Novel and Novelists in English Literature MCQs

Novel and Novelists in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Novel and Novelists in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 500 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Novel and Novelists in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Novel and Novelists in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - "Adam Bede" is set in


2 - "Barchester Towers" is the ------------book in the Chronicles of Barsetshire.


3 - "Barchester Towers" was published in


4 - "Between the Acts" (1941) was written by

Virginia Woolf

5 - "But everywhere he was kindly received" is the part of final sentence of the novel

The return of the Native

6 - "Can You Forgive Her" by Anthony Trollope was published in


7 - "Do you mean nature? I hate her already. But I shall be glad to hear your scheme at any time." Who said this?

Eustacia Vye

8 - "Flush A Biography" is written by

Virginia Woolf

9 - "Framley Parsonage", "The Last Chronicle of Barset"…….are included in Chronicles of Barsetshire.

The Small House at Allington

10 - "Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance" was said by

Charlotte Lucas

11 - "I never expected happiness: and in knowing you, in loving you"? Is said by


12 - "If you can do nothing, submit to those who can." Who said this in "Mill on the Floss"?


13 - "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a ……... must be in want of a wife."

Good fortune

14 - "Mrs Dalloway" was published in 1925 by

Virginia Woolf

15 - "Oh dear what have I done to deserve worse than other women?" Who said this?

Mrs. Tulliver

16 - "Phineas Finn" is the novel by

Anthony Trollope

17 - "Pride and Prejudice" was published in 1813 by

Jane Austen

18 - "Ten thousand a year! Oh, Lord! What will become of me! I shall go distracted." Who said this?

Mrs. Bennet

19 - "The eclypsed moonlight shines upon your face with a strange foreign colour, and shows its shape as if were cut out in gold." Who said this in "The Return od the Native"?


20 - "The Warden", "Barchester Towers" and "Dr. Thorne" are included in Anthony Trollope's

Chronicles of Barsetshire

21 - "The Way We Live Now" is by Anthony Trollope, published in


22 - "The Window", "Time Passes" and "The Lighthouse" are three

Parts of the novel "To the Lighthouse".

23 - "To be loved to madness--such was her great desire" was said by ------------in "The Return of the Native".


24 - "To the Lighthouse" was published in 1927 by

Virginia Woolf

25 - "What curious ceatures these dice be--powerful rulers of us all, and yet at my command." Who said this?

Christian Cantle

26 - "You give me no peace. Why do you not leave me alone". Who said this?

Mrs. Yeobright

27 - ------------.edited two magazines.

Anthony Trollope

28 - ------------.pays off Wickam, convincing him to marry Lydia Bennet?


29 - ------------.remained at home after the marriage of the rest of Mr. Bennet's daughters.


30 - ------------.visit causes Lawyer Wakem to buy the mill in "The Mill on the Floss".

Mrs. Tulliver

31 - ------------.was particularly jealous of Darcy' praise for Elizabeth.

Caroline Bingley

32 - A group of local boys performed a play on

Mrs. Yeobright's Christmas party

33 - ……..tells Elizabeth to avoid Wickham.

Mrs. Gardiner

34 - ……..was first seen walking along Egdon Heath in the first scene of the novel.

Captain Vye

35 - …….quarrels with Mrs. Glegg about a debt.

Mr. Tulliver

36 - …….was not at harvest supper.

Dinah Morris

37 - According to Wickham , what is the reason for his dislike of Darcy?

Darcy cheated him out of inheritance

38 - According to Wickham, Darcy denied him the living of ------------.profession.


39 - Adam Bede is the hero of "Adam Bede". What is his profession?


40 - Adam Bede's brother's name was Seth Bede. He was a

Methodist preacher

41 - Adam Bede's dog has

No tail

42 - Adam goes to Ireland because

He finds Hetty in jail

43 - Adam marries …….in the end of the novel "Adam Bede".

Dinah Morris

44 - After Hetty's jail Captain Donnithorne went to

Join army

45 - After his mother's death, what does Clym feel?


46 - After leaving Meryton, militia regiment moved to


47 - After Mr. Bennet returns home, who leads the search for Lydia?

Mr. Gardiner

48 - After the rejection of the marriage proposal by Thomasin Yeobright, Diggory Venn became a


49 - After Tom's first term with Mr. Stelling, what was Christmas dreary?

Mr. Tulliver was preoccupied with ligitation over river water

50 - An impulsive action was taken by Maggie when his uncles and aunts gathered in Book First. What was that?

She cut her hair

51 - Andrew Ramsay died

In the First World War

52 - Andrew Ramsay is the eldest son of Mr. Ramsay. He wants to become a


53 - Anthony Trollope did the job in the ------------.for more than thirty years.

Post Office

54 - Anthony Trollope took part in election for the Parliament in ------------but could not win.


55 - Anthony Trollope worked in the Post Office for over ------------years.


56 - Anthony Trollope's Autobiography was published in


57 - As she tours the grounds of Darcy's estate, Elizabeth's thinking was

She could have been mistress of Pemberley

58 - At first, Mr. Collins proposed to ……..Bennet.


59 - At Hetty's trial …….was testified.

Mr. Poyser

60 - At Lydia's marriage to Wickham ……..was jubilant.

Mrs. Bennet

61 - At Netherfield, what is the most disappointing for Elizabeth?

To talk with Darcy

62 - At the end of "Pride and Prejudice", Darcy married Elizabeth and Bingley married

Jane Bennet

63 - At the end of the novel "Mill on the Floss" ……die/dies.

Tom and Maggie

64 - At the end of the novel "Pride and Prejudice" Pemberley is …….'s home.


65 - At the first ball Darcy danced for


66 - At the start of the book, Thomasin was returning from

Her own wedding

67 - At what time did "The Mill on the Floss" take place?

Early 19th century

68 - Aunt and Uncle Pullet live in

Garum Firs

69 - Aunt pullet purchased ……..pattern lines from Mrs. Tulliver.


70 - Barchester is a ……place.


71 - Bartle Massey

Disliked women

72 - Bartle Massey says everything


73 - Before meeting Clym, Eustacia dreamed about a man

In a silver armour

74 - Bennets live in Longbourn.


75 - Bennet's neighbour is

William Lucas

76 - Bertie Stanhope and Mr. Slope want to marry

Eleanor Bold

77 - Bingley and Darcy go for the winter to


78 - Bingley did not visit Jane while she was in London because

He did not know about her presence in London

79 - Bob Jakin brought …….for Maggie.


80 - Bob Jakin is the character in …….by Mary Anne Evans.

The Mill on the Floss

81 - By whom was Eustacia described as "the raw material of a divinity"?

Thomas Hardy

82 - Cahrlotte marries Mr. Collins to

Secure financial situation

83 - Captain Donnithorne gave Hetty

A locket with his hair in it

84 - Captain Donnithorne is a young

Regimental soldier

85 - Captain Donnithorne is friend of …….and cares for him.

Adam Bede

86 - Captain Vye brings a news for Eustacia that Damon Wildeve has

Inherited 11000 pounds

87 - Captain Vye is a retired captain from

British navy

88 - Captain Vye's home is located in

Mistover Knap

89 - Catherine Bennet is attracted towards


90 - Charles Bingley is …… nature.

Both A & B

91 - Charles Tansley was proud to bring Mrs. Ramsay's


92 - Charlotte is ------------.years older than Elizabeth.


93 - Christian Cantle works for

Mrs. Yeobright

94 - Chronicles of Barsetshire, a series of six novels was written by

Anthony Trollope

95 - Clym is resolved to do something significant because he has

Done nothing significant before

96 - Clym was a ------------in Paris.

Diamond Mechant

97 - Clym Yeobright joins the party to help get the bucket out of the well because he

Wanted to see Eustacia

98 - Damon Wildeve dies of


99 - Damon Wildeve was a/an ------------before becoming an inn-keper.


100 - Darcy makes ------------.pounds a year.


101 - Darcy treated Mr. Collins with


102 - Darcy's state is


103 - Date of bonfire is


104 - Describe the relationship between Stephen and Lucy Deane?

They are courting

105 - Desperate Remedies by Hardy was published in


106 - Diggory Venn deals with his tough break up

Quits his job of dairy farmer

107 - Diggory Venn obtains the inheritance money from Damon Wildeve

By winning at the dice

108 - Diggory Venn was disappointed in the beginning because

Thomasin rejected him

109 - Dinah goes to Stoniton to

Visit Hetty

110 - Dinah Morris is a …….preacher in "Adam Bede".


111 - Dr. Thomas Proudie is

Dominated by his wife

112 - During trials, …….stayed with Adam in "Adam Bede".

Bartle Massey

113 - Eleanor was the daughter of


114 - Elizabeh's best friend in "Pride and Prejudice" is

Charlotte Lucas

115 - Elizabeth ……..the first proposal by Darcy.

Turned down

116 - Elizabeth and Darcy meet for the first time at ------------in Meryton.

A local ball

117 - Elizabeth Bennet is ……..daughter of Mr. Bennet.


118 - Elizabeth is called


119 - Elizabeth was distressed on the elopement of Lydia because it may

Ruin family's honour forever

120 - Elizabeth was with Gardiners enjoying vacation when Lydia eloped with


121 - Elizabeth was with her uncle and aunt when he surprised Darcy at


122 - Ethelbert Stanhope was in pursuit of Eleanor's


123 - Eustacia convinced a local boy to lend her his


124 - Eustacia has given a letter to Diggory Venn to deliver to Damon Wildeve. What were its contents?

She hates Wildeve and hopes he marries Thomasin

125 - Eustacia is from ------------., a fashionable seaport city


126 - Eustacia is uncomfortable about joining a group. Why?

She does not know dancing

127 - Eustacia objects Clym's going after his mother because she does not

Want Clym to find her meeting with Wildeve

128 - Eustacia wants to be in the play 'St. George'

To see Clym from close

129 - Fitzwilliam Darcy is the nephew of

Lady Catherine de Bourgh

130 - For whom does Damon Wildeve put off his marriage?

Eustacia Vye

131 - Gardiners have ------------children.


132 - George Austen belonged to a ……..merchant family.


133 - George Eliot had a partner from 1854 to 1878. Who was he?

George Henry Lewes

134 - George Eliot had lengthy illegal relationship with

George Henry Lewes

135 - George Eliot was married in 1880. Her husband's name is

John Cross

136 - George Eliot's novels are set in

Provincial England

137 - Georgiana Darcy is

All of these

138 - Hardy wrote novels in a fictional region of England named


139 - Hetty met Donnithorne for the first time at

At Poysers

140 - Hetty Sorrel is beautiful and vain. She has an affair with

Captain Donnithorne

141 - Hetty went to Windsor

After Captain Donnithorne

142 - Hetty's punishment was changed to

Life imprisonment

143 - Hetty's trial ended and Hetty was convicted and sentence to


144 - Hiram's Hospital is for

Old ones

145 - Horatian Satire is named after

Roman Satirist Horace

146 - How does Eustacia give signal to Damon Wildeve?

By lighting a bonfire

147 - How does Mrs. Yeobright characterize herself to Johnny Nonsuch?

A broken-hearted - woman cast off by her son

148 - How does Mrs. Yeobright die in the novel?

By snake biting

149 - How does Mrs. Yeobright find some rest when she goes to meet her son?

In a shade of a tree

150 - How is tradition utilized by Hardy in the novel "The Return of the Native"?

Maypole festivities

151 - How many daughters does Mr. Bennet have in "Pride and Prejudice"?


152 - How many marriages happen during the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?


153 - How many novels were published by Anthony Trollope?


154 - How many students were there in Tom's class?


155 - How many travel books were publishd by Anthony Trollope?


156 - In "Batchester Towers", Anthony Trollope does not go very deep in his


157 - In "Pride and Prejudice", the Gardiners are

All of these

158 - In Book First, when Tom comes home from school, why does he get angry with Maggie?

She forgot to feed his rabbits and they died

159 - In his first proposal to Elizabeth, Darcy spends most of his time in proving that

How unsuitabale is their match

160 - In how many installments was "The Return of the Native" published in 1878?


161 - In March, Elizabeth travels to see ------------.with Sir William Lucas.


162 - In Meryton ball, Bingley was attracted towards

Jane Bennet

163 - In the church, Eustacia was stabbed by a


164 - In the first ball at Nethrfield Miss Lucas said that Darcy has

Every right to be proud

165 - In the novel "The Return of the Native" what play does the murmurs put on?

St. George

166 - In the presence of Darcy, who pays attention to Elizabeth at Rosings?

Colonel Fitzwilliam

167 - In the start of the novel Darcy was


168 - In which month does Elizabeth go to visit Charlotte?


169 - Is Joshua Rann a Methodist?


170 - ------------is Mr. ramsay's nursemaid in the section 'The Window".


171 - James childhood hobby was


172 - Jane Austen died at the age of ……in 1817.

Forty one

173 - Jane Austen died of ------------.'s disease.


174 - Jane Austen used …….as her description when her novels were published.

A Lady

175 - Jane Austen's range is


176 - Jasper Ramsay enjoys

Shooting birds

177 - Jasper, Andrew and Roger are the sons of "To the Lighthouse".

Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay

178 - Johnny informs Clym that Eustacia

Did not allow Mrs. Yeobright to let in Clym's house

179 - Jude the Obscure by Hardy was published in


180 - Lady Catherine de Bourgh forbids Elizabeth to mary


181 - Lady Catherine de Bourgh is


182 - Lady Catherine de Bourgh is indignant on the marriage of

Mr. Darcy

183 - Lesilie Stephen was the father of Virginia Woolf. Who was her mother?

Julia Stephen

184 - Lily Briscoe completes her

Ten years old painting

185 - Lily Briscoe is a …… "To the Lighthouse".


186 - Lily Briscoe will allow …… see her painting.

William Bankes

187 - Local people were going to Thomasin to

Have a party

188 - Longbourn is the village of

Bennet family

189 - Lucy's dog's name is


190 - Lydia and Wickham was found by …… London.


191 - Lydia goes to Brighton with

Mrs. Forster

192 - Lydia is

All of these

193 - Lydia suggests to her sisters that if they want to find husbands they should go to


194 - Maggie became angry with his aunts and uncles during his father's illness because they

Will not offer to buy any of the family's furniture

195 - Maggie calls Aunt Moss as


196 - Maggie finds governess with

Dr. Kenn

197 - Maggie finds work as a governess at last for

Dr. Kenn

198 - Maggie goes to boarding school with

Lucy Deane

199 - Maggie has ……


200 - Maggie likes to

Read books

201 - Maggie tells Mrs. Tulliver that she does not like doing patchwork and

Mrs. Glegg

202 - Maggie was angry at Stephen kissing her arm during a dance. Why?

Because it showed that Stephen think lightly of Maggie

203 - Maggie was most afraid of


204 - Maggie went to fetch Tom after

Two and a half year

205 - Maggie will probably fall in the river one day and drown. Who said this?

Maggie's mother Mrs. Tulliver

206 - Maggie's …….draws Philip Wakem to her.


207 - Maggie's cousin Lucy's assumed fiance was

Stephen Guest

208 - Maggi's sewing represents that she is

In financial difficulty

209 - Maragaret Moss is

Mr. Tulliver's sister

210 - Martin Poyser is a simple man in "Adam Bede". He

Both A & B

211 - Mary Bennet is

Both A & B

212 - Minta Doyle is a character in "To the Lighthouse". She marries

Paul Rayley

213 - Miss Bingley plays ------------on pianoforte.

A lively Scotch air

214 - Miss Bingley wants his brother Mr. Bingley to mary

Georgiana Darcy

215 - Miss Guests are the characters in

Mill on the Floss

216 - Miss Guests are two sisters of Mr. Guest. What is/are their characteristic/characteristics?

Both A & B

217 - Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay are the characters in ------------by Virginia Woolf.

To The Lighthouse

218 - Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay has ------------.children.


219 - Mr. Arabin wants to marry

Eleanor Bold

220 - Mr. Arabin was appointed as the


221 - Mr. Bennet did not stop Lydia from going to Brighton?

Lydia complains that she was bored at home

222 - Mr. Bennet has

Modest income

223 - Mr. Bennet likes ------------the most from his daughters.


224 - Mr. Bennet says, if Elizabeth accepts Mr. Collins' proposal, he will never

Talk to her

225 - Mr. Bennet's property is entailed'. What does it mean?

It will be inherited by a male only

226 - Mr. Bingley ------------a large fortune.


227 - Mr. Collins a clergyman,comes to Longbourn to

To search for a wife

228 - Mr. Collins is a …….person.


229 - Mr. Darcy first used the word ------------..for Elizabeth.


230 - Mr. Darcy offends Elizabeth at the first ball by refusing to

Dance with her

231 - Mr. Gardiner is ------------'s .brother-in-law.

Mrs. Bennet

232 - Mr. Gore and Kezia are characters in ……by George Eliot.

The Mill on the Floss

233 - Mr. Gore is Mr. Tulliver's


234 - Mr. Irwine lived for his sisters and


235 - Mr. Moss had borrowed ------------pounds from Mr. Tulliver.

Three hundred

236 - Mr. Philip is ……..'s attorney.


237 - Mr. Phillotson and Arabella Donn are characters in

Jude the Obscure

238 - Mr. Pivart and Mr. Riley are characters in

The Mill on the Floss

239 - Mr. Poulter talks about

The wars he fought in

240 - Mr. Poulter was brought in by …… give Tom exercise.

Mr. Stelling

241 - Mr. Proudie was a weak person. He was helped by

Both A & B

242 - Mr. Ramsay and the guests again come to the house after

Ten years

243 - Mr. Ramsay compares progress of thought to

The alphabet

244 - Mr. Ramsay is the husband of Mrs. Ramsay and a prominent

Metaphysical philosopher

245 - Mr. Ramsay was reciting to himself the poem on the beach

The Charge of Light Brigade

246 - Mr. Riley sees Maggie reading a book ------------by Defoe.

The History of the Devil

247 - Mr. Slope wanted ------------to be reappointed as the warden of Hiram Hospital.

Mr. Harding

248 - Mr. Slope went to ------------…after his dismissal.


249 - Mr. Stelling and Dr. Kenn are characters in

Mill on the Floss

250 - Mr. Tulliver and Mrs. Glegg disagreed about Tom's


251 - Mr. Tulliver decided not to press his sister for the money she owes him. Why?

He thought of Maggie's dependence on Tom

252 - Mr. Tulliver seeks Mr. Riley's advice about

Tom's education

253 - Mr. Tulliver was …….. favour of Maragaret's marriage with Mr.Moss.

Not in

254 - Mr. Wickham accepts a post in ------------after his marriage to Lydia.


255 - Mrs. Bennet missed ……..very much.


256 - Mrs. Bennet's favourite daughter is


257 - Mrs. ------------is Mrs. Bennet's sister.


258 - Mrs. Moss is …..'s sister.

Mr. Tulliver

259 - Mrs. Philip's attitude towards Jane and Bingley


260 - Mrs. Proudie is the wife of Dr. Thomas Proudie. She is

Both A & B

261 - Mrs. Ramsay covers the boar's head on the nursery wall with a


262 - Mrs. Ramsay is a ……..woman.

Both A & B

263 - Mrs. Ramsay spends her afternoon

Reading for James

264 - Mrs. Ramsay wants Lily to marry

William Bankes

265 - Mrs. Ramsay was Knitting stockingsÂ

For Lighthouse keeper's boy

266 - Mrs. Slope wanted to appoint ……as the warden of Hiram Hospital.

Mr. Quiverful

267 - Mrs. Tuliver fears that people will judge him for having a wild daughter in shape of


268 - Mrs. Tulliver wants …… her daughter instead of Maggie?


269 - Mrs. Tulliver's maiden name was


270 - Mrs. Yeobright is proud and …….woman.

Class conscious

271 - Mrs. Yeobright's first name is

Not mentioned in the novel

272 - Mrs. Yeobright's house is located on


273 - Name Minta Doyle's parents

Owl and the Poker

274 - Name the fisherman who accompanies Ramsay's to the lighthouse


275 - Nancy, Cam and Rose are daughters of

Mr. Ramsay

276 - Object of Eustacia's obsession is

Eustacia herself

277 - On Elizabeth's refusal of Darcy's proposal, Mrs. Bennet became


278 - On Elizabeth's third night in Netherfield ……..joins the party to Bingley's pleasure.

Georgiana Darcy

279 - One major theme of "The Return of the Native" is

Universe's indifference to mankind

280 - One of Ramsay's friend was a botanist. Name him.

William Bankes

281 - One thing was hilarious for Mr. and Mrs. Tulliver. What was that?

Maggie's messy attitude

282 - Only playmate of Tom during his first term with Mr. Stelling was

Laura Stelling

283 - Philip and Maggie met secretly at

Red Deeps

284 - Philip Wakem and Maggie Tulliver ……..each other.


285 - Philip won Tom's respect for the first time because of his

Drawing skills

286 - Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) was originlly titled

First impressions

287 - Pride and Prejudice is a ------------….satire.


288 - Prue dies in an illness related

To childbirth

289 - Prue Ramsay and Rose Ramsay are the daughters of Mr. Ramsay in the novel

To The Lighthouse

290 - Rachel Poyser in "Adam Bede" was a

Country farm woman

291 - Ramsay family and their guests are staying at family summer house in Herbides on

The Isle of Skye

292 - Ramsay's children call Charles Tansley behind his back


293 - Ramsays' have a dog. What was its name?


294 - Reddle is a

Dye for marking sheep

295 - Reddle man sold

Red chalk

296 - Rev Francis Arabin was a

Scholarly clergyman

297 - Robert Evans was George Eliot's father. Who was her mother?

Christiana Pearson

298 - Sarah Stone lived in Stoniton in "Adam Bede". Hetty …….when she was looking for Donnithorne.

Stayed at her house

299 - Seth Bede loves

Dinah Morris

300 - Signora Madeline Neroni is

Very beautiful

301 - Squire Donnithorne is

Landlord of the Chase

302 - Squire Donnithorne is spendthrift and

Money lover

303 - St. Ogg's and Dorlcote Mill are the places mentioned in

The Mill on the Floss

304 - Stanhope had two daughters and

A son

305 - Susan Nonsuch is the mother of


306 - The ……..stroke of the Lighthouse is Mrs. Ramsay's stroke.


307 - The action of the novel "The Return of the Native" took place in a year and

A day

308 - The Bertrams (1859) was written by

Anthony Trollope

309 - The first novel of Anthony Trollope was

The MacDermots of Ballycloran

310 - The full name of Signora Neroni in "Barchester Towers" is

La Signora Madeline Vesey Neroni

311 - The full name of Virginia Woolf is

Adeline Virginia Woolf

312 - The Hebrides Islands of West Coast of Scotland is the setting of

To The Lighthouse

313 - The heroines of Jane Austen's novels ultimately


314 - The highest point in the heath is

Mistover Knap

315 - The house was abandoned for ….years in second section.


316 - The Kellys and the O, Kellys was Trollope's ------------novel.


317 - The largest barrow on the heath was


318 - The oldest daughter of Ramsay's is

Prue Ramsay

319 - The problem of exposition is solved by Hardy by letting us

Evasedrop on the townsfolk

320 - The profession of Bob Jakin is


321 - The setting place of "Mill on the Floss" is

All of these

322 - The Three Clerks (1858) is written by

None of these

323 - The time period of the novel is ten to ……..years.


324 - Thias Bede is the father of Adam and Seth. He is a


325 - Thoby Stephen and Vanessa bell belongs to

The Bloomsbury Group

326 - Thoby Stephen is the brother of Virginia Woolf. Who was Venessa Bell?

Sister of Woolf

327 - Thomas Hardy gave the title of Eustacia.

Queen of Night

328 - Thomas Hardy wrote more than ------------poems.


329 - Thomas Hardy wrote more than ------------short stories.


330 - Thomas Hardy wrote ------------novels.


331 - Thomasin wants Mrs. Yeobright not to mention to Clym?

Her uncertain marriage to Wildeve

332 - Thomasin Yeobright was Clym Yeobright's


333 - To which category of novel does "The Mill on the Floss" belong?

Domestic Realism

334 - To which literary group did Virginia Woolf belong?

The Bloomsbury

335 - To whom did Elizabeth tell about Darcy's proposal at Charlotte Lucas' home?


336 - To whom does Eustacia lure to Rainbarrow?

Damon Wildeve

337 - To whom is Egdon Heath inhospitable?


338 - Tom borrowed a sword from

Mr. Poulter

339 - Tom broke off his friendship with Bob Jakin. Why?

Bob did not play fair

340 - Tom managed to pay off family's debt through

An enterpreneurial scheme with Bob

341 - Tom wanted to buy back mill through

Guest and Co.

342 - Totty was

Poyser's daughter

343 - Under the Greenwood Tree was Hardy's novel. It was published in


344 - Virginia Woolf studied in the ladies department of ------------..College, London.


345 - What are heath-croppers?

Wild ponnies

346 - What are Maggie's thinking about gypsies?

She wanted to teach them and be their queen

347 - What did Diggory deduce about the man with Eustacia?


348 - What did Eleanor do at the proposal of Mr. Slope?

Slapped Mr. Slope

349 - What did Tulliver make Tom write in family Bible?

Wakem is not forgiven

350 - What does Lily want to move to the center of her painting?

A tree

351 - What does Thomasin tell Clym Yeobright about her married life?

She is having problem with her husband

352 - What does Tom study?

Both of these

353 - What happens when Tom goes to her home after the incident of boating with Stephen Guest?

She is not allowed to come in by Tom

354 - What is barrow actually, in the novel "The Return of the Native"?

A burial mound

355 - What is revealed in Darcy's letter to Elizabeth?

His innocence in Wickham's situation

356 - What is Shadwater Weir in "The Return of the Native"?

The dam where Eustacia falls and dies

357 - What is the central theme of "The Return of the Native"?

Man and the natural world

358 - What is the name of Archdeacon's residence in "Barchester Towers"?


359 - What is the nature of Thomasin Yeobright?

Innocent and goodhearted

360 - What is the setting of "Pride and Prejudice"

Rural England

361 - What name does Thomasin give to her daughter?


362 - What person is not used in "Pride and Prejudice"?


363 - What thing became a bone of contention between Mr. Slope and Mrs. Proudie?

The appointment of warden of Hiram Hospital

364 - What thing was a common feature during the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?


365 - What was Eustacia's great desire?

To be loved to madness

366 - What was Hetty's child name?

Not known

367 - What was the annual income of Eleanor Bold?

1200 pounds

368 - What was the maiden name of Elizabeth Tulliver?

Miss Dodson

369 - What was the name of Adam Bede's dog?


370 - What was the popular saying of the people of Egdon Heath?

No moon, no man

371 - What was the profession of St. Ogg in The Mill on the Floss?

A ferryman

372 - When Darcy proposes her, Elizabeth was at

Charlotte's home Kent (Hunsford)

373 - When did Elizabeth's feeings for Darcy begin to change?

After reading his letter explaining his actions

374 - When did Mrs. Tulliver want to give up her things?

After the lawsuit with Wakem

375 - When Georgiana Darcy had almost eloped with Wickham, who was her governess?

Miss Young

376 - When Mr. Gardiner visited Pemberley with Elizabeth he

Took a tour of the home

377 - When Mr. Slope went out of the favour, who got the Bishop all to himsef/herself?

Mrs. Slope

378 - When Mr. Tulliver goes bankrupt who starts working at an eraly age?

Tom Tulliver

379 - When Mr. Tulliver had a stroke, he was reading a letter stating

That the mortgage of the mill had been transferred to Wakem

380 - When Mrs. Yeobright sets out to visit her son Clym, she sees

A man entering in Clym's house before her

381 - When Tom caught Maggie meeting Philip, what threat he used to stop her seeing Philip?

To tell their father

382 - When Tom drops a sword on his own feet what was Philip's first thought?

Tom might fear he will be lame for life

383 - When Wildeve and Eustacia walk back to the heath they see

Diggory Venn and Clym yeobright

384 - Where did Clym Yeobright go as a diamond merchant?


385 - Where did Eleanor and Arabin meet?

At Ullathorne house

386 - Where did Maggie and Stephen stop on the boat trip that nearly became their elopemnet?


387 - Where did Maggie get affinity with Philip?

At Tom's academy

388 - Where does Eustacia want to go after leaving the heath?


389 - Where does Philip Wakem and Maggie Tulliver take long walks?

In Red Deeps

390 - Where had Dr. Stanhope lived for a long time?


391 - Which book was brought by Bob that brings solace to Maggie?

Thomas A Beckett

392 - Which guest was not very well liked in 'To the Lighthouse'?

Charles Tansley

393 - Which is the biggest debate in the novel?

Fate vs Free will

394 - Which marriage is based on economic interests?

Charlotte and Collins

395 - Which newspaper published the stories about Mr. Harding's mismanagement of Hospital's funds?


396 - Which newspaper suggested some steps for the better management of Hiram Hospital's funds?


397 - Which of the following reason/reasons was/were for Maggie's leaving Stephen Guest in Mudport and returning home to St. Ogg's?

All of these

398 - Which son of Ramsays' is wild and loves hunting?

Roger Ramsay

399 - Which was/were the reason/reasons of Mr. Tulliver's sending Tom on for more education?

All of these

400 - Who asked this from diggory Venn, "If he knows a way to keep her husband home in the evenings"?


401 - Who beat Captain Donnithorne?

Adam Bede

402 - Who became Bishop of Barchester after Dr. Grantly's death?

Mr. Proudie

403 - Who begins a dispute with Mr. Tulliver regarding river water?

Mr. Pivart

404 - Who bought the Netherfield?


405 - Who brought Rev Arabin as his companion in his fight against Mr. Slope and Bishop Proudie?

Archdeacon Grantly

406 - Who burns a wax effigy of Eustacia Vye?

Susan Nonsuch

407 - Who called Hardy, "The greatest imaginative genius of modern times"?

W. M Parker

408 - Who called Mr. Stanhope to Barchester from Italy?

Mr. Proudie

409 - Who claims to spend his time meditating on 'the contrariness of the female mind'?

Mr. Glegg

410 - Who commented as, "There's a story as when the mill changes hands, the river's angry."?


411 - Who convinces Jane to stay at Neherfield for one more night?

Mr. Bingley

412 - Who described "Middle March" by George Eliot as the greatest novel in English literature?

Both A & B

413 - Who described Mr. Bingley to Mrs.Bennet when her husband did not do this?

Lady Lucas

414 - Who elopes with Wickham and causes Bennet family disgrace?


415 - Who first met Elizabeth after Lydia's elopement?

Mr. Darcy

416 - Who helped in the marriage of Lydia and Wickham?


417 - Who hides the pistols when Eustacia sees them?


418 - Who insists on paying 500 pounds between Mrs. Glegg and Mr. Tulliver?

Mr. Tulliver

419 - Who is a chaplain and in league with Mrs. Proudie?


420 - Who is a young philosopher and pupil to Mr. Ramsay?

Charles Tansley

421 - Who is an attractive and good-looking militia officer in "Pride and Prejudice"?

George Wickham

422 - Who is 'Aunt Gritty' to Tom and Maggie?

Maragaret Moss

423 - Who is called by Elizabeth to decide whether Jane is able to go back or not?


424 - Who is Charley in "The Return of the Native"?

Servant of the Vyes

425 - Who is crippled and bedridden in "Barchester Towers"?

Signora Neroni

426 - Who is Darcy's aunt in "Pride and Prejudice"?

Catherine de Bourgh

427 - Who is described as the "lady-killer" in "The Return of the Native"?

Damon Wildeve

428 - Who is Dr. Kenn in The Mill on the Floss?

Minister of St. Oggs

429 - Who is Eleanor Bold in the novel "Barchester Towers"?

A wealthy widow

430 - Who is Elizabeth Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice"?

Female protagonist

431 - Who is Eustacia's guardian and grandfather?

Captain Vye

432 - Who is first seen on Rainbarrow?


433 - Who is hunchbacked in Mill on the Floss?

Philip Wakem

434 - Who is jealous of Darcy's growing attraction to Elizabeth?

Miss Bingley

435 - Who is Mary Bennet?

Third Bennet sister

436 - Who is more concerned for having a comfortable life than love?

Charlotte Lucas

437 - Who is Mr. Collins patroness?

None of these

438 - Who is Mr. Gardiner?

A merchant

439 - Who is Mr. Gore in The Mill on the Floss?

Tulliver's lawyer

440 - Who is noisy and foolish woman in "Pride and Prejudice"?

Mrs. Bennet

441 - Who is of the view that all single men are in pursuit of a wife?

Mrs. Bennet

442 - Who is opium using poet among Ramsays' friends?

Augustas Carmichael

443 - Who is Paul Rayley in "To the Lighthouse"?

A young friend of Ramsay's

444 - Who is pompous and idiotic clergyman in "Pride and Prejudice"?

Mr. Collins

445 - Who is rector of Broxton in Adam Bede?

Aldophous Irwine

446 - Who is snobbish sister of Mr. Bingley?

Miss Caroline Bingley

447 - Who is somehow a comic character in "The Return of the Native"?

Christian Cantle

448 - Who is the central character in the novel "Mill on the Floss"?

Maggie Tulliver

449 - Who is the first to remark at Dinah and Adam's love for each other?

Lisbeth Bede

450 - Who is the fourth daughter of Mr. Bennet?


451 - Who is the intelligent and sensitive son of lawyer Wakem?

Philip Wakem

452 - Who is the master of Pemberley estate in "Pride and Prejudice"?

Fitzwilliam Darcy

453 - Who is the mother of Seth and Adam in "Adam Bede"?

Lisbeth Bede

454 - Who is the owner of Quiet Woman Inn in "The Return of the Native"?

Damon Wildeve

455 - Who is the owner of the mill on the Floss?

Mr. Tulliver

456 - Who is the pretty and blonde cousin of Maggie and Tom?

Lucy Deane

457 - Who is the protagonist of the "The Mill on the Floss"?

Maggie Tulliver

458 - Who is the reddleman in "The Return of the Native"?

Diggory Venn

459 - Who is the schoolmaster and Adam's best friend in "Adam Bede"?

Bartle Massey

460 - Who is the son of Mrs. Yeobright in the novel "Return of the Native"?


461 - Who is the warden of Hiram's Hospital almshouse?

Septimus Harding

462 - Who is the woman hiding herself in a horse carriage at the start of the novel?

Thomasin Yeobright

463 - Who is the youngest Bennet sister in "Pride and Prejudice"?


464 - Who is Tulliver's servant in The Mill on the Floss?


465 - Who likes Maggie more than Tom?

Mr. Tulliver

466 - Who looks after Eustacia when she reurns to her grandfather's house?


467 - Who marries Eleanor Bold?

Francis Arabin

468 - Who of the Bennet sisters dislike social gatherings?


469 - Who of the Ramsay's sons feels murderous antipathy toward his father?


470 - Who plans to get Maggie and Philip fall in love?


471 - Who plays a big role in bringing Eleanor and Mr. Arabin together?

Signora Madeline Neroni

472 - Who proved the most sincere relatives of Bennet's?


473 - Who purchased Netherfield estate near the Bennets?

Charles Bingley

474 - Who refers to Austen's work as "two inches of ivory"?

Jane Austen herself

475 - Who rows the boat to the lighthouse?

Macalister's son

476 - Who said this, "Maggie ---you are better than I am."?


477 - Who saved Hetty from dying at the spur of the moment?

Captain Donnithorne

478 - Who says "I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of very fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow."?

Fitzwilliam Darcy

479 - Who says that women cannot paint or write well?

Charles Tansley

480 - Who suggested Bertie to try to marry Eleanor Bold?

His sister Charlotte

481 - Who takes care of Ramsay's house at the Isle of Skye?

Mrs. McNab

482 - Who tells Eleanor that Bertie wants to marry her because of her wealth?

Ethelbert himself

483 - Who testifies that he saw Hetty and heard baby crying?

John Olding

484 - Who threatened Maggie to end his relationship with Philip Wakem?


485 - Who told Maggie that her hair are so long?

Mrs. Glegg

486 - Who told the story of "Pride and Prejudice"?

3rd person omnipresent

487 - Who told Yeobright of his mother's last words?

Johnny Nonsuch

488 - Who wants to go to the lighthouse in the start of the novel?

James Ramsay

489 - Who was a good housekeeper in Stanhope's house?

His elder daughter Charlotte

490 - Who was confidante of Captain Donnithorne?

Adolphous Irwine

491 - Who was fully capable for the post of Bishop after Barchester of the death of Dr. Grantly?

Dr. Grantly junior

492 - Who was Johhn Olding in Adam Bede?

A farm labourer near Stoniton

493 - Who was Mr. Tulliver's mill hand?


494 - Who was nicknamed Bertie?


495 - Who was the auction manager in St. Ogg's?

Mr. Riley

496 - Who was the father in law of the archdeacon?

Dr. Harding

497 - Who was the fellow student of Tom when he was studying?

None of these

498 - Who was the proprieter of the village inn, in "Adam Bede"?

Mr. Casson

499 - Who was the tutor of Tom Tulliver and Philip Wakem?

Mr. Stelling

500 - Who was the tutor of Tom Tulliver?

Mr. Stelling

501 - Who was Thias Bede in "Adam Bede"?

Adam Bede's father

502 - Who were engaged during the visit?

Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle

503 - Who were survived after Eustacia and Damon Wildeve's drowning?

Both A & B

504 - Who will inherit Mr. Bennet's property?

Mr. Collins

505 - Who works for Mr. Tulliver?

Luke Moggs

506 - Who wrote "Barchester Towers"?

Anthony Trollope

507 - Who wrote "Doctor Thorne" (1858)?

Anthony Trollope

508 - Who wrote the novel "The Return of the Native"?

Thomas Hardy

509 - Whom did Mr. Slope marry in London?

His friend's widow

510 - Whom did Signora Neroni marry?

An Italian young man

511 - Whom does Thomasin Yeobright marry and has a daughter?

Damon Wildeve

512 - Whom does Thomasin Yeobright marry at the end of the novel?

Diggory Venn

513 - Whose death prompts the action of the novel "Barchester Towers"?

Bishop Grantly

514 - Whose natural women's intution tells her not to like Eustacia?

Mrs. Yeobright

515 - Whose visit encouraged Darcy that Elizabeth will accept his proposal?

Lady Cathherine de Bourgh

516 - Why could Clym not study to become a school teacher?

He damages his eyesight

517 - Why did Darcy break the growing relationship between Jane and Bingley (In Darcy's words)?

He did not think Jane loved Bingley

518 - Why did Jane live for many days with the Bingleys?

She became ill because of soaking in rain

519 - Why did Lydia spend the summer in Brighton?

To be near the militia regiment

520 - Why did Mary Ann Evans used a male name?

Because females were considered inferior mentally

521 - Why did Mr. Hardig resign from the wardenship of Hiram Hospital?

As a protest against a scandal of financial mismanagement

522 - Why did Mr. Harding not accept the wardenship of Hiram Hospital again?

He thought that Quiverful needed it more

523 - Why did Mrs. Proudie dismiss Mr. Slope?

On his unpriestly activities

524 - Why did Signora get crippled?

By her husband's beating

525 - Why did Signora not marry again?

Because she was crippled

526 - Why does Elizabeth become distressed on reading the letter by Caroline Bingley?

It informs that they are going to London never to return

527 - Why does Elizabeth Vow never to dance with Darcy?

He is a snob

528 - Why does Wakem decide to buy the mill?

To see fun of Mr. Tulliver's humiliation

529 - Why is Damon Wildeve irritated?

Mrs.Yeobright does not trust him with Thomasin's money

530 - Why is Mr. Bennet's property entailed to Mr. Collins?

Mr. Bennet has no male heir

531 - Why was Clym thought special by the heath dwellers?

He is leading a sucessful life in Paris

532 - Why was Dr. Grantly junior not appointed as the Bishop of Barchester?

Conservative Govt. did not remain in power

533 - Why was Eustacia hurt?

She heard Clym singing and cutting furze

534 - Why was Mr. Bennet's skeptical about Eizabeth's engagement to Darcy?

He doubted whether Elizabeth loves Darcy

535 - Why was Mr. Ramsay angry with Carmichael?

Both A & B

536 - Why was Mrs. Bennet interested in making acquaintance of Mr.Bingley?

Marry off her daughters

537 - Why was Mrs. Yeobright denied admission to Clym Yeobright's house?

Because of misunderstanding

538 - Why was the Stanhopes upset about Eleanor and Mr. Slope?

They thought that Eleanor was going to marry Mr. Slope.

539 - Wickham flees from Brighton because he

Has accumulated over 10000 pounds gaming debt

540 - Wickham shifts his attention to ------------.after his disappointment from Elizabeth.

Miss King

541 - Wildeve signals Eustacia by

Throwing a stone in the pond

542 - Will Maskery is a character in

Adam Bede

543 - William Bankes never married, but he is a close friend of

Lily Briscoe

544 - With whom is Eustacia living on Egdon Heath?

Her grandfather


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