Cell Biology MCQs The Most Important

Cell Biology topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Cell Biology Chapter# 23, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 1200 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Cell Biology . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Cell Biology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - What are molecular chaperones?

Helper proteins

2 - Chaperones bind to which type of amino acid residues in the protein?


3 - Which of the following molecules bind to nascent polypeptides synthesized on the ribosomes?


4 - TriC is a _____________


5 - Heat-shock response was first observed in which organism?


6 - Rubisco is a ________________


7 - Heptoses are __________


8 - Fructose is a _____________

ketose sugar

9 - The compounds which have same chemical reactivity but structures which are mirror images of each other are known as ____________


10 - Which of the following conventions is used to denote the presence of carbonyl group in left/right in the chemical structure of a carbohydrate?

L/ D

11 - Enzymes in a cell can distinguish between L and D forms of sugar.


12 - Which types of bonds are found in sugars?


13 - Sucrose and lactose are _____________


14 - Enzyme lactase is found in ______________

plasma membrane

15 - Which type of carbohydrates lead to the formation of glycolipids and glycoproteins?


16 - Which of the following polysaccharide is not entirely composed of glucose subunits?


17 - All enzymes of the TCA cycle reside in the mitochondrial membrane.


18 - Which of the following is also known as Krebs cycle?

TCA cycle

19 - How many reactions that occur in the TCA cycle transfer electrons from a substrate to an electron accepting enzyme?


20 - Which of the following is an important end product of disassembly of fatty acids?

Acetyl CoA

21 - Polysaccharides, fats and proteins break down into metabolites of __________________

TCA cycle

22 - Acetyl CoA is a _____________ carbon compound.


23 - In the TCA cycle, which of the following combines with Acetyl CoA to form a 6 carbon compound?


24 - The enzyme aconitase is responsible for ________________


25 - For each molecule of glucose, how many times does the TCA cycle proceed?


26 - The electron clouds around the nucleus are of ___________

Spherical and Dumbbell shape

27 - Atoms or molecules having orbitals containing a single unpaired electron is known as ___________

Free radicals

28 - Which of the following is true based on the strength of the bond?

Covalent > Ionic > Vanderwaal > Hydrogen

29 - Which of the following is a non-polar molecule?


30 - The detailed tertiary structure of a protein is determined by the ___________ technique.

X-ray crystallography

31 - Which of the following is not true?

Steroids are found in the cell membranes of both plant and animal

32 - Which of the following bond is not present in DNA?

Disulphide bond

33 - Which of the following amino acids may or may not be protonated at neutral pH?


34 - Heparin is an example of ___________


35 - Which of the following contains tight junctions?


36 - Which of the following is defined by the tight junctions?

Diffusion of drugs

37 - Which of the following protein is present in large amount in tight junctions?


38 - The endocytosis happens in the apical surface and the exocytosis happens in the basolateral surface.


39 - Leaky epithelium is present in bile ducts.


40 - Which of the following is the first observed tight junction proteins?

Zonula occludens - 1

41 - Who discovered C3 cycle?

Melvin Calvin

42 - Identify the following compound.


43 - Which of the following is an example of C3 plants?


44 - C3 plants grown in cold climates.


45 - Calvin cycle occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell.


46 - What is the final product of the Calvin cycle?


47 - How many ATP molecules are required to produce one molecule of glucose?


48 - Which of the following enzyme is used to fix CO2 through Calvin cycle?

Ribulose -1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase

49 - Which redox-regulated protein controls the functioning of Calvin cycle?


50 - How many times should the Calvin cycle happen, in order to obtain one glucose molecule?


51 - Cancer is an inherited disease.


52 - Normal cells can be converted to cancer cells by treatment with _____________

carcinogenic compounds

53 - The normal cells tend to remain in monolayer when their _____________ decreases.

growth rate

54 - When cancer cells are grown in culture they do not form monolayers.


55 - The two important compounds of serum that are necessary for cell culture are __________________

insulin, epidermal growth factor

56 - The immortality exhibited by the cancer cells is due to presence of _____________________


57 - The cancer cells are protected from ___________________


58 - Cancer cells depend on _________________ metabolic pathway.


59 - Microfilaments are mostly involved in _______________ processes.


60 - For cellular transport, plant cells rely on microfilaments.


61 - Microfilaments are composed of globular subunits of _____________


62 - The identification of actin filaments in a cell can be done by using the protein ____________


63 - After incorporation into growing actin filaments, the associated ATP is _____________


64 - The faster growing end of the microfilament is the plus-end.


65 - The phenomenon of "treadmilling" is observed in microfilaments under the __________ state.


66 - The drug cytochalasin blocks the _____________

Plus-end of microfilaments

67 - Latrunculin blocks the ____________

actin monomers

68 - Which type of myosins move toward the minus-end of a microfilament?

myosin VI

69 - The head of the myosin binds the ___________

Actin filament

70 - Type II myosins are found primarily in __________

muscle cells

71 - Myosins VIII and _____ are present only in plant cells.


72 - Myosin II filaments display a transient construction in ______________

nonmuscle cells

73 - Myosin I was discovered in the year _________


74 - Golgi complex has a cisternae of diameter _________

0.5-1 ÃŽ¼m

75 - Cis-Golgi network (CGN) is closer to the endoplasmic reticulum than the trans-Golgi network (TGN).


76 - Which of the following parts of Golgi complex directs the proteins to their final intracellular destinations?

trans-Golgi network

77 - Which protein families do not mechanically support the Golgi complex?


78 - Newly synthesized membrane proteins enter the cis face of the Golgi complex and leave from the trans face.


79 - Which of the following is located at the trans end of the Golgi stack?


80 - Which of the following is not completely synthesized in the Golgi complex of a cell?

N-linked oligosaccharides

81 - How many models of movement of materials through the Golgi complex exist?


82 - What is responsible for the transport of materials from the cis cisternae to the trans cisternae of the Golgi complex?

transport vesicles

83 - While moving from cis cisternae to the trans cisternae, which molecule does not leave the cisternal lumen?


84 - The "S" in the 80S ribosomes stands for _______________

Svedberg̢۪s units

85 - Which of the following are precursors for mRNAs?


86 - Which of the following has the smallest half life?


87 - All mRNA precursors are synthesized by ___________________

RNA polymerase II

88 - Which of the following gene encodes for the white of a chicken egg?


89 - TFIID is a ___________

protein complex

90 - Which enzyme unwinds the DNA?


91 - More than one RNA polymerase can attach to the promoter site.


92 - The RNA polymerase engaged in transcription is ____________


93 - Messenger RNAs are found in the ________________


94 - Eukaryotic mRNAs have special modifications, not present in prokaryotic mRNAs.


95 - Genes with intervening (non-coding) sequences are called ___________________

split genes

96 - Which of the following prevents the digestion of mRNA by exonucleases?

methyl-guanosine cap

97 - In a mammalian cell, which is the most abundant type of RNA?


98 - The human genome consists of _____ rDNA.


99 - Aggregated clusters of rDNA in a cell are called _______________


100 - Which of the following are ideal subjects for the study of rRNA synthesis and processing?


101 - Nontranscribed spacer is not transcribed.


102 - How many types of distinct ribosomal RNAs are present in eukaryotic ribosomes?


103 - How many post-translational modifications occur in the pre-rRNA (primary transcript)?


104 - Which of the following is a pre-rRNA?


105 - The processing of pre-rRNA is done using __________


106 - 5S rRNA is present only in eukaryotes.


107 - Which among the following have the largest number of tRNA genes?


108 - Transfer RNAs (tRNA) are transcribed by _________________


109 - Ribonuclease P is involve in the processing of ___________________


110 - Translation is the process of _____________________

protein synthesis

111 - Transfer RNAs decode the information present in __________________


112 - Transfer RNA linked to an amino acid is called _____________


113 - When was the first base sequence of a transfer RNA reported?


114 - The length of tRNA molecules is ________________ nucleotides.


115 - All mature tRNAs have the sequence CCA at their 3̢۪ end.


116 - The part of tRNA that interacts with the codon of mRNA is termed as __________


117 - The "wobble hypothesis" was proposed by ______________________

Francis Crick

118 - The enzyme aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is responsible for linking ____________________________

amino acid to tRNA

119 - Degradation of cellular unwanted proteins is carried out in _________


120 - How many ÃŽ²-subunits are there in proteasomes?


121 - Proteins that terminate in arginine are short-lived.


122 - "Degron" is a __________

amino acid sequence

123 - Ubiquitin is a ___________________


124 - A number of ubiquitin molecules must be attached to ensure enzymatic degradation of a polypeptide.


125 - For enzymatic degradation, Ubiquitin is transferred from the carrier protein to _______________ residue.


126 - Which part of the proteasome recognizes a polyubiquitinated protein?


127 - In the proteasome, the unfolded protein is threaded through narrow opening in the ring of ___________________


128 - One of the main functions of plasma membranes is to enclose the contents of _____________


129 - Cytosol is the same as cytoplasm.


130 - Which of the following is allowed in context with a plasma membrane?


131 - Which type of molecules are involved in responding to external signals received by the cell?


132 - The specific molecules that bind to receptors are _____________


133 - Energy transduction is the underlying process of which of the following?


134 - The first insights into the chemical nature of plasma membranes date back to __________


135 - Which material was used by Overton in his experiments to conclude the lipid nature of plasma membrane?

plant root hair

136 - The fluid mosaic model was proposed in the year __________


137 - According to the fluid mosaic model, the membrane is _____________


138 - Which of the following plants undergo CAM photosynthesis?


139 - The CAM pathway starts at daytime.


140 - Where is the malate stored in CAM plants?


141 - How many aquatic plant genera can undergo CAM photosynthesis?


142 - The CAM plants undergo daytime acidification and nighttime deacidification.


143 - Which enzyme is used in converting bicarbonate ion to oxaloacetate?

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase

144 - Which enzyme is used to convert oxaloacetate to malate?

Malate dehydrogenase

145 - Which of the following is a facultative CAM plant?

Common ice plant

146 - A protein coat of diameter ________ is present on the transport vesicles.

0.5-1 ÃŽ¼m

147 - Which molecule activates the formation of a transport vesicle?


148 - COPII-coated vesicles move the materials from ____________ to ____________

ER, Golgi complex

149 - COPI-coated vesicles move the materials in __________________ direction.


150 - Glycosyltransferases are selected by CopII-coat proteins.


151 - Sar1 is a _______


152 - The protein coated vesicle must release its components into the Cytosol before fusing with the target site.


153 - ARF1 is a _______ binding protein.


154 - Retrieval signals, present on the C-terminus of ER resident proteins are captured by the receptors present on __________________

COPI-coated vesicles

155 - Clathrin present on the clathrin-coated vesicles is a ______________


156 - GTP-bound ‘Rabs’ (G-proteins) associated with membranes by a __________ anchor.


157 - Which state of the ‘Rabs’ is the active state?


158 - t-SNAREs are present on the _____________________

target compartment

159 - Synaptobrevin is a ______________


160 - Which of the following are the targets of bacterial toxins botulism and tetanus?


161 - Endocytosis and phagocytosis refer to the same process.


162 - Which of the following is a type of endocytosis?

All of the mentioned

163 - The process in which cell uptakes extracellular material bound to cell surface receptors is known as __________________

receptor-mediated endocytosis

164 - Receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) leads to the formation of ___________ coated pits.


165 - A molecule of clathrin has a ______________ structure.


166 - Which adaptor molecule operate in clathrin-mediated endocytosis?


167 - Dynamin is a _____________________

accessory protein

168 - Receptor down regulation leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the cell towards further stimulation.


169 - Following internalization, vesicle-bound materials are transported to _________________


170 - Late endosomes are located near the _____________


171 - Transformation from an early to a late endosome is characterized by a decrease in ______________


172 - Receptors dissociate from their bound ligands as a result of ________________

high H+ concentration

173 - Where do the materials ingested by endocytosis, reach after travelling through the late endosome?


174 - ‘Niemann-Pick type C disease’ is caused due to deficiency of a specific ________________


175 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibits the fusion of its phagosome with _________________ following phagocytosis.


176 - When was the link between enzymes and inherited disease first elucidated?


177 - Which organism was used for experiments that led to "one gene - one enzyme" hypothesis?


178 - Which proteolytic enzyme was used in the experiments aimed at elucidating the mutation that causes sickle cell anemia?


179 - In patients of sickle cell anemia, the hemoglobin contains a substitution for ____________________

glutamic acid

180 - What is the intermediate between a gene and its polypeptide?


181 - Transcription is the synthesis of ______________________


182 - After transcribing into RNA, the gene is spliced out of the genome.


183 - RNA is a mobile nucleic acid.


184 - Which of the following play a role in structural support?


185 - Which of the following enzymes are used in the process of transcription?

RNA polymerases

186 - Promoter is a ____________________

site on DNA

187 - Which of the two strands of DNA will be transcribed is determined by the _______________

Promoter sequence

188 - The transcription factors assist the RNA polymerase in locating ________________


189 - Which enzyme makes the transcription, an essentially irreversible process?


190 - In bacteria, binding of _________ factor to the RNA polymerase increases its affinity for promoter sites in the DNA.


191 - Who first discovered chloroplast?

Konstantin Mereschkowski

192 - The number of chloroplasts found in Arabidopsis thaliana is _____________


193 - The sunlight is captured by the membrane of thylakoids.


194 - Which pigment is responsible for the process of sunlight?

Chlorophyll a

195 - Which pigment constitutes majorly in absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll b

196 - Which of the following organisms has photosynthetic pigments in it?


197 - What is the chemical formula of chlorophyll a?


198 - Chloroplast divide by binary fission.


199 - What disease is caused by the dysfunction of chloroplast?

Leaf variegation

200 - Transverse diffusion (flip-flop) is the movement of _____________


201 - The mobility of integral proteins can be measured by physical state of the ______________

membrane phospholipids

202 - Two cells can be operated in such a way that leads to a common continuous plasma membrane of both.


203 - Which of the following can not be used to mediate the fusion of plasma membranes of two different cells?


204 - FRAP can be used to analyze living cells.


205 - The erythrocyte has a _________________ shape.


206 - Which of the following genetic diseases is caused by mutations in a membrane protein?

Hemolytic anemia

207 - Glycophorin is involved in which of the following disease?


208 - How many filamentous structures together comprise the cytoskeleton?


209 - Cytoskeletal filaments are polymers of ________________


210 - Microtubules are formed of the protein ____________


211 - Microfilaments are composed of the protein ____________


212 - Microtubules of a dividing cell form the mitotic spindle.


213 - The cytoskeleton framework plays a role in positioning of the cell organelles.


214 - Cilia and flagella are ________________


215 - Which of the following are found only in animal cells?

intermediate filaments

216 - Which of the following is found in the nucleus of animal cells?

intermediate filaments

217 - The identity and chemical properties of an atom are determined by ____________

number of protons

218 - Isotopes have the same number of protons.


219 - Which of the following is radioactive?


220 - The half life of a radioisotope is _____________

time taken for half the decay

221 - Which of the following emitted particles consists of two protons?


222 - A beta particle is equivalent to an electron.


223 - Liquid scintillation spectrometry is a method of detecting ________________________


224 - Where in a eukaryotic cell, can a microtubule NOT be found?


225 - Which type of macromolecules make up the wall of microtubules?

globular proteins

226 - How many protofilaments are present in a single mammalian microtubule?


227 - All the protofilaments of a microtubule have the same _____________


228 - Alpha-tubulin subunits terminate the plus end of the microtubule.


229 - The microtubule-binding activity of MAPs is controlled by ______________


230 - Neurofibrillary tangles, found in the brain cells of persons with neurodegenerative disorders consists of _______________

microtubule-associated proteins

231 - The drug colchicine promotes microtubule _____________


232 - Movement of materials in an axon are mediated through ________________ that serve as cytoskeletal tracks.


233 - Which motor protein superfamily does not move along the microtubules?


234 - Smallest microtubular motor proteins are __________________


235 - Kinesins are plus end-directed microtubular proteins.


236 - In an axon, microtubules are oriented with their __________________ facing the cell body.

minus end

237 - Which protein moves towards the minus end of the microtubule track?


238 - Which of the following family of kinesins is incapable of movement along the microtubules?


239 - Which monomers compose the strands of nucleic acids?


240 - What are the types of nucleic acids are found in living organisms?

deoxyribonucleic acid & ribonucleic acid

241 - How many types of nucleotides are present in DNA?


242 - Purines and pyrimidines are different molecules.


243 - Ribozymes are _____________


244 - ATP and GTP are __________


245 - Which of the following is covalently attached to a lipid molecule in cell membrane?

Lipid-anchored protein

246 - Integral proteins are also known as ____________

Transmembrane proteins

247 - The concept of transmembrane proteins was obtained from the results of which technique?

Freeze-fracture replication

248 - Transmembrane domain of a transmembrane protein is present as _______________


249 - Hydropathy plot helps to _______________

All of the mentioned

250 - The channel in a membrane protein by which an ion or molecule can be transported in and out of the cell membrane is known as ___________

Permeation pathway

251 - Greater degree of unsaturation in fatty acids of cell membrane _________

Lowers the transition temperature

252 - GPI- anchored proteins show particular affinity towards ________

Lipid rafts

253 - FRAP is a technique to detect ___________

Membrane proteins

254 - Antibody -coated gold particles are used in _______________


255 - Lipids cannot dissolve in _____________


256 - Which types of bonds are found in fats?


257 - How many carboxyl groups are present in fatty acids?


258 - Fatty acids that lack double bonds are call saturated.


259 - Which type of bonds present in vegetable fats account for their liquid state?

Double bonds

260 - Margarine is formed using unsaturated vegetable fats by _________________


261 - Fats contain more chemical energy than carbohydrates.


262 - In most animals, fats are stored in special cells called _____________


263 - Which of the following steroids is a precursor of hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen?


264 - What is the major difference between a fat (triacylglycerol) and a phospholipid (diacylglycerol)?

Fatty acid chain

265 - Who developed the chemical techniques to synthesize polynucleotides?

H. Gobind Khorana

266 - Which of the following enzymes in bacteria are responsible for restricting the growth of viruses?

restriction endonuclease

267 - EcoR1 exhibits a two-fold rotational symmetry.


268 - Which enzyme is used to join together two different types of DNA molecules?


269 - The first recombinant DNA molecule was synthesized in the year ______________


270 - Which observation was made by Avery, Macleod, and McCarty?

DNA can be taken up from medium

271 - Recombinant plasmids are added to a bacterial culture that has been pretreated with _________________ ions.


272 - Which protein is used for the fluorescent labeling of cytoskeleton elements of the cell?

green fluorescent protein

273 - In fluorescence speckle microscopy, cytoskeletal filaments are uniformly labeled.


274 - Variants of a protein are called __________


275 - Which types of lasers are used in optical tweezers?

Laser beams

276 - In total internal reflection microscopy (TIRF), thin planes can be focused


277 - Atomic force microscopy uses _____________

Nanosized tip

278 - Which of the following are the most extensible filaments?

intermediate filaments

279 - Which technique has been used to study the dynamic nature of microtubules?


280 - Which technology can be used to monitor thousands of genes in a single experiment?

DNA microarrays

281 - How many types of transcription factors assist in transcription-level control?


282 - Sequence-specific transcription factors can act as transcriptional activators or repressors.


283 - What percent of genes encode transcription factors?


284 - Which cells are pluripotent?

embryonic stem cells

285 - Importance of transcription factors in embryonic stem cells was demonstrated in ______________


286 - In cellular reprogramming, which of the following is removed during chromatin reorganization?

epigenetic marks

287 - How many domains are present in a transcription factor?


288 - Motifs are related structures present on the transcription factors constituting the _________________ domain.


289 - In the leucine-zipper motif, leucine occurs after every ____ amino acids.


290 - One of the key-enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis is ______________

phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

291 - Core promoter is the site that stretches between _______________

TATA box and start site

292 - CAAT and GC box are ________________

promoter sequences

293 - Which of the following is a transcription factor widely employed in eukaryotic gene expression?


294 - TATA box regulates the frequency with which the gene is transcribed.


295 - The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is caused due the lack of functional ____________ protein.


296 - Fluorescently labeled _________ can reveal the attachment sites of fibroblasts on substratum.


297 - Which of the following are used to study cell locomotion in fish?


298 - Advancing edge of the lamellipodium is filled with actin.


299 - When was the first experimental evidence provided for axonal outgrowth and motility?


300 - Which of the following acts as an attractant for axons?


301 - Changes in cell shape occur due to changes in the orientation of cytoskeletal elements.


302 - Crawling of cells over a substratum is an example of _________________

nonmuscle motility

303 - The Protein-tyrosine kinases phosphorylate the ______________ residues.


304 - How many types of protein-tyrosine kinases are there?


305 - The cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinases are activated indirectly by the extracellular signals.


306 - Bringing 2 kinase domains in close contact allows for ___________________


307 - When the levels of glucose drop, alpha-cells in the pancreas secrete ____________________


308 - Which cells release insulin when glucose levels elevate in the body?

beta cells

309 - Which of the following synthesis is decreased (or stopped) when the blood glucose levels are high?


310 - Diabetes Mellitus is caused by defects in insulin signaling.


311 - Diabetes Mellitus type II is caused due __________________________

insulin resistance

312 - How many subunits does the Ras protein contain?


313 - The Etr1 gene in plants encodes for ___________________

ethylene gas receptor

314 - Which technique was used to study the secretory pathway in acinar cells of the pancreas for the first time?


315 - Which type of molecules are used for labeling the cellular entities in the autoradiography technique?


316 - "Pulse-chase" is an experiment related to radioactivity.


317 - Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is observed from which of the following organism?


318 - GFP joined at the end of a protein can interfere in its synthesis.


319 - After the synthesis of proteins in endoplasmic reticulum, where do they reach before being secreted from the cell?

Golgi complex

320 - Which of the following can be used as a temperature-sensitive mutant to study the endomembrane system?

Vesicular Stomatitis Virus

321 - Subcellular fragmentation is a technique to study the endomembrane system, based on _____________ of the cells.


322 - The microsomal content of a ruptured cell represents how many organelles?


323 - Which of the following technique was used to study the function of ribosomes and contrast it with the function of ER membrane?

Cell-free systems

324 - A mutant organism or cell encodes normal proteins that can be used for studying the endomembrane system.


325 - RNAi phenomenon inhibits the synthesis of which biomolecules?


326 - The scanning electron microscope is used to examine _____________

cell surfaces

327 - In the preparation of samples for SEM, the specimens are air-dried by a process of critical-point drying.


328 - At the critical drying point, there is no surface tension between ________________

gas and liquid

329 - In SEM, the image is formed by the electrons that _________________

reflect back

330 - The AFM uses a _______________ to scan the surface of a molecule.

Nanosized tip

331 - Which of the following component of the light microscope illuminates the specimen by gathering diffuse rays from the light microscope?

condenser lens

332 - Which of the following magnification of the ocular will occupy maximum retinal surface?


333 - Ocular lens forms a virtual image.


334 - The resolution attained by a microscope is limited by _____________________


335 - 527 nanometers is the wavelength of ______________ light.


336 - The numerical aperture is constant for each lens.


337 - The maximum possible numerical aperture of 1.5 is for a ______________ lens.

oil immersion

338 - The Feulgen stain is used for staining ____________________


339 - Which of the following is used for the preparation of a section specimen?


340 - A fixative _______________ the macromolecular components of a cell.


341 - Which of the following can not be used as a fixative?

vitamin B12

342 - Slides containing adherent paraffin sections are immersed in __________________


343 - Unstained specimens can be visualized using ________________

phase-contrast microscope

344 - Which of the following gives a three dimensional quality of the image?

Differential interference contrast

345 - Rhodamine is a ___________________


346 - Who first discovered peroxisomes?

Christian de Duve

347 - What is the diameter of peroxisomes?

0.1 - 1.0 µm

348 - What is the major role of peroxisomes in our body?

Breakdown of Hydrogen Peroxide

349 - Which cells in our body contains abundant peroxisomes?

Liver cells

350 - What enzyme is used to detoxify alcohol in our body?


351 - Which of the following enzyme produced by peroxisomes are present in plant cell, but absent in human cell?

Uric acid oxidase

352 - Among which of the following Peroxisomes are absent?

Bacillus subtilis

353 - What cell organelle assists in the oxidation of fatty acids along with peroxisomes?


354 - Which genetic disorder is associated with dysfunction of peroxisomes?

Zellweger Syndrome

355 - Which organelle is used in the production of white matter in the nervous system?


356 - Intermediate filaments are branched structures.


357 - Intermediate filaments are _________________


358 - How many types of polypeptides are found in intermediate filaments?


359 - The type V intermediate filaments are called ___________


360 - Plectins are _____________


361 - Unlike other cytoskeletal elements, in the assembly of intermediate filaments there is no requirement of ______________


362 - Intermediate filaments lack polarity.


363 - Intermediate filaments tend to be less sensitive to __________________


364 - Which is a type of intermediate filament found in epithelial cells?


365 - Neurofilaments are the type _____ intermediate filaments.


366 - Absence of the intermediate filament desmin, has a negative impact on _______________

muscle cells

367 - Vimentin is a ___________

intermediate filament

368 - ‘Epidermolysis bullosa simplex’ is caused by the deficiency of ____________ polypeptide.


369 - Aggregation of neurofilaments leads to ____________

neurodegenerative disorders

370 - The following diseases is caused by viruses ____________

Both Influenza and Measles

371 - Which of the following is not true for TMV Virus?

It contains viral coat containing copies of multiple proteins

372 - Which of the following is the largest bacteriophage?

T4 bacteriophage

373 - The integrated genetic material of a virus is called __________________


374 - Virus like particles (VLP) are ____________

Immunogenic but not infectious

375 - Which of the following viruses have DNA as its genetic material?

Cauliflower Mosaic Virus

376 - HIV antagonizes the ___________ cell in human body.

Helper T cell

377 - Which of the following has the largest DNA sequence?

Megavirus chilensis

378 - Which of the following enables a Dengue virus to affect human beings?

Reverse Transcriptase enzyme

379 - Viruses can be cultivated in_________________

All of the mentioned

380 - The capsomeres contain small protein subunits known as ___________________


381 - Which of the following viruses is found in saliva?

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV virus)

382 - How many structural and non-structural proteins are there in the dengue virus?

3 ; 7

383 - Cancer is monoclonal.


384 - The most common solid tumors - breast, colon etc. arise in _____________ cells.


385 - Leukemias usually arise from _________

blood-forming tissues

386 - The expression of telomerase on cancer cells can be considered an epigenetic change.


387 - Which of the following is a test for detecting precancerous cells?

Pap smear

388 - Oncogenes promote the growth of cancer cells.


389 - Proto-oncogenes are possessed by the ______________________

Cells themselves

390 - The oncogenes act __________________


391 - The first tumor-suppressor gene to be studied is associated with ______________________


392 - When was the genetic basis of retinoblastoma first explained?


393 - For the development of cancer, which of the following is the most influential component of the genome?


394 - p53 is a _________

transcription factor

395 - p53 is capable of binding to which family of proteins?


396 - According to the "instructive model" the antigen instructs lymphocytes to produce antibodies.


397 - Who proposed the clonal selection theory?

Frank MacFarlane Burnet

398 - B-cells arise from ______________________

progenitor cells

399 - Antigens that do not require the involvement of T-cells for the activation of B-cells are _____________________


400 - Some of the activated B-cells lead to the formation of short-lived ______________________

plasma cells

401 - Plasma cells possess extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


402 - B-lymphocytes that do not differentiate into plasma cells are called _______________________

Memory B cells

403 - In case of acquired immune system, a secondary immune response is generated by the ______________

memory B-cells

404 - For the body to develop immunologic tolerance, production of ____________________ must be prevented.


405 - Who discovered the vaccination against smallpox?

Edward Jenner

406 - A harmless version of tetanus toxin is called _________________


407 - Which of the following serves as antigen receptors?


408 - The heavy and light chains of the antibodies are linked to one another by ____________________

disulfide bonds

409 - Which is the first antibody secreted by B cells following stimulation by an antigen?


410 - Which antibody is produced at high levels in response to parasitic functions?


411 - Glycolysis takes place in _____


412 - The first stable compound of Kreb̢۪s cycle is _____________


413 - How many ATP molecules are produced per glucose molecules in eukaryotic Glycolysis?


414 - How many ATP molecules are produced per Krebs̢۪ Cycle in eukaryotes?

24 ATP

415 - After glycolysis, which of the following is transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane into the matrix?


416 - The TCA cycle produces ____________


417 - The TCA cycle produces _____________


418 - The TCA cycle produces ___________

2 GTPs

419 - In the electron transport chain, each pair of electron transferred from NADH to oxygen releases sufficient energy to produce __________

3 ATPs

420 - In the electron transport chain, each pair of electron donated by FADH2 releases sufficient energy to produce __________

2 ATPs

421 - Total number of ATPs formed by oxidation of one glucose molecule is ___________

36 ATPs

422 - Which of the following is not involved in electron chain transport system?

All of them are involved

423 - NADH and FADH2 is associated with respectively ____________

Complexes I and complex II

424 - Mutations in the DNA may be passed to the next generation.


425 - How many pathways of nucleotide excision repair exist?


426 - Which repair system operates to remove the altered bases generated by reactive chemicals present in the diet?

Base excision repair

427 - Which repair system operates to repair DNA strands that are actively transcribed?

Nucleotide excision repair

428 - A mismatched base pair can cause ________________ in the double helix.

change in geometry

429 - Which of the following does not introduce double-strand breaks in the DNA?

Inherited mutations

430 - The NHEJ pathway is used to rectify __________________ in the DNA.

double-strand breaks

431 - Xeroderma pigmentosum is caused by ______________________

UV radiations

432 - How many types of skin cancers can develop by overexposure to ultraviolet rays?


433 - Which term is used to refer to a period between the cell divisions?


434 - There are ______ major phases in a cell cycle.


435 - Meiosis produces cells that have half the genetic content as their parent cells.


436 - Asynchronous cultures are the ones whose cells are _______________________

randomly distributed through the cell cycle

437 - DNA replication can be monitored by incorporation of ______________________


438 - DNA replication occurs during _________________ of the cell cycle.

S phase

439 - Which of the following cells do not lack the ability to divide?

skin cells

440 - Which of the following cells do not usually divide but can be induced to divide?

liver cells

441 - Which of the following cells are capable of asymmetric cell division?

Stem cells

442 - Cells that have stopped dividing and are arrested in a state preceding that of DNA synthesis, are said to be in the__________

G0 phase

443 - When were the experiments in an effort to understand cell cycle regulation first conducted?


444 - What will happen if a G2 phase cell is fused with an M phase cell?

premature chromosome compaction

445 - The entry of a cell into M phase is initiated by _________________

maturation promoting factor

446 - The regulatory subunit of maturation-promoting factor (MPF) is called _______________


447 - Cyclin binding leads to a change in the _________________ of kinase.


448 - Trypsin is used for dissociating the tissue into single cells.


449 - In the secondary culture, cells are obtained from _______________________

primary culture

450 - EDTA binds the ______________ ions.


451 - HeLa cells are a cell line.


452 - Under favorable conditions, the protoplasts can grow into a ____________________

callus culture

453 - The process of dedifferentiation in cell culture can give rise to ________________________

induced-pluripotent stem cells

454 - When was it first discovered that RNA molecules are capable of catalyzing chemical reactions?


455 - The studies that led to discovery of posttranscriptional gene silencing phenomena were performed on ____________


456 - The phenomenon of RNA interference was discovered using the organism ___________________

C. elegans

457 - RNA interference is evolved as a genetic immune system.


458 - Dicer converts double-stranded RNAs into _______________


459 - Which family of proteins plays a key role in gene silencing pathways?


460 - RNA interference is not observed in vertebrates.


461 - What takes place when siRNAs are used in place of dsRNA in mammalian cells?

gene knock-down

462 - The first RNAi therapeutics was aimed at treating ______________________

macular degeneration

463 - Which of the following RNAs are highly conserved?


464 - Drosha is an ___________________


465 - Which type of RNAs suppress the movement of transposons in the germline?


466 - PIWI proteins have been best studied in _________________

fruit flies

467 - What is not required in the innate immune responses?

previous contact

468 - Which of the following group of pathogens always reside intracellularly in the host?


469 - The phagocytes can recognize pathogens by means of _____________________

pattern recognition receptors

470 - Which of the following proteins in fruit fly play the major function of dorsoventral polarity of the fly embryo?


471 - Which of the following drug acts by stimulating toll-like receptors (TLRs)?


472 - Innate immune responses are accompanied by inflammation.


473 - Which of the following is an antimicrobial peptide synthesized by lymphocytes?


474 - Which type of immune cells are responsible for eradicating intracellular pathogens?

natural killer cells

475 - Which type of interferons is associated with an antiviral innate response?

Type I

476 - Adaptive immune responses are more specific that innate immune responses.


477 - Humoral immunity is mediated by ______________


478 - B and T lymphocytes arise from _____________

hematopoietic stem cells

479 - A rare disease congenital agammaglobulinemia is caused due to abnormality in __________________

humoral antibody

480 - In FISH technology, which fluorescence confirms a BCR/ABL translocation?

Yellow signal

481 - The nucleosome is composed of how many histone proteins?


482 - An example of extensively polyploid organism is _________

Xenopus laevis

483 - Hybrid vigour is referred to __________

superior phenotype of a hybrid

484 - Application of non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation causes _________

formation of pyrimidine dimers

485 - During translation of proteins, the aminoacyl tRNA arrives at ____________

Ribosomal A site

486 - Which of the following is a consensus sequence?

All of the mentioned

487 - Which of the following is the start codon in protein translation?


488 - Which of the following statements is correct according to Chargaff̢۪s rules?

In double-stranded DNA, the amount of G equals the amount of C

489 - The synthesis of polypeptide can be divided into ______ distinct activities.


490 - Which of the following moves in consecutive blocks of three nucleotides?


491 - Which of the following is an initiation codon?


492 - Shine-Dalgarno sequence is present in the ____________________


493 - Initiation factors are ______________________

soluble proteins

494 - The first amino acid incorporated at the N-terminus of polypeptide is ___________________


495 - What drives the conformational change in the ribosome?

GTP hydrolysis

496 - Which of the following is released when a Hydrogen atom loses an electron?


497 - Which of the following is an example of amphoteric molecule?


498 - Acids that lose a proton easily are weak acids.


499 - What is the full form of pH?

Potential Hydrogen

500 - What is the concentration of pure water?

55.51 M

501 - In presence of an acid, amino group can be ____________


502 - Buffers react with _______________ ions.

hydrogen, hydroxyl

503 - Buffers usually contain ________________ with its conjugate ____________

weak acid, base

504 - Carbonic acid and bicarbonate ions buffer which of the following?


505 - The membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) are continuous.


506 - Which of the following biomolecules are not synthesized by the endoplasmic reticulum?

Nucleic acids

507 - All the cells contain the same ratio of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


508 - Detoxification of organic compounds like barbiturates and ethanol in the liver is carried out by ________________

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

509 - Which enzymes are responsible for detoxification of organic compounds carried out by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?


510 - Sarcoplasmic reticulum is found in ________________

muscle cells

511 - The signal sequence that determines whether a protein will be synthesized on a free ribosome or ribosome attached to endoplasmic reticulum is located at _______


512 - In the image below, endoplasmic reticulum is depicted by ________


513 - In yeast cells, protein transport across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane occurs __________


514 - In mammalian cells, the signal recognition particle (SRP) consists of ____ distinct polypeptides and one small RNA molecule.


515 - Translocon is a ____________

protein channel

516 - Which of the following enzyme present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum removes the signal sequence from nascent polypeptides?

signal peptidase

517 - The cysteine residues present in the reduced form in peptides that enter the endoplasmic reticulum lumen are converted into ____________ when they leave the compartment.

disulfide bonds

518 - Hydrophobic transmembrane segments of which proteins are not synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum?

integral membrane proteins

519 - Glycolipids are synthesized in the ER and ____________

Golgi complex

520 - Which of the following immunoglobulin is naturally given to the fetus?


521 - In an immunoglobulin, the heavy chains and the light chains are held together by ____________

Disulphide bond

522 - What ions is required for the function of cadherins?


523 - Cadherins are 720-750 amino acids long.


524 - Which of the following has abundant protocadherins?

Nervous system

525 - What is epithelial mesenchymal transistion?

Loss of adhesion and gain of migration

526 - Where is the CDH3 gene expressed?


527 - Which of the following is caused by cadherin disorder?

Usher syndrome

528 - Lactose can be a nutrient source for bacteria, it is a _____________________


529 - The first step in catabolism of lactose by the bacteria is ________________ of a linkage bond.


530 - Under minimal conditions, the cell has fewer than 5 copies of enzyme ÃŽ²-galactosidase.


531 - Enzymes of __________________________ are clustered together in a bacterial operon.

metabolic pathway

532 - When was the operation mechanism of a bacterial operon first elucidated?


533 - In a bacterial operon, which is located downstream of the structural genes?

regulatory gene

534 - The structural genes in an operon lie adjacent to one another.


535 - Which is a DNA-binding protein?


536 - The repressor protein is encoded by _________________

regulatory gene

537 - The capability of the repressor to bind the operator depends upon _____________


538 - The lac operon consists of ____ structural genes.


539 - Which of the following acts as an inducer in the lac operon?


540 - The lac operon is under positive control, a phenomenon called _________________


541 - Which of the following acts as a co-repressor in tryptophan operon?


542 - In bacteria, mRNAs bound to small metabolites are called ______________


543 - Tobacco Mosaic Virus consists of one long molecule of ______________


544 - TMV particles are not capable of self-assembly.


545 - Ribosomes consist of RNA and _____________


546 - The large (50S) ribosomal subunit of bacteria contains _______ molecules of RNA.


547 - Which protein of the smaller subunit of bacterial ribosome was found to have a function in ribososme assembly?


548 - Eukaryotic subunits are not capable of self-assembly.


549 - The term mitosis was coined in ____________


550 - Mitosis is the process of segregation of DNA molecules into 2 cells.


551 - Cytokinesis is the process of division of two daughter cells by the partitioning of _________________


552 - During mitosis, the cell becomes less responsive to external stimuli.


553 - How many phases of mitosis are there?


554 - Cytoskeleton is disassembled in which of the following phase?


555 - Centromeres split during the __________________


556 - Which is the last phase in mitosis just before the beginning of cytokinesis?


557 - Condensin is a ___________________

multiprotein complex

558 - Chromosome compaction at prophase requires ______________________

Topoisomerase II

559 - When was the mechanism behind cytokinesis first discovered?


560 - "Cell plate" is a term relative to cytokinesis in ______________________


561 - Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae are ________________

peritrichous; monotrichous

562 - Nitrogen fixation can be done by ______________

Certain cyanobacteria

563 - F-plasmid contains ______________

Both OriV and OriT

564 - Which is the main building block of cilia?


565 - Which of the following is not a difference between cilia and flagella?

Axoneme present in cilia; Axoneme absent in flagella

566 - Which of the following is absent in Gram- negative bacteria and present in Gram- positive bacteria?

Teichoic acids

567 - Exotoxins are produced by _______________

Gram positive bacteria

568 - Which of the following statements is false?

Gram negative bacteria cell wall is thin and single layered.

569 - Which of the following are a Gram negative bacteria?

Neisseria gonorrheae

570 - Processing of mRNA includes __________

5′ capping, 3′ polyadenylation and RNA splicing

571 - The ability of importins and exportins to transport molecules in and out of the nucleoporins is regulated by ______________


572 - Which of the following human cells are multinucleated?


573 - Why are red blood cells anucleated?

Absence of nucleus leads to increased space for haemoglobin that carries molecular oxygen

574 - Which of the following first binds to the NLS protein sequence?


575 - Which of the following displaces Importin-alpha from the cargo transported inside the nucleus?


576 - The import cycle of cargo or molecule inside the nucleus requires the hydrolysis of ___

2 GTPs

577 - Export of molecules from inside the nucleus to the cytoplasm needs hydrolysis ________


578 - Export of proteins with exportin CRM1 can be inhibited by ___________

Leptomycin B

579 - Which of the following cellular RNA is not dependent on RanGTP during transport outside nucleus?


580 - Who discovered C4 cycle?

Hatch and Slack

581 - What is the enzyme used in the conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate?

Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase

582 - Which of the following leaf anatomy is a characterization of C4 plants?

Kranz anatomy

583 - Which of the following is an example of C4 plants?


584 - What is the final product of the C4 cycle?


585 - Where does the C4 pathway take place?


586 - The C4 plants grow in the cold climate places.


587 - The total carbon dioxide fixation done by the C4 plants is _________


588 - Which enzyme plays the role of a catalyst in CO2 fixation in C4 plants?

Carbonic anhydrase

589 - What is the chemical formula for oxaloacetic acid?


590 - C4 pathway uses 5 ATP molecules and 4 NADPH molecules as the energy source.


591 - Mitochondria are not able to transport NADH from cytosol.


592 - How many molecules of ATP are formed from the catabolism of one glucose molecule?


593 - TCA cycle is a __________ process and glycolysis is a ______________ process.

aerobic, anaerobic

594 - Ionic gradient in which part of the mitochondrion drives the synthesis of ATP?

inner membrane

595 - Oxidative phosphorylation and substrate-level phosphorylation are two different processes of ATP synthesis.


596 - Which of the following type of cells recognize and kill the abnormal pathogen infected cells?


597 - When was the term apoptosis coined?


598 - Apoptosis is programmed cell death.


599 - The CED3 gene product in nematodes has homologous _______________ in mammals.


600 - Inactivation of which of the following leads to detachment of the apoptotic cell?


601 - Inactivation of which of the following leads to shrinkage of the nucleus?


602 - Cytokines serve as _____________________ for apoptosis.

external stimuli

603 - Which of the following is an extracellular messenger of apoptosis?

tumor necrosis factor

604 - Which of the following is also termed as a death receptor?


605 - The TNFR1 is a trimeric receptor.


606 - The last proteins to involve in the apoptotic pathway induced by TNF are ______________________


607 - Which family of proteins regulates the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis?


608 - Which of the following is involved in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis?

cytochrome c

609 - Apoptotic bodies can be recognized by the presence of _____________________ on the surface.


610 - Which of the following was first examined under a microscope that later led to the discovery of cells?


611 - Who was the first person to describe various forms of bacteria?

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

612 - Who proposed that plant embryo arose from a single cell?

Matthias Schleiden

613 - Which of the following is a tenet of cell theory, as proposed by Theodor Schwann?

Cell is the structural unit of life

614 - Schleiden and Schwann believed that cells arise from non-cellular materials.


615 - Rudolf Virchow, a German pathologist proposed the ___________________

third tenet of cell theory

616 - The cell theory consists of how many tenets?


617 - Which microscope was used by Anton van Leeuwenhoek?


618 - Which form of Xeroderma pigmentosum is observed in patients who cannot synthesize functional polymerase ÃŽ—?


619 - Replicative polymerase ÃŽ— belongs to a family of polymerases involved in ________________

translesion synthesis

620 - Which if the following polymerases have an unusually spacious active site?

TLS polymerases

621 - Translesion synthesis polymerases lack processivity.


622 - In an amino acid, the carboxyl group and amino group are separated from each other by a single ____________ atom.


623 - Amino acids used in the synthesis of proteins on a ribosome are ________________

L-amino acids

624 - What protein makes up spider silk?


625 - Microorganisms use D-amino acids.


626 - Which bonds are present in two neighboring amino acids?

Polypeptide bonds

627 - The longest known polypeptide is of the muscle protein called __________


628 - Which of the following amino acids does not belong to polar charged group?


629 - Histidine is a polar uncharged amino acid.


630 - Which residues are present in histone proteins?

Arginine & Histidine

631 - Which of the following groups of amino acids are least soluble in water?


632 - How many types of replication models were considered before the semiconservative nature of DNA replication was confirmed?


633 - Which isotopes were used by the researchers who first confirmed the semiconservative nature of DNA replication?


634 - Temperature-sensitive mutants can not replicate their chromosomes at non-permissive temperatures.


635 - The bacterial oriC is the __________________

specific sequence

636 - Movement of the replication fork generates ________________ in the unreplicated portion of DNA.

positive supercoils

637 - Which enzyme removes the positive supercoils generated when the replication fork?


638 - When was DNA polymerase III discovered as the major enzyme behind DNA replication in bacteria?


639 - The lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously.


640 - Who made the discovery that one DNA strand is synthesized discontinuously in fragments?

Reiji Okazaki

641 - Which enzyme joins the Okazaki fragments into a continuous strand?


642 - Which of the following enzyme is responsible for initiating DNA replication?


643 - Eough endoplasmic reticulum imports its proteins posttranslationally.


644 - For which of the following organelles, the proteins to be imported remain in their native folded state?


645 - Most of the proteins of mitochondria are synthesized in the ______________


646 - Mitochondrial matrix proteins have a target sequence, called presequence located at __________


647 - Hsp 70 and Hsp 90 are ____________ involved in the mitochondrial uptake of proteins.


648 - Following its entry into the mitochondrial matrix, the peptide is _______________

folded to its native conformation

649 - In how many subcompartments of the chloroplasts, can the proteins be delivered?


650 - Most proteins destined for uptake by the chloroplasts are synthesized with a ________________

removable N-terminal sequence

651 - ‘Stroma targeting domain’ is located in the ________________

transit peptide

652 - Which of the following does not converge to activate the same signaling pathway?


653 - Cyclic AMP can inhibit the growth of cells.


654 - Activation of P13K in adherent epithelial cell promotes ___________________

cell survival

655 - CREB is a _____________________

transcription factor

656 - What is the key role of Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans?

Extracellular matrix interaction

657 - Which of the following helps in the attachment of cell to the extracellular matrix?

Cell-matrix adhesion complex

658 - How many exons do the syndecan have?


659 - What is the key role of fibroblasts?

Producing extracellular matrix

660 - The movement of cell with respect to rigidity is called durotaxis.


661 - Hemidesmosomes are present in keratinocytes.


662 - What is the use of matrix-bound nanovesicles?

Tissue engineering

663 - Which genetic disorder is associated with accumulation of proteoglycans?


664 - Which of the following disease is associated with the disruption of hemidesmosomes?

Epidermolysis bullosa

665 - G-protein coupled receptors are referred to as seven-transmembrane receptors.


666 - The G-protein coupled receptors have their _____________________ outside the cell.

amino terminus

667 - On the cytoplasmic site of GCPRs, the G-proteins bind to ___________________

third loop

668 - Which of the following is a stimulus for rhodopsin?


669 - The inactive conformation of a G-protein coupled receptor is stabilized by ____________________

non-covalent interactions

670 - The G-proteins bind only to _________________


671 - Desensitization is the process of blocking receptors from turning on ______________


672 - Arrestins compete with ________________ for binding with G-protein coupled receptors.


673 - Retinitis pigmentosa is an inherited disorder caused due to mutation in the gene that encodes for __________________


674 - Adenoma is caused by the over-secretion of ____________________

thyroid hormone

675 - A somatic mutation is present in all of the individual̢۪s body cells.


676 - The Kaposi̢۪s sarcoma is caused by ____________________

Herpes virus

677 - The Cholera toxin produced by Vibrio cholera exerts its effect by _____________________

modifying G-protein

678 - Epinephrine causes an increase in ____________________

blood glucose levels

679 - Who discovered desmosomes?

Giulio Bizzozero

680 - Who coined the term desmosomes?

Josef Schaffer

681 - Which tissues in our body contains abundant desmosomes?

Cardiac tissues

682 - Which of the following filaments bind to the cadherin and catenin complex?


683 - How many amino acids does the plakoglobin has?


684 - EPLIN acts as an enhancer for the binding process of actin cytoplasm and catenims.


685 - What is macula adhaerens?


686 - Which of the following disease is caused by the mutation of desmosomes?


687 - Which of the following disease is associated with desmoplakin disorder?

Carvajal syndrome

688 - When was it discovered that there is a correlation between cancer and the environment?


689 - Which of the following is not a DNA tumor virus?


690 - Certain agents may be converted to mutagenic compounds by the action of cellular enzymes.


691 - Which of the following virus is associated with Kaposi̢۪s sarcoma?


692 - When the levels of glucose drop, alpha-cells in the pancreas secrete ____________________


693 - Which of the following is a stomach-dwelling bacterium?

Helicobacter pylori

694 - Long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce the risk of __________________

Colon cancer

695 - Cyclooxygenase-2 synthesizes _____________________


696 - What is photophosphorylation?

Addition of phosphate with light

697 - Who discovered photophosphorylation?

D Arnon

698 - Cyclic photophosphorylation has both photosystem I and II.


699 - The site of photophosphorylation is __________


700 - Which enzyme helps in the flow of protons from the thylakoid to the stroma?

ATP synthase

701 - How many micromoles of CO2 is fixed per milligram of chloroplast in an hour?


702 - Which of the following organisms contain Chlorosome?

Green Sulphur bacteria

703 - Which of the following organisms lack photophosphorylation?


704 - In the conversion of ADP to ATP by the enzyme ATP synthase, which reaction helps in the movement of H+ across the membranes?


705 - Which of the following protein is disrupted due to the disorder in photophosphorylation reaction?


706 - The inactivation of photosynthesis is known as photo inhibition.


707 - IgG is the predominant antibody in the secretion of respiratory tract.


708 - Patients suffering from which of the following disease contain large quantities of a single type of antibodies?

multiple myeloma

709 - Plasma cells are mainly found in the bone marrow.


710 - The antigenic determinant is called _________________


711 - Binding of which of the following antibody̢۪s heavy chain initiates the lysis of bound bacterial cells?


712 - In which year was the two "gene - one polypeptide" hypothesis put forward?


713 - Which segment of chromosome 2 encodes for the V region of antibody?


714 - Class-switching of antibodies can occur by changing the ___________________

heavy chain

715 - Cyclosporin A is a drug that __________________

suppresses the immune system

716 - Fragments of antigens are held at the surface of antigen presenting cells by _________________

major histocompatibility complex

717 - The transport of water molecules from a solution to the cell cytoplasm occurs in _________

Hypotonic solution

718 - Plasmolysis occurs in __________

Hypertonic solution

719 - Which of the following channels depend on forces such as stretch tension applied on the membrane?

Mechano-gated channels

720 - The ion most abundant in cells and most permeable to cell membrane is ____________


721 - Facilitative transporter ___________

Changes conformation, transports molecules and facilitated diffusion

722 - GLUT1 is an example of ______________

Facilitative transporter

723 - The ratio of Na+ and K+ transported by Na+/K+-ATPase pump is ___________


724 - Symport and Antiport is the classification of ____________

Secondary active transport

725 - Halobacterium salinarium uses the following for the active transport of ions to induce purple colour.

Light energy

726 - During salt stress condition in Arabidopsis, which of the following antiport proteins are used?

AvPI and AtNHX

727 - Reactions that lose heat are termed as _____________


728 - According to laws of thermodynamics, the energy of the Universe is _________ whereas the entropy ______________

constant, increases

729 - Exergonic processes are thermodynamically unfavorable.


730 - Hydrolysis of ATP is which type of reaction?


731 - Cellular metabolism is a non-equilibrium metabolism.


732 - Which of the following are responsible virtually for every reaction that takes place inside a cell?


733 - Protein catalysts are called __________ and RNA catalysts are called _____________

enzymes, ribozymes

734 - The non-protein constituents of conjugated proteins are called ___________


735 - Enzymes have no effect on which of the following, in a chemical reaction?


736 - What will happen if heat is applied to an enzyme mediated reaction?

Rate will increase

737 - Chymotrypsin is a ___________


738 - Induced fit in an enzyme refers to ____________________

conformational change

739 - Allosteric site is same as enzyme̢۪s active site.


740 - Feedback inhibition is cell̢۪s mechanism to _____________ the process of anabolism.


741 - What is the process of synthesis of glucose by the liver is referred to as?


742 - The lipids present in cell membrane are _____________


743 - The model of a lipid bilayer lined by a layer of protein molecules on both sides was put forward by _____

Davson and Danielli

744 - The phosphoglycerides in cell membrane are of the _________ type.


745 - Shingolipids is the derivative of ______________


746 - Which of the following is not a component of cell membranes?


747 - In animals, the amount of cholesterol present in cell membrane is ___________


748 - Which part of cholesterol molecule is not embedded in the lipid bilayer?

Hydroxyl end of cholesterol

749 - Which of the following is exoplasmic?

Phosphatidyl choline

750 - Which of the following facilitates binding of positively charged amino acid residues?

Phosphatidyl serine (PS)

751 - Which of the following promote curvature of cell membrane?

Phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE)

752 - Carbohydrates present in cell membrane are generally ___________


753 - Lipid rafts are ___________

Patches of cholesterol and sphingolipids in lipid bilayer

754 - Which of the following is used in PAGE to prevent the mixing of the sample with running buffer?


755 - Proteins with greater charge density move faster in the PAGE.


756 - In gel electrophoresis, the globular proteins move slower than the fibrous proteins.


757 - When was the technique of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis developed?


758 - Which of the following amino acid absorbs the light of 280 nm?


759 - For a mass spectrometric analysis, the compounds are converted into ___________________

gaseous ions

760 - In mass-spectrometry, proteins are separated base on their _____________________

m/z ratio

761 - Which is the main ingredient in the sample preparation of mass spectrometry?


762 - MALDI is a technique of ______________________


763 - Electrospray ionization is suited for proteins that are __________________

in solution

764 - Which of the following techniques delivers the amino-acid sequence of a peptide?

Tandem MS

765 - In X-ray diffraction, the protein crystals are bombarded with ____________

X rays

766 - Which was the first protein to have its structure determined using X-ray crystallography?


767 - Synchrotrons generate _____________________

X rays

768 - Electron cryomicroscopy is used mainly for _______________

non-soluble proteins

769 - The main function of lysosomes is ____________


770 - Where is the proton pump located in a lysosome?


771 - Kupffer cells are located in the _________


772 - Which of the following are phagocytic cells?

neutrophils, macrophages

773 - Destruction and replacement of cell̢۪s own organelles is called ____________


774 - In autophagy, the organelle̢۪s to be ingested are covered by a ______________

double membrane

775 - When a cell is in nutrient deprived state, autophagy increases.


776 - After the digestive process in an autophagolysosome is over, it is termed as _______________

residual body

777 - Lipofuscin granules decrease in number as individual grows older.


778 - In the ‘I-cell disease’, lysosomes are ___________


779 - The enzyme N-acetylglucosamine phosphotransferase is responsible for ____________

mannose phosphorylation

780 - Lysosomal storage disorders are caused due to ______________

absence of a single lysosome

781 - Gaucher disease is caused due to deficiency of ______________


782 - The sheep Dolly was cloned in the year ___________


783 - Single cells from an adult animal can give rise to whole new individuals.


784 - How many types of cells were fused in the cloning of Dolly?


785 - The transcriptional state of a cell is irreversible.


786 - The processing-level control is concerned with ____________

primary transcripts

787 - What percent of a typical Red blood cell is constituted by hemoglobin?


788 - Which type of control determines for how long will a particular mRNA be translated?


789 - Nucleoporins are __________

Nuclear pores

790 - The transport factors that help in the transport of molecules through the nuclear pores are known as ___________


791 - Lamin proteins that bind to the intra-nuclear chromatin are _____________


792 - Nuclear Organizer Regions (NOR) is found in ________


793 - Cajal bodies mainly consist of the protein _________


794 - Which of the following is not a function of Cajal bodies?

tRNA processing

795 - Which of the following is also known as Kremer bodies?

PML bodies

796 - Which of the following plays a role in oncogenic function?

Kremer bodies

797 - Nuclear speckles ______________

perform splicing of snRNPs

798 - Which of the following is not true?

They are present during interphase and absent during mitosis.

799 - Which agents are used in passive immunotherapy of cancer?


800 - Conventional therapies like chemosurgery kill a large number of healthy cells in addition to cancer cells.


801 - Spontaneous remissions were studied by which of the following scientists?

William Coley

802 - Which of the following is a humanized antibody?


803 - Which drug was approved in 1997 for the treatment of non-Hodgkin̢۪s B-cell lymphoma?


804 - The drug Vectibix is directed against _____________________

EGF receptor

805 - Adoptive immunotherapy involves the person̢۪s own immune system for treatment against cancer.


806 - Which immune cells are generally used in the treatment of cancer using adoptive immunotherapy?

Dendritic cells

807 - Which of the following disease is caused by a chromosomal translocation?

Chronic myelogenous leukemia

808 - Angiogenesis is the process of formation of __________________

blood vessels

809 - Cancer cells promote angiogenesis by secreting ________________________

growth factors

810 - Endostatin is a ___________________

angiogenesis inhibitor

811 - 90% of the volume of a plant cell is occupied by the vacuole.


812 - In plant cells, by-products of the metabolic pathways are stored in _____________


813 - Which of the following is a toxic by-product stored in the plant cell vacuole that is clinical importance?


814 - Tonoplast is a ___________


815 - Water enters the vacuole by ____________


816 - Plant vacuoles are also sites of intracellular digestion.


817 - Which of the following is used to lyse the nucleus and release the DNA?

sodium dodecyl sulfate

818 - In purification steps of nucleic-acids, phenol is used for _______________________


819 - Which of the following is used to precipitate the nucleic acids?


820 - Phenol is an active protein denaturant.


821 - Which type of gel is used for large nucleic acids?


822 - Which technique is used to separate nucleic acids of size greater than 25 kb?

Pulsed-field electrophoresis

823 - In rate-zonal sedimentation, the nucleic acids are separated base on __________________

nucleotide length

824 - Equilibrium centrifugation is also known as ___________________ centrifugation.


825 - Which technique can be used to separate 15N and 14N?

Isopycnic centrifugation

826 - Nucleic acid hybridization is used to identify ________________________

Complementary base sequences

827 - The procedure by which DNA gel is transferred to a membrane is termed as ___________________


828 - In which of the following techniques, the DNA is labeled using complementary sequences and then analyzed using autoradiography?

Southern blotting

829 - Which of the following molecules can be analyzed using a northern blot?


830 - Which of the following is a commonly used label in blotting techniques?


831 - Catabolic pathways result in _______________ of the molecules.


832 - Energy released by catabolic pathways is stored in how many forms?


833 - Anabolic pathways are energy-requiring.


834 - How many molecules of ATP are formed per molecule of oxidation of glucose?


835 - The TCA cycle occurs in which region of a prokaryotic cell?


836 - Glycolysis begins with which of the following reactions?


837 - NAD is a _________


838 - NADâÂº can be derived from which vitamin?


839 - In fermentation, which of the following is regenerated?


840 - In case of repeated contraction, muscle cells regenerate NADâÂº by converting pyruvate to _____________


841 - Yeast cells convert pyruvate to lactate.


842 - A cell̢۪s reservoir of NADPH represents its _______________

reducing power

843 - How many mechanisms exist for altering the shape of an enzyme, playing a role in regulating glucose oxidation?


844 - Protein kinases are responsible for transferring which group?


845 - How many types of protein kinases are there?


846 - Abnormal elevation of cytosolic Calcium can occur following a _____________


847 - Calcium acts as an intracellular messenger.


848 - Fura-2 is an example of __________________

fluorescent molecule

849 - Upon fertilization, a wave of calcium release is observed throughout the cell.


850 - How many types of calcium ion channels are present on ER membrane?


851 - Ryanodine is a _______________


852 - Which receptors open up during the calcium-induced calcium release?

Ryanodine receptors

853 - Which ions activate cyclin-dependent kinases, following fertilization?


854 - Which of the following is a calcium-binding protein?


855 - Calmodulin has low affinity for _____________

non-stimulated cells

856 - In which part of the plant, does photosynthesis takes place?


857 - Which pigment protects the photosystem from ultraviolet radiation?


858 - What is the name of the book written by Jan Ingenhousz, which explains the basis of photosynthesis?

Experiments upon Vegetables

859 - Photosystem II happens before photosystem I.


860 - Which of the following amino acid is helpful in the synthesis of plastoquinone?


861 - What is the other name of Plastoquinol - plastocyanin reductase?

Cytochrome b6f complex

862 - What is the maximum wavelength of light photosystem II can absorb?


863 - Which of the following Vitamins act as an electron acceptor in light dependent photosynthesis?

Vitamin K

864 - During photosynthesis, how many chlorophyll molecules are required to produce one oxygen molecule?


865 - Muscle cells are ___________

cylindrically shaped

866 - Muscle cells are formed from the fusion of ___________


867 - The striated appearance of muscle fibers is due to _______________


868 - All skeletal muscles operate by _______________


869 - ________ of the sacromere remains unaffected during the muscle contraction.

A band

870 - The "Sliding filament model of muscle contraction" was proposed in the year ____________


871 - According to "Sliding filament model of muscle contraction", shortening of sacromeres results from sliding of the filaments.


872 - Which of the following proteins are not found in muscle fibres?


873 - Each tropomyosin is associated with _______ subunits of actin subunits.


874 - Troponin is composed of _____ subunits.


875 - Titin is the largest protein discovered till date.


876 - Which of the following prevents sacromeres from pulling apart during muscle stretching?


877 - Circular DNAs are negatively supercoiled.


878 - Etoposide and doxorubicin, the drugs used in Cancer treatment target the enzyme ___________

topoisomerase II

879 - The three-dimensional structure of DNA can be described by _________

X-ray crystallography

880 - The haploid set of human chromosomes consist of __________ chromosomes


881 - The process of DNA melting can be monitored by a change in ___________


882 - The temperature at which the shift in absorbance is half completed is termed as ___________

melting temperature

883 - Higher the concentration of GC content, lower the Tm.


884 - DNA renaturation was first realized in the year ___________


885 - Reannealing or renaturation of the DNA is the basis of the technique ___________

nucleic acid hybridization

886 - For three different samples of DNA with same concentration, the rate of annealing will depend on __________

genome size

887 - Percentage of highly repeated DNA sequences in a genome is __________


888 - Which of the following type of DNA sequences for the basis of DNA fingerprinting?

Minisatellite DNA

889 - Which type of DNA have been used to analyze relationship between different human populations?

Microsatellite DNA

890 - In situ hybridization was aimed at determining the location of _______

satellite DNA

891 - Moderately repeated DNA sequences can vary from _______ percent of the total DNA.


892 - Isolation of an organelle in bulk quantity can be accomplished by _____________

differential centrifugation

893 - The isotonic buffer solution prevents _________

membrane rupture

894 - Density gradient centrifugation is a type of isopycnic centrifugation.


895 - Which of the following can be used to study cellular activities?

Cell-free systems

896 - Nitric oxide is an intracellular messenger.


897 - Nitric oxide is formed from which of the amino acid?


898 - Acetylcholine has the function of ________________________

muscle relaxation

899 - The diffusible agent produced by binding of acetylcholine to endothelial cells is __________________

nitric oxide

900 - Binding of acetylcholine to outer surface of endothelial cells, signals _____________________

increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration

901 - The nitric oxide binds to and stimulates guanylyl cyclase.


902 - Which of the following compounds is metabolized into nitric oxide?


903 - The development of Viagra is related to the discovery of nitric oxide as a ____________________

secondary messenger

904 - Viagra is specific for which isoform of cGMP phosphodiesterase?


905 - The posttranslational modification involving nitric oxide is called __________________


906 - The free energy released during electron transport is utilized to move protons from _____________ to inner membrane and cytosol.


907 - Proton motive force is the net sum of how many gradient components?


908 - The contribution made by electric potential versus pH gradient to the proton motive force (ÃŽ”p) is determined by which property of the mitochondrial membrane?


909 - The approximate proton motive force of an actively respiring mitochondrion is ____________ mV.


910 - The maintenance of proton motive force requires that inner mitochondrial membrane remains permeable to protons.


911 - For which organelle proton motive force is also a source of energy?


912 - Mutations in which of the following genes lead to a rare form of muscular dystrophy?


913 - Most alterations in the genes occur during ____________________

cell division

914 - The chromosomal aberrations follow _____________________

chromosomal breakage

915 - Which of the following is a rare genetic disorder?

Fanconi anemia

916 - Which is not a type of chromosomal aberration?


917 - Inversions can lead to a deletion or duplication in the chromosome.


918 - The Philadelphia chromosome is the best studied example of ________________


919 - The translocated part of Philadelphia chromosome is found on chromosome ________


920 - Zygotes containing chromosomal deletion are produced by ___________

abnormal meiosis

921 - Unlike the 23 pairs of chromosomes in human cells, chimpanzees have 24 pairs of chromosomes.


922 - When was the first correlation between a chromosomal deletion and human disorder first developed?


923 - Partial trisomy is the presence of _____ copies of a gene.


924 - The cry-of-the-cat syndrome is due to a defect in chromosome __________


925 - Bacteriophage Lambda is a major cloning vector.


926 - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was invented by ______________________

Kary Mullis

927 - Taq polymerase is a ________________________ polymerase.


928 - The temperature cycles in a polymerase chain reaction are in the order __________________

95°, 60°, 72°

929 - Which enzyme is active at 72° in the polymerase chain reaction?


930 - PCR can generate large amounts of DNA.


931 - Molecular beacons are short ____________________


932 - When was the nucleotide sequence of a viral genome first elucidated?


933 - DNA libraries are collection of ______________________

cloned DNA fragments

934 - cDNA libraries are produced from ______________________

messenger RNAs

935 - The endonuclease HaeIII recognizes ______________________ sequence.


936 - Which of the following can be used to clone DNA sequence of size larger than 25 kb?

Yeast artificial chromosome

937 - Bacterial artificial chromosomes are the __________________ of bacterial cells.


938 - Viral-mediated gene transfer is called _______________


939 - The process of introducing DNA into cells is called ____________________


940 - The DNA structure was investigated in the year __________


941 - Nucleotide, basic unit of DNA consists of the sugar _________________


942 - Purines are a type of nitrogenous bases that consist of _____ ring(s).


943 - Guanine and adenine are _______________


944 - A nucleotide has a non-polarized structure.


945 - Which of the following was discovered by Chargaff̢۪s experiment in 1950?

base composition

946 - Who suggested that DNA composed of three nucleotide strands?

Linus Pauling

947 - The helical nature of DNA was revealed by the work of ______________

Rosalind Franklin

948 - The phosphate molecules present on the DNA strand give it a large positive charge.


949 - Which kinds of forces stabilize the DNA structure?

hydrophobic, van der Waals

950 - What is the width of the DNA double helix?

2 nm

951 - Proteins can interact with a DNA molecule by ____________________

fitting into the grooves

952 - The supercoiled state of DNA was first discovered in the year __________


953 - Supercoiled DNA is more compact than its relaxed counterpart and therefore __________

sediments faster

954 - Which of the following is used to visualize DNA molecules in a gel?

ethidium bromide

955 - Parts of a cell can be isolated and cultured in a laboratory.


956 - The first culture of human cells began in ________


957 - Which cells are found in the intestinal lining?

Epithelial cells

958 - Microvilli are composed of ____________


959 - Which organelle is located at the basal end of epithelial cells lining the intestine?


960 - In cellular division, one cell gives rise to two daughter cells containing equal volume. However such a case of regular division is not observed in ________________


961 - Light energy is converted to chemical energy by photosynthesis and is stored in________________


962 - In humans, glucose in the body is released by _____________


963 - The sum total of all the chemical reactions taking place inside the cell, represent the cell̢۪s _______________


964 - Motor proteins help in regulation which activities in a cell?


965 - German embryologist, Hans Driesch used which organism̢۪s embryo in his studies?


966 - Which are the two most important macromolecules of a cell?

Nucleic Acids, Proteins

967 - Which of the following is used by cells to interact with other cells?

Cell junctions

968 - What is the name of the interaction made by the immune system?


969 - Cell junction is abundant in __________

Epithelial cells

970 - What is the function of tight junctions in epithelial cells?

Separation of fluids

971 - Tight junctions are made up of single junctions in our body.


972 - Which of the following is the continuous channel formed by the cell membranes?

Annular Shell

973 - What do you mean by leukocyte extravasation?

Movement of leukocytes to tissues

974 - Which of the following is a signaling molecule for bacteria?

Homoserine lactones

975 - Bacteria uses glycoproteins and glycolipids to attach itself to the host cell.


976 - Which of the following is the result of platelet interaction?


977 - Which microtubule-associated motor protein is responsible for the movement of cilia?


978 - How many cytoplasmic dyneins are present in eukaryotic cells?


979 - Colcemid is a drug that acts on ___________


980 - Outer microtubules in a cilium are generated from ______________

basal body

981 - Microtubules of cilia are stable.


982 - Cilia and flagella are the same structure.


983 - Non-motile cilia are called _________________

primary cilium

984 - Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is caused due to mutations in genes that affect the assembly of _____________


985 - Ciliopathies were first identified in model organisms _________________

C. elegans

986 - The core of the cilium is called ________________


987 - Purification of a protein can be measured as an increase in _____________

specific activity

988 - Total nitrogen measurement can be used to measure ____________

total protein

989 - Protein̢۪s solubility depends on the relative balance between protein-solvent and protein-protein interactions.


990 - Which of the following can be used for selective precipitation of proteins?

ammonium sulfate

991 - In the liquid column chromatography, there are two phases namely ___________________ and ____________________

mobile, immobile

992 - Which of the following uses non-compressible matrix and high pressure?


993 - When the pH of a protein is lowered _________________________

negatively-charged groups neutralize

994 - A protein is neutral at the isoelectric point.


995 - Which of the following is used as an ion-exchanger resin?


996 - In ion-exchange chromatography, proteins bound to the resin can be displaced by increasing the _____________________

strength of ionic buffer

997 - Gel-filtration chromatography separates proteins based on their ___________________

effective size

998 - In gel-filtration chromatography, the proteins ______________________

diffuse through the column

999 - Proteins interacting with specific substances can be separated using ___________________

affinity chromatography

1000 - The yeast two-hybrid system is used for studying ________________________

protein-protein interactions

1001 - Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis uses ___________________ to separate proteins.

electric field

1002 - How many types of cell signaling are there?


1003 - In which type of signaling, the cell that expresses messenger molecules also produces receptors?


1004 - Cell signaling is a process by which cells communicate.


1005 - Paracrine messenger molecules are usually ________________


1006 - Endocrine messengers are also called ___________________


1007 - The primary messenger molecules bind to the transmembrane receptors.


1008 - Protein kinases and phosphatases act by altering ______________ of the signaling proteins.


1009 - To which of the following residues of the protein, the protein kinases do not add phosphate groups?


1010 - The process by which extracellular messages translate into intracellular changes is termed _________________

signal transduction

1011 - The a, b, and c respectively in the following image are _________________________

autocrine, paracrine, endocrine

1012 - Steroids are derived from ________________


1013 - Which messenger molecules are derived from arachidonic acid?


1014 - G-protein coupled receptors contain ________ transmembrane alpha helices.


1015 - Whole genome duplication is termed as __________________


1016 - Which hypothesis was proposed by Susuma Ohno in 1971?

2R hypothesis

1017 - Amphioxus is a _____________________

marine animal

1018 - Gene duplication occurs by unequal crossing over.


1019 - Unequal crossing over takes place due to _______________ of chromosomes.


1020 - Which of the following is an intervening, non-coding sequences?


1021 - Pseudogenes are _______________


1022 - Who was the first person to suggest that genes were capable of moving around the genome?

Barbara McClintock

1023 - Transposase is a __________ enzyme.


1024 - In human cell nucleus, at least _____ percent of DNA has been derived from transposable elements.

None of the mentioned

1025 - Which of the following type of repeating sequence arise due to transposition of elements?

moderately repeating sequences

1026 - DNA transposons found in the human genome are capable of movement.


1027 - Alu sequences are ________________


1028 - Mercaptoethanol breaks which bonds present in the protein?


1029 - The tertiary structure of a protein corresponds to which energy state?


1030 - The Creutzfeld-Jacob disease attacks the ______________


1031 - Which protein is involved in Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (CJD)?


1032 - The mutated and normal prion proteins associated with CJD have the same amino acid sequence.


1033 - Amyloid is a ____________

fibrillar deposits

1034 - Which peptide for the treatment of Alzheimer̢۪s disease was approved by the government for phase I clinical trial?


1035 - Which of the following is an antibody against AÃŽ²42 peptide?


1036 - Which of the following is an NSAID for Alzheimer̢۪s disease, that lead to Phase III clinical trials?


1037 - In addition to amyloid-ÃŽ² peptide, which other protein is misfolded in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients?


1038 - Methylthionium chloride is a __________________


1039 - Meiosis ensures the production of a haploid phase.


1040 - One round of meiotic division gives rise to _____ haploid cells.


1041 - A highly specialized sperm cell is also called ________________


1042 - Vertebrate eggs are typically fertilized before ___________________ is complete.


1043 - Zygotic meiosis only occurs in _______________________


1044 - The sporic or intermediate meiosis is unrelated to gamete formation.


1045 - Leptotene and zygotene are the stages that occur during _____________ of meiosis.

prophase II

1046 - Chiasmata are ____ shaped structures.


1047 - Aneuploidy is the condition associated with ______________

abnormal chromosome umber

1048 - A fetus with which of the following abnormalities might not succumb soon after birth?

trisomy 21

1049 - __________ in males occurs with a much lower level of chromosomal abnormalities than in females.


1050 - Presence of an extra copy of which chromosome leads to the Doen syndrome?

chromosome 21

1051 - The absence of second X chromosome in a female leads to _______________________

Turner syndrome

1052 - Klinefelter syndrome is associated with ________________

human males

1053 - The likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome increases with _________________

age of mother

1054 - Cortex (of a cell) is located beneath the _____________

plasma membrane

1055 - Which type of cytoskeletal elements are involved in nonmuscle motility?


1056 - Nucleation is the slowest step in actin filament formation.


1057 - Which of the following nucleating protein generates unbranched actin filaments?


1058 - Which of the following binds to G-actin?


1059 - Monomer-sequestering proteins are responsible for high concentration of G-actin in nonmuscle cells.


1060 - Tropomodulin is a ___________

capping protein

1061 - Which of the following has an opposing role as that of thymosin?


1062 - Which of the following can fragment actin filaments?


1063 - Filamin is an example of ___________ proteins.


1064 - Cross-linking proteins villin and fimbrin are found in ___________


1065 - The protein responsible for muscular dystrophy, dystrophin, is a __________ protein.


1066 - An organism in which cell motility takes place solely as a result of actin polymerization is ____________________

Listeria monocytogenes

1067 - ActA, a surface protein activates the ______________

Arp2/3 complex

1068 - Lamellipodium is a protrusion of ________________

actin filaments

1069 - Mitochondria is the organ for ______

Cellular respiration

1070 - The protruding invaginated sheets inside mitochondria is known as _____


1071 - The inner boundary membrane and inner cristal membrane are joined by ____

Cristae junctions

1072 - Which part of mitochondria has almost 70-75% protein content?

Inner membrane

1073 - Which part of mitochondria is responsible for the degradation of many enzymes?

Outer membrane

1074 - In the inner membrane of mitochondria, there is one protein molecule for approximately every _______

15 phospholipids

1075 - Cardiolipin present in inner mitochondrial membrane plays a role in ___________

Activation of proteins involved in electron oxidation

1076 - Porins are present in ____________

Both inner and outer membrane

1077 - The mitochondrial DNA in humans encode for how many poplypeptides?


1078 - Human mitochondrial DNA encodes for ____________

2 rRNAs

1079 - Human mitochondrial DNA encodes for _________

22 tRNA

1080 - The mitochondrial RNA polymerase is made up of _____________

1 subunit

1081 - T-cells are activated by _______________

fragments of antigens

1082 - The dendritic cells were discovered by _______________

Ralph Steinman

1083 - Each T-cell has a single species of T-cell receptor.


1084 - The activation of T-cell by the dendritic cells is associated with __________________

increase in calcium ions

1085 - Proliferation of T-cells in response to antigen presentation is accompanied by enlargement of __________________

lymph nodes

1086 - After the clearance of foreign antigen, the expanded T-cell population ________________

dies by apoptosis

1087 - T-cells secrete antibodies for eradicating the infected cells.


1088 - Cytokines are ________________


1089 - Chemokines act as ___________________


1090 - Perforins and granzymes are secreted by ______________________

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

1091 - After entering the target cells, the granzymes activate the ______________________


1092 - Cytotoxic T cells are _____________


1093 - Helper T lymphocytes possess ____________ proteins on their surface.


1094 - Which of the following is the main target of HIV?

Helper T cells

1095 - Which of the following is an essential requirement for the differentiation of regulatory T cells?


1096 - "Dark matter" is the region of the chromosome that constitutes highly repeated sequences.


1097 - The process by which a single gene can code for multiple proteins is called ___________

alternative splicing

1098 - Systems biology is the study of Biological systems in humans.


1099 - Intergenic and intronic DNA are essentially same.


1100 - Some of the fastest evolving genes encode for proteins involved in _________________________

regulation of gene expression

1101 - Which of the following regions is involved in the development of brain?


1102 - The AMY1 gene encodes for __________


1103 - The FOXP2 gene is responsible for _________________


1104 - Sites in the genome that are different among individuals are referred to as __________________

genetic polymorphisms

1105 - Which of the following blocks of DNA have a low frequency of recombination?


1106 - Who discovered plasmodesmata?


1107 - Gap junctions are otherwise known as plasmodesmata.


1108 - Gap junctions are absent in __________

Sperm cells

1109 - What is the gap junction in nerves called?

Electrical synapse

1110 - What is the diameter of a gap junction?

1.2 - 2 nm

1111 - What is the chemical formula for rotigaptide?


1112 - Which cell organelle covers the plasmodesmata of the cells?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

1113 - Which genetic disorder is associated with dysfunction of gap junction?

Vohwinkel̢۪s syndrome

1114 - Which of the following disease associated with the nervous system is caused by disorder in gap junctions?

Brain ischemia

1115 - Fluidity and viscosity are the same.


1116 - Which of the following attributes of the membrane is most affected at the transition temperature?


1117 - The ___________ the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids of the bilayer, the ___________ the temperature before the bilayer gels.

greater, lower

1118 - Which of the following molecules affects the mobility of fatty acyl chains in the plasma membrane?


1119 - Which of the following occurs in the membrane, when the temperature is lowered?


1120 - Lipid rafts are patches of cholesterol and ________________


1121 - Cell fusion can be performed on two cells from different species.


1122 - In the experiments to demonstrate the mobility of membrane proteins, which cells were fused with human cells?

mouse cells

1123 - Which phenomena are made use of in the technique FRAP?


1124 - Which type of molecules are used in SPT?

gold particles

1125 - The use of optical tweezers in membrane biology was done to confirm the ________________ nature of membranes.


1126 - The sperm cell is covered by a _____________

continuous membrane

1127 - Hemolysis is associated with which type of cells?

red blood cells

1128 - Band 3 and glycophorins are membrane proteins that contain ________________


1129 - Which is the first membrane protein to have its amino acid sequence determined?

Glycophorin A

1130 - The segregation of alleles on one trait did not have any effect on the segregation of alleles on a different trait. This is based on ____________

Mendel̢۪s law of Independent Assortment

1131 - Genes that show tendency to be inherited together is known as ____________

Linkage group

1132 - Giant polytene chromosomes are found in ___________

Salivary gland of larvae of fruit fly

1133 - An example of co-dominance is ____________

Human ABO blood group system

1134 - How can it be determined whether the parent progeny is homozygous or heterozygous?

Test cross

1135 - The expression of Holandric genes causes the following genetic trait ______________


1136 - The method of DNA replication is _____________


1137 - The DNA binding proteins bind at the _______________

Major groove

1138 - DNA denaturation can occur through ________

All of the mentioned

1139 - Human Genome Project was focused on discovering the details of ___________

Junk DNA

1140 - Which of the following are untranslated regions of messenger RNAs?


1141 - Which of the following is not an aspect of translational-level control?

mRNA degradation

1142 - Messenger RNA from which gene is localized at the anterior end of fruit fly?


1143 - During the process of cytoplasmic localization, translation is inhibited.


1144 - Pre-synthesized mRNAs are stored in the __________________ in an inactive state.


1145 - When human cell is subjected to stressful condition ___________________ is activated.

protein kinase

1146 - Which of the following is a contributor of mRNA stability?

Poly(A) tail

1147 - The degradation of mRNA begins, when its tail reduces to _________ residues.


1148 - Which of the following is a temporary storage site for RNAs?


1149 - To carry out translational-level control, miRNAs bind to __________ of their target mRNAs.


1150 - Which enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of microRNAs?


1151 - The genetic material of a prokaryote is present in the ______________


1152 - Which of the following is not true for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Both contain Golgi apparatus for protein trafficking

1153 - Which of the following is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


1154 - Which of the following polysaccharide is not present in the eukaryotic plant cell wall?


1155 - Biofilms are ________________

Complex, multispecies communities

1156 - Escherichia coli commonly inhabit the _______________ place.

Human digestive tract

1157 - How many basal body rings do Gram positive bacteria have in the flagella?


1158 - The rotary engine made of protein at the base of the flagella is driven by ______________

Proton- motive force

1159 - Who elaborated on the significance of codons?

George Gamow

1160 - The genetic code is degenerate.


1161 - How many codons do not code for amino acids?


1162 - The degeneracy of code was originally predicted by __________________

Francis Crick

1163 - First artificially synthesized gene sequence was _________________


1164 - Which was the first artificially synthesized polypeptide?


1165 - UGA is a universal stop codon.


1166 - Which of the following is a stop codon in mitochondrial mRNA?


1167 - A change in nucleotide sequence that does not affect the amino acid sequence is called _____________ change.


1168 - Which of the following is not a proximal promoter element?


1169 - Deletion maps are used to determine sites in the genome which interact with ___________________

transcription factors

1170 - Which type of enzymes is used in DNA footprinting?

DNA-digesting enzymes

1171 - Which enzyme is used to kill the cells in genome-wide location analysis?


1172 - Chromatin immuno-precipitation is induced by _____________________


1173 - Microarrays used in the ChIP experiments contain non-coding DNA.


1174 - Analogues of glucocorticoids are prescribed as ________________ agents.


1175 - Glucocorticoids are released during periods of __________________


1176 - Expression of genes is also regulated by distant DNA elements called _________________


1177 - Which of the following majorly influences the activity of genes during early mammalian development?


1178 - Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is caused due to disturbances in which of the following chromosomes?


1179 - A single gene can encode two or more related proteins by the process of _________________

alternative splicing

1180 - RNA editing is the mechanism in which specific amino acids are converted after _______________


1181 - RNA editing is particularly important in the ________________

nervous system

1182 - Which of the following products of RNA editing plays an important role in the absorption of fats?

apolipoprotein B-48

1183 - Which of the following molecules is present in the mitochondrion?

Acetyl CoA

1184 - The enzymes of glycolysis are located in the ______________


1185 - How many reactions are constituted in a glycolytic pathway?


1186 - At the expense of two ATP molecules, how many phosphate groups are present on the fructose in the third step of glycolysis?


1187 - How many molecules of ATP are formed per molecule of glucose oxidized?


1188 - Most of the free energy present in the glucose is stored as ATP after glycolysis.


1189 - In presence of oxygen, how many additional molecules of ATP can be formed by metabolizing pyruvate and NADH in the mitochondria?

more than 30

1190 - Decarboxylation of pyruvate group takes place in the ________________


1191 - Coenzyme A is derived from _________________

pantothenic acid

1192 - Who discovered cell wall?

Karl Rudolphi

1193 - What organism lacks cell wall?


1194 - Bacteria can be divided into classes namely gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria based on their cell wall.


1195 - Which component is present in the cell wall of fungi?


1196 - What is S- layer?

Surface layer

1197 - The cell wall of diatoms composed of __________

Biogenic silica

1198 - Which of the following bacteria lacks cell wall?

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

1199 - What is present in the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

Mycolic acid

1200 - Which of the following antibiotics have their mode of action of inhibition of cell wall synthesis?


1201 - Which of the following cell wall component can effectively defend against lysozyme?


1202 - Response to external stimulus is called _______________


1203 - Information is coded in the form of fast moving impulse in which types of cells?


1204 - Which part of a neuron receives information from other neurons?


1205 - The information is forwarded from the neuron through which part?


1206 - Myelin sheath is composed mainly of _____________


1207 - Membrane potential is present only in nerve cells.


1208 - Which of the following exists in nerve and muscle cells?

resting potential

1209 - Which of the following has the highest permeability in a resting nerve cell?


1210 - On which of the following organisms, the research on nerve cells was first carried out?

Giant squid

1211 - Depolarization is when ___________ ions flow inside the neuron̢۪s membrane.


1212 - A neuron fires when _____________________

action potential is achieved

1213 - Saltatory conduction occurs due to _______________

nodes of ranvier

1214 - Local anesthetics act by _____________ the ion channels.


1215 - Action potential can only flow in the forward direction.


1216 - Energy absorbed from sunlight is stored as chemical energy in which of the following biomolecules?


1217 - Which types of molecules are synthesized in light-independent (dark) reactions?


1218 - Photon of light of higher wavelength has _____________ energy.


1219 - Pigments absorb light of particular wavelengths.


1220 - Which part of the chlorophyll is responsible for absorption of light?

porphyrin ring

1221 - Which atoms are present in the porphyrin of a chlorophyll molecule?


1222 - What are carotenoids?


1223 - Carotenoids dissipate absorbed energy as heat.


1224 - Which of the following type of spectrum is a plot of efficiency of different types of wavelengths in bringing about the photosynthesis?

action spectrum

1225 - Which of the following contains a linear system of conjugated double bonds?


1226 - Which of the following together represent an endomembrane system?

cytoplasmic structures

1227 - Organelles of the endomembrane system are stable and static.


1228 - Proteins are synthesized in which of the following organelle of the endomembrane system?

Endoplasmic reticulum

1229 - There are ______ types of secretory activities of a cell.


1230 - In regulated secretion, materials are __________


1231 - Which type of endomembrane secretion occurs in nerve cells?


1232 - What of the following molecules is not transported through the secretory pathway of endomembrane system?

nucleic acids

1233 - In the endocytic pathway, materials are discharged from the cell.


1234 - Which of the following biomolecules are contained in the lysosomes?


1235 - Which type of signals direct the proteins to their appropriate cellular destinations?

sorting signals

1236 - Proteome is a ____________

An inventory of the total amount of proteins

1237 - Which of the following is not a protein denaturant?

Acetic acid

1238 - Which of the following is untrue?

Protein folding occurs in Golgi bodies

1239 - RNA does not have the nitrogen base of _______


1240 - Which of the following is functionally the odd one out?


1241 - Which of the following RNA is artificially made?


1242 - In RNA transcription, which of the following is a part of TBP-associated factor (TAF)?


1243 - Those part of the DNA or gene that contribute to the mRNA product is called _________


1244 - Which of the following disaccharides have beta (1->4) bond?

Lactose and Cellobiose

1245 - An example of polar but uncharged amino acid is ___________


1246 - Example of a polar amino acid is ____________


1247 - Why are enzymes required?

Enzymes decrease the activation energy of the reaction

1248 - Competitive enzyme inhibitors are ________

Reversible inhibitors

1249 - Which of the following is a non-competitive inhibitor against protease produced by HIV?


1250 - Allosteric enzymes are which _______

Have multiple subunits

1251 - Feedback inhibition occurs due to _______

Increase in product to a certain level

1252 - Enzymes that transfer the phosphate group from one protein to another is called _____


1253 - The enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a proton from a reactant to NAD+ is known as ______


1254 - The functions of ATP are ___________

All of the mentioned

1255 - In anaerobic respiration, pyruvic acid is converted to _______


1256 - The cofactor in Haber̢۪s process is __________


1257 - TEM and SEM are the same microscopy techniques.


1258 - The resolving power of TEM is derived from _______________


1259 - The cathode of transmission electron microscope consists of a ____________________

tungsten wire

1260 - The resolution attainable with standard TEM is less than the theoretical value.


1261 - During TEM, a vacuum is created inside the _________________________


1262 - Which of the following component of TEM focuses the beam of electrons on the sample?

condenser lens

1263 - Image formation in electron microscope is based on ___________________________

differential scattering

1264 - The biological materials have little intrinsic capability to ____________________

scatter electrons

1265 - Glutaraldehyde is a ________________


1266 - Osmium is a ___________________

heavy metal

1267 - In TEM, the tissue is stained by floating on drops of ______________________

heavy metal soutions

1268 - Shadow casting is a technique of visualizing ___________________

isolated particles


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