Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 6

1 - The universal donor belongs to blood group


2 - ________ states that internal energy is a function of state and the increase in internal energy is equal to the sum of the heat supplied to system and work done by the system.

First law of thermodynamics

3 - . . . . . . . . . exerts a force on anything that has an electric charge.

Electric field

4 - ________ gives hardness to stainless steel.


5 - A 4 kg object is moving horizontally with a speed of 5 m/s. To increase its speed to 10 m/s, the amount of net work required to be done on this object is:

150 J

6 - A bimetal made copper and iron strips welded together is straight at room temperature. It is held vertically with iron strip towards left and copper strip towards right. If this bimetal is heated, it will

Bend towards left

7 - A black body can absorb radiations of :

All wavelengths

8 - A body absorbs heat most if it is

Black and rough

9 - A body moving in a circular path with a constant speed has a

Constant kinetic energy

10 - A boy is swinging a ball attached to a string in a horizontal circle. If the string snaps

It will continue to travel along a tangent to the circle at the point the ball was at the time of snapping and finally fall down

11 - A car accelerates uniformly from 18 kmph to 72 kmph in 5 s. The acceleration of the car (in m/s2) is:


12 - A cell wall material present only in blue green algae and bacteria is

Muramic acid

13 - A convex mirror of focal length f (in air) is immersed in a liquid (u=4/3). The focal length of the mirror in the liquid will be :


14 - A dynamometer wattmeter can be used for

Both A & B

15 - A galvanometer can be converted to a voltmeter by connecting

A high resistance in series

16 - A man standing at the top of a tower has two spheres A and B. He drops sphere A downwards and throws sphere B horizontally at the same time. Which of the following is correct ?

Both the spheres will reach the ground simultaneously.

17 - A man stands on the pan of a balance holding a fish in his right hand and bucket of water in his left hand. If he transfers the fish into the bucket, the total weight on the pan

Remains the same

18 - A metal semiconductor junction diode is called ________

Schottky diode

19 - A mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by


20 - A nuclear reactor is said to have become 'critical' when

It is ready to produce controlled energy

21 - A parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C1 is made using two gold plates. Another parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C2 is made using two aluminium plates with same plate separation, and all the four plates are of same area. If rg and ra are respec

C1 = C2

22 - A parallel-plate capacitor,with air in between the plates, has capacitance C. Now the space between the two plates of the capacitor is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 7. Then the value of the capacitance will become


23 - A piece of wood is held under water. The upthrust on it will be:

Less than weight of the wood

24 - A potato tuber has been cut into two halves. A few drops of iodine solution are placed on the cut surface of one of the halves. What colour change will be noticed?

From brown to blue-black

25 - A simple microscope consists of :

A short focus convex lens

26 - A small piece of a substance is weakly attracted by a strong magnetic field. The substance is


27 - A stone floor feels cold to the bare feet but a carpet on the same floor feels warm. This is because

The stone conveys the heat away from the feet more rapidly than the carpet

28 - A stone is dropped from the roof of a house towards the ground. The kinetic energy of the stone will be maximum:

Just before it touches the ground

29 - A storm is predicted if atmospheric pressure

Falls suddenly

30 - A viral species is a group of viruses that has

Both A & B

31 - Acceleration is the rate of change of


32 - According to the quantum theory of light, the energy of light is carried in discrete units are called


33 - Acid rain is caused by

SO2 and NO2

34 - Adding Cl2 to benzene in the presence of AlCl3 is an example of :

Substitution reaction

35 - After reflection from a plane mirror the word will look like.


36 - After removing two electrons from helium atom it become?

Alpha particle

37 - Alcoholic (– OH) group can be identified by :


38 - All of the following are true of neurons except that

They are a very specialized form of connective tissue

39 - Alternating current is converted into direct current by a


40 - Alum stops bleeding in minor cuts because of


41 - Aluminium salt commonly used to stop bleeding is

Aluminium sulphate

42 - Amount of water vapour (gaseous) in a given volume of air (cubic metre) is known as:

Absolute humidity

43 - An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating device is


44 - An egg sinks in soft water but floats in a concentrated solution of salt because

The density of salt solution exceeds the density of eggs

45 - An electrochemical cell which is used as a source of direct electrical current at constant voltage under standard conditions is called a :


46 - An element of atomic no. 29 belongs to


47 - An emulsifier is an agent which

Stabilises an emulsion

48 - An object covers distance which is directly proportional to the square of the time. Its accelaration is


49 - Aqueous solution of which of the following is a good conductor of electricity

Ammonium acetate

50 - As we go from Equator to North pole the value of ''g', the acceleration due to gravity


51 - At the Curie temperature, the ferromagnetic materials get converted into

Paramagnetic materials

52 - Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to

Gravitational pull

53 - Atoms of different elements have

Different atomic number and different number of valence electrons

54 - Baking soda is :

Sodium bicarbonate

55 - Basicity of boric acid, H3BO3 is


56 - Benzene cannot undergo :


57 - Black lung disease occurs in people working in

Coal mines

58 - Blue green algae possess chlorophlyll along with a pigment known as


59 - Branch of biology which deals with the study processing and preservation of food is called

Food technology

60 - Brine refers to :

Salt water

61 - Browning of paper in old books is caused by

Oxidation of cellulose

62 - Burning pyrites ore gives out

Sulphur dioxide gas

63 - By which organic compound all the oils are known ?


64 - Calcium salts used as fertilizer is :

Calcium Sulphate

65 - Carbon dioxide is

A reducing agent

66 - Carborundum is another name of

Silicon carbide

67 - Catalyst is a substance which

None of these

68 - Cement is formed by strongly heating a mixture of

Limestone and clay

69 - Centrifugal force increases with


70 - Certain substances loose their electrical resistance completely at super low temperature. Such substances are called.


71 - Chemical composition of cement is

Limestone, Clay and Gypsum

72 - Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights, because clouds mainly

Reflect back the heat given by earth

73 - Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in

A battery

74 - Convex mirror is generally used in ________

Rear view mirror

75 - Convex mirrors are used as a rear view mirror in motor cycles because

It forms smaller image as compared with object

76 - Copper substances when exposed to air gains a green coating due to the formation of:

CuCO3 Cu(OH)2

77 - Curd is sour due to presence of

Lactic acid

78 - Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because

It causes cardiac arrest

79 - Cyanobacteria are also known as

Blue Green Algae

80 - Diamond is lustrous because

Its refractive index is high

81 - Drinking soda is


82 - Dry ice is

Solid carbon dioxide

83 - Electric Motor converts ________ energy to mechanical energy


84 - Emulsifier is an agent which

Stabilizes an emulsion

85 - Energy in reflected light :

Increases with the increase in angle

86 - Erg cross Sec is the unit of

Planck's constant

87 - Ethanol containing 5% water is known as :

Rectified spirit

88 - Even after sunset, the air near the Earth's surface continue to receive heat due to

Terrestrial Radiation

89 - Extensively used nitrogenous fertilizer is


90 - Fiber optics cable used in communication, works on the principle of

Total internal reflection of light

91 - Fish and other aquatic creatures can live inside a deep frozen pond because

There will always be water just beneath the ice level

92 - For a body moving with uniform acceleration its final velocity equals ________

2 x average velocity - initial velocity

93 - For an object, the state of rest is considered to be the state of ________ speed.


94 - For photoelectric effect to take place, the metal used as the cathode should have ________

Low work function

95 - For which of the following substances, the resistance decreases with increase in temperature?


96 - Formation of ozone hole is maximum over


97 - Formation of shadows can be explained by

Rectilinear propagation of light

98 - Galvanization of iron is carried out using


99 - Gasoline is useful in cars because it has

Chemical potential energy

100 - German silver is an alloy of

Zinc, copper and nickel

101 - German silver used for making utensils is an alloy of

Copper, zinc, nickel

102 - Global warming is expected to result in

All of the above

103 - Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it

Prevents freezing of petrol

104 - Hardest allotrope of carbon is


105 - Heat from the Sun reaches the Earth by


106 - Heat transfer by conduction occurs when molecules


107 - Higher concentration of nitrogen dioxide in atmosphere air causes


108 - How many atoms of oxygen are in a glucose molecule?


109 - How much calorie of energy is released by a boiled egg ?


110 - Hydraulic brakes in automobile work on

Pascal's principle

111 - Hydroscope is an instrument that shows changes in:

None of these

112 - If all bullets could not be removed from gun shot injury of a man, it may cause poisoning by


113 - If objects appear enlarged and inverted in a rear view mirror, then which type of mirror is used?


114 - If the sewage is fully oxidized, the nitrogen is in the form of


115 - If velocity is constant then acceleration is what?


116 - In ________ cells the genetic material is without any nuclear membrane covering and is directly submerged in the cytoplasm.


117 - In ________ motion of a body its velocity varies with time.


118 - In a Carnot engine when heat is taken from the source, its temperature

Remains constant

119 - In a Cinema hall, the distance between the projector and the screen is increased by 2%. Then the intensity of illumination on the screen is

Decreased by 4%

120 - In a conductor

The valence band and the conduction band overlap each other

121 - In galvanization, iron is coated with


122 - In its reaction with silver nitrate, C2H2 shows

Acidic property

123 - In silvery paints, the main constituent present is

Aluminium powder

124 - In spherical polar coordinates (l, q, a), q denotes the polar angle around z-axis and a denotes the azimuthal angle raised from x-axis . Then the y-component of P is given by

Psinq sina

125 - In surgery, metal pins are used for joining together broken bones. These metal pins remain uncorroded in the body. What is the material of these pins?


126 - In the electroplating of gold, the electrolyte used is

Gold sulphate

127 - In the process of magnetisation of a bar

The entire bulk of the bar gets magnetised

128 - In total internal reflection, the light travel from

Denser to rarer medium and it occurs with no loss of intensity

129 - In which one of the following the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light is used ?

Formation of mirage

130 - Indicate the false statement about the resistance of a wire

It is directly proportional to the area of cross-section of wire

131 - Interveinal necrotic spots on leaves appear due to

SO2 injury

132 - It is dangerous to observe Solar eclipse with naked eyes because

Ultraviolet radiations from Sun burn our retina

133 - It is difficult to cook rice

At the top of a mountain

134 - It is easy to burst a gas-filled balloon with a needle than with a nail. It is because

Needle exerts more pressure than nail on the balloon.

135 - It takes much longer to cook food in the hills than in the plains, because

in the hills the atmospheric pressure is lower than that in the plains and therefore water boils at a temperature lower than 100oC causing an increase in cooking time

136 - Kelps are obtained from

Marine algae

137 - Kirchoff's Voltage Law is known as

Conservation Energy

138 - Lakes freeze in cold countries in winter, leaving the water underneath at


139 - Land is considered a resource because it

Is used to produce things

140 - Light houses are places with powerful lights to :

Guide and warn the ships coming from different directions in the ocean

141 - Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of

All of the above

142 - Magnetic domains normally occur in


143 - Major gaseous pollutant of the thermal power station is


144 - Major portion of the earth's crust is mainly constituted by

Oxygen and Silicon

145 - Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the listsList-I (Green house gas)List-II(Major source)F.Carbondioxide1.Enteric fermentation in cattleG.Methane2.Burning of fossilH.Chloroflro carbons3.Mercury compound


146 - Match the sourc in Column B with the product of Column A. (Product) Column B (Source)A. Formic acid1. LemonB. Citric acid 2. TamarindC. Tartaric acid3. Ants

A B C3 1 2

147 - Milk is


148 - Milk is a natural


149 - Most bacteria reproduce by

Binary fission

150 - Muddy water is treated with alum in purification process, it is termed as :


151 - Muscle fatigue is caused by the accumulation of :

Lactic acid

152 - Name two elements that find wide application in transistor industry.

Silicon and Germanium

153 - Natural rubber is a polymer of


154 - Nuclear Reactors are based on which of the following phenomenon?

Controlled Nuclear Fission

155 - Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on

Nuclear fission

156 - On a clean glass plate a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of mercury remains almost spherical because:

cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass.

157 - On which principle does the hydraulic lift works?

Pascal's law

158 - One carat of diamond is equal to

200 mg

159 - Organic compounds are

Covalent compounds

160 - Oxide of sulphur present in the atmosphere are washed down by rains to cause :

Depletion of fossil fuel reserves

161 - Ozone saves the biosphere by absorbing high energy radiations called ________ .

Ultraviolet rays (UV)

162 - Peroxyacetyl nitrate is a

Secondary pollutant

163 - Person having blood group 'B' can donate the blood to person having blood group

B and AB

164 - Person who is colourblind cannot distinguish between

Red and green

165 - Persons working in cement plants and lime stone quarries are prone to disease like


166 - Photon is the fundamental unit/quantum of


167 - Quartz is made of

Sodium Silicate

168 - RADAR is used for

Detecting and locating the position of objects such as Aeroplanes

169 - Radioactive elements can be traced out in living cell through a technique called

Auto radiography

170 - Rate at which velocity changes over time?


171 - Rear view mirror of car is convex or concave?


172 - Rock salt is a mineral containing


173 - Ruby and sapphire are oxides of


174 - Saline soil contains

High concentration of salt

175 - Scientist who discovered blood groups was

Karl Landsteiner

176 - Sea water can be purified by the process of


177 - Select the one which is not a mixture :

Distilled water

178 - Shock-absorbers are usually made of steel as it :

Has higher elasticity

179 - Silicon is a


180 - Silicon is used in

All of these

181 - Silver nitrate solution is kept in brown bottles in laboratory because

Brown bottles stops the passage of light through it

182 - Sodium Carbonate is commonly known as

Washing Soda

183 - Sodium vapour lamps glow with yellow colour. This is due to

The emission of excess energy absorbed by sodium atoms, in the yellow region of the spectrum

184 - Solar energy is due to

Fusion reactions

185 - Soldering of two metals is possible because of the property of :


186 - Solids which conduct electricity at higher temperature but not at lower temperature are called


187 - Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is called


188 - Sound travels fastest in


189 - Sour milk contains

Lactic acid

190 - Sources of geothermal power are

Both A & B

191 - Speed in a given direction is called


192 - Speed of sound in air is unaffected by change in


193 - Spontaneous change is one in which there is:

A lowering of free energy

194 - Stars twinkle because

the refractive index of the different layers of the earth's atmosphere changes continuously.

195 - Stress can be defined as ________ quantity.


196 - Suitable impurities are added to a semiconductor depending on its use. This is done in order to

increase its electrical conductivity

197 - Sun's heat reaches us by


198 - Super conductors are substances that

Offer minimum resistance to flow of electric current

199 - Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of

O3 layer

200 - Synapse gap is present between which of the following?

Two neurons

201 - The addition of gypsum to portland cement helps in :

Preventing rapid setting of cement

202 - The angle in which a cricket ball should be hit to travel maximum horizontal distance is :

45° with horizontal

203 - The aprotic solvent is


204 - The base of an electric iron is brightly polished mainly

To reduce heat loss by radiation

205 - The Bhopal gas tragedy was caused by the gas

Methyl Isocyanate

206 - The Bhopal tragedy was caused by the gas

Methyl isocyanate

207 - The boiling point of liquids vary as

Pressure varies

208 - The bone Humerus is found in

Upper arm

209 - The cathode of a lead storage battery is made up of


210 - The chemical name of baking soda is

Sodium bicarbonate

211 - The chemical name of 'Hypo' commonly used in photography is

Sodium thiosulphate

212 - The chief constituent of natural gas is:


213 - The ''Choke' used with a tube light is basically

An inductor

214 - The coloured discharge tubes for advertisement mainly contain


215 - The common name of sodium bicarbonate is

Baking soda

216 - The commonly used coolant in refrigerators is


217 - The coordination number of body centered atom in cubic structure is


218 - The cover of a solar cooker is made of glass because

It retains the heat inside by the green house effect

219 - The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte depends on


220 - The density of a gas is maximum at

Low temperature, high pressure

221 - The depletion in Ozone layer is caused by ________ .


222 - The deterioration of a metal by an electrochemical process is commonly termed as


223 - The device which converts AC to DC is


224 - The dimension of which of the following is the same as that of impulse ?


225 - The dimensional formula ML–1T–2 corresponds to

Modulus of elasticity

226 - The energy obtained from atoms is known as ________

Nuclear energy

227 - The energy that generates wind comes from what source?

Solar radiation

228 - The first law of thermodynamics is simply the case of

The law of conservation of energy

229 - The force exerted on an object is 200 N and its mass is 100 kg. Find the acceleration of the object.

2 m/sq.s

230 - The freezing point of fresh water is ________ .


231 - The gas causing acid rain in an industrial area is

Sulphur dioxide

232 - The gas present in the stratosphere which filters out some of the sun's ultraviolet light and provides an effective shield against radiation damage to living things is


233 - The gas produced in marshy places due to decomposition of vegetation is


234 - The gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruit is –


235 - The gas used to dilute oxygen for breathing by deep sea divers is:


236 - The heat required to raise the temperature of body by 1 K is called

thermal capacity

237 - The highest volume of gases in lower atmosphere is comprised of


238 - The important metal used with iron to produce stainless steel is


239 - The least preferred technique in the disposal of Municipal Solid Waste is


240 - The litmus paper utilized in the chemical laboratories is made of :


241 - The locomotion of insects to the source of light is called :


242 - The magnitude of current flowing between two end points of a conductor is proportional to the potential difference between them and is called as:

Ohms law

243 - The main buffer system of the human blood is

H2CO3 - HCO3

244 - The main component of liquid bleach is:

Sodium hypochlorite

245 - The mercury and sodium street lamps light up because of :

Atomic emission

246 - The metals commonly used for electroplating are

Chromium, Copper and Nickel

247 - The most abundant element in the earth's atmosphere is


248 - The most abundant element in the human body is


249 - The most commonly used bleaching agent is


250 - The natural resource, known as black gold is


251 - The natural source of hydrocarbon is

Crude oil

252 - The nitrogen fixing bacteria present in the root nodules of leguminous plant is


253 - The nucleus of a hydrogen atom consists of

1 proton only

254 - The oil in the wick of lamp rises due to

Pheonomenon of capillarity

255 - The phenomenon of change in direction of light when it passes from one medium to another is called


256 - The phenomenon which causes mirage is

Total internal reflection

257 - The point where total mass of a body is supposed to be concentrated is known as

Centre of mass

258 - The pollutant responsible for ozone holes is ________


259 - The presence of Cobalt in Vitamin B12 was established for the first time by


260 - The process of covering water pipes made of Iron with Zinc layer to prevent corrosion is called :


261 - The process of improving the quality of rubber by heating it with sulphur is called


262 - The product, 9-nitroanthracene is obtained from anthracene by the action of

Nitric acid and acetic anhydride

263 - The propagation of sound waves in a gas involves

Adiabatic compression and rarefaction

264 - The radiant energy having lowest energy is

Microwave radiation

265 - The refractive index of a transparent medium is maximum for

Violet light

266 - The resources which can be used continuously, year-after-year are called


267 - The reverse effect of X–ray emission is


268 - The rice is cooked more quickly in a pressure cooker because

Water boils at a higher temperature under pressure.

269 - The S.I. unit of electric charge is :


270 - The smog is essentially caused by the presence of

Oxides of N and S

271 - The snow on the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because:

It reflects most of the heat from the sun

272 - The splitting of different colours of light in a prism is :

Disperson of light

273 - The splitting of white light into its components is due to:


274 - The spokes used in the wheel of a bicycle increase its

Moment of inertia

275 - The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by

All of the above

276 - The structure of (HPO3)3 is


277 - The substance most commonly used as a food preservative is

Sodium salt of benzoic acid

278 - The substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is

Type metal

279 - The sudden fall of atmospheric pressure indicates


280 - The term photon refers to

Sub atomic particle

281 - The transuranium elements are the chemical elements with atomic numbers greater than


282 - The unit of force is a

Derived Unit

283 - The unit of intensity of electric field is


284 - The unit of magnetic permeability is


285 - The unit of Planck's constant is


286 - The velocity of heat radiation in vacuum is

Equal to that of light

287 - The velocity of sound in moist air is more than in dry air because the moist air has

Less density than dry air.

288 - The wall of a dam is broader at the base

To withstand pressure that increases with depth

289 - The wavelength at which the peak of intensity of blackbody radiation occurs

Decreases with increase in temperature

290 - The wire of flash bulbs is made up of


291 - The working of a dry cell is based on


292 - Thermal expansion of materials arises from

Asymmetry of potential energy curve

293 - These waves cannot be transmitted through vacuum.


294 - Total number of naturally occurring elements


295 - Two elements which can form a large number of compounds are

Carbon and Hydrogen

296 - Two identical solid pieces, one of gold and other of silver, when immersed completely in water exhibit equal weights. When weighed in air (given that density of gold is greater than that of silver)

The silver piece will weigh more

297 - Two stones of unequal masses are thrown vertically up with the same velocity. Which of the following will happen?

Both will reach the same height

298 - Two vectors are said to be equal if

Both magnitude and direction are same

299 - Type metal used in printing press is an alloy of

Lead and antimony

300 - Ultra purification of a metal is done by :

Zone melting

301 - Unit of impedance is ________


302 - Universal gates are


303 - Velocity of sound in air does not change with the change of

Pressure of air

304 - Vinegar is an aqueous solution of

Acetic acid

305 - Volvox colonies are found in

Freshwater ponds

306 - Vulcanized rubber contains sulphur


307 - Warming ammonium chloride with sodium hydrochloride in a test tube is an example of

Open system

308 - Wax used for making candle is chemically a mixture of

Aliphatic hydrocarbons

309 - What colour does blue and yellow make?


310 - What happens when a drop of glycerol is added to crushed KMnO4 spread on a paper ?

There is a violent explosion.

311 - What is a Bakelite ?


312 - What is the atomic number of mercury?


313 - What is the element that is in the highest percentage in the composition of the earth ?


314 - What is the maximum Water Vapour content in the atmosphere?

3 to 4 per cent

315 - What is the minimum distance (in metres) required to hear an echo?


316 - What is the principal ore of aluminium ?


317 - What is the product formed when sodium bicarbonate is heated strongly?

Sodium Carbonate

318 - What is the second largest component in milk ?


319 - What is the SI unit of electric current?


320 - What is the SI unit of Force?


321 - What is the source of energy for the water cycle?


322 - What is used in storage batteries?


323 - What measures Air pressure?


324 - What type of lens is a magnifying glass?


325 - When a body is immersed in a liquid, the force acting on it is

Both (A) and (B)

326 - When a bottle of perfume is opened in one corner of a room the smell spreads soon throughout the room. This is an example of


327 - When a ship enters the sea from a river what will be the effect?

It rises a little

328 - When a spoon is to be electroplated with nickel the spoon is

Made cathode and a pure nickel red, the anode

329 - When a vehicle passes, TV reception gets distorted. This is because

Spark plug creates electromagnetic disturbances

330 - When all the forces and torques are balanced in a mechanical body it is said to be in


331 - When conc. H2SO4 is added to dry KNO3, brown fumes are evolved. These fumes are due to


332 - When heated from 0 to 100oC volume of a given mass of water will :

Decrease and then will increase

333 - When ice cubes are made, the entropy of water


334 - When quick lime is added to water

Heat is liberated

335 - When the barometer reading dips suddenly, it is an indication of


336 - When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon is known as


337 - Where do arteries carry blood?


338 - Where do the electrical charges reside in a charged conductor?

Outer surface of the body

339 - Where is a transistor most likely to be found ?

Hearing aid

340 - Which amidst the following is not a gem stone ?


341 - Which among the following determines the pitch of a sound?


342 - Which among the following is a carbohydrate ?


343 - Which among the following is found in chlorophyll ?


344 - Which among the following stage is suitable indicator when solution of sodium carbonate is mixed with sulphuric acid ?

Methyl orange

345 - Which colour has the highest frequency?


346 - Which colour is produce by Arsenic during flame test?


347 - Which gas is most stable at room temperature?


348 - Which is not a green house gas ?


349 - Which is the heaviest metal among the following?


350 - Which metal is the heaviest in periodic table among the following ?


351 - Which of the following alloy is used in making magnet ?


352 - Which of the following appeared to be with a significant potential for accumulation through food chains ?


353 - Which of the following caused radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala ?


354 - Which of the following devices can be used to detect radiant heat ?


355 - Which of the following elements is found in all organic compounds?


356 - Which of the following elements is non-radioactive ?


357 - Which of the following elements is not present in stainless steel?


358 - Which of the following experiments analyzed the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum?

Bunsen and Kirchhoff's experiment

359 - Which of the following group of elements are diamagnetic?

Argon, copper, silver

360 - Which of the following has pH value 7?

Pure Water

361 - Which of the following has the highest lattice energy?


362 - Which of the following in automobile exhaust can cause cancer?

Polyclinic hydrocarbons

363 - Which of the following is a man-made source of air pollution ?

Automobile exhaust

364 - Which of the following is a non renewable source of energy ?


365 - Which of the following is a renewable source of energy


366 - Which of the following is a vector quantity?


367 - Which of the following is an iron ore ?


368 - Which of the following is caused by the higher concentration of Nitrogen and Phosphorous ?


369 - Which of the following is not a form of Energy?


370 - Which of the following is not a vector quantity ?


371 - Which of the following is not a vector quantity?


372 - Which of the following is not caused by atmospheric refraction of light ?

Sun appearing higher in the sky than it actually is

373 - Which of the following is the maximum number of electrons that can be present in M-shell?


374 - Which of the following is the second largest source of global energy?

Renewable Energy

375 - Which of the following is used as a preservative to protect processed food?

Sodium metabisulphite

376 - Which of the following is used in dating archaeological findings ?


377 - Which of the following is used to split white light into different colours ?


378 - Which of the following kinds of spectroscopy can provide information on the energy difference between the initial and final states rather the energy levels involved in the transition?

UV photoelectron spectroscopy

379 - Which of the following laws validates the statement that matter can neither be created nor destroyed ?

Law of conservation of mass

380 - Which of the following metals form an amalgam with other metals ?


381 - Which of the following molecules has a bond order of 2.5?


382 - Which of the following partially miscible liquid pairs has both lower and upper critical solution temperature?

Glycerine and m-toluene

383 - Which of the following pollutants is main product of automobile exhaust ?


384 - Which of the following principle is used to produce ''low-temperatures' ?

Adiabatic demagnetisation

385 - Which of the following substance is highly plastic ?


386 - Which of the following vitamins is generally excreted by human in urine?

None of these

387 - Which of the following will replace hydrogen from acids to form salts ?


388 - Which of the inert gases can form compounds?


389 - Which of the process is known as nitrification?

Conversion of ammonia to nitrites

390 - Which of these acids is not organic in origin?

Sulphuric acid

391 - Which one among the following components can not be developed within an ''integrated circuit"?


392 - Which one among the following doesn't have any effect on velocity of sound ?


393 - Which one among the following is not a mixture?


394 - Which one is a naturally occuring noble gas?


395 - Which one is the naturally occuring heaviest element?


396 - Which one is the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon?


397 - Which one of the following does not contain Silver ?

German Silver

398 - Which one of the following elements is least likely to be found in commercial fertilisers?


399 - Which one of the following elements is used in the manufacture of fertilizers ?


400 - Which one of the following group of gases contributes to the 'Green House Effect'?

Carbon dioxide and Methane

401 - Which one of the following is not a cause for present global warming and climate change ?


402 - Which one of the following is not reserve food of fungi


403 - Which one of the following is the correct sequence of passage of light in a compound microscope?

Condenser -Objective lens -Body tube -Eyepiece

404 - Which one of the following minerals is found in pure form?


405 - Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Haematite : Copper

406 - Which one of the following reflects back more sunlight as compared to other three?

Land covered with fresh snow

407 - Which one of the following was used as a chemical weapon in the first world war ?

Mustard gas

408 - Which phase change is an example of an exothermic process?

All the above

409 - Which phenomena shows the particle nature of light?

Photoelectric effect

410 - Which physical quantity is measured in 'siemens'?

Electrical conductance

411 - Which resource is both renewable and inexpensive?


412 - Which sources produce alternating current (AC)?

Hydro-electric generators

413 - Which type of mirror is used in the head lights of vehicles ?

Concave mirror

414 - Which type of radiation has the lowest penetrating ability?


415 - White lung cancer is caused by


416 - Who is the first person to define speed


417 - Who measured the velocity of light first ?


418 - Why does water tank appear shallower when viewed from the top?

Due to refraction

419 - Why two thin shirts can keep us warmer than a single thick shirt in winter ?

Air layer between two shirts behaves like insulating media

420 - Yellow Cake an item of smuggling across border is

Uranium oxide


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