Medieval Period in English Literature MCQs

Medieval Period in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Medieval Period in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 200 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Medieval Period in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Medieval Period in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - According to most historians, why was it so important for a man to marry a virgin wife ?

it assured him that his children were his own

2 - According to Pizan, what is the most important element in a woman's quest for equality ?


3 - Arthur, the good King of Britain…held a rich and royal court ?

This line suggests the elegance necessary for the feudal king to display being at the top of the economic hierarchy.

4 - Based on your readings for the course, which of the following best states how critics often interpret the dead hand in "The Castle of Otranto" ?

The hand represents the claim of primogeniture over the living.

5 - Beowulf introduces the reader to the life of a thegn. Which of the following best describes the role of the thegn ?

The thegn is a warrior who has sworn his loyalty to an Anglo-Saxon lord.

6 - Between which movements do historians situate literature in the Middle Ages ?

Roman departure and the Renaissance

7 - Chaucer and Langland were contemporaries, but there were several differences between their writing styles. Which of the following best describes these differences ?

Chaucer copied French and Italian style, whereas Langland did not.

8 - Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" ?

The church

9 - Chaucer's pilgrims are a representative section of late medieval society. Which of the following economic situations is evident among this group ?

All of these answers

10 - Complete the following statement. Chaucer wrote his elegiac poem, "The Book of the Duchess," to praise the young Duchess of Lancaster who tragically died of___________________?

the Black Plague.

11 - Despite the fact that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle continued well into the Norman rule of the 12th century, which king originally commissioned this work ?

Alfred the Great

12 - From which lay is the quote "she had no equal in the kingdom" taken ?


13 - How did courtly literature characterize its heroines ?

they were sources of inspiration for heroic action

14 - How did courtly romances break down the virgin/whore dichotomy ?

they redefined women as attainable vs unattainable, rather than virgin vs whore

15 - How did French become the dominant language of England ?

After the successful invasion of England, the language of William of Normandy became the language of the elite.

16 - How did increased lay participation in religious life impact monasteries ?

it made them seem irrelevant since they separated religious life from worldly life

17 - How did lay literacy affect traditional devotional practices ?

people could be religious without the help of a clergy

18 - How did the Christian laws about marriage differ from those of Germanic tribes' customs ?

All of the Above

19 - How did the development of nation-states in the late Middle Ages affect women ?

they lost much of their political and economic power

20 - How did the fall of Roman imperialism affect Britain ?

All of the Above

21 - How did the increase in universities affect most middle-class women ?

they were not able to attend so their education levels declined, compared to men

22 - How did the interaction between the English and the Bretons affect literature ?

This interaction led to the influence of Arthurian legend on French literature.

23 - How did the Norman Conquest affect the international political situation in England ?

All of these answers

24 - How did the Normans revolutionize English poetry ?

They introduced rhyming octosyllabic couplets.

25 - How did the printing press alter medieval culture ?

All of the Above

26 - How did travel at the time of the Crusades impact Western Europe ?

All of the Above

27 - How do historians explain the increase in the number of troubadours in the Middle Ages ?

the decreased public interest in religious stories

28 - How do the themes of Marie de France's Lanval and Chretien de Troyes Yvain compare ?

Both include the theme of broken promises between lovers.

29 - How does The Cross, as speaker, portray Jesus in The Dream of the Rood ?

As the heroic noble warrior

30 - How is the lai similar to a medieval romance ?

Both have courtly love as their central theme.

31 - How was Christine de Pizan a unique female writer for her time ?

she wrote in order to support herself

32 - How was mystical literature significant ?

Mystical literature provided a place for women to write romantic and religious literature.

33 - How would you describe the phrase "oralformulaic," as you learned it in this course ?

As a method of composing stories in the oral tradition

34 - Identify the speaker of these lines: "sweet Jesus, Jesus love" ?

Catherine of Siena

35 - In "Dracula" what is the significance of the typewriter ?

It serves as a path to the public sphere for women.

36 - In "Everyman," which of the following provides the path to redemption in the afterlife ?

Good deeds

37 - In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what does Alisoun say women want most ?


38 - In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what is the significance of "barley bread" ?

Barley bread represents the wife's answer to the belief that virginity is superior to marriage.

39 - In Acrene Wisse, the mission of the anchorite was justified through what purpose ?

To withdraw and meditate upon God

40 - In Acrene Wisse, what is the author's advice regarding priests ?

Priests should be avoided, because men are bad influences.

41 - In Beowulf, what does the representation of Hrothgar suggest about rulers ?

All of these answers

42 - In Beowulf, what is the significance of the term whale-road ?

The term is an example of kenning.

43 - In Beowulf, what is the significance of the term wyrd ?

Wyrd is an allusion to the impending conversion to Christianity

44 - In Beowulf, what is the significance of wergild ?

All of these answers

45 - In Caedmon's Hymn, the poet borrows the language of which literary form ?

The lai

46 - In Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale," why would the miller's determination to speak following the knight appear unsettling to the 14th century audience ?

The miller was far beneath the knight in social order, so the miller should have deferred to the person who ranked above him.

47 - In Lanval, how does Marie de France represent King Arthur ?

As a modest ruler who defended his own borders

48 - In Medieval times, who were "femme soles" ?

women who operated their own businesses without men

49 - In The Book of the City of Ladies, how does Pizan treat the issue of women's sexuality ?

she attacks double standards for the sexes

50 - In The Book of the City of Ladies, what is the function of the character Reason ?

All of the Above

51 - In the context of Medieval literature, what does "inner rule" mean ?

All of the Above

52 - In the context of Medieval literature, what does "outer rule" mean ?

it refers to anchoress' everyday behavior

53 - In the context of Medieval literature, what does the term "mystical marriage" mean ?

it is a spiritual union with God

54 - In the first decades after the Norman Conquest, which of the following best describes the use of language in England ?

Most of the English population went on speaking English with French used mostly among the upper-ruling class.

55 - In the medieval Church, devotional acts _______________?

cancelled out punishment due to sin

56 - In the Medieval era, women most commonly worked as ______________?

All of the Above

57 - In the Middle Ages, how did divorce laws differ for the sexes ?

only men could legally divorce

58 - In the Middle Ages, how did religious and secular concepts of virginity differ ?

religious doctrines said that virginity was an ethereal treasure, while secular authorities said it was spendable

59 - In the Middle Ages, nuns also performed which of the following roles ?

All of the Above

60 - In the Middle Ages, what was the status of a married woman in relation to her husband ?

she was considered her husband's property

61 - In the Middle Ages, which class of people was most likely to be literate ?


62 - In The Romance of the Rose, which text does Guillaume de Lorris cite as his inspiration ?

The Art of Courtly Love

63 - In The Wanderer, what is the speaker's primary conflict ?

The folly of earthly things with the wisdom of heaven

64 - In what centuries did mystical women writers primarily work ?

14th and 15th centuries

65 - In Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion, what is the significance of trouthe ?

Trouthe emphasizes the positive side of feudalism.

66 - Kempe's acts of devotion included_________________?

All of the Above

67 - Pride in one's accomplishments was important to the Anglo-Saxon thegn. If so, why does Hrothgar say in Beowulf: do not give way to pride ?

Extreme pride can cause one to be overly secure and make mistakes.

68 - The adventure of another lay/Just as it happened, I'll relay ?

The line has obvious rhyme and meter, and the opening words suggest a story of adventure and excitement.

69 - The Battle of Maldon describes which historical event ?

The defeat of the English at the hands of the Vikings in 991

70 - The Book of the City of Ladies articulates which of the following themes________________?

All of the Above

71 - The Gothic novel was intended to have which of the following effects on the reader ?

To create a sense of mystery, gloom, and suspense

72 - The home of Chaucer's royal patron and friend, John of Gaunt, was burned duringthe Peasants' Revolt of 138. What events led to this revolt ?

All of these answers

73 - The Second Shepherds' Play is part of which play cycle ?

Wakefield cycle

74 - The turbulent years of the 14th century witnessed a blending of language and culture that led to the rise of Middle English. Which of the following events led to the nickname "the era of catastrophes" ?

All of these answers

75 - To whom were The Lais of Marie de France dedicated ?

King Henry

76 - What are "books of hours ?"

private books of prayers to be recited throughout the day

77 - What distinguishes morality plays from mystery plays ?

Morality plays were written individually, whereas mystery plays are in cycles.

78 - What do most critics believe the "rose" of The Romance of the Rose symbolizes ?


79 - What do most critics find notable about the virtues that Pizan highlights in her work ?

All of the Above

80 - What does Chaucer write concerning the devastating effect of the Black Death upon English social, cultural, and economic life in "The Canterbury Tales" ?

The upper classes were burdened by their monopoly of scarce resources.

81 - What does the term "monasticism" mean ?

it describes the importance of communication with others in order to reach salvation

82 - What is "scholasticism" as it relates to the medieval era ?

All of the Above

83 - What is "the gender fallacy" ?

the problem of a "man writing as a woman"

84 - What is a "lay" in medieval literature ?

a story of a saint's life

85 - What is a lai ?

All of these answers

86 - What is affective piety ?

a dramatic demonstration of faith

87 - What is an anchoress ?

a medieval female hermit

88 - What is hagiography ?

the writing and studying of saints' lives

89 - What is oral transmission ?

the spreading of material by word of mouth

90 - What is problematic about calling Beowulf part of Old English literature ?

There are no English characters in the poem.

91 - What is the authorship controversy as it relates to Heloise and Abelard ?

All of the Above

92 - What is the function of Ancrene Wisse ?


93 - What is the primary focus of Bede's Ecclesiastical History ?

The conversion of Britain to Christianity

94 - What is the primary purpose of Chetien de Troye's medieval romances ?

To reconcile the hero's responsibilities in love and wars

95 - What is the significance of Sutton Hoo ?

All of these answers

96 - What is the significance of the "Green Knight" ?

He represents the link with Celtic mythology.

97 - What is the significance of the dreamer in The Dream of the Rood ?

The dreamer has a special hope for salvation.

98 - What is the significance of the line: Fate is established! in The Wanderer ?

The line suggests that fate plays an irrevocable role in human affairs

99 - What is the significance of the phrase protecting the heart from Acrene Wisse ?

The phrase suggests that women should safeguard their spirituality through total withdrawal from the world.

100 - What is the significance of the title of "Everyman" ?

The title is part of the morality play's attempt to make Christian struggles universal.

101 - What is the verse form of Marie de France's Lanval ?

Octosyllabic couplets

102 - What led to the alliterative revival ?

A surge in English nationalism

103 - What literary term is suggested by thequote steadfast companions will stand by him from Beowulf ?

Comitatus ethic

104 - What was "courtly love" ?

a literary convention based on the code of behavior associated with chivalrous romance

105 - What was a Lollard ?

a member of a sect that was considered heretical

106 - What was a virago ?

an asexual female saint

107 - What was historically significant about Chretien de Troyes Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion ?

He recast the history of Arthur into the romance genre.

108 - What was the focus of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae ?

The tales of King Arthur

109 - What was the function of the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle ?

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the history of the continuity and persistence of Anglo-Saxon culture in Old English.

110 - What was the primary function of The Rule of Saint Benedict ?

The Rule of Saint Benedict standardized monasticism.

111 - What were "conduct books" ?

books that established standards of behavior for women

112 - When did the Norman Invasion take place ?

11th century

113 - Which are examples of devotional acts ?

All of the Above

114 - Which best describes the work of a mystic ?

the mystic is a visionary who experiences divine insight

115 - Which best summarizes Christine de Pizan's reaction to The Romance of the Rose ?

she attacked it as misogynistic

116 - Which event(s) characterized the Middle Ages ?

All of the Above

117 - Which genre is based on interactions between three feudal classes ?

Estates satire

118 - Which is the best example of the "double standard" that exists in tales of courtly love ?

men are allowed to boast about their affairs, while women must keep them secret

119 - Which is true of childbirth in the Middle Ages ?

All of the Above

120 - Which is true of medieval property laws ?

widows could hold property

121 - Which is true of medieval women ?

All of the Above

122 - Which is/are a theme(s) of "The Acts of Thecla ?"

praise of chastity

123 - Which is/are typical of the supernatural in medieval romance ?

All of the Above

124 - Which literary device is most important structurally in The Book of the City of Ladies ?


125 - Which of the following accurately describes the way in which the comitatus ethic is represented in Beowulf, The Seafarer, and The Wanderer ?

All of these answers

126 - Which of the following advice is offered to women in Acrene Wisse ?

All of these answers

127 - Which of the following are characteristics of a medieval romance ?

All of these answers

128 - Which of the following best characterize noble women in the Middle Ages ?

All of the Above

129 - Which of the following best defines alliterative verse ?

A traditional form with repeated consonant sounds

130 - Which of the following best defines caesura ?

A pause or break in a line of poetry

131 - Which of the following best defines Middle English ?

A filed-down Old English with heavy French influence

132 - Which of the following best defines mysticism ?

A literary genre written mainly in the Anglo-Saxon era

133 - Which of the following best defines wergild ?

A reparational payment demanded of a person guilty of homicide

134 - Which of the following best describes how Bede was a typical Christian of his time ?

He combined zealous Christianity with English patriotism.

135 - Which of the following best describes the significance of the following line from Julian of Norwich's "Revelations of Divine Love": "all manner of things shall be well" ?

The love and grace of God can change lives for the better.

136 - Which of the following characteristics are not essential to knightly chivalry as described by Chretien de Troyes ?

The knight is blond, tall, and elegant.

137 - Which of the following characterized court life in the Middle Ages ?

All of the Above

138 - Which of the following characters from "The Canterbury Tales" might represent the rising middle class of the 14th century ?

The merchant

139 - Which of the following couples exemplify/ exemplifies courtly love ?

All of the Above

140 - Which of the following cultural changes occurred as a result of the Norman invasion ?

The primary language became French

141 - Which of the following epic themes are invoked in The Wanderer ?

All of these answers

142 - Which of the following factors helped create a solidified British political identity ?

All of these answers

143 - Which of the following genres applies to Langland's "Piers Plowman" ?

All of these answers

144 - Which of the following inventions is associated with the rise in literacy ?

the letter press

145 - Which of the following is an alternative name for the Middle Ages ?

Dark Ages

146 - Which of the following is an example of female hagiography ?

Acts of Thecla

147 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of Old English ?


148 - Which of the following is not a major category of the romance genre ?

The Matter of Germany

149 - Which of the following is not a theme in Chretien de Troyes Yvain, le Chevalier au Lion ?

The knight's lack of loyalty to his lord

150 - Which of the following is not an example of a lai ?

Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love

151 - Which of the following is not an example of Arthurian legend ?

Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love

152 - Which of the following is not related to the term medievalism ?


153 - Which of the following is the best example of a morality play ?


154 - Which of the following is the best example of a mystery play ?

The Second Shepherds' Play

155 - Which of the following lines provides an example of alliterative verse ?

doughty in theire doings and dredde ay schame

156 - Which of the following most accurately explains the Bretons influence on medieval literature ?

All of these answers

157 - Which of the following statements best characterizes the work of early monks in shaping future medieval church life ?

All of these answers

158 - Which of the following statements regarding the success and importance of the oral tradition of literature is true ?

Scops recited poems to noble audiences, preserving the stories and poetic tradition.

159 - Which of the following texts are associated with the alliterative revival ?

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

160 - Which of the following texts provides the best example of medieval estates satire ?

The Canterbury Tales

161 - Which of the following texts provides the best example of the comitatus ethic ?

The Battle of Maldon

162 - Which of the following texts was inspired by Historia Regum Britanniae ?

Chretien de Troyes Yvain, or le Chevalier au Lion

163 - Which of the following themes appears in "The Miller's Tale" ?

All of these answers

164 - Which of the following themes do both Julian of Norwich and Catherine of Siena explore ?

the concept of a sensual God

165 - Which of the following themes is not explored in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" ?

Conversion to Christianity

166 - Which of the following themes/motifs was/were often found in literature of "courtly love" ?

All of the Above

167 - Which of the following typify the oralformulaic ?

All of the Above

168 - Which of the following was a result of Charlemange's decree on the production of books ?

it declared that books should be produced by men

169 - Which of the following was the most copied book of the Middle Ages ?

The Bible

170 - Which of the following women is most closely associated with monastic life ?

Hildegard of Bingen

171 - Which of the following women is widely considered the first feminist ?

Christine de Pizan

172 - Which of the following would most likely be the theme of a medieval romance ?

The adventure of a knight who rescues a maiden

173 - Which of these female writers is most closely associated with tears ?

Margery Kempe

174 - Which of these female writers was least likely to have been literate ?

Margery Kempe

175 - Which provides the best example of a medieval allegory ?

The Romance of the Rose

176 - Which speaker said that "God is more nearer to us than our own soul ?"

Julian of Norwich

177 - Which text is an example of a poem structured as a vision to convey the theme of salvation ?

The Dream of the Rood

178 - Which text(s) is/are associated with mysticism ?

Revelations of Divine Love

179 - Which topic(s) is/are explored in The Lais of Marie de France ?

All of the Above

180 - Which writer(s) is/are associated with mysticism ?

All of the Above

181 - Who were lay mystics ?

people who attempted to contact God without the intervention of an established religious order

182 - Who were the troubadours ?

poets from France and Italy

183 - Who wrote The Rules of Courtly Love ?

Chretien de Troye

184 - Why did Catherine of Siena refuse to marry a husband ?

she claimed she was already married to God

185 - Why do most critics also refer to the Middle Ages as the Dark Ages ?

there are few primary sources that reconstruct the history of the time

186 - Why do most historians think monasticism appealed to medieval women ?

All of the Above

187 - Why is Caedmon's Hymn important in the history of Old English literature ?

The poem is widely believed to be the first written poem in Old English.

188 - Why is the Battle of Hastings relevant to the development of Middle English ?

All of these answers

189 - Why is the concept of feudalism important in medieval literature ?

Feudalism represents an economic hierarchy, the upper levels of which created and consumed literature.

190 - Why is the presence of the comitatus ethic in Beowulf significant ?

The comitatus ethic represents the shift from a nomadic to a more organized social structure.

191 - Why was Acrene Wisse written in the vernacular language ?

The audience was partially lay-women with little knowledge of Latin.

192 - Why was the alliterative revival associated with nationalism and nostalgia ?

Alliterative poetry was associated with a world before the French influence, a world before the Conquest

193 - With which genre is "The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity" most closely associated ?


194 - With which literary form is Ancrene Wisse most closely related ?

conduct books

195 - With which of the following genres is The Romance of the Rose most closely associated ?

dream vision


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