog from the opposite shor

A Gothic tale

251 - Jack London's "To Build a Fire" contained foreshadowing, which means_____________?

It contained clues to events yet to happen.

252 - Jed and Dr. Blake are the charcters in

Mourning Becomes Electra

253 - Lavinia and Orin goes to------------for trip.


254 - Lavinia and Orin travelled to


255 - Lavinia cries------------.' name in her final declarations of love to Peter.


256 - Lavinia follows her mother spy on her.

Both A & B

257 - Lavinia has recently returned from

New York

258 - Lavinia has seen------------between Adam Brant and her mother.


259 - Lavinia Mannon is a character in

Mourning Becomes Electra

260 - Lavinia put her mother's pillbox on

On Ezra's corpse

261 - Lavinia wears ……..dress.


262 - Lavinia's nickname in the play is


263 - Lavinia's suitor is


264 - learn by going where I have to go. The poet learns of______________?

the final destination where he has to reach

265 - Left the house of the subscriber, bounden servant, Hezekiah Mudge—had on when he went away, grey coat, leather breeches, master's third best hat. One pound currency reward to whoever shall lodge him in any jail in the province. Hezekiah Mudge is a "boun

Transportation to the colonies

266 - Let me for a few moments turn your attention to the reservations in the different states of New England, and, with but few exceptions, we shall find them as follows: the most mean, abject, miserable race of beings in the world – a complete place of prod

Wasteful extravagance

267 - Maria Steward believe that black woman are crucial to the uplift of black Americans. Why ?

They have the power to fix things themselves

268 - Maria Stewart is associated with what major American literary movement ?


269 - Marlowe's play 'Tamburlaine the Great' was based loosely on the life of which Asian ruler ?


270 - Mary Brantome was

Adam Brant's mother

271 - Miniver Cheevy's name satirically hints at his_________________?

a minimalist achievements in life

272 - Miniver scorned the gold he sought. Here gold refers to______________?

the pot of luck

273 - Mistress Hibbins is ……..of Governor Bellingham.


274 - Mistress Hibbins is the

Governor's sister

275 - Monadnock on his forehead hoar Doth seal the sacred trust, Your mountains build their monument, Though ye destroy their dust. What is the meaning of the word "hoar" ?

Grey or white with age

276 - Mourning Becomes Electra (Drama) by Eugene O'Neill has ……..acts.


277 - Mr. Covey entered the stable with a long rope; and just as I was half out of the loft, he caught hold of my legs, and was about tying me. As soon as I found what he was up to, I gave a sudden spring, and as I did so, he holding to my legs, I was brought s

Fredrick Douglass

278 - Name of Mannon's maid is


279 - Name of Robert Frost's wife

Elinor White

280 - Name the religious group that preached to live a simple and straightforward life_________________?


281 - Name the ship that brought the first Pilgrims to the New World______________?


282 - Nathaniel Hawthorne uses a term "The Leech" for

Roger Chillingworth

283 - Native Son (1940) is written by_____________?

Richard Wright

284 - Occom says he was discriminated against as a missionary and minister. What proof does he present to illustrate the unfair treatment of Native American ministers ?

Establishment of Indian praying towns

285 - Of the two, reverend Sir," said the voice like the deacon's, "I had rather miss an ordination-dinner than to-night's meeting. They tell me that some of our community are to be here from Falmouth and beyond, and others from Connecticut and Rhode-Island; be

An apples-salesman

286 - Of what does Goodman Brown become guilty after his midnight meeting in the woods ?


287 - One of the following do not figure as 'island' in the play. Mention.


288 - O'Neill was the first American writer to win

Nobel Prize

289 - Orin is Mannon's


290 - Orin Mannon is a character in

Mourning Becomes Electra

291 - Orin's counterpart in Oresteia is


292 - Over which river does Eliza make her miraculous crossing ?

The Ohio

293 - Parker's report to Margaret is_________________?

simple and heartwarming

294 - Pearl acknowledged Dimmesdale at his death by

Kissing him

295 - Pearl became wealthy because of

Both A & B

296 - Pearl does not recognise Hester Prynne when she sees her with Dimmesdale in the forest. Why?

Hester had removed the scarlet letter

297 - Pearl has a------------.spirit.

Moody and mischievous

298 - Pearl is totally antagonist society.

Puritan reforms

299 - Peter Niles and Hazel Niles are the characters in the play

Mourning Becomes Electra

300 - Postmodern writing often uses and as literary devices ?

Black humor; metafiction.

301 - Pre-colonial theme ?

A and B

302 - Rabbit Angstrom Novels are written by ____________?

John Updike

303 - Robert Frost died in 1963 in

Bostan, Masscusetts

304 - Robert Frost was a conservator the same time.


305 - Robert Frost's------------..children died.


306 - Roger Chillingworth sent Hester Prynne ahead of him to …… live.


307 - Roger Chillinworth disguised himself as a


308 - Rosebush near the prison suggest

Kindness of nature

309 - Seth Beckwith is …….of the Mannon Household.


310 - She was a blooming lass of fresh eighteen, plump as a partridge, ripe and melting and rosy-cheeked as one of her father's peaches, and universally famed, not merely for her beauty, but her vast expectations. . . . She wore ornaments of pure yellow gold to


311 - Some of the movements that took place in the modernist time period include___________?

The Harlem Renaissance, The Lost Generation, and Confessional Poetry.

312 - Story of the play, "Mourning Becomes Electra" is based on

Greek myth of Orestes

313 - The "Cycle of American Literature" was written by ?

Robert E. Spiller

314 - The ambitious spirits of his brother chieftain Sassacus, had ever aspired to dominion over the allied tribes – and immediately after the appearance of the English, the same temper was manifest in a jealousy of their encroachments. He employed all his ar


315 - The American Renaissance overlapped the time period, in which American writers were trying to____________?

Romanticism; define themselves and their writing style as independent from England.

316 - The annals of Massachusetts Bay will inform us, that of six governors, in the space of about forty years from the surrender of the old charter, under James II., two were imprisoned by a popular insurrection – a third, as Hutchinson inclines to believe,

An of revolting against civil authority

317 - The Battle of the Ants is an excerpt from______________?


318 - The behaviour of other children with Pearl was


319 - The black language holds great importance for the_____________?

Survival and continuation of the Black community

320 - The cautious old gentleman knit his brows tenfold closer after this explanation, being sorely puzzled by the ratiocination of the syllogism; while methought the one in pepper and salt eyed him with something of a triumphant leer. At length he observed, th

Narrative frame

321 - The change TV brought into the society can be summed up as_________________?

creating indifference to realities of life

322 - The children of the village, too, would shout with joy whenever he approached. He assisted at their sports, made their playthings, taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles, and told them long stories of ghosts, witches, and Indians. This work draws upon

A European fairy tale

323 - The cloud-spirits peeped from their silvery islands, as the congregated mirth went roaring up the sky! The Man in the Moon heard the far bellow. "Oho," quoth he, "the old earth is frolicsome to-night!" This is_______________?

Gothic fiction

324 - The emagery in the poem is_________________?


325 - The fact that this scaffold scene is illiuminated symbolizes

Divine intervention

326 - The farmer drove his plough-share deep "Whose bones are these?" said he, "I find them where my browsing sheep Roam o'er the upland lea." What does "lea" mean? Veldu eitt ?

Meadow or pastureland

327 - The 'fearful trip' is a recall of________________?

The Civil war

328 - The first part of American History dwells of the_________________?

Discovery and settlement of the Western continent

329 - The first stanza of the poem provides an idea that it is______________?

not a happy story

330 - The founder of Jamestown____________?

John Smith

331 - The gester Dimmesdale made throughout the book is

Places his hand over his heart

332 - The hairy wild-bee that murmurs and hankers up and down, that gripes the fullgrown lady-flower, curves upon her with amorous firm legs, takes his will of her, and holds himself tremulous and tight till he is satisfied. What does tremulous mean ?

Trembling and timid

333 - The house of this Puritan poet burned down_____________?

Anne Bradstreet

334 - The intellectual movement that believed that the observation of nature elevates the nature of humans, that deep truths can be grasped through intuition, and that God, Nature and humanity are united in a shared universe is______________?


335 - The lesson the young man teaches Dorothy is_________________?

to live and enjoy her life

336 - The letter 'A' is a patch of cloth …… colour.


337 - The main theme of the poem, "Two Tramps in the Mud Time" by Frost is clash between

Opinion and conviction

338 - The major symbol of Whitman in "Song of Myself" is


339 - The Manitou is a great god in this legend ?

Walum Olum

340 - The most important criminal in the Mannon's family is


341 - The name of Brant's ship is

The Flying Trades

342 - The name of the first part of the trilogy "Mourning Becomes Electra" is

The Homecoming

343 - The name of the second part of the trilogy "Mourning Becomes Electra" is

The Hunted

344 - The name of the third part of the trilogy "Mourning Becomes Electra" is

The Haunted

345 - The narrator first encountered Hester Prynne's story in the

Attic of Salem Custom-House

346 - The narrator had the------------.trees in "Mending Wall"?


347 - The narrator loses his job in the Custome House because of

A new Custome House president

348 - The narrator of the story is a/an

Surveyor of the Custom House

349 - The narrator returns home during the_______________?


350 - The narrator said, "The founders of new colonies may be, they invariably provide ……."

Both A & B

351 - The novel "The Scarlet Letter" is set in a village in

Puritan New England

352 - The novel "The Scarlet Letter" starts in

June 1642

353 - The novel is set in


354 - The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous luster of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me. The silken hair, too, had been suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer texture, it floated rather than fell about

Buries someone alive

355 - The pervading metaphor in the story is___________________?

a clean well-lighted place

356 - The poem "The Most of It" is included in Frost's poetic collection

A Witness Tree

357 - The poem by Berryman has a sad and depressed tone about it and it foreshadows the_____________?

fate and the mindest of the boy

358 - The poem ends on a_____________?

philosophical note

359 - The poetic collection "West-Running Brooke" was published in


360 - The populace think that your rejection of popular standards is a rejection of all standard, and mere antinomianism – and the bold sensualist will use the name of philosophy to gild his crimes. But the law of consciousness abides. There are two confessio

Doctrine of salvation by faith alone

361 - The portrait of ……..was/were hanging in the Mannon's household.

All of these

362 - The portrayel of the Puritanical society by Hawthorne is

Both A & B

363 - The process of passing on sayings, songs and tales ?

Oral Tradition

364 - The Puritans who settled Plymouth Colony were separating Puritans which meant ?

Separate from the Church of England

365 - The purpose of placing 'fallen cold and dead' at the end of each section is to_____________?

remind the leader of the tragedy

366 - The rank of Ezra Mannon in the army

Brigadier General

367 - The rosebush outside the prison door is the symbol of

All of these

368 - The Scarlet Letter (1850) was written by

Nathaniel Hawthorne

369 - The Scarlet Letter was completed by Hawthorne in


370 - The scythe is personified the "Mowing".


371 - The speaker describes his neighbour his poem, "Mending Walls".

Old stone Savage

372 - The story is told from the point of view of________________?

a third person

373 - The suspicion of Chillingworth about Dimmesdale comes true with the revelation of

Mark on Dimmesdale's breast

374 - The sweetest music is not in the oratorio, but in____________?

Human voice

375 - The term Beat Generation comes from______________?

Beat to his socks

376 - The term leach means to

Use leeches to drain blood from the patients

377 - The theme of Frost's poem "An Old Man's Winter Night" is

Recreation of old age

378 - The title of the poem, "Out, Out" is from Shakespear's play


379 - The tone of the third stanza of the poem embodies a sense of_____________?


380 - The two main characters in The Pearl are______________?

Kino and his wife Juana.

381 - The vivid imagery of the season is shown to_____________?

reinforce the thoughts of the narrator

382 - The Weary Blues______________?

Langston Hues

383 - Themes in colonial time period ?

All the above

384 - Themes in modern literature are_____________?

All the above

385 - This author wrote of the Pilgrims' voyage to the New World ?

William Bradford

386 - This character survived a massacre______________?


387 - This checkmark diagram represents the plot structure for what genre of early American writing ?

Slave narrative

388 - This governor was re-elected 30 times_________________?

William Bradford

389 - This group of Native Americans believed that corn was crucial to creation ?


390 - This group of Native Americans left behind a legend about creation using pictographs_____________?


391 - This group united 5 tribes_____________?


392 - This is a system of fundamental laws governing a society______________?


393 - This is the implied comparison between two dissimilar things_______________?


394 - This is the name of the report by Cotton Mather about the trial accusing Martha Carrier of witchcraft_______________?

The Wonders of the Invisible World

395 - This is the title of a famous Puritan sermon______________?

Sinners in the Hand…

396 - This mode of discourse attempts to convince someone______________?


397 - This mode of discourse is used to explain. (Example: repair manuals) ?


398 - This mode of discourse presents details that appeal to the senses______________?


399 - This mode of discourse relates a story________________?


400 - This person wrote about a island that he called Colba, now known as Cuba______________?


401 - This Puritan author wrote a persuasive speech ?

Johnathan Edwards

402 - This Puritan author wrote about the Salem witch trials_____________?

Cotton Mather

403 - This quote comes from what writing: "God holds you over the pit of Hell much as one holds a spider over the fire________________"?

Sinners in the Hand…

404 - This term is an elaborate comparison between two different subjects___________?


405 - This term refers to the "feeling" of a word______________?


406 - Thoreau places a sense of Upon the ants ?

honor and glory

407 - Thoreau scales humans down to the size of ants in order to____________________?

examine the aggressive, dominating and stupid nature of human warfare

408 - Thoreau through this essay tries to portray_______________?


409 - Thoreau was part of the Transcend lists, which were founded by________________?

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

410 - Throughout the novel, Pearl best represents

Embodiment of Hester's sin

411 - To make her publically shameful, Hester was taken to the


412 - To which country do George and Eliza plan to immigrate ?


413 - To Whom does Franklin say he is addressing his autobiography part 1 ?

His son, William

414 - Towards the end of the novel, Pearl starts to punish


415 - Town people thought that Pearl was the child of a


416 - Townspeople say Chillingworth as a


417 - Uncle Tom's Cabin as a literary work exposed the evils of________________?


418 - Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by______________?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

419 - Unmoved – she notes the Chariots – pausing – At her low Gate – Unmoved – an Emperor be kneeling Upon her Mat – I've known her – from an ample nation – Then – close the Valves of her attention – Like Stone – What does ample mean ?

Large or abundant

420 - Usher can only stand types of noises in his acutely uncomfortable state. The narrator describes a number of impromptus that Usher plays for him on which instrument ?

The guitar

421 - Walt Whitman communes with------------in "Out of the Cradle".

A bird

422 - Walt Whitman's style of writing is known as______________?


423 - Wanders in that happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute's well-tunéd law, Round about a throne, where sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well befitting, The sovereign of the realm was seen. What does Porph

Of royal birth

424 - 'Warnings' and 'The Web' are One-Act Plays by

Eugene O'Neill

425 - We are such things as rubbish is made of, so let's drink up and forget it." is quoted by

Eugene O'Neill

426 - We associate John Winthrop with what colonial Settlement ?

Massachusetts Bay Colony

427 - We associate Nathaniel Hawthrone with what literary movement ?


428 - We associate William Bradford with what colonial settlement ?


429 - We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground – The Roof was scarcely visible – The Cornice – in the Ground – What is Cornice ?

Decorative molding beneath a roof

430 - Well, then; I have received personal information, from a very high quarter, that a certain document of the last importance, has been purloined from the royal apartments. The individual who purloined it is known; this beyond a doubt; he was seen to take it

To steal

431 - What animal is personified as Hare's grandfather ?


432 - What animal is personified as the trickster in the Winnebago tale ?


433 - What did Hester Prynne ask Dimmesdale to do when they were walking in the woods?

To run away

434 - What did John Smith write ?

General History of Virginia

435 - What did Seth promise to give to Abner Small for staying in Mannon's house apart from ten dollars?

A gallon of whisky

436 - What did the family do to protect the children from the uncle ?

They dressed the boys like girls and told them to behave as girls do

437 - What does an important section of "Song of Myself" describe?

Twenty-nine bathers

438 - What does Eva's father promise her before she dies ?

That he will free Uncle Tom

439 - What does George Harris' master demand of him that prompts him to plan his escape ?

Marry another woman

440 - What does George Shelby give Uncle Tom to wear on a string around his neck before Tom is taken away ?

A dollar

441 - What does letter 'A' in "The Scarlet Letter" signify?


442 - What does Orin do when Lavinia rebukes him for asking to develop incestuous relation?

He commits suicide

443 - What does the narrator find at the end of the journey ?

Crusted snow and dead leaves

444 - What does the narrator of the story about Rip describe as the great error in Rip's composition ?

His unwillingness to work

445 - What does the priest's son's prayers for the punishment of the tribe's iniquities tell us about the Zuni tribe ?

The Zunis are spiritual and have a strong moral code that they live by and teach to their children

446 - What does the snow symbolize in Frost's poem generally?


447 - What event provides the motivation for Shelby to release all the slaves ?

Tom's death

448 - What invention won George Harris the respect of his factory's proprietor ?

A hemp cleaning machine

449 - What is Augustine St. Clare's selfish wife's name ?


450 - What is Mrs. Shelby's first name ?


451 - What is the author's purpose in the Zuni origin tale "The Flood" ?

To warn its youth about the consequences of promiscutiy and other inquities

452 - What is the colour of the letter 'A' in the scarlet letter?

Scarlet and gold

453 - What is the efflux (flow) of the soul according to the poet in the poem, "Song of the Open Road"?


454 - What is the foremost conflict in the poem, "Mowing" by Frost?

Between imagination and practical hard work

455 - What is the idea behind writing "Song of Myself"?

Both A & B

456 - What is the mother's name in "Home Burial"?


457 - What is the name of a fat and boisterous Portugese fishing captain in the play Mourning Becomes Electra?

Joe Silva

458 - What is the name of the introductory section of the novel?

Custom House

459 - What is the name of the village in New England where "Mourning Becomes Electra" is set?

Not mentioned in the play

460 - What is the relationship of Brant and Ezra?


461 - What is the role of a poet as Whitman says in his poem, "Blue Ontario"?


462 - What is TULIP ?

Total depravity

463 - What item in governor's mansion shows Hester a distorted reflection of herself?

A suit of armour

464 - What job does Uncle Tom perform at the St. Clare plantation ?

Head Coachman

465 - What kind of sound does the poet want to make towards the end of , "Song of Myself"?

A barbaric yawp

466 - What lesson does Hare's adventure involving a tall man with a cane attempt to teach the Winnebago people ?

Boasting shows weakness and will lead to bad things

467 - What ritual does the character resembling the devil attempt to perform in the woods, with goodman Brown as the object ?

A baptism

468 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Benjamin Franklin ?

Both B and C

469 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Emily Dickinson ?

Slant Rhyme

470 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Frederick Douglass ?

Most popular slave narrative

471 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of John Saffin ?

Pro Slavery

472 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of John Winthrop ?

All are correct

473 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Nathaniel Hawthorne ?

All are correct

474 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Samon Occum ?

Indian autobiography

475 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Thoreau ?


476 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Walt Whitman ?

Both A and B

477 - What statement below best sums up the literary significance of William Bradford ?

both A and C

478 - What statement below best sums up the literary significant of Maria Stewart ?

First African American woman to speak to a mixed audience

479 - What story tells how Squanto taught the settler to grow corn, procure commodities and fish ?

The story of Plymouth Plantation

480 - What term describes Cassy's racial heritage ?


481 - What thing does Pearl sees first as a baby?

Her mother's scarlet letter

482 - What thing fell from the sky to illuminate the scaffold scene?


483 - What type of romance is the story "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathanial Hawthorne?


484 - What type of tapestries were there in minister's room?

With biblical scenes of adultery and punishment

485 - What vice does Tom attempt to convince Augustine Clare to renounce ?


486 - What was in the hand of the woman when she came out of the prison, in "The Scarlet Letter"

A baby

487 - What was Mary Brantome's profession?


488 - What was one theme in the period of independence ____________?

All the above

489 - What was similar between Lavinia and her mother?

Both of these

490 - What was the original title of Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea ?

The Sea in Being

491 - What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact ?

first agreement on self governing

492 - What was written on the tombstone of Hester Prynne?

On a field, Sable, the letter A, Gules

493 - What writing describes the death of two settlers at the hands of 300 bowmen ?

General History of Virginia

494 - When and why does Chillingworth come into contact with his wife in Boston?

To provide her medical assistance

495 - When did Hemingway receive the Nobel Prize for Literature ?


496 - When did Nathaniel Hawthorne join Boston Custom House Measurer?

In 1839

497 - When did the Boston people build their prison?

20 years ago

498 - when did william Faulkner get nobel prize for literature ?


499 - When Dimmesdale confesses and falls dead, what does Pearl do?

Kisses him

500 - When Hester and Pearl goes to see the governor they fling ……on them.


501 - When Hester knows that the Puritan Council might allow her to remove her scarlet letter, what was her reaction?

She said that only God could remove it

502 - When Hester Prynne goes to the governor's mansion the age of pearl is

Three years

503 - When Hester Prynne tries to teach her daughter about God, she says I have

No heavenly father

504 - When I was 16 years of age, we heard a Strange Rumor among the English, that there were Extraordinary Ministers preaching from Place to Place and Strange Concern among the White People. This was in the Spring of the Year. … After I was awakened & conver

Samson Occcum

505 - When Orin accuses Lavinia of sleeping with one of them like Brant and Peter, what attitude she adopts?

Like her mother

506 - When Pearl was asked by John Wilson,"Who your maker is?", she replied

She was plucked off of a rosebush

507 - When the prophets prophesied, of whom did they speak? When they spoke of heathens, was it not the whites and others who were counted Gentiles? And I ask if all nations with the exception of the Jews were not counted heathens. The author of this passage wa

An indentured servant

508 - When there was a momentary calm in that tempestuous sea of sound, the leader gave the sign, the procession resumed its march. On they went, like fiends that throng in mockery around some dead potentate, mighty no more, but majestic still in his agony. On

Historical fiction

509 - When they tried to separate the mother and the daughter in governor's house, who helped them?

Both A & B

510 - When was Nathaniel Hawthorne died?

In 1864

511 - Where did Arthur Dimmesdale get fame before coming to America?


512 - Where did Hester begin to live after her release from prison?

On the outskirts of Boston

513 - Where does Christine kill himself?

In the study

514 - Where does Senator Bird take Eliza and Harry ?

To a Quaker settlement

515 - Where does Tom first meet Eva ?

On a river boat

516 - Where was Roger Chillingworth for a long time?

In the custody of native Americans

517 - Which American poet is hailed as the representative poet of America ?

Walt Whitman

518 - Which American President reportedly referred to Harriet Beecher Stowe as "the little lady who made this big war" ?

Abraham Lincoln

519 - Which American writer won the Nobel Prize in 1930 ?

Sinclair Lewis

520 - Which character in "Uncle Tom's Cabin" directly opposes the Fugitive Slave Law ?

Mrs. Bird

521 - Which definition below best defines Transcendentalism ?

Political thinking, philosophical, and social movement

522 - Which dress does Lavinia wear that her mother also wore during her lifetime?


523 - Which historical figure appears in "The Sleepers"?


524 - Which is one of the five tenants of Puritanism ?

Irresistible grace

525 - Which is the longest poem in "Leaves of Grass"?

Song of Myself

526 - Which member of the corn clan could not overlook the wrondoings of the rest of the clan ?

The priest's son

527 - Which of the following animals seem to represent strength and courage for the Eskimos ?


528 - Which of the following best defines the Enlightenment movement ?

Age of reason

529 - Which of the following describes the precolonial era's literature styles ?

Narratives and poetry

530 - Which of the following is a true statement about Romanticism ?

Both A and B

531 - Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Enlightenment ?


532 - Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Indian autobiography genre ?


533 - Which of the following is NOT a feature or characteristics of Emily Dickinson's poetry ?

True Rhymes

534 - Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical purpose of "An Indian' Looking Glass for the White Man" ?

both B and C

535 - Which of the following is NOT among the 13 virtues Franklin struggles to master ?

None of the above

536 - Which of the following is not an animal Hare prepared for humans to eat ?


537 - Which of the following is NOT considered a write for the Transcendentalism Movement ?


538 - Which of the following is not one of the 4 part of Puritan Sermon ?


539 - Which of the following is true about the target audience for John Saffin's pamphlet ?

White public of Massachusetts

540 - Which of the following themes or ideas are closely associated with the Native American way of life ?

Love and respect for family and its elders

541 - Which of these is NOT a rhetorical purpose of the Spiritual Diary Genre ?

Both B and C

542 - Which of these statements does NOT apply to Hawthorne as a moralist ________________?

Awareness of the importance of living a life without error and sin

543 - Which of Uncle Tom's personal characteristics guided his interactions with others and his responses to his circumstances ?

His honesty and deep devotion to God

544 - Which of Upton Sinclair's books is about the meat-packing industry ?

The Jungle

545 - Which ofWashington Irving's characters falls asleep for twenty years ?

Rip van Winkle

546 - Which one is a great patriotic poem by Frost ?

The Gift Outright

547 - Which poem did Frost read in inauguration ceremony of President Kennedy?

The Gift Outright

548 - Which poem is powerful and sometimes shocking as poem of physical identity?

Song of Myself

549 - Which poem of Frost deals with the crucial moments in choice making?

The Road Not Taken

550 - Which statement below best defined Dickinson's idea of circumference ?


551 - Which statement below best defined Whitman's idea of Oversoul ?

American landscape

552 - Which statement below best defines the genre of Indian autobiography ?

Genre that details life experiences of native Americas in early America and critiques American society to native Americans.

553 - Which statement below best paraphrases what John Winthrop meant when he declared that the MBC would be as a "city upon a hill" ?

Everyone has a role in society

554 - Which statement best describes literary significance of William APess ?

Both A and B

555 - Which thing represents the Puritanical severity of law and authority of the regime in "The Scarlet Letter"?

The prison door

556 - Whitman did several jobs during the Civil War like poet, nurse and


557 - Whitman published------------.editions of "Leaves of Grass".


558 - Whitman says, he will make poems from his mortality, his body his poem, "Starting from Paumanock".

Material things

559 - Whitman uses line length and word choice to represent________________?

a wide range of emotion from joy to sorrow

560 - Whitman's collection of war poetry

Drum Taps

561 - Who "haunts" the evil Simon Legree when he is drunk ?


562 - Who acts as chorus in the play "Mourning Becomes Electra"?

A group of town's people

563 - Who appointed Nathaniel Hawthorne as the Surveyor of the Boston custom House?

James Polk

564 - Who called Frost "the great American poet of our time"?

John F. Kennedy

565 - Who coined the phrase 'Lost Generation' ?

Gertude Stein

566 - Who easily sways Reverend Mr. John Wilson?

Reverend Dimmesdale

567 - Who functions as Orin's would be sweetheart?

Hazel Niles

568 - Who influenced Walt Whitman the most?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

569 - Who inherits ownership of Tom when St. Clare dies ?


570 - Who is addressed as "you" in the poem ?

a frustrated romantic idealist

571 - Who is Boston's elder clergyman?

Reverend John Wilson

572 - Who is commonly known as a 'witch' in the novel "The Scarlet Letter"?

Mistress Hibbins

573 - Who is described by Whitman in his poem, "Body Electric"?

A farmer

574 - Who is Eliza's mother ?


575 - Who is NOT considered to be a representative of the Southern Renaissance ?


576 - Who is Pearl in the novel "The Scarlet Letter"?

Hester's illegitimate daughter

577 - Who is Sharp-elbow ?

A tyrannical village chief who is known for his elbow blades

578 - Who is stiff-shouldered, thin and flat chested lady in Mourning Becomes Electra?

Lavinia Mannon

579 - Who is the central character in Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea ?


580 - Who is the central Figure in O Nell's The Hairy Ape_____________?


581 - Who is the most malevolent character in "The Scarlet Letter"?

Roger Chillingworth

582 - Who is the narrator in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby (1925) ?


583 - Who is the narrator in Melville's Moby Dick ?


584 - Who is the narrator of the story in 'The Scarlet Letter'?

An unnamed surveyor of the Custom House

585 - Who is the protagonist of the novel The Scarlet Letter?

Hester Prynne

586 - Who is the representative figure of the "Jazz Age" ?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

587 - Who of the following adressed Ezra's portrait at some point in the play?

All of these

588 - Who said this, "Curiosity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought it back."

Eugene O'Neill

589 - Who said this, "Life is a solitary cell whose walls are mirrors."

Eugene O'Neill

590 - Who says "Earth is the right place for love" ?

Robert Frost

591 - Who sent Hester Prynne to America in "The Scarlet Letter"?

Hester's husband

592 - Who shot Brant and showed it to be robbery?


593 - Who was a possible raper of Hester Prynne?

The devil…black man

594 - Who was Fuseli ?

British painter

595 - Who was the first black woman who win the Nobel Prize for Literature ?

Toni Morrison

596 - Who was the husband of Hester Prynne?

Roger Chillingworth

597 - Who was the real father of Pearl?

Arthur Dimmesdale

598 - Who wears scarlet letter in "The Scarlet Letter"?

Hester Prynne

599 - Who wote the short story "Major Molineux"?

Nathaniel Hawthorne

600 - Who wrote "Barn burning" ?

William Faulkner's

601 - Who wrote "Emperor Ice cream" ?

Wallace stevens

602 - Who wrote "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock" ?

T.S. Eliot

603 - Who wrote "The Tuft of Flowers"?

Robert Frost

604 - Who wrote "The waste land" ?

T.S. Elliot

605 - Who wrote Heritage ?

Countiee cullen

606 - Who wrote Mending wall ?

Robert Lee Forst

607 - Who wrote the history of Mannon Family crimes?


608 - Who wrote The sound and the furry ?

William Faulkner

609 - Whom did the corn clan member pray to for help ?

His dead uncle

610 - Whom does Mr.Haley choose from among Shelby's slaves ?

Uncle Tom and Harry

611 - Whom does St. Clare give to Ophelia to educate ?


612 - Why did Bradford and the Pilgrims create Plymouth Colony ?

Sovereignty to establish godly kingdom as they saw fit

613 - Why did Captain Brant come to Mannon House?

To take revenge

614 - Why did Peter leave Lavinia?

She told him that she was a native's fancy woman.

615 - Why do people evolve a language_______________?

To articulate their circumstances

616 - Why do we call Ralph Waldo Emerson the "Father of American Literature" ?

Mentor to other writers

617 - Why do you think the uncle was named the "Unnatural Uncle" ?

The Eskimo's felt that family was important and to try to harm a family member was not normal or natural

618 - Why does Henry David Thoreau write his book "Walden" ?

To show ideas of transcendentalism are put into action

619 - Why does Hester named her daughter Pearl?

Because she is her mother's only treasure

620 - William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation exemplifies what genre of early American writing ?

Spiritual diary

621 - Wines Burg Ohio______________?

Sherwood Anderson

622 - With which the poetry of Robert Frost largely deals?

Country life

623 - With whom does Seth bet to stay in Mannon's house overnight?

Abner Small

624 - Writers in the Romantic time period were concerned with____________?

Nature as a source of secular and spiritual knowledge, emotion as truth, and exploration of the self.

625 - Yes, when the stars glisten'd, All night long on the prong of a moss-scallop'd stake, Down almost amid the slapping waves, Sat the lone singer wonderful causing tears. What is a prong ?

A pointed, projected part of something

626 - Your goodness must have some edge to it--else it is none. The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines. In this work the author argues in favour of____________?

An independent nation of independent individuals


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