Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 11

1 - "Democracy is a form of government organized in accordance with the principle of popular sovereignty, political equality, popular consultation, and majority rule."

Austin Ranney

2 - "Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people"The above definition is given by .....

Abraham Lincoln

3 - "I should not have voted for this president. Next time, I will vote for the BREAD party."


4 - "In order to have real authority, government must be based on an agreement people make with society."This is Rousseau's theory regarding.....

social contract

5 - "of the people"


6 - "Rule of Four"


7 - "The "greatest happiness for the greatest number" is the goal of


8 - "The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation." This quote is most similar to the ideas from


9 - "The Service of India means the service of the millions who suffer" was said by ..... .

Jawaharlal Nehru

10 - ..... demanded the British Government to make a law for free and compulsory education for all children.

Gopalakrishna Gokhale

11 - ..... helps media to reach more people.

modern technology

12 - ..... implies the means through which the independence and sovereignty of our country can be safeguarded.

National Interest

13 - ..... is a value that we have to keep striving for and not something which will happen automatically


14 - ..... parties rarely win major elections and have never won a presidential election. Many of these parties revolve around a single-issue, others focus on changing society in a major way and others revolve around a personality (e.g., Teddy Roosevelt for th


15 - ..... was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

Dr. B R Ambedkar

16 - ..... wrote The Star Spangled Banner at the Battle of .....

Francis Scott Key; Fort McHenry

17 - 13 What is Public Policy?

Actions taken by governments to solve problems and achieve goals.

18 - 7) When did women vote for the first time in Italy?

2nd june 1946

19 - 8 What are the names of the two major political parties in the United States today?

Democratic and Republican

20 - A ..... is defined as a person who runs for election to government office.


21 - A bill can lay on a president's desk for how many days before it becomes a law?


22 - A boundary that coincides with significant features of the natural landscape is what type of boundary?


23 - A candidate for President won 51% of Virginia's popular vote. What percentage of Virginia's electoral votes were received?


24 - A civil servant is.....

a person who works for a government.

25 - A claim for government funds that cannot be abridged without violating the rights of the claimant; for example, social security benefits or payments on a contract.


26 - A common criticism is that in a Communist country, workers have no economic ..... to work harder than they need to


27 - A conflict within the boarders of a state

Internal Conflict

28 - A conservative person is most likely to believe that

Government should play a more limited role in business and social issues

29 - A continental union consisting of all 55 countries in Africa that works on addressing current issues from economics to living standards

African Union

30 - A country with a highly centralized government that makes all major decisions is a ..... government


31 - A court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called a


32 - A device created by the Han Dynasty that measures the strength of earthquakes.


33 - A geographic zone of tangible land area where no state has complete control.


34 - A government is expected to base its policies on the line taken by the

Ruling party

35 - 'A group of girls harassed by a group of boys' comes under .....

Criminal law

36 - A king gave his most important lords fiefs, which were

grants of land

37 - A method of political science which studies what men actually do and the meaning they attached to their behavior.


38 - A methodology of political science that refers to the formulation of general theory based on tested hypotheses which are derived from organized patterns of systematically arranged and collected relevant facts to a political problem.


39 - a nation that does fall under any stateEx: Palestinians, Kurds, native groups such as Cherokee

Stateless nation

40 - A person who generally believes that the government should develop social programs to help meet individuals needs and extend their rights, usually democratic party


41 - a person who has an official job or position especially in the government


42 - A person who is running for political office


43 - A person who views MSNBC for news would generally hold ..... values


44 - A person who watches Fox News is more likely to hold ..... values.


45 - A political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by means of democratic means.

Social Democracy

46 - A political unit with a sovereign government


47 - A representative democracy includes all of the following concepts EXCEPT.....

economical quality

48 - A role of political parties is to monitor office holders. To monitor means to.....

watch, observe and listen to

49 - A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population as a whole.

Representative Sample

50 - A shift in party allegiances, such as Southerners leaving the Democratic Party and moving support to the Republican Party , is known as


51 - A situation brought about in which nation states rely on each other for various political and economic assets


52 - A state where one party is in charge like the PRI in Mexico sand the communist party in China

Party State

53 - A survey of public opinion.


54 - A Synthesis of Political Life was published in the year


55 - A system of government in which the people are invested with the power to choose their leaders and determine government policy.


56 - A system of ideas and beliefs


57 - A theory about origin of the state wherein the ruler is appointed by God.

Divine Right Theory

58 - A town hall meeting has been scheduled by the local chapter of the Republican Party. This meeting will be used to discuss the current issues and how the Republican Party intends to pass legislation dealing with these issues. Which function of a political

Informing & Activating

59 - A wholesale trader sells the good to .....


60 - About how many countries are there in the world today


61 - According to ....., When people make a contract General will is very important.


62 - Activities aimed at weakening the established government by inciting resistance or rebellion to authority.


63 - Advertisements use this to try to persuade you to buy their product or vote for their preferred candidate?


64 - Advocates of the Domino Theory believed that once one state fell to ....., others would.


65 - Affirmative Action can also be called .....

Positive Discrimination

66 - Agreements between the President of the United States and the leader of another country that do not require ratification by the Senate, but are only binding to the current President in office.

Executive Agreements

67 - Ahmad Shah Abdali was the ruler of


68 - All economic systems must provide answers to three of the following questions. Which question in not necessarily a concern of every economic system?

How can we fairly distribute goods and services?

69 - All of the following are examples of modern day third parties EXCEPT

Whig Party

70 - All of the following are functions of political parties EXCEPT:

lobby people in Congress

71 - All of the following are likely to vote for democrats except


72 - All of the following are reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the election, except?

She won California

73 - All of the following are ways interest groups accomplish their objectives EXECPT:


74 - All of the following expect to share power equally within their own country EXCEPT


75 - al-Mawardi argued that in order to become an Imamah, one needs to be: just, knowledgeable, physically and mentally sound, courageous and, .....

descendant of Quraysh

76 - An act of recognizing Sinhala as the official language was signed in


77 - An American leader who opposed the French Revolution was

George Washington.

78 - An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit


79 - An elected or appointed official of the state who is in charge of the government and its administrative apparatus (e.g., premier, prime minister, chancellor, or, in some states, president).

Head of Government

80 - an independent political organization that seeks to promote the cause of a particular interest group, usually through raising money and campaigning to elect candidates who support the group's views

political action committee (PAC)

81 - An individual who wants to reform the political system illegally.


82 - an organization that makes and enforces laws


83 - Andrew Jackson was was the founder of the

Democratic Party

84 - answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving


85 - Area wise which is the largest Lok sabha constituency in India?


86 - Army and Defense is a responsibility of the.....

Federal government

87 - Article ..... lays down the broad framework for foreign policy


88 - As on 1st May 2007,the following has served as the longest CM?

Jyothi Basu

89 - Assertion (A)= Development has become the subject of considerable controversy today.Reason (R)= It is so because development leads to both -ve and +ve results and both are subjected to scrutiny by citizens and firms.

Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation for (A)

90 - At what age are the citizens of Brazil not allowed to vote any more?

There is no limit.

91 - authority of states is known as the


92 - Banks and Health Care are examples of what type of economic activity?


93 - Based on physical features to separate entities.

Natural boundary

94 - Based on the original wording of the Constitution, who elected Senators?

the state legislature

95 - Beginning of the Second World War


96 - Benchmark: 2.8 Complexity: DOK 2 The conversation below is part of a political discussion.Lou: I am going to vote for the candidate who will support cutting government spending.Bob: Yes, we spend too much on some programs. Which party's candidates are the


97 - Between .....- & ....., Belgium amended their constitution.

1970 & 1993

98 - Call for rapid changes in government, usually violent


99 - Can parties play a role in making laws for the country?


100 - Capitalism is

an economic system marked by the private ownership of wealth-creating assets, free markets, and freedom of contract.

101 - Changes made to the contents of the Indian Constitution is called ..... .

Constitutional Amendment

102 - Choose the highest level court in a state.

High Court

103 - Colonists that wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain were called .....


104 - Community government is an example of

how power can be shared among different social groups

105 - Community government is the third kind of government in .....


106 - Competitiveness has led to exploitation of people and the environment.

Green Party

107 - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press First Amendment to the U.S. ConstitutionThis excerpt reflects the principle of?

Limits on Government Power

108 - Conservative on social issues.

Republican Party

109 - Consider the following Statements: All Asteroids are at least 100 feet across The policies of Mikhail Gorbachev gave an impetus to democratisation. State whether the given statement is Political ideology evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescr

Only 2, 3

110 - Consider the following Statements: Emperor Qin unified the kingdoms of China The Incas were located in the Andes Mountains. Freedom of Religion was granted in Texas Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

111 - Consider the following Statements: India is a democratic country. Secularism important to prevent one religious community from dominating the other. The bicameral body of the legislative branch is composed of two (3) houses. Which of the following is/are

Only 1, 2

112 - Consider the following Statements: Most Democratic Politicians consider themselves to be socialists The United States is a member of NATO. The policies of Mikhail Gorbachev gave an impetus to democratisation. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

113 - Consider the following Statements: Natural geographic borders like mountains or rivers can act as political borders The state and governments make laws for the welfare of the society; the government removes social evils from the society. Terrorism means t

Only 1, 2, 3

114 - Consider the following Statements: Public opinion doesn't affect the political process because politicians listen to the party over their constituents The head of our Municipal government is called the 'Premier'. Cultural behavior allow people to fit into

Only 3,

115 - Consider the following Statements: Slavery was reestablished by the Republic of Texas Most Republican politicians in America consider themselves conservative Alex Tocqueville saw parties as a "necessary evil." Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

116 - Consider the following Statements: There are three approaches to studying Political Science. They are traditional, behavioral and, post behavioral approaches. Import substitution was one of the major reasons why India's economic interaction with the outsi

Only 1, 2, 3

117 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Machiavelli acknowledges religion as a goal of politics. The Lok Sabha exercises supreme power in India. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

118 - Consider the following Statements: To run for presidency, a candidate must be at least 50 years old by the day of the election. Political interest groups try to influence laws and government policy You should always believe what political ads tell you. Wh

Only 2,

119 - Countries that have a one-party system like Syria, Iran, and North Korea are considered authoritarian and reflect a unified, stable society but the people are usually

unhappy and dissatisfied.

120 - Country that is characterized by having compact shape plus a large projecting landmass.


121 - Dal khalsa was set up in 1699 by

Guru gobind singh

122 - DAP wants more rights for the Chinese community while PKR feels the Malay rights are being threatened. The government then consolidated both interests and formed a policy that distribute benefits to both communities and announced it to the citizens. This

Interest aggregation and articulation

123 - Dealing with wars, alliances and treaties.


124 - Define: Respondents are given misleading information in the questions they are asked in order to persuade them to vote against a candidate.

Push Polls

125 - Define: The beliefs about government and politics that people in the United States hold most deeply?

Political Culture

126 - Defined as the ability of a person to carry out his or her will. This concept is particularly significant in the study of social relationships since society is composed of individuals who exercise varied degrees of power


127 - Democratic governments are based on:A. DiscussionB. It is corrupt freeC. NegotiationD. Deliberation

A, C and D

128 - Democrats are known for having ..... values and beliefs.


129 - Describes a state that has a smaller state located entirely within it.


130 - describes people choosing to go along with the rest of the crowd


131 - District, Appeals, Supreme


132 - Domestic politics is generally the most common field of study; its sub-fields include public opinion, elections, national government, and state, local, or regional government.

American Politics

133 - Drawing of boundaries for political districts by the party or group in power to extend or cement their advantage.


134 - During the earlier phase of development , the comparison was with ..... countries in ..... and the .....

Richer , Western Europe , United States

135 - During the recent election 2 Amendments were added to the Virginia Constitution. They were added by the majority of people voting for them. What Political/Fundamental Principle is at work?


136 - Eastern European states unders Soviet influence during the Cold War is an example of

satellite states

137 - Education is a responsibility of the.....

Provincial government

138 - effort by 1 country to establish settlements in a territory and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles on that territory


139 - Elizabeth I of England

was an absolute monarch

140 - English people established health care for all

after the destruction of WWII

141 - EPA


142 - EU stands for

European Union

143 - European Union was created through which treaty?

Maastricht Treaty

144 - Every Government office should have ..... to respond to the people's questions.

Information Officer

145 - Everyone should have equality of condition (wealth or income).


146 - examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation


147 - Example: the boundary between Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland.

Subsequent boundary

148 - Exchange of culture and ideas in the macro level and breakdown of families in the micro level as a result of economic migration by Filipino workers


149 - First meeting of constituent assembly held in


150 - Forces which tend to unite or bind state together.

centripetal forces

151 - Form of a democratic government wherein the executive and legislative has a very close connection. Parties with the greatest representation gets to form the government.

Parliamentary Government

152 - Free Speech is found in which Amendment?

First Amendment

153 - From which state article 370 is related

Jammu Kashmir

154 - Functions of political parties:1. recruit & nominate candidates2. monitor actions of office holders3. educate people about campaign issues4. .....What is missing??

help candidates win elections

155 - Fundamental Rights have been enshrined in which part of constitution

Part III

156 - Gary gives up on getting a sports car when debating with his wife what kind of car to get (she wants a mini-van), but settles on a luxury sedan.


157 - General elections are held.....

in November of even numbered years

158 - Give the meaning of ' Alliance' Government

When several parties in multi-party system join for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power.

159 - his ..... party often represented by the donkey often appeal women, minorities, workers and young voters.


160 - Hold


161 - Houses of people is .....

Lok sabha

162 - How did the Tang emperors after 618 build on the work of Sui emperors?

They strengthened the central government.

163 - How do people benefit from living in the EU

they can trade goods freely without paying taxes

164 - How long is the tenure of Comptroller & Auditor General of India?

6 years

165 - How many departments does Honduras have?


166 - How many essentials are required to constitute a state?


167 - How many languages are recognised as Scheduled languages by the Constitution of India


168 - How many Lok sabha constituencies are there in India at present?


169 - How many Lok Sabha seats were there during first general election?


170 - How many members are elected to the National People's Congress from all over China?


171 - How many members are nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the President of India


172 - How many political parties are registered with the election commission of India?

Less than 100

173 - How many PRESIDENTS were ruled in India


174 - How many types of Government System?


175 - How many writs are enshrined in Article 32?


176 - How old do you have to be to be president?


177 - How would you say fat in a political correct way?


178 - Hutu and Tutsi conflict is most closely associated with genocide in which African nation?


179 - I wrote Das Kapital intending to liberate mankind from capitalism.

Karl Marx

180 - Identify the characteristics of the second wave of European colonialism.

Both (B), (C)

181 - Identify the correct statement

United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945

182 - Identify the following beliefs that a part of the LIBERTARIAN PLATFORM:

Both (A), (C)

183 - Identify the Latin American country described below:This country has struggled with democracy and corruption. A investigation uncovered a scandal called "the Car Wash scandal" where government leaders engaged in a large corruption scheme in which they too


184 - Identify the main principle on which the Parliamentary system operates?

Supremacy of the Constitution

185 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country.3. Referendum was held in selected provinces comprising the old Bangsamoro republic for the ratification of the Ban

Political Science

186 - Identify the principle of justice presented in the example. Two equally ranked individuals should get equal consideration for a promotion, regardless of their gender.

Equal treatment for equals

187 - Identify the Third Journee on 17 July 1791.

Champ de Mars Massacre

188 - Identify the vocabulary term for the following definition: THE PROCESS OF REDISTRICTING TO GIVE AN ADVANTAGE TO ONE PARTY OVER ANOTHER


189 - If a case is remanded, it

is sent back to the court that originally heard the case.

190 - If a society is to become communist, which of the following must be removed?

Social Classes

191 - If this classroom was a country what kind of government would you say it has?


192 - If you were born in any U.S. state or territory, you are an American citizen.

Law of Soil

193 - In ....., there are upper castes who dominate lower castes.


194 - In 1947 a Muslim family living in central India likely felt pressure to migrate

to the northwestern border and then to Pakistan.

195 - In 1986, ..... came into force.

Consumer Protection Act

196 - In a ..... a group of a few people rules society.....


197 - In a democracy, who does not have power?


198 - In a(n) ....., voters may vote for the candidates of either major party, whether or not the voters belong to that party.

open primary

199 - In general, Republicans often oppose new social programs and expenditures because they prefer a government that is which of the following selections?

is small in size and number of responsibilities

200 - In general, the Democratic Party believes in:

more government regulation and control over the economy

201 - In general, what is NOT a similarity between political parties?

Their party platform

202 - In India,International treaties are ratified by :


203 - In Islam, the ultimate purpose of politics is to .....

seek the pleasure of Allah s.w.t.

204 - In Kentucky, this person serves as the prosecutor for capital crimes and felonies. In most states they are called the State's Attorney.

Commonwealth's Attorney

205 - In order to be considered a State, a State must have.....


206 - In order to get the south to agree to the national bank, Hamilton came up with a compromise that involved:

moving the national capital to the south.

207 - In social science, the study of the biological evolution of man is important because it provides explanations on the reason behind the biological variations among contemporary human population. Which field of social science is described in the said statem

Biological Anthropology

208 - In the 1800's the majority of the population in Canada East spoke.....


209 - In the Constitution of India Fundamental Rights are discussed in

Part III

210 - In the event that both the President and Vice President are removed from office, who will act as President in the Philippines?

President of the Senate

211 - In the UK, the ..... has the power to delay and amend legislation and serves mainly as a chamber of revision.

House of Lords

212 - In the United States, the legislative branch is made up of the two houses of Congress, which are: (choose two)

Both (B), (C)

213 - In the United States, the president can only ..... for a maximum of eight years.


214 - In this type of government, one leader has all of the power


215 - In this type of government, rights are limited


216 - In what election did TV 1st play a major role in getting some one elected.

Nixon VS Kennedy

217 - In which case did the Supreme Court of India decide that the preamble may be used to interpret ambiguous areas of the Constitution?


218 - In which country holding together federation are not practiced


219 - In which year was the Indian Post Office bill passed by the parliament?


220 - Independence of india act was result of which of the following plans?

Mount batten plan

221 - India has -major national party?


222 - Indian Constitution was adopted on


223 - India's Election commission head quarter is located in .....

New Delhi

224 - Information presented in such a manner as to unfairly influence the political views of an audience. Throughout history, misleading messages have been used to motivate groups of people to change their behavior.


225 - Information that favors one party or one side of an issue demonstrates the concept of .....


226 - Interest groups are also called pressure groups, primarily because

they seek to put pressure on the government to affect policies.

227 - Interest groups are important to government, which role do they play?

Lobby government officials

228 - Interest groups are MOST interested in

influencing public policies regarding specific issues.

229 - Interest groups use mass media, political parties, protests, or demonstrations in ..... access channels.


230 - International bodies fomre dby three or more states to promote shared objectives.

Supranational Organizations

231 - International court located in


232 - is someone who believes the following: people are and should be free to do whatever they like up to the point at which it keeps others from doing as they like.


233 - It is emphasized when certain individuals behave a certain way merely because other individuals do as well.

Cultural Behavior

234 - It is the apex body of the Panchayat raj system, located at the district level.

Zilla Parishad

235 - It is the opposite of the conservatism for it favor change, prefer more on freedom, and has a more optimistic approach to human reasoning and nature.


236 - It is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and comparative perspectives.

Political Science

237 - It means a government that allows people to choose their representatives.....


238 - It refers to a political statement that aims to call upon massive mass or government action to achieve a relatively better political and economic condition.


239 - It started as a science during the time of exploration when European countries started to colonize what they considered as primitive societies where people were believed to be savages and barbaric.


240 - I've decided to stand for the position. I'm going to ..... my campaign next week.


241 - James Madison was a member of the ..... Party.


242 - Jefferson's party was the .....


243 - Kentucky is not considered a state; It is a .....


244 - Keyword: Election


245 - Known for his work - THE PRINCE

Niccolo Machiavelli

246 - Known for his/her work - THE SOCIAL CONTRACT

Jean Jacques Rosseau

247 - Lack of interest


248 - Laws are made by elected politicians and the courts


249 - Libel is

defamation in writing.

250 - Living Constitution/Originalist


251 - Locke's inalienable rights include.....

life, liberty, and property

252 - Lok Sabha represents the..... and the Speaker represents the .....

citizen , Lok Sabha

253 - 'Lotus' is a political symbol of which party?

Bhartiya Janta Party

254 - Loyalty and support for one's country.


255 - Many Americans today have ..... expectations for our government and the things it can accomplish.


256 - Market value of all officially recognized final goods and services within a country in a given period.


257 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? Focus is on minimizing existing inequality and distributing resources justly. Advocates are not opposed to the free market, but they favor government regulation.


258 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? The workers will unite and overthrow the traditional system of class privilege.


259 - Match this definition to the correct key term: the sum of many individual opinions, beliefs, or attitudes about a public person or issue

Public Opinion

260 - Modern dictators use different tactics to control their citizens, such as.....

misinformation and fear

261 - Modern dictators use various tactics to control their citizens. Which word would best fit in for 'tactics' without changing the meaning?


262 - moving a nations capital to another area within the same state to make a statement, or create economic growthEx: Brazil moving it's capital

Forward Capital

263 - Mr. Smith is running for political office. I am pro- parks and pro-local business in Fort Myers. Which of the following jobs am I trying to elected for?


264 - Name for quadrant 3 in the political compass

Liberal Democrats

265 - Name the easternmost longitude of India.


266 - Name the group islands lying in the Arabian Sea.


267 - Name the President of India?

Ramnath Kovind

268 - Name the Southernmost point of India.

Indira point

269 - National emergency mention in which article


270 - No arbitrary or illegal taxation. The King must have Parliament's consent.

Petition of Right

271 - No matter how religious they are, ..... are likely to identify themselves as Democrats.

African Americans

272 - Occurs when multiple countries form an organization to collectively achieve greater benefits for all members.


273 - On June 17,1789, in the first deliberate act of revolution, the delegates from the Third Estate voted to establish the:

National Assembly

274 - One characteristic that the Greeks, Romans, Christians, and Jewish people all had in common was.....

They each stressed respect for individualism in society

275 - One of the following is not related to Concurrent List.

Medical Services

276 - One of the main functions are:. . To maintain law & order;. To oversee civic services;. To oversee welfare;

Gram Panchayat

277 - One of the things a party does is

Nomination of candidates

278 - Only citizens that ..... may participate in primary and general elections.


279 - Our constitution does not support

All of these

280 - Our democratic heritage is derived from all the following except


281 - Our Judiciary is an ..... Judiciary.


282 - Our leaders who fought against the British rule wanted the future Government of India to be ..... .


283 - Parties serve as bonding agents. What does it mean to be a bonding agent?

They make sure their candidates are qualified and of good character.

284 - Patron offers client some benefit. Patron has more power and resources and can convice the masses to follow them

Patron-Client Relationships

285 - People belong to a particular political party because of

their own choice s (voluntarily)

286 - People establish (make) governments to protect their .....


287 - People who are paid money to persuade government officials to vote a certain way are called .....


288 - Pertaining to and involving many nation states


289 - Political boundary that ignores the existing cultural organization on the landscape.


290 - Political ideology that generally supports the idea that the federal government should take an active role in solving the nation's domestic problems. Tend to support government spending on social issues.


291 - Political parties in the United States work to do all of the following except -

Change the ideals of the Constitution of the United States of America.

292 - Political parties try to influence the government by -

getting their members elected

293 - political party

an organized group of peopl who share similar political views and work to influence government

294 - Political system in which power is concentrated in the hands of a relatively small group of individuals or institutions


295 - political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary.


296 - Power sharing is:

The very spirit of democracy

297 - President does not sign a law after 10 days and congress is still in session

Law is passed w/o the President

298 - President Pro-Tempore


299 - President Rodrigo Duterte has an elected leader, has the power to rule over the Philippine state, and has also the power to exact obedience on his people. And this refers to .....


300 - Presidential elections occur every four years.

4 years

301 - Primaries and caucuses use different methods but both serve the same goal of

selecting political party candidates

302 - Principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in the constitution of India are inspired from the constitution of


303 - Process by which a more powerful ethnic group tries to remove a less powerful one in order to create a more homogenous region.

Ethnic Cleansing

304 - Propaganda device - strong words / exaggeration


305 - Pro's to a minority government

all of the above

306 - Relating to power / government and how a country is ruled


307 - Research suggests that the overriding bias in the news is one toward stories that .....

will draw the largest audience

308 - Revenue of Bengal was collected in


309 - roughly equal strength between opposing countries or alliances of countries (NATO/Warsaw)

Balance of power

310 - Rule by an elite that exercises unlimited power over individuals in all aspects of life


311 - Rule of Law means

one law for all the citizens

312 - Runoff Primary

A second primary election between two candidates who received the most votes in the first primary election.

313 - seek to influence government for a common cause

all of the above

314 - seeking to influence legislators to vote for or against a bill


315 - Segregation of the people in the name of religion is known as


316 - Select all of the following that were major concerns of Progressives.

Both (A), (B), (C)

317 - Select the two systems of government that are the most similar to each other.

Both (B), (C)

318 - Separation of religion from the State is referred to as .....


319 - Signed by Charles I in 1628. Parliament refused to grant king's wishes until he signed it. Challenged divine right by saying that even monarchs had to follow the law

Petition of Right

320 - Since the 1860s the ..... and ..... party have dominated American politics.

Democratic, Republican

321 - Since the 1860s, the ..... and .....parties have dominated American politics.

Democratic, Republican

322 - Smaller, minor parties?

Third Party

323 - Sovereignty means.....

independence from the interference from other states.

324 - State Government responsibilities

Main roads, schools, hospitals, police.

325 - Subsistence Agriculture

Growing only enough food for you and your family to survive. Usually found out in the country or in villages

326 - Sulaiman: Malaysia is dealing with China to strengthen economic development of our country. Few would be skeptical of whether it will bring more benefit than harm to the citizens in the future.Sulaiman is thinking about politics in the scope of .....

International Relations

327 - Suppose four Chinese emperors are in the same dynasty. Which statement must be true about them?

They are members of the same family.

328 - Supreme Court act as guardian of the Constitution.


329 - Tariff (taxes) or (duty) all mean the same thing. Which peg is it?


330 - Territorial integrity

a government has the right to keep the borders and territory of a state in tact and free from attack

331 - the "right" side of the political spectrum; usually describing Republicans


332 - The ..... election allows voters to choose the candidate from each party who will run foroffice in the later ..... election.

Primary, General

333 - The ..... has the power to enforce campaign contribution laws.

Federal Election Commission

334 - The ..... number of amendments or changes were done to the Constitution till 2011.


335 - The ..... Party wants to government to share wealth with workers.


336 - The .....was established after the 1st cold war

League of nations

337 - The American Revolution and the French Revolution both supported -

increased citizen participation in government

338 - The article advocates for a foreign policy that aims at establishing international peace and cooperation is

Article 51

339 - The authority that issues the notification for elections is:


340 - The basic outcome of democracy is?

Political social and economic outcome

341 - The BJP formed the government in 1998 as a leader of an alliance. Name the alliances

National democratic alliance

342 - The candidate contesting for Legislative Assembly should not be less than

25 years

343 - The candidates spend most of their time & money in

the battleground states

344 - The capital of the UK is


345 - The color for the Democratic party is.....


346 - The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on


347 - The Constitution of 1791 was based on what type of ruling political system?

Constitutional Monarchy

348 - The Constitution of India came into force on :

26th January,1950

349 - The cooperative and mutually beneficial efforts of a congressman, federal bureaucratic agency and an interest group is called

All the choice s are correct

350 - The cooperative efforts of the United Nations are primarily dedicated to

international peacekeeping.

351 - The cost of a campaign is .....

on the rise

352 - The country that follows FPTP electoral system is

the UK

353 - The cozy relationship between politicans and the press in the 20th century lasted until

Vietnam & Watergate

354 - The Cultural Revolution in China was a radical social and political movement characterized by

military rule, terrorism and purges.

355 - the differences in all political parties is stated in the


356 - The directive principles of the state policy has been adopted from

Irish constitution

357 - The Election Commissioner is appointed by.....


358 - The european response to the rise and fall of Napoleon's empire helped to spread the idea of-


359 - The Executive Branch is headed by .....

The President

360 - The Executive Branch of the United States requires a variety of duties. Which of the following duties would be the primary duty?

carry out laws passed by Congress

361 - The father of Political Science is.....


362 - the first challenge to political parties.

lack of internal democracy

363 - The first influence on a person's ideas and beliefs is his or her .....


364 - The first One day International was played in Melbourne in 1971 between ..... countries.

England & Australia

365 - The first two political parties in the United States were the..... and the .....

Federalists & Democratic-Republicans

366 - The following are the objectives of politics in the Islamic system EXCEPT .....

forbidding good deeds

367 - The following is from a political parties platform in 2008. ".....support for the Armed Forces, including better economic opportunities and health and disability care for veterans; opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants and support for legislation t

Republican Party

368 - The former Soviet Union, Cuba, and China would be an example of

One Party System

369 - The Glorious Revolution can best be described as

A bloodless revolution which resulted in the signing of the English Bill of Rights

370 - The Governor of the state is responsible for his actions to?


371 - The Human Rights Declaration was adopted by UNO on

December 10,1948

372 - The imaginary line stretching from liberal (left wing) to conservative (right wing) along which political views can be placed

Political Spectrum

373 - the increasing interconnectedness of people, businesses, and countries throughout the world.


374 - The Indian Constitution recognizes every person as


375 - The Indian democracy has a ..... system.

3 tier

376 - The largest supranational organization is.....

the United Nations [UN]

377 - The last Mughal Emperor was

Bahadur shah Zafar

378 - The leader of the House of Representatives


379 - The mayor is head of

Municipal corporation

380 - The media's effect on public opinion can best be described as

influencing which issues the public sees as important

381 - The minimum age limit for exercising the Right to Vote in India is:

18 years

382 - The minimum length of legislative assembly in a state can be


383 - The most common occupational background of Supreme Court justices at the time of their appointment has been

private legal practice or state or federal judgeship.

384 - The Non-Aligned Movement was formed as an attempt to thaw which war?

Cold War

385 - The OEEC was established in -


386 - The office of the President can fall vacant due to

all the above

387 - The parliament of China is known as the .....

National People's Congress

388 - The Party that loses the elections and does not form the government is called .....

Opposition Party

389 - The party's statement of principles, beliefs, and positions on vital issues is called a


390 - The percentage (%) of people who used voting right in 2014 general elections was ..... .


391 - The person who manages the political campaign.

Campaign manager

392 - The phrase 'Satyameva Jayate' was taken from :

Mundaka Upanishad

393 - The police needing a search warrant to enter your house is an example of what Fundamental Principle.

Limited Government

394 - The Preamble says that the state in India will assure the dignity of the individual. The constitution seeks to achieve this object by guaranteeing

equal fundamental rights to each citizen

395 - The Preamble to the Constitution of India declares India to be a

Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic

396 - The Presidential Election elects:

The President

397 - The Quartering Act made colonists have to take in .....-

British soldiers

398 - The Radicals eliminated anyone accused of being against the Revolution during

the Reign of Terror

399 - the range of political views

political spectrum



401 - The Republican Party is represented by the animal of the


402 - The Republican Party is said to be more ..... than the Democratic Party.


403 - The result of when the government in one year spends more money than it takes in from taxes.


404 - The rising cost of campaigns has had which of the following consequences?

Led to the creation and greater influence of political action committees (PACs).

405 - The shortest term as Prime Minister was held by?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

406 - the significant difference between political parties and interest groups is that

political parties goal is to elect their members to office

407 - The soviet president during the time of second world war?

Joshep Stalin

408 - The traditional political thinker who first spoke of the theory of states


409 - The two major political parties use a national nominating convention to

Select presidential and vice-presidential candidates

410 - The type of election in which candidates from opposing Political Parties challenge each other with the winner taking public office is .....

A General Election

411 - The type of government the United States has is

a representative democracy.

412 - The tyranny of Majority people can result in ..... of religious minorities.


413 - The unifying feature is a common desire to enhance the social role of women in whatever way possible.


414 - The United States has a .....

two-party system.

415 - The United States has this type of party system of government:

two-party system

416 - The United States uses which form of government?

Representative democracy

417 - The Vatican City, where the Pope lives, is an example of.....

a theocracy

418 - The Warsaw Pact was to an ..... alliance as COMECON was to an ..... alliance for the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

military / economic

419 - The word ethnic means

Social division of shared culture

420 - The word 'ethnic' signifies

social division on shared culture.

421 - The word ethnic signifies:

social division on shared culture

422 - The word politics is derived from the Greek word.....-


423 - The world Franchise means:

Right to vote

424 - Their Domestic Policy included:High Tariffs


425 - Theory/agreement that people give up power to the state to maintain order and, in turn, receives protection

Social Contract

426 - There is a scarcity of a foodgrain in the world. I believe that we should give priority to our country rather than exporting it to other places. Who am i?

a nationalist

427 - These are judges/citizens that interpret the Constitution as it was originally written and intended. They use founding documents to try an ascertain the intent of the men that wrote the Constitution.


428 - These powers are stated directly in the Constitution


429 - These refers to the socially imposed rewards and punishments in society which may be formal or informal.


430 - This ..... of all parsons is seen as a key value that unities us all as Indians


431 - This amendment gave women the right to vote.


432 - This founding father stole the worlds and ideas from John Locke

Thomas Jefferson

433 - This group likes to hold on to old traditions and ideas and does not want to change or reform anything in relation to politics and religion.


434 - This is a military organization.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

435 - This is an area where a country has sovereign rights to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage natural resources.

Exclusive Economic Zone

436 - This is an imaginary line that separates two countries.


437 - This is the leadership or elite in charge of running the state:


438 - This party favors less business regulation


439 - This person wrote "The Wealth of Nations" and believed the government should have a limited role in business.

Adam Smith

440 - This political party can get ideas from both sides of the political spectrum, thus allowing them to be elected more often.

The Liberal Party

441 - This political party is often referred to as the G.O.P.


442 - This political party was led by Thomas Jefferson. It was made up mostly of farmers and common people who wanted strong state governments.

Democratic-Republican Party

443 - This small County boarders Iraq to the Southeast


444 - This term describes a specifically suburban area with a significant population of a particular ethnic group.


445 - This thinker believed that humanity was inherently evil. Laws and governments are needed to protect people from each other.


446 - This type of boundary coincides with significant features of the landscape.


447 - This was the first dynasty that made many advances, including China's first writing system and ruled until the 1100s BC.

Shang Dynasty

448 - Thomas Jefferson was greatly influenced by

John Locke

449 - Thomas More stated that when creating a Utopia it is best if laws are.....

as simple as possible

450 - To cross over political boundaries, you must

get government approval

451 - To increase the reach of justice the Supreme Court devised .....


452 - To say that authority is legitimate is to

say that authority is broadly accepted.

453 - Tradition is important, but change must be acceptedif it is the will of the majority.


454 - Tropic of cancer does not passes through.....


455 - Type of democracy where citizens vote directly for legislative body (law-making body) and executive branch

presidential democracy

456 - Type of democracy where the citizens elect representatives

Indirect Democracy

457 - Type of gerrymandering that combines like-minded voters into one district to prevent them from affecting elections in other districts.


458 - Type of third party that breaks away from a major party


459 - Under Pradhan Mantri Gareeb Kalyan Yojna relief package, women Jan Dhan account holders to get how much money per month for the next three months?

Rs. 500

460 - Under the Rule of Mexico Texas was combined with the state of


461 - Uniformity or singleness of rules and principles to be followed by the government.

policy coherence

462 - uses the people in a given district, region, or community as the basis for a political or economic movement.


463 - Virginia is a .....


464 - Voter turnout

The number of eligible voters who cast a vote in a country's election.

465 - Voters today are less likely to vote as a Democrat or Republican because

they are tired of the constant fighting between parties.

466 - Washington disapproved of political parties or "factions" because he thought.....

they would divide the country.

467 - We elect Congressmen to vote on bills and run the government for us. What Political/Fundamental Principle is at work?

Representative Government

468 - We have read earlier that we live in a very.....


469 - We should bring back capital punishment. It will reduce a lot of the major crimes we see in Regina.


470 - What all takes place during General Elections?

Both (A), (C)

471 - What animal is the mascot for the Republican Party?


472 - What are articles that contain a writer's opinions on a particular candidate, officeholder, or issue?

op-ed pieces

473 - What are natural rights and how should these rights be protected, according to the US Constitution?

The right to life liberty and property protected by forming governments.

474 - What are the 3 branches of government (select all that apply)

Both (A), (B), (C)

475 - What are the two deserts in Africa

Sahara and Kalahari

476 - What are the two main political parties in America?

Democrats and Republicans

477 - What are the two main political parties in the U.S.?

Both (A), (C)

478 - what constituation annexed texas


479 - What country lies east of Iran?


480 - What did Karl Marx call the workers in an industrialized society?


481 - What did President Washington say that political parties will do to the United States?

divide the nation

482 - what disease do rats spread?


483 - What do the House and Senate committees of the parties do?

to get members of their parties elected to the House and Senate

484 - What do you know about 'The Long Walk to Freedom'?

Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

485 - What does embedded mean when referencing journalism, such as military reporters?

They travel alongside troops

486 - What does GDP per capita measure?

to compare money between countries

487 - What does the 25th amendment do?

Created a line of succession for when the President is no longer in office

488 - What does the term "sovereign" mean?

Independent of others

489 - What economic alliance was the USSR a part of during the Cold War?

Warsaw Pact

490 - What effect do third parties have on the main parties

They take votes away from the main parties

491 - What element of political cartoons is the use of making simple characteristics or things larger to make a point?


492 - What extends from France to Russia and is very important to Europe's agricultural industry (farming)?

European Plain

493 - What form of local government provides voters with the least accountability for elected officials?

Weak Mayor/City Manager/ City Council Arrangement

494 - What group started political parties?


495 - What happens in the process of devolution?

a national government gives power to its provinces

496 - What is "bureaucracy"?

a highly complex body of workers with many levels of authority

497 - What is a major criticism of democratic regimes?

they are inefficient

498 - What is a major sport in Angola?


499 - What is a party's list of ideas or beliefs called?


500 - What is a Plank in relation to a Political Party Platform?

A single issue found within a Political Party Platform.

501 - What is a term for a group of people that share the same common goal and actively attempt to influence lawmakers?

interest group

502 - What is a warlord?

a military leader operating outside the control of the government

503 - What is an electronic voting machine (EVM)

A device used in India to cast ballots in an election.

504 - What is an important difference between interest groups and political parties?

Interest groups attempt to influence government directly on particular issues.

505 - What is an organization of individuals who join together for the purpose of influencing government decisions?

An interest group

506 - What is an organization that tries to get political power by electing members to public office so that their political ideas can become laws or policies?

political party



508 - What is not a major function of political parties?

To unite people and focus on one public policy

509 - What is one of the challenges third parties face?

The U.S. uses a winner-takes-all/plurality system

510 - What is pocket veto?

President can keep a bill pending with him without any time limit.

511 - What is the capital of Denmark?


512 - What is the capital of Russia?


513 - What is the difference between ethics and moral values?

Ethics means society's concept of right and wrong, Morals are personal beliefs.

514 - What is the first state to have a Caucus to determine a state delegate?


515 - What is the importance of the Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables and the Code of Justinian?

They established written laws for the entire community

516 - What is the limit of turnover to be eligible for Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan Dhan Scheme launched in July 2019?

Below Rs. 1.5 Crore

517 - What is the magical number of electoral votes a presidential candidate needs in order to win the election?


518 - What is the means of conveying information to large amounts of the public at one time

The media

519 - What is the most important factor to getting a good poll that best resembles the target population?

Random Sampling

520 - What is the name for the rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution?

Fundamental Rights

521 - What is the name of the election to find a NOMINEE to run for president for a particular party?

primary election

522 - What is the name of the mobile application launched by the Union Agriculture Ministry, for better transportation of perishable agricultural goods during lockdown?

Kisan Rath

523 - What is the other purpose of the party convention?

Setting the party platform

524 - What is the process of how family, media, education and ethnicity influence your political beliefs

political socialization

525 - What is the purpose of a POLITICAL map?

To highlight the borders of countries

526 - What is the purpose of political cartoons?

They persuade their audience to take a particular view on a historical event.

527 - What is the series of statements expressing the party's principles, beliefs, and positions; ideas that the party stands on


528 - What is the type of the advocate who pleads the cases on behalf of the government and who has been appointed by the government on permanent basis?

Public prosecutor

529 - What is unique about the Northwest Angle?

There is a small portion of Minnesota in Canada

530 - What month does National Election Day fall in?


531 - What political major served as the 44th president of the United States?

Barack Obama.

532 - What refers to any act that the law defines as a crime?


533 - What reserved power is one of the most important?

Power to control elections

534 - What should voters do if they want to stay well-informed about candidates?

Consult many different sources of information about the candidates.

535 - What state or territory's capital is Melbourne?


536 - What states the goals and purposes of the Constitution?


537 - What system of government does Israel have?

Multi-party system

538 - What term refers to the problems that government leaders consider most important and receive the most attention?

Public agenda

539 - What theory suggests a land based power controlling Eastern Europe would eventually be able to control the world? It gained attention after WWII with Russia owning it.

Heartland Theory

540 - What title is given to the leader in Cuba?


541 - What type of government does India have?

Parliamentary form of government

542 - What type of government has its power limited by the people?


543 - What type of items are sold in the malls?

Both I and II

544 - What usually happens to single issue parties over time?

The issue they support gets adopted by a major party

545 - What was the first heavily televised war?


546 - What was the main cause of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia after the fall of communism?

ethnic, nationalistic, and religious tensions.

547 - What was the name of the oligarchy that rose to power after the fall of Robespierre?

The Directory

548 - What was the name of the oligarchy that rose to power after the Reign of Terror was over?

The Directory

549 - What was the revolution from above?

The creation of a parliamentary/constitutional monarchy

550 - When a state has absolutely control of a government, this is known as:

Political Sovereignty

551 - When an important person announces their support for a candidate.


552 - When an individual is able to convince another person without lifting a finger or just by simply being with the other person and talking it out with him, what type of power is this?


553 - when did general parvez musharraf lead a military coup


554 - When did political factions began to form?

During the struggle of ratification of the federal constitution of 1787.

555 - When did the second wave of democratization begin?




557 - When is the election

November 3rd

558 - When is the International day of Democracy celebrated?

15th September

559 - When is the judicial decision become law?

When there is no previous cases to be referred

560 - When it comes to nominating a person for the office of President -

The candidate is nominated through their political party.

561 - When political parties have members of government act according to their partisanship (firm allegiance to their party), they are completing which of the following functions/roles?


562 - when Tashkent agreement was signed??


563 - When the 1st amendment was written guaranteeing press freedom

There was virtually no daily press

564 - when was Omprakash Valmiki born


565 - When was the Constitution of India adopted?

26th Nov, 1949

566 - When was the NDC established?


567 - Where along the political spectrum do both political parties want to win majority support?


568 - Where are the differences between parties stated?

Their platform

569 - Where do most teens get their news from?

Social Media

570 - Where do people directly participate and seek from there elective representative

Gram panchayat

571 - Where does the majority of Political Socialization occur?

Inside the house

572 - Which aid / are not basic feature of our constitution

Democratic monarch

573 - Which Amendment gave women the right to vote?


574 - Which amendment guarantees due process,which means that the state and the country have to respect a citizen's legal rights.

5th Amendment

575 - Which amongst these is a Union Territory?

Jammu and Kashmir

576 - Which article of the Indian Constitution states that "There shall be a Vice President of India?"


577 - Which branch can veto or approve laws?


578 - Which choice best describes the Queen of England's purpose?


579 - Which country is located in both Europe and Asia?


580 - Which country's monarch has no government power?


581 - Which desert can be found underneath the Sahara?


582 - Which does NOT describe a person who votes the most?


583 - Which Federalist Papers stated that interest groups were not a good idea and the political parties would come to power?


584 - Which founding father is credited with the idea of the electoral college?

Alexander Hamilton

585 - Which fundamental principle means that we send representatives to DC and Richmond for us?

Representative Government

586 - Which government type allows citizens the greatest amount of political influence?


587 - Which is a federal division of power?

governments at the regional level

588 - Which is a way that states choose presidential candidates (check all that apply)?

Both (A), (B), (C)

589 - Which is incorrect about John Locke's theory of social contract?

people agreed to surrender their natural rights into the hands of a common superior and to obey his commands.

590 - Which is not a way that voters evaluate campaign information for accuracy?

maintain a position of apathy

591 - Which is prudent reason for power sharing?

it reduces the possibility of conflicts between communities and ensures of stability

592 - Which is the most dramatic change in the geographic distribution of African Americans in the United States that has occured in the last 100 years?

relocation to northern cities

593 - Which listed military alliance supported the US during the Cold War?


594 - Which major political party supports lowering taxes?


595 - Which modern political party tends to be more conservative?

Republican Party

596 - Which modern political party tends to be more liberal?

Democratic Party

597 - Which ocean/sea does not touch India's boundries?

Pasific ocean

598 - which of following is not fundamental right

directive principle of state

599 - Which of the following are associated with 'Right to Equality and 'Right to life and personal liberty?

Art 14 and Art 21 respectively

600 - Which of the following Cabinet departments is not headed by a Secretary of the department?


601 - Which of the following countries have military bases on Antarctica which is allowed thanks to the Antarctic Treaty

No one has military bases in Antarctica

602 - Which of the following countries is the example of two-party system?

Both (a) and (b)

603 - Which of the following countries that joined the Soviet Bloc.

All of the above

604 - which of the following events took place in 1961

construction of the Berlin Wall

605 - Which of the following features does not belong to a federal govern-ment?

Both Central and State Governments have co-ordinate status.

606 - Which of the following ideas WOULD NOT be part of the Democratic Party political platform?

Lowering taxes

607 - Which of the following is a fixed capital?

Machines and Tractors

608 - Which of the following is a right of the accused?

You cannot be punished for the same offense more than once

609 - Which of the following is a saving certificate scheme?

Kisan Vikas Patra

610 - Which of the following is a similarity of political parties?

These all are similarities

611 - Which of the following is a type of Third Party?

All of the above

612 - Which of the following is MOST important for protecting interest group activities?

1st Amendment

613 - Which of the following is NOT a clause found in the 14th amendment?

Supremacy Clause

614 - Which of the following is not a form of media?


615 - Which of the following is NOT a function of all political parties?

reflect both liberal and conservative views

616 - Which of the following is NOT a primary purpose of the European Union?

Reduce the threats of terror cells in member countries

617 - Which of the following is NOT a type of Directive Principle

Rights of the accused

618 - Which of the following is NOT a way to nominate a candidate?

Mail-in ballot

619 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a centripetal force?

The Mindanao region of the Philippines has poor infrastructure and inadequate basic services

620 - Which of the following is not associated with the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

creation of a stable republican government

621 - Which of the following is regarded as an essential function of the State

To provide defense against external attacks

622 - Which of the following provisions of the Indian Constitution was passed without virtually any debate

Introduction of Universal Suffrage

623 - Which of the following statements is not true

Mahatma Gandhi was instrumental in the formation of NAM

624 - Which of the following the following objectives that will enable us to study Political Science?

To understand how political system works.

625 - Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812?

Andrew Jackson became a national hero after defeating the British at New Orleans

626 - Which of the following was considered the "George Washington" of South American independence, and had a country named after him?

Simon Bolivar

627 - Which of the following was created to prevent smuggling?

Sugar Act

628 - Which of the following was NOT a Democratic president during the 1900s?

Ronald Reagan

629 - Which of the following was NOT a problem associated with the Articles of Confederation?

Central government was too powerful

630 - Which of the following was NOT part of the written Roman Legal Code?

The Inquirer

631 - Which of the following was the first political party?


632 - Which of the following words can be associated with the Democratic Party? (Choose two)

Both (B), (C)

633 - Which of the following would be a member of the 1st Estate?

A village priest

634 - Which of these are examples of temporary organizations? (select all that apply)

Both (A), (B), (C)

635 - Which of these values have the moral and legal sanction in a democracy?

Both a and b

636 - Which one of the following countries has one party system?


637 - Which one of the following is considered as an accountable form of government

Democratic Government

638 - Which one of the following was not a part of Western Alliance?


639 - Which organ of the government implements the laws?


640 - Which pair of words is associated with the Republicans?

conservative and right

641 - Which part of the Indian Constitution related to the Supreme Court of India?

Part V

642 - Which party believes the government should play an active role in people's lives, especially the vulnerable?


643 - Which party is known for wanting higher taxes on the wealthy?


644 - which party rules syria?


645 - Which party would most likely want more businesses owned by the government.


646 - Which party's candidates are likely to say....."I am the candidate who supports an increase in government spending and improving the lives of people"

Democratic Party

647 - which person is least likely to participate on election day

an 18 year old college student

648 - Which person switched from Federalist to Democratic-Republican?

James Madison

649 - Which physical feature acts as a border between the Sahara Desert & the Tropical Rainforest?


650 - which political party in power in west Bengal?


651 - Which political party is about society running and controlling business?


652 - Which political party is being described? [Flannigan says that wealth will trickle down to help those at the bottom if we have a market economy and a government that is small, has few taxes and few regulations.]

Republican Party

653 - Which president led the United States as it expanded into California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and Nevada?

James K. Polk

654 - Which propaganda technique are endorsements from famous people?


655 - Which Prussian leader believed," We would not get nearer to our goal by speeches and votes.....This contest could only be settled by blood and iron."

Otto von Bismarck

656 - Which statement concerning a loose interpretation of the Constitution is not true?

It is the belief that anything not specifically written in the Constitution is forbidden

657 - Which statement regarding third parties is best is most accurate?

Third party election victories are often on the local and state level.

658 - Which subject was transferred from State List to Concurrent List by the 42nd amendment of the Constitution?


659 - Which third party wants the most minimal government interference in both the economy and the lives of the people?

Libertarian Party

660 - Which two major ideas are contained in thewritings of Karl Marx?

class struggle and revolutionary change

661 - Which type of boundary separates the island of Cyprus, and Ireland?


662 - Which U.S. President served the shortest term?

William Henry Harrison

663 - Which US political parties would likely approve of reforming healthcare, federal loans and food stamps?


664 - Which viewpoint is associated with the Democrats' platform?

larger government

665 - Which year John Rawls has written his famous book ' The Theory of Justice'.


666 - White Protestants are MOST likely to vote


667 - Who can NOT vote in United States elections?

Both (A), (B), (C)

668 - Who cannot promote any one religion?

Government schools

669 - Who conducts the appointment of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India?


670 - Who defined political science as "the study of any persistent pattern of human relationships which involves, to a significant extent power, rule and authority."?

Robert Dahl

671 - Who got the title of Asaf Jah founder of state of Hyderabad


672 - Who had the most authority under the Articles of Confederation?

each state

673 - Who has to introduce a bill?

A legislator of a congressional house

674 - Who is an entrepreneur in the list below?

business owner

675 - Who is called sarpanch

Panchayat head

676 - Who is the 1st Attorney General of India?

MC Setalvud

677 - Who is the current Vice Chairperson of NITI Aayog?

Dr Rajiv Kumar

678 - Who is the Defence Minister of Iniad

Rajnath Singh

679 - Who is the head of state in UK

Elizabeth II

680 - Who is the head of the executive branch

The President

681 - Who led the popular struggle against West Pakistani domination?

Sheikh Mujib-Ur-Rahman

682 - Who monitors the implementation of schemes like MNREGA in Villages?

Mandal Parishad

683 - Who stole about \$200 million from New York City in the late 1860's?

William "Boss" Tweed

684 - Who votes in November?

the people who are registered to vote

685 - Who was best known as "The most powerful man in America" because of his yellow journalism tactics?

William Randolph Hearst

686 - Who was in the Second Estate?


687 - Who was the first governor of Utter Pradesh

Sarojini naidu

688 - Who was the founder of Hyderabad State?

Nizam-ul-mulk Asaf Jah

689 - Who was the representative of the democratic republican party

Thomas Jefferson

690 - Who were the ijardars?

Revenue Farmers

691 - Who won the Election of 1796 becoming the 2nd President of the United States?

John Adams

692 - Why are the Danube and Rhine rivers important?

they can be used easily for shipping goods

693 - Why did the SAARC nations not trust each other? Choose the incorrect option.

Common problem of Poverty

694 - Why do interest groups pressure lawmakers?

They want lawmakers to pass legislation that supports their cause or beliefs

695 - Why do people form governments?

To maintain social order and provide protection

696 - Why do the media sensationalize issues?

to generate interest in a story, attracting readers or viewers

697 - Why does the Libertarian Party oppose national "Common Core" educational requriements?

They view these standards as unnecessary federal interference in education.

698 - Why is voting important?

It lets your voice be heard by voting for what you believe

699 - Why law is so important?

is important for a society for it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens.

700 - Why was a change necessary in terminology? (e.g. policeman- police officer)

because all the words referred to men only and excluded women


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