Dramas and Dramatist in English Literature MCQs

Dramas and Dramatist in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Dramas and Dramatist in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 400 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Dramas and Dramatist in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Dramas and Dramatist in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - "Ajax" and "Antigone" are the plays by


2 - "Brand" and "The Master Builder" are the plays by

Henrik Ibsen

3 - "Coriolanus", "Cymbeline" and "Pericles" are the plays by

William Shakespeare

4 - "Cymbeline" was by Shakespeare. It was composed between 1608 and


5 - "Ghosts" (1881) is a play by

None of these

6 - "Henry VIII" was a play in collaboration by Shakespeare and

John Fletcher

7 - "Henry VIII" was published in 1613. It was Shakespeare's

Last tragedy

8 - "His crown is on my brow/His wife is in my arms, and common fate" is said by


9 - "Misalliance" and "Back to Methuselah" are plays by

GB Shaw

10 - "No man is good enough to be other man's master". Where was it written?

None of these

11 - "Oedipus at Colonus" and "Electra" are the plays written by


12 - "Othello" by Shakespeare is subtitled

The Moore of Venice

13 - "Rosmersholm" is a play by

Henrik Ibsen

14 - "Safe I am now. The truth in me is strong". It is said by


15 - "Shed light no more, ye everlasting skies/That know my sin" is said by


16 - "The Comedy of Errors" and "As you Like It" are the comedies by

William Shakespeare

17 - "The Marry Wives of Windsor" is by


18 - "The Taming of the Shrew" (1594) was written by

William shakespeare

19 - "The Tempest" was written by Shakespeare in


20 - "The Winter's Tale" (1609-1611) was by

William Shakespeare

21 - "There is no love sincerer than the love of food." Who said this?

GB Shaw

22 - "Thou knowest…save our city". Oedipus said this to


23 - "Tis more than death and darker, if I do" is said by


24 - "Trachiniae", "Oedipus Rex" and "Philoctetes" are plays by


25 - "Unashamed" is the motto of

Andrew Undershaft

26 - "When the Dead Awaken" is a play by

Henrik Ibsen

27 - _____told him that Oedipus himself had killed King Lauis?


28 - A Doll's House (Henrik Ibsen) was published in


29 - A dramatic type 'discussion play' was brought into practice by

GB Shaw

30 - A peddlar who sells ballads


31 - ……..becomes the heir of Andrew Undershaft at the armory.

Adolphus Cusins

32 - ……..best symbolizes the character that Nora plays in her marriage with Torvald.

The dress she wears to the party

33 - ……..helped raise Nora.

Her nanny

34 - ……..is used as a metaphor througout the play.


35 - ……..steals Desdemona's handkerchief.


36 - …….ends up to Sicily accompanying Florizel and Perdita.


37 - According to Undershaft ……..is necessay for salvation.

Both A & B

38 - According to Undershaft the worst of the crimes is


39 - Adolphus Cusins is enthralled by the excesses of the

Dionysian spirit

40 - After finding the truth about his family what did Oedipus do?

Blinded himself

41 - After his suspicion, how does Leontes want to deal with his wife's infidelity?

He orders Camillo to poison Polixenes

42 - After how many years of Perdita's abandonness did the story picks up again?


43 - After the death of his wife and son, Leontes vows to live his life in


44 - After the revelation of his identity, Polixenes says that the shepherd will be


45 - After they made their vow to vengeance, Othello ……..Iago.


46 - After visiting Pythian oracle, the creon reported that to end the plague

Late King Laius' murderer should be found

47 - Andrew Undershaft is a character in the play …….by GB Shaw.

Major Barbara

48 - Andrew Undershaft is the great

Arms industrialist

49 - Androcles and the Lion was George Bernard Shaw's play. It was published in


50 - Antigone was the sister and daughter of


51 - Antigone, Eteocles and Ismene are

Oedipus' children

52 - Antigonus wanted to name Hermionne's baby


53 - At sheep-shearing, Florizel was known by the name


54 - At the end of the play Major Brabara, Barbara ask for

Lady Britomart

55 - At the end of the play, Nora compares herself with a

A doll

56 - At the start of the play Oedipus Rex, Oedipus was

Addressing the people of Thebes

57 - At the start of the play the priest was asking

The gods for help

58 - At the start of the play, Thebans were suffering from a fatal


59 - At the very beginnining of the play, what was being discussed?

Torvald's promotion to manager of the bank

60 - Barbara and Adolphus Cusins are


61 - Barbara and Adolphus Cusins are characters in

Major Barbara

62 - Barbara is the major in ……..army.


63 - Barbara sees ……as God in his business.

Mr. Undershaft

64 - Barbara's name means


65 - Before caring Nora's children, nurse served ……in A Doll's House".

Little Nora and her father

66 - Bill Walker's girl name is


67 - Bilton, Jenny Hill and Peter Shirley are characters in

Major Barbara

68 - Black cross on Mr Rank's visiting card siginfy that

He will die soon

69 - Bobby Helmer and Emmy Helmer are the characters in

A Doll's House

70 - Brabantio accused Othello of seducing Desdemona by using


71 - Brabantio was initially suspicious of Roderigo's accusations, why?

He asked Roderigo to keep away from Desdemona

72 - Brabantio was the friend of


73 - Bronterre O'Brien Price appears in the play

Major Barbara

74 - Cassio gave handkerchief to Bianca to

Copy its embroidery

75 - Cassio was promoted over


76 - Cassio was talking about ……..when Othello thought that he was talking about Desdemona?


77 - Charles Lomax and Stephen Undershaft are the characters in the play

Major Barbara

78 - Charles Lomax is a comic character who suffers the scolding of

Lady Britomart

79 - Choose George Bernard Shaw's play/plays from the following

All of these

80 - Cleomenes and Dions are ………lords.


81 - Clown was

Othello's servant

82 - Creon had no wish to ………in Oedipus Rex.

Become a king

83 - Creon was

All of these

84 - Cusins agreed starting salary was …….of the proposed salary by him

Three fifths

85 - Cusins' first name is


86 - Cusins' parents lived in their home country…..


87 - Cusins quotes a play in Act II. Can you name it?

The Bacchae

88 - Desdemona is

Othello's wife

89 - Desdemona is the daughter of


90 - Did Sophocles perform in his plays?

Yes, in many plays

91 - Dr. Rank and Helene are characters in

A Doll's House

92 - Dr. Rank has got his disease in


93 - Dr. Rank informed Nora of the final stage of his disease by leaving a ………cross on his visiting card.


94 - Dr. Rank is dying from

Consumption of the spine

95 - Dr. Rank is secretly in love with


96 - Florizel asks the shepherd for

Permission to marry

97 - Florizel falls in love with


98 - Florizel is the only son of


99 - For his health, Torvald needs to travel to


100 - For which Greek god did Sophocles give his house for worship until a proper temple was built?


101 - From whom did Oedipus save the city of Thebes?

From a Sphinx

102 - George Bernard Shaw was influenced by

Henrick Ibsen

103 - George Bernard Shaw was married in


104 - George Bernard Shaw wrote more than …….plays.


105 - His real parents wanted to kill Oedipus. Why?

Due to a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother.

106 - Horace Bodger produces ……..in the play Major Barbara.

None of these

107 - How did Jocasta die?

She hanged herself

108 - How did Leontes interact with his courtiers before and during the trial of Hermione?

Both A & B

109 - How did Oedipus kill the Sphinx?

By solving a riddle

110 - How did Oedipus reached Corinth in his childhood?

A messenger took him there

111 - How did Othello kill Desdemona?

By smothering with a pillow

112 - How did Othello seduce Desdemona?

By telling her his adventures in the wars

113 - How does Nora explains of her not having any ornaments?

The cat tore them up

114 - How does the play end?

When Hermione's statue enlivens

115 - How does Torvald Helmer treat Nora?

As a child

116 - How does Torvald learn about Nora's forgery in "A Doll's House"?

By Krogstad's letter

117 - How many plays did Sophocles write?

Over 120

118 - How many plays of Sophocles have survived?

Only 7

119 - How many years were passed between Act 3 and Act 4?


120 - Iago and Roderigo attacked …….in the street.


121 - Iago claims that Cassio uttered ……….'s name in his sleep.


122 - Iago convinces Roderigo to fight with


123 - Iago tells Roderigo that Othello and Desdemona are going to


124 - Iago's feeling about Desdemona

Lusts after her

125 - In "Nausica or The Women Washing Clothes" ……performed the juggling act.


126 - In the beginning, "Othello" is set in


127 - In the first Act, Nora laughs heartily before Dr. Rank and Mrs. Linde because

So many bank employees will be dependent on Torvald

128 - In the meeting with Cassio, Desdemona was with


129 - In the opening of the play "Othello" Roderigo is talking about …….'s elopment with Othello.


130 - In the start of "The Winter's Tale", Leontes is trying to convince Polixenes to

Stay in Sicilia a little longer

131 - In the start of the play, Lady Britomart asks Stephen to

Manage family affairs

132 - In which play does Stephen Undershaft and Sarah Undershaft appear?

Major Barbara

133 - In which scandal did Krogstad earn bad reputation?

Forging a signature

134 - Ismene and Antigone are the daughters of


135 - It was rumored that Lauis was killed by


136 - Jocasta attempts to prove that

Prophecy is not true

137 - Kristine Linde is a ……woman.


138 - Krogstad holds a ……. position at Torvald's bank.


139 - Lady Britomart and others visit

Cannon foundary

140 - Lady Britomart's maiden name is


141 - Lady Britomart's youngest daughter is


142 - Laius' murder was not investigated at the time. Why?

None of these

143 - Last complete play by GB Shaw

Buoyant Billions

144 - Leonotes promises ………to never marry without his/her permission.


145 - Leontes orders to abandon his new born daughter to wilderness. At first, he wanted

To burn her

146 - Leontes wants Camillo to be a cup bearer to

To poison him

147 - Leontes was suspicious and jealous that Proilxenes is having an affair with


148 - Lodovico brings order for Othello

Both A & B

149 - Lodovico is nobleman of Venice and Kinsman of


150 - Lomax's religion is

None of these

151 - Lord Saxmundham is

Horace Bodger

152 - Major Barbara (1907) is a play by

GB Shaw

153 - Major Barbara has ……….acts.


154 - Majority of the play is set in


155 - Michael Cassio is

Othello's lieutenant

156 - Montono is …….in the play "Othello"?

Governor of Cypress

157 - Morrison is Lady Britomart's


158 - Mrs. Bains and Morrison are the characters in ……..by GB Shaw.

Major Barbara

159 - Mrs. Linde abandons ……..for a richer man.


160 - Mrs. Linde and Anne Marie are characters in ……..by Ibsen.

A Doll's House

161 - Mrs. Linde says that she has come to the town to

Seek employment

162 - Mrs. Linde worked many years to support her

Dying mother

163 - Mrs. Linde's first name is


164 - Mrs. Warren's Profession was published in


165 - My Fair Lady was based upon Bernard Shaw's


166 - New Year's day symbolizes

Both B & C

167 - Nickname/nicknames for Nora given to her by her husband

All of these

168 - Nils Krogstad is a character in

A Doll's House

169 - Nora …….Dr. Rank very much.


170 - Nora and Mrs. Linde are

Childhood friends

171 - Nora and Torvald are decorating the house for


172 - Nora ate …….against Torvald's wishes.


173 - Nora borrowed money from

None of these

174 - Nora does …….too wildly and too violently to please Torvald.


175 - Nora expects that Torvald will ……..when he learns about forgery.

Take the blame himself

176 - Nora finally leaves the sitting room in Act


177 - Nora flirts with Dr. Rank by showing him

Her silk stockings

178 - Nora forged the signature of her


179 - Nora is forbidden to eat a sweet. Name it.


180 - Nora's dilemma/dilemmas stemming from her loan from Krogstad

All of these

181 - Nora's father has

Died before the action of the play begins

182 - Oedipus announces to the people of Thebes that

All of these

183 - Oedipus got his name due to

An injury

184 - Oedipus have ……..children.


185 - Oedipus Rex is a tragedy of

All of these

186 - Oedipus Rex means

Swollen foot

187 - On whose advice does Perdita and Florizel take a ship to Sicily?


188 - Othello died by

Stabbing himself

189 - Othello gave a handkerchief to Desdemona. From where did he get it?

From his mother

190 - Othello had ……when Iago tells of Cassio sleeping with Desdemona.

Epileptic fit

191 - Othello is the protagonist of the play "Othello". Who was he?

General of Venetian army

192 - Othello thinks that he will not be able to reinstate Cassio because

Montano is popular in Cyprus

193 - Paulina is a ……..woman.

All of these

194 - Peter Shirley took the job of …….at the foundary.


195 - Polixenes and Camillo goes to ……..'s house in disguise.


196 - Polybus and Merope are the parents of Oedipus in


197 - Roderigo is ………in "Othello".

Jealous suitor of Desdemona

198 - Roderigo wants to get back his ……from Desdemona that Iago has supposed to give him.


199 - Rummy is the short form of


200 - Sarah Undershaft is Barbara's

Younger sister

201 - Shaw wrote "Buoyant Billions" at the age of


202 - Shaw's political orientation was


203 - Something publically harmed Shaw's reputation during World War I. What was that?

His anti-war newspaper articles

204 - Sophocles died in

406 B.C

205 - Sophocles increased the chorus members from 12 to


206 - Sophocles' plays describe how characters

React under stress

207 - Sphinx riddle's answer was

A man

208 - Stephen has ………sisters.


209 - The clown was robbed by …….when he was going to fetch supplies for the sheep-shearing.


210 - The connection between Cassio and Desdemona

He was go between Othello and Desdemona

211 - The Doctor's Dilemma by GB Shaw was published in


212 - The first half of the play "The Winter's Tale' was set in Sicily in cold winter and the second half is set in Bohemia in


213 - The last thing that the audience of the play "A doll's House" hear

The door slamming

214 - The message from Delphi was brought by

Both of these

215 - The Philanderer (1898) is a play by

GB Shaw

216 - The play "A Doll's House" is set in

The Helmer Home

217 - The play "A Doll's House" is set in ……..holidays.


218 - The play begins in


219 - The Tantella symbolizes

All of these

220 - The Turks fleet was

Sunk in the storm

221 - To which country does Tantella dance belong?


222 - To whom did Emilia tell the plot of his husband?

Both A & B

223 - To whom was Oedipus given to be thrown away in his infancy?

A herdsman

224 - Torvald and Nora are characters in

A Doll's House

225 - Torvald and Nora have ……..children.


226 - Torvald believes that the money provider for their visit to italy was


227 - Torvald Helmer considers her wife a/an


228 - Torvald Helmer has a job at a


229 - Torvald identifies Nora with

All of these

230 - Torvald teased Nora of …………in the start of the play.

Spending too much money

231 - Torvalds attend a ……party.


232 - Torvald's new job at the bank will help him

In earning more money

233 - Udershaft plays a musical instrument. Can you name it?

The Trombone

234 - Undershaft firm was founded during the reign of

James I

235 - Undershaft suggests ………as a prfession to Stephen.


236 - What did Bernard Shaw seek to introduce into drama?

New realism

237 - What did oracle tell Oedipus before he fled from Corinth?

He would kill his father and marry his mother

238 - What did the stranger reveal to Oedipus?

He was adopted son of Polybus

239 - What do Torvald and Mrs. Linde call Nora?

A spendthrift

240 - What does Christmas tree symbolize in "A Doll's House"?

Both A & B

241 - What does Florizel and Perdita claim after reaching in Sicily?

They are sent by Polixenes

242 - What does Iago claim about Othello and Desdemona?

They are mating

243 - What does Jocasta say he did to his newborn baby after the Oracle's prophecy?

She left it on the mountain

244 - What does Mrs. Linde's character symbolize?

All of these

245 - What does Othello believe about Iago's story?

Softened to save Cassio

246 - What does the handkerchief represent?

Marital fidelity

247 - What does the name Barbara means in Greek?

Both A & B

248 - What instrument does Lomax play in Act I of Major Brabara?

The Concertina

249 - What is Iago's age in the play?

28 years

250 - What is the "final test' of conviction according to Undershaft?


251 - What is the job of Iago?

Ensign to Othello

252 - What kind of nature does Othello possess?

Free and open

253 - What thing led Oedipus to know about his reality?

A plague

254 - What thing was cited by Iago for the reason of his promotion?

Both A & B

255 - What was presented to Othello by Iago as proof of Desdemona's infidelity?

Desdemona's handkerchief

256 - What was the order of Leontes on the birth of Hermione's daughter?

Abandon the child in the wilderness

257 - What was the reaction of Desdemona on Iago's views about women?

She laughs along

258 - What will be the punishment for the killer of Laius?

Both A & B

259 - When Desdemona wanted to go with Othello, what did the Duke suggest?

To follow Othello with Iago and his wife Emilia

260 - When Desdemona was happily ready to go to Venice, Othello

Slaps her

261 - When did George Bernard Shaw get Nobel Prize for literatue?


262 - When did Oedipus become the king of Thebes?

Before the action of the play started

263 - When did the shepherd become ready to tell the truth about Perdita?

After being threatened of hanging by Polixenes

264 - When does a London riot take place that is mentioned in the play Major Barbara?


265 - When does Othello and Desdemona marry?

Secretly before the play begins

266 - When does Polixenes and Camillo come to the shepherd?

When he is holding a sheepshearing

267 - When GB Shaw was of 20 years age, he went to ………from Dublin.


268 - When Jocasta told the place of Laius' murder why did Oedipus become upset?

Oedipus had killed a man at crossroads

269 - When Oedipus was young he went to an oracle. Why?

Someone had called him bastard

270 - When Shaw's dramas were performed, critics say that these plays should be


271 - When Tiresias arrived, he says

I shall not tell who killed Laius

272 - When Tiresias blamed Oedipus for Laius' murder how does Oedipus respond?

Blames Tiresias for Laius' murder

273 - When Tiresias came to the court, he

Denied telling anything

274 - When was "Othello" composed?

Probably in 1603

275 - Where did Leontes send messengers to prove the truth?

To the Oracle of Delphi

276 - Where did Nora perform Tantella dance?

At the neighbour's holiday party on Christmas

277 - Where did the action of the play A Doll's House take place in Helmer's House?

In the living room

278 - Where did the Torvalds spend a good period of time to regain Mr. Torvald's health?

In Italy

279 - Where does Antigonus go to carry out ther orders of the King?

Wilds of Bohemia

280 - Where does everyone go after Perdita's true identity is revealed?

Paulina's home

281 - Where does Torvald retire when he needs quite study and discussion with his friends?

His private study

282 - Where was the King Laius killed?

Near Crossroads

283 - Which dramatist was regarded as the favourite of the gods in Classical Greek period?


284 - Which is the thing that Nora does not question at the end of the play?

Her Children's love

285 - Which news was brought by a Corinthian from Corinth?

All of these

286 - Which was Shaw's first great play?

Caesar and Cleopatra

287 - Who (on the instigation of Iago) saw Cassio and Desdemona meeting secretly ?


288 - Who advises Oedipus to call for Tiresias?


289 - Who are Bob, Emmy and Ivar in "A Doll's House"?

Nora's children

290 - Who arranges a meeting of Cassio and Desdemona to reinstate Cassio on his place?


291 - Who arrives and fails to recognize Stephen?

Andrew Undershaft

292 - Who assigned Othello the general of defense forces and sent him to Cyprus?


293 - Who becomes a servant of the newly ennobled shepherd at the end of the play?


294 - Who blames Tiresias and Creon of conspiracy against the king?


295 - Who complains in A Doll's House that society has turned into a sick house?

Dr. Rank

296 - Who confirms Emilia's story?


297 - Who followed the footsteps of Sophocles to become dramatist/dramatists?

Both of these

298 - Who found Perdita and raised her?


299 - Who had given nursing job to Anne Marie?

Nora's father

300 - Who has trouble with his conscience?


301 - Who helps Polixenes in escaping?


302 - Who increased the number of characters in a drama from 2 to 3?


303 - Who is "Slender, bored and mundane" society girl in Major Barbara?

Sarah Undershaft

304 - Who is a long time butler of the Undershaft's?


305 - Who is a Salvation Army Commissioner?

Mrs. Bains

306 - Who is Archidamus in the play "The Winter's Tale"?

A Bohemian lord

307 - Who is Autolycus in the play "The Winter's Tale"?

A rogue who lives by his wits

308 - Who is Bianca in the play "Othello"?

A prostitute

309 - Who is Bilton in Major Barbara?

A foreman in Undershaft's factory

310 - Who is described as a determined and intolerant person in Major Barbara?

Adolphus Cusins

311 - Who is determined to marry Barbara in Major Barbara?

Adolphus Cusins

312 - Who is Emilia in "The Winter's Tale"?

Hermione's lady in waiting

313 - Who is Emilia in the play "Othello"?

Both A & B

314 - Who is energetic and jolly in Major Barbara?


315 - Who is engaged to Sarah Undershaft on a lark?

Charles Lomax

316 - Who is Helmers' nanny?

Anne Marie

317 - Who is Iago in the play "Othello"?

Both B & C

318 - Who is Jocasta in the play Oedipus Rex?

All of these

319 - Who is Lady Britomart's only son in Major Barbara?

Stephen Undershaft

320 - Who is Mamillius in "The Winter's Tale"?

Young son of Leontes

321 - Who is Nora's childhood friend in "A Doll's House"?

Mrs. Linde

322 - Who is play's honest poor in Major Barbara?

Peter Shirley

323 - Who is the chorus in the play "The Winter's Tale"?


324 - Who is the husband of Nora in "A Doll's House"?

Torvald Helmer

325 - Who is the protagonist of the play, "A Doll's House"?


326 - Who is the woman of plenty of worldly experience and practical ability In Major Barbara?

Lady Britomart Undershaft

327 - Who is Torvald's best friend in "A Doll's House"?

Dr. rank

328 - Who is willing to use unethical ways to achieve his/her goal in "A Doll's House"?

None of these

329 - Who killed King Laius unknowingly?


330 - Who left the baby on the Bohemian coast?


331 - Who looks sixty at the age of forty five in Major Barbara?

Rummy Mitchens

332 - Who made this statement, "Animals are my friends… and I don't eat my friends."?

GB Shaw

333 - Who named Perdita?

The ghost of her mother

334 - Who puts a halt to Perdita and Florizel's betrothal ceremony?


335 - Who raised Perdita after her being thrown on the Bohemian coast?

A shepherd

336 - Who receives money and gifts from Roderigo to help him in winning Desdemona's hand?


337 - Who said this, "I have sinned with women, I've sinned with death"?


338 - Who said this, "Thus did we cheat/Apollo of his will/My child could slay no father"?


339 - Who said this, "Why Tiresias did not say anything at the time of Laius's death?"


340 - Who said, "I am blind and thou/has mocked my blindness/Yea I'll speak now"?


341 - Who says "Bloody Hell" in "A Doll's House"?


342 - Who says that both Hermione is innocent and Leontes will remain without a heir until Perdita is found?


343 - Who says, "I will no more turn my eyes/This way nor that for all their prophecies"?


344 - Who speaks a thick cockney that Shaw terms as 'horribly based'?

Bill Walker

345 - Who stabbed Cassio in the leg?


346 - Who started the painted scenery in the background of the plays?


347 - Who stole Bill Walker's money in Major Brabara?

Snobby Price

348 - Who stopped Oedipus from banishing Creon?


349 - Who suffers an assault from Bill in Act II of Major Barbara?

Jenny Hill

350 - Who survived at the end of the play Oedipus Rex?


351 - Who suspects of Othello sleeping with Emilia?


352 - Who takes advantage of Salvation Army?

Brontorre O'Brien Price

353 - Who tells Brabantio about the elopemnet of her daughter Desdemona wit Othello?


354 - Who tells Othello about the reaction of Brabantio?


355 - Who told Oedipus that his father Polybus had died in Corinth?

A Corinthian

356 - Who told Othello that his wife Desdemona's lover is Cassio?


357 - Who took responsibility of her sick parents in "A Doll's House"?

Mrs. Linde

358 - Who tries to convince Leontes that Hermione is innocent?

All of these

359 - Who was clown in "The Winter's Tale"?

Both A & B

360 - Who was favourite customer of Bianca?


361 - Who was Hermione's defense attorney during her trial?

Hermione herself

362 - Who was honoured with the title Dexion as a hero after his death?


363 - Who was jealous of high position of Cassio?


364 - Who was Oedipus' real father?


365 - Who was Oedipus surrogate mother?


366 - Who was official authority in Venice?

Duke of Venice

367 - Who was the blind soothsayer of Thebes in Oedipus Rex?


368 - Who was the judge in Hermione trial?

Leontes himself

369 - Who was the lord of Sicily who later joined Polixenes and became his advisor?


370 - Who was the noble man of Venice and brother of Brabantio?


371 - Who was the protagonist of the play Oedipus Rex?

Oedipus the King

372 - Who was the son of Oedipus and Jocasta?


373 - Who was the student of the Euripides In Major Barbara?

Adolphus Cusins

374 - Who was the wife of George Bernard Shaw?

Charlotte Payne

375 - Who was upset at Desdemona's marriage with Othello?


376 - Who went to call Tireseas when King Oedipus asked him to do so?


377 - Who went to school with Torvald in "A Doll's House"?

Nils Krogstad

378 - Who wrote "Mrs. Warren's Profession"?

GB Shaw

379 - Whom did Mr. Torvald intend to hire in place of Krogstad?

Mrs. Linde

380 - Whom did Mr. Torvald want to fire on his/her past forgeries?


381 - Whom did Oedipus marry unknowingly?


382 - Whom has Anne Marie given up to do nursing job for the Helmers?

Her own daughter

383 - Whose clothes does Florizel wear to diguise himself?


384 - Whose power does Barbara accept during the play?

The rich

385 - Why did Mamillius die?

By seeing his mother's disgrace

386 - Why does Bill Walker come to army shelter?

To reclaim his converted girlfriend

387 - Why does Florizel decide to flee with Perdita?

His father threatens him to disinherit him

388 - Why was A Doll's House considered a theatrical innovaion?

It changes a well-made play to include a discussion

389 - Why was Cassio removed from his services?

He drank and fought with Rodrigo

390 - Why was it difficult to work with Krogstad according to Torvald?

In his presence Torvald becomes physically ill

391 - Why was Oedipus enraged?

Tiresias denied telling anything

392 - Why were Thebans facing infection at the start of the play?

The killer of King Laius was not arrested

393 - You Never Can Tell (1898) is a play by

GB Shaw


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