Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 1

1 - In the treatment of which disease is dialysis used?

Kidney failure

2 - The term Blue Shift' is used to indicate?

Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object.

3 - 746 watts are equivalent to_____________?


4 - A man can survive without food for atleast?

1 month

5 - â€Å“COTTON” is grown on ___________?

Black soil

6 - All matter is made of ___________?


7 - Boiling of an egg is a change which is__________?


8 - Chemical Name of Dry Ice?

Solid Carbon Dioxide

9 - On passing through food stuff, X-ray can kill the___________?


10 - Serum if blood plasma minus its?

Clotting proteins

11 - Silicon is an example of _________?


12 - Sodium carbonate is produced by____________?

Amonia solvay process

13 - The major component of honey is_________?


14 - The matter of our sun is in ________ state?


15 - The most dense and heaviest planet is___________?


16 - Tocopherol is the chemical name of which vitamin?

vitamin E

17 - Tooth decay is caused by?


18 - Water vapor is ______________?

A gas

19 - What is the name of the central part of the earth?


20 - A substance which increases the efficiency of a catalyst is termed as:


21 - Freezing point of water is__________?

0 °C

22 - What are Columns in Periodic table called?


23 - The average length of the kidney of a man is about?

10cm to 13 cm

24 - Galvanised Iron sheets have a coating of____________


25 - At what temperature does silver melt?

961.8 °C

26 - Yeast is used in making bread because it produces____________?

Carbon dioxide

27 - A satellite moving round the earth with a uniform speed has____________?

Uniform acceleration

28 - Blood is cleaned by __________?


29 - The average heartbeat per minute in a normal man is _________?


30 - The brain of human adult weighs about_________?

1200 – 1300 gm

31 - The sounds of which frequency are human beings most sensitive?

5000 hertz

32 - A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which emits:

Radio waves detectable from Earth

33 - Tetanus is caused by____________?


34 - Which one of the following gases is readily soluble in water at room temperature?


35 - Animals living in the three trunks are known as___________?


36 - Cell or Tissue death within a living body is called as__________?


37 - In winter an iron pipe feel colder than a wooden window . This is because wood is_______?


38 - Isobars are the lines connecting the places having same:___________?


39 - Magnitude of energy released by an earthquake is calculated using ________?

Richter scale

40 - Mohs' Scale” is used to indicate the_________?

Degree of hardness of minerals

41 - Most important effect of the moon on earth is that it___________?

Effects tides of the ocean

42 - Penicillin is used to fight what type of infections?


43 - People with what blood type can give blood to anyone and are thus called universal donors?


44 - Spring tides occur on new moon and full moon days because on these days_____________?

Sun, moon and earth are in a straight line

45 - The ability of the Eye to see in the dark, is due to the production of a purple pigment known as________?


46 - The alloy of aluminium used for making magnet is_________?


47 - The distance of longitude represents how many minutes difference in time?

4 minutes

48 - The image formed in a compound microscope is_____________?


49 - The Lunar eclipse occurs when:

Earth is b/w the sun and the moon

50 - The Planet which revolves slowly around the Sun is__________?


51 - The toxicity of which of the following heavy metals leads to Liver cirrhosis?


52 - what is anthracite?

Hard coal

53 - Which is the hardest substance in the human body?

Tooth enamel

54 - Which is the nearest star to our sun?

Proxima Centurai

55 - Which natural element has the highest melting point?


56 - Which of the following is not a mammal?


57 - Which of the following is the largest planet?


58 - Which of the following planets has the smallest diameters_____?


59 - Which of the following planets is fastest rotating planet?


60 - Who was the first to measure the earth's radius


61 - _________ is anything that takes up space and has mass.


62 - ____________ have no charge?


63 - _____________ are positively (+) charged particles?


64 - ______________ is used for measuring velocity?


65 - ___________are negatively (-) charged particles of an atom?


66 - A body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides is called________?


67 - A device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy is called_______?


68 - A man is standing on a weighing machine in a lift which is moving. The weighing machine will slow MINIMUM reading when, the lift is moving?

In a free fall due to failure of the lift mechanism

69 - A person sitting near the fire receives heat by ________?


70 - A slow-running pendulum clock can be speeded up by_______________?

Reducing the length of the rod

71 - A temporary magnet should be made from _______?


72 - A tight-rope walker carries a long pole which he holds across his body. The purpose of this pole is to____________?

To keep the centre of gravity always vertically above the rope

73 - A Vegetable containing sulphur is____________?


74 - Bar' is the unit of___________?

Atmospheric pressure

75 - Christian Friedrich Schönbein' discovery is___________?


76 - Satiety' is the condition in which patient lacks?


77 - â€Å“Ornithology” is the study of_____________?


78 - According to the definition of 1 KWh, a 100 watt bulb consumes one unit of electricity in____________?

10 hours

79 - Acid deposition causes ______________________?

lakes and forests to die

80 - Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences _______?


81 - Air Conditioning Controls:___________?

All of The Above

82 - Albatros is__________?

A sea bird

83 - All of above Sum of all ecosystems is classified as___________?


84 - Alzheimer's disease in human beings is characterized by the degeneration of _______

Liver cells

85 - Among the planets of the Solar system the position of the Earth from the Sun is:_________?


86 - An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is__________?


87 - An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are implicated is called __________________?


88 - An iceberg is floating in sea. How much of its mass will remain above the surface of water?

One tenth

89 - An instrument to detect the purity of milk is____________?


90 - Analytical solutions to Quadratic equations were introduced by__________?


91 - Antares is of the largest known ___________?

Red Super-giants Star

92 - Anti Diuretic hormone is secreted by one of the following glands?


93 - Apiculture refers to___________?

Science of bee keeping

94 - Approximately how many Galaxies are there ?

100 Billion Galaxies

95 - Approximately, how many times each day do our heart valves open and close normally?


96 - Average salinity or ratio of salt as per kilogram of water of ocean is__________?

35 grams

97 - Bauxite is an ore of_________?


98 - Being Myopic means you have problem in seeing ______________?

Distant objects clearly

99 - Big Bang theory explains_____________?

Origin of Universe

100 - Big Bang was an explosion that occurred ?

15 Billion years ago

101 - Biosensor is used to measure?

Blood glucose level

102 - Bleaching action of chlorine is by________?


103 - Bleaching powder contains___________?


104 - Blood which heart pumps to lungs is__________?

deoxygenated blood

105 - Border line which separates outer space from Earth's atmosphere is known as___________?

Karman line

106 - Calculus was invented by________?

IsaaC Newton

107 - Cause of Malaria is ________?


108 - Chemically finger nails are made up of ____________?


109 - Coke is made by heating coal in the absence of air at__________?

1300 °C

110 - Copper is used in the production of___________?

Electric wires

111 - Current stage of star Sun' is___________?

yellow dwarf

112 - Diameter of Sun is_____________?

14 Lakh kms

113 - During a total solar eclipse the rate of Photosynthesis___________?


114 - During a total solar eclipse there is most likely to be_____________?

A decrease in the rate of photosynthesis

115 - Earth is closest to the sun every year in early ______________, when it's winter for the Northern Hemisphere. We're farthest away from the sun in early __________________, during our Northern Hemisphere summer.

January – July

116 - Earth rotates the sun in___________?

23 hours 56 min 4 sec

117 - Earthquakes occur most frequently at __________?

Plate boundaries

118 - ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of ?


119 - EEG records the activity of__________?


120 - Enology is the study of____________?


121 - Evaporation from ice and snow is known as___________?


122 - Fatal degenerative lung disease caused by particulate asbestos is referred to as _____________?


123 - First Atomic theory was proposed by?

John Dalton

124 - Frozen dew is also known as________?

Black ice

125 - Granite is a____________?

Igneous rock

126 - Heating element of an electric heater is made up of___________?


127 - How many Dynes are there in one gram weight?


128 - How many mm are there in 10 cm?


129 - How many rows and columns are in the modern Periodic Table?

18 columns and 7 rows

130 - How many time zones are there in the world?


131 - How many times the sun is bigger than the size of the earth?

109 times

132 - Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)______________?

is poisonous to tissues

133 - Hypermetropia or Hyperopia means being able to see__________________?

Distant object clearly

134 - Ice mass that covers more than fifty-thousand square kilometers of land area is classified as____________?

ice sheet

135 - If the length of a heater coil is reduced by 10% of its original length, then Power consumed by heater will?

Decrease by 10%

136 - In a typical H-R diagram, stars are graphed by these two characteristics:

Temperature and luminosity

137 - In an oil lamp, the oil rises up in the wick due to?

Capillary action

138 - In eye donation, which one of the following parts of donor's eye is utilized ?


139 - In Eye donation, which part of the eye used?


140 - In general, the most destructive earthquake waves are the __________ ?

Surface waves

141 - In Homo Sapiens (Human) the fertilization occurs in the___________?


142 - In middle latitudes, which cloud will have the lowest base ________________________ ?


143 - In which part of the Plant does photosynthesis take place?


144 - Inhaled air passes through which of the following in the last?


145 - Inside which organ is the gallbladder located?


146 - Instrument that measure the electric force ________?


147 - Insufficient blood supply in human body is referred as___________?


148 - Intrinsic Semi-conductor is also known as__________?


149 - Iodised salts contains the iodine salts of which metal?


150 - It is observed that the total pressure exerted by air on the man of average size is around 14.7 lb wt. per square inch. But the man feels quite comfortable,. It is because of__________?

An equal and opposite pressure acts from inside

151 - Japan is called Land of the rising sun' because:

Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise

152 - kilohertz (kHz) is a unit which measures?

Electromagnetic radio wave frequencies

153 - Lack of _______ causes diabetes?


154 - Largest Galaxy in the Universe is_________?

Spiral Galaxy

155 - Mallah Bromine is a___________________?

red-brown liquid

156 - Mallah what is the height of The atmosphere layer mesosphere?

85 km

157 - Moon is a__________?


158 - Muscle fatigue is caused by the accumulation of___________?

Lactic acid

159 - Nail polish remover contains___________?


160 - Name the branch of science which deals with the study of sound and sound waves?


161 - Name the animal which can do without water in its entire life?

Kangaroo rat

162 - Name the drugs which block the sensory nerves and prevent the patient from feeling pain?


163 - On which disease did Robert Koch work?


164 - One Joule is equal to__________?

10 Power 7 ergs

165 - One of the main function of the earth's ozone layer is to ?

Filter out ultraviolet rays

166 - Oranges are rich source of____________?


167 - P Waves are also said to be __________ waves?


168 - Particle clouds from where stars are formed are known as____________?

Stellar nurseries

169 - People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a _________?

larger number of Red Blood Cells

170 - Place directly above focus on Earth's surface is known as _________?


171 - Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called_________________?

Seismic lines

172 - Primary cosmic rays are composed largely of very fast__________?


173 - PSR J0108-1431 is the closest known ______________ to Earth?


174 - P-waves is a term associated with__________?


175 - Quantity of fresh air required for a man is 1000 cubic feet of air for every____________?

20 minutes

176 - Radon is___________?

radio active gas

177 - Rainfall related to mountains is:

Orographic rainfall

178 - Red + Green + Blue = ________?


179 - Reptiles hibernate during_______?


180 - Ring planet is Saturn; least dense and 2nd largest planet is_________?


181 - Ruby is an oxide of__________?

aluminium oxide

182 - Salinization is ___________?

Accumulation of salts in soil

183 - Science is derived from Latin word â€Å“scientia” which means_________?


184 - Scientific Name of Human is____________?

Homo sapiens

185 - Scientist discovered a previously undetected feature of the human Anatomy that could be the largest organ of human body?


186 - Second layer of Earth's atmosphere is__________?


187 - Sedimentary rocks are__________?


188 - Sericulture is the study of which discipline ?

silk production

189 - Silver fish is the name of__________?


190 - Study of energy production in living bodies is called_________?


191 - Study of fruit is called___________?


192 - Study of the Universe is known as___________?


193 - Sunlight is composed of___________?

seven colours

194 - Sunlight is made of__________colours?

Seven coloursÂ

195 - The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of which cancer?


196 - The stone' formed in human kidney consist mostly of_____________?

Calcium oxalate

197 - The â€Å“Rising” of the â€Å“evening star” indicates the direction of the____________?


198 - The amount of energy required by the children of age between one to three years is___________?

1200 k Calories

199 - The atmosphere near the earth's surface is â€Å“heated from below.” Which of the following does not significantly contribute to this heating _____________________?

Heat energy from the earth's interior

200 - The average human body contains how many pints of blood?

9 to 12 pints

201 - The average kinetic energy of the molecules of a body determines?


202 - The average weight of man's brain is 4.8 ounces. What is the average weight of woman's brain ?

4.4 ounce

203 - The Big Dipper is part of which constellation?

A. and C. above

204 - The blind spot is located at the ___________ of the eye ?

optic disc

205 - The blueness of the sky is mainly due to _____________?

The scattering of sunlight by air molecules

206 - The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about?


207 - The chemical used as a fixer in photography is__________?

sodium thiosulphate

208 - The deficiency of vitamin E causes _______ ?


209 - The deficiency of vitamin K causes ________ ?

Blood clotting disorder

210 - The disease â€Å“Itai Itai â€Å“is caused by____________?


211 - The gradual physiological adjustment to slowly changing new environmental conditions is known as _____________________?


212 - The hormone that increases the rate of heart beat and blood pressure after shock in a person is___________?


213 - The large dark patches on the Moon's surface are known as___________?

Maria, or seas, even though there is no water on the Moon

214 - The largest latitude circle on earth is ________?

The Equator

215 - The lens used in a simple microscope is____________?


216 - The lowest region of the earth's atmosphere comes between the earth and stratosphere. what is this region's name?


217 - The luster of diamond is due to_________?

Total internal reflection

218 - The melting point of ice is_________?


219 - The oldest barrage on the river Indus at Sukkur was built in_____?


220 - The olfactory nerves affect what sense in brain?


221 - The outermost layer of the Earth is called ____________?


222 - The point within the Earth where earthquakes originate is _________?


223 - The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its __________ number?


224 - The primary function of the feathers in birds is to _________?

Provide striking surface to the wings for flying

225 - The property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets is known as?


226 - The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called____________?


227 - The protein content in wheat is approximately?


228 - The protein content in wheat is approximately_______________?


229 - The protein content of edible portion of egg is___________?


230 - The psychological test of human emotions and personality, using inkblots, is formally known as what?


231 - The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is _________?

Always upright

232 - The ratio of pure gold in 18 carat gold is _______________?


233 - The Saturn rings discovered by___________?


234 - The scientific study of insects is known as _______?


235 - The scientific study of measurement is known as __________?


236 - The scientific study of teeth is called ____________?


237 - The season changes because of the ____________?

Earth is revolving round the sun

238 - The SI base unit for mass is_____________?


239 - The SI standard of time is based on_____________?

None of the above

240 - The speed of light is __________?

300,000 km/s

241 - The study of fish is known as ________?


242 - The study of heavenly bodies is known as_________?


243 - The study of organisms and their environment is known as ________?


244 - The study of rearing fine and intelligent human beings through genetics is called__________?


245 - The study of the weather is called____________?


246 - The sun is made up of 99.9% of ________________ and ______________?

Hydrogen and Helium

247 - The Sun produces most of its energy by_____________?

Nuclear fusion

248 - The time taken by Sun to revolve around the center of our galaxy is___________?

250 million years

249 - The total energy of revolving electron in an atom_____________

Can never be positive

250 - The unit of torque in International system of unit is _________?


251 - The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material is____________?


252 - The Virus of AIDS affects the growth of_____________?

T cells in blood

253 - The vitamin which is generally excreted by humans in urine is__________?

 Vitamin C

254 - The volume of Blood in a Human body to be approximately _________ of body weight?


255 - This in-between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is when the gathered dust is still condensing to form a star.


256 - UV light falls in the category of___________?

Ionizing Radiations

257 - Very small time intervals are accurately measured by the___________?

Atomic Clocks

258 - Vitamin A is found in the____________?

Green vegetablesÂ

259 - Water has been discovered on which potentially habitable super-Earth ?


260 - Water has maximum density at____________?


261 - Water is a universal solvent for what reactions?


262 - Water vapour beyond the dew point result in_________?


263 - What are rows in Periodic table called?


264 - what are stars mainly made of ?

Balls of gass

265 - What are the primary colors of Pigment?

Red, Yellow, Blue

266 - What causes the Moon's phases?

The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Moon orbits the Earth we can sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.

267 - What does TCM stand for in medical terms?

Traditional Chinese medicine

268 - What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood?

The RBCs agglutinate

269 - What inspired reflecting road lights to be invented?

 The light a cat's eyes gave off on a fence

270 - What is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate Powdered Charcoal and Sulphur called?

Gun Powder

271 - What is known the cold and dense air blowing down from the mountain slope during the night__________?

Katabatic wind

272 - What is meant by â€Å“Equinox”?

Equal duration of day and night

273 - What is the body's natural or acquired ability to resist certain diseases?


274 - What is the chemical formula of Ozone?


275 - What is the common name for the drug acetyl salicylic acid?


276 - What is the effect of height increase over temperature?

Temperature decrease

277 - What is the element required for solar energy conversion ______?


278 - What is the medical term for low blood sugar?


279 - What is the name of the biggest part of human brain?


280 - What is the name of the branch of the science that studies the ocean?


281 - What is the rarest blood type in humans?


282 - What is the smallest unit of heredity?


283 - What is the warmest Ocean?

Indian Ocean

284 - What kind of weathering takes place on the valley side above the surface of the glacier?

Frost shattering

285 - What melted rock eventually becomes lava?


286 - What natural phenomena are measured by the Richter Scale?

Earth quacks Â

287 - What prevents the earth's atmosphere from drifting away into space?


288 - What type of Energy does spring have?

Elastic Potential Energy

289 - When a single month has two full moons, the second moon is called________?

Blue moon

290 - When a star becomes a singularity and has zero volume and infinite density, it is called_______________?

Black hole

291 - When oil and gas resources are burnt they kill many forests and lakes by ________________ ?

acid rain

292 - When water is filled in a bottle and is allowed to freeze, the bottle breaks because

Water expands on freezing

293 - When we sleeps blood pressure_____________?


294 - Which gas is used in preparation of Soda water?

Carbon Dioxide

295 - Which Gas is used in the preparation of Soft drinks?

Carbon dioxide

296 - Which is correct order of solar system starting from Sun ?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

297 - Which is least Conductor of Electricity among the following?


298 - Which is the heaviest metal?


299 - Which layer of the atmosphere reflects radio waves back to the earth's surface?


300 - Which metal is added to steel to make it stainless steel?


301 - Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?

Small pox

302 - Which of the following does not pollute the air?

Nitrogen Dioxide

303 - Which of the following gases do plants and trees give out during photosynthesis?


304 - Which of the following is a ferromagnetic material ?


305 - Which of the following is a mammal?


306 - Which of the following is a Non Metal that remains Liquid at room temperature?


307 - Which of the following is affected by rickets in the human body?


308 - Which of the following is closest to a yard in length?


309 - Which of the following is not a waterborne disease?


310 - Which of the following is responsible for largest amount of oxygen on earth?


311 - Which of the following is the most toxic gas?

Carbon monoxide

312 - Which of the following is the SI unit of volume?

Meter cube

313 - Which of the following plants are called arthrophytes?


314 - Which of the following slows down the formation of RBCs (Red Blood Cells)?

Vitamin E

315 - Which of the following vitamin is known as Niacin?

vitamin B-3

316 - Which of the part of tongue bears cells for sour taste?


317 - Which one is the brightest star in the night sky?


318 - Which one of the following is not vector quantity _______?


319 - Which one of the following is the main culprit in the thinning of Ozone layer in the earth's stratosphere?


320 - Which one of the following is the softest?


321 - Which one of the following represents a chemical change_________?

Sublimation of iodine

322 - Which Organ is affected by trachoma?


323 - Which Part of the Brain Regulates Body Temperature?


324 - which Planet is Called Earth's Sister?


325 - Which pollutant from motor car exhaust causes mental disease _____?


326 - Which process includes all of the other processes listed?


327 - Which statement about sound is true?

Sound can't travel through vacuum

328 - Which synthetic fibre is known as artificial Silk?


329 - Which variety of glass is heat resistant?

Pyrex glass

330 - Which vitamin is available to the human body through sun bathing?

Vitamin D

331 - Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?


332 - White bloods cells are also known as________?


333 - Who created periodic table?


334 - Who first discovered how blood circulates in the human body?

William Harvey

335 - Who first measured the velocity of light?

Ole Roemer

336 - Who invented the Hot Air Balloon?


337 - Who is Considered as Father of Botany?


338 - Who is the founder of solar system?


339 - Who proposed this concept â€Å“All motion is relative”?

Albert Einstein

340 - Why are soft drink made with chilled water rather than water at room temperature?

Chilled water attracts more carbon dioxideÂ

341 - You have discovered a new celestial body. It has a thick atmosphere and it produces powerful cosmic winds and, when observed, the clouds obscure the body. You have determined it is this type of star.

Wolf-Rayet star

342 - 1 light year = ?

9.5×10^12 km

343 - A light year is a unit of ?


344 - A moderator is used in nuclear reactor in order to ?

Slow down the speed of the neutrons

345 - A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group?


346 - According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago.

10 – 20

347 - Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called___________?


348 - Atom is made up of____________different kinds of subatomic particles:


349 - Basha Dam is to be constructed on___________?

None (On Indus River in Gilgit-Baltistan)

350 - Basic metals can be converted into gold by ?

Artificial nuclear radioactivity

351 - Bats can also fly in dark because they are capable of taking the help of _________?

Ultrasonic Waves

352 - Coulomb is the scientific unit to measure?

None OF These

353 - Elements are made of _________?


354 - For being able to see three-dimensional pictures we have to use_________?

A stereoscope

355 - Fuel used in a Fast Breeder Reactor is _____________?

Uranium Plutonium Oxide

356 - Fuse wire is made of_____________?

63% tin and 37% lead

357 - He was the first scientist to prove that Planets move around the sun?

Galileo Galilei

358 - In a railway track, two rails are joined end to end with a gap tin between them because?

Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided

359 - Kilowatt-hour is a unit of____________?


360 - Lead ball falls through water more slowly than through air because __________?

Of the viscous force in water

361 - Leukemia is a disease of the___________?


362 - Malaria is a disease which effects the____________?


363 - Medulla oblongata is a part of human ___________?


364 - Monsoon is caused by____________________?

Seasonal reversal of winds

365 - Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the _____________?


366 - Myopia is a disease connected with_________?


367 - Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he discussed human physiology and medicine ?


368 - Oasis is associated with___________?


369 - Ozone layer prevents ______________ radiation from entering the atmosphere?


370 - Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient ?


371 - Phosphorus is an essential component of one of the following biological molecules:

Nucleic acids

372 - Quartz crystal in quartz watches work on the principle called?

Piezo-electric effect

373 - Rearing of honey bees for honey production is called?


374 - Rectified spirit contains alcohol about ?


375 - scientists formulated basic laws of Geometry?


376 - Short-sightedness can be corrected by using ___________?

Concave lens

377 - SI unit of time is_________?


378 - Spinach leaves are rich source of________


379 - Steering of a car involves?

A pair of forces acting along the same line and in opposite direction

380 - Study of life in outer space is known as ?


381 - T.V. transmission cannot cover a very large area because

the air is not a good conductor of light and sound/waves

382 - The alpha particles are compact clusters of______________?

Two Protons and two Neutrons

383 - The approximate intensity level of the sound which can cause damage to the ear drum is?

100 dB

384 - The autonomic nervous system innervates all of these except?

Skeletal muscles

385 - The Beta particles are fast moving___________?


386 - The blue colour of clear sky is due to_______________?

Dispersion of light

387 - The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets and Asteroids.


388 - The cow's milk contains how much amount of water in terms of percentage?


389 - The damage to the_________nerve could result in the defect of the eye movement:


390 - The earth's ___________ is divided into 15 major plates of various sizes


391 - The echo (reflected sound) will be distinctly heard only at ordinary temperatures if the distance of the reflecting surfaces from the source of sound is at least ________?

56 ft

392 - The famous book; Al – Qanun was written by the Muslim scientist ?

Abu Ali Sina

393 - The field of specialization of famous Muslim scientist Abu Usman Aljahiz was?


394 - The fruits without seed, like banana, are called_____________?

Parthenocarpic fruits

395 - The Great Spot is on the planet __________?


396 - The Green House Effect is caused by an excess of ?

Carbon dioxide

397 - The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is due to radiations from____________ ?


398 - The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?


399 - The planets visible to us without using a telescope are __________?


400 - The post-mortem examination of a body is called __________?


401 - The property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets is known as?


402 - The protons and neutrons are found in the center of the atom, which is called the _________of the atom?


403 - The rear view mirror of a motor vehicle is ________?


404 - The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride) in __________ of sea water.

1 kg

405 - The shape of the external ear is due to____________?

Elastic cartilage

406 - The sky appears blue because the earth's atmosphere __________?

Scatters blue light

407 - The sunlight can reach a depth of___________meters in the ocean


408 - The theory of Expanding Universe was first propounded by____________?


409 - Trachoma is a disease of the___________?


410 - tum theory of light, photons are _______?

Energy packets

411 - What are considered the building blocks of matter?


412 - What are the names of the two stars in the Big Dipper used to locate Polaris?

The Pointer Stars

413 - What are the primary colors of Light?

Red, Green, Blue

414 - What are the three subatomic particles of an atom?

Protons,Neutrons & Electrons

415 - What is Stealth Technology?

A coating which reduces the visibility of an aircraft on radar

416 - When a patient's immune system becomes reactive to a drug, this is an example of?


417 - Which of the following atmospheric layers help in radio communication?


418 - Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth's crust ?


419 - Which of these is not a region of the spinal cord?


420 - Which one of the following is a non-metallic mineral?



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