Biology General MCQs The Most Important Set 3

Biology General topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Biology General Set# 3, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 700 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Biology General . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Biology General covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Which process requires no energy from the cell?

Both A & B

2 - What is the effect of oversecretion of hormone from pituitary gland?

Increase growth in length

3 - Which of the following is not a gland?


4 - Oxytocin hormone is secreted by gland


5 - Enlargment of _______ gland takes place due to deficiency of iodine


6 - Pepsin is a


7 - The hormone which stimulates the stomach for the production of digestive juice is


8 - Most absorption of nutrients occurs in the

Small intestine

9 - Which of the following is the largest digestive gland in humans?


10 - Which one among the following is the hardest part of our body ?

Enamel of teeth

11 - It is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi.


12 - Administering a vaccine provides protection by inducing synthesis of antibodies (proteins) specific of the vaccine. The cell in the body responsible for the production of antibodies is


13 - As an infant, the ability to produce antibodies is


14 - Antigen is a substance which

Triggers the immune system

15 - AIDS is caused by the organisms which are

Viruses (HTLV III)

16 - The camel's hump is composed of a tissue which provides water when oxidized. It is

Adipose tissue

17 - Which among the following is not a connective tissue?


18 - The transport of organic substances in plants is through


19 - Who is regarded as father of Plant Tissue Culture


20 - What is common in both striated and cardiac cell


21 - Blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman's capsule is

Afferent arteriole

22 - Which organ filters blood in human body?


23 - The renal corpuscle is made up of

Both A & B

24 - Main nitrogenous product formed in man


25 - Loop of henry is related with

Excretory system

26 - Of the following ,which of the most fundamental generalization in biology?

Cell theory

27 - Where does protein synthesis take place?


28 - Membrane bound pigment containing bodies present in the cells are called as


29 - Lysosome is formed from which of the following cell organelles?

Golgi bodies

30 - In the cell of animals ,some micro-organisms and lower plants contain

Two centriole

31 - Nephron is related to which of the following system of human body?

Excretory system

32 - Dialysis is used to perform the function of


33 - Excretion is best described as the removal of

Metabolic wastes from a cell

34 - Islets of Langerhans are present in


35 - Filtration of blood occur in

Bowmen's capsule

36 - The site of RBC formation in human body is

Bone marrow

37 - Important component that helps in clotting of the blood is called ________ .


38 - The valve present between left auricle and left ventricle is


39 - Function of heart in human body

Work like pumping machines

40 - Function of hemoglobin is

To transport oxygen

41 - The main function of the Golgi body is


42 - Which organelle is the control center of a cell?


43 - Which of the following organelles of a cell is involved in photosynthesis?


44 - The theory which states that all animals and plants are composed of cells and cell products is known as

Cell Theory

45 - Biologists mainly deal with matters relating to

All three a b and c

46 - The process in which energy stored in carbohydrates is released


47 - What is the purpose of the mucus in your nose?

Protects lungs

48 - Precentage of CO2 found in exhaled air


49 - Muscles get tired when there is shortfall of ________ .


50 - Cellular respiration is best associated with the


51 - Filtration of blood takes place in


52 - In Mammal urinary bladder open into


53 - Nephrology is the study of


54 - The organs of the urinary system are

All of the above

55 - The basic functional unit of Kidney is


56 - The scientific study of plants is termed as


57 - Lobsters belong to which one of the following classes of organisms ?


58 - Fishes have a ________ chambered heart.


59 - Which one of the following is not a chordate ?


60 - Carica papaya is the scientific name of ________ .


61 - Which is the innermost layer of the heart


62 - ________ is a hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.


63 - Which one of following is known as pace maker of endocrine gland


64 - The rate of heartbeat is accelerated by the hormone


65 - Cortisol is secreted by

Adrenal gland

66 - Slow oxidative muscle fiber are best suited for

Running a marathon

67 - In which body cavities are the lungs located

Thoracic cavity

68 - The molecule that is the main source of ATP synthesis


69 - Lungs are covered by


70 - Accumulation of which one of the following in the leads to cramp?

Lactic acid

71 - Photosynthesis occurs in


72 - Sulphur Dioxide pollution is indicated by an excessive growth of which of the following?


73 - Food wrapped in news paper is likely to get contaminated by


74 - What is full form of BOD?

Biological Oxygen Demand

75 - A species inhabiting different geographical areas is known as

Allopatric species

76 - Lichen is a composite combination of two organisms.

Algae and Fungi

77 - Nitrogen Fixation is carried out primarily by


78 - Organisms that depend only on raw plant products are said to be


79 - The scientific study of how organisms interact with their environment is called


80 - In a cell process of respiration takes place in


81 - It is the basic structure found in all membranes such as those of mitochonchondria and chloroplasts.

Unit membrane

82 - Which one is found in a pair in each Chromosome


83 - Ribosomes are produced in


84 - Which cell feature is responsible for storing water ?


85 - Photosynthesis takes place in the presence of chlorophyll and ________ .


86 - One of the following cannot be performed by animals


87 - Green pigment is called


88 - Plants utilise ________ from the atmosphere for photosynthesis

Carbon dioxide

89 - In Photosynthesis

Light energy is converted into chemical energy

90 - Which among the following does not have a cell wall?


91 - The ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen is found in the

Some blue-green algae

92 - Which is the cause of malaria infection?


93 - In human beings influenza is caused by


94 - Asthma is caused due to

Spasm in bronchial muscles

95 - Cancer is caused by

Uncontrolled mitosis

96 - Sickle-cell anemia is a disease caused due to the abnormality in

Red blood cell

97 - In which phylum nerve cells are found but nerves are absent ?


98 - The non-vascular land plants are included in the group called


99 - The animals in which the body cavity is absent are known as ________ .


100 - Who is called the Father of Taxonomy?

Carolus Linnaeus

101 - Spiders belong to the phylum


102 - Oxygen crosses a plasma membrane by


103 - Which of the following is true of osmosis?

All of the above

104 - The water readily available to plants for absorption by roots is

Capillary water

105 - The process of evaporation occurs from


106 - Which process requires cellular energy?

Active transport

107 - Psidium guajava is the scientific name of ________ .


108 - Grevillea Robusta is the scientific name of ________ .

Silver Oak

109 - Artocarpus integra is the scientific name of ________ .

Jack fruit

110 - Which of the following is a fish?


111 - What is scientific name of ""Cotton"" ?

Gossypium Herbaceum

112 - Study of parasitic organism is called


113 - The study of relation of animals and plants to their surroundings is called ________


114 - Amarbel is an example of


115 - When we consume the goat or sheep beef then we are

Secondary consumer

116 - Branch of biology in which we study about relationship between living and their environment.


117 - The outer white part of the eye which is supporting wall of the eyeball is known as


118 - Human eye can differentiate between colors due to


119 - The outer membrane that covers the brain is

Dura mater

120 - The inner most membrane that covers the brain is

Pia - mater

121 - Which systems comprise the nervous system?

Both A & B

122 - Which organelle performs cellular respiration?


123 - The great contributing of Schwan was

How interpreted what he saw

124 - What organelle carries out photosynthesis?


125 - Which organelles are unique to plant cells?

All of the above

126 - Membrane bound organelles are not found in the cells of


127 - The main thinking part of the brain is


128 - What is the first thing that alcohol effects?


129 - Largest part of human brain is


130 - The functional connection between two neurons is a


131 - The functional unit of the nervous system is the


132 - Which of the following is a work done by the placenta tissue in humans?

Removes waste matter from the embryo and provide nutrition to the embryo

133 - Corpus luteum is associated with


134 - A gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra is


135 - Snakes receive sound vibrations by


136 - A man with colour blindness will see red as


137 - Vitamin present in guava fruits

Vitamin - C

138 - Vitamins are

Micro nutrients

139 - Which of the following vitamins acts like hormone?

Vitamin D

140 - Which of the following vitamins are water soluble?

Vit. B & Vit. C

141 - Lathyrism is caused by excess consumption of________

Khesari Dal

142 - The horizonatally growing hyphae of Rhizopus are called


143 - Which one of the following scientists first time saw bacteria through a microscope made by himself ?

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

144 - The unicellular algae used to supply and regulate the oxygen in space programmes is


145 - Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called


146 - Bacteria are (were) considered more as plants than animals because of the presence of

Cell wall

147 - Main function of white blood corpuscles is

To produce immune system of body

148 - Which one of the following is a rich source of iron?


149 - The Vitamin that is destroyed on heating


150 - Which among the following is a Vitamin?

Follic acid

151 - They play key roles in the contraction of muscles,digestion of food and clotting of blood.


152 - Which one of the following organisms is dependent on saprophytic mode of nutrition?


153 - In 1610, who made microscope and used it to observe very small animals?


154 - What three statements make up the cell theory?

All of the above

155 - The outermost layer in a plant cell is

Cell wall

156 - The longest cells of human body

Neuron cell

157 - They contain those enzymes which can digest the phagocytosed food particles.


158 - The study of structure and functions of cells is termed as

Cell Biology

159 - Where in the cell are chromosomes located?


160 - Which are called the factory of protein synthesis?


161 - Who is known as father of Biology?


162 - Who is known as father of Biology


163 - Number of which type of WBC is greatest in blood of human


164 - Blood is


165 - Blood pressure is measured with


166 - Which of the following is true about veins?

Veins have valves; arteries do not

167 - Which of the following serve as antibodies?


168 - Purification of blood takes place in


169 - Fully mature human RBCs has

No nucleus

170 - Which of the following blood group is universal donor?


171 - Human heart is made up of

Cardiac muscle

172 - Antigens 'A' and 'B' are absent in persons belong to blood group


173 - Which Vitamin is obtained from Sun rays?

Vitamin D

174 - The Vitamin required for the synthesis of nucleic acid is

Folic acid

175 - Which of the following statements is not true about metabolism?

Younger people generally have a slower metabolism than adults

176 - An important function of fat in the body is to

All of the above

177 - Vitamin K is required for

Blood clotting

178 - The artificial kidney is a


179 - Which statement regarding the mammalian heart is correct?

In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs

180 - An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency, donate blood to a person whose blood type is

AB or B

181 - Which of the following carries oxygen to various parts of human body?

Red blood cells

182 - Instrument used to measure blood pressure is


183 - Lymph carries digested and absorbed fat from ________ .


184 - Which one of the following completes the given statement correctly ?Cretinism is a human disorder which is due to the under secretion of

Thyroxin hormone

185 - The thyroid hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism is


186 - Which of the following hormones contains Iodine?


187 - Which of the following is not an Endocrine Gland?


188 - Pineal gland is situated in


189 - In 1910, who proved the idea of W.S.Sutton that genes are located on chromosomes?


190 - Different forms of genes are called


191 - When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat, the person is suffering from


192 - Bone deformities occur due to the excess intake of


193 - Cellulose is a


194 - Deficiency of 'Thiamine'


195 - Kwashiorkor disease in children is caused by

Sufficient carbohydrates and fats but deficient proteins in diet

196 - Rate of transpiration can be measured by

Ganong's potometer

197 - Pulse rate we get from


198 - Which of the following are involved directly in pulmonary circulation?

Right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and left atrium

199 - Rh factor is discovered by

Landsteiner and Weiner

200 - Rh factor is related with


201 - What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?

To combat infection

202 - Organisms which synthesise their own food are called


203 - Anaemia is caused because of deficiency of which of the following?


204 - Which of the following is a good source of protein?


205 - Goitre is due to the deficiency of


206 - Biological complete proteins are found in

Meat, Milk, Egg

207 - Red colour of blood is due to presence of


208 - Which one of the following parts of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting?

Medulla oblongata

209 - Compared to land, the open oceans

Are nutrient-poor environments

210 - Study of effect of radiation on plant and animal is


211 - Melvin calvin got Noble Prize for his studies on

Carbon fixation

212 - Kyoto Protocol is associated with

Climate change

213 - The Mode of nutrition in which particulate food is devoured is


214 - They are organic compounds consisting of carbon ,hydrogen and oxygen present in all living organisms.


215 - The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is

4 kcal

216 - Among the given nutrients, milk is a poor source of

Vitamin C

217 - Which nutrient has forms most of our body weight?


218 - Which parts of the heart receive blood from the lungs?

Left atrium

219 - The universal donor belongs to blood group


220 - Person having blood group 'B' can donate the blood to person having blood group

B and AB

221 - Scientist who discovered blood groups was

Karl Landsteiner

222 - Where do arteries carry blood?


223 - Kelps are obtained from

Marine algae

224 - Blue green algae possess chlorophlyll along with a pigment known as


225 - A cell wall material present only in blue green algae and bacteria is

Muramic acid

226 - Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of

All of the above

227 - Most bacteria reproduce by

Binary fission

228 - Volvox colonies are found in

Freshwater ponds

229 - Which one of the following is not reserve food of fungi


230 - The nitrogen fixing bacteria present in the root nodules of leguminous plant is


231 - All of the following are true of neurons except that

They are a very specialized form of connective tissue

232 - Synapse gap is present between which of the following?

Two neurons

233 - In ________ cells the genetic material is without any nuclear membrane covering and is directly submerged in the cytoplasm.


234 - Cyanobacteria are also known as

Blue Green Algae

235 - Branch of biology which deals with the study processing and preservation of food is called

Food technology

236 - A viral species is a group of viruses that has

Both A & B

237 - The litmus paper utilized in the chemical laboratories is made of :


238 - The bone Humerus is found in

Upper arm

239 - The bone tibia is found in


240 - Longest bone found in which part of human body?


241 - Which one is the longest bone in human body


242 - What Is The Study Of Cells Called

Both B & C

243 - Closely stacked flattened sacs (plants only)

Golgi apparatus

244 - Which one among the following cell organelles is semi-permeable ?


245 - Any foreign object that gains entry into the cell is immediately engulfed by the ________ and is completely broken into simple digestible pieces.


246 - The function of nucleolus is the synthesis of


247 - Which of the following is a fresh water sponge ?


248 - The kingdom Protista is primarily made up of organisms that are

Eukaryotic and single-celled

249 - Marsupial Kangaroo is


250 - Which one of the following has a bilateral symmetry in its body organization?


251 - Branch of biology which deals with the study of identification, nomenculture and classification of organism is


252 - Every ecosystem must have


253 - Silviculture is the branch of botany in which we study about

Development of forest

254 - Which of the following is an Autotroph?


255 - The energy in most ecosystems comes from


256 - Study of typical behaviour of organisms in their natural habitat is called


257 - Which is a homologous chromosome pair?


258 - A multicellular organism grows by ________ .

Cell division

259 - At anaphase stage of mitosis in plant cells,interzonal of the spinldle fibres gets transformed into


260 - During which stage of mitosis does cytokinesis usually occur in animals ?


261 - It is an oxygen carrying protein of red colour concentrated in red blood cells.


262 - Which blood group is a universal recipient?


263 - The largest artery in human body is


264 - Number of chamber found in human heart is


265 - Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the wall of


266 - Mitochondria are also known as

Power house of the cell

267 - Which is the basic structural as well as functional unit for all organisms?


268 - Which organelle are involved in the manufacture and supply of energy to the cell?


269 - Which statement is one component of the cell theory?

All living cells arise from pre-existing cells

270 - Do plant cells have Mitochondria?


271 - Study of process of ageing


272 - Sweating is important

To control the temperature of body

273 - The outermost layer of skin is


274 - Homeostasis is the condition in which the body maintains

A relatively stable internal environment within limits

275 - The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is


276 - Lichens are the best indicator of

Air pollution

277 - Which one of the following processes takes place in lakes during eutrophication?

Excessive entry of nutrient into water

278 - Which organelles supply energy to the cell?


279 - Who of the following is known as the Father of Biology?


280 - Name the part of neuron where information is acquired.


281 - The basic unit of the nervous system is the


282 - The weight of the brain in the total weight of the body is about


283 - Cerebrum is located in part of brain in/ot

Fore front

284 - The smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system is


285 - When the concentration of water and solutes on either side of the cell membrane is same, the solution is said to be


286 - Water molecules enter plant epidermal cells by


287 - Root pressure is developed in


288 - What process accounts for species diversity?


289 - Where are chromatids found in a cell?


290 - Octopus belongs to the phylum


291 - Octopus is

A molluscs

292 - In coelentrates mesderm give rise to

Circulatory System

293 - It is the study of internal organs of organisms.


294 - Their cells have a very well defined nucleus ,in which nuclear material (chromosomes or DNA)is enclosed in double nuclear membrane.


295 - Nitrogenous Food is


296 - Which of the following crops would be preffered for sowing in order to enrich the soil with nitrogen?


297 - The temperature danger zone for food is

5 - 63 deg

298 - A living part of the organisms environment is known as

Biotic Factor

299 - Secondary consumers are eaten by larger


300 - Some of the conifers in our northern areas include

All of the above

301 - Which of these plants grow in an environment that is neither very wet nor very dry?


302 - Which statement describes decomposers?

Decomposers are those organisms that recycle matter in the ecosystem

303 - Enzyme secreted by stomach digests the food but stomach is not digested by this digestive juice because

Wall of stomach is lined with mucus

304 - Where does most digestion take place?

Small intestine

305 - Both food and air travel through the


306 - The enzyme which take part in digestion of milk protein is


307 - Total Number of bone found in child


308 - A man whose blood group is not known meet with a serious accident and needs blood transfusion immediately. Which one of the blood group mentioned below and readily available in the hospital will be safe for transfusion

O, Rh+

309 - Which letter indicates systolic pressure?


310 - The first heart transplantation was performed by

Dr. C. Barnard

311 - Which of the following is true about blood plasma?

It is about 90% water

312 - Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is

Bound to hemoglobin

313 - Which of the following is not the part of digestive system ?


314 - The enzyme found in saliva


315 - Which of the following is the largest gland in human body?


316 - Which of the following is not a digestive enzyme in the human system?


317 - In the human body which sturcture is the appendix attached to

Large intestine

318 - The plant body not differentiated into root,shoot and stem is termed


319 - Capitulum is also given another name


320 - In all arthropods,the body is covered with a chittinous cuticle which is secreted by the


321 - Scientist who is known as father of Botany


322 - They are probably the simplest and the smallest living organisms possessing cellular organisation .


323 - Sexual reproduction in Algae that takes place through fusion of two dissimilar size gametes is called?


324 - Floridian starch is characteristic energy storage material of which algae?

Red algae

325 - Which of the following does not have any enzymes in its cells?


326 - Statement which is true about bacteria ?

Most of them are heterotrophs but some are autotrophs

327 - During which phase centromeres divide and chromatids separate into chromosomes?


328 - The shape of chromosome is clearly visible at


329 - How many daughter cells are formed after the completion mitosis?


330 - Pollen is produced by the process of


331 - How many daughter cells reproduces after the completion of Meiosis II?

4 daughter cells

332 - Which of the following is a mixed gland


333 - Female reproductive hormones is

All of these

334 - Which of the following is an endocrine gland?

Reproductive glands

335 - Growth hormone is secreted form


336 - Most Important gland of human body is


337 - Algae and fungi are collectively known as


338 - Which of the following is true about bryophytes

All of these

339 - In birds, some of the vertebrae are fused to form


340 - They play a central role in the making of dairy products such as butter ,cheese,yogurt etc.


341 - There are certain bacteria which can fix atmospheric gas named


342 - What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not?


343 - The sea horse belongs to the class of


344 - They are considered to be the most primitive and are surely the first of the vertebrates

Jawless fishes

345 - There are extremely diverse group of organisms


346 - In Animal Kingdom classification, which of the following is not a Phylum?


347 - Through Nitrogen fixation process nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into


348 - In plants,which cells carry out photosynthesis?


349 - Part of the plant where photosynthesis generally occurs


350 - The energy stored in photosynthesis is obtained from


351 - Maximum fixation of solar energy is done by

Green plants

352 - In cross section each centriole consists of a cylindrical array of how many microtubules?


353 - Which phase's intiationis indicated by the appearance of the chromosomes as thin threads in the nucleus?


354 - In which of these mitosis is missing and the cell divided by binary fission?


355 - Which event occurs during interphase?

The cell grows

356 - The stage of mitosis at which chromatids separate as independent chromosomes is the


357 - In Pedology we study about


358 - Biological control is to check growth of

One pest by another

359 - The biofertilizer used or the paddy crops is

Blue-green algae

360 - Which of the following plants have root nodules?

Leguminous plants

361 - Branch of agriculture concerned with the production of crops is


362 - What does stomach acid mostly consist of

Hydrochloric Acid

363 - Which one of the following is a digestive hormone


364 - The teeth lacking in Herbivorous animals is


365 - Alimentary canal runs from mouth to


366 - Which one is the longest part of the alimentary canal

Small Intestine

367 - Night Blindness is caused by deficiency of which of the following Vitamin?

Vitamin A

368 - Organisms that feed on the excreta of other organisms are called


369 - Which of the following vitamin helps in clotting of blood?

Vitamin K

370 - Anaemia is due to deficiency of


371 - In what chief capacity does vitamin k function?

Blood clot

372 - Pellagra and Scurvy are caused by which pair of vitamin deficiency respectively ________

VitaminB-12 and VitaminC

373 - The kilo calories of energy released from one gram of fats is


374 - Deficiency of fluoride leads to Which one of the following health problems?

Tooth caries

375 - Which of the following is not a function of proteins?

Store and transmit Heredity

376 - Bleeding of gums, falling of teeth, fragile bones and delayed wound healing occur due to the deficiency of which one of the following vitamins?

Vitamin C

377 - Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis?


378 - Which of the following plays an important role in photosynthesis?


379 - Which of the following gas is necessary for the process of photosynthesis?


380 - Photosynthesis fulfills which of the following requirements of the autotrophic organisms?I. CarbonII. WaterIII. Energy

I and III

381 - The gas released during the photosynthesis by the green plants is


382 - Jaundice in human beings is the result of

Incomplete metabolism of bilirubin

383 - Which of the following can be a symptom of AIDS?


384 - Which one of the following is a hereditary disease ?


385 - Malaria is more common in

Tropical areas

386 - Pathology is the branch of science which deal with the study of

All of them

387 - Bile produced by


388 - Digestion started in man from


389 - Where does digestion of protein begin?


390 - After digestion protein is converted into

Amino acid

391 - Digestion of starch in mouth takes place by


392 - The terminal part of the carpel in a flower, which may be sticky is ________


393 - The study of flower is known as


394 - The innermost part of a flower is known as


395 - Ophthalmology is the branch of science in which we study about


396 - At which stage in its life cycle does the silkworm yield the fiber of commercial use


397 - Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are


398 - Goosebumps are caused by contractions of the


399 - Lacrymal glands are situated in the

Buccal cavity

400 - Which of the following acts as an insulator against heat, cold and as a shock-absorber in the body ?

Subcutaneous fat layer

401 - A/An ________ tissue is formed beneath the skin and between internal organs


402 - In how many parts is the human brain divided?


403 - Centre of reflex action

Spinal cord

404 - Cerebro spinal fluid protects


405 - Cerebrum is related to


406 - Which part of brain controls fine movement, maintains balance and equilibrium of the body and muscle tone in a human being ?


407 - Karl Landsteiner discovered

Blood groups

408 - Which of the following is nucessary for digestion of food ?


409 - Where are Enzymes found?

Human body

410 - Enzymes are important because they

Speeds up chemical reactions

411 - Which one is the largest gland of human body


412 - Colon and rectum is a part of

Large Intestine

413 - Biological membranes are composed of

All of the above

414 - Biological membranes are composed of

60% proteins and 40% lipids

415 - They are double membrane structures that are commonly oval or disc shaped.


416 - The cell wall of plants is generally made up of cellulose and is differently structured then that of a


417 - Which cell feature is responsible for making proteins?


418 - The group of pistals or carpels is collectively spoken off as a


419 - Each stamen has a slender stalk or filament at the top of which a pollen bearing organ is present


420 - All sepals collectively constitute a structure termed as


421 - An expanded basal portion of carpel is called as


422 - Taken together the petals constitute


423 - Which structure is specific to eukaryotic cells?


424 - Which of these statements is true of the kingdom protista?

All are eukaryotic

425 - Study of internal structure of organism iscalled


426 - Biology is the scientific study of

Living organisms

427 - Which of the following does not have blood but undergoes respiration ?


428 - Which of the following plants produce only seeds but no fruit?


429 - Study of pulse and arterial blood pressure is called


430 - Longest artery found in the body of human


431 - Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named


432 - Who was the discoverer of human blood groups ?


433 - Study of blood is called


434 - What does the central nervous system consists of?

All the above

435 - Virus range in size from

2 nm to 300 nm

436 - Virus was discovered by


437 - The study of microrganisms is termed as


438 - Entamoeba Histolytica is a


439 - Amoeba belongs to which group


440 - Who discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT?

Paul Muller

441 - There is no bacteria activity in which of the following process?

Ripening of cheese

442 - ________ reproduces by binary fission.


443 - The DNA of the bacterium is found present in a distinct nuclear region called


444 - In autotrophic bacteria, where is chlorophyll located?

In the infolded plasma membrane

445 - Prokaryotic cells lack

All the above

446 - The science related with the study of living


447 - Ribosomes are produced in the


448 - Which of the following organelle is known as the 'Power House' of the cell?


449 - Smallest cell in human body is


450 - Infection of salivary glands by a virus leads to


451 - Which Virus causes Chicken Pox?

Herpes Zoster Virus

452 - Besides Dog, which one is the other animal that can also cause rabies


453 - Theilreia parva causes infection in


454 - The genotype of a plant showing a dominant phenotype can be determined by


455 - Which of the following is not true of colour blindness?

A colour blind person cannot see any colours

456 - Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is not useful for the treatment of which one of the following ailments ?

Vision impairment

457 - Which part of human eye controls the amount of light entering the eye


458 - A seed is ripened


459 - Which among the following is not a true fruit?


460 - Which of these is unique to flowering plants?

Double fertilization

461 - The pollination by snail is called


462 - Which one of the following completes the given statement correctly ?A seed is a ripened


463 - Sponges belongs to the phylum


464 - Study of algae is called


465 - Study of butterfly is


466 - Which one of the following is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom ?


467 - When a Cuttlefish is described as a Molluscs, it is at which level of classification?


468 - Late blight of potato is caused by

Phytophthora infestens

469 - Amoeba proteus was discovered by

Johann Rösel von Rosenhof

470 - Which of the fungi is commonly called as bread mould


471 - In N2- fixation process, nitrite is converted to nitrate by


472 - Green mould is common name for


473 - In test tube baby

Fertilization of ova takes place in test tube which development of embryo occur in uterus

474 - In uterus embryo get their nutrition through a structure called


475 - Study of female reproductive system is


476 - Which among the following is/are female hormones? (i) Estrogen (ii) Progesterone (iii) Testosterone

(i) and (ii)

477 - Fertilization in human takes place inside


478 - Which of the following bacterium causes crown gall disease in plants?

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

479 - In plants which one of the following tissues is dead ?


480 - ________ connects muscle to the bones.


481 - In animals like Annelids, Molluscs, organs have associated to form functional systems, each system concerned with a specific physiological function. This pattern is called ________ system level of organization.


482 - Xylem helps in transportation of which of the following?


483 - Saliva secreted from mouth digest


484 - Which organ has finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)?

Small Intestine

485 - A large number of bacteria in our digestive system, especially in the ________ and large intestine are important in completing digestive processes

Small intestine

486 - Pepsin is an enzyme that digests ________ .


487 - Which among the following is used to treat Indigestion?


488 - The subcellular organelle not bound by a single membrane is


489 - Which one is not found in the composition of Plasma membrane


490 - Which organelle in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA


491 - The single membrane surrounding vacuoles in plant cells is known as


492 - Cellular respiration occurs in


493 - Reflex actions are controlled by

The Spinal Chord

494 - What part of the body controls balance?


495 - Which part of the brain is responsible for consciousness?


496 - Which part of Nervous system controls involuntary actions

Medulla oblongata

497 - The brain is covered by

All the above

498 - Metal present in Haemoglobin


499 - The right portion of human heart receives ________ blood.


500 - Arteries supplying blood to the heart are called

Coronary arteries

501 - The plasma of the blood contains which among the following constituents? I. Proteins II. Salts III. Hormones

All I, II and III

502 - Antibodies is produced in the plasma of blood by


503 - Who proposed third kingdom system?

Earnst Hackel

504 - Which is true for bryophytes?


505 - Amoeba reproduces a sexually by?

Binary fission

506 - Which of the following is not found in RNA?


507 - A plant in the subdivision Psiolpsida has no true:

Leaves and Roots

508 - Epitopes (Antigenic determinants) bind to which portion of antibody?

Variable region

509 - Generic name of mango is?


510 - In photosynthesis hydrogen is transformed from the light reactions to dark reactions by?


511 - Group with unknown evolutionary relation is called?


512 - Water movement from cell to cell through plasmodesmata is?


513 - Which of the following drug is responsible for reduction of limbs in humans?


514 - In the light reaction of photosynthesis when electron of passed to electron transport chain ___ is produced?


515 - All of the following change the gene frequency except:


516 - "Kissing bugs" act as the transmitting agent of:

Chagas Disease

517 - Triplet code of CAT in DNA is represented as __ and __ in tRNA.


518 - Identify the feeding mode of extinct conodonts?


519 - What is a bolus?

A mechanically crushed food mixed with saliva

520 - Amphibians without tail belong to order?


521 - Which metabolic process in bacteria is directly inhibited by the penicillin?

Synthesis of Cell Wall

522 - Who are the main producers in an ecosystem?

Green plants

523 - Book 'Study of Instinct' was published by?

Niko Tinbergen

524 - Lateral line system is present in?


525 - A person with high fever feels faster breathing due to?

Increased body temperature

526 - Term Mutation was introduced by?

De Varies

527 - Kranz anatomy is characteristic feature of?

C4 plants

528 - The decline of MPF at the end of mitosis is caused by?

The enzymatic destruction of the cyclin

529 - Placenta develop in embryonic stage in?


530 - In ___ part of the alimentary canal the maximum absorption of nutrients occurs.

Small intestine

531 - Which scientist proposed that 'All living cells arise from pre existing cells'?

Rudolf Virchow

532 - Algae and other plants submerged in water float during day and sink at night because?

They become buoyant due to accumulation of oxygen as a result of photosynthesis.

533 - Asymmetric animals?


534 - Any adulterated elements leak into group, filtration and are carried into ground water reservoir is known as?

Water pollution

535 - Actual percentage of water used during photosynthesis is?


536 - Tropical rain forests are found in the areas where average annual rainfall is ___ .

200 cm

537 - Which of the following is called a flower animal?

Sea Anemone

538 - Which of the following animal is a parasite?

Entamoeba Histolytica

539 - The cells from the body of organism are called?

Somatic cells

540 - Scientific name for Planaria is?


541 - In bread the percentage of proteins is?


542 - In mustard flowers are?


543 - Which of the following is an example of head and tail bacteriophage?

Lambda phage

544 - The taste organs in insects are called:

Taste hairs

545 - Maximum possible volume of air during inspiration is called?

Vital capacity

546 - Which vitamin produced in skin?

Vitamin D

547 - Intervening sequence of genes is called?


548 - Which of the following are the features of glycogen?

All of the above

549 - An enzyme called __ is found in body fluids has antimicrobial activity.


550 - Fungi in the division oomycota are known as:

Egg fungi

551 - Largest invertebrates animal is?


552 - Outer covering of virus made up of protein is?


553 - How much globulin is present in human serum?

2.6 to 3.5 g/dL

554 - Plants pathogenic fungi that weaken the plants and reduce the yield had traditionally been controlled by using?


555 - Who is the first muslim scientist who studied animals in details?

Abdul Malik Asmai

556 - If chlorophyll is burnt what will be left?


557 - Splitting of atom is also called?


558 - In which branch of biology do we study insects?


559 - Birds that fly at high altitudes need and especially respiratory system because?

There is little oxygen in the atmosphere at high altitude.

560 - Enzyme involved in the interconversion of relaxed and supercoiled form of DNA molecule?


561 - What are the character of stem cell?

Both A & B

562 - Due to loss of water cytoplasm of cell shrinks which is called?


563 - Total number of amino acids in hemoglobin molecule are?


564 - How much of the cytoplasm of red blood cells have haemoglobin?


565 - Hydrostatic skeleton is found in?

Earth Worm

566 - When a single gene effects two or more traits the phenomenon is called?


567 - Character of gymnosperms?

Naked seeded plants

568 - Selection acts directly on?


569 - Which of the following tissue is involved in strengthening of plant body?


570 - There are the free living platyheminthes?


571 - Which geological period in the age of earth is also known as the age of fish?

Devonian period

572 - Plant hormone causing abscission, leaf senescence, seed dormancy and inhibition of cell division?

Abcisic Acid

573 - Which tissue is responsible for increase in length of root and stem?

Apical Meristem

574 - Which one of the following is a fruit?

Lady's Finger

575 - Sacculas relates to which part of Bacteria?

Cell wall

576 - Type of histones found associated with DNA are?


577 - Virus size is measured in?


578 - Who coined the term Meiosis?


579 - Trimethylamine oxide is produced in?


580 - Enzyme catalysing peptide bond formation is located in?


581 - Most highly evolved arthropods?


582 - Homologous chromosomes segregate towards opposite poles of a dividing cell during:

Meiosis I

583 - The division of Cytoplasm in Mitosis is called?


584 - Musca domestica is the scientific name of?

House Fly

585 - In the evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens) from his ancestors, identify the most significant trend?

Increasing cranial capacity

586 - Ascaris is?

Pseudo Coelomate

587 - Chromosomes are composed of?

Proteins and DNA

588 - When two male pronuclei unit with a female pronucleus is termed as:


589 - Venom of viper effects?

Nervous system

590 - Which of the following is responsible to cause Klinefelter syndrome?


591 - Which is a mucopolysacchride?


592 - Condition in which a gene influences more than one trait is called?


593 - Stem cells can divide through?

Mitosis and can renew

594 - The germinal layer in animal embryo give rise to the?


595 - which one of the following organisms is not an autotroph?


596 - The elongation of leading strand during DNA synthesis:

Depends on the activation of DNA polymerase.

597 - The number of Alveoli in human lungs is estimated to be around __ .

500 Million

598 - Which of the following cell organelles does not participate in cellular division?


599 - Which property of water minimizes temperature changes in cell and organisms?

Specific heat capacity

600 - What do we call the tubes where food is digested?


601 - The process by which a tissue causes another tissue to differentiate is called:


602 - Inner surface of ectoderm has positive affinity for?

Mesodermal cells

603 - Which of the following occurs in eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes?


604 - Red data book provides data on?

Endanger plant and animals

605 - ___ are responsible for blood clotting.


606 - Which among following synthesized first during photosynthesis?

Simple Sugars

607 - If CO2 concentration increases in blood the breathing will?


608 - How many base pairs are there in every turn of Watson Crick double Helical model?


609 - Linking of Ca2+ ion with calmodulin activates __ in the contraction cycle of smooth muscles.

MLC Kinase

610 - The hormones responsible for the amphibians metamorphosis is?


611 - Which snake is the largest and heavy snake in the world?

Green Anaconda

612 - The genetic disorder Sickle cell anemia is an example of?


613 - The logical conclusions drawn from the hypothesis are called?


614 - Which one is tightly bounded to the cell membrane?

Adenylyl Cyclase

615 - Sickle cell anemia is due to defect in?

Beta Chain

616 - Pepsin enzyme work in?

Cavity of Stomach

617 - Genetic recombination takes place during which phase of meiosis?

Meiotic phase I

618 - Metals ions used by many enzymes to change the functional active sites to functional ones are called?


619 - The chief atmospheric layer present near the surface of the earth is?


620 - Classification of arthropoda is based in the number of structure of?

Body segments and Appendages

621 - Process of glycolysis is found in?


622 - Deletion or insertion of a nucleotide causes?

Frame shift mutation

623 - which one is drought resistant xerophyte(Succulent plant)?


624 - Behaviour which is inherited is known as?


625 - Which of the following systematics have traditional approach?


626 - Deposition of CDNA into the inert structure is known as?

DNA microarrays

627 - Average life span of a blood platelets is?

7 to 8 Days

628 - The nervous system was first developed in?

Flat worms

629 - Christian Rene De Duve discovered a part of cell known as?


630 - Uterine tube terminate in a hollow muscular organ in front of the rectum and behind the urinary bladder is called?


631 - Which endoctrine glands become inactive during old age?


632 - Pigmentation of skin is due to?


633 - Siverfish occasionally damage?

Book Binding

634 - In mollusca the foot is modified into funnel in?


635 - During anaerobic oxidation of glucose molecule __ ATP molecules are gained as net profit.


636 - Smog is composed of?

Both A & B

637 - The RNA molecules that exhibit catalytic activity are called?


638 - Human dentition is of type?


639 - NADP+ is an?

All of the above

640 - Which of the following is evidence that molluscs and annelids have common ancestor?

They have a Trochophore larva

641 - What is the mass of heart in normal human adult?

250-350 Gram

642 - Which of the following is known as pacemaker of the heart?

S-A node

643 - Primary carboxylation in C3 plants is carried out by the enzyme?

RUPB Carboxylase/oxygenase

644 - Plant species having a wide range of genetical distribution evolve into a local population known as?


645 - In female mammals which of the following hormone induces the mammary glands to secrete and eject milk?


646 - ___ senses are used for observation.


647 - The activity of succinate dehydrogenase is inhibited by?


648 - Synthesis of an RNA molecule from DNA is called?


649 - Birds which swim in water have?

Webbed feet

650 - An animal specifies with diaphragm can be expected to have?


651 - A major difference between marine and freshwater animal lies in:

Toxicity of body fluids

652 - The X-ray diffraction studies by __ played key role of discovery of DNA structure.


653 - Many of the animals when from the different ancestors colonize similar habitats, acquire similar adaptations and resemblance with one another superficially is called as?

Convergent evolution

654 - Viral genome is integrated into host genome by which of the following enzyme?

DNA integrase

655 - Excretory organ in Ascaris are:

Renette Cell

656 - Adrenal medulla is derivative of?


657 - The class of seedless plants containing foliar sporangia is?


658 - Human immunodeficiency virus affects ___ .

Helper T lymphocytes(CD4)

659 - Which of the following syndrome is depicted by having additional Y chromosomes?

Jacob Syndrome

660 - Immunological destruction of body tissues or product due to antibodies reacting with it as antigen is called?

Autoimmune Disease

661 - Blood group ABO blood group system without antigens is?


662 - Two alternative forms of genes are?


663 - Which one of the following is not a connective tissue?


664 - Photosynthesis is most active in?

Red light

665 - One of the following is organelle of symbiotic origin?


666 - Decrease in pH causes disruption in?

Tertiary structure

667 - ___ animals produce urea.

Cartilaginous fish

668 - Bacterial resistance to antibodies is a genetic trait that is carried in the bacterial cell?


669 - Lichens are composite organisms consisting of?

Algae and Fungi

670 - Phenetic classification of organisms is based on?

Observable characters of existing characters

671 - Weathering may be?

All of the above

672 - The cells which produce roots hairs are called?


673 - Where do you transfer nucleus for cloning?

Enucleated egg

674 - Flat worms, some cnidarians and gastromolluscs move by means of waves of activity in the muscular system. This type of movement is called?

Pedal locomotion

675 - Petromyzone belongs to?


676 - New allele can be introduced into a population gene pool by ___ .

Both A & C

677 - Apart from hearing, what other major other body function is performed by the ear?

Body Balancing

678 - Sensivity of the avian ear is due to a?

100 to 10000 Hz

679 - Transcription is most similar to?

DNA Replication

680 - Chlorophyll 'a' is characterized by the side group of:


681 - Power of regeneration in sponges is due to?


682 - Bacterial cell wall is made up of?

N-acetyl glucosamine, N-acetyl muramic acid & Amino Acids

683 - Plants that grow under average temperature and moisture conditions are called?


684 - Identify inherited disease among following?


685 - Preen glands are present in?


686 - This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid?

Linoleic acid

687 - Which enzymes are used for removal of proteins stains from clothes?


688 - The largest and strongest chamber in the heart is?

Left ventricle

689 - Many zoologists believe that multicellularity could have arisen as dividing cells remain together in the fashion of many colonial protists. This hypothesis is known as?

Syncytial hypothesis

690 - Which vitamin is water soluble?

Vitamin C

691 - The larvae of lobster is known as?


692 - The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to the area of lower concentration is called?


693 - How many pairs of cranial nerves are usually associated with the fish brain?


694 - Cytokine follows __ type of cells to cell signalling.


695 - The growing season would generally be shortest in which biome?


696 - Ribosomes when not involved in protein synthesis consist of:

rRNA and Proteins

697 - Coaxal glands are present in?


698 - ___ is found in the cell wall of Fungi.


699 - Which taxa are not included by Vonn Linnaeus?


700 - Among the following which one is diploblastic organism?



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