Idioms and Phrases In English Language Most Important MCQs

Idioms and Phrases In English Language topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Idioms and Phrases In English Language topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to English Language. Here examtry team design a series of MCQs based test that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 700 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Idioms and Phrases In English Language . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Idioms and Phrases In English Language covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To make clean breast of

To confess without of reserve

2 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To keeps one's temper

To be in good mood

3 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To catch a tartar

To catch a dangerous person

4 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To drive home

To emphasise

5 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To have an axe to grind

A private end to serve

6 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cry wolf

To give false alarm

7 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To end in smoke

To ruin oneself

8 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be above board

To be honest in any business deal

9 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To put one's hand to plough

To take a difficult task

10 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To pick holes

To criticise someone

11 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To leave someone in the lurch

To desert someone in his difficulties

12 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To play second fiddle

To support the role and view of another person

13 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To beg the question

To take for granted

14 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A black sheep

None of these

15 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A man of straw

A man of no substance

16 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To smell a rat

To suspect foul dealings

17 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hit the nail right on the head

To do the right thing

18 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To set one's face against

To oppose with determination

19 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Sobhraj could be easily arrested because the police were tipped off in a advance.

Given advance information

20 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

ignored me

21 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He passed himself off as a noble man.

Pretended to be

22 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: This matter has been hanging fire for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.

going on slowly

23 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.

die while still working

24 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The cricket match proved to be a big draw.

a huge attraction

25 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: When he heard that he had once again not been selected he lost heart.

became discouraged

26 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was undecided. He let the grass grow under his feet.

loitered around

27 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get the job.

Secret and unfair influence

28 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Companies producing goods play to the gallery to boost their sales.

attempt to appeal to popular taste

29 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to stew in his own juice.

Suffer for his own act

30 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The project did not appear to hold out bright prospects.


31 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am afraid he is burning the candle at both ends and ruining his life.

overtaxing his energies

32 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The university will have to shelve its plans for expansion in view of present situation


33 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Do no trust a man who blows his own trumpet

praises himself

34 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is out and out a reactionary.


35 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I did not mind what he was saying, he was only through his hat.

talking nonsense

36 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The case was held over due to the great opposition to it.


37 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In the organised society of today no individual or nation can plough a lonely furrow.

do without the help of others

38 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was he who put a spoke in my wheel.

thwarted in the execution of the plan

39 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is no longer easy to strike gold in Shakespeare's research since much work has already been done on him.

Uncover or find a valuable line of argument or information

40 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Sanjay is very different about passing the Civil Services Examination this year.

Lacking self confidence about

41 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Why must you look a gift horse in the mouth ?

find fault with a gift

42 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Dowry is a burning question of the day.

a widely debated issue

43 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Leaders should not only make speeches they should also be prepared to bell the cat.

To take lead in danger.

44 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The popularity of the yesterday's superstar is on the wane.

growing less

45 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is leaving the country for a good.


46 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is an interesting speaker but tends to go off at a tangent.

change the subject immediately

47 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He sold his house for a song.

very cheaply

48 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Despite the trust bestowed on the minister he turned out to be a snake in the grass during the revolution.

a secret enemy

49 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Women should be paid the same as men when they do the same job, for, surely what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

What is thought suitable pay for a man should also be for a woman

50 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The party stalwarts have advised the President to take it lying down for a while.

to show no reaction

51 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The thief took to his heels when he saw a policeman on the beat.

ran away from the scene

52 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He struck several bad patches before he made good.

Had many professional difficulties

53 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The accounts of the murder made her flesh creep.

Fill her with horror

54 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: How long will the people put up with the increasing economic hardships?


55 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The teacher warned the student once for all that no mischief shall be tolerated in the class.


56 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I hope it will not put you out If I am late.

irritate you

57 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Govind has left his country for good.


58 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Sanjay was the real power behind the throne and all politicians were aware of this.

The person who had the real control and power

59 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His friends let him down.


60 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I felt like afish out of water among all those business tycoons.


61 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Some people now wonder whether we just pay lip service or genuinely subscribe to democracy.

show only outward respect

62 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Don't thrust your nose into my affairs.

Meddle officiously in

63 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He visits the doctor off and on.


64 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The recent film "Secular India" has tried to keep the pot boiling for Muslim women's.

Keep a controversy alive

65 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The robber took to his heels when the police arrived.

ran off

66 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Have it both ways

67 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The rebels held out for about a month


68 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The new economic policy is likely to run into rough weather.

encounter difficulties

69 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The old father brought home the moral of unity by asking each of his sons to break the bundle of sticks


70 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: If you give John all your money, you are likely to burn your fingers.


71 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am sure they will fight tooth and nail for their rights.

with all their might

72 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We were in hurry. The road being zigzag we had to cut off a corner to reach in time.

To take a short cut

73 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Discipline is on the wane in schools and colleges these days.


74 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In spite of the efforts of all peace loving people, world peace is still a far cry.

a long way off

75 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I felt that it was a tall order to expect Monisha to go home alone at twelve in the night.

Too much

76 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I cannot get along with a man who plays fast and loose.

behaves in an unreliable and insincere way

77 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There is no love lost between two neighbours.

intense dislike

78 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The question of abolition of private property is still a moot point.


79 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: This regular absenteeism is a bad business since on work is being completed.

An unfortunate event

80 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: When he tells stories about himself, he is inclined to draw the longbow.


81 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Vikram said that he has got a problem to square up with the manager.


82 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Although both the parents are running the show for the last ten years but their business is now on its last legs.

About to perish

83 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The time is running out, you must look sharp.

make haste

84 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is in the habit of throwing dust in eyes of his superiors.

To deceive

85 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In modern democratic societies lynch law seems to have become the spheres of life.

law of the mob

86 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was in high spirits when I met him in the restaurant.

He was very cheerful

87 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In his youth, he was practically rolling in money

Very rich

88 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Maya had a checkered career. since I first knew him as an office assistant in the insurance company.

Had a variety of jobs and experiences

89 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The sight of the accident made myflesh creep.

frightened me

90 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There is no hard and fast rule regarding this subject.

rule that cannot be broken or modified

91 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He went to his friend's house in the evening as was his wont.

as usual

92 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Why do you wish to tread on the toes?

To give offence to them

93 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He intends setting up as a lawyer in the adjoining district.

To establish himself

94 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The autographed bat from the famous cricketer Sunil Gavaskar is worth a jew's eye

A possession of high value

95 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The speaker gave a bird's eye view of the political conditions in the country.

a general view

96 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He resigned the post of his own accord.

voluntarily and willingly

97 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: As a politician he is used to being in the limelight all the time.

the centre of attraction

98 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I ran out of money on my European tour.

exhausted my stock of

99 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Madhuri might scream blue murder, but I feel Deepali should get the promotion since she is better qualified for the job.

Make a great deal of noise and object vehemently

100 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Having sold off his factory, he is now a gentleman at large.

Has no serious occupation

101 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Though he has lot of money, yet all his plans are built upon sand.

resting on immature ideas

102 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His plan was so complicated that it floored his listeners.


103 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There has been bad blood between the two communities even before shouting.

Ill feeling

104 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The curious neighbours were disappointed as the young couple's quarrel was just a storm in a teacup.

fuss about a trifle

105 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Mohan always keeps himself to himself

Is unsociable

106 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: While the ladies continued their small talk in the drawing room, I felt bored.

light conversation

107 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: My car broke down on way to the railway station.


108 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: My father strained every nerve to enable me to get settled in life.

worked very hard

109 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is always picking holes in every project.

finding fault with

110 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The die is cast and now let us hope for the best.

decision is made

111 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Pt. Nehru was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

born in a wealthy family

112 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The arrival of the mother-in-law in the family proved a rift in the lute.

brought about disharmony

113 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The prince did not take after the king.


114 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Don't lose patience, things will improve by and by


115 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Do not imagine that Dharmendra is really sorry that his wife died. Those are only crocodile tears.

Pretended sorrow

116 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The P.M has pulled up Orissa partymen.


117 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He did me a good turn by recommending me for the post of Vice Principal.

did an act of kindness

118 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He believes in the policy of making hay while the sun shines.

making the best use of a favourable situation

119 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His friends advised him to be fair and square in his dealings.


120 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is high time that India did something about the population problem.

already late

121 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is always standing up for the weak and oppressed.

Championing the cause of

122 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We should give a wide berth to bad characters.

keep away from

123 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Turban is in vogue in some communities.

in fashion

124 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The old man was cut to the quick when his rich son refused to recognise him.

hurt intensely

125 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I requested him to put in a word for me.


126 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The dacoit murdered the man in cold blood.


127 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has built a big business empire by his sharp practices.

dishonest dealings

128 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The secretary and the treasurer are hand in glove with each other.

very good friends

129 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He never liked the idea of keeping his wife under his thumb and so he let her do what she liked.

Unduly under control

130 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is time that professors came down from their ivory towers and studied the real needs of the students.

Detachment and seclusion

131 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: You have to be a cool customer and be patient if you want to get the best buys.

Be calm and not be excitable

132 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There was no opposition to the new policy by the rank and file of the Government.

the ordinary members

133 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The clerk wiped the nose of his employer by submitting a false bill and was dismissed from his job.


134 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I have a bone to pick with you in this matter.

Am angry

135 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The new C.M stuck his neck out today and promised 10kgs. free wheat a month for all rural families.

took a risk

136 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Harassed by repeated acts of injustice. he decided to put his foot down.

not to yield

137 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The class could not keep a straight face on hearing the strange pronunciation of the new teacher.

remain serious

138 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The parliamentary inquiry into the Bofors deal did not bring to light any startling facts.


139 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His speech went down well with the majority of the audience.

was appreciated by

140 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Rohit has bitten off more than he chew.

Is trying to do much

141 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The detective left no stone unturned to trace the culprit.

used all available means

142 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The authorities took him to task for his negligence.

reprimanded him

143 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In spite of the immense pressure exerted by the militants, the Government has decided not to give in.


144 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Their business is now on its last legs.

About to perish

145 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He went back on his promise to vote for me.


146 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The old beggar ran amuck and began to throw stones at the passerby.

ran about wildly

147 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I cannot conceive of a time when I was without a refrigerator


148 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To turn over a new leaf

To change the old habits and adopt new ones

149 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A close shave

A narrow escape

150 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To talk through one's hat

To talk nonsense

151 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: By the skin of one's teeth

Only just

152 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Harp on

To keep on talking

153 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be at daggers drawn

To be bitter enemy

154 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To get into hot waters

To get into trouble

155 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A fair crack of the whip

A period of importance

156 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take with a grain of salt

To take with some reservation

157 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To snap one's fingers

To become contemptuous of

158 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To throw down the glove

To give a challenge

159 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To catch somebody on the hop

To catch somebody off guard

160 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To turn up one's nose at a thing

To treat it with contemptuous dislike or disgust

161 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Will o' the wisp

Anything which eludes or deceives

162 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To talk one's head off

To talk excessively

163 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To keep one's head

To keep calm

164 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A pipe dream

An impracticable plan

165 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be in abeyance

In suspense

166 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To spill the beans

To reveal secret information

167 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To save one's face

To evade disgrace

168 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hold something in leash

To restrain

169 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cross swords

To fight

170 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give up the ghost

To die

171 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cast pearls before a swine

To offer a person a thing which he cannot appreciate

172 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To bring one's eggs to a bad market

To fail in one's plan because one goes to the wrong people for help

173 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To split hours

To indulge in over-refined arguments

174 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To play fast and loose

To be undependable

175 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A snake in the grass

Unrecognisable danger

176 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To have an easy time of it

To live in quiet and comfort

177 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A chip off the old block

Characteristics of one's ancestors

178 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hit below the belt

To harm unfairly

179 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To wash one's dirty linen in public

To discuss dirty and scandalous matters of personal nature in the presence of strangers

180 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To wrangle over an ass's shadow

To quarrel over trifles

181 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give up the ghost

To die

182 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To stand to one's guns

To persevere when hardships press

183 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To smell a rat

To suspect a trick or deceit

184 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To get cold feet

To be afraid

185 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A lady's man

A lover of woman company

186 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: All Agog


187 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Hobson's choice

Accept or leave the offer

188 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take the bull by the horns

To grapple courageously with a difficulty that lies in our way

189 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take people by storm

To captivate them unexpectedly

190 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take a leap in the dark

To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result

191 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To throw dust in one's eyes

To deceive

192 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To frame a person

To make one appear guilty

193 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be at loggerheads

To be at enmity or strife

194 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To lose one's head

To become confused and over excited

195 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To throw up the sponge

To surrender or give up a contest

196 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give/get the bird

To send away

197 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be rolling in money

Very rich

198 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To get into a scrape

To find oneself in an awkward predicament

199 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A tall order

A task difficult to perform

200 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To play fast and loose

To play tricks

201 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To have brush with

To have a slight encounter

202 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To set the people by ears

To excite people to a quarrel

203 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To draw the long bow

To make an exaggerated statement

204 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To make the grade

To come out successful

205 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To fly off the handle

To lose one's temper

206 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To draw a bead upon

To take aim at

207 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To tempt providence

To take reckless risks

208 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To haul over the coals

To put to task

209 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To lose face

To be humiliated

210 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give chapter and verse for a thing

To produce the proof of something

211 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hit the jackpot

To make money unexpectedly

212 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be up and doing

To be actively engaged

213 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To read between the lines

To grasp the hidden meaning

214 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To turn the tables

To change the sorry scheme

215 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To put the cart before the horse

To reverse the natural order of things

216 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To turn the other cheek

To respond to violence with non-violence

217 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To beggars description

Beyond one's power to describe adequately

218 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Tall order

Too much

219 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To blaze trail

To initiate work in a movement

220 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To keep the ball rolling

To keep the conversation going

221 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To accept the Gauntlet

To accept a challenge

222 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To pull one's socks up

To try hard

223 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To plough the sands

To busy oneself in a way which cannot lead to any profitable result

224 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To drink like a fish

To be a drunkard

225 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be lost in the cloud

To be perplexed

226 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: All and sundry

Everyone without distinction

227 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give currency

To make publicly known

228 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To bite one's lips

repress an emotion

229 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Foar in the mouth

To be in the extreme hatred

230 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To fight to the bitter end

To carry on a contest regardless of consequences

231 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To flog a dead horse

To waste one's efforts

232 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To worship the rising sun

To honour a man who is coming into office

233 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: French leave

Absence without permission

234 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Within an ace of


235 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To make umbrage

To be offended

236 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give a false colouring

To misrepresent

237 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Hush money

Bribe paid to secure silence

238 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To disabuse one's mind

To remove a misapprehension

239 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Castles in the air

Visionary projects

240 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Dog in the manger

A person who prevents others from enjoying something useless to himself

241 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Something up one's sleeve

A secret plan

242 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A red letter day

An important day

243 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To pay one back in the same coin

To retaliate

244 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A storm in a teacup

Much excitement over something trivial

245 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To blow hot and cold

To be inconsistent

246 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Adam's ale


247 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Queer somebody's pitch

Upset one's plan

248 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To see eye to eye with

To agree

249 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To carry off the bell

To bag the first position

250 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take the wind out of another's sails

To anticipate another and to gain advantage over him

251 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A baker's dozen


252 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To pull strings

To exert hidden influence

253 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: At one's beck and call

To be always at one's service

254 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: By the rule of thumb

By practical experience which is rather rough

255 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A jaundiced eye


256 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To live in clover

To live in great comfort and luxury

257 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To carry the coal to Newcastle

To do unnecessary things

258 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To have full hands

To be fully occupied

259 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A green horn

An inexperienced man

260 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Swan-song

Last work of a poet or musician before death

261 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A fool's errand

A useless undertaking

262 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To see red

To find fault with

263 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Pin-money

Allowance made to a lady for her expenses

264 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To turn the cover

To pass the crises

265 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To turn amuck

To run about in frenzy

266 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be old as the hills

To be very ancient

267 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To play the gallery

Trying to get appreciation from least intelligent people

268 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To push somebody to the wall

To force someone into a position where there is only one choice to make

269 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To keep the wolf away from the door

To keep away from extreme poverty

270 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In double-quick time

Very quickly

271 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A bull in a china shop

A person who is rough and clumsy where skill and care are required

272 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To look sharp

To be quick

273 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To break the ice

To start a conversation

274 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be in two minds

To be uncertain

275 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Get down to brass tacks

Begin to talk in plain, straight forward terms

276 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The pros and cons

For and against a thing

277 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: By fair means or foul

In any way, honest or dishonest

278 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To show one's teeth

To adopt a threatening attitude

279 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To oil the knocker

To tip the office-boy

280 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Leave one to sink or swim

Not to help one

281 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To show the white feather

To show signs of cowardice

282 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A sop to cerberus

Ransom to an enemy

283 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To look down one's nose at

To regard with half-hidden displeasure or contempt

284 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To pour oil in troubled water

To calm a quarrel with soothing words

285 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cut the cackle

To stop talking and start

286 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To rip up old sores

To revive a quarrel which was almost forgotten

287 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To leave no avenue unexplored

To try every source

288 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give one a long rope

To allow a man to continue his mistakes or crimes

289 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Hard-pressed

In difficulties

290 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To play on a fiddle

To be busy over trifles

291 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take somebody for a ride

To deceive or humiliate him/her

292 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A square peg in a round hole

A person unsuited to the position he fills

293 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Spick and span

Neat and clean

294 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hit the nail on the head

To guess right

295 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be at one's finger's ends

To be completely conversant with

296 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To mind one's P's and Q's

To be accurate and precise

297 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cool one's heels

To be kept waiting for sometime

298 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To put somebody in his place

To make him humble

299 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hit the jackpot

To get an unexpected victory

300 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give one's ears

To listen carefully

301 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To speak daggers

To speak to a person with hostility

302 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To talk shop

To talk about business or professional affairs

303 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To let the cat out of the bag

To tell a secret without intending to do so

304 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To bear the palm

To win

305 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hang up one's hat

To make oneself comfortable in another person's home

306 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Be in the mire

Be in difficulties

307 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To keep one's head above water

To be out of debt

308 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To pay off old scores

To have one's revenge

309 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To change colour

To get frightened

310 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To get the hang of a thing

To understand the meaning of it

311 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To give a rap on the knuckles

To rebuke

312 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To go to each other hammer and tongs

To argue noisily

313 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A cock and bull story

A foolish and concocted story

314 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cut the Gordian knot

To solve a difficult problem

315 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To make a shot

To make a guess

316 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To live fast

To live a life of dissipation

317 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To beat the air

To make efforts that are useless or vain

318 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To wrangle over an ass's shadow

To quarrel over trifles

319 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A man of weight

A man of importance

320 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Once in a blue moon

On rare occasions

321 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To be a good Samaritan

A genuinely charitable person

322 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To have one's heart in one's boots

To be deeply depressed

323 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Pell-mell

In hurried disorder

324 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hold a brief for

To defend someone

325 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To take a leaf out of somebody's book

To take him as a model

326 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To strike one's colours

To surrender

327 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To put one on one's mettle

To rouse one to do one's best

328 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To hold somebody to ransom

To keep captive and demand concession

329 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To set the thames on fire

To try to do the impossible

330 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To cry wolf

To raise a false alarm

331 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To ride hell for Leather

To ride with furious speed

332 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The boy turned a deaf ear to the pleadings of all his well-wishers.

did not pay any attention

333 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am ambitious and never want to rest on my laurels.

be complacent

334 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The aroma from the kitchen makes my mouth water.

stimulates my appetite

335 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Things are progressing well. Don't do anything to rock the boat.

upset the balance

336 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His father advised him to be fair and square in his dealings lest he should fall into trouble.


337 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The young heir to his father's huge estate made ducks and drakes of his patrimony.

squandered lavishly

338 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I sent him about his business as I could stand his insolence no longer.

dismissed him peremptorily

339 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The mealy-mouthed politician succeeded in influencing the voters.


340 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The casting vote of the chairman clinched the issue.


341 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We should guard against our green-eyed friends.


342 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It goes to his heart to see so much misery.

touches him deeply

343 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Rajeev achieved success by resorting to a hole and corner method.


344 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There is no love lost between the two neighbours.

intense dislike

345 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is a person after my own heart.

exactly to one's own liking

346 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is a moot point whether we should stop work or struggle on.

a debatable point

347 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was such a messy affair but Manish somehow managed to wash his hands of the entire affair.

disclaim responsibility

348 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: This place affords a bird's eye view of the green valley below.

general view

349 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Rahul fought tooth and nail to save his company.

with strength and fury

350 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has made his mark in politics.

distinguished himself

351 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He rides the high horse because of his high connection.

puts on airs

352 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We should give a wide berth to bad characters.

keep away from

353 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He threw cold water over the project that the secretary had prepared.


354 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I won't mind even if he goes to dogs.

is ruined

355 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Mr. Roy is known as a shop lifter in the city commercial centre.

a thief in guise of customer

356 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Shweta might scream blue murder, but I feel Ritu should get the promotion since she is better qualified for the job.

make a great deal of noise and object vehemently

357 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Whenever I meet him he pulls a long face.

looks indifferent

358 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The parliamentary inquiry into the Bofors deal has not brought to light any startling facts.


359 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is a plain, simple and sincere man. He will always call a spade a spade.

be outspoken in language

360 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is difficult to keep a level head in these days of mounting prices.

remain cool and composed

361 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The robbery was committed in the wee hours of the day.

at dawn

362 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: At Christmas, even the elderly fathers paint the town red.

have a lively time

363 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The speaker's observations on the subject were beside the mark.


364 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He works by fits and starts.


365 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is at loggerheads with his assistants about the management of the concern.

differing strongly

366 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The doctor says the patient has turned the corner.

passed the crisis

367 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Harassed by repeated acts of injustice, he decided to put his foot down.

not to yield

368 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In almost every party, my friend tries to rule the roost.

to domineer

369 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In parliament, every member can have the floor with the permission of the speaker.

raise an issue

370 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Sumit had to look high and low before he could find his scooter key.


371 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: She rejected his proposal of marriage point blank.


372 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is in the habit of fishing in troubled waters.

taking advantage of troubled conditions for personal profit

373 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Mrs. Khnna has been in the blues for the last several weeks.


374 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We have to keep our fingers crossed till the final result is declared.

wait expectantly

375 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The Chief Minister had the Inspector General of Police to fill him in on the behaviour of the arrested terrorists.

inform him about the terrorists

376 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To all intent and purposes he is a good man.


377 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Don't stick your neck out.

invite trouble unnecessarily

378 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: At a party, he is always in high spirits.


379 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The popularity of the yesteryears' superstar is on the wane.

growing less

380 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The members of the group were at odds over the selection procedure.

in dispute

381 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I did not mind what he was saying, he was only talking through his hat.

talking nonsense

382 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: If you pass this difficult examination, it will be a feather in your cap.

you will feel proud of it

383 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: You cannot throw dust into my eyes.

cheat me

384 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Our school is within a stone's throw of the railway station.

at a short distance

385 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was a Herculean task for me.

work requiring great effort

386 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I just paid him a left-handed compliment.

an insincere

387 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The captain played with determination because the honour of the team was at stake.

in danger

388 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Non of this hanky-panky; please talk straight.


389 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is clear that the ideas of both reformers ran in the same groove.

advanced in harmony

390 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There was opposition to the new policy by the rank and file of the Government.

the ordinary members

391 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: My mother is in raptures over her new stove.

very enthusiastic

392 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In every thing that he does he has an eye to the main chance.

his object is to make money

393 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Once in a while he might gamble a little.


394 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is a queer fish, I have failed to understand him.

strange person

395 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The new C.M stuck his neck out today and promised 10 kgs free wheat a month for all rural families.

took a risk

396 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


397 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The company has been handed over to new masters lock, stock and barrel.


398 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was out of place for him to talk on politics when the seminar was arranged to discuss recent trends in literature.


399 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The sight of the accident made my flesh creep.

frightened me

400 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I stood my ground inspite of many pressures.

remained firm

401 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Childhood and innocence lie cheek by jowl.

side by side

402 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is in the habit of chewing the cuds.

to muse on

403 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Dowry is a burning question of the day.

a widely debated issue

404 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His voice gets on my nerves.

irritates me

405 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Manoj always keeps himself to himself.

is unsociable

406 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The train was late and we had to kick our heels.

waste time

407 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is really a broken reed.


408 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He fell ill at ease after receiving the letter from his son.


409 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: You must not mince matters; tell the truth.

keep secret

410 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The police are used to seeing the seamy side of life.

immoral aspects of society

411 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: She was received by her friends with open arms.


412 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The party stalwarts have advised the President to take it lying down for a while.

to show no reaction

413 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: No caring for the family, Devender wanted to gather roses only.

wanted to seek all the enjoyments of life

414 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: With regard to licensing policy, it is advisable for every state to cut corners.

simplify the procedure

415 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The sailor found himself between the devil and the deep sea.

facing two equally bad alternatives

416 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Do not add fuel to the fire.

aggravate trouble

417 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Kamal was left high and dry by his friends when he lost all his money.


418 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His hard-earned money has gone down the drain.

has been wasted

419 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He knew she was dead but was completely at sea about the cause of her death.


420 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: If you rub him the wrong way, he is bond to react.

annoy him

421 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The hero of Naipaul's novel 'A House for Biswas' , like modern young men, wishes to paddle his own canoe.

depend on himself

422 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Some people have a habit of wearing their heart on their sleeve.

exposing their innermost feelings to others

423 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: This report calls in question all previous research on the subject.


424 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A movement for the world unity is in the offing.

about to start

425 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass.

a hidden enemy

426 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is in the habit of responding at the drop of a hat.

without delay

427 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am afraid the two brothers are at cross purposes.

are misunderstanding each other

428 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in a thunderstorm.


429 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am sure he means business.

is earnest

430 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has designs on that young girl.

wants to rape

431 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was after a long time that the police was able to lay the thief by the heels.

chase and capture

432 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The involvement of teachers in the scheme of education proves to be a mare's nest.

a false invention

433 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour's affairs.

got himself into trouble

434 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Akshay can turn his hand to anything.

adapt himself to

435 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He always says that he will help, but when it comes to the crunch, he does nothing.

decisive moment

436 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Inspite of the efforts of all peace loving people, world peace is still a far cry.

a long way off

437 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Discipline is on the wane in schools and colleges these days.


438 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Let us admit that we could not heap coals of fire on his head.

put him to shame

439 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I want none of your back chat.

impertinent remarks

440 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The present syllabus leaves very little elbowroom for teachers to be innovative.


441 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The speaker gave a bird's eye view of the political conditions in the country.

a general view

442 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The boy had a hair-breadth escape from a street accident.


443 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: One should be prepared to get a bolt from the blue in life, but should not get unnerved by them.

sudden stock

444 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was cool as a cucumber.

calm and composed

445 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Kunika was cocksure that she was able to do the job as desired.

perfectly confident

446 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We must always bear in mind that only hard work leads to success.


447 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Most of the present day politicians have an axe to grind.

have personal end to serve

448 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His best jokes fell flat.

had no effect

449 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Despite being under debt, Amit still keeps a good table.

entertains his guests sumptuously

450 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has reached present position in his job through elbow grease.

his hard work

451 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Some of us are really in a Catch-22 situation.


452 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Pt. Nehru was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

born in a wealthy family

453 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: When the police came, thieves took to their heels.

took to flight

454 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The detective left no stone unturned to trace the culprit.

used all available means

455 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: When he tells stories about himself, he is inclined to draw the longbow.


456 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He will win this election hands down.

win easily

457 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Eloquent lamentations regarding the fate of the flora and fauna are certain to be rendered a cry in the wilderness.

a cry in vain

458 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There was a job for me to cut my teeth on.

to gain experiences

459 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The sworn enemies have decided to bury the hatchet.

to make peace

460 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Having sold off his factory, Mr. Roy is now a gentleman at large.

has no serious occupation

461 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am afraid he is burning the candle at both ends.

overtaxing his energies

462 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has been working on and off for several years on this research project.

at intervals

463 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He took to heart the death of his wife as he was very much attached to her.

was deeply affected by

464 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Inspite of his poverty, Ravi believed in keeping up appearances.

maintaining outward show

465 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is a strange fellow. It is very difficult to deal with him; it seems that he has a bee in his bonnet.

an obsession about something

466 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: They sold their house because it was a real white elephant.

a useless one

467 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He always leads others up the garden path.

deceives others

468 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was a king who ruled his subjects with a high hand.


469 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: As our army attacked, the enemy retreated pell-mell.

in a disorderly manner

470 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is evident from the minister's statement that heads will roll.

dismissals will occur

471 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The politician was able to sway the mob with his gift of the gab.

fluency of speech

472 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: After a lot of arguments over losses in the partnership firm, Aditya put his cards on the table to show Rasheed his sincerity.

concealed nothing

473 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The great warrior, Baji-Prabhu, held the enemy at bay but was killed in the end.

prevented the enemy from coming too near

474 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Those who make no bones about such actions face a tough opposition.

do without hesitation

475 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In the organised society of today no individual or nation can plough a lonely furrow.

do without the help of others

476 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has such a nature that he must have a finger in every pie.

meddle in every affair

477 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Honesty is at a discount, where corruption is the rule.


478 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It will be wise on your part to let the bygones be bygones.

ignore the past

479 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The recent film 'Secular India' has tried to keep the pot of Muslim women's Bill boiling.

keep the controversy alive

480 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He got hold of the wrong end of the stick.

misjudged a situation

481 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is a great hand at organising public meetings.

expert at

482 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He always cuts both ends.

argues in support of both sides of the issue

483 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: There is no hard and fast rule regarding this subject.

rule that cannot be broken or modified

484 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His phenomenal success shows that he has got the midas touch.

ability to succeed in all projects

485 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The boss brought matters to a head by forcing him too work more.

created an atmosphere of confrontation

486 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is Rashmi who wears the trousers in their house and he timidly allows it.

is dominant

487 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Who will carry the day in this war?


488 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is difficult for me to believe you, so please put down everything in black and white.

in written form

489 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is temporarily in charge of the company and is trying to feather his nest.

act for his own future benefits

490 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He left his friend in lurch.

left when he was needing help

491 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The new economic policy is likely to run into rough weather.

encounter difficulties

492 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Wait here, I shall be back in a jiffy.

in a hurry

493 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: i have come to know of your hole and corner method of dealing with people.


494 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The trade union's seemingly rightful demand is only a stalking horse to blackmail the management.


495 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The number of globetrotters has increased after the Second World War.

travellers around the world

496 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Chandu used very ugly words against his kind uncle; he threw down the gauntlet before him.

he threw the challenge

497 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has accomplished a Herculean task.

work requiring great effort

498 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The story published in the newspaper is not true, but the journalist has painted it in bright colours.

exaggerated it

499 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Please do not indulge in double dealing.


500 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: By putting on the mime act, Deepak stole some of the thunder of Peter's speech.

detracted the listeners from

501 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Kamal told the audience to hold their peace until he had finished his address.

keep silent

502 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The captors of the kidnapped kept his family on tenterhooks.

in anxious suspense

503 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Being an introvert, He will only eat his heart out.

suffer silently

504 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It requires unparalleled courage to set the Thames on fire.

do a heroic deed

505 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The M.P. from our constituency is fond of blowing his own trumpet whenever he gets a chance.

parading his own good deeds

506 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The social worker rendered yeoman service to the victims.

free, generous help

507 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Leaders should not only make speeches, they should also be prepared to bell the cat.

to take lead in danger

508 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Do not ride rough shod over the poor.

treat harshly

509 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He can get the job if he has the mind.

has the willingness

510 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The question of abolition of private property is still a moot point.


511 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: When he met me at the street corner, he cut me dead.

deliberately insulted me by ignoring me

512 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The soldiers laid down their arms.


513 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The teacher was as good as his word.

ready to fulfil his promise

514 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He did me a good turn by recommending me for the post of Vice-Principal.

did an act of kindness

515 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Since he already has cushy job, he can afford to be extravagant.

financially comfortable job

516 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is on the wrong side of fifty.

over fifty years old

517 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was undecided. He let the grass grow under his feet.

stayed out

518 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His biographers discovered to their surprise that he was an atheist to the backbone.


519 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: One should not indulge in tall talks.


520 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Although both the partners are running the business for the last twelve years but their business is now on its last legs.

about to perish

521 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: You will get into hot water if you commit the same mistake again.

be in trouble

522 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: it is out of the question for only one to have a quiet meal with a set of ultras around him.


523 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He cannot make both ends meet.

earn enough

524 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In modern democratic society lynch law seems to have become a common feature in almost all the spheres of life.

law of the mob

525 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The lady was shedding crocodile tears.

false tears

526 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It has been raining cats and dogs.


527 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I have warned him now and then not to resort to violence.


528 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Ladies fall victim to green eyed monster.


529 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He made light of his father's advice.

treated lightly

530 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Sachin has bitten of more than he can chew.

is trying to do too much

531 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He believes in the policy of making hay while the sun shines.

making the best use of a favourable situation

532 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is a matter of gratification for me that he has turned a new leaf.

begun a different mode of life

533 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is always picking holes in every project.

finding fault with

534 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Caesar was done to death by the conspirators.


535 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is not worth his salt if he fails at this juncture.

quite worthless

536 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He does not like to be friendly with Sarita; he always gives her a cold shoulder.

tries to be unfriendly by taking no notice of her

537 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Though he has a lot of money, yet all his plans are built upon sand.

resting on immature ideas

538 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Sunil thought his skill would match up to Keshav's bulk, but in the fight he was beaten neck and crop.


539 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Those persons who are ready to sail close to the wind can be successful in life.

to take risk

540 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: She exhibited remarkable sangfroid during the crisis.


541 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: If we give them this concession, it will be the thin end of the wedge.

the beginning of further concessions

542 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: If Gaurav does not complete the work allotted to him properly, we shall send him packing.

terminate his services immediately

543 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His boss was always breathing down his neck.

watching all his actions closely

544 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: he was in a brown study and did not seem to catch my point.

absorbed in reading

545 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: With the existing management, the future of the company is in doldrums.


546 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was such a strange affair that I could not make head or tail of it.

understand it

547 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His oily tongue has won him promotion.


548 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A good teacher should have the gift of the gab.

a talent for speaking

549 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: If you rub him the wrong way, he is bound to react.

annoy him

550 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The cricket match proved to be a big draw.

a huge attraction

551 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He bids fair to be an excellent cricketer.

seems likely

552 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The police fired at random at the violent crowd and several persons lost their lives.


553 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I have been betrayed by my own flesh and blood.


554 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It was he who put a spoke in my wheel.

thwarted the execution of the plan

555 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: His promotion is on the cards.


556 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He faced the music for reaching home late.

faced reprimand

557 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I raked my brains to solve this difficult problem.

I subjected my mind to hard thinking

558 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: My father strained every nerve to enable me to get settled in life.

worked very hard

559 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The class could not keep a straight face on hearing the strange pronounciation of the new teacher.

remain serious

560 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Some people now wonder whether we just pay lip service or genuinely subscribe to democracy.

show only outward respect

561 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Dishonesty is at a premium in almost all spheres of public life.

valued highly

562 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The captain played with determination because the honour of the team was at stake.

in danger

563 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He resigned the post of his own accord.

voluntarily and willingly

564 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: While the ladies continued their small talk in the drawing room, I felt bored.

light conversation

565 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Tell me plainly who broke the mirror, do not beat about the bush.

approach the matter in a round about way

566 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: in the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness.

die while still working

567 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was carried off his feet when he was declared to have won the prize.

was wild with excitement

568 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: To tell you in a nutshell, lust for power and money has almost spoiled him.

in a simple and brief manner

569 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: She was in a brown study and did not notice my entrance.


570 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Rejesh and Vikas have remained friends through thick and thin.

through days of struggle

571 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: In life, we have to take the rough with the smooth.

accept unpleasant as well as pleasant things

572 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The arrival of the mother-in-law in the family proved a rift in the lute.

brought about disharmony

573 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Seema is a little hard of hearing.


574 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: It is high time that India did something about the population problem.

already late

575 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The authorities took him to task for this negligence.

reprimanded him

576 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I did not know that he was pulling my leg all the time.

befooling me

577 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He has come up during the last five years.

risen in status

578 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Have you given up the idea of accepting the new assignment?


579 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Many people called on the minister when he was ill.


580 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Only strict laws make the evil of dowry die out.


581 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We should abstain from casting aspersions on the character of our colleagues.

passing slanderous remarks

582 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The staff have felt on edge ever since they heard the rumour about retrenchment.


583 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He was trying to put across his ideas to his audience.

to convey

584 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The old father brought home the moral of unity by asking each of his sons to break the bundle of sticks.


585 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The rebels held out for about a month.


586 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Last evening I was held up at the meeting.


587 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The promotions were granted across the board.

to all without exceptions

588 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The old man was cut to the quick when his rich son refused to recognise him.

hurt intensely

589 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Over and above the household work, she works in a factory on a part-time basis.

in addition to

590 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I stood up for him when everyone else was criticising him.

supported him energetically

591 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The captain played with determination because the honour of the team was at stake.

in danger

592 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I ran out of money on my European tour.

exhausted my stock of

593 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I hope it will not put you out if I am late.

irritate you

594 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: A large number of small scale industries have been set up in the rural areas.


595 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: He is out and out a reactionary.


596 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The country's economy is beginning to look up now.


597 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I am leaving India for good.


598 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: You need rest; you look a bit run down.

in poor health

599 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: My plan to have a new car fell through because of the price rise.

failed to materialise

600 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: I cannot put up with that nasty fellow.


601 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: Inspite of the immense pressure exerted by the militants the Government has decided not to give in.


602 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: The old beggar ran amuck and began to throw stones at the passerby.

ran about wildly

603 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: We should do away with the present examination system.


604 - Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given in the sentence: At my friend's tea party I fell in with a strange fellow.

met accidentally

605 - The idiomatic phrase "Spick and Span" means?

spotlessly clean

606 - What do you mean by Novel ___________ ?

A long fictional prose with many characters

607 - What the term Short Story stands for:

A short prose fiction

608 - To"Jazz Up" means to___________?

Make something more exciting

609 - There were no opposition to the new policy by the €˜rank and file' of the Government.

The ordinary members

610 - Meaning of the idiom €˜Swan song"?

Last work

611 - Clique means____________?

A group of people

612 - Prosaic means__________?


613 - What is the meaning of Banton?

Good manners

614 - He is busy with his work ______________?

up to the hilt

615 - All Hours means___________?

At Irregular Times

616 - Idiom "A slap on the wrist" means?

Warning or Small Punishment

617 - Idiom "To cut long story short" means?

Come to the point

618 - De novo means___________?


619 - Inter alia means___________?

In between

620 - En-route means_________?

On the way

621 - Idiom " To make amend for" means___________?

To compensate for damage

622 - Brain Drain means__________?

Migration Of Skilled Person To Other Country

623 - The idiom "To burry the hatchet" mean?

To make peace

624 - Complete the idiom "Hell hath no fury like a___________?

A women scorned

625 - Foreign phrase " De Jure" means?

By law

626 - Idiom "Tie the knot" means?

Getting married

627 - The Government ruled by Women is called?

Petticoat government

628 - One-Trick Pony means:

A person having one special feature, talent, or area of experti

629 - His office is always in apple-pie order. What does the idiom/phrase "apple-pie order" means?

Neat & tidy

630 - Hold one's horse means__________?

Have patience

631 - Give cold shoulder means__________?

To ignore

632 - To catch a tartar means:

To catch a dangerous person

633 - To make clean breast of means

To confess without of reserves

634 - She turned heads wherever she went. What does the idiom/phrase "turn heads" mean?

attract a lot of attention

635 - My friend is a couch potato. What does the idiom/phrase "couch potato" means?

lazy person

636 - He Was all at sea when he began his new Job.What does idiom / phrase "at sea" means __________?


637 - She goes to her mother's house off and on. What does idiom / phrase "off and on" means


638 - Feel blue means _________?

Feel Sad

639 - Fender bender means ________ ?

A small car accident

640 - Go Dutch means _______ ?

share the cost of something, especially a meal, equally

641 - Black and blue _____________ ?

Full of bruises

642 - A litmus test means __________ ?

A decisively indicative test

643 - Icing (also frosting) on the cake means ________?

An attractive but inessential addition or enhancement

644 - when pigs fly means ______?

something that will never happen or is impossible

645 - Raining cats and dogs means _________?

Raining very heavily

646 - Keep at bay means ______________.

Keep at a distance

647 - At the drop of the hat means____________?

Done easily, without any preparation

648 - Your guess is as good as mine means __________?

To have no idea

649 - Far cry from means __________?

Very different from

650 - Wild goose chase _________?

A foolish and hopeless search for or pursuit of something unattainable

651 - Spill the beans ________ ?

Reveal someone's secret

652 - Get your goat means _____?

To irritate someone

653 - Drop a dime means ________?

To be an informant

654 - Chew the fat means __________?

To chat idly or generally waste time talking

655 - Bird Brain means _____?

A person that is not too smart; a person that acts stupid

656 - Best of both worlds means ________?

A situation wherein someone has the privilege of enjoying two different opportunities

657 - Beating a dead horse means ________?

To uselessly dwell on a subject far beyond its point of resolution

658 - Basket case _______?

One made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic, or stress

659 - Apple of discord means ______?

Anything causing trouble, discord, or jealousy

660 - An arm and a leg means _________?

Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money

661 - Elephant in the room means _________?

An obvious, pressing issue left unaddressed due to its sensitive nature

662 - Achilles' heel means ________?

A metaphor for a fatal weakness in spite of overall strength

663 - Ace in the hole means __________?

A hidden or secret strength, or unrevealed advantage

664 - A hot potato means _________?

A controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with

665 - A bitter pill means ___________?

A situation or information that is unpleasant but must be accepted

666 - Like a sitting duck means________________?


667 - It was he who "put a spoke in my wheel".

thwarted in the execution of the plan

668 - Do no trust a man who "blows his own trumpet"

praises himself

669 - In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to "die in harness".

die while still working

670 - He "passed himself off" as a noble man.

Pretended to be

671 - I met him after a long time, but he gave me "the cold shoulder".

ignored me

672 - He could be easily arrested because the police were tipped off in a advance. tipped off means _____________?

Given advance information

673 - To set one's face against __________?

To oppose with determination

674 - To hit the nail right on the head _______?

To say something that is exactly right or completely true

675 - To smell a rat _______?

To suspect foul dealings

676 - A man of straw _________?

A man of no substance

677 - To leave someone in the lurch _________?

To desert someone in his difficulties

678 - To pick holes _________?

To criticize someone

679 - To put one's hand to plough __________?

To take a difficult task

680 - To end in smoke ________?

To ruin oneself

681 - To cry wolf __________?

To give false alarm

682 - To have an axe to grind ___________?

A private end to serve

683 - To make clean breast of ________?

To confess without of reserve

684 - Hornet's nest means:___________?

A violent situation

685 - Never-never land means:_____________?

An ideal pace

686 - Cap it all means:____________?

To finish

687 - Pull your socks up:

To improve

688 - He was undecided. He "let the grass grow under his feet".

loitered around

689 - To leave someone in the lurch

To desert someone in his difficulties

690 - To play second fiddle

To support the role and view of another person

691 - To beg the question

To take for granted

692 - A black sheep

None of these

693 - A man of straw

A man of no substance

694 - To smell a rat

To suspect foul dealings

695 - To hit the nail right on the head

To do the right thing

696 - To set one's face against

To oppose with determination

697 - To cry wolf

To give false alarm

698 - To end in smoke

To ruin oneself

699 - To be above board

To be honest in any business deal

700 - To put one's hand to plough

To take a difficult task

701 - To pick holes

To criticise someone


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