Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 8

1 - ________ connects muscle to the bones.


2 - 1 Joule is Equal to

10^7 ergs

3 - A bird sitting on a high tension electric wire does not get electrocuted because

It does not form a closed path for the flow of current

4 - A bomb at rest explodes into a large number of tiny fragments. The total momentum of all the fragments

Is zero

5 - A bullet is fired from a rifle which recoils after firing. The ratio of kinetic energy of the rifle to that of the bullet is


6 - A car parked in the sun with its windows closed gets terribly hot inside. This is due to

The greenhouse effect

7 - A colloidal system in which a liquid is dispersed in a liquid is called


8 - A concave lens always forms

A virtual image

9 - A cup of hot coffee is placed on a metal table in a room. By which of the following methods does it lose heat?

Conduction, convection and radiation

10 - A device used for converting a.c. into d.c. is called


11 - A dynamo is a device which

Converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

12 - A dynamo is used to convert

Mechanical energy into electrical energy

13 - A falling drop of rain water acquires the spherical shape due to

Surface Tension

14 - A Fuse wire is characterised by

High resistance and low melting point

15 - A gas thermometer is more sensitive than a liquid thermometer because a gas :

Expands more than a liquid

16 - A large number of bacteria in our digestive system, especially in the ________ and large intestine are important in completing digestive processes

Small intestine

17 - A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is

Greater than the weight of the man

18 - A metal plate with a circular hole at the centre is heated. What will happen to the area of the hole ?


19 - A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to


20 - A photo-electric cell converts

Light energy to electrical energy

21 - A rear-view mirror for driving is


22 - A star appears twinkling in the sky because of

Refraction of light by atmosphere

23 - A substance which readily forms colloidal solution in contact with water is called

Hydrophilic colloid

24 - A transformer works on the principle of

Mutual induction

25 - A wavelength of 0.3 m is produced in air and it travels at a speed of 300 m/s. Then it will be an

Audible wave

26 - A wire carrying current is


27 - A wire of copper having length I and area of cross-section A is taken and a current i is flown through it. The power dissipated in the wire is P. If we take an aluminium wire having same dimensions and pass the same current through it, the power dissipate

> P

28 - Absolute Zero is defined as

The temperature at which all molecular motion ceases

29 - According to Rutherford's atomic model, the electrons inside an atom are

Not Stationary

30 - According to special theory of relativity the mass of a particle

Increases with increase in velocity with respect to an observer.

31 - According to the theory of relativity, which of the following always remains constant ?

Velocity of light

32 - Air is said to be saturated when

It contains the maximum content of water vapour

33 - All isotopes of the same element have ________

The same atomic number but different atomic masses

34 - All isotopes of the same element have ______________

The same atomic number but different atomic masses

35 - 'All the four quantum numbers of two electrons in an atom are not the same.' It is the law of –

Exclusion Principle of Pauli

36 - Alum is used as

A purifier for water

37 - Amoeba proteus was discovered by

Johann Rösel von Rosenhof

38 - Among the following the hardest metal is


39 - Among the following, which is always found in free-state in nature?


40 - An atom with more neutrons than protons is called


41 - An electric fuse is based on

The heating effect of the current

42 - An electron and a proton starting from rest get accelerated through potential difference of 100 kV. The final speed of the electron and the proton are Ve and Vp respectively. Which of the following relations is correct?

Ve > Vp

43 - An ideal gas cannot be


44 - Antacid tablets consist of

Hydroxides of magnesium and aluminium

45 - Antibodies is produced in the plasma of blood by


46 - Aqua regia is a 1 : 3 mixture, by volume, of

Conc. nitric acid and conc. hydrochloric acid

47 - Aquaregia is a mixture of the following in the ratio 1 : 3 by volume

Conc. HNO3 and conc. HCl

48 - Arteries supplying blood to the heart are called

Coronary arteries

49 - As water is cooled from 4 deg C to 0 deg C, its density


50 - Aspirin is

Acetyl Salicilic acid

51 - Aspirin is common name of

Acetyl Salicylic Acid

52 - At boiling point of liquids, its

Temperature remains constant

53 - At constant pressure, the volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. It is the statement of

Charle's Law

54 - At what temperature (in degree Celsius), the numerical values on Celsius and Fahrenheit scales become equal?


55 - At what temperature (in Fahrenheit) pure water freezes?


56 - Atomic hydrogen has a life period of

A fraction of a second

57 - Bats can sense obstacles because they produce

Ultrasonic sound waves

58 - Besides CO2, the other green house gas is


59 - 'Bhopal gas tragedy' 1984 is related to which gas

Methyl isocyanate

60 - Bleaching powder is used in drinking water as a/an


61 - Bolometer is used to measure


62 - Boyle's law relates to

Kinetic Theory of Gases

63 - Brass is made of

Copper and zinc

64 - Bridgmanite is

Earth's most abundant mineral

65 - Bronze is an alloy of

Copper and Tin

66 - Brown stains in vessels and clothes indicate the presence of high quantities of ________ in water.

None of these

67 - Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to

Viscosity and buoyancy

68 - By how many times are the Electrostatic forces stronger than the Gravitational Forces for a fixed distance?


69 - By-product obtained by soap industry is


70 - Candle is a mixture of

Paraffin was and stearic acid

71 - Carbon Arc lamps are commonly used in

Cinema projectors

72 - Carbon monoxide is an inflammable gas. Which one of the following is also inflammable?


73 - Cellular respiration occurs in


74 - Cement containing excess amount of lime

Becomes more strong

75 - Chemical formula of washing soda is


76 - Chloroform can be used as


77 - Choose the incorrect statement pertaining to organic compounds

They are not easily combustible

78 - Citric acid is present in free form in


79 - Cloud is a colloidal dispersion of

Water drops in a dispersion medium of air

80 - Coal is formed from

Compressed and hardened biomass

81 - Combustion of a candle is a/an

Exothermic reaction

82 - Commercial nitric acid is coloured because it contains dissolved :

Nitrogen dioxide

83 - Commercial Vaseline is derived from


84 - Commercially, sodium bicarbonate is known as

Baking soda

85 - Consider the following statements : (01) There is no net moment on a body which is in equilibrium. (02) The momentum of a body is always conserved. (03) The kinetic energy of an object is always conserved. Which of the statements given above is/are cor

1 and 2 only

86 - Contact force is another name for ________

Muscular force

87 - Copper is refined by


88 - Denatured spirit is ethanol mixed with


89 - Depletion of ozone layer causes

Skin cancer

90 - During hot weather, the fan produces a feeling of comfort. This is because

Our perspiration eva-porates rapidly

91 - During thunderstorm you are travelling in a car. To protect yourself from the lightning you will have to

Remain in the car

92 - Dynamo is a device for converting

Mechanical energy into electrical energy

93 - Earliest thermometer was developed by


94 - Earth's atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending to a height of

200 km

95 - Echolocation is an adaptation bats use to

All of the above

96 - Electric power is measured in units of


97 - Electrical burns occur principally because of

The heat generated by the flow of electrical current through the body

98 - Electrical Energy is the energy of


99 - Electrons carry a

Negative Charge

100 - Ethylene is a ________ molecule.


101 - 'Farad' is the unit of :


102 - Fertilization in human takes place inside


103 - Find the current (in A) when a charge of 1200C flows in 6 seconds.


104 - Find the current (in A) when a charge of 500 Coulomb flows in 25 seconds.


105 - Flemings ''Left hand Rule" is associated with the effect of

Magnetic Field on current

106 - For a ray of light to suffer total internal reflection it has to pass from :

Air to water

107 - Gelatin is mostly used in making ice-creams in order to

Stabilise the colloid and prevent crystallisation

108 - Global warming is mainly due to accumulation of

Carbon dioxide

109 - Gold dissolves in

Aqua regia

110 - Green house effect is accelerated by

All of these

111 - Green mould is common name for


112 - Greenhouse effect is caused by

Carbon dioxide

113 - Hard water and soft water can be distinguished by using


114 - Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by:


115 - How many electrons are there in a Hydrogen atom?


116 - Ice cubes are added to a glass of pure water and a glass of pure alcohol. The ice would be

At a higher level in water

117 - If a force acts upon two objects at rest, and having different masses for the same amount of time, then which one of the following will be the same for both the objects?


118 - If cream is removed from milk, its density


119 - If the wavelengths corresponding to ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiations are given as lUV, lVIS and lIR respectively, then which of the following gives the correct relationship among these wavelengths?

LUV < lVIS < lIR

120 - If water smells bad, then that odour can be removed by adding

Activated carbon

121 - In a filament type light bulb most of the electric power consumed appears as

Infra-red rays

122 - In a rechargeable cell what kind of energy is stored within the cell?

Chemical energy

123 - In addition to hydrogen, the other abundant element present on Sun's surface is


124 - In an oxygen molecule, two atoms are united by

Two bonds

125 - In animals like Annelids, Molluscs, organs have associated to form functional systems, each system concerned with a specific physiological function. This pattern is called ________ system level of organization.


126 - In chemical terms, what are alums used for purifying water for drinking purposes ?

Double sulphates

127 - In deep-sea diving, divers use a mixture of gases consisting of oxygen and


128 - In general, which is the cause of a land breeze?


129 - In hydro power station, the motion produced in turbines is due to

Flow of water

130 - In MRI machine, which one of the following is used?

Magnetic wave

131 - In N2- fixation process, nitrite is converted to nitrate by


132 - In plants which one of the following tissues is dead ?


133 - In sunlight a rose appears red. In green light, the same rose appears


134 - In test tube baby

Fertilization of ova takes place in test tube which development of embryo occur in uterus

135 - In the absence of ozone layer, which rays will enter into atmosphere?


136 - In the Earth, the weight of a body is maximum at the


137 - In uterus embryo get their nutrition through a structure called


138 - Iodex, a pain relief balm, has the smell of ________ .

Methyl salicylate

139 - It is difficult to fix a nail on a freely suspended wooden frame. Which law supports this statement?

Newton's third law

140 - It is more difficult to walk on a sandy road than on a concrete road because

the friction between sand and feet is less than that between concrete and feet.

141 - J.J. Thomson's proposed model of atom is generally called ________ model.

Plum and pudding

142 - Kilohertz is a unit which measures

Electromagnetic radio wave frequencies

143 - L.P.G. is mostly liquefied


144 - Large transformers, when used for some time, become very hot and are cooled by circulating oil. The heating of the transformer is due to:

Both the heating effect of current and hysteresis loss

145 - Late blight of potato is caused by

Phytophthora infestens

146 - Light from the Sun reaches us in nearly

8 minutes

147 - Light year is a unit of


148 - Limestone is a raw material used by which industry?


149 - Magnetism at the centre of a bar magnet is


150 - Main pollutants released from iron and steel industry are

CO, CO2 and SO2

151 - Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given belowList-I (Vitamin)List-II(Chemical compound)F.Vitamin A1.ThiaminG.Vitamin B12.RetinolH.Vitamin C3.Ascorbic acidJ.Vitamin E4.TocopherolCodes :FGHJA.4132B.2314C.4312D.2134


152 - Mercury is a :

Liquid metal

153 - Metal are good conductors, because

They contain free electrons

154 - Metal present in Haemoglobin


155 - Metals are good conductors of electricity because

They contain free electrons

156 - Mirage is due to:

Unequal heating of different parts of the atmosphere

157 - Mist is caused by

Water vapour at low temperature

158 - Molasses a by-product in the manufacture of sugar, is converted into


159 - Necessary element of change in solar energy to electrical energy


160 - Nitric acid does not react with


161 - Nitrification is the biological process of converting

Ammonia into nitrite

162 - Nitrogen fixation is a process of

Conversion of molecular nitrogen to ammonia

163 - Nitrogen in water is commonly found in the form of


164 - Normal rainwater has a pH level of


165 - Normal rainwater is slightly acidic due to the presence of

Carbon dioxide

166 - Now-a-days yellow lamps are frequently used as street lights. Which of the following gases is used in these lamps ?


167 - Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named


168 - Number of 6.023 × 1023 atoms present in one mole of a gas at STP is

6.023 × 1023

169 - Of the following properties of a wave, the one that is independent of the other is its


170 - Ohm's law is valid in case of


171 - On a cold day when the room temperature is 15°C, the metallic cap of a pen becomes much colder than its plastic body, though both are at the same temperature of 15°C, because :

Metals are good conductors of heat

172 - On the Kelvin scale, the melting point of ice is


173 - One of the following is used to dissolve noble metals. That is

Aqua regia

174 - Optical Fibre technology works on which of these principles of Physics?

Total internal reflection of Light

175 - Ozone layer in the upper parts of the atmosphere serves as a protective shield against harmful

Solar ultraviolet radiation

176 - Pepsin is an enzyme that digests ________ .


177 - Peptization is a process of

Dispersing precipitates into colloidal solution

178 - Percentage of carbon in steel ranges from

0.1 to 1.5

179 - Periodic table contains how many groups


180 - Periodic table contains how many periods


181 - pH scale ranges from

0 – 14

182 - Philosopher's Wool is

Zinc oxide

183 - Plants are dried up in winter due to frost because

There is mechanical loss of tissues and drought condition prevails

184 - Pure water is bad conductor of electricity because it is

Feebly ionized

185 - Pycnometer is an instrument used to measure the


186 - Rate of doing work is called


187 - Rectified spirit is :

95% ethyl alcohol

188 - Reflex actions are controlled by

The Spinal Chord

189 - Relative humidity is expressed as


190 - Resistance of human body in dry condition

100000 ohm

191 - Rise of oil a wick is due to

Surface tension of the oil

192 - Rusting of iron takes place due to


193 - Saccharin is made up of


194 - Safety fuse wire used in domestic electrical appliances is made of metal of low

Melting point

195 - Saliva secreted from mouth digest


196 - Silver halides are used in photographic plates because they are

Reduced by light

197 - Smoke is formed due to

Solid dispersed in gas

198 - Soap helps in better cleaning of clothes because

It reduces the surface tension of solution

199 - Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with


200 - Sound waves in air are


201 - Sour taste of lemon is due to the presence of which of the following ?

Citric acid

202 - Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of

Density of the substance to the density of water

203 - Sponges belongs to the phylum


204 - Steel contains

0.1 – 5% carbon

205 - Steel is more elastic than rubber because it :

Is deformed very easily

206 - Study of algae is called


207 - Study of butterfly is


208 - Study of female reproductive system is


209 - Super cooling stands for cooling of a liquid :

Below freezing point

210 - Superconductors are those elements

Whose resistance falls almost to zero at very low temperatures

211 - Surface water is a better source of drinking water because it is poor in


212 - Suspension particles have the size between

10–2 – 10–4 cm

213 - Synthetic detergents are prepared from

Hydrocarbons of petroleum

214 - Tear gas used by the police to disperse the mob contains


215 - The absolute zero is a temperature at which ________

Molecular motion in a gas would cease

216 - The acid which fails to liberate carbon dioxide from sodium bicarbonate is :

Sulphuric acid

217 - The advantage of detergents over soaps is

Detergents give lather even with hard water

218 - The atmospheric gas that is mainly responsible for green house effect :

Carbon dioxide

219 - The atmospheric layer reflecting radio waves is called


220 - The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas is directly proportional to

Absolute temperature of the gas

221 - The best material for the core of a transformer is

Soft iron

222 - The boiling point of water decreases at higher altitudes is due to

Low atmospheric pressure

223 - The brain is covered by

All the above

224 - The cause for the Tsunami, as deduced by the seismologists, is

Deformation of sea floor and vertical displacement of water

225 - The components of water can be separated by

Chemical methods

226 - The compound to which H2 does not add is

Tetraphenyl ethylene

227 - The density of water is 1 g/cc. This is strictly valid at


228 - The depletion of ozone layer is due to


229 - The device used for measuring the wavelength of X-rays is

Bragg Spectrometer

230 - The electric current in a metal wire is due to the flow of -


231 - The element absorbed both in cation and anion form is


232 - The element used in the manufacture of safety matches is


233 - The energy associated with motion is called

Kinetic energy

234 - The flow of thermal energy is called


235 - The ''four stroke petrol engine' is based on


236 - The fundamental particles present in the nucleus of an atom are

Proton, neutron

237 - The fuse in an electric circuit is connected in

Series with live

238 - The fuse in our domestic electric circuit melts when there is a high rise in


239 - The gas that is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee is :


240 - The gas used in the manufacture of vanaspati from vegetable oil is


241 - The gas which emits from rice field is


242 - The gas which turns into liquid at the lowest temperature among the following is


243 - The graphite rods in the nuclear reactor

convert fast moving neutrons into thermal neutrons

244 - The green colour seen in firework displays is due to the chloride salt of :


245 - The greenhouse effect is caused by the higher level of which gas in the atmosphere ?

Carbon dioxide

246 - The half life period of an isotope is 2 hours. After 6 hours what fraction of the initial quantity of the isotope will be left behind?


247 - The hardest form of carbon is


248 - The hottest part of the gas flame is known as

luminous zone

249 - The human body is made up of several chemical elements; the element present in the highest proportion (65%) in the body is


250 - The inexpensive and commonly used variety of glass is called soda glass. It is called so because

is made using soda(sodium carbonate)

251 - The ionic radii of N3-, O2-, F- and Na+ follows the order

N3- > O2- > F- > Na+

252 - The isomerism which exists between CH3CHCI2 and CH2CI. CH2CI is

positional isomerism

253 - The items amenable to detection by soft x-rays are

genuine coins from counterfeit coins

254 - The laws which govern the motion of planets are called ________

Kepler's Laws

255 - The lowest layer of earth's atmosphere is


256 - The lustre of the metals is because of

Reflection of light due to the presence of free electrons

257 - The mass number of a nucleus is

the sum of the number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus

258 - The mass of one Avogadro number of helium atom is

4 x 6.02 x 1023 gram

259 - The material used in the manufacture of lead pencil is


260 - The material which can be deformed permanently by heat and pressure is called a


261 - The metal whose electrical conductivity is more, is


262 - The most abundant element by number in the living system is :


263 - The most abundant metal in the Earth's crust is


264 - The most important ore of aluminium is


265 - The most important ore of lead is


266 - The name of unreactive gas is


267 - The new strain of bacteria produced by biotechnology in alcohol industry is

Pseudomonas putida

268 - The next higher homologue of C6H14 is


269 - The non-metal found in the liquid state is


270 - The number of atoms present in 21.6 gram of silver (atomic weight = 108) are same as the molecules in

12 moles of KMnO4

271 - The number of electrons presents in H+ is


272 - The number of waves in n x 10th Bohr's orbit are


273 - The number of waves made by an electron moving in an orbit having maximum magnetic quantum number is +3


274 - The odometer guage indicates

The distance travelled by a vehicle

275 - The oil used in the froth floatation process is

pine oil

276 - The ore of Aluminium is


277 - The organic reaction represented by equation CH3 - CH = O + H2NOH gives CH3 - CH - NH + H2O is an example of

a condensation reaction

278 - The pair of compounds used as anaesthetic in medicines :

Nitrous oxide, Chloroform

279 - The percentage of nitrogen present in ammonium sulphate is :


280 - The period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is

24 hours

281 - The plasma of the blood contains which among the following constituents? I. Proteins II. Salts III. Hormones

All I, II and III

282 - The pollination by snail is called


283 - The process of removing calcium and magnesium from hard water is known as

Water softening

284 - The purest form of water is

Rain water

285 - The purpose of choke in a fluorescent lamp is :

To decrease the current flow

286 - The quality of petrol is expressed in terms of

Octane number

287 - The rate of change of linear momentum of a body falling freely under gravity is equal to it's ________ ?


288 - The reaction intermediate formed during the preparation of diethyl ether from ethanol by treatment with H2SO4 is


289 - The reflector of a search light is a :

Concave mirror

290 - The right portion of human heart receives ________ blood.


291 - The SI unit for measuring work and energy is


292 - The SI unit of resistance is:


293 - The single membrane surrounding vacuoles in plant cells is known as


294 - The 'solid waste' is also known as


295 - The spring balance works on the principle of ________ .

Hooke's Law

296 - The spring constant of a spring depends on its

Thickness, its diameter and its material

297 - The subcellular organelle not bound by a single membrane is


298 - The temperature which has the same reading on both Fahrenheit and Celsius scales is


299 - The third shell of an atom can have a maximum of ______ electrons.


300 - The unit of electrical power is


301 - The value of Avogadro Number is

6.023 × 1023

302 - 'Therm' is the unit of


303 - This group of alumino-silicate minerals is widely used in making electrical insulators


304 - Time of exposure required for taking photograph of an object depends upon the

Brightness of the object

305 - To measure the speed of an approaching car a police officer shines

Radio waves on it

306 - To resolve an object in an electron microscope,

The wavelength of the electrons must be close to the diameter of the object

307 - Total internal reflection can not take place when light goes from :

Water to glass

308 - Total number of elements in the Periodic table


309 - Transformer is a device to convert

Low voltage A.C. into high voltage A.C.

310 - Transition ions absorb light in :

Visible region

311 - Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the filament of an electric bulb, because

It has a very high melting point

312 - Velocity of sound in air does not depend on

Pressure of air

313 - Ventilators are provided near the ceiling of the room because

These provide cross ventilation in the room

314 - Water can be separated from alcohol water mixture by


315 - Water will not be vapourised if

The humidity is 100%

316 - What do you understand by the term Espuma ?


317 - What happens when a chemical bond is formed ?

Energy is always absorbed

318 - What is a mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and sulphur called?

Gun powder

319 - What is refractive index ?

It is defined as the ratio of speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium.

320 - What is the chemical name for ‘Baking Soda' ?

Sodium bicarbonate

321 - What is the element required for solar energy conversion ?


322 - What is the mass percentage of oxygen in carbon dioxide (CO2)?


323 - What is the minimum escape velocity of rocket to be launched into space ?

11 Km/Sec.

324 - What is the reason for formation of Mirage in desert?

Both Refraction and Total internal reflection of light

325 - What is the SI unit of temperature?


326 - What is the unit of the physical quantity "Inductance"?


327 - What is the value of 1 kW = ?

1000 W

328 - What material is used to make electric heater coil ?


329 - What part of the atom has a positive charge?


330 - What part of the body controls balance?


331 - What particles move around the nucleus of an atom and are negatively charged?


332 - What type of lens is used in a magnifying glass


333 - When a Cuttlefish is described as a Molluscs, it is at which level of classification?


334 - When a nutrient like fertilizer is present in large quantities in a water bodies, plants grow and decay in large numbers because of suffocation of pond that does not leave enough oxygen needed to support life. This type of pollution is called


335 - When an electric bulb breaks, there is an explosive sound. That is due to

The air outside rushing in to fill the vacuum inside the bulb

336 - When formaldehyde and potassium hydroxide are heated, we get

Methyl alcohol

337 - When Hydrogen starts burning in air, it produces ?


338 - When the main switch of the house is put off it disconnects the

Live wire and the neutral wire

339 - When the Sun is near the horizon during the morning or evening, it appears reddish. The phenomenon that is responsible for this observation is

Scattering of light

340 - Where does the oxygen that keeps us alive come from?


341 - Which among the following is a covalent compound ?

Carbon tetrachloride

342 - Which among the following is liquid non-metal ?


343 - Which among the following is not a true fruit?


344 - Which among the following is used to treat Indigestion?


345 - Which among the following is/are female hormones? (i) Estrogen (ii) Progesterone (iii) Testosterone

(i) and (ii)

346 - Which colour is the complementary colour of yellow ?


347 - Which combination of colour is the most convenient during day and night time ?

Red and green

348 - Which component referred to as 'Milk sugar'?


349 - Which compressor is usually used in AC?


350 - Which elements are malleable and good conductors of electricity?

Tin and silver

351 - Which gas does not form the part of atmosphere ?


352 - Which is a common first indicator of an approaching thunderstorm?

A buildup of dark clouds

353 - Which is a natural colloid ?


354 - Which is known as carbolic acid?


355 - Which is the point from where an azimuth originates?


356 - Which is the purest commercial form of iron ?

Wrought iron

357 - Which method will be employed to test the hardness of water?

Formation of lather with soap

358 - Which of the following acids serves as an electrolyte in a lead storage battery?

Sulphuric acid

359 - Which of the following acts as best adsorbent?

Activated Coconut Charcoal

360 - Which of the following bacterium causes crown gall disease in plants?

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

361 - Which of the following characteristics of light remains unchanged when light travels from vaccum enters water?


362 - Which of the following chemical materials is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere ?


363 - Which of the following compounds is commonly used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes and toothpastes ?

Sodium chloride

364 - Which of the following have the same unit ?

Work and torque

365 - Which of the following is a conductor of electricity ?

Salt water

366 - Which of the following is also used as a Bio fertilizer?

None of these

367 - Which of the following is an antidiabatic drug?


368 - Which of the following is an example of continous emission spectrum?

Spectrum of an oil frame

369 - Which of the following is an insulator?


370 - Which of the following is chiefly present in LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) ?


371 - Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?

Conversion of water into steam

372 - Which of the following is not a donor atom?


373 - Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fertilizer ?


374 - Which of the following is not soluble in water ?

Zinc sulphate

375 - Which of the following is not true about X-rays?

Have low penetrating power

376 - Which of the following is the correct sequence of countries in terms of maximum carbon dioxide emission?

China, USA, European Union, India

377 - Which of the following is the strongest base in aqueous solution ?


378 - Which of the following is used for refrigeration?


379 - Which of the following is used to increase the anti-knocking property of petrol ?

Tetraethyl lead

380 - Which of the following metals causes Itai-Itai disease ?


381 - Which of the following metals has least melting point ?


382 - Which of the following metals is used for the manufacture of heating elements provided in electric iron ?


383 - Which of the following statements are correct about chloroform? a. Liquid fuel b. Anaesthetic in nature c. Produces phosgene d. Fire extinguisher

B, C

384 - Which of the following type of coal has the lowest proportion of volatile matter ?


385 - Which of the following was the first theory of superconductivity?

London theory

386 - Which of the fungi is commonly called as bread mould


387 - Which of these is unique to flowering plants?

Double fertilization

388 - Which one is not found in the composition of Plasma membrane


389 - Which one is the lightest element in the periodic table


390 - Which one of the following acids is used in battery ?

Sulphuric acid

391 - Which one of the following completes the given statement correctly ?A seed is a ripened


392 - Which one of the following forms of phosphorus is most reactive?

White phosphorus

393 - Which one of the following is a major green house gas?

Carbon dioxide

394 - Which one of the following is an example of a gel ?

Face cream

395 - Which one of the following is most electronegative?


396 - Which one of the following is not a ‘green house gas' ?


397 - Which one of the following is not coal variety?


398 - Which one of the following is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom ?


399 - Which one of the following is used as preservative for foodstuff ?

Sodium Benzoate

400 - Which one of the following metals does not react with water to produce Hydrogen ?


401 - Which one of the following statement is correct ?Ozone is found in the earth's atmosphere mostly between

20 and 50 km

402 - Which organ has finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)?

Small Intestine

403 - Which organelle in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA


404 - Which part of Nervous system controls involuntary actions

Medulla oblongata

405 - Which part of the brain is responsible for consciousness?


406 - Which statement best describes an igneous intrusion?

Magma is injected into surrounding rock forming an igneous intrusive

407 - Which term is not associated with sound wave?


408 - Which tube used to produce X-ray?

Coolidge tube

409 - Who defined the law of gravitation ?


410 - Who developed Hydrogen Bomb?

Edward Teller

411 - Who developed the model of atomic structure ?

Bohr and Rutherford

412 - Who gave the Theory of Relativity?

Albert Einstein

413 - Who was the first scientist to discover Electrons?

J.J Thompson

414 - Why the needle of iron swims on water surface when it is kept gently ?

Due to surface tension

415 - Wollen clothes keep the body warm because

Wool is a bad conductor

416 - Wood spirit is

Methyl alcohol

417 - Working of safety fuses depends upon (01) magnetic effect of the current (02) chemical effect of the current (03) magnitude of the current (04) heating effect of the current. Select the correct answer using the code given below.

3 and 4 only

418 - X–rays are

Neutral particles

419 - X-rays region lies between

Gamma-rays and ultraviolet region

420 - Xylem helps in transportation of which of the following?



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