Biology General MCQs The Most Important Set 8

Biology General topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Biology General Set# 8, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 720 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Biology General . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Biology General covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Seed less fruits are produced by the process of


2 - Long periods of unfavourable conditions are survived by the embryo due to which characteristic

seed dormancy

3 - Germinating pollen grain is a rich source of


4 - Which chemical is responsible for fruit set


5 - Developing seeds are source of


6 - Pericarp is the wall of


7 - Burst of repsiratory activity in plants is known as


8 - ATP required for 1 molecule of glucose formation:


9 - NADPH required for 1 molecule of glucose:


10 - Which of following enzymes are invloved in regeneration of RuBP:

All of these

11 - ATP required for regeneration of RuBP:


12 - First stable compound of calvin cycle is:

3 phosphoglycerate

13 - Calvin cycle is also called:

All of these

14 - The process of photorespiration, also known as :

C2 cycle

15 - The Calvin cycle is called:

C3 cycle

16 - The Calvin cycle was discovered in:


17 - The Calvin cycle was discovered by:

Melvin Calvin

18 - Chytochrome a is complex of:

a and a3

19 - Cytchrome a is oxidized by:

Molecular oxygen

20 - Rate of electron transfer when proton motive force is high?


21 - Proportion of ATP produced by oxidative phosphorylation?


22 - During cellular respiration, the carbon dioxide produced is:

Taken out

23 - The CH bond of food in cellular respiration is disintegrated through:


24 - __is the incomplete oxidation of glucose into pyruvic acid.


25 - Higher amount of ATP inhibits:


26 - For cellular respiration _is used as precursor.


27 - Higher amount of NADH inhibits:

Pyruvate decarboxylase

28 - Electron transport system (ETS) is present in which of the following parts of mitochondria?

Inner membrane

29 - Which of the following is the first complex (Complex I) of ETS?

NADH dehydrogenase

30 - Which of the following is the Complex III of ETS?

Cytochrome bc1

31 - Cytochromes are present in:

cristae of mitochondria

32 - Coenzyme Q, also known as:


33 - NaADH is oxidized by:

Coenzyme Q

34 - During oxidation of NADH by coenzyme Q _is released:


35 - Co enzyme Q is oxidized by:

Cytochrome b

36 - Cytochrome b is reduced by:

Co enzyme Q

37 - Cytochrmoe b is oxidized by:

Cytochrome c

38 - Each photosystem has light-harvesting complexes that contain_ chlorophylls.


39 - The reaction center of a photosystem contains a unique pair of chlorophyll a molecules, often called :

special pair

40 - The special pair of each photosystem passes electrons to a different :

primary acceptor

41 - The primary electron acceptor of PSII is:


42 - The primary electron acceptor of PSI is a chlorophyll called :


43 - About _ of the oxygen is used by mitochondria in the leaf to support oxidative phosphorylation.


44 - When an electron leaves PSII, it is transferred first to a small organic molecule :

plastoquinone, Pq

45 - Once an electron has gone down the first leg of the electron transport chain, it arrives at:


46 - This process of making ATP using energy stored in a chemical gradient is called:


47 - light dependent reaction is sometimes called :

linear photophosphorylation

48 - The Calvin cycle was discovered in 1950 by using:

Radioactive isotope carbon-14

49 - In the first stage of the Calvin cycle, a CO2 molecule is incorporated into one of two three-carbon molecules called:

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate or G3P

50 - The enzyme RuBisCO catalyses the_____ of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate.


51 - The product of the first step is ___that can capture CO2 and O2.

enediol-enzyme complex

52 - The enzyme __catalyses the phosphorylation of 3-PGA by ATP .

phosphoglycerate kinaseÂ

53 - The enzyme____ catalyses the reduction of 1,3BPGA by NADPH.

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase

54 - Five G3P molecules produce three RuBP molecules, using up __molecules of ATP.


55 - __converts all of the G3P reversibly into dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP).

Triose phosphate isomerase

56 - ___ convert a G3P and a DHAP into fructose 6-phosphate (6C).

Aldolase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase

57 - The immediate products of one turn of the Calvin cycle are:

All of these

58 - Lactic acid fermentation yeilds about _omount of energy from glucose.


59 - Each mitochondria consist of folds called:


60 - _is called power house of cell:


61 - Breaking trminal phosphate bond releases about_energy.

7.3 K cal

62 - Cytochrome complex consist of :

Both a and b

63 - what is glycolysis?

Utilization of glucose

64 - First enzyme of glycolysis is?


65 - Enzyme that converts pyruvate to lactate is?

Pyruvate dehydrogenase

66 - Hormone that stimulates glycolysis is?


67 - The fate of pyruvic acid depends upon:

Availability of O2

68 - The chemical formula of pyruvic acid is:


69 - Approximate ratio of ATP synthesized during anaerobic respiration compared with aerobic:


70 - NADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, is carrier of:


71 - The enzymes required for Krebs cycle are found in :


72 - In electron transport chain, the electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed to:

Co-enzyme Q

73 - Total NADH formed by one glucose molecule during Krebs Cycle are:


74 - How many electrons are removed when one NADH is oxidized through respiratory chain?


75 - Total number of ATP produced through oxidative phosphorylation from one glucose molecule is:


76 - Both ATP production and consumption is the feature of only:


77 - _Defficiency causes yellowing in plants.


78 - Haem portion of haemoglobin contians_central atom.


79 - Phytol ring contains_carbons and_hydrogens.


80 - In chlorophyll b methyl group is replaced by _____.


81 - Chlorophyll a is:

Blue green

82 - Chlorophyll b is:

Yellow green

83 - Most abundant chlorophyll is:

chlorophyll a

84 - Chlorophyll a ispresent in all photosynthetic organisms except:

Pothosynthetic bacteria

85 - Chlorophylls are insoluble in:


86 - Chlorophylls are soluble in:

Organic solvents

87 - Fermentation process is:


88 - Fermentation takes place in:


89 - Fermentation take occurred in primitive time do not contain:

Free oxygen

90 - _Process is called biochemical remnant:

Both a and b

91 - Product formed when NAPH reduces pyruvate:

Lactic acid

92 - Alcoholic fermentaton takes place in:

Both a and b

93 - Fermentation is used to regenerate:


94 - Organisms that can carry out fermentation:

Both a and b

95 - Facultative anaerobic organisms are:

All of these

96 - Lactic acid fermentation takes place in:


97 - The wavelength that is absorbed completely by photosynthetic pigments is:


98 - correct order of energy transfer from accessory pigments to the main is:

Carotenoids → Chlorophyll ‘b’ → Chlorophyll‘a’

99 - The chloroplast convert solar energy into:


100 - Which of the following color is maximum absorbed by chlorophyll?


101 - When we extract carotenoids from its source we see that it is:

Yellow and orange red in colour

102 - Graph showing effectiveness of absorbed light is called:

Action spectrum

103 - Splitting of water in sun light is called:


104 - ATP molecules are consumed during first phase of Calvin cycle?


105 - Z-scheme is used for:

Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation

106 - CO2 acceptor in Calvin cycle is:


107 - Each NADH yields _ATPs.


108 - Each FADH yields_ATPs.


109 - Before converting into Succinate , α Keto glutarate is converted into intermidiate called:

Succinyl CoA

110 - Which one is directly involved in light reaction:

Chlorophyll a

111 - A triose is formed when :

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is converted into G3P

112 - During anaerobic respiration :

NADH2 is converted into NAD

113 - When fumarate is converted into malate then:

Water molecule is used

114 - When Malate is converted into oxlaloacetate then:

NAD+ is converted into NADH

115 - Final product of aerobic respiration in prokaryotes:

38 ATPs

116 - Final product of aerobic respiration in eukaryotes is:

36 ATPs

117 - In _Van niel gave hypothesis about spititing of water.


118 - _Do not release water during phosythesis.


119 - _Is reducing power.


120 - Amount of chloroplasts present on surface of leaf is:

half a million per square milimeter

121 - Each mesophyll cell has about_chloroplasts.


122 - Fluid filled region of chloroplast is called:


123 - Stroma contains enzymes required for production of:


124 - Interconnected sets of flat disc like sacs is called:


125 - Chlorophyll are_.

Embedded in membrane

126 - Thylakoids are involved in :

ATP synthesis

127 - Bioenergetics is quntitative study of :

Energy relationships and energy conversions

128 - Bioenergetics obeys:

Law of thermodynamics

129 - _is link between catabolism and anabolism.


130 - In_energy poor inorganic compounds are converted into energy rich compunds.


131 - During the general reaction of photosynthesis _CO2CO2 moelcules are used:


132 - Products of photosynthesis are:

Glucose and oxygen

133 - O2O2 is_in photosynthesis:


134 - Photosynthesis is opposite process of:

Aerobic respirtion

135 - The moment at which rate of photosynthesis becomes equal to respiration:

Compensation point

136 - Oxygen released during photosynthesis is released by :


137 - Product of Krebs cycle essential for oxidative phosphorylation is:


138 - A single molecule of glucose generates _________ molecules of acetyl CoA.


139 - _accepts hydrogen from malate.


140 - Intermediate of the Kreb’s cycle is utilised in the formation of amino acids?

𝛼-ketoglutaric acid

141 - Acetyl CoA is formed from pyruvate by__________ reaction.

Oxidative decarboxylation

142 - The entry of pyruvate into the TCA cycle is inhibited by the presence of a high cellular concentration of:


143 - FAD is reduced in which of the reaction of the Kreb’s cycle?

Succinate to fumarate

144 - Kreb cycle is also known as:

Both a and b

145 - Which one is not involved in intermidiates of kreb cycle:

All of these

146 - TCA cycle begins with an enzymatic aldol addition reaction of acetyl CoA to oxaloacetate, forming:


147 - Final product of anaerobic respiration is:

2 ATPs

148 - ATP sythase is located in:

Inner mitochondrial membrane

149 - ATP synthase consist of_parts.


150 - Spirogyra is:

Filamentous green algae

151 - Output of kreb cycle is:

All of these

152 - When phosphogylcerate is converted into phosphopyruvate then :

Water molecule is released

153 - Oxidative phase of glycolysis is also called:

Pay off phase

154 - During calvin cycle ATPs produced are:

No ATP is produced

155 - _is assimilating power.


156 - In the process of calvn cycle total _ATPs are consumed.


157 - Hormone that inhibits glycolysis is?


158 - Glycolysis is also known as?

Embden Meyerhof pathway

159 - Process shares the same pathway as glycolysis but in opposite direction?


160 - Where do glycolysis leads to lactate production?

Skeletal muscles

161 - Enzymes required for glycolysis are present in:


162 - Glycolysis consist of_phases.


163 - Glycolysis occur both in;

Both a and b

164 - The end product of aerobic glycolysis is:


165 - The end product of anerobic glycolysis is :


166 - Glycolysis is essential for :


167 - In some cases, electrons break this pattern and instead loop back to the first part of the electron transport chain,is called:

cyclic photophosphorylation

168 - The cyclic pathway does not make:

Both b and c

169 - chloroplasts seem to switch from linear to cyclic electron flow when the ratio of NADPH to NADP+ start superscript, plus, end superscript is :

Too high

170 - ____may be common in photosynthetic cells.

cyclic electron flow

171 - Chemiosmotic theory was proposed by:

Peter Mitchell

172 - Organelle of chemiosmosis in cellular respiration is:


173 - Which one is related to chemiomosis:

All of these

174 - In chemiosmosis electrons are donated by:


175 - Energy rleased from electron flow is used to pump protons from:

Mitochondrial matrix to intermembrane space

176 - Proton gradient formation site is:

Intermembrane space of mitochondria

177 - ATP is produced as electron moves:

Through 1st electron transport chain

178 - In cyclic phosphorylation electron moves back from primary electron acceptor to :

Cytochrome complex

179 - Which one is not related to cyclic phosphorylation :

Two photosystems are invloved

180 - Chemiosmosis uses _to couple redox reaction.


181 - Hydrogen ions moves down to their concentration gradient through special complexes called:

ATP synthase

182 - Dark reaction takes place in :

stroma of chloroplastÂ

183 - Which one is true for dark reaction:

It is light independent reaction

184 - Rate liminting step of calvin cycle is catalysed by:


185 - Phosphoglyceraldehydes required for glucose formation :


186 - _is involved in activation of RuBisCo:


187 - During process of photosynthesis water act as:

Both oxidizing and reducing

188 - Carotenoids are :

Terpenoid lipds

189 - There are _types of carotenoids.


190 - Most important and widspread caroten is :

β caroten

191 - Widely spread xynthophyll is:


192 - _is responsible ofr yellowing for yellowing of foliage in autumn.


193 - First action spectrum of photosynthesis was obtained in:


194 - Ist action spectrum was obtained in:


195 - About _of photosynthesis is carried by terrestrial plants.


196 - Air contains about _CO2.


197 - ATP synthesis by ATP synthase is driven by:

H+ movement

198 - ATP synthatase releases ATP towards:

Mitochondrial matrix

199 - Chemiosmosis in photosynthesis takes place in :

Thalakoid lumen in chloroplast

200 - Cyclic photophosphorylation involves the use of :

photosystem (PS I)

201 - Cyclic photophosphorylation do not involves :

Nadp+ reductase

202 - Non-cyclic photophosphorylation involves:

Two photosystems

203 - Cyclic phosphorylation is also called:

Z- sheme

204 - Each photon of light excites _.

Single electron

205 - Cytochrome complex is _protein.

Iron containing

206 - 2nd electron transport chain contains:

All of these

207 - Stoma covers about _of the leaf surface.

1-2 %

208 - Photosynthesis is a _______reaction.

Redox reaction

209 - Photosynthetic pigments are organized into clusters called:


210 - Each photosystem consist of :

Both a and b

211 - Photsystem 1 absorbs maximum light of:

700 nm

212 - Photosystem 2 abosrbs maximum light of:

680 nm

213 - The optimum temperature for photosynthesis is:


214 - Photorespiration occurs in:

Three cell organelle

215 - Kranz anatomy is found in the leaves of:


216 - Photorespiration involves oxidation of:


217 - In glycolysis, during oxidation electrons are removed by:


218 - Following process occurs in glycolysis:


219 - ATP are used in glycolysis or For complete phosphorylation of a glucose molecule:


220 - The common phase between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is called:


221 - pyruvic acid formed from one molecule of glucose at the end of glycolysis is:


222 - The two carbon compound in which pyruvic acid is changed is called:


223 - The molecule of pyruvic acid is equal to:


224 - pyruvate oxidation takes place in the:

Mitochondrial matrix

225 - pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which consists of three interconnected enzymes and includes over_.

60 subunits

226 - pyruvate dehydrogenase complex it controls the amount of _ into the citric acid cycle.

acetyl CoA

227 - 2nd Phase This is known as :

Energy generating phase

228 - Cleavage of Fructose 1, 6-biophosphate yields:

An aldose and a ketose

229 - Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is rapidly and reversibly converted to:

Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate

230 - Which substrate is used in the last step of glycolysis?


231 - High concentration of glucose 6-phosphate is inhibitory to:


232 - The product formed in the first substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis is:


233 - Glycolysis converts :

Glucose into pyruvate

234 - Glycolysis was invented by:

All of these

235 - What is the other name of glycolysis?

EMP pathway

236 - water molecules are used in glycolysis:


237 - 2-ketoglutarate is transformed into:


238 - The TCA cycle was first observed in the:

Muscle tissue of a pigeon

239 - Kreb cycle was discovered in:


240 - Kreb cycle was discovered by:

Hans Adolf Krebs

241 - Krebs received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in:


242 - The total number of ATP produced in glycolysis is _from one glucose molecule.


243 - There is a net gain of _ATP molecules in glycolysis


244 - ATP molecules are formed during the citric acid cycle.


245 - Correct sequence of electron acceptors in ETS for production of ATP is?

Cyt b, c, a, a3

246 - Terminal cytochromes that is responsible for donating electrons to oxygen?

Cyt a3

247 - _Lack chloroplasts.

Photsynthetic prokaryotes

248 - Pigments absorb visible light ranging :

380-750 nm

249 - An instrument used to measure relative abilities of different pigments to absorb different wavelengths of light is called:


250 - Accessory pigments are:

All of these

251 - Chlorophyll mainly absorb _light.

Both a and b

252 - Which colour is least absorb :


253 - Chlorophyll molecule has _main parts.


254 - Head of chlorophyll is :


255 - Head is made up of _pyrrole rings.


256 - Central atom of pyrrole rings is:


257 - Calvin wasawarded Nobel prize in:


258 - Calvin cycleis divided into_.

Three phases

259 - Most abundant protein on earth is:


260 - Exchange of gases betwee organism and enviornment is called:

External respiration

261 - Breakdown of C-chain molecules in cells is called:

Cellular respiration

262 - Most important fuel that provide energy is:


263 - In alcoholic fermentation pyruvic acid is broken down into:

Both a and b

264 - The pyruvic acid in alcoholic fermentation reduced to acetaldehyde which further reduced to:


265 - The alcoholic fermentation is carried by the yeast known as:

saccharomyces cerevisiae

266 - The carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed in alcoholic fermentation from:

pyruvic acid

267 - C3 and C4 plants differ with respect to:

Both a and b

268 - Where does the light reaction takes place?


269 - Electrons from the excited chlorophyll molecules of PS-II are first accepted by:


270 - Non-cyclic photophosphorylation results in the production of:


271 - DCMU inhibits:


272 - Maximum photosynthesis occurs in:

Red light

273 - Two pigment system theory of photosynthesis was proposed by:


274 - H2Â donor during photosynthesis is:


275 - The minerals that are involved in splitting reaction during photosynthesis :

Manganese and chlorine

276 - The water-soluble photosynthetic pigment is:


277 - Somites develop from which germ layer


278 - The cavity formed between somatic and splanchnic mesoderm is


279 - Somites can be seen in embryo of how many hours

25 to 26 hours

280 - Nervous system develops from which layer


281 - Neural plate give rise to which structure

both a and b

282 - Neural crest when detaches from edges of neural plate form which structure

peripheral nervous system

283 - Fate of nueral tube is

both b and c

284 - Mesoderm surrounds the neural tube and forms


285 - The embryo in which folding of neural plate is clearly visible is known as


286 - The cavity of cerebrospinal system consisting of ventricles of brain and central canals of spinal cord is called


287 - Changes from a fertilized egg before an organism acquires its adult form constitute

embryonic development

288 - The series of changes which are permanent and irreversible are


289 - Programmed series of changes from a simpler to more complex form is called


290 - The processess like cell division,elongation,differentiation into tissues and organs are collectively known as

both and b

291 - Cellular differentiation of structure and function takes place during


292 - Addition of new branches,roots,leaves and elongation of roots and shoots in plants is a type of growth pattery known as

open growth

293 - In plants cells which have potential to divide and give rise to new cells are known as


294 - In higher plants growth is limited to certain regions as entire plant is unable to grow so these regions are named as

growing points

295 - Which of the following are the types of meristems


296 - which of the following is responsible for primary growth

apical meristems

297 - Spemann tie hair on zygote at which plan of cleavage


298 - Spemann tied zygote at which stage

at first cleavage

299 - Findings pf Speman with experiments at 16 cell stage embryo


300 - The reson behind the development of two complete embryos in Speman experiments was

hair was tied in middle of gray crescent

301 - When Spemann tied hair perpendicular to the plane of first cleavage which result he observed

both a and b

302 - Why in spemam experiment one normal larva and other belly piece formed

hair was perpendicular to plane of first division

303 - An unorganized tissue mass of ventral cells were named by Spemann as

both a and b

304 - When speman placed hair perpendicular to the plane of first division which side gave rise to complete embryo

future dorsal side of embryo

305 - Gray crescent gave rise to which piece of embryo

dorsal lip of blastopore

306 - Cells of dorsal lip of blastopore initiate


307 - Ordered sequence of irreversible changes during which one step sets up the necessary conditions for the next step


308 - During the course of development zygote divides to form


309 - Cleavage is a type of

mitotic division

310 - A cavity blastocoel is observed in which stage of development


311 - The hollow sphere embryo which develops at the end of cleavage is called


312 - At the end of cleavage blastula is formed in mammals it is named as


313 - On the base of amount and distribution of yolk cleavage is of how many types


314 - Yolk of an egg contains which of the following material


315 - Amount of yolk in invertebrates and simple chordate's egg is


316 - Cleavage in which entire egg divides and produces cells of the same size


317 - Cambium is responsible for which type of growth in plants

secondary growth

318 - Leaf primordial and root primordial are recognized after the formation of


319 - Root primordia develops from

both b and c

320 - Relationship of plant's development and growth in different directions and at different rates is known as


321 - If apical bud grows while growth is suppressed in lower axillary bud this type of correlation is termed as

apical dominance

322 - Which hormone causes apical dominance in plants

both a and b

323 - In case apical bud is removed the axillary bud starts growth this effect is known as

compensatory effect

324 - If hormone effects or suppresses the growth of the bud this effect is called

inhibitory effect

325 - Potatoes can be stored for two to three years by inhibiting the sprouting of lateral buds or eyes .All this is possible bu the action of

both a and b

326 - Study of growth and development undergone by an organism from zygote to adult is known as


327 - All cell have autonomously determined fate except one

dorsal lip of blastopore

328 - The dorsal lip of blastopore is derived from

gray crescent cytoplasm

329 - If the blastopore lip is implanted after gastrulation later in development what results you would expect

induction will not take place

330 - When blastoporelip is transplanted to another embryo at gastrula stage it will cause which changes in receptor embryo


331 - Tissue capable of inducing secondary embryo in the host is

dorsal blastopore lip

332 - First inductive event in the development is initiated by

both a and b

333 - Cells of neural plate induce neural crest in the embryo ,it is termed as

secondary induction

334 - Which of the following structures are named organizer by Spemann


335 - Negative physiological change in body of an organism is called as


336 - Study of aging is called


337 - Regeneration in which adult structures undergo differentiation to form relatively undifferentiated mass of cells which then redifferentiate to form new structure is called as


338 - If a cell produces cells similar to itself without formation or undifferentiated mass this type of regeneration can be called

compensatory regeneration

339 - Regrowth of hair shafts from follicular stem cells in the hair bulge is which way of regeneration

stem cell mediated regeneration

340 - Regeneration of amphibian limb and regeneration in planarian flatworm is an example of


341 - Regeneration in mammalian liver cell can be regarded as

compensatory regeneration

342 - In planaria the unspecialized cells which are always present in body and form lost structure are called as


343 - Branch of biology which deals with abnormal development and its cause is known as


344 - Which of the factors disrupt the normal process of development


345 - Exogenous agents that cause birth defects are known as


346 - Down syndrome abnormality is caused by

genetic disorder

347 - If the yolk is distributed evenly in the egg thn cleavage will be

holoblastic cleavage

348 - Holoblastic cleavage is found in which animal

both a and b

349 - When the large amount of yolk is concentrated at one end of the cell then this end is known as

vegetal pole

350 - The eggs which have large amount of yolk and smal amount of cytoplasm at animal pole undergo which type of cleavage

both b and c

351 - Blastodisc which is formed by developing embryo is at which pole

animal pole

352 - Differentiation of embryonic germ layers takes place in which stage of development


353 - Formation of organs and systems during development takes place in which stage


354 - Chick egg undergo which type of cleavage

both b and c

355 - Chick egg hatches on which day of incubation

twenty first

356 - During incubation of chick eggs temperature is regulated at

36 to 38°

357 - Optimum temperature on which growth is maximum in plants is about

25 to 30°

358 - Temperature at which plant's growth stops and plant may die

35 to 40°

359 - Plant's growth is influenced by


360 - Photoperiodism is influenced by

duration of light

361 - Plants need oxygen for which purpose


362 - Plants need carbondioxide for


363 - Plant's growth is effected by


364 - Vitamins are synthesized un plants in the presence of


365 - Once a seed is germinated the remaining developmental activities depend upon

meristematic tissues

366 - After the formation of embryo which structures are first recognized in plants

root and shoot apical meristems

367 - Which proteins have been found to prevent aging thorough out eukaryotic kindom including yeast

sirtuin protein

368 - Down regulation of insulin signaling pathway cuase which changes in an organism


369 - Which change is caused by P53 to accelarate aging

both a and c

370 - Which of the following factors can increase life expectancy


371 - The disease which is due to aging


372 - When aging symptoms appear due to malnutrition,obesity,life style factors snd smoking this is termed as

secondary aging

373 - Symptoms of primary aging are


374 - In older people melanocytes amount gets


375 - Development and regeneration of missing organs in adult animals is known as


376 - If regeneration occurs through repatterning of existing tissues it is known as


377 - Synthesis of cell wall material and cytoplasm starts in which growth phase

cell division

378 - Characteristics of cells which undergo division


379 - Zone of elongation lies at a little distance from

both a and b

380 - During elongation volume of cell increase upto how many folds

150 folds

381 - In which phase of growth final size of cell is attained and cells do not elongate further


382 - The cells which develop into pith and cortex stuck into which phase and do not elongate further


383 - In which phase of growth cells of various tissues differ in spatial dimensions and manu new structural features develop


384 - Which one is internal factor which effects plants growth


385 - Which one is not included in external factors which effect plants growth


386 - Rate of grow in plants and temperature have which type of relation with each other

directly proportional

387 - When there are several abnormalities occurring together from life threatening to mild birth defects they are collectively called as


388 - Genetically based syndromes can be caused by

both a and b

389 - Which of the following can act as teratogens


390 - Period of susceptibility to teratogens is between weeks (during pregnancy)

3 and 8

391 - If a mother consumes too much alcohol which effect should possible in her child

Fatal Alcohol syndrome

392 - Which of the following viruses can also act as teratogen


393 - Toxoplasmagondii a protist cause brain and eye defect is fetus due to this it is classified under


394 - Which of the following metals act as teratogen


395 - Familial hypercholestrolemia is an example of

genetic disorder

396 - X rays cause mutations in

both a and b

397 - Most gene controlled substances are found in


398 - Haemmerling performed experiment on Acetabularia to demonstrate the role of ______ in development


399 - To demonstrate the importance of nucleus Haemmerling performed experiments on which species


400 - When cap of A crenulata was grafted on A mediterranae it developed into new cap containing properties of


401 - To understand the process of differentiation which scientist performed a series of experiments


402 - If a peice of ectoderm is removed from frog's embryo then it fails to develop which structure

nervous system

403 - If the mesoderm underlying ectoderm is removed then which effect can be possible on ectoderm activity

it fails to develop nervous system

404 - Capacity to spme cells to evoke other cells so that they give specific developmental response is called as


405 - Which scientists performed experiments to understand the process of embryonic induction

both b and c

406 - Embryonic specification in which a developing cell is able to differentiate without receiving external signal is known as

Autonomous cell fate specification

407 - During cleavage first two cleavage planes are


408 - Rounded closely packed mass of blastomeres is called


409 - The discoidal cap of cells above the blastocoel is called


410 - At the marginal areas of blastoderm cells remain undetached from the yolk this area is called

zone of junction

411 - During gastrulation blastoderm splits into

both a and b

412 - Epiblast is the precursor of

both a and c

413 - Hypoblast is the precursor of


414 - Area pellucida is formed when ________cells die off

central cells of blastoderm

415 - Perepheral cells of blastoderm remain attach to yolk this area is termed as

area opaca

416 - During the formation of primitive streak mesodermal cells move

medially and caudally

417 - Which structure is formed when the mesodermal cells move medially and caudally

primitive streak

418 - The enterior end of primitive streak is occupied by an aggregation of cells known as

both a and b

419 - Primitive streak represents which structures

both a and b

420 - Local thickening of closely packed cells at the cephalic end of primitive streak is known as

Hensen's node

421 - Ultimate fate of primitive streak is


422 - In chick embryo of about 18 hours which structure is prominent


423 - Marginal area where the expanding germ layers merge with under lying yolk is known as

germ layer

424 - Cavity between the yolk and endoderm is

both b and c

425 - Hensen's node forms which structure

dorsal mesoderm

426 - Total how many somites pairs are formed in chick embryo


427 - Apical meristems are found at

tips of root and shoot

428 - The tissues which are responsible for increase in number of cells at the tips of roots and stem

apical meristems

429 - Parts of apical meristem which get separated from apex by permanent tissue are

intercalary meristems

430 - Which type of tissues play an important role in the production of flower and leaves

intercalary meristems

431 - Damage to grosses by herbivores is replenished and damaged tissues regrow which tissue is responsible for This type of growth

intercalary meristems

432 - Secondary growth in plants is increase in

increase in diameter of stem and root

433 - Which type of tissue plays a role in secondary growth of plants

lateral meristem

434 - Growth in vegetative root and stem is a type of

indeterminate growth

435 - Type of growth in which certain parts of plants e.g leaves ,flowers and fruits that grow to certain size and then stop is known as

determinate growth

436 - Growth in plants is divided into how many phases


437 - The maximum life sap of human beings is

120 to 125 years

438 - Maximum life span of drosophila fruit fly is about

3 months

439 - The estimated life span of tortoises and lake trout are

150 years

440 - Which of the following factors play role in the process of aging


441 - The two sets of genes which are involved in aging

both a and b

442 - Which aging syndrome cause death as early as 12 years of a child

Hutchinson_Gilford progeria syndrome

443 - Mutation in the gene encoding Lamin A protein cause which aging syndrome

Hutchinson gliford progeria syndrome

444 - Which aging syndrome is found in mice

klotho gene related progeria

445 - Klotho gene related progeria is due to mutation in which gene

klotho gene

446 - Animals with high P 53 protein levels have increased protection against cancer ,how it effects aging

age more rapildy

447 - Cells of our eye differ from other cells of body because

both a and b

448 - Which of the following play important role in development

both a and b

449 - Which of the following particulary specify the cell type

both a and b

450 - Morphogenetic determinants are found in


451 - Morphogenetic determinants are actually

both b and c

452 - Morphorgenetic determinants are involed in

gene expression

453 - In Ascidian larval epidermis is produced by

clear cytoplasm

454 - Yellow cytoplasm produces

muscle cells

455 - Grey vegetal cytoplasm gives rise to


456 - Notochrod and neural tube is produced by

Grey equatorial cytoplasm

457 - The process in which neural tube is eventually differentiated into brain and spinal cord is known as


458 - Hans Dietrisch performed experiments on which animal's egg

sea urchin

459 - Hans Dietrich performed experiments on sea urchin egg to study


460 - Which theory states that genome gets smaller with each division of cell until only information for the characteristics of single cell type remained

Roux wisemann hpothesis

461 - In hans Dietrich experiment both half embryos developed into mormal larvae because

both b and c

462 - In Driesch's experiment it implies that development is consequence of

external factors

463 - Driesch's experiment gave idea about the

both a and c

464 - According to Roux development is the manifestation of

internal factors

465 - According to Spemann which piece is completely required for embryonic growth

Gray crescent

466 - Keeping in mind Spemann experiment on newt embryo at two cell stage ,which of the following is correct

both complete but half sized

467 - Which of the following are the common modes of nutrition in bacteria

both a and b

468 - Which of the following are the major groups of autotrophs

both a and b

469 - Bacteria that can synthesize their organic compounds from simple inorganic compounds are


470 - Bacteria which are unable to synthesize their own food are called


471 - The bacteria which get their food from dead organic matter are called


472 - Material resulting from partial decay of plants and animals


473 - Which quality of saprophytic bacteria enable them to get food from decaying matter

enzyme system

474 - Bacteria which are dependent on other organisms to get their food are called


475 - Which of the following is a parasitic bacteria

streptococcus pneumoniae

476 - Photosynthatic bacteria posses chlorophyll in


477 - Pasteur used attenuated cultures against which disease


478 - Edward Jenner inoculated the boy with name

james phipps

479 - Edward jenner inoculated the boy with ___to provide immunitu against small pox

cow pox causing material

480 - Disease transmitted to people by bites of rabid dogs,cats and other animals is called as


481 - Antibiotics are derived from

both a and b

482 - Antibiotics can be used against diseases caused by


483 - Origins of antibiotics are

both a and b

484 - What precautions shoud be known by the user who is taking antibiotics


485 - Misuse of antibiotics can cause which of following adverse effects

both a and b

486 - Misuse of antibiotic penicillin can cause which problem

allergic reaction

487 - Who proved that micro organisms can cause diseases

Louis Pasteur

488 - Germ theory of disease was given by

Robert koch

489 - The pure culture will produce the disease when inoculated into susceptible animals is a statement of

germ theory of disease

490 - Which gas is produced by bacteria and is known as biogas


491 - Thermoacidophiles are


492 - The bacteria which require high salt concentration for growth are called


493 - Bacteria are usually found in which type of environment


494 - The structures common to all types of bacteria is

both a and b

495 - Bacteria usually range in size from

0.1 to 600 um

496 - The smallest known bacteria belong to which type

both a and b

497 - Bacterial chromosome is actually

large circular double strand DNA

498 - Bacteria are considered as

haploid organism

499 - Bacteria DNA differs from eukaryotic DNA as it lacks


500 - Circular ,double stranded extra chromosomal DNA molecule in bacteria is called


501 - Which structure in bacteria contain resistant genes for drugs and metals


502 - In modern genetic engineering which structure are used as vector


503 - Thin,long thread like structures that project from bacterial cell and are involved in locomotion


504 - Bacterial flagella are made up of which protein


505 - Bacterial flagella lack


506 - Which type of bavtr rarely have flagella


507 - Tubular extension of cell membrane that project through cell wall

both b and c

508 - Pilli are found only in which type of bacteria

gram negative

509 - Pilli are made up of which protein


510 - During conjugation which structure is used to transfer genetic material from donor to acceptor bacteria


511 - Flagella originates from

basal body

512 - Which bacteria are usually non motile


513 - When one or more flagella arise from one or both poles it is called as


514 - If the bacterium possess single flagellum at one end it is called

both a and b

515 - If the bacteria possess single flagellum at both ends it is known as

both a and b

516 - If bactert possess a pair of flagella at one end it is called

Monopolar bitrichous

517 - Enzymes for cellular respiration in bacteria are present in which structure

plasma membrane

518 - Bacterial cell membrane is involved in which functions of the cell


519 - Substance present between plasma membrane and nucleoid is

cytoplasmic matrix

520 - Plasma membrane and every thing present in it is collectively known as


521 - Bacterial cytoplasm lacks all structures accept one


522 - Bacterial ribosomes are characterised as


523 - Stored food in bacteria includes


524 - Waste material in bacteria includes


525 - Nuclear region of bacteria which is not separated from cytoplasm is


526 - In an electron microscope nucleoid region is seen as_______ compared to cytoplasm


527 - Use of steam,radiation ,dry heat and filtratt to control bacteria comes under the category of

physical method

528 - The process in which physical agents are used to control the bacteria is known as

sterilization process

529 - Process of destruction of all life forms is


530 - To control bacteria microbiological labs use

high temperature

531 - Moist heat kills the bacteria by ____

coagulation of protein

532 - How dry heat is effective for killing the microbes

oxidation of chemical compounds

533 - Which rays are generally used for sterilization process

gamma rays

534 - Electromagnetic radiations of how much wavelength are used to kill the microbes


535 - Heat sensitive compounds like seras,antibiotics,hormones can be protected by means of which process

membrane filtration

536 - Use of antiseptic,disinfectant and chemotherapeutic agent is____method of control


537 - When division in cocci is random it will produce which type of arrangement


538 - Which of the following are the examples of cocci

stayphlococcus aureus

539 - Rod shaped bacteria are known as


540 - Bicilli usally divide only

one plane

541 - Single cell of rod shaped bacteria is known as


542 - When rod shaped bacteria occur in pairs this arrangement is known as


543 - Chain of bacilli bacteria is known as


544 - Which of the following is not example of rod shaped bacillus bacteria

stayphlococcus aureus

545 - Thin and flexible spiral shaped bacteria are called


546 - Thick ,rigid spiral shaped bacteria are called as


547 - Smallest known bacteria of genus mycoplasma infect which organisms


548 - The smallest bacteria which infect plants are known as


549 - Mycoplasma and phytoplasma range in size from

both a and b

550 - Escherchia coli range in length from

2 to 6 um

551 - Diameter of Escherchia coli range in

1.1 to 1.5um

552 - Escherichiacoli is

both a and c

553 - Some spirochete occasionally reach in length of about


554 - Staphylococci and Streptococci range in diameter from

0.75 to 1.25 um

555 - The organism that only live in the gut of brown surgeonfish is a

both a and b

556 - The bacterium Epulopiscium fishelsoni range in length

both a and b

557 - Gram staining technique defferentiate bacteria on the basis of physical and chemical composition of

cell wall

558 - Gram positive bacteria retain which dye when treated in staining technique


559 - Gram negative bactr retain which dye on treatment with gram staining technique

both b and c

560 - Cell wall is usually absent from which bacteria


561 - Overall thickness in cell wall of gram negative bacteria is about

20 to 80 nm

562 - Amount of lipids in cell wall of gram positive bacteria is about


563 - Amonut of lipids in cell wall of gram negative bacteria


564 - Permiability of molecules is more in cell wall of which bacteria

gram positive

565 - Unlike eukaryotic cell,bacterial cell membranes lack which molecules


566 - Inviginations of cytoplasmic memby are called as


567 - Bacteria cause decomposition of dead or complex organic matter that's why they can be called as

recyclers of nature

568 - Bacteria play which important roles ecologically


569 - How bacteria play role in increasing the water retaining capacity of soil

by decomposition

570 - Which organisms take part in humus formation

both a and b

571 - Atmospheric nitrogen can be made available to plants through the process of

nitrogen fixation

572 - Which of the following are nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil

both a and b

573 - Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert the atmospheric nitrogen into ___which then plants avail

both a and b

574 - Removel of environmental pollutants by the use of living organisms is called as


575 - Which of the following pollutants can be removed with bioremesmdiation


576 - Economic importance of bacteria refers to the role of bacteria in


577 - Misuse of tetracycline and its related compounds cause which problem

discoloration of teeth

578 - Streptomycin if improperly used can cause which effect


579 - Antibiotic penicillin is obtained from

both a and b

580 - Cyanobacteria was previously known as

blue green algae

581 - Cyanobacteria are


582 - Average diameter of blue green algae is about

1 to 10 um

583 - Cyanobacteria live in the form of


584 - Chains of cells when cyanobacteria exists in filaments form are called as


585 - Blue green algae (cyanobacteria) posses which type of cell wall

gram negative

586 - Cyanobacteria resemble eukaryotes in which of the following aspects

both a and b

587 - Campylobacter is an example of

microaerophilic bacteria

588 - Usually bacteria undergo which type of reproduction

both b and c

589 - During the process of binary fission which changes take place in the parent cell of bacteria


590 - After binary fission the two daughter cell get _______amount of genetic material

both get equal

591 - Interval of time untill the completion of next division in bacteria is known as

both a and b

592 - How many growth phases bacteria posses


593 - Which of the following is not the bacterial growth phase


594 - Phase during which bacterial cell donot divide but there is increase in cell size

lag phase

595 - Which phase is the period of great metabolic activity but no division of cell take place

lag phase

596 - Phase in which enzymes and intermediate are synthesized as bacteria get adopted to an environment is

lag phase

597 - Chemical substances used on living tissues to inhibit the growth of microorganisms is


598 - Chemit agents that are used on non living objects to kill the microbes are called as


599 - Which of the following agents are used as disinfectant


600 - Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics control the growth of bacteria by

working with natural defense

601 - Which of the following are the examples of chemotherapeutic agent and antibiotics


602 - Effect that kills the microbes immediately is knwon as


603 - Which effect inhibits the reproductive activity of cell and keeps microbial population at constant size


604 - Pasteur isolated the bacteria responsible for which disease

chicken cholera

605 - Attenuated ,less virulent bacteria that stimulate host immunity are termed by pasteur as


606 - Immunization with attenuated cultures of bacteria is knows as


607 - Prokaryotic cells are characterised as


608 - Bacteria was first discovered by which scientist

Antonie van leeuwenhoek

609 - The name bacterium was coined by


610 - In traditional two kingdom system prokaryotes were placed in

kingdom Plantae

611 - Kingdom protista was proposed by

John hog

612 - Who assigned a separate kingdom Monera for All the prokaryotes

Margulis and Shwartz

613 - A taxonomic category above the kingdom level is


614 - Archaeobacteria differ from eubacteria in following aspects


615 - Antonie van leeuwenhoek named the small creatures as


616 - Vaccine against disease anthrax,cholera and rabies was developed by

Louis pasteur

617 - Which of the following is the phase of rapid growth

both b and c

618 - Log phase continues until which of the following things happened


619 - At which phase there is balance between multiplication and death rate

stationary phase

620 - The phase in which rate of cell division gradually decrease and eventually cell stop multiplying

death or decline phase

621 - The process of transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another is called


622 - Conjugating bridge is formed between the two cells of bacteria with the help of

sex pilus

623 - The transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another through third party is called as


624 - The process of absorption of DNA into the cell from its immediate environment is called


625 - The cells that are formed after transformation have genetic material of

new type

626 - The cells formed after transformation are known as

transformed cells

627 - Which organisms can be used as pollution indicator


628 - Cyanobacteria establish symbiotic relationship with which species


629 - Dense population of microorganisms that produce unpleasant smell in water are known as

water blooms

630 - What are the characteristics of super blue green algae


631 - Common subaerial and terrestrial cyanobacteria is


632 - Trichomes appear as


633 - In trichome filament round,yellow,large thick walled cells are known as


634 - Trichomes break near heterocyst to form which structure


635 - Bacterial akinates function is


636 - Nostoc can be found in which places


637 - Accessory pigments found in cyanobacteria are


638 - Predominant phycobilins in cyanobacteria is


639 - Which processi s involved in assimilation of CO2 in cyanobacteria

calvin cycle

640 - Photosynthetic pigments and components of electron transport chain are found on which structure in cyanobacteria

thylakoid membrane

641 - Aggregate of light harvesting proteins attached to stroma side of thylakoid membrane in cyanobacteria


642 - Reserved food material in cyanobacteria is


643 - Reproduction in cyanobacteria is through


644 - Small filaments of cyanobacteria lacking heterocyst and akinates are called


645 - Differentiated cyanobacterial cell that carries out nitrogen fixation is


646 - Bacteria play role in which of the technological field


647 - Which organism can be used in the study of genetic and genetic engineering


648 - Discovery of DNA as heredity material was fisrt studied in which organism


649 - Which organism was used to observe the semi conservative model of DNA


650 - Miners can extract metal from ores in a relatively ecological friendly way by using which organism


651 - Bacteria used in mining process

Thiobacillus ferrooxidans

652 - Yogurt,cheese,butter can be produced with the help of which organism


653 - To make biodegradable plastic which molecules are used which are synthesized by bacteria

both a and b

654 - Which of the following is the bacterial disease


655 - Cholera is caused by which bacteria

vibrio cholera

656 - Curved and comma shaped bacteria which are intermediate to spiral and rod shaped are called as


657 - Which one of the following is not an example of spiral shaped bacteria

Neisseria meningitidis

658 - The outer wrapping of bacterial cell is known as


659 - The outer wrapping of bacterial cells includes


660 - Outer coating tha covers the outside of bacterial cell wall is


661 - Slime and capsule are the parts of


662 - Condensed layer of glycocalyx tightly associated with cell wall which give sticky and gummy nature to cell is known as


663 - Loosely attached layer that gives slippery nature to the cell is


664 - Generally glycocalyx is made up of


665 - Cell wall of bacteria is composed up of which components

both a and b

666 - Photosynthatic bacteria use which compound as a source of hydrogen

hydrogen sulphide

667 - During chemosynthetic activity of bacteria which compound get oxidize


668 - Which of the following is not the example of photosynthetic bacteria

nitrifying bacteria

669 - Bacteria which do not require oxygen for their growth are called as

anaerobic bacteria

670 - Bacteria which are unable to grwo without oxygen are called as

aerobic bacteria

671 - Bacteria which are not influenced by the presence or absence oxygen are known as

facultative bacteria

672 - Bacteria which can grow in low quantity of oxygen are known as

microaerophilic bacteria

673 - Which one of the following is an aerobic bacteria


674 - Spirochete bacteria is an example of

anaerobic bacteria

675 - Which one of the following is an example of facultative anaerobic bacteria


676 - Cell wall of archaeobacteria usually dose not contain which compound


677 - How many major types of bacteria are there is respect to shape


678 - Bacteria that exist in both spherical and helix shaped form are called as


679 - Which one type of bacteria are spherical in shape


680 - Cocci when divide in two planes they produce


681 - When division takes place in two planes the resulted square of four cocci is known as


682 - If division in cocci is in one plane it will produce which arrangement

both b and c

683 - If division is in three planes in cocci it will produce which arrangement


684 - A sarcina arrangement in cocci is

cube of eight cocci

685 - The division in which cocci occur irregular often grape-like clusters is


686 - When a tuft of flagellum is present only at one end of bacteria it is called as


687 - When flagella arise randomly over the entire surface of bacteria it is called as


688 - Mtabolically dormant bodies in bacteria like spores,cysts are formed at

late stage of growth

689 - Spore which develop within the vegetative cell inside the cell wall are named as


690 - Which spores have higher resistance towards high temperature and survives for more than thousand years


691 - Which type of spore is formed when original cell forms a copy of its chromosome and surrounds it with a atough wall


692 - Round thick walled resting structures formed outside the cell wall are


693 - Which species of bacteria are known to form exospores


694 - Structures which are resistant to desiccation and some chemicals are


695 - Cyst formation occurs by which changes in the cell wall

both a and c

696 - Which of the following can be the best measurement for prevention of cholera

clean water supply

697 - Typhoid is caused by which bacteria

Salmonella typhi

698 - Effective measurement against typhoid include


699 - The causative agent for the pulmonary tuberculosis is

mycobacterium tuberculosis

700 - Causative agent of pneumonia is

streptococcus pneumoniae

701 - Which of the following is not a bacterial disease in plants


702 - Discrete or spreading type lesion on leaf is the characteristic of which plants disease

leaf spot

703 - Leaf spot in plants is caused by which bacteria

xanthomonas campestris

704 - Blight disease in plants is caused by


705 - Loss pf turgidity in leaf blade which ultimately leads to wilting and drying is due to which bacteria

pseudomonas solanocaerum

706 - Which component gives the structural support and characteristic shape to bacterial cell


707 - Teichoic acid is found in the cell wall of which bacteria

gram positive

708 - Gram negative bacteria posses how many cell wall layers


709 - Outer cell wall layer of gram negative bacteria is made up of

both a and b

710 - Periplasmic space is found in

gram negative

711 - Periplasmic space is present between

outer membrane and cytoplasmic membrane

712 - Which protein is present in gram negative and is absent in gram positive bacteria


713 - Which structure aids in pathogenecity of bacteria


714 - Which of the following synonyms are used for peptidoglycan

both a and b

715 - Gram staining technique was developed by

Chritian Gram


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