Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 7

1 - ________ reproduces by binary fission.


2 - 1 amu is equivalent to

931 MeV

3 - 1 m/s equals ________ km/hr


4 - A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground. It crosses a point at the height of 25 m twice at an interval of 4 seconds. The ball was thrown with the velocity of

30 m/s

5 - A body is initially moving with a velocity of 5 m/s. It undergoes an acceleration of 2 m/s2 for 4 seconds. Find the displacement (in m) of this body in these 4 seconds.


6 - A bucket of water is hung from a spring balance. A piece of iron is suspended in the water without touching the sides or touching the bottom of the bucket. The reading of the spring balance

Will increase

7 - A cycle tyre bursts suddenly. This represents an :

Adiabatic process

8 - A gap is left between two rails of a railway track to accommodate...... of the metal.

Linear expansion

9 - A gradual increase in loudness is known as


10 - A hunter on the ground wishes to shoot a bird on a tree at a distance with his rifle. He has to point the rifle

At a higher elevation than the bird

11 - A living part of the organisms environment is known as

Biotic Factor

12 - A man standing close to the platform at a railway station experiences a pulling force towards a fast moving train because of ________ .

Pressure difference due to fast moving air in between

13 - A man whose blood group is not known meet with a serious accident and needs blood transfusion immediately. Which one of the blood group mentioned below and readily available in the hospital will be safe for transfusion

O, Rh+

14 - A multicellular organism grows by ________ .

Cell division

15 - A NOT gate can be implemented by:

A single transistor

16 - A particle dropped from the top of a tower uniformly falls on ground at a distance which is equal to the height of tower. Which of the following paths will be traversed by the particle ?


17 - A particle is thrown vertically upward. When it reaches the highest point, it has

A downward acceleration

18 - A person can jump higher on the moon's surface than on the earth because :

The acceleration due to gravity in moon is smaller than that on the earth.

19 - A person standing on a railway platform listens to the whistles of arriving and departing trains. The whistle heard is

Of higher pitch when train arrives

20 - A seed is ripened


21 - A spherical ball made of steel when dropped in mercury container

Will be on the surface of mercury

22 - A system exhibiting S.H.M. must possess

Elasticity as well as inertia

23 - A vacuum cleaner works on the principle of pressure difference. On the moon it will

Not work at all

24 - A/An ________ tissue is formed beneath the skin and between internal organs


25 - After digestion protein is converted into

Amino acid

26 - Air coolers are more suitable for

Hot and dry climate

27 - Air pressure is usually highest when the air is

Cool and moist

28 - Algae and fungi are collectively known as


29 - Alimentary canal runs from mouth to


30 - All sepals collectively constitute a structure termed as


31 - Amoeba belongs to which group


32 - Among the following materials sound travels fastest in


33 - Amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is measured in terms of


34 - An electron microscope gives higher magnification than an optical microscope, because :

The wavelength of electrons is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible light

35 - An expanded basal portion of carpel is called as


36 - An object having the capability to do work is said to possess


37 - An object with a mass of 22 kg moving with a velocity of 5 m/s possesses a kinetic energy of :

275 J

38 - Anaemia is due to deficiency of


39 - Any foreign object that gains entry into the cell is immediately engulfed by the ________ and is completely broken into simple digestible pieces.


40 - At anaphase stage of mitosis in plant cells,interzonal of the spinldle fibres gets transformed into


41 - At which stage in its life cycle does the silkworm yield the fiber of commercial use


42 - Besides Dog, which one is the other animal that can also cause rabies


43 - Beta rays emitted by a radioactive material are

Charged particles emitted by nucleus

44 - Bile produced by


45 - Biological control is to check growth of

One pest by another

46 - Biological membranes are composed of

All of the above

47 - Biological membranes are composed of

60% proteins and 40% lipids

48 - Biology is the scientific study of

Living organisms

49 - Bleeding of gums, falling of teeth, fragile bones and delayed wound healing occur due to the deficiency of which one of the following vitamins?

Vitamin C

50 - Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the wall of


51 - Blowing Air with open pipe is an example of :

Isobaric process

52 - Both food and air travel through the


53 - Branch of agriculture concerned with the production of crops is


54 - Branch of biology which deals with the study of identification, nomenculture and classification of organism is


55 - Capitulum is also given another name


56 - Centre of reflex action

Spinal cord

57 - Cerebro spinal fluid protects


58 - Cerebrum is located in part of brain in/ot

Fore front

59 - Cerebrum is related to


60 - Closely stacked flattened sacs (plants only)

Golgi apparatus

61 - Colon and rectum is a part of

Large Intestine

62 - Copper wires are generally used for electrical power transmission instead of iron wire because :

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than iron

63 - Deficiency of fluoride leads to Which one of the following health problems?

Tooth caries

64 - Digestion of starch in mouth takes place by


65 - Digestion started in man from


66 - Do plant cells have Mitochondria?


67 - Due to temperature variation along a conductor, potential variation occurs along it. This phenomenon is known as

Thomson effect

68 - During uniform motion of an object along a straight line, its ________ remains constant with time.


69 - During which phase centromeres divide and chromatids separate into chromosomes?


70 - During which stage of mitosis does cytokinesis usually occur in animals ?


71 - Each stamen has a slender stalk or filament at the top of which a pollen bearing organ is present


72 - Echo is heard due to


73 - Electrostatic precipitator is used to control the pollution of


74 - Energy is continuously created in the sun due to:

Nuclear fusion

75 - Energy per unit volume is dimensionally equal to


76 - Energy that is produced commercially from coal is called

Thermal energy

77 - Entamoeba Histolytica is a


78 - Enzyme secreted by stomach digests the food but stomach is not digested by this digestive juice because

Wall of stomach is lined with mucus

79 - Enzymes are important because they

Speeds up chemical reactions

80 - Every ecosystem must have


81 - Female reproductive hormones is

All of these

82 - Flight Recorder is technically called :

Black box

83 - Floridian starch is characteristic energy storage material of which algae?

Red algae

84 - For an ideal gas, which one of the following statements does not hold true?

The speed of all gas molecules is same

85 - For which of the following game, players must have the knowledge of Pascal's law?

Scuba diving

86 - For which one of the following, ''Diodes" are generally used for?


87 - Formula for distance is

Speed x time

88 - Fuse wire is made of an alloy of

Tin and Lead

89 - Goosebumps are caused by contractions of the


90 - Growth hormone is secreted form


91 - Heat energy is transferred by conduction whenever molecules

Collide each other

92 - Heat transfer horizontally within the atmosphere is called


93 - Homeostasis is the condition in which the body maintains

A relatively stable internal environment within limits

94 - How many daughter cells are formed after the completion mitosis?


95 - How many daughter cells reproduces after the completion of Meiosis II?

4 daughter cells

96 - Hydro-electric power is a:

Renewable natural resource

97 - If an empty cylinder is half filled with a liquid, its center of gravity is

Shifted downwards

98 - If the distance between Sun and Earth becomes double, then the gravitational force on Earth will be

One Fourth

99 - If the earth suddenly stop rotating, the value of "g" will be


100 - If the velocity-time graph of a particle is represented by y = mt + c, then the particle is moving with

Constant acceleration

101 - If we want to calculate the pressure of a liquid at the bottom of a vessel, the quantity which is not required to determine it, is

Surface area of the bottom of the vessel

102 - In a diesel engine the high temperature needed to ignite the fuel is achieved by

Compressing air in the cylinders

103 - In a magnetic field, the direction of motion of a current carrying conductor is given by

Flemings left hand rule

104 - In a optical fibre cable, the signal is propagated along the

Inner Core

105 - In a railway track, two rails are joined end to end with a gap in between them because

Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided

106 - In all arthropods,the body is covered with a chittinous cuticle which is secreted by the


107 - In Animal Kingdom classification, which of the following is not a Phylum?


108 - In autotrophic bacteria, where is chlorophyll located?

In the infolded plasma membrane

109 - In birds, some of the vertebrae are fused to form


110 - In coelentrates mesderm give rise to

Circulatory System

111 - In cross section each centriole consists of a cylindrical array of how many microtubules?


112 - In how many parts is the human brain divided?


113 - In Pedology we study about


114 - In plants,which cells carry out photosynthesis?


115 - In radio-communication, the signals emitted by transmitting antenna are reflected on


116 - In the absence of the earth's atmosphere, sky would appear


117 - In the electrical circuit of a house, the fuse acts as

A safety device

118 - In the human body which sturcture is the appendix attached to

Large intestine

119 - In what chief capacity does vitamin k function?

Blood clot

120 - In which form is the supplied heat energy stored during change in temperature of substance?

Kinetic energy

121 - In which of the following processes is energy released ?


122 - In which of these mitosis is missing and the cell divided by binary fission?


123 - Increased wind speed is accompanied by a reduced air ________


124 - Indicate the correct arrangement for electromagnetic radiation in order of their increasing wavelength.

X - rays, infrared, visible, microwave

125 - Infection of salivary glands by a virus leads to


126 - Inside an aeroplane, flying at a high altitude,

normal atmospheric pressure is maintained by the use of air pumps.

127 - Instrument used to study the behaviour of a vibrating string is :


128 - Intensity of sound at a point is ____ its distance from the source.

inversely proportional to square of

129 - It is an oxygen carrying protein of red colour concentrated in red blood cells.


130 - It is easier to carry two buckets of water in one hand each, than to carry only one in one hand because

Centre of gravity and centre of equilibrium fall within the feet

131 - It is the study of internal organs of organisms.


132 - Jaundice in human beings is the result of

Incomplete metabolism of bilirubin

133 - Karl Landsteiner discovered

Blood groups

134 - Kilowatt-hour is the unit of :


135 - Lacrymal glands are situated in the

Buccal cavity

136 - Lamberts law is related to


137 - Lens is made up of which glass

Flint glass

138 - Lichens are the best indicator of

Air pollution

139 - Lightning is caused due to

Electric discharge

140 - Longest artery found in the body of human


141 - Longest bone found in which part of human body?


142 - Longitudinal waves cannot travel through


143 - Loudness of sound depends on


144 - Magnetic keepers are used to protect magnets from :


145 - Malaria is more common in

Tropical areas

146 - Man perceives sound vibrations in the frequency ranges of

20 – 20000 Hz

147 - Marsupial Kangaroo is


148 - Maximum fixation of solar energy is done by

Green plants

149 - Megahertz is a measurement of


150 - Middle latitude cyclones are fueled by?

Air high in the atmosphere

151 - Mitochondria are also known as

Power house of the cell

152 - Moment of inertia is:


153 - Most Important gland of human body is


154 - Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is

Bound to hemoglobin

155 - Moving electric charge produces :

Magnetic field

156 - Name the part of neuron where information is acquired.


157 - Name the process of production of energy in the Sun

Nuclear fusion

158 - Night Blindness is caused by deficiency of which of the following Vitamin?

Vitamin A

159 - Nitrogenous Food is


160 - Noise is measured in


161 - Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named


162 - Number of chamber found in human heart is


163 - Octopus belongs to the phylum


164 - Octopus is

A molluscs

165 - Of the following natural phenomena, tell which one known in Sanskrit as 'deer's thirst'?


166 - Of the four locations mentioned below the highest inside temperature will be attained in the pressure cooker operated with the pressure valve open

at a place in a valley below sea level

167 - On a cold day when a room temperature is 15oC, the metallic cap of a pen becomes much colder than its plastic body, though both are at the same temperature of 15oC, because

metals are good conductor of heat

168 - One thousand microns is equal to


169 - Ophthalmology is the branch of science in which we study about


170 - Organisms that feed on the excreta of other organisms are called


171 - Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named


172 - Part of the plant where photosynthesis generally occurs


173 - Pathology is the branch of science which deal with the study of

All of them

174 - Pellagra and Scurvy are caused by which pair of vitamin deficiency respectively ________

VitaminB-12 and VitaminC

175 - Permissible noise level at Residential area during night time is :

45 dB (A)

176 - Photosynthesis fulfills which of the following requirements of the autotrophic organisms?I. CarbonII. WaterIII. Energy

I and III

177 - Pitot tube is used to measure

Stagnation pressure

178 - Pollen is produced by the process of


179 - Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are


180 - Prokaryotic cells lack

All the above

181 - Propagation of sound can be visualised as propagation of ________ variations in the medium


182 - Proton carry a

Positive Charge

183 - Radian is used to measure


184 - Radio telescopes are better than optical telescopes because

All of the above

185 - Rain drops fall from great height. Which among the following statements is true regarding it?

They fall with that ultimate velocity, which are different for different droplets

186 - Reading of a barometer going down is an indication of


187 - Refrigeration is a process which

Slows down the bacterial growth

188 - Remote-sensing device has an inbuilt source of

Infrared ray

189 - Ribosomes are produced in the


190 - Root pressure is developed in


191 - Scientist who is known as father of Botany


192 - Secondary consumers are eaten by larger


193 - Sexual reproduction in Algae that takes place through fusion of two dissimilar size gametes is called?


194 - Silviculture is the branch of botany in which we study about

Development of forest

195 - Skating on ice is possible because

The pressure on the ice due to skate melts the ice by lowering its melting point forming a thin film of water

196 - Small bubbles are perfectly spherical because of

Surface tension

197 - Smallest cell in human body is


198 - Solar cells work on the principle of

Photovoltaic effect

199 - Some of the conifers in our northern areas include

All of the above

200 - Sound becomes hazardous noise pollution at decibels?

Above 120 db

201 - Sound is heard over longer distances on rainy days because

Sound travels faster in moist air

202 - Sound travels with a different speed in media. In what order does the velocity of sound increase in these media?

Air, water and iron

203 - Statement which is true about bacteria ?

Most of them are heterotrophs but some are autotrophs

204 - Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is not useful for the treatment of which one of the following ailments ?

Vision impairment

205 - Study of blood is called


206 - Study of internal structure of organism iscalled


207 - Study of process of ageing


208 - Study of pulse and arterial blood pressure is called


209 - Study of typical behaviour of organisms in their natural habitat is called


210 - Submerged objects can be located using


211 - Sweating is important

To control the temperature of body

212 - Taken together the petals constitute


213 - Temperature of distant luminous bodies can be determined by


214 - Tensional forces normally cause which one of the following?

Normal faults

215 - The audio signals of TV are

Frequency modulated

216 - The basic unit of the nervous system is the


217 - The best conductor of electricity among the following is :


218 - The biofertilizer used or the paddy crops is

Blue-green algae

219 - The bone tibia is found in


220 - The cell wall of plants is generally made up of cellulose and is differently structured then that of a


221 - The different colours of different stars are due to the variation of


222 - The dimension of Planck constant equals to that of

Angular momentum

223 - The dimensional formula for universal gravitational constant is


224 - The DNA of the bacterium is found present in a distinct nuclear region called


225 - The earth-wire of a cable is connected to

The fuse of the appliance

226 - The energy in most ecosystems comes from


227 - The energy stored in photosynthesis is obtained from


228 - The enzyme found in saliva


229 - The enzyme which take part in digestion of milk protein is


230 - The final image in a simple microscope is

Virtual, magnified and erect

231 - The first heart transplantation was performed by

Dr. C. Barnard

232 - The force between charged particles is called as:

Electromagnetic Force

233 - The force exerted by a magnet is an example of ________

Non-contact force

234 - The force that keeps a body in a circular motion called

The centripetal force

235 - The function of nucleolus is the synthesis of


236 - The gas released during the photosynthesis by the green plants is


237 - The genotype of a plant showing a dominant phenotype can be determined by


238 - The GPS device in an automobile uses which communication channel?


239 - The group of pistals or carpels is collectively spoken off as a


240 - The group of solar cells joined together in a definite pattern is called a

Solar cell panel

241 - The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of :

Pascal's law

242 - The illuminating powers of two sources are compared by

A photometer

243 - The impurity atoms with which silicon should be doped to make p-type semiconductors are


244 - The innermost part of a flower is known as


245 - The instrument which uses sound waves to measure the depth of oceans is


246 - The kilo calories of energy released from one gram of fats is


247 - The kingdom Protista is primarily made up of organisms that are

Eukaryotic and single-celled

248 - The large collection of stars, dust and gas held together by gravitational attraction between components is known as


249 - The largest artery in human body is


250 - The law of conservation of energy states that

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

251 - The Law of Kepler is related with which among the following ?

Planetary Motion

252 - The light rays used for eliminating bacteria is

Ultra-violet radiation

253 - The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope can be decreased by

Increasing the focal length of the eyepiece

254 - The mass defect is the result of what action occurring?

Mass being converted to energy when protons and neutrons bind together in a nucleus

255 - The motion of a freely falling body is an example of ________ accelerated motion.


256 - The motion of the wheels of a bullock-cart while moving on the road is an example of

Translatory and rotatory motion

257 - The nature of fuse wire is

High resistance and low melting point.

258 - The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is


259 - The optical phenomenon that is primarily responsible for the observation of rainbow on a rainy day is


260 - The outermost layer of skin is


261 - The plant body not differentiated into root,shoot and stem is termed


262 - The rate at which energy is transferred is called


263 - The recoiling of gun is an example of which of the following?

Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum

264 - The science related with the study of living


265 - The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places is

Thomas Alva Edison

266 - The sea horse belongs to the class of


267 - The sensation of weightlessness in a spacecraft in an orbit is due to the

Acceleration in the orbit which is equal to the acceleration due to gravity outside

268 - The shape of chromosome is clearly visible at


269 - The SI unit of luminous emittance is :


270 - The smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system is


271 - The sound produced by a bat is–


272 - The stage of mitosis at which chromatids separate as independent chromosomes is the


273 - The study of flower is known as


274 - The study of microrganisms is termed as


275 - The teeth lacking in Herbivorous animals is


276 - The temperature danger zone for food is

5 - 63 deg

277 - The term ''equinox' means

When the day and night are of equal duration

278 - The terminal part of the carpel in a flower, which may be sticky is ________


279 - The transport phenomenon occurs only in ________ state of a gas and is ________

Equilibrium, irreversible

280 - The unit of measurement of noise is


281 - The velocity of sound is more in


282 - The velocity required to place a vehicle in orbit around the moon is ________ that required to place it in orbit round the earth.

Less than

283 - The wave of theory of light is based on

Huyghens' principle

284 - The waveform of a certain signal can be studied by


285 - The wavelength of a wave is the distance between

Both B & C

286 - The weight of the brain in the total weight of the body is about


287 - The width of depletion layer of a P-N junction

Is increased under reverse bias

288 - The working of a rocket is based on the principle of:

Conservation of momentum

289 - Theilreia parva causes infection in


290 - Their cells have a very well defined nucleus ,in which nuclear material (chromosomes or DNA)is enclosed in double nuclear membrane.


291 - There are certain bacteria which can fix atmospheric gas named


292 - There are extremely diverse group of organisms


293 - There is no bacteria activity in which of the following process?

Ripening of cheese

294 - Thermocouple consists of

Two dissimilar metals

295 - They are considered to be the most primitive and are surely the first of the vertebrates

Jawless fishes

296 - They are double membrane structures that are commonly oval or disc shaped.


297 - They are probably the simplest and the smallest living organisms possessing cellular organisation .


298 - They play a central role in the making of dairy products such as butter ,cheese,yogurt etc.


299 - Through Nitrogen fixation process nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into


300 - To open a door easily, the handle should be fixed

None of these

301 - Total Number of bone found in child


302 - Velocitation is the tendency to

Be traveling at a speed that is faster than perceived

303 - Virus range in size from

2 nm to 300 nm

304 - Virus was discovered by


305 - Water boils at a lower temperature on the hills because

There is a decrease in air pressure on the hills

306 - Water has maximum density at


307 - Water molecules enter plant epidermal cells by


308 - We feel cool when we sit near the fan, this is because

Air vapourises the sweat on our body.

309 - What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not?


310 - What does stomach acid mostly consist of

Hydrochloric Acid

311 - What does the central nervous system consists of?

All the above

312 - What is a neuron ?

Basic unit of nervous system

313 - What is another name for energy of motion?

Kinetic energy

314 - What is the change in the angular momentum of a system as per the Law of Conservation of Angular momentum, if the total external torque acting is zero?

Remains constant

315 - What is the range of Strong Nuclear force?

Very short Nuclear size

316 - What Is The Study Of Cells Called

Both B & C

317 - What is the unit of the physical quantity Entropy?

Joule per kelvin

318 - What process accounts for species diversity?


319 - When a person sitting on a swing stands up on the swing, the frequency of oscillation


320 - When a strong beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution, the light will

Be scattered

321 - When hot-water is sprinkled on a hotter glass tumbler, it breaks because

Glass suddenly contracts

322 - When the concentration of water and solutes on either side of the cell membrane is same, the solution is said to be


323 - When water freezes its density


324 - Where are chromatids found in a cell?


325 - Where are Enzymes found?

Human body

326 - Where does digestion of protein begin?


327 - Where does most digestion take place?

Small intestine

328 - Which alternative energy source is exhaustible?

Geothermal energy

329 - Which among the following is false about displacement?

It is always positive

330 - Which among the following is the fundamental quantity ?


331 - Which blood group is a universal recipient?


332 - Which cell feature is responsible for making proteins?


333 - Which electromagnetic radiation is used for satellite communication ?


334 - Which event occurs during interphase?

The cell grows

335 - Which has the lowest albedo?

Dark surfaces

336 - Which is a homologous chromosome pair?


337 - Which is the basic structural as well as functional unit for all organisms?


338 - Which letter indicates systolic pressure?


339 - Which measurement depends on gravitational force?


340 - Which microscope is often used to view metal surfaces?

Scanning tunneling microscopes

341 - Which of the following acts as an insulator against heat, cold and as a shock-absorber in the body ?

Subcutaneous fat layer

342 - Which of the following are methods of heat transfer?


343 - Which of the following can be a symptom of AIDS?


344 - Which of the following cannot be used for making lenses?


345 - Which of the following crops would be preffered for sowing in order to enrich the soil with nitrogen?


346 - Which of the following does not have any enzymes in its cells?


347 - Which of the following does not have blood but undergoes respiration ?


348 - Which of the following gas is necessary for the process of photosynthesis?


349 - Which of the following has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma rays

350 - Which of the following is a fresh water sponge ?


351 - Which of the following is a mixed gland


352 - Which of the following is a Non Renewable Resource of Energy?

Natural Gas

353 - Which of the following is a renewable resource of energy?

All of the above

354 - Which of the following is an Autotroph?


355 - Which of the following is an endocrine gland?

Reproductive glands

356 - Which of the following is correct about the properties of Gravitational Forces?

They observe inverse square law

357 - Which of the following is not a digestive enzyme in the human system?


358 - Which of the following is not a function of proteins?

Store and transmit Heredity

359 - Which of the following is not a property of heavy water ?

Boiling point of heavy water is lower than that or ordinary water

360 - Which of the following is not a valid conservation law of classical physics?

Law of conservation of current

361 - Which of the following is not reversible?

Joule effect

362 - Which of the following is not the part of digestive system ?


363 - Which of the following is not true of colour blindness?

A colour blind person cannot see any colours

364 - Which of the following is nucessary for digestion of food ?


365 - Which of the following is preferred for accelerating electrons?


366 - Which of the following is the largest gland in human body?


367 - Which of the following is true about blood plasma?

It is about 90% water

368 - Which of the following is true about bryophytes

All of these

369 - Which of the following is used for regulated electric supply ?

Zener diode

370 - Which of the following liquids is most viscous?


371 - Which of the following occurred first ?

Guglielmo Marconi sent out the first wireless signals

372 - Which of the following organelle is known as the 'Power House' of the cell?


373 - Which of the following pair is Incorrect? I. Parsec - Distance II. Barrel - Liquid III. Light year - Time

Only III

374 - Which of the following plants have root nodules?

Leguminous plants

375 - Which of the following plants produce only seeds but no fruit?


376 - Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis?


377 - Which of the following plays an important role in photosynthesis?


378 - Which of the following property of sound is affected by change in air temperature?


379 - Which of the following uses a Non Renewable Energy Source?

Nuclear Power Plant

380 - Which of the following vitamin helps in clotting of blood?

Vitamin K

381 - Which of these is exhibiting kinetic energy?

A space station orbiting Earth

382 - Which of these plants grow in an environment that is neither very wet nor very dry?


383 - Which of these statements is true of the kingdom protista?

All are eukaryotic

384 - Which of these waves can be polarized ?

Light waves

385 - Which one among the following cell organelles is semi-permeable ?


386 - Which one is the largest gland of human body


387 - Which one is the longest bone in human body


388 - Which one is the longest part of the alimentary canal

Small Intestine

389 - Which one of the following animals can hear ultrasonic sound ?


390 - Which one of the following has a bilateral symmetry in its body organization?


391 - Which one of the following is a digestive hormone


392 - Which one of the following is a hereditary disease ?


393 - Which one of the following is a non-dimensional quantity?


394 - Which one of the following is applicable to collision-coalescence process of precipitation?

Clouds which do not extend beyond the freezing level

395 - Which one of the following is not a property of electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves do not show interference and diffraction.

396 - Which one of the following physical quantities has the same dimensions as that of Planck's constant?

Angular momentum

397 - Which one of the following processes takes place in lakes during eutrophication?

Excessive entry of nutrient into water

398 - Which one of the following wavelengths of light is most effective in photosynthesis ?


399 - Which one of the waves have the longest wavelength


400 - Which organelle are involved in the manufacture and supply of energy to the cell?


401 - Which organelles supply energy to the cell?


402 - Which part of brain controls fine movement, maintains balance and equilibrium of the body and muscle tone in a human being ?


403 - Which part of human eye controls the amount of light entering the eye


404 - Which phase's intiationis indicated by the appearance of the chromosomes as thin threads in the nucleus?


405 - Which phenomenon is responsible for the echo of sound wave?


406 - Which planet has the lowest density?


407 - Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere?


408 - Which statement describes decomposers?

Decomposers are those organisms that recycle matter in the ecosystem

409 - Which statement is one component of the cell theory?

All living cells arise from pre-existing cells

410 - Which structure is specific to eukaryotic cells?


411 - Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation ?

Fission reaction

412 - Which Virus causes Chicken Pox?

Herpes Zoster Virus

413 - Which waves cannot be transmitted through vacuum?


414 - Who among the following gave the Uncertainty principle?

Werner Heisenberg

415 - Who discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT?

Paul Muller

416 - Who is known as the 'father of quantum theory'?

Max Planck

417 - Who of the following is known as the Father of Biology?


418 - Who was the discoverer of human blood groups ?


419 - Why does'nt the hydrogen atom emit X-rays?

Its energy levels are very close to each other

420 - Wind and solar energy are examples of



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