Modern Period in English Literature MCQs

Modern Period in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Modern Period in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 200 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Modern Period in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Modern Period in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - According to Dr. Dino Felluga's "General Introduction to Postmodernism," Roland Barthes, in his work "The Death of the Author," argues which of the following points ?

Once the Author is gone, the claim to decipher" a text is quite simple."

2 - According to Dr. Dino Felluga's "General Introduction to Postmodernism," what is the meaning of the term "simulacra" ?

Something that replaces reality with its representation

3 - According to Dr. Dino Felluga's module on Freud, Sigmund Freud's work on transference and trauma argues which of the following points ?

There is an undeniable "tension between the death-instinct and the sexual instincts."

4 - According to Dr. Michael Webster in his essay, "Poetic Modes in the late 19th and early 20th Century," which of the following is NOT a poetic mode of this time period ?


5 - According to Max Simon Nordau in his work "Degeneration," which of the following best describes the term "Fin de Siècle" ?

All of the above

6 - According to T.S. Eliot in his essay on "Tradition and the Individual Talent," which of the following is true of "tradition ?"

A and B only

7 - According to Theodor Adorno's and Max Horkheimer's "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception," which of the following is true of the culture industry ?

The culture industry is classified by ruthless uniformity of all ideas.

8 - According to Tristan Tzara's "Manifesto on Dadaism," which of the following does NOT define Dadaism ?

A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing

9 - According to Walter Benjamin in "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," which of the following is true ?

Both A and B

10 - Aphra Behn's Oroonoko is a transitional text in all of the following ways EXCEPT________________?

like an epic, it involves gods and goddesses.

11 - As a result of the outbreak of World War I and anti-German sentiment which important British public figure had to adopt the family name of Windsor ?

King George V

12 - Between 1890 and 1919, which of the following was a preoccupation of Western European literature ?

All of the above

13 - Both the Gothic and sentimental fiction emphasize which of the following ?

The power of feelings

14 - Complete the following sentence. According to Edmund Burke, the French Revolution was________________?

a misguided attempt to overthrow human nature by rejecting tradition.

15 - Complete the following sentence. In Pope's The Rape of the Lock, elevated language functions primarily to______________?

set up the parody of the pretensions of the characters and their concerns.

16 - Complete the following sentence. In the opening lines of Gerard Manley Hopkins's "The Windhover," the words "daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon" ?

use alliterative language to draw attention to the falcon's importance as a symbol of Christ.

17 - Complete the following sentence. John Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe" reflects a commitment to neoclassical aesthetics through_______________?

its commitment to an elevated taste, its use of classical imagery, and its evocation of classic forms.

18 - Complete the following sentence. Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale" is characteristically Romantic because of_____________?

its elaboration of the intersecting importance of nature and the imagination.

19 - Complete the following sentence. Keats's idea of "negative capability" refers to the idea that______________?

the true poet must be comfortable with balancing conflicting ideas.

20 - Complete the following sentence. Neoclassicism most paralleled Enlightenment thought in its_______________?

emphasis on order, logic, and universal truths.

21 - Complete the following sentence. Robert Browning's poem "Porphyria's Lover" is_______________?

a dramatic monologue spoken by a murderer.

22 - Complete the following sentence. Shelley's "Ozymandias" can be linked to his "Defence of Poetry" through its_______________?

portrayal of the power of art to speak truth.

23 - Complete the following sentence. Tennyson's In Memoriam and Browning's dramatic monologues can best be seen as combining neoclassicism with romanticism through their ?

romantic emphasis on personal feelings combined with a neoclassical focus on social context.

24 - Complete the following sentence. The Byronic hero is characterized as________________?

nearly superhuman in his powers but tortured by a psychological weight.

25 - Complete the following sentence. The opening frame narrative of Frankenstein comes from_______________?

Walton, a failed poet who is attempting to discover the North Pole.

26 - Complete the following sentence. The politics of Radcliffe's medieval settings______________?

implies that contemporary British society has overcome the institutions leading to the horrors its characters experience.

27 - Complete the following sentence. The Romantic movement is least closely related to______________?


28 - Complete the following sentence. The scientific revolution paralleled Enlightenment political thought and political revolutions through its similar______________?

emphasis on the world being governed by laws that could be discerned through rational exploration.

29 - Complete the following sentence. Unlike many Enlightenment thinkers, Adam Smith and Rousseau_____________?

emphasized the importance of human emotions as guiding behavior.

30 - Complete the following sentence. We can best understand the medieval setting of Walpole's The Castle of Otranto as______________?

enabling his 18th-century readers access to a world they would see as less rational.

31 - Complete the following sentence. Wordsworth conceives of himself as a "chosen son" primarily because_____________?

he feels especially connected to nature due to his experience as a youth.

32 - Complete the following sentence. Wordsworth's advocacy of poets drawing on the "language really used by men" in his preface to Lyrical Ballads represents______________?

a radical break with 18th-century rules on elevated diction.

33 - Do we now live in an enlightened age? The answer is, 'no,' but we do live in an age of enlightenment. ?

Immanuel Kant

34 - E.M. Forster wrote which of the following novels ?

A Passage to India

35 - Fill in the blank. "Lolita" is infamous for its controversial subject as it depicts a middle-aged protagonist, _____________, who becomes sexually obsessed with a twelveyear- old girl, Dolores Haze ?

Humbert Humbert

36 - Fill in the blank. According to Sigmund Freud, psychological "transference" helps to understand the nature of ________________?


37 - Fill in the blank. The novel "Things Fall Apart" explores ____________ society and its encounter with European colonialism?


38 - Fill in the blank. Walter Benjamin was most clearly a student of ____________'s work?


39 - Fill in the blank. Written over the course of his life, Ezra Pound's ….. is an examination of the human desire for knowledge and understanding in an inchoate modern landscape ?

The Cantos

40 - Flâneur, according to Dr. Heather Marcelle Crickenberger in her essay "The Flâneur," is a term the French understand to mean which of the following ?

Stroller, idler, walker

41 - For I have learned/To look on nature, not as in the hour/Of thoughtless youth; but hearing oftentimes/The sad, still music of humanity" ?

The poet's changing relationship to nature as fount of meaning and significance

42 - Georges Braque's "Woman with a Guitar" is an example of which of the following artistic movements ?


43 - helley expresses all of the following ideas in A Defence of Poetry, EXCEPT______________?

poetry has no effect on society.

44 - How did ideas about the spread of the British Empire start to shift in the Victorian Period ?

All of these answers

45 - How does the Encyclopédie best epitomize the mission of the Enlightenment ?

By emphasizing the idea that gathering knowledge together can lead to human improvement

46 - How does the following representative quotation from Brontë's Jane Eyre reflect on Victorian social conventions? "You have nothing to do with the master of Thornfield, further than to receive the salary he gives you for teaching his protégée, and to be

It reiterates the class divisions that kept both men and women from social mobility.

47 - How does this quotation from Behn's Oroonoko most suggest its status as an early novel: "I do not pretend, in giving you the history of this Royal Slave, to entertain my reader with adventures of a feigned hero, whose life and fortunes fancy may manage at

It denies being imagined in favor of claims of realism.

48 - How may W.B. Yeats' poem, "The Second Coming," be interpreted ?

Both A and C

49 - How was the philosophical and popular emphasis on sensibility in the 18th century related to the development of the novel ?

Like the novel, it emphasized the importance of sympathy and individual feelings.

50 - Important contemporary reviews of Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse" tend to focus on which of the following aspects of the novel ?

All of the above

51 - In "Ode to the West Wind," why does Shelley ask the wind to "make me thy lyre" ?

To help drive his ideas across the universe

52 - In Jorge Luis Borges' "The Library of Babel," which of the following is NOT a major concern of the work ?

Borges takes great pains to show how the key to understanding the library is reason.

53 - In Linton's The Girl of the Period, what course of behavior does the author recommend for women ?

Women should take pains to remain generous, modest, and capable.

54 - In Matthew Arnold's poem "Dover Beach," the speaker refers to the "melancholy, long, withdrawing roar" of "The Sea of Faith." This reference alludes to which of the following ?

The decline of religion's importance in the modern West

55 - In Pamela, how does the epistolary style enhance the sentimental aspects of the novel ?

All of these answers

56 - In the Middle Ages, how did society treat prostitution ?

All of the Above

57 - In The Rape of the Lock, Pope satirizes which of the following social institutions ?

All of these answers

58 - In The Way of the World, Congreve satirizes which of the following ?

All of these answers

59 - In which of the following ways did Hopkins revolutionize poetry ?

All of these answers

60 - In which of the following ways does Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho combine the features of the Gothic and the sentimental ?

All of these answers

61 - Jazz music is described by which of the following characteristics ?

All of the above

62 - John Dryden's poem "Annus Mirabilis" emphasizes the solution to which of the following important Restoration problems or events ?

England's power to overcome the recent plague and the great fire of London

63 - John Locke is known for advocating all of the following ideas EXCEPT________________?

divine authority of kings.

64 - Jonathan Swift's suggestion in "A Modest Proposal" that the Irish eat their children exemplifies the characteristics of a satire in all of the following ways EXCEPT_______________?

its sentimental plea to its audience.

65 - Jorge Luis Borges is a native of which country ?


66 - Jorge Luis Borges was born the same year as what other famous modern author ?

Vladimir Nabokov

67 - Literary critics who analyze the works of Salman Rushdie often engage which "Post-Modern" school of criticism ?

Post-Colonial Theory

68 - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein most reflects which central romantic themes or concerns ?

The limits of scientific attempts to understand and control the world

69 - O my death mother! I am miserable, truly miserable! But yet, don't be frightened, I am honest! God, of his goodness, keep me so! These lines characterize Samuel Richardson's Pamela in all of the following ways EXCEPT ______________?

by emphasizing the character's fright.

70 - Of the following, who was NOT a well known modernist author ?


71 - Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is an example of which of the following literary trends ?

Both A and C

72 - Post-Modernism is often characterized by which of the following attitudes ?

Both A and C

73 - Radcliffe's version of the Gothic differs most from Walpole's in its use of which of the following ?

The explained supernatural

74 - Robinson Crusoe's isolation on a deserted island allows Defoe to explore his development in which of the following ways ?

Both A and B

75 - Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" is a novel characterized by which of the following descriptions ?

All of the above

76 - Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language most reflects an 18thcentury interest in which of the following ?

Classification, order, and judgment

77 - Samuel Johnson's Rasselas most fundamentally emphasizes which theme from Johnson's other works or other 18thcentury works ?

The ultimate impossibility of achieving happiness, as espoused in his poem "The Vanity of Human Wishes"

78 - Samuel Richardson's Pamela and Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe similarly reflect the forces giving rise to the novel in which of the following ways ?

Both focus on the struggles of lower or middle-class characters, mirroring the development of a large middle-class readership as consumers.

79 - Siegfried Sassoon's poem "To Victory" is concerned primarily with which of the following themes ?

His safe return home

80 - Surrealism became an official aesthetic movement of the modern period with the publication of which work ?

Andre Breton's "Surrealist Manifesto"

81 - T.S. Eliot considered which of the following one of the greatest short stories ever written ?

The Dead

82 - T.S. Eliot's "TheWaste Land" begins with which of the following well-known opening lines ?

April is the cruellest month

83 - Tennyson's "Ulysses" can be characterized in all of the following ways, EXCEPT________________?

it emphasizes the internal life of the mind over social action.

84 - The development of cubism, with its geometric and abstract concerns, can be attributed largely to which of the following two artists ?

George Braque and Pablo Picasso

85 - The development of the novel is associated with all of the following EXCEPT__________________?

the continuing importance of mythological stories.

86 - The Enlightenment in European history refers to which of the following ?

A period in which reason was celebrated as enabling human knowledge and possibly human perfection

87 - The French novelist J.K. Huysmans, in his work "Against the Grain," is intended to convey which of the following ideas ?

It explores Jean's decision to become a recluse and a social drop-out.

88 - The last decade of the nineteenth century saw the development of a number of literary and cultural movements which amounted to a rejection of the principles of Victorianism because of which social transformations ?

Both A and B

89 - The literary style of Virginia Woolf's novel "To the Lighthouse" is best described in which of the following ways ?

As a domestic stream of consciousness narrative

90 - The main plot of Richardson's Pamela reflects the main characteristics of the sentimental novel through its emphasis on which of the following ?

Pamela's attempts to protect her chastity from the advances of her employer

91 - The motto "art for art's sake" means that artists began to do which of the following ?

Reject artistic production that was obligatorily moral in character

92 - The opening lines of Charlotte Smith's "Beachy Head" refer to the speaker "reclin[ing]" on the "stupendous summit" of a "rock sublime" as her "Fancy" went forth. This poem reflects which of the following features common to much Romantic poetry ?

An emphasis on the relationship between a natural setting and the imagination as in Wordsworth's poems

93 - The poem "In Flanders Fields" was written by John McCrae referring to which war ?

World War I

94 - The Pre-Raphaelites are best known for which of the following ?

Lavish attention to the sensuous elements of life

95 - The term "Lost Generation" can be applied to which of the following groups ?

A and B only

96 - Theodor Adorno's "Culture Industry Reconsidered" further examines the notion of the "culture industry" and suggests which of the following about the "culture industry ?"

Both A and B

97 - Victor Frankenstein's project to create life in Mary Shelley's novel can be linked to romanticism through which of the following ?

Both A and B

98 - What are the differences between conservative modernism and progressive modernism ?

All of the above

99 - What do Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" and Coleridge's "Dejection Ode" have in common ?

A shared theme that nature exposes the pain in human life

100 - What does the shift in weather in Chapter 23 of Jane Eyre reflect about the plot ?

It foreshadows a negative shift in mood.

101 - What famous modernist short story compares the universe to an infinite library of hexagonal galleries ?

Borges' "The Library of Babel"

102 - What is "Imagism" ?

A and B only

103 - What is "Mimesis" ?

A and C only

104 - What is "Post-Modernism" ?

All of the above

105 - What is meant by the "Haussmannization" of Paris ?

It was an urban modernization project that reorganized Parisian city streets so that the bourgeoisie could flaunt their new wealth.

106 - What is the "Post-Modern" practice of "Deconstructionism" ?

An assault on the notion that there is any knowable truth

107 - What was the "white man's burden" that Kipling speaks of in his poem of the same title ?

The Eurocentric idea that the colonizer has a social responsibility to civilize other nations

108 - What was the "Woman Question" in the Victorian Period ?

All of these answers

109 - What was the importance of the Reform Bills of 1832 and 1867 ?

They raised the question of whether women should be able to vote.

110 - When did the Roman Empire formally legalize Christianity ?

The 4th century

111 - Which author writes a profound criticism of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness," accusing Conrad of reinforcing typical European stereotypes of Africa ?

Chinua Achebe

112 - Which event did Percy Shelley call "the master theme of the epoch in which we live" ?

French Revolution

113 - Which novelist is NOT commonly thought of as producing Post-Colonial work ?

Vladimir Nabokov

114 - Which of the following are contemporary Indian artists who have begun to more critically examine India's post-colonial situation ?

A and B only

115 - Which of the following are well-known Post-Modern theoreticians ?

Both A and B

116 - Which of the following artists did NOT produce Surrealist photography ?

Ansel Adams

117 - Which of the following artists was NOT influenced by Surrealism ?

Paul Gauguin

118 - Which of the following authors is considered a major theorist of deconstruction ?

Jacques Derrida

119 - Which of the following authors is NOT an important Irish writer ?

E.M. Forster

120 - Which of the following authors is NOT considered to be a practitioner of "Magical Realism" ?

James Joyce

121 - Which of the following best characterizes the ways that Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho links the Gothic novel with the sentimental form ?

Its focus on having readers vicariously experience the dangers that a heroine faces

122 - Which of the following best characterizes Wordsworth's attitude towards the French Revolution ?

He favored its democratic impulses but was appalled by its destructive nature.

123 - Which of the following best defines satire ?

All of these answers

124 - Which of the following best defines sentimentalism ?

An emphasis on the power of sympathy to allow individuals to feel others' pain and joy

125 - Which of the following best defines the heroic couplet ?

Two lines of rhyming verse written in iambic pentameter

126 - Which of the following best describes "stream of consciousness" narrative in the modern period ?

A and B only

127 - Which of the following best describes James Joyce's "Araby" ?

It begins with the famous line: "North Richmond Street being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free."

128 - Which of the following best describes James Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" ?

All of the above

129 - Which of the following best describes Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot" ?

All of the above

130 - Which of the following best describes the novel "The God of Small Things?"

It is a lyrical novel that explores cultural identity and decline of an Indian family.

131 - Which of the following characteristics is NOT closely associated with a comedy of manners ?

Witty banter

132 - Which of the following characterize(s) a lay ?

All of the Above

133 - Which of the following descriptions accurately describes Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" ?

Both A and B

134 - Which of the following descriptions of the "Avant-Garde Movement" is false ?

The realist painter Gustave Courbet never considered himself a member of the avant-garde.

135 - Which of the following did NOT contribute to the growth of literacy in the 19thcentury ?

The passage of the Reform Bills

136 - Which of the following directives was part of Queen Victoria's moral crusade ?

There should be more missionary work in less civilized parts of the world.

137 - Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize Jane Eyre's relationship to other literary works ?

Like "Dover Beach," Jane Eyre mourns the diminishing power of Christian faith.

138 - Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Robinson Crusoe's and Oroonoko's relationship to central features of the early English novel ?

Where Oroonoko foregrounds supernatural agents, Robinson Crusoe avoids religion completely.

139 - Which of the following events was NOT associated with the Victorian period ?

French Revolution

140 - Which of the following famous literary lines is contained in William Butler Yeats' poem "The Second Coming" ?

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold

141 - Which of the following genres is NOT part of the hybrid form of Behn's Oroonoko ?

Detective story

142 - Which of the following ideas does NOT come from Edmund Burke's Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime ?

The important role surprise plays in creating pleasure

143 - Which of the following is a central theme of Christina Rossetti's poem "Goblin Market" ?

All of these answers

144 - Which of the following is a literary work of "The Lost Generation ?"

Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises"

145 - Which of the following is a requirement of a dramatic monologue ?

It has a speaker as well as an implied reader.

146 - Which of the following is NOT a central theme of Wordsworth's poetry ?

The promises of technology

147 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of "Modernism" ?

A belief in the power of the natural world to communicate transcendent truth

148 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of "Naturalism" as an artistic and literary movement ?

Naturalism depicts humans as reasonable and objective.

149 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of "Realism" as an artistic and literary movement ?

Realism gives up the search for truth and instead embraces moral relativism.

150 - Which of the following is NOT a modernist art movement ?


151 - Which of the following is NOT a tenet of F.T. Marinetti's "Futurist Manifesto" ?

We want never to glorify war, the scourge of the planet.

152 - Which of the following is NOT one of Pablo Picasso's periods of artistic production ?

Dadaist period

153 - Which of the following is NOT one of the general themes of concern in Derek Walcott's poem"Becune Point" ?

World War II

154 - Which of the following is true of Arthur Rimbaud's poem "Eternity" ?

It ends with the lines: "Eternity./It is the sea run off/ With the sun."

155 - Which of the following is true of Charles Baudelaire's "Bénédiction" ?

It celebrates the almost divine power of the poet.

156 - Which of the following is true of Ezra Pound's "Canto XIV" ?

All of the above

157 - Which of the following is true of symbolism ?

Both A and B

158 - Which of the following literary terms is NOT commonly deployed in Post- Colonial theory ?


159 - Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Darwin's On the Origin of Species and Victorian society and its ideals ?

Darwin's work echoed Victorian thought with its emphasis on struggle while disrupting Victorian faith by decentering humans.

160 - Which of the following novelists was NOT associated with the rise of the novel as a literary form ?

Charles Dickens

161 - Which of the following political ideas is least related to the Enlightenment ?


162 - Which of the following Post-Modern theoreticians explores the contradictions of colonial discourse and the ambivalence that the colonizer feels towards the colonized "other" in works such as "Nation and Narration" ?

Homi Bhabha

163 - Which of the following sentences is the famous first line of Nabokov's "Lolita" ?

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.

164 - Which of the following social issues does Dickens confront in Great Expectations ?

Both A and B

165 - Which of the following statements about Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet 43 ("How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.") is false ?

Sonnet 43 is a romantic poem in the same way Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" is a romantic poem.

166 - Which of the following statements about the poems in Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience is true ?

The poems criticize religious institutions for not helping the oppressed.

167 - Which of the following statements accurately describes the theme of Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" ?

Sensitivity to nature's message comes with age.

168 - Which of the following statements best characterizes Romanticism's relationship to the Enlightenment ?

Romanticism challenged the Enlightenment's emphasis on objectivity as the basis of truth.

169 - Which of the following statements best describes "Magical Realism" ?

All of the above

170 - Which of the following statements best describes the "Bloomsbury Group" ?

A and C only

171 - Which of the following statements best describes the "British East India Company ?"

The British East India Company was originally a group of London businessmen engaged in importing spices from South Asia.

172 - Which of the following statements best describes the "Great Depression" ?

B and C only

173 - Which of the following statements best describes the behavior of the upper-class characters in Congreve's The Way of the World ?

They are almost universally selfabsorbed and willing to do anything to get what they want.

174 - Which of the following statements concerning "Vorticism" is false ?

The practice of Vorticism in artistic circles grew after World War I.

175 - Which of the following statements does NOT accurately characterize a lyric poem ?

The lyric poem focuses on action.

176 - Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the general characteristics of T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland" ?

The Wasteland is often used as an excellent example of poetic realism.

177 - Which of the following statements is true of the Anglo-Irish War ?

The Anglo-Irish war began with the resistance of the Irish Republican Army.

178 - Which of the following statements regarding Oscar Wilde is false ?

Wilde was the author of such poems as "Bénédiction," "L'Albatros," and "élévation."

179 - Which of the following terms is NOT closely associated with the Gothic novel ?


180 - Which of the following texts is an example of a sentimental novel ?

Richardson's Pamela

181 - Which of the following was one of the major health consequences for soldiers who survived the traumas of trench warfare in World War One ?

Shell shock

182 - Which of the following works is considered to be the first Gothic novel ?

Walpole's The Castle of Otranto

183 - Which poet did Arthur Henry Hallum associate with "the picturesque" ?

Alfred Tennyson

184 - Which Post-Colonial theorist employs an extended analysis of the term "Orientalism" ?

Edward Said

185 - Which writer is most closely associated with the serialized novel ?

Charles Dickens

186 - Who painted "The Accommodations of Desire" ?

Salvador Dalí

187 - Who was Le Corbusier ?

Both A and B

188 - Who wrote "Take up the White Man's burden-/ Send forth the best ye breed-" in order to inspire Western Europeans to propagate benevolent, enlightened colonialism ?

Rudyard Kipling

189 - Who wrote the collection of poems entitled "The Wind Among the Reeds ?"

W.B. Yeats

190 - Who wrote the following statement: "When you asked me to speak about women and fiction I sat down on the banks of a river and began to wonder what the words meant" ?

Virginia Woolf

191 - Why does the "Flâneur" begin to disappear as a Parisian phenomenon ?

Because of the increasing prominence of department stores in Paris

192 - Why were coffee-houses important in the Restoration ?

Both A and B

193 - Wilfred Owen's war poem "Dulce et Decorum est" ends with which of the following Latin phrases ?

Pro patria mori

194 - With which literary form or movement is the Restoration most closely associated ?

Comedies of manners

195 - With which of these writers is the "spontaneous overflow of emotion" associated ?

William Wordsworth

196 - With which text is the term mock-epic most closely associated ?

Pope's Rape of the Lock


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