Bioenergetics MCQs The Most Important

Bioenergetics topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Bioenergetics Chapter# 7, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 60 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Bioenergetics . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Bioenergetics covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Which of the following is a chemical link between catabolism and anabolism?


2 - Photosynthesis is process in which ________ compounds of carbon (CO2) and hydrogen (H2O) are reduced to carbohydrate like (glucose) using light energy.

Energy poor

3 - At which times there is no net gaseous exchange between leaves and the atmosphere.

Dawn & Dusk.

4 - Quantitative study of energy relationships in biological systems obeys.

Laws of thermodynamics

5 - The organisms able to use sunlight directly as a source of energy are


6 - Of the following which one is not an energy releasing process?


7 - Net yield of H2O in Photosynthesis is

0 molecule

8 - The point at which there is no net exchange of gases between leaves and atmosphere is known as

Compensation point

9 - Van neil hypothesis about the production of oxygen during phosynthesis was based on the study and investigations on


10 - Visible light used in photosynthesis ranges from:

380 - 750 nm in wavelength

11 - Which of the following light is least absorbed by the plants:


12 - Which of the light is mainly absorbed by the plants:

Both A and B

13 - Chlorophyll is insoluble in:


14 - Which of the following statement about the head of a chlorophyll molecule is incorrect:

It is hydrophobic

15 - Molecular formula of chlorophyll 'a' molecule is:


16 - Which of the following pigment is Blue- green in colour:

Chlorophyll a

17 - Light reaction takes place on/in


18 - Thylakoids in chloroplasts are stacked into


19 - The dense fluid filled region in the chloroplast is


20 - Chlorophylls are found embedded in the ______ membranes


21 - Xanthophylls are ______ pigments


22 - Chlorophylls mainly absorb ____ wavelengths

Orange - red.

23 - Deficiency of ________ causes yellowing in plants


24 - The chlorophyll molecule is embedded in the core of thylakoid membrane which acts as


25 - The most important photosynthetic pigment

Chlorophyll a

26 - Bacteriochlorophylls does not include

Chlorophyll a

27 - Molecular formula of chlorophyll b is

C55 H70 O6 N5 Mg

28 - Carotenoids perform protective function in

Both of these

29 - About _______ % of photosynthesis is carried by terrestrial plants, while rest occurs in ocean, lakes, and ponds.


30 - Air contains ______ % of CO2


31 - PS I has chlorophyll a molecule which absorbs maximum light of _____ nm.


32 - The percentage of light absorbed by the leaf


33 - The first action spectrum was obtained by


34 - First Actions spectrum was obtained by using


35 - Of the following, which one causes higher production of food in green plants


36 - Photosynthesis carried out by terrestrial plants is ____ of total photosynthesis.


37 - Stomata cover only _________ of leaf surface.

1-2 %

38 - Reduction in photosynthesis is of


39 - NADPH2 provides

All of these

40 - Of the following, which one light - gathering

Antenna complex

41 - Photosystem II has molecules which absorbs maximum light of

680 nm

42 - Glycolysis takes place in:


43 - Complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place in which of the following:

Aerobic respiration.

44 - In alcoholic fermentation Pyruvic acid is broken down into:

Ethyl alcohol.

45 - In which of the following component of the body, lactic acid fermentation takes place:


46 - In Anaerobic respiration only _____ % of the energy present within the chemical bond of glucose is converted into ATP.


47 - Cellular respiration is essentially a/an _________ process.


48 - ATP are consumed during


49 - From one pyruvate passing through Kreb's cycle, how many NADH are formed?


50 - Final acceptor of electrons in respiratory chain is



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