Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 4

1 - ""Paramagnetism"" is the property of

Unpaired electrons

2 - ________ helps the eye to adjust the focal length of the lens.

Ciliary body

3 - ________ is the interaction in which one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited.


4 - 1 WH =

3600 joules

5 - A balloon filled with hydrogen will

Reach a particular height and remain floating

6 - A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will


7 - A body of 4.0 kg is lying at rest. Under the action of a constant force, it gains a speed of 5 m/s. The work done by the force will be ________

50 J

8 - A body of mass 2 kg is thrown upward with initial velocity of 20 m/s. After 2 seconds, its kinetic energy will be : (g = 10 m/s2)

0 J

9 - A body of mass 5 kg accelerates from 12 m/s to 20 m/s in 4 seconds due to the application of a force on it. Calculate the magnitude of this force (in N).


10 - A boy sitting in an open car moving with the constant speed throws a ball straight up into the air. The ball falls

Behind him

11 - A capillary tube is partially dipped vertically in a vessel containing water. Due to capillarity water rises in the tube. The height of water rise in the tube can be increased by

Decreasing the radius of the capillary tube

12 - A colour blind person has difficulty in distinguishing which of the two colours ?

Green & Red

13 - A device which is used to limit the current in an electrical circuit is called a


14 - A liquid disturbed by stirring comes to rest due to


15 - A man standing on a edge of a cliff throws a stone vertically upwards with a certain speed. He then throws another stone downwards with the same speed. Find the ratio of the speeds of the two stones when they hit the ground.


16 - A manometer is used to measure


17 - A mass of 20 kg is at a height of 8 m above the ground. Then the potential energy possessed by the body is: [Given g = 9.8 m/s2]

1568 J

18 - A metal ball and a rubber ball, both having the same mass, strike a wall normally with the same velocity. The rubber ball rebounds and the metal ball does not rebound. It can be concluded that

The rubber ball suffers greater change in momentum

19 - A mirage occurs because of

Total internal reflection by layers of air

20 - A piece of ice is floating in water kept in a beaker. When all the ice melts the level of water will

Remain the same

21 - A pond of water appears less deep due to


22 - A radioactive substance does not undergo any change (in mass or charge) during


23 - A real gas can act as an ideal gas in

Low pressure and high temperature

24 - A solid needle placed horizontally on the surface of the water floats due to

Surface tension of water

25 - A standing wave occurs when

A wave reflects upon itself

26 - A subshell with l = 2 can take up

10 electron

27 - A thin oil film on a water surface appears coloured because of


28 - A typical chromosome has two parts a centrifuge and ________


29 - A wave with high amplitude have

High energy

30 - ‘Aerosol' is known as

Suspended solid particles in air

31 - According to the Second Law of Motion, for a given force, acceleration is inversely proportional to the ________ of an object.


32 - 'Acid rain' is caused due to air pollution by

Nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide

33 - Addition of suitable impurities into semiconductor, is called


34 - Administering a vaccine provides protection by inducing synthesis of antibodies (proteins) specific of the vaccine. The cell in the body responsible for the production of antibodies is


35 - Aerated water contains


36 - Aestivation is seen in


37 - AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The transmission of HIV infection generally occurs through

Transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products

38 - AIDS is caused by the organisms which are

Viruses (HTLV III)

39 - Air is said to be saturated when :

It contains maximum content of water vapour

40 - Alcohol is more volatile than water because ________ is lower than water.

Its boiling point

41 - All insects have how many parts of legs?


42 - All living things except bacteria and blue green algae are termed as


43 - Amoeba belongs to the phylum


44 - Among the following, carbonate ore of Zinc is


45 - Among the many substances manufactured commercially by means of ________ are acetic acid, acetone, butanol, lactic acid and several vitamins.


46 - An athlete runs before long jump to get advantage on

Inertia of motion

47 - An atom bomb based upon the principle of ________

Nuclear fission

48 - An atom of an element has atomic number 17 and mass number 36. The number of neutrons in its nucleus is


49 - An example of major air pollutant is

Carbon monoxide

50 - An example of replenishable energy source is–


51 - An ice block with a piece of lead embeded in it floats in water. If ice melts the water level


52 - An important green-house gas other than methane being produced from the agricultural fields is

Nitrous oxide

53 - An object of 10 kg is moving with a speed of 2 m/s. The kinetic energy of the object is

20 J

54 - An object that has kinetic energy must be


55 - An optically plane surface reflects a beam of light

As a parallel beam in one direction

56 - Anemometer is used to measure

Wind velocity

57 - Anopheles mosquito carries Plasmodium which causes malaria in


58 - Anopheles mosquito carries Plasmodium which causes malaria in


59 - Antibodies are produced by

Plasma cells

60 - Antigen is a substance which

Triggers the immune system

61 - As an infant, the ability to produce antibodies is


62 - Atomic number is the number equal to


63 - Azolla is a

Aqueous fern

64 - Bacteria are classified in the kingdom


65 - Bacteria divides by

Binary Fission

66 - Bacteria were first discovered by


67 - Ball bearings are used in cycles, scooters etc to

Reduce the friction between the wheel and the axle

68 - Bamboo is classified as


69 - Biological catalysis in living organisms are known as


70 - Bios means


71 - Buoyancy depends on

The mass of the liquid displaced

72 - Charles's law is based on


73 - Chernobyl disaster is the result of pollution by

Radioactive waste

74 - Chiropterophily is the process of pollination by


75 - Choose the most appropriate answer: Sir CV Raman was awarded Noble Prize for his work connected with which of the following phenomenon of radiation?


76 - Clouds float in the atmosphere because of their

Low density

77 - Cooking gas is a mixture of

Butane and propane

78 - Detail study of internal organs at level of tissue with the help of microscope is called


79 - Detergents are

Sodium salts of sulphonic acids

80 - Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain


81 - Diphtheria disease is caused by

Corynebacterium diphtheria

82 - Dried milk dried meat are examples of preservation by


83 - Dry ice is the solid form of :

Carbon dioxide

84 - Dry powder fire extinguishers contain

Sand and sodium bicarbonate

85 - During the motion of a projectile fired from the earth surface, ________

Horizontal component of its velocity remains constant

86 - Electric fuse is an alloy of

Tin and lead

87 - Enlargment of _______ gland takes place due to deficiency of iodine


88 - Equal masses of oxygen, hydrogen and methane are kept under identical conditions. The ratio of the volumes of gases will be


89 - Eustachian Tube is located in which part of human body?


90 - Flowers in which polllination takes place by insect their pollen grains are ________

Rough and sticky

91 - Fog is an example of

Liquid dispersed in gas

92 - For a body moving with non-uniform velocity and uniform acceleration

Displacement – Time graph is non-linear

93 - For a freely falling body, the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy is always


94 - For extinguishing fire, we use

Carbon Dioxide

95 - For Gamma radiation, what stops its penetrating abilities?

All of the above

96 - Friction is caused by the ________ on the two surfaces in contact.


97 - Full form of CFL used in place of electric bulbs is

Compact fluorescent lamp

98 - Fusion of two gametes called


99 - Gamma rays are emissions that have

Neither mass nor charge

100 - Gas released during Bhopal tragedy was :

Methyl isocyanate

101 - General purpose utility gloves are

For cleaning procedures

102 - Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule constitute

Malpighian tubule

103 - Gobar gas contains mainly :


104 - Gobar gas mainly contains


105 - Gravitational force is maximum at which place


106 - Healing of wounds is dependent upon the ________ division of underlying cells


107 - Heat flows as a result of difference of ________


108 - Hertz is the SI unit of


109 - How does a Unicellular Organism reproduce?

Cell division

110 - How many electrons can be accommodated in d-orbital?


111 - Hydraulic machines work under the Principle of :

Pascal's Law

112 - If a copper wire is increased to double its length, its resistance will become

Four times

113 - If an ordinary glass tube and a glass capillary tube are both dipped in a beaker of water, water rises in


114 - If both the mass and the velocity of a body is increased to twice of their magnitude, the kinetic energy will increase by

8 times

115 - If the current flowing through a circuit is 0.6 A for 6 mins, the amount of electric charge flowing through it is ________

216 C

116 - If the velocity of a body is halved its kinetic energy ________

Becomes 1/4 th

117 - If there is a circular hole in a metal plate, what happens to the radius of the hole when the plate is heated?


118 - Image of object is is formed on which part of eye


119 - Important plant diseases like fire-blight and crown all are caused by


120 - In a ________ the wave particles of the medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation


121 - In a bipolar junction transistor

The base has the least concentration of impurity

122 - In an optical fibre the signal is transmitted

Due to total internal reflection

123 - In fungi asexual reproduction occurs mostly by

All of these

124 - In human body lymphocytes are formed in

Bone marrow

125 - In mammals, an important role of excretion is played by________


126 - In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions called head, thorax and abdomen?


127 - In plants and mineral salts from soil to the aerial parts of the plant are conducted through

Xylem vessels

128 - In SONAR which kind of wave is used?


129 - In the case of bodies falling under gravity which of the following remains constant at a given place?


130 - In the gamma decay of a nucleus

Neither the mass number nor the atomic number of the nucleus changes

131 - In which of the following cases, kinetic energy is being used in performing work ?

Driving a car to cover a distance

132 - In which of the following ions , the colour is not due to d-d transition ?


133 - In which of the following substances all carbon atoms are quaternary in nature ?


134 - Increased RBC's in the blood leads to a condition called


135 - Instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean is called ________


136 - Intensity of gravitational field of earth is maximum at


137 - Intensity of sound has

an object existence

138 - Isotopes of an element contain

the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

139 - It is easier to roll a barrel full of coal tar than to pull it because

the rolling friction is much less than the sliding friction

140 - It is formed by a repeating nucleosome units ,which are closely attached to each other to a continuous fibre.


141 - It is the site of chromosomes attachment to the fiber of spindle.


142 - It is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi.


143 - Kinetic energy depends on

Both mass and velocity of the moving body

144 - Laughing gas is

Nitrous oxide

145 - Light beam which is highly directional is called:


146 - Light scattering takes place in

Colloidal solutions

147 - Light travels in a straight line (rectilinear propagation of light). This statement does hold if the medium of travel for light is

Homogeneous and transparent

148 - Mach number is used in connection with the speed of


149 - Main source of lead pollution is from

Leaded gasoline

150 - Materials that allow electricity to flow are called


151 - Minimum number of unequal vectors which can give zero resultant are


152 - ML2T-2 is the dimensional formula for

couple acting on a body

153 - Most absorption of nutrients occurs in the

Small intestine

154 - Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

Active transport

155 - Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria and Vibrio comma causes


156 - Nitrogen is an essential constituent of all :


157 - Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below. Which one of the statements below is false?

By denitrification

158 - Non-stick kitchenwares are coated with


159 - Number of hydrogen atoms in a Glucose molecule is


160 - Number of neutrons in an atom of hydrogen is


161 - Of the following commonly used materials, the one that is not an alloy is


162 - Oil rises up the wick in a lamp because

Of the capillary action phenomenon

163 - On a stationary sail boat, air is blown from a fan attached to the boat. The boat

does not move

164 - One light year is equal to

6 trillion miles

165 - One nanometer is equal to ________ meters.

10 raised to the power (-9)

166 - One property of ammonia is

Its aqueous solution turns red litmus blue

167 - Optic fibres are used in :


168 - Ornithology is the study of


169 - Oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to the ________ by the pulmonary veins

Left auricle

170 - Oxytocin hormone is secreted by gland


171 - Parabolic mirrors are used in

Car headlights

172 - Parsec is the unit of


173 - Pepsin is a


174 - Photosynthesis takes place faster in

White light

175 - Physical basis of life is


176 - Plant tissues are of how many types?


177 - Platelet is also known as


178 - Pollen grains in plants are produced in


179 - Pollination is best defined as

Transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

180 - Protein synthesis in a bacterial cell is done by


181 - Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the

salivary glands

182 - Purity of a metal can be determined with the help of

Archimedes principle

183 - Purpose of an optical filter is to

Transmit or absorb light of different colours

184 - Radioactivity is due to

Unstable nucleus

185 - Rain is falling vertically downwards. To a man running east-wards, the rain will appear to be coming from


186 - Rainbow is due to

refraction and reflection of sunlight by water droplets

187 - Rainbow is seen after rain because of hanging molecules of water which act as


188 - Rate of change of displacement is known as ________


189 - Rate of change of momentum is


190 - Receptors for hearing are located in the


191 - Rolling friction is caused by ________

Non-elastic effects

192 - Rutherford's scattering experiment proved the presence of

Nucleus in atoms

193 - Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating a

Hypertonic environment

194 - Scalar Quantities are

Physical quantities which have magnitude only and no direction

195 - Self pollination will lead to


196 - Shaving mirror is


197 - Sir C.V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for his work connected with which of the following phenomenon of radiation?


198 - Skids occur when the brakes are applied so hard that the front or rear wheels lose traction are called as


199 - Smooth muscles are likely to be found in


200 - Solar eclipse will take place when

the moon is between the sun and the earth

201 - Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during


202 - Sound waves cannot travel through


203 - Source of infection in diseases like Tuberculosis, Mumps and Whooping cough is

Droplets of saliva

204 - Speed of light is maximum in ________


205 - Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double when seen through a telescope are


206 - Study of nose and alfactory organs is called


207 - Substance used as an anti freeze in radiators of automobiles is :

Methyl alcohol and H2O

208 - Such plants which are adapted to survival under conditions a limited supply of water in its habitat are known as


209 - Supersonic plane fly with the speed

greater than the speed of sound

210 - Surface tension in a liquid is due to :

Cohesive force between molecules

211 - Tar roads get damaged if there is

Stagnation of water on road

212 - The apparent weight of a man in a lift is less the real weight when :

The lift is going down with an acceleration

213 - The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is 12. How many are there protons in the nucleus of carbon ?


214 - The blue colour of sky is due to

Scattering of shorter wavelengths of sunlight in the atmosphere

215 - The BOD values of water indicate the

Amount of oxygen used for biochemical oxidation

216 - The camel's hump is composed of a tissue which provides water when oxidized. It is

Adipose tissue

217 - The cell theory was proposed by


218 - The colour of Hemoglobin is


219 - The component used for tuning a radio is basically a variable


220 - The compound that has the least value for octane number is :


221 - The damage of the human body due to radiation (X-rays or gamma rays etc) is measured in :


222 - The device used to convert solar energy into electricity is

Photovoltaic cell

223 - The elastic vessels which transport blood from the heart is known as


224 - The elastic vessels which transport blood to the heart is known as


225 - The element with highest ionization potential is


226 - The energy stored in a watch spring is

Potential energy

227 - The example of oligosaccharide is


228 - The fibre least prone to catch fire is


229 - The filament of electric bulb is made up of :


230 - The filter over which sewage is sprinkled is called as

Trickling filter

231 - The first organic compound synthesised in the laboratory was


232 - The focal length of a concave mirror with a radius of curvature of 20.0 cm is :

10 cm

233 - The force of friction between two surfaces will increase if:

The two surfaces are pressed harder

234 - The fundamental scientific principle in the operation of battery is

Dissociation of electrolytes

235 - The gas dissolved in water that makes it basic is :


236 - The gas which is mainly responsible for the green house effect is:

Carbon dioxide

237 - The ''Greenhouse effect' is mainly due to increase in atmospheric

Carbon dioxide

238 - The grouping of blood is based on substances called


239 - The heaviest naturally occurring element is:


240 - The height of a geo-stationary satellite from the Earth's surface is approximately :

36,000 km

241 - The hormone which stimulates the stomach for the production of digestive juice is


242 - The important ore of aluminium is


243 - The inability of a body to change its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line is called its


244 - The increasing order of the refractive index of certain materials is (left to right) ________

Ice, Kerosene, Benzene, Rock Salt

245 - The information of brilliant colors in a thin soap film is a consequence of the phenomena of

Multiple reflection and interference

246 - The instrument that measures and records the relative humidity of air is


247 - The instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is


248 - The instrument used to see the distant objects on the Earth is

Terrestrial telescope

249 - The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin

By a decrease in the blood pressure

250 - The layer of atmosphere used for radio-wave transmission is


251 - The least penetrating power ray is

Alpha rays

252 - The length of double bond is _______ than single bond.


253 - The Length of the Day is determined in

Astronomical units

254 - The magnitude of buoyant force depends on the ________ of the fluid.


255 - The main constituent of biogas is


256 - The main function of the inner bark of a woody plant is to

Transport food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant

257 - The main result of aerobic respiration is the

Production of ATP from the breakdown of glucose

258 - The manufacture of iron from iron ore involves the process of


259 - The manufacturing of iron from iron ore involves the process of


260 - The mass number of an atom is equal to

the number of nucleons

261 - The mass of a star is two times the mass of the Sun. How it will come to an end ?

Neutron Star

262 - The mass of P4O10 that will be obtained from the reaction of 1.33 gram of P4 and 5.07 of oxygen is

3.05 gram

263 - The metal compound commonly found in Sindhoor or Kumkum is based on


264 - The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is


265 - The metal used for making aircrafts and rockets is


266 - The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is


267 - The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon its

Angular velocity

268 - The most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere is


269 - The most electronegative element among the following is


270 - The most reactive among the halogens is


271 - The movement of materials across the cell membrane with the help of biological energy provided by ATP is called

Active Transport

272 - The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in


273 - The nuclear particles which are assumed to hold the nucleons together are


274 - The nucleus of an atom consists of

protons and neutrons

275 - The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its


276 - The octane number of zero is assigned to


277 - The oil in the wick of an oil lamp rises up due to:

Capillary action

278 - The ordinary and maximum tolerance limit of sound by human being is

60 db to 80 db (decibel)

279 - The outer membrane that covers the lungs


280 - The percentage of Nitrogen in Air is


281 - The period of revolution of a certain planet in an orbit of radius R is T. Its period of revolution in an orbit of radius 4R will be:

8 T

282 - The phenomenon of light associated with the appearance of blue colour of the sky is


283 - The Powerhouse of the cell is


284 - The rate of flow of electric charge is measured in


285 - The residue left after extracting juice from sugarbeet and sugarcane is called


286 - The scientist who experimentally proved the existence of positron is


287 - The sharpness of a television image is termed as its


288 - The size of the pupil is controlled by the


289 - The sky appears blue because of

Scattering of light

290 - The smallest unit that is capable of carrying out life functions is known as


291 - The speed of light will be minimum while passing through


292 - The structure of NaCl crystal is

Face centered cubic

293 - The swing of a spinning cricket ball in air can be explained on the basis of

Turbulence caused by wind.

294 - The term biology is derived from the language


295 - The theory of relativity is presented by which scientist

Albert Einstein

296 - The transport of organic substances in plants is through


297 - The trypsinogen is an enzyme secreted by the


298 - The type of mirrors used in the headlamp of cars is

Parabolic concave

299 - The unit of energy in MKS system is


300 - The velocity of the sound is highest in


301 - The water and mineral salts are transported to the various organs by which of the following?


302 - The water pollution in river is measured by the dissolved amount of


303 - The word "Physics" comes from the Greek word


304 - There are how many species of fungi?

80,000 species

305 - Thermal electricity is generated by using which of these ?

Coal, Natural Gas and Petroleum

306 - Thermohaline circulation is mainly due to

Cold, dense ocean water sinking and warmer water replacing it

307 - They substances,which assist enzymes act,are called


308 - Tissue in which cells have lost the capacity of cell division

Permanent tissue

309 - Tracheids are conducting cells of which tissue?


310 - Two electric bulbs marked 25W – 220V and 100W – 220V are connected in series to a 440Vsupply. Which of the bulbs will fuse?

25 W

311 - Two electrons in an orbital are differentiated by which of the following ?

Spin quantum number

312 - Ultraviolet rays can be used in water treatment as


313 - Vehicle tyres are inflated properly

To avoid skidding and to minimise friction

314 - What changes will happen to a bowl of ice and water kept at exactly zero degree Celsius ?

No change will happen

315 - What compound directly provides energy for cellular work?


316 - What frequency range is the high frequency band?

3 to 30 MHz

317 - What is the effect of oversecretion of hormone from pituitary gland?

Increase growth in length

318 - What is the gravity of moon as compared to the Earth

1/6 th of Earth

319 - What is the range of masses involved in the study of Physics?

10-30 kg to 1055 kg

320 - What is Zeolite?

Hydrated Aluminosilicate

321 - What kingdom does Amoeba belong to


322 - What prevents food from entering the windpipe?


323 - What property of matter is momentum related to?

Both A & B

324 - What will happen if an object is dropped from a height and there is no air resistance?

Its speed will increase

325 - When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, which of the following quantities remains constant during its motion?


326 - When a bullet is fired from a gun

The gun recoils with the same momentum as the bullet

327 - When a card placed over a tumbler is flicked with the finger, the coin placed over it falls in the tumbler.

Law of Inertia

328 - When a disease break out and spread from one place to another affecting large number of peoples it is called


329 - When a ship enters the sea from a river

It rises a little

330 - When a steel ball is placed on the surface of mercury, it does not sink because

The density of mercury is greater than that of steel

331 - When cathode rays strike a target of high atomic weight, they give rise to


332 - Where does cellular respiration take place in the cell?


333 - Which among the following is not a connective tissue?


334 - Which bacteria cause the greatest harm in the food industry?


335 - Which blood group is universal acceptor?


336 - Which body part will be effected with the disease leprosy?


337 - Which cells are destroyed in AIDS


338 - Which color deviates highest when passing through a Prism


339 - Which color deviates least when passing through a Prism


340 - Which feature do Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells share


341 - Which is called as triple vaccine?


342 - Which is evidence that supports the dynamo theory?

Earth's core contains a large amount of iron

343 - Which is not an anasthetic agent in surgical operations?


344 - Which law is also called law of inertia ?

Newton first law

345 - Which lobe of human brain is associated with hearing?

Temporal lobe

346 - Which observation proves that a cell is a eukaryote?

It has DNA inside a nucleus

347 - Which of the following acts as promoter for iron in Haber's process?


348 - Which of the following animals shows radial symmetry

Star Fish

349 - Which of the following are known as the suicide bags of cells?


350 - Which of the following blood cells carry oxygen?


351 - Which of the following celestial bodies contains abundant quantities of helium-3, a potential source of energy ?


352 - Which of the following chemicals is used in photography ?

Silver bromide

353 - Which of the following contain enzymes for cellular respiration ?


354 - Which of the following device is best suited for measuring the temperature inside metallurgical furnaces?


355 - Which of the following device is used to measure humidity?


356 - Which of the following disease is caused by female Anopheles mosquito?


357 - Which of the following disease is non-communicable in nature?


358 - Which of the following events occurred first ?

Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory

359 - Which of the following fibres catches fire least ?


360 - Which of the following has no unit?


361 - Which of the following has the largest number of chromosomes?


362 - Which of the following is a renewable source of energy ?

Geothermal power

363 - Which of the following is a result of Surface tension ?

Capillary action

364 - Which of the following is an Abiotic factor?


365 - Which of the following is an example of parasitism?

All of the above

366 - Which of the following is indicated by the colour of a star ?


367 - Which of the following is not a function of saliva?

Contains fluoride to harden the tooth enamel

368 - Which of the following is not a gland?


369 - Which of the following is the fastest communication channel?


370 - Which of the following is the largest digestive gland in humans?


371 - Which of the following is the main compound of voter ink?

Silver nitrate

372 - Which of the following is the major constituent of LPG?


373 - Which of the following is the unit of perceived loudness of sound ?


374 - Which of the following is true of annelids?

They perform gas exchange across their skin

375 - Which of the following is true of enzymes?

Both A & B

376 - Which of the following is used as non-stick coating for cooking utensils?


377 - Which of the following is used in welding broken pieces of iron rails and machine parts?

Aluminium powder

378 - Which of the following is used to make light weight, but strong plastic ?

Polyvinyl Chloride

379 - Which of the following is used to remove rust stains on cloth?

Oxalic acid solution

380 - Which of the following is/are part of the Classical Physics?

Both a and b

381 - Which of the following may cause the breakdown of pyruvate into lactic acid in our muscles?

Lack of Oxygen

382 - Which of the following micro-organism causes diseases like polio and chicken pox?


383 - Which of the following organs do not have blood vessels?


384 - Which of the following phenomenon is considered responsible for Global Warming?

Greenhouse effect

385 - Which of the following processes is used for the production of Biodiesel ?


386 - Which of the following scientific discoveries was made by C.V. Raman?

Inelastic scattering of light by molecules

387 - Which of the following transports water from the roots of the plant to its leaves?

Both xylem and phloem

388 - Which of the following vegetable oils does not contain essential fatty acids ?

Sunflower oil

389 - Which one among the following Indian scientists proposed a theory for long distance transport of water in plants ?

N.S. Parihar

390 - Which one among the following is the hardest part of our body ?

Enamel of teeth

391 - Which one among the following water-borne diseases is not caused by a bacteria ?

Hepatitis A

392 - Which one element has the highest electronegativity value


393 - Which one element has the lowest electronegativity value


394 - Which one is the first organelle to be discovered


395 - Which one is the largest animal phylum


396 - Which one is the largest cells in white blood corpuscles


397 - Which one of the following chemicals helps in fruit ripening?


398 - Which one of the following contributes largely to the ‘green house effect' ?

Water vapour

399 - Which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria and spreads through faecal matter by houseflies ?


400 - Which one of the following is not a genetic disorder ?


401 - Which one of the following is used for dating very old objects of archaeological importance?


402 - Which one of the following is used for sun glasses ?

Crooks glass

403 - Which one of the following minerals is found in Monazite sand ?


404 - Which one of the following processes is responsible for the glittering of air bubble rising through water?

Total internal reflection of light

405 - Which one of the following tissues is responsible for increase of girth in the stem of a plant?

Lateral meristem

406 - Which process requires no energy from the cell?

Both A & B

407 - Which set of conditions represents the easiest way to liquify a gas ?

Low temperature and high pressure

408 - Which statement about capillaries is correct?

Their walls are only one cell thick

409 - Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?


410 - Which variety of coal contains recognisable traces of the original plant material ?


411 - Which, of the following radiations has the least wavelength ?


412 - White blood cell act

As a defence against infection

413 - Who among the following developed the technology of underground nuclear explosion ?

Dr. Homi J. Bhabha

414 - Who among the following is credited for the Corpuscular theory of light?

Isaac Newton

415 - Who among the following is credited to work for the unification of electricity, magnetism and optics field of Physics?

James Clerk Maxwell

416 - Who formulated Cell theory?

Both Schawn and M.J.Scheilden

417 - Who introduced the ""binomial nomenclature"" to name organisms

C. Linnaeus

418 - Who is known as Father of Modern Genetics

Gregor Mendel

419 - Why does a cannon recoil after firing ?

Newton's third law of motion

420 - Why is weightlessness experienced while orbiting the earth in space ships ?

None of these


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