Tenses In English Language Most Important MCQs

Tenses In English Language topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Tenses In English Language topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Language. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 200 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Tenses In English Language . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Tenses In English Language covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - When I went back to my hometown three years ago, I found that a lot of changes ______.

had taken place

2 - Look ! A hamster ______ by a cat.

is being chased

3 - I'm sorry the house is not available any longer. It ______ to a timber tycoon.

has been sold

4 - Ai Ling ______ to Manhattan is 1997.

was transferred

5 - Passengers ______ to smoke in the train.

are not allowed

6 - Firemen who battled the fire reported that is ______ under control after forty minutes.

was brought

7 - The students ______ to leave the building immediately.

have been ordered

8 - In future, famous singers ______ to perform at charity concerts.

will be invited

9 - The roof may have been leaking for the past few weeks but you do not have to worry about it any longer. It ______ now.

is being repaired

10 - The price ______, but I doubt whether it will remain so.

has gone down

11 - The members ______ for a new committee in the coming meeting.

are voting

12 - They ______ ready for his moment for weeks.

have been getting

13 - ______ Pam and Bobby ______ the rules ?

Do, know

14 - Shareen ______ her driving test on the first attempt.


15 - The old lady ______ for a long time before she ______ away.

had been suffering, passed

16 - I ______ an appointment with the dentist soon.

will make

17 - The people next door ______ a lot of noise until past midnight.

were making

18 - A journalist ______ to interview you later today.

will be coming

19 - The clerk ______ the money from the bank by one o-clock.

will have withdrawn

20 - Charles ______ his father in the shop until school ______ .

is helping, starts

21 - Don't worry ______ late tonight.

if I am

22 - We're good friends. We ______ each other for a long time.

have known

23 - John ______ tennis once or twice a week

usually plays

24 - It's two years ______ Joe.

since I saw

25 - ______ a car when they were living in London ?

Did they have

26 - The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ______ before.

hadn't flown

27 - Allen ______ out when Barry arrived.

had gone

28 - We telephoned Carol but she ______.

had left

29 - Doris was sad because she _______ the test.

had failed

30 - Edward said that he ______ the book from Ramsey the day before.

had borrowed

31 - Jeffrey told me that he ______ the pen because he thought it was his.

had taken

32 - The girls ______ their housework before they came.

had done

33 - We ______ the room when she arrived.

had cleaned

34 - Mr. Gill _______ the boys before what would happen if he ever caught them smoking.

had told

35 - Mr. Harry ______ the doors before leaving the house.

had locked

36 - When Mrs. Black reached the shop, Mr. Kevin ______ already _______.

had ... left

37 - "I ______ to Mrs Sze about your matter. She wants you to see her as soon as possible," Mr. Goh said.

have spoken

38 - When Mariah reached home, Mike ______ dinner.

had cooked

39 - I ______ along the road for a kilometer when I realized that I was on the wrong road.

had driven

40 - We ______ watching television when the phone rang.


41 - "I ______ you before that you have to wash the rice before you can cook it !" shouted Mrs Thambi.

have told

42 - Shaun ______ me that the road could be dangerous. So, I drove carefully.

had informed

43 - He was only joking, as he ______ many times before.

had done

44 - Jay ______ only three letters home this year. He should write more often.

has written

45 - Mr Yew ______ Jessie good advice but Jessie did not take his advice.

had given

46 - By the end of the 15th century, the Portuguese ______ to Malacca.

had come

47 - I ______ often ______ what you look like. Won't you send me a photograph of yourself ?

have ... wondered

48 - The boy was sorry that he ______ asleep.

had fallen

49 - We ______ to visit you last month.

had planned

50 - The boys ______ going to visit their classmate who is sick and in the hospital


51 - Mrs. Lee told Miss Sow that she ______ paid too much for the car.


52 - There ______ many boys in the field every evening when school is over.


53 - My father ______ never stayed in a hospital until he had the heart attack.


54 - Ali accidentally ______ his mother's vase while playing in the hall just now.


55 - ______ kites is his favourite hobby.


56 - "Shall we ______ you cut the vegetables ?" we asked Mother.


57 - On my way to school, I ______ an old friend.


58 - It started to rain just before the guests ______.


59 - Did you see my new pair of shoes ? It ______ here a minute ago.


60 - The tragic news ______ announced over the radio a while ago.


61 - Harry saw the dog ______ the child's hand yesterday.


62 - We will ______ Hilly's birthday the following Tuesday.


63 - Everybody ______ a part to play in keeping the school clean.


64 - ______ each child have a pen to write with ?


65 - The children ______ to finish their test within an hour.


66 - Mother finished ______ the dishes while ______ to her friend on the phone.

washing ... talking

67 - None of the children ______ the answer to the question.


68 - Matthew usually ______ to school but yesterday he had to take a bus.


69 - Jill ______ when Kelly would call her when the phone rang.

was wondering

70 - After _____ all the questions, she left the exam hall.


71 - Always ______ to keep your toys after playing with them.


72 - Terry ______ in his room when his parents came back.

was sleeping

73 - Ants could be seen ______ around the food stall.


74 - Christmas ______ on 25 December every year.


75 - The crowing of the cockerel ______ us out of bed each morning.


76 - Does Fran ______ her pocket money every day ?


77 - ______ those books yours ?


78 - Do not disturb Danny. He ______ a nap.

is taking

79 - Most of the sugar ______ been used to make cookies.


80 - Osman enjoys ______ his sister with her homework.


81 - Hailey ______ not return the book on time.


82 - Shall we ______ Yati at the hospital now ?


83 - The boy ___ to walk fast as it was about to rain.


84 - The Tan family ______ their dinner when the doorbell rang.

was having

85 - Terry prefers playing computer games to ______.


86 - The doctor is busy ______ to his patients.


87 - Look at that young bird ______ near the nest.


88 - It ______ heavily so we had to postpone the game.


89 - The boys ______ their homework and then they took a nap.


90 - Millie ______ a birthday cake for her father the night before.


91 - Allan ______ Susan just now to tell her about the plan.


92 - The dog did not ______ a collar tag, so it was caught by the dog catcher.


93 - Where ______ Faridah go last night ?


94 - Terry heard a dog ______ in the middle of the night.


95 - When my father saw me in the silly costume, he ______ to smile.


96 - Do your work after you ______ your lunch.

have taken

97 - The teacher scolded Farid; he ______ while the teacher was talking.

was playing

98 - ______ he know what he is talking about ?


99 - Please ______ softly when you are in the library.


100 - Fred will not ______ to the picnic if he is still not feeling well.


101 - Be quiet while I ______ of a plan to get us out of here.


102 - Stop the ______ and get on with the chores.


103 - This chest of drawers ______ quite a bit of money.


104 - ______ it you or Hamid who ate my apple ?


105 - The books on the table ______ to me.


106 - The child laughed while ______ my funny questions.


107 - ______ that your teacher over there ? He is very young.


108 - We ______ our annual sports day at the National Stadium next Monday.

will hold

109 - The committee ______ immediate action when they were told of the problem.


110 - Kitty plans ______ the bottles in her house.

to recycle

111 - Gerry does not ______ very much about the earth.


112 - Were the girls ______ the floor when you ______ the classroom ?

sweeping ... entered

113 - May I ______ my pet hamster to school tomorrow ?


114 - David was given three hours to ______ his test.


115 - Neither the girls nor Ali ______ to the barbecue tonight.

is going

116 - Kelly, together with Rani, ______ to the bookshop and buys herself a new pen.


117 - Everyone ______ to contribute an item for the concert.


118 - My family and I ______ for our weekly outing at the park every Saturday.


119 - Like the monkey, the elephant also ______ to eat nuts.


120 - ______ there anyone in this room who can play the piano ?


121 - Among the three girls, Sally ______ the fairest complexion.


122 - My parents ______ my effort in helping out with the chores every day.


123 - Either the boys or Ahmad ______ the bus home every day.


124 - The boys ______ making a lot of noise under the block just now.


125 - He _______ up straight when his teacher called his name.


126 - Molly, together with her friends, ______ walking to the beach now.


127 - Neither the girls nor their father ______ to eat vegetables.


128 - All the children ______ their ice cream

are enjoying

129 - Most of the boys ______ fishing this weekend.

will go

130 - Both the boys and the girl ______ shy.


131 - ______ you know the correct answer to this question ?


132 - ______ you know the correct answer to this question ?


133 - Harriet, like Tim, ______ fond of cats.


134 - Some of the pots and a pail ______ left behind after the party.


135 - Each of the 20 questions on the test paper ______ two marks.


136 - Just like her parents, Molly ______ swimming.


137 - Of the twins, Ingrid ______ the cleverer one.


138 - A number of boys ______ caught playing truant.


139 - How much does a can of sardines ______ ?


140 - None of the shirts ______ nice enough for my friend.


141 - Each of the participants ______ a rope to tie round their ankles.


142 - Neither Ann nor I ______ to sleep tonight; we plan to talk all night.


143 - Lili ______ herself while cycling at the park earlier.


144 - Vera and Dora ______ watching the sunset just now.


145 - All the plants, except the hibiscus, ______.

are wilting

146 - Jill, together with Akila, ______ to the football match tonight.

is going

147 - Sammy, with his two cousins, ______ to visit their grandmother at the hospital later today.

is going

148 - ______ everyone taken a souvenir ?


149 - Everyone ______ home now except for the janitor.

is going

150 - No one ______ where Brady has gone to.


151 - The carton of drinks ______ a gift for the party.


152 - A band of musicians ______ the famous singer during her concert tonight.

is accompanying

153 - Darren, as well as Mike, ______ swimming in the pool now.


154 - A lot of people ______ round the accident victim.

are crowding

155 - None of the children ______ another piece of cake.


156 - The food ______ left untouched as everyone had to leave in a hurry.


157 - ______ there any vegetables in the dish ?


158 - The victorious team ______a round of applause to their supporters.


159 - Does the teacher ______ why Tina was absent yesterday ?


160 - Ali, together with Harris, ______ punished for their mischief.


161 - Nether Yiliang nor Terry ______ happy with the situation.


162 - Each of the helpers ______a souvenir after the parade.


163 - Nobody in my class ______ any idea how to surprise Meiling on her birthday.


164 - There ______ much food left but there are some sandwiches over there.


165 - One of the lions in the enclosure ______ sick and has been sent to the vet.


166 - During lunch today, I ______ fishball noodles.


167 - None of these letters ______ from my pen pal !


168 - Except for Troy, all the other children ______ their fees now.

are paying

169 - Miss Lee suggested ______ donations during the weekends.


170 - None of the soldiers in the army ______ allowed to bring their weapons home.


171 - You ______ a large amount of flour to make a cake.


172 - Marianne and her mother ______ the same hair color.


173 - While ______ the dog, Yen ______ with an accident.

walking ... met

174 - "Do not ______ the gift now," his father told him.


175 - Every day, Kamal ______ to school together with his friend, Sam.


176 - Nobody ever ______ to be called a coward.


177 - The Chua family ______ on a trip to Malacca this weekend.

is going

178 - The witness saw the thief ______ the old lady.


179 - Almost all of the bread ______ eaten by the hungry boy.


180 - Katie liked ______ the weaker girls in her class with their work.


181 - Not all the durians ______ ripe.


182 - Please ______ me the salt and pepper.


183 - What did each child ______ as a souvenir for National Day ?


184 - When he is older, he wants to ______ a pilot.


185 - Will you please ______ down the volume of the radio ?


186 - Nowadays a lot of children _______ how to swim.


187 - Do you know who ______ so much noise ?

is making

188 - " ______ this bag ______ to you ?" he asked her.

Does ... belong

189 - I ______ to be left alone. Please go away.


190 - The goods ______ by ship on the fifth of July.

are arriving

191 - He ______ about the food sold at his school canteen.

is always complaining

192 - ______ you ______ that tomorrow is the last day of the year ?

are organizing

193 - I ______ several hundred stamps in my collection.


194 - The little boy ______ to go to bed early.

does not like

195 - The train ______ for Penang at half past eight.


196 - The policeman ______ our neighborhood every day.


197 - The files ______ in the locked cabinet. Get the key from Mrs. Naidu.

are kept

198 - The machine ______ of many parts, the names of which I always ______.

consists; forget

199 - Traffic ______ to flow more smoothly when work on widening the highway ______.

is expected; is completed

200 - I ______ the watch that you lost yesterday.

have found

201 - She ______ all afternoon, yet she complains of a headache.

has been resting

202 - My back is aching because I ______ the furniture in the living room.

have been rearranging

203 - ______ you ever ______ by the teacher before ?

Have ... been scolded

204 - They ______ to each other since they quarreled.

have not been talking

205 - The doorbell ______ twice.

has rung

206 - ______ you ______ the meanings of any of those difficult words so far ?

Have ... found

207 - A priceless article ______ from the showroom.

has been stolen

208 - Someone ______ my things. The cupboard is in a mess.

has stolen

209 - She ______ cakes; there's flour on her hands.

has been baking

210 - ______ she ______ her documents again ?

Has ... misplaced

211 - The tenants ______ a month to vacate the house.

have been given

212 - ______ you ______ the forms yet ?

Have ... submitted


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