Cell and Cell Cycle The Most Important MCQs

Cell and Cell Cycle topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Cell and Cell Cycle Chapter# 2, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 100 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Cell and Cell Cycle . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Cell and Cell Cycle covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - Who coined the term CELL?

Robert Hook

2 - Who opposed the idea the cell is an empty space bounded by thick wall?

Robert Brown

3 - Who first observed and thus hypothesized that new cells are formed from previously existing living cell?

Rudolph Virchows

4 - Magnifying power of electron microscope as compared to eye is


5 - In cell fractionation various components of cells including its organelles can be isolated in different layers depending upon:

Both a and b

6 - Percentage of proteins in cell membrane is


7 - Which of the statement about cell membrane is not true?

It contains charged pores thus ions being charged particles cross cell membrance much easier than neutral particles.

8 - Movement of the material across the cell membrane which does not requiring expenditure of metabolic energy is called

Passive transport

9 - The first layer of cell wall which is formed is:

Primary wall

10 - Cellulose is the major component of

Primary wall

11 - Strengthening material of prokaryotic cell wall is

Peptidoglycan or Murein.

12 - Spherical or tubular membranes which separate the material present in endoplasmic reticulum from that of cytoplasmic material are called


13 - Whone is not the function of endoplasmic reticulum?

Synthesis of conjugated molecules

14 - Factory of ribosomal systhesis is


15 - 60S and 40S subunit combine to form ______ particle

80 S

16 - A group of ribosomes attached to mRNA is known as


17 - Pancreas produces secretory granules that help in digestion. These granules after passing through endoplasmic reticulum are pinched off from ______ surface of Golgi apparatus:

Maturating face

18 - During digesting the phagocytosed food particles vesicles formed from fusion of phagocytic vacuole with the enzymes secreted by Golgi apparantus are called

Secondary lysosomes

19 - Autophagosomes are

Both a and b

20 - Cellular organelles related with H2O2 are


21 - Which of the following statement is incorrect about Glyoxisomes?

They are present through out life of a plant and provide them whth energy through Glyoxylate cycle.

22 - Which of the following cytoskeletal fiber contain tubulin protein?

One which help in assembly of spindles during mitosis.

23 - Centrioles are composed of ________ triplets of microtubules.


24 - The human naked eye can differentiate between two points which are _______ apart.

1.0 mm

25 - Ribonucleo-protein particles are the name of

Eukaryotic ribosomes

26 - Ribosomes + m-RNA


27 - In golgi apparatus the maturing face is


28 - Proteins and lipids are converted into glycolipids and glycoproteins by adding carbohydrates by

Golgi apparatus

29 - Amoeboid movements and movement of cyclosis is due to


30 - Of the following which one is not the characteristic of mitochondria?

Number of mitochondria is constant

31 - Chlorophyll is a/an _____ molecule


32 - The part of chloroplast where CO2 is fixed to manufacture sugar is


33 - The type of plastids which help in pollination is


34 - Ribosomes are assembled in


35 - The place of centromere where spindle fibres get attached is


36 - Which of the following is not present in mitochondria?


37 - The stent energy in the form of ADP is regenerated by mitochondria into:


38 - Which of the following combination is an example of self replicating organelles?

Mitochondria Chloroplast

39 - Chlorophyll molecule contrains ________ as central metal ion.


40 - On which of the following component of chloroplast chlorophyll is arranged?


41 - Which of the following impart a red colour to Rose petals?


42 - Number of nuclear pores/nucleus in an RBC are


43 - Period between two consecutive divisions is called


44 - DNA is synthesized and chromosome number is doubled in

S phase

45 - In case of neurons, post mitotic cell escapes cell cycle and remain in _______ phase whthout proliferating further

G0 phase

46 - Mitosis occurs in

Both diploid and haploid cells

47 - Microtubules are composed of

Tubulin protein and traces of RNA

48 - From each pair of centrioles ________ sets of microtubules originate


49 - Mitotic apparatus in animals is formed by

Aster and spindle

50 - A special area of centromere with specific base arrangement and specific proteins where spindle fibers are attached is called


51 - Each kinetochore gets ________ fibers in mitosis


52 - Most critical phase of mitosis is


53 - Reverse of prophase is


54 - In plants mitotic apparatus consists of

Spindles only

55 - Which statement is not true about phragmoplast?

Formed at the end of anaphase

56 - Spread of tumor cells and establishment of secondary areas of growth is


57 - Which is a feature of malignant tumor?


58 - Feature of cancer cells in common?

All of these

59 - Meiosis occur in

Diploid cells only

60 - Meiosis occurs at the time of

Both a and b

61 - Interphase of meiosis lacks

G2 phase

62 - Homologous chromosomes are

Similar but not identical

63 - The longest phase of meiosis I is


64 - Tetrad or bivalent is

Paired homologous chromosome but not fused complex structure

65 - Pairing of homologous chromosomes is completed in


66 - Each bivalent has

4 chromatids

67 - Crossing over occurs between

Non sister chromatids

68 - Inability of chromosomes to segregate during anaphase and telophase of meiosis is called

Chromosomal nondisjunction

69 - Which statement is incorrect?

In Down's syndrome sperms are commonly involved

70 - Apoptosis

Internal programme of events by which cell commits suicide

71 - A cell of human being has 46 chromosomes; it divides to form some daughter cells, each having 23 pairs of chromosomes. The division would be


72 - Mitosis takes place during

All of these

73 - Which of the following category comes under Turner's syndrome?

A female having only 1 X chromosome

74 - Morphology of chromosomes is best studied during


75 - Cytokinins refers to

Division of cell

76 - Which fibers intedigitate with each other?

Polar fibers

77 - Cancer cells are

Less differentiated

78 - Crossing over in meiosis occurs during


79 - Which division does not show replication of chromosomes?

Meiosis II

80 - A significant happening of meiosis is / are

Both of these

81 - Jacob's syndrome can be represented as



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