Romantic Poetry in English Literature MCQs

Romantic Poetry in English Literature topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Romantic Poetry in English Literature topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Literature. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Romantic Poetry in English Literature . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Romantic Poetry in English Literature covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - A neoclassical poet would be most likely to compose a poem celebrating which of the following ideals ?

Emotional restraint

2 - A Romantic poet would be LEAST likely to celebrate __________________?


3 - A tortured, dark-spirited, wry, and intellectual protagonist would most likely be found in a poem by______________?

Lord Byron

4 - According to Laura Smith, that which "affect[s] the human mind with a sense of overwhelming grandeur or irresistible power; calculated to inspire awe, deep reverence, or loft emotion, by reason of its beauty, vastness, or grandeur" is known as the______________?


5 - According to the essay "A Defense of Poetry," which of the following is one of the two "classes of mental action" ?


6 - Coleridge's Ancient Mariner could be said to be suffering from an overwhelming feeling of ___________?


7 - Complete the following sentence. Matthew Arnold's poem "Dover Beach" is illustrative of modernist poetry, because it________________?

has an undertow of nihilism.

8 - Don Juan and "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" are broken into sections called______________?


9 - Dr. Samuel Gladden believes Shelley's agenda was to _____________?

Expose how intimate relationships inform political realities

10 - Dr. Samuel Gladden, in his essay "Shelley's Agenda Writ Large: Reconsidering Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant ," argues that Shelley's "Oedipus- Tyrannus" is important because a_______________?

Shelley writes about Byron's sexuality in it

11 - Duncan Wu discusses the presentation of "spots of time" in the poetry of______________?

William Wordsworth

12 - Duncan Wu rejects the assertion that Wordsworth's Lucy poems were primarily about ______________?


13 - During the 19th century, the term "middle class" described people who were______________?

Between workers and aristocrats

14 - Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the French Revolution" ______________?

Attacks the ideals of the French Revolution

15 - Elizabeth Fey refers to which poet as "a sort of poet-king Arthur" ?

William Wordsworth

16 - In "A Defense of Poetry," Percy Shelley argues that humans have an impulse to ____________________?

Reproduce rhythm and order

17 - In "Mont Blanc," Shelley likens the power of the mountain to the power of human imagination in order to __________________?

Demonstrate how the human mind comprehends and perceives truth

18 - In "Of Poetry in General,"William Hazlitt contends that good poetry comes from ____________?

Strong feeling

19 - In "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," what kind of animal does the Mariner kill ?

An albatross

20 - In "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," who is the "he" referred to in the lines "A sadder and a wiser man\He rose the morrow morn." ?

The Wedding Guest

21 - In her essay "Wordsworth Balladry: Real Men Wanted," Elizabeth Fey argues that the Romantics were interested in the medieval focus upon _______________?

Courtly love and modern-seeming emotion

22 - John Keats died from________________?


23 - John Keats would probably NOT have written a poem celebrating _______________?

Political and philosophical conservatism

24 - Keats was most famous for__________________?

His odes

25 - Lines Written a few Miles above Tintern Abbey explores ________________?

The way in which one's psychological state changes over time

26 - Many critics see similarities between the tenets of Futurism and which of the following political philosophies ?


27 - Many romantic poets regarded the natural world with a feeling of ________________?

Awe and fascination

28 - Ode to a Nightingale focuses on ______________?

How pleasures are fleeting and life cannot continue forever

29 - One of the central themes of Wordsworth's "Peter Bell" is _________________?

How nature can render someone good

30 - Paul O'Brien argues that Shelley did not lose his passion for the French Revolution, but that _____________did?

William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

31 - Paul O'Brien contends that _____________make(s) Shelley a "radical."?

Shelley's political beliefs

32 - Paul O'Brien's essay on Shelley suggests that Shelley was______________?

Fiercely anti-war

33 - Percy Shelley can be understood as a poet with _________________?

A desire to make the world into a better place

34 - Percy Shelley's poem "Mont Blanc" presents nature as ________________?

A powerful, sublime force

35 - Referring to poets as "unacknowledged legislators of the world" suggests that_____________?

Poets actually help the world grow and develop

36 - Shelley's "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" suggests that _________________?

The source of beauty cannot be known, and that beauty can only be felt

37 - Shelley's "Ode to Psyche" is narrated by __________________?

The author of the poem

38 - Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" can be best understood as a poem about _____________?

How poets can bring about political revolution

39 - Shelley's poem "Mont Blanc" can be best said to depict an encounter with _____________?

The sublime

40 - The "Reign of Terror" refers to_________________?

The mass execution of enemies of the revolution

41 - The dedication of Byron's "Don Juan" can be best described as ________________?

Mocking and satirical

42 - The final line of "We Are Seven" is: "And said, 'Nay' we are seven." This line suggests that________________?

The little girl refuses to cast the dead out of her life.

43 - The French Revolution had a tremendous impact on which of the following aspects of British life ?

All of the above

44 - The general tone and attitude of Byron's "Don Juan" would be best described as ______________?

Ironic and satirical

45 - The line "fools are my theme, let satire be my song" demonstrates a sentiment that would likely appear in a poem by_________________?

Lord Byron

46 - The line "It is an honourable characteristic of Poetry that its materials are to be found in every subject which can interest the human mind" appears in which essay ?

Advertisement to Lyrical Ballads

47 - The lines "The loveliest and the last\The bloom, whose petals nipped before they blew\Died on the promise of the fruit" are from a poem honoring________________?

John Keats

48 - The main thematic focus of "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is ____________________?

The relationship between truth and beauty

49 - The poem "London" can be best understood as ______________?

A protest against social inequality

50 - The primary subject of "Ode to Psyche" is ___________________?

The expansion of consciousness

51 - The Romantic period is generally thought to have occurred between ________________?

1798 – 1832

52 - Thomas Paine's "The Rights of Man" argues that ________________?

Revolution is proper when a government does not take care of its people

53 - To whom does the Ancient Mariner tell his story in "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" ?

The Wedding Guest

54 - Which action served to ignite the French Revolution ?

The execution of King Louis XVI

55 - Which British philosopher believed that monarchs repressed citizens and that revolution is proper when a government does not protect its people ?

Thomas Paine

56 - Which British philosopher of the Romantic era despised monarchies, believed that the best form of government was no government at all, and argued that change can only come from people treating each other with sincerity and benevolence ?

William Godwin

57 - Which contemporary fictional character can be understood as a Byronic hero ?

Dr. House

58 - Which event marked the defeat of Napoleon ?

The battle at Waterloo

59 - Which of the following authors would be most likely to use the supernatural in his poems ?

William Blake?

60 - Which of the following concepts are NOT elements of neo-classicism ?


61 - Which of the following features of Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess" make it classifiable as a Victorian poem ?

All of these answers

62 - Which of the following is NOT a common attribute of Byronic heroes ?

Good spirits

63 - Which of the following phrases best describes the central goal of Imagist poets ?

Clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images

64 - Which of the following poets would be least likely to explore the meaning of beauty or imagination in a poem ?

Lord Byron

65 - Which of the following sentiments would be LEAST likely in a poem by Lord Byron ?

An expression of love for common man.

66 - Which of the following statements would you most likely NOT see in a Romantic poem ?

A little learning is a dangerous thing…

67 - Which of the following was a key element or aspect of Romantic poetry ?

Engagement with the natural world

68 - Which of the following was NOT a key element or aspect of Romantic poetry ?

The use of allegory

69 - Which of the following was NOT a primary cause of the Industrial Revolution ?

The popularity of Romantic poetry

70 - Which of the following was NOT considered a proper form of literary expression in the Neoclassical Period ?

Blank verse poetry

71 - Which of the following was responsible for Samuel Taylor Coleridge's mental decline ?

His addiction to opium

72 - Which of the following would a neoclassical poet be most likely to use as a central theme in his or her poetry ?

A satirical representation of current events

73 - Which of the following would probably NOT be the topic of a Romantic poem ?

A celebration of the aristocratic

74 - Which of the following would probably NOT occur in a William Wordsworth poem ?

Mockery of political figures

75 - Which poem by Wordsworth examines writer's block ?

The Prelude

76 - Which poem is considered Wordsworth's magnum opus ?

The Prelude

77 - Which poet defines poetry as "the expression of the imagination" ?

Percy Shelley

78 - Which poet would be least likely to write about the beauty of nature ?

Lord Byron

79 - Which poet would be most likely to compose a poem and illustrations to accompany it ?

William Blake

80 - Which poet would be most likely to compose a poem using the language of common, ordinary people ?

William Wordsworth

81 - Which poet would be most likely to write a poem reflecting upon the psychological changes he has undergone since his youth ?

William Wordsworth

82 - Which poet would be most likely to write about his time in revolutionary France ?

William Wordsworth

83 - Which poet would have been most likely to compose a poem examining his own childhood ?

William Wordsworth

84 - Which poet would most likely express an adherence to atheism in his writing ?

Percy Shelley

85 - Which Romantic author is the subject of Paul O'Brien's essay "Prophet of the Revolution" ?

Percy Shelley

86 - Which Romantic poet did Shelley consider a close friend ?

Lord Byron

87 - Which Romantic poet died relatively unknown but would become famous posthumously, in the 19th century ?

William Blake

88 - Which Romantic poet was famous for being "mad, bad and dangerous to know" ?

Lord Byron

89 - Which Romantic poet would be most likely to feature a main character or narrator in a poem who is heroic, tortured, cynical, highly emotional, and intelligent ?

Lord Byron

90 - Which Romantic poet would be the least likely to write a piece of literary criticism ?

Lord Byron

91 - Which Romantic poet would have believed that a poet needs influence from something external and transformative in order to write a strong poem ?

Percy Shelley

92 - Who does Shelley consider the true founders of civilized cultures and laws ?

Poets and artists

93 - Who is the narrator of "Don Juan" ?

A nameless narrator

94 - Who referred to poets as "the unacknowledged legislators of the world" ?

Percy Shelley

95 - Who refers to poetry as "an imitation of nature" ?

William Hazlitt

96 - Who was the co-author of "Lyrical Ballads" with William Wordsworth ?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

97 - William Blake's "Little Black Boy" advocates for __________________?

The equality of all people

98 - William Blake's "Songs of Innocence and Experience" explores ________________?

The loss of childhood and discovery of the adult world

99 - With whom did John Keats have a love affair ?

Fanny Brawne


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