Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 3

1 - " In state of nature hands of all were against one and hand of one against all" who of the following said that


2 - " Individual is an instinct part of the state" Who said that


3 - " Nation is a body of men who cherish a common will and tend to have a separate state" who said that


4 - " Nation is a nationality which has organised itself into a political body desiring to be independent" who said that


5 - " Sovereignty was the fullness of state" who said that

The Romans

6 - " The social contract theory is fatal to political impostures" who said that

Sir Fredrick Pollock

7 - "A government in which everyone has a share"?. Who defined democracy as this:


8 - "Democracy is merely a mechanism for choosing and authorising governments or in some other way getting laws and political decision made." Who said that


9 - "Displaced people have not always accepted their fate passively". In which reference is this statement pointing towards?

Narmada Bachao Andolan

10 - "Make Mexico great again!"


11 - "man was born free and today he is everywhere in chains" who said that


12 - "No sovereign has any where possessed unlimited power; and the attempt to exert it has always resulted in the establishment of safeguards"? Who said that:


13 - "So long as the General will is Sovereign, it does not matter what form of government it may be" Who said that


14 - "Socialism is like a hat that has lost its shape because everybody wears it" Who said that


15 - "sovereign should be determinate human superior" Who said that


16 - "Sovereignty can not reside in determinate human superior". Who said that:

Henry Maine

17 - "Sovereignty resides in determinate human superior". Who said that:


18 - "state came into being for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life" Who said that


19 - "State comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life" who said that:


20 - "state is not the only association but one among many associations in society" this assertion associated with:

A Pluralist viewpoint

21 - "Supreme Power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by law" Whose definition is this:


22 - "The state is an end in itself" who expressed this view:

Early Greek thinkers

23 - "Winner-take-all" system is best described as

the winner in a statewide election will earn all electoral votes

24 - ..... contributes the maximum to the NATO annual defense expenditure.


25 - ..... is a form of government that supports one-party dictatorship. The government controls every aspect of society.


26 - ..... means American.


27 - .....is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time when the population rises up in revolt against the current authorities.


28 - .....the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.


29 - 2) The Freedom of Speech and Expression in the Constitution of India is

cannot be curtailed by the Legislation

30 - 3) The Sarkaria Commission is related to which of the following :

Centre-State Relations

31 - A ..... government is one in which the same party controls both chambers of Congress and the Presidency.


32 - A ..... map shows borders and boundaries.


33 - A corporate lobbyist would be LEAST likely to have an informal discussion about a pending policy matter with which of the following?

D A federal judge in whose court a case important to the corporation is being heard

34 - A country where everyone is similar minded, cultured, language speaking, and have a lot of national pride would be called?


35 - A dictatorship is

a country where the leader often gets into power by force and then makes all the rule themselves

36 - a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal, usually a piece of legislation.


37 - A group of persons selected by the voters in each state, that officially elects the president and vice president.

Electoral College

38 - A group that seek to control government through winning elections and holding public government

political parties

39 - A messaging strategy designed to elicit negative support for an entity who is loosely connected to the existence of another entity.

Guilt by association

40 - A monarchy is.....

Rule by a king

41 - A nationality is

a group of people tied to a place through legal status and tradition.

42 - A nation's desire to create and maintain a state of its own.


43 - A party that is NOT the Democratic Party or Republican Party in the U.S. is a/an

minor party

44 - A person running for office is known as a .....


45 - a person that officially lives in a country


46 - A person who believes in traditional practices and values, not a fan of big government


47 - A person who has the right to vote in an election


48 - A political candidate who accuses his or her opponent of "being a big liar" is using the

name-calling technique

49 - A political party is a group of .....

who share the similar beliefs about government.

50 - A political party seeks to control government by:

winning elections

51 - A political party that believes in individual freedom and believes the only purpose of government is to protect this freedom.

Libertarian Party

52 - A political party that believes that the federal government should take a more active role in people's lives, particularly those who are in need.

Democratic Party

53 - a political party that believes the government should control the entire economy, and there should be no private ownership of business

Communist Party

54 - a public official seeking reelection to the position he or she currently occupies


55 - A Republican would most likely support this statement:

a & b only

56 - A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote, used in the Jim Crow South to disenfranchise black voters.

Poll Tax

57 - a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories


58 - A Shatterbelt is defined as an area of instability between two regions. Which would be an example of this concept?

Eastern Europe

59 - A single person exercises complete power over others. Citizens have few rights in this government system.


60 - A sovereign in the state who simply heads the state is technically called:

Titular sovereign

61 - a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch


62 - A state is a synonym for a


63 - A state is recognised internationally only when

It is admitted in the family of nations

64 - a state that contains more than one ethnicity.

Multi-Ethnic State

65 - a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.


66 - A territory legally tied to a sovereign state would best describe a


67 - A theocracy is a type of government where the country's principals originate from

a dominant religion

68 - A theocratic government is often characterized by-

censorship, religious laws, and repression

69 - A third party does all of the following EXCEPT:

Win most of the elections

70 - A Village Panchayat is generally elected for a term of ..... .

5 yrs

71 - A welfare state believes in the:

Graded taxation

72 - A welfare state performs some protective functions. point out the one:

Protection of family and property

73 - A welfare state performs:

Both protective and welfare functions

74 - A welfare state:

Restricts individual liberty

75 - According to Absolutists:

Individual can develop in the state

76 - According to Absolutists:

The state authority can be challenged

77 - According to Absolutists:

Individual should be scarified at the altar of the state

78 - According to Anarchists:

The state is misusing its authority

79 - According to Aristotle the origin of state was the result of

Expansion of families

80 - According to David Easton, political science is the human interaction involved in the authoritative allocation of ..... for society.


81 - According to Guild Socialists:

Most of the present day functions of the state should be performed by guilds

82 - According to Historical theory, which of the following factors is not contributory in the growth of state.

Class consciousness

83 - According to Hobbes the main characteristic of sovereignty is:


84 - According to J.J. Rousseau sovereignty resides in:

The General Will

85 - According to John Austin which is a correct statement about the definition of sovereignty:

The determinate human superior receives habitual obedience from the bluk of population of given society

86 - According to John Locke people under contract surrender

Only right to interpret and enforce the laws of nature

87 - According to John Locke the main responsibility of the sovereign was:

To interpret the laws

88 - According to John Locke the sovereign:

Was a party to the contract

89 - According to Locke people wanted to leave the state of nature:

Because of the inconvenience caused by different interpretations of laws of nature of different members

90 - According to Locke the following condition was not related to the state of nature:

There was continuous fear and danger of violent death

91 - According to locke the main function of the sovereign was

To interpret laws

92 - According to Locke the main responsibility of sovereign was

To protect the property of the people

93 - According to Mosca main reason for controlling power by elite group in democracy is:

That they are an organised minority

94 - According to Pluralists one of the limitations on sovereignty is:

International Law

95 - According to pluralists, one of them is a limitation on sovereignty. Point out:

Inernational law

96 - According to Prof. Jones the most original, the most interesting and historically the most important contribution of Rousseau to Political Theory was the concept of:

General Will

97 - According to Rousseau the General Will is:

Always right

98 - According to Rousseau the two instincts, which governed the action of man in the state of nature, were:

Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

99 - According to Rousseau, the state of nature was:

A period of peace and happiness

100 - According to Rousseau, the two important factors which compelled the people to create the state and leave the state of nature were:

Growth of population and property

101 - According to the concept of Plural Sovereignty:

Sovereignty lies in all the associations of the state

102 - According to the Marxists proletariat state is an instrument of:

Suppression of minority by the majority

103 - According to the Marxists The most important feature of the state is:

Oppression of one class by another

104 - According to the proponents of Divine origin therory of state, people have

No right to revolt against their ruler

105 - According to the proponents of Divine theory of origin the king derived his powers from


106 - According to the Rousseau's contract:

Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

107 - According to the Socialists the state is:

An instrument of exploitation

108 - According to the theory of force regarding origin of the state:

Church is superior to the state

109 - According to Western thinkers one of the threats to democracy is from:


110 - According to which ancient thinkers democracy is a perverted form of government:


111 - According to whom sovereignty is not absolute and authority is shared by the state with other associations and groups?


112 - Adelaide is the capital of .....

South Australia

113 - All bills in a parliamentary system become Acts after they are passed by:

Head of the state

114 - All of the following is a function of a political party except.....

Write Editorials

115 - An economic system in which the state makes all the economic decisions.


116 - An example of a country having the multi party system is


117 - An example of an internal conflict which led to a separatist movement would be:

Partition of India

118 - An independent candidate is:

a candidate who runs in the election but is NOT supported by an political party

119 - An organization that does not support one political party over another.


120 - An other name of Idealistic Theory is:

Metaphysical theory

121 - Aristotle compared the how many constitutions for his work " The Politics"


122 - Article IV states that states must treat citizens from other states equally to their own. This is known as the .....clause.

Privileges and Immunities

123 - Below are the qualifications for two candidates.Sally Ride: State resident for 10 years, Graduate of UCF, 6 years on city council, 2 years as state representativeMike Check: State resident for 12 years, Graduate of UNF, 1 year Red Cross Volunteer, 3 year

She has more experience in public office.

124 - Bill


125 - Bills cannot become law without whose assent?


126 - Bosanquest is presenter of which theory:

Idealist theory

127 - Boundaries using ethnicity like Serbia and Croatia.

Cultural Boundary

128 - Branch referred to as the "Administration."


129 - Branch that contains congress


130 - Brazil's census classifies its population according to

skin color.

131 - by law, a sea zone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resourcesEx: Gulf of Mexico (fishing)

Exclusive Economic Zone

132 - Cabinet in Parliamentary system is responsible to:

The legislature

133 - Civic ..... are things that we are required to do by law


134 - Civil cases include the cases dealt with .....

All of them

135 - Communism is what type of government?


136 - Conflicts often occur on borders because

direct, physical contact often takes place between two neighboring states

137 - Conservatives are related to which political party?


138 - Conservatives generally place a high value on the principle of


139 - Consider the following statements on parties.A. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.B. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders.C. Parties are not necessary to run governments.

A and B

140 - Consider the following Statements: In a socialist economy, the wealth is distributed evenly among citizens. Human Rights are given to people by virtue of being a human being. They are to give each person an Ideal guarantee a decent life. Third parties nev

Only 1, 2

141 - Countries like Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain will invade France to protect the idea of


142 - De-facto and De-jure sovereign are:

Complementary to each other

143 - Democracy can be succeeded by giving right to the:

People to criticise Government

144 - Democracy is based on the principle of political .....-


145 - Describes people who have a primary allegiance to a traditional group or ethnicity. For example, French-speaking people in Quebec, Canada.


146 - Distance from center does not vary much; Efficient in trade, travel, and communication from center.

Compact state

147 - Dominated by another country politically and economically.

Satellite state

148 - Due to the functions it is performingy the modern state is described as:

A capitalist state

149 - Duties are the ..... of citizenship.


150 - Each individual part of a platform is known as


151 - Element of states includes population, territory, government and sovereignty Sovereignty in the above statement refers to the .....

the fount of authority in society

152 - EU, NATO, NAFTA, WTO are all .....

supranational organizations

153 - Example: the boundaries in Africa after the Berlin Conference.

Superimposed boundary

154 - External Sovereignty means:

Right of the state to act without outside restrictions

155 - Favors MORE support for social programs

Democratic Party

156 - Features of legal sovereignty is that it is:

Fully well organised and precise

157 - Feudalism in Japan:

Class Structure

158 - First armed conflict of the Revolutionary War

Battles of Lexington and Concord

159 - For many years, French Canadians from Quebec sought ....., or the right to govern themselves and establish their own independent state.


160 - For the first time the term socialism was used by:

Robert Owen

161 - France and Italy have over 15 political parties. What is a benefit that occurs from the multi-party system?r

a variety of opinions can be heardi

162 - Free and fair elections are ensured by the .....

election commission

163 - From 17 March 1861, Italy became

a liberal state

164 - Full Form of SAARC

South Asian association for regional cooperation

165 - Garner says the state is the outcome of

Growth and evolution

166 - General Musharraf issued a 'Legal Framework Order' that amended the Constitution of Pakistan.


167 - government by the people


168 - Government imposes taxes to

Run the machinery of the state

169 - Government must obey the laws


170 - Government should not interfere in the lives of individuals. Private charity and self-reliance are better. Government should provide a helping hand, not a handout.


171 - Group joined together on the basis of common principles who try to control the government and policies

Political Parties

172 - Guarantees the right to a speedy, impartial public trial in criminal cases with counsel and the right to cross examine.


173 - Hamilton wanted the federal government to take on state debts in order to:

build credit for the United States.

174 - Have to register to vote?

United Kingdom

175 - Hobbes & Locke believed that without government, the "state of nature" would leave humans

In perpetual war

176 - How are the rulers of Saudi Arabia elected?

because they happen to be born into the royal family

177 - How did the Ming dynasty choose their government officials?

They used the civil service exam system again.

178 - How do the major parties select their candidates for President of the United States?

All registered voters decide which candidates each party should choose in a national primary election.

179 - How many Articles contained in the original Constitution of India?


180 - How many electoral votes are needed to become President of the United States?


181 - How many fundamental rights are guaranteed by Indian Constitution?


182 - How many fundamental rights are included in Indian Constitution at present.


183 - How many members are nominated in Lok sabha by president?


184 - How many parties are registered with the Election Commission of India?


185 - How many schedules in the Indian constitution?


186 - How many seats are reserved in the Lok Sabha for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?


187 - How many states must be involved to make an organization Supranational?


188 - How many subjects are there in concurrent list


189 - How many terms did John Adams serve as Vice President under President Washington?

2 terms

190 - How many times between 1970 and 1993 was the Belgium Constitution amended?

Four times

191 - How many total electors are in the Electoral College?


192 - How was the Enlightenment most directly linked to the revolutions in America and France?

the Enlightenment idea of humans as free individuals caused many to question the authority of kings

193 - How would states would work together

all of the above

194 - Humans are unique because they :

Posses power of reasoning and reflection

195 - I asked Dad how I could tell the ideological differences between the two major political parties. He told me the important differences can be found in the

platforms and campaigns

196 - Identify the centrifugal forces

Religion and language in Belgium

197 - Identify the correct type of poll to each definition. Straw Polls.....

an informal and unofficial election poll conducted with a non-random population

198 - If a non-confidence vote occurs what happens?

an election would be called

199 - If a ruler takes over by force, which type of government is it?


200 - If you vote primarily because of party loyalty, how would do you vote

Straight ticket

201 - In a ..... government the people elect officeholders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf.


202 - In a market economy, who makes the economic decisions?

The buyers and sellers

203 - In a modern political campaign, a candidate needs money to pay for

all of the above

204 - In a Parliamentary system of government:

The executive is responsible to the legislature

205 - In a Presidential form of Government the head of the state:

Enjoys real powers

206 - In a Presidential system:

None of the above

207 - In a(n) ....., all registered people in the U.S. may vote.

open primary

208 - In France the Divine origin theory was supported by

Louis XIV

209 - In Hobbes social contract, masses had

Narural rights

210 - In Locke's social contract the sovereign in the state was


211 - In Locke's view the state originated b/c

There was need to interpret laws

212 - In Lok Sabha elections,the election campaign stops ..... hours before the polling time.


213 - In middle ages it was a genental view that

State is the march of God on earth

214 - In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup.....


215 - In parliamentary system a minister is responsible to:


216 - In Parliamentary system:

The executive is responsible to legislature

217 - In parliamentary system:

Executive can be dislodged from power with a vote of no confidence

218 - In Plato's opinion the state is originated because

There was necessity for division of labour

219 - In Presidential system of Government:

The legislature and executive are independent of each other

220 - In Rousseau's view Sovereignty resides in:

General will

221 - In Sri Lanka the democratically elected government adopted .....measures to establish Sinhala supremacy.


222 - In the City States the Government was:

It touched every aspect of human life

223 - In the presidential election you are actually voting for .....


224 - In the Presidential form of government the head of the state enjoys:

Real powers

225 - In the Presidential form of government the head of the state:

Can be removed by the legislature through a very difficult process

226 - In the sphere of economy the Socialists favoured:

Regulation of means of production and distribution

227 - In the views of Anarchists the representation system of present time:

Is a mockery

228 - In U.S.A. there is:

Presidential system of Government

229 - In which country parliamentary system of Government does not exist?


230 - In which of the following country there is Presidential system of Government?


231 - In which schedule of indian constitution, the territorial extent of indian states and indian territories is prescribed?


232 - In which States UN peacekeeping forces did NOT intervened?


233 - in which year the Congress party was established?


234 - In whose writings the attack on sovereignty by the pliralists has come:


235 - Independent agency of the executive branch that is responsible for enforcing election laws?

Federal Elections Commission (FEC)

236 - Individualist philosophy advocated:

Least state interference in the affairs of the individual

237 - institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions. Increasing evidence shows that social cohesion is critical for societies to prosper economically and for development to be sustainable.

Social Capital

238 - Intense loyalty and pride in one's country is known as which of the following?


239 - Interest groups and political parties both promote United States democracy by:

Linking citizens to the political process.

240 - It is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for organized political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power

Political Ideologies

241 - It is a set of related ideas or systematic group of concepts and beliefs about culture, society and human life.


242 - It is the liberty which each individual enjoys as a member of the society.


243 - It is the study of humankind in all times and all places.


244 - It refers to the segment of society which shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values which differ from the pattern of larger society.


245 - Japan has ..... government.


246 - Japan would be an example of a .....


247 - John Austin was:


248 - John Locke agrees to the people:

Change the government if it fails to perform its part of contract

249 - John Locke belonged to


250 - John Locke was famous as the child of

Glorious revolution

251 - John Locke was supporter of

Constitutional Monarchy

252 - John: At times, human need to be selfish to protect themselves. It is therefore justified that certain politicians are willing to take bribery in order to advance his or her political power. This is just the nature of human beings.What John said showed th


253 - Led by Alexander Hamilton


254 - Legal sovereignty in India lies in the hands of:


255 - Legal sovereignty is accepted by:

All the persons in and outside the state

256 - Locke envisages:

Three contracts - Social, Economic and Political

257 - Locke grants to sovereign:

Only limited authority

258 - Locke says, the contract was signed:

By all members of the community

259 - Locke's man in the state of nature was

Peace loving

260 - Lord Bryce defines democracy as:

"Nothing more than an experiment in government."

261 - Lord Bryce says "That form of Government in which ruling power of the state is legally vested not in any particular class but, in the members of community as a whole. Which type of Government he is referring to?


262 - Lord Bryce wrote "That form of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested, not in any particular class, but in the members of the community as a whole". He actually reffered to ?


263 - Luke is looking at bodies of water. Which type of map is Luke using?

Physical map

264 - Main proponents of Divine origin theory were

Church fathers

265 - Mandate of the President that changes rules and regulations made by departments and agencies that have the force of law (ie changing EPA rule governing gas mileage in cars, or rules about who is an official federal firearms dealer.

Executive Order

266 - Marxists believe that the state is:

Result of evolution

267 - Most American law is based on

the English legal system.

268 - Most commonly understood to embrace national government solutions to public problems


269 - Name any 2 states which share a common boundary with Pakistan.

Gujarat and Punjab

270 - National Emergency was not declared during which of these events :

Indo-Pakistan war,1999

271 - No standing army without Parliament's consent. That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of parliament, is against the law.

English Bill of Rights

272 - On Earth, there are 7.....


273 - One of the following is incorrect about Presidential form of Government. Point out that one:

It is based on the principle of combination of powers

274 - One of the following is not contributed by the Roman Empire to the world:

It promoted democracy

275 - One of the main attributes of Presidential form of government is that:

It enables the country to avail the services of experts

276 - One of the main demerits of Presidential form of government is that:

It leads to frequent conflicts between Legislature and executive

277 - One of the major influences of a third party is its ability to.....

introduce new ideas or press for a particular issue

278 - One of the serious hurdles in the way of implementing the ideals of welfare state is:

Reluctance of people to pay high taxes

279 - One of them believed that organic theory of the state is not suitable to guide the state activity?


280 - One of them believed that purpose of state was the betterment of humanity and civilization:


281 - One of them has the opinion that activity of every state should be theperfection of national life?


282 - One of them is correct about elitist theory of democracy?

It believes that power is used by a small group of elites

283 - One of them is incorrect about the limitation on state authority?

Religion and moral

284 - One of them is not important factor for having colonial empire

Desire to live in peace

285 - One of them was the first systemtic thinker of sovereignty?


286 - One of these has the opinion that the theory of sovereignty is not valid for political philosophy?


287 - One of these is incorrect regarding Austin's theory of sovereignty:

It up holds the concept of popular sovereignty

288 - One person has all control


289 - Organic theory of the state is presented by

Herbert Spencer

290 - outgoing politician is an elected official whose replacement has already been elected or will be soon.

lame duck

291 - Parliament gets to decide about.....

Laws and policies

292 - Parliamentary executive means:

Political homogeneity of the cabinet

293 - Parliamentary system of Government is also known as:

Prime Ministerial Government

294 - People do not answer to any leader or govenment.


295 - People in Locke's state of nature :

Were governed by the laws of nature

296 - Personal qualities of the individual who wields power. The person's authority is recognized based on his or her traits and how he or she is perceived by other people in society.

Charismatic authority

297 - Plank

An individual part of a party's platform.

298 - platform

set of statements describing a party's views on maor issues

299 - Plato's Ideal state belonged to


300 - Point out the one which is not true characteristic of church of 4th century

It became very weak

301 - Poland is an example of a ..... state.


302 - Political and social philosophy emphasizing the belief that the needs of each person are more important than the needs of the whole society or group.


303 - Political Geography

the branch of geography that deals with the boundaries, divisions, and possessions of countries.

304 - Political models in schools and other educational institutions are often described as "....." (Ball, 1987;Hoyle, 1999)


305 - Political parties serve as a bonding agent because

they ensure good performance of its candidates and elected officials

306 - Political parties will inform the public of their beliefs about issues. This is called the political party's .....


307 - Political party is defined as .....

an organized party of people who share similar policy and ideological preferences.

308 - Political Pluralism agrees for:

Autonomy of associations

309 - Political sovereign is:

One which has no legal status

310 - Political, economic, or social equality? Rule of law (everyone is equal in the eyes of the law; no one is above the law).

Political equality

311 - Polls conducted as voters leave selected polling places on Election Day-helps media predict the outcomes of the race.

Exit Poll

312 - Popular sovereignty vests in:


313 - Potential isolation at periphery; Difficult communication and travel; challenging to govern and defend.

Elongated state

314 - Power and ability to vote


315 - Pravasi Bharti Diwas is celebrated on?

9th January

316 - President in a Presidential form is head of:

State as well as government

317 - President in a Presidential form of Government is:

Independent from the legislature

318 - President Trump is a member of this party


319 - Presidential executive is also called:

Fixed executive

320 - Presidential form of government is:

None of the above

321 - Print media lost its political influence to which other media type 1st?


322 - propaganda technique using short phrases or words to promote positive feelings or emotions

glittering generalities

323 - Protecting the rights and freedoms of American citizens is .....

the purpose of the Bill of Rights

324 - Provinces are looked by .....

state government

325 - Public opinion is necessary in democracy. Which is true meaning of public opinion in democracy?

It means opinion of dominant sections based on common good

326 - Real democracy is one in which there is:

Adult franchise

327 - Reapportionment is:

When seats in the House of Representatives are redistributed among states because of changes in population

328 - Regarding the Kennedy - Nixon debate in 1960

Those who watched thought Kennedy won, listened thought Nixon

329 - Regarding the origin of the state the theory of social contract was replaced by:

Divine origin theory

330 - Roman Empire at the height of its glory, which was not:

The state did not come under the influence of the emperor

331 - Rousseau belonged to


332 - Rousseau borrowed the concept of "absolute sovereignty" from:


333 - Rousseau borrowed the principle of public good from:


334 - Rousseau contributed to:

The French Revolution

335 - Rousseau presented his Social Contract theory in the book:

Social Contract

336 - Rousseau was a supporter of:

Popular Sovereignty

337 - Rousseau worked for the cause of:

Direct Democracy

338 - RTE declares that the education should ensure ..... of the children.

all round development

339 - Ryan was born in the United States, but lives in Brazil for work. He is a registered voter who has served on a jury! David is a resident of the United States and lives in California. He has just moved from Canada to live in the United States. Which descri

Ryan is a U.S. citizen. David is an immigrant to the United States.

340 - SAARC is a geopolitical union, Why? Choose the incorrect option

Occupies 2% of the World's land area

341 - SAARC was the plan for:

Collective Self- Reliance

342 - Select all influences of Confucianism during the Han Dynasty.

Both (A), (B), (C)

343 - Selecting people to run for office represents which job of political parties?


344 - Shays' Rebellion led to calls for a constitutional convention because:

it became obvious that the US govt couldn't protect itself

345 - Since its 1917 constitution, Mexico has had a central government based in its capital, Mexico City, and thirty-one states that also have their own state governments and share power with the central government. Which system of government is being represent


346 - Slander is

the public uttering of a false statement that harms the good reputation of another.

347 - Sovereignty can not be transferred or alienated. Who said that:


348 - Sovereignty in India vests in the hands of:


349 - Sovereignty is a feature of:

All states

350 - Sovereignty is an important element of:


351 - Sovereignty is an important element of:


352 - Sovereignty is the essential element of:


353 - Sovereignty means

the power to rule yourself

354 - State activities according to Individualists:

Should be kept to the minimum

355 - State, according to the theory of social contract:

Is created by contract

356 - states based on a system of a governance headed by a king or queen


357 - Support the death penalty


358 - The ..... are the individual parts of a party's platform.


359 - The approach followed for studying state problems is


360 - The attempt by one country to force its political control over another territory is


361 - The basic of oriental empire was:

Despotic king

362 - The Behaviouralists opinion about study of pol problems and the state is that

Iter-disciplinary approach should be followed

363 - The Bourgeoisie is the.....

Middle Class

364 - The Cabinet members in the Presidential System of government are:

Accountable to the President

365 - The Cabinet members in the Presidential System of government are:

Are not taken from any particular party

366 - The Cabinet members in the Presidential System of government:

Are taken from amongst persons who are not members of Parliament

367 - The Cabinet members in the Presidential System:

Do not play any role in legislation because they are not members of Legislature

368 - The communist Revolution took place in .....in 1917


369 - The concept of dictatorship of proletarian class was explained by:

Lenin in State and revolution

370 - The concept of 'dictatorship of proletariat' was explained by:

Lenin in State and Revolution

371 - The concept of external sovereignty was propounded by:


372 - The concept of 'political sovereignty' is associated with:

John Lacke

373 - The concept of 'popular sovereignty' holds that sovereignty vests in:


374 - The concept of 'popular sovereignty' is associated with:


375 - The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves.


376 - The correct definition of democracy is:

In it people are sovereign

377 - The cost of running a campaign has caused all of the following EXCEPT -

given opportunities for poor people to run

378 - The de jure and de facto sovereignty:

Can exist side by side

379 - The democracy can properly function in a country:

Which is small in size and population

380 - The description of a political party's position on election issues is called a


381 - The difference between political party and interest group is the .....

desire to take over the public office

382 - The divin origin of the state theory supports

Absolute monarchy

383 - The earlist theory of the origin of state is

Theory of Divine origin

384 - The early Oriental Empires were ruled by:

Hereditary monarchs

385 - The element editorial cartoonists use that uses an image to represent an idea or concept is called.....


386 - The elephant is the symbol associated with which political party?

Republican Party

387 - The evolutionary theory about the origin of states based on:

Evolutionary principle

388 - The executive in the presidential system:

Does not sit with the legislature

389 - The executive under Presidential form of government:

Enjoys a fixed tenure

390 - The first caucus is held in which state?


391 - The first Foreign Minister of independent India is

Jawaharlal Nehru

392 - The first of the imperial dynasties was the


393 - The first Republican president was

Abraham Lincoln

394 - The first states with territory were developed:

Valleys of the rivers

395 - The following headline shows what function of political parties? "Top Choices Announced by Both Political Parties for Attorney General"

Nominating candidates

396 - The former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia can be classified as a

Multinational state

397 - The French Revolution began when King Louis XVI

called the Estates General together

398 - The General Will is:


399 - The 'General Will' is:


400 - The General Will means:

Will of the community viewed as a living and rational political organism

401 - The government, according to John Locke was created for:

Protection of natural rights

402 - The greatest limitation on state authority is:

Disruption of transport system

403 - The Greek city-states are considered as the best examples of:

Direct democracy

404 - The head of municipal corporation is .....


405 - The Idealistic theory of state is associated with:


406 - The Idealists:

Glorified state

407 - The ideology that stands in opposition of capitalism and proposes an alternative which is more humane and equitable. Equality is more important.


408 - The important limitation on the authority of state is:

Discharge of international obligations

409 - The Indian Union ..... .

stays away from the religion

410 - The individualists have the opinion that:

Individual is the best judge of his interests

411 - The judiciary has the power to strike down particular laws passed by the parliament if they are a violation of the constitution. This is termed as .....

Judicial Review

412 - The king believed that he was given the right to rule through God or

Divine right

413 - The king in city state was:


414 - The legal sovereignty resides in:

The body which possesses supreme law making powers

415 - The liberal thinker of the nineteenth century considered the state as:

A necessary evil

416 - The liberal thinkers of 19th cerntury held that:

Each law restricts individual liberty

417 - The main difference between association and the state is

one can use force while other can not

418 - The main difference between the state and government is

one has horizontal jurisdictions while other has not

419 - The member of state commission can be removed by the

President on a report by the Supreme court

420 - The members of Constituent Assembly were:

Indirectly elected

421 - The method used by Aristotle for the study of state problems was


422 - The minimum number of votes for each state is


423 - The most accepted theory about the origin of state is:

Evolutionary Theory

424 - The most accepted therory of the origin of state today is

Evolutionary theory

425 - The most appropriate definition of the state that it has four essential elements was given by


426 - The name of James I is associated with

Divine origin theory of state

427 - The nation states were the result of:

The decline of the imperial states of orient

428 - The numerous departments and agencies that implement and administer laws at all levels of the federal government.

The Federal Bureaucracy

429 - The oldest theory about the origin of state:

Divine Origin Theory

430 - The Organic theory of state challenged to:

Theory of Social Contract

431 - The original government bureaucracy included the Attorney General's Office and the departments of

State, War, and Treasury.

432 - The parliamentary system of government is taken from -


433 - The people of Mexico and Brazil vote in two separate elections. One is to elect the executive branch and the other is to elect the members of the legislative branch. This is an example of which type of government?

presidential democracy

434 - The Pluralists believe in:

Political sovereignty

435 - The population and improved technology are considered as the reasons for


436 - The power and independence of Election Commission(EC) of India is equivalent to which one of the following?


437 - The President of India is elected in the same manner as head of the state:

In Pakistan

438 - The Presidential form of government operates on the principle of:

Separation of powers

439 - The Primary Election elects:

The general election candidates

440 - The Prime Minister is the.....

Head of the Government

441 - the principle that no one including public officials is above the law.

rule of law

442 - The principle upon which the monistic theory is based about the functions of state is that:

The individual and the state exist for each other

443 - The process by which we develop our political values and opinions (parents, schools, and location help influence us)

Political Socialization

444 - The proponents of devine origin of the state theoty believe that

God gave state

445 - The Republic was written by


446 - The ricognition to newly created state is given by other states when

it is politically convenient for state giving recognition

447 - The Rousseau's contract was:

Both the social contract

448 - The Rousseau's theory of social contract:

Combines the points of theories of both Hobbes and Locke

449 - The scope of the state activity as compare to society is


450 - The sovereign of Locke was:

Bound by the existing laws

451 - The Sovereignty of Queen/King of UK can be classified as:

Titular sovereignty

452 - The sovereignty of the King/Queen of Great Britain is classified as:

Titular Sovereignty

453 - The soverneign of locke's state was

Bound by the laws given by him

454 - The stand the government takes about how issues should be handled.

public policy

455 - The state according to Anarchists:

Should immediately be overthrown

456 - The state according to Individualists should:

Should least interfere in the affairs of individuals

457 - The state according to Laski is:

Servant of society

458 - The state of nature was substituted by:

Civil society

459 - The strong advocate of Force theory in modern times is


460 - The symbol for the Democratic Party is

A donkey

461 - The Ten Commandments most important contribution to Western Political Thought is.....

The idea of written laws that individuals can follow

462 - The term for all forms of communication including radio, TV, newspapers, books, magazines, the internet, recordings, and movies


463 - The theory of Divine Origin of state gives:

No right to people to revolt against the ruler

464 - The theory of Divine Origin of state holds that:

State was created by God

465 - The theory of Divine Origin of the state laid emphasis on:

Close co-operation between religion and politics

466 - The theory of Divine Origin of the state laid emphasis on:

Divine rights of king

467 - The theory of Mandan about the origin of state was condemned because it:

Considers state as the first condition of civilisation

468 - The Titular Sovereign means:

A person who is vested with all sovereign powers by the constitution but whose powers does someone else enjoy

469 - The Titular sovereign we mean:

An absolute sovereign

470 - The tred in modern time is towards

Nation state

471 - The tribal system of state organisation was:


472 - The two forms of democracy are:

Direct and indirect

473 - The two major parties that we have today are the ..... and the .....

Democrats & Republicans

474 - The two side commit themselves to discussing the issues that divide them.


475 - The two very outstanding ancient Greek city-states were:

Athens and Sparta

476 - The two words 'demos' and 'kratos' belong to:

Greek language

477 - The ultimate objective of Marxism is:

Stateless society

478 - The USA is

a federal republic

479 - The Voters age limit is ..... .

18 years

480 - The word sovereignty has been derived from the Latin word:


481 - There is no form of government and it is total chaos.


482 - These are the individual, external, and social constructions that influence a person's life and development.

Social Phenomena

483 - Third parties are also called:

minor parties

484 - This describes how today most people get their news from media sources that already confirm their beliefs and it leads to polarization.

Echo chamber

485 - This helps a minority win on an issue of public policy over the majority


486 - This is an economic organization.

European Union (EU)

487 - This is an opinion that a justice disagrees with the majority, not in the result, but in their reasoning. Not as high of precedent value.

Concurring Opinion

488 - This is when government is split between national, state, and local levels:


489 - This stateless nation is located in northern Spain and parts of southern France.


490 - This version of the Philippine constitution promotes social justice, human rights, and civil liberties.


491 - Those who believe that the state is means to an end believe that:

Man is the highest aim of perfection

492 - To empower the rural women the Programme that government of Karnataka has implemented

Stree Shakti

493 - Today, many states REQUIRE that all voters

be citizens of the United States and residents of the State in which they are voting.

494 - Towns, villages, and cities are all forms of .....


495 - Types of government system

Both (A), (B)

496 - Under the President government:

Neither the executive can dissolve the legislature nor the legislature can remove the executive before its term

497 - Untouchability is abolished according to Article.....


498 - What are the components of a political party?

All of the Above

499 - What are the names of the two major political parties in the United States today?

Democrats and Repubilcans

500 - what are the qualifications to become president

35 years of age, 14 years residents, natural born

501 - What are the two major political parties in the United States?

Democrats and Republicans

502 - What are the two requirements for registering a political party with the AEC?

Having 500 signatures and a list of party aims

503 - What countries we (Spain) share a border with?

France and Portugal

504 - What did the Motor Voter Act do?

It requires states to let you register to vote when you apply for or renew your driver's license.

505 - What does it mean to show Bias?

to favor one side over another

506 - What does the executive branch do?

enforces the laws

507 - What does the U.S. Constitution say about political parties?

The Constitution says nothing about political parties

508 - What does the word "amend" mean?


509 - What has happened to campaign costs in recent years, causing candidates to do extensive fundraising?

Costs have increased

510 - What is a feminist?

Someone who believes in equality of both genders

511 - What is a group whose purpose is to fund and support political candidates and issues?

political action committee

512 - What is a map scale?

Shows you how much distance on the map equals in the real world

513 - What is an alliance?

Several parties join hands for contesting elections

514 - What is an example of a multi-national state?

United Kingdom

515 - What is Capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit!

516 - What is Jus Soli?

One is always a legal American citizen IF they were born in the U.S.

517 - What is sardeshmukhi?

9-10 per cent of the land revenue paid to the head revenue collector.

518 - What is the capital of Poland?


519 - What is the capital of Tasmania?


520 - What is the current constitution of the Philippines?

The 1987 Philippine Constitution

521 - What is the definition of socialism?

The idea that the means of production, distribution and exchange should be owned and regulated by the community as a whole.

522 - What is the meaning of Fraternity?


523 - What is the member elected to state assembly called?


524 - What is the most accurate definition of a political party?

A team of politicians, activists, and voters whose goal is to control the government.

525 - What is the most important part of the ASEAN Community?


526 - What is the name of the President's airplane?

Air Force One

527 - What is the natural border between Spain and France?

Pyrenees Mountains

528 - What is the significant function of parliament?

Law making

529 - What often initially has a negative impact on income equality but usually causes the income gap to narrow?


530 - What percentage of reservations were given to SEBC?


531 - What type of people supported the Democratic-Republican party?


532 - what type of states are targeted heavily during campaigning because of the winner-take-all system

states with high population

533 - What was apartheid?

Racial discrimination

534 - What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?

To return lands taken by Napoleon to their rightful owners.

535 - What was the reaction of few countries when India conducted the Pokhran Test?

put economic sanctions on India

536 - What was the total strength of Haryana State Assembly in 1987?


537 - What were powerful warrior families called in Maratha?


538 - When bodies of water or mountains create boundaries between states, they are:

physical boundaries

539 - When did South Africa become a democratic country

26 April, 1994

540 - When MORE than 2 candidates get significant numbers of votes in an election and votes are divided between the two most similar parties, sometimes the opposition party wins. This is called.....

the spoiler effect

541 - When Oliver notices that a political ad shows a politician tossing a football with his son while the star spangled banner plays in the background in an effort to make the politician seem trustworthy he is .....

Identifying propaganda

542 - When the voters take part in the elections of representative bodies themselves and elect the members, the system is known as:

Direct election

543 - When was BJP founded?


544 - Where do moderates fall on the linear political spectrum?


545 - Where in the Constitution does it protect the rights of the people to participate in politics and government?

The 1st Amendment

546 - Where the 'City States' were common

In Greece

547 - Whether a Government is Parliamentary or not is decided on the basis of relationship of the executive with:


548 - Which are of ethnic conflict gave rise to the term "balkanization"?


549 - Which coastal city is the largest populated city in Africa?


550 - Which country had written Constitution firstly in world?


551 - Which country has Presidential government?


552 - Which country is NOT a member of NAFTA?




554 - Which democratic country has the best voter turnout?


555 - Which desert is the largest desert in the world?


556 - Which ethnicity is growing the fastest in the U.S.?


557 - Which famous city is located next to the Nile River?


558 - Which governor is best remembered for the Educational Reform Act of 1982?

William Winter

559 - Which is an incorrect statement?

Presidential government cannot work properly in a country with multiple party system

560 - Which is incorrect about liberal democracy?

It denies the freedom of expression to a common man

561 - Which is incorrect about Pareto's views of democracy?

The people are the real sovereign in society

562 - Which is incorrect about the features of liberal democracy:

Universal suffrage

563 - Which is incorrect about the Feudal state

Feudal had no interest in political life

564 - Which is NOT a factor that influences voter turnout?

State you live in

565 - Which is wrongly listed about liberal democracy:

Denial of fundamental rights

566 - Which of the below assumes power mostly by force.


567 - Which of the following commission was appointed by the Central Government on Union-State relations in 1983?

Sarkariya commission

568 - Which of the following countries has a command economy?

North Korea

569 - Which of the following do Republicans believe.....

lower taxes, greater personal freedom, less government interference.

570 - Which of the following is a Coming Together Federation?


571 - Which of the following is a correct statements?

There is greater possibility of a despotic rule under presidential government

572 - Which of the following is a correct statement about the theory of social contract ?

The state is the result of a contract

573 - Which of the following is a correct statement:

Locke drew a clear distinction between state and government

574 - Which of the following is a correct statement:

General Will cannot be represented through Parliamentary institutions

575 - Which of the following is a correct statements?

Sovereignth means freedom to conduct both Internal and external affairs

576 - Which of the following is a country with a two-party system?

United States of America

577 - Which of the following is a Land Locked Country?


578 - Which of the following is a landlocked country?


579 - Which of the following is an example of a centripetal force?

creating an inner-state highway

580 - Which of the following is an incorrect statement ?

Austin's theory of sovereignty is in keeping with the notions of popular sovereignty

581 - Which of the following is correct about the theory of social contract:

It is historically wrong

582 - Which of the following is correct with respect to "Right against expolitation"?

Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour

583 - Which of the following is incorrect about imperial state of orient:

The chief looked after all welfare activities in the state

584 - Which of the following is incorrect about Roman Empire

That it failed to establish a universal code of law

585 - Which of the following is not a circumstance associated with military seizure of government power?

Rapid economic growth which has led to a sharp rise in income inequality

586 - Which of the following is not a contributor in the consolidation of power of kings during 16 and 17 century.

Conflict between the church and the state

587 - Which of the following is not a ground of attack of the pluralists on sovereignty?

The concept of sovereignty is unethical

588 - Which of the following is NOT a qualification to register to vote in VA?

at least 18 years of age by the day of registration

589 - Which of the following is NOT a reason why John Stuart Mill said the freedom of expression should be protected, even in the cases of false information?

The right to freedom of expression should be completely absolute and unrestricted by the government

590 - Which of the following is NOT a role of the Media in elections?

Selling the merchandise of a political candidate

591 - Which of the following is not connected with the social contract theory

Herbert Spencer

592 - Which of the following is not correct about the attributes of sovereignty?

Delegation of authority by some persons to the state

593 - Which of the following is not related to the origin of the state


594 - Which of the following is not true of feudal state?

In it office was distributed on merit

595 - Which of the following statement is not true about association and the state

Both are permanent bodies

596 - Which of the following statement is not true about society and the state

Both have no territorial jurisdictions

597 - Which of the following statements about voting behavior in national elections is most accurate?

C Those with less than a high school education are more likely to vote than are college graduates.

598 - Which of the following statements is not true aout government and the state

State is one while government has many forms

599 - Which of the following statements is true?

Every citizens vote is important

600 - Which of the following terms refers to an individual or group attempt to identify and establish control over land or "space"?


601 - Which of the following theory of origin of state was supported by Sir Henry Maine

Patriarchal theory

602 - Which of the following would NOT be considered a nation-state

United States

603 - Which of these is a social justice interest group?


604 - Which of these is an example of lobbying by an interest group?

An animal rights organization presents its views to a legislator.

605 - Which of these is not a good option for a democratic state?

One party system

606 - Which of these political parties has the slogan "Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom"

Libertarian Party

607 - Which one does not constitute an important feature of democracy?

Equality of property

608 - Which one is a correct statement?

The legal sovereign in England is the Queen/King-in-Parliament

609 - Which one is associated with parliamentary Government?

Executive and legislature work in close cooperation

610 - Which one is correct about Lenin's scheme of socialist transition:

Dictatorship of proletariat, socialism, withering away of the state, communism

611 - Which one is correct about Presidential Government?

In it secretaries are subordinates of President.

612 - which one is incorrct about the church of 4th century

The pope and the state lived in perfect harmony

613 - Which one is incorrect about Parliamentary Government?

There is complete separation of powers

614 - Which one is incorrect about Presidential form of Government?

The executive has no fixed tenure

615 - Which one is incorrect about the feudal system

Vassal was not obliged to render any military service

616 - Which one is not a characteristic of colonial empire?

There is naked exploitation of the people of the colony

617 - Which one is not a characteristics of Presidential system:

The President cannot canclude treaties

618 - Which one is not a disadvantage of parliamentary government?

In this alternative on the fall of Government is available

619 - Which one is not a features of legal sovereignty:

It enjoys only limited authority

620 - Which one is not a merit of theory of divine origin

It made the primitive man religious and superstitious

621 - Which one is not an advantage of Parliamentary system?

In it there is complete separation of powers

622 - Which one is not an advantage of Parliamentary system?

The decisions can be quickly taken

623 - Which one is not an advantage of Parliamentary system?

In it partisan spirit is encouraged

624 - Which one is not an essential attribute of parliamentary form of Government?

There is the system of separation of powers

625 - Which one is not an essential feature of democracy?

Equality of property

626 - Which one is not associated with elitist theory of democracy?


627 - Which one is not associated with parliamentary Government?

The head of the state can remove cabinet at his will

628 - Which one is not correct about Greek city states:

All states followed monarchical system

629 - Which one is not essential for political democracy?

Every citizen has a right to work

630 - Which one is not the characteristics of sovereignty:


631 - Which one is the merit of Presidential form of government?


632 - Which one of the following criticisms holds good for Western democracy?

All the above

633 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a shortcoming of the Divine Origin Theory?

It is not supported by history

634 - Which one of the following has influenced upon Rousseau

The French Revolution

635 - Which one of the following is incorrect regarding pluralists attack on sovereignty?

It is unethical

636 - Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of a political party?

It does not fulfill its policies when voted to power

637 - Which one of the following is not a regional party?

The Indian National Congress

638 - which one of the following is not a state


639 - Which one of the following is not applicable to indirect elections?

In it the people are directly involved in electing their representatives

640 - Which one of the following is not followed in a democratic form of government?

Restriction on freedom of speech and expression

641 - Which one of the following is the compulsory function of the state:

Maintenance of works of public utility

642 - Which one of the following named the state as Leviathan?


643 - Which one of the following purposes of "Dictatorship of Proletariat" has been wrongly listed?

Inculcation of spirit of religion

644 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines sovereignty as a legal attribute of the state?

To make decisions with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of the state, free of external restraint or coercision

645 - Which one of the following theories is appropriate about the origin of the state

Evolutionary theory

646 - Which organ of the government makes the law?


647 - Which party is only allowed to rule in China?

Communist party

648 - Which political party is most identified by the following statements? Taxes should increase to pay for programs for the less fortunate. The government should attempt to settle foreign disagreements by negotiations rather than military power.


649 - Which President was elected 4 times?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

650 - Which president who attended West Point first applied at the Naval Academy?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

651 - Which President's daughter had a pony name Macaroni?

John Kennedy

652 - Which propaganda technique are words that sound good but have little meaning?

glittering generalities

653 - Which region is growing the fastest in the U.S.?

The Southern and Western States

654 - Which statement about the Alien and Sedition Acts is true?

All of the above

655 - Which statement correctly defines the Defacto sovereignty?

A sovereignty which is actually obeyed by the people whether it has a legal status or not

656 - Which statement describes communism?

a political and economic system in which the government owns and distributes wealth and resources

657 - Which term means a central government giving power to smaller regions or local governments?


658 - Which theory of participation says that power is concentrated in the hands of a few rich and powerful individuals?


659 - Which type of economy is based on traditions and beliefs?


660 - Which type of government allows citizens to have a say in the government?


661 - Who believed that sovereignty vested in the general Will?


662 - Who believed that spirit of human body is comparable to the head of the state?


663 - Who believed that state is like human body?


664 - Who believed that the purpose of state is good of human beings?


665 - Who elects the community government in Belgium?

People belonging to one language community only.

666 - Who for the first time in west supported Divine Origin theory of state

The Jews

667 - Who for the first time propounded the concept of 'legal sovereignty':


668 - Who for the first time propounded the Pluralistic theory of sovereignty:

Von Gierke

669 - Who forms the government in a state?

Majority party

670 - Who has collaborated with NITI Aayog to implement Digital Disha Programme


671 - Who has seriously challenged the absolute powers of the 17th century king?

Middle class

672 - Who is associated with the elitist democracy?


673 - Who is Commander in Chief of the military

The President

674 - Who is connected with the concept of General Will?


675 - Who is known as the high priest of sovereignty?


676 - Who is not a critic of democracy?


677 - Who is not associated with the concept of "liberal democracy".


678 - Who is not associated with the concept of "liberal democracy".


679 - who is the father of anthropology?

Franz boas

680 - Who is the first women PRESIDENT of India?

Pratibha patil

681 - Who is the General Secretary of UNO

Antonio Gutress

682 - Who is the suppoeter of patriarchal theory


683 - Who makes most of the important governmental decisions in an oligarchy?

small group of powerful rulers

684 - Who of the following had described laws as a command of the sovereign:


685 - Who of the following occupies the main position in a the Parliamentary form of government?

The Prime Minister

686 - Who offered the economic justification for individualism:

Adam Smith

687 - Who offered the political justification for individualism:


688 - Who one of the following is not associated with the concept of popular sovereign?


689 - Who said that "If sovereignty is not absolute, no state exists"

John Austin

690 - Who said that man in the state of nature was nasty and brutis


691 - Who said that Sovereignty does not reside in a determinate human superior.

Sir Henry Maine

692 - Who said that the dictatorship of proletariat is 'the essence of Marx's doctrine'?


693 - Who said that the state should aim at preserving destiny of humanity at international level?


694 - Who was given thr subadari of Agra 1722?

Raja Jai singh

695 - Who wrote the book 'Lectures on Jurisprudence':


696 - Whose statement is this 'If sovereignty is not absolute no state will exist'?


697 - Whose statement is this. 'If sovereignty is not absolute no state can exist':


698 - Whose view point is this "It would be of lasting benefit to Political Science if the whole concept of sovereignty were surrendered."

The pluralistic school

699 - Whose writings expresed the concept of liberals about the functions and nature of state in the best way:

John Locke

700 - Why should you not trust a political advertisement?

They are biased


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