Renaissance Period in English Literature MCQs

Renaissance Period in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Renaissance Period in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Renaissance Period in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Renaissance Period in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - A total of how many sonnets constitute the entirety of "Astrophil and Stella" ?


2 - According to John Milton's "Paradise Lost," what is Satan's tragic flaw ?


3 - According to many British Romantic poets, who is the protagonist of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" ?


4 - Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence. All of the following are Shakespearean plays EXCEPT?

The Tempest

5 - Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. Throughout the Middle Ages, English drama, like that of other European countries, was mainly ______________ and ______________?

Religious, Didactic

6 - Choose the best answer. Which of the following statements is true concerning epic poetry ?

Both A and B are true.

7 - Christopher Marlowe's "Faustus" is an example of what dramatic genre ?


8 - Compared to Aquinas, the writers of Florentine humanism considered which of the following only unsystematically ?


9 - Edmund Spenser was directly influenced by which writer's epic poetry ?


10 - Edmund Spenser wrote what famous text ?

The Faerie Queen

11 - Fill in the blank. _______ was a Christian theologian and Augustinian monk whose teachings inspired the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther

12 - Fill in the blank. ____________ is remembered as the "Morning Star of the Reformation."

John Wycliffe

13 - Fill in the blank. A ____________ was a spectacle performed at court or at the manor of a member of the nobility and was staged to glorify the court or the particular aristocrat?


14 - Fill in the blank. Although Sir Philip Sidney is writing 200 years before the …. revolution, he presents a very inward and self-absorbed narrator in "Astrophil and Stella." ?


15 - Fill in the blank. Although there is dispute about the actual "invention" of the printing press with movable metal type, _________ is usually the man credited with the invention.

Johan Gutenberg

16 - Fill in the blank. Christopher Marlowe's influence on William Shakespeare was in all probability _______________?

Very great

17 - Fill in the blank. In 1585, _______________ sponsored the first English colony in America on Roanoke Island (now North Carolina)?

Sir Walter Raleigh

18 - Fill in the blank. In the second edition of_________________, John Foxe promised that he would edit a collection of the works of William Tyndale, John Frith, and Robert Barnes?

Acts and Monuments

19 - Fill in the blank. John Foxe was deeply disgusted by the _______________, and could not believe that any honest Christian could accept its doctrinal basis ?


20 - Fill in the blank. John Foxe was extremely sensitive to the_______________?


21 - Fill in the blank. John Foxe's ambiguous attitude towards the Elizabethan church was ______________?

Not untypical

22 - Fill in the blank. John Lyly's ________ exercised considerable influence upon its author's contemporaries?


23 - Fill in the blank. John Lyly's style is best described as ___________________?


24 - Fill in the blank. John Wycliffe challenged a number of ______________doctrines with arguments which centuries later would echo during the Protestant Reformation ?

Roman Catholic

25 - Fill in the blank. King_____________ was notorious for his six marriages and for ruthlessly persecuting his political enemies, violently eliminating all opposition ?

Henry VIII

26 - Fill in the blank. Martin Luther nailed his _____________ to a church door in Wittenberg, accusing the Roman Catholic Church of heresy upon heresy?

Paradise Lost

27 - Fill in the blank. Prior to the rise of the famed tragedians of the late 1580s,_____________ were the great headliners of the Elizabethan stage?


28 - Fill in the blank. Sir Philip Sidney's strong_____________ convictions made him publicly oppose a projected marriage for Queen Elizabeth?


29 - Fill in the blank. Th …. was a movement that had profound implications not only for the modern world in general but also for literary history.

Protestant Reformation

30 - Fill in the blank. The economic analysis of poverty was advanced by______________ in the fourteenth century?


31 - Fill in the blank. The greatest insurrection of the______________ age in England was over religion?


32 - Fill in the blank. The intellectual and social movement which historians call "___________" is what lies at the base of the period we call the Renaissance ?


33 - Fill in the blank. The term "Renaissance" literally translates as "_____________" ?


34 - Fill in the blanks. From being narrowly focused on the achievements of north Italians in the______________ and early ____________centuries, the Renaissance is now being seen in a far wider context.

15th and 16th

35 - Greek theater was often of what genre ?

A and B only

36 - How did the invention of the printing press affect European culture ?

All of the above

37 - In "The Book of Martyrs," John Foxe provides a record of all known Christian martyrs throughout history, focusing on the persecution of people practicing which religion ?


38 - In 1534, King Henry VIII was declared head of what church ?

The English Church

39 - In 1583, which playwright became in control of the first Blackfriars Theatre along with director William Hunnis ?

John Lyly

40 - John Lyly became instantly famous with the publication of what text ?

Euphues, or the Anatomy of Wit

41 - John Lyly's work significantly shaped the writing of which famous writer ?

William Shakespeare

42 - John Milton's "Lycidas" is what genre of poetry ?

A pastoral elegy

43 - John Milton's "Paradise Lost" focuses attention on the relationship between which opposing entities ?

All of the above

44 - King Henry VIII adopted what religion ?


45 - Many of William Shakespeare's plays were performed at what theater in Elizabethan England ?

The Globe

46 - Martin Luther's translation of what text helped to develop a standard version of the German language and added several principles to the art of translation ?

The Bible

47 - On which of the following topics did Sir Thomas More focus in his "Utopia" ?

All of the above

48 - Pope's comment that "Know, then, thyself, presume God not to scan;/The proper study of mankind is man" in his "Essay on Man" is indicative of all of the following EXCEPT______________?

a radical questioning of revealed religion

49 - Romance, classical structure, and festive elements had already begun to come together in drama when what author began writing ?


50 - Sir Thomas More held which of the following positions in the English court ?

All of the above

51 - Sir Thomas More wrote what famous text ?


52 - Stephen Greenblatt's work on the Renaissance is best described by what theoretical paradigm ?

New Historicism

53 - Swinburne's poems such as "Hermaphroditus" are best known for which of the following ?

Their frank depiction of sexuality

54 - The character of Falstaff is important in which play(s) by William Shakespeare ?

All of the above

55 - The conceit of the Petrarchan sonnet in English during the Elizabethan period often involves what topic ?


56 - The distinction between comedy and tragedy which characterized classical drama was first forgotten during what period in England ?


57 - The foundation story of what poem is the Genesis account of the Creation of the world and of Adam and Eve, culminating in the drama of their temptation and fall ?

Paradise Lost

58 - The Petrarchan sonnet is composed of how many lines ?


59 - The Petrarchan sonnet is typically composed in what form of meter ?

Iambic pentameter

60 - The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses is an example of what dramatic genre ?


61 - The work of John Foxe was no longer read or heeded in educated circles after which major historical event ?

Glorious Revolution

62 - There was greater emphasis placed on human potentiality for growth and excellence through Europe by which year ?


63 - What author defines the function of poetry with reference to the Horatian dictum of "to teach and delight" ?

Sir Philip Sidney

64 - What author fell in love with Anne Boleyn while she was married to King Henry VIII ?

Thomas Wyatt

65 - What author speaks of the exemplary story as a fundamental narrative unit in which it is important to follow chronological order ?

John Foxe

66 - What author wrote the poem "Whoso list to hunt" ?

Thomas Wyatt

67 - What doctrine significantly influenced Sir Thomas More's "Utopia" ?

Christian Humanism

68 - What genres of plays did William Shakespeare write ?

All of the above

69 - What Renaissance text uses martyrology as a device to historicize the conflict between the true Church and the false Church in England ?

Acts and Monuments

70 - What text greatly popularized the sonnet form in England during the Elizabethan period ?

Astrophil and Stella

71 - Which of the following characters is NOT found in the dramatis personae ofWilliam Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" ?


72 - Which of the following controversial ideas surround the life and work of William Shakespeare ?

A and B only

73 - Which of the following critics is a famous Shakespearean scholar ?

Stephen Greenblatt

74 - Which of the following does NOT characterize Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach" ?

It envisions Christianity as eternal.

75 - Which of the following figures was an important political theorist of the Renaissance ?

Niccolo Machiavelli

76 - Which of the following is an important component of John Foxe's martyrology ?


77 - Which of the following plays by William Shakespeare is a comedy ?

Much Ado about Nothing

78 - Which of the following plays were written by Christopher Marlowe ?

All of the above

79 - Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the Globe theater in Elizabethan England ?

All of the above

80 - Which of the following texts is an example of epic poetry ?

All of the above

81 - Which of the following theaters could be found in England after Queen Elizabeth I came to the throne ?

All of the above

82 - Which of the following writers remained a firm believer in the Royal Supremacy ?

John Foxe

83 - Which queen of England attended a number of William Shakespeare's play ?

Queen Elizabeth I

84 - Which writer spent more than twelve years imprisoned in the Tower of London ?

Sir Walter Raleigh

85 - Who became a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted and appointed captain of the Queen's Guard in 1587 ?

Sir Walter Raleigh

86 - Who introduced the Italian sonnet to the British Isles during the reign of King Henry VIII ?

Both A and B

87 - Who is largely considered to be the father of epic poetry ?


88 - Who was considered to be England's first literary celebrity ?

John Foxe

89 - Who was in charge of organizing court festivities and entertainment of the English court ?

Master of Revels

90 - Who was King Henry VIII's first wife ?

Catherine of Aragon

91 - Who was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn who also reigned as Queen of England from 1558 to1603 ?

Elizabeth I

92 - Who wrote "Orlando Furioso" ?

Ludovico Ariosto

93 - William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" is an example of what dramatic genre ?


94 - William Shakespeare's "Henry V" is an example of what dramatic genre ?



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