Poetry and Poets in English Literature MCQs

Poetry and Poets in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Poetry and Poets in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 300 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Poetry and Poets in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Poetry and Poets in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - "A bettre preest I trowe, that nowher noon ys"? For whom it is said?

The Parson

2 - "A Slumber did My Spirit Seal" is written by Wordsworth that has ...---..stanzas.


3 - "A Slumber did My Spirit Seal" was published in the Lyrical Ballad's ------------edition.


4 - "A Treatise on the Astrolabe" was work by


5 - "An Evening Walk" and "Descriptive Sketches" are the works by Wordsworth published in


6 - "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,/But to be young was very ------.". Complete this from The Prelude.


7 - "Come forth into the light of things,/Let Nature be your teacher"are lines from the poem

The Tables Turned

8 - "Composed Upon Westminister Bridge" took place in the

Early morning

9 - "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers/Little we see in nature that is ours" are the lines from Wordsworth's

The World is Too Much With Us

10 - "He kepte that he wan in pestilence/For hold phisik is cordial". It is said about?

The Doctor of Physic

11 - "He nevere yet no vileynye ne sayde" is said about

The Knight

12 - "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is a lyrical poem by

William Wordsworth

13 - "London 1802 is a ---..


14 - "London 1802" and "Ode to Duty" are composed by

William Wordsworth

15 - "London 1802" was written in

Iambic pentameter

16 - "Long time in search of knowledge did I range/The field of human life, in heart and mind/Benighted---" are the lines from

Book 13, The Prelude

17 - "Long time in search of knowledge did I range/The field of human life, in heart and mind/Benighted---" here the word benighted means

Surrounded by darkness

18 - "My Heart Leaps Up" by Wordsworth is also known as

The Rainbow

19 - "Ode on A Grecian Urn" is famous ode by


20 - "On My First Son" by Ben Johnson is an example of


21 - "Paradise Lost" is one of the greatest ------------of English language.


22 - "Parlement of Foules" is written by


23 - "Poetry is, at bottom, a criticism of life" is said by

Matthew Arnold

24 - "Sonnet 18" by Shakespeare is a ------..


25 - "Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known" is composed by ------in 1798.

William Wordsworth

26 - "Syngynge he was, or floytynge, al the day" is said about

The Squire

27 - "The House of Fame" is by


28 - "The House of Fame" is by Chaucer. It was written between 1374 and


29 - "The Lines Written in Early Spring" is set in

In a groove

30 - "The Parlement of Foules" is associated with

Valentine's Day

31 - "The poet is the priest of the invisible" is said by

Wallace Stevens

32 - "The World is Too Much with Us" is a sonnet by Wordsworth. It was published in


33 - "Tintern Abbey" was written and published in 1898 by

William Wordsworth

34 - "Troilus and Criseyde" is a tragic romance. It is set against

The Trojan War

35 - "Villanele is a ------..lines poem.


36 - ------------..is something of a womanizer.

The Friar

37 - ------------..show that Chaucer may have died poor.

Historical evidences

38 - ------------.has irremovable pimples on his/her face.

The Summoner

39 - ------------.is the great work jointly published by Wordsworth and Coleridge.

Lyrical Ballads

40 - ------------.is the one who 'loved chivalrye.

The Knight

41 - ------------.'s fourteen books layout mimics the epic poem by Milton.

The Prelude

42 - ------------.was influenced by French Revolution.

William Wordsworth

43 - 1805 and 1826 versions of The Prelude were published by

None of these

44 - 1826 version of The Prelude has ------..books.


45 - A death occurs in the poem, "A Slumber did My Spirit Seal". At what point does this happen?

Between the two stanzas

46 - A formal and ceremonious lyric poem that addresses a person, idea, place or a thing is called


47 - A Knyght there was and that a

Worthy man

48 - A long poem that narrates the adventures of a heroic figure is called


49 - A lyric poem lamenting the death of a friend or loved one or a public figure is called


50 - A poem of fourteen lines having different rhyme schemes is called


51 - A poem that has a single, unified strain of exalted verse with a single theme and a single purpose is called


52 - A poem which is written on the death of someone to mourn or to pay tribute to the dead person is called


53 - A rhyme which is used at the end of a line to echo the end of another line is called

End rhyme

54 - A short poem uttered by single person and expresses a state of mind is called


55 - A Slumber did My Spirit Seal is a


56 - A sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a couplet is called an/a ------------sonnet.


57 - ---..is a Japanese poetic form like Haiku.


58 - ------..joined the Pardoner in singing 'Come hither, love, to me'?

The Summoner

59 - ------..rhyme occurs before the end of a line.

Internal rhyme

60 - ------..was careful about his/her table manners.

The Prioress

61 - ------has six stanzas of six lines each and a closig stanza of three lines.


62 - ------people were going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury.


63 - ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA is the rhyme scheme of


64 - ABAB CDCD EFEF GG is the rhyme scheme of

English sonnet

65 - About which the Wordsworth says, "I was the Dreamer, they are the dream"?

Shops in Cambridge

66 - According to Chaucer, which was responsible for the sins of the society?

The church

67 - According to the narrator the Squire was ------..years old.


68 - According to the Prelude, when Wordsworth was a child, he was eager to be ---..all the time.


69 - After reading a great work ------------.., Wordsworth dreams of an Arab in the desert. (In Book 5 of The Prelude)

Servante's Don Quixote

70 - An echoing produced by the close placement of two or more words with similarly sounding final syllables is called


71 - Ann Cookson was ------..of William Wordsworth.


72 - Arguably the ugliest pilgrim in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales is

The Summoner

73 - Before his grandfather, Chaucer's family was ------.in Ipswich.


74 - Before joining the pilgrims, the Knight was engaged in

Battles overseas

75 - Canterbury Tales were published by William Caxton in


76 - Chaucer began his literary career by following the

Italian writers

77 - Chaucer had ------..sons.


78 - Chaucer intended to write ------------tales.


79 - Chaucer is a poet of


80 - Chaucer lived during ------.century.


81 - Chaucer made many translations of ------..and French works.


82 - Chaucer served Edward III and

Richard II

83 - Chaucer served Edward III and Richard II as

All of these

84 - Chaucer served three English Kings, Edwrad III, Richard II and

Henry IV

85 - Chaucer translated a book by Boethius. Can you name it?

The Consolation of Philosophy

86 - Chaucer used the phrase "a noble pillar to his order" as

An irony

87 - Chaucer visited Genoa and Florence in ------.


88 - Chaucer visited Italy ------.due to his diplomatic visits.


89 - Chaucer wrote for ------------.

All levels of society

90 - Chaucer wrote in English, French and


91 - Chaucer's "The Canternury Tales" are written in

Middle English

92 - Chaucer's characters are goingÂ

On a religious pilgrimage

93 - Chaucer's primary theme in writing the Canterbury Tales is to show

Great variety of human nature

94 - Chaucer's The Tale of Melibeus is in


95 - Chaucer's the Yeoman was a


96 - Chaucer's ------------was guilty of gluttony.

The Franklin

97 - Chaucer's wife Philippa served King ---------------'s queen.

Edward III

98 - Chaucer's wife Philippa was

Duchess of York

99 - Chaucer's works are divided into ------..periods.


100 - During the Hundred Years' War, Chaucer served as

Both A & B

101 - Ekphrastic poetry is inspiration of a poet about

All of these

102 - English sonnet is also known as

Shakespearen Sonnet

103 - English was the language of ------in Chaucer's time.

Common People

104 - Epics are of ---..kinds.


105 - Epitaph is a short form of


106 - For which king Chaucer became a member of the royal court as a varlet de chambre, esquire and yeoman?

Edward III

107 - For whom Chaucer says, "first he wroghte, and afterward he taughte."?

The Parson

108 - For whom it is said, "With him there was his son, a youthful squire"?


109 - For whom the Oxford Cleric prayed devoutly?

Who helped him in buying books

110 - From where did Chaucer take the technique of gathering so many characters together?

From Boccaccio

111 - From where has the following line been taken, "It was an act of stealth"?

The Prelude

112 - Haiku originated in


113 - ------------has the forked beard in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.

The Merchant

114 - Her life with her five different husbands was the prologue of

The Wife of Bath

115 - How can The Wife of Bath be described?

Both A & B

116 - How did the Friar make his English look sweet?

By lipsing

117 - How does the fox trick in Nun's Priest Tale?

With flattery

118 - How is Knight described in the Prologue to Canterbury?

A worthy man

119 - How is The Canterbury Tales structured?

As a frame story

120 - How many children did Wordsworth have?


121 - How many mortal battles were won by Knight?


122 - How many priests were there with the Nonne?


123 - How many sons did Knight have?

Only one

124 - How many times did The Wife of Bath marry?


125 - How many versions of The Prelude are known to exist?


126 - How were the clothes of the Squire?

Embroidered with red and white flowers

127 - In "The Solitary Reaper" the speaker will carry the young girl's song

In his heart

128 - In "The Tables Turned" Wordsworth tells his friend to stop


129 - In "We are Seven" the girl used to ------..near her dead siblings.

All of these

130 - In "We are Seven" the narrator thinks that the girl has only five siblings. Why?

Two of them are dead

131 - In a feminine/double rhyme ------------.syllables rhyme.


132 - In Canterbury Tales Chaucer ------..human imperfection.

Makes allowances for human

133 - In Canterbury Tales Chaucer completed 20 poems and left ------stories unfinished.


134 - In Canterbury Tales who is 'swathed in ten pounds of cloth'?

The Wife of Bath

135 - In Canterbury Tales whose hair was as yellow as wax?

The Pardoner

136 - In Chaucer's time, French was the official language of


137 - In his bearing Knight was as gentle as a


138 - In his letter to Dorothy, Wordsworth calls The Prelude as "the poem on the growth of---...."

My own mind

139 - In his wantonness, Friar behave as

A puppy-dog

140 - In ------------language is used for its aesthetic in addition to its apparent meanings.


141 - In masculine rhyme the two words end with the same ------------combination.


142 - In The Canterbury Tales, who was excellent at caring for arrows and travels with the huge amount of weaponry?

The Yeoman

143 - In the last book of The Prelude Wordsworth directly addresses to

ST Coleridge

144 - In the past, the first three lines of a longer poem was called Haiku. It became a separate poetic form in

17th century

145 - In the winter of his second year at college, Wordsworth "frequent the college groves/And tributary walks" at/in


146 - In which form of literature do the literary devices such as alliteration, metaphor, similie and assonace are used?


147 - It can be argued that 1850 version of The Prelude, published by Albeit More is somewhat tame compared to the ------..version.


148 - John Wordsworth was ------------of William Wordsworth.


149 - Katherine Philips' "Epitaph" is an example of


150 - Knight has fought crusades in ------..countries.


151 - Knight was dressed in

Fustian tunic made of coarse cloth

152 - Middle English was a combination of Midlands and ------------accents.


153 - No regular pattern is used and one can do whatever he wants in

Free verse

154 - Ode is derived from a ------word 'aeidein' which means 'to sing'.


155 - Ode: Intimations of Immortality was written by


156 - One of the characters in The Canterbury Tales lives on culinary delight. Who is he?

The Franklin

157 - One of the most famous elegies is the "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" is by

Thomas Gray

158 - One pilgrim woman was widow. Can you name her?

The Wife of Bath

159 - One thing is rare about The Solitary Reaper. What is it?

It does not come from Wordsworth's own experience

160 - Parson refers 'his sheep' to his


161 - Physician, Wife of Bath, Squire, Franklin and Monk are

Richly attired

162 - Pilgrims were going to Canterbury in the height

Of spring

163 - Resolution and Independence is a poem by Wordsworth, composed in 1802 and published in


164 - Rhyme scheme of Limerick is


165 - Singer in the Solitary Reaper is a

Beautiful girl

166 - Sonnet originated in


167 - Squire wore the clothes embroidered with


168 - ST Coleridge, William Wordsworth and ------are called Lake Poets.

Robert Southey

169 - Tanka has ------..lines.


170 - Tell the financial secret of the Merchant.

He was in debt

171 - The ------------. were clothed in the same livery.


172 - The ------------.was a choleric and slender man.

The Reeve

173 - The 1799 version of The Prelude is known as the

Two-part Prelude

174 - The ---------------.knew every astute by heart.

The Man of Law

175 - The beard of Franklin was as white as

A daisy

176 - The best known work of Chaucer is

The Canterbury Tales

177 - The best story teller will get a prize of

A free dinner

178 - The Book of Duchess is an elegy written for Blanche. Blanche was the wife of a nobleman

John of Gaunt

179 - The Cook's real name was

Roger of Ware

180 - The first tale was told by the


181 - The first version of The Prelude was written in


182 - The form of poetry in which poet makes particular shape or image on the page with his poetry to enhance the meaning of the poem is called

Both A & B

183 - The Friar suggests ------------for repentance instead of weeping and crying.

Give money to the Friars

184 - The Host was a ------------man with bright and large eyes.


185 - The Man of Law charge high fees and is a big


186 - The Miller was playing ------------.when the pilgrims leave Southwark.


187 - The Monk, The Pardoner, The Prioress, The summoner, The Parson and the Friar are attached to the


188 - The name of the Merchant in Canterbury Tales

Ty Collins

189 - The narrator of the Canterbury Tales appeared


190 - The narrator thinks that ------..cares about himself.

The Monk

191 - The Pardoner had come from ------..to join the pilgrims.

The court of Rome

192 - The Peasant's Revolt took place in England durig Chaucer's Age in


193 - The Physician in the Prologue value ------.the most.


194 - The Physician was a perfect practitioner of medicine but has little knowledge of

The Bible

195 - The poem "Solitary Reaper" took place in


196 - The poet is sad in "Lines Written in Early Spring". Tell the reason.

Humans do not enjoy nature

197 - The Prelude (William Wordsworth) was published in 1850 in ---..books.


198 - The Prelude has variable versions. Why?

Because it was revised many times by Wordsworth

199 - The Prelude is a ------------.of Wordsworth that holds Wordsworth's persistent metaphor that life is a circular journey whose end "to arrive where we started/And know that place for the first time".

Spiritual autobiography

200 - The Prelude is a ------.on Wordsworth's own sense of his poetic vocations developed over the course of his life.

Poetic reflection

201 - The Prelude is written in------.

Blank Verse

202 - The Prelude's focus and mood present a sharp fundamental fall away from ------------and int the Romantics.

The Neoclassical

203 - The Prioress' greatest oath was by

Saint Eloy

204 - The ------------'s face was fire-red and pimpled with narrow eyes.


205 - The Solitary Reaper is a poem by

William Wordsworth

206 - The Squire was the son of the


207 - The study of meter in poetry is called


208 - The study of poetic genre, subtelties of the poem's rhythm and the historical period to which it belongs is called


209 - The Summoner loved onions, garlic and leeks because

He loved spicy food

210 - The Summoner was

Both B & C

211 - The Summoner was wearing a ------..upon his head.

A garland

212 - The Wife of Bath in the Prologue is


213 - The Wife of Bath says that the most women desire

Sovereignty over their husbands

214 - The World is too Much with Us by Wordsworth is a


215 - The World is too much with us; late and soon/Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;---" are the starting lines of Wordsworth's

The World is Too Much with Us

216 - The Yeoman had a sword and a buckler on one side and a fine ------------on the other side.


217 - The Yeoman was dressed in ------------.from head to toe.


218 - The Yeoman was travelling as a servant to

The Knight

219 - There is no major difference in The Prelude's ------.or ------.between the 1805 and 1850 versions.

Both A & B

220 - Three syllables rhyme is ------------..rhyme.


221 - To whom is "London 1802" addressed?

John Milton

222 - To whose teachings did The Monk not pay attention?

Both A & B

223 - Two successive rhyming lines of verse which have self-contained utterance are called


224 - We are Seven is a poem by William Wordsworth. It is a discussion between the narrator and a

Little cottage girl

225 - What did most of the soldiers in Orlzans feel about French Revolution?

They supported monarchy

226 - What do we call to a humrous five line poem?


227 - What do we call to a poem of three lines; comprising of 17 syllables?


228 - What do we call to a poem whose first letter of each line spells out a word, alphabet or any message?


229 - What does 'ercedekenes curs' mean?

Archdeacon's excommunication

230 - What does Prioress feed her small hounds?

All of these

231 - What does the "Purs is the erchedekenes helle" mean?

Pay money to archdeacon and be saved

232 - What is the Friar's name?


233 - What is wit?

Both A & B

234 - What was Chaucer's profession?

Civil Servant

235 - What was the name of Shipman's vessel called?

None of these

236 - What was the Prioress named?

Madam Eglantine

237 - What was the profession of Chaucer's father and grandfather?


238 - What was there in Yeoman's hand?

A mighty bow

239 - When Chaucer was a child, Black death killed ------...percent of the total population of England?

30 to 50

240 - When Chaucer was born, ------..was the King.

Edward III

241 - When did Chaucer become a Member of Parliament for Kent?


242 - When did Wordsworth planned "The Prelude"?

In his late 20s

243 - When did Wordsworth start writing "The Prelude"?

In 1798

244 - When was "We are Seven" published?

In 1798

245 - When was Middle English spoken in England?

From 1100 A.D to 1500 A.D

246 - When Wordsworth first arrives in Cambridge, he feels ------------(In The Prelude Book-4)


247 - Which character from The Canterbury Tales has ulcer on his shin?

The Cook

248 - Which feeling/feelings was/were strengthened in England during the Hundred Years' War?

Both A & B

249 - Which form of poetry is "art about art"?

Ekphrastic Poetry

250 - Which institution had the greatest influence over the British people?

The church

251 - Which is the first poem of Chaucer?

The Book of Duchess

252 - Which is the longest of the stories in The Canterbury Tales?

The Knight's Tale

253 - Which Italian poet/poets influenced Chaucer?

All of these

254 - Which pilgrim told his story first of all?


255 - Which poem is based on the myth that on every Valentine's Day birds gather to choose their mates?

Parlement of Foules

256 - Which story is adapted from Boccaccio's courtly romances?

The Knight's Tale

257 - Which thing was chosen by Wordsworth as a subject worthy of epic?

His own mind and imagination

258 - Which work is generally considered as the magnum opus of William Wordsworth?

The Prelude

259 - Who appreciated Chaucer as the father of English literary canon?

George Puttenham

260 - Who befooled people with his fake relics?

The Pardoner

261 - Who behaved like an aristocratic lady in "The Canterbury Tales"?

The Prioress

262 - Who considers poetry as the "fragrance of all human knowledge and thoughts"?


263 - Who could break any door by his head?

The Miller

264 - Who gave the final name to Wordsworth's poem 'The Prelude'?

Mary Hutchinson

265 - Who had a thin voice that sounded like a goat?

The Pardoner

266 - Who had excellent horses in his stable?

The Monk

267 - Who had gap in front teeth in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Wife of Bath

268 - Who had greyhounds 'as swift as birds in flight"?

The Monk

269 - Who had two small hounds with him/her?

The Prioress

270 - Who had weathered many storms and is champion of his trade?

The Shipman

271 - Who has the last laugh in The Canterbury Tales?


272 - Who is a long-legged, choleric and slender man in Chaucer's characters?

The Reeve

273 - Who is called "Epicurus' son" by Chaucer?

The Franklin

274 - Who is called the father of English poetry?


275 - Who is called the father of 'free verse'?

Walt Whitman

276 - Who is Parson's brother in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Plowman

277 - Who is the most corrupt character from The Knight, The Squire, The Pardoner, The Man of Law and The Host?

The Pardoner

278 - Who knows all remedies of love in Chaucer's Prologue?

The Wife of Bath

279 - Who likes the hunt of the hare in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Monk

280 - Who lives in "pees and perfit charitee."

The Plowman

281 - Who loves the wine which is as "reed as blood"?

The Summoner

282 - Who rides in a homely multi-coloured coat?

The Man of Law

283 - Who said on the way to Canterbury that the company shall , "talen and pleye"?

The Host

284 - Who said, "Poetry fettered fetters the human race"?

William Blake

285 - Who said, "Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down"?

Robert Frost

286 - Who sang the divine service in nasal voice?

The Prioress

287 - Who slept no more than does a nightngale?

The Squire

288 - Who spoke French fluently and elegantly in Chaucer's characters?

The Prioress

289 - Who teaches devotedly to his parishioners?

The Parson

290 - Who told the dirtiest stories?

The Miller

291 - Who told the story of ideal chivalrous love?


292 - Who took pains to imitate courtly manners?

The Prioress

293 - Who was a manly man with the lust for hunting?

The Monk

294 - Who was a swindler and passes off pig's bones as Saint's relics?

The Pardoner

295 - Who was an ideal man of religion in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales?

The Parson

296 - Who was as fresh as the month of May?

The Squire

297 - Who was at Alisandre before joining the pilgrims?

The Knight

298 - Who was clad in red and blue?

The Physician

299 - Who was good at stealing corn and charging for it three times?

The Miller

300 - Who was impoverished student among the Pilgrims?

The Oxford Cleric

301 - Who was leading the pilgrims?

The Host

302 - Who was rooster in Nun's Priest Tale?


303 - Who was short-shouldered and knotty fellow?

The Yeoman

304 - Who was somewhat deef in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Wife of Bath

305 - Who was the last pilgrim in line when they left Southwark?

The Reeve

306 - Who was travelling with Wordsworth when he inspired to compose "Composed Upon Westminister Bridge"?

His sister

307 - Who was wearing a Flemish beaver hat and his boots were fastened neatly and elegantly?

The Merchant

308 - Who was wearing a gypon made of fustian?

The Knight

309 - Who was/were the leader/leaders of Peasant's Revolt 1381?

Both A & B

310 - Who wears a brooch with an inscription "Amor vincit omnia"?

The Prioress

311 - Who wears a tabard in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Plowman

312 - Who wears an image of St. Christopher on his breast?

The Yeoman

313 - Who wins the prizes in wrestling matches?

The Miller

314 - Whom did critics categorize as 'misfits' in The Canterbury Tales?

Both A & B

315 - Whom did the Friar knew more than the lepers and the beggars?

All of these

316 - Whose cloak was of double worsted and stood out round like a bell?

The Friar

317 - Whose eyes are shiny like that of a hare's?

The Pardoner

318 - Whose eyes 'twinkled like stars on a frosty night'?

The Friar

319 - Whose eyes were grey as glass?

The Prioress

320 - Whose eyes were like a rabbit and the voice like a goat's voice in the Canterbury Tales?

None of these

321 - Whose face is described as brown in colour in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Yeoman

322 - Whose forehead was as broad as a hand's breadth?

The Prioress

323 - Whose horse was 'as lean as is a rake'?

The Oxford Cleric

324 - Whose locks were 'well curled as if they were laid in press'?

The Squire

325 - Whose mouth is like a great furnace in The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

The Millar

326 - Whose neck was 'as white as lily'?

The Friar's

327 - Whose sleeves were adorned with fine fur?

The Monk

328 - Whose 'smylyng was ful simple and coy'?

The Prioress

329 - Whose story has a character named "Alisoun"?

The Miller

330 - Whose works helped to standardize the ------------.of Middle English.

London dialect

331 - Why was 14th century remarkable in England?

All of these

332 - Wife of Bath was in search of a

New husband

333 - William Wordsworth graduated from ------------ University in 1791.


334 - William wordsworth was a ---..poet.


335 - With regard to his relics, Pardoner was


336 - With which were the Yeoman's arrows plumed?

None of these

337 - With whom did Chaucer go to France on a mission to arrange a marriage between Future King Richard II and a French princess?

Jean Froissart

338 - Wordsworth admired

All of these

339 - Wordsworth used ------imagery to describe John Milton.


340 - Wordsworth wants Milton to come back in London 1802

To show England how to be virtuous again

341 - Wordsworth was looking at ..------in "Composed Upon Westminister Bridge".

A city

342 - Wordsworth was very happy at the execution of Ruberspiere . What was its reason?

Reign of terrror in France ended

343 - Wordsworth was very happy to see ---..on his summer vacation.

His aged landlady, the old Dame

344 - Wordsworth wrote the poem, "We are Seven" with

ST Coleridge

345 - Wordsworth's -----------starts with a literal journey during his manhood whose chosen goal is the Vale of Grasmere.

The Prelude


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