Biology General MCQs The Most Important Set 2

Biology General topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Biology General Set# 2, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 800 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Biology General . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Biology General covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - In term of spore production Selaginella is characterized by________________?


2 - Which of the following tracheophytes are also called arthrophytes______________?


3 - Equistem is an example of___________?


4 - Bryophtes are called amphiabians of plant world because:

Bryophytes like amphibian live in damp shady places and close to water body.

5 - Today the land habitat is dominated by__________________?


6 - Hornwarts are included in sub-class of __________?


7 - Of the following which one is not the characteristic of the plants included in psilopsida_____________?

Rhizoids bear Rhizome

8 - Horsetails are included in class of____________?


9 - Megaphylls are characteristic for____________?

Seed plants

10 - In bryophytes fertilization takes place in___________?


11 - The dichotomously branching system has shape similar to________________?


12 - Which of the following statement about alternation of generation in bryophytes is incorrect?

Both the gametophyte and sporophytes are haploid generations thus can produce haploids gametes to continue the diploid number on fertilization

13 - The space between the overtopped dichotomous branches was occupies by a sheet of _________ cells during evolution of megaphyllas?


14 - Production of two types of spores is known as________________?


15 - Antherozoids the male gamete in bryophytes are attracted towards Archegonium i.e. female sex organ by____________?

Chemotactic phenomenon

16 - The zygote formed in liverworts is___________?


17 - Ground pries are also known as___________?

Both of these

18 - Sporophyte is____________?


19 - Which of the following plant group first formed true leaves________________?


20 - Megaphylls i.e. leaves with divided veins with an expanded lamina is a dharacteristic of ___________________?

Both b and c

21 - Mosses are included in sub-division of ___________?


22 - The arrangement of unequal dichotomous branches in one plane during evolution of leaves is called_____________?


23 - The simplest of all bryophytes are___________?


24 - Which of the following statement about filicinae a group of tracheophytes is incorrect_________________?

They belong to sphenopsida

25 - Antheridiophore and archegoniophore are found in_____________?

Both of these

26 - Due to which property of Adiantum and example of Filicinae is called Maidenhairfern________________?

Stipe (stalk) and rachis of leaf have black smooth and shiny hair like structures

27 - Specialized protective coverings around megasporangium which vary in number are called_________________?


28 - Protonema is___________?

Algae like

29 - In which group of tracheophytes ovules are born on the exposed surface of megasporophylls______________?


30 - Pinus Taxus and Picea belong to_________________?


31 - Of the following four options which one is most advanced?


32 - In life cycle of Pinus megaspores produced by megasporangium divide into 4 megaspores by__________________?


33 - In Hornworts the band of meristematic tissue is found near_____________?

At junction of A & B

34 - Microspore of a seed plant that contain male gametophyte including the gamete is called_______________?

Pollen grain

35 - The part of sporophyte which is called sporangium is____________?


36 - Monocots are characterized by___________?

Number of sepals and petals are 3 or multiple of 3

37 - The first cell of the sporophyte generation is______________?


38 - Which of the following statement about dicots is incorrect _________________?

They have parallel vein pattern on their leaves

39 - Maize is an example of_________________?


40 - Stem of Psilophyton an example of psilogsida is differentiated into an underground rhizome and an aerial part both of which are _________ branched


41 - Which of the following group of tracheophyta has expanded or scale like leaves which are alwaysed arranges in whorls?


42 - Sporangia of which of the following tracheopytes develop singly on the upper side of sporophylls which may or may not be arranged to form strobili_____________?


43 - Which of the following tracheophytes are leafless?


44 - Chlorosis, i.e., yellowish hue on the leaves results from_____________?

All of these

45 - Chemically auxins are____________?

Indole acetic acid.

46 - Gibberellins may be substituted for ___________ light, therefore promote flowering in long day plants?


47 - Which of the following is antagonist to Auxin in terms of promotion of stem growth______________?

Abscisic Acid

48 - Abscisic acid promotes flowering in short day plants and inhibits in long day plants, which of the following is antagonistic to abscisic acid in terms of flowering______________?


49 - The only promoter of leaf senescence in the following plant hormones is________________?

Abscisic Acid

50 - Which of the following is used in brewing industry to promote malting_______________?


51 - Which type of the receptors are present in the ear__________________?


52 - Type of sensations carried by nociceptors are_________________?


53 - Which type of sensory structures carrying the touch sensations are present in papillae extending into ridges of the fingertips___________________?

Meissner's Corpuscles

54 - Which type of sensory structures carry deep pressure and vibration sensations______________?

Pacinian corpuscles

55 - ____________ is simplest form of learning.


56 - ____________ was first to propose an objective definition of instinct.


57 - Types of behaviour enabling pillbugs to reach moist area is___________?


58 - Nissl's granules are present in which part of the neuron_________________?


59 - All of the following are similarities between nervous and endocrine system except:_____________?

Having slow but prolonged effects

60 - Which of the following statement about neuron is incorrect___________________?

Like all the living cell, when they mature and divide to form similar cells

61 - Secretin is a hormone produced by___________?


62 - Type of neurons found exclusively in CNS are_____________?

Associative neurons

63 - Maintenance of normal resting potential via movement of K+ inside the cell and na+ out is a/an ___________ process?


64 - Cell membrane under resting conditions is impermeable to all the ions except_____________?


65 - Grave's disease is produced due to____________?

Overproduction of thyroxin

66 - MSH is produced from___________?

Median pituitary

67 - At the induction of action potential opening of Na+ gate with influx of Na+ is a ___________ processes?

Passive transport

68 - Acromegaly is caused due to oversecretion of____________?


69 - Insulin and glucagons are __________ in nature.


70 - Normal resting membrane potential of a neuron is_____________?

- 70 mv

71 - Insufficient secretion of iodothyroxine in adults causes____________?


72 - Normal action potential of a neuronal cell is ___________?

plus 50 mv

73 - Number of pairs of cranial nerves is__________?


74 - Na+ -K+ ATPase pump is important for_______________?

Recovery of resting potential

75 - Which of the following has no central nervous system?


76 - Maximum speed of nerve impulse transmission is____________?


77 - Which of the following are responsible for the detection of changes in environment?


78 - Any change in the environment of an organism is called___________?


79 - Co-ordination results in_____________?

All of these

80 - Which of the followings are effectors______________?

Both 'a' & 'b'

81 - Hydra has___________?


82 - Co-ordination in man is brought about by___________?

Both of these

83 - Which of the followings is missing from the nervous system of planaria_____________?

none of these

84 - Which of the following transmits nerve impulse from receptors to central nervous system?

Sensory neuron

85 - In which of the following neurons length of dendrite is greater than axon_______________?

Sensory neuron

86 - Which of the following neuron has a single long dendron?

Sensory neuron

87 - Which of the following cytoplasmic extensions carry the message toward the cell body___________?


88 - Microscopic gaps between the neuron endings are called__________?


89 - What is the function of synapse________________?

To decrease the speed of nerve impulse

90 - Under resting membrane potentials:

Outer surface of neuron is more positive

91 - Which of the following ions are involved in the initiation of nerve impulse_______________?


92 - Central nervous system of man consists of______________?

Both of these

93 - Reflex actions below the neck are under control of____________?

Spinal cord

94 - Which of the following is present inside the vertebral column______________?

Spinal cord

95 - Which of the following is largest part of brain?


96 - Which of the following is second largest part of the brain_______________?


97 - Intelligence is under the control of____________?


98 - Which of the following acts as thermoregulator?


99 - Which of the following allows precise muscular movements_______________?


100 - It is one of the convulsive disorders of nerves which are characterized by abrupt transient symptoms of motor, sensory, psychic or autonomic nature________________?


101 - Value of resting membrane potential is_____________?

0.07 V

102 - Receptors for hearing come under heading of___________?


103 - Which of the following feature is not related to neuron?


104 - Which of the following is a chemical link between catabolism and anabolism?


105 - Photosynthesis is process in which ________ compounds of carbon (CO2) and hydrogen (H2O) are reduced to carbohydrate like (glucose) using light energy.

Energy poor

106 - C6H12O6 + 6O2 ? 6CO2 + 6H20 + ENERGY represents:____________?

Aerobic respiration

107 - Bacteriochlorophylls does not include________________?

Chlorophyll a

108 - At which times there is no net gaseous exchange between leaves and the atmosphere.

Dawn & Dusk.

109 - Molecular formula of chlorophyll b is_____________?

C55 H70 O6 N5 Mg

110 - Which of the following is a compensation point:

Photosynthesis and respiration occur at same rate. So there is not net exchange of gases between atmosphere and plants.

111 - Quantitative study of energy relationships in biological systems obeys.

Laws of thermodynamics

112 - The organisms able to use sunlight directly as a source of energy are_____________?


113 - Carotenoids perform protective function in_____________?

Both of these

114 - Of the following which one is not an energy releasing process?


115 - About __________ % of photosynthesis is carried by terrestrial plants, while rest occurs in ocean, lakes, and ponds?


116 - Net yield of H2O in Photosynthesis is__________?

0 molecule

117 - The point at which there is no net exchange of gases between leaves and atmosphere is known as_____________?

Compensation point

118 - Air contains __________ % of CO2 ?


119 - Van neil hypothesis about the production of oxygen during phosynthesis was based on the study and investigations on___________?


120 - PS I has chlorophyll a molecule which absorbs maximum light of _________ nm ?


121 - Visible light used in photosynthesis ranges from:__________?

380 - 750 nm in wavelength

122 - The percentage of light absorbed by the leaf is ___________?


123 - Which of the following light is least absorbed by the plants?


124 - The first action spectrum was obtained by___________?


125 - Which of the light is mainly absorbed by the plants?

Both A and B

126 - First Actions spectrum was obtained by using__________?


127 - Chlorophyll is insoluble in_____________?


128 - Of the following, which one causes higher production of food in green plants?


129 - Which of the following statement about the head of a chlorophyll molecule is incorrect?

It is hydrophobic

130 - Photosynthesis carried out by terrestrial plants is _________ of total photosynthesis?


131 - Molecular formula of chlorophyll 'a' molecule is___________?


132 - Stomata cover only ______________ of leaf surface?

1-2 %

133 - Which of the following pigment is Blue- green in colour?

Chlorophyll a

134 - Reduction in photosynthesis is of____________?


135 - Complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place in which of the following?

Aerobic respiration

136 - Chlorophylls mainly absorb _________ wavelengths?

Orange – red.

137 - Deficiency of ___________ causes yellowing in plants?


138 - In alcoholic fermentation Pyruvic acid is broken down into?

Ethyl alcohol

139 - The chlorophyll molecule is embedded in the core of thylakoid membrane which acts as___________?


140 - The most important photosynthetic pigment is ___________?

Chlorophyll a

141 - In which of the following component of the body, lactic acid fermentation takes place?


142 - Final acceptor of electrons in respiratory chain is____________?


143 - In Anaerobic respiration only __________ % of the energy present within the chemical bond of glucose is converted into ATP?


144 - From one pyruvate passing through Kreb's cycle, how many NADH are formed?


145 - Cellular respiration is essentially a/an _____________ process?


146 - ATP are consumed during___________?


147 - Breaking of terminal phosphate of ATP releases about ___________ Kcal of energy?


148 - Functional units of lungs are called________?

Air sacs

149 - Lungs are spongy due to the presence of million of___________?


150 - ___________ respiration is directly involved in the production of energy, necessary for all living activities?


151 - Lungs are covered with double layered thin membranous sac called___________?


152 - ___________ respiration is the process by which cell utilized oxygen and produces CO2 ?


153 - During rest the breathing occurs rhythmically at the frequency of _________ times per minute in human?


154 - Of the following, which one is better respiratory medium___________?


155 - The maximum amount of oxygen which normal human blood absorbs and carries at sea level is ________ per 100 ml of blood.

20 ml

156 - Oxygen contents per liter of air is____________?

200 ml

157 - Haemoglobin can be almost completely oxygenated by an oxygen pressure of __________ of mercury.

100 mm

158 - Water is _________ times viscous than air?


159 - Important factors which affect the capacity of haemoglobin to combine with oxygen is

All of these

160 - There are _________ stomata per square cm of leaf surface in Tobacco plants?


161 - The air spaces may comprise upto _________ of total volume of leaf surface?


162 - The glycolate produced diffuses into the membrane bounded organelles called____________?


163 - The increase in pH of blood has ________ effect on the oxygen carrying capacity of haemogolobin?

plus ve

164 - Percentage of CO2 carried as carboxyhaemoglobin is_________?


165 - Arterial blood contains _________ of CO2 per 100 ml of blood

50 ml

166 - Active site of Rubisco is evolved to bind?

 All of these

167 - More than ___________ compounds of tar of tobacco smoke are involved to cause cancer?


168 - A disease of longs in which inside of the lungs is damaged resulting in cough and fever?


169 - Number of spiracles present in cockroach is___________?


170 - Of the following, which one is a contagious disease?


171 - Number of spiracles present in the thorax of cockroach is___________?


172 - Which of the following promotes growth in plants?

Calvin cycle

173 - When abdomen expands, the number of spiracles open is_____________?


174 - Which of the following animals has a respiratory system with one way flow of the air through the lungs, and the air is renewed after inspiration?


175 - The blood enters the ________________ side of heart ?


176 - Voice box is another name used for___________?


177 - All of the following contain cartilage except:___________?


178 - Gaseous exchange through the skin is known as ______________ respiration?


179 - Respiratory distress syndrome is common especially for infants with a__________?

Less than 7 month

180 - Parabronchi are open at ______________ end/s?


181 - In most birds air sacs are ____________ in number?


182 - Vocal cords are stretched across_______?


183 - A joint formed between humerus, radius and ulna is an example of__________?

Freely movable joint.

184 - Which of the following plays the major role in providing support to young herbaceous parts of the plant?

All of these

185 - Joint between two parietal bones, which is infact immovable one is an example of_________?

Fibrous joints.

186 - Fibrous capsule surrounding synovial joints may be thickened at some places to form:


187 - Higher turgor pressure in a plant cell is maintained by________________?

both b and c

188 - In which of the following joint muscles are arranged in the same plane as that of joint?

Between femur and tibia.

189 - Which of the following hormone is predominantly responsible for bone weakening in older women?


190 - Secondary cell wall of sclerenchyma cells is impregnated with_________________?


191 - Which of the follwing is a childhood disease resulting from nutritive Ca2+ deficiency?


192 - Among the followings which is the most longest supportive cell?


193 - Which of the following statement about osteoporosis is incorrect.

There is reduction of bone mass and change in chemical composition of the matrix

194 - An increrase in plant girth due to activity of _____________ is called secondary growth?

Both a and c

195 - Which of the following statements about fractures in old age is incorrect?

Due to good blood supply it results in quick healing.

196 - If two ends of fractured bone are opened and kept united via screws and wires drilled in bone substance. This step in fracture repair is called___________?

Open reduction.

197 - Vascular Cambium initially appears as actively dividing cells between_________________?

Primary xylem and primary phloem

198 - A fracture hematoma has____________?

Dead cells

199 - Sperms of liverworts, mosses, ferns move towards archegonia, in response to uncleic acid released by the ovum. This is an example of ____________?

Chemotactic movement

200 - Which of the following cells are involved in soft callus formation?

Fibroblast and osteoblast.

201 - Bony callus formation completes in___________?

2-3 months.

202 - The place of attachment of leaf with the shoot is called__________?


203 - Which of the following is a uni-nucleated cell?

A smooth muscle cell.

204 - Rapid movement of leaves of mimosa on touching is an example of _____________?

Turgor movement

205 - The contraction of which of the following muscle fibers, is controlled by hormones?

A smooth muscle

206 - Roots of a plant show______________?

Negative phototropism and positive geotropism

207 - Why skeletal muscles are called striated muscles?

Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized via a microscope.

208 - Epinasty is controlled by_____________?


209 - Which of the following statements is incorrect about skeletal muscle fibers?

They contain O2 storing molecules called hemoglobin.

210 - Gibberellins is an example of_________________?

Growth stimulator

211 - A smallest contractile unit of muscle contraction called sarcomere is the area between two:

Z- Line

212 - Which of the following animal has a hydrostatic skeleton?


213 - Diameter of thick filament is____________?


214 - In an annelids, the contraction of circular muscle results in___________?

Thinning of body

215 - The most important function of troponin is___________?

All of these

216 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about Molluscans?

They move by tube feet

217 - If a cross section of a sarcomere is seen, each myosin is surrounded by how many actin molecules:


218 - Which one of the following forms the blk of exoskeleton of an arthropod?


219 - What happens during muscle contraction to the length of each myosin and action filament?

Z- lines get closer

220 - Which of the following step occurs immediately after binding of Ca2+ with troponin molecule during muscle contraction.

Tropomyosin gets removed from the binding sites of actin filaments.

221 - Exoskeleton of a marine snail is composed of________________?


222 - Rigor mortis i.e, stiffening of body after death results from__________?

Unavailability of ATP, which is necessary to break the link between actin and myosin.

223 - Which of the following statement about an arthropod exoskeleton is incorrect?

It contains joints, for the same purpose as present in human skeletal system

224 - Ecdysone is_________________?

A hormone that regulates moulting in arthropods

225 - Endoskeleton is secreted by?


226 - Which of the following statement about fatigue is correct?

All of these

227 - Tetany is caused by__________?


228 - Collagen fibers of bone are hardened by deposition of_____________?

Ca & PO4

229 - Which one of the following is an example of a non-elastic connective tissue?


230 - Which one of the following is avascular structure?


231 - Which of the following muscle is an antagonistic member of Biceps brachii?


232 - Which of the following bone is not present in the hind-limb?


233 - Insertion of Biceps is on_________?


234 - How many bones are present in the wrist?

8 bones

235 - Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the locomotion in Euglena?

Flagellum whipping backwards moving the organism forward, and when moves forward the organism moves backward.

236 - Which of the following bones bones are present in the plam of hand?


237 - Which of the following animal uses Setae and Muscles for their Iocomotion?


238 - How many vertebrae are present in vertebral column of man?

33 vertebrae

239 - Which of the following vertebrates have a fish-like body?


240 - How many vertebrae are present in coccyx?


241 - Which of the following pairs of fins in a fish body are paired?

Pectoral and Pelvic.

242 - How many vertebrae are present in thoracic region?


243 - Among the following organisms which shows the best adaptations for locomotion?


244 - How many vertebrae are in sacrum?


245 - Which of the following is the swiftest form of the locomotion?


246 - S-band locomotion is characteristically seen in___________?

Cartilaginous fish.

247 - How many vertebrae are present in lumbar region?


248 - Which of the following bones are present in pectoral girdle?

Both of these

249 - There are __________ types of nutrients needed by plants besides light to carry out photosynthesis


250 - The site/s where most of the uptake of water and minerals take place is/are__________?

Root hairs

251 - The uptake of water in plants involves__________?

Passive transport

252 - The membrane of vacuoles is known as__________?


253 - The diffusion of ions along with water also takes place by mass flow system along the ________ path?


254 - Active transport is dependent on____________?


255 - In plants, the neighbouring cells are connected with one another by__________?

Both 'A' & 'B'

256 - In the root cells _______ pathway becomes discontinuous in the endodermis due to the presence of casparian strip.


257 - Cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in adjacent cell walls are known as___________?


258 - In plants, water potential is determined by major factors?


259 - The pressure generated when water enters & inflates plant cells is called ___________ potential?


260 - The movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential (through membrane)


261 - ___________ potential is the measure of the change in water potential of a system due to the presence of solute molecules?


262 - ___________ component of cell wall has grreat affinity with water?

All of these

263 - Commonly in other plants than tall ones the speed of upward movement of water is____________?

1 mh-1

264 - Exceptionally the positive hydrostatic pressure generated by root pressure is about___________?

800 Kpa

265 - Cuticular transpiration is _________ of total transpiration?


266 - All plants do not possess___________?


267 - Lenticular transpiration is ___________ of total transpiration?


268 - Introduction of vaccine within the body to produce immunity is an example of____________?

Artificially induced active immunity

269 - The flow of lymph is maintained by__________?

All of these

270 - It is the discharge of blood from blood vessels?

Cerebral Hemorrhage

271 - All of the follwing are blood clots except:___________?


272 - It is the measure of force with which blood pushes up against the walls of blood vessels.

Blood pressure

273 - Which of the following have thickest walls?


274 - QRS complex represents____________?

Ventricular systole

275 - Tricuspid valve is present_____________?

Between right atrium and right ventricle

276 - Cooley's anemia is another name used for___________?


277 - Which of the following are proteins in nature?

All of these

278 - Aerating openings formed in the bark through which exchange of gases takes place and water is lost in the form of vapours are___________?


279 - Lenticels look like__________?

Cars or small protusions

280 - Transport of minerals from soil to epidermal cells of roots via carrier protein molcules along their concentration gradient is called___________?

Facilitated diffusion.

281 - Pulling upward of water and dissolved minerals towards the leaves through the xylem tissue is called__________?

Transpiration pull

282 - A pressure created by active secretion of salts and other solutes from other cells into xylem sap is called___________?

Root pressure

283 - Stomatal transpiration is __________ of total transpiration


284 - ___________ function as multisensory hydraulic valve?

Guard cells

285 - _________ give rise to macrophages, which destroy larger particles by phagocytosis.


286 - 95% of the cytoplasm of red blood cells is the___________?


287 - Open circulatory system can contain_________?

White Blood Cells

288 - Pressure flow theory was proposed by_________?

Earnst Munch

289 - The opening and closing of stomata is directly controlled by the___________?


290 - There are _________ hypothesis which may explain opening and closing of stomata?


291 - Low level of CO2 favours _________ of the stomata.


292 - Symbionts which help plants in uptake of phosphorous and trace metals such as zinc and copper.


293 - Addition of salts and other solutes from other cells into xylem sap, __________ the water potential of the xylem sap


294 - Single circuit heart is found in_________?


295 - Stomata open due to _________ of K+ into the guard cells from the surrounding epidermis

Active transport

296 - Which of the following is true about hearts of earthworm?

They are present lateral to the oesophagus.

297 - It has been estimated that in a normal person plasma constitutes about ________ by volume of blood.


298 - Brown fat present in certain mammals is specialized in___________?

Rapid heat production.

299 - Panting is a representative of which mechanism?

Evaporative cooling.

300 - Formation of heat shock proteins in plants results in___________?

Embracing the enzymes and other proteins and prevent their denaturation.

301 - Fishes, most of the invertebrates and amphibians are examples of ________ animals?


302 - The mechanism of regulation, generally between organism and its environment, of solutes and the gain and the loss of water is called________?


303 - Which of the following represents osmoregulatory steps taken by hydrophytes?

Increases transpiration by increasing the surface area of the leave.

304 - Most of the marine invertebrates are__________?


305 - Which of the following marine fishes are considered direct descendents of fresh water ancestors?

Bony fishes

306 - Which excretory product in produced in plants during autotrophic mode of life?


307 - Which of the following statement about conifers is correct?

Excrete some of the waste materials directly into soil, occasionally using them as a chemical weapon against other competing plants.

308 - Purine and pyrimidine metabolism results in production of____________?


309 - Amount of water required to excrete 1gN of Urea is_________?

50 ml

310 - Each ach nephridium of earthworm opens to the exterior by__________?


311 - The main nitrogenous waste formed in the body of earthworm is/are___________?


312 - Which of the following excretory structure is associated with gut of the organism?

Malpighian tubules

313 - Which of the following nephrons play important role in production of concentrated urine?


314 - Which of the following kidney stones are most common?

Calcium oxalate

315 - Which of the following treatment will be administered first in a newly diagnosed renal failure patient?


316 - In plants, which of the following is a waste product produced both during photosynthesis and respiration?


317 - In animals excess of nitrogen is excreted primarily in form of___________?


318 - Hydra has no specialized excretory system because:

The whole body cells are in contact with water

319 - The distal blind end of the malpighian tubules bathes freely in____________?


320 - Which of the following is a sentimentally arranged excretory system?


321 - Excessive lactic acid is converted into __________ by liver?


322 - Each human kidney receives _______% of total cardiac out put?


323 - On which of the following site the posterior pituitary hormone acts predominantly?

Collecting tubules

324 - Animals that produce metabolic heat at low level and also absorb heat from the surroundings are called__________?


325 - Blubber a thick layer of fat is present in___________?

Marine Mammals

326 - Production of pyrogens is a __________ phenomenon?


327 - Thermostat of human body is present in__________?


328 - Which of the following structure in plant's body is called excretophores?


329 - The characteristic which enable animals to tolerate dehydration is called__________?


330 - Which of the following fishes excrete large volume of diluted urine?

Fresh water fishes

331 - Rose is an example of____________?


332 - In a hot summer after noon, if your body's Homeostatic machinery keep your internal temperature quite lower than that of external than this is an example of____________?

Negative feed back

333 - Marine fish can keep their internal environment hypertonic with respect to the surrounding salty water by retaining.

Trimethylamine oxide

334 - Terrestrial animals like kangaroo rat survive even without drinking water since__________?

They are anhydrobiotic organisms

335 - Aquatic animals excrete nitrogenous waste commonly in the form of_____________?


336 - Protonephridia are present in____________?


337 - Which of the following constituent is/are maximum in the filtrate that leaves proximal convoluted tubules?

Nitrogenous waste

338 - Which of the following mechanism explains development of anemia in Renal failure?

Failure of proper RBC synthesis, due to lack of chemical stimulation.

339 - Which adaptation is acquired by plants of cooler areas to prevent lipid crystal formation in cell membrane?

Increase in proportion of unsaturated fatty acids.

340 - Which of the following statement about Homeostasis is incorrect?

Homeostatic mechanisms keep the internal environment fixed despite of wide changes in external environment

341 - Which of the following fish drink large amount of sea water and excrete concentrated urine resulting in maximum salt excretion and minimal water loss?

Bony fishes

342 - Normal body temperature in mamals like human beings is____________?

36 - 38°C

343 - In osmosis water molecules move from area of _____________ through semipermeable memberane?

Lower solute concentration to higher solute concentration

344 - Which of the following is most toxic?


345 - In Urea cycle __________ ammonia molecules combine with 1 CO2 molecule to form 1 molecule of urea.


346 - Which of the vascular channels are related to Juxtramedullary nephrous only?

Vasa recta

347 - A stone measuring 0.4 cm, blocking the outlet of renal pelvis resulting in mild to moderate tract obstruction. Which of the following technique will be opted to remove this stone?

Extracorporeal Shock wave lithotripsy

348 - Bats & humming birds belong to___________?


349 - Thick, waxy & leathery cuticle around leaves is present in___________?


350 - Which of the following animal excrete nitrogenous waste mainly as uric acid?


351 - Which of the following openings have cilia?


352 - Malphighian tubules absorb waste materials and salts from__________?


353 - Which of the following filtrate contains excessive amount of amino acids, glucose, and salts?

Glomerular filtrate

354 - Mammalian kidney, under restricted water supply can conserve water by over ________ % reabsorption of glomerular filtrate


355 - The nephridia of earthworm open into the coelom by_________?


356 - Nephrostome in earthworm opens in____________?

Internal Body cavity

357 - Scolidon or dog fish belong to the group of fishes called__________?

Cartilaginous fishes

358 - They are considered to be the most primitive and are surely the first of the vertebrates?

Jawless fishes

359 - Sub- phylum vertebrate is also known as__________?


360 - The phylum chrordata comprise about how many species?


361 - It is stiff rod of special cells surrounded by connecive tissue present in the mid -dorsal region and appears in the embryos of all chordates


362 - Snails belong to__________?


363 - In mouth cavity of many molluscs there is a rasping tongue like structure_________provided with many horny teeth.


364 - All insects have how many parts of legs?


365 - In all arthropods,the body is covered with a chittinous cuticle which is secreted by the____________?


366 - In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions called head, thorax and abdomen?


367 - In man which organisms cause abscesses on the skin of arms or legs?

Suinea worm

368 - Chitin in cockroach is absent in____________?


369 - Melanin pigment in cockroach is found in__________?


370 - The bristles on the body of the cockroach arise from__________?

Trichogen cell

371 - The wax present on the body of cockroach is secreted:


372 - Which organisms are sometimes called the ” pastures of the sea”?


373 - Diatoms belong to___________?

Both A. and B.

374 - Which one of the following is representing the group of diatoms?

Pinnularia, Navicula, Cymbella, Melosira

375 - Diatoms are found in__________?

All of the above

376 - Centric discoid form of diatoms is__________?


377 - Microfossile often present in petroleum producing formationsare those of__________?


378 - Cell wall is richly impregnated with silica in__________?


379 - The cell wall is usually composed of two overlapping halves called epitheca and hypotheca in__________?


380 - Unlike other algae, diatoms do not readily decay due to___________?

Siliceous wall

381 - Cell wall is extremely well preserved in fossil specimens in__________?


382 - Empty diatom cells are called___________?


383 - Diatom frustule/ shell is made of_____________?


384 - The chloroplasts of diatoms and chrysophycean algae do not possess____________?

Defined grana and stroma

385 - Oil body is found in the cells of___________?


386 - Diatoms stay afloat due to___________?

Stored lpids

387 - Diatomaceous earth is used for making __________?

Fire proof bricks

388 - Locomotion in diatoms is carried out with the help of__________?


389 - Golden brown colour of diatoms is due to presence of__________?

Fucoxanthin, diatoxanthin, diadinoxanthin

390 - Which of the following is not nocturnal?


391 - Which one of these is an insect?


392 - A moth is closely related to_________?


393 - Which one of these is a set of useful insects?

Honeybee , lac insect, cochineal insect

394 - Which of the following organ is responsible for blood filtration:


395 - Which of the following organ is responsible for body metabolism?


396 - The part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is called____________?

Corpus callosum

397 - In which phase of cell cycle cell organelles are formed?

G2 Phase

398 - Vacuoles are fluid filled sacs surrounded by a membrane called__________?


399 - During the process of cell division which of the following divides first?


400 - Which of the following manufactures carbohydrates by the process of photosynthesis?


401 - which of the following is called protein synthesizing machine?


402 - Cell wall is the non living , outermost boundary of__________cell?

all the above

403 - The light microscope can make the object_________times bigger?

1000 times

404 - Which of the following is a selectively permeable membrane?

cell membrane

405 - Splitting of glucose relates to_________?


406 - Artherosclerosis is a major condition leading to__________?

heart attack

407 - Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is__________?


408 - The normal pH of human blood is____________?


409 - Bean shaped cells in plants are_________?

guard cells

410 - Villi and microvilli increase__________?


411 - Water potential of pure water is__________?


412 - The respiratory problem most common in smokers is_________?


413 - Parabronchi are present in__________?


414 - The utilization of the products of digestion is called___________?


415 - Kangaroo has an abdominal pouch known as__________?


416 - Earthworm lives in___________?

moist soil

417 - Sickle cell anemia was discovered by_________?

Vernon Ingram

418 - Rich source of energy in seimen is__________?


419 - The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the__________?

amniotic fluid

420 - Release of the ovum from ovary is called__________?


421 - Detachment of myosin head and actin in rigor mortis occurs due to__________?

hyperactivity of mitochondria

422 - Which bone is called beauty bone in women?


423 - The plants which produce embryo but lack vascular tissues and seeds are placed in_________?


424 - Higher vascular plants are also called__________?

seed plants

425 - In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to__________?

digestive system

426 - Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of__________?

all of these

427 - Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called_________?


428 - Snails belong to_________?


429 - In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions called head, thorax and abdomen?


430 - In human beings influenza is caused by_________?


431 - Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as___________?


432 - Gram +ve bacteria on treatment with crystal violet dye give _________colour?


433 - Malarial parasite is injected into man as__________?


434 - The terms procariotique and eucariotique were proposed by___________?


435 - The most common type of asexual reproduction in the fungi is__________?

spore production

436 - Outside the thallus of Marchantia there are special structures called__________?


437 - The vascular plants are termed as____________?


438 - Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallized by__________?


439 - Flagella are composed of________?

micro tubules

440 - The life and activities of a cell is controlled by__________?


441 - Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to____________?

mental retardation

442 - Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to__________?

mental retardation

443 - The simplest amino acid is_________?


444 - They are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored food?


445 - They are widespread as protective coatings on fruits and leaves?


446 - It is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi________?


447 - Many bacteria in our digestive system synthesize vitamins for example vitamin_________?


448 - Which is not a vertebrate ?


449 - Which of the following is the less important organ in human body?


450 - Who is the father of Genetics?

Gregor Mendel

451 - which of the following hepatitis is more contagious ?


452 - Which branch of science is short in laws ?


453 - A condition in which there is a decrease of oxygen to the tissue despite adequate blood flow to the tissue is_________?


454 - Insulin is a human__________?


455 - Amoeba secretes digestive enzymes to hydrolyse _________ ?

All of these and fats

456 - The number of daughter paramecia produced following conjugation is _______ ?

8 from two conjugants

457 - Corolla and calyx collectively termed as___________?


458 - Sporogony of malaria parasite occurs in _______ ?

Stomach wall of mosquito

459 - Under unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba reproduces by ________ ?


460 - Mild tertian malaria is caused by _______ ?

Plasmodium vivax

461 - Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of___________?


462 - Accurate name given to blood is ___________ ?

Fluid tissue

463 - Sweat glands occur in greatest number in the skin of the__________?


464 - Protein which acts as hormone is__________?


465 - Which one of the following vitamin is known as the â€Å“anti- Sterile” factor?

Ascorbic acid

466 - Which of the following vitamins is useful in ostcoimalacia?

Vitamin D

467 - Human body makes about 20 million erythrocytes in__________?

One Second

468 - Ingestion of bacteria by certain type of cells is termed as ________ ?


469 - The expected number of RBCs in a single drop, or microliter, of blood is _________ million in Women.

4.0 to 5.2 million

470 - The normal range of the number of white blood cells in a microliter of blood is between _________ ?

4,500 and 10,000

471 - The expected number of RBCs in a single drop, or microliter, of blood is _________ million in Men.

4.5 to 6.2 million

472 - Parkinson is a disease of_________?


473 - Acetabularia is a kind of __________ ?

Unicellular alga

474 - Acetabularia mediterranea has a cap of _________ ?

Regular shape

475 - What is hibernation and aestivation________?

Thermal adaptation shown by animals

476 - Enzyme activity can also be charted through the __________ ?

Rate of reaction

477 - BOD refers to the __________?

Biochemical Oxygen demand

478 - Self pollination is not possible in ________ ?

both A and BÂ

479 - â€Å“lub” sound is produced after _________ ?

The bicuspid and tricuspid valves suddenly close

480 - Examples of Epigeal germination include _________ ?

Sword bean seed

481 - All are functions of hypothalamus, but, _________ ?

Regulation of anti-diuretic hormones

482 - More water is reabsorbed in blood due to _________ ?

More anti-diuretic hormone

483 - Sessile flowers have _________ ?

No pedicles

484 - Stamens are not usually pendulous in plants pollinated by __________ ?


485 - Guard cells of stoma are ________ ?


486 - Special kind of protein containing iron is called as _________ ?


487 - Zygote with three copies chromosome 21, is known to cause _________?

Downs syndrome

488 - Kind of respiration through which skeletal muscles of human body gets the energy is ________ ?

Anaerobic respiration

489 - Fuel used by cells in cellular respiration to get energy is ________ ?


490 - Kind of cellular respiration which occurs in presence of oxygen is _________ ?

Anaerobic respiration

491 - Special enzymes are released during necrosis from __________ ?


492 - Number of cells that are destroyed in adults by apoptosis are ________ ?

50 to 70 billion cells

493 - Biebs that are broke off from cell are called __________?

Apoptotic bodies

494 - Crysanthemum is propagated by___________?


495 - Outer surface of bones is covered by a dense layer of connective tissue, called as ___________ ?


496 - Another name for liver is called ___________ ?


497 - Joints between flat bones of skull are termed as ____________ ?

Both A and B

498 - Length of membranous urethra is about ___________ ?

1 cm

499 - Division of nucleus is termed as___________ ?


500 - Membrane that separates 'cytoplasm' and 'nucleus' is called ___________ ?

Nuclear envelop

501 - All chromosomes other than 'sex' chromosome are called __________ ?


502 - Which one of the following is referred as the species occupation?


503 - The first ever vascular plants are_________?


504 - Circular disc shaped structure with a round hole is ___________ ?


505 - The higher animals have special organs for exchange of gases as their skin is ___________ ?


506 - Dorsal root of spinal nerves contain only __________ ?

Receptor neurons

507 - Study of interaction of living organisms with other organisms and their environment relates with ___________ ?


508 - __________is a condition in which there is an absence of oxygen supply to an organ's tissues?


509 - Virus is__________?


510 - Term the time during which an orgnism is present in the body before causing disease ?

Incubation period

511 - Insects responsible for transmitting diseases are called___________?


512 - Out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in a cell membrane, what is true?

Carbohydrates are minimum

513 - Potato is a modified form (outgrowth) of:


514 - Of the following taxonomic categories which is the most inclusive (i.e. is the highest in hierarchy)?


515 - Prothrombin which helps in clotting of blood is released by

blood platelets

516 - Myopia is connected with


517 - Organic Substances which, in very small amounts, control growth and development called


518 - Our major foods, fibres, spices, fruits and beverage crops are

flowering plants

519 - Movements due to light are shown by

flowering plants

520 - Outer covering of virus made up of protein is


521 - Radish is a

modified root

522 - Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

active transport

523 - Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?

Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts

524 - Most fish do not sink in water because of the presence of:I. swim bladderII. air bladderIII. air sacsIV. air in spongy bones

I and II are correct

525 - Plants synthesis protein from

amino acids

526 - Plants are killed in winter by frost

because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues

527 - One of the following is most suitable for study of mutations


528 - Pulses are a good source of


529 - Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named


530 - Nymph is the name of young one of


531 - Primary phloem develops from

provascular tissue

532 - Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of


533 - Plants that grow in saline water are called


534 - Pyorrhoea is a disease of the


535 - O2 released in the process of photosynthesis comes from


536 - Placenta is the structure formed

by the union of foetal and uterine tissue

537 - Plants hormone that induces cell division is


538 - Neurospora is used as genetic material because

it has short life cycle of 10 days

539 - Phloem is a tissue found in


540 - N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due to

nitrogen cycle

541 - Most common disease of poultry in India is


542 - Most abundant tissues of our body are


543 - Mumps is a disease caused by


544 - Rain water helps to increase the ____ to some extent.

calcium contents

545 - Number of chromosomes in down's syndrome is


546 - Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement of curvature known as


547 - Plant have ____ while animals lack it.


548 - Osmosis is the flow of solution from higher concentration to a solution of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane. What is incorrect in this statement?

The flow of solution is not possible through semi permeable membrane

549 - Photosynthesis is a process

reductive, endergonic and anabolic

550 - On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment?


551 - Pigmentation of skin is due to


552 - Norepinephrine increases

blood pressure

553 - Night blindness is cause by lack of which vitamin?

Vitamin A

554 - Monocot root differs from dicot root in having

well developed pith

555 - Radioactivity is a phenomenon of the spontaneous emission of

All of the above

556 - Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called


557 - Plants developing in dry conditions are


558 - Plants growing on sand are called as


559 - Our skin, when exposed to excess sunlight, becomes dark. This is because of our skin pigments called


560 - Ramapithecus and Cro-Magnon man are considered

ancestors of modern man

561 - The main function of Henle's loop is

Conservation of water

562 - The ultimate cause of water movement in a plant stem against gravity is


563 - They protect plants from water loss and abrasive damage.


564 - Th suitable conditions in which the rate of evaporation occurs more fastly are

Low humidity and high temperature

565 - The device to measure transpiration in plants is


566 - Longest bone found in man


567 - The female sex organs in a flower is the ________ .


568 - The male sex organs in a flower is the ________ .


569 - Which part of flower produces pollen grains that are generally yellowish in color?


570 - Which one of the following is the longest flower in the world?


571 - Usually the conspicuous ,coloured ,attractive part of flower is termed is


572 - The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called


573 - Animals who have constant body temperature are


574 - Which type of cell, skin is made up of:

Epidermal cells

575 - Cold blooded animals are known as


576 - Ginger is a stem and not a root because

It has nodes and internodes

577 - Blood group which have no antibodies


578 - The sound lub-dub lub-dub is produced by


579 - Blood is red in colour due to the presence of ________


580 - Jellyfish belongs to which phylum


581 - Which group of animals was the first to evolve to fly


582 - The skeleton secreting cells in poriferans are known as


583 - Which one is the basic unit of classification


584 - Which one of the following phylum is characterised by absence of true coelom


585 - The food material prepared in the plants is transported to the various organs by which of the following?


586 - Cells with similar markers stick together and function as


587 - Xylem tissue is mainly concered with the

Storage of prepared foods in plants

588 - The major constituent of connective tissue is


589 - The connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone is


590 - Which vitamin is necessary for blood clotting

Vitamin K

591 - Most of the enzymes are


592 - The disease Rickets is caused by the deficiency of

Vitamin D

593 - Which vitamin is also act as coenzymes


594 - Amoeba is ________ in nutrition


595 - During which phase or phase of cell division,the morphology of the chromosomes is best studies?


596 - Metaphase is followed by the next phase of mitosis called


597 - It is a the process which converts a single celled zygote into a great number of cells,which then differentiate into tissues.


598 - Which division is responsible for the continuity of hereditary informations?


599 - The type of division which occurs in somatic cells is known as


600 - Which of the following organelles contain enzymes that have digestive action


601 - They are also concerned with the formation and storage of certain compounds secreted by the cell.

Golgi Bodies

602 - The total number of pairs of Peripheral nerves in man are


603 - Medulla oblongata is a part of which of the following?


604 - Acetylcholine is

Chemical transmitter

605 - The pair of spinal nerves in main are


606 - When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract,

The volume of the thorax increases

607 - Blood leaving lung, is rich in


608 - The organs protected by the thoracic cage include the

Both a & b

609 - By complete oxidation of glucose number of ATP molecule formed is


610 - Haemoglobin is an important component of


611 - Hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying substance in red blood cells, is a


612 - What carries blood back to the heart?


613 - The smallest blood vessels which are one-cell thick, are called ________


614 - Name the blood cells in which nucleus is absent.

Blood Platelets

615 - The scientific study of livings is called


616 - They are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored food


617 - Which of the following groups is present in animal cells ?

Nucleus, Cell membrane, Mitochondria, Cytoplasm

618 - What is the full form of DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

619 - What is the full form of RNA?

Ribonucleic Acid

620 - The stages between larval moults in an insect are called


621 - In which of the following stages of silkworm, silk is secreted


622 - Which is the longest bone in the human body?


623 - The bone of the which organ is the longest in the human body ?


624 - Treatment of body defects through massage and exercise is


625 - The bacterium which reduces the fertility of soil is

Bacillus dentificans

626 - There are used in the retting of flax and hemp.


627 - Which of the following bacteria is responsible for the formation of curd?


628 - Yeast used in making bread is a


629 - Nitrogen fixation process in the soil is done by


630 - Mycology is the branch of botany in which we study about


631 - Mycology is the branch of botany in which we study about


632 - Phycology is the branch of botany in which we study about


633 - The DNA bacterium consists of ring-like pieces known as the


634 - It is commonly found in the bottom tidal pools?


635 - The audible sounds that heart are made by the closing of the


636 - Which one is the largest artery in the human body


637 - Which veins donot carry de-oxygenated blood

Portal Veins

638 - Muscular wall of the heart is externally covered by


639 - The deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels causes the arteries to lose their elasticity and get stiffened is called


640 - Pituitary gland is situated in


641 - The gland that is present close to Trachea


642 - Study of ductless gland is called


643 - Cretinism is due to the disorder of the glands


644 - Pancreas secretes

All of the above

645 - In a healthy person rate of heart beat on one minute is

72 times

646 - The word histology is related with


647 - Which one of the following statements regarding haemoglobin is correct?

Haemoglobin of RBC can carry both oxygen and carbon dioxide

648 - The vitamin required for coagulation of blood


649 - What type of tissue is Blood


650 - The layer of cells between endodermis and vascular bundles is called


651 - Gymnosperms are characterized by the

Absence of seeds

652 - In a bisexual flower if androcium and gynoecium mature at different time the phenomeon is known as ________


653 - The pollen grains of Pinus are carried to its female cone through the


654 - Grassland with scattered tree is known as


655 - Dr. Birbal Sahni; a famous Indian botanist is concerned with ________ studies.


656 - Plants which grow on saline soils are known as


657 - Which of the following organisms fix nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems?


658 - Which ecological pyramid can never be inverted

Pyramid of energy

659 - Which one of the following hormones is essential for the uptake of glucose by cells in the human body?


660 - Goitre is caused by the deficiency of ________


661 - Endocrine glands are also known as

Ductless gland

662 - Enzymes are produced by

Exocrine glands

663 - Which one of following is a duct less gland

Endocrine gland

664 - Branch of science which deal with the study of causative agent of disease is


665 - Select the correct statement about active and passive immunity.

Active and passive humoral immunity are both mechanisms of adaptive immunity that use antibodies

666 - Polio is caused by


667 - Rhinitis is the disease that effects which body part?


668 - Which disease is caused due to deficiency of Iodine?


669 - In plants cells,which structure provides a definite shape to the cell and makes it right?

Cell wall

670 - Produces a usable form of energy for the cell


671 - Which among the following is also called as 'power house of the cell'?


672 - Volume of blood found in a healthy person is

5-6 litre

673 - Which blood group is universal donor?


674 - Deficiency of which of the following causes non-clotting of blood?

Vitamin K

675 - Organisms need Nutrients in order to

Breaking down food

676 - Sugar is a component of which of the following?


677 - The main protein found in milk is ________


678 - Which one of the following vitamins is known as the anti sterile factor ?


679 - The trypsinogen is an enzyme secreted by the


680 - Which body part will be effected with the disease leprosy?


681 - AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The transmission of HIV infection generally occurs through

Transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products

682 - Which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria and spreads through faecal matter by houseflies ?


683 - Which cells are destroyed in AIDS


684 - Which of the following blood cells carry oxygen?


685 - In human body lymphocytes are formed in

Bone marrow

686 - Which statement about capillaries is correct?

Their walls are only one cell thick

687 - The grouping of blood is based on substances called


688 - Which blood group is universal acceptor?


689 - Which lobe of human brain is associated with hearing?

Temporal lobe

690 - Which of the following organs do not have blood vessels?


691 - Receptors for hearing are located in the


692 - Image of object is is formed on which part of eye


693 - A colour blind person has difficulty in distinguishing which of the two colours ?

Green & Red

694 - Chiropterophily is the process of pollination by


695 - Which of the following may cause the breakdown of pyruvate into lactic acid in our muscles?

Lack of Oxygen

696 - The main result of aerobic respiration is the

Production of ATP from the breakdown of glucose

697 - What compound directly provides energy for cellular work?


698 - The outer membrane that covers the lungs


699 - Bacteria were first discovered by


700 - Among the many substances manufactured commercially by means of ________ are acetic acid, acetone, butanol, lactic acid and several vitamins.


701 - In fungi asexual reproduction occurs mostly by

All of these

702 - Amoeba belongs to the phylum


703 - Dried milk dried meat are examples of preservation by


704 - Tissue in which cells have lost the capacity of cell division

Permanent tissue

705 - Plant tissues are of how many types?


706 - Detail study of internal organs at level of tissue with the help of microscope is called


707 - In plants and mineral salts from soil to the aerial parts of the plant are conducted through

Xylem vessels

708 - Smooth muscles are likely to be found in


709 - Who formulated Cell theory?

Both Schawn and M.J.Scheilden

710 - Which of the following are known as the suicide bags of cells?


711 - Which feature do Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells share


712 - Which of the following contain enzymes for cellular respiration ?


713 - The smallest unit that is capable of carrying out life functions is known as


714 - Fusion of two gametes called


715 - Flowers in which polllination takes place by insect their pollen grains are ________

Rough and sticky

716 - Ornithology is the study of


717 - Pollination is best defined as

Transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

718 - Self pollination will lead to


719 - Which one of the following is not a genetic disorder ?


720 - Who is known as Father of Modern Genetics

Gregor Mendel

721 - Tracheids are conducting cells of which tissue?


722 - The main function of the inner bark of a woody plant is to

Transport food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant

723 - Which one of the following tissues is responsible for increase of girth in the stem of a plant?

Lateral meristem

724 - Which of the following transports water from the roots of the plant to its leaves?

Both xylem and phloem

725 - The water and mineral salts are transported to the various organs by which of the following?


726 - What prevents food from entering the windpipe?


727 - Which of the following is true of enzymes?

Both A & B

728 - They substances,which assist enzymes act,are called


729 - Biological catalysis in living organisms are known as


730 - Which of the following is not a function of saliva?

Contains fluoride to harden the tooth enamel

731 - Pollen grains in plants are produced in


732 - Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below. Which one of the statements below is false?

By denitrification

733 - Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the

salivary glands

734 - Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria and Vibrio comma causes


735 - The colour of Hemoglobin is


736 - The elastic vessels which transport blood to the heart is known as


737 - The elastic vessels which transport blood from the heart is known as


738 - White blood cell act

As a defence against infection

739 - Protein synthesis in a bacterial cell is done by


740 - Which one is the first organelle to be discovered


741 - The cell theory was proposed by


742 - The Powerhouse of the cell is


743 - Which of the following is an example of parasitism?

All of the above

744 - ________ is the interaction in which one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited.


745 - Increased RBC's in the blood leads to a condition called


746 - Platelet is also known as


747 - Antibodies are produced by

Plasma cells

748 - Oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to the ________ by the pulmonary veins

Left auricle

749 - Which one is the largest cells in white blood corpuscles


750 - The term biology is derived from the language


751 - Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?


752 - Which observation proves that a cell is a eukaryote?

It has DNA inside a nucleus

753 - Physical basis of life is


754 - Where does cellular respiration take place in the cell?


755 - Diphtheria disease is caused by

Corynebacterium diphtheria

756 - Which of the following disease is non-communicable in nature?


757 - When a disease break out and spread from one place to another affecting large number of peoples it is called


758 - Which of the following disease is caused by female Anopheles mosquito?


759 - Which one among the following water-borne diseases is not caused by a bacteria ?

Hepatitis A

760 - Such plants which are adapted to survival under conditions a limited supply of water in its habitat are known as


761 - Azolla is a

Aqueous fern

762 - Bamboo is classified as


763 - Bios means


764 - In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions called head, thorax and abdomen?


765 - Source of infection in diseases like Tuberculosis, Mumps and Whooping cough is

Droplets of saliva

766 - Anopheles mosquito carries Plasmodium which causes malaria in


767 - Anopheles mosquito carries Plasmodium which causes malaria in


768 - Which is called as triple vaccine?


769 - Which of the following is an Abiotic factor?


770 - All insects have how many parts of legs?


771 - All living things except bacteria and blue green algae are termed as


772 - There are how many species of fungi?

80,000 species

773 - Which of the following is true of annelids?

They perform gas exchange across their skin

774 - Which of the following has the largest number of chromosomes?


775 - Which of the following micro-organism causes diseases like polio and chicken pox?


776 - What kingdom does Amoeba belong to


777 - Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry?


778 - Bacteria divides by

Binary Fission

779 - Important plant diseases like fire-blight and crown all are caused by


780 - Study of nose and alfactory organs is called


781 - The size of the pupil is controlled by the


782 - Bacteria are classified in the kingdom


783 - Which of the following animals shows radial symmetry

Star Fish

784 - Who introduced the ""binomial nomenclature"" to name organisms

C. Linnaeus

785 - Aestivation is seen in


786 - Which one is the largest animal phylum


787 - A typical chromosome has two parts a centrifuge and ________


788 - How does a Unicellular Organism reproduce?

Cell division

789 - Healing of wounds is dependent upon the ________ division of underlying cells


790 - It is formed by a repeating nucleosome units ,which are closely attached to each other to a continuous fibre.


791 - It is the site of chromosomes attachment to the fiber of spindle.


792 - ________ helps the eye to adjust the focal length of the lens.

Ciliary body

793 - Eustachian Tube is located in which part of human body?


794 - Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule constitute

Malpighian tubule

795 - The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin

By a decrease in the blood pressure

796 - In mammals, an important role of excretion is played by________


797 - Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating a

Hypertonic environment

798 - Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

Active transport

799 - Which one among the following Indian scientists proposed a theory for long distance transport of water in plants ?

N.S. Parihar

800 - The movement of materials across the cell membrane with the help of biological energy provided by ATP is called

Active Transport


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