Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 10

1 - 1 carat of diamond is equal to

200 mg

2 - 24 carat of diamond is equal to

200 mg

3 - A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows down and finally comes to rest is due to ________


4 - A balloon filled with helium rises in air because

Helium is less dense than air

5 - A barometer is kept inside a bell jar. Air is slowly pumped out of the jar.

The mercury level starts rising

6 - A body falling through a liquid acquires a steady velocity is known as

Terminal velocity

7 - A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be

A parabola

8 - A colour-blind person cannot

Distinguish between certain colours

9 - A detergent is a

Cleansing agent

10 - A drop of liquid assumes spherical shape because:

A sphere has the least surface area for a given volume

11 - A fixture is defined as a device which

Holds and locates a workpiece and guides and controls one or more cutting tools

12 - A fountain pen works on the principle of

Capillary action

13 - A freely suspended magnet remains horizontal at

The magnet equator

14 - A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting with it a

High resistance on series

15 - A light year is a measure of :


16 - A machine powered by rotating blades is a


17 - A man jumping out of a moving train is thrown


18 - A matured mammalian cell without nucleus is


19 - A microscope used in pathological laboratories forms

Magnified, virtual and inverted image

20 - A needle or a pin floats on the surface of water because of

Surface tension

21 - A non-electronic conductor is

None of these

22 - A permanent magnet can affect

Both A & B

23 - A photon of X-ray has energy of 1 keV. A photon of visible radiation has energy of 3 eV. In this context, which one of the following statements is not correct?

The speeds of both the photons in vacuum are different

24 - A piece of paper and a cricket ball are dropped from the same height. Under which of the following conditions do both reach the surface simultaneously ?

They must be dropped in vacuum

25 - A potentiometer wire is 100 cm long and a constant potential difference is maintained across it. Two cells are connected in series first to support one another and then in opposite direction. The balance points are obtained at 50 cm and 10 cm from the pos


26 - A powerful eye irritant present in smog is

Peroxyacetyl nitrate

27 - A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 2 metres. To what height will it rise if there is no loss of energy/velocity after rebounding ?

2 metres

28 - A single fixed pulley is used to draw water from a well because

Force is applied in a convenient direction

29 - A Step-Up transformer increases


30 - A tank filled partially with a liquid is subjected to a uniform horizontal acceleration. Which of the following is true for the surface of liquid in the tank?

The liquid surface falls down on the direction of motion and rises up on the back side of the tank

31 - A television channel is characterised by

Frequency of transmitted signal

32 - A transformer

Is used to decrease or increase AC voltage

33 - A voltaic cell converts chemical energy to

Electrical energy

34 - A wheel-barrow is an example of

Class II lever

35 - Acceptable noise level for human ear

< 85 db

36 - Acid rain is caused by the pollution of environment by

Nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide

37 - Acid rain is caused due to emission of which of the following into the atmosphere ?

Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

38 - Air pressure is measured in which of the following units?


39 - Alcohol prepared by the distillation of wood is :

Methyl alcohol

40 - Alpha particle is the nucleus of an atom of


41 - Among the fuels given below, the one with highest calorific value is

Natural gas

42 - An acid having basicity one is

Disodium hydrogen phosphate

43 - An aircraft can perform aerobatic manoeuvres in a vertical loop because of


44 - An Electric generator is based on which of the following scientific principles?

Faraday's law of Electromagnetic Induction

45 - An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion until and unless it is acted upon by an external force. This is Newton's

First law

46 - An oil drop spreads over water because

water has a higher surface tension

47 - Anemometer is an instrument meant for measuring ________

Wind speed

48 - Angle of friction and angle of repose are

Equal to each other

49 - Asbestos is formed of :

Calcium and Magnesium

50 - At low temperature, Lead behaves as a :


51 - At the center of the sun, fusion converts hydrogen into


52 - Atomic number of an atom gives the number of which of the following ?


53 - 'Atomic theory' of matter was given by


54 - Ball pen functions on the principle of :

Surface tension

55 - Bauxite is used as raw material by which industry ?


56 - Bayer's reagent is

Alkaline potassium permanganate

57 - Bee sting contains

An acidic liquid

58 - Bending of light rays in denser medium is termed as:


59 - Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to ________ .


60 - Blotting paper absorbs ink due to

Capillary action phenomenon

61 - Bone ash contains

Calcium phosphate

62 - Brass contains

Copper and Zinc

63 - Brass is a

Homogeneous mixture

64 - Brass is an alloy of

Zinc and copper

65 - Brass is an alloy of :

Cu and Zn

66 - Brightness of bulb depends on voltage or current?

Both A & B

67 - Carbon footprint can be reduced by

All of these

68 - Cement is made hard with

Hydration and dissociation of water

69 - Chemical name of common salt is

Sodium Chloride

70 - Chemical name of vinegar is

Acetic acid

71 - Choose the most appropriate answer: In which atmospheric layer are the communication satellites located?


72 - Choose the most appropriate answer: Natural radioactivity was discovered by

Henry Bacquerel

73 - CNG used in automobiles to check pollution, mainly consists of


74 - Conservation of energy refers to the fact that

Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another

75 - Conversion of sound energy into electrical energy is done by


76 - Coolis tube is used to produce


77 - Curie point is the temperature at which

A metal loses magnetic properties.

78 - Decibel is a term connected with :


79 - Decibel is the unit used for

Intensity of sound

80 - Diamond is harder than graphite because of :

Difference in layers of atoms

81 - Diamonds are glittering and attractive because light incident on them undergoes

Multiple internal reflections

82 - Dioptre is the unit of

Power of a lens

83 - During ________ motion of an object along a straight line, the velocity remains constant with time.


84 - During washing of clothes, we use indigo due to its

Proper pigmental composition

85 - Electrical Pressure is also called


86 - Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by


87 - Electron microscope works on which of the following principles?

Wave Nature of electrons

88 - Element 106 was discovered by


89 - Energy of Ultraviolet rays is great than

Infrared rays

90 - Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called

Nuclear energy

91 - Energy travels from Sun to Earth through


92 - Ethanol containing 5% water is known as

Rectified spirit

93 - Fat can be seperated from milk in a cream seperator because of :

Centrifugal Force

94 - Fertiliser having high nitrogen content is :

Ammonium nitrate

95 - Fibre optics work on the principle of

Total internal reflection

96 - For a spontaneous chemical process, the free energy change is


97 - For accurate scientific work, temperatures are often measured by

Platinum resistance thermometers

98 - For which Diode is used ?


99 - For which one of the following does the centre of mass lie outside the body?

A ring

100 - Force of impact is the force

When the objects meet

101 - Forged documents are detected by

Ultraviolet rays

102 - Freon used as refrigerant is chemically

Chlorofluoro hydrocarbon

103 - Friction can be reduced by changing from

Sliding to Rolling

104 - Frictional force acts in

The opposite direction of the motion

105 - Galvanization is the :

Deposition of zinc on iron

106 - Gamma rays have greatest similarity with


107 - Global warming may result in

All of the above

108 - Good conductor of electricity is


109 - Hamburger effect is otherwise known as–

Chloride shift

110 - Heat from the sun reaches earth by the process of


111 - Heat is transmitted from higher temperature to lower temperature through the actual motion of the molecules in


112 - Heat transfer by radiation mainly depends upon

All of the above

113 - Heating of a ore below its melting point in the absence of air is known as


114 - Heavy water is used in nuclear reactor to

Increase speed of neutron

115 - Helium gas is used in gas balloons instead of hydrogen gas because it is


116 - Highly toxic gas which causes headache, visual difficulty, paralysis and even death is


117 - Holography is a technique of

Recording a permanent three dimensional photograph of a given single colour or a multicolour

118 - Hot water is poured simultaneously in four metallic tumblers painted outside with different points. After some time the water will be found to have cooled most in the tumbler painted.

Rough black

119 - How many bottles of water is a gallon?


120 - How many laws of physics are there?


121 - How many neutrons are there in 92U238 atom ?


122 - Hydrochloric acid is also known as

Muriatic acid

123 - Ice is packed in saw dust because

Saw dust is poor conductor of heat.

124 - If a boy sitting in a train, which is moving at a constant velocity, throws a ball straight up into the air, the ball will

Fall into his hand

125 - If an object moves with constant velocity,

It must have constant speed in constant direction

126 - If density of oxygen is 16 times that of hydrogen, what will be their corresponding ratio of velocity of sound?


127 - If lift is going up with acceleration, the apparent weight of a body is

More than the true weight

128 - If lime water is kept in the air, it turns milky due to presence of :

Carbon dioxide

129 - If the diameter of a capillary is doubled, then the rise of water in it will be


130 - If the length of a simple pendulum is halved then its period of oscillation is

Decreased by a factor 2

131 - If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for a fluid?

Upward Thrust

132 - If two bodies of different masses, initially at rest, are acted upon by the same force for the same time, then the both bodies acquire the same:


133 - In a nuclear reactor, one of the following is used as a fuel.


134 - In a photocell light energy is converted into

Electrical energy

135 - In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same


136 - In AC circuits, AC meters measure

Rms values

137 - In Astrophysics, what name is given to a hypothetical hole in outer space from which stars and energy emerge?

White hole

138 - In case of uniform circular motion, the acceleration is

Variable in magnitude but constant in direction

139 - In drinking water supply, which of the following treatments is not involved


140 - In electronics what comes under tank circuit ?

Capacity and inductance

141 - In electro-refining, the pure metal is deposited on


142 - In general, which is the cause of a sea breeze?

Specific heat

143 - In heating frozen foods in sealed pouches in a microwaves, why do you first poke holes in the pouch?

To prevent the steam pressure from bursting open the pouch

144 - In nuclear reactor, heavy water is used as


145 - In superconductors, the energy gap is due to

Electron-phonon interaction

146 - In the atmosphere ultraviolet rays are absorbed by


147 - In the remote control of television, electromagnetic waves used are


148 - In which region of electromagnetic spectrum does the Lyman series of hydrogen atom lie ?


149 - Inert gases are

Chemically unreactive

150 - Instruments for measuring Solar Radiation?


151 - Intensity of any wave is proportional to which of the following?

Square of amplitude

152 - It is dangerous to leave the car engine running in a closed garage, because it may cause serious pollution due to poisoning by emission of


153 - It is more difficult to walk on ice than on a concrete road because

There is very little friction between the ice and feet pressing it

154 - Kepler's law of planetary motion states that the square of the time period is proportional to the

Cube of the semi-major axis

155 - KMnO4 can be used as


156 - Let a thin capillary tube be replaced with another tube of insufficient length then, we find water

will not rise

157 - Lightning is produced when

Strong opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air

158 - Liquid Nitrogen boils at

77 kelvin

159 - London smog is found in

Winter during morning time

160 - Lux is the SI unit of

intensity of illumination

161 - Lux is the SI unit of

Intensity of illumination

162 - Magnalium is an alloy of

Aluminium and Magnesium

163 - Magnetic field lines about a current-carrying wire

Circle the wire in closed loops

164 - Magnetic keepers are pieces of

Soft iron

165 - Magnetism in materials is due to

Circular motion of electrons

166 - Magnetite is


167 - Magnifying Glass is basically a

Convex lens

168 - Main pollutant present in automobile exhaust is


169 - Man dies in the atmosphere of CO, because it

Combines with the haemoglobin of blood, thereby making the later incapable of absorbing O2

170 - Materials for rain proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to

Surface tension

171 - Materials for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water-proof properties to

surface tension

172 - Materials that usually are good conductors of electricity?


173 - Matter waves are

De Broglie waves

174 - Metals are good conductors of electricity because:

They contain free electrons.

175 - Methanoic and ethanoic acids can be distinguished by the action of

Tollen's reagent

176 - Milk tastes sour when it is left in open for some time. This happens due to the formation of

Lactic acid

177 - Modem is used mostly for ?

Connecting to internet

178 - Momentum is measured as the product of :

Mass and velocity

179 - Most commonly used bleaching agent is


180 - Most poisonous pollutant in water is


181 - Name the process by which bubbles from liquid are formed?


182 - Negative acceleration is in the opposite direction of:


183 - Nitrogen forms a variety of compounds in all oxidation states ranging from

–3 to +5

184 - Number of lattices in the orthorhombic system is


185 - Ocean currents are an example of


186 - Of the following which one pollutes the air of a big city ?


187 - Of the following, which one pollutes the air of a big city ?


188 - On a rainy day, small oil films on water show brilliant colours. This is due to


189 - On which day 'National Science Day' is celebrated in India ?


190 - One billionth of a second is called


191 - One can distinguish a telescope from a microscope by observing

Length and size of the lens

192 - Optical fiber works on the principle of

Total internal reflection

193 - Optical fibre works on which of the following principle of light?

Total internal reflection

194 - Out of the following pairs, choose the pair in which the physical quantities do not have identical dimension?

Impulse and moment of force

195 - Out of the following, which is not emitted by radioactive substance?


196 - Outside of cooking utensils are generally left black from below because

Black surface is a good absorber of heat.

197 - Oxygen has (+) oxidation number only in


198 - Oxygen which is vital for life is a product of photosynthesis and comes from


199 - Ozone layer above the surface of Earth provides a shield against

Ultra-violet rays

200 - Ozone layer in the outer atmosphere helps us in

Absorbing UV radiations

201 - Pa(Pascal) is the unit for


202 - Phosphorus is kept in water because

Its ignition temperature is very low

203 - Photo chemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among

NO2, O3 and peroxy acetyl nitrate in the presence of Sunlight

204 - Pick out the scalar quantity


205 - Pieces of camphor placed on water move about rapidly. This is because of

Surface tension

206 - Planck's constant has the dimensions of :


207 - Planets do not twinkle because

They are nearer to earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light.

208 - 'Plaster of Paris' is made by partial dehydration of

Gypsum salt

209 - Point A is at a lower electrical potential than point B. An electron between them on the line joining them will

Move towards B

210 - Positive feedback is used in


211 - Pyrethrin used in mosquito coil is obtained from

A seed plant

212 - RADAR is used for:

detecting and locating the position of objects such as Aeroplanes.

213 - Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of

Collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the atmosphere

214 - Rainbows are produced when sunlight :

Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction and internal reflection.

215 - Rectifiers are used to convert:

Alternating current to Direct current

216 - Red is used as an emergency or danger signal as

Its wavelength is the longest

217 - Red light is used for signals because it has

Long wavelength

218 - Refractive Index of glass with respect to water is


219 - Rotameter is used to measure

Flow of fluids

220 - Second and third class levers are differentiated by

The location of the load

221 - Siphon will fail to work if

The level of the liquid in the two vessels are at the same height

222 - Smog is

A combination of smoke and fog

223 - Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to ________

Surface tension

224 - Sound following a flash of lightning is called


225 - Sour taste of ‘Coca Cola' is due to the presence of

Phosphoric acid

226 - Sprayer functions on

Bernouli's principle

227 - Stainless steel is usually made by alloying the steel with

Chromium and nickel

228 - Stars appear twinkling because of ......... of light.


229 - Stars appears to move from east to west because

The earth rotates from west to east

230 - Stars in the sky appear to twinkle due to

A series of refractions

231 - Sulphur dioxide level in the atmosphere can be reduced by using

Low - sulphur fuels

232 - Suppose voltage V is applied across a resistance R. The power dissipated in the resistance is P. Now the same voltage V is applied across a parallel combination of three equal resistors each of resistance R. Then the power dissipated in the second case wi


233 - Sweat contains water and ________


234 - Tesla is a unit of magnetic :


235 - The ‘Green House effect' is produced due to the presence of excess amount of


236 - The â€Å“King of Metals” is :


237 - The acid present in red ants is

Formic acid

238 - The acid rain destroys vegetations because it contains

Sulphuric acid

239 - The acid used in lead storage cells is

Sulphuric acid

240 - The acid used in lead storage cells is

Sulphuric acid

241 - The acid which is secreted by the glands in the stomach wall is

Nitric acid

242 - The anode of a dry cell is made up of


243 - The basic reason for the extraordinary sparkle of suitably cut diamond is that

It has a very high refractive index

244 - The Capacity of a communication channel is measured in

Band width

245 - The capacity of a water heater is measured in

Both A & B

246 - The chemical bahaviour of an atom depends upon

The number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus

247 - The chemical name of quartz is

Sodium silicate

248 - The coating of a thin layer of zinc on steel or iron objects is known as


249 - The combined gas law relates which of the following?

Volume, Temperature & Pressure

250 - The complete form of 'IC' in electronics is

Integrated circuit

251 - The compound used in prickly heat powder to prevent excessive sweating is

Boric acid

252 - The constituents of automobile exhaust that can cause cancer is/are :


253 - The cooling by a desert Cooler is based on:

Evaporative Cooling

254 - The depletion of Ozone layer is mainly due to


255 - The device which transfer the signal from low resistance region to high resistance region is


256 - The dimension MLT–2 corresponds to


257 - The distance between node and adjacent antinode is 30 cm. The wavelength is

60 cm.

258 - The domain theory of magnetism applies to


259 - The elements in the modern Periodic table are arranged according to their

Atomic number

260 - The energy emitted by the Sun is due to

Nuclear fusion

261 - The energy of a photon varies directly with its


262 - The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is :


263 - The fat of a common mussel-secretes a sticky glue that can be used to make heart implants. The unique chemical compound present in the glue is:

Dihydroxy phenyl alanine

264 - The first metal used by a man was


265 - The flux commonly used in brazing is


266 - The force that generates wind is

Pressure gradient force

267 - The force which makes a vehicle to stop when break is applied is called

Frictional force

268 - The frequency of direct current is ________


269 - The frequency used in TV and radar system lies in


270 - The function of skimming tank in sewage treatment is to remove

Oil and fatty substances

271 - The Fungus which is used in the alcohol industry is


272 - The gas involved in Bhopal incident was

Methyl isocyanate

273 - The gas that causes suffocation and death when coal or coke is burnt in a closed room is

Carbon monoxide

274 - The gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruit is


275 - The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is


276 - The gas used for filling weather balloons is


277 - The gas used to extinguish fire is

Carbon dioxide

278 - The hair of shaving brush clings together when removed from water due to

Surface tension

279 - The heat energy produced when the human body metabolises 1 gram of fat is

39 KJ

280 - The high reactivity of fluorine is due to

its high electro negativity

281 - The hottest part of the gas flame is known as

Luminous zone

282 - The increasing abundance of green house gases in atmosphere has led to the following effect except

Oxygen fertilization effect

283 - The inert gas used as beacon light is


284 - The inherited traits of an organism are controlled by

DNA molecules

285 - The ionisation energy of hydrogen atom in the ground state is x KJ. The energy required for an electron to jump from 2nd orbit to 3rd orbit is


286 - The iron ore magnetite consists of


287 - The Latin word formica means ant. The name formic acid is derived from this Latin word because

this acid was first obtained by the distillation of ants

288 - The laws of electrolysis are given by


289 - The lift of an aeroplane is caused by

Bernouli's theorem

290 - The liquid waste from kitchens and baths, of residences is known as :


291 - The luster of a metal is due to

presence of free electrons

292 - The main chemical constituent of clay is

aluminium silicate

293 - The main chemical constituent of the oil of cardamom which is responsible for flavour of this oil is


294 - The main use of salt in the diet is to

produce in small amounts the hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of food

295 - The major constituent of air is


296 - The material used in solar cells contains


297 - The material used in the fabrication of a transistor is


298 - The metal ion present in Vitamin B12 is


299 - The metal present in vitamin B12 is


300 - The metal used to make lightning conductors is


301 - The method of magnetisation is:

Hammering a magnet

302 - The mineral containing both magnesium and calcium is


303 - The minimum energy required for an effective collision is

Activation energy

304 - The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of

Shearing stress to shearing strain

305 - The molecule which has the highest percentage of ionic character among the following is


306 - The monomer of polythene is


307 - The most abundant element is


308 - The most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is


309 - The most malleable metal is


310 - The most pure form of Carbon among the options is


311 - The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is :


312 - The most volatile of the given liquids is

Liquid He

313 - The motion of a body that repeats itself after a regular interval of time is

A periodic motion

314 - The noble gas used in radiotherapy is


315 - The nuclear particle having no mass and no charge, but only spin is


316 - The number of neutrons present in an element having mass number 226 and atomic number 88 is :


317 - The number of water molecules present in a drop of water (volume 0.0018 ml) at room temperature is

6.023 x 1019

318 - The open ""Sigrees"" or coal stoves often require fanning to sustain burning because of

Tendency of carbon dioxide to form a layer along with dust smoke

319 - The ore which is found in abundance in India is


320 - The orientation of an atomic orbital is governed by

Magnetic quantum number

321 - The oxidation number of nickel in K4[Ni(CN)4] is


322 - The paramagnetic theory of magnetism applies to


323 - The part of the eye having the largest refractive index is :


324 - The primary agent of contact metamorphism is


325 - The process which does not evolve CO2 in air is


326 - The purest form of water in nature is

Rain water

327 - The quantity that is not conserved in an inelastic collision is

Kinetic Energy

328 - The radiation initially produced in fluorescent tube is


329 - The redness in atmosphere at Sunrise and Sunset is due to :

Scattering of light

330 - The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its:

Area of cross section

331 - The rusting of iron is a/an

Electrochemical change

332 - The sewage obtained from water closets and urinals is known as

Sanitary waste

333 - The size of gear is usually specified by

Pitch circle diameter

334 - The sky appears blue because

The atmosphere scatters blue colour more than the others

335 - The sky appears blue due to

Rayleigh scattering

336 - The slope of a velocity-time graph represents


337 - The source of energy that causes the least global warming is

Geothermal energy

338 - The sparkling of a diamond is due to

Total internal reflection of light

339 - The speed of sound in air depends on


340 - The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a satellite will

Continue to follow the motion of the satellite

341 - The strongest acid of the following is


342 - The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on

Air Pressure

343 - The temperature of oxy-acetylene flame is around


344 - The term 'brown air' is used for

Photochemical smog

345 - The term ''Higgs Boson' is associated with

God Particle

346 - The term ''Isoneph' indicates the lines of equal


347 - The three elements most needed in common fertilisers are :

Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous

348 - The three famous law of Kepler is related to

Planetary Motion

349 - The threshold frequency is the frequency below which :

Photo electric emission is not possible

350 - The total energy of revolving electron in an atom

Can never be positive

351 - The two metal ions that cause hardness to water are:

Calcium, Magnesium

352 - The wave theory of light can explain

Interference of light

353 - The waves used in sonography are

Ultrasonic waves

354 - The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to


355 - The working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on the

Piezo - electric Effect

356 - Two moles of an ideal gas expand freely into vacuum. The work done by the gas is


357 - Two stones of different masses are dropped simultaneously from the top of a building

Both the stones reach the ground at the same time

358 - Ultra violet radiations of the Sun do not reach the earth because, earth's atmosphere is surrounded by


359 - Vehicles use ________ to see the objects coming from behind.

Convex lens

360 - Water cannot be used to extinguish fire caused by electric current, because

It may cause electrocution

361 - Water drops cannot stick to the oily surface due to

Surface tension

362 - Water gas is the combination of

CO and H2

363 - Water gas is the mixture of

Carbon monoxide and hydrogen

364 - Water is not effective in extinguishing a fire caused by petrol because

Water and petrol are immiscible with each other and petrol which forms the upper layer continues to burn

365 - Waves that are required for long distance wireless communication are

Radio waves

366 - Weight of a body is maximum at the:


367 - What are the major pollutants of cigarette smoke?

Carbon monoxide and nicotine

368 - What are the number of moles of CO2 which contains 16 g of oxygen?

0.5 mole

369 - What are the particles emitted by radioactive element after 3 consecutive disintegration?

2 beta 1 alpha

370 - What does the slope of a velocity time graph represent?


371 - What is a common name for the substance which irritates lachrymal glands ?

Tear Gas

372 - What is a compound microscope?

A microscope that has two sets of lenses : an occular lens and an eyepiece.

373 - What is colour of light related to ?


374 - What is found in frequency modulation ?

Fixed frequency

375 - What is 'milk of magnesia' chemically?

Magnesium hydroxide

376 - What is the chemical symbol of mercury?


377 - What is the covalency of nitrogen in ammonia molecule


378 - What is the effective resistance (in ÃŽ©) of two resistors 20 ÃŽ© and 30 ÃŽ© connected in parallel?


379 - What is the force of attraction between any two bodies by virtue of their masses is called?

Gravitational Force

380 - What is the fundamental unit of amount of a substance?


381 - What is the most common salt in sea water ?

Sodium chloride

382 - What is the name of the device used to convert alternating current into direct current ?


383 - What is the reason for twinkling of stars ?

Atmospheric refraction

384 - What is the SI unit of Power?


385 - What is the unit of Magnetic Induction?


386 - What is the unit of relative density?

It has no unit

387 - What is the unit of the physical quantity "Jerk"?

Meter per second cube

388 - What is unit of Astronomical distance ?

Light year

389 - What is unit of Viscosity ?

Newton second per square meter

390 - What type of heat transfer is boiling water?


391 - What type of simple machine is an axe?

Both A & B

392 - When a bar magnet is cut into two equal halves, the pole strength of each piece –

Remains the same

393 - When a body is accelerated, then the velocity will be also


394 - When a bond is formed between two atoms, the energy of the system will

Remain the same

395 - When a detergent is added to pure water, its surface tension


396 - When a pail of water is swung in a vertical circle, the water does not fall out at the top of the loop when the speed is

Above a certain minimum value irrespective of amount of water in the pail

397 - When does land breeze occur?

Both A & B

398 - When iron rusts, its weight


399 - When lime juice is dropped on baking soda, brisk effervescence takes place because the gas evolved is

Carbon dioxide

400 - When two ice cubes are pressed together, they join to form one cube. Which one of the following helps to hold them together?

Hydrogen bond formation

401 - Where does hydroelectric energy come from?


402 - Where should a boat compass be mounted?

Away from electrical wiring

403 - Which acid is used in Lead storage battery?

Sulphuric acid

404 - Which among the following coal contains 90 per cent of carbon?


405 - Which best describes how air moves during convection?

Cool air falls down

406 - Which colour has the highest energy?


407 - Which colour of light shows maximum deviation when passed through a prism ?


408 - Which gas is used as fire extinguisher ?

Carbon dioxide

409 - Which metal is extracted from sea water?


410 - Which mineral is the ore of aluminium ?


411 - Which of the following alkali metals has highest specific heat?


412 - Which of the following are used for accurately measuring very small time intervals ?

Atomic clocks

413 - Which of the following can be found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India? Select the correct answer using the code given below.(A) Arsenic (B) Sorbitol (C) Fluoride (D) Formaldehyde (E) Uranium

A, C and E

414 - Which of the following causes adiabatic temperature changes in atmosphere?

Expansion and compression of the air

415 - Which of the following chemicals is responsible for depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?


416 - Which of the following colour of light deviates least through the prism?


417 - Which of the following criterion is used for any metal to be used as a cooking material ?

Less thermal conductivity

418 - Which of the following electrodes is used in strongly alkaline solution?

Mercury - mercuric oxide electrode

419 - Which of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution?


420 - Which of the following gases is mixed with oxygen for breathing by divers in aqua lungs?


421 - Which of the following gases is most toxic ?

Carbon monoxide

422 - Which of the following has least negative electron gain enthalpy?


423 - Which of the following instrument is used to measure Soil Water Tension?


424 - Which of the following is a compound machine?


425 - Which of the following is a device designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes?

Surge protector

426 - Which of the following is a metallic ore ?


427 - Which of the following is a method/process of disposing of solid waste which cannot be reused or recycled ?

All the above

428 - Which of the following is a monoatomic gas?


429 - Which of the following is an example for cantilever beam?


430 - Which of the following is not a natural source of air pollution ?

None of the above

431 - Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fetiliser?


432 - Which of the following is not a transverse wave?

Sound waves

433 - Which of the following is not present in RNA


434 - Which of the following is optical illusion?


435 - Which of the following is the best fuel in terms of energy released per gram of fuel?


436 - Which of the following is the petroleum wax ?

Paraffin wax

437 - Which of the following is the unit of Astronomical Distance ?


438 - Which of the following is used as a lubricant in heavy machines?


439 - Which of the following is used as filler in tyre of rubber ?

Carbon black

440 - Which of the following is used in making smoke bombs?


441 - Which of the following is used to denature ethanol ?

Methyl alcohol

442 - Which of the following is usually not an air-pollutant?

Nitrous oxide

443 - Which of the following metals can displace copper from copper sulphate solution ?


444 - Which of the following metals is not a pollutant ?


445 - Which of the following metals is used in Space Crafts to withstand high temperatures ?


446 - Which of the following metals occurs in free state ?


447 - Which of the following options correctly explains the term heat budget?

It is the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation

448 - Which of the following pairs of physical quantities have the same dimensions?

Work and Energy

449 - Which of the following parts of the sunlight makes the solar cooker hot ?

Infra red

450 - Which of the following produces highest amount of energy upon oxidation?


451 - Which of the following properties is found only in ferromagnetic materials ?


452 - Which of the following supports particle nature of photons ?

Photoelectric effect

453 - Which of these travels in glass with minimum velocity ?

Violet light

454 - Which one among the following is not an electromagnetic wave?

Cathode Ray

455 - Which one amongst the following is not a Green House gas?


456 - Which one is not a part of Kepler's Law?

Law of speed

457 - Which one is not a pure form of carbon?


458 - Which one is the most reactive gaseous element?


459 - Which one is the purest form of carbon?


460 - Which one of the following determines the sharpness of image in a camera ?

The aperture

461 - Which one of the following does not form oxyacid ?


462 - Which one of the following has a maximum tendency to form M3 ion ?


463 - Which one of the following is a greenhouse gas ?

Carbon dioxide

464 - Which one of the following is a micro-element ?


465 - Which one of the following is also known as solution ?

A homogeneous mixture

466 - Which one of the following is an ohmic conductor?


467 - Which one of the following is found in kidney stones?

Calcium oxalate

468 - Which one of the following is not a feature of Indifference Curve?

They are concave to each other

469 - Which one of the following is not a fertilizer?

Calcium sulphate

470 - Which one of the following is not present in cement ?


471 - Which one of the following is the value of one nanometer?

10-7 cm

472 - Which one of the following is used as a sowing agent in the preparation of soft drinks?

Phosphoric acid

473 - Which one of the following metals is used to galvanise iron ?


474 - Which one of the following mineral does not contain oxygen ?


475 - Which one of the following organic compounds has fruity smell?


476 - Which one of the following statements with regard to Jet stream, an upper level tropospheric wave, is not correct?

It follows the wave path near the tropopause at elevations of 8 km to 15 km.

477 - Which one of the following vegetable oils is used in the manufacture of paints?

Linseed oil

478 - Which one type of radiation has the longest wave length

Radio Wave

479 - Which physicists is the writer of the book 'A Brief History of Time'?

Stephen Hawking

480 - Which type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire ?

Foam type

481 - Which type of radiations are absorbed by the upper layer of the atmosphere?


482 - While ascending a hill, the driver of the vehicle keeps the gear ratio

Either equal to or greater than 1

483 - While catching a ball, a player pulls down his hands to lower the–


484 - White phosphorus is generally kept under


485 - Who among the following discovered X-rays?

W.C Roentgen

486 - Who gave black hole theory?

Stephen Hawking

487 - Who modified Bohr's theory by introducing elliptical orbits for electron path?


488 - Why does ice covered in sawdust not melt quickly ?

Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat

489 - Why does the sea appear blue in colour?

Scattering of the sunlight by water molecules

490 - Why is water not suitable for putting out a petrol fire ?

Water, being heavy, slips below petrol which thus remains in contact with air and burns

491 - Zone refining is used for the purification of



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