Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 5

1 - A 2017 study in The American Economic Review found that watching Fox News during an election cycle increased a Democrat's chances of voting Republican by 28 percent. Conversely, by watching MSNBC Republicans were more inclined to vote Democrat by 8 percent. This scenario best illustrates which of the following about the media?

B Cable news programming is oftentimes ideologically driven and effective in persuading citizens to adopt their point of view.

2 - "Everyone else is doing it, you should too!"


3 - "I'm voting for Joe Biden because he gives me hope that we will be able to unify our country and begin to get things done across party lines" would be an example of:

Prospective voting

4 - "The impeachment of Trump doesn't matter to me because he's the Republican candidate, and I always vote Republican" would be an example of:

Party-line voting

5 - ..... accepts that people can be treated differently to achieve equality. Its policies are designed to correct the cumulative effect of past inequalities.

Affirmative Action

6 - ..... an OGONI by birth, led a non violent struggle with the launch of the Movement for the survival of the OGONI people (MOSOP)

Ken - Saro - Wiwa

7 - ..... and ..... remain key players in South Asian politics.

United States and China

8 - ..... are those means of communication that reach large audiences?

Mass Media

9 - ..... fulfils the needs of people in a Village.

Gram Panchayat

10 - ..... gives power to local entities


11 - ..... is the political doctrine of equal rights for men and women.


12 - ..... said that man is nasty, brutal ans selfish?


13 - ..... served as Education Minister in the first union cabinet.

Moulana Abul Kalam Azad



15 - Which option represents a way that multiple perspectives are reflected in political participation?

public meetings

16 - 40% voter turnout?


17 - Who is the author of the significant text in International Relations 'The Twenty Years Crisis' (1946)?

H Carr

18 - In the modern political system, which issue represents a basic disagreement between Republicans and Democrats?

the responsibilities of government

19 - A ..... interpretation of the Constitution is one that believes anything not specifically written in the Constitution is forbidden.


20 - A ..... map usually has dull colors.


21 - A 2002 survey of 1,149 journalists found that, compared to the public, journalists were more.....


22 - A body of fundamental principles, according to which a state is constituted is known as


23 - A boundary that is based on human constructs, such as straight lines is what type of boundary


24 - A choice that government makes in response to a political issue. A policy is a course of action taken with regard to some problem.

Public Policy

25 - A contest to see who can earn the most votes


26 - A democratic decision will not involve :


27 - A document stating the goals and principles of a political party or political candidate, also known was a political platform.

Issue Based Platform

28 - A federal union would

give more power to the central government as well as the provinces to make laws and govern

29 - A government in which one ruler has absolute power to do whatever he wishes and make and enforce whatever laws he chooses; government by one.

autocratic government

30 - a government or a social situation where one person makes all the rules and decisions without input from anyone else


31 - A government where people choose representatives to make decisions for them is called:

a democratic republic

32 - A group of closely scattered islands in a large body of water is a(n)


33 - A group of people organized to help bring about similar ideas for government is called a

political party

34 - a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own


35 - a list of issues that much of society agrees are a priority

public agenda

36 - A map that shows the location of landforms and features like rivers, lakes, ocean, mountains, valleys, deserts and different land elevations.


37 - A new threat that has emerged in this contemporary world is:


38 - A person's ideas about how government should run and how issues should be solved.

political views

39 - A political and economic union of 28 countries in Europe that focuses on freedom, movement, trade, and money

European Union

40 - A Political party has three components, which of the following is not a component of a political party :

Election symbol

41 - A political party is

A group of persons who seek to control government through elections.

42 - A political party other than Republican or Democratic

third party

43 - A political party that believes that the federal government should play a less active role in people's lives and that individuals can take care of themselves without government help.

Republican Party

44 - A Political Party that believes the government should control the entire economy and there should be no private ownership of business.

Communist Party

45 - A political party that challenges the 2 major parties

3rd Party

46 - A political system = all people are equal = no rich / no poor


47 - A political system with two strong political parties.


48 - A politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory is a


49 - A queen rules a nation. When she dies, the throne will pass to her daughter. What kind of government does this nation have?

a monarchy

50 - A state's shape


51 - A system in which people produce, sell, and by things.


52 - A system of 'checks and balances' is another name for which one of the following power-sharing arrangements:

Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of the government.

53 - A system was introduced to ensure public participation in rural reconstruction.

Three tier system

54 - A type of imperialism in which people move into and settle on the land of another country.


55 - A violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that becomes so intense that it appears like a war is called.....

Civil War

56 - A ward is.....

a collection of two or more voting districts for a city/county

57 - a written statement of the goals of a political party

party platform

58 - According to 2019 Election result,there are ..... national political parties in India


59 - According to census of 2011, the poverty rate is


60 - According to Robert Dahl, political science is about .....

the study of human interaction with power, authority and rule in politics

61 - Activism vs. Restraint


62 - After abandoning teaching, al-Ghazali went to isolation and wrote .....

Ihya Ulumuddin

63 - After Cold war the world was immediately transformed into a..... world

uni polar



65 - Alexis de Tocqueville, a commentator on American society in the 1800s, noted that Americans rely on courts

to resolve most political questions.

66 - All of the following are significant reasons for nonvoting in United States elections today EXCEPT

the widespread use of religious and literacy tests as voting requirements.

67 - All of the following identify a motive of European states in establishing colonies EXCEPT

right past wrongs committed against weaker nations.

68 - All of these can be drawbacks to polling except.....

All polls are bad

69 - America has a ..... ..... political system.

two party

70 - An absolute monarchy is a country where.....

the leader is the oldest child of the previous king and has all the power to make any rules they like

71 - An apparent association between factors or variable is a


72 - An area where poeple are caught between the globalization or modernization of their culture and their traditional cultural identity

Cultural Shatterbelt

73 - An election where anyone of any political party affiliation may vote to select a candidate for a particular party

open primary

74 - An election, usually held at regular intervals, in which candidates are elected in all or most constituencies or electoral districts of a nation


75 - an electoral district or constituency having a single representative in a legislative body rather than two or more


76 - An example of a cultural boundary is a


77 - An example of a super national organization is

All of these

78 - An important function of a political party in the United States is

all are correct

79 - An individual who wants to bring legal change to the political system.


80 - an individual's coherent set of beliefs about government and politics.

political ideology

81 - An individual's identification with a party; whether they consider themselves a Democrat, Republican, or Independent.


82 - An influence outside of the branches of government that is related to the personal friendships and working ability of members in the branches to gets along.

Informal Relationships

83 - an internal organization of a state that places most power in the hands of central goverment officials

Unitary Government

84 - An international organization of states designed to promote peaces, security, and observance of international law. The organization was formed in 1945.


85 - An introductory statement in a constitution which states the reasons and guiding values of the constitution is


86 - Another role of political parties is to.....

All of these

87 - Any party other than the Democrats or Republicans is called a ..... party.


88 - Approves Appointments of Civil Officers


89 - Aristocracy means rule by

the "best."

90 - At the head of the Executive Branch is .....

The President

91 - At the national level RTI was passed by the parliament in the year ..... .


92 - At the Republican national convention, which animal and color would you expect to see?

elephants and red

93 - Belarus is a .....

presidential republic

94 - Below are the main values in society EXCEPT.....


95 - Below are the scopes of political science EXCEPT?

International conference

96 - Berlusconi is the prime minister of which country.


97 - Between 1994 and 2014, what happened to the number of people in each party who viewed people from the other party very unfavorably?

it increased

98 - Boundaries based on traits like language.

Cultural Boundary

99 - Boundary disputes that center on where a boundary should be.


100 - Branch given the power of Recognizing and Dealing with Foreign Nations


101 - Branch of government located at The White House


102 - Branch of government that can raise and govern military forces


103 - Branch of government that sentences offenders.


104 - Branch with the power of Impeachment


105 - Burhan reads a book about cooking and wishes to make curry puffs. He was engaged in .....

none of the above

106 - By which Amendment Act the voting age was reduced to 18 years from 21 years in India?


107 - Candidates who declare themselves members of a national party can be found at which of the following levels of government?

All of these

108 - Characteristics of Power that have subject and object:


109 - Chile is a(n)

Elongated State

110 - Choose 3 - Effective (powerful) propaganda is .....

Both (A), (C)

111 - Citizenship Participation:Type of government where leaders rule with consent of the citizens (people get to vote)


112 - Coalition of willing signed in which of the invasion?

operation Iraqi freedom

113 - Conservatives are often associated with what political party?


114 - CONSERVATIVES believe in which of the following

economies should be run free of govt involvement

115 - Consider the following Statements: Analogies are when you compare 2 things that are the same. Nobles appointed as Governors by the Mughals had no control over Diwani and Faujdari. To defend the country and to render national service at time of emergencies is the fundamental duty of a citizen. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

116 - Consider the following Statements: China is an example of a one-party system Tejanos had the same rights as Anglos The head of our Municipal government is called the 'Mayor Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

117 - Consider the following Statements: George Washington thought that political parties were a bad idea. Social change may be a product of technological change. George Washington welcomed the formation of politcal parties. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

118 - Consider the following Statements: In political science, a qualitative or interpretive method of doing research is one which involves a heavy reliance on numerical data and high-powered statistical techniques to achieve generalized theories. Absolute monarchy is considered to be a unlimited form of government. One of the suggestions to change the current presidential nomination process would be to have National primary day where all states participate. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

119 - Consider the following Statements: In the Estates General, the clergy and the nobles could always outvote the commoners which represented 98% of the country. The head of our Municipal government is called the 'Mayor Many states favor the current presidential primary system so any reform would be difficult to make. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

120 - Consider the following Statements: Inventions of the imperial dynasties included the seismograph, sundial, jade, noodles, and water clocks. In a Subsistence farm the produce are eaten by the family. Ibn Khaldun explained the stages of rise and fall of civilization which are:a. The riseb. Consolidationc. Contentmentd. The luxurye. The fall Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

121 - Consider the following Statements: Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party The Mayans were located in parts of El Salvador, Belize and Honduras. Political borders can change Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

122 - Consider the following Statements: Some dictators take over by military force. The symbol of the republican party is a donkey. The Person who wins the most votes becomes president Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

123 - Consider the following Statements: The Belarusian Government is the Council of Ministers/. You should always believe what political ads tell you. In a democracy people choose their representatives Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: The era from 1968 to present in the U.S. government has been characterized by one party dominating both houses of Congress and the presidency. A physical map shows all natural features. Political ideology offers analysis of the condition of the state by examining what works and what does not work. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

125 - Consider the following Statements: The only purpose of a treaty is to end a war. There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. A secular state is one in which the state officially promote any one religion as the state religion. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

126 - Consider the following Statements: The Republicans are represented by the donkey symbol and the Democrats by the elephant symbol. Public opinion doesn't affect the political process because politicians listen to the party over their constituents The U.S. Constitution outlines the purpose and responsibilities of political parties. Which of the following is/are true?


127 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation is a major regional initiative by the South Asian states to evolve cooperation through bilateral means. There have always been two main political parties in the United States. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

128 - Constitution ensures the security of the tenure of the CEC and Election Commissioners.

Six year term or continue till the age of 65

129 - Constitution of India came into effect from:

26 January, 1950

130 - Countries like North Korea and China have .....

One-party systems

131 - Dalkhalsa was set up in 1699 by

Guru Gobind Singh

132 - Definition: a boundary drawn before a large population was present.

Antecedent boundary

133 - Definition: a boundary drawn to accommodate religious, ethnic, linguistic, or economic differences.

Subsequent boundary

134 - Deliberative Democracy is

Extensive public debate before politicians take decisions

135 - Demographic changes in the United States population could translate to political consequences through the process of


136 - Dept. of Agriculture


137 - Districts can be redrawn every 10 years based upon new

Census Data

138 - During which century the Mughal Empire declined?


139 - Education should be run and handled by

state and local governments

140 - Elbridge Gerry came up with the concept of ..... to redraw voting districts.


141 - elected officials representing a group of people

representative democracy

142 - Election Commissioner is appointed by ..... .


143 - Everybody must follow the law no matter what describes.....

Rule of Law

144 - Everyone should have equal opportunity, but workinghard is the best way to get ahead.


145 - Example: The boundary that divides Libya and Egypt.

Geometric boundary

146 - Example: The Missouri River divides Iowa and Nebraska

Natural boundary

147 - Examples of physical characteristics

mountains, lakes, rivers

148 - Export means

selling goods to another country

149 - Extreme patriotism or love for one's country.


150 - Favors LESS federal government responsibility

Republican Party

151 - Federal agencies that regulate particular industries originally were designed to be above politics and have boards of directors and a chairperson that has a specific term of office, so they cannot be easily removed by the President such a the Securities and Exchange Commission (oversees Wall Street) and the National Labor Relations Board (Oversees union and corporate relationships)

Independent Regulatory Commissions

152 - Fendi: We have been implementing the system of democracy in our political system. I don't have full confidence that this is good in the long run as a Muslim, since it is different from the Khilafah system. Fendi is thinking about politics in the scope of .....

Comparative Politics

153 - First state to undergo polling for the First Election in India.

Himachal Pradesh

154 - Followers of Judaism believe that God gives each person the choice between?

Good and evil

155 - Following the XYZ Affair, the United States .....

got involved in a "Quasi-War" with France

156 - For how many years was Nelson Mandela in prison?

28 years

157 - For the first time in history, there were political parties. The two people that were elected for President and Vice President in 1796 were.....

On different parties. One was a Federalist. One was a Republican.

158 - For what reason would a company want to send manufacturing jobs to another country?

Cheaper labor cost in the new country

159 - Forces that tend to unify a country


160 - form of government in which powers are divided between the national government and state or provincial governments

federal system

161 - Founded: 1949; Members: US, Canada, Iceland, Western and Central Europe, and Turkey; Mission: mutual defense of members; HQ: Brussels, Belgium

NATO (North Atlantic Peace Treaty)

162 - From 1860 to 1932 the U.S. presidency was dominated by which party?


163 - From where can we buy the medicines?

Chemist shop

164 - Fundamental Rights are incorporated in which part of the Constitution?

Part III

165 - Fundraising by political parties is

how they get money

166 - George and Martha are both candidates for mayor in Jamestown's coming election. George is an engineer and Martha is a medical doctor. George has been on the Jamestown City Council for 5 years and Martha is the city's current mayor. Both George and Martha have acted as capable public servants in their roles. However, they strongly disagree on whether Jamestown should invest in building a new sports stadium, the main issue facing the city. What will probably be the most important factor for voters in deciding which candidate to support in this election?

which candidate shares the voter's views on building the stadium.

167 - Germany's law-making body is made up of the Bundescrat and Bundestag. Which word best describes this type of law-making body?


168 - Giving out information that is intentionally misleading to influence someone is an example of .....


169 - Giving people an equal chance to succeed.

Equality of Opportunity

170 - God and religious law are the government's authority.


171 - God, gold, and glory are associated with which of the following?

Early colonialism (first wave)

172 - Governing system in which public decision making is delegated to representatives of the people chosen by popular vote in free, open, and periodic elections

Representative Democracy

173 - Government can be defined as

an institution within which decisions are made that resolve conflicts.

174 - Government is not all powerful, and may only do those things the people have given it the power to do.

Limited government

175 - Government officials use the ..... to communicate with the public.


176 - Government where a military leader takes control by force


177 - Governments need to set up strict rules for factories so they don't pollute our air or water.


178 - Grassroots Movement is

People are fueling a call for government action on an issue

179 - He defined politics as the study of the affairs of the polis (city-state), and as the most sovereign and inclusive association.


180 - How can cable news negatively impact a consumer?

Fact and opinion are presented together

181 - How can Government prevent domination of religion?

Strategy of Intervention

182 - How did other European monarchs respond to the Revolution in France?

They declared war to keep the Revolution from going to their countries.

183 - How did political machines help people?

helped them find jobs

184 - How does Brexit affect the issues between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland?

The Republic of Ireland's trading system has changed due to the end of UK end with the UN

185 - How is representation in Congress determined?

By population in the House and it is equal in the Senate

186 - How many days before an election is voter registration closed in Virginia?


187 - How many electoral votes are needed to win the Presidency?


188 - How many fundamental rights are there in Indian Constitution?


189 - How many levels of court are there in India?


190 - How many members from Rajya sabha are appointed by the president


191 - How many seats do you need to win a majority government?


192 - How many states and union territories are there in India at present?

28 States and 8 union territories

193 - How many terms may a President be elected?


194 - How much money do you need to raise officially run for office?


195 - How often does the census occur?

Every 10 years

196 - How was China after the Han dynasty like Europe after the fall of Rome?

It broke into separate kingdoms.

197 - How was the legal system of King Hammurabi's Babylon more advanced than that of other societies at that time?

It treated all classes the same.

198 - How would a world without laws be?

helps our society have stability and order and establish a line between good and bad

199 - How would you say deaf in a pc way?

has hearing impairments

200 - Human rights can be best promoted if?

there is existing constitution

201 - Hydroelectric power produces electricity using.....

Moving water

202 - Iceland and Japan are the best examples of a:



electoral college

204 - If a country does not invest in its human capital, what can happen to the country's total GDP?

Total GDP may go down because poorly trained workers will not be able to do their jobs as well.

205 - If a man has destroyed the eye of a freeman, his own eye shall be destroyed. * If a man has knocked out the teeth of a man of the same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out. These rules are based on the

Code of Hammurabi

206 - If a Presidential candidate does not receive a majority of the votes, what happens next?

The House of Representatives chooses the president.

207 - If a state has 25 in the House of Representatives based on their population, how many Electoral Votes would that state have in a Presidential Election?


208 - If a tie occurs in the Electoral College, this part of Congress elects the President.

House of Representatives

209 - Imperial China has been divided into different periods by historians. How are these periods divided up?

by dynasty

210 - In 1789, the Third Estate left the Estates General and declared themselves the

National Assembly

211 - In 1973 A.N.Ray was appointed as CJI superseding ..... senior Judges.


212 - In a "pure" communist society, who are the wealthiest and most powerful people?

Everyone is equal

213 - In a ..... a king or queen rules the society.


214 - In addition to never winning the national election, what is another problem third party candidates are faced with?

candidates must get a large number of voter signatures to get on the ballot

215 - In Canadian elections, we use a word "riding". What is "riding"?

It's a federal/provincial electoral district

216 - In his address, he said the following: "A government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Abraham Lincoln

217 - In Lok Sabha ..... seats are reserved for Schedule Castes


218 - In order to vote you must

Be a U.S. citizen

219 - In the end, ..... determines who wins a presidential election.

The electoral vote

220 - In the modern political system, which issue represents a basic disagreement between Republican and democratic parties?

the responsibilities of the government

221 - In the United States, people that can not pay their hospital expenses often

get dropped of at homeless shelters

222 - In Virginia, how many days before the election does registration close?


223 - In what city does the federal government operate from

Washington DC

224 - In what year was the amendment passed which provided the right to vote to citizens over the age of 18?


225 - In which forms of government was ruled based at least partially on wealth?

Aristocracy and oligarchy.

226 - In which year andra pradesh came in existence


227 - In which year Mikhail Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Communist party of USSR?


228 - India and Pakistan relationship are spoiled by

All of the above

229 - India and USA have shared interest in controlling


230 - India conducted nuclear tests in 1974 at -


231 - India with Muslim/Hindu populations would be an example of which type of boundary?


232 - Indian foreign Policy is also called as

Nehru Policy

233 - Individual contributions to political candidates and campaigns are limited as a direct result of ..... reform.

Campaign finance

234 - Individuals can influence policy in all of the following ways EXCEPT -

registering to vote

235 - Interest groups are primarily focused on which of the following activities?

actively promoting a particular cause or belief

236 - Into how many constituencies is the country divided for Lok Sabha elections?


237 - invisible line that marks the extent of a state's territory


238 - Is hunger in the world a result of:

The uneven distribution of the world's food supply

239 - It is a political and economic theory where a society has no classes.


240 - It is more or less coherent set of ideas that provides a basis for organized political action, whether the ideas are intended to preserve, modify, or overthrow the existing power.

Political Ideology

241 - It is the job of ..... to separate fact from opinion, detect bias, and identify propaganda in campaigns.


242 - It is the study of power struggle.

Political Science

243 - It keeps a strong military to project a powerful image internationally

Rightist idea

244 - It refers to the study of living people and their cultures

Cultural Anthropology

245 - It refers to the theory, art, and practice of government.


246 - It started as the study of non-European people by European people.

Political Science

247 - Italy and South Africa are both examples of ..... states.


248 - John Locke is considered as .....

the father of liberal democracy

249 - Kenley is looking for the state capital of Alabama. Which type of map could she use?


250 - Keyword: Money


251 - Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, is an example of.....

a dictator

252 - Known as the "Ideal Law". Its principle is that men are pre-loaded with an idea on what is good and bad.

Natural Law

253 - Law goes into effect after it is sent to a federal agency for rule-making.

President signs a law

254 - Laws that physically separated difference races within South Africa.


255 - Leaders of the freedom movement were clear that their country should be


256 - Leaders of the freedom movement were clear that their country should be .....-


257 - Liberal on social issues.

Democratic Party

258 - Liberals typically endorse all of the following EXCEPT

a limited role for the government in helping individuals.

259 - Marbury v. Madison established:

judicial review

260 - Marie, a political scientist, is studying political theories of ancient, medieval, and modern philosophers for her to understand the evolution of the political and governmental system of countries in Europe and Asia. What method of political science does she employ?


261 - Marx's argued that man's actions at all times are dominated by .....

economic motives

262 - Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins are best known for

instituting the Reign of Terror

263 - mercantilism

colonial/imperial era economic system in which national strength is increased by valuing exports over imports

264 - Mexico, Iraq, and the United States of America are.....


265 - Most countries use which type of party system:

Multi-party system

266 - Most Hungarians live in Hungary but some live in the Transylvania region of Romania. This is an example of a:

Multistate Nation

267 - Most voters have ..... views.


268 - Motilal Nehru and 8 other Congress leaders drafted a Constitution for India in the year ..... .


269 - NAFTA is way of avoiding conflict in North America by eliminating ..... & .....

tariffs, quotas

270 - Name the contribution of King Henry II to the legal system of England.

Jury Trial

271 - Name the gulf which separates India from Sri Lanka.

Gulf of Mammar

272 - Name the leader of the Girondins


273 - Name the oldest political party of India

Indian National Congress (Congress Party)

274 - Name the Water Body to the West of India

Arabian Sea

275 - Napoleon's greatest defeat and the cause of the end of his rule was

the invasion of Russia

276 - Nathan Deal is in what political office?


277 - National Anti-Terrorism Day is observed on :

21st May

278 - naturally occurring barrier between two areas. Rivers, mountain ranges, oceans, and deserts can all serve as examples.

natural boundary

279 - Newspaper articles that offers a person's opinion instead of reporting facts

Op-Ed Piece

280 - Nickname for a Democrat.


281 - Nigeria's democratization process is best described as a

process interrupted by frequent military intervention

282 - No party affiliation; vote based on issues/ideas, not along party lines

Independent (NPA)

283 - North and South Korea provide a good example of

ethnicities divided between more than one state.

284 - Occur when two or more parties disagree over how to interpret the legal documents or maps that identify the boundary.


285 - Oligarchy

Rule by a few

286 - On the linear political spectrum, which group is known for being on the far right?


287 - On which coast of India is the union territory Daman and Diu located?


288 - One of the following is not related to the State List.


289 - One of the main functions are:. The development of cottage/small scale industries;Irrigation & water management.

Panchayat Samiti

290 - One Republican Party core belief is .....

less taxes

291 - organizations formed by interest groups; collect and raise money from groups members give money to candidates who supports their views

PACs (poltical action committees)

292 - Original jurisdiction is

the authority to initially consider a case, whether in state or federal cases.

293 - Party rigid in its approach to past glory of the country and supporter of ethics and morals. Called.....

Rightist Party

294 - peace is maintained by .....


295 - People are the source of government power. Citizens give authority to the government in exchange for protection of rights.

Consent of the governed

296 - people within a district or state-government official represents them.


297 - Period of second world war


298 - Physical boundaries often used to separate states include all but which of the following?


299 - Polis means


300 - Political culture refers to:

an overall set of values widely shared within a society.

301 - Political ideology that generally supports the idea that the federal government should take a less active role in the nation's problems. Favors less intervention on economic issues and more intervention on social issues. Tends to value tradition.


302 - Political parties exercise power through which of these functions?

All the above

303 - Political parties inform supporters by

using the media

304 - Political parties serve an important role because they

all of the above

305 - Political party that believes that the federal government should take a more active role in people's lives, particularly those who are in need


306 - Political party with the most elected members

majority party

307 - Political science has been defined as the knowledge and understanding for those who control the state. This definition is define by .....

harold d laswell

308 - Political Science is

a science that focuses on the theory and practice of government and politics at the local, state, national, and international levels.

309 - Politicians and political reporters are natural adversaries; the adversarial nature of their relationship, however, is tempered by the fact that

each group is dependent on the other to perform its job effectively

310 - Politics is derived from which word POLIS?


311 - Positivist Liberals are in favor of

State regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers

312 - Power Elite

Mills' idea that there is a small group that maintains political control no matter who wins an election

313 - Power of people to establish their own government the way they see fit.


314 - Process of physically representing a boundary on the landscape is known as


315 - Prohibits excessive bail or fines or cruel or unusual punishment


316 - Propaganda device - connecting to celebrity or power


317 - Rajya sabha has ..... members


318 - Refers to the principle and law of the state.


319 - Refusing to buy something as a protest.


320 - Rule by one


321 - Russia took over the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine becaue it felt strong cultural and historical ties. This is an example of.....


322 - SAFTA is an agreement Signed by members of -


323 - Sam loves science and wants to become a doctor but he is learning how to make clay bricks like his father and grandfather.


324 - Select all the names that are associated with the Republican Party.

Both (B), (C)

325 - Senator


326 - Shop keepers in weekly market are?

Small trader

327 - Short video or audio clips of approximately 10 seconds

Sound bites

328 - Simple Majority to Impeach

House of Representatives

329 - Since the 1970s, corporations, labor unions, and special interest groups have been allowed to raise funds and make campaign contributions through .....

Political Action Committees

330 - Some parties join together to form the government is called .....

Coalition party

331 - Someone who has very moderate political views, in the political center


332 - soviet gut ne kis sainik gut ka nirmaan kiya?

varsa pact

333 - State in which the cultural borders of a nation correspond with the state borders of a country.


334 - 'State is a necessary evil' this statement bdlongs to?


335 - State is necessary evil is the view held by


336 - Stateless Nations

exist without an official territory

337 - Study of groups and societies that people build and how these affect their behavior


338 - Study of state government by comparing Texas with other states

comparative approach

339 - Super PAC's were creating following

A supreme court ruling, Citizens United vs FEC

340 - Supreme court is the ..... of India.

Last Appellate court

341 - System of 'checks and balances' means:

Put a check on the exercise of unlimited powers of the organs of government by maintaining a balance of power among various institutions.

342 - Taxes are part of:

Concurrent powers

343 - The "donkey" and the "elephant" represent which of these?

the two major political parties in the United States

344 - The ..... is an important aspect of India's foreign policy


345 - The ..... Party wants to share wealth with workers.


346 - The 14th Amendment established which of the following?

birthright citizenship

347 - The 14th amendment was ratified during Reconstruction to correct which of the following?

African-Americans being denied their rights as American citizens in some states

348 - the 14th summit of NAM was held in


349 - The 1st SAARC summit was held at ..... and the 19th SAARC summit was scheduled to be held at .....

Dhaka, Islamabad

350 - The age limit of a contestant as Village Panchayat member is ..... .

21 years

351 - The belief the government must manage the economy by spending more money when in a recession and cutting spending when there is inflation.

Keynesian Economics

352 - The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 1998 as the leader of:

National Democratic Alliance

353 - The British people vote for representatives to run the country every

five years

354 - The brown color on a physical map means there is ..... there:


355 - The Community Government signifies:

The powers of the government regarding cultural, educational and language related issues

356 - The concept that an ethnic group would have the right to govern themselves.


357 - The Constitutional Amendment which made right to education a fundamental right :


358 - The continent of Africa owes most of its modern borders to

European colonization

359 - The countries that were underdeveloped during the epoch (1950-60s) took the development projects after a period of time. Which of the following options provided the impetus for the above growth?

After Independence, it was possible for them to formulate policies to overcome their "backwardness"

360 - The democratic government is created with the decision of .....


361 - The doctrine that was born of the Plessy v. Ferguson case was known as


362 - The empire that had so many colonies that the "sun never set" on their empire was


363 - The end of Cold-war marked the end of:

bipolar system

364 - The establishment of an independent court system is where we first see the idea of three branches of government, operating independently from one another with a system of checks and balances. His theory on this issue eventually became the foundation for the United States Constitution.


365 - The first document that limited the power of the English King, written in 1215

Magna Carta

366 - The first government of the United States was established under the:

Articles of Confederation

367 - The following statements are about government funding for presidential candidates. All of the statements are TRUE except

Citizens can contribute any amount without limitations.

368 - The four types of economic systems are:

Traditional, Command, Mixed, & Market

369 - The Full Faith and Credit Clause:

Requires the States to accept each other's public acts, documents and court proceedings

370 - The goal of this discipline is to understand the origin human evolution and the diverse forms of its existence throughout time.


371 - The green color on the map means the ground is:


372 - The House of Representatives has a tenure of how many years?


373 - The idea of people coming together, listening to each other, exchanging ideas, learning to appreciate each other's differences, and defending their opinions is


374 - The ideas below are based on those found in the platform of a current political party in the United States.....We, the workers and our allies, need to take power from the hands of the wealthy few, their corporations, and their political operatives.....In which political party platform are these ideas most likely to be found?


375 - The Italian emblem was created in 1948 but what is it made of?

Star, olive tree, oak tree and steel sprocket

376 - The leadership in charge of running the state at the current time.


377 - The least amount of electoral votes that a state may have.


378 - The main purpose of political parties are to control government by

winning elections and holding office

379 - The main sources of income of the three tier system is from.....

grants from state govt.

380 - The members of the Constituent Assembly were:

Indirectly elected

381 - the method of spreading ideas or information for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person


382 - The minimum age of voting was 21 years till


383 - The most common criterion that people use when voting for a presidential candidate is the candidate's

B party identification

384 - The most famous example of Balkanization


385 - The nominating process is important in the electoral process mostly because

nominations set limits to the choice s voters make

386 - The Non-Aligned Movements came into existence mainly through the initiative of?

All of them

387 - The number of electors a state has is based on the.....

of Congressional representatives

388 - The number of electors of each state is based on the state's -

Congressional representation.

389 - The official residence of the President, but is also used by the media when referring to the people that are the closest physically and politically to the President.

White House

390 - The Palestinians (Gaza Strip and Occupied West Bank) and the Basque (northeastern Spain and southwestern France) are both examples of a:

Stateless Nation

391 - The part of the economy that provides services to others. For example, a store keeper, a nurse, a construction worker, a taxi driver- anyone who is providing a service.

Tertiary economic activity

392 - The party in power refers to the political party that

Controls the Executive Branch (the party of the President)

393 - The party platform is the .....

list of views the party has on major campaign issues.

394 - The peasants in France attacked the Noble landowners in an event called

the Great Fear

395 - The people of the UK are ..... and they speak.....

British ..... English

396 - The person chosen by the party to run in an election is a


397 - The Petition of Right ultimately gave us:

Monarchs needed approval before taxing people

398 - The phrase "I only buy American-made products." is an example of .....


399 - The policy agenda is

Priorities to which gov't officials devote time and energy

400 - the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members,citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration:


401 - The president comes to Virginia to help a member of his political party campaign for Senate. The President is.....

helping candidate win an election

402 - The president is informed of an emergency in Iran. He immediately sends 50,000 American soldiers to lend military power. What title does this illustrate?


403 - The Prime Minister is.....

appointed by the President

404 - The reasons why European states wanted to have colonies can be summarized as all BUT which of the following?


405 - The Republican Party was founded in


406 - The requirements to register to vote are .....

citizenship, age, and residency

407 - The rivers throughout the Great Rift Valley are best described as?

Tall cliffs, rapids, waterfalls

408 - The similarity in the political structure of India and USA is

Written Constitution

409 - The state government controls what?


410 - The state with the most electoral votes is


411 - The strongest source of political socialization is.....


412 - The study of human political organization of the Earth

Political Geography

413 - The Supreme Court of India was established in the year :


414 - The term of a Lok Sabha is ..... years.


415 - The term or label (philosophy) most given to Democrats in the United States?


416 - The territory or topics that are allowed to be heard by a court.


417 - The transfer of political power from the central government to subnational levels of government.


418 - The United Kingdom has a queen but also has a written set of laws all must follow. The queen serves as a figurehead (ceremonial). What is this type of democracy called?

constitutional monarchy

419 - The UNO was established in the year ..... .


420 - The Ural Mountains separate which two continents?

Europe and Asia

421 - Theoretically an area where the cultural boundaries match up with the political boundaries. The ideal is that the state incorporates people of a single ethnic stock and cultural traditions


422 - These were organizations that developed in big cities where jobs would be handed out to new immigrants in exchange for votes.

Political Machines

423 - This amendment said governments could not make paying a poll tax a condition for voting in federal elections. Because of this amendment, the government cannot make paying a tax, a requirement before you can vote

24th amendment

424 - This branch of government is responsible for enforcing the laws:


425 - This department is in charge of our country's diplomatic relations with other states. It also protects the rights of Filipino citizens residing overseas.

Department of Foreign Affairs

426 - This economic system aims to make the best products for the lowest amount of money, which often times leads to bad treatment of workers.


427 - This enlightenment thinker, from England, was a strong advocate for women's rights.


428 - This group believes in discarding old ideas and embracing new behaviors and opinions.


429 - This ideology believes in small government and slow change; keep the status quo.


430 - This ideology favors traditional American values like Christianity.


431 - This ideology is the ideological focus of the Democratic Party in the United States


432 - This political party believed that most power should be with the state government and the federal government should remain weak


433 - This political party believes in equality for all

Both (A), (C)

434 - This political party favors LOW taxes


435 - This political party wants more individual rights and less government interference.


436 - This region has rich farmland and some of the largest cities in Europe like Paris, Berlin, and Moscow.

European Plain

437 - This system has a strong central government and the states/regions only have powers delegated to them.


438 - This technique is designed to send the message that a product or person is "just like you." An advertiser will show an ordinary-looking person who vouches for how well a product works

Plain Folk

439 - This type of poll is taken on election day as people leave the polling place.

Exit Poll

440 - Those with lesser number of elected candidates are called the .....

Minority party

441 - To be recognised as a STATE party how many Assembly seats or valid votes should it win?

3 Seats, 3% Votes

442 - To legally overturn; to cancel.


443 - Totalitarian government is one extreme type of government. Which of the following is atthe other end of the political spectrum?

Parliamentary Government

444 - Totalitarianism as a concept means

that every aspect of political, social, and economic life is controlled by the government.

445 - Two or more political parties work together to run the government in a .....


446 - Under the Articles of Confederation the United States did not have one of these


447 - US laws that required separate drinking fountains, separate seats in theaters, and separate waiting rooms for the two races were known as

"Jim Crow" laws.

448 - Usually, what do most candidates need to win an election?


449 - Vietnam is an example of a


450 - Water is a .....


451 - We have a .....system in the United States.

two party

452 - We need trade agreements that

put America first

453 - What are fundamental duties?

The duties of Indian citizens that are not able to be enforced by law.

454 - What are information and ideas that politicians leak to the media to see the political reaction?

Trial Balloons

455 - What are local government responsibilities?

Rubbish collection, road signs, local roads, libraries.

456 - What are members of parliament called if they do not belong to a political party?


457 - What are the components of the political parties?

All of the above

458 - What are the ideals that a state must keep in mind while framing policies called?

Directive Principles of State Policy

459 - What are the only 2 states to decide electoral college votes based upon congressional districts and majority voting?

Nebraska & Maine

460 - What can be the minimum strength of members in the State Legislature?


461 - What can history teach us?

to move forward, recognize our mistakes and learn from them

462 - What characterizes the American political process?

a two-party system

463 - What did the KPD want for Germany?

A communist revolution

464 - What dimension of political ideology pertains to the most appropriate way to achieve it.


465 - What do you call the group of people who feel bound into a single body by shared culture, values, folkways, religion and/or language?


466 - What do you mean by a constitution?

set of written rules and documents that rule the country

467 - What does the electoral college depends on in each state?

The size of its population

468 - What does the term Conservatism mean?

A political ideology based on "traditional" values.

469 - What forced Africans to come to America?


470 - What form of government is based on the idea that people can govern themselves?


471 - What happens at in a primary election?

members of political parties choose candidates to represent each party in the general election

472 - What happens politically as we get older?

Our political beliefs become more firm

473 - What is a lobbyist?

Both (A), (B), (C)

474 - what is a middle passage?

Enslaved Africans were bought and sold after traveling the Middle Passage from West Africa to North America.

475 - What is a newspaper piece written by the newspaper staff that includes the newspaper's views on a subject?


476 - What is a not a potential outcome of strong centrifugal forces within a state?

increased cultural cohesion

477 - What is a political party?

A group of people who have similar views about the government

478 - What is an organization that represents a specific agenda.....belief in how a government should be run?

political party

479 - What is commonly used to represent the Democratic Party?

Both (B), (C)

480 - What is considered the fourth estate of the government?


481 - What is consociational democracy?

A form of democracy that operates through power-sharing and a close association amongst a number of parties or political formations

482 - What is meant by Bi-Party system?

Two major political parties contest elections.

483 - What is modern liberalism?

Ideology favoring government intervention to correct economic and social ills

484 - What is most common form of political participation?


485 - What is necessary in a democracy for people?

All of these

486 - What is NHRC?

National Human Rights Commission

487 - What is one of the main purposes of political parties?

To nominate candidates for office

488 - What is one of the most important elements to the success of democracy in this country?


489 - What is pragmatic?

Using whatever works without theory or ideology.

490 - What is propaganda?

Ideas spread to influence people

491 - What is the capital city of the Russian Federation?


492 - What is the capital of Lithuania?


493 - What is the capital of New South Wales?


494 - What is the capital of Western Australia?


495 - what is the columbian exchange?

a european trade expanded and global exchange

496 - What is the difference between an Enclave and an Exclave?

An Enclave is surrounded by a state while an Exclave is separated from the state

497 - What is the difference between an interest group and a political party

Interest groups do not run candidates for office

498 - What is the effort to make campaign money contributions fair? The laws to make sure money isn't used in the wrong ways.

campaign finance reform

499 - What is the formal name of Australia?

The Commonwealth of Australia

500 - What is the full form of FIR?

First Information Report

501 - What is the full form of P R I

Institutional Revolutionary Party

502 - What is the full form of PR System

Proportional Representation

503 - What is the idea that the gov. and the people must work together and fulfill specific responsibilities.

Social Contract

504 - What is the long length of National Anthem "Jana Gana Mana"?

52 seconds

505 - What is the main difference between political parties as it relates to the objective they want to achieve?

They have different approaches to reach their goal

506 - What is the main goal of an interest group?

Lobby politicians to vote on the issues each group represents

507 - What is the main goal of the minority party?

Force compromise with the majority party

508 - What is the main objective that political parties want to achieve?

to control government

509 - What is the meaning of polis in Greek and res publica in Latin?

Affairs of the state

510 - What is the military alliance set up by West Europe and the US to align against communism?


511 - What is the name of the bodyguards for the president

The Secret Service

512 - What is the name of the speech that a party's presidential and vice presidential nominees give at the end of a national convention?

acceptance speech

513 - What is the popular vote?

The votes cast by eligible voters

514 - What is the purpose of a campaign rally?

To boost the presidential campaign of a candidate

515 - What is the purpose of a political party.

Work to get candidates elected to political offices

516 - What is the purpose of a primary?

to determine the best candidate for a political party

517 - What is the set of statements describing a political party's views on major national issues called?


518 - What is the significance of a candidates platform?

To show what they believe in and what they're going do for this country

519 - What is the term for a interest group showing its views to its citizens to help democracy work correctly?


520 - What is the title of Russia's leader/head of government?


521 - What is the title of the leader/head of government in Germany?


522 - What is the title of the leader/head of government in Russia?


523 - What is writ of habeas corpus?

Right against legal detention or to avoid arrest without warrant.

524 - What kind of party is focused on overall, radical change to society?


525 - What makes India Democratic?

All of the above

526 - What month do we vote for president in?


527 - What played a prominent role in the integration of princely states in India?


528 - What political ideology would a person that favors government intervention in economic affairs believe in?


529 - What secret deal was made on 10th November 1918?

Ebert-Groener Pact

530 - What should informed voters always do?

learn about the issues to make decisions about voting

531 - What system is used to elect the President and Vice President of the United States?

Electoral College System

532 - What system of government does India have?

Multi-party system

533 - What term describes the beliefs and values that people will fight and die for?

Political culture

534 - What type of economy do most countries in the world have?

Mixed economy

535 - What type of government do we have in the United States?


536 - What type of government does the United States have?

A democratic republic

537 - What type of party system do we have in the United States?


538 - What type of party system does America have?


539 - What was Napoleon able to accomplish during peacetime?

All of the above

540 - What was term Yellow Dog Democrat mean

used to describe the voting habits of many Texans

541 - What was the system of laws called that Napoleon instituted to help rebuild France?

Napoleonic Code

542 - What were the reactions of the Third Estate when their demands were denied at the Estates General?

Formed the National Assembly

543 - What's a Good Things About Political Divisions?

Closer Government

544 - When a political party sends delegates to be on the national committee what do those people do?

both are correct

545 - When and under whose leadership was Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) formed?

1984, Kanshi Ram

546 - When buy chocolate bars, we pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Sales tax

547 - When citizens vote in a presidential election, they are casting the -

popular vote

548 - When contributing to congressional campaigns, political action committees (PACs) are most likely to contribute to

A incumbents of both major parties

549 - When did Power of king of Nepal ended up


550 - When did the Italian Constitution come into force?


551 - When does Private Opinion become Public Opinion?

When its Expressed

552 - When evaluating the following websites; which of them would you expect to show the least bias.


553 - When minor parties draw attention to important issues and propose innovative solutions to problems, this is known as the

innovator role.

554 - When political parties campaign, define issues, and criticize other candidates, they are completing which of the following functions/roles?

Inform & Activate Supporters

555 - When the service sector makes more than the manufacturing sector of the economy


556 - When was the Bhartiya Janta Party founded?


557 - When was the communist party of India-Marxist founded?


558 - When was the first televised presidential debate?


559 - Where are differences in political parties stated?

party platforms

560 - Where are different political party views and beliefs found?

In the party platform

561 - Where are you more likely to find a one-party system?

Dictatorships/Theocracies - like North Korea

562 - Where the leaders are elected by a majority of the people in the country in a vote.


563 - Where was the only successful slave revolt in history?


564 - Which age group is growing the fastest in the U.S.?

60 and over

565 - Which Amendment led to the direct election of Senators?

17th Amendment

566 - which among the following was not backed by the US?

Warsaw Pact

567 - Which article is referred to as the jewel of the constitution

Article 32

568 - Which article is related with "abolition of untouchability"

Article 17

569 - Which basic principle of government is represented by this statement. People are the source of all government power.

consent of the governed

570 - Which Constitutional Amendment laid down the Fundamental duties?


571 - Which country has experienced violent devolution?


572 - Which elections affect voters most directly?

local elections

573 - Which example is true regarding voting in closed primaries?

Steve is a democrat, so he can only vote in the democratic primary

574 - Which federal official below had articles of impeachment passed in committee for them but resigned before they could be officially impeached?

President Nixon

575 - Which form of government could be illustrated as one that depends on the principles of a specific religion as its foundation of law?


576 - Which group influences government by attending civic meetings and petitioning the government?


577 - Which group spent the most on lobbying from 1198 to 2014

Chamber of commerce

578 - Which institution has replaced the planning commission?

Niti Ayog

579 - Which is the Capital of India?

New Delhi

580 - Which is the correct description of a party platform?

It is a statement that outlines views on issues.

581 - Which is the largest state in India in terms of area?


582 - Which is the recently formed union territory


583 - Which is true about PACs (Political Action Committee)?

They can donate only a limited amount to a campaign

584 - Which language is spoken by the majority of Belgians?


585 - Which Latin American nation was the first to gain its independence?


586 - Which Nigerian megacity is the fastest growing in the world, consuming 40% of the country's electricity?


587 - Which of the follow in NOT an unrecognized state


588 - Which of the following are characteristics that describe an UNLIMITED government? (Hint: you should check off 3)

Both (A), (C)

589 - Which of the following are Fundamental Duties?

All the above

590 - Which of the following are in the middle of the political spectrum?


591 - Which of the following can be divided into precincts?

all of the answers given

592 - Which of the following describes a political party's platform?

A list of the party's stances on various issues

593 - Which of the following elections have the greatest voter turnout?

Election for President

594 - Which of the following established the first form of national government for the United States? It also gave more powers to the states and created a weak central government.....

Articles of Confederation

595 - Which of the following groups traditionally largely supports the Republican Party?

Citizens in the Midwestern United States

596 - Which of the following is a country with a multi-party system?


597 - Which of the following is a function of a political party?

All of these are functions of a political party.

598 - Which of the following is a strategy used by citizens for evaluating campaign information?

Identifying propoganda

599 - Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a successful interest group?

All of these are characteristics of successful interest groups.

600 - Which of the following is NOT a political socialization factor?

personal beliefs

601 - Which of the following is NOT a positive aspect of capitalist economies?

offers protections for individuals

602 - Which of the following is NOT a reason provided by "cannot" voters?

I don't care

603 - Which of the following is not a recognised language as per Indian Constitution?


604 - Which of the following is NOT a role of media during campaigns?

Creating PACs

605 - Which of the following is not a session of the Lok Sabha?


606 - Which of the following is not an ethnicity in the British Isles?


607 - Which of the following men won the governorship in 1975 by performing jobs associated with working people during his campaign?

Cliff Finch

608 - Which of the following negates the idea of a student-centric classeoom?

The students should be motivated to just remember the standardised syllabus.

609 - Which of the following political party espouses secularism and welfare of weaker sections and minorities?

Indian National Congress

610 - Which of the following state has the largest number of Lok Sabha Seats?

Uttar Pradesh

611 - Which of the following statements about Anti-Federalists is FALSE?

A strong national government was of great concern to them.

612 - Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Political science focuses on power while economics focuses on the allocation of scarce resources

613 - Which of the following statements is true about DEMOCRATS?

They tend to favor tax increases (especially for the wealthy) to support new social programs

614 - Which of the following statements of power sharing is true?

Every society needs power sharing whether small or big

615 - Which of the following tasks are not performed by the Election Commission?

Supervising the Panchayat elections

616 - Which of the following terms means "to seek to influence legislators to introduce or vote for/against a bill"?


617 - which of the following took place in 1954

all the above

618 - Which of the following types of government also fall into the category of an "economic system"?


619 - Which of the following was a widely adopted Progressive change of the judicial branch?

Missouri/Merit Plan

620 - Which of the following was an example of a one-party system?

Nazi Germany

621 - Which of the following was the founder of Bharatiyo Jan Sangh?

Shyama Prasad Mukherjee

622 - Which of the following would be MOST EFFECTIVE in helping the National Education Association support its interests?

Lobbying members of Congressional committees

623 - Which of these followings is not good argument in favour of democracy?

Democracies are more prosperous than others.

624 - Which of these is a common belief of the Democratic Party

The rich should be taxed to pay for services for the common good

625 - Which of these is a fragmented state?


626 - Which of these is not a function of a city?

Cash Cropping

627 - Which of these is NOT an amendment?

Right to drive

628 - Which of these is the function of political party?

All of these

629 - Which of these political parties is not real

Blue Party

630 - Which one is NOT a formal qualification to be President of the United States?

a college degree

631 - Which one of the following is not a factor that makes an election democratic?

The choice should not be offered at regular intervals.

632 - Which Part of the Constitution deals with "Emergency Provisions"?


633 - Which party supports environmental issues and policies?

Green Party

634 - Which political party favors business?


635 - Which political party has "liberal" values?


636 - Which political party might a 19-year-old female who lives in New York City support?


637 - Which political party was created by Thomas Jefferson?


638 - Which purpose of government includes laws and court

maintain order

639 - Which purpose of government includes the Navy, Army, TSA?

national security

640 - Which state was recently formed in 2014?


641 - Which statement about Thomas Jefferson is not true?

He supported Alexander Hamilton's Financial Plan

642 - Which statement reflects Republican views on the role of government?

Republicans favor less government, lower taxes, and greater personal freedom.

643 - which states can change the election results if there is a tight election

less populated states

644 - Which step in the polling process requires pollsters to define the representative slice of the poll's population?

Construct a sample

645 - Which tax is our government's greatest revenue?

Income tax

646 - Which term BEST describes the American political party system?


647 - Which third party supports complete and total government regulation over business?

Communist Party

648 - Which type of 3rd party exists to promote a specific and limited set of ideals


649 - Which type of boundary would use lines of latitude and longitude?


650 - Which type of economy is usually paired with a Communist government?


651 - Which type of government would most likely abolish all opposing political parties, direct election of leaders, and freedom of speech?


652 - Which type of people supported Democratic-Republicans? Select all that apply

Both (B), (C)

653 - Which Union Ministry launched the schemes named PLI, SPECS and EMC 2.0?

Minister for Electronics and IT

654 - Who acted as president on death of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

B D Jatti

655 - who among the following played a key mediatory role in the Congo Crisis

UN Secretary General

656 - Who appoints the member of the House of Lords?

The Queen

657 - Who believed in a separation of powers as a way to provide checks and balances?


658 - Who came up with the philosophy of capitalism?

Adam Smith

659 - Who controls and owns everything in a communist system?

The government

660 - Who controls everything in a COMMAND (communist) economy?

the government

661 - Who elects the candidates to run for each party?

The political parties

662 - Who exercises more powers in money matters?

Lok Sabha

663 - Who has the final and exclusive jurisdiction for resolving disputes and doubts relating to the election of the Vice President of India?

The Supreme Court

664 - Who has the lowest voter turnout

18 year old

665 - Who introduced the concepts of Hard Power and Soft Power?

Joseph Nye

666 - Who is constitutional head and government head

Both (A), (B)

667 - Who is Telangana Chief Information Commissioner?

Raja Sadaram Soma

668 - Who is the Chief Minister of Kerala

Pinarayi Vijiyan

669 - Who is the current vice president?

Kamala Harris

670 - Who is the first Attorney General of India?

MC Setalvad

671 - Who is the first PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA

Jawaharlal Nehru

672 - Who is the first women Judge of a State High Court in India?

Leila Seth

673 - Who is the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)?

Kanshi Ram

674 - Who is the head of the UK?

the queen

675 - Who is the head/associated with the Executive Branch?


676 - Who is the leader of an interest group?

Interest Group Entrepreneur

677 - Who is the official opposition?

The Conservatives

678 - Who is the Prime Minister of Greece

Kyriakos Mitsotakis

679 - Who is the Prime Minister of India?

Narendra Modi

680 - Who precises the Supreme Court?

Chief Justice of India

681 - Who the the right to vote before the Civil War?

All White men

682 - Who was the first Democratic president?

Andrew Jackson

683 - Who was the first president to run a TV Campaign ad? We watched it in class


684 - Who was the powerful governor of Bengal?

Murshid Quli khan

685 - Who was the President of Russia in the year 2000?

Vladimir Putin

686 - Who was the totalitarian leader of Italy?

Benito Mussolini

687 - Whose members are based on state population?

House of Representatives

688 - Whose teachings were most of the ideas of communism based on?

Karl Marx

689 - Why are political parties essential to democratic government?

Political parties provide a link between representatives in public office and their constituents.

690 - Why did Aristotle advocate for a 'mixed' constitution that combined elements of aristocracy and democracy?

Aristotle criticized popular rule on the grounds that the masses would resent the wealth of the few and too easily fall under the sway of a demagogue

691 - Why does the Libertarian Party oppose national "Common Core" educational requirements?

They view these standards as unnecessary federal interference in education.

692 - Why have their been calls to reform campaign finance laws?

Rising campaign costs

693 - Why is democracy considered better form of government?

Improves quality of decision making

694 - Why is fake news a problem?

all of the above

695 - Why must the seats in the House of Representatives be reapportioned periodically?

States can gain or lose population over time.

696 - Why was Israel created?

For Jewish people, after World War Two, who were from Palestine.

697 - Why was the three worlds' typology abandoned in the early 1990s?

The collapse of orthodox communist regimes in the USSR and elsewhere after 1989 meant that the classification system lost its meaning

698 - Why would a politician use the "plain folks" propaganda technique?

to persuade listeners that he or she is similar to members of the audience

699 - You have a ( ) to vote


700 - You want to become more involved in your political party, so the party chooses you to work as a precinct leader. Which of the following levels will you be working at?



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