Everyday Science The Most Important MCQs Repeated in PPSC || FPSC || KPSC || BPSC || SPSC Job Tests Set # 3

1 - A canyon is a large form of ________?


2 - Adult human brain is about_________% of the total body weight.


3 - Dialysis is used for the treatment of__________?

Kidney failure

4 - Jupiter has ________ known moons.


5 - The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is ?

Sodium Chloride

6 - Which of the following Rays are more Penetrating?

Gamma rays

7 - Air contains maximum amount of__________?


8 - Cusec is a unit of _________?

None of these

9 - The fluid part of blood is known as __________?


10 - Nephology is study of_____________?


11 - Radioactivity was discovered by __________?


12 - The biggest planet in our solar system is___________?


13 - What is it called when the Earth is closest to the sun _____________?


14 - Ombrophobia is fear of____________?


15 - The deepest place on earth is ____________?

Mariana Trench

16 - The Reason for a Swimming Pool to appear Less Deep than the actual depth is__________?


17 - What is the average adult pulse rate?


18 - Which type of motions are present in solid?


19 - 1 BTU(British thermal unit) is equal to___________?

1055 joules

20 - A reptile with a four-chambered heart is______________?


21 - â€Å“Rancidity produced in butter can be decreased by adding quinoline to the butter”. This statements shows that _______________?

Quinoline is an inhibitor

22 - As a result of which treaty, ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly healing?

 Montreal protocol

23 - At what time of day is the relative humidity normally at a minimum ________________ ?

When the air temperature is highest

24 - Bore is caused by______?

Rising tide while meeting river currents

25 - Calcium sulphate is known as__________?

Gypsum salt

26 - Circadian Rhythm refers to _____________?

Human body cycles

27 - CT Scan stand for__________?

Computed Tomography Scan

28 - Dengue Fever is also called___________?

Breakbone Fever

29 - Deuterium differs from Hydrogen in having:

Same atomic number and different atomic weight

30 - Disolved oxygen (DO) in water should be?

 4 to 5 ppm

31 - Epsom salt is chemically known as_________?

Magnesium Sulfate

32 - For which one of the following is the density maximum?


33 - Founder of modern astronomy was _________________?

Nicolas Copernicus

34 - Fuzzy logic is a part of_________________?

Computer science

35 - Glass is made of the mixture of______________?

Sand and Silicates

36 - Gulf streams are caused by__________.

Ocean Pressure

37 - How does smoking cigarettes impact the red blood cells?

Decreases their ability to carry oxygen

38 - Human beings use _______ liters of pure oxygen per day.


39 - Human bone does not contain_________?


40 - Humans can hear in the range of ______ to _______Hertz (Hz).?

 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

41 - If you have â€Å“caries” then which doctor you have consult?


42 - In 2013, Planck measured the age of the universe at ___________?

13.82 billion years

43 - In general, Comets have __________ orbits

Highly elliptical

44 - In human osmoregulation takes place by___________?


45 - In the Composition of the earth, Aluminum is _______________?


46 - Microphone converts sound energy into ___________?

Electrical signals

47 - Montreal Protocol 1987 was__________?

 Treaty to protect ozone layer

48 - Night vision is possible with the help of ___________?

Infrared Rays

49 - Oil of vitriol is_________?

Sulfuric acid

50 - Periodontics deals with _____________?


51 - Pressure is measured by_________?


52 - Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on ___________?


53 - Rusting of Iron involves_______________?


54 - Sensitive layer of the eye is?


55 - Sound travels_______ in solid materials then liquid?


56 - The alcohol used in the preparation of dynamite is________?


57 - The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called _____________?

The Frigid Zone

58 - The atmospheric greenhouse effect is produced mainly by the __________________?

Absorption and re-emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere

59 - The element used in lead pencils is__________?


60 - The final phase of a star's evolution is determined by the star's:


61 - The instrument which i specially design for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph which measure earth quake waves on a ____________?

Richter scale

62 - The main culprit of greenhouse effect is Carbon dioxide. But which is the second element contributing most to greenhouse effect

 Methane (CH4)

63 - The major ingredient of leather is__________________?


64 - The metal, which is a constituent of vitamin B12 is____________?


65 - The most abundant element in the Earth's crust is __________?


66 - The Planet of the solar system which has Maximum number of moons is___________?


67 - The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is_________?


68 - The reaction between methane and chlorine in diffused sunlight is__________?

Radical substitution

69 - The strength of wave action depends on all these EXCEPT:

Currents in the sea

70 - The Sun is a __________?


71 - The temperature of the dead body is_______________?

Temperature of the place where it is kept

72 - The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for______________?

Polyvinyl chloride

73 - The type of glass used in making lenses and prism is___________?


74 - The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due to the presence of____________?

 Nitrogen dioxide

75 - Twinkling of stars is caused by ?

refraction of light

76 - What â€Å“Enrico Fermi” invented?

Nuclear reactor

77 - What amount of fats give energy of 9.3 K Calories?

1.0 gram

78 - What is the addictive drug in tobacco ______________?


79 - What is the average weight of Human Heart?

300 gram

80 - What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterogeneous normal ?


81 - Which creature is the symbol of Medicine?


82 - Which element is used as moderator in nuclear reactor?

Heavy water

83 - Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus ?

Injection of heroine

84 - Which Gas is included in Fry Chips Packets for safety?

Nitrogen gas

85 - Which of the following chemicals is not found in tobacco smoke?

Nail polish remover

86 - Which of the following conditions related to smoking involves damage to the alveoli sacs?


87 - Which of the following in the human body is affected by leukemia?


88 - Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism?

Over production

89 - Which of the following is the hardest substance?


90 - Which of the following regulates the Metabolism Of Sugar?


91 - Which of the statements to about the Troposphere is not true?

It is about 350 km thick

92 - Which of these is not a Metamorphic rock?


93 - Which one of the following is also called Stranger Gas?


94 - Which Planet is Called Great Red Spot?


95 - Why normal rain is slightly acidic?

carbon dioxide and water in clouds react to form carbonic acid

96 - "God Particle" is

Higgs Boson

97 - A body can escape the gravitational pull of the earth if it is thrown up with a velocity of?

7 miles per sec

98 - A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________?


99 - A fresh egg when placed in salt water will


100 - A lake starts freezing because of the cold atmosphere. It will first freeze

At the bottom

101 - A light ray travelling from denser to rarer medium at an angle of incidence more than critical angle of concerned media pair suffers.

Total internal reflection

102 - A multimeter is used to measure

All of the above

103 - A nuclear reactor is a device used to carry out controlled nuclear reaction whereas GM counter is a device used to detect?

Nuclear Radiation

104 - A parachute descends slowly whereas a stone dropped from the same height falls rapidly, because

A parachute has a larger surface area and air resistance is more

105 - A person does some work of 1,000 J in 2 s. His power will be ________


106 - A photostat machine works on

Electrostatic image making

107 - A small gap is left at the joints of rails in a railway track to

Avoid the tracks being distorted due to seasonal temperature variation

108 - Acetylcholine is

Chemical transmitter

109 - Amoeba is ________ in nutrition


110 - An astronaut inside a spacecraft is in a state of weightlessness. This implies that?

The astronaut and the spacecraft are both in a free-failing state

111 - An instrument that records earthquakes is


112 - An integrated circuit is more advantages than a coventional circuit because

All the above

113 - Animals who have constant body temperature are


114 - At night, Plants intake __________ and release __________?

Oxygen – Carbon dioxide

115 - Blood group which have no antibodies


116 - Blood is red in colour due to the presence of ________


117 - Blood leaving lung, is rich in


118 - Branch of science which deal with the study of causative agent of disease is


119 - Burns caused by steam are much severe than those caused by boiling water because

Steam has latent heat

120 - By complete oxidation of glucose number of ATP molecule formed is


121 - Cells with similar markers stick together and function as


122 - Circuit breaker usually operate under

Transient state of short-circuit current

123 - Cold blooded animals are known as


124 - Cretinism is due to the disorder of the glands


125 - Danger signals are generally red as red light

Undergoes least deviation

126 - Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________?

Night blindness

127 - Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________?


128 - Deficiency of which of the following causes non-clotting of blood?

Vitamin K

129 - Dolly is the name of the ?

First cloned sheep

130 - Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of __________?

Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force

131 - Dr. Birbal Sahni; a famous Indian botanist is concerned with ________ studies.


132 - During which phase or phase of cell division,the morphology of the chromosomes is best studies?


133 - During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads.


134 - Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.

15,000 to 20,000

135 - Eddy current is generated by


136 - Endocrine glands are also known as

Ductless gland

137 - Enzymes are produced by

Exocrine glands

138 - Equator passes through one of these countries___________?


139 - Flywheel is an important part of a steam engine because it :

Helps the engine in keeping the speed uniform

140 - For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________?


141 - For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, is Newton's

Third law

142 - Gamma rays can cause

Gene mutation

143 - Gas thermometers are more sensitive than the liquid thermometers because the gases

Have large coefficient of expansion

144 - Ginger is a stem and not a root because

It has nodes and internodes

145 - Goitre is caused by the deficiency of ________


146 - GPS is an abbreviation for?

Global Positioning System

147 - Grassland with scattered tree is known as


148 - Green house effect is the heating up of the Earth's atmosphere which is due to

The infra-red rays

149 - Gymnosperms are characterized by the

Absence of seeds

150 - Haemoglobin is an important component of


151 - Heat stored in water vapour is

Latent heat

152 - Hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying substance in red blood cells, is a


153 - How long does the earth take to cover 1° longitude?

4 Minutes

154 - How many meters in one mile?


155 - If the phase difference between two points is 120° for a wave with velocity of 360 m/s and frequency 500 Hz, then path difference between the two points is

24 cm

156 - If the temperature of a place increases suddenly, the relative humidity


157 - In a bisexual flower if androcium and gynoecium mature at different time the phenomeon is known as ________


158 - In a healthy person rate of heart beat on one minute is

72 times

159 - In a refrigerator what produces the cooling ?

None of these

160 - In a refrigerator, the cooling system should always be

At the bottom

161 - In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?

Sea water

162 - In a water lifting electric pump, we convert

Electrical energy into Potential energy

163 - In beta decay what is emitted?


164 - In humans , most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the ?

Small intestine

165 - In mirrors the back surface is coated with a thin layer of :


166 - In plants cells,which structure provides a definite shape to the cell and makes it right?

Cell wall

167 - In severe winter, in cold countries water pipes burst because

Water expands on freezing

168 - In uniform circular motion, the linear velocity is perpendicular to

Radius vector

169 - In which of the following stages of silkworm, silk is secreted


170 - It is a the process which converts a single celled zygote into a great number of cells,which then differentiate into tissues.


171 - It is commonly found in the bottom tidal pools?


172 - Jellyfish belongs to which phylum


173 - Lactometer is a type of Hydrometer which is used to measure the specific gravity of _________?


174 - Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements ?

Nitrogen + Oxygen

175 - Lightning heats the surrounding air to

30000 deg Cent

176 - Longest bone found in man


177 - Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens?


178 - Magnifying power of a simple microscope can be increased by ?

Decreasing focal length of the lens

179 - Medulla oblongata is a part of which of the following?


180 - Metaphase is followed by the next phase of mitosis called


181 - Mica is used in electrical appliances such as electric iron because mica is

a good conductor of heat but a bad conductor of electricity

182 - Milk contains water


183 - Monocot root differs from dicot root in having

well developed pith

184 - Most abundant tissues of our body are


185 - Most common disease of poultry in India is


186 - Most fish do not sink in water because of the presence of:I. swim bladderII. air bladderIII. air sacsIV. air in spongy bones

I and II are correct

187 - Most of the enzymes are


188 - Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called


189 - Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

active transport

190 - Movements due to light are shown by

flowering plants

191 - Mumps is a disease caused by


192 - Muscular wall of the heart is externally covered by


193 - Mycology is the branch of botany in which we study about


194 - Mycology is the branch of botany in which we study about


195 - Myopia is a defect of Human eye. it can be corrected by using a lens called?

Concave lens

196 - Myopia is connected with


197 - N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due to

nitrogen cycle

198 - Name the blood cells in which nucleus is absent.

Blood Platelets

199 - Natural radioactivity was discovered by

Henri Becquerel

200 - Neurospora is used as genetic material because

it has short life cycle of 10 days

201 - Newton's first law of motion gives the concept of


202 - Night blindness is cause by lack of which vitamin?

Vitamin A

203 - Night photography and photopraphy in mist and fog are possible using

Infra-red radiation

204 - Nitrogen fixation process in the soil is done by


205 - Norepinephrine increases

blood pressure

206 - Nuclear Fission is caused by the impact of


207 - Number of chromosomes in down's syndrome is


208 - Nymph is the name of young one of


209 - O2 released in the process of photosynthesis comes from


210 - Of the following taxonomic categories which is the most inclusive (i.e. is the highest in hierarchy)?


211 - On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment?


212 - On which of the following techniques photostate machine works ?

Electrostatic Image—Making

213 - One bar is equal to

105 Pa

214 - One gram of carbohydrates give energy of the amount?

4.1 K Calories

215 - One nanometer is equal to:


216 - One of the following is a water soluble vitamin?


217 - One of the following is most suitable for study of mutations


218 - One Torr is equivalent to how many mm of Mercury?

1 mm

219 - Organic Substances which, in very small amounts, control growth and development called


220 - Organisms need Nutrients in order to

Breaking down food

221 - Osmosis is the flow of solution from higher concentration to a solution of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane. What is incorrect in this statement?

The flow of solution is not possible through semi permeable membrane

222 - Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of


223 - Our major foods, fibres, spices, fruits and beverage crops are

flowering plants

224 - Our skin, when exposed to excess sunlight, becomes dark. This is because of our skin pigments called


225 - Out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in a cell membrane, what is true?

Carbohydrates are minimum

226 - Outer covering of virus made up of protein is


227 - Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________?

Loss of Electrons

228 - Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named


229 - Pancreas secretes

All of the above

230 - Phloem is a tissue found in


231 - Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?

Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts

232 - Photosynthesis is a process

reductive, endergonic and anabolic

233 - Phycology is the branch of botany in which we study about


234 - Pigmentation of skin is due to


235 - Pipelines in cold countries often burst in winter, because

Water freezes and expands in its volume

236 - Pituitary gland is situated in


237 - Placenta is the structure formed

by the union of foetal and uterine tissue

238 - Planets are

non-luminous heavenly bodies

239 - Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement of curvature known as


240 - Plant have ____ while animals lack it.


241 - Plants are killed in winter by frost

because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues

242 - Plants developing in dry conditions are


243 - Plants growing on sand are called as


244 - Plants hormone that induces cell division is


245 - Plants synthesis protein from

amino acids

246 - Plants that grow in saline water are called


247 - Plants which grow on saline soils are known as


248 - Polio is caused by


249 - Potato is a modified form (outgrowth) of:


250 - Pressure Cooker cooks faster because

Higher temperature is attained for cooking

251 - Primary phloem develops from

provascular tissue

252 - Produces a usable form of energy for the cell


253 - Prothrombin which helps in clotting of blood is released by

blood platelets

254 - Pulses are a good source of


255 - Pyorrhoea is a disease of the


256 - Quality of transmission depends upon

Both (A) and (B)

257 - Radioactivity is a phenomenon of the spontaneous emission of

All of the above

258 - Radiocarbon dating technique is used to estimate the age of


259 - Radish is a

modified root

260 - Railway tracks are banked on curves so that

Necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the weight of the train

261 - Rain water helps to increase the ____ to some extent.

calcium contents

262 - Rainbow is produced when sunlight fall on drops of rain. Which of the following physical phenomena are responsible for this? I.Diffusion II.Refraction III.Internal reflection

II and III

263 - Ramapithecus and Cro-Magnon man are considered

ancestors of modern man

264 - Rhinitis is the disease that effects which body part?


265 - Saliva contains__________?


266 - Select the correct statement about active and passive immunity.

Active and passive humoral immunity are both mechanisms of adaptive immunity that use antibodies

267 - Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in __________.


268 - Should cars have bumpers that collapse under impact?

Yes, since they help to absorb the impact of a collision and keep the occupants safe

269 - Study of ductless gland is called


270 - Study of Soil is called__________?


271 - Sugar is a component of which of the following?


272 - Tape recorder should not be kept near one of the following things :


273 - Th suitable conditions in which the rate of evaporation occurs more fastly are

Low humidity and high temperature

274 - The atmosphere of moon consists of______________?

60% Nitrogen, 40%inert gases

275 - The atmospheric air is held to the Earth by :


276 - The audible sounds that heart are made by the closing of the


277 - The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.


278 - The bacterium which reduces the fertility of soil is

Bacillus dentificans

279 - The bats can fly in the dark because

They generate ultrasonic sound waves

280 - The beautiful color patterns exhibited by a peacock in its tail feathers are due to ?

Selective absorption of light

281 - The bending of light when it passes around a corner or a slit is due to ________


282 - The biggest species of the cat family is___________?


283 - The blue colour of water in the sea is due to

Absorption of other colours except blue by water molecules

284 - The boiling point of water depends upon the

Atmospheric pressure

285 - The bone of the which organ is the longest in the human body ?


286 - The centre of gravity of a sprinter during the race lies

Ahead of his feet

287 - The characteristic invalid for heat radiation is that it travels :

With the speed of light

288 - The chemical name of quartz is:

Silicon Dioxide

289 - The colour of the ocean appears to be blue because the sunlight falling on it is


290 - The connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone is


291 - The Continent Antarctica lies at the__________?

South pole

292 - The density of the liquid when heated


293 - The density of water is __________?

1 g/cm3

294 - The deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels causes the arteries to lose their elasticity and get stiffened is called


295 - The device to measure transpiration in plants is


296 - The device used for locating submerged objects under sea is.


297 - The device which converts sound energy into electrical energy is called


298 - The disease Rickets is caused by the deficiency of

Vitamin D

299 - The DNA bacterium consists of ring-like pieces known as the


300 - The dominant phase of life cycle in these organism is haploid?


301 - The female sex organs in a flower is the ________ .


302 - The following particles move with same kinetic energy. Which of them has maximum momentum ?

Alpha Particle

303 - The food material prepared in the plants is transported to the various organs by which of the following?


304 - The frequency of ultrasound wave is typically

Below 20 kHz

305 - The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is___________?


306 - The gland that is present close to Trachea


307 - The Hooke's law is valid for

Only proportional region of the stress strain curve

308 - The instrument for measuring intensity of earthquakes is called


309 - The layer of cells between endodermis and vascular bundles is called


310 - The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days?


311 - The main function of Henle's loop is

Conservation of water

312 - The main protein found in milk is ________


313 - The major constituent of connective tissue is


314 - The male sex organs in a flower is the ________ .


315 - The modulus of elasticity for mild steel is approximately equal to

210 kN/mm2

316 - The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon

The angular speed of the body

317 - The most abundant element in the universe is __________.


318 - The most important stimulant in tea leaves is?


319 - The nearest planet to the Earth is _________?


320 - The organs protected by the thoracic cage include the

Both a & b

321 - The pair of spinal nerves in main are


322 - The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called


323 - The pollen grains of Pinus are carried to its female cone through the


324 - The pressure of a fluid varies with depth h as P = PQ+pgh, where p is the fluid density. This expression is associated with

Pascal's law

325 - The resistance of the human body (dry condition) is of the order of

None of these

326 - The scientific study of livings is called


327 - The SI unit of â€Å“pressure” is _________.


328 - The SI unit of charge is __________?


329 - The skeleton secreting cells in poriferans are known as


330 - The smallest blood vessels which are one-cell thick, are called ________


331 - The sound lub-dub lub-dub is produced by


332 - The sounds having a frequency of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz are known as

Audible sounds

333 - The stages between larval moults in an insect are called


334 - The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon, because

Of Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules.

335 - The tidal waves on sea is mainly due to

Gravitational Effect of Moon on Earth

336 - The time period of a pendulum when taken to the Moon would:


337 - The total number of pairs of Peripheral nerves in man are


338 - The type of division which occurs in somatic cells is known as


339 - The ultimate cause of water movement in a plant stem against gravity is


340 - The vitamin required for coagulation of blood


341 - The weakest of all fundamental forces is

Gravitational force

342 - The word histology is related with


343 - There are used in the retting of flax and hemp.


344 - They are also concerned with the formation and storage of certain compounds secreted by the cell.

Golgi Bodies

345 - They are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored food


346 - They protect plants from water loss and abrasive damage.


347 - To prevent damage from lightning, lightning conductors are used on tall structures. The lightning conductor

Should be made of a good conductor like copper with sharp-pointed edges

348 - Treatment of body defects through massage and exercise is


349 - Urine is produced in __________?


350 - Usually the conspicuous ,coloured ,attractive part of flower is termed is


351 - Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths?


352 - Visible light has a higher frequency than

Radio waves

353 - Volume of blood found in a healthy person is

5-6 litre

354 - What carries blood back to the heart?


355 - What Color does chlorophyll not absorb?


356 - What device converts light energy to electrical energy?

Photovoltaic cell

357 - What happens to a liquid, when the vapour pressure equals the atmospheric pressure?

The liquid boils

358 - What is the full form of DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid

359 - What is the full form of RNA?

Ribonucleic Acid

360 - What type of tissue is Blood


361 - When a body falls from an aeroplane, there is increase in its


362 - When a person enters a dark room from bright light he is not able to see clearly for a little while because the?

Iris is unable to dilate the pupil immediately

363 - When a piece of pure silicon is doped with aluminium, then

The doped silicon piece will become p-type

364 - When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract,

The volume of the thorax increases

365 - When the speed of car is doubled, then what will be the braking force of the car to stop it in the same distance ?

Four times

366 - When two semiconductors of p and n-type are brought in contact, they form p-n junction which acts like a/an


367 - Which among the following is also called as 'power house of the cell'?


368 - Which blood group is universal donor?


369 - Which blood group is universal receiver?

Group AB

370 - Which component of an IED creates an electrical charge?

Power source

371 - Which disease is caused due to deficiency of Iodine?


372 - Which division is responsible for the continuity of hereditary informations?


373 - Which ecological pyramid can never be inverted

Pyramid of energy

374 - Which group of animals has heterogametic females?

Domestic fowl

375 - Which group of animals was the first to evolve to fly


376 - Which is a correct way to measure wavelength?

Nearest peak to peak

377 - Which is the longest bone in the human body?


378 - Which is the outermost planet in the solar system?


379 - Which month of calendar year can lack a new moon?


380 - Which of the following bacteria is responsible for the formation of curd?


381 - Which of the following branch of Physics deal with study of Atomic Nuclei?

Nuclear Physics

382 - Which of the following circuit elements is used to ''block" DC in an electronic circuit ?


383 - Which of the following features of a tunnel diode is its drawback?

Instability due to negative resistance

384 - Which of the following groups is present in animal cells ?

Nucleus, Cell membrane, Mitochondria, Cytoplasm

385 - Which of the following has got more heat capacity ?


386 - Which of the following has the highest entropy?


387 - Which of the following has the highest frequency?

Cosmic rays

388 - Which of the following has the longest wavelength?

Infrared radiation

389 - Which of the following instruments is used to measure humidity ?

Sling Psychrometer

390 - Which of the following is not an intrusive igneous body?


391 - Which of the following never occurs singly in nature?


392 - Which of the following organelles contain enzymes that have digestive action


393 - Which of the following organisms fix nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems?


394 - Which of the following produces more severe burns ?


395 - Which of the following statements is true when we see ''rainbow' ?

The Sun remains behind us and we face raindrops

396 - Which of these branches of Physics deal with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work?


397 - Which one among the following components is used as an amplifying device?


398 - Which one is the basic unit of classification


399 - Which one is the largest artery in the human body


400 - Which one of following is a duct less gland

Endocrine gland

401 - Which one of the following hormones is essential for the uptake of glucose by cells in the human body?


402 - Which one of the following is the longest flower in the world?


403 - Which one of the following phylum is characterised by absence of true coelom


404 - Which one of the following ray has minimum wavelength?

Gamma ray

405 - Which one of the following statements regarding haemoglobin is correct?

Haemoglobin of RBC can carry both oxygen and carbon dioxide

406 - Which one of the following vitamins is known as the anti sterile factor ?


407 - Which part of flower produces pollen grains that are generally yellowish in color?


408 - Which part of the Camera is analogue to the retina in the human eye?


409 - Which results in an increase in power?

Doing more work in less time.

410 - Which triplet in DNA codes for valine ?

None of these

411 - Which type of cell, skin is made up of:

Epidermal cells

412 - Which veins donot carry de-oxygenated blood

Portal Veins

413 - Which vitamin is also act as coenzymes


414 - Which vitamin is necessary for blood clotting

Vitamin K

415 - Who enunciated the laws of planetary motion?

Johannes Kepler

416 - Why are we able to hear short wave broadcasts better than long wave broadcasts ?

Short waves are more energetic than long waves.

417 - Why does bleeding occur through the nose in high mountainous regions ?

The blood pressure of a person increases at high altitudes

418 - Work done in a free expansion process is


419 - Xylem tissue is mainly concered with the

Storage of prepared foods in plants

420 - Yeast used in making bread is a



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