Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 2

1 - In blood, the percentage of water is___________?


2 - In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is __________?


3 - Largest moon in our solar system is ________?


4 - Soap is ______?


5 - A clouding that develops in the lens of the eye or in its envelope obstructing the passage of light is known as________?


6 - A Fahrenheit thermometer indicates a temperature of ‘ 14°F. its corresponding reading on the Celsius scale will be _________?

– 10°C

7 - Cobalt is a material which is ?

Strongly attracted by a magnet

8 - Density of Milk is________?

1.034 g/cm3

9 - Einstein's famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?

E = mc^2

10 - Moon light reaches to earth in___________seconds?

1.3 seconds

11 - Most abundant color in Earth is_________?


12 - Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?


13 - One of the following countries produces maximum energy from atomic reactors?

France (80% from its Nuclear Reactors)

14 - Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity are called as ___________?

Anthropogenic pollutant

15 - Science which deals with the position and movement of heavenly bodies ?


16 - The energy value of food is measured in_______?


17 - The instrument which measures very high temperature is____________?


18 - The major part of natural gas, petroleum and coal consists of?


19 - The soul of chemistry is dealing with___________?

Composition and properties of matter

20 - There is no connection of supernova explosion with___________?


21 - Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature?


22 - Which of the following metal occurs in free state ______________?


23 - which of the following planets is known as â€Å“morning star”?


24 - Which of the followong spacecrsft enabled man to step on the moon first?

Apollo XI

25 - X-rays were discovered by __________?

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

26 - Diamond is an allotropic form of_______?


27 - What is the world's warmest Sea?

Red Sea

28 - Which of the following is used in Pencils?


29 - Covalent network crystals have_____________?

higher melting point then molecular crystals

30 - Fog that most often forms as warm rain falls into a cold layer of surface air is called ______________?

Evaporation (mixing) fog

31 - In Space, our Body_______?

Loses Weight

32 - The main function of the kidney is ____________?

To remove waste product from the body

33 - The production of rubber tree is better adopted to areas where the climate is_________

Warm and humid

34 - __________ are called the powerhouses of the cell?


35 - The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.


36 - The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation on the sky is?


37 - Tesla is the unit of_________________________?

Magnetic Field Strength

38 - Through which organ does a fish respire?


39 - What is the first element in the periodic table?


40 - A bird that can fly backwards?

Humming Bird

41 - A Little inhalation is done through________?

pipes and cigars

42 - ‘Black holes' refers to_______________?

Collapsing object of high density

43 - Age of the lion is determined through?

Nose Colour

44 - All of the following statements are incorrect except:

Precision and accuracy should go side by side in a scientific work

45 - Animal with the sharpest hearing ability?

Greater wax moth

46 - At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow?

40 degrees

47 - Common food sources of Vitamin A are:___________?

Both A and C

48 - Constellations referred to as zodiac, are__________?

Imaginary regions that encompass the path of the planets

49 - Deficiency of Iodine causes:____________?


50 - Density of Water is_________?

997 kg/m³

51 - Diamonds are made up almost entirely of what element?


52 - Goitre is associated with___________?

Thyroid gland

53 - Growth is provided by________?


54 - Guava has the maximum amount of which Vitamin?

vitamin C

55 - Hailey's comet is visible after every_________?

76 years

56 - Mass of Earth is___________?

5.972 × 10 Power 24 kg.

57 - One Quintal is Equal to___________?

100 kg

58 - Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is _____________?

88 days

59 - Some substances are good conductor of electricity in both the solid and liquid states. These substances are generally______________?

metallic substances

60 - Study of current and past landscapes formation is known as____________?


61 - The average acceleration caused by gravity per second is____________?

32 feet

62 - The distance b/w Earth and Moon is___________?


63 - The human brain uses__________ percent of the total oxygen and blood in the body?


64 - The Mirror used in the Automobiles are___________?


65 - The Percentage of Water used for Drinking in the world is?


66 - The phases of the moon are partially the result of the____________?

 Revolution of the moon around the earth

67 - The Scientist who told â€Å“Heat is a form of Energy” was___________?


68 - The Time taken for sunlight to reach the Earth is___________?

8 mins 20 sec

69 - The top atmosphere of the Earth directly reflects back into space nearly what part of the total amount of sun's energy coming to it?


70 - The vitamin Folate works together with __________ to produce new red blood cells?

Vitamin B-12

71 - Types of bones in human body are: Long, short, irregular and ____________?


72 - What causes mumps?


73 - What is the breathing rate of human being body?

16-20 minutes

74 - What is the date when day and night are equal?

March 20 and September 23

75 - What is the range, in hertz, of the normal human hearing?

20 Hz to 20 kHz

76 - What is the temperature at the center of the Sun?

15 million °C

77 - Where is the uvula located in human body?


78 - Which animal has no vocal chords ?


79 - Which bone in human body is not directly attached to other bones?


80 - Which of the following cells are Colourless?

White blood cells

81 - Which of the following is a function of Vitamin A in the body?

All of the above

82 - Which of the following is not a Fat-soluble vitamin?

Vitamin B6

83 - Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin?


84 - Which on of the following planets orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction?


85 - Which one of the following is applicable to the planet ‘Venus'?


86 - Which one of the following is not a unit of distance?

Foot Candle

87 - A common skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation is known as_________?


88 - A dolphin perceives its environment by the sense of__________?

Both of these

89 - A glass chimney stops an oil lamp from smoking because:

Both to these

90 - A group of elephants is called___________?


91 - A loudspeaker changes _________ energy into sound energy.


92 - A man can survive without food for at least?

One month

93 - A six feet tall lady wants to see her full image in a plane mirror . The minimum length of the mirror will be ?

3 feet

94 - A term biotype means ___________?

all individuals having same phenotype

95 - A train goes past a railway station at a high speed. A young boy standing on the edge of the platform is likely to __________?

Fall towards the train

96 - A wind which reverses seasonally is known as_____?


97 - â€Å“Beaufort Scale” is used to measure____________?

Wind VelocityÂ

98 - â€Å“Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers” is a statement of_______________?

Pauli exclusion principle

99 - â€Å“Elephant” large unit of paper measurement equal to 28 by__________

23 inches

100 - According to Einsteins general theory of relativity the universe:________________?

Must be either expanding or contracting

101 - According to many, including the Guinness Book of World Record,________is the world's rarest mineral?


102 - According to the definition of 1 KWh, a 100 watt bulb consumes one unit of electricity in_________?

10 hours

103 - AIDS virus is______________________

Single-stranded RNA

104 - Air contains volume of carbon dioxide approximately?


105 - All forms of energy that we use are ultimately transformed into__________?

Heat Energy

106 - All of the following are electromagnetic radiations except__________?

Sound waves

107 - All of the following substances are crystalline except_____________?


108 - An atom is_____________?

smallest particle of an element which can undergo a chemical reaction

109 - An example of an abiotic component __________?


110 - Approximate age of earth is ________?

4.54 billion years

111 - Approximate age of milky-way is ________?

13.5 billion years

112 - Approximate age of moon is _________?

4.53 billion years

113 - Approximate age of sun is _________?

4.6 billion years

114 - As the temperature of ice rises, the ice melts and its density?


115 - At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?

-40 degree

116 - B12 deficiency can produce__________?


117 - Barnacles growing on the back of whale is an example for ________________?


118 - Basidiospores are considered to be a major source of ___________?

airborne allergens

119 - Biopsy is done on tissues taken from__________?

Living body

120 - Black gold is an oil; Black diamond is_________?


121 - By which process copper is refined ____________?


122 - Candela is the basic unit of_________________?

luminous intensity

123 - Central Color of Rainbow is__________?


124 - Chemical used to kill rats and mice are ?


125 - Color of the glow produced in the discharge tube:

depends on the gas used in the discharge tube

126 - Cow milk is a rich source of____________?

 vitamin A

127 - Dead red blood corpuscles are stored in____________?


128 - Density of Ice is_________?


129 - Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element ___________?


130 - Digestion of food is completed in the __________?

small intestine

131 - Echo is a ___________ of sound?


132 - Electron was discovered by?

J.J Thomson

133 - Entomology Is the Study of___________?


134 - Eugenics is the study of___________________?

Altering human beings by changing their genetic components

135 - Fine organic or inorganic particles suspended in air is called _______________?


136 - For being able to see three-dimensional pictures we have to use___________?

A epidiascopeÂ

137 - For water purification, we use?


138 - Frog Heart has how many chambers?


139 - German Silver is an alloy of___________?

Cu + Ni

140 - Honey contain glucose and fructose along with some other ingredients, it has greater viscosity due to____________?

irregular shape of the molecules and strong inter-molecular forces

141 - How long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth once?

27.3 days

142 - How many blood vessels can be found in the Umbilical Cord?


143 - How many bones in our body?


144 - How many eyes does a worm have?


145 - How many hearts an Octopus has?


146 - How many layers of Atmosphere?


147 - How many moons does Neptune have?


148 - How many moons does Saturn have?


149 - How many moons does Uranus have?


150 - How many numbers of chromosomes in Pea plant?


151 - How many pairs of walking legs does a cockroach have?


152 - How many teeth are there in human mouth?


153 - If there is no capillarity?

All of above

154 - In BTU system, one BTU is equal to__________?

1055 Joule

155 - In human body there are_________________kinds of bones?


156 - In order to prevent the corrosion of iron pipes they are often coated with a layer of zinc. This process is termed as____________?


157 - In the electricity meter the digit to the extreme right is___________?

1/10th of the unit

158 - In which layer of atmosphere does commercial aircrafts usually fly?


159 - In which part of the eye lies the pigment that decides the colour of the eyes of a person___?


160 - In which system of units, gas bills are charged?


161 - Insulin drug was discovered by____________?

Sir Frederick Grant Banting

162 - Liver uses which vitamin for creating new Red Blood cells?


163 - Lunar eclipse occurs on__________?

Full MoonÂ

164 - Magnalium is an alloy of_____________?

Aluminium and Magnesium

165 - Material for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to ________?

Surface tension

166 - Maxilla bones are found in___________?


167 - Melanoma (skin cancer) is associated with ______________?

ozone depletion

168 - Mercury is also known as_________?

Quick Silver

169 - Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the____________?


170 - Nearest galaxy to our milky way is ________?


171 - Nitrogen occurs in plant and animals in the form of ___________?


172 - Nuclear radiation is emitted by those elements whose:

nuclei are unstable

173 - Oncology is the Study of__________?


174 - One Astronomical unit is equal to how much Km in whole numbers?

150 million km

175 - One of the following ways of expressing the concentration of a solution does not depend on temperature. It is__________?


176 - Orange belongs to the family


177 - Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the Sun.


178 - Phobos is the natural satellite of which planet__________ ?


179 - Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because:

petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond

180 - Second ionization energy:

is always greater than first ionization energy

181 - Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and increases to greatest energy?

radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray

182 - Siemens is the unit of__________________?

Electrical Conductance

183 - Sound cannot travel through __________


184 - Steradian is the unit of_______________?

Solid angle

185 - Stripes on each side of â€Å“Grévy's Zebra” is about_________?


186 - Summer solstice means__________?

longest dayÂ

187 - Sun is divided into ______ main layers.


188 - Sun is moving around the centre of the galaxy at a velocity of _______ km/s?


189 - Sun revolves around milky way in about _____ million years.


190 - Sunlight is a Great Source of ____________?

vitamin D

191 - The amount of energy in wheat is__________?

348 K Calories/100 gram

192 - The chemical name of Laughing gas is___________?

Nitrous oxide

193 - The common refrigerant used in domestic Refrigerator is_____________?


194 - The density of Air is_____________?

1.225 kg/m3

195 - The distance of mercury from sun is__________?

57.9 million km

196 - The earth's atmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of __________?

Air temperature

197 - The energy stored in a dam is___________?

Potential energy

198 - The gases which are used by drivers as an artificial atmosphere are helium and_____________?


199 - The half life of a radioactive element is 8-days. How long it take to reduce it from 10 mg to 5 mg?

8 days

200 - The hard, solid rocks, whose composition or texture has been changed by heat or pressure in the Earth are called____________?

Metamorphic rocks

201 - The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called ______?


202 - The human blood is divided into__________ groups?

Four groups

203 - The increasing vapor pressure caused by heating a liquid is due to___________?

increasing kinetic energy of molecules

204 - The instrument that measures temperature, pressure, and humidity at various altitudes in the atmosphere ___________?


205 - The large plates of solar pannels are painted?


206 - The muscles, tissues and blood all are made up of____________?


207 - The number of electrons of a neutral atom is automatically known if one knows the?

Atomic number

208 - The only living cells in the body without blood supply is___________?


209 - The outermost layer of skin is the__________?


210 - The pancreas secrets___________?


211 - The point that lies directly above the source of an earthquake is known as _______________ ?


212 - The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing northern summer is called ___________?


213 - The rocks formed out of layers of sediment bonded together are known as _______________?

Sedimentary rocks

214 - The second most abundant metal found in the earth's crust is_____________?


215 - The setting sun often looks oval in the shape because of__________?

Refraction of rays of sun passing through the atmosphere

216 - The species that flower are called ______________?


217 - The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium____________?

Remain the same

218 - The speed of sound in air at sea level is approximately____________?

340 meters per second

219 - The Stevenson screen contains all of these EXCEPT:


220 - The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are _________?

North and south pole

221 - The study of cancer is called_____________?


222 - The study Of GLANDS is called?


223 - The Sun is at an average distance of about________ million kilometers away from Earth?

150 million

224 - The sun is containing _______ % mass of the solar system?


225 - The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on ____________?

Air pressure

226 - The Temperature of the surface of Sun is_______?

5,778 Kelvin

227 - There are three types of plate boundaries i.e Divergent, Convergent and____________


228 - There are__________ kinds of Joints in human body?


229 - Trypsin is an enzyme which digests protein produced by_____________?


230 - Two automobiles are 150 kilometers apart and traveling toward each other. One automobile is moving at 60km/h and the other is moving at 40km/h mph. In how many hours will they meet?


231 - Units of electricity consumed by 2500 watt air-conditioner in one hour are_________?

2.5 units

232 - UPS is now widely use in households. What does UPS stands for ?

Uninterruptible Power Supply

233 - Vitamin B is found in__________?


234 - Vitamin C deficiency leads to:____________?


235 - Vitamin C is found in_________?

Fruits and Vegetables

236 - Water is a highly effective coolant for a car engine because _________?

Water has very high specific heat capacity

237 - Water vapour turns into clouds in the atmosphere when:

Dew point is reached

238 - Weather describe the condition of ______ at any one time.

The atmosphere

239 - What are the three basic units of measurement for the metric system?

Metre, litre and gramme

240 - What do you understand by disease â€Å“Insomnia”?

Inability to sleep

241 - What has no charge, and is one of the fundamental particles making up an atom's nucleus?


242 - What is amoxicillin?

An antibiotic

243 - What is the main component of bones and teeth?

Calcium phosphate

244 - What is the mass of the Sun?

1.98×10 Power 30 Kg

245 - What is the symbol of Gold?


246 - What is used in making of alloys?


247 - What is/are the basic purpose(s) of dams?

All of the above

248 - what kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping______?


249 - What sub-class of neutron star is known for its extremely high magnetic field?


250 - When a ray of sunlight enters a dark room , its straight path become visible because of dust particles hanging in the air. It is because light is _________?


251 - When a warm air is lifted off the surface in temperature depression it is called ________?

An occlusion

252 - When our sun reaches the end of its red giant phase, it will turn into a___________?

White Dwarf

253 - Where do most of Asteroids lie?

In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter

254 - Which among the following is responsible for producing color of human skin ___?


255 - Which among the following is the correct sequence of the various layers of the Atmosphere from the Earth's surface?

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere

256 - Which are the largest of the white blood cells?


257 - Which are the only two elements on the periodic table that are liquid at room temperature?

Mercury and Bromine

258 - Which blood cells are called ‘Soldiers' of the body?

White Blood Cells

259 - Which breed of dog has a black tongue?

Chow Chow

260 - Which from the following is NOT a conductor?

All are conductors

261 - Which from the following is true for â€Å“Sound”?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum

262 - Which gas was discovered on the sun about 151 years ago during total solar eclipse?


263 - Which is the hottest planet in our Solar system?


264 - Which lenses are used by people having short-sightedness?


265 - Which of the following animals does not have nervous system?


266 - Which of the following branch of Physics deals with the internal structure of earth?


267 - Which of the following disease is spread by Fleas?


268 - Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?

Area of the sun covered by the moon

269 - Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever?

Aedes Aegypteis

270 - Which of the following has the highest energy?

gamma rays

271 - Which of the following has the largest wavelength?

infrared light

272 - Which of the following is a substance?


273 - Which of the following is caused by a deficiency of iron in the diet?


274 - Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria_______?

 Vitamins K

275 - Which of the following vitamins promote healthy functioning of eyes in human beings?

Vitamin A

276 - which of these plants open its mouth when insect sit on its lid?

Pitcher plant

277 - Which one is Natural Satellite?


278 - which one is the most common disease?


279 - Which one is the world's largest mangrove forest(s)?

Sundarbans Forest

280 - Which one of the following can be synthesized by Liver _______?

Vitamin K

281 - Which one of the following sets of color combinations is added in color vision in TV'?

Red, green and blue

282 - Which Planet has purple rocks according to NASA ?


283 - Which planet is much brighter in our solar system?


284 - Which rays are trapped in our galaxy by magnetic waves?

Cosmic rays

285 - Which stone floats on water?

Pumice stone

286 - Which term describes the emission of light by a living organism?


287 - Which Vitamin gets destroyed on heating?


288 - Who came up with three laws of motion?

Issac NewtonÂ

289 - Who developed the telegraph code?

Samuel Morse

290 - Who invented â€Å“Aspirin” in 1897?

Felix Hoffmann

291 - Who invented bifocal eyeglasses?

Benjamin Franklin

292 - Who invented Logarithm Tables?

John Napier

293 - Who invented the first battery?

Alessandro voltaÂ

294 - Who invented the safety pin?

Walter Hunt

295 - Who is considered the â€Å“father of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Frend

296 - Wind always blows from area of ________?

High pressure to low pressure

297 - Winter Solstice means____________?

longest night

298 - Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of ____________?


299 - Year is longest on:___________?


300 - 1 nanometer = ?

10^-9 meter

301 - 2017 Nobel Prize Currently Awarded in Physics is for_________________?

First Observation of Gravitational Waves

302 - A camera uses a __________ to form an image.

convex lens

303 - A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor?


304 - About 50% of the Earth's crust, including the waters on the Earth and atmosphere, is?


305 - Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere?

Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide

306 - Addison's disease is caused by the deficiency of____________?

Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone

307 - An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurence of disease in human population is?


308 - Bamboo is a__________?


309 - Battery was invented by__________?

Alessandro Volta

310 - Bronze is an alloy of ____________?

Copper and Tin

311 - Bronze medal is made up of metals ?

copper, tin

312 - Carrot is good source of Vitamin _______?

Vitamin A

313 - Chemical name of vinegar is _____________?

Dilute acetic acid

314 - Clocks, which moves with the velocities comparable with the velocity of light, run ?

with zero velocity

315 - CNG stands for?

Compressed Natural Gas

316 - Copper can be converted into gold by ?

Artificial radioactivity

317 - Defeciency of following vitamin decreases hemoglobin production ?


318 - Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth?


319 - Deficiency of vitamin B1 is causes__________?


320 - Detergents dissolved in water help in cleaning clothes by_________?

Reducing the surface tension of water

321 - Diesel engine was discovered by___________?

Rudolf Diesel

322 - Dry ice is ___________?

Solid Carbon dioxide

323 - Earth is divided into following three layers?

Crust, Mantel, Core

324 - For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential?


325 - Geiger-Muller counter is used to detect__________?


326 - Gilgiti The longest bone in human body is___________?


327 - Glucose syrup is made from__________?


328 - Hepatitis is a disease of which of the following organ?


329 - HIV virus causes___________?


330 - How many bones are there in a newly born infant?


331 - How many bones are there in an adult human being?


332 - How many layers does the earth have?


333 - Humming bird belongs to a category called ?


334 - Hygrometer is used for measuring the ____________?

Humidity of air

335 - In a fission nuclear reaction , a heavy nucleus breaks up into smaller nuclei whereas in another nuclear reaction two or more than two possibly nuclei are fused to form a heavy nucleus This nuclear reaction is called ?

Fusion nuclear reaction

336 - In Fishes excretory Product is__________?


337 - In general, wind speed of 10 –13 kph caused_______?

minor or no damage

338 - In night, when photosynthesis is stopped, plants__________?

give off Carbon Dioxide

339 - Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________?


340 - International date line passes through which strait?

Bering Strait

341 - It is a secondary plant nutrient?


342 - It is impossible for a type of O+ baby to have a type of____________mother:


343 - It is possible to recognize a person in the dark by simply hearing his unique voice . It is because of the_______?


344 - Lactometer is used for__________?


345 - Materials for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water proof properties to________?

Surface tension

346 - Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of ?

energy quanta

347 - Meteorology is the study of?


348 - Most drugs are excreted through_____________?


349 - One of the countries through which equator passes is___________?


350 - Parsec is a unit of ___________?


351 - Pathology is the study of____________?


352 - Radioactive isotope of Uranium used in Nuclear Bomb is ?

92 U 235

353 - Red blood corpuscles are formed in the____________?

Bone marrow

354 - Reflex actions in head region are under the control of___________?


355 - Scalding with steam is more severe than scalding by boiling water because_______?

Steam contains more energy than boiling water

356 - Segmented Worms take breath through:_________?

Moist Skin

357 - Short-sight defect could be corrected by a _____________ lens?

concave lens

358 - Sound waves are _________ waves.


359 - Telephone was invented by__________?

Alexander Graham Bell

360 - Television signals are converted into light signals by___________?

Photo diode

361 - The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves__________?

Capillary action phenomenon

362 - The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always:

the distance covered during the time interval divided by the time interval

363 - The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is_______?


364 - The chemical name of â€Å“Acid” (Tezaab) is___________?

Sulfuric acid

365 - The cracking sound heard when dry hair is combed with a hard rubber comb is due to_________?

Small electric sparks

366 - The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called?


367 - The fourth state of matter is?


368 - The function of hemoglobin is____________?

Transportation of oxygen

369 - The gas, commonly known as â€Å“laughing gas”, is:

Nitrous Oxide

370 - The good sources of iodine are_______?

sea foods

371 - The good sources of Vitamin-A are?

green leafy vegetables

372 - The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are?


373 - The good sources of Vitamin-C are________?

fresh vegetables and fruits

374 - The inner most part of the earth is__________?


375 - The instrument used to measure wind speed is?


376 - The largest part of the human brain is ___________?


377 - The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s)?

5 – 21 days

378 - The main constituent of hemoglobin is___________?


379 - The main function of kidney is____________?

to remove waste from blood

380 - The most brightest planet amongst the eight planets?


381 - The natural fats and oils are composed of_________?

Carbon, Hydrogen and OxygenCarbon,

382 - The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is__________?


383 - The ozone layer is at height of________kilometers from the surface of the Earth?

20 to 30

384 - The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?


385 - The principle used in radar is the same as that of Sonar. In radar we use radio waves ; whereas in sonar we use ?


386 - The repetition of property after a certain interval called ___________?

periodicity of property

387 - The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is ?


388 - The severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was ?


389 - The Shortest (smallest) bone in human body is___________?


390 - The SI unit of electric current is?


391 - The SI unit of Heat is________?


392 - The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is :


393 - The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are __________?

N, P, K

394 - The unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in atmosphere is?


395 - Tibia is a bone found in the ____________?


396 - Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is

5-6 liters

397 - Vacuum tubes have been replaced by__________?


398 - Vertebral Column in human beings consists of how many vertebrae?


399 - Water covers __________ of the Earth's surface?


400 - What is Dry Ice?

Solid Carbon Dioxide

401 - What is the body temperature of a normal man?

37.0 °C

402 - What is the weight of the average human brain?

1.2 to 1.4 Kg

403 - When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.


404 - Which gland in the human body is called the master gland?


405 - Which human hormone is called love hormone?


406 - Which is the largest gland in the human body?


407 - Which is the largest organ in the human body?


408 - Which liquid is used in an aneroid barometer?


409 - Which of the following cannot be stored in glass bottle?


410 - Which of the following glands secrete tears?


411 - Which of the following have maximum calorific value?


412 - Which of the following helps in clotting of blood?

Vitamin K

413 - Which of the following is most elastic ?


414 - Which of the following is not an enzyme?


415 - Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible?


416 - Which of the following mixture of gases is required in gas welding?

Acetylene and oxygen

417 - Who discovered the Gamma Rays?

Paul Villard

418 - who invented bulb?


419 - Who is considered the founder of meteorology?


420 - Wind energy is the __________ energy.



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