Verb In English Grammar Most Important MCQs

Verb In English Grammar topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Verb In English Grammar topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Language. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 200 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Verb In English Grammar . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Verb In English Grammar covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Could you turn _____ the TV? The soap opera is about to start.


2 - There was nothing good on TV so I turned it _____ and went to bed.


3 - The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____ a bit?


4 - The TV is too quiet. Can you turn it _____ a bit?


5 - I´ve been looking _____ my car keys for half an hour. Have you seen them anywhere?


6 - My mother has offered to look _____ the children, so we can go to the party.


7 - If you don´t know what the word means, you'll have to look it _____ in the dictionary.


8 - The meeting has been put _____ to Friday as so many people have got the flu.


9 - The meeting has been brought _____ to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation.


10 - The company is taking _____ new workers to meet this projected demand.


11 - We will have to start laying people _____ if things don´t start to improve.


12 - Get _____ the bus before it's impossible to get a seat.


13 - This is my stop. I have to get _____ the bus here.


14 - Get _____ and I´ll give you a lift.


15 - What time does John's flight get _____ ? I think it's due at 6.30


16 - Thanks for the lift. I can get _____ here.


17 - I´ll have to get ____ the car. I think I´m going to be sick.

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18 - As so many people are ill, the meeting has been put _____ to next Friday.


19 - The police are looking _____ the matter, which they regard as very serious.


20 - I don´t how how he gets _____ on his salary. He can't earn enough to pay for food, the car and rent.


21 - Do you feel _____ going out for a beer or two this evening?


22 - John can just about get _____ in French if he has to. He can normally make himself understood.


23 - I´d like to fix _____ a meeting for some time early next week.


24 - He has finally managed to give _____ smoking after years of trying.


25 - I've already had five guesses. I give _____ . Just tell me the answer!


26 - If we don´t check _____ by 11.30, we´ll have to pay for another night.


27 - I´m going to try and cheer John _____ with a surprise party.


28 - They do _____ houses and then sell them on at a profit.


29 - I´m sorry I had to cancel our dinner date, but I promise I´ll make it _____ to you.


30 - "She has turned down their job offer" means:

She has refused it.

31 - "The company is taking on new workers" means:

They are hiring new staff.

32 - "We are bringing the next phase of the negotiations forward" means:

We´re going to have then earlier than initially planned.

33 - "She has decided to take up their job offer" means:

She has accepted it

34 - "We are going to put the next meeting back a bit" means:

We´re going to have to hold it at a later date.

35 - "Something has come up" means:

An unexpected problem has arisen

36 - "I must pick the children up from school" means:

I must collect them from school

37 - "That´s a lot of information to take in all at once" means:

That´s a lot of information to absorb and process

38 - "I have to drop the children off at school" means:

I have to leave them at school

39 - "I don´t get on with him very well" means:

We don´t have a very good relationship

40 - "We have no idea what the final bill will come to" means:

We have no idea what the final cost will be.

41 - "We´re going to have to let him go" means:

We´re going to have to lay him off.

42 - "The alarm clock didn't go off this morning" means:

It didn´t ring.

43 - "John didn't turn up until 10.30" means:

He didn´t arrive until 10.30.

44 - "Make sure you wrap up well when you go out" means:

Wear lots of thick clothes.

45 - "John´s planning to do up his apartment" means:

He´s planning to redecorate it

46 - "I´m afraid I can´t go along with the proposal" means:

I can´t agree to the proposal.

47 - "He takes after his father" means:

He resembles his father, either physically or in personality.

48 - Steve works out a lot means:

He goes to the gym a lot

49 - "Their marriage didn´t work out because they had nothing in common" means:

Their marriage wasn´t successful.

50 - He won a lot of money on the lottery but gave most of it _____ to charity.


51 - I think we'll have to throw this milk _____ as it's really starting to smell.


52 - I owe John $50. I really must pay him _____ soon before I forget all about it.


53 - The children all ran _____ when the big dog started barking.


54 - Put your toys _____ now children as it´s time for dinner.


55 - Please put the furniture _____ exactly where it was before you started moving things around.


56 - We´re thinking of going _____ for the weekend if the weather stays like this.


57 - John was knocked _____ by a car yesterday. Fortunately, he wasn't badly hurt.


58 - I don´t like this picture; I´m going to take it _____ .


59 - I think I´m going to put the new picture _____ over there. It should look good there.


60 - I think I might drop _____ and see John later as I haven't seen him since he got back from the States.


61 - A number of interesting points came _____ at the last meeting. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to discuss them all.


62 - John brought _____ some interesting points at the last meeting. I was particularly interested in his thoughts on HR.


63 - His mother passed _____ last year after a long illness


64 - This room is a real mess. I want you to tidy it _____ immediately. You can start by making the beds.


65 - When his mother passed away he came _____ quite a bit of money.


66 - I´m absolutely snowed ____ at work at the moment. Things are always really hectic at this time of year.


67 - I sneaked _____ work half an hour late and I don't think anyone saw me.


68 - I sneaked _____ _____ work an hour early to meet my girlfriend. I don´t think anyone saw me.

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69 - We've certainly got a lot of problems to sort _____ at the moment.


70 - I've really got to revise for my accountancy exams. I'll have to spend all night mugging _____ .


71 - John made _____ a frankly ridiculous excuse for not having finished the report.


72 - I came _____ this old photo of my grandparents when I looking for something in the attic.


73 - I bumped _____ John in the town this afternoon. I hadn't seen him since university.


74 - I still haven´t completely ruled _____ the possibility of taking the job. I'm keeping my options open.


75 - Jane has come _____ _____ a great new way to cut production costs.

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76 - John lost control of his car at speed and crashed _____ a wall. Fortunately, he wasn't very badly injured.


77 - If the photocopier has been fixed, could you run _____ twenty copies of this report, please?


78 - I´m going to have to dip _____ my savings to pay for the repairs. I was hoping to use the money for something more interesting.


79 - I´m having my house done _____ at the moment, so I´m staying with friends while the building and decorating is being done


80 - "The company is laying off workers" means:

They are cutting staff.

81 - "The meeting has been called off" means:

The meeting has been cancelled

82 - "We want to fix something up for later this week" means:

We would like to arrange a meeting for later in the week.

83 - "I think we can fit you in at 5.30" means:

We can arrange an appointment for 5.30.

84 - "John brought up the possibility of lay-offs at the last meeting" means:

John mentioned the possibility of lay-offs.

85 - "One day she´s going to come into a lot of money" means:

One day she´s going to inherit a lot of money

86 - "It was David who came up with the new cost saving strategy" means:

It was David who conceived it

87 - "I think we can rule that option out" means:

We can exclude that option as a possibility.

88 - "It´s supposed to be clearing up later" means:

The weather´s supposed to improve later

89 - "Jane is always very well turned out" means:

She´s always very well dressed

90 - Someone broke _____ Pete´s house while he was out. They stole the DVD player and some cash.


91 - Now that Jane is entering her thirties, she wants to settle _______ and have children.


92 - I think she broke _____ the engagement because she felt she was too young to settle down.


93 - I don't think the government has any chance of pushing _____ the proposed new tax reform.


94 - The car broke _____ in the middle of nowhere. Luckily I managed to get a signal on my cell phone.


95 - The police forced an entrance by breaking _____ the security door.


96 - When he heard of his daughter´s death, he just broke _____ .


97 - Some prisoners broke _____ _____ jail last night. They are considered dangerous and desperate men who should not be approached by the public.

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98 - The negotiations have broken _____ yet again, this time over the question of overtime payments.


99 - They broke _____ from the company to form a rival firm sometime in the late seventies.


100 - Nobody really knows how this terrible situation came _____ .


101 - She finally came _____ to the idea, but she took a lot of convincing.


102 - This jacket is coming _____ at the seams. Why don´t you just throw it out?


103 - We´ve come _____ _____ quite a number of problems since we started the project.

up against

104 - I came _____ an old photo when I was clearing out the garage.


105 - The government´s economic policies have come _____ _____ some criticism lately.

in for

106 - They came _____ _____ an ingenious solution to the problem. I would never have thought of it myself.

up with

107 - He finally came _____ after being unconscious for a fair old time.


108 - The bill came _____ an incredible $350. Thank God I had a credit card on me.


109 - Her new book is coming _____ next month. They've already sold the film rights.


110 - John's little boy comes _____ with the funniest things. You never know what he's going to say next.


111 - I don´t know where I've seen him before, but it´ll come _____ me in a moment.


112 - Pete's coming _____ later to drop off that CD you wanted to borrow.


113 - Nobody knows how he came _____ his personal fortune. It´s all a bit of a mystery.


114 - Depending on the backlog of cases, his case should come _____ the courts some time next month.


115 - The man suddenly came _____ us with a knife. We had done nothing to provoke him.


116 - I don´t think any concrete proposals will come _____ the environmental conference. None of the participants seem willing to make meaningful concessions.


117 - A button has come _____ my shirt. I´ll have to sew it back on at some point.


118 - Sorry to cancel on you at such short notice, but I´m afraid something rather important has come _____ and I can't get out of it.


119 - A lot of people are coming _____ _____ this flu that's doing the rounds.

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120 - The police are hoping that somebody will come _____ with information that could lead to an arrest.


121 - Unfortunately, his performance didn't come _____ _____ our expectations and we had to let him go.

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122 - There´s no doubt that Pete came _____ just at the right moment.


123 - We're going out for a few beers this evening. You're more than welcome to come _____ if you want to.


124 - To be honest, it was a bit of a risky option, but fortunately it came _____ .


125 - He's taken a lot of convincing, but I think he´s finally coming _____ to our point of view.


126 - Those seeds I planted last week are already coming _____ . Lots of little green shoots have appeared.


127 - My roses should be coming _____ any time soon. That should brighten the garden up a bit.


128 - She finally came _____ and told her family and friends that she was gay.


129 - They´re still going _______ with the party even though they still haven´t found a venue.


130 - This milk must have gone ______ ; it´s been in the fridge for at least a week.


131 - To be honest, I've gone _____ the whole idea. It doesn't seem so appealing now that I'm aware of the risks involved.


132 - I´m sorry but I´m afraid we couldn't go _______ with that. I know the board would never agree to it.


133 - The car went _____ a wall at 50 mph, but amazingly nobody was seriously hurt.


134 - It's hardly surprising I was late for work: first the alarm clock didn't go _____ and then I got stuck in traffic.


135 - If you ever go to Thailand, be prepared for the customs officials to go _______ your luggage with a fine tooth comb.


136 - Nothing goes _______ better than a few cold ones after work on Friday. Yes, a few beers after work is as good as it gets.


137 - Someone dropped a match or a cigarette and the whole place just went _______ in flames.


138 - As soon as I got to the airport, I went _______ _______ the information desk to ask how long my flight would be delayed.

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139 - One thing I will say for John is that he never goes back _______ his word. If he promises to do something, he does it.


140 - As time goes _______ he seems to get even more antisocial.


141 - A bomb went _______ in the town centre last week. Nobody has claimed responsibility.


142 - There´s a particularly virulent strain of flu going _______ at the moment.


143 - John's going _______ saying that he was the one who called off the engagement, which is quite untrue.


144 - We've invited so many people to the barbecue. I hope there´s enough food to go _______ . I don't want anyone to go hungry. 1


145 - There's a rumour going _______ the company that the CEO is going to resign.


146 - This model goes _______ about $50,000. Cash buyers can normally expect some sort of a discount, however.


147 - He was born in Paris, but grew _____ in London.


148 - These trousers are so large that Pete´s son is going to need two years to grow _____ them.


149 - My children grow _____ _____ their shoes so quickly. Having to buy them new pairs so often is costing me a fortune.

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150 - They basically grew _____ _____ beans and rice. It was their staple diet as children.

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151 - I wasn't crazy about Peter at first but he´s growing _____ me. I like him a lot more now that I've got to know him a bit better.


152 - We grew _____ over the years, especially after she moved to the States. It was difficult to stay in touch over long distances before the internet 1


153 - What does your little boy want to be when he grows _____ ? He says he wants to be a fireman.


154 - I hated English beer at first, but I have to say it´s growing _____ me. I like it much more than when I first tried it.


155 - The product really grew _____ _____ some research done by a group of scientists at the University of California.

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156 - It´s about time you grew _____ . You're a bit old to be out every night chasing women.


157 - I think she feels that being married to Dave is holding her _____ . She feels she'd be able to do more if she weren't married to him.


158 - I wonder what's holding him _____ . He should have been here hours ago.


159 - He was so strong that it took four men to hold him ______ .


160 - He's never been able to hold _____ a job for more than six months.


161 - The union is holding _____ an increase of 5%, but they´ll never get it.

out for

162 - There's something he's not telling us. He's definitely holding _____ us.

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163 - The luxury end of the market is holding ______ relatively well all things considered. I thought the recession would hit it harder.


164 - Given the uncertainty in the market, we've decided to hold ______ on the investment for the immediate future.


165 - They're clearly holding their prices _____ to try and win market share. They must be barely covering their costs.


166 - The cinema is holding the film _____ for another week as it has proven so popular.


167 - The bank was held _____ at gunpoint by three masked men. They got away with about $50,000 in cash.


168 - Ever since I got the job instead of her, she has held it _____ me.


169 - I hope the rain holds _________ until Monday. We´re having a barbecue this weekend.


170 - When her grandfather died she _____ into quite a lot of money.


171 - There´s a problem with one of the machines which needs _____ into as a matter of urgency.


172 - We've been trying to _______ into the lucrative Japanese market for years.


173 - Their house has been _____ into three times in the last two years. Their insurance premiums must be very high.


174 - We have _____ into an agreement with them to supply spare parts for the next two years


175 - We'll have to _____ into our savings to pay for the rewiring of the house.


176 - With a bit of investment and hard work we could _____ this restaurant into a goldmine.


177 - I _____ into Pete in the shopping centre last week; I hadn't seen him since university.


178 - The car _____ into the wall at 75 miles an hour. Surprisingly, the driver and passengers were not badly hurt.


179 - I think he´s planning to _____ into banking when he finishes university.


180 - He kept ______ arriving late, so they had no choice but to sack him.


181 - I keep _______ the news by reading the online version of the New York Times.

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182 - Peter is having real problems keeping the birds _____ his vegetables.


183 - It's hard to keep the insects _____ without the use of pesticides. This organic farming isn't easy.


184 - If he has a fault it´s that he tends to digress a bit. In meetings for example, he has trouble keeping _____ the point.


185 - The cost of keeping these old buildings _____ is immense.


186 - She's still on a liquids only diet as she can´t keep anything solid _____ .


187 - I do wish you'd keep your ridiculous opinions _____ yourself.


188 - My son seems incapable of keeping _____ trouble at his new school.

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189 - My son seems incapable of keeping _____ bad influences. He always seems to make friends with the wrong sort.

away from

190 - We were asked, by the park authorities, to keep _____ the grass.


191 - Everyone should keep _____ of the building as it is going to be demolished and is probably structurally unsound.


192 - I'm really looking _____ to your barbecue on Saturday. Thanks very much for inviting me.


193 - Apparently some of our deliveries are not being sent out on time. Could you look ________ that for me?


194 - My mother is going to look ______ the children this evening so that we can go out to dinner.


195 - If you don´t know what the word means, look it ______ .


196 - I wonder if you'd mind looking this report ______ for me and giving me your opinion.


197 - She was so beautiful I couldn't stop looking ______ her.


198 - She tends to look ______ people from poorer backgrounds. She's a terrible snob.

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199 - Sorry I´m a bit late. I was looking ______ somewhere to park.


200 - He really looks ______ his father. He has enormous respect and admiration for him.

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201 - I look ______ to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


202 - I think we're going to have to _____ over what's been agreed so far just to make sure we´re all on the same page.



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