Linguistic in English Literature MCQs

Linguistic in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Linguistic in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 500 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Linguistic in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Linguistic in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - "Always", "Sometimes", "Often", "Regularly" and "Rarely" are the adverbs of


2 - "China", "Russia", "Islamabad", "Queen's Road" and "Najma" are ----------.nouns.


3 - "Colourless green ideas sleep furiously (Noam Chomsky)." is an example of


4 - "Cut", "Buy", "Sell", "Bring" and "Catch" are

Irregular Verbs

5 - "Distinct units of sound in a language" are called


6 - "Each", "Either", "Any" and "Neither" are used as

Distributive Pronouns

7 - "Fleet", "Herd", "Flock", "Galaxy" and "Crew" are ----------.nouns.


8 - "Fly (an insect)" and "Fly (To float in the air)" is the pair of


9 - "haircut", "hairbrush", "armchair" and "sunlight" are

Compound nouns

10 - "He has an antique car." Here 'antique' is a/an


11 - "He is eating nicely." Here, 'nicely' is a/an


12 - "Huma ate four eggs." Here, 'four' is a ----------adjective.


13 - "Lead (to guide)" and "Lead (name of a metal)" are ----------to each other.


14 - "Man", "Woman", "Boy", "Girl", "City", "Village" and "Country"are ---------- nouns.

Common Nouns

15 - "My", "Our", "Your", "Their", "His", "Her", and "Its" are called ----------.adjectives.


16 - "One another" and "Each other" are the examples of

Reciprocal Pronouns

17 - "Play", "Obey", "Clean", "delay" and "call" are

Regular Verbs

18 - "q" is a manner.


19 - "Question", "Command", "Invite" and "compliment" are

Communicative utterances

20 - "Refuse", "Greet", "Apologize" and "Request" are

Communicative utterances Â

21 - "So", "Although" and "Or" are


22 - "Stephen has a big, black and hairy dog." Here 'big, black and hairy' is a ----------adjectives.


23 - "t" and "d" are

Alveolar Stops

24 - "Team", "Staff", "Family" and "Class" are ----------nouns.


25 - "The concept formation" and "establishing the self image" are ----------.functions of a language.


26 - "These trees are old." Here 'these' is a ----------..adjective.


27 - "They are playing cricket in the courtyard." Here, 'courtyard' is

Adverb of place

28 - "They do not say nothing." This is a ----------sentence.

Double negative

29 - "They spoke softly." In this sentence, 'softly' is a/an

Adverb of manner

30 - "This", "That", "These" and "Those" are

Demonstrative Pronouns

31 - "We read the newspaper daily." Here 'daily' is an adverb of


32 - /f/ and /v/ are called ?


33 - /f/and /v/ are______________?


34 - /h/ in the word 'he' is a __________ sound?


35 - /m/ is a ______________consonant?


36 - /p/, /b/, /m/ and /w/ are____________?


37 - /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, and /g/ are examples for ______________?


38 - /s/, /z/ are called ____________?


39 - /t/. /d/, /n/, /l/, /s/ are __________________?


40 - ________ is a unit of speech which is at a level higher than the speech sound or phoneme ?


41 - _________ is the process by which one speech sound gets changed to another under the influence of another ?


42 - ______________ is the system of phonetic notation composed of symbols and letters devised by the International Phonetic Association?

The international phonetic alphabet

43 - ______________________ is the device used in modern linguistics for grouping together words and phrases so as to remove ambiguity of construction?

Immediate Constituent Analysis

44 - __________________________is the study of how the mentally represented grammar of language is employed in the production and comprehension of speech?


45 - ______________________is a processes of word formation by which new words are formed by attaching prefixes or suffixes to the base form?


46 - ______________________is a processes of word formation wherein one or more syllables are removed from an existing long words?


47 - ______________________is a processes of word formation wherein two or more existing words are simply combined ?


48 - ______________________is used to designate words pronounced differently though identically?


49 - ____________________are also called prosodic features?


50 - ____________________are gliding sounds during the articulation of which, the speech organs glide from one vowel position to another ?


51 - __________________is the accent on certain words within the a sentence?


52 - ________________are also called secondary phonemes?


53 - ________________is the totality of the speech habits of an individual?


54 - ________________refers to significant changes of pitch and stress pertaining to sentences?


55 - _______________is the discipline where the methodological perspectives of both linguistics and sociology converges ?


56 - ______________are sounds articulated in the glottis ?


57 - ______________are words which differ only in one phoneme ?

Minimal pairs

58 - ______________is concerned with the selection and organization of speech sounds in a language?


59 - ______________is the degree of force with which a sound of syllable is uttereD ?


60 - ______________is the scientific study of language ?


61 - ______________refers to an individual's equal and native command of two or more languages?


62 - ______________refers to the linguistic norm specific to a geographical area, social class or status affecting mutual intelligibility ?


63 - ____________articulated by the tip and the blade of the tongue against the teeth ridge with raising of the front of the tongue towards the palate ?


64 - ____________is a monosyllabic vowel combination of a diphthong and a the weak vowel?


65 - ____________is the process by which new words are coined by combining the segments of two different words ?


66 - ____________refers to the phenomenon of pauses in speech?


67 - ___________often follow "to".


68 - __________are articulated by raising the front of the tongue towards the hard palate ?


69 - __________are produced involving the tip of the tongue and the back part of the teeth ridgE ?


70 - __________is a method of word formation whereby on or more syllables are removed from longer words ?


71 - ________are articulated by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate?


72 - A ..has a subject and predicate but cannot stand alone as a sentence.

Dependent clause

73 - A .is a word made up of two or more roots.


74 - A an individual phone with a duration about half long as a geminate.


75 - A behaviour that occurs only as a result of a specific environmental trigger is called ..behaviour.

Stimulus bound

76 - A branch of linguistics that studies how human beings produce or perceive sounds is called


77 - A closed form compound has ----------.between its different roots.

Both A & B

78 - A collection of similar Idiolect make up ______________?


79 - A combination of words which conveys complete sense is called a


80 - A complex pattern of associations of the units of a communication system is called


81 - A complex sentence contains a simple (Independent clasue) and one or more ...

Dependent clauses

82 - A compound complex sentence has more than one independent clauses and at least one ----------.clause.


83 - A compund sentence is made up of at least ----------simple sentences.


84 - A conjunction that connects an independent clause with a subordinate clause is called

Subordinating Conjunction

85 - A dialect of any language that is above all other dialects of the same language is called


86 - A feeling or idea that is associated to a word in addition to its literal meaning is called


87 - A figure of speech in which a characteristic is used to designate something is called


88 - A Finite Verb acts as the ...of a sentence.

Main Verb

89 - A hyphenated compound has ----------.between its different roots.


90 - A kind of phoneme which changes its sound based on how a word is spelled is called


91 - A language developed by two groups of people which do not have a language in common and one group is more dominant than other


92 - A language in which each word is equal to a whole sentence in other languages is called ..language.


93 - A language in which the words consists of single and clearly distingiuishable morphemes is called


94 - A meaningful grammatical unit that can stand alone and sometimes have other morphemes attached to it is called ..morpheme.


95 - A meaningful grammatical unit that cannot stand alone is called ..morpheme.


96 - A membraneous flap which covers the glottis during swallowing of food is called


97 - A minimal meaningful unit in the grammatical system of a language is called__________?


98 - A mixture of languages used as the medium of communication by the people whose native languages are different

Lingua franca

99 - A muscular pair of elastic folds, which can move into various degree of openeness is called

Cocal cords

100 - A person who can use more than two languages_______________?


101 - A person who can use two languages is called ________________________?


102 - A person who has the ability to use only one language is called__________?


103 - A person who has the knowledge of multiple languages, is a


104 - A process in which two neghbouring sounds become more identical is called


105 - A pronoun which refers to a thing or a person which is not specific (definite) is called

Indefinite Pronoun

106 - A sentence with one subject and one predicate is called ..sentence.


107 - A set of rules about correct use of a language is called


108 - A set of rules which governs what is valid and allowable in a language


109 - A signal that does not blend with other signals is called ..signal.


110 - A sound that is formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable is called


111 - A sound which is made by the combination of three letters is called


112 - A sound which is made by the combination of two letters is called


113 - A syllabic division is marked with______________?

A hyphen

114 - A vowel that has single distinct sound is called


115 - A word or a group of words that shows an action or state of being or condition is called


116 - A word that describes a noun or a pronoun is called


117 - A word that describes a verb or an adjective


118 - A word that is added to a base word to change its meaning is called


119 - A word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word is called a/an


120 - A word that joins words, clauses, phrases or sentences is called


121 - .describes the shape of the word, its phonemic components and the sequence of letters.

The signifier

122 - ---------- are used to indicate or refer to persons, places or things.

Demonstrative Pronouns

123 - ----------.. verbs do not show tense.

Non-finite or infinite

124 - ----------..are the words which simply join words and sentences and also called connectors.

Coordinating conjunctions

125 - ----------..gave the terms onoma and rhema.


126 - the study of ways in which context contribute to meaning.


127 - ----------..refers to the ability to communicate about things that are not verifiable empirically.


128 - ----------..semantics concerned with sense and reference and, presupposition and implication of meanings of words.


129 - a mark set on those who do actions.


130 - a phone with duration about twice that of the same phone pronounced with a short duration.


131 - a process in which a sound becomes less identical to another neighbourig one.


132 - the ability to communicate about things at times other than present and to communicate about things not directly in front of the sender or the receiver.


133 - ---------- are those verbs which can not take an object.

Intransitive Verb

134 - ---------- are those verbs which take an object.

Transitive Verb

135 - ----------..are used to show that persons or things are taken separately.

Distributive Pronouns

136 - ----------..shows agreement with the subject and it is marked for tenses.

A Finite Verb

137 - ----------.includes errors, false starts and hesitations.


138 - ----------.investigates the relation between linguistic variation and social structures.


139 - the knowledge that a person has of his language.


140 - the sceintific study of natural language.


141 - used only in simple present and past tense.

A Finite Verb

142 - ----------linguistics is the study of the process of the change in language in society.

Evolutionary linguistics

143 - ----------morpheme can stand alone.


144 - ----------semantics concerned with the analysis of words meanings and the relations between them.


145 - ----------show the mutual relation or action.

Reciprocal Pronouns

146 - ----------study the use of language in literature.

Literary theorists

147 - ----------describes the social, impersonal phenomenon of language as a system of signs.


148 - ----------is the term used for the modern humans and their ancestors.


149 - ----------refers to language, speech, writing or sign language.


150 - Accede and excede have the same sound but different meanings and spellings. These are called ----------..


151 - According to the height to which the tongue is raised, vowels can be classified into __________?

High vowels & low vowels

152 - According to the part of the tongue that is raised, vowels can be classified into__________?

Front vowels & back vowels

153 - According to the position of lips vowels can be divided into__________?

Round vowels & unrounded vowels

154 - Adverb of time tells us the time at which something happens. In "They met me in the morning.", the adverb of time is


155 - All allophonemes are phones, and all phones are

Not allophonemes

156 - An abstract structure which participates in a linguistic system

Linguistic sign

157 - An adverb can also modify ----------..

Another adverb

158 - An ideational component, the concept or the object that appears in our minds when we hear or read the signifier is called

The signified

159 - An independent clause is often a .sentence.


160 - An individual's use of language is called


161 - An open form compound has ..between its different roots.


162 - Animal communication lacks

Both of these

163 - Animal communication system is bereft of

Both A & B

164 - Appearances and artifacts are included in ..communication.


165 - Arrangement of words in phrases, clauses and sentences is called


166 - Assimilation is mainly of ____________ types?


167 - Auditory Phonetics is concerned with

Speech perception

168 - Body language, posture and proxemics are part of ..communication.


169 - Boy, girl, cow, goat, cat, box, fox and mango are ----------.nouns.


170 - But, Yet, So, And, Or, Nor and For are used as ----------..conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions

171 - Certain morphemes have more than one meaning and can be understood in more than one way. They are called ______________?


172 - Chair, shop, man, car and boy are ----------..nouns.


173 - Clauses, phrases, words and sentences are ----------.units.


174 - Coining of new words in any language is called


175 - Composition and formation of words is called


176 - Connotations can be

Both A & B

177 - Degree of loudness of sound is called


178 - Describing how language is used today is called


179 - Desk, wood, table, pen, football and bat are ----------.nouns.


180 - Dictionaries tell us referential, distributional and ----------..meaning of words.


181 - Diphthongs are also known as

Gliding vowles

182 - Encyclopaedic and ----------.are the types of dictionaries.


183 - Facial expressions and gestures are included in ----------communication.


184 - Features of language, such as words do not have a direct relation to their meaning is called


185 - Functioning and representation of language in mind is called

Psycho Linguistics

186 - General study of symbols and signs both in language and outside the language is called


187 - Grammar Translation Method was actually used to teach

Both A & B

188 - Happiness is the opposite of sorrow. These words are called each other.


189 - Haptics and eyegaze are part of ----------.communication.


190 - Hard ridge behind the upper front teeth

Alveolar ridge

191 - Himself, Herself, Myself, Ourselves, Yourself, Yourselves and Themselves are

Reflexive Pronouns

192 - Honesty, wrath, happiness and sorrow are called

Abstract Nouns

193 - Honey, water, salt, milk, sand and soil are ----------nouns.


194 - How many classes of morphemes can be identified in a language ?


195 - How many definitions of sentences may be found?

About 200

196 - How many nasal sounds are there in the English Language ?


197 - How many nasal sounds are there in the Malayalam language ?


198 - How many short vowel sounds are introduced to children?


199 - How many stressed are generally marked_____________?


200 - How many types of phonetic transcriptions are generally followed ?


201 - How many words were there in British National Corpora in 1990s?

100 million

202 - Human language is ----------..and is conditioned by geography.


203 - I, We, You, He, She, It and They are

Personal pronouns

204 - If an adverb shows the place at which something happens is called

Averb of place

205 - If past and past participle forms of a verb are obtained by some irregular way, this verb is called

Irregular verb

206 - If the lexical items can be interchanged without changing the meaning of an uttterance, we can call them


207 - If two or more words combine to make a single noun, it is called

Compound noun

208 - If we add a word at the beginnig of the word to change its meaning, it is called


209 - If we add a word at the end of the word to change its meaning, it is called


210 - If we obtain past and past participle form of a verb by adding "d" or "ed" at its end, this verb is called

Regular Verbs

211 - In "Friendship" ship is a/an


212 - In "This book is mine." and "That is your book.", "mine" and "your" are ----------.pronouns.


213 - In "Which is your book?" and "Who did this task?", "Which" and "Who" are ----------pronouns.


214 - In ----------..sound begins from one vowel and moves towards the other.


215 - In ----------..techniques of computer science are applied to the analysis of language and speech.

Computational Linguistics

216 - In the pronunciation of the word 'ink' the alveolar /n/ becoming a velar sound is an instance of ____________?


217 - In the word "Disobey" dis is a/an


218 - In transformational Generative Grammar, the 'Generative' means______________?

All the above

219 - In which of the following words, is the sound /k/ aspirated ?


220 - Infinite, novel, creative and unlimited are the chracteristics of

Human language

221 - Infintive is a verb which do not have a/an


222 - Interrogative Pronouns are used to

Ask questions

223 - It is possible to write down spoken language and read aloud the written material. This property of language is called______________ ?


224 - It referes to an earlier noun, pronoun, part of a sentence or a sentence

Relative Pronoun

225 - Lexicography is closely connected with

Both A & B

226 - Lingua franca is also known as contact language and

Global language

227 - Literal meaning of a word is called


228 - Man, woman, tooth and louse are ----------nouns.


229 - Morpheme alternants are called________?


230 - Name of anything in the universe is called


231 - Number of cycles on a periodic waveform with a repeating pattern is called


232 - On the basis of the criterion of the state of the tension of the tongue, vowels can be classified into______________?

Tense vowels &lax vowels

233 - Organs of speech are called


234 - Paralinguistics include/includes

All of these

235 - Personal Pronouns show

All of these

236 - Phonemes which effect meaning change in the same linguistic environment are said to be in ____________?

Contrastive distribution

237 - Phonetics has ----------.branches.


238 - Phonology has two main branches: Phonetics and


239 - Possesive Pronoun is a type of personal pronoun which shows

Both A & B

240 - Pride and jealousy are ----------nouns.


241 - Production of speech sounds by the movement of speech organs


242 - Psychological aspects of linguistics and language


243 - Rhema means


244 - Science of writing dictionaries is called


245 - Science that deals with origin, nature, organization and developmentof language historically, comparatively, descriptively and explicitly and formulates general rules to language


246 - Scientific study of human speech and the use of these sounds in language is called


247 - Semi__vowels are also known as ________________?


248 - Short form of "got to" is


249 - Somebody, Nobody, Someone, No one and Everyone are called

Indefinite Pronouns

250 - Sounds articulated by the lower lip placed against the upper teeth are called________ ?


251 - Sounds articulated by the tip of the tongue placed against the upper teeth are called___________________?


252 - Sounds articulated by two lips are called ____________?


253 - Sounds articulated with the tip of the tongue or the blade of the tongue against the teeth ridge are called _________?


254 - Specimen has the same meaning as sample. These are each other.


255 - Spelling and the writing system of a language


256 - Stress is used for the sake of ______________?


257 - Structural linguistics studies the ----------.of human language.


258 - Study of analyzing style and tone in languages


259 - Study of same or different aspects of common origin languages

Comparative Linguistics

260 - Study of the structure of sentences


261 - Study of the usage of laguage is called


262 - Subject + Verb + Object [S + V +O] is the syntax of


263 - Syllables in which the consonant functions as nucleus are called________?

Syllabic consonants

264 - Systematic changes occuring within speech sounds is called

Grimm's Law

265 - The /k/ in 'kill' and 'skill' are ________________?


266 - The /k/ sound in 'act'and 'picture' is a____________?

Incomplete plosion.

267 - The /t/ in little is an instance of __________________?

Lateral plosion

268 - The ----------dominant group is the one which develops the pidgin.


269 - The – s in 'she sings well' is ____________?

Morpheme signaling third person singular.

270 - The –en in strengthen is a __________?

Verb forming morpheme

271 - The –ish in the word 'childish' is ______________?

An adjective forming morpheme

272 - The –or in actor is_________________?

Noun forming morpheme

273 - The –s in 'boys' is ______________?

An adjective forming morpheme

274 - The –s in 'john's' is __________?

Plural morpheme

275 - The ability to add new words, phrases, meanings or other meaningful units of a language is called language.


276 - The American pronunciation of the word 'issue' is an instance of ________________type of assimilation?


277 - The amount of air which is produced upon the release of a stop


278 - The area of brain that controls lips, tongue, larynx and other areas of digestive and respiratory systems is called


279 - The back fleshy section of the roof of the mouth that is movable

Soft palate

280 - The branch of linguistics in which the concern of a linguist is to compare two languages is called

Comparative linguistic

281 - The branch of linguistics that studies the structural similarities of languages is called


282 - The branch of linguistics which is concerned with the study of speech sounds


283 - The classification of vowels into front vowels and back vowels is based on ________________ ?

The part of the tongue that is raised

284 - The classification of vowels into front vowels, back vowels and center vowels is based on ________________?

The part of the tongue that is raised

285 - The classification of vowels into half__high vowels and half__low vowels is based on ________________?

The height to which the tongue is raised

286 - The classification of vowels into high vowels and low vowels is based on ____________?

The height to which the tongue is raised

287 - The classification of vowels into round vowels and unrounded vowels is based on ________________?

The position of the lips

288 - The classification of vowels into tense vowels and lax vowels is based on ________________?

The state of the tension of the tongue

289 - The clear /l/ and the dark /l/ may be considered to be the ______________________of the same phoneme /l/?


290 - The comment that is made about the subject in a sentence is called


291 - The communication which is not conveyed through speech, writing or written sign in languge is called


292 - The consonant /l/ is called ____________?


293 - The consonant /s/ is called ________ ?


294 - The consonants /j/ and /w/ are called__________?


295 - The different concrete phonetic variation of the same phoneme are called______________?


296 - The final /l/ in the words 'bottle', 'cattle' and 'little' are examples of _____________ ?

Syllabic consonants

297 - The final /m/ in the word 'Prism' is an instance of ____________?

Syllabic consonants

298 - The final /n/ in the words 'sudden' and 'mutton' are __________________?

Syllabic consonants

299 - The final /t/ in walked is ____________?

Possessive morpheme

300 - The final consonants /s/, /z/ and /iz/ in the words 'cats', 'dogs' and 'boxes' are instances of ______________?


301 - The final sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ in the words packed, bagged and patted are instances of__________?


302 - The following sound influencing the preceding one is an instance of __________ assimilation?


303 - The form 'dog' is a __________morphemE?

A free morpheme

304 - The grammar of sounds of a language is called ----------of that language.

Phonological system

305 - The individual, personal phenomenon of langauge as a series of speech acts made by the subject is called


306 - The 'ing' in sleeping is an example of ____________?

Bound morpheme

307 - The initial /l/ and the final /l/ in the word 'little' are___________?


308 - The initial consonant in 'Young' is a __________ sound?


309 - The initial sound in 'chair' and 'jam' are examples for__________?


310 - The initial sounds in the words 'ship', 'church' and 'judge; are examples for__________?


311 - The IPA came into existence in the year__________?


312 - The language variety which has certain features which are typical of certain disciplines, topics, fields, occupations and social roles played by the speaker, is called________________ ?


313 - The letter 'k' in the word "King" is the


314 - The manner or way in which something happens is called

Adverb of manner

315 - The meaning of pathos is

Appeal to emotions

316 - The name of a group of people or things is called a

Collective noun

317 - The name which is given commonly to persons, places or things is called a

Common Noun

318 - The name which is given properly to a person, a place or a thing is called a

Proper Noun

319 - The names of our feelings, passions and ideas are called

Abstract Nouns

320 - The names of things which are made of matter are called ----------nouns.

Both A & B

321 - The need for personal space when speaking is called


322 - The nouns whose plurals can be obtained by adding "s" or "es" at their ends are called

Regular Nouns

323 - The nouns whose plurals can not be obtained in a regular way are called

Irregular Nouns

324 - The older term used to designate the study of languages is____________?


325 - The passage way in the throat

Pharyngeal cavity

326 - The phonemes which do not occur in the same linguistic environment and which when occur so, do not bring about a change in meaning are said to be in __________?

Complementary distribution

327 - The preceding sound influencing the following sound is an instance of __________assimilation?


328 - The present__tense form of the verb 'read' and its past__tense which is pronounced as 'red' is an example of _____________?


329 - The problems in the production of speech and loss of some grammatical understanding of language occur due to

Broca's aphasia

330 - The problems of lexical errors and nonsense words occur due to

Wernicke's aphasia

331 - The process by which children get control of their native language

Language acquisition

332 - The pronunciation of English practised by the educated people at the public schools came to be called____________?

Received Pronunciation

333 - The properties of speech sounds, non-speech sounds and how they are produced and perceived is called


334 - The pssageway in the mouth is known as

Oral cavity

335 - The 'r' in red is articulated as a______________?


336 - The rate at which the vocal cords vibrate in speech is called

Fundamental frequeny

337 - The relationship between human biology, cognition and language is called ----------linguistics.


338 - The sentence was the most important contribution to linguistics by


339 - The shortened forms like 'photo' for photograph is an instance of __________________?


340 - The sound of "igh" in night and might is an example of


341 - The sounds which are produced by expelling air from the lungs are called

Eggressive sounds

342 - The space between the vocal cords is known as


343 - The special features which affect speech sounds such as stress, pitch intonation and juncture are called ______________?

All the above.

344 - The speech sound which is made with audible stopping of the breath by lips or tongue is called


345 - The speech sound which is made without audible stopping of the breath by lips or tongue is called


346 - The speech sounds which are produced by sucking air into the mouth are called

Ingressive sounds

347 - The study of elementary speech sounds is called________?


348 - The study of history of words is called


349 - The study of how people use language in a given speech community at a given time is called

Synchronic linguistics

350 - The study of language as it exists at one point in time in history

Synchronic Linguistics

351 - The study of language through different periods in history

Diachronic Linguistics

352 - The study of linguistics and criticism is called


353 - The study of meaning is called________?


354 - The study of phonemes is called


355 - The study of phonology, syntax, semantics and morphology is called


356 - The study of real life applications of linguistics is called

Applied Linguistics

357 - The study of referential meanings of words is called


358 - The study of relations btween language and culture is called ----------linguistics.


359 - The study of sound systems of languages


360 - The study of speech sounds is called


361 - The study of the formation of a sentence and the relationship of its component parts is called


362 - The study of the meanings of words


363 - The study of the way that sequences of words are ordered into phrases, clauses, and sentences is called____________?


364 - The study of words and their structures


365 - The substitution of the aspirated /k/ for the un__aspirated /k/ in the word 'sky' does not alter the meaning of the word. It is an instance of ______________ ?

Complementary distribution

366 - The system of conventional signals used for communication by the community is called


367 - The system of elements and rules of phonology, syntax, semantics and morphology are called


368 - The term ______________is used to designate words which are spelt differently but pronounced alike and which are different in meaning ?


369 - The term semiotics was introduced by______________?

Charles Sanders Pierce

370 - The term________________refers to omissions of certain sounds, syllables or even words in continuous speech?


371 - The theory of Transformational Generative Grammar is contained in ____________?

Both "a' & "b"

372 - The theory which is based on the assumption that language originated in the sense of rhythm innate in man ?

Ding Dong theory

373 - The theory which Is based upon the assumption that language has been formed from the words uttered by groups of persons engaged in joint burdensome labour ?

The Yo__He__Ho Theory

374 - The tube which extends from the voice box to the lungs in animals and humans is called


375 - The two great linguists who have contributed much to frame the device of Immediate Constituent analysis are__________________?

Leonard Bloomfield & Noam Chomsky

376 - The two sounds influencing each other and combine to produce a third sound is an instance of ________________assimilation?


377 - The type of study which focus on the analysis of the systematic interrelation of the elements of a single language at a particular time is called________________?


378 - The uppermost part of the trachea which contains the vocal cords is called


379 - The utterances such as disgust, anger, surprise and laughter are ----------.utterances.


380 - The utterances such as sudden and prolonged pain, sorrow and surprise are ----------.utterances.


381 - The voiced sound /z/ denoting the plural morpheme in the word 'dogs' is an instance of ________________assimilation?


382 - The word 'bank' in 'on the banks on the river' and 'banks are financial institutions' is called a____________?


383 - The word 'examination' is a ____________word?


384 - The word which shows how often an action takes place is called

Adverb of frequency

385 - The words "Night" and "Thing" are each other.


386 - The words denoting the colour 'red' and the past__tense of the verb 'read' ; 'right' and' 'write'; and 'site' and sight' are examples for________________?


387 - The words which have same sounds but different spellings and meanings


388 - The words which have the same spellings but different meanings, whether they have the same pronunciation or not are called


389 - The words which sound the same and have the same spellings, but are different in meanings are called


390 - The words with opposite meanings are called


391 - The words with similar meanings are called


392 - The Yo__He__Ho Theory of the origin of language was advanced by ____________?


393 - There is no positive relationship between a speech and sound. This property of language is referred to as____________ ?


394 - Topic of the sentence is called its


395 - Use of language which does not convey any meaning or feeling is called


396 - Using a finite set of rules a speaker can produce innumerable grammatical utterances. This property of language is called______________?


397 - Usually a free morpheme which serves as building block for other words is called


398 - Variation of a morpheme is called


399 - Vocabulary of a language and its speakers is called


400 - Vocal communication that is separate from actual language is called


401 - Vocal, verbal, arbiterary, conventional and non-instinctive are the characteristics of


402 - What do we call to a behaviour that affects the behaviour of the others by transmission of information?


403 - What do we call to a collection of linguistic information used to discover linguistic rules?


404 - What do we call to a language which is developed from a pidgin and came into existence at a fairly precise point in time?


405 - What do we call to a pronoun which refers back to the subject of the sentence?

Reflexive Pronoun

406 - What do we call to a sentence which is syntactically fine but does not make sense?


407 - What do we call to a short vocal signal that can communicate a variety of messages?


408 - What do we call to a situation in which two distinct varieties of a language are spoken within a same speech community?


409 - What do we call to a variation in the form of a single word for grammatical purposes?


410 - What do we call to a word which is used in place of a noun?


411 - What do we call to an act of utterance or a set of utterances that we use to perform some sort of linguistic action?


412 - What do we call to diglossia in which one language variety is used for speech and another for writing?

Bilingual diglossia

413 - What do we call to the actual sound produced by humans?


414 - What do we call to the area of brain that is involved with the comprehension of speech and the selection of lexical items?


415 - What do we call to the dot (.) used on small 'i' and small 'j'?


416 - What do we call to the manifestation of language in which two or more speakers exchange information?

Speech act

417 - What do we call to the manifestation of spoken language?


418 - What do we call to the mental dictionary that one has in his mind?


419 - What do we call to the process of putting messages in codes?


420 - What do we call to the rules which are used to construct words from their component parts?

Morphological rules

421 - What do we call to the study and classification of language based on how morphemes create words?

Morphlogical typology

422 - What do we call to the study of evolution and origins of language?

Historical Linguistics

423 - What do we call to the study of formation of words?


424 - What do we call to the study of impact of society on linguistics and language?


425 - What do we call to the study of sound patterns of language?


426 - What do we call to the study of written and spoken language in computations?

Computational Linguistics

427 - What is line on a map called that divides areas with different forms of a word?


428 - What is the concern of language teaching and linguistics?

Both A & B

429 - What is the focus of Historical Linguistics?

Language change

430 - What is the study of sound systems and abstract sound units?


431 - What was the first important advancement of Greeks towards language?

Creation of alphabets

432 - When a person shifts from one language to another, it is called


433 - When more than one adjectives modify a person, place or a thing, and are separated by commas, these are called

Coordinate adjectives

434 - When same message/messages is/are encoded in different ways and similtaneously sent to the receiver, ..occurs.


435 - Which air stream mechanism is used in English?

Pulmonic Eggressive

436 - Which among the following are the main properties of grammar ?

All the above.

437 - Which among the following dimensions can the vowels in English be classified ?

The position of the lips

438 - Which among the following does not constitute the general methodology of science ?


439 - Which among the following does not constitute the scientific nature of linguistics_____________?

Chronological presentation of data

440 - Which among the following implies the actual meaningful utterance of the individual speaking or writing a given language ?

Both parole and performance

441 - Which among the following implies the underlying rules governing the combination and organization of the elements of language ?

Both langue and Competence

442 - Which among the following is an example for onomatopoeia ?


443 - Which among the following is an exception to the property of arbitrariness of language ?


444 - Which among the following is not a branch of linguistics ?


445 - Which among the following is not a characteristic feature of language ?

Language is instinctive.

446 - Which among the following is not an aim of linguistics_______________?

To propound stories of the origin of language

447 - Which among the following pairs are Alveolar plosives ?

/t/ &/d/

448 - Which among the following terms denotes the formal agreement between various constituent elements of a language ?


449 - Which are labiodental fricatives from the following?

Both A & B

450 - Which branch of linguistics deals with the representation of language in the brain?


451 - Which branch of Phonetics is concerned with the position and movements of speech organs?

Articulatory Phonetics

452 - Which communication system is finite, limited and not conditioned by geography?

Animal communication system

453 - Which gadget is used to analyze sound by visually recording frequency and amplitude of the sound?

Sound Spectograph

454 - Which is cognitive as well as behavioural?

Human language

455 - Which of the following is a two gender-neutral title?


456 - Which of the following is alveolar flap voiced?


457 - Which of the following is alveolar stop voiced?


458 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in commands_____________?

The falling

459 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in declarative sentences uttered as ordinary statements ?

The falling

460 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in declarative sentences uttered as questions ?

The rising

461 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in listing the items ?

The falling

462 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in polite requests________________?

The rising

463 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in tag questions which imply that the speaker is certain about what is said_____________?

The falling

464 - Which of the following patterns of intonation is used in W.Hquestions ?

The falling

465 - Which of the following patterns of intonation, is used in W.H. questions asked in a warm and friendly way indicating extra politeness ?

The rising

466 - Which of the following patterns of intonation, is used to indicate that the speaker implies things which are not explicitly expressed____________?

The fall__rise

467 - Which of the following words is zero morpheme?


468 - Which tool is used for communication?


469 - Which vowels are produced with less constriction and less tension?


470 - Which vowels are produced with more constriction and more tension?


471 - Who defined language as "a set or (finite or infinite) sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements" ?

Noam Chomsky

472 - Who introduced in linguistics the concept of Competence and Performance ?

Noam Chomsky

473 - Who introduced in linguistics the concept of Langue and Parole ?

Ferdinand de Saussure

474 - Who introduced in linguistics the concept similar to Chomsky's competence and Performance ?

Ferdinand De Saussure.

475 - Who introduced in linguistics the concept similar to Saussure's Langue and Parole ?

Noam Chomsky

476 - Why do we use pronouns?

To avoid the repitition of nouns

477 - Words composed of two or more elements that are identical or slightly different are called____________?


478 - Words like 'Buzz', 'Hiss', 'thud' etc. which represents the sounds of their referents are known as ___________?


479 - Words such as 'black__leg' and 'flash__light' are instances of ____________?


480 - Words such as 'phone' and 'photo' are instances of ____________?


481 - Words which represent the sounds of their referents are called___________________?


482 - Words with more than three syllables are called __________words?



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