Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 15

1 - An area that is part of a state but has been given local control

autonomous region

2 - "Law is the expression of the general will. Every citizen has a right to participate personally, or through his representative, in its foundation. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes."Which enlightenment thinker's ideas does this most resemble?


3 - ..... happens when people act on their prejudices or stereotypes .


4 - ..... is the Indian government's chief legal advisor.

Attorney General

5 - ..... means being neutral in religious matters by the state.


6 - Which is a constitutional requirement to run for Congress?

U.S. citizen

7 - A city unit used for electing council members


8 - A consistent tilt to favor one side of an issue, while ignoring evidence that supports the other side is called


9 - A country that has local governments work with the central government to make decisions is a ..... government


10 - A failed law passed by Congress in 1973 that was designed to rein in the war-making power of the President

War Powers Act

11 - A maps designed to show governmental boundaries of countries and states. They can also indicate the location of major cities, and they usually include significant bodies of water.


12 - A particular area reporters work is usually focused on


13 - A party that wants to radically change the American system of government is a/an

ideological party.

14 - A party's state office runs a phone bank before the election to call party supporters and remind them to support the party's candidates.

Help Candidates Win the Election

15 - A person reject his admission only because of caste.....this is against which right

Educational Rights

16 - A person who lives in a particular place usually for a long period of time.


17 - A primitive state untouched by civilization

State of Nature

18 - A representative form of government is one in which

eligible voters select an individual for political office.

19 - A system in which the candidate who wins the elections could get less than 50% of the vote?


20 - A territory with distinct boarders and sovereign government


21 - A voting system used to select a single winner where the ballots are cast for the person you choose, then, if no one has majority, then all but the top two candidates are eliminated and then another election is held for the top two.

run-off election

22 - A way to carry out a job / task or skill


23 - According Plato, the ruling class would be made of.....

Philosopher kings

24 - Advances in communication have facilitated all of the following EXCEPT:

autocratic states

25 - Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is better know as?


26 - Al-Ghazali argued that obedience to the Imamah is .....


27 - all citizens active in government functions

Direct Democracy

28 - All India National Congress was formed by Mamta Banerjee. 2. And it was launched on 1 January 198

Both are correct

29 - All of the following are functions of a political party EXCEPT:

Covering up the political mistakes of the candidates

30 - All of the following are purposes of political parties in the U.S. EXCEPT

protest when the other parties when the presidency

31 - All of the following contribute to low voter turnout except

Motor Voter Law

32 - Americans have freedoms, or .....


33 - an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state


34 - an economic system in which government intrudes as little as possible in the economic transactions among citizens and businesses.

laissez-faire of free enterprise

35 - An independent unit of a specific territory is known as a


36 - an organized effort to influence the policy process by persuading public officials to favor or oppose action on a specific issue


37 - Anarchy

a country where there is no leadership and everything is chaos

38 - Anna lives in a country were the leader of the executive branch is a President. How is the President chosen?

By the vote of the citizens

39 - Ascendancy or domination of one power or state within a league, confederation, etc., or of one social class over others


40 - Attending civic meetings, petitioning the government, community service, and voting are examples of citizen.....


41 - Australia has a prime minister that is elected through the legislature. This means that Australia has a

Parliamentary democracy

42 - Authoritarianism differs from totalitarianism in that

only the government itself is fully controlled by the ruler.

43 - Bandwagon is

assertions that everyone agrees with the message

44 - Bonus: Which party does President Trump belong to?

Republican Party

45 - Boundary using parallels and meridians

Geometric Boundary

46 - Censoring media for national security

Prior Restraint

47 - Chains

Groups of newspapers published by media conglomerates

48 - Citizens have all power


49 - Cluster Sampling

Poll that canvasses a neighborhood and makes generalizations from the results

50 - collection of what became difficult?


51 - Commercial Agriculture

Growing lots of food to sell.

52 - Common cultural heritage / historical connection to territory / desire for self-determinationThese are characteristics of a.....


53 - Compared with supporters of federalism, supporters of states' rights wanted

a weak central government.

54 - Conservatives believe that radical change .....

.....leads to instability and insecurity

55 - Consider the following Statements: "Political cartoons can be understood by themselves. You don't need prior knowledge to get their message." The Queen can appoint the members of the House of Lords George Washington thought that political parties were a bad idea. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

56 - Consider the following Statements: "Winner take all" means that all of a state's electoral votes go to the candidate who had the majority of votes in that state. To run for a senatorial position, a candidate must be at least 40 years old by the day of the election A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

57 - Consider the following Statements: A 'government' refers to the nation as the political unit while the 'state' is a body of people that governs a nation. There are 28 states in India. Superimposed boundaries ignore pre-established boundaries and cultures. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

58 - Consider the following Statements: A nomination is the act of officially naming a person as a candidate for office. 3rd parties often take votes away from the 2 major parties. If the majority of the members in the Rajya Sabha say they have no confidence in the Council of Ministers, all ministers including the PM have to quit. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

59 - Consider the following Statements: An individual may contribute as much as they want to a candidate's campaign. The Constitutional Court deals with civil, criminal, administrative, and economic cases, as well as cases involving military personnel A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. Which of the following is/are true?


60 - Consider the following Statements: Analogies are when you compare 2 things that are the same. The Prince was written by Thomas Hobbes The United States has a unlimited government Which of the following is/are true?


61 - Consider the following Statements: Antecendent boundaries occurred BEFORE the present landscape was established. Democratic Socialism as a movement (led by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others) is becoming increasingly popular among Americas youth but remains unpopular with older people Social media and Mass media are nearly identical Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

62 - Consider the following Statements: Classical liberals called the state as 'Night Watchman' George Washington welcomed the formation of politcal parties. Pragmatism is a characteristic of American political parties. Pragmatism is ideas that should be judged on the basis of their practical results rather than on the purity of their principles. Both parties are pragmatic as long as there's not a lot of polarization. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

63 - Consider the following Statements: Communism and Marxism are two different terms which means the same. Tejanos had the same rights as Anglos India is a democratic country. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

64 - Consider the following Statements: do parties shape public opinion The Republicans are represented by the donkey symbol and the Democrats by the elephant symbol. Ranjit Singh was an important leader of Marathas. Which of the following is/are true?


65 - Consider the following Statements: Elected officials make decisions every day that affect our lives and voting gives us a voice in those decisions. The president and vice president are elected by the popular vote. Even though Washington, D.C. is not a state, it has three electoral votes. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

66 - Consider the following Statements: Ethnocentrism promotes unity among different societies. A citizen can move to the court for justice if his/ her fundamental rights are violated. All political polls are conducted fairly. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

67 - Consider the following Statements: European powers drew the borders of new nation states with care and consideration for the ethnic and religious differences of the people in the region. Social change may be a product of technological change. In order to be president you must be a natural born citizen Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

68 - Consider the following Statements: European powers drew the borders of new nation states with care and consideration for the ethnic and religious differences of the people in the region. The senate is the lower house of the US Congress The Constitution divides federal power among three branches of government. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

69 - Consider the following Statements: Even though Washington, D.C. is not a state, it has three electoral votes. According to Locke, the executive authority should be above law, which means they are not subjected to legislature. This is to maintain order in a society. SRI KISHAN PATNAYAK ELECTED AS A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FROM SAMBALPUR, ODISHA IN 1962 Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

70 - Consider the following Statements: Foreigners can be a citizen of the Philippines through naturalization. The Supreme Court of India is dependent on Legislative. Some borders are manmade while others are naturally occurring. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

71 - Consider the following Statements: Having two houses of Parliament. For example the Federal Parliament has the House of Representatives (Lower House) and the Senate (Upper House) is known as BICAMERAL There was a representative of native Africans at the Berlin Conference. The United States remained neutral throughout World War I and World War II. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

72 - Consider the following Statements: Head of State is the representative of the country in national functions and is afforded respect and recognition as a leader of the state. There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. The President of Belarus is the country's head of state. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

73 - Consider the following Statements: I will make every attempt to vote in elections, once I become an eligible voter. In multi-part question FRQs, you need to bring all parts of your answer together in a paragraph. There are 28 states in India. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

74 - Consider the following Statements: If you find it online, it must be accurate. Igorots are known as rice cultivators. According to Taylor, culture is learned from parents, peers, teachers, and leaders. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

75 - Consider the following Statements: If you find it online, it must be accurate. Presidential primaries increase the power of party leaders. The President of India is the supreme commander of the defence forces in India. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

76 - Consider the following Statements: In order to have a government, there must be a source of power. Antecendent boundaries occurred BEFORE the present landscape was established. Social differences means that society are different solely because of their geographical location. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

77 - Consider the following Statements: More people vote in State and Local elections than Presidential Elections Non material culture can be categorized in to two: cognitive and psychomotor. One of the goal of studying political science is to make people a better citizen Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

78 - Consider the following Statements: Native American Tribes in the United States have sovereignty over trial land and affairs. The Tropic of Capricorn divides the country into two equal parts. Naftali Bennett is the New President of Israel. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

79 - Consider the following Statements: Political parties act as a link between government and people Geometric boundaries can be made despite any physical or cultural land it may pass through. The right wing are conservative (not prone to change) in their thinking Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

80 - Consider the following Statements: political parties are easily one of the most visible institutions in a democracy. The county executive committee and the state executive committee are examples of permanent organizations. Environmental groups try to protect the civil rights of people in the country. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

81 - Consider the following Statements: Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Political science is the systematic study of politics. On the political spectrum, the Republicans are considered "Right Wing" while the Democrats are "Left Leaning" Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

82 - Consider the following Statements: POLITICAL PARTIES DO NOT ENJOY MUCH TURSTS AMONG THE PEOPLE IN SOUTH ASIA. At the end of the First World War, America and Soviet Union became competitors Political Science is actually an art ; the art of governing and managing people and state. It is not a science because there is a specific way of practicing it. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

83 - Consider the following Statements: Political parties do not need support of the people. The minority French speakers of Quebec, Canada have been able to work peacefully within the political system there. The opposition party does not have the freedom to criticize the ruling party. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

84 - Consider the following Statements: Political Science is actually an art ; the art of governing and managing people and state. It is not a science because there is a specific way of practicing it. A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. Political Science is concerned with both "empirical" questions (why the world works a certain way) and "normative" or philosophical issues about what is right and wrong. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

85 - Consider the following Statements: Powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people. ALL of the following are other names for interest groups: special interest groups, lobby groups, lobbying groups, and pressure groups. In a democracy, the constitution ensures that the dominant group use power against less powerful groups. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

86 - Consider the following Statements: Socialism focused on distributing more goods and services to individuals based on need than Capitalism (which focuses more on merit). The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all constitution of the world. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have criticized the goals and cost of "socialist" programs Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

87 - Consider the following Statements: States are separated by real black line borders in real life The Constitutional Court deals with civil, criminal, administrative, and economic cases, as well as cases involving military personnel In general, the world has become more democratic. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

88 - Consider the following Statements: The American Enlightenment applied scientific reasoning to politics, science and religion. A Political Participation can be in a protest In ancient China, Egypt, and Sumer, one challenge was that it was difficult to move up from one social class to another. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

89 - Consider the following Statements: The Constitution advocates for political parties. Closed primaries promote party unity. Each state in the United States must allow voters to vote in all elections within that state. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

90 - Consider the following Statements: The Democrats tend to be more conservative while the Republicans are more liberal. Generally speaking, the more a country trends toward socialism the higher the taxes will be. A no-confidence vote can only occur when in a majority government. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

91 - Consider the following Statements: The Founding Fathers created political parties in the Constitution. Coalition politics lead to instability. Turnout in presidential primaries is typically high. Which of the following is/are true?


92 - Consider the following Statements: The Freedom of Information Act resulted in fewer newspapers nation-wide Legislative and the executive branches are independent and coequal in a presidential democracy. The president and members of Congress are elected in odd-numbered years. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

93 - Consider the following Statements: The Functionalist sees the society as composed of different but interdependent integral parts, and these parts play a vital role in keeping the society together in-tact and functioning. A government is an organization that keeps order, set rules, and provide services for a society. Philippines has a closed system in terms of Social Stratification. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

94 - Consider the following Statements: The government creates and carries out laws in BOTH Limited and Unlimited governments. A person MUST be a registered member of a political party in order to vote in a general election The Constitutional Court is made up of 12 high-level legal experts who are appointed by the President of Belarus. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

95 - Consider the following Statements: The law of reciprocity involves the idea that if I do something for you, you should do something for me. Amendment 8 prevents cruel and unusual punishments Most governments have a two-party system Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

96 - Consider the following Statements: The Lok Sabha exercises supreme power in India. The Green Party is similar to the Democratic Party, but with an emphasis on the environment. In the United States, the president is both chief of government and speak of the house. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

97 - Consider the following Statements: The original goal of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was to defend against communism. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Coalition politics leads to instability. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

98 - Consider the following Statements: The party-list representatives, make up about 20% of the members of the House of Representatives. Ms. Smith has NEVER seen the movie Polar Express Veto is the power of the President to disapprove a law and returned it to the legislative branch with an explanation regarding the veto. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

99 - Consider the following Statements: the process for acquiring political attitudes is called political socialization. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Peace and freedom became the fundamental principles of Non-aligned policy Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

100 - Consider the following Statements: The Republicans are represented by the donkey symbol and the Democrats by the elephant symbol. In a Subsistence farm the produce are eaten by the family. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

101 - Consider the following Statements: The Senate is composed of 24 senators who are elected nationally. Each senator serves a three-year term of office, for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. Party Systems refers to the number of parties competing for the party, organization of the parties (decentralized organization in the U.S.), the balance of power between and within coalitions, the parties' social and institutional base, and the issues and policies around which party competition is organized. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

102 - Consider the following Statements: The senate is the lower house of the US Congress States are separated by real black line borders in real life According to Taylor, culture is learned from parents, peers, teachers, and leaders. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

103 - Consider the following Statements: there are no limitations as to the amount of money that individuals or interest groups can donate to a political campaign According to Locke, the people should have the power to influence the legislature. The President of Belarus is the country's head of state. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

104 - Consider the following Statements: There are three levels of government in Canada: Municipal, Provincial and Federal. The opposition party does not have the freedom to criticize the ruling party. According to Locke, the executive authority should be above law, which means they are not subjected to legislature. This is to maintain order in a society. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

105 - Consider the following Statements: There are three levels of government in Canada: Municipal, Provincial and Federal. Unless the President signs the bill, it cannot become an ACT. In the United States, the president is both chief of government and speak of the house. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

106 - Consider the following Statements: There are three types of political culture in modern society: Participant, transitive and parochial culture. Cultural behavior allow people to fit into and adapt to their respective environment Analogies are when you compare 2 things that are the same. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

107 - Consider the following Statements: There have always been two main political parties in the United States. In Mexico, citizens only vote for the president (executive branch). The U.S. Constitution outlines the purpose and responsibilities of political parties. Which of the following is/are true?


108 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. A government is an organization that keeps order, set rules, and provide services for a society. The fuctions of the legislative branch is to represent the people,make laws,if required amend laws and oversee the work of the executive branch. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

109 - Consider the following Statements: Third parties can influence public policy. All maps tell us the same kind of information. Having two houses of Parliament. For example the Federal Parliament has the House of Representatives (Lower House) and the Senate (Upper House) is known as BICAMERAL Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

110 - Consider the following Statements: Third parties never influence the outcome of an election. They just spend moneyand waste their time trying to get their candidate and issues noticed. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Fundamentalists could be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc..... Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

111 - Consider the following Statements: Third parties never influence the outcome of an election. They just spend moneyand waste their time trying to get their candidate and issues noticed. Turnout in presidential primaries is typically high. al-Mawardi argued that the main role of an Imamah is to establish solid economic foundation of a state in which it is the core strength of a state. Which of the following is/are true?


112 - Consider the following Statements: Turnout in presidential primaries is typically high. Ms. Smith loves Grogu aka baby yoda. Peace and freedom became the fundamental principles of Non-aligned policy Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

113 - Consider the following Statements: Unless the President signs the bill, it cannot become an ACT. Shiromani Akali Dal is a national party. Our genders mirror the way our culture reads us as member of society. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

114 - Consider the following Statements: Voting is mandatory in the United States, for those who are legally allowed to vote in elections. Political ideology evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescribes a preferred or desired social order In a democracy, the constitution ensures that the dominant group use power against less powerful groups. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

115 - Consider the following Statements: Voting is mandatory in the United States, for those who are legally allowed to vote in elections. The League of Nations was established after the First World War. To run for a senatorial position, a candidate must be at least 40 years old by the day of the election Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

116 - Constitution describes India as .....

Union of States

117 - Contains Spain and Portugal.

Iberian Peninsula

118 - Countries which have well established democratic governments and a high level of economic development

Advanced Democracy

119 - Country that has long and narrow land extension.


120 - Define: The process through which an individual acquires his or her particular political orientations, including his or her knowledge, feelings, and evaluations regarding his or her political world.

Political Socialization

121 - Dictatorship

Type of government where only one person rules the government

122 - During colonial rule Indians were

not given the same treatment as the British in the courts of law

123 - During the Renaissance people were interested in which classical culture?


124 - Eliminating all opposing political parties, free elections, and freedom of speech in a country would happen in this type of government.


125 - Equal protection before law means:

Among equals laws should be equally administered

126 - Equal protection of laws means:

All citizens under equal circumstances will be protected equally before law

127 - Ethnic enclaves such as Chinatown in San Francisco, CA are generally formed through.....

relocation diffusion

128 - every person is equal before the.....


129 - Example: boundary between Argentina and Chile (Andes serve as the boundary but there is still dispute over actual boundary)


130 - Executive branch.....

Enforces laws

131 - Faridah: Why is it that democracy appeals to the Malaysian citizens? Is it because that it promotes freedom of speech the most? But I don't think that what is right and wrong can be fully determined by the public. Faridah is thinking about politics in the scope of .....

Political Theory

132 - Favors more education spending

Democratic Party

133 - Federal Agency tasked with helping Congress create a budget.


134 - feudalism

social system in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants were required to live on their lord's land and give him labor, and a share of the produce

135 - Finance raised to operate a business is called


136 - Freedom of Trade, Business or Profession is the basic concept of which Article of our Constitution (1973):

Article 18

137 - Globalization includes all of the following EXCEPT:

more isolated states

138 - Government viewed as a positive force to achieve a common good for all citizens

moralistic subculture

139 - Harm Principle

Every free adult should be able to do whatever he or she wants as long as their actions do not harm anyone.

140 - Has its own local and legistlative bodies to govern a region with a population that is an ethnic minority with the entire country.

Autonomous region

141 - How are Brazil and Mexico's citizenship participation similar?

citizens vote for legislative and executive branches

142 - How are the electors (the people who officially place the electoral college vote for the state) chosen

a slate of electors is chosen by a popular vote

143 - How did the Supreme Court decide in the case Wong Kim Ark v. United States (1898)?

The court established the parameters of the concept known as jus soli-the citizenship of children born in the United States to non-citizens.

144 - How do interest groups affect the impact of public policy?

All options

145 - How does politics help you?

All of the choice s from A to C.

146 - How long is the president's term?

4 years

147 - How many level of local self government


148 - How many states are there in the world


149 - How many subjects are in union list?


150 - How to parties act as watchdog's?

They criticize and monitor the behavior of the party in power.

151 - Idea that government originates as an implied contract among individuals who agree to obey laws in exchange for protection of their rights

Social Contract

152 - Identify the club/group that most strongly supported war.


153 - Identify the principle of justice presented in the example. Two pizza delivery people should earn the same wage, regardless of race.

Equal treatment for equals

154 - Identify which agent of socialization matches with the correct explanation: certain are more likely to vote for one party or another


155 - In America, a political party other than Republican or Democratic is called a -

third party

156 - In case of a clash between the laws made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list:

the central law prevails

157 - In the Constituent Assembly who of the following Indians said about relationship of parliament and judiciary "No Supreme Court, no Judiciary, can stand in judgment over the sovereign will of Parliament":


158 - In the context of democracy,which of the following ideas is correct?Democracy have successfully.....

Rejected the idea of political equality

159 - In Thomas Paine's Common Sense, he argued that

an independent colonial government of their own is a natural right.

160 - In U.S. A . The courts, while reviewing the law:

Go both into the letters and spirit of the laws

161 - In which of these models is all property owned by the state?


162 - India has a 61.26% voter turnout because

it goes to the voters with an electronic voting machines.

163 - Interest groups and political parties both promote United States democracy by

C linking citizens to the political process

164 - introduce new ideas, press for a particular issue, revolve around a political personality

third parties

165 - Is the principle office bearer in the House of Representatives and ensures all members obey the rules and follow correct procedure.


166 - It is the study of human social relationships and institutions.


167 - It received Nobel award in the year 1965


168 - It refers to the application of knowledge and equipment to ease the task of living and maintaining the environment.


169 - It refers to the record of the significant past.


170 - It sees the commonalities among people (tradition, language, kinship, etc).


171 - Jefferson and other southerners didn't like the idea of the government taking on state debts because:

the south had paid most or all of their war debts.

172 - John Locke believed people were born with certain rights than no-one could take away.

Life, liberty, property

173 - Judiciary in India resolves the disputes between

All of the above

174 - Justice delayed is justice .....


175 - Khairul read The Prince, Politics and, the Ordinance of Governance and compared which one contained the most ethical ideas about how to govern a country. He is studying political science in a ..... approach.


176 - Known for his/her work - COMMUNIST MANIFESTO

Karl Marx

177 - Liberals believe that:

Absolute gains are more important than relative gains

178 - Literacy tests denied African Americans the right to vote because

their tests were much harder than those given to white voters

179 - Lok sabha contains:-


180 - Look back on the good ole days, usually violent


181 - Majority, Concurring, and Dissenting


182 - Marble Cake federalism


183 - Marx main thesis was aimed to fight against .....


184 - Maximum number of members in Rajya Sabha are ..... .


185 - Media main money comes from.....


186 - Most of Africa's rainfall occurs in:


187 - Multi - party system advocates:-a. The political parties which govern the country.b. The government is formed by various parties coming together.c. Does not permit free competition for power.d. This system allows a variety of interests and opinions to enjoy political representation.

b, d

188 - Municipal Government represents

Towns and Cities

189 - Name the country from which concept of 'equal protection of law' we borrowed in our Constitution?

U.S. A .

190 - Name the country in which supremacy of parliament has been reconciled with judicial reviews?


191 - Name the country in which there is no system of rule of law?


192 - Name the country in which there is the system of judicial review?


193 - Name the important mechanism by which Parliament can control Executive?

Question Hour

194 - Number of states & Union Territories in India at present?

28 & 9

195 - On June 26th 1945 , 51 nation sign at the conference of UNO in

San Francisco

196 - Our constitutional government is based on 5 fundamental ..... .....

Political Principles

197 - Our Parliament building is located at ..... .

New Delhi

198 - Party members canvass neighborhoods, going door-to-door to solicit support for their party's candidate.

Help Candidates Win the Election

199 - People who have some liberal and some conservative views are called.....


200 - Planning Commission was established in the year


201 - Political science has been defined as the study of making public decisions and of the individuals and the institutions that participate in this process. the definition is define by .....

Austin Ranney

202 - Political socialization takes place through:

all of the above

203 - Process by which political parties select and offer candidates for public office


204 - Propaganda device - follow the crowd (everyone is doing it)


205 - propaganda technique using negative words to associate with a product or person

name calling

206 - Rank in order of importance of socialization

Family, school, friends, media

207 - Recently formed state


208 - Sedition means activities aimed at weakening the government. The Alien and Sedition Acts allowed the president to do this.....

Imprison or arrest aliens.

209 - Segements of a country that may have some degree of self-governing authority granted to it by the state are called

Autonomous Region

210 - Select all of the following officials that are appointed by the President of the United States, but must then be approved by the U.S. Senate.

Both (A), (B), (C)

211 - Select all that belong to the Democratic-Republicans

Both (A), (B)

212 - Separation of ethics and religion from politics is a concept similar to .....


213 - Separation of state from religion is called


214 - Several precincts that form a larger election unit?


215 - sheet yudh ka samband tha?

america soviet gut se

216 - Single-party system is found in .....


217 - Siti wanted to know between Mahathir or Anwar, which one is more widely accepted by the citizens. She conducted a survey to find who will get the higher percentage of support in her state. She is studying political science in a ..... approach.


218 - Sovereignty is based on

recognition by other states and international groups

219 - Sovereignty under the Constitution belong to?


220 - Spending on certain programs that is mandated, or required, by existing law, can not be adjusted by the President and Congress in a given budget year.

Mandatory Spending

221 - States with the ability to carry out actions or policies without interference from international actors and the public are:

highly autonomous states

222 - Term used for "unidentified source" or "anonymous source"


223 - The ..... separates Britain and France

English Channel

224 - The .....provides water for farms, factories, and shipping industries in Germany.

Rhine River

225 - The ability of people to adapt to their environment is demonstrated by

people building houses on pilings

226 - The Citizens United vs. FEC case allowed for the establishment of these.


227 - The concept of Rule of Law first of all was developed in:


228 - The concept of rule of law is popular in a country which has:

Democracy, both Parliamentary and Presidential

229 - The constituent assembly was set up in


230 - The day on which several states hold primaries or caucuses. It usually takes place in February or March of a presidential election year.

Super Tuesday

231 - The Democratic Party believes.....

climate change is real

232 - The Democratic-Republicans, or Republicans, who stood against the Federalist, were led by.....

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

233 - The famous book "The Politics" was written by great political thinker.....


234 - The first document that explained how the original 13 states would be governed

Articles of Confederation

235 - The first General election in India to the Lok Sabha were held in ..... year .


236 - The first step of decision making is

Identify the problem

237 - The first televised presidential debate was between

Nixon and Kennedy

238 - The Government is .....

accountable to the President of the Republic of Belarus and answerable to the Parliament

239 - The large meetings where Democrat and Republican delegates choose their party's nominee are called what?




241 - The Magna Carta, the English Civil War, and the English Bill of Rights all -

created limits on the power of the English monarch

242 - The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by

elected members of Legislative Assembly

243 - The members of the Lok Sabha are elected by ..... .


244 - The most important role of pressure group is to .....

prevent concentration of power

245 - The Parliamentary System of government developed primarily in .....


246 - The party which fails to secure majority is known as . party.


247 - The political process of reallocating the electoral seats to the regions of a state.


248 - The power to decide an election petition is vested in the

Supreme court

249 - The power to make and enforce laws without having to check with a higher authority


250 - The practice of keeping blacks from voting in the southern states' primaries through arbitrary use of registration requirements and intimidation.

White Primary

251 - The President and Vice President are formally elected by the.....

Electoral College



253 - The primary reason for the current existence of only two major political parties in the United States is that

C a winner-take-all electoral system makes it difficult for new parties to emerge and survive

254 - The process of distributing seats in a legislature. This can be be based on population or equal representation.


255 - The representative of the Queen in Australia at the federal level.

Governor General

256 - The Supreme Court is part of the ..... branch.


257 - the systematic study of governance

Political Science

258 - The Tennis Court Oat pledged:

That they would remain together until a constitution was written

259 - The term of office for president is:

4 years

260 - The two most important sources of political socialization are

the family and the educational system.

261 - The US Bill of Rights established

personal freedoms and responsibilities

262 - The values that shape American political culture include all of the following except

Government Control of the economy.

263 - Theory that democracy can be achieved through competition among multiple organized groups and that individuals can participate in politics through group memberships and elections


264 - These three G's are the reasons for colonialism

God, Gold, Glory

265 - They admired the French because they thought the French Revolution was modeled after the American Revolution.


266 - Third party that believes in Democratic government, but believes that the government should provide free healthcare and college tuition.


267 - This amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure


268 - This element of the state is a supreme and independent to manage its internal affairs & be free from external control.


269 - This ideology shares viewpoints with both liberals and conservatives:


270 - This is another version of anarchism but involves the government in a minimal role such as ensuring the safety of everyone and fairness in whatever contracts or dealing.


271 - This is the idea that government's power is limited in some way:

limited government

272 - This method is used by political scientists to draw political generalization on useful theories or insightful doctrines from basic or given facts.


273 - This party is considered Conservative and favors LESS government responsibility.


274 - This party is currently the government in Canada

The LIberals

275 - This role shows the president as the ceremonial head of the government.

Chief of state

276 - This was one of the first political parties, favored weak national government and wanted a strict interpretation of the constitution


277 - Type of gerrymandering that dilutes a minority populated district with majority populations.


278 - Under which Article protection of property rights of citizens are assured:

Article 24

279 - Unlike major parties, minor parties

Do not have a comprehensive platform

280 - Untouchability is abolished according to Article.....


281 - Vatican City is an example of an


282 - Voting "straight-ticket" means voting for ..... for all the positions on the ballot.

only members of one party

283 - We should reduce healthcare costs by

changing people's ability to sue doctors

284 - What Amendment overturned the Dred Scott case?

14th Amendment

285 - What are interest groups trying to influence with their propaganda?

public opinion

286 - What are 'National parties'?

Parties which have units in various states

287 - What can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs?

Sustainable Development

288 - What could be a major cause of an internal conflict?

Ethnic and religious Rivalries

289 - What country is west of Iran?


290 - What do most political scientists do for a living?

they teach Political Science courses

291 - What do you call the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented?


292 - What element of political cartoons is the point that the cartoonist was trying to make?


293 - What group of Americans is beginning to retire that could cause great economic hardship for younger Americans?

Baby Boomers

294 - What happened to King Charles once he lost the Civil War?


295 - What is a minority government?

A government which does not have a majority and relies on other parties to pass legislation.

296 - What is a quota?

A limit on the number of a product that can be imported

297 - What is affective orientations?

What people feel about government and politics

298 - What is an elector?

A person who casts a vote for president

299 - What is communism?

Marxist theory merged with Leninist organization into a totalitarian party.

300 - What is imperialism?

Amassing of colonial empires, mostly by European powers; pejorative in Marxist terms.

301 - What is neoconservatism?

U.S. ideology of former liberals turning to conservative causes and methods.

302 - What is the 2nd most covered branch by the media?


303 - What is the capital of France


304 - What is the capital of Switzerland?


305 - What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha as laid down in the constitution?


306 - What is the name for a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides?


307 - What is the name of the president's personal airplane

Air Force One

308 - What is the number of electoral college votes a candidate has to win to take a majority and win the election?


309 - What is the system that makes sure one branch of government does not become too powerful?

Checks and Balances

310 - What is the term for a set of beliefs and values that are shared by the population (example freedom and equality)?

political culture

311 - What is the term for rights or freedoms that the government cannot take away from you?

civil liberties

312 - What is voter turnout?

The percentage of people that vote in an election

313 - What name is given to the first 10 amendments of the Constitution?

Bill of Rights

314 - What of the following factors does NOT contribute to a liberal bias in prominent television and print media?

FoxNews tends to be more Conservative

315 - What state of Australia has the Great Barrier Reef along its coastline?


316 - What state of Australia is located the furthest south?


317 - What state or territory is the Darling and Hamersley Ranges located in?

Western Australia

318 - What Types of Map Shows Boundaries?


319 - What was the name of the stone prison that the people of Paris stormed on July 18, 1789?


320 - What was the period of time when Napoleon left Elba to try and take France over again called?

The 100 Days

321 - What were the first two political parties in the United States?

Democratic-Republicans and Federalists

322 - When a political party selects the best person to run for office, what function is the party serving?

Recruit and nominate candidates

323 - When a superimposed boundary splits up ethnic groups into different countries, the ethnic group often seeks to reunite its population. This is called


324 - When did the Election Commission of India get two more Election Commissioners?


325 - When did the people have the right to vote by universal suffrage in France?

in 1793

326 - When is the National Voters' Day?

25th Jan

327 - When Panchayat Raj first started in Odisha


328 - When political parties guarantee that their candidate is worthy of the office, they are completing which of the following functions/roles?

Act as a Bonding Agent

329 - When political parties that are out of power keep a close eye on the actions of the party in power for a blunder to use against them in the next election, they are completing which of the following functions/roles?

Act as a Watchdog

330 - When was Magna Carta written?


331 - When was the Act passed which established Sinhala as the official language to be used in Sri Lanka?


332 - Where are most voters located on the political spectrum?


333 - Where did the National Assembly meet when they decided to write a new constitution for France?

The Tennis Courts

334 - Where do you register to vote?

Division of Motor Vehicles

335 - Which Amendment made Sikkim the 22nd state of India?


336 - Which among the following ammendments of the constitution of india fully secured the constitutional validity of zamindari abolition laws?


337 - Which among the following countries is a perfect example of accommodation of social diversity?


338 - Which Article of our Constitution (1973) deals with freedom of movement etc.?

Article 15

339 - Which concept refers to the agreement among people to voluntarily surrender a number of liberties in exchange of mutual protection?

Social Contract theory

340 - Which country is located in Central America?


341 - Which document included the idea first suggested by John Locke that people have a right to overthrow a government that oppresses them?

Declaration of Independence

342 - Which dynasty created the civil service exam?

Han dynasty

343 - Which function of the parties requires them to pressure party-members to behave appropriately?

Bonding Agent

344 - Which function of the party requires them to recruit individuals to run as a party member?


345 - Which geographer is associated with the Organic State theory?


346 - Which government office has these requirements?.....Be at least 35A natural born citizen Reside in the US for 14 years

President of the United States

347 - Which group of countries all have a federal system of government?

Mexico, Russia, and Nigeria

348 - Which is a constitutional requirement to run for Congress?

U.S. citizen

349 - Which is NOT a way that students can participate in the democratic process?

by voting on election day

350 - Which of the following are most closely associate with authoritarian regimes?

restrictions placed on civil rights and personal freedoms

351 - Which of the following are NOT factors that affect or form public opinion?

Tax bracket

352 - Which of the following Article of our Constitution (1973) deals with equality before law?

Article 25

353 - Which of the following characteristics best represents Cosmopolitanism?

The idea that all other people in the world have obligations to each other regardless of nationality, ethnicity, and the like.

354 - Which of the following circumstances is NOT something that would require a voter to re-register?

starting a new job

355 - Which of the following documents contained the phrase: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed....."

Declaration of Independence

356 - Which of the following documents stated grievances against the King of Great Britain and affirmed certain unalienable rights?

Declaration of Independence

357 - Which of the following institutions give shape to the dimensions of justice?

Both (A), (B)

358 - Which of the following is a device for gauging public opinion?

All these answers are correct

359 - Which of the following is a political attitude towards change that is most supportive of reform and gradual change?


360 - Which of the following is a similarity of political parties (ROID)?

These all are similarities

361 - Which of the following is a true statement about the role of the media in providing citizens with information?

B Demand for instantaneous news reporting has led to the growth of 24-hour news operations and a shift to online media consumption.

362 - Which of the following is a type of primary election that requires registration as a party affiliate to vote?

B Closed

363 - Which of the following is an example of a traditional economy?

A tribe in the desert that hunts for food and trades with another tribe for shelter.

364 - Which of the following is an organization with similar policy goals that tries to influence the political process to achieve those goals?

Interest group

365 - Which of the following is not a factor that greatly influences voter turnout?


366 - Which of the following is not a mode in acquiring territory?


367 - Which of the following is NOT an example of mass media?

Word of mouth

368 - Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 Fundamental Political Principles that have shaped government in the United States?

Socialist Principles

369 - Which of the following is not one of the rights that John Locke believed all people we born with?

pursuit of happiness

370 - Which of the following is not true about 'rule of law'?

Constitution is not the consequence but source of rights

371 - Which of the following is NOT true about the government?

Government is the same as administration.

372 - Which of the following is true concerning judicial review?

It is the ability of the federal courts to review laws and determine whether or not they are constitutional

373 - Which of the following phrases BEST defines the word precinct?

a voting district that makes up a small piece of a county or city

374 - Which of the following serve as a function of a political party?

All of these are true

375 - Which of the following statements is false?

the communist party was dominant in US

376 - Which of the following statements is the best definition of sociology?

This deals with the scientific study of human interactions, social groups and institutions, and the whole societies.

377 - Which of the following states are classified as the BRICS?

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

378 - Which of the following taxes is levied by the State Government only?

Entertainment Tax

379 - Which of the following was a widely adopted Progressive change of the executive branch?

Line-Item Veto

380 - Which of the following was directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and the success of the American Revolution?

Independence movements in Latin America

381 - Which of the statement is incorrect about partition?

The scheme of partition included a plan for transfer of population across border.

382 - Which of these comes from the Greek meaning of "rule by the best?"


383 - Which one is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, the allocation of scarce resources and the practice of deception and manipulation?


384 - Which one of the following is not an essential feature of the rule of law?

Rules should be the basis of all laws

385 - Which one of the following is the feature of rule of law?

In it regular law is above arbitrary law

386 - Which one of the following is the feature of the rule of law?

In it all are treated equal before law

387 - Which one of these is a Religious established by New Republic?

Freedom of Religion

388 - Which political party believes in Marxism-Leninism?

Communist Party of India

389 - Which political party is being described? [Jennifer believes the government's job is to protect its people but they should not do much else (like regulate commerce).]

Libertarian Party

390 - which political party rule in up?


391 - Which President's campaign slogan was "Happy Days Are Here Again"?

Frankilin Roosevelt

392 - Which regimes often turn a blind eye to or suppress internal social differences?

Non democratic regimes

393 - Which sounds most like a Testimonial?

Michael Jordan uses a product and says "This is the best program I've ever used.

394 - Which statement best describes interest groups in 2011?

there are more views and more groups than in 1900

395 - Which statement is supported by this excerpt from Hammurabi's code of laws?

Violence must always be punished with violence.

396 - Which type of system is the United States?

Two Party

397 - Who are professional observers and commentators on politics?


398 - Who is a Partisan?

Staunch party member

399 - Who is known for this statement - "A prudent ruler cannot and must not honor his word."

Niccolo Machiavelli

400 - Who is known for this statement - "No generally valid principle of legislation can be based on happiness."

Immanuel Kant

401 - Who is Tánaiste?

Simon Coveney

402 - Who is the chief co-ordinator in the cabinet?

Prime Minister

403 - Who is the Current Vice President

Mike Pence

404 - Who is the in-charge of Department of Atomic Energy?

Prime Minister

405 - Who of the following has written: "Introduction to the Law of the Constitution"?


406 - Who of the following is not covered under 'fule of law' in India?

President of India

407 - Who owns Fox, the Wall Street Journal, and many other?

Rupert Murdoch

408 - Who was a leader of the Federalist Party?

Alexander Hamilton

409 - Who was the chairman of the Constituent Drafting Committee of India:

Dr Ambedkar

410 - Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner?

Sukumar Sen

411 - Who wrote the book " The Republic"?


412 - Why do we have a two party system?

conflicts about the Constitution created opposing viewpoints

413 - You can get news and ideas you might otherwise miss by

getting news from different sources


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