English Literature Mics MCQs

English Literature General topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. English Literature General topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 800 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic English Literature General. These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of English Literature General covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - "An ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain". Mathew Arnold said these lines about?


2 - "Around the World in 80 Days" was written by?

Jules Verne

3 - "Doctor Zhivago" book is written by?

Boris Pasternak

4 - "Elegy written in A Country Churchyard" is written by?

Thomas Gray

5 - "I have taken all knowledge to be my province" is the claim of?


6 - "Ivanhoe" book is written by?

Sir Walter Scott

7 - "Julius Caesar" is a?


8 - "Julius Caesar" written by?

William Shakespeare

9 - "Marlowe simply prepared the way for the master who was to follow." Who is the master referred to in this remark?

William Shakespeare

10 - "Measure for measure" is a successful?

Tragic Comedy

11 - "Milton thou shouldst be living at this hour" written by?


12 - "Ode to a Grecian Urn" is a?


13 - "Ode to a Grecian Urn" written by?

John Keats

14 - "Old Norse" is almost the same as which modern Scandinavian language?


15 - "Piers Plowman" is a?


16 - "Second Defense of English People" was written in?


17 - "Sherlock Holmes" was created by?

Sir A Conan Doyle

18 - "The Battle of Maldon" shows a revival of the heroic spirit. The poem is attributed to?


19 - "The Conduct of the Allies" is the famous work of?

Jonathan Swift

20 - "The Four P̢۪s" is a?


21 - "The Four P̢۪s" is written by?

John Heywood

22 - "The New Atlantis" is a kind of novel describing another Utopia as seen by?


23 - "The Patriot" is a?


24 - "The Patriot" is written by?

Robert Browning

25 - "The soul was like a star and dwelt apart" Wordsworth wrote this famous line by?


26 - "The two remains , the many change and pass". This line occur in?

Shelley̢۪s Adonai̢۪s

27 - __ are consonants for which the flow of air is stopped or restricted by lips.


28 - __ belongs to a relatively small group of creative geniuses whose greatest works were written after he turned 50.


29 - __ is the language of communication between persons who have different first languages who speak different tribal languages.

Lingua Franca

30 - __ is the process of making new words.


31 - __ is the representative of fickle minded friends.


32 - __ is the Saint Julian of his country.


33 - __ is the study of interrelation between linguistics factors and psychological aspects.


34 - __ is the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener.


35 - __ is the study of words how they are formed and their relationship to other words in the same language.


36 - __ is the variety of language including vocabulary and grammar spoken in a particular social group.


37 - __ is the writer of spy and is regarded as "The First of the great American novelists."?

James Fennimore Cooper

38 - __ period ended with the parliamentary reforms in 1832.

Romantic Period

39 - __ the Wife of Bath̢۪s fame derives from the character̢۪s deft characterization of her as a brassy woman.


40 - __ was an exile at Eton a revolutionary thinker an intellectual for whom to think was normally to do.


41 - __ was known as Madam Eglantine.


42 - ______________is the school of literary writings is a medical theory ?

Comedy of Humours

43 - A contract language a mixture of elements from different natural languages is called?


44 - A farfetched metaphor is called?


45 - A figure of speech which contains an exaggeration for emphasis is called?


46 - A grammar which sets out to specify the formation of grammatical structure is?

Generative grammar

47 - A language which is used habitually by people whose mother tongues are different is?

Lingua Franca

48 - A language with a markedly reduced grammatical structure, lexicon and stylistic range is said to be?


49 - A literary work composed from elements borrowed either from various other writers or from a particular earlier author. The literary term for such work is?


50 - A long poem is a combination of short poems. Who has held the above opinion ?


51 - A new language which develops in situations where speakers of different languages need to communicate but do not share a common language is?


52 - A person who writes about his own life writes ______________?

an autobiography

53 - A poem ‘Mounting someone’s death’ is called?

An elegy

54 - A poem mourning someone's death is called______________?


55 - A poem of fourteen lines is called________________?


56 - A poem which consists of fourteen line is called________________?

A Sonnet

57 - A rhetorical figure of repetition in which the same word or phrase is repeated in (and usually at the beginning of) successive lines, clauses or sentences is known as?


58 - A short poem or phrase that expresses an idea in a clever or amusing way is called?

An epigram

59 - A short story that teaches moral or spiritual lesson is called?

A Parable

60 - A term introduced by linguist Saussure which refers to the state of a language as it exists at any given time?


61 - A term which refers to the sequential characteristics of language is called?


62 - A type of literature characterized by its particular subject or style is called?


63 - A type of literature, art or music characterized by its particular subject or style is called?


64 - A variety of language used by particular individual is?


65 - A winter̢۪s Tale by Shakespeare is a?


66 - A word or set of words followed by a pause and revealing an intelligible purpose is?


67 - A word that sounds like another word but means something quite different is known as?


68 - A written literature began to evolve in Britain with the coming of the?

Christian Churches

69 - According to __ the novels of the eighteen forties do not reflect the respective society but they try to define it and in their attempt at defining the society they also participate in the common social process.

T.S Eliot

70 - According to Bacon by pains men reach to greater?


71 - According to Bacon̢۪s philosophy respect to one̢۪s superiors is not an act of servility but of __ duty.


72 - According to Bloomfield the organization of sound into patterns is called?


73 - According to T.S. Eliot unified sensibility of __ was the most assiduous imitation.


74 - Adam Bede is a______________?


75 - Adela' is a character from_______________?

A Passage to India

76 - Adonais is an elegy on the death of?


77 - Adonis is modeled on________________?

Bion's lament for Adonis

78 - Adrienne Rich̢۪s Aunt Jennifer̢۪s Tigers contrasts the creative needlework produced by Aunt Jenifer with?

Men Beneath the Tree

79 - After Apple Picking is written by_______________?

Robert Frost

80 - After Shakespeare the drama in England?

Suffered a Decline

81 - Age of pope is also called?

Augustan age

82 - Alexander Neckham wrote a Treatise on science in?


83 - Alexander Pope̢۪s __ recasts petty high society scandal as mythological battle for the virtue of an innocent.

The Rape of the Lock

84 - Alfred king of Wessex died in?

901 AD

85 - Ali has a very advanced sense of what is socially appropriate. He always knows what to say in every social context. He has which kind of linguistic competence?


86 - All good poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings' who made this statement ?


87 - All that glitters is not gold. You have heard often this told. This maxim is included in Shakespeare's__________________?

Merchant of Venice / Shakespeare's

88 - Among Chaucer character who had welll curled as if they had laid in press?

Wife of Bath

89 - Among following which is a famous work of poet Alexander Pope?

The Rape of the Lock

90 - Among following which is comedy written by William Shakespeare?

As you like it

91 - An epistolary novel is?

Entirely written in the form of letters

92 - Andrea Del Sarto' is a poem written by_________________?


93 - Anna Karenina is the name of a?


94 - Anna Karenina is written by?

Leo Tolstoy

95 - Another name for grammar translation method is?

Classical method

96 - April is the Cruelest month of all is taken from Eliot's__________________?

The Wasteland

97 - Arundati Roy has been awarded the Booker̢۪s Prize on her novel?

The God of Small Things

98 - Astrophel is an elegy written by Edmund Spenser on the death of his which friend?

Sir Philip Sidney

99 - At what time do "Sleepless lovers" awake in the Rape of the Lock?


100 - Aurobindo Ghose̢۪s Savitri is an epic of the?


101 - Author of "The Jungle Book" is?

Rudyard Kipling

102 - Author of Beowulf is?

None of the above

103 - Author of Samson Agonistes was?

John Milton

104 - Author of the prose "Le Morte D̢۪Arthur"?

Thomas Malory

105 - Bacon says that an ungracious son __ the mother.


106 - Bacon was intellectually great but morally weak is said by?


107 - Bacon was intellectually great but normally weak is said by?


108 - Bacon̢۪s devotedness to __ was responsible for his rapid rise in the British court which won him knighthood.

James I

109 - Beauty is truth, truth is beauty is stated by_____________?


110 - Bede wrote his Eccelestical history in?


111 - Bede wrote his Ecclesiastical History in?


112 - Bede wrote mostly in which language?


113 - Beowulf was composed in Northumbria by a Christian poet working on pagan material in?

End of 7th century

114 - Bernard Shaw was inspired by a Norwegian playwright named as?

Oscar Wilde

115 - Bertrand Russell was?

Both A & C

116 - Besides being a poet Alfred is a great?


117 - Between 1349-1350 England lost nearly half of the population to __.

Black Death

118 - Biographia Literaria was authored by?

William Blake

119 - Biological basis of formation and development of human language is called?


120 - Blow, blow thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind.-Example of ?


121 - Book "Four Quartets" was written by?

T.S Eliot

122 - Book Utopia is written by?

Sir Thomas More

123 - Brobdingnagian King believes that commonsense, reason and justice should be the basis of all?


124 - Browning is famous for his______________?

Dramatic Monologues

125 - But God's eternal Laws are kind And break the heart of stone. In which poem do these lines appear ?

Ballad of Reading Goal (Oscar Wilde)

126 - By the middle of 14th century was the native language of all classes?


127 - Byron's journey to Spain, Malta, Albania and Greece resulted in the production of the first two cantos of his poem_______________?

Childe Herald's Pilgrimage

128 - Byzantium is a poem about?

An imaginary city

129 - Caedmon and Cynewulf were two poets. They were?

Chaucer̢۪s predecessors

130 - Caedmon is a writer of?

7th century

131 - Carl Sandburg a modern poet was born at?


132 - Casanova̢۪s Chinese Restaurant is a novel by?

Anthony Powel

133 - Catharsis refers to the term_______________?

arouse of pity and fear

134 - Charles Dickens is a great?


135 - Charles Dickens is not the novelist of which of the following novels?

Treasure Island

136 - Chaucer wrote in which of the following dialects?

East Midlands

137 - Chemos was the ruined angel whose other name was?


138 - Childe Harold was written by_______________?


139 - Classical age is also known as?

Both of the above

140 - Coleridge under subtle states of feeling including depression and irrational sense of guilt found an outlet in fantasy supremely in __.

The Rime of ancient Mariner and Kublai Khan

141 - Concept of English as a global language is proposed by?


142 - Consonant that is produced with a strict is called?

Plosives or stops

143 - Contemporary drama saw Brecht create?

Theatre of Absurd

144 - Cyclone in Pakistan is a Poetical work by?

Sunita Nam Joshi

145 - Cymbeline was written by?


146 - defines a play as a just and lively image of human nature ?


147 - Del Hymes was a?


148 - Devil Disciples is a?


149 - Diachronic linguistics study language in the text of?


150 - Dickens' first novel which focused on the specific social ills was______________?

Great Expectations

151 - Don Juan is a specimen of?

Epic Satire

152 - Dr. Faustus rejects which branch of science?

All of the above

153 - Dramatic work written in the age of Shakespeare is termed as?

Romantic Drama

154 - During Anglo-Saxon period in England Anglican came from?


155 - During the age of Chaucer England passed through the first stages of her long journey out of __ .


156 - During which was does the novel ‘For whom the Bell Tolls’ take place?

Spanish Civil War

157 - Ecclesiastical history of the English People was written by?


158 - Edgar Allen Poe was a?

American Writer

159 - Edgar Allen Poe wrote reviews for a year for the magazine?

South Literary Messenger

160 - Edmund Spenser is a_________________?


161 - Egdon Heath forms the back drop of which of the following novels by Hardy?

Return of the Native

162 - Eighteenth century is also called?

The age of reason

163 - Elegy' is______________________?

song of lamentation

164 - Eliot was influenced by___________________?

Ezra Pound

165 - Eliot worked for Faber and Faber as a/an_______________?

Editor e… none of these

166 - Elizabeth best friend is named as __ in Pride and Prejudice.

Charlotte Lucas

167 - Elizabethan tragedy is centered on?


168 - Emile Zola is a famous__________________?

French Novelist

169 - Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled?

Wuthering Heights

170 - English Dictionary for the first time compiled by?

Samuel Johnson

171 - English language has __ phonemes in its sound system.


172 - Essays of Elia' was written by______________?

Charles Lamb

173 - Eugene O’Neill argues that there can be ‘Tragedy of the common man"?

False–It was Thornton Wilder

174 - Exiles' is a______________?


175 - Ezra pound is regarded as the leader of which literary movement?


176 - Famous comic novel "Tom Jones" written by?

Henry Fielding

177 - Famous Irish poet and dramatist is______________?

W.B. Yeats

178 - Famous play Everyman in his Humour is written by?

Ben Johnson

179 - Famous romantic poets were_____________?


180 - Father of Humanism is?


181 - Faustus asks two magicians to aid him in summoning the devil. What are their names?

Valdes and Cornelius

182 - Fictional scientific romance ‘Time machin – the invisible man’ was written by?

H.G. Wells

183 - Fielding seems to be most influenced by?


184 - Fielding̢۪s novels are called?

Comic Epic in Prose

185 - Find the Odd man out ?

The Falcon

186 - Find the Odd man out ?

All for Love: John Milton

187 - Firdausi was the poet of________________?


188 - First sonnet writer in English literature is?

Sir Thomas Wyatt

189 - Following __ model of pretending to defend the October revolution Orwell protests at the corruption of the Communism ideas in the Soviet Union by Stalin.


190 - Four history plays were written by?


191 - Four Quartets is a book of?


192 - Four Quartets was published in which year?


193 - Francis Bacon came of?

Aristocratic family

194 - Fries classifies utterance into?

Both of the above

195 - From 1st January 2007, how many digits contains in ISBN (International Standard Book Number)?


196 - Function which describe language as a form of action is?


197 - General study of characteristics of speech sounds is called?


198 - Geoffrey Chaucer is known much for his?


199 - Geoffrey Chaucer served which king ?

Edward III

200 - George Bernard Shaw confessed to be a disciple of?


201 - George Bernard Shaw is_________________?

a playwright

202 - George Bernard Shaw was influenced by __ as the dramatist plays exactly titled every middle and professional class suburb in Europe.


203 - George Bernard Shaw was influenced by?

Henrik Ibsen

204 - George Eliot is the pen name of?

Mary Ann Evens

205 - George Eliot was a?

Victorian Novelist

206 - George Eliot was one of the leading writers of the?

Victorian Era

207 - George Orwell continues the great ironic tradition of __ and others.

Daniel Defoe

208 - Germanic tribes came to UK in the middle of 5th century?

Both of the above

209 - Grammar translation method stresses on?


210 - Gulliver finds no concept of __ in Yahoos.


211 - Gulliver loved?


212 - Gulliver̢۪s Travels was written by?

Jonathan Swift

213 - Gunter Grass got Nobel Prize in-xviii ?


214 - Hamlet and Oedipus' was written by_______________?

Earnest Jones

215 - Hardy is a__________________?


216 - Hardy's Nature is_____________?


217 - has a super abundant wealth of words and superfluous ornaments_____________?


218 - He died at the age of 26 but not before leaving an impressive body of poems including "To Autumn" and "Ode an Melancholy"?

John Keats

219 - He was not a Renaissance writer________________?

Sir Thomas Malory

220 - Heard Melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter' is a line from_______________?

Ode on a Grecian Urn

221 - Hearing' a colour or 'Seeing' a smell is an example of______________?


222 - Heart of darkness opens in what setting?

A boat on the Thames river

223 - Hellenism of Keats connotes______________?

his love of Greek culture and art

224 - Henry Higgins is a character in________________?


225 - Hero and Hero worship' was written by______________?


226 - Historical events often influence literature. Which of the following did NOT occur during the Restoration period ?

The French Revolution

227 - How long was the pilgrims journey in "The Canterbury Tales"?

60 Miles

228 - How many chapters are in the Quran ?


229 - How many characters are mentioned in Chaucer Prologue?


230 - Human beings can talk about their present, past and future. This property of language is called?


231 - Hundreds year war was between?

England and France

232 - Huxley pessimism about large scale social organization was depended by the?

Outbreak of Second World War

233 - HYMN TO ADVERSITY is a poem by_______________?

Thomas gray

234 - Hyperion is a/an poem_________________?


235 - I count religion but a childish toy' is a line from Marlowe's play______________?

The Jew of Malta

236 - I wandered Lonely as a cloud' is an example of______________?


237 - Identify name of book written Thomas Hardy?

The Return of the Native

238 - Identify the correct sequence of phonetic laws?

Verner, Grim, Grassman

239 - Identify the name of modern philosopher who awarded noble prize for literature?

Bertrand Russel

240 - Identify the odd one from the following.


241 - Identify which among the following is not a woman writer?

Robert Browning

242 - Identify writers which are literary collaborators?

Shelley and Keats

243 - Importance of Being Earnest was written by?

Oscar Wilde

244 - In "The Canterbury Tales" where did the pilgrims meet up before their journey?

Tabard Inn

245 - In "The Gift of the Magi" Della is presented as_____________?

a sacrificing wife

246 - In 1905, VirginiaWoolf began to write for which publication ?

The Time's Literary Supplement

247 - In a defence of Poesy what did Sydney attribute to poetry?

A realistic power that can not be made to seem like more illusion and trickery.

248 - In ‘The Waste Land’ madam Sosostris was a?

Fortune Teller

249 - In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry what is the fate of those who fail to observe the sacred duty of blood vengeance?

Everlasting shame

250 - In Dickens Tale of Two Cities who promises Lucie Manette that he would if necessary die for her?

Sydney Carton

251 - In Gulliver Travels swift paints a dark picture of?

Political Institutions and Manners

252 - In his childhood Russell was interested in?


253 - In his poetry Tennyson is_______________?

The representative poet of Victorian Age

254 - In Lilliput Gulliver finds?

Political intrigues

255 - In Memoriam by Tennyson is?

An Elegy

256 - In Memoriam by Tennyson is________________?

an elegy

257 - In Memoriam is _______________?

an elegy

258 - In merchant of venice __ emerges before us as a philosopher.


259 - In Poem Daffodils 'Sprightly Dance' means________________?

lively dance

260 - In Shakespeare "Character is not Destiny" but "character and Destiny". Whose comment is this ?


261 - In Shakespeare tragedy, the hero is________________?

a high ranking man

262 - In Shakespeare's Tragedies Character is not Destiny but there is Character and Destiny is a remark by________________?


263 - In Swift writings irony is focused into?


264 - In the novel Pride and Prejudice the Bennet family lives in the village of?


265 - In the Rime of Ancient Mariner two figures on the ship cast dice for the Ancient Manner and the ship __ wins the Mariner.

Life in Death

266 - In the War of Roses what does roses stands for?


267 - In what language did Shakespeare write ?

Modern English

268 - In which age is 'The Puritan Period' included ?

The Renaissance

269 - In which city the play of Shakespeare 'Romeo and Juliet' is set in_________________?


270 - In which novel does Virginia Wolf portray the characters of Mr. and Mrs Ramasay?

The Light House

271 - In which novel of his Lawrence dealt with the psychological phenomenon known as "Oedipus Complex"?

Sons and Lovers

272 - In which of the following Genres did Victorian Literature achieve its greatest success_______________?

The Novel

273 - Intense emotion coupled with an intense display of imagery are characteristics of age______________?


274 - James Joyce's famous novel_____________?


275 - James Joyce's narrative technique is known as______________?

stream of consciousness

276 - James Joyce's narrative technique is known as______________________?

stream of consciousness

277 - Jane Austen is the writer of__________________?


278 - Jane Austen subject matter for her novel is?

Human Nature

279 - Jane Austen wrote during this period________________?


280 - Jane Austen's other writings are______________?

All of these

281 - Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about____________?

2000 years ago

282 - Justice delayed is justice denied was stated by______________?


283 - Keates poetry is best known for his?

Vivid imagery and great sensuous appeal

284 - Keats died of?


285 - Keats was of the opinion that some certainties were best left open to imagination and that the element of doubt and ambiguity added __ and specially to a concept.


286 - Keats' widespread appeal is to the Reader's interest in the supernatural ?


287 - Keats wrote his six great odes __ .

Between 1816 to 1819

288 - Lady Catherine De Bourgh is Darcy̢۪s __.


289 - Language is a source of developing theme. This function of language is referred to?

Heuristic Function

290 - Language is most accurately defined as a system of that allow for communication with others?


291 - Language might be started by the imitation of sounds which early men and women heard around them. This describes?


292 - Lapis Lazuli' is __________________?

A Poem

293 - Linda in Ibsen̢۪s A Doll̢۪s House provides a sub-plot by her relations with Krogstad and she serves a foil and model to __ who recognizes through her that a woman is entitled to her own judgement and independent thought.


294 - Linde in Ibsen̢۪s A Doll̢۪s House provides a subplot by her relation with Krogstad and she serves as a foil and model to __ who recognize through her that a woman is entitled to her own judgement and independent thought.


295 - Linguistic term that deals with how situational context influence the production of meaning?


296 - Linguistics is the combination of __ words.


297 - Linguistics which investigates how the people speak and use language in a given speech community at a given time is called?

Synchronic linguistic

298 - Listening and speaking are said to be?

Both A & B

299 - Literary divisions are not always exact, but we draw them because they are often convenient. The majority of English literary periods are named after_______________?

Monarchs or political events

300 - Little change in the sound can change the meaning describes which property of human language?


301 - Lord Byron was born in________________?


302 - Love affair was the chief __ of the ladies of upper class in 18th century.


303 - Love and Friendship' is written by___________________?

Jane Austen

304 - Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a?

Roman philosopher

305 - Lucy Gray' is a poem written by_______________?


306 - Lycidas' is written by_____________?

John Milton

307 - Lyrical Ballads is a collection of?


308 - Macbeth and Oedipus' is by_________________?

W. H. Auden

309 - Macbeth is a_____________?


310 - Machiavelli was __ philosopher.


311 - Maggie is the central character in George Eliot's________________?

The Mill on the Floss

312 - Marlowe̢۪s primitive tragedy was?


313 - Mastropieri And Turkewitz (1999) identified that newborn could differentiate between what?

Between speech patterns

314 - Maya is the central character in Anita Desai̢۪s novel?

Cry the Peacock

315 - Milton was?

A Belated Elizabethan Poet

316 - Modern age is an age of______________?

Conflicts and Controversies

317 - Most basic building block of language is?


318 - Most important feature of a romantic poetry is?


319 - Murder in the Cathedral' is a play written by___________?

T.S. Eliot

320 - Name of the poet who belongs to the Victorian age but is modern in matters of technique?


321 - Narcissism means?

Interest in oneself

322 - Negative Capability to Keats, means_______________?

To empathize

323 - Neologism means?

A new meaning of a word

324 - Newly released book in 2020 "The Pandemic Century" is written by?

Mark Honigsbaum

325 - Normal phonological deviations that children make when producing sounds and words are referred to as?

Phonological processes

326 - Northumbrian, Mercian, Kentish and West Saxon were the four main dialects of English in?

The old English period

327 - not of an age, but for all time-was told about Shakespeare by whom ?

Ben Johnson

328 - Nothing is beneath science nor above science according to?


329 - Nothing is beneath science nor above science according to?


330 - Novel which is not written by D.H Lawrence ?


331 - Number of sounds in English language?


332 - O Captain! My Captain!' is a poem written by______________?

Walt Whitman

333 - Ode on a Grecian Urn' Who is the poet of the poem ?


334 - Ode to Autumn' was written by__________________?


335 - Of Human Bondage was written by?

William Somerset Maugham

336 - Oldest period of English literature?

Anglo Saxon

337 - On Heroes and Hero…worship is written by________________?


338 - On Liberty is a treatise by?

John Stuart Mill

339 - On liberty was written by_______________?


340 - On linguistic map a line indicating the degree of linguistic change is called?


341 - On which novel, the Sherlock Holmes character was first appeared_________________?

A Study in Scarlet

342 - One of the following poems was not written by Caedmon?

The Christ

343 - One of the following was a Romantic poet______________?

P.B. Shelley

344 - One of these men did NOT write during the Restoration period. Who ?

Sir Walter Scott

345 - One remarkable feature of Shakespearean tragedy comedy is that it contains continental and __ background.


346 - Only a __ person could be __ to the suffering of a starving child.

Callous, Oblivious

347 - Only a small portion of medieval books survive large numbers having been destroyed in?

The Dissolution of Monasteries in the 1530s

348 - Ophelia, Julia, Viola, Imogen are the characters created by?


349 - Original title of Pride and Prejudice was?

First impressions

350 - Othello killed Desdemona out of?


351 - Paradise Lost' and 'Paradise Regained' are written by________________?

John Milton

352 - Paradise lost attempted to?

Justify the ways of God to men

353 - Paradise lost is written in?

Blank verse

354 - Paradise Lost' was written by________________?


355 - Paradise Lost' was written by__________________?

John Milton

356 - Paradise lost was written to be a justification of __ resting on the theological system as definite at almost as carefully articulated in the De Doctrine Christiania as Dante had accepted from the Summa of Aquinas.

The Ways of God to man

357 - Parody is a form of?


358 - Paul David and Pip are the three notable descriptions of sensitive, Nervous childhood in the works of?


359 - Pauline was written by?


360 - Peom "The fates of the Apostles" has been written by?


361 - Persona is?

The actor in a play

362 - Philosophically Shelley was a follower of __ holding the world of appearances less real than the world of underlying forms and ideas.


363 - Phonemes, phone, allophone are the concepts of?


364 - Picture of Dorian Gray ' was written by__________________?

Oscar Wild

365 - Poem the Christ is written by?


366 - Poet Alexander Pope's famous work_________________?

The Rape of Lock

367 - Poetry is defined as 'Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling' by___________?


368 - Poetry is not like reasoning, a power to be exerted according to the determination of will, is a statement by______________?


369 - Poetry takes its origin from emotions recollected in?


370 - Portia is the heroine of the play?

The Merchant of Venice

371 - Post Colonial Literature addresses?

The new cultural identity of the colonies

372 - Postcolonial literature addresses?

The new cultural identities of the colonies

373 - Pragmatics is a subfield of __ and __ that studies how context contributes to meaning.

Both B and C

374 - Preface to Shakespeare is written by?

Dr Samuel Johnson

375 - Pride and prejudice is categorized as a __ novel.


376 - Primary grammatical level at which the sentences are formed is?

Deep structure

377 - Production of speech is controlled mainly by forward proportions of the brain in an area traditionally known as?

Broca̢۪s area

378 - Prometheus Unbound' is a lyrical drama by__________________?


379 - Publications of lyrical Ballads in 1798 is considered the beginning of __ in English literature.


380 - Queen Elizabeth I was succeeded to throne by her cousin named?

James Stuart

381 - R.L. Stevenson is popular for?

Adventure Fiction

382 - Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.- Who told it ?


383 - Real name of Goerge Orwell?

Eric Arthur

384 - Reformation began during the reign of?

Henry VIII

385 - Relation which exists between words which have the same form but unrelated senses is known to be?


386 - Renaissance is also known as?

The Age of Shakespeare

387 - Renaissance means?

The revival of learning

388 - Renaissance' means___________________?

the revival of learning

389 - Renaissance poets aimed at the study of?

Roman and Greek Writers

390 - Renaissance started from?


391 - Repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as?


392 - Repetition of sounds in a sequence of words is called?


393 - Restoration period was known as the age of?


394 - Robert Frost poem "The Road not Taken" is a poem with the idea of?


395 - Romantic age began with the publication of?

Lyrical Ballads

396 - Romantic movement had its antecedents in?

The 15th Century Ballad

397 - Romantic period begins with the __ Revolution in 1789.


398 - Romanticism is mainly connected with______________?

excitement and sensation

399 - Ruskin began __ as a defence of contemporary landscape artists especially Turner.

Modern Painters

400 - Russel divides his book The Conquest of Happiness into __ halves.


401 - Sarojini Naidu is chiefly a __ poet.


402 - Sarojini Naidu̢۪s poem the Queen̢۪s Rival is based on a __ legend.


403 - SARTOR RESARTUS' is a prose work by________________?


404 - Satanic Verses' is written by__________________?

Salman Rushdie

405 - Scientific study of language is called?


406 - Second period of Elizabethan drama was dominated by?


407 - Sejanus is a satirical tragedy by?

Ben Johnson

408 - Separate sections in a blank verse poem are called?


409 - Set of all possible grammatical sentences in the language is?

All of the above

410 - Shakespeare acted in one __ plays.

Ben Johnson̢۪s

411 - Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?

Lambic Pentameter

412 - Shakespeare sonnets are in the form of?

Three Quatrains and Couplet

413 - Shakespeare was born in_______________?


414 - Shakespeare wrote?

Romantic comedies

415 - Shakespeare̢۪s heroines have __ characteristics.


416 - Shakespeare̢۪s most formidable rival as a comedy writer was __ .

Ben Jonson

417 - Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' was published in________________?


418 - Shaw died at the age of_______________?


419 - Shaw's 'Man and Superman' is an example of___________?

Comedy of Ideas

420 - Shelley poetry deals with?


421 - Shirley, Jane Eyre, Villete were written by_______________?


422 - Simile is the direct comparison between two________________?

similar things

423 - Simon is a character in one of __ novels.


424 - Simulation of language by the use of computers is said to be?

Computational linguistics

425 - Sir Aurobindo was an __ philosopher.


426 - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a representative poem of __ age.


427 - Sklarier was influential in defining radical?


428 - Smallest parts of expression associated with some meaning are called?


429 - Some of __ candid novels were banned in England and America.

D.H. Lawrence

430 - Someone with a vocabulary of only 200 words can still combine the words in different ways to say thousands different things. This aspect of language is referred to as?

Infinite generativity

431 - Songs of innocence and experience is written by?

William Blake

432 - Sounds produced with the obstruction of air in the mouth are called?


433 - Sounds usually associated with letters such as f, v, z, s in which air passes through narrow constriction that cause the air to flow turbulently and thus create a noisy sound is?


434 - Speaker learn how to participate in conversation. Conversational exchanges can be viewed as __ .


435 - Spirits in the Rape of the Lock are called?

Supernatural machinery

436 - Status of linguistic form in a language which conforms to the rules of that language is termed as?


437 - Story "Gift of the Magi" was written by?

O. Henry

438 - Study of human speech sounds is?


439 - Study of language in social Interaction is?


440 - Study of meaning is?


441 - Study of sentence construction is called?


442 - Study of social production of meaning from sign systems is termed as?


443 - Study of society in relation to language is?

Both A & B

444 - Study of structures in human brain that underline grammar and communication is known as?


445 - Sweet are the uses of adversity' was stated by__________________?


446 - Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes were?

Husband and Wife

447 - Sylvia Plath was the wife of?

Ted Hughes

448 - Synaesthesia means?

Unification of senses

449 - Synecdoche refers to the term_____________?

a thing stands for whole thing

450 - T. Hardy is______________?

A fatalist

451 - T. Hardy is_______________?

A fatalist

452 - T.S Eliot was born in which year?


453 - T.S. Eliot The Waste Land is dedicated to?

Ezra Pound

454 - T.S. Eliot was a __ poet.


455 - Tales from Shakespeare is written by________________?


456 - Tennyson talks about the equality of women in?

The Princess

457 - Tennyson was_____________?

a Victorian

458 - Tennyson wrote____________?

The Lotus Eaters

459 - Term used for the non-linguistic aspects of speaking is?


460 - The abstract theory of utilitarianism is the theme of novel?

Hard Times

461 - The Age of Chaucer' ranges from_______________?


462 - The age tended to favour the taste and search for truth in art______________?


463 - The Alchemist' is written by_______________?

Ben Johnson

464 - The Auden group was a group of?

British and Irish Writers

465 - The author of To a Skylark is?

P.B. Shelley

466 - The beginning of the renaissance may be traced to the city____________?


467 - The Bronte sisters wrote during this period______________?


468 - The Cardinal virtues of the Houyhnhnms are__________________?

Friendship and benevolence

469 - The central idea of 'Ozymandias' is that______________?

all things, both great and small,will perish

470 - The Central Idea of the song "Go and Catch a falling star" by Donne focuses on?

Women Faithlessness

471 - The character of Little Neil is a creation of______________?


472 - The characteristics of the speech of an individual which refers to a geographical or social group is?


473 - The collective name given to pre Shakespearean playwrights like Marlowe, Peele and Greene is?

University wits

474 - The Crown of Wild Olive, is written by__________________?


475 - The earliest play written by Shakespeare according to Oxford Shakespeare 1988 is______________?

Titus Andronicus

476 - The eminent technique used by Virgina Woolf in "To the Lighthouse" is?

Stream of consciousness

477 - The energy vision and music of the most exciting English lyric poets Shelley are exemplified in __ an elegy for John Keats.


478 - The English romantic poet who was most influenced by Spencer is?


479 - The error of evaluating a poem by its emotional effects is known as?

Affective Fallacy

480 - The Essays of Elia was first published in book form in_____________?


481 - The Excursion' was written by________________?

None of these

482 - The Faerie Queene is a __ poem.


483 - The Faerie Queene is a?


484 - The Faerie Queene is written by?

Edmund Spenser

485 - The first eight lines of a sonnet is called?


486 - The first Englishwoman to earn her living as a playwright was______________?

Aphra Behn

487 - The glass Menagerie is a play by?

Tennessee Williams

488 - The Golden Breath is a __ by Mulk Raj Anand.

Work of Literary Criticism

489 - The Holy sonnets also known as the?

Both B & C

490 - The jaw of malta is the great masterplace tragedy written by Christopher Marlowe. The theme of this play is?

Lust for knowledge

491 - The kind Claudius was killed by________________?


492 - The last known poem of the Anglo-Saxon period "The Battle of Maldon" was written in?

991 AD

493 - The Lay of the Last Minstrel' is written by_______________?

Walter Scott

494 - The legend of ‘Hobygrail’ provides the framework of __ poem.

The Waste Land

495 - The life span of Bede is?


496 - The line 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty' occurs in which one of Keats' following poems_______________?

Ode to Grecian Urn

497 - The literary figure who had the most pronounced effect on Keats was_______________?


498 - The literary work 'Kubla khan' is_______________?

a verse by Coleridge

499 - The literary work of 'Kubla Khan' is_________________?

a verse by Coleridge

500 - The literature of __ saw the steady emergence of novel which provided real literature for children either for their instruction or entertainment. Thus the child become either the central subject and or object of a many of writings.

Romantic Age

501 - The Lotus…Eaters' was written by________________?


502 - The masterpiece poem composed by T.S. Eliot is?

The Waste Land

503 - The Medal' by John Dryden is a/an________________?


504 - The 'Merchant of Venice' Written by Shakespeare is________________?

a drama

505 - The Metahphysical Poets is a critical treatise by?

T.S. Eliot

506 - The metaphysical poets is a critical essay by?

T.S. Eliot

507 - The Metaphysical Poets' is a critical essay by________________?

T. S. Eliot

508 - The military censors __ any passages in the letters that they thought might __ security.

Expunge, Jeopardize

509 - The monster Grendel appears in the poem?


510 - The most popular French playwright, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, is known as______________?


511 - The name technique employed by James Joyce in his novels is?

Stream of consciousness

512 - The Novel of Lawrence banned by the government was_________________?

Lady Chatterley's Lover

513 - The novel 'Talisman' is written by_______________?

Sir Walter Scott

514 - The novel 'The Jungle Book' is written by_______________?

Rudyard Kipling

515 - The period between 1660 to 1750 is known as___________________?

The Restoration

516 - The period of English literature from 1660to the end of the century is called_____________?

Restoration Period

517 - The period of maturation, intellectual growth and social graces during the Renaissance is called the____________?


518 - The pilgrims are going to visit the tomb?

Saint John

519 - The poem "Wind" is written by________________?

Ted Hughes

520 - The poem I could not stop for death was written by?

Emily Dickenson

521 - The poem I could not stop for death was written by?

Emily Dickenson

522 - The poem 'The Patriot' is written by_______________?

Robert Browning

523 - The poem Ulysses was composed in the form of dramatic monologue by?


524 - The 'Poet Laureate' is______________?

the Court Port England

525 - The Poet Laureate is_________________?

the court poet of England

526 - The poet of 'Romantic Age' is_______________?

John Keats

527 - The prevailing feature of Chaucer's humour is its__________________?


528 - The Professor was the first novel by________________?

Charlotte Bronte

529 - The prose of the Romantic period had a tendency to_______________?

Objectify the issue in terms of a cause

530 - The quality of Mercy is not strained' the line is taken from________________?

Merchant of Venice

531 - The Rainbow' is a novel written by______________?

D.H. Lawrence

532 - The Rape of the Lock is a_______________?


533 - The Revolt of Islam' was written by________________?


534 - The Road not taken by Frost was published in his poetic collection?

Mountain Interval

535 - The Romantic Age began with publication of_______________?

Lyrical Ballads

536 - The scene of action in the book first of "The Paradise Lost" takes place in?


537 - The school of thought which primarily focus on the grammatical side of language is?


538 - The shepherd in "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" is_________________?


539 - The Solitary Reaper is a?


540 - The Solitary Reaper is written by?

William Wordsworth

541 - The sonnet on __ records a moment of visions in which Wordsworth for once is able to achieve satisfactory ordering of the complexities of the city.

I travelled among unknown men

542 - The statue of 'Ozymandias' is______________?

in a desert

543 - The story of the Torojan war a bloody conflict is immortalized in "iliad" by?


544 - The study of the hearing and the perception of speech sounds is called?

Auditory Phonetics

545 - The study of which words occur together and their frequency of co-occurrence?


546 - The table __ denotes a form of group of words with a subject and predicate.


547 - The Tale of Two Cities is a?


548 - The term widely used by sociolinguistic refers to a community based on a language is?

Speech community

549 - The title of Sir Phillip Sidney̢۪s pastoral romance in prose is?


550 - The tragic comedy of shakespeare are also called?

The Reconciliation Plays

551 - The treatise 'On Liberty' was written by_____________?


552 - The University Wits were_______________?


553 - The wisest, the brightest and the meanest is said of?


554 - The woman character Delilah appears in?

Samson Agonistes

555 - The word language consists of two __ words.


556 - The word novel derived from the __ word.


557 - The word semantics means?

To study meaning

558 - Theatre of Absurd was inspired by which philosophical movement?


559 - There is a no connection between linguistic forma and its meaning describes?


560 - This work was NOT originally published in the 20th Century ?

Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"

561 - This work was written before the other three choices ?

Bede's "An Ecclesiastical History of the English People"

562 - Thomas Gray Poem ‘The Bard’ and ‘The Progress of Poesy’ belong to the category of?

Pindanic Ode

563 - Thomas Hardy was brought up to the profession of_____________?


564 - Thomas Moore Utopia was originally written in?


565 - Thomas Rhymer was a?


566 - Thought Fox is a?

Animal Poem

567 - To be, or not to be, that is the question- Where do you find this quotation ?


568 - To which language group does english belong?


569 - To which off does William Shakespeare belongs as a dramatist?

Elizabethan age

570 - To whom goes the credit of being the first writer of picaresque novel in English?


571 - Tom Jones' by Henry Fielding was first published in______________?

the first half of 18th century

572 - Total number of novels written by William Shakespeare?


573 - Total number of sonnets written by Shakespeare______________?


574 - Tradition and Individual Talent is a critical essay by_______________?

T. S. Eliot

575 - Tragical history of Dr Faustus opens with?


576 - Uncle Tom̢۪s Cabin is written by?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

577 - Undo this Button is a line from Shakespeare's________________?

King Lear

578 - Utopia is an ideal state written by_______________?

Thomas More

579 - Vanity Fair' is a novel by_______________?


580 - Vers libre is called as?

Free verse

581 - Volcanic rock very often looks shiny because it has been?


582 - We find Subjective Elements in ?


583 - We study language varieties in?

Socio Linguistics

584 - Well known medern poet Elizabeth Sewell was born in?


585 - What characterizes a ‘metaphysical conceit’ a strategy characteristics of John Donne’s poetry?

The linking of images from very different ranges of experiences

586 - What did Robert Frost's father do ?


587 - What do you mean by Archaism ?

obsolete words

588 - What do you mean by Beast Fable ?

a fictional story of animal characters

589 - What do you mean by Burlesque ?

a satiric caricature of the characters

590 - What do you mean by Diction ?

choice of words for writing

591 - What do you mean by Heroic Couplet ?

a pair of rhyming iambic pentameter

592 - What do you mean by Hyperbole ?

an overstatement about something

593 - What do you mean by Phonetics ?

study of speech sounds

594 - What do you mean by Quatrain ?

a stanza of four lines

595 - What do you mean by Stanza ?

a subdivision of a poem

596 - What do you understand by the term Intifada?


597 - What grammatical element is contained in the line "to be or not to be"?

Infinitive phrase

598 - What is a funny poem of five lines called?


599 - What is a plot ?

arrangement of the incidents

600 - What is a title to Milton̢۪s blank verse epic that is written in and critiques the epic tradition?

Paradise lost

601 - What is an Effigy ?

an image or dummy

602 - What is an Epic ?

a long narrative poem

603 - What is anthology ?

collection of poems

604 - What is defined as "the study of sentence structure"?


605 - What is Epistolary Novel ?

a novel of correspondence among the characters

606 - What is Lemma?

A type of phoneme

607 - What is meant by Etymology?

The study of the origins of the words and how they have changed over time.

608 - What is 'Parable' ?

an allegorical story usually containing a moral lesson

609 - What is Pastiche?

Selection of verities of work

610 - What is Quinzaine ?

a fifteen line stanza

611 - What is Robert Frost famous Journal ?

The Atlantic Monthly

612 - What is the feature of Romantic poetry ?


613 - What is the lexical relationship between freedom and liberty?


614 - What is the meaning of word Syntax?


615 - What is the name of English poet who was addicted to Opium?

S.T. Coleridge

616 - What is the name of first novel in the history of english literature?

Don Quixote

617 - What is the name of Pre-romantic age in poetry?

Augustan Age

618 - What is the name of William Shakespeare longest play?


619 - What is the name of Wordsworth's long poem ?

The Prelude

620 - What is the term Utopia ?

an ideal state which does not exist in real

621 - What is the time period from 1300-1650 in Europe called?

The Renaissance

622 - What is the word for a "play on words"?


623 - What is threnody?

Song sung at death

624 - What poets collaborated on the Lyrical Ballads of 1798?

William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

625 - What purpose does Milton state for writing Paradise Lost?

To justify the ways of God to man

626 - What the term Blank Verse refers_____________?

having no rhyming end

627 - What the term Elegy refers ?

a song of lamentation

628 - What the term Renaissance refers ?

revival or rebirth

629 - What was Shelley earliest work?


630 - What was the first fruit of Renaissance?

Tottel̢۪s Miscellany

631 - What was the nationality of OscarWilde ?


632 - What was the subtitle of the play Gorboduce?

Forrex and Porrex

633 - What were Kurtz last words in Heart of Darkness?

Exterminate all the brutes!

634 - When a pidgin becomes a lingua-franca it is called a?


635 - When Alfred Lord Tennyson was born ?


636 - Where does Lavinia follow her mother to spy on her?

Both New York and Boston

637 - Where in Canterbury was the final destination for the pilgrims in " The Canterbury Tales"?

The shrine of Thomas Becket

638 - Where T.S Eliot was born?


639 - Where youth grows pake and sceptre thin and dies who is Keats in his Ode to Nightingale referring to?

Fanny Browne

640 - Which age is regarded as the greatest age in the history of English literature?

The Elizabethan Age

641 - Which among the following is not a Shakespearean play?

The Spanish Tragedy

642 - Which among the following is not an allomorph?

Suppletion Allomorph

643 - Which bird was killed in The Rime of the Ancient Manner?


644 - Which book wins the 2013 Man Booker Prize__________________?

The Luminaries

645 - Which Bronte wrote "Wuthering Heights"?


646 - Which dialect became the standard English (King̢۪s english) by the time of Chaucer?

East midland dialect

647 - Which George Orwell book is political beast Fable a satire on the Russian Revolution?

Animal Farm

648 - Which is called the Victorian Age______________?

19th Century

649 - Which is not a poetry form?


650 - Which is refers to a socially or situationally defined style of language?


651 - Which is the representative poem of the Old English Period?


652 - Which is the shortest major era in English Literary history?

Romantic Period

653 - Which literary form developed in the fifteenth century personified vices and virtues?

Morality play

654 - Which metre has Mariowe employed in his play?

Blank verse

655 - Which mode of literary creation is considered to the most complete expression of human thoughts, feeling and emotion?


656 - Which of Spenser works is a collection of sonnets?


657 - Which of the following is a tragicomedy?

Winter̢۪s Tale

658 - Which of the following is common term for the Early Middle Ages?


659 - Which of the following is illustrative of Ruskin's interest in social economy ?

Unto this Last

660 - Which of the following is not a poem by John Keats?

Desert Places

661 - Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?

The Occult

662 - Which of the following is not a technique of comedy?

Plot complications

663 - Which of the following is not a tragedy written by Shakespeare ?

Merchant of Venice

664 - Which of the following is written by P. B. Shelly ?

To a skylark

665 - Which of the following literary sub periods does NOT fall under the Neoclassical Period ?

Jacobean Age

666 - Which of the following novelist known for his Satire in the Victorian literature?


667 - Which of the following of Byron is autobiographical?

Child Harold̢۪s Pilgrimage

668 - Which of the following periods of English literature came last ?

The Commonwealth Period

669 - Which of the following plays has an epilogue?

Devil̢۪s Disciple

670 - Which of the following poets wrote during the Victorian period but was not published until the 20th century ?

Gerard Manley Hopkins

671 - Which of the following school of literary writings is connected with a medical theory?

Comedy of Humors

672 - Which of the following was a group that tried to spread Catholic teaching after the Reformation?

The Jesuits

673 - Which of the following work is not of Milton?

The Jew of Malta

674 - Which of the following works is by Coleridge?

Biographia Literaria

675 - Which of the following works was written before the all-important Battle of Hastings?


676 - Which of the following would a Romantic Poet be most likely to use ?

An "airy fairy"

677 - Which of the following writers is not a poet of Romantic Period?

William Blake

678 - Which of the following writers would be an appropriate subject for a class on "The Literature of the British Empire" ?

Any of these

679 - Which of the following wrote plays that are all tragedies?


680 - Which of these is the "Magnum Opus of Chaucer"?

Canterbury Tales

681 - which of these novels is not by Virginia Woolf?


682 - Which of these terms refer to the study of speech process?


683 - Which on of the following is first long poem in English ?


684 - Which one is not a science fiction writer_________________?

Victor Hugo

685 - Which one is not by Shakespeare ?

Knowledge is power.

686 - Which one is the world's longest running play______________?

The Mousetrap

687 - Which one of the following is a comedy ?

All's Well that Ends Well

688 - Which one of the following poets was appointed Poet Laureate in the year 1813 ?


689 - Which one of the following writers is not woman ?

Robert Browning

690 - Which period is known as Dark Ages?

Age of Barren

691 - Which period of literature came first ?


692 - Which poem of Coleridge is an Opium Dream?

Kubla Khan

693 - Which poem of Tennyson was particularly like by Queen Victoria ?

In Memoriam

694 - Which poet did NOT write during the 16th century ?

Thomas Carew

695 - Which poet emphasized on rustic language in Poetry ?

William Wordsworth

696 - Which poetry is written by Sir Walter Scott?


697 - Which romantic poet died in Greece?


698 - Which Russian leader does Napolean most resemble in Orwell animal Farm?


699 - Which three tribes came to England in the middle of the 5th century?


700 - Which tragedy has not been written by William Shakespeare?

The Spanish Tragedy

701 - Which University presented the Pulitzer Prize_______________?

Columbia University

702 - Which Victorian poet called the Psychologist?


703 - Which was the oldest period in English literature ?


704 - Which work of William Wordsworth considered as his greatest autobiographical epic?

The Prelude

705 - Which work was completed last ?

John Milton's "Paradise Lost"

706 - Which work was published first ?

Blake's "Songs of Innocence"

707 - Which year Geoffrey Chaucer was born ?

1340 AD

708 - Which year William Shakespeare was born ?

1564 AD

709 - Who after the publication of a poem, awoke and found himself famous ?


710 - Who among the following is not a contemprary of George Eliot?


711 - Who authored Piers Plowman?

William Langland

712 - Who called Dryden the father of English Criticism?

Doctor Johnson

713 - Who explained the relationship of language with thought?

Ferdinand De Sassure

714 - Who founded first English Public School?

Alfred the Great

715 - Who got the title of national poet?

Robert Southey

716 - Who have written the book 'The Godfather'

Mario Puzo

717 - Who introduce dramatic monologue?

Robert Browning

718 - Who is an American author ?

All 4

719 - Who is called poet of Nine-o-Clock in the morning?

Robert Bridges

720 - Who is called the Bird of Avon ?

William Shakespeare

721 - Who is called the Father of English Learning?


722 - Who is called the father of English Poetry ?

G. Chaucer

723 - Who is called the 'Mock heroic poet' ?

Alexander Pope

724 - Who is considered the pioneer of metaphysical poetry?

John Donne

725 - Who is considered to be the father of English novel ?

Henry Fielding

726 - Who is considered to be the pioneer of stream of consciousness technique in modern fiction?

Virginia Wolf

727 - Who is contemporary of William Shakespeare ?

Christopher Marlowe

728 - Who is credited with the distinction of locutionary, illocutionary perlocutionary speech acts?

Michel Halliday

729 - Who is famous for representing London in his novels ?


730 - Who is known as "Father of English Novel"?

Henry Fielding

731 - Who is known as "The True Child of the Renaissance"?


732 - Who is known as an anti-romantic novelist in the Romantic Age ?

Jane Austen

733 - Who is known as Anglo-Saxon milton?


734 - Who is known as the "Rebel Poet of English Literature"?

Lord Byron

735 - Who is known as the Anglo-Saxon Milton?


736 - Who Is known as the Father of English Poetry_______________?

Geoffrey Chaucer

737 - Who is known as the father of Prose?

Francis Bacon

738 - Who is known as the national poet of England_________________?

William Shakespeare

739 - Who is the author of "Around the World in Eighty Days" ?

Jules Verne

740 - Who is the author of "The Origin of Species" ?

Charles Darwin

741 - Who is the author of 'A Brief History of Time' ?

Stephen Hawking

742 - Who is the author of 'Animal Farm' ?

George Orwell

743 - Who is the author of Book "Nineteen Eighty Four"?

George Orwell

744 - Who is the author of famous tragedy "The Spanish Tragedy"?

Thomas Kyd

745 - Who is the author of 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' ?

Ernest Hemingway

746 - Who is the author of Hamlet?

William Shakespeare

747 - Who is the author of Heart of Darkness?

Joseph Conard

748 - Who is the author of 'Heaven and Earth' ?

Lord Byron

749 - Who is the author of 'India Wins Freedom' ?

Abul Kalam Azad

750 - Who is the author of 'Man and Superman' ?

George Bernard Shaw

751 - Who is the author of Pride and Prejudice?

Jane Austin

752 - Who is the author of 'Sherlock Holmes' ?

Sir Arthur Canon Doyle

753 - Who is the author of the book "Language instinct: How the mind creates language"?

Leo Van Lier

754 - Who is the author of the book 'Around the World in Eighty Days' ?

Jules Verne

755 - Who is the author of the famous book 'The Judgment' is_______________?

Kuldip Nayer

756 - Who is the author of the novel Hard Times?

Charles Dickens

757 - Who is the author of the novel 'The Golden Age' ?

Tahmima Anam

758 - Who is the author of 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' ?

S. T. Coleridge

759 - Who is the creator of the character named Sherlock Holmes?

Arthur Canon Doyle

760 - Who is the creator of the character named Sherlock Holmes?

Arthur Canon Doyle

761 - Who is the father of English Literature ?

Geoffrey Chaucer

762 - Who is the father of linguistics?


763 - Who is the first great modernist of English Literature ?


764 - Who is the first modern novelist ?

Samuel Richardson

765 - Who is the hero of Paradise Regained_______________?


766 - Who is the heroine in Shakespeare Temple?


767 - Who is the representative of the metaphysical poets ?

John Donne

768 - Who is the writer of 'Comedy of Errors' ?

William Shakespeare

769 - Who is the writer of 'Harold' ?

Lord Tennyson

770 - Who is the writer of 'Lorna Doone' ?


771 - Who is the writer of The Augustan Period ?

Samuel Richardson

772 - Who is the writer of The Caroline Period ?

Robert Herrick

773 - Who is the writer of 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' ?

Lord Tennyson

774 - Who is the writer of the poem 'A Grammarian's Funeral' ?

Robert Browning

775 - Who is the writer of the poem 'Andrea Del Sarto' ?

Robert Browning

776 - Who is the writer of the poem 'Nun Priest's Tale' ?

Geoffrey Chaucer

777 - Who is the writer of The Restoration Period ?

Aphra Ben

778 - Who is the writer of The Restoration Period ?

John Dryden

779 - Who is the writer of 'The Ring of the Book' ?

Robert Browning

780 - Who is the writer of 'The Two Voices' ?

Lord Tennyson

781 - Who is the Writer of The White Tiger ?

Arobinda Adigha

782 - Who is the writer of 'Vision of Sin' ?

Lord Tennyson

783 - Who of the following is a playwright ?

G.B. Shaw

784 - Who of the following was both a poet and painter ?

William Blake

785 - Who propounds "the touchstone method"_______________?


786 - Who said 'Cowards die many times before their death' ?


787 - Who served as an Irish senator for two terms? A___________ Wilde?


788 - Who speaks what language to whom and when, this idea is given by?

Fishman, 1965

789 - Who was a friend of John Milton ?

Andrew Marvell

790 - Who was a statesman but awarded nobel prize in Literature?

Winston Churchill

791 - Who was American poet ?

Robert Frost

792 - Who was awarded noble prize in literature in 1948 for his outstanding pioneer contribution to present day poetry?

T.S. Eliot

793 - Who was Beowulf?

A warrior

794 - Who was more under the influence of Godwin's philosophy of life ?


795 - Who was the composer of the poem Andrea Del Sarto?

Robert Browning

796 - Who was the leading figure of Christian Humanism?


797 - Who were the original speakers of English?

The Angles Saxon and Jutes

798 - Who write the story "Story Teller" ?


799 - Who wrote "Measure for Measure"?

William Shakespeare

800 - Who wrote "Milton thou shouldst be living at this hour"?


801 - Who wrote "Piers Plowman"?

William Langland

802 - Who wrote "Shakespeare's Later Comedies' ?

Palmer D.J.

803 - Who wrote "Silent Woman"?

Ben Jonson

804 - Who wrote about the Idyllic "Isle of Innisfree"?

William Butler Yeats

805 - Who wrote 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty' ?

John Keats

806 - Who wrote children classic "Swiss Family Robinson"?

Johann David Wyss

807 - Who wrote 'Crime and Punishment' ?


808 - Who wrote Daffodils?

None of the above

809 - Who wrote Fairy Queen?


810 - Who wrote famous poem My Heart Leaps Up?

William Wordsworth

811 - Who wrote first ?

Howard, Earl of Surrey

812 - Who wrote 'Hard Times' and 'A tale of two Cities' ?

Charles Dickens

813 - Who wrote 'Kubla Khan' ?


814 - Who wrote Lyrical Ballads?

Both A & B

815 - Who wrote Paradise Lost?

John Milton

816 - Who wrote songs of experience?


817 - Who wrote Tales from Shakespeare?

Both A & B

818 - Who wrote the "The Gathering Storm"?

Winston Churchill

819 - Who wrote the book 'Ivan Hoe' ?

Sir Walter Scott

820 - Who wrote the book 'Lord Jim: A Tale ?

Joseph Conrad

821 - Who wrote the early 16th century prose work "Utopia"?

Sir Thomas More

822 - Who wrote the fantasy novel 'The Lord of the Rings' ?

J. R. R. Tolkien

823 - Who wrote the play Devil̢۪s Disciple?

George Bernard Shaw

824 - Who wrote the poem "Requiem" ?

Robert Louis Stevenson

825 - Who wrote the poem ‘The Winding Stair’?

W.B. Yeats

826 - Who wrote the poem 'Solitary Reaper' ?

William Wordsworth

827 - Who wrote the poem The Christ?


828 - Who wrote the poem 'The Seven Ages' ?

William Shakespeare

829 - Who wrote the poems, "On death" and "Women, wine and snuff?"


830 - Who wrote 'The Spanish Tragedy' ?

Thomas Kyd

831 - Who wrote the The Grapes of Wrath?

John Steinbeck

832 - Who wrote Thought Fox?

Ted Hughes

833 - Whom does satan discover the next angel in rank?


834 - Whose real name was Mary Anne Evans ?

George Eliot

835 - Whose work is called "Mock Utopia"?


836 - Widshit poem is about?

Personal account of the Minster̢۪s life

837 - William Blake's /Songs of 'counterbalance his 'Songs of Experience' ?


838 - William Butler Yeats was born in?


839 - William Hazlitt̢۪s is best known as?

Literary Critic

840 - William Hazlitt̢۪s was belongs to?


841 - William Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?

Lambic Pentameter

842 - William Shakespeare is known for his?


843 - William Wordsworth was inspired by?

The French Revolution

844 - Word "Renaissance" comes from which language?


845 - Word Novel derived from the word?


846 - Word Syntax belongs to which language?


847 - Wordsworth is a ______________ poet ?


848 - Wordsworth was appointed as poet Laureate in_______________?

1843 b…1844

849 - World of "Lady Shallot" belongs to?

Victorian era

850 - World War I affected the writing of many authors. Which of the following poets would not have been touched by that event ?

Oscar Wilde

851 - Would you tell Sordelo (Browning) as a______________?

Dramatic Lyrics

852 - Written in March' is a poem composed by_______________?

William Wordsworth

853 - Wuthering Heights a representative of English fiction was written by?

Emily Bronte

854 - Wyatt and Surrey in the 16th century imported the __ into the English Language.

Petrarchan Sonnet

855 - Yahoo's according to Gulliver were______________?


856 - Yeats was______________?



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