Homeostasis in Biology MCQs The Most Important

Homeostasis in Biology topic based MCQs preparation test for all competitive exam. Homeostasis in Biology Chapter# 10, topic based MCQs that are mostly asked in competitive exam related to Biology. Examtry team design a series of MCQs based tests that effectively and efficiently help a student or job seeker to prepare their exam effectively and efficiently.

Examtry team design more than 60 MCQs and try their best to cover the whole topic Homeostasis in Biology . These MCQs based test really helpful in all competitive exams as well as institutional exams. Anyone who wants to pass job test comprising one paper or MCQs based test come on examtry.com and get prepared himself.

MCQs under the topic of Homeostasis in Biology covers all tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, UPS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA or any other institution.

1 - The mechanism of regulation, generally between organism and its environment, of solutes and the gain and the loss of water is called


2 - In a hot summer after noon, if your body's Homeostatic machinery keep your internal temperature quite lower than that of external than this is an example of

Negative feed back

3 - In osmosis water molecules move from area of _______ to _______ through semipermeable memberane

Lower solute concentration to higher solute concentration

4 - Which of the following represents osmoregulatory steps taken by hydrophytes?

Increases transpiration by increasing the surface area of the leave.

5 - Thick, waxy & leathery cuticle around leaves is present in


6 - Rose is an example of


7 - Most of the marine invertebrates are


8 - Which of the following fish drink large amount of sea water and excrete concentrated urine resulting in maximum salt excretion and minimal water loss?

Bony fishes

9 - Which of the following marine fishes are considered direct descendents of fresh water ancestors?

Bony fishes

10 - Which of the following fishes excrete large volume of diluted urine?

Fresh water fishes

11 - Terrestrial animals like kangaroo rat survive even without drinking water since

They are anhydrobiotic organisms

12 - The characteristic which enable animals to tolerate dehydration is called


13 - Which excretory product in produced in plants during autotrophic mode of life?


14 - In plants which of the following is a waste product produced both during photosynthesis and respiration


15 - Which of the following structure in plant's body is called excretophores?


16 - In animals excess of nitrogen is excreted primarily in form of


17 - Purine and pyrimidine catabolism results in production of


18 - Which of the following is most toxic?


19 - Aquatic animals excrete nitrogenous waste commonly in the form of


20 - Amount of water required to excrete 1gN of Urea is

50 ml

21 - Which of the following animal excrete nitrogenous waste mainly as uric acid?


22 - Hydra has no specialized excretory system because

The whole body cells are in contact with water

23 - Each ach nephridium of earthworm opens to the exterior by


24 - The nephridia of earthworm open into the coelom by


25 - Which of the following openings have cilia?


26 - The distal blind end of the malpighian tubules bathes freely in


27 - The main nitrogenous waste formed in the body of earthworm is/are


28 - Protonephridia are present in


29 - Nephrostome in earthworm opens in

Internal Body cavity

30 - Which of the following excretory structure is associated with gut of the organism?

Malpighian tubules

31 - Malphighian tubules absorb waste materials and salts from


32 - Which of the following is a segmentally arranged excretory system?


33 - In Urea cycle ______ ammonia molecules combine with 1 CO2 molecule to form 1 molecule of urea.


34 - Excessive lactic acid is converted into ________ by liver.


35 - Each human kidney receives _____ % of total cardiac out put


36 - Which of the following nephrons play important role in production of concentrated urine?


37 - Which of the vascular channels are related to Juxtramedullary nephrous only?

Vasa recta

38 - Which of the following filtrate contains excessive amount of amino acids, glucose, and salts?

Glomerular filtrate

39 - Which of the following constituent is/are maximum in the filtrate that leaves proximal convoluted tubules

Nitrogenous waste

40 - On which of the following site the posterior pituitary hormone acts predominantly

Collecting tubules

41 - Which of the following kidney stones are most common?

Calcium oxalate

42 - A stone measuring 0.4 cm, blocking the outlet of renal pelvis resulting in mild to moderate tract obstruction. Which of the following technique will be opted to remove this stone

Extracorporeal Shock wave lithotripsy

43 - Which of the following mechanism explains development of anemia in Renal failure?

Failure of proper RBC synthesis, due to lack of chemical stimulation.

44 - Which of the following treatment will be administered first in a newly diagnosed renal failure patient?


45 - Formation of heat shock proteins in plants results in

Embracing the enzymes and other proteins and prevent their denaturation.

46 - Which adaptation is acquired by plants of cooler areas to prevent lipid crystal formation in cell membrane?

Increase in proportion of unsaturated fatty acids.

47 - Animals that produce metabolic heat at low level and also absorb heat from the surroundings are called


48 - Fishes, most of the invertebrates and amphibians are examples of ______ animals


49 - Bats & humming birds belong to


50 - Brown fat present in certain mammals is specialized in

Rapid heat production.

51 - Blubber a thick layer of fat is present in

Marine Mammals.

52 - Panting is a representative of which mechanism

Evaporative cooling.

53 - Thermostat of human body is present in


54 - Production of pyrogens is a ________ phenomenon


55 - Name the type of adaptation from the following that is responsible for shivering thermogenesis



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