Support and Movement in Biology MCQs The Most Important

Support and Movement in Biology topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Support and Movement in Biology Chapter# 12, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Support and Movement in Biology . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Support and Movement in Biology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Which of the following plays the major role in providing support to young herbaceous parts of the plant:

All of these

2 - Higher turgor pressure in a plant cell is maintained by:

both b and c

3 - Secondary cell wall of sclerenchyma cells is impregnated with


4 - Among the followings which is the most longest supportive cell?


5 - An increrase in plant girth due to activity of _____ is called secondary growth.

Both a and c

6 - Vascular Cambium initially appears as actively dividing cells between:

Primary xylem and primary phloem

7 - Sperms of liverworts, mosses, ferns move towards archegonia, in response to uncleic acid released by the ovum. This is an example of:

Chemotactic movement.

8 - The place of attachment of leaf with the shoot is called:


9 - Rapid movement of leaves of mimosa on touching is an example of :

Turgor movement

10 - Roots of a plant show

Negative phototropism and positive geotropism.

11 - Epinasty is controlled by


12 - Gibberellins is an example of

Growth stimulator

13 - Which of the following animal has a hydrostatic skeleton:


14 - In an annelids, the contraction of circular muscle results in:

Thinning of body

15 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about Molluscans?

They move by tube feet

16 - Which one of the following forms the blk of exoskeleton of an arthropod?


17 - Exoskeleton of a marine snail is composed of


18 - Which of the following statement about an arthropod exoskeleton is incorrect?

It contains joints, for the same purpose as present in human skeletal system.

19 - Ecdysone is

A hormone that regulates moulting in arthropods.

20 - Endoskeleton is secreted by:


21 - Collagen fibers of bone are hardened by deposition of:

Ca & PO4

22 - Which one of the following is avascular structure?


23 - Which of the following bone is not present in the hind-limb?


24 - How many bones are present in the wrist?

8 bones

25 - Which of the following bones bones are present in the plam of hand?


26 - How many vertebrae are present in vertebral column of man?

33 vertebrae

27 - How many vertebrae are present in coccyx?


28 - How many vertebrae are present in the neck or cervical region of man?


29 - How many vertebrae are present in thoracic region?


30 - How many vertebrae are in sacrum?


31 - How many vertebrae are present in lumbar region?


32 - Which of the following bones are present in pectoral girdle?

Both of these

33 - A joint formed between humerus, radius and ulna is an example of

Freely movable joint.

34 - Joint between two parietal bones, which is infact immovable one is an example of

Fibrous joints.

35 - Fibrous capsule surrounding synovial joints may be thickened at some places to form:


36 - In which of the following joint muscles are arranged in the same plane as that of joint?

Between femur and tibia.

37 - Which of the following hormone is predominantly responsible for bone weakening in older women?


38 - Which of the follwing is a childhood disease resulting from nutritive Ca2+ deficiency:


39 - Which of the following statement about osteoporosis is incorrect.

There is reduction of bone mass and change in chemical composition of the matrix

40 - Which of the following statements about fractures in old age is incorrect?

Due to good blood supply it results in quick healing.

41 - If two ends of fractured bone are opened and kept united via screws and wires drilled in bone substance. This step in fracture repair is called

Open reduction.

42 - A fracture hematoma has

Dead cells

43 - Which of the following cells are involved in soft callus formation?

Fibroblast and osteoblast.

44 - Bony callus formation completes in:

2-3 months.

45 - Which of the following is a uni-nucleated cell?

A smooth muscle cell.

46 - The contraction of which of the following muscle fibers, is controlled by hormones:

A smooth muscle

47 - Why skeletal muscles are called striated muscles?

Alternating dark and light bands appear on their surface when visualized via a microscope.

48 - Which of the following statements is incorrect about skeletal muscle fibers?

They contain O2 storing molecules called hemoglobin.

49 - A smallest contractile unit of muscle contraction called sarcomere is the area between two:

Z- Line

50 - Diameter of thick filament is:


51 - The most important function of troponin is

All of these

52 - If a cross section of a sarcomere is seen, each myosin is surrounded by how many actin molecules:


53 - What happens during muscle contraction to the length of each myosin and action filament?

Z- lines get closer

54 - Which of the following step occurs immediately after binding of Ca2+ with troponin molecule during muscle contraction.

Tropomyosin gets removed from the binding sites of actin filaments.

55 - Rigor mortis i.e, stiffening of body after death results from:

Unavailability of ATP, which is necessary to break the link between actin and myosin.

56 - Which of the following statement about fatigue is correct?

All of these

57 - Tetany is caused by


58 - Which one of the following is an example of a non-elastic connective tissue?


59 - Which of the following muscle is an antagonistic member of Biceps brachii?


60 - Insertion of Biceps is on


61 - Which of the following animal uses Setae and Muscles for their Iocomotion?


62 - Which of the following vertebrates have a fish-like body?


63 - Which of the following pairs of fins in a fish body are paired?

Pectoral and Pelvic.

64 - Among the following organisms which shows the best adaptations for locomotion?


65 - Which of the following is the swiftest form of the locomotion?


66 - S-band locomotion is characteristically seen in:

Cartilaginous fish.


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