Gothic Novel in English Literature MCQs

Gothic Novel in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Gothic Novel in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Gothic Novel in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Gothic Novel in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - A MANUSCRIPT was communicated to me during my travels in Italy, which was copied from the archives of the Cenci Palace at Rome, and contains a detailed account of the horrors which ended in the extinction of one of the noblest families of that city during the Pontificate of Clement VIII, in the year 1599. All of the following state why this quotation from Perce Shelley's "The Cenci" represents the Gothic EXCEPT_____________?

The use of real historical resources by Shelley for the foundation of his play

2 - According to Ellen Moers, how does Radcliffe's heroine differ from the typical Gothic woman ?

Emily is a sensible rather than defenseless woman.

3 - According to Radcliffe, what is the difference between terror and horror ?

Horror fails to awaken and expand the soul.

4 - All of the following are associated with Gothic architecture EXCEPT_______________?


5 - All of the following are labyrinthine in "The Mysteries of Udolpho" EXCEPT______________?

Valancourt's character

6 - All of the following are ways Dracula represents the "monstrous Other" EXCEPT_______________?

Dracula as usurper of the British class system

7 - All of the following are ways in which "The Castle of Otranto" reflects the values of Enlightenment England EXCEPT_________________?

The interest in the lessons and values of the Middle Ages for England in the 18th century

8 - All of the following are ways in which "The Mysteries of Udolpho" reflects the values of England the 1790s EXCEPT_____________?

The social and fiscal independence of women

9 - All of the following define the Gothic EXCEPT________________?


10 - All of the following refer to "the uncanny" EXCEPT________________?

A psychoanalytic term that explains terror

11 - Although at least one critic has likened Thornfield to Bridewell, in what way are the two structures different ?

Both are former palaces.

12 - Based on your readings for this course, which of the following best summarizes how most critics interpret the crumbling castle in "The Castle of Otranto" ?

The castle signifies the ruin of feudal medievalism.

13 - For many scholars, what distinguishes terror from horror in the Gothic novel ?

The anticipation of the violation of one's person versus an act of physical violence

14 - For what historical event did the Gothic serve as a metaphor ?

The French Revolution

15 - How did the term "Gothic" become associated with the literary phenomenon known as the Gothic novel ?

The use of the word in the subtitle of Walpole's novel

16 - How do theorists suggest that the Gothic novel resembles queer and camp ?

The body is represented in abnormal ways.

17 - How does Emily show initiative in "The Mysteries of Udolpho" ?

She takes control of her own money.

18 - How does Frankenstein's monster learn about the Garden of Eden ?

He reads Milton's "Paradise Lost."

19 - How does Lewis portray the Catholic confessional in "The Monk"?

As a voyeuristic activity

20 - How does Stoker's "Dracula" challenge contemporary sexual taboos ?

Lucy becomes a sexual predator.

21 - How does the character Dracula unsettle the Victorian patriarchy ?

His sexuality appeals to women.

22 - How does the motif of the wandering Jew figure in "The Monk" ?

It introduces one of several supernatural elements into the plot.

23 - How does the uncanny function in "Frankenstein" ?

The monster's grotesque body is actually made of human parts.

24 - How does the use of Gothic architecture assist the Gothic novelist ?

It engenders confusion for both the novel's protagonist and readers.

25 - How is "Jane Eyre" different from the novels of the first wave of English Gothic novels ?

It is a Bildungsroman.

26 - How is the abbey in "The Monk" NOT Gothic ?

It is a sanctuary for women.

27 - How is the concept of "the new woman" Gothic ?

It represents the "transformation" of the traditional Victorian woman from the private sphere to the public sphere.

28 - How is Thornfield in "Jane Eyre" different from the structures found in the first wave of Gothic novels ?

It is located in England.

29 - In "Dracula" what does the death of Lucy suggest ?

That female sexuality is dangerous and must be destroyed

30 - In "Frankenstein" how do dreams function ?

They prophesy future destruction.

31 - In "Frankenstein" how does Shelley represent science ?

As inherently monstrous

32 - In "Jane Eyre" how does Bertha NOT trouble the patriarchy ?

She is understood to be mad.

33 - In "The Castle of Otranto" what "monstrous Other" does Manfred embody ?

The cursed

34 - In "The Castle of Otranto" which attitude does Walpole express towards primogeniture ?

It is monstrous.

35 - In "The Gothic Sublime" how does Mishra characterize the Gothic novel ?

As a set of literary devices developed in the 18th century but applicable to present day

36 - In "The Gothic Sublime" how does Mishra characterize the labyrinth motif ?

As the reader's inward turn to examine his or her own tangled consciousness

37 - In "The Monk" what event does NO represent the theme of entrapment of women ?

Matilda's dressing as Rosario

38 - In "The Yellow Wallpaper" what does Gilman suggest about madness ?

That it is an artificial patriarchal tool

39 - In what century and in what literary era was the first Gothic novel written ?

18th century; Enlightenment

40 - In what way do the houses in "The Yellow Wallpaper" and "Jane Eyre" differ from each other as Gothic literary structures ?

The state of disrepair when the houses are first encountered by the protagonists

41 - In what way does Gothic-style architecture complement the themes of the Gothic novel ?

The immense scale typical of Gothic structures

42 - In what way does Radcliffe depart from Walpole's earlier tradition ?

She resolves the appearance of supernatural phenomena.

43 - In what way does the Gothic novel of the 18th century differ from the modern English novel that began to emerge in the 17th century and flourished in the 18th century ?

The exploration of cultural taboos

44 - In what way does Thornfield Hall differ from the Castle of Otranto, Udolpho, and the Convent of St. Clare ?

It is the scene of redemption for the Byronic hero.

45 - In what way is "The Monk" a reaction to the French Revolution ?

It condemns the misuse of power.

46 - In what way is Dracula NOT an "Other" figure ?

He is Christian.

47 - In which way does Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" include elements of the uncanny ?

An everyday object causes her terror.

48 - It is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John and myself secure ancestral halls for the summer. How does this opening sentence of Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" NOT immediately suggest the Gothic ?

The first-person narrator

49 - Napoleon's decision to__________________can be understood as representative of the French Revolutionary spirit because this decision served to radically reposition France in contemporary European political affairs ?

Engage in the Napoleonic Wars

50 - The popularity of which Gothic novelist is parodied in Austen's "Northanger Abbey" ?

Ann Radcliffe

51 - The vampire myth is NOT associated with which of the following ?


52 - To whom is the concept of the uncanny attributed ?

Sigmund Freud

53 - What constitutes a "monstrous Other" in "The Yellow Wallpaper" ?


54 - What did the novelists of the first wave of Gothic literature think of religion ?

The Spanish Inquisition and the legend of the wandering Jew confirm the superiority of England.

55 - What do scholars Michael O'Rourke and David Collings argue about "Queer Romanticism" ?

Romantic literary criticism has been stubbornly limited with regard to queer readings.

56 - What does the character Dracula symbolize in the novel ?

Ancient evil

57 - What does the term "angel in the house" signify ?

The idea that women are pure and morally superior to men

58 - What Gothic literary convention did NOT originate with Horace Walpole's "The Castle of Otranto" ?

Psychological terror

59 - What have literary critics read into the vampirism in Stoker's "Dracula" ?

The novel presents the vampire count as a father-figure of great power.

60 - What is a Satanic Hero ?

A hero-villain who defies the laws of God's universe

61 - What is distinctive about Emily's bedchamber at Udolpho ?

It does not lock from the inside.

62 - What is Gothic about the narrative structure of "Frankenstein" ?

The erratic movement of time and place

63 - What is NOT Gothic about the room to which the female protagonist of "The Yellow Wallpaper" is confined ?

It is sunny.

64 - What is Strawberry Hill ?

The inspiration for "The Castle of Otranto"

65 - What is the origin of the vampire myth ?

Ancient civilizations worldwide

66 - What is the original meaning of the word "Gothic" ?

Of or relating to the Germanic tribes that invaded and established kingdoms in Europe in the first millennium

67 - What is the significance of "the Other" in Gothic novels ?

They are perceived as dangerous because they are unknown.

68 - What is the significance of the "bloody bedchamber" in Gothic fiction ?

It symbolizes the forced sequestration of women both before and after marriage.

69 - What is the significance of the "wandering Jew" motif ?

The curse of immorality

70 - What literary convention is used pervasively in "The Mysteries of Udolpho" ?

The uncanny doubling of characters

71 - What literary purpose does Emily's stay with the nuns at the convent NOT serve ?

Emily comes to understand the benefits of a cloistered life.

72 - What quality does the Gothic novel of the 18th and early 19th centuries share with the majority of English novels of the same time period ?

A focus on the individual

73 - What role does Rosario play in the Gothic atmosphere of "The Monk" ?

Queer provocateur

74 - When Mary Shelley writes about ghosts, what is her concern ?

A belief in ghosts is a belief in imagination.

75 - Which character best represents the concept of terror versus that of horror in Lewis's "The Monk" ?


76 - Which cultural theme is NOT referenced in Stoker's "Dracula" ?

Labor unions

77 - Which long Romantic poem opens with the line "oh there is blessing in this gentle breeze" ?

The Prelude

78 - Which of the following best describes how the novel "Frankenstein" is understood by critics ?

As an exploration on the effects of science on humanity

79 - Which of the following best explains the treatment of the heroine in "The Mysteries of Udolpho" ?

The heroine's fantasies about the castle are combined with her fear of violation.

80 - Which of the following is a love poem ?

John Clare's "To Elia"

81 - Which of the following is NOT a theme of "The Castle of Otranto" ?

The destruction of humanity through scientific experimentation

82 - Which of the following Romantic poets would have been most likely to write a poem celebrating the innocence of childhood ?

William Blake

83 - Which of the following terms is most closely related to the phrase "the explained supernatural" ?

The uncanny

84 - Which of the following terms is traditionally associated with the male Gothic ?


85 - Which one of the following events inspired the trend of body transformation in Gothic novels ?

The increase in scientific experimentation

86 - Which psychological issue is NOT typical of the Gothic novel ?


87 - Which statement best summarizes the parallel between Frankenstein and Prometheus ?

Both suffered for their attempt to do divine work.

88 - Which term is most closely affiliated with the female Gothic ?


89 - Who does NOT represent the "new woman" ?


90 - Who should NOT be viewed as Prometheus in Shelley's "Frankenstein" ?

Frankenstein's monster

91 - Why do critics see Frankenstein's monster as equivalent to the Biblical Adam ?

He is the first of his kind.

92 - Why do most scholars assume that Radcliffe favored "explained supernaturalism" ?

Her sense of morality and decorum

93 - Why do scholars consider the first wave of the English Gothic novel an aspect of Romanticism ?

The Gothic novel's interest in the apocalyptic prophecies found in Hebrew and Christian Scriptures

94 - Why does Horace Walpole make use of elaborate machines in "The Castle of Otranto" ?

To assist with the flight and pursuit of villains and their prey

95 - Why does one scholar suggest that "The Monk" represents literary transvestism ?

The habited nuns

96 - Why does Radcliffe favor the term "romance" as the subtitle to "The Mysteries of Udolpho" ?

It frees Radcliffe from a strict adherence to common life, allowing her to place Emily in challenging situations.

97 - Why has Bertha been characterized as the "madwoman in the attic" by literary scholars ?

To make an ironic statement about the point of view and marginalization of the "Other" in Victorian England

98 - Why is "The Castle of Otranto" often considered a reaction against the Enlightenment ?

It marks a return to more primitive ways of pre-Enlightenment thought and expression.

99 - Why is it significant that Dracula is from Transylvania ?

Transylvania represents a vaguely known and, therefore, suspicious country.

100 - Why is the concept of the sublime important in Gothic literature ?

It causes an experience of elestasis, or transport.


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