Biological Molecules MCQs The Most Important

Biological Molecules topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Biological Molecules Chapter# 3, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 80 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Biological Molecules . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Biological Molecules covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - The branch of biology which deals with the study of chemical compounds and the chemical processes in the fliving organisms is called:


2 - Which one is an organic compound?


3 - Which chemical component has the same % in bacterial as well as the mammalian cell?


4 - Which chemical component has the greatest contribution in the total mammalian cell weight?


5 - Reactions in which simple substances are combined to form complex substances are called:

Anabolic reactions

6 - Which one is the basic element of organic compounds ?


7 - The bond formed when two or more atoms complete their electron shells by sharing electrons is called:

Covalent bond

8 - Carbon atom is


9 - Which bond provides stability to complex carbohydrate molecules?


10 - % of water in brain cells is


11 - Which statement is true about an aqueous medium:

Ions and molecules move randomly thus are in more favorable state to react with other molecules and ions.

12 - Which of the following substance is most favorable to form structural component of biological membranes?

Hydrophobic fats.

13 - The number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1g of water from 15 to 16?C is called?

Specific Heat capacity

14 - The property of water due to which it works as a temperature stabilizer and hence protect living organisms from sudden thermal changes is:

High specific heat capacity

15 - Specific heat of vaporization of water is:

574 Kcal/kg

16 - A complex substance which on hydrolysis yields polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone subunits is called:


17 - Cn(H2O)n. is a general formula of :


18 - Which of the statement is not true for compounds like glycoprotein and glycolipids?

Both are produced and secreted by endoplasmic reticulum

19 - Which one are most complex sugar:


20 - Which of the following carbohydrate is tasteless?


21 - Which of the following carbohydrate can not be hydrolysed?


22 - Ribose is an example of


23 - Starch cellulose and glaycogen yield ________ on complete hydrolysis.


24 - Which one is abundant in animals?


25 - Which one is soluble in hot water?


26 - The covalent bond between two monosaccharide subunits is called:

Glycosidic Bond

27 - Which one gives blue colour with iodine?


28 - Which of the following polysaccharide is called animal starch?


29 - _________ is example of pure form of cellulose


30 - Lipids are soluble in which of the following :


31 - Lipid molecules can store double amount of energy as compared to same amount of carbohydrate because of high number of

C-H bonds

32 - A compound produced as a result of a chemical reaction of an alcohol with an acid in which water molecule is released is called:

Neutral lipid

33 - Fatty acids containing 18 C atoms and a single double bond is

Oleic Acid

34 - Which one the following fatty acid is more soluble in an organic solvent and has higher melting point?

Palmitic acid

35 - Which of the following statement is incorrect5 for fats containing unsaturated fatty acid?

They are usually solid at room temperature

36 - Animals obtain carbohydrates mainly from


37 - Peptide bond is:

C-N link

38 - Chemical component/s less in eukaryotic cell as compared to prokaryotic cell is / are (i) lipids (ii) carbodydrates (iii) proteins (iv) DNA

iv only

39 - Proteins comprise of _____% of the total dry weight of a cell.


40 - Proteins are polymers of

Amino acids

41 - The element in basic structure of proteins which differentiate them from carbohydrates is


42 - Total number of amino acids discovered so far in cells and tissues are


43 - In Glycin an amino acid R group is replaced by


44 - A bond formed by linkage between -OH of carboxyl group of one amino acid and H of amino group of another amino acid which releases water is called

Peptide bond

45 - Total number of amino acids in a hemoglobin molecule are:


46 - An insulin molecule consists of _____ polypeptide chains.


47 - Which structure of protein gives information aboutnumber and sequence of amino acids in it?

Primary structure

48 - In an aqueous environment the most stable tertiary conformation is that in which ______ amino acids are buried inside the conformation.


49 - Hemoglobin molecule exhibits which structural organization of proteins

Quaternary structure

50 - Which of the following does not show quaternary structure?


51 - Which structural organization is most common in globular proteins?


52 - Actin and myosin are the basic proteins involved in contractile machinery of our body to which type of proteins do they belong?

Fibrous Proteins

53 - Antibodies play important role against microorganisms and other pathogens to which type of proteins do they belong?

Globular proteins

54 - ATP is a an important molecule for its major function

As an energy currency of the cell

55 - Each turn of DNA contain _______ nitrogenous base pairs


56 - The first organism of whose genome was completely discovered was

Hemophilus Influenza

57 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about RNA?

It contains Adenine Guanine Thymine and Cytosine

58 - rRNA constitutes _____ % of the total cellular RN


59 - There are mainly _______ types of tRNA


60 - Most of the cellular secretions are _____ in nature.


61 - Which conjegated molecules play important role in gene expression?


62 - The survival of an animal depends upon its ability to take some from its environment

Organic molecules

63 - Interconversion of carbohydrates proteins and lipids in living cells are an example of

Both A and B

64 - Carbon commonly combines with

All of these

65 - Non polar organic molecules are _______ in water.


66 - In living organisms the lubricant which provides protection against damage resulting from friction is


67 - In Cx(H2O)y x ranges from

3 to many thousand

68 - Glycolipids and glycoproteins have structural role in the _____ matrix of animal and bacterial cell


69 - The trioses which are intermediate in respiration and photosynthesis are

Both of these

70 - Keto group is represented as


71 - The monosaccharide found in some bacteria and occurring rarely are


72 - How many carbon atoms are required to form a furan ring (ribofuranose)


73 - In esterification OH comes from


74 - Triglyceride is also known as

Neutral lipid

75 - Which one is not found in fatty acids in acylglycerols?


76 - Animals fats are ___________ atroom temperature



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