Ecosystem in Biology MCQs The Most Important

Ecosystem in Biology topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Ecosystem in Biology Chapter# 20, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 60 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Ecosystem in Biology . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Ecosystem in Biology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Major regional ecological community of plants and animals forms


2 - The actual location or place where an organism lives is


3 - The role a species plays in a community including behavior and influence is


4 - Study of a single population's relationship to its environment is called


5 - The biosphere covers about

16-20 km

6 - Abiotic components include

All of these

7 - Which statement is true?

Fungi and bacteria are decomposers

8 - Sequence of changes in community and its non-living environment over a period of time is


9 - Plants growing in xeric conditions are called


10 - Lichen and algae form

Pioneers community

11 - Diverse and stable community at the end of succession is

Climax community

12 - Secondary succession starts from

From remains of previous ecosystem

13 - Hydrosere is

Primary succession starting in a pond

14 - Mosses are


15 - Wood forests form the

Climax community

16 - Disease in living organisms caused by parasites is called


17 - Legume plants are the hosts to


18 - A dual organism composed of symbiotic association of an alga living within a fungus myceliium is


19 - Symbiosis relationship in which only one organism is benefited is


20 - Sharks may have small fish attached to them called


21 - Over grazing leads to

Totally barren lands

22 - Nitrogen constitutes about ______ % of atmosphere


23 - Oxidation of ammonia or ammonium ions by bacteria in soil is called


24 - Gross primary production is

Total amount of energy fixed by all plants

25 - Plant biomass is

Both b and c

26 - Total solar energy trapped by the producers in an ecosystem is


27 - The major unit of ecology is


28 - Eco' part of word ecosystem means


29 - Which of the following is not true for food web?

Starts with primary consumers

30 - Which one of the following is more tolerant to herbivore


31 - Which of the following step of nitrogen cycle is not useful for plants


32 - Weather refers to

Both a and b

33 - Which statement about hydrospheric ecosystem is incorrect?

Salt water ecosystem covers about 75% earth surface

34 - Productivity of an ecosystem is indicated by

Both a and b

35 - In which zone plant community is most diverse

Littoral zone

36 - Which statement about profundal zone is correct?

Decomposers and detritus feeders inhabit it

37 - Eutrophication is

Adequate nutrition accelerated by human activities

38 - In polluted lake which organisms dominate the community

Blue green algae

39 - Evolution of vascular bundles in plants and skeleton in animals is an adaptation for

Terrestrial ecosystem

40 - Development of bark in plants and skin in animals is a method for

Reducing water loss

41 - Which statement is incorrect?

Coniferous forests located at high latitude are alpine

42 - Temperature of temperate deciduous forests is

4-30 degree C

43 - Coniferous forests located at high altitude are called


44 - Grass land in tropic climates with woody trees is called


45 - Zone of lake water which is of open water near the surface is


46 - Ecosystem of Shogran is

Temperate deciduous

47 - Mountains of Koh Hindukush come under


48 - Annual rainfall in grass land is

250-750 mm

49 - One of the most important cause of desertification is


50 - End of earth' is related to


51 - Desert ecosystem of Mianwali is


52 - In sub-humid tropical grassland productivity is more than


53 - Annual rainfall in deserts is less than

250-500 mm

54 - Treeless tundra of high latitude between taiga and polar ice caps is called

Arctic tundra

55 - The most fragile of all biomes is


56 - Which one is a non-renewable resource?

Natural gas

57 - Process that supplies food to living things through decaying and decomposition is called

Nutrient cycle


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