Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 4

1 - - It is a fount of authority in society.- Belongs to the body which has the right to make law for the country.the above statements refer to .....


2 - "I'm going to vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary because I think he has the best plan to help me with my student loan debt" would be an example of:

Rational choice

3 - "Man by nature is a social and political animal" is the cornerstone of the philosophy of:


4 - "The educational reform should be reverted."


5 - "We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all" (Pericles, Athens, Greece)

Participation in government

6 - (Choose more than one) In a true nation-state all the people would share the same

Both (A), (B), (C)

7 - ..... are taxes on imported goods (goods brought into our country).


8 - ..... is a signed document submitted to an officer where in a person makes a sworn statement regarding his/her personal information.


9 - ..... is the power of the people's rule, is the principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all politic

Popular Sovereignty

10 - ..... means a sense of brotherhood of all Indians.


11 - ..... means there will be no unreasonable restrictions on the citizens in what way they think, talk or write.


12 - ..... parties rarely win major elections and have never won a presidential election. Many ..... parties revolve around a single-issue, others focus on changing society in a major way and others revolve around a personality (e.g., Teddy Roosevelt for the B


13 - ..... refers to the freedom from external constraints. There is an area of non-interference, in which the individual should not be hindered.

Negative Liberty

14 - .....does not have a role in deciding foreign policy


15 - .....the most valuable resources that any citizen in a democracy can possess.

Political Knowledge

16 - \begin{enumerate} \item The warsaw pact was..... . \end{enumerate}

an economic alliance

17 - A political science professor is researching the effects that the Fifteenth and Twenty-Sixth Amendments have had on the American political system. Which of the following is the most likely reason the professor is researching these amendments?

B To study the expansion of voting rights

18 - Public Issues are

All of the Above

19 - 4,000-mile-long network of routes stretched westward from China, through the Middle East, until it reached the Mediterranean Sea.

Silk Road

20 - In 2002, Congress passed the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act in an effort to regulate campaign finance by limiting the ability of corporations and unions to spend their general treasury funds on election communications. In 2010, the Supreme Court invalidat

A The First Amendment allows corporations and unions to make independent expenditures regarding candidates for office.

21 - Democratic Party believes

Government should help provide affordable health care, affordable housing, and free education.

22 - A ..... contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination.

multinational state



24 - A boundary between countries is a .....

vertical plan that cuts through the rocks below and the air above the land

25 - A boundary that is drawn after the development of a cultural landscape is a

subsequent boundary

26 - A buffer state

is in between two powerful countries who are hostile to eachother

27 - A closed meeting of people from one political party who will select candidates or delegates


28 - A congressional function where officials are removed from office following impeachment in the House of Representatives and a trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, or high crimes or misdemeanors."


29 - A country that contains more than one group of people who have different heritages and beliefs.

Multinational State

30 - A country that is run according to the interests of the ruler rather than the people is what type of country?


31 - A country that is technically independent but under heavy political and/or military influence of another country.

Satellite State

32 - A country with two or more ethnic groups living within in it is referred to as a .....

Multinational State

33 - a fixed limit or extent defined along physical geographic features such as mountains and rivers

natural boundary

34 - A forum for opposing arguments, often televised, where two candidates square off against each other is called a.....


35 - A government of the people, by the people and for the people.


36 - A group of people who officially elect the President and Vice President after the general population has voted.

electoral college

37 - A group of people who share a common culture and identity as a cohesive group is a called a .....


38 - A group of people with a common culture living in a territory and having a strong sense of unity is called a .....


39 - A King or Queen is the head of government.


40 - A larger percent of US citizens participate in .....[1]..... elections than in .....[2]..... and .....[3]..... elections.

1- presidential2- state3- local

41 - A more or less consistent set of beliefs about what policies government ought to pursue.

Political Ideology

42 - A nation that has its own government

Sovereign Nation

43 - A person who is strongly committed to a party, group or faction is known as :


44 - A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.


45 - A political party's platform is a:

Statement of the party's principles and plan of actions

46 - A political philosophy that advocates free will and maximizes individual rights while minimizing the role of government; the role of government is limited simply protecting the rights of people.


47 - A political scientist may employ the working of one's critical observation of a political situation, and interprets it based on philosophical reflection, and this refers to the ..... method.


48 - a political system consisting primarily of two major parties, more or less equal in strength

two party system

49 - A precinct is.....

a single voting district for a city or county

50 - A primary election in which voters from one political party can cross over to express their choice for a candidate from another party is called

an open primary.

51 - A region that suffers instability because it is located between two very different regions.


52 - A republic is

a country without a King or Queen

53 - A singular nation of people who fulfill the qualifications of a state.


54 - A situation in which more persons are employed on a job than are optimally required is:

Disguised unemployment

55 - A small elite whose interests and members have been made a part of a single political unit which has a significant impact on policy

Integrated elite

56 - A small mud boundary wall is called a .....


57 - A state differs from a nation-state because:

A state has a sovereign territory with distinct borders

58 - A state is a good example of what type of region?


59 - A state that encompasses a very small land area


60 - A Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority opinion may

write a dissenting opinion.

61 - A symbol of authority of the House of Representatives and the speaker. Carried by the Sergeant at Arms and is placed on the centre table.


62 - A system in which only a single party is allowed brother work, control and run the government, is called a.....

One Party System

63 - a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives


64 - A system of rule over territory and people


65 - A type of government that is ran by representatives of the people is called a.....


66 - A type of government where everyone shares everything, there is no private property or income


67 - A vote cast by a person who is not able to go to the polls on Election Day is an ..... .....

absentee ballot

68 - A written statement of the goals of a political party.

Party Platform

69 - Abolition of Untouchability deals with :

Article 17

70 - According to Aristotle, a man is a ..... animal.


71 - According to Aristotle, the polis is the highest level of human association because .....

it gives them the opportunity to develop human potentials to the fullest

72 - According to Marx, workers would take control of governments through:

Violent revolution

73 - According to the Cabinet Mission Plan, the Constituent Assembly was to consist of:

389 members

74 - After the French and Indian War, Great Britain was in deep .....


75 - After the revolution, they ..... a general election. Unfortunately, the election was rigged.


76 - Ahmad Shah Abdali was the ruler of -


77 - Alex is concerned about certain harmful chemicals in the water supply. There is a big power plant a few miles away and he worries about what kinds of chemicals it might be putting into the air and water. He sits down at his computer to email his represent


78 - All Government schemes, facilities are executed by ..... .

Government Department

79 - All of the following are functions of political parties except.....

helping monitor poll taxes

80 - All of the following are purposes of political parties, EXCEPT:

Participate in the President's cabinet

81 - All of the following expect to use force EXCEPT


82 - All of the people entitled to vote in a given election


83 - All the States of India is divided


84 - An ..... was set up to conduct the elections in a free and fair manner.

Election Commission

85 - An American leader who supported the French Revolution in the late 1700s was

Thomas Jefferson

86 - An American that is Pro-life and believes strongly that the government needs to act on global warming is a political ..... in ideology


87 - An area organized into an independent political unit is a


88 - An area that is part of a state but has been given a measure of local control such as an Indian reservation in the U.S.

semi-autonomous region

89 - an economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy.


90 - An independent country located between two larger countries that are in conflict.

Buffer State

91 - An individual part of the party platform?


92 - An organization of people who: 1. Have a common belief on a specific issue. 2. Try to directly influence government policies on certain or specific issues.

Interest Group

93 - An organization that tries to get political power by electing members to public office so that their political ideas can become laws or policies

Political Party

94 - An organized group of individuals who make policy-related appeals to government

Interest Groups

95 - Ancient Egypt's type of government was a ..... The Pharaoh owned and was in charge of everything. He had absolute power. Power was usually passed down to his son.


96 - Anna lives in a direct democracy. What does that mean?

She personally votes on every issue and law.

97 - Any party with 6% of total votes in Lok Sabha or Assembly elections in four states and wins at least 4 seats in Lok Sabha is recognized as .

National Party

98 - 'Apthamithra' is the name of the helpline and a mobile app, launched by which Indian state/UT, in its efforts to tackle Covid-19?


99 - archaeology is a brand of


100 - Area that occupies a defined territory with a permanent population and is ruled by an established government that has control over its internal/external affairs.


101 - Article 14 of the Indian Constitution deals with?

Right to Equality

102 - As a subject of study political science began with the.....


103 - At the head of the Judicial Branch is .....

The Supreme Court

104 - Aurangzeb had depleted the military and financial resources by fighting a long war in the


105 - Balancing power between 2 states is the purpose of.....

buffer states

106 - Believes in privatization of public sector and complete personal freedom


107 - Believes that government should be larger


108 - Benchmark: 2.8 Complexity: DOK 1What are the names of the two major political parties in the United States today?

Democratic and Republican

109 - Both the Republican and Democratic parties are similar in all of the following ways EXCEPT?

Share similar viewpoints on most major issues during a campaign.

110 - Boundaries established by rivers, oceans, deserts, mountains, etc.

Physical boundaries

111 - Branch of government that can issue pardons and reprieves


112 - Businesses established by Congress to perform functions that could be performed by private businesses, but are generally not profitable.

Government Corporations

113 - Campaign finance reform is -

An effort to limit the amount of money that can be contributed to politicians.

114 - Changing party allegiance, from the party under which a person got elected (to a legislative body) to a different party :


115 - Citizens in this economic system exchange goods by bartering

Traditional Economy

116 - Colonialism

When one country rules another for economic benefit

117 - Congress creates a law. Is this.....


118 - Consider the following statements on parties :A. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people. B. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders. C. Parties are not necessary to run governments. Which of the statements give

A and B

119 - Consider the following Statements: A no-confidence vote can only occur when in a majority government. "Western" refers only to those of European Countries. "Winner take all" means that all of a state's electoral votes go to the candidate who had the major

Only 3,

120 - Consider the following Statements: All maps tell us the same kind of information. there are no limitations as to the amount of money that individuals or interest groups can donate to a political campaign In general, the world has become more democratic. W

Only 3,

121 - Consider the following Statements: Anthropology is study of human primitive culture Interest groups may run ads to get the general public on their side. According to Locke, the people should have the power to influence the legislature. Which of the follow

Only 1, 2, 3

122 - Consider the following Statements: Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science are essential i n understanding human behavior and social groups. The Constitutional Court is made up of 12 high-level legal experts who are appointed by the President of Be

Only 1,

123 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is shared, although each person is endowed with a critical mind to understand things. In a socialist economy, the wealth is distributed evenly among citizens. The Queen can appoint the members of the House of Lor

Only 1, 2, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: Gerrymandering is a political process that the manipulates boundaries of an electoral constituency as to ensure equal rights and representations of all different groups of people. discrimination is a good thing President


125 - Consider the following Statements: India is known to be a home to a number of tribes, ethnic, and social groups. If the president is afraid a reporter will make him look bad, he can ban or forbid the reporter from printing the story. parties are not about


126 - Consider the following Statements: Ranjit Singh was an important leader of Marathas. Head of State is the representative of the country in national functions and is afforded respect and recognition as a leader of the state. Political maps are always flat.

Only 3,

127 - Consider the following Statements: Stephen Colbert started his own SuperPac Most Democratic Politicians consider themselves to be socialists Values are firmly held opinions or conviction Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

128 - Consider the following Statements: The current Constitution was drafted in 1994 and amended in 1996 and 2004 The original goal of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was to defend against communism. Republican theory supports the liberal theory of f

Only 1, 2

129 - Consider the following Statements: The Democrats tend to be more conservative while the Republicans are more liberal. Party Systems refers to the number of parties competing for the party, organization of the parties (decentralized organization in the U.S

Only 2,

130 - Consider the following Statements: The impeachment trial against the president is presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. An artificial boundary can cause problems when it ignores

Only 1, 3

131 - Consider the following Statements: The United States is a member of NATO. Some tornadoes can be over 2 miles wide Freedom of Speech for all people Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

132 - Constituency is a unit of the .....


133 - Constitutional Monarchy

A country where the King/Queen is the head of the state, but an elected group of people actually runs the country

134 - Coromandal coast is the eastern coast of.,


135 - Costa Rica is a peaceful, democratic republic where power is only given by the central government. Laws and taxes of the central government have full control over the regional division.


136 - Countries like Iran and North Korea are unique because.....

they have a one party system

137 - Dad doesn't belong to either one of the two major political parties. Instead, he joined a smaller group that is challenging them. Mom liked a different group, so she joined it. Now each of my parents belongs to a different .....

Third political party

138 - Define: The difference between what the sample results show and what the true result would be if everybody had been interviewed.

Sampling Error

139 - Define: When people vote for some candidates from one party and other candidates from another party, it is called

Ticket Splitting

140 - Dictatorship?

North Korea

141 - Directive Principles have been embodied into Indian Constitution from?

Irish Constitution

142 - Donald Trump is an example of a leader of what kind of country

a democracy

143 - During which decade did centrifugal forces tear the Soviet Union apart?


144 - Each state has .....

High Court

145 - Education was transferred to Concurrent list by ..... Amendment.


146 - elected officials who represent everyone in government

Representative Democracy

147 - Electoral Roll means ..... .

List of Registered Voters

148 - EOP


149 - Equal Opportunities in the matters of Public Employment is mentioned in .....

Article 16

150 - Every Party in the India has to register with the

Election Commission

151 - Example: In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait because it believed they were drilling too many oblique oil wells that reached over to the Iraqi side.


152 - Example: the boundary between the United States and Canada along the 49th parallel.

Antecedent boundary

153 - Examples of human characteristics:

buildings, bridges, roads

154 - Favors universal and affordable health care

Democratic Party

155 - Federal, State or Local?An Australian oil tanker crashes on the coast of another country


156 - First Amendment right where you can write to your government representative to have a law added, changed, or removed. You may have to get signatures of other citizens to prove you have a good idea.

freedom of petition

157 - First Amendment right where you have the right to belong to any church or none at all.

freedom of religion

158 - Food habits like the way of cooking foods, habits of dressing up, relationship with family members or with in-laws, and many others are some of the focuses of this anthropological field.

Cultural & Social Anthropology

159 - For both Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau, the social contract is an agreement between.....

citizens and government

160 - For the first time Indian legislature was made"Bi-Cameral" under:

Government of India Act, 1919

161 - Formed state boundaries in Africa with little regard for the existing ethno-linguistic, cultural, and political boundaries already in place.

Berlin Conference

162 - Founded in 1945; 193 countries; takes on issues facing humanity such as peace and security; headquarters: New York City

UN (United Nations)

163 - Founded: 1994; Members: US, Canada, Mexico; Mission: Free trade among members; HQ: Washington DC, Ottawa, and Mexico City

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

164 - Framing legislative policies abolishing or limiting political dynasties all over the Philippines

Political Science

165 - France was deep in debt because

all of the above

166 - From the ideas and teaching of which of these leaders does BJP draw inspiration?

All the above

167 - From where do the village women have to get water here

Suru river

168 - George Washington suggested that political parties would lead to which of the following in America?

Division among Americans

169 - Government needs well trained personnel who comprehend the nature of governmental organisation and management. This statement is related to which branch of political science?

Public administrations

170 - Groups that connect the American public to their government are called:

Linkage Institutions

171 - Having no choice s in political parties is a disadvantage of which political system?

One-party system

172 - Headed by Majority Leader


173 - Hong Kong is an example of a

autononmous region

174 - How a political party feels on certain issues is stated in their.....


175 - How can the American political system best be characterized?

Two party system

176 - How did France contribute to the spread of nationalism throughout Europe?

Countries were inspired by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution

177 - How did the Han dynasty select its government officials?

Candidates had to pass a difficult civil service exam.

178 - How do multiple perspectives shape political participation?

by giving voters a variety of alternate policy choice s

179 - How do Political Action Committees (PACs) influence government?

financially supporting causes and campaigns

180 - How do the major parties select their candidate for President of the United States?

After a series of caucuses and primary elections, delegates at each party's nominating convention choose their candidates.

181 - How does the National Government determine how many electoral college votes each state gets?

the number of districts in each state plus the senators

182 - How has the EU promoted economic cooperation across Europe?

It has reduced trade barriers.

183 - How is Politics defined by Political Scientists?

the exercise of power and who gets what, how, and when.

184 - How is the number of electors for each state chosen?

The state's total representation in the national Congress

185 - how mant types does anthropology has?


186 - How many "major" political parties are there in the United States today? (Parties whose candidates have a legitimate chance to win most elections)


187 - How many days before an election does registration close?


188 - How many elected MP are there in Lok Sabha?


189 - How many electoral votes does it take to get elected into office?


190 - How many fundamental rights are given in Indian Constitution


191 - How many languages are recognized by Indian Constitution?


192 - How many members in the lok sabha as per the Constitution?


193 - How many votes are needed to indict former President Donald Trump?


194 - How would the National Wildlife Federation would rate a Senator who supported National Parks?


195 - Identify the challenges faced by political parties in India?

All the above

196 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country. 1. Framing legislative policies abolishing or limiting political dynasties all over the Philippines

Political Science

197 - Identify which social group made up the majority of the new Assembly.


198 - If a case is affirmed, it

means a court ruling is valid and must stand.

199 - If both the President and Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

Speaker of the House

200 - If I want to run for any office in government, which requirement below do I need to meet?

U.S. citizen

201 - If one or both of your parents are U.S. citizens then you are an American citizen.

Law of Blood

202 - If people are not able to enjoy 'Fundamental Rights' they can approach the ..... to get them.


203 - If you are in Los Angeles and go to the beach, which ocean are you nearby?

Pacific Ocean

204 - If you are in New York City and go to the beach, which ocean are you nearby?

Atlantic Ocean

205 - If you were a Federalist, all the following would apply to you except .....

You wanted your leader, George Washington, to be president.

206 - In 1931, the Indian National Congress session at ..... dealt about how independent India's Constitution should look like.


207 - In 2020, your mom wants to run for President. She is 42 years old and has a high school diploma. She was born in Canada, but became a naturalized U.S. citizen ten years ago. Your Civics teacher says your mom isn't qualified to run for President. Why isn't

She isn't a natural-born citizen of the U.S.

208 - In a ..... the formation of all other political parties is usually forbidden.

one-party system

209 - In a ....., the people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf

Republic/Representative Democracy

210 - In a democracy, the final decision must rest with those leaders who are .....

elected by the people

211 - In a democracy, who ultimately holds the power in the principle of popular sovereignty?

The people

212 - In a frontier

a state doesn't exercise complete control

213 - In America, we have a two-party system. What are our two main parties?

Republican and Democrat

214 - In Brussels ..... people speak French


215 - In general, the chief justice of the Supreme Court

assigns opinions when voting with the majority.

216 - In Kentucky, who leads the Fiscal Court in a local county?

County Judge Executive

217 - In order to win the presidency

the candidate must win 270 electoral college votes

218 - In Presidential elections, what is the role of the People?

Their votes choose the electors

219 - In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle wrote that politics is the most authoritative and a master art. What does this mean?

Knowledge of politics affects our daily lives

220 - In the Prince, Machiavelli states that a good ruler is both what?

Loved and Feared

221 - In the relief package announced by the centre, the women self-help groups (SHGs) will be given collateral-free loans up to Rs 20 lakh under which scheme?

Deen Dayal National Livelihood Mission

222 - In the US nearly all media outlets are owned by

Large Corporations

223 - In what kind of case does the plaintiff charge that it has suffered because of another's violation of a specific agreement between the two?


224 - In what month is Election Day for U.S. presidential elections?


225 - In what part of the Constitution would you find specific duties for each branch of government as well as the general structure of our government?

the Articles

226 - In which election do most people vote?


227 - In which of the following government types would you expect citizens to have more protected rights and freedoms?


228 - In which of the following states does Shiv Sena exist as a regional political party?


229 - In which year did the Marathas raid Delhi?


230 - In which year Election Commission was set up?


231 - Included businessmen, large landowners, and professional people


232 - Indian constitution abolished.....


233 - Indian Tamils belongs to

Sri Lanka

234 - Indian-origin Arvind Krishna has been appointed as new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of which company?

International Business Machines

235 - Individuals and interest groups influence which of the following?

Public policy

236 - Individuals or groups who are not parties to a lawsuit but who seek to influence the Supreme Court's decision can submit which of the following briefs?

amicus curiae

237 - Inherent powers derive from the fact that the United States is

a sovereign power among nations.

238 - Invisible lines that mark the territory of a state or country.


239 - It focuses on human diversity around the world.


240 - It is a political Ideology that gives importance to the fulfillment of the individual through the satisfaction of his interests.


241 - It is very nationalistic and most often ethnocentric

Rightist idea

242 - I've decided to ..... for the position.


243 - Jamaat al-Islami fought for the establishment of .....

Islamic state

244 - John Adams was a member of the ..... Party.


245 - John Locke professed that a government is created to ..... the rights of the people.


246 - Korea is a good example of a(n)

ethnicity divided between more than one state.

247 - Kosovo might not be considered a sovereign state because

Serbia, Russia, and many other countries do not recognize its sovereignty.

248 - Labor, Agriculture, and Interior are examples of

cabinet departments.

249 - Laissez-faire means.....

Hands off

250 - Legitimacy in government is

only needed in times of emergency.

251 - Lesotho is an enclave in the middle of South Africa. This means that South Africa is a

perforated state

252 - Liberalists believed in growth and development of.....


253 - Lobbying is the process by which group pressures are applied to

all aspects of the public policy-making process.

254 - Lobbyist

Professionals hired by interest groups to influence government

255 - Lobbyists try to influence legislators mainly through

providing legislators with information on technical issues

256 - Local Councils elect a total of .....members


257 - Lower House of Indian Parliament is known as

Lok Sabha

258 - Loyalty and devotion to a specific nationality is known as


259 - LPG stands for:

Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation

260 - Mahatma Gandhi wrote what?

Hind Swaraj

261 - McCulloch vs. Maryland established:

supremacy clause

262 - Media is a ..... between people and policymakers.

Linkage Institution

263 - Monarchy exists in .....-.

Both of these

264 - More than 50% of the vote?


265 - Municipalities are set up


266 - Name the system which means that a person can appeal a higher court if the judgement passed by the lower court is not just.

Appellate system

267 - Napoleon did all of the following EXCEPT

ended war in Europe

268 - National Emergency has been declared in India on ..... occasions.


269 - nationalism

identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations

270 - North Korea is an example of a


271 - Number of justices needed to grant certiorari.


272 - Of the following, which group typically has the lowest voter turnout?

18-25 year olds

273 - Once appointed to a judgeship, federal judges

hold that job for life.

274 - One Democratic Party core belief is .....

help the environment

275 - One important similarity between the American Revolution and the French Revolution is that they both

challenged monarchical governments

276 - One major difference between internet and television is that it presents

More unfiltered content

277 - Only legitimate use of government power is to stop individuals form harming each other.

Harm Principle

278 - Organizations of people with a common goal that try to influence government policies and decisions are known as.....

Interest Groups

279 - Our first political parties emerged because of

differences in how much power the national gov't or states's gov't should have

280 - Out of the following assertions related to development, which one of them stands correct?

Both (A), (B), (C)

281 - Parties Put Forward their ..... and ..... and the voters choose from them

Policies, Programmes

282 - Parties that split from a major party

splinter parties

283 - Party volunteers spend a Saturday afternoon at the park handing out informational brochures that identify the party's platforms.

Educate the Public About Issues

284 - People overthrow their government, but no ruler takes charge. Without leadership, the nation is in chaos. What is this situation called?


285 - Plurality

The most voted among all those running for a political office.

286 - Political activity via voting has been limited by

all of the choice s are correct

287 - Political ideology that falls between liberal and conservative and which may include some of both; usually thought of as tolerant of others' political opinions and not likely to hold extreme views on issues.


288 - Political models have the following major features:

Goal, Group activity, Bargaining and Negotiation

289 - Political parties educate ..... about campaign issues.

the people

290 - Political parties recruit and nominate candidates. To recruit and nominate means.....

find and choose

291 - Political Science aims to;

understand how power is gained and employed in achieving social justice.

292 - Political science is the study of.....

political parties, pressure groups and interest groups

293 - Politicans use media events and TV commercials largely for

Image Making

294 - Population, government, territory, and sovereignty are all

Features of a state

295 - Potential for conflict between individual freedom and majority rule

paradox of democracy

296 - Preamble is based on which country's model?


297 - Presidential debates are an important part of the political process. Which function best describes the purpose of these debates?

Educating the electorate about campaign issues

298 - Primary election in which any registered voter may vote

Open Primary

299 - Process of adding territory to an already existing state.


300 - propaganda technique encouraging the viewer to like something or someone because everyone else does


301 - propaganda technique involving the use of showing one-sided information

card stacking

302 - Public goods are things that:

All of the above

303 - Queen Cragin inherited (passed down through bloodline) her power in 1987. She is NOT limited by a set of laws.

absolute monarchy

304 - Ravi's work in the lesson is related to ..... .

Real estate / selling of plots

305 - Red, elephant, & GOP describe the.....

republican party

306 - Redistricting is important because:

district boundaries should be changed periodically to reflect changes in population.

307 - Redrawing districts to gain an advantage for one group is


308 - Regarding the amount of TV coverage.....

The president receives twice as much coverage as congress

309 - Relating to the government or public affairs of a country.


310 - Religious law somehow influences the management of the government


311 - Republic Day is celebrated on .....

26th January

312 - Republicans believe if you lower taxes, people would do what?

Spend more money

313 - Republicans hold ..... values on policy issues.


314 - Rob: I am so sick of paying high taxes!Tim: Well the election is coming up, make sure to vote.Based off what Rob said, what party should he probably vote for?


315 - Rule by a few


316 - Rules of conduct enforced by the government.....


317 - Sadhbhawana Diwas was observed on :

20th August

318 - Sally is listening to a campaign ad on the radio. The voice of the candidate explains her position on climate change and the need for new policy. The role the media is playing in the political process is.....

emphasizing select issues

319 - Sam wanted a BMW to be shipped to him in the United States. He paid a high tax on this car when it was imported from Germany. What type of trade barrier is this?


320 - Seasonal Winds in India are called


321 - Select all of the following that are methods used in the nominating process:

Both (B), (C)

322 - Select all of the officials that get to choose the writer of the majority opinion for the Supreme Court.

Both (A), (C)

323 - Select the Option:The Grand Alliance of the opposition of 1971

Got a combined tally of seats that was less than 40.

324 - Separate entities formed by interest groups whose specific goal is to raise and spend money to influence election outcomes are known as

political action committeees

325 - Since 1860s the ..... and .....party have dominated American politics.

Democratic, Republican

326 - Smaller government, the free market, and strong national defense are ideas generally associated with


327 - Social Problems are not always solved by reason" and that the leftist always imagines that things are better now but in reality, "violet upheavals always make things worse."


328 - Some states have more representatives in the House than others because:

Some states have more people than others

329 - South Africa is an example of an .....

perforated state

330 - State is an 'unnecessary evil' say


331 - system of government in which one person rules with unlimited power and authority


332 - System with two party is known as .

Bi-party system

333 - Taiwan can be considered a sovereign state because

its government carries on diplomatic relations with many other countries.

334 - Taxes help pay for .....


335 - Ted believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman.


336 - The "G" in PEGS stands for .....


337 - The ..... allows voters to choose the candidates from each party who will run in the later general election.

primary election

338 - The ..... Party favored business.


339 - The ability of the President to choose civil officers, judges, and ambassadors for the federal government.


340 - The Anti-Federalist party renamed themselves?


341 - The assent of the ..... results in the enactment of a bill into a law


342 - The attempt by one country to impose political control over another territory is


343 - The BEST description of propaganda

An often false message that aims to manipulate people's thoughts and behavior

344 - The body of judge-made law that originated in England from decisions shaped according to prevailing custom is known as

common law.

345 - The Centre State financial distribution takes place on the recom-mendation by the

Finance Minister

346 - The chairman of Constituent Assembly was

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

347 - The Chief Election commissioner is appointed by whom among the following?

The President of India

348 - The color for the Republican party is.....


349 - The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves is known as

self- determination

350 - The Constitution gives the Supreme Court ..... jurisdiction in cases involving foreign ambassadors and issues in which a state is a party.


351 - The Country which tries to reduce and eradicate all kinds of inequalities is called ..... .


352 - The definition of campaign is

the process for getting elected

353 - The demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea is at the

38th parallel

354 - The Democratic party logo is a


355 - The Democratic-Republican Party tended to be Pro.....


356 - The development and persistence of the two-party system in the United States is best accounted for by

D single-member legislative districts

357 - The existence of more than one level of government.


358 - the experiences and factors that shape an individual's political values, attitudes, and behaviors.

political socialization

359 - The federal government controls what?


360 - The following apply to the Democratic party: (check all that apply)

Both (A), (B), (C)

361 - The following positions belong to what level of government? President, vice-president, attorney general, Congress, U.S. Supreme Court


362 - The fragmentation of a state or region into smaller, often hostile, units along ethno-linguistic lines.


363 - The French people were divided into estates based on

Social class

364 - The government assisting the lower classes through social programs

Well fair State

365 - The highest law in the United States is the:


366 - The House of Representatives would decide who the Prime Minister is, if.....

the candidate gain 2/3 majority from the August House

367 - The ideas below are based on those found in the platform of a current political party in the United States.....We believe individual rights are essential to freedom.We believe the United States should avoid alliances and use the military only for our dire


368 - The ideas for the Declaration of Independence came from the philosopher .....

John Locke

369 - The Indian state prevent religious domination by adopting

All of these

370 - The job of both the Congress and the General Assembly is to -

make the laws

371 - The Kurds are an example of

a stateless nation

372 - The local government controls what?


373 - the main base of bsp is in


374 - The members of a social organization who are in power.

Political System

375 - The merit system refers to

job appointment based on competitive examinations.

376 - The minimum age of exercising right to vote in India is


377 - The most common form of democracy

representative democracy

378 - The most divisive political era would be which one?


379 - The most important opportunity for citizens to participate in government is through


380 - The Nation that has an elected person as its head is called ..... .


381 - The National Association of Manufacturers represents the ..... interests of its members.


382 - The Number of Vidhan Sabha members in Haryana is?


383 - The official policy of racial separation of ill treatment of blacks followed by the government of South Africa was called


384 - The organization of an area with a permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and the ability to make decisions for itself is a.....


385 - The Parliament exercises control over council of ministers, the real executive in several ways, mark the wrong one.

None of the above

386 - The person that runs with the president is the .....

vice president

387 - The power of Supreme court of India to decide the dispute between the center and states falls under

original jurisdiction

388 - The President addresses both the houses of Parliament assembled together

first session after each general election and the first session of each year

389 - The President of India is not a mere rubber stamp . Which statement is wrong in this context?

ordinary bills require his prior approval before being introduced in the Lok Sabha.

390 - The primary role of a third party is to:

introduce new ideas or push for a particular issue

391 - The Prime Minister of India who tried to have better relationship with Pakistan by reforming our Foreign Policy is

Atal Bihari Vajapayee

392 - The process of legally adding territory to a city.


393 - The Pro-life vs. Pro-Choice debate is an example of a.....

divisive opinion.

394 - The propaganda technique that only shows facts supporting one side of an issue is called

card stacking.

395 - The radicals who took over the revolution were led by


396 - The response of the National Constituent Assembly to the King's Flight to Varennes on 15 July 1791 was.....

Claim the King was kidnapped, but take away his veto power.

397 - The role of a political party is to

Nominate Candidates

398 - The role played by the national media and political parties in investigating political personalities and exposing scandals.


399 - The Saudi royal family (King) controls the national government of Saudi Arabia. All government leaders serve by appointment from the king. The king has the ability to remove any government official from a town. The governments of the provinces and towns h

Autocratic Monarch

400 - the smallest unit of election administration


401 - The statement below is from a political party platform....."We, the workers and our allies, need to take power from the hands of the wealthy few, their corporations, and their political operatives.".....Which political party's position is represented in t


402 - The study of politics: who governs, for what ends, and by what means

Political Science

403 - The Supreme Court was established on


404 - The Tashkent Agreement between India and Pakistan took in


405 - the term city-state is generally associated with


406 - the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area


407 - The total of all goods and services produced in the economy during a given year.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

408 - The unalienable rights stipulated in the Declaration of Independence included the right

to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

409 - The United Kingdom, USA, Germany, and Russia all have this type of government


410 - The United States is an example of a


411 - The United States practices

mixed market

412 - The US is an example of a

fragmented state

413 - The Vatican City is an example of an .....


414 - The welfare system was established in which political era?


415 - The word "secular" was introduced into the Constitution :

by 42nd Amendment

416 - The word 'Democracy ' comes from the Greek word -


417 - The world's largest multinational state is


418 - The world's largest state is


419 - Theory claiming that forming alliances and controlling the coasts and seas are necessary to maintain politial power and control the world.

Rimland Theory

420 - there are ..... major religions in the world


421 - They felt government should be led by educated people.


422 - They felt the federal government should be stronger than the state governments.


423 - Third parties are not stronger in the United States because:

all of the above

424 - This Dynasty was known as a golden age in China, conquered many lands, reformed the military, and created law codes.

Tang Dynasty

425 - This economic system aims to make the most products for the lowest amount of money and is sometimes criticized as exploiting the poor in favor of the rich:


426 - This ideology favors government involvement in the economy, including government control of certain sectors.


427 - This is a political ideology and a movement aims gender equality and not to reciprocate or dominate other sexes


428 - This Mesoamerican empire did not have a centralized government, but instead loose city-states each led by a ruling family.


429 - This political party believes in the government owning everything

Communist Party

430 - This theory of democracy says power is dispersed among competing groups having cross-cutting cleavages.


431 - This type of political party believes that the government should control the entire economy

Communist Party

432 - This was one of the first political parties, favored strong national government and wanted a loose interpretation of the constitution


433 - Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the ..... party.


434 - Those personal freedoms, including freedom of religion and of speech, that are protected for all individuals in a society are called

civil liberties.

435 - To select candidates to run for public office


436 - Totalitarianism

government in which the state involves itself in all facets of society, including the daily life of its citizens such as the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its population

437 - Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on the


438 - Under which definition is Political Science defined as study of state and government?

Classical Definitions

439 - UNO was established in the year

Oct 24 1945

440 - UPA stands for-

United Progressive Alliance

441 - uses famous people or figures to endorse/sell a product


442 - Veto power can be excercise by

Security Council Permanent members

443 - Voter Fatigue?


444 - Voters who are registered as an independent

cannot participate in closed primary elections

445 - Voting constituency of traditional Democratic middle-class voters that turned to Ronald Reagan during the 1980s.

Reagan Democrats

446 - Voting for candidates from different parties for different offices

Split Ticket Voting

447 - Wahidah: I wonder why the U.S. citizens would support President Donald Trump. His personality as a leader is not so suitable in my eyes. I wonder if he really hire an expert to make his political speeches influential.What Wahidah said showed the relations


448 - What a political party or political candidates believe in and STAND for is called their


449 - What approach to political theory focuses and the application of values to evaluate the world of political phenomena?

normative approach

450 - What are agencies of socialization?

The family, school, religion and other social institutions that transmit values from one generation to the next

451 - What are the "Great Plains"

Big stretch of flatland in the Midwest

452 - What are the benefits of history?

Develop an Understanding of the World.

453 - What are the names of the individual issues that make up the political platforms?


454 - What are the three types of history?

Medieval, Modern and art history.

455 - What are the two houses that make up the Legislative Branch?

Senate and House of Representatives

456 - What article of the Constitution contains powers of the President?


457 - What article of the Constitution contains the enumerated powers?


458 - What caused the a challenge to the constitutional authority of the national government?

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

459 - What country controls Greenland?


460 - What did Hamilton hope to achieve with his financial plan?

Greater confidence in, and increased support for, the national government

461 - What did the Tennis Court Oath swear?

That the National Assembly would not dissolve until they created a constitution

462 - What does a candidate need before contesting elections in China?

Approval of the Chinese Communist Party

463 - What does a state's congressional representation determine?

state's electoral votes

464 - What does communism believe in?

Economic equality through elimination of private property.

465 - What does 'Medieval' stand for?


466 - What does PAC stand for?

Political Action Committee

467 - What does the Rule of Law states?

All of these

468 - What does the word shall mean in the article 74(1)?

it indicates that the advice is binding on the president.

469 - What does USSR stand for?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

470 - What end of the political spectrum do the SPD belong to?

Moderate Left

471 - What events helped to inspire the Latin American Independence movements?

All of the above

472 - What form of execution did the revolutionaries in France use to execute "enemies of France"?


473 - What forms the natural border between Spain and France? (divides Spain and France)

Pyrenees Mountains

474 - What function primarily of the state in the Parliament?

Rajya Sabha

475 - What is a form of government in which there are no limits to the government's power and citizens do not have any protected rights.

Unlimited Government

476 - What is a moderate?

Someone who has some liberal and some conservative beliefs

477 - What is a Political Science as a study?

It seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the state, government and its all organs.

478 - What is a region?

An area of the country with a similar climate/environment

479 - What is a strategy an interest group might use to influence an election's outcome (results)?

run TV and newspaper ads

480 - What is a two party system?

Political system consisting of two major parties, Democrats and Republicans

481 - What is a type of government where central and local government share power?

Federal System

482 - What is an Election held to fill the vacancy caused due to death or resignation of a member called?


483 - What is an organization with the purpose of raising and spending money to elect or defeat a candidate?


484 - What is authoritarianism?

A belief in, or practice of, government 'from above' in which authority is exercised regardless of political consent

485 - What is charismatic authority?

Leadership based on extraordinary personal qualities

486 - What is domestic broadcast media?

Local TV Channels and Radio Stations

487 - What is it called when a country breaks apart into several smaller countries?


488 - What is it called when special interest groups try to influence public officials?


489 - What is NOT a similarity between political parties?

Their party platform

490 - What is the basis of the Philippines in claiming the Spratly Islands?


491 - What is the capital of Bosnia?


492 - What is the capital of Croatia?


493 - What is the capital of Sweden?


494 - What is the capital of The United Kingdom?


495 - What is the capital of Turkey?


496 - What is the Constitution?

The framework for the U.S. government.

497 - What is the definition of partisan?

To clearly favor one faction/party.

498 - What is the formula for the Primary Election in Indiana?

Tuesday after the first Monday in May.

499 - What is the minimum age for becoming the President?


500 - what is the name for the process used to select the president and vice president of the United States?

electoral college

501 - What is the name of one of the smaller political parties in the United States?


502 - What is the name of the application launched by the AYUSH Ministry as a part of the launch of clinical research on Ayurveda interventions?

AYUSH Sanjivani

503 - What is the name of the line between India and China border?

Mcmohan line

504 - What is the name of the system in between capitalism and communism


505 - What is the name of the system that makes sure no branch of government gets too much power?

checks and balances

506 - What is the philosophy, developed by Adam Smith, stating the government should not interfere with the economy?


507 - What is the purpose of a PHYSICAL map?

To highlight elevation and other phyisical features

508 - What is the purpose of propaganda?

promoting or demoting certain views,perceptions or agendas

509 - What is the role of the Federal Government?

It governs and passes laws that affect the whole country, through the Australian Parliament.

510 - What is the symbol of the Democratic Party

A Donkey

511 - What is the system we use for electing our President?

electoral college

512 - What is the umbrella organization that led to the struggle against the policies of segregation of South Africa?

African National Congress (ANC)

513 - What is titoism?

Moderate, decentralized, partially market form of communism.

514 - What is utopianism?

A style of political theorizing that develops a critique of the existing order by constructing a model of an ideal or perfect alternative

515 - What keeps Russia from getting to their many natural resources?

The weather is too cold and the mountains hard to get to

516 - What organization did W.E.B. Du Bois found?


517 - What party is in favor of deregulation of most businesses?


518 - What political official is elected through the Electoral College?


519 - What political party wants to keep universal healthcare?


520 - What religious movement caused people in Europe to question monarchs, The Pope, and The Catholic Church?

The Renaissance

521 - What role should the government have in people's rights according to John Locke?

protecting their individual rights

522 - What specific "crime" did Andrew Johnson commit and have impeachment charges brought upon him as a result?

violated the Office of Tenure Act by firing a cabinet member

523 - What term describes the process of creating a public value system?

Political socialization

524 - What term means a sharing of power between the federal government and the states?


525 - What term refers to a system where each branch of government can limit the power of the other two branches to keep them equal in power?

Checks and Balances

526 - What type of boundary differentiates a cultural divide?


527 - What type of economy is privately owned businesses create goods that people buy in markets?

free enterprise

528 - What was one way that China's civil service exam prevented progress?

All of these are correct.

529 - What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?

To establish rules for claiming land without conflict.

530 - What was the significance of the Battle of Waterloo?

English and Prussian forces defeated France, ending Napoleon's reign.

531 - What were the first two political parties?

Federalist and Anti-Federalist

532 - What were the ideologies of the two superpowers i.e., USA and USSR?

Capitalism and communism

533 - What were the nobles who were appointed as governors in the Mughal empire called?


534 - What year did Justin Trudeau become the Prime Minister of Canada?


535 - What's a "coup d'etat"?

quickly taking over the government

536 - When a state has ....., it means it had control over its internal affairs without interference from other states. It is independent.


537 - When an ethnic group does not have its own state and is not the majority in any state nation they are called a.....

Stateless nation

538 - when did general musharraf become president?


539 - When did General Parvez Musharraf lead a military coup in Pakistan?


540 - When did the first NAM Summit was held?


541 - When did Zimbabwe attain independence?


542 - When party members meet to nominate a candidate for office, they participate in which of the following?

B Caucus

543 - When political parties recruit, choose, and present candidates for public office, they are completing which of the following functions/roles?

Nominate Candidates

544 - When something helps bond the people within a country, it is called a:

Centripetal Force

545 - When the effects of income and education are eliminated, which of the following statements about voting rates is true?

Black citizens vote at a higher rate than White citizens

546 - When we go to a movie theatre, we pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Sales tax

547 - Where did the Renaissance begin?


548 - Where was the first World Youth Conference on Kindness was organized whose theme was 'Gandhi for the contemporary world'?

New Delhi

549 - Where would you find a political party's stance on issues?

in their platform.

550 - Which "major" party has a more liberal platform?

Democratic Party

551 - Which among the below is NOT an aspect of Political Science?

Attempts to explain how and why we make the purchasing choice s we do.

552 - Which among the dimensions of power that refers to the motive of the person who wants to have power or the reason why one wants to be paced under the influence of another person?


553 - Which article of Indian Constitution provides for an independent Election Commission.


554 - Which article of the constitution of India deals with the fundamental duties

Article 51a

555 - Which Article speaks about Right to Life?

Article 21

556 - Which article talks about "Protection of interests of minorities"?

Article 29

557 - Which branch has the Vice President?


558 - Which channel separates India and Sri Lanka

Palk straight



560 - Which country is famous for coffee?


561 - which country recently accepted Bitcoin as legal tender?


562 - Which current party is typically more conservative?


563 - Which document was known as the first plan of self-government?

Mayflower Compact

564 - Which does NOT contribute to how an individual develops liberal or conservative views?

Size of family

565 - Which emperor burned Confucianist books and killed their scholars?

Qin Shi Huang

566 - Which form of government is ruled by religious leaders?


567 - Which function of a party requires them to report on any negative dealings of the opposing party?


568 - Which government office has these requirements?.....Be at least 25 years oldBe a U.S. citizen at least 7 years Reside in the state to be represented

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives

569 - Which government's source of power rests in a religious text or ruler?


570 - Which group believes that government should be more involved in the lives of citizens?


571 - Which is at the opposite end of the political spectrum from democracy?


572 - Which is NOT a campaign activity?

make a new govt rule

573 - Which is not an influence that the media has on public policy and policymakers?

sticks to the political center on controversial issues

574 - Which level of the party organization is considered the lowest?

precinct captain

575 - Which of the below best defines Anarchy?

A government ruled by one person.

576 - Which of the following article deals with the election of the Vice-president?

Article 64

577 - Which of the following definitions best describe Political Science?

Systematic study of government and politics

578 - Which of the following do political parties NOT do?

Regulate financial contributions

579 - Which of the following expects to share power equally within its own country?


580 - Which of the following is a negative consequence of nationalism

Going to war with other countries

581 - Which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power?

Power sharing between different organs of the government.

582 - Which of the following is an underlying principle of the U.S. Constitution?

Government receives its power from the people.

583 - Which of the following is considered a State?


584 - Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?

Right to Property

585 - Which of the following is NOT a linkage institution?

The Legislative Branch

586 - Which of the following is not a part of the United Kingdom?


587 - Which of the following is NOT a reason a tiny country, small radical group, or small organization could equalize the power of an entire country?

Lack of Raw Materials

588 - Which of the following is NOT a reason provided by "do not" voters?

I have a religious opposition to voting

589 - Which of the following is NOT a requirement to vote in Virginia?

be at least 21 years old

590 - Which of the following is NOT a type of boundary


591 - Which of the following is NOT a typical role a political party performs?

serve as commander-in-chief

592 - Which of the following is not apart of Preamble to the Indian constitution?


593 - Which of the following is NOT denied to states?


594 - Which of the following is not one of the five elements of a political cartoon?


595 - Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements for a state to be considered a state?

It must have infrastructure.

596 - Which of the following is not one of the three branches of government created by the Constitution?


597 - Which of the following is the BEST example of "fake news"?

Unverified Facebook Image

598 - Which of the following is the largest and most famous government corporations?

The U.S. Postal Service

599 - Which of the following is the main event at a national convention?

nominating a candidate for president

600 - Which of the following means a written plan of government or supreme law of the land?


601 - Which of the following political systems best characterizes the American political process?

Two party system

602 - Which of the following statements best describes the role of the United States Constitution?

is the supreme law of the land.

603 - Which of the following Supreme Court decisions made it dramatically easier for PACs to spend money in campaigns?

Citizens United v. FEC

604 - Which of the following terms means "a group or an organization seeking or receiving special advantages?

Special Interest Groups

605 - Which of the following voters will most likely prefer a Republican candidate?

a southern white male business owner

606 - Which of the following was NOT a member of the first supranationalist group in Europe that lead up to the EU forming?


607 - Which of the following was NOT a result of the French and Indian War?

Strengthened relationship with Native Americans

608 - Which of the following was used by some States to limited voting rights Except :


609 - Which of these are NOT one of the four main methods of campaigning?


610 - Which of these does not fit the group?


611 - which of these is not a state party?


612 - Which of these is NOT a way to become a citizen of the United States?

reading books about America

613 - Which of these is techniques relies on writing text on the cartoon in order to help the reader understand what the cartoon is about? (Key Word: writing)


614 - Which of these was a result in Europe due to the fall of Rome?

the lack of a central government

615 - Which of these was a result of the fall of Rome?

the lack of a central government

616 - Which of these was NOT an effect of the disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine?

Broken bones

617 - Which one is a characteristic of power?


618 - Which one of the following is not situated on the Bay of Bengal?


619 - Which one of the following is Not the way to resolve a conflict in a democracy?

Armed revolution

620 - Which organization's goal is to keep peace and stability around the world?

United Nations

621 - Which party has a single province as their priority?

Bloc Quebecois

622 - Which party was formed in 1999, following a split in the Congress Party?

Nationalist Congress Party

623 - Which physical feature forms the border between France and Spain?

Pyrenees Mountains

624 - Which political party believes that the government's only role is to protect individual rights?

Libertarian Party

625 - Which political Party believes that the individual is responsible for the their happiness and success in life?


626 - Which political party has a donkey as their logo?

Democratic Party

627 - Which position would most likely be found in the Libertarian Party platform?

support for absolute freedom of speech and religion

628 - Which President warned against forming political parties?

George Washington

629 - Which principle is being demonstrated when Congress passes a spending bill and the President vetoes the bill?

Limited government

630 - Which principle states that the people are the power in government?

Concent of the Governed

631 - Which purpose of government includes collecting and spending tax revenue?

economic decisions

632 - Which purpose of government includes mail, schools, waste management, and road maintenance?

public service

633 - Which river flows mainly through India?

Ganges River

634 - Which river provides water to Egypt?


635 - Which socialization factor is the first to influence the political attitudes of individuals?


636 - Which spending increase would the Democratic Party likely support?


637 - Which Spending increase would the republican Party MOST likely support?


638 - Which state government recently launched the 'Reading Mission' initiative for students?


639 - Which statement doesnot include in Vertical division of power

Power is shared among legislature, executive and judiciary

640 - which statement is false?

USSR is the successor of Russia

641 - Which system of government gives the national government all the real power?


642 - Which system of government is most popular worldwide


643 - Which term best matches the form of government described below?Guided and lead by religious officials or devine beings that believe in a legal system based on religious law.


644 - Which two Island countries are India's neighbours?

Sri Lanka and Maldives

645 - Which U.S. President had a sign on his desk saying "The buck stops here"?

Harry Truman

646 - Who among the following give more importance to Negative liberty

Both (A), (B)

647 - Who are allowed to celebrate festivals.

Private schools

648 - Who called Cold war as 'long twilight struggle'?

American president Kennedy

649 - Who Chooses the Candidates for Contesting Elections in India

Top Party Leadership

650 - Who chooses the leader in a parliamentary democracy?

law-making body

651 - Who coined the term "Rainbow Nation"?

Desmond Tutu

652 - Who controls and guides the government?


653 - Who coordinates the Gram Panchayat works?

Both of the above

654 - Who defined Political Science begins and end with the state?

Dr. Garner

655 - Who developed the Rimland Theory?

Nicolas Spykman

656 - who first signed panchsheel?

Zhou enlai

657 - Who is called the Fourth pillar of Indian democracy?

Comptroller & Auditor general

658 - Who is First Prime minister of India

Pandit Neharu

659 - Who is known for this statement - "Communism is the riddle history solved."

Karl Marx

660 - Who is known for this statement - "To renounce liberty is to renounce being man."

Jean Jacques Rosseau

661 - Who is the father of political science


662 - Who is the first PRESIDENT OF INDIA

Rajendra Prasad

663 - Who is the first Republican President ever?

Abraham Lincoln

664 - who is the founder of bahujan samaj party?


665 - Who is the founder of the Bahujan Samajwadi Party (BSP)

Kanshi Ram

666 - Who is the leader of the NDP party?

Jagmeet Singh

667 - Who is the presiding member of legislative assembly?


668 - Who led the 'Nyaya Yudh'?

Chaudhary Devi Lal

669 - Who led the residents of Saint-Dominque to independence?

Toussaint l'Overture

670 - Who makes up the Supreme Court? (Choose ALL correct answers)

Both (B), (C)

671 - Who provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes implemented by governments?

Political Parties

672 - Who register the FIR?


673 - who said "law as a command of sovereign"


674 - Who said he did not want there to be any political parties?

George Washington

675 - Who was known as the ' Iron man of India '?

Vallabhbhai Patel

676 - Who was the 1st non-indian to win Bharat Ratna?


677 - Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

678 - Who was the first Republican president?

Abraham Lincoln

679 - Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?

Allan Octovian Hume

680 - Who were the leaders of the Corps of Discovery who explored the Louisiana Territory?

Lewis and Clark

681 - Who wrote about the life and ideas of Socrates. What is the name of the book?

Plato, The Republic

682 - Who wrote drafts of the Declaration of Independence before the American Revolution formally started?

Thomas Jefferson

683 - Who wrote The End of History?

Francis Fukuyama

684 - Who wrote the Politics?


685 - Who wrote 'The Republic'?


686 - Why did the Europeans colonize other places in the world?

All of the above

687 - Why did the Soviet Union build the Berlin Wall?

They built it to try to keep East Germans from going to West Germany.

688 - Why did the two political parties form?

people had different ideas of the role of the government.

689 - Why did Thomas Jefferson become Vice-President in 1796?

He came in second in Electoral votes.

690 - Why do presidential candidates almost always belong to a political party?

All of these

691 - Why does the two major political parties have both liberal and conservative views?

They want to appeal to the political center

692 - Why is gender important to International Relations?

Because gender influences, structures, and informs IR

693 - Why is political science this important?

Because it affects everyone.

694 - Why type of vote is required to convict a federal official and remove them from office?

super majority

695 - Why was OPEC created?

To regulate the supply and price of oil

696 - Why was voting in the Estates General unfair

each estate got the same number of votes

697 - Why were the maritime provinces worried about joining Confederation?

all of the above

698 - With its system of regional provinces, Canada is an example of a

Federal State

699 - With which of the following statements would a Democrat MOST likely agree?

Strong government action is necessary to help people receive equal treatment

700 - Zone of territory where no state has governing authority.



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