History of English Literature MCQs

History of English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. History of English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 1300 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic History of English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of History of English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - "A Far Cry from Kenningston" is a novel by ------------..

Murial Spark

2 - "A Patriot for Me" (1965) is a play by ------------

John Osborne

3 - "A Room of One's Own" is published in ------------.


4 - "A Room of One's Own" is written by ------------.

Virginia Woolf

5 - "A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy" is written by?


6 - "A Start in Life" is written by ------------.

Anita Brookner

7 - "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" is a line composed by John Keats in his poem ------------..


8 - "A Vindication of the Rights of Man" was published in------------..


9 - "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" was published in------------..


10 - "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" was written by------------..

Mary Wollstonecraft

11 - "Agamemnon", "The Libation Bearers" and "The Eumenides" is a trilogy written by------------. .


12 - "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" is a line from ------------.

Animal Farm

13 - "All love is sweet, given or returned" is composed by ------------.

P.B Shelley

14 - "All The Year Round" remained in publication from 1859 to


15 - "All The Year Round" was a weekly journal by

Charles Dickens

16 - "All's Well That Ends well" is a ------------comedy by Shakespeare.


17 - "Alpha of the Plough" is the title of ------------


18 - "Arcadia" was written by

Philip Sydney

19 - "Areopagitica" was against


20 - "Arraignment of Paris" was famous for

All of these

21 - "Astrophel and Stella" by Philip Sydney is a

Sonnet Series

22 - "Bartholomew Fair" was written by Ben Johnson in


23 - "Basilikon Daron" is written by

King James I

24 - "Basilikon Daron" was written in


25 - "Battle of Brunanburh" and "The Battle of Maldon" are old English ------------.poems.


26 - "Becket" is a book by


27 - "Beowulf" is an old English poem which describes------------.?

The adventures of Beowulf

28 - "Beowulf" is an/a ------------.?


29 - "Brunanburh" celebrates the victory of Aethelstan, the King of------------------------?


30 - "But life isn't hard to manage when you've nothing to lose" is taken from ------------

A Farewell to Arms

31 - "Compaspe" and "Love's Metamorphoses" are the plays by

John Lyly

32 - "Complaint of Deor" describes ------------?

Disappointment of a lover

33 - "Complaint of Deor" is a poem from ------------.. Age.


34 - "Conquest of Happiness" is by ------------..

George Orwell

35 - "Coriolanus" was a play by ------------.

Bertolt Brecht

36 - "Culture and Anarchy" is a prose work written by ------------.

Mattew Arnold

37 - "Curriculum Vitae" by Murial Spark was published in ------------..


38 - "Curriculum Vitae" is a/an ------------..of Murial Spark.


39 - "Daniel", "Judith", Genesis" and "Exodus" are written by------------------------..?


40 - "Death of a Naturlaist" was written by ------------..

Seamus Heaney

41 - "Decameron" was the first attempted

Prose Adventure

42 - "Desperate Remedies" was written on the advice of George Meredith in ------------


43 - "Dido, Queen of Carthage" was composed in


44 - "Do I dare / Disturb the universe?" is a line from T.S Eliot's ------------..

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

45 - "Doomsday Book" is the manuscript record of ------------------------..?

Great Survey

46 - "Doomsday Book" was originally written in ------------------------..?


47 - "Dost thou not see my baby at my breast/That sucks the nurse asleep" is from "Antony Cleopatra" spoken by


48 - "Easter 1916" was published in 1921 by ------------

WB Yeats

49 - "Edward II" and "Dido, Queen of Crathage" are written by

Christopher Marlowe

50 - "Endymion, The Man on the Moon" is written by?

John Lyly

51 - "Essays of Dramatic Poesy" was written by------------..

John Dryden

52 - "Ethics" is writte by------------ .


53 - "Eupheus: and His England (1580) is by

John Lyly

54 - "Eupheus: The Anatomy of Wit" (1578) is by

John Lyly

55 - "Every Man in His Humour" was published in 1598 by

Ben Johnson

56 - "Everyman in His Humour" is a drama by

Ben Johnson

57 - "Everyman in His Humour" is a drama by Ben Johnson, published in


58 - "Familiar in his mouth as household words" is a line from Henry V by Sahkespeare. The name of which magazine was taken from this line?

Household Words

59 - "Fools that will laugh on earth, most weep in hell" is a quotation from ------------

Dr. Faustus

60 - "For lack of bread" was stated on the death of Spenser by

Ben Johnson

61 - "Frailty, thy name is woman" is from the play ------------...


62 - "Frogs" and "Festival" are famous comdies of ------------.. .


63 - "Gammer Gurton's Needle" is

All of these

64 - "Get Wallace" was written by ------------

Alexander Wilson

65 - "Gorboduc" was the first English


66 - "Gorboduc" was written by

Both B & C

67 - "Gorboduc" was written in

Blank Verse

68 - "He is the voice of Anglo-Saxon." Who said this about Browning?

W.J Long

69 - "Henry VIII" by Shakespeare was published in


70 - "Hero and Leander" and "Tamburlaine" are written by


71 - "Hippolytus" and "Electra" are plays by------------ .


72 - "Homibic" is written by------------..?


73 - "Hotel du Lac" was pubished in ------------.


74 - "Hyperion" was published in ------------.


75 - "I celebrate myself, and sing myself." is a line from ------------...

Leaves of Grass

76 - "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" occurs in ------------by Shelley.

Ode to the West Wind

77 - "Il Cortigiano (The Courtier)" provides subtle guidance on


78 - "Iliad" contains . lines.


79 - "I'm not brave anymore darling. I'm all broken. They've broken me" is from ------------.

To Have and Have Not

80 - "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" is the line in the beginning of ------------..

Pride and Prejudice

81 - "Jane Eyre" a novel is witten by ------------..

Charlotte Bronte

82 - "Jew of Malta" was written by


83 - "Journeys end in lover's meeting." is from shakespeare's ------------

Twelfth Night

84 - "Laissez-Faire" means ------------

Free trade

85 - "Late Comers" and "A Friend from England" were written by ------------

Anita Brookner

86 - "Laws" and "Gorgias" are written by ------------. .


87 - "Leadres should do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals." Who suggested this?


88 - "Life of Donne" is John Donne's biography authored by

Izaak Walton

89 - "Look Back in Anger" is a play written by ------------

John Osborne

90 - "Lord of Flies" was published in --------


91 - "Master Humphrey Clock" remained in publication from April 4, 1840 to December 4,..


92 - "Medea" and "Bacchae" are the plays by------------.. .


93 - "Memento Mori" was published in 1959 by ------------

Murial Spark

94 - "Moll Flanders" by  Daniel Defoe tells the story of a ------------rogue.


95 - "Money" and "Time's Arrow" are the novels of ------------..

Martin Amis

96 - "Mrs. Dalloway" is the novel by Virginia Woolf published in ------------..


97 - "Mysteries of Udolpho" was published in------------


98 - "Night Train"and "Experience" are written by ------------..

Martin Amis

99 - "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell is an attack on ------------.


100 - "Nineteen Eighty-Four" is a novel by ------------..

George Orwell

101 - "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was published in ------------.


102 - "Order of the Grater" was founded by Edward III in ------------------------?


103 - "Orlando", "The Waves" and "The Years" are written by ------------.

Virginia Woolf

104 - "Pamela or Virtue Rewarded" is written by------------..

Samuel Richardson

105 - "Patient Grissil" was published in


106 - "Patient Grissil" was written by

From all of these in collaboration

107 - "Philoctetes", "Ajax" and "Electra" are written by------------.. .


108 - "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" was published in


109 - "Pincher Martin" and "The Spire" are the works of ------------..

William Golding

110 - "Politics" and "Poetics" are written by------------. .


111 - "Principles of Political Economy" is written by ------------

John Stuart Mill

112 - "Principles of Political Economy" was written in ------------


113 - "Prometheus Bound" is attributed to Aeschylus but its authorship is?


114 - "Ralph Roister Doister" is a


115 - "Ralph Roister Doister" was published in


116 - "Rape of Lucrece" is a narrative poem by


117 - "Reality and Dreams" by Murial Spark was published in ------------.


118 - "Romola" and "Silas Marner" are written by ------------

George Eliot

119 - "Sandra Belloni" is a novel written by ------------.

George Meredith

120 - "Sapho and Phao" is written by

John Lyly

121 - "Sard Harker" is a novel published in 1924 by ------------.

John Masefield

122 - "Sensuousness is a paramount bias of his genius" is said for?

John Keats

123 - "Seven Against Thebes" is a tragedy by ------------.


124 - "She Stoops to Conquer" is a play by------------

Oliver Goldsmith

125 - "Songs and sonnets" are written by

John Donne

126 - "Still-vexed Bermoothes" was used by Shakespeare for the immortal pages of


127 - "Strike the Father Dead" (1962) is a novel written by ------------

John Waine

128 - "The Adventures of Roderick Random" is a famous novel of------------

Tobias Smollet

129 - "The Alchemist" is by

Ben Johnson

130 - "The Ambassadors" is a novel by ------------..

Henry James

131 - "The Ambassadors" was published in ------------..


132 - "The Battle of Alcazar" and "The Troublesome Reign of King John" are by

George Peele

133 - "The Birds", "The Clouds" and "The Wasps" are famous comedies of ..


134 - "The Castaway" is the poem by ------------.

William Cowper

135 - "The Defense of Poesie" was written by Sydney? It was published in


136 - "The Driver's Seat" and "Not to Disturb" are the novels by ------------

Murial Spark

137 - "The Duchess of Malfi" is written by


138 - "The Fairie Queene" best expresses the spirit of


139 - "The Falcon" is based on a story from ------------.


140 - "The False Alarm" is written by ------------------------

Dr. Johnson

141 - "The False Alarm" was written in------------------------


142 - "The Famous Chronicle of King Edward I" is by

George Peele

143 - "The Fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,/But in ourselves, that we are underlings" is said by Casius in

Julius Caesar

144 - "The Fifth Child" was written by ------------..

Doris Lessing

145 - "The Finishing School" is published in 2004. It was written by ------------..

Murial Spark

146 - "The Girls of Slender Means" and "The Ballad of Peckham Rye" were written by Murial Spark. These novels chracterize ------------..

Human Fantasy

147 - "The Good Terrorist" was written by Doris Lessing in ---------


148 - "The History of John Bull" ridicules the

War policy of the Whigs

149 - "The Inheritors" (1955) is a novel by ------------

William Golding

150 - "The Italian" is written in 1797 by------------.

Anne Radcliffe

151 - "The Mandelbaum Gate" was written by ------------

Murial Spark

152 - "The Matter of England" and "The Matter of Britain" are the Romances. To which period do they belong?

Middle English Period

153 - "The Matter of Rome the Great" is a Middle English Period ------------------------.?


154 - "The Midnight Folk" is a novel by ------------.

John Masefield

155 - "The Monk" by Gregory Lewis is a ------------.

Gothic Novel

156 - "The most accomplished technician now writing poetry in English" is said for Auden by ------------.


157 - "The Mother" and "Baal" were written by ------------.

Bertolt Brecht

158 - "The Mystery of Tunnel 51" was written by ------------..

Alexander Wilson

159 - "The Noise of Time" was published in ------------.by Julian Barnes.


160 - "The Old Devils" is a novel written by ------------..

Kingsley Amis

161 - "The Paper Men" (1984) is written by ------------.

William Golding

162 - "The Peaceable Kingdom" was written by ------------

Jon Silkin

163 - "The Persians" and "The suppliants" are written by------------.. .


164 - "The Poet As Hero" was published by ------------..in 1916.

Sigfried Sassoon

165 - "The Portrait of a Lady" is written by ------------

Henry James

166 - "The Prince" by Michavelli was written to get favour of------------..


167 - "The Procupine" is written by ------------..

Julian Barnes

168 - "The Profligate" and "The Magistrate" are the plays by ------------..

Arthur Wing Pinero

169 - "The Recuyell of the Historeys of Troye" was------------------------.

First published book by Caxton

170 - "The Revenger's Tragedy" is written by

Thomas Middleton

171 - "The Ring and the Book" by Browning was published in


172 - "The Road to Wigan Pier" and "Burmese Days" are written by ------------.

George Orwell

173 - "The Saint's Tragedy" by Charles Kingsley is a

Political Drama

174 - "The Seven Lamps of Architecture" was published in


175 - "The Silent Woman" was first performed in


176 - "The Spanish Tragedy" was written in 1587 by

Thomas Kyd

177 - "The Spectator" was closed on------------.

December 6, 1712

178 - "The Spectator" was published------------.


179 - "The Spectator" was started ------------

On 1st march, 1711

180 - "The Spectator" was started by------------

Both A & B

181 - "The Symposium" is written by------------. .


182 - "The Tatler" was published ------------times weekly.


183 - "The Tatler" was started in

April 1709

184 - "The Triumph of Love" is a poem by ------------

Geoffrey Hill

185 - "The Trojan Women" is a play by------------.. .


186 - "The White Devil" is a tragedy by John Webster published in


187 - "The Woman in the Moon" was published in


188 - "The Women at the Thesmophoria" and "Lysistrata" are the comedies by------------ .


189 - "Theogony" was composed somewhere between?

730-700 B.C

190 - "This physic but prolongs thy sickly days" is a line from ------------..


191 - "Thou this be madness, yet there is method in it" is a line from "Hamlet" spoken by ------------.


192 - "Through the Tunnel" (1955) was written by ------------.

Doris Lessing

193 - "Timaeus" and "Crito" are written by ------------. .


194 - "To the Lighthouse" was published in 1927 by ------------.

Virginia Woolf

195 - "Tomorrow ia always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet" is a line from ------------

Anne of Great Gables

196 - "Trachiniae" and "Antigone" are written by------------.. .


197 - "Tragedie of Goboduc" was published in


198 - "Tragedy" is a Greek word which means ------------ .

Goat song

199 - "Ultramarine" was written by ------------.in 1933.

Malcolm Lowry

200 - "Under the Volcano" is by ------------

Malcolm Lowry

201 - "Venice Preserved" was published in


202 - "Venus and Adonais" was written by Shakspeare in


203 - "Villette" is written by ------------.

Charlotte Bronte

204 - "Vittoria" is sequel to the novel ------------..

Sandra Belloni

205 - "Vittoria" is written by ------------.

George Meredith

206 - "Watersmeet" is a poetic collection by ------------

Jon Silkin

207 - "What are men to rocks and mountains?" is a line from ------------

Pride and Prejudice

208 - "Widower's Houses" is a play written in collaboration by William Archer and ------------.

GB Shaw

209 - "Widsith" is a poem from ------------.?

Anglo-Saxon period

210 - ------------..is a character in Shakewpeare's "Othello".


211 - ------------------------..is a frequently recurring idea, concept, incident or character in literature.


212 - ------------..is a vllain or an enemy.


213 - ------------..is an extended fictional prose narrative in which extraordinary characters perform improbable adventures.


214 - ------------..is the first known poet of old English.


215 - ------------..is the pioneer of New Romanticism?

Dylan Thomas

216 - ------------..is the pioneer of realistic novel in Modern Age?


217 - ------------..is the youngest daughter of King Lear, in the play "King Lear".


218 - ------------..supported the Hanoverian succession.


219 - ------------..was the most celebrated writer between the two World Wars.

DH Lawrence

220 - ------------------------.emphasizes interior characterization to explore the mental or emotional lives of charcters.

Psychological Novel

221 - ------------------------.is a term which is used to characterize a thing, person or idea.


222 - ------------.is more a versifier than poet.

G.K Chesterton

223 - ------------------------.is not the literal meaning of a word, rather it is the implied meanig of a word.


224 - ------------.is the originator of Comedy of Manners.

William Congreve

225 - ------------.is the pioneer of the modern impressionism?

Laurence Sterne

226 - ------------.'s novels have little invention and based on his personal accounts and experiences.


227 - ------------.won Man Booker Prize in 2011.

Julian Barnes

228 - 14th century was turbulent because of ------------------------..?

All of these

229 - A book which explores riddles by an unknown writer is known as ------------------------?

Exeter Book

230 - A breaking point in a story when someone or something must change------------


231 - A brief and simple narrative bearing a religious/moral lesson..


232 - A character drawn in a way to impress or surprise a reader------------.

Round character

233 - A character that is based on a single quality or idea is called ------------------------.?

Flat Character

234 - A comparison of two dissimilar things without using the words "like", "as", "than" or "such", is called ------------------------..?


235 - A conventional character that recurs repeatedly in different literary genres is called ------------------------.?

Stock Character

236 - A crude, coarse and bitter satire ridiculing a character------------.


237 - A device through which the writer raises and irrelevant issue to draw the attention away from the real issue is called------------..?

Red Herring

238 - A difference between reality and expectation


239 - A dragon Grendel and his mother are the main characters in ------------------------..?


240 - A dramatic tradition in which an actor speaks something that is heard by the audience but not by the other actors on the stage is called------------.?


241 - A favourite rhetoric device used in Old English period is------------------------.?


242 - A fictitious narrative that emphasizes the influence of social and economic conditions on events and characters is called ------------------------.?

Sociological Novel

243 - A fictitious narrative that tells its story or events through letters is called ------------------------.?

Epistolary Novel

244 - A form of narrative poetry that has a musical quality------------..


245 - A formal poem of lamenting someone's death is called ------------------------?

An elegy

246 - A genre of literature which aims to create terror or fear in the writer/audience------------


247 - A lenghthy spoken attack or a lengthy speech for attacking someone------------.


248 - A line that has a natural stop at its end is called------------.


249 - A literary genre in which language is used for its aesthetic quality is called------------..


250 - A literary genre that is meant to be performed------------.


251 - A little learning is a dangerous thing' appears in Pope's------------.

Essay on Criticism

252 - A long fiction narrative in which a brilliant detective solves an ambiguous problem------------

Detective Novel

253 - A minor collection of events, which is connected to a larger collection of events in a literary work------------.


254 - A narrative fiction that captures continuous flow of character's mental process------------

Stream of consciousness

255 - A novel about the adventures of a rogue or common person is called ------------------------..novel.


256 - A novel in which character development has little importance and exciting events are more important------------...

Adventure Novel

257 - A novel in which everything goes wrong in order to create a perfect society------------.

Dystopian Novel

258 - A novel that is based on author's own life------------

Auto-biographical novel

259 - A novel that is set in pseudo-medieval setting and has an environment of mystery and horror is called------------------------..?

Gothic Novel

260 - A novel that presents the life of people of some specific region outside a metroploitan city is called ------------------------novel.


261 - A novel that represents feeling, emotional idealism or sensibility rather than reason or thought is called------------------------..?

Sentimental Novel

262 - A part of something that stands for the whole?


263 - A person in a literary work who is responsible for the action and thoughts of the story------------..


264 - A poem that presents a long or short story------------

Narrative Poem

265 - A process of reasoning for parallel cases is called ------------------------?


266 - A prospective from which a story of a fiction or non-fiction is told?

Point of View

267 - A question that is asked to emphasize a point and answer is not expected is called a------------------------.. question.


268 - A reprsentation of a serious action that results in a calamity is called ------------------------.?


269 - A role or character that is adopted by an author or an actor is called------------..?


270 - A Romance presents the deeds of the ------------------------.of the bygone days.


271 - A run on line is called------------..


272 - A satirical portrayal of the behaviour of the people of certain social group------------.

Comedy of Manners

273 - A second or hidden life of a person/character------------..

Alter Ego

274 - A sentence structure in which something is left out in the second half------------


275 - A sentence that begins with stating an untrue thing and ends by stating what is true------------.


276 - A sentence that uses 'and' or any other conjunction to separate items in a series, without using commas------------.


277 - A sentence which begins with the central idea and expands on that idea with details is called------------------------.?


278 - A series of words with no conjugation, separated by commas?


279 - A short story from which a moral can be drawn is called------------------------.?


280 - A short verse or poem that ridicules an event or idea------------..


281 - A situation or event that can be interpreted in more than two ways?


282 - A song like poem that express the feelings and emotions of a particular person------------


283 - A song of religious devotion, joy or exultation is called------------------------?


284 - A speaker or voice of a literary work------------.


285 - A story that explains or attempts to explain how the world was created------------.


286 - A story within a story------------.

A frame story

287 - A strong argument against something or some person------------.


288 - A term that is used in existential criticism to show both the individual and collective anguish and anxiety of the period after the Second world War is called ------------------------..?


289 - A thing, idea or person that stands for another thing, idea or person is called a ------------------------..?


290 - A type of wordplay in which a word or a phrase spelled forward is the same word or phrase spelled backward..


291 - A typical example of a certain person, idea or thing------------.


292 - A word or phrase that can be interpreted in two ways------------..

Double Entendre

293 - A word puzzle in which one character asks a puzzling question------------..


294 - A word that is used incorrectly, especially in place of one that sounds like the correct one------------


295 - A word which is opposite in meaning to another word------------.


296 - A word which is similar in meaning to another word------------.


297 - A word with a negative connotation to insult someone------------.


298 - A work of literature that treats a serious subject frivolously------------..


299 - A/an ------------------------..is a term used to describe an address to the dead as if living.


300 - ------------ devoted himself completely to literature in the first half of 18th century.

Alexander Pope

301 - ------------------------.. discovered America in 1492.


302 - ------------..was the first periodical, a manuscript newspaper in Europe.


303 - ...translated The New Testament from Greek into English.

William Tyndale

304 - ..deaths occurred in Hamlet.


305 - ..is known as the pioneer of modern psychological novel.

George Eliot

306 - ------------..is trying to establish that something is true because everyone considers it true.


307 - ..made first complete translation of the Bible from Tyndale's version.

Miles Coverdale

308 - ..was/were fond of the great figures like Muhammaed and Tamburlaine for heroic themes.

The University Wits

309 - .did not contribute to the dramatic development among the Univrsity Wits.

Both A & B

310 - .had firm faith in God.


311 - ------------. was written in the memory of Arthur Henry Hallam.

In Memorium

312 - ------------------------..is a persitent feeling of boredom, weariness and tiredness that often torments existential man.


313 - ------------------------..is considered the "Father of English prose".


314 - ------------------------..is the first writer to sign his work.


315 - ------------------------..is the formantion of words from the sound associated with what is named.


316 - ------------------------..is the Latin term in which the widespread occurrence of something is taken to make it true.

Ad populum

317 - ------------------------..is the repitition of a word or a phrase used two or more times in close proximity.


318 - ------------------------..is the repitition of a word, phrase or a clause at the beginning of two or more sentences.


319 - ------------.by John Milton assimilate and critique the epic tradition.

Paradise Lost

320 - ------------------------.discovered America in the Renaissance period.


321 - ------------------------.has history of Christ's life.

New Testament

322 - ------------------------.is a deliberate representing something as much less than it really is.


323 - ------------------------.is an unusual rather a surprising comparison between two dissimilar objects.


324 - ------------introduced art of printing into England.

William Caxton

325 - ------------started the tradition of Revenge Tragedy.

Thomas Kyd

326 - ------------was Protector under England's first written constitution.

Oliver Cromwell

327 - ------------was the title of Thomas Hobbe's defense of absolute sovereignty based on the theory of social contract.


328 - ------------implies greater perception of beauty and polish to Greek and Latin scholars.


329 - ------------is satiric imitation of an artist's work in order to ridicule the author, his work or ideas.


330 - ------------was dominating in the Middle English period.


331 - ------------century is the golden age of prose.


332 - ------------gave sentimentality to English novel.


333 - ------------is the source of modern English.


334 - According to Renaissance thinkers, women should be educated only for------------..

All of these

335 - Adam Bede is the hero of the novel "Adam Bede" by ------------.

George Eliot

336 - Adela Quested and Mrs.Moore are Characters in ------------.

A Passage to India

337 - Aelfric was a priest and wrote sermons in ------------..form.


338 - Aelfric wrote sermons to spread learning and instruct the------------..?


339 - Aeschylus died in------------. .

456/455 B.C

340 - Aeschylus' first dramatic victory was achieved in ------------. B.C.


341 - Aeschylus was born in------------. .

525/524 B.C

342 - After James II's death ------------became the ruler/rulers.

Both A & B

343 - After Shakespeare and Johnson, English drama


344 - After the emergence of Renaissance------------.became the basis of literature.


345 - Against which thing was the Transitional Poetry a reaction?

Conventional rules

346 - Age of Transitions is the change from Pseudo-classicism to------------..


347 - Alexander Wilson was an English writer and ------------.


348 - Alexander Wilson was born in 1893 and died in ------------.


349 - Alonso is the King of Naples in ------------.

The Tempest

350 - An alias (false name) used by a writer in stead of his real name------------..


351 - An amateur dramatic performance in which masked players sing and dance is called------------------------?


352 - An environment created by the writer's use of deails and word choice is called------------------------.?


353 - An imitation of a more serious work for humour------------..


354 - An ironic understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary is called ------------------------..?


355 - An overused idea/saying that has lost its fervour------------..


356 - An unjustifed connection between cause and effect------------.

Post hoc Fallacy

357 - An/a ------------------------.is a word or a phrase used to describe a sensory experience (an object perceived by the senses).


358 - Angles went to east and ------------------------..?


359 - Angles, Saxons and ------------.came to England.


360 - Angles, Saxons and Jutes were ------------------------..?

Nomadic tribes

361 - Anglo-French remained legal official language till ------------------------.?


362 - Anglo-Saxon Chronicle probably began under the supervision of ------------------------..?

King Alfred

363 - Anglo-Saxon language resembles ------------------------..?

Modern German

364 - Anglo-Saxons' love of nature is usually tinged with------------------------?

Melancholy or sadness

365 - Angus Wilson was born in ------------.and died in 1991.


366 - Anita Brookner was a/an ------------..novelist.


367 - Antonio is a character in ------------

Merchant of Venice

368 - Aphorism is ------------------------.?

A short pithy statement

369 - Are lai and Romance similar?


370 - Arrangement of ideas in a sequence from past to present or from present to past------------..

Chronological Ordering

371 - Arrangement of objects according to class is called ------------------------..?


372 - Arthur Conan Doyle's life span is ------------


373 - Assigning something to a time when it was not invented or was not in existence?


374 - Astrophel and Stella was published in 1591. It was written by

Sir Philip Sydney

375 - At the end of the Middle English period ------------------------.plays were also famous along with Mystery and Miracle plays?


376 - At what age did Sophocle win the tragedy competition in his first entry?

Twenty eight

377 - Authorized version of Bible was published in


378 - Aziz and Ronney Heaslop are Characters of the novel "A Passage to India" by ------------

E.M Forster

379 - Background information provided by the writer to make the reader or audience aware of the context of the story?


380 - Balancing of two contradicting ideas, words, phrases or clauses is called------------------------?


381 - Basically ------------------------..tribes lived in Britain.


382 - Battle of Hastings was fought on ------------------------.?

October 14, 1066

383 - Becky Sharp is a character in ------------

Vanity Fair

384 - Bede died in ------------------------..?

735 A.D

385 - Bede was the greatest scholar of ------------.period.


386 - Before the construction of theatres, which short plays were performed by playing companies which had dialogues, moral, religious and political themes?


387 - Ben Johnson died in 1637 in


388 - Ben Johnson was an English poet and


389 - Ben Johnson was born in London in


390 - Ben Johnson was contemporary of


391 - Ben Johnson, Christopher Marlowe and Thomas Dekker are dramatists of

Elizabethan Age

392 - Ben Johnson's full name was

Benjamin Johnson

393 - Beowulf belongs to ------------------------century.


394 - Beowulf died by getting injured in fight with ------------------------?


395 - Beowulf died in fight with ------------------------to defend his country.

Both A & B

396 - Beowulf is about Hrothgar, the King of ------------------------.?


397 - Beowulf was a ------------------------------------..?

Geat or Goth

398 - Bernardo and Marcellus are soldiers in ------------


399 - Betsy Trotwood is the character in ------------..

David Copperfield

400 - Black Death (Great Plague) of London------------.


401 - Blame of society's problems was placed on the society itself by------------..

Thomas Moore's Utopia

402 - Blank Verse is

Unrhymed iambic pentameter

403 - Boccacio belonged to


404 - Book 7 of Faerie Queene was published

After the death of Spenser

405 - Briton was divided into Angles, Saxons and ------------------------?


406 - Brutus is the husband of Portia in Shakespeare's play ------------.

Julius Caesar

407 - ------------by George Orwell is an anti-Communist satire.

Animal Farm

408 - Caedmon and Cynewulf are the ------------------------.poets.

Old English

409 - Caedmon is the father of English------------..


410 - Caedmon was a cowherd and ------------------------.poet.


411 - Caedmon's works is avaiable------------------------?


412 - Carlyle's "Sartor Resartus" was published in ------------.


413 - Caroline Age ended in 1649 with the execution of------------..

Charles I

414 - Caroline Age is named after

Charles I

415 - Carols, Masques and Ballads were important in ------------------------..?


416 - Change of the usual order of the words in poetry------------..


417 - Character or Sketch Writing was begun in------------..

Puritan Age

418 - Characteristic/characteristics of the University Wits

All of these

419 - Charles II dug up Cromwell, beheaded him and then------------

Reburied him

420 - Charles II ruled

With deference to the Parliament

421 - Choler, black bile, yellow bile and ------------..are four bodily humours.


422 - Choose a poem written by Lord Alfred Tennyson

Idylls of the King

423 - Chose the writer/writers which was/were active under both Elizabeth I and James I

All of these

424 - Christopher Marlowe and George Peele were included in

University wits

425 - Christopher Marlowe was killed at the age of


426 - Christopher Smart wrote songs to------------..


427 - Classical writers of 18th century were against ------------..of Elizabethans and Puritans.

Exaggerated style

428 - Coffee House Literature was introduced in ------------..

Restoration Age

429 - Coleridge presented ------------.life in his poems in Lyrical Balllads.


430 - Constantinople fell to Turks in


431 - Crimean War was fought in ------------..


432 - Cromwell died in ------------.

September 3, 1658

433 - Cynewulf was a religious poet who wrote ------------------------?


434 - Damon Wildeve is a character in ------------..

Return of the Native

435 - Dan Kavanagh was pseudonym of ------------.

Julian Barnes

436 - Declaration of the Rights of Man was implemented in ------------

August 4, 1789

437 - Defoe's writnigs extended to more than ------------


438 - Desdemona, Bianca, Lodovico and Brabantio are characters in ------------


439 - Detect the novel/novels of Kingsley Amis from the following options.

All of these

440 - Dickens' earliest work "Sketches by Boz" was written in ------------..


441 - Did Romantic poets prefer Heroic Couplet?

No, they hated it

442 - Doris Lessing died in London in ------------


443 - Doris Lessing was born in 1919 in ------------


444 - Dr. Johnson died in------------.


445 - Drama started in Athens about ------------..B.C.


446 - Drama was flourished in ------------ .

Classical Period

447 - During Norman period English lost its old words and ------------------------..?

Grammar became simple

448 - Dylan Thomas Died in ------------...

New York, USA

449 - Early Victorian Period Ranges from 1832 to ------------.


450 - Early Victorian Periodis is also known as ------------.


451 - Ecclesiastical History of English people was written in ------------------------..?

731 A.D

452 - Elizabeth Barrett Browning died in


453 - Elizabeth Barrett Browning was ..of Robert Browning.


454 - Elizabeth is a character appeared in ------------.

Pride and Prejudice

455 - Elizabeth Jenning and Elaine Feinstein are the famous ------------.after World War II.


456 - Emily St. Aubert appeared in ------------.

Mysteries of Udolpho

457 - Emma Woodhouse is the heroine of the novel "Emma" by ------------

Jane Austen

458 - English literature of the Middle Ages was mostly oral and ------------..?


459 - English Renaissance coincided with rule/rules of------------.

All of these

460 - English was introduced in the court in ------------------------ A.D?


461 - English was introduced in the parliament in ------------------------ A.D?


462 - Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot is a poem by------------

Alexander Pope

463 - Essentially modern temprament started in

Puritan Age

464 - Estella was an adopted daughter of Miss Havisham in ------------.by Charles Dickens.

Great Expectations

465 - Euripides died in Athens in ------------. .

406 B.C

466 - Euripides was born in Athens in ------------. .

480 B.C

467 - Explanatory notse added to a text?


468 - Fabian is a character in "Twelfth Night", who was a ------------


469 - Faerie Queene is an Epic. It is also known as a/an


470 - Faerie Queene was republished in 1596 with books

4 to 6

471 - First Britain to introduce Bible in England------------..


472 - First edition of Paradise Lost had ------------..books.


473 - First edition of Paradise Lost was issued in


474 - First half of ------------.century was one of the most devestating eras of English literature.


475 - Following is/are the court poet/poets of 16th century

All of these

476 - Following traditional techniques of writing------------


477 - For literature, Puritan Age was a gloomy age because

Theatres were banned by the King

478 - For which early poem was Tennyson awarded the Chancellor's Gold Medal at Cambridge?

In Memorium

479 - For which the University Wits wrote plays?

All of these

480 - For which thing was Churchyard of St. Paul's Cathedral famous?


481 - For which work was Christopher Smart famous?

Songs written on the walls of mad house

482 - For whom "Poetry is the expression of imagination"?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

483 - For whom the "External world is dead" in Romantic Age?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

484 - For whom the "External world is living with its own soul" in Romantic Age?

William Wordsworth

485 - Fourth edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in ------------.


486 - From where did the Greek scholars came to all Europe?


487 - From which church did Henry VIII break ties?

Roman Catholic

488 - From which sources were the Romances borrowed?

Both B and C

489 - From which war the poets of New-Romanticism influenced?

World War II

490 - From whom did Shakespeare borrow the idea of romantic comedy?

Robert Greene

491 - G.K Chesterton was born in ------------..


492 - Geoffrey Hill was an English poet after ------------

World War II

493 - George Bernard Shaw died in ------------..


494 - George Bernard Shaw was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in ------------..


495 - George Chapman was a poet, a translator and

A dramatist

496 - George Peele was born in 1556 in London and died in


497 - George Peele was born in London in


498 - George Peele, Thomas Kyd and Sakespeare are ..of Elizabethan Age.


499 - George V served in navy till ------------


500 - George V was the ------------son of King Edward VII.


501 - Goldsmith's play------------

The Good Natur'd Man

502 - Goneril's husband in King Lear ------------

Duke of Albany

503 - Gosson's "The School of Abuse" is a/an ..book of Elizabethan Age.


504 - Great Exhibition was held in 1851 in ------------...

Hyde Park, London

505 - Gunpowder plot is also known as

Gunpowder Treason Plot

506 - Gunpowder plot was a failed assasination attempt against King/Queen

James I

507 - Hamlet is the protagonist of the play "Hamlet" by ------------..


508 - Henry Fielding was born in 1707 and died in ------------...


509 - Henry Fielding was born in United Kingdom but died in ------------...


510 - Henry I ruled England from 1100 A.D to ------------------------..?

1135 A.D

511 - Henry II ruled England from ------------..to 1189.


512 - Henry Mackenzie was a ------------.writrer.


513 - Henry VI remained the King of England and Lord of Ireland ------------------------..?

From 1422 to 1461

514 - Hero of Rudyard Kipling's "Jungle Book" is ------------..


515 - Homocentric means------------.

Man is the centre of the universe

516 - Household Words was a weekly magazine edited by

Charles Dickens

517 - How is the versification of Beowulf?

Highly stressed

518 - How many books does "Iliad" contain?


519 - How many dialects did English of Middle Ages have?


520 - How many kingdoms did Saxons form?


521 - How many lines does Beowulf have?


522 - How many lines does the "Theogony" have?


523 - How many lines does the "Works and Days" have?


524 - How many people were killed in Petrloo Massacre?


525 - How many plays of Euripides have survived?

18 or 19

526 - How many plays of Sophocles have survived?

Only 7

527 - How many plays were written by Euripides?

95 or 92

528 - How many plays were written by Sophocles?

More than 120

529 - How many poems were composed by Coleridge, in First Edition of Lyrical Ballads?


530 - How many poems were composed by Wordsworth, in First Edition of Lyrical Ballads?


531 - How many poems were there in Lyrical Ballads?


532 - How many poetic collections did Jon Silkin write?

Over 30

533 - How many sons did Charles II have?


534 - How many tragedies attributed to Aeschylus have survived?


535 - How was the movement of Cult of Chivalry born?

Out of the military culture of 11th century

536 - How was the satire of the Age of 18th century?


537 - How were Renaissance and Protestant Reformation similar?

Spirit of inquiry

538 - Hrothgar's great hall "Herot" was visited by a terrible creature ------------------------.?


539 - Hundred Years War began in ------------------------?

1337 A.D

540 - Idea's Mirror is a sonnet sequence by Michael Drayton written on

Both A & B

541 - If a character speaks his thoughts aloud by him or herself in a play, we call it ------------------------.?


542 - If all the parts of a fiction or non-fiction work are related to the central idea, it is called ------------------------?


543 - If both halves of a sentence has same importance and length, it is called------------


544 - If repeated thoughts are arranged in the pattern of X Y Y X, it is called------------


545 - Imitation of an action that is serious, has magnitude and is complete in itself------------..


546 - In "The Battle of Maldon" in 993, English were defeated by ------------------------..?


547 - In 1336, .began war to enforce his claims to the throne of France.

Edward III

548 - In 1385 King Richard II abandoned ------------------------.?


549 - In 1399, ------------------------was chosen as the king by the Parliament.

Henry IV

550 - In 18th century, ------------beacme dominant in poetry.

Heroic Couplet

551 - In 18th century, who owned the rights to a theatrical script?

Acting company

552 - In 2nd edition of Paradise Lost, which two books were split into two parts each.

Book 7 & Book 10

553 - In 800s Anglo-Saxons began to dominate from ------------------------?


554 - In a literary writing, a reference to something with which the reader or spectator is expected to be familiar is called ------------------------..?


555 - In a literary writing, the reversal in hero's fortune is called------------.------------..?


556 - In  Augustan writers, head controlled the heart; but in Romantics ------------.

Heart controlled the heart

557 - In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, what is the fate of those who fail in performing sacred duty?

Everlasting shame

558 - In Anglo-Saxon Period a council of elders which chose king for tribal unit was called------------------------.?


559 - In early 16th century, the only acknowledged religion in England was


560 - In how many groups were the Classical Comedies distributed?


561 - In how many years did the Greek Coalition Forces conquer the city of Troy?

10 years

562 - In poetry, pattern of words which contains similar sounds------------


563 - In puritan Age, King's followers were called------------

Both A & B

564 - In the first century A.D Briton was a ------------------------..province.


565 - In the first part of the poem, Beowulf fights with------------------------.?


566 - In the resolution of War of Roses, which Royal Dynasty was established?


567 - In which age English language was used as the vehicle of storing and conveying facts?

Puritan Age

568 - In which age the classical rules were followed?

Age of Pope

569 - In which century were the pageants added to drama?

14th century

570 - In which edition of 'Lyrical Ballads' did Wordsworth explain his theories of poetic imagination?


571 - In which edition of 'Lyrical Ballads' did Wordsworth explained the implicity and naturalness of his diction?


572 - In which era Britain changed from a provincial nation to a worldwide empire?

Victorian Era

573 - In which era did English prose begin?


574 - In which literary form was 18th century deficient?


575 - In whose hands drama got perfection in Elizabethan Age?

William Shakespeare

576 - In whose novels sex has an important place?

DH Lawrence

577 - Inanimate things, ideas and animals are given human characteristics------------


578 - Intensifying an idea by stating the opposite or by understatement?


579 - Interpreting or discovering the meaning of a text?


580 - ------------------------is a literary production of writer's imagination by using theme, charcters, plot, setting and point of view.


581 - ------------------------is a quotation used at the beginnig of a lierary work which suggests its theme.


582 - ------------is called the father of Modern Biography?

Lytton Stretchy

583 - It describes things, people and places as they actually are; not ideas------------...

Concrete Language

584 - It involves several points of comparison between two things------------

Extended Metaphor

585 - It is a syllogism in which one of the arguments is unstated but considered to be understood------------.


586 - It is expressed in Elizabethan poetry and in court rituals and events, a cult of .formed around Elizabeth and dictated the nature of relations between herself and the court.


587 - It is the product of dramatic development during early 16th century


588 - Ithamore and Barabas are the characters in ------------

The Jew of Malta

589 - James II died in ------------

1701 in France

590 - James II fled to ------------.in 1688.


591 - James II was ------------


592 - James Joyce was ------------..writer.

An Irish

593 - James Joyce was born in 1882 and died in ------------...


594 - John Dryden died in------------


595 - John Dryden was born in------------


596 - John Fletcher and shakepeare's "The Two Noble Kinsmen" retells the story of Chaucer's

Knight's Tale

597 - John Fletcher was died in


598 - John Gutenberg and his companions published Bible in Geramany in ------------------------.


599 - John Lyly was born in 1553/1554 in Kent, United Kingdom and died in London in


600 - John Marstan and George Chapman are ------------writers.


601 - John Osborne was born in UK in ------------


602 - John Shakespeare was ------------.of Shakespeare.


603 - John Waine died in ------------.


604 - John Waine was born in 1925 in ------------.


605 - John Webster is the contemporary of


606 - Johnson was moralist, classicist and

Reformer of Drama

607 - Jon Silkin, Charles Tomlinson and R.S Thomas are the poets after ------------..

World War II

608 - Jonathan Swift was a/an

Irish patriot

609 - Jonathan Wild is written by------------..

Henry Fielding

610 - Joseph Andrews a novel by Henry Fielding, was written to ridicule------------...

Pamela by Richardson

611 - Journals, Magazines and Pamphlets became common in ------------------------.

18th century

612 - Julian Barnes was born in 1946 in ------------..

United Kingdom

613 - Jumbling of two metaphors together illogically------------...

Mixed Metaphor

614 - King Alfred also translated Bible from ------------...into English.


615 - King Alfred died in ------------------------.?

899 A.D

616 - King Alfred translated many Latin chronicles into ------------------------...?


617 - King Arthur was a ------------------------..king.


618 - King James' Bible has ------------------------.books.


619 - King of Wessex that defeated the Danes ------------------------..?


620 - Kingsley Amis was born in ------------.


621 - Kitely and Captain Bodbail are characters in

Every Man in His Humour

622 - Lady Booby is the famous character of Henry Fileding's------------..

Joseph Andrews

623 - Lady Capulet, Montague and Lady Montague are characters in ------------..

Romeo and Juliet

624 - Last work of Milton in Blank Verse

Samson Agonistes

625 - Later Victorian Period starts from 1870 and ends in ------------.


626 - Laurence Sterne was born in Ireland in------------.


627 - Lawrence Sterne died in 1768 in ------------


628 - Layman's "Brut, a British History" was written in ------------------------..?


629 - Lemuel Gulliver was the hero of Swift's ------------

Gulliver Travels

630 - Life-span of Jon Silkin is ------------


631 - Life-span of Roger Ascham


632 - Life-span of Samuel Richardson------------.


633 - Literary years from 1820 to 1832 are called ------------.


634 - Little Nell is a character from ------------.by Charles Dickens.

Old Curiosity shop

635 - Lord Alfred Tennyson and his elder brother Charles jointly published a collection of poems ------------.

Poems by Two Brothers

636 - Lydia and Kitty are characters in ------------

Pride and Prejudice

637 - Machiavelli had a great influence on

University Wits

638 - Madame Defarge is a character in ------------..

A Tale of Two Cities

639 - Magna Carta was signed in 1215. When was the first English Parliament was established?

Also in 1215

640 - Malcolm Lowry was an English ------------.


641 - Man Friday is a character in Defoe's ------------.

Robinson Crusoe

642 - Man's boundless urge to become supreme without the aid of God, but failing and ending in spiritual crisis is the theme of

Dr. Faustus

643 - Marlowe died in


644 - Marlowe was born in


645 - Marlowe wrote ------------plays in six years.


646 - Marstan and Webster died in


647 - Martin Chuzzelwit is a character of the novel "Martin Chuzzelwit" by ------------.

Charles Dickens

648 - Martin Luther translated the New Testament into ------------for the first time.


649 - Martin Luther was a priest.


650 - Mary Ann Evans was the real name of ------------.

George Eliot

651 - Medievalism changed into Renaissance exactly from ------------..


652 - Melancholy was an important aspect of ------------


653 - Mgna Carta was a document of ------------------------?

Human's personal rights

654 - Milly Theale is the main character in the novel ------------..

The Wings of the Dove

655 - Miracle and Mystery plays were famous from 1154 to ------------------------?

To the end of Elizabethan period 1603

656 - Miracle and Mystery were the earliest forms of ------------------------..?


657 - Miss Havisham is the character in ------------.

Great Expectations

658 - Modern spirit was

All of these

659 - Moll Flander was written in------------.


660 - Morality plays personify------------------------?

Virtues and vices

661 - Morose and Dauphine are the characters in

The Silent Woman

662 - Most significant novelist after World War II was ------------

William Golding

663 - Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley appear in ------------..

Pride and Prejudice

664 - Mrs. Malaprop is a character in ------------

The Rival

665 - Mrs. Slipslope and Peter Pounce are the charcters in------------..

Joseph Andrews

666 - Murial spark belonged to ------------


667 - Murial Spark was ------------..

All of these

668 - Murial Spark was born in 1918 in UK and died in ...

2006 in Italy

669 - Name the daily newspaper that began in 1702.

The Daily Courant

670 - Name the narrative poem written by Shakespeare

Venus and Adonais

671 - Neo-Classical/Classical writers followed

Exact rules

672 - New Testament has ------------------------books.


673 - Nicholas Udall died in 1556. He was born in


674 - Nicholas Udall translated a part of ------------by Erasmus.


675 - Nicholas Udall was a writer and a


676 - Nick Bottom is a character in Shakespeare's ------------

A Midsummer Night's Dream

677 - Northumbria, Mercia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, East Anglia and Wessex are------------------------?

The names of seven kingdoms

678 - Novel began properly in the ------------..century.


679 - Old Age is also known as------------------------..?

All three are correct

680 - Old English Period started in ------------------------..?

450 A.D

681 - Old Testament has ------------------------books.


682 - Old Testament tells the history of


683 - Oliver Goldsmith was born in 1728 and died in------------..


684 - Oliver Goldsmith wrote------------..

The Traveller

685 - Olivia, Maria and Malvolio are the characters in Shakespeare's ------------.

Twelfth Night

686 - On which the Roman Plays of Shakespeare based on?

North's translation of Plutarch's Lives

687 - Only nine lines of the first poem of ------------.survived.


688 - Opening of a story narrating the background detail and setting------------..


689 - Optimism' was the most striking feature of ------------------------..

18th century

690 - Orlando is a character in ------------

As You Like It

691 - Other name of "Gorboduc" is

Ferrex and Porrex

692 - Overall the Middle English Period was the period of ------------------------..?


693 - Oxford Movement was also known as

Both A & B

694 - P.B Shelley was ------------.in his poetry and politcal views.


695 - Pamela is the virtuous heroine in the novel "Pamela" by ------------


696 - Pamela was written in 1740 by ------------

Samuel Richardson

697 - Paradise Lost was written by------------.

John Milton

698 - Paradise Regained was written by------------.

John Milton

699 - Parson Adams a famous character appeared in Henry Fielding's'------------

Joseph Andrews

700 - Parson Adams is a virtuous and simple character in ------------...

Joseph Andrews

701 - Peloponessian War was fought between ------------ B.C.

431-405 B.C

702 - Pen name of a writer is called------------.

Both of these

703 - Persusion through reasoning is called ------------------------..


704 - Philip Sydney and John Lyly are ------------of Elizabethan era.

Prose writers

705 - Pindar was the famous lyrical poet of ------------..age.


706 - Play on words which are similar in sound but have sharply different manings is called ------------------------?


707 - Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter------------.

Blank Verse

708 - Polonius appears in ------------..


709 - Portia is female character in ------------..

The Merchant of Venice

710 - Precise, Elegant and Formal style of Restoration Age was called------------.


711 - Pulp fiction is------------.

Novels which are produced for the mass market

712 - Puritan Age is also known as------------.

Age of criticism

713 - Purtan's followers were called------------.


714 - Queen Anne's accession to the throne------------


715 - Queen Mary died in------------.


716 - Reasoning that begins with generalization and applies generalization to a specific case------------..


717 - Rebecca is a Jewess in ------------.


718 - Reformation Movement was against


719 - Regan is a character in ------------..

King Lear

720 - Renaissance had little importance for------------------------

Ordinary women

721 - Renaissance revolted against ------------

Both of these

722 - Renaissance spirit of Elizabethan Age began to decline in

Puritan Age

723 - Repitition of a consonant sound within two or more than two words in close proximity is called ------------------------.?


724 - Richard Froud, William Palmer and Isaac Williams belonged to

Oxford Movement

725 - Richard III was the King of England and Lord of Ireland from 1483 to ------------------------..?


726 - Rights of Man was published in ------------


727 - Robert Browning was born in 1812. He died in


728 - Robert Browning was influenced by

All of these

729 - Robert Browning was married to Elizabeth Barrett Browning in


730 - Robert Greene was deeply influenced by

Italian writers

731 - Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe and Marlowe were educated from


732 - Robert Walpole remain Prime Minister from 1721 to------------..


733 - Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe in------------.


734 - Roderick Random is the hero of the novel "Roderick Random" written by ------------..


735 - Roger Ascham remianed tutor of Elizabeth I from 1548 to


736 - Roger Ascham was

A didactic writer

737 - Roger Formal and Mr. Stephen are characters in

Every Man in His Humour

738 - Romances were famous during ------------------------Age.


739 - Romantic Age was characterized by ------------.

Intense emotions

740 - Romantic critics say that in Shakespeare

All came from within

741 - Rules of exactness and precision were followed in ------------.in Augustan Age.


742 - Running over of a sentence or thought into the next line without the pasue is called------------..


743 - Samson Agonistes by Milton was published in


744 - Samuel Beckett died in France in ------------.


745 - Samuel Beckett was born in 1906 in ------------.


746 - Samuel Richardson belonged to ------------..

United Kingdom

747 - Samuel Richardson's "Pamela or Virtue Rewarded" is known as the first ------------

Epistolary novel

748 - Sarah Gamp is a character in ------------.

Martin Chuzzelwit

749 - Saxons came to England in ------------------------.?

450 A.D

750 - Saxons went to ------------------------.?


751 - Scientific spirit was popularized by

All of these

752 - Seamus Heaney was a/an ------------.


753 - Second edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in ------------..


754 - Second edition of Paradise Lost had ------------..books.


755 - Second edition of Paradise Lost was issued in------------...


756 - Senecan influence gave rise to

Renenge tragedy

757 - Sermons in a sort of poetic prose was written by ------------------------?


758 - Shakespeare published ------------..sonnets.


759 - Shakespeare wrote ..narrative poems.


760 - Shelley, Byron and Keats were ------------..generation Romantic poets.


761 - Sigfried Sassoon died in 1967, wrote ------------

Suicide in Trenches

762 - Sigfried Sassoon was an English War Poet, born in ------------


763 - Silas Marner is the protagonist of the novel "Silas Marner" by ------------.

George Eliot

764 - Sir Arthur Wing Pinero belonged to ------------..


765 - Sir Lancelot Greaves was an imitation of Cervante's------------

Don Quixote

766 - Sir Toby Belch is Olivia's uncle in the play ------------.

Twelfth night

767 - Smollet is considered as the first novelist who gave detailed account of------------.

All of these

768 - Socrates died in in ------------ B.C.


769 - Socrates was born in classical Athens in ------------ B.C.


770 - Sophocles and Euripides were the ------------.. writers.


771 - Sophocles died in ------------ B.C


772 - Sophocles was born in ------------ .


773 - Sophocles was born in------------.. B.C.


774 - South Saxons landed in Britain in the year ------------------------?

477 A.D

775 - St. Augustine established Benedictine Abbey as the seat of his diocese at------------?


776 - Story-tellers of Old English who were actually poets, called ------------------------?


777 - Struggle found in a literary work ------------


778 - Substituting one term to another that is associated with the term------------


779 - Successful in the analysis of the unconscious------------.

DH Lawrence

780 - Surrey introduced blank verse in


781 - Sydney attribute ..to poetry in his "In the Defense of Poesy"?

Both A & B

782 - Sydney Carton is a character in ------------

A Tale of Two Cities

783 - Systematic representation of events in a dramatic or narrative work is called ------------------------?


784 - Tennyson was born in


785 - Tenyyson died in


786 - The "Iliad" is written by?


787 - The "Republic" is written by------------. .


788 - The adventures of Ulysses are narrated in..?


789 - The age of Queen Victoria at the time of succession was ------------..

18 years

790 - The Age of Transition is characterized by------------.

Renaissance of learning

791 - The arrangement of words as elements in a sentence to show their relationship is called------------------------?


792 - The art of Biography and Autobiography emerged in

Puritan Age

793 - The art of effective communication and persuasive discourse is called ------------------------..?


794 - The authorized version of the Bible was known as

Both A & B

795 - The Bible was printed in about 1455 in Germany by ------------and his partners.

John Guttenberg

796 - The Canterbury Tales was first published in

In 1476

797 - The character of Manfred appeared in

The Castle of Otranto

798 - The chief character in a narrative or dramatic work is called ------------------------?


799 - The chief exponent of Symbolism in England ------------..

W.B Yeats

800 - The Classic writers are called


801 - The conclusion of the story is called------------

Both A & B

802 - The condition of education during Renaissance can be best described as

All of these

803 - The Critical Review was a ------------.periodical.


804 - The death of Medieval scholasticism------------.


805 - The dictionary or literal meaning of a word is called ------------------------..?


806 - The drama of the age of James I is known as

Jacobean Drama

807 - The dramatic work produced in the age of Shakespeare is known as


808 - The English are the composite race of Danes, Celts, ------------------------?

Both A & B

809 - The era from 1066 to 1350 is sometimes called as Anglo-Norman period because ------------------------.?

The French dialect was dominant

810 - The famous literary figure of the last quarter of 17th century was

John Dryden

811 - The far-traveller wandering over the Germanic land is a poem ------------------------..?


812 - The finest example of Morality Play is ------------------------?


813 - The first English Christian King was------------------------.?


814 - The First English Civil War was fought between 1642 and 1646 in------------.

Both A & B

815 - The first English Tragedy on Senecan grounds was


816 - The first generation of Romantic poets was impressed by------------..

Both of these

817 - The first king who was born in church------------...

Charles I

818 - The following is/are the novel/novels of George Eliot.

Both A & B

819 - The greatest work of Sophocles is ------------ .

Oedipus Rex

820 - The group/groups of comedies of Classical Period was/were.. .

All three

821 - The hero of Beowulf is from ------------------------.?

Southern Sweden

822 - The Hundred Years War ended in ------------------------..?


823 - The incomplete poem describing the human sufferings is ------------------------..?

The Ruin

824 - The King James Bible was made by ------------------------scholars.


825 - The language which is used to represent qualities and ideas rather than people or things is called ------------------------.?

Abstract Language

826 - The last play by Shakespeare

Henry VIII

827 - The leader of University Wits was

Christopher Marlowe

828 - The line "Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation" occurs in ------------

A Farewell to Arms

829 - The line "Exit pursued by a bear" appears in Shakespeare's ------------

The Winter's Tale

830 - The line "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" is from ------------.

A Tale of Two Cities

831 - The line "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day" is from ------------

Jane Eyre

832 - The line "To be or not to be --- that is the question" is said in Hamlet by ------------


833 - The Mad Hatter is a character in ------------

Alice in Wonderland

834 - The Man of Feeling is written by------------

Henry Mackenzie

835 - The method used by a writer to develop a character------------


836 - The most important poem of Cynewulf is------------------------?


837 - The nature of relationship between Church and individual was changed by------------.


838 - The nobles who owned land and reported king during Anglo-Saxon period were called------------?


839 - The Norsemen (Northmen) are also known as------------------------..?


840 - The novel "Desperate Remedies" is written by ------------..

Thomas Hardy

841 - The Novel of Terror is also termed as

The gothic romance

842 - The novel 'Voyage to Lisbon' is written by------------.

Henry Fielding

843 - The Old English "Martyrology" is a Merican collection of ------------------------..?


844 - The Old English period ended wth the Norman conquest of ------------------------------------?

1066 A.D

845 - The oldest version of Bible was

The Septugint

846 - The only surviving play of Thomas Lodge

The Wounds of Civil War

847 - The period from January 30, 1649 to May 29, 1660 is called------------.


848 - The period of Marlowe's dramatic activity is from 1587 to


849 - The play "The Old Wives' Tale" was printed in


850 - The plays of Ben Johnson was written on the pattern of

Both A & B

851 - The poem "Iliad" is about?

Trojan War

852 - The poetry of which age is devoid of imagination and emotions?

Age of Pope

853 - The Principles of Human Knowledge was published in 1710 by...

George Berkeley

854 - The process by which an unhealthy emotion created by an imbalance of feelings is corrected and emotional health is restored is called------------------------.?


855 - The quality of a fiction or non-fiction that evoke pity and sorrow?


856 - The reality that we feel in the characters and actions in a literary piece------------..


857 - The repitition of a consonant or vowel sound at close intervals is called ------------------------.?


858 - The repitition of a vowel sound within two or more than two words in close proxinity is called ------------------------.?


859 - The Review was a------------..


860 - The Review was published from 1704 to 1713 by------------.

Daniel Defoe

861 - The Royal Society adopted------------

Mathematical plainness

862 - The Royal Society was established in------------


863 - The Saxons came to England from ------------------------..?

North Germany

864 - The scholars of Norman Period spoke ------------------------..?


865 - The second crusade was fought in ------------------------..?

1147 A.D

866 - The Second English Civil War was fought in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales in


867 - The society of Middle Ages was ------------------------.?


868 - The Spaniard is a character in ------------.

Robinson Crusoe

869 - The steam engine, Spinning jenny, spinning frame and the power loom were invented in ...

18th century

870 - The stories of the Romances were based on King Arthur, ------------------------------------..?

All of these

871 - The style of the Restoration was

All of these

872 - The subject of the poem "Christ" by Cynewulf is------------.?


873 - The surviving manuscripts of Old English/Anglo-Saxon poetry is/are------------------------?


874 - The target of Gunpowder plot was

House of Parliament

875 - The techniques of perspective, realism and ------------were used in Renaissance art.


876 - The term "Stigma of print" refers to

Court poets thought that printed verse was less exclusive

877 - The term 'comic epic in prose' is related to------------

Henry Fielding

878 - The Theatre Act of 1968 ------------..the censorship.


879 - The theme of a medieval romance was ------------------------..?

A knight goes on an adventure to save a maiden

880 - The theme/themes of the "Wanderer" is/are------------------------?

Exile and solitude

881 - The Third English Civil War is also known as ------------

Anglo-Scottish War

882 - The Third English Civil War was fought between England and Scotland in------------


883 - The university of Oxford was established in 12th century. When was the university of Cambridge established?

Also in 12th century

884 - The use of a word in a new grmmatical form------------.

Both A & B

885 - The use of a word or phrase that is less offensive, less distasteful and less direct is called ------------------------..?


886 - The words which are recently created or coinage of new words.


887 - The words which are used to belittle an idea or person by arising contemptous laughter------------


888 - The writer of Beowulf is ------------------------?


889 - The writer's choice of diction, syntax and tone is called ------------------------..?


890 - The writers of 18th century used------------

Both A & B

891 - The writers of Classical Age followed their own intellect and reason, so the age was known as------------..

Age of Reason and Good Sense

892 - The year of Gunpowder plot


893 - Theatre of Absurd was pioneered by ------------.

Samuel Beckett

894 - Theatres were closed by Puritans in


895 - Theatres were reopened in------------


896 - Theocentric means------------------------...

God is the centre of the universe

897 - This form of poetry refrains from any musical pattern, rhyme or meter------------.

Free Verse

898 - This line "The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike" is from ------------.

Dr. Faustus

899 - Thomas Kyd was born in 1558 in


900 - Thomas Lodge died in 1625. He was born in East London in


901 - Thomas Lodge, George Peele and John Lyly were graduated from


902 - Thomas More's Utopia first published in ..and then translated into English in 16th century.


903 - Thomas Otway was born in 1652 and died in


904 - Thoms Overbury was a famous ------------of Puritan Age.

Sketch Writer

905 - Through .., writers received financial rewards for their writings in 16th century.


906 - To counter the feudal power structure by a central authority began in the reign of ------------.and continued afterward.

Henry VII

907 - To enliven morality with wit and to temper wit with morality' is the aim of ------------.according to Addison.

The Spectator

908 - To present past events during current events for providing background details------------.


909 - To ridicule a style or subject matter of a literary form by treating the exalted in a trivial way or vice versa...


910 - To which class of people was Sentimental comedy fits the best?


911 - To which group does Anglo-Saxon language belong?

Aryan/Indo-European family

912 - To which writers was the term Classical used for the first time?

Greek and Roman writers, like Homer and Virgil

913 - To whom can we call "The Last of the Great Victorians"

Thomas Hardy

914 - Tom Tulliver and Maggie Tulliver are the charcaters in ------------

The Mill on the Floss

915 - Tories supportted the succession of------------..


916 - Tories were conservatives and followed------------.

Old traditions

917 - Transitional Period is a fusion of aristocracy and ------------

Middle Class

918 - Treatment of a frivolous subject seriously------------..

Mock Epic

919 - Tristram Shandy is a picaresque novel by..

Laurence Sterne

920 - Tristram Shandy was published in..


921 - True or concocted collection of events that tells a story------------..


922 - True tragedy is concerned with ------------ .

Sufferings and sorrows of heroes or historical personages

923 - Tudor courtiers had learned the art of intrigue and keys to gaining power from an Italian book

Prince by Machiavelli

924 - Tudor dynasty lasted till the end of Queen Elizabeth's rule in


925 - Two or more words having the same pronunciation and different meanings, origins and spellings------------...


926 - Two or more words having the same spellings/pronunciation and different meanings------------...


927 - Under guise of praise, a bitter expression of strong disapproval is given------------.


928 - Unified group of lines in a poem/poetry------------...


929 - Use of hints to fore-tel what will happen later in literary work------------.


930 - Variation of regular word order (Subject + Verb + Object) is called ------------------------?


931 - Victorian Period is divided into ------------.parts.


932 - Victorians had faith in religion and permanence of values while modern men wanted to ------------.

All of these

933 - Virginia Woolf was born in ------------.


934 - Virtual founder of British Novel

Daniel Defoe

935 - Vittoria, Zanche, Lodovico and Brachiano are characters in

The White Devil

936 - Volpone by Johnson was pubished in


937 - Volpone is Johnson's


938 - Wallace Stevens and Mary Oliver are ------------..

Modern Poets

939 - Walter Pater was born in 1839 and died in ------------.


940 - War of Roses continued from 1455 to ------------------------.?


941 - War of Roses ended in 1485 on ------------.

Bosworth Field

942 - ------------------------was a historical religious poet.


943 - Was George Chapman a University Wit?


944 - Was George Puttenham a courtier poet of 16th century?


945 - WB Yeats was awarded Nobel Prize in literature in ------------.


946 - WB Yeats was born in England in ------------..


947 - We can call the Victorian Age ------------

Age of peace

948 - What accounts for the rise of translations from Greek writers in 16th century?

Both A & B

949 - What did Dr. Johnson represent?

Old order of classicism

950 - What did Matthew Arnold call the 18th century?

The Age of Prose

951 - What did Walter Scott contribute to the literature of the Romantic Age?

Love for the past

952 - What do we call to a "seemingly contradictory statement that is actually true"?


953 - What do we call to a basic unit of meter that has two or three syllables?


954 - What do we call to a form of expression in which words are used out of the regular meaning to make the effect specific?

Figure of Speech

955 - What do we call to a heavily didactic story?


956 - What do we call to a lesson drawn from a fictional or non-fictional story?


957 - What do we call to a literary form or type?


958 - What do we call to a temporary departure from the main subject in writing or speaking?


959 - What do we call to a time or locale in which the action of a story takes place?


960 - What do we call to a writer's attitude toward his subject matter that is revealed through the use of figurative language, diction, organization of the sentences?


961 - What do we call to an action of proving a theory or idea false by giving opposing arguments?


962 - What do we call to an overwhelming insolence or pride that results in the misfortune of the hero of a tragedy?

Both A & B

963 - What do we call to the cultural legacy of Colonialism?

Post Colonialism

964 - What do we call to the designation of one thing with something very closely related to it?


965 - What do you know about mystical literature?

It encouraged women to write romantic and religious literature

966 - What do you mean by Didactic?

A term that we use to describe a fiction or non fiction that teaches a moral lesson.

967 - What happened in England in 1688-89?

Glorious Revolution took place

968 - What is "Juxtaposing two contradictory things, terms or ideas like 'silencing roar' called?


969 - What is "Oenone"?

A poem by Tennyson

970 - What is Anecdote?

A brief recounting of a single relevant episode

971 - What is Hamartia?

Tragic Flaw in a character

972 - What is heroic couplet?

Two rhyming lines of iambic pentameters

973 - What is induction?

A reasoning or form that works from a body of facts to the formation of generalization.

974 - What is meant by the lai?

A story based on the theme of courtly love

975 - What is Panegyric?

All of these

976 - What is the first extended written specimen of Old English Period?

Code of Law by King Ethelbert

977 - What is the life-span of Christopher Smart?


978 - What is the name of short poem that deals with the beginning of the world and fall of Angels?

Genesis A (1)

979 - What is the other name of Anglo-Saxon Period?

Old English Period

980 - What is the theme of "Gorboduc" in play's own words?

Blood asketh blood, death must require death

981 - What is the theme of the poem "The Fight at Finnesburg"?

Battle against fearful odds

982 - What is the work of Alcuin?

He revived Latin scripts under Charlemagne

983 - What kind of ideas did French Revolution present?


984 - What kind of language old English was?

Highly Inflectional

985 - What kind of poem "Works and Days" is?


986 - What kind of verse was the old English poetry?


987 - What legend is famous about Caedmon's inspiration?

Vision for the gift of poetic song

988 - What relation did James II had with Charles II?


989 - What served as a vehicle to spread literature everywhere?

The invention of printing press

990 - What was Romantic Slogan?

Return to Nature

991 - What was the age of William Pitt when he became the Prime Minister?

24 Years

992 - What was the Augustans' belief about reasoning power of all men?

Reasoning power of all men is equal.

993 - What was the belief of Cromwell?


994 - What was the cause of Socrates death?

Forced suicide by poisoning

995 - What was the distinguishing mark of Moral (Morality) Plays?


996 - What was the emphasis of the Renaissance?


997 - What was the essence of Renaissance?

Man discovered himself and the univrse.

998 - What was the important trait of Renaissance?


999 - What was the important vehicle of verse in Restoration Age?

Heroic Couplet

1000 - What was the main charactristic of the early Victorian period?

Faith in reality of progress

1001 - What was the name of the festival for which the plays were produced in Classical Greek?


1002 - What was the population of London between 1520 and 1550?


1003 - What was the profession of Dr. Johnson's father?


1004 - What was the purpose of Oxford/Tractarian Movement?

To bring spiritual changes in Church of England

1005 - What was the real name of Saxons?


1006 - What was the result of the Cult of Chivalry?

Both A and B

1007 - What was the theme of literature in Neo-Classical Age?

Town and city

1008 - What was the theme of the poem "London" by Johnson?

Dark and miserable condition of London

1009 - What was the theme of the poem, "Vanity of Human Wishes"?

Futility of human struggle

1010 - When a comment does not logically relate to another, we call it ------------------------?


1011 - When a writer attacks his/her opponents personally in spite of attacking their arguments is called ------------------------..?

Ad homonym

1012 - When did a great plague break in Athens?

In 430 B.C

1013 - When did Alfred became the king of Wessex?

871 A.D

1014 - When did Angles settle in Northumbria?

547 A.D

1015 - When did Anglo-Saxon begin the conquest of South-eastern Britain?

450 A.D

1016 - When did Anglo-Saxons Chronicle begin?

In 860

1017 - When did Anglo-Saxons embrace Christianity?

In 597 A.D

1018 - When did Aristotle die?

322 B.C

1019 - When did Athens conquer the island of Melos and excuted its all adult men?

In 416

1020 - When did Chaucer fight in Hundred Years War?

In 1359

1021 - When did Classical Period end?

323 B.C

1022 - When did Classical Period start?

500 B.C

1023 - When did Danes conquer Northumbria?

867 A.D

1024 - When did England become the extension of Northern France under the accession of King John?

In 1199

1025 - When did hostility between France and England end?

In 1815

1026 - When did hostility between France and England start?

In 1793

1027 - When did Joseph Addison start The Spectator again for 80 numbers?

In 1714

1028 - When did King Charles II die?

In 1685

1029 - When did Mngna Carta signed by King John?

In 1215

1030 - When did Peasants' Revolt happen in Middle Ages?


1031 - When did Plato die?

348/347 B.C

1032 - When did Romantic Period end officially?


1033 - When did St. Augustine came and convert King Ethelbert into Christianity?

597 A.D

1034 - When did the "Poems by Two Brothers" appear ------------


1035 - When did the Black Death occur in Middle Ages?


1036 - When did The Fall of Bastille take place during French Revolution?

July 14, 1789

1037 - When did the Greek scholars leave Constantinople?

At the fall of Constantinople

1038 - When did the incident of Great Fire happen in London?


1039 - When did the Lollards beigin Reformation in England?

In 1377

1040 - When did the trial of Warren Hastings take place?


1041 - When did the" Doomsday Book (Domesday Book)" completed?

In 1086

1042 - When did William Caxton print "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Malory?


1043 - When did William Cowper write "The Castaway"?

In 1800 shortly before his death

1044 - When the reader or the audience is aware of the contradiction between the real meaning of the situation and the literal meaning of the writer's words is called------------.?

Verbal Irony

1045 - When two statements are made and a logical conclusion is drawn from them is called------------..


1046 - When was "A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy" published?


1047 - When was "Gorboduc" published?


1048 - When was "On the Origin of Species" by Darwin published?


1049 - When was "Principia" published in English?


1050 - When was "The Recuyell of the Historeys of Troye" published?

In 1475

1051 - When was "The Tatler" closed?

January 1711

1052 - When was 'A Dictionary of the English Language' published?


1053 - When was Aeschylus defeated by Sophocles in the drama competition held in Athens?

468 B.C

1054 - When was Aristotle born?

384 B.C

1055 - When was Battle of Edington fought?

878 A.D

1056 - When was Chaucer's Canterbury Tales publish?


1057 - When was Constantinople conquered by Turks?

In 1453

1058 - When was Doris Lessing awarded Nobel Prize?

In 2007

1059 - When was Dr. Johnson born?


1060 - When was England completely conquered by the Roman King Claudius?

43 A.D

1061 - When was first Coffee-house was built in Oxford?


1062 - When was 'Lyrical Ballads' planned?

In 1797

1063 - When was Napolean defeated at Waterloo?


1064 - When was Oxford Mvement started?

In early 1830s

1065 - When was Plato born?

Both A and B are speculated as true

1066 - When was printing from movable plates invented?

Around 1450

1067 - When was Queen Victoria born?

In 1819

1068 - When was Renaissance in full bloom in England?

During Elizabeth Age

1069 - When was Richard II deposed?

In 1399

1070 - When was Seamus Heaney awarded Nobel Prize in Literature?


1071 - When was Seamus Heaney born?


1072 - When was T.S Eliot awarded Nobel Prize in Literature?


1073 - When was Tennyson raised to the peerage as Lord?

In 1884

1074 - When was the committee for abolishing the slave trade established by Evangelical English Protestans?


1075 - When was the dialogue between individual members of the choir added to the drama?

On feast days

1076 - When was the Dream of the Rood written with the theme of Crucification of Christ?

In 9th century

1077 - When was the first complete Bible was published?


1078 - When was the first Crusade fought?

In 1096

1079 - When was the first Miracle Play recorded in England?

1110 A.D

1080 - When was the Second Reform Act implemented fully?

January 1, 1869

1081 - When was the Slave Trade Abolition Act introduced?


1082 - When was the term Agnostic coined by Thomas Huxley?


1083 - When was the Theatre Act passed in Post Modern Age?


1084 - When was the third edition of Lyrical Ballads published?


1085 - When was Utopia published in Latin?


1086 - When was Warren Hastings found not guilty?


1087 - When was William Pitt made the Prime Minister of Britain?


1088 - When were Britons pushed back to western borders of England?

In 6th century

1089 - When were the actresses (female actors) introduced in the theatre?

In Restoration Age

1090 - When were the books 1 to 3 of "Faerie Queene" published?


1091 - When were the theatres closed in Puritan Age?


1092 - Where did all tribes of Britain joined one another?

In south east area

1093 - Where did Goidets go and disappear?


1094 - Where did the story of "Beowulf" take place?


1095 - Where does this line occur, "Silence, ye wolves! White Ralph to Cynthia howls"?

The Dunciad (Pope)

1096 - Where was Aristotle born?

Euboea (Greece)

1097 - Where was Dylan Thomas born in 1914?

Uplands, UK

1098 - Where was Marlowe stabbed to death?

In a tavern brawl

1099 - Which Act changed the British electoral system?

First Refrm Act 1832

1100 - Which age was controversial in the field of literature, society and religion?

Both A & B

1101 - Which age was the age of common sense, tolerance and moderation?

Age of Pope

1102 - Which Christian sect flourished in England after breaking ties with Roman Catholics?


1103 - Which city's whole population disappeared due to Black Death?


1104 - Which class of people rose during Age of Reason?


1105 - Which colonial venture/ventures took place in the reign of James I?

Both A & B

1106 - Which dialect did King Alfred adopt?

West Saxon

1107 - Which English dialect began to be used in literary writings?

Middle English

1108 - Which English King was victorious in Hundred Years War in 1415?

Henry V

1109 - Which English writer presented the doctrine of "Art for art's sake"?

Walter Pater

1110 - Which entity lost its power in the Renaissance?

Roman Catholic

1111 - Which era combined with French Revolution to give birth to democracy?


1112 - Which famous writer mentioned Bible in his works only once?


1113 - Which French ruler was executed in 1792 during French Revolution?

Louis XVI

1114 - Which institutions were overthrown by Renaissance?

Feudal & Orthodox

1115 - Which is a striking feature of Middle English literature?


1116 - Which is the representative poem of the Old English Period?


1117 - Which kind of novel takes its setting and characters from history?

Historical Novel

1118 - Which literary genre prevailed in 18th century?


1119 - Which maojr new prose genre was emerged during Jacobean era?

Familiar essay

1120 - Which of the following is Smolette's novel?

The Expedition of Humphry Clinker

1121 - Which of the following is the novel of George Orwell?

Animal Farm

1122 - Which of the following is the novel of John Waine?

Young Shoulders

1123 - Which of the following is the novel of Richardson?

The History of Sir Charles Grandison

1124 - Which of the following is true about Elizabethan theater?

All of these

1125 - Which of the following poets showed romantic tendency towards the middle of 18th century?

Both A & B

1126 - Which poem describes continental courts visited by a far-wandering poet?


1127 - Which poem describes how Israelites left Egypt and Daniel?


1128 - Which poem has nostalgic elements?

The Seafarer

1129 - Which poem is about the origins and genealogies of the greek Gods?


1130 - Which poem is called the national epic of England?


1131 - Which poem is the blend of Paganism and Christianity?


1132 - Which poem of Alfred Tennyson is a cycle of twelve books?

Idylls of the King

1133 - Which poem of Geffrei Gaimer shows the mythical history of Britons?

Estoirie des Engleis (The History of the English)

1134 - Which publication made Samuel Johnson famous and independent?

His dictionary

1135 - Which religious poet was mostly mythical?


1136 - Which social class got power in Romantic Age?

Middle class

1137 - Which technique was popular in Old English Poetry?


1138 - Which term was followed by literature before the Renaissance?


1139 - Which theory says that reigning monarch is God's deputy who has absolute authority?

Royal Absolutism

1140 - Which theory was presented by Charles Darwin?

Theory of Evolution

1141 - Which thing contributed most to the beginning of Renaissance movement?

Well-to-do people supported art

1142 - Which thing was the leading thing to Romanticism?

Emergence of Middle Class

1143 - Which tragic event took place in 1348-49?

Black Death

1144 - Which two parties came into being in Restoration Period?

Tory & Whig

1145 - Which type of novel presents a social world conveying the values and customs of a complex or highly developed society?

Novel of manners

1146 - Which war was fought between Athens and allies and Sparta and allies?

Peloponessian War

1147 - Which was the best novel of Angus Wilson?

Hemlock and After

1148 - Which was the dominant literary genre in Modern Age?


1149 - Which was the first novel of William Golding?

Lord of Flies

1150 - Which was the language of religion/clergy during Norman Era?


1151 - Which was the only possible form for serious work in poetry in Augustan Age?

Heroic Couplet

1152 - Which was the satire on the popular drama of Elizabethan days?

The Old Wive's Tale

1153 - Which was/were the objection/objections raised against the theaters of Elizabethan era?

All of these

1154 - Which was/were the objective/objectives of Long Parliament when it convened in 1640?

All of these

1155 - Which writers are called "Child of democracy and individualism, industrialism, materialism, doubt, pessimism, science and evolution."?

Victorian writers

1156 - Which years were suspendid animation in poilitcs in England?

From 1820 to 1832

1157 - Whigs had financial interests and were called------------


1158 - Who ascended to the throne in 1685?

James II

1159 - Who attacked the Quakers?

John Bunyan

1160 - Who became king after Harold II?


1161 - Who became The Poet Laureate in 1850?


1162 - Who began conquest of India in 1757?

General Clive

1163 - Who brought church and the state together in 1530s?

Henry VIII

1164 - Who brought the aspects of humanity to the poetry of Romantic Period?

Robert Southey

1165 - Who called Henry Feilding 'The father of English novel.'?

Walter Scott

1166 - Who cirumnavigated the earth?

Vascoda Gama

1167 - Who composed the "Odyssey"?


1168 - Who composed the line "Love is my religion - I could die for it."?

John Keats

1169 - Who converted Anglo-Saxons to Christianity?

St. Augustine

1170 - Who created "True Tragedy"?


1171 - Who created women characters most successfully?

GB Shaw

1172 - Who defeated Byrhtnoth at Battle of Maldon in 991 A.D?


1173 - Who developed a regular plot in drama expressing deep human feelings?

Robert Greene

1174 - Who established Cmmonwealth in England in 1649?


1175 - Who forced King John to sign Magna Carta?


1176 - Who found the solar system?


1177 - Who gave impressionism to English Novel?

Laurence Stern

1178 - Who gave the model of Blank Verse in drama?


1179 - Who imagined himself as the modern version of Augustas Caesar?

James I

1180 - Who imposed dictatorship in 1653 on England?


1181 - Who initiated the Reformation Movement in 1517?

Martin Luther

1182 - Who introduced English Navy?

King Alfred

1183 - Who introduced the system of measurement of earth in Old English Period?

King Alfred

1184 - Who is a "Churl"?

All of these

1185 - Who is a villain?

A bad guy opposing the protagonist

1186 - Who is called the 'father of English dramatic poetry' by critics?

Christopher Marlowe

1187 - Who is called the father of English learning?


1188 - Who is called the great genius of Elizabethan Age?

William shakespeare

1189 - Who is called the poet of wedded love?


1190 - Who is considered as the first English poet?


1191 - Who is considered as the model in Renaissance?

Both A & B

1192 - Who is considered the first prose writer in English?


1193 - Who is Dionysus?

Greek god of fertility and wine

1194 - Who is given the credit of originating the phrase "Pandora's box"?


1195 - Who is represented/addressed in pastrol poetry?

Both A & B

1196 - Who is said to have died after an ogry in a London alehouse?

Robert Greene

1197 - Who is the eldest son of King Duncan in "Macbeth"?


1198 - Who is the father of religious poetry?


1199 - Who is the hero of Charles Dickens' novel "The Return of the Native"?

Clym Yeobright

1200 - Who is the heroine of "The Rape of the Lock" by Pope?


1201 - Who is the heroine of the Shakespeare's play "Hamlet?


1202 - Who is the heroine of the Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet"?


1203 - Who is the most stern follower of the Senecan Revenge Tradition?

John Webster

1204 - Who is the pioneer of science fiction?

HG Wells

1205 - Who is the villian in the play "The Revenger's Tragedy"?


1206 - Who is the young lover in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare?


1207 - Who is Ursula in "Much Ado About Nothing"?

A maid

1208 - Who killed Marlowe?

Ingram Frizer

1209 - Who of the following is/are the female writer/writers of Jacobean Era?

Both A & B

1210 - Who presented the expression "Broad Church"?

Arthur Hough Clough

1211 - Who published "Rites of Passage" in 1980?

William Golding

1212 - Who refined drama and brought it out of the alehouse into the courtly chamber?

John Lyly

1213 - Who remained the King of England from 1485 to 1509?

Henry VII

1214 - Who said "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"?

John Keats

1215 - Who said "Browning is preeminently a poet of the world."?

Compton Rickett

1216 - Who said "He (Browning) did to English poetry what Steele did to English essay. He informalised into,often lacking a formal beauty"?

Compton Rickett

1217 - Who said "Human body is consisted of four humours_ Blood, Phlegm, Cholera and Melancholy."?

Ben Johnson

1218 - Who said "Shakespeare works as with the clay of human action; Browning as with the clay of human thoughts"?


1219 - Who says "Romanticism is addition of strangeness to beauty"?

Walter Pater

1220 - Who speaks these lines in Hamlet? "Doubt that the stars are fire/Doubt that the sun doth move/Doubt truth to be a liar/But never doubt that I love".


1221 - Who speaks these lines? "Though in the trade of war I have slain men/Yet do I hold it very stuff o' the conscience/To do no contrived murder".


1222 - Who started persecutions of Protestants in 1550s to condemn them?

Mary Tudor

1223 - Who started psychological novels in Victorian Age?

George Eliot

1224 - Who suceeded Elizabeth I in 1603?

James VI of Scotland

1225 - Who translated Latin books into English for the first time?


1226 - Who translated Utopia into English in 1551?

Ralph Robinson

1227 - Who warned Alexander Pope on the publication of The Dunciad, "Take care that the bad poets do not outwit you?

Jonathan Swift

1228 - Who was a boy disguised as a woman in "The Silent Woman"?


1229 - Who was a foolish knight in "Twelfth Night"?

Sir Andrew Aguecheek

1230 - Who was a passionate lover of external visible world?

John Keats

1231 - Who was Alcuin?

Second Learned man of old English period

1232 - Who was an old wounded soldier in Sterne's "Tristram Shandy"?

Uncle Toby

1233 - Who was Angus Wilson?

Both A & B

1234 - Who was Aristotle?

Greek Philospher

1235 - Who was Augustan?

A Roman King

1236 - Who was called "Our English Seneca"?

Joseph Hall

1237 - Who was called the father of Greek Tragedy?


1238 - Who was Christopher Smart?

He was an English poet.

1239 - Who was father of Humanism?


1240 - Who was Horatio in "Hamlet" by Shakespeare?

Hamlet's best friend

1241 - Who was Iago's wife in "Othello"?


1242 - Who was known as "England's National Homer"?

Richard Hakluyt

1243 - Who was Laurence Sterne?

An Anglo-Irish Novelist

1244 - Who was Manfred in The Castle of Otranto?

A villain-hero

1245 - Who was Oliver Goldsmith?

Anglo-Irish writer

1246 - Who was Plato?


1247 - Who was Queen Elizabeth I's tutor?

Roger Ascham

1248 - Who was representative poet of Victorian Age?


1249 - Who was Samuel Pepys?

Both A & B

1250 - Who was Socrates?

Greek philosopher

1251 - Who was th editor of the "Critical Review" from 1756 to 1763?


1252 - Who was the author of "Il Cortigiano"?


1253 - Who was the daughter of Prospero in "The Tempest" by Shakespeare?


1254 - Who was the editor and the writer of weekly "Master Humphrey's Clock"?

Charles Dickens

1255 - Who was the father of Martin Amis?


1256 - Who was the first master of Comedy?


1257 - Who was the first Prime Minister of England?

Sir Robert Walpole

1258 - Who was the great genius of the Renaissance?


1259 - Who was the hero of the poem "Waldhere"?

Walter of Aquitaine

1260 - Who was the heroine of "Peter Pan"?


1261 - Who was the Jew in "Merchant of Venice"?


1262 - Who was the King of England from 1189 t0 1199?

Richard I

1263 - Who was the king of England from 1199 to 1216?

King John

1264 - Who was the king of England from 1216 t0 1272?

Henry III

1265 - Who was the king of England from 1272 t0 1307?

Edward I

1266 - Who was the king of England from 1307 t0 1327?

Edward II

1267 - Who was the king of England from 1327 t0 1377?

Edward III

1268 - Who was the king of England from 1361 t0 1383?

Edwad IV

1269 - Who was the king of England from 1377 t0 1399?

Richard II

1270 - Who was the king of England from 1413 t0 1422?

Henry V

1271 - Who was the leader of the 1381 Peasants' Revolt?

Wat Tyler

1272 - Who was the merchant in the "Merchant of Venice"?


1273 - Who was the pioneer in the use of Stream of Consciousness as a narrative device?

Virginia Woolf

1274 - Who was the prolific 10th century writer of Hagiographies and Homilies?


1275 - Who was the villain in "Othello" by Shakespeare?


1276 - Who was the writer of "A Vindication of the Rights of Man"?

Mary Wollstonecraft

1277 - Who was the youngest Prime Miister of Great Britain?

William Pitt

1278 - Who was Titus' daughter in "Titus Adronicus"?


1279 - Who was Tobias Smollet?

A Scottish poet and author

1280 - Who was Warren Hastings?

Governor General of India

1281 - Who was/were beheaded in 1649?

Both A & B

1282 - Who was/were prominent Tractarian/Tractarians?

All of these

1283 - Who was/were the pioneers of the Coffee-house Literature?

Both A & B

1284 - Who was/were the pupil/pupils of Socrates?

Both A and B

1285 - Who were Aubery and Fuller?

Biographers of Puritan Age

1286 - Who were bards?


1287 - Who were Lollards?

Followers of John Wycliff

1288 - Who wrote "Alphonsus King of Aragon"?

Robert Greene

1289 - Who wrote "Apology"?


1290 - Who wrote "Areopagitica"?

John Milton

1291 - Who wrote "Arraignment of Paris"?

Georg Peele

1292 - Who wrote "Calloquian"?


1293 - Who wrote "Champion of Virtue"?

Miss Clara Reeve

1294 - Who wrote "Clarissa or The History of a Young Lady"?

Samuel Richardson

1295 - Who wrote "Decameron"?


1296 - Who wrote "Flaubert's Parrots" in 1984?

Julian Barnes

1297 - Who wrote "Gammer Gurton's Needle"?

William Stevenson

1298 - Who wrote "Gorboduc"?

Both A & B

1299 - Who wrote "Historia Ecclesiastca Gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People)"?


1300 - Who wrote "Hotel du Lac"?

Anita Brookner

1301 - Who wrote "Hudibras"?

Samuel Butler

1302 - Who wrote "Hurry on Down"?

John Waine

1303 - Who Wrote "Ideas Mirror" (1594)?

Michael Drayton

1304 - Who wrote "Martha Quest"?

Doris Lessing

1305 - Who wrote "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"?

Sir Isaac Newton

1306 - Who wrote "Prayers and Meditations"?

Samuel Johnson

1307 - Who wrote "Ralph Roister Doister"?

Nicholas Udall

1308 - Who wrote "Robinson Crusoe"?

Daniel Defoe

1309 - Who wrote "Shakespearen Tragedy" in 1904?

A.C Bradley

1310 - Who wrote "The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle"?


1311 - Who wrote "The Crown of Life", a book on Shakespeare?

Wilson Knight

1312 - Who wrote "The Entertainer"?

John Osborne

1313 - Who wrote "The Falcon"?

Lord Alfred Tennyson

1314 - Who wrote "The History of John Bull"?

John Arbuthnot

1315 - Who wrote "The Mysteries of Udolpho"?

Anne Radcliffe

1316 - Who wrote "The Pilgrim's Progress"?

John Bunyan

1317 - Who wrote "The Rape of the Lock"?

Alexander Pope

1318 - Who wrote "The Saint's Tragedy"?

Charles Kingsley

1319 - Who wrote "The Second Coming"?

None of these

1320 - Who wrote "The Seven Lamps of Architecture"?

John Ruskin

1321 - Who wrote "The White Devil"?

John Webster

1322 - Who wrote "The Woman in the Moon"?

John Lyly

1323 - Who wrote "The Wrong Set"?

Angus Wilson

1324 - Who wrote "The Wuthering Heights"?

Emile Bronte

1325 - Who wrote "Universal History of Orosius"?

King Alfred

1326 - Who wrote 'A Dictionary of the English Language'?

Dr. Samuel Johnson

1327 - Who wrote dark characters?


1328 - Who wrote Jubilate Agno?

Christopher Smart

1329 - Who wrote Sherlock Holmes stories?

Arthur Conan Doyle

1330 - Who wrote the "Deserted Village" a collection of poems?

Oliver Goldsmith

1331 - Who wrote the "History of the Kings of Britain"?

Geoffrey of Monmouth

1332 - Who wrote the "Odyssey"?


1333 - Who wrote the "The Four-Gated City"?

Doris Lessing

1334 - Who wrote the "The Love of King David"?

George Peele

1335 - Who wrote the "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie"?

Murial Spark

1336 - Who wrote the "Theogony"?


1337 - Who wrote the "Works and Days"?


1338 - Who wrote the biography of Samuel Johnson "Life of johnson"?

James Boswell

1339 - Who wrote the book "Rights of Man "?

Thomas Paine

1340 - Who wrote The Castle of Otranto?

Horace Walpole

1341 - Who wrote the characters of virtue and vice?

Joseph Hall

1342 - Who wrote The Eve of St. Agnes"?

John Keats

1343 - Who wrote the novel "The Vicar of Wakefield"?

Oliver Goldsmith

1344 - Who wrote the novel "The Wings of Dove"?

Henry James

1345 - Who wrote the periodical "The Tatler"?

Richard Steele

1346 - Who wrote the play "Atalanta in Calydon"?

A.C Swinburne

1347 - Who wrote the play "Foresters" (1892)?


1348 - Who wrote the play "Oedipus at Colonus"?


1349 - Who wrote the play "The Old Wives' Tale"?

George Peele

1350 - Who wrote the play "The Silent woman"?

Ben Johnson

1351 - Who wrote the play "Venice Preserved"?

Thomas Otway

1352 - Who wrote the poem "Pauline"?

Robert Browning

1353 - Who wrote the poem, "Hyperion"?

John Keats

1354 - Who wrote the poem, "London"?

Samuel Johnson

1355 - Who wrote this line "124 was spiteful"?

Tonni Morrison

1356 - Who wrote Utopia?

Thomas Moore

1357 - Whom did Milton serve as Latin Secretary?


1358 - Whose journals were famous during Puritan Age?

John Fox's

1359 - Whose works are famous for obscurity?


1360 - Whose works consist of Exeter Book?


1361 - Why is the 18th century known as the Augustan Age?

Writers considered themselves parallel to brilliant writers of Rome during Augustan Age.

1362 - Why was the drama festival Dionysia held in Greek Era?

To honour god Dionysus

1363 - Why were Classical writers of 18th century called Pseudo-classical?

All of these

1364 - Why were the certain writers of 16th century called university wits?

They were educated at universities

1365 - Widsith describes the visits of------------.in imagination by a wandering poet.

Continental courts

1366 - William Butler Yeats died in 1939 in ------------


1367 - William Caxton brought printing press to England in------------

In 1476

1368 - William Dobbin is a character in ------------..by Thackeray.

Vanity Fair

1369 - William Shakespeare died in 1616. When was he born?


1370 - William Stevenson was a


1371 - William Wordswoth died in ------------


1372 - With whom was the Middle English drama associated?


1373 - Wordsworth called majority of his poems in Lyrical Balladsas ------------.


1374 - Wordsworth presented ------------.life in his poems in Lyrical Balllads.


1375 - Wordsworth, Southey and Coleridge are called------------.

First generation Romantic poets

1376 - Works and Days" is written around?

700 B.C

1377 - Wycliff used ------------------------. version of Bible for translation into English.


1378 - Wycliff's translation of Bible appeared from 1382 to ------------------------?



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