Biology General MCQs The Most Important

Biology General topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Biology General Chapter# 11, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Biology General . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Biology General covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - The one which is present in all living things


2 - The mechanism of stomatal movement is related to the branch of Biology called


3 - Maximum number of species of living things on earth are


4 - Variety among amino acids is produced due to

R group

5 - Primary structure of proteins determines

Amino acid sequence

6 - The one which is not a globular protein


7 - An enzyme which converts a dipeptide into separate amino acids is an example of


8 - Cellular digestion is associated with which organelle


9 - The unicellular organisms ingest large molecules into their cytoplasm from the external environment without previously digesting them. This process is called


10 - Membranes of the grane are sites where

Sunlight is trapped

11 - The simplest of oxygen producting photosynthetic organisms are


12 - Protein coasts of viruses are synthesized in

Lytic cycle

13 - Mycoplasmas have been included in bacteria because

Lack membrane bounded organelles

14 - Yeasts reproduce asexually by forming


15 - The one which can tolerate highest external osmotic pressure


16 - Locomotory structures are not found in which of the following group


17 - The cell wall of oomycetes is chiefly composed of


18 - One celled green ptotists are included in


19 - Pick the odd one out


20 - The one which is incorrect pair

Dichotomous - Vernation

21 - Double fertilization occurs in


22 - Amphoixus is a

All of these

23 - Adult birds normally possess only one functional


24 - Following possess bilateral symmetry as larva and radial symmetry as adult:


25 - Which of the following are triploblastic and acoelomate?


26 - Which of the following occurs in anaerobic respiration but not in aerobic respiration?

Production of ethanol from acetaldehyde

27 - Which of the following is the empirical formula of chlorophyll b?


28 - How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced by complete oxidation of one mole of puruvic acid?


29 - The food of hydra consists of

Small crustaceans

30 - Hunger pangs usually begin ______ after the previous meal.

12-24 hours

31 - If a plasmolysed plant cell is placed in water the cell will

Be deplasmolysed

32 - The major constituent of blood plasma is


33 - All of the following veins carry deoxygenated blood except

Inferior vena cava

34 - The windpipe or trachea lies

None of these

35 - Scurvy and beri - beri and caused by the deficiency of

Vitamin C and B

36 - Kangaroo rat most probably would be found in


37 - The greatest diversity of animals in the lake is found in which one of the following zones?

Littoral zone

38 - What is the characteristic feature of consumers?


39 - What percentage of light reaching the earth is used in photosynthesis?


40 - All of the following are involved in nitrification except


41 - Competition between species will be greatest if they attempt to occupy the same


42 - In most ecosystems the greatest amount of energy flows through the


43 - Which of the following relationship is NOT an example of symbiosis?

Marchantia sporophyte and gametophyte

44 - Animals with greatest number of similarities are grouped together in a/an


45 - The one which is present in all aerobic species

Cytohrome c

46 - The structure which has been formed or modified from gill pouches in humans is

Eustachian tube

47 - According to Lamarch evolution occurred as the result of

Inheritance of acquired characters

48 - The discease in which transmembrane carrier for the chloride ion is not produced is

Cystic fibrosis

49 - The one which can break open a plasmid ring is

Ligase enzyme

50 - A genome is

Full set of genes of an individual

51 - Genes will not be found in gene pairs in the

Sperm cells of frog

52 - The red green colour blindness is sex linked recessive condition in man. A father with normal vision and a color blind mother world expect to produce.

Color blind sons and daughter with normal vision

53 - Which one of the following stage preceeds mitosis during cell cycle?

G2 phase

54 - Which one of the following syndrome is the result of meiotic non dysjunction?

All of these

55 - Which one of the following is correct sequence of stages of prophase 1 of meiosis

Leptotene zygotene pachytene diplotene diakinesis

56 - In humans the number of tetrads formed during mitosis is


57 - The sequence of 3 bases on tRNA which is complementary to condon of mRNA is called


58 - Which statement correctly describes the transcription of DNA?

It produces mRNA

59 - The basic structural unit of a chromosome is


60 - The first stage of development in which a cavity appears is the


61 - Exposure to low temperature stimulates plants to flower. This is called


62 - The cells present in testes and secrete testosterone are

Interstitial cells

63 - The type of learning in which there is loss or decrease in response to repeated stimuli


64 - The one which causes contraction of wall of the uterus during and after birth


65 - The one which is a weed killer

2 4-D

66 - Sleep movements are a type of

Turgor movements

67 - The one that stores calcium

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

68 - Which one of the following is most likely to occur in an animal during winter?


69 - Sebum produced from sebaceous glands in a mammal helps in

Protection against micro organisms


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