African and American Contribution in English Literature MCQs

African and American Contribution in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. African and American Contribution in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic African and American Contribution in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of African and American Contribution in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - According to Henry Louis Gates, Jr., reconstructing black people into the "New Negro" has been a matter of_______________?

All of the above

2 - According to Larry Neal, the primary goal of the Black Arts Movement is_______________?

To speak to the spiritual and cultural needs of African Americans.

3 - African American dialects grew out of_______________?

The attempts of African slaves to communicate with each other

4 - Alice Walker's novels often explore the abuse experienced by African American women. What is the only abuse Celie does not experience The Color Purple ?

Betrayal by her sister.

5 - Alice Walker's story, "Everyday Use," includes which "Womanist" concern ?

The negative consequences of feminism on the African American family.

6 - All of the following are characteristics of the African American tradition of the toast except_____________?

Toasting glorifies women

7 - Although Charles Johnson's Oxherding Tales is based on his Buddhist beliefs, he meant the novel to be a reworking of an American genre, the slave narrative. In what way is the novel, despite its philosophical underpinnings, an exemplar of the slave narrative ?

Its character's movement from slavery to freedom.

8 - Although different in tone, Soujourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" and David Walker's "Appeal in Four Articles" are similar in what way ?

Their appeals to Christians.

9 - Arna Bontemps's "A Summer Tragedy" attacks the institution of________________?


10 - Booker T. Washington's message in Up from Slavery is_______________?

African Americans will have to help themselves by becoming educated.

11 - Brer Rabbit is an example of what kind of character ?


12 - Charles W. Chesnutt used vernacular speech to________________?

Challenge American stereotypes about race

13 - David Walker's "Appeal in Four Articles" argues that_________________?

Blacks have the duty to resist slavery.

14 - During the early 20th century, a black person's purpose in passing might have been_________________?

To get better accommodations on the train, better seats in the theatre.

15 - Etheridge Knight's "Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane," what is Hard Rock's function in the prison ?

To do what the other inmates were afraid to do.

16 - For Booker T. Washington, racial uplift means_______________?

Allowing Whites to help African Americans to reach their potential.

17 - Frederick Douglass argued that slaves sang spirituals for all of the following reasons except______________?

To show that they were content in their work

18 - Harriet Jacob's slave narrative Incidents in the Life differs from Harriet Beecher Stowe's abolitionist novel Uncle Tom's Cabin in what way ?

Stowe's novel is sentimental.

19 - Harriet Jacobs wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl to show______________?

How females were affected by slavery.

20 - In "125th Street and Abomey," Audre Lorde references images from ________________?

African mythology.

21 - In Chapter 11 of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, how does Malcolm X survive prison ?

Getting an education.

22 - In Chapter Three of Booker T. Washington's Up from Slavery, Washington's primary goal is to______________?

Get an education.

23 - In Chapter XV of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, where did Linda hide ?

With a friend.

24 - In Chapter XV of William Wells Brown's Clotel, Clotel is described as a quadroon. What does this mean ?

She is one-quarter Black.

25 - In Chapter XV of William Wells Brown's Clotel, what characteristic of the sentimental novel is evident ?

A and B E. B and C

26 - In Chapter XV of William Wells Brown's Clotel, why was Clotel made to cut her long hair ?

The mistress of the house was afraid her husband would be attracted to Clotel.

27 - In Charles Chesnutt's "The Goophered Grape Vine," why does Uncle Julius tell the Northern visitors the story of the spell put on the grapes ?

So they won't interrupt his income from the neglected grape harvest.

28 - In Gwendolyn Brooks' poem, "kitchenette building," what is most important to the building's inhabitants ?

Having a bathroom with warm water.

29 - In Gwendolyn Brooks' poem, "we real cool," the Golden Shovel is_______________?

The name of a pool hall.

30 - In Jean Toomer's "Her Lips Are Copper Wires," a kiss is compared to_______________?


31 - In Lucille Clifton's "wishes for son," the narrator lists what wishes her sons ?

That they experience all the pain and embarrassment of being a woman.

32 - In Nella Larsen's novel Passing, why is Clare afraid to have another child ?

She is afraid it may have dark skin.

33 - In Nikki Giovanni's "The American Vision of Lincoln," the poet argues that the Capitol needs a statue of _____________next to the one of Abraham Lincoln?

Frederick Douglass

34 - In Octavia Butler's "Bloodchild," The Tlick keep the humans happy by_______________?

Supplying them with narcotic eggs.

35 - In Paul Laurence Dunbar's "When Malindy Sings," what kind of music is Malindy singing ?


36 - In Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, living underground is symbolic of_____________?

The narrator's invisibility to society.

37 - In the poem "When Malindy Sings," Paul Laurence Dunbar uses irony and caricature to "signify" on white assumptions about African Americans. What does Henry Louis Gate's term "signify" mean ?

Giving words double meaning that appear differently to white and black readers.

38 - In the United States, Reconstruction_______________?

Is the time period that followed the Civil War.

39 - In what way is Jane Toomer's Cane an example of Modernism ?

Its fractured, collage effect.

40 - In writing Beloved, Toni Morrison drew on what for inspiration ?

Slave narratives.

41 - Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail," King advocates_______________?

Disobeying unjust laws.

42 - Native Son was written by___________________?

Richard Wright.

43 - Neo-Slave narratives are contemporary novels written about slavery. Toni Morrison's Beloved is about the ghost of a baby the character Sethe murdered to keep her from being recaptured by their master. The opening chapter of the novel represents the neo-slave narrative by its________________?

Examination of the psychological damage of slavery.

44 - One of the functions of protest poetry was to________________?

Encourage societies strive for equality for all.

45 - Phillis Wheatley's poetry is considered_____________?

Typical of Colonial poetry.

46 - Race relations in the North are attacked in_______________?

Harriet Wilson's Our Nig.

47 - Richard Wright said he created the character of Bigger in Native Son because______________?

He had known many "Biggers" in his life.

48 - Sekou Sundiata is considered what kind of poet ?

A performance poet

49 - Slave narratives were shaped by_____________?

Captivity narratives.

50 - Slavery in the United States was officially abolished in ______________?


51 - Some critics argue that the use of dialect by such authors as Paul Laurence Dunbar and Charles Chesnutt did all of the following except_______________?

Showed that African Americans couldn't speak properly.

52 - Sonia Sanchez's "right on: white america" is protesting________________?

The fact that America still has a frontier mentality.

53 - Spirituals like "Go Down Moses" were important to African Americans because_______________?

They gave hope that God would deliver them from slavery.

54 - The "tragic mulatto" myth_________________?

Led to novels of passing.

55 - The back to Africa movement was primarily about______________?

Completing an oppressed people's quest for freedom, liberty and democracy.

56 - The characteristic of Naturalism that is most present in the first chapter of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is_____________?

The theme of man against man.

57 - The classification of vowels into close vowels and open vowels is based on ________________?

The height to which the tongue is raised

58 - The classification of vowels into half__close vowels and half__open vowels is based on ________________?

The height to which the tongue is raised

59 - The Day Duke Raised by Quincy Troupe is a jazz poem because______________?

The poem's rhythmic lines.

60 - The fact that Claude McKay visited Russia in 1922 exemplifies the following theme of Modernism_____________?

The impact of WWI and the 1918 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

61 - The genre Octavia Butler's "Bloodchild" is______________?

Science Fiction.

62 - The importance of Freedom's Journal was____________?

It was the first African American newspaper.

63 - The importance of Lucy Terry's "Bars Flight" is________________?

The fact that the poem is the most accurate account of the 1742 Indian-White engagement in Deerfield, Massachusetts.

64 - The mask in Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem, "We Wear the Mask," represents_____________?

The persona that the characters show the world.

65 - The most important tenet of the Black Arts Movements is________________?

African American images should inspire African Americans.

66 - The narrator of Langston Hughes's "Weary Blues" is describing__________________?

Blues being played in a Harlem bar.

67 - The subject of Soujourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" is_______________?

A and B.

68 - The supportive network of female slaves led to_______________?

Resistance against dehumanization.

69 - The term "Civil Disobedience" was coined by which author ?

Henry David Thoreau

70 - The theme of Phillis Wheatley's "On Being Brought from Africa to America" is_______________?

Slaves are capable of becoming good Christians.

71 - Uncle Julius is a character developed by______________?

Charles Chesnutt

72 - Until recent years it was thought that Harriet Jacob's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl was____________?

Fiction written by Lydia Maria Child.

73 - What does the term "passing" mean ?

The ability of an African American to live as a White person.

74 - What is the character of Delia most of afraid of in Zora Neale Hurston's "Sweat" ?


75 - What is the subject of Lucille Clifton's "the lost baby poem" ?


76 - What source did David Walker rely on the most for support in "Appeal in Four Articles" ?

The Bible.

77 - What unforgivable action does Mag Smith take in Chapter One of Our Nig ?

She marries a Black man.

78 - What was special about Zora Neale Hurston's home town of Eatonville, Florida ?

It was primarily African American.

79 - What was the Great Migration ?

A period of time when African Americans moved North in large numbers.

80 - Which among the following are bilabial plosive sounds in English?

/p/ & /b/

81 - Which among the following pairs are Velar plosives ?

/k/ & /g/

82 - Which author relied on complex characters and dialect to overturn American stereotypes about Southern African Americans ?

Charles Chesnutt

83 - Which characteristic of the slave narrative did Frederick Douglass include in the first chapter of his Narrative ?

The author's father is often a white man.

84 - Which is not a characteristic of Realism ?

Characters are not as important as plot.

85 - Which of the following authors was not of mixed race heritage ?

Booker T. Washington

86 - Which of the following statements about slavery is true ?

Most slave children lived in two family homes.

87 - Who introduced the character of the "tragic mulatto" ?

Lydia Maria Child

88 - Who is the author of the novel Passing ?

Nella Larsen.

89 - Who wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl ?

Harriet Jacobs

90 - Who wrote one of the most famous African American poems that begins with "what happens to a dream deferred" ?

Langston Hughes

91 - Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, an indictment of slavery ?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

92 - Why did Marcus Garvey spearhead the "Back to Africa Movement" ?

Because he did not feel African Americans would ever achieve equality in America.

93 - Why does Dee want the quilt in Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" ?

She wants to display it for her friends to see.

94 - Why is the couple in Arna Bontemps's "A Summer Tragedy" getting dressed up ?

To end their lives.

95 - Why was it important that slave narratives have a title page that claimed either that the narrative was written by the narrator himself (or his words were recorded by someone close to him, preferably white) ?

In order for people to believe the events in the narratives.

96 - Why was the "drop of blood" rule developed ?

To keep the slave offspring of White slave owners from inheriting.

97 - Yusef Komunyakaa's "Blue Dementia" is an example of what kind of poetry ?

Jazz poetry


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