Molecular Biology MCQs The Most Important

Molecular Biology topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Molecular Biology Chapter# 24, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 900 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Molecular Biology . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Molecular Biology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Automated sequencing is defined as _________

Real time fluorescence sequencing

2 - Automated sequencing uses _____________

Fluorescent tagging

3 - No chain termination takes place in automated sequencing.


4 - As different fluorescent tags affect the mobility of fragments thus only one type of tag is used.


5 - With respect to automated sequencing which of the following is true?

Horizontal scanning one sequence per lane

6 - Which of the following feature is required for the high sensitivity of the tags used for autosequencing?

Maximum emittion at different wavelengths

7 - Automated sequencing is a real time one trial method of sequencing and is highly handy.


8 - A third generation sequencing can sequence upto ____________nucleotides per day.


9 - During DNA cloning which of the following is not a crucial requirement?

Protein expression

10 - Transformation does not involve ____________


11 - Which is the most common organism considered for genetic manipulations?

E. coli

12 - Which of the following is an essential feature for being a perfect vector?

Virulent gene

13 - DNA ligase can ligate restriction site ends produced by EcoRI to the ends of DNA insert cut by the same enzyme.


14 - The vector and the DNA insert are cut by different enzymes for convenience.


15 - What is the major difference between cloning vectors and primary vectors?

Presence of promoter

16 - Which of the following is the primary use of an expression vector?

Protein production

17 - Under the influence of which ion does E. coli takes up plasmid from the environment?


18 - The process by which every type of transformant can be identified is __________

Insertional inactivation

19 - Dysgenesis occurs in every cell of the Drosophila.


20 - P-strains of the Drosophila have active P-elements.


21 - Hybrid dysgenesis occurs in which of the following cases?

Crossing between M-female and P-male

22 - Retrotransposons transposes through the RNA intermediates.


23 - Retrotransposons are of how many types?


24 - LTR-retrotransposons are abundantly found in __________


25 - LINE and SINE are examples of __________

Non-LTR retrotransposon

26 - Which of the following about the L1 LINE family is correct?

Presence of short direct repeats on either end

27 - The consensus sequence of the L1 LINE family has three open reading frames.


28 - SINES are transcribed by __________

Polymerase III

29 - The SINE commonly contains the restriction site for the endonuclease __________

Alu I

30 - Splicosome comprises of ______________

RNA and protein

31 - Splicosome is a proteinaceous enzyme.


32 - “snurps” are made of ____________

RNA and protein

33 - Which of the following is not a function of snRNPs?

3’ splice site reorganization

34 - 5’ splice site is recognized by which of the following type of RNA present in the splicosome?


35 - Which of the following splicosomal RNAs does not take part in the 5’ site splicing of the intron?


36 - Which of the following component of splicosome recognizes the 3’ splice site?


37 - Which of the following proteins is correctly paired to its function?

RNA annealing factor – loading snRNPs onto mRNA

38 - Which of the following is not involved in creating the early splicosome complex?

U2 binding to branch point site

39 - The subunit association with the mRNA occurs before tRNA recruitment in the case of both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.


40 - Eukaryotic mRNA generally codes for a single protein because the eukaryotic translation includes ____________

Monocistronic codons

41 - The same number of auxiliary proteins is used to drive the initiation process of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


42 - The first amino acid to be incorporated in the eukaryotic polypeptide is ___________


43 - Which of the following eukaryotic proteins is an analog of IF2-GTP?


44 - Recognition of mRNA by 43S pre-initiation complex is mediated by the enzyme ___________


45 - Which of the following protein interacts with the eIF4F for recruiting the pre-initiation complex to the mRNA?


46 - mRNA scanning is a cost-effective mechanism.


47 - The initiation factors are closely associated with the 3’ end of mRNA through the initiation between the eIF4F and the ___________

Poly A binding proteins

48 - IREs for the process of translation is present in viruses. Their function resembles that of eukaryotic ribosome.


49 - How many types of point mutations are able to alter the Genetic code?


50 - The alterations that change a codon specific for one amino acid to a codon specific for another amino acid is known as ___________

Missense mutation

51 - Which of the following disease is caused by missense mutation?

Sickle cell anemia

52 - Nonsense mutation is also known as ___________

Stop mutation

53 - Which of the following types of DNA polymerase has 3’→5’ exonuclease activity?

DNA polymerase I

54 - Choose the odd one out with respect to DNA polymerase III.

dna B

55 - Which of the following is used in prokaryotic replication?

DNA polymerase III

56 - DNA polymerase II can polymerase upto ______________ nucleotides per minute at 37ËšC.


57 - All mutation in polymerases is lethal except the mutation of polymerase III.


58 - Polymerase I has the highest affinity for dNTPs.


59 - Polymerase I has two fragments. The residue of larger fragment consists from ____________ residues.

324 – 928

60 - Which of the following is false about klenow fragment?

3’→5’ exonuclease activity

61 - DNA polymerase III has ___________ subunits.


62 - Which of the following types of DNA polymerase does not take part in DNA repair?

DNA polymerase III

63 - Topoisomerases I and II differ only on the number of steps required to change the linking number.


64 - Which special enzyme introduces negative supercoils in DNA?


65 - Which of the following is not a property of topoisomerase?

Cannot catenate and decatenate

66 - Topoisomerases introduces catenation to promote cell division.


67 - Type I topoisomerase can never decatenate catenated circular DNA?


68 - The promotion of DNA breaking and rejoining by topoisomerase requires______________

No external enzyme required

69 - Attack of the topoisomerase gives rise to ____________

Phospho – tyrosine linkage

70 - To reseal the DNA backbone where does topoisomerase gets the energy from?

Phosphodiester cleavage

71 - Which of the following does not occur during cell division in prokaryotes?

Multiple decatenations

72 - The active site of the topoisomerase contains a tyrosine residue.


73 - mRNA of which of the following organism does not undergo processing?


74 - rRNA and tRNA of prokaryotes does not undergo any post transcriptional processing.


75 - Splicing of mRNA occurs after they arrive the cytoplasm.


76 - Which of the following is not a type of RNA processing?

Removal of exons

77 - Elongation of transcription and RNA processing are all interconnected.


78 - The first RNA processing event is __________


79 - Capping is done by the addition of __________

Methylated G

80 - Capping occurs after the mRNA synthesis is complete.


81 - As the polymerase reaches the end of RNA which of the following event does not occur as a response?

Addition of poly A at the 3’ end

82 - About how many “A” are added to the nascent RNA in the 5’ end during Polyadenylation?


83 - The long tail of As is unique to the RNA synthesized by the RNA polymerase __________


84 - Plasmid replication is dependent on the host cell.


85 - How the plasmid clones can be screened?

By selectable markers

86 - How many restriction sites are contained by a plasmid?

More than 1

87 - Who were the scientists who discovered the plasmid pBR322?

Rodriguez and Bolivar

88 - Under relaxed conditions how many copies of plasmid are present in the cell?

10 – 700 copies

89 - What is the length of the polylinker segment of plasmid?

Less than 100 base pair

90 - The full for of pUC is polylinker university cloning.


91 - The host bacterium takes up a plasmid in presence of ______________

Divalent cations

92 - What is the temperature at which bacteria can takes up the plasmid?


93 - Which gene in the pUC18 vector confers antibiotic resistance to the transformed cells?


94 - What is the characteristic of lacZ gene of pUC18 vector among the following?

Encodes for β-galactosidase enzyme

95 - Which one of the following is the first engineered plasmid vector?


96 - What is the expanded form of pBR in pBR322?

Plasmid Boliver and Rodriguez

97 - What is incorrect about plasmid?

They are the genetic material of the bacteria

98 - The repressor for the β-galactosidase gene is encoded by ___________

Lac I

99 - Which of the following is a character of ORF?


100 - With respect to the open reading frame (ORF) which of the following is wrong?

‘AUG’ is the only start codon for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

101 - With respect to polycistronic mRNAs which of the following is wrong?

Found in eukaryotes

102 - What was the name of the ribosome binding site?

A site

103 - Which part of the ribosome identifies the Shine – Dalgarno sequence?

16S rRNA

104 - Eukaryotic mRNAs recruit ribosomes using the Shine – Dalgarno sequence.


105 - Eukaryotic mRNA is read in the 3’ to 5’ direction.


106 - Which one of the following is known as the Kozak sequence?


107 - With respect to the composition of the ribosome which of the following is correct?

60S and 40S makes up the 80S ribosome

108 - Which element of the ribosome plays a key role in mRNA translation?

rRNA of the small subunit

109 - What is the consensus sequence of the Pribnow box?


110 - The Pribnow box is present on the coding strand of the DNA template.


111 - The –35 sequence is highly conserved and has a consensus sequence of ___________


112 - The +1 site of conserved promoter sequence is generally a pyrimidine.


113 - –10, – 35 and +1 sites are the consensus promoter sites of sigma factor ______________


114 - The RNA polymerase core enzyme has a high specificity for promoter sites and can perfectly work alone.


115 - The complex formed by the polymerase and the promoter DNA is known as the _____________

Closed complex

116 - Negative supercoiling enhances the rate of transcription.


117 - The –10 promoter region is rich in ______________ bases.

A, T

118 - Methylation at which of the following bases is possible within the following oligonucleotides?


119 - Which is known to be methylated in eukaryotic cells?


120 - Among the following which shows the maximum rate of cytosine methylation?


121 - Prokaryotic methylation occurs at ____________


122 - How many types of methylation processes are known in eukaryotic cells?


123 - De-novo methylation is done in the newly synthesized DNA strand at opposite positions of the methylated sites on the parent strand.


124 - Both de-novo methylation and maintenance methylation ensures the methylation pattern is inherited from parent to daughters.


125 - Methylation of cytosine increases the transition mutation of cytosine to __________


126 - The CpG islands generally consist of how many GC bases?


127 - In humans CpG islands are generally located in the ____________

Promoter region

128 - The Intergenic CpGs are more commonly methylated than in the intragenetic region.


129 - Major methylation of CpG islands does not include?


130 - De-novo methylation leads to the phenomenon of genetic imprinting in the offspring.


131 - Both the imprinted genes inherited from either parent are expressed in an offspring.


132 - The phenomenon of allelic exclusion leads to the inactivation of one allele of a gene. The active allele is known as ____________


133 - Gene of which of the following protein/enzyme/hormone is an example of paternal Hemizygote?


134 - How many types of specific domains are present in the SR protein?


135 - Which of the following components of the splicosome machinery is recruited by the SR protein?


136 - SR proteins are not essential for RNA splicing.


137 - The presence and activity of SR determines the ___________

Usage of particular splice site

138 - Alternative splicing is regulated by activators and repressors.


139 - The Drosophila half-pint protein is _____________

Positive regulator

140 - Most silencer proteins are able to bind to pre-mRNA but cannot recruit the splicing machinery.


141 - hrRNPA1 acts as the repressor for the final mRNA form of ____________


142 - The pre-mRNA binding minor splicosome is also known as ___________

AT – AC splicosome

143 - hnRNPI binds to which segment of the mRNA?

3’ splice site

144 - Alternative splicing of the Troponin T gene produces ____________ alternative forms of mRNA.


145 - Which of the following mRNA is an example of having an extended exon?

T-antigen mRNA of monkey virus SV40

146 - Alternative splicing is always used to produce multiple isoforms of proteins.


147 - Alternative splicing can be used to switch off a gene’s expression. How many ways are there to achieve it?


148 - Alternative splicing was discovered in the year ______________


149 - Which of the following is not a part of the minor splicosome machinery?


150 - Transformation involves the uptake of _____________

Free DNA

151 - What is conjugation?

Transformation of DNA from a donor to the recipient cell

152 - What is transduction?

Bacterial genes are carried from a donor cell to a recipient cell via bacteriophage

153 - In which year Frederic Griffith discovered transformation?


154 - During Frederick Griffith’s experiments what type of colonies were generated by the capsulated pneumococci?

Type S

155 - What is the function of the capsule of the bacterial cells?

Both Virulence and Protection

156 - How many types of bacterial capsule are present for pneumococcus depending on the genotype of the cell?


157 - The genetic information is stored in DNA rather than protein.


158 - In the following which bacteria only take up their own DNA?

N. gonorrbacae

159 - How many copies of special short nucleotide pair sequences for identification are present in H. influenzae and N. gonorrbacae?

600 copies

160 - What do you mean by competent bacteria?

Able to take up genetic material from surrounding

161 - Competence in a bacteria ___________


162 - siRNA are produced by __________

Enzymatic action

163 - Which of the following is not the handiwork of siRNA?

Base dimerization

164 - Introduction of ds DNA can repress gene expression.


165 - Dicer is __________

RNAse-like enzyme

166 - Which of the following pathways involve the Dicer for gene silencing?

Chromatin modification

167 - The RNAi mediated gene silencing includes the binding of siRNA to form a complex with the target gene called RISC.


168 - The RNAi mediated gene silencing is an ATP-dependent procedure.


169 - If the siRNA is a complete homolog of the target mRNA sequences what is the net result?

mRNA degradation

170 - Binding of siRNA to the DNA does not lead to __________

Triple helix formation

171 - Which of the following RNAs can induce gene silencing?


172 - The miRNAs are transcribed from non-protein encoding genes and are typically __________ nucleotides long.

20 – 25

173 - The first miRNA was identified in C. elegans named __________


174 - Pick the odd one out.


175 - Inactive miRNA undergoes how many cleavages before incorporation into the RISC complex?


176 - piRNAs are synthesized in a Dicer dependent mechanism.


177 - Stem loop precursors are generally seen in which of the following?


178 - How many polypeptides are required for the structural assembly of the ribosome?

More than 50

179 - Which of the following is the slowest process among the following?


180 - The ribosome is designed in such a way so as to keep up with the speed of the RNA polymerase.


181 - Transcription and translation occur in the same compartment in the cases of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


182 - Transcriptional coupling ensures a fast rate f translation.


183 - Ribosome has two subunits with 4 rRNA molecules. Which of the four rRNAs is found in the decoding center of the ribosome?


184 - The large ribosomal subunit in prokaryotes has the sedimentation velocity of ___________


185 - Svedberg unit used to distinguish among the rRNAs and proteins by measuring it’s ___________

sedimentation velocity

186 - Multiple proteins can be synthesized from an mRNA at a time.


187 - How many types of protein degradation pathways are seen in a eukaryotic cell?


188 - Ubiquitin degradation mechanism recognizes ____________

Both cytosolic and nuclear proteins

189 - Ubiquitin has ___________ of amino acids.


190 - Ubiquitin binds to the ___________ amino acid residue for degradation.


191 - The Ubiquitin-proteasome degradation pathway is an energy dependent process.


192 - Which of the following is a Ubiquitin activating enzyme?


193 - The Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is an active target for anticancer drugs.


194 - Which of the following is the substrate specific enzyme of the following?


195 - The Cdk1 activates which of the following type of Ubiquitin enzymes?


196 - Ubiquitinization always leads to the degradation of the protein.


197 - Lysosomes does not have which one of the following properties?

Carrier vesicles

198 - For the process of autophagy the formation of vesicles occurs. The membrane of these vesicles are derived from ___________


199 - How many kinds of mutation are found in DNA which includes mutation of only one base?


200 - What is the overall rate at which new mutations arise spontaneously at any given site on the chromosome per round of replication?

≈ 10-6 – 10-11

201 - The mutation occurs at a random basis within a genome.


202 - What is the dinucleotide sequence of microsatellites?


203 - By which process miss-incorporated base can change into a permanent mutation?


204 - Detection of mismatches and fidelity of replication is maintained by mutation repair system.


205 - How many steps are required to attain mismatch repair?


206 - In E. coli mismatches are detected by which repair protein?

Mut S

207 - Mut S recruits how many component(s) to the mismatched site?


208 - The nicking of DNA is followed by the adherence of a helicase known as __________

Uvr D

209 - Mismatch repair system is ATP dependent.


210 - By which enzyme does E. coli tags its parental DNA strand?


211 - If the Mut H cuts the DNA at the 5’ side of the mismatch then which nuclease is activated?

Exonuclease VII

212 - What are the eukaryotic components of Mut S and Mut L of E. coli?


213 - High level of mutation in the germ cells is acceptable but in somatic cells can be catastrophic.


214 - RecA protein of E. coli is involved in the process of ____________

Pairing of homologous DNA

215 - RecBCD and RecFOR in E. coli is involved in the process ____________

Assembly of strand exchange

216 - In bacteria specific proteins are involved in the RecBCD pathway.


217 - What is the holiday junction resolving enzyme?


218 - RecBCD enzyme has polymerase and transcriptase activity.


219 - RecBCD pathway is an ATP dependent process.


220 - Chi is the control site of the RecBCD pathway.


221 - What are the helicase components of the RecBCD pathway?

RecB, RecD

222 - What is the function of Rec component?

Recognize Chi sites

223 - What are the two components of RecBCD pathway involved as motor parts?

RecB, RecD

224 - What is the speed of driving the RecBCD along the DNA?

More than 1000 bp per second

225 - How many times the frequency is increased by the Chi sites?

≈10 fold

226 - The nuclease activity of the RecBCD is prone to digest the bacterial cell wall from foreign DNA.


227 - What is the sequence of the Chi site that is highly found in the E. coli genome?


228 - If the foreign DNA lacks the Chi site what will happen?

Foreign DNA easily enters the cell

229 - Which of the following is not a target site for repressor molecules?

Promoter sites

230 - Which of the following about the enhancers is false?

They function as promoter sequences

231 - In the case of transcription regulation what is the function of enhancer molecules?

Stimulates the rate of transcription

232 - Gene imprinting involves ___________

DNA methylation

233 - Acetylation of histone increases transcription of gene due to ___________

It loosens the DNA-histone complex thus making it accessible to RNA polymerase

234 - With respect to the methylation of bases which of the following is correct?

It results in localized conversion of A-DNA to Z-DNA

235 - Which of the following about the enhancer sequence is incorrect?

They are not responsible for specificity of tissues

236 - The most commonly observed modification in the histone includes ___________

Acetylation of lysine and phosphorylation of serine

237 - Which of the following about the differences between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes are true?

Eukaryotic genes are large, monocistronic and contain introns

238 - With respect to DNA polymerase holoenzyme pick the odd one out.

Presence of DNA

239 - A complete DNA polymerase III holoenzyme contains ____________ subunits.


240 - How many polymerases are present in a replication fork?


241 - With respect to eukaryotic replication which of the following enzyme is not correctly paired with its function?

RF-C – recruitment, maintenance and coordination of DNA polymerases

242 - The formation of the phosphodiester bond is an example of _________ reaction.


243 - DNA synthesis is known as a coupled process.


244 - DNA helicase travels along _________

Lagging strand template in 5’→3’ direction

245 - DNA polymerase III holoenzyme does not need to interact with the helicase during replication.


246 - Binding of polymerase III and helicase ensures helicase efficiency.


247 - Association of primase with DNA template is brought about by the interaction of primase with _________________

Helicase and SSB protein

248 - How is the strength of the interaction between primase and helicase which regulates the length of Okazaki fragments?

Strong association short fragment

249 - Which of the following enzyme is not required for the synthesis of lagging strand?


250 - Length of Okazaki fragments in eukaryotes ranges between ____________ nucleotides.

100 – 400

251 - Polymerization of dNTP by DNA polymerase is in 3’ → 5’ direction.


252 - Which of the following is the most energetically costly process among the following?


253 - The accurate ordering of amino acids in a polypeptide is determined by the direct interactions between the mRNA template and the amino acid.


254 - Who was the first to propose indirect interaction between mRNA template and amino acids to produce accurate ordering of amino acid in a polypeptide chain?

Francis H. Crick

255 - How many major components are used for the process of translation?


256 - Which of the following is not a property of open reading frame?

Starts and ends at either end of the mRNA.

257 - Both Prokaryote and Eukaryote has one start codon 5’-AUG-3’.


258 - The start codon has a vital role to play in incorporating the specific amino acids in the peptide chains.


259 - How many reading frames are applicable in case of translation?


260 - Both prokaryotes and Eukaryotes have one ORF.


261 - Shine – Dalgarno sequence is also known as the __________


262 - Which component of the rRNA binds to the mRNA?


263 - The phenomenon of translating two a protein by two ribosomes is known as translational coupling.


264 - Replication of chromosome occurs during the ____________ phase.


265 - It is important to replicate the DNA correctly and only once.


266 - Selection of replicator occurs in ___________ phase.


267 - Activation of the origin of replication occurs in ____________ phase.


268 - The replicator selection is mediated by the formation of pre-replicative complex. It comprises of _________________

An ORC, two helicase loaders and a helicase

269 - The pre – RCs are auto-activated as soon as the cell enters the S – phase.


270 - Which of the following is wrong about the cyclin dependent kinases?

Promotes formation of new pre – RCs

271 - Active cyclin dependent kinase is absent in ____________ phase.


272 - How many types of vector systems are used in eukaryotic plants?


273 - Ti plasmid is the only known plasmid of plant.


274 - The Ti is referred to as _____________

Tumor inducing

275 - In which of the plant is the crown gall disease caused?


276 - The size of the Ti plasmid is around ___________

More than 200 kb

277 - The part of the bacterial plasmid incorporated in the plant genome includes ___________

Only T-DNA

278 - The size of the T-DNA is around ____________

15 – 30 kb

279 - The T-DNA contains how many genes for cancer in the plant?


280 - The sole purpose of the infection of plants by the Ti plasmid is the formation of cancer.


281 - How many process are used to form the chimera Ti plasmid?


282 - The transposable elements of bacteria are generally retrotransposons.


283 - The IS elements can be identified by the presence of __________

50 bp inverted repeat

284 - Direct repeats in the IS element are present __________

Within the inverted repeat

285 - The direct repeat within the IS element has a length of __________

5-11 bp

286 - The enzyme that catalyzes the transposition of an IS element is called __________


287 - Transposase restriction mechanism of the IS element restricts the transposon and the target DNA in a combination of which of the following?

Blunt end cut for transposon and sticky end cut for target DNA

288 - Which of the following functions is not performed by transposase?

Formation of the RNA intermediate

289 - The central block of the composite transposable element consists a gene for __________

Antibiotic resistance

290 - Which of the following is a non-composite transposon?


291 - Which of the following about the P-element is false?

25 bp inverted repeats

292 - Hybrid dysgenesis is caused by which of the following transposable element?


293 - How many nucleotides of the growing RNA chain remain base paired with the template DNA?


294 - The transcription bubble formed for facilitating RNA synthesis is about _____________ nucleotides long.


295 - The nascent RNA forms a double helix with the non – coding strand.


296 - How many proof-reading activities does RNA polymerase have?


297 - The RNA polymerase can remove only the incorrect bases from the nascent RNA.


298 - The Gre factor enhances the hydrolytic editing function of the polymerase.


299 - E. coli polymerase adds upto _____________ nucleotides per second.


300 - The Gre factor is homologous to the eukaryotic factor _____________


301 - In the beads on a string model, the bead is made up of __________

8 histone proteins

302 - The unpacked stretches of DNA are the extra chromosomal load found in the eukaryotic genome.


303 - How many types of histone molecules are found in nature?


304 - Nucleosome is made up of __________

DNA, histone core protein, linker H1

305 - Histones have a high content of negatively charged amino acids.


306 - With respect to assembly of every core histone which of the following is wrong?

2 α helices and an unstructured loop

307 - Which of the following histone pairs forms tetramers in solution?

H3, H4

308 - With respect to the “tails” of the histone molecules which of the following is not true?

Required for the association of nucleosome

309 - How many contacts are observed between the DNA and the histone core protein?


310 - Association of DNA and histone is mediated by _________

Hydrogen bonding

311 - For the correct addition of amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain which of the following does not play any role?

Loading of initiator tRNA to the P site

312 - The events controlling the correct addition of amino acid is controlled by ____________ proteins.


313 - The auxillary protein required for the elongation of polypeptide is energy independent.


314 - Aminoacyl tRNA needs an escort to carry them to the ribosome bound mRNA.


315 - Once the tRNA is aminoacylated, EF-Tu binds to the tRNA at the ____________

3’ end of the tRNA

316 - The activation of GTPase activity of the enzyme EF-Tu occurs after its binding to the aminoacylated tRNA.


317 - The only fidelity testing of the translation is by observing the energy difference involved in the correct and incorrect base pairing.


318 - How many mechanisms are involved in the maintenance of the fidelity of translation?


319 - Which part of the large subunit helps in the formation of the peptide bond?

23S rRNA

320 - Which of the following steps is not required for the process of translocation?

Frame shift in hybrid states

321 - The completion of translocation requires the action of the factor _________________


322 - PCR is a DNA amplifying in vivo method.


323 - Which of the following is a mismatch?

Template – double stranded DNA

324 - Annealing of primer is facilitated by complementary region.


325 - Primer used for the process of polymerase chain reaction are ______________

Single stranded DNA oligonucleotide

326 - Polymerase used for PCR is extracted from _____________

Thermus aquaticus

327 - How many DNA duplex is obtained from one DNA duplex after 4 cycles of PCR?


328 - At what temperature do denaturation of DNA double helix takes place?


329 - At what temperature do annealing of DNA and primer takes place?


330 - The temperature at which DNA synthesis takes place is 74ËšC.


331 - How many charged tRNA substrate is used for the polypeptide formation at a time?


332 - The peptidyl transferase reaction is a result of ____________ consecutive steps.


333 - The polypeptide bond formation is an ATP dependent process.


334 - During the addition of amino acid, the codon on the mRNA is identified by the direct interaction of the anticodon loop of the tRNA.


335 - The peptidyl transferase reaction center of the ribosome contains ___________ sites.


336 - How many channels are observed in a ribosome molecule?


337 - The channel for the entry of the mRNA into the decoding center is a crucial feature for the proper decoding of them RNA.


338 - The polypeptide elongation channel allows the formation of which of the following structures?

α – helix

339 - X-chromosome inactivation is known as ______________

Dosage compensation

340 - The proposal for the concept of X-chromosome inactivation in female XX-chromosomes was experimentally shown in ___________


341 - The maternal X-chromosome is inactivated during Dosage compensation.


342 - Female mammals are called genetic mosaics.


343 - The best genetic mosaicism is observed in which of the following?


344 - Barr body is the ___________

Inactive X chromosome

345 - What changes occur in the chromosome to make it inactive?


346 - The X-chromosome once inactivated remains inactive throughout the life in all the cells of the body.


347 - All genes on the inactivated X chromosome are transcriptionally silent.


348 - The functional product of the Xist gene is ___________

RNA devoid of ORF

349 - The one which is able to repress the production of the Xist transcript is the active X chromosome.


350 - In which stage of the cell cycle the Barr body can be identified?


351 - The β subunit of polymerase has a function of ____________

Catalytic center

352 - Presence of the heparin promotes transcription.


353 - The β’ subunit of polymerase has a function of ________________

Cation binding

354 - The RNA polymerase core enzyme converts into a holoenzyme on the addition of the _________ subunit.


355 - Four types of σ factors are known of them which one is heat stable?


356 - What is the function of the ω subunit of RNA polymerase?

Subunit association

357 - Which of the following is not part of the RNA polymerase core enzyme?


358 - The bacterial system has _____________ RNA polymerases.


359 - Reverse transcriptase produces DNA from RNA.


360 - Which of the following serves as the first primer in RT – PCR for eukaryotic RNA?

Oligo T

361 - In RT – PCR the enzyme deoxynucleotydil transferase adds poly – G residues in the __________

3’ end of cDNA

362 - The digestion of mRNA during RT – PCR is carried out by the enzyme ____________

RNase H

363 - How many primers are used in the process of reverse transcriptase amplification?


364 - From which organism is the enzyme reverse transcriptase isolated?


365 - The cDNA library provides several advantages over RT – PCR.


366 - ________________ is a modification of RT – PCR.


367 - The main problem in the formation of the chimera Ti plasmid is _____________

No unique restriction site

368 - The binary vector strategy uses two different vectors for the production of the single chimera molecule by recombination.


369 - Which of the following does not play any role in the infection of plant cell by the Ti plasmid of A. tumefaciens?


370 - Disarming of Ti plasmid is ____________

Removal of the T-DNA

371 - Insertion of the T-DNA into the host genome depends on the T-DNA itself.


372 - The Ti cloning vector pBIN19 contains which of the following genes?

Kanamycin resistant gene

373 - Transformants of pBIN19 are selected by growing them in solid agar media with ampicillin.


374 - Introduction of new gene through Ti plasmid should be done in ____________


375 - How the host specificity is achieved by the specificity gene of the Ti plasmid?

Acetosringone released by a wounded part of the plant

376 - The origin of replication is rich in __________

A, T

377 - How many origin of replication are present in the E. coli genome ___________


378 - There are two repeated motifs critical for ori C function. They are ___________

9 mer and 13 mer

379 - With respect to the ori C motif choose the correctly paired option.

13 mer = 3 times

380 - Which of the following is not paired with its correct function?

13 mer = binding site for replication initiator protein

381 - Which of the following is not a function of Dna A?

Initiates DNA melting

382 - The replication terminus is a segment of a number of ____________ bp.


383 - The replication terminus involves ____________ identical non palindromic termination site.


384 - The termination sites are one way valves known as non-polar valves.


385 - The arrest of replication fork motion at Ter sites require the action of ____________ protein.


386 - The topological unlinking of DNA in prokaryotes is promoted by ______________


387 - Helicase attaches to the leading strand during replication.


388 - The primer used for lagging strand synthesis in prokaryotes is an RNA primer.


389 - Which enzyme is used to remove the primer from the Okazaki fragment?


390 - The functional unit in which genes are arranged consecutively is known as ___________


391 - The investigation of the lac operon for the metabolism of lactose was done by __________

Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod

392 - Presence of lactose itself induces the production of β-galactoside transferase.


393 - How many enzymes are produced in the lac operon under the same promoter?


394 - Defects in which regions can affect the activity of the lac operon?

i and o

395 - If the lac operon of the genome of bacteria is always active it has a defect in which region of the operon?


396 - Lac operon follows a trans-acting control mechanism.


397 - According to the repressor of lac operon which of the following are false?

It binds to the promoter region

398 - If there is an insertion mutation in the operator of the lac operon, the expression of the lac structural gene will be __________

Constitutively expressed

399 - The complete expression of the lac operon requires __________

Allolactose and cAMP

400 - What effect would a loss-of-function mutation have on the expression of the gene encoding the catabolite activator protein of the lac operon?

Low expression in the presence of lactose and off in its absence, regardless of the presence or absence of glucose

401 - Mutation in the regulatory gene of a positively controlled operon can be identified by __________

Operon repression

402 - In the case of lac operon, the gene expression is inhibited by __________

Interaction of repressor with operator

403 - Which of the following is false about bacterial tryptophan operon?

The co-repressor is the catabolite activator protein

404 - Attenuator in the tryptophan operon is the __________

Leader sequence in the tryptophan mRNA coding for many tryptophan residues

405 - The 3’ end of tRNA is __________

3’ ACC 5’

406 - Thymine is present in tRNA.


407 - With respect to tRNA which of the following is not its characteristic?

Double helix molecule

408 - How many loops are present in the clover leaf model of tRNA?


409 - Why the variable loop is named so?

Variable number of bases

410 - The distance between the amino acid binding site and the anticodon site is ______

70 Ã…

411 - What is the angle between the D loop and the anticodon loop?


412 - Which of the following does not contribute to the stability of tRNA?

Hydrophobic interactions

413 - For the charging of tRNA molecules, the acyl linkage occurs between the carboxyl group of the amino acid to the ____________

2’ hydroxyl group of A

414 - The formation of the acyl linkage is significant for protein synthesis even though it is a high energy bond.


415 - The joining of the amino acid to the tRNA requires ___________ steps.


416 - The principle driving force for adenylation reaction during the formation of the aminoacyl tRNA is carried out by ___________


417 - How many types of tRNA synthetases are found?


418 - How many tRNA synthetases are found in a cell?


419 - The quaternary structure of which of the aminoacyl tRNA synthetase is the odd one among the following?


420 - Which of the following pair is an example for using only one type of tRNA synthetase in bacteria?

Glutamine and glutamic acid

421 - Which of the following parts of the mRNA determines the specificity of the amino acid attached?

Acceptor stem

422 - Any mutation in the sequence of the acceptor stem does not pose a threat to the amino acid incorporation.


423 - For the addition of amino acids to the tRNA molecules the tRNA synthetases rely on the guidance provided by the anticodon sequence.


424 - The set of tRNA determinants that enable synthetases to discriminate among tRNAs are called ___________

Second genetic code

425 - The most common signal for termination of transcription is self complementation.


426 - The stem of the hairpin loop of RNA consists mostly of _____________

G, C

427 - The hairpin structure generated in the RNA is followed by a stretch of oligonucleotide complementary to the base ____________


428 - A stretch of which nucleotide in the DNA acts as the termination signal?

Poly A

429 - The rho protein has ____________ subunit.


430 - The rho proteins are ATP independent proteins.


431 - The rho protein binds to the RNA recognizes a special structure. It consists of ____________ nucleotides.


432 - The rut sites are rich in ____________ residues.


433 - The rho protein can even bind within operons to terminate transcription.


434 - Which of the following statement is false about DNA?

Abundantly found in cytoplasm

435 - Which of the following function of DNA is necessary for the purpose of evolution?


436 - Which of the following combination is a correct observation for the transformation experiment performed by Griffith?

Type IIIS (living) + mouse = dead

437 - Fredrick Griffith’s experiment involving Streptococcus pneumonia lead to the discovery of____________

Transforming principle

438 - Definite results proving DNA to be genetic material was given by __________

Avery, Macleod and MacCarty

439 - Which of the following statements regarding the mechanism of transformation in Bacillus subtilis is false?

While translocation of exogenous DNA, both strands gets passage into the cell

440 - What were the main criteria taken under consideration for the experiment by Hershey and Chase?

DNA contains phosphorus, protein contains sulfur

441 - What combination of radiolabelling is correct in case of Hershey and Chase’s demonstration of DNA as genetic material in T2 bacteriophage?

31P, 35S

442 - Recently, scientists have developed a procedure in which protoplasts of E. coli could be directly infected with the phage DNA. This process is termed as_________


443 - According to Mendel’s experiments gene carry genetic information from parents to offspring’s. On which plant did he perform his experiments?

Pisum sativam

444 - Plasmids are ____________

Circular double stranded DNA

445 - What stores the genetic information in DNA?

Nitrogenous base

446 - DNA always carries the genetic information for all organisms.


447 - What is the major type of RNA produced in the cell required for translation?


448 - Which of the following does not affect the formation of hybrid DNA?


449 - Which of the following is not termed as hybridization?

DNA from male and female of same species

450 - What is a probe?

Either purified or synthesized single stranded DNA

451 - Why is a probe labeled?

Improve location identification

452 - In how many ways a DNA can be labeled?


453 - What is the function of polynucleotide kinase?

Addition of γ – phosphate at 5’ – OH

454 - Fluorescent labeling is an important phenomenon in case of hybridization and manipulations in molecular biology.


455 - Radiolabelling is generally brought about by addition of radioactive phosphorus.


456 - During electrophoresis denaturation of the double stranded DNA is brought about by __________

Treatment with alkali

457 - In case of northern blotting the hybridization occurs between two RNA molecules.


458 - Northern blotting is performed for ____________

Quantification of RNA

459 - The process by which a probe is used to screen a library is known as ___________

Colony hybridization

460 - Which of the following is not a part of a gene?


461 - What is the correct order for increasing gene density?

Human, Fruit fly, Bacteria, Virus

462 - Which of these factors contribute to a decrease in gene density?

Intergenic sequence

463 - What do you think is the requirement of Intergenic DNA in higher organisms?

To avoid viable mutations

464 - Which of the following is not a character of unique Intergenic DNA?


465 - Which of the following is responsible for the formation of Pseudogenes?

Reverse transcriptase

466 - With respect to microsatellite DNA which of the following is correct?

100 bp units

467 - Genome – wide repeat unit are generally transposable elements.


468 - Repeated DNA can be referred to as junk DNA.


469 - The simpler the organism the more likely they are to have transposable elements.


470 - In which phase bacteria develop competence?

Late phase

471 - In which bacteria competence pheromones was first identified?

B. subtilis

472 - What is the percentage of DNA molecules taken up by competent cells during the transformation?


473 - Transformation of E. coli does not occur.


474 - During conjugation the Donor cell have cell surface appendages known as ____________

F pili

475 - What is the size of the F factor that is involved in conjugation?

105 base pairs

476 - In how many states the F plasmid can occur within bacteria?


477 - By which of the following methods does the F plasmid integrates into the bacterial genome?


478 - High frequency recombination cell contains an integrated F factor. What is the name of such a cell?

Hfr cell

479 - What is the strain of the Hfr+ cell where the F factor is integrated near the tbr and leu loci?

Hfr H

480 - Transformation, transduction and conjugation occur in every bacterial cell.


481 - What is the central protein of homologous recombination?


482 - What is the joint molecule?

Rec A bound three stranded structure

483 - The RuvAB complex specifically recognizes the Holliday junction in an ATP dependent manner.


484 - Which component cleaves the specific DNA strands at the Holliday junction?


485 - After cleaved by RuvC the resulting ligated recombination products will only be the splice product.


486 - What is the cleavage site of RuvC?


487 - What is the source of energy during the action of SPO11?

Cleavage of phosphodiester bond

488 - What are the components of the MRX protein?

MreII, Rad50, Xrs2

489 - Processing of the DNA at the break site occurs at the 3’ end.


490 - How many cycles are required for the configuration of chromosomes?


491 - What is non-disjunction?

Failed alignment

492 - For which biological phenomenon homologous recombination is critical?


493 - What are homologs?

Pair of chromosomes

494 - What is the function of the Spo11 in meiotic recombination?

Introduction of DSB

495 - How many subunits of Spo11 are involved in the process of cleavage of DNA?


496 - How is the extent of supercoiling measured?

Lk – Lk0

497 - If Lk < Lk0 then DNA is ____________

Negatively coiled

498 - What is ΔLk and Lk0 dependent upon?

Length of DNA

499 - Strand separation is easily accomplished in positively supercoiled DNA.


500 - Which of the following organism has been found to have a positively supercoiled DNA?

Thermus aquaticus

501 - Which of the following is not true about positive supercoils?

Strand separations require low energy

502 - Packaging of DNA around nucleosome is known as ____________

Toroid writhes

503 - The nucleosome is seen to have negative supercoils.


504 - Which of the following is known to relax supercoiled DNA?


505 - With respect to topoisomerases which of the following is true?

Requires ATP

506 - Nucleosome was first described in 1974 by ___________

Roger Kornberg

507 - The extent of chromosome coiling in non – dividing cells is _________


508 - The whole length of DNA is transcriptionally active.


509 - Why are chromosomes condensed?

To facilitate distribution in daughter cells

510 - At which phase do transcription ceases?


511 - The part that plays a critical role in even distribution of parental DNA during division is ___________


512 - With respect to centromere which of the following is wrong?

Facilitates even distribution

513 - The protein that binds to the spindle fibres are known as centromeric proteins.


514 - Centromeric DNA was initially defined in ___________


515 - How many satellite sequence elements are present in yeast centromere?


516 - The centromere is A/T rich region.


517 - Which alternate form of histone is seen in centromeric histones of humans?


518 - Telomere is not related to __________


519 - Which of the following nucleotides is rich I telomere of an organism?

G, C

520 - How does telomerase activity depend on age?

Does not occur

521 - In cancer telomerase activity __________


522 - How many types of DNA libraries are possible?


523 - In the following type of libraries pick the odd one out.

cDNA library

524 - Which enzyme is involved in the synthesis of the DNA over an RNA template?

Reverse transcriptase

525 - For the construction of DNA library what is the range of genomic DNA that has to be cloned into the vector?

Less than 100 to mega bases

526 - Which of the following enzymes is responsible for the digestion of the RNA strand in the RNA-DNA hybrid?

RNase H

527 - cDNA is synthesized from __________


528 - During storage of DNA fragments for making library, larger fragments are having more chances of getting lost.


529 - What is the characteristic of the DNA that is used for the construction of library?

Plasmid and naked DNA

530 - What is the state of phage cloning vector that is used for the construction of library?

Unpackaged phage

531 - Which enzyme is used to avoid ligation of separate DNA?


532 - Partial digestion is preferred for the fragmentation of DNA.


533 - What is the significance of “c” in cDNA library?

Copy DNA

534 - mRNA can be readily separated from lysed eukaryotic cells adding magnetic beads. What is the sequence of this magnetic bead?

Oligo T

535 - What is the significance of SI nuclease?

Cleavage of hooks

536 - How is the genetic material expressed?

By transcription and translation

537 - RNA polymerase requires a DNA primer for RNA synthesis.


538 - The transcription process carried out by the RNA polymerase is very accurate but less accurate than replication.


539 - Which of the following RNA polymerases are responsible for the production of 5S rRNA?

RNA polymerase III

540 - Which RNA polymerase deals with the production of mRNA?

RNA polymerase I

541 - The eukaryotic subunit of RNA polymerase homologous to the ω subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase is ___________


542 - The E. coli RNA polymerase adds __________ nucleotides per second.


543 - The RNA polymerase holoenzyme has the structural formula of ___________


544 - The α subunits of polymerase has a function of ____________

Promoter binding

545 - With respect to polymerization of amino acids which of the following statements is wrong?

The polymerization machinery consists of fifty proteins and two RNA molecules

546 - Ribosome begins its translation at the 3’ end of the mRNA in prokaryotes.


547 - Check which one of the following mechanisms is wrongly paired with its location of occurrence?

Post transcriptional mechanism – ER

548 - With respect to the subunits of ribosome which of the following is wrongly paired?

Large subunit = decoding center

549 - An mRNA bearing multiple ribosomes is known as______________


550 - What is the actual substrate for each round of amino acid addition?


551 - The reaction to form a new peptide bond is known as the peptidyl transferase reaction.


552 - Where does ribosome gets the energy for the formation of peptide bond?

Breaking of acyl bond

553 - With respect to the mRNA – ribosome complex for translation mechanism which of the following pair is wrong?

E site – polypeptide exit site

554 - Only a single stranded RNA can pass through the ribosome for decoding.


555 - How many channels are present in the ribosome?


556 - Which base undergoes spontaneous damage under physiological conditions?


557 - With which base uracil pairs in the opposite strand upon replication?


558 - Which base is generated due to the deamination of adenine?


559 - Which base is generated by the deamination of guanine?


560 - Bases in the mRNA undergo depurination.


561 - In vertebrate DNA, which base is frequently present in place of cytosine on which methyl transferase acts?


562 - Which base is generated by the deamination of 5-methylcytosine?


563 - Which laboratory mutagen is prone to mutation of DNA?

N-methyl, N1-nitro, N-nitrosoguanidine

564 - Which site of guanine is the site for mutation?


565 - What is the product by mutation by oxidation of DNA?


566 - To which base OXOG base pairs?

A, C

567 - In the case of thymine dimer which type of ring compound is formed?


568 - 5-bromouracil is the analog of which base?


569 - Bleomycin is the anticancer agent.


570 - In the following compound which is one of the intercalating agents?


571 - Where do the chimera molecules propagate?


572 - Mutation sometimes assists the uptake of DNA material. It is a transformational regulator.


573 - What is the DNA sequence for cleavage by the endonuclease that is coded by hsdR?


574 - In which of the following methylation dependent restriction system is necessary?


575 - The DAM protein methylates which residue in the sequence GATC?


576 - The quality and yield of plasmid DNA preparation both are enhanced by end A mutation.


577 - What is the main characteristic that is present in a useful transformation method?

Efficiency of transformation

578 - Plasmids contribute to the survivality of its host cells.


579 - Which of the following types of resistance is not provided by the plasmid for its host?

Phage infection

580 - The drug, quinolone, resistance is observed in which of the following?

Klebsiella pneumoniae

581 - Certain products produced by the plasmid genes can kill other microbes in its vicinity.


582 - The binding of U2 snRNP is aided by BBP and thus promotes 5’ site splicing.


583 - Which three snRNPs together make the tri-snRNP particle?

U4, U5, U6

584 - Which of the following pairs is held together by the complementary base pairing in the B complex of splicosome?

U4, U6

585 - Which of the following complexes produces the active site of the splicosome?

C complex

586 - Formation of the active site only in the C complex is a necessity for avoiding wrong splicing.


587 - Group II introns are spliced by the splicosome complex.


588 - The branch point site conserved sequence for group II intron is ___________


589 - Which of the following groups can perform self splicing?


590 - Self-splicing is achieved by the formation of specific structures within the introns.

None of the mentioned

591 - What is the correct definition of excision repair?

Removal of a single damaged nucleotide

592 - How many types of excision repair systems are known?


593 - Why recombinational repair system is called double strand break repair?

Both strands are broken

594 - Which enzyme is activated during double stranded break?

Translesional polymerase

595 - What is the main enzyme that plays a major role in formation of thymine dimer?

DNA photolyase

596 - Which two Uvr component molecules scan the DNA during nucleotide excision repair?

UvrA, UvrB

597 - After creation of the bubble which Uvr component are recruited?

Uvr C

598 - Which complex in E. coli performs in translesion synthesis?

DNA polymerase IV, DNA polymerase V

599 - In humans which DNA polymerase is involved?

DNA polymerase Æž

600 - The genes encoding the translesional polymerases are expressed as part of a pathway known as the SOS response.


601 - In eukaryotes the other name of PCNA is __________

Sliding clamp

602 - In SOS repair system cleavage of LexA and UmuD is mediated by ___________


603 - What are the two fundamental components of NHEJ?

KU70, KU80

604 - NHEJ is ubiquitin independent in eukaryotic organisms.


605 - In the following compounds which are involved in nucleotide excision repair?


606 - Without using primers for RNA synthesis the polymerase produces small stretches of RNA of _____________ nucleotides.


607 - To facilitate binding of σ70 the melting of the template and non – template strands occurs between the positions ____________

-11 to +3

608 - The isomerisation of σ70 of bacterial polymerase is an energy dependent process.


609 - With respect to the formation of a complex between polymerase and DNA template which of the following is correct?

Open: irreversible; Closed: reversible

610 - How many channels are found in the RNA polymerase clamp?


611 - The channel that allows the exit of the coding strand is known as ____________

NT channel

612 - Region 1.1 of the σ factor mimics the DNA and is negatively charged.


613 - RNA polymerase adds the nucleotides de novo. The first nucleotide added by the polymerase is ____________


614 - The ternary complex is formed by the polymerase, DNA duplex and the nascent RNA.


615 - After the binding of polymerase to the DNA template the σ factor is ejected.


616 - Which of the following facilitates nucleosome positioning?

DNA – binding protein

617 - Which of the following regions promote histone – DNA association?

A, T

618 - With respect to end terminal modification of the histone tail which of the following options is true?

Modifications – involvement in gene expression

619 - Which of the following is a function of a modified histone tail?

Interaction with chromodomains

620 - Bromodomains of proteins are associated with phosphorylated histone tails.


621 - Which of the following enzymes of transcription commonly contains a bromodomain?


622 - Which of the following enzymes is not correctly paired with its function?

Methyl transferase – adds methyl group to serine

623 - Which of the following is not promoted by histone tail modification?

Nucleosome sliding

624 - Which of the following is not required for DNA sequencing?


625 - End labeled DNA sequencing is known as dideoxy method of sequencing.


626 - The 32P is added at the 3’ end by polynucleotidyl kinase.


627 - The end labeled fragment is cleaved in how many pieces?


628 - Restriction digestion is the only process to achieve sequencing by the Maxem and Gilbert method.


629 - The denatured strands cannot be separated.


630 - What are the basic base-specific cleavage sites used in Maxem and Gilbert method?

G, C, A+G, C+T

631 - Which step is not involved in base-specific cleavage of DNA fragment?

Induction of random strand break

632 - The process of electrophoresis is the key to sequencing.


633 - The dideoxy method is also known as _____________

Sanger’s enzymatic sequencing

634 - Which enzyme is used for the replication in case of Sanger’s method of sequencing?

Larger subunit polymerase I

635 - With respect to Sanger’s enzymatic method of sequencing pick the odd one out.

Restriction digestion

636 - The four reaction mixtures that were prepared, contained ____________


637 - ddNTP acts as the chain radioactive markers.


638 - Strand separation for DNA sequencing is done to ____________

obtain consecutive sequence as per termination

639 - The position of band during electrophoresis indicates the dNTP used as a chain terminator in that mixture.


640 - The transcription starts with a purine that ends with a __________


641 - The enzyme used for capping mRNA is a __________


642 - The guanyl residue added during capping is added in the same direction as the other nucleotides.


643 - How many methylated nucleotides are observed during capping?


644 - During capping the methylated penultimate base is known as the __________

Cap 1

645 - The specific sequence present in the DNA for the triggering of polyadenylation is __________


646 - The poly A adding site is 5’….GA….3’.


647 - The requirements of polyadenylation site does not include __________

Polyadenylation after GU rich region at cleavage site

648 - Regulation of enzyme activity is accomplished in ___________ steps.


649 - Binding of small molecules to enzymes leads to feedback inhibition.


650 - The regulatory molecules bind to the catalytic site of an enzyme to regulate its activity.


651 - Which of the following is incorrect about the inactive state of the Ras protein?

Cell proliferation activation

652 - The regulatory proteins bind to the enzymes with covalent linkages.


653 - The activity of which of the following proteins is not regulated by covalent modifications?

Cell signaling

654 - Protein kinases transfer phosphate groups to the side chains of which of the following?


655 - Like kinases all phosphatases are also species specific in nature.


656 - Which of the following is false about amino acid modification and activity?

Nitrosylation of arginine residue

657 - The cAMP-dependent protein kinase has how many subunits?


658 - The two strands of cccDNA can be easily separated without any breakage of bonds.


659 - Passing of one strand through the other in order to get separated is known as _______

Linking number

660 - Linking number is always a ___________


661 - Linking number is the sum of which geometric components?

Twist and writhe

662 - 3 – dimension structure of cccDNA is ___________

Torsionally stressed

663 - Plectonomic writhe is __________

Long axis twisted around itself

664 - Interwound writhe and spiral writhe are topologically different.


665 - Twist and writhe are interconvertible.


666 - What is the relation between linking number (Lk), writing number (Wr) and twist number (Tw)?

Tw = Lk – Wr

667 - How can we remove supercoils from cccDNA?

Treat with DNase

668 - How many classes of sequences are carried by the recombination site?


669 - CSSSR can generate ____________ Different types of DNA rearrangement.


670 - In recombinase recognition sequences what is the short sequence?

Crossover region

671 - What are the two families of conservative site specific recombinases?

Serine and tyrosine

672 - Site specific recombination is ATP dependent process.


673 - What are the two proteins which create site specific recombination?

DNA topoisomerases and Spo11

674 - How many single strands are generated during recombination?


675 - Which recombinases cleaves the four strands before strand exchange occurs?


676 - What is the correct pair of the four segments (R1, R2, R3, and R4)?

R2 and R3, R1 and R4

677 - What is the nature of the DNA complex formed by the recombination process?


678 - How many mechanisms are involved in the recombination process?


679 - How does tyrosine recombinase acts?

Cleaves and rejoin two DNA pairs one after another

680 - What is the enzyme involved in the tyrosine recombination process?

Cre recombinase

681 - What is the name of the site where Cre enzyme acts?


682 - What is the function of Salmonella Hix invertase?

Inversion of chromosomal region

683 - Which of the following is not a feature of the genetic code?


684 - The codon is a ____________


685 - There is one amino acid for one genetic code.


686 - One base in an mRNA can be used for more than one codon.


687 - Which of the following is not a termination codon?


688 - In case of mitochondrial genetic code UGA is a ____________ codon.


689 - The wobble hypothesis was devised by ____________

Francis Crick

690 - The distribution of codon is made in such a way to minimize mutation effect.


691 - Point mutation of the second place mutating “A” with “T” will result in a similar if not the same amino acid.


692 - Which of the following genetic code shows ambiguity?


693 - The type of DNA amplification where the region of DNA amplified lies on either side of a known segment __________

Inverse – PCR

694 - Primer complementary to regions used in inverse PCR is _____________

3’ end of known region

695 - With respect to target DNA used in inverted PCR which of the following is not true?

Blunt ended segment

696 - The linear fragment used for inverted PCR has known ends _____________


697 - With respect to RAPD which of the following is false?

Has inverted repeats

698 - Polymorphism in RAPD is observed because ______________

DNA used is from different chromosomes of different species

699 - RAPDs cannot be used for PCR amplification.


700 - RAPDs are much more convenient markers than RFLPs.


701 - The inheritance pattern of RAPD is _______________


702 - RAPDs can be used to detect multiple alleles of a marker.


703 - Who were the first to suggest that one strand of DNA might act as a template for the synthesis of its complementary strand?

Watson and crick

704 - Semiconservative nature of replication of eukaryotic chromosome was first demonstrated by _______

J. Herbert Taylor, Philip Wood and Walter Hughes on root tip cells of Vicia faba

705 - Watson and Crick’s suggestion of the complementary strand synthesis taking one of the parent strand as template was proposed in _________


706 - Which of the following statements is true with respect to the DNA double helix?

The base pairs have opposite polarity

707 - Who, in which year showed firm enzymological proof that DNA alone functions as the template for the synthesis of new DNA strands?

Meselson and Stahl in 1958

708 - Replication of DNA ends are carried out by polymerase.


709 - Which of the following regarding the basic mechanism of gene expression is correct?

RNA ―> cDNA ―> mRNA ―> protein

710 - Which of the following does not take part in gene expression?


711 - Multiple copies of RNA could be formed at the same time.


712 - Amino acids prior to their incorporation into polypeptide must be attached to a special adaptor molecule. Who proved this and when?

Paul C. Zamecnic and Maholon B. Hoagland in 1957

713 - What is the condition required to observe B form of DNA?

High humidity

714 - What is the condition required to observe A form of DNA?

Low humidity

715 - How many bases are there in per turn of the B form of DNA?

10 bp

716 - Which of the following is not a character of A DNA?

Left handed helix

717 - How many bases are there in per turn of the A form of DNA?

11 bp

718 - Which of the following is not a character of B form of DNA?

Flat major groove

719 - In a right handed DNA the glycosidic bond is in syn configuration.


720 - In the Z form of DNA the fundamental repeating unit is __________

Purine – pyrimidine tetra-nucleotide

721 - What is the factor responsible for the left-handed helical conformation in Z form of DNA?

Syn conformation at purine

722 - In higher salt concentration the DNA helix assumes the right-handed conformation.


723 - According to the pairing concept of wobble hypothesis base “I” in the anticodon does not pair with?


724 - Which of the following is not a chain termination codon?


725 - The first amino acid added by the tRNA is added to the anticodon ____________


726 - The modification of which base gives rise to inosine?


727 - The stop codon on the mRNA is read by __________


728 - With respect to the genetic code reading frame which of the following is wrong?

Flexible reading frame

729 - The mitochondrial mRNA code for methionine is _____________


730 - The mitochondrial genome has _____________ stop codons.


731 - Fruitfly mitochondrial codes AGA and AGG codes for _____________


732 - With respect to the universal genetic code pick the odd one out.

UGG – Tryptophan

733 - Non – coding sequence in mRNA is known as __________


734 - Which of the following organisms have monocistronic DNA?


735 - Which of the following organisms have overlapping genes?


736 - Introns were first discovered in __________


737 - Adenovirus is a useful model of studying gene expression because __________

High protein production

738 - Mouse β – globin gene has __________ introns.


739 - The amount of exon in the eukaryotic genome is higher than that of the introns.


740 - The mRNA of which eukaryotic protein lacks introns?


741 - Introns are nothing more than genetic load in the eukaryotic genome.


742 - Presence of introns facilitates the formation of several different mRNAs, thus increasing protein yield of different types but from same gene.


743 - Eukaryotic ribosome is recruited to the mRNA by _____________

5’ capping

744 - After bounding to the mRNA eukaryotic ribosome scans the entire mRNA until it encounters a start codon.


745 - The end of all tRNAs is ___________

5’ CCA 3’

746 - How many unusual bases are observed in a tRNA molecule?


747 - In pseudouridine the attachment of Uracil base to ribose through ___________ of uracil.

C at position 5

748 - Dihydrouridine is the result of oxidation of the uracil base.


749 - How many loops are seen in the tRNA?


750 - How many double helix regions are observed in a tRNA molecule?


751 - The variable loop is found between the ___________

Anticodon loop and ΨU loop

752 - The 3 dimension structure of an adaptor molecule of translation is revealed to be ___________

L shaped

753 - Which of the following does not take part in stabilizing the cloverleaf model of the tRNA?

Ionic bond

754 - Enhancers that can function over very long distances known as ________________

Trans-acting enhancers

755 - Enhancers were first identified in __________

SV40 virus

756 - Enhancers in which of the following positions are unable to enhance the process of transcription?

Within the promoter site

757 - Immunoglobulin enhancers are active in which of the following cell types?

B lymphocytes

758 - Enhancers are a unit of multiple functional sequence elements that together regulates the expression of a gene.


759 - The enhancers are gene specific regardless of the presence of insulators.


760 - Transcriptional activators consist of __________ domains.


761 - The activation domain of activators recruits transcriptional factors to proper sites on the DNA.


762 - How many mechanisms are present to enhance transcription by the enhancer molecules?


763 - Which of the following steps for the production of RNA is not regulated by enhancers?


764 - Pick the odd one out.


765 - Transposable elements are often found once in a gene and have a unique sequence for its own.


766 - Junk DNA are also a type of transposable element that can jump from one location to another within the genome.


767 - On the mechanism of the movement of transposable elements they are of ___________ types.


768 - The type of mutation that is imposed by transposons is ___________

Polar mutation

769 - Transposons were first discovered in ___________


770 - Transposons are able to move by ___________ mechanism(s).


771 - The transposons are more abundant than retrotransposons in higher eukaryotes.


772 - Silencing of transposons cannot be achieved by which of the following mechanisms?

DNA phosphorylation

773 - Pick the odd one out.

Mu phage

774 - The splice site is found in __________

5’ end of intron

775 - During splicing which of the following sites is not recognized by the splicosome?

G-rich site

776 - The 3’ end of an intron is marked by __________

Acceptor site

777 - The highly conserved base at the branch point site is __________


778 - How many consensus sequences for splicing are found in an exon?


779 - To achieve splicing of an intron how many phosphodiester bonds are formed __________


780 - The first transesterification reaction between the branch point site and the 5’ splice site is a __________ reaction.


781 - The second transesterification reaction occurs between __________

The 5’ end of exon and the 3’ splice site

782 - The transesterification reaction is ATP independent.


783 - In trans-splicing the excised intron forms a lariat structure.


784 - Nonstop mediated decay is observed mostly in ____________


785 - Ski7 is known to recruit ____________ enzyme for mRNA degradation.

3’→5’ exonuclease

786 - Translation of an mRNA is the only way to proofread mRNAs.


787 - Introns makes up about ____________ % of the total mRNA.


788 - The enzyme that degrades the mRNA recognizes ____________ bond of mRNA.

2’ – 5’

789 - The introns are degraded due to ____________

Unprotected ends

790 - How many ways of RNA degradation are found in eukaryotic cell?


791 - Nonsense mediated mRNA decay is proceeded due to the ____________

Absence of ORF

792 - Presence of premature stop codon triggers nonstop mediated decay.


793 - Which of the following types of RNA is the most stable?


794 - Which of the following is not a step to degrade mRNA?

Site-specific degradation

795 - The shorter half life of mRNAs is essential for the cells environmental adaptation in prokaryotes.


796 - The half life of mRNA of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is same.


797 - mRNA for which of the following has a longer half life?

G protein

798 - Which of the following cannot be used for the separation of nucleic acids?


799 - The polymerization of the gel used in PAGE occurs between polyacrylamide and ____________

N, N – methylene bisacrylamide

800 - If DNA is digested by endonucleases in four sites giving rise to fragments of which two are equal in length how many bands would be seen after electrophoresis?


801 - The fluorescent dye such Ethidium is used for visualizing DNA. How do ethidium binds to DNA?

Intercalated between the stacked bases

802 - Pulse field gel electrophoresis separates DNA molecules of size ___________

30 – 50 Kb

803 - Which of the following will migrate faster? The condition is the molecular weight of the following is equal.

Supercoiled circular DNA

804 - Agarose can be extracted from which of the following?

Gracilaria esculentus

805 - Electrophoresis cannot be used to separate _______________

Amino acid

806 - Which of the following is not a character of polyacrylamide gel?

Separate upto a few 100 bp of DNA

807 - Pulse field gel electrophoresis was developed by ____________

Schwartz and Cantor

808 - Histone H1 binds two DNA helices.


809 - The distinct zig-zag appearance of the chromatin fibre is due to ____________

Histone H1

810 - With respect to Histone H1 DNA packaging which of the following is false?

H1 induce 10 nm fibre formation

811 - With respect to the solenoid model of nucleosome, which of the following is true?

Structure supported by X – ray diffraction

812 - What marks the difference between the solenoid and the zig-zag models of 30 nm fibres?

Linker DNA

813 - The histone tails stabilize the 30 nm fibre by interacting with adjacent nucleosomes.


814 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of the nuclear scaffold?

Topoisomerase I

815 - Which histone molecule produces novel binding sites for protein components of the kinetochore?


816 - With respect to remodeling complex of nucleosome, which of the following is not true?

Does not require ATP

817 - The positioning of nucleosome is beneficial.


818 - How many pre – rRNA transcript in eukaryotes are used to produce all the different mature rRNAs?


819 - In bacterial cell the 3 rRNAs 23S, 16S and 5S are derived from different transcripts.


820 - Which one of the following rRNA undergoes least post-transcriptional processing?


821 - The bacterial pre – rRNA undergo __________ cleavage.


822 - Which of the following types of processing is not used to prepare mature rRNA?


823 - Each tRNA is produced from different transcripts.


824 - The pre – tRNA involves cleavage by __________

RNase P

825 - RNase P is a ribozyme.


826 - The common sequence for all tRNAs at their 3’ end is __________


827 - The 3’ CCA terminus is exceptionally added by the RNA polymerase during transcription.


828 - Though unusual, pre – tRNA also undergo splicing. It is achieved by the help of __________


829 - How many active sites are present in the DNA polymerase to catalyze the addition of the four dNTPs?


830 - How does the polymerase recognize the correct dNTP for an addition?

Ability of hydrogen bond formation

831 - DNA polymerase can distinguish between dNTPs and rNTPS due to ___________

Steric exclusion

832 - When we compare the structure of DNA polymerase to the structure of a body part, it resembles to _________________

Right hand

833 - With respect to the palm domain of the DNA polymerase which of the following is not its property?

Composed of α helix

834 - The two divalent metal ions of the active sites of DNA polymerase are major catalytic elements that bring about changes required for the joining of the dNTPs.


835 - Mismatched DNA does not affect the rate of activity of DNA polymerase.


836 - Which is the rate limiting step of DNA replication?

Binding of DNA polymerase to the primer:template junction

837 - RNA genomes were first discovered in ___________ viruses.


838 - The initial hypothesis of RNA provirus was proposed by __________ in 1960s.

Howard Temin

839 - Reverse transcription is an important phenomenon for eukaryotic cells.


840 - The virus on which the first experiment performed by Howard Temin was __________

Rous Sarcoma Virus

841 - The viral genome contains which of the following characteristic sequences?


842 - The integration of viral DNA into the host DNA is promoted by the host integrase enzyme.


843 - Which of the following is not a function of reverse transcriptase?


844 - Reverse transcription has a high error rate.


845 - What will be the transcription product of 3’….AUCCGAGCUAAC….5’ by reverse transcriptase?


846 - Reverse transcription is a very important tool in modern molecular biology techniques.


847 - Which of the following is not a type of post translational modification?

Protein folding

848 - Proteolytic modifications of the polypeptide are an important process in the mechanism for protein sorting and transport.


849 - The amino acid is the signal sequence in any polypeptide chain for ____________

Proteolytic site

850 - The first step in protein targeting is ___________

Translocation to ER

851 - How many Proteolytic cleavages produce mature insulin?


852 - Glycosylation is the addition of ___________ to the protein.


853 - In the N-linked glycoprotein, the carbohydrates are attached to which of the following bases?


854 - In O-linked glycoproteins, the carbohydrates may be attached to how many amino acids?


855 - Initiation of glycosylation occurs in the Golgi body.


856 - How many types of modification are possible in eukaryotes by addition of lipids?


857 - Prenylation adds prenyl groups to the ___________ amino acid residues.


858 - Frame shift mutation can increase or decrease the length of a polypeptide.


859 - If the insertions of three nucleotides occur in a consecutive manner it causes which of the following type of mutation?

Frame shift mutation

860 - Which macromolecule is not abundantly found though being of critical importance for biological mechanisms?


861 - Which of the following is wrongly paired?

Nucleic acid – hydrogen bond

862 - With respect to nucleosides which of the following is paired correctly?

Pyrimidine – Uridine, Cytidine

863 - Which of the following is not a component of the nucleic acid backbone?


864 - According to Chargaff’s rule the two strands of DNA has ___________

Different molecular weight

865 - In one strand of a double stranded DNA the rate of occurrence of A is 3 times C in consecutive 10 bases. So how many G will be there in 100 base pairs of a DNA duplex?[Consider G=T in one strand].


866 - In a diploid organism with 30,000 bases haploid genome contains 23% A residues. What is the number of G residues in the genome of this organism?


867 - Which of the following is not a characteristic of nucleotide bases?


868 - Which of the following factors do not provide to the separation of DNA fragments during electrophoresis?

Ethidium bromide

869 - Which one of the following is not a function of a nucleotide?


870 - Which of the following is the genetically engineered insulin?


871 - Genetically manufactured GH is not effective for?


872 - Active insulin consists of how many polypeptide chains?


873 - The first successful active insulin was synthesized in __________


874 - The Insulin A vector does not contain __________

B chain

875 - Pick the odd one out.


876 - Genetically engineered somatotropin is formed by introducing DNA fragment from the genome to the plasmid.


877 - Which one of the following was first expressed as a fusion protein?


878 - How many classes of interferons are found in humans?


879 - Synthesis of hGH is an inducer dependent process.


880 - The major enzyme required for the production of a chimera molecule is __________


881 - The subunit vaccine for hepatitis B is created against __________

Surface protein

882 - Pick the odd one out.


883 - Monoclonal antibodies are produced by __________

Hybridoma technology

884 - Double-stranded structure of nucleic acid is the basic requirement for palindromic sequences.


885 - Which of the following words represents a palindrome?


886 - Which of the following will form a palindromic sequence?


887 - Which of the following is affected by palindromic sequences?

Methylation site

888 - Palindromic sequences play a very important role in gene manipulation.


889 - Which of the following palindromes is not a restriction site?


890 - Molecular cutters do not recognize the palindromic sequence.


891 - Which of the following is an example of an inverted repeat?


892 - Inverted repeat have a number of biological functions. Which of the following is a biological function of an inverted repeat?


893 - Most commonly known hairpin structures are found in _____________


894 - Which of the following does not promote stability in stem-loop structure?

A : U base pairing

895 - What is the minimum number of bases required for loop stability?


896 - Which of the following does not contain a stem-loop structure?


897 - Which of the following is not true about nucleotides?

Non enzymatic molecules

898 - The nitrogenous base is covalently linked to the _________ carbon of the pentose sugar.


899 - In which carbon do the deoxyribonucleotides lack an –OH molecule?


900 - Which of the following is not a part of a nucleotide?

Hydrogen bond

901 - Which of the following is not a part of a nucleoside?


902 - The linkage between the sugar and the base is a covalent linkage.


903 - Which of the following is not a nucleotide?


904 - Purines and pyrimidines form glycosidic linkage with the purines and pyrimidines at the N6 position.


905 - Who of the following was not one of the scientists explaining the replicon model?

Arthur Kornberg

906 - The replicon model was first explained in the year ____________


907 - The eukaryotic chromosome has a single replicon.


908 - The replicon model comprises of an initiator and _______________


909 - Replicator is the synonym for origin of replication.


910 - The initiator protein binds to a segment ____________ of the replicator sequence.


911 - Binding of the Dna A protein to the DNA is energy dependent.


912 - Assembly of how many proteins make up the origin replication complex (ORC) in eukaryotes?


913 - Which of the following proteins is not recruited by Dna A protein?

SSB protein

914 - For the translation to be initiated which of the following does not occur?

Addition of charged tRNA to the A site

915 - Changing the positioning of the ribosome leads to the synthesis of different proteins.


916 - What kind of interactions results in the binding of mRNA and the ribosome?

Hydrogen bonding

917 - In case of prokaryotes the first tRNA enters the ribosome in the ____________

P site

918 - The initiation of translation requires a special type of tRNA to bind to the ORF of the mRNA.


919 - The first amino acid to be incorporated in the prokaryotic polypeptide is ____________

N-formyl methionine

920 - Deformylase has a crucial role to play in the formation of mature polypeptide chains in prokaryotes.


921 - How many translation initiation factors work hand in hand to initiate prokaryotic translation?


922 - Which of the following is a GTPase?


923 - Which of the following is not the function of IF3?

Helps associate the large and small subunits during translation

924 - When the large and small subunit of ribosome associate which of the following is not found within the complex?


925 - Semiconservative nature of replication of eukaryotic chromosome was first demonstrated by _______________

J. Herbert Taylor, Philip Wood and Walter Hughes on root tip cells of Vicia faba

926 - Pick the correct pair with respect to primers used in DNA replication.

RNA primer- for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

927 - Which of the following is correctly matched with its subsequent role?

DnaA protein- responsible for “melting” of the DNA double helix during replication

928 - Replication fork is the junction between the two ___________

Newly separated DNA strands and the unreplicated DNA

929 - Which of the following does not affect DNA replication?

SSB protein

930 - Who was the first person to analyse the process of replication and on which organism?

John Cairns: E. coli

931 - In the case of a circular DNA synthesis how many replication forks are observed?


932 - Primer synthesis short stretches of DNA for replication.


933 - Which of the following is not used for degrading RNA from RNA:DNA hybrid in replication?

RNase A

934 - The gaps formed by the hydrolyzing the RNA from RNA:DNA hybrid is filled by DNA polymerase I and the nicks are ligated by T4 ligase.


935 - Which of the following is correctly matched with its subsequent role?

DnaA protein- responsible for “melting” of the DNA double helix during replication

936 - The first X-ray diffraction patterns of DNA were taken in 1938 by ___________

William Asbury

937 - In early 1950s high quality X-ray diffraction photographs of DNA suggesting the DNA being double helix and composed of two nucleotide strands. Who took those photographs?

Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

938 - In 1952, an unambiguous established work in the laboratory of Alexander Todd led to the discovery of _____________

3’-5’ phosphodiester linkage regularly links the nucleotides of DNA

939 - What should be the complementary strand of 3’….ATGGCTTGA….5’?


940 - The hydrogen bonds formed during A and T bonding occurs between C6NH2 of A and __________

C4O of T

941 - In a DNA double helix the bases are held together by hydrogen bonds. These hydrogen bonds are _________

Non-covalent bonds

942 - It is easy to break the bond between A and T than in between G and C.


943 - With respect to the importance of hydrogen bonding and DNA double helix stability, which of the following statements is false?

Decreases the entropy

944 - In the late 1970s non double helical form of DNA was also suggested but was discarded on the basis of certain factors. Which of the following is not a factor responsible?


945 - Levene investigated and found that the nucleic acid is composed of poly-nucleotides and each nucleotide is composed of one base, a sugar molecule and a phosphate. This was performed on the genome of________________


946 - In case of transcription which is the rate limiting step?

Binding of RNA polymerase

947 - The site where repressor binds the DNA is the ______________


948 - Recruitment of RNA polymerase to the promoter is a ___________

Cooperative binding

949 - The proteins of which of the following genes are regularly needed for cellular activity?

Housekeeping genes

950 - Which of the following is not an example of allosteric regulation?

Inactivation of nitrogenase by ADP ribosylation

951 - Operons are ___________

found in some eukaryotes

952 - Choose the correct pair among the following.

The DNA sequence that codes for a protein – structural gene

953 - Which of the following is not present in the β-galactosidase structural gene and thus is not transcribed by the same promoter?

Lac I

954 - Glucose, as the carbon source, is the first choice by bacteria even if other sugars are available. The mechanism behind this selectivity is ___________

Catabolite repression

955 - The lac operon is regulated by cAMP by ___________

Binding to catabolite activator protein

956 - Tryptophan operon in E. coli is a repressible operon.


957 - Which of the following is true about tryptophan operon?

The Trp repressor binds to the tryptophan

958 - The expression of the tryptophan operon is independent of the availability of tryptophan in culture media.



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