Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 7

1 - - A body of formal and effective rules and regulation.- Determines the organization or structure of the government- Distribute powers and dictates the rights and duties of the citizens.These statements refer to .....


2 - "I shall strive for a constitution which will release India from all thralldom and patronage.....". This sentence is an extract from the publication written by M.K. Gandhi for a journal called .....

Young India

3 - "We must maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet."Which political party would agree with this viewpoint?

Green Party

4 - . In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following statements is NOT correct about democracy?

In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to take quick decisions and enforce them.

5 - ..... ..... are political parties that often form on the basis of one or a few issues.

Third Parties

6 - ..... is a policy whereby law enforcement can arrest an individual based on suspicions and before they have actually committed a crime.

Preventative Detention

7 - ..... is a term that people belonging to so - called lower castes use to address themselves


8 - ..... is a thought experiment in which the individual imagines they are reborn into a new society without knowledge of what their position in that society would be. Then they are asked how resources should be distributed in that society.

Veil of Ignorance

9 - ..... is one reason many people do not vote.


10 - .....are usually found in nations with authoritarian governments

one party system

11 - .....-was chosen as the headquarters of European union


12 - .....was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence.

John Hancock

13 - Which activity is used by interest groups to influence public policy?

giving legislators the benefit of their subject-area expertise

14 - North is What Type of Line?


15 - The Democratic Party Favors

Support increased regulation of private business.

16 - The Socialist Party believes that

Government should provide public services like free education and health care.

17 - A ..... is the shaking of the surface of the earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the earth's lithosphere


18 - A belief that the majority community should be able to rule over a country in which ever way it wants is -


19 - A citizen who uses the rational choice model of voting behavior selects candidates for office based on

A what is thought to be in the citizen's own self-interest

20 - A close relationship between a federal agency, congressional committee, and interest group that is said to have heavy influence over policy making.

Iron Triangle

21 - A count of population every 10 years; used by the national government to determine each state's number of representatives.


22 - a country that contains more than one ethnicity with traditions of self-determination.

Multi-National State

23 - a country's independent authority and right of self-control.


24 - A defining characteristic of all states is their power to

hold a monopoly over the legitimate means of force

25 - A document that states tax collections, spending levels, and the allocation of spending among purposes at the Federal Government level.

Federal Budget

26 - A farm is.....


27 - A father wants to buy a big wonderful house for his family, he will eventually have to pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Property tax

28 - a field and a method used in political science, characterized by an empirical approach based on the comparative method

Comparative Politics

29 - a form of government in which there are absolutely no restraints on the government's leader or leaders.

Unlimited Government

30 - A function of a political party is

Helping to get information to the public concerning important issues.

31 - A group of people is responsible for discovering and digging up old communities. Based on the fossils and artifacts found during the excavation, they try to put these pieces of evidence together to describe the community, its people, their culture, and tr


32 - A group of people who come together based on shared political beliefs is known as what?

Political party

33 - A legal relationship of a person to a country.


34 - A market which is organised on a specific day of the week is called.....

a weekly market

35 - A messaging strategy designed to elicit positive support for an entity who is loosely connected to the existence of another entity.


36 - A minority party is a.....?

political party that does not have a majority of the elected members

37 - A nation can get a constitution through the decree of a .....


38 - A person running a campaign for political office - but hasn't been elected yet


39 - A person running for office.


40 - A person who believes that government action is the best way to achieve equal opportunity, protect civil rights, and help those in need


41 - A person who has the right to vote in an election.


42 - A person who is creative, takes risk needed to develop new good and services, and creates a new business.....


43 - A Political Party is Composed of .....

All of The Above

44 - A political party organized as an alternative to the major parties in a two-party system, formed to address specific issues ignored by 2 major parties, can affect the outcome of elections by taking votes away from one of the major parties.

3rd Parties

45 - A political party's general plan for how they will govern


46 - a political party's statement of principles and objectives


47 - A political system in which a single political party controls the government.


48 - A political system in which more than two political parties play a role in government.


49 - A preference, opinion or attitude that favors one way of thinking or feeling over another.


50 - A president who may appear on late night news or The Daily Show is embracing


51 - A region where boundaries are very thinly or weakly developed, zones where territoriality is unclear and not well established.


52 - A rule or command the president gives out that has the same power as a law is called

an executive order.

53 - A shop which is multi-storeyed with air-conditioned shops is called as.....


54 - A single-party system

exists in nearly all dictatorships today.

55 - A snowball fight between the colonists and soldiers in Boston that ended in 5 colonists being killed was called

Boston Massacre

56 - A state whose territory whose ethnicity has transformed into a nationality is a


57 - A system in which two major parties dominate the politics of a country?


58 - A system of government in which one person reigns, usually a king or queen. The authority, or crown, and is generally inherited


59 - a system of government where a king or queen holds power


60 - A system to classify different political positions on hot button issues today is

political spectrum

61 - A systematic way of organising life by creation of rules, regulations and procedures is known as?


62 - A territory tied to a state rather than being completely independent is a


63 - A voter who was a Moderate would have.....?

Liberal and conservative views.

64 - A way of thinking - more tolerant and open minded to others


65 - Ø Obeying the LawØ Jury DutyØ Paying TaxesØ Promising to Defend the Nation (Military)Ø Attending School (up to age 16)What are these?


66 - Abraham Lincoln is an example of this political party


67 - Abraham Lincoln was the first president to be a .....


68 - According to him, Politics is what he gets what, when and how.


69 - Agreements signed between other nations and the President of the United States that requires a 2/3s concurrence of the Senate


70 - Alexander Hamilton was the leader of which political party?


71 - Ali was assigned to lead a team to conduct a camping program with students. He delegated 3 tasks to 3 different people and monitored their work to make sure the program is smooth.He was engaged in what is similar to .....


72 - All of the following are likely to vote for Republicans except

Single white women

73 - All of the following are some complaints about exit polling except?

Exit polling is flawless

74 - All of the following are true of third parties except

Win national elections frequently

75 - All of the following contribute to political socialization except


76 - All the activity involved in making and distributing goods and services is called?


77 - All the civilians in India have ..... rights.

Fundamental Rights

78 - All the courts at different levels in the Country are collectively called .....


79 - An act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something is


80 - An analogy is a way of describing something by comparing it to something else which makes the idea more simple. Which one uses analogy?

You light up my life.

81 - An area organized into a independent political unit is a


82 - An assembly of elected law-making representatives; the Australian Parliament consists of the Queen (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate and the House of Representatives.


83 - An association of sovereign states by a treaty or agreement.


84 - An AUTOCRACY places power in .....

a single leader

85 - An election result in which one candidate receives more votes than any other candidate. May or may not be majority


86 - an electoral system that awards offices to the highest vote-getters without ensuring representation for voters in the minority; under this system, a slim majority of voters can control 100 percent of elected offices

winner-take-all system

87 - An example of a supranational organizations GLOBAL impacts would be

The UN securing world peace

88 - An invisible line that marks the outer limits of a state's territory.

Political Boundaries

89 - An organized group of people who share similar political views and work to influence government.

political party

90 - Anarchism

abolition or lack of state government

91 - Ancient Greece was a collection of ..... states.


92 - Anna Burns believes in following a middle-0f-the-road position in her politics. She is a


93 - Any entity that is involved in the political process.

Political Organization

94 - Argentina has both a national legislature and 23 provincial legislatures, which exercise power separately from the national government. Which term best describes the country's government?


95 - Article 144 signifies that .....

All judicial,civil all act in aid of Supreme Court

96 - Article IV states that fugitives from crime that have fled the state where a crime was committed must be sent back to face justice. This is known as the .....clause.


97 - Australia has a 92% voter turnout because

there is compulsory voting.

98 - Because of the way political machines operated, big cities ..... the services they needed.

did not receive

99 - Belgium is a small country in .....


100 - Blue is used on political maps to show:


101 - Boundaries based on language like Spain and Portugal

Cultural Boundary

102 - Branch of government that can interpret and apply the laws


103 - Branch responsible for Approving nominations and Treaties


104 - Candidate A is running for President and wins 60% of the votes in Missouri, how many electoral votes will they receive?


105 - Candidates seek ..... from large organizations, celebrities and other big name companies.


106 - Capital city of India


107 - Capital of India is.....


108 - Capital of sri Lanka

Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte

109 - Changing the number of representatives granted to each state so it reflects the state's population.


110 - Chinatown in NYC and DC is an example

Ethnic landscape

111 - Citizens 18 years of age can vote

26th amendment

112 - Civic .....are freedoms that are protected by the government.


113 - Closed Primary

An election in which only the declared members of a party are allowed to vote for that party's nominee.

114 - Clubs, Societies, and Meetings are under government supervision


115 - Communism was designed to empower the proletariat. The proletariat could be described as.....?

working class

116 - Compact area with extension; limited access.

Prorupted state

117 - Consider the following Statements: Culture, society, and politics are concepts. "Western" refers only to those of European Countries. Terrorism means the use violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal Whi

Only 1, 3

118 - Consider the following Statements: Greece has a president as the government The Republicans are represented by the donkey symbol and the Democrats by the elephant symbol. Primary elections occur before general elections. Which of the following is/are true

Only 3,

119 - Consider the following Statements: In multi-part question FRQs, you need to bring all parts of your answer together in a paragraph. The bicameral body of the legislative branch is composed of two (3) houses. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooper


120 - Consider the following Statements: In the USA there is political homogeneity. Only one branch of government, the Legislative Branch, existed under the Articles of Confederation. The party-list representatives, make up about 20% of the members of the House

Only 2, 3

121 - Consider the following Statements: Most governments have a two-party system rising campaign costs have led to efforts to change campaign finance laws Every U.S. citizen must join a political party. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

122 - Consider the following Statements: Right to Equality gives right to practice any profession. Some dictators take over by military force. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

123 - Consider the following Statements: The 18th NAM summit was held at Azerbaijan in 2019 and included 116 member states and 15 observer countries. A President of the USA, is only allowed to be elected to TWO terms in office The Aztecs were not located in pre

Only 2,

124 - Consider the following Statements: The Constitution advocates for political parties. Closed primaries permit raiding; a way to sabotage a party's primary. Native American Tribes in the United States have sovereignty over trial land and affairs. Which of t

Only 3,

125 - Consider the following Statements: The Council of Ministers includes the cabinet ministers the process for acquiring political attitudes is called political socialization. Third parties can influence public policy. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

126 - Consider the following Statements: The goal of NATO is to create a superpower in the world. "Midnight judges" were judges that were appointed by a president just before leaving office. Amendment 8 prevents cruel and unusual punishments Which of the follow

Only 2, 3

127 - Consider the following Statements: The members of Lok Sabha are elected by the People , directly. More people vote in State and Local elections than Presidential Elections The president and members of Congress are elected in odd-numbered years. Which of t

Only 1,

128 - Consider the following Statements: The Rights to assembly and petition are in the Fourth Amendment Political maps are always flat. The Constitution divides federal power among three branches of government. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

129 - Constitutions are the principle means of limiting

government power

130 - Costs imposed on people who are not direct participants in an activity


131 - Council of Ministers are elected from ..... .

Both Sabhas

132 - country that is completely surrounded by another state.


133 - Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in:


134 - Current Chief Minister of Kerala

Pinarayi Vijayan

135 - Define linkage institution

The political channels through which people's concerns become political issues on the policy agenda.

136 - Delhi was made the National Capital Region in which year?


137 - Demand of SriLankan Tamils include

All of the above

138 - Democracy is better form of government because it

All the above

139 - Directive Principles of State Policy is not valid in?

Jammu & Kashmir

140 - Divine right theory

right of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory of government that holds that a monarch receives the right to rule directly from God and not from the people.

141 - Division of powers between higher and lower levels of government is called?

Vertical division

142 - During a debate, candidates discuss their views on various .....


143 - During which season do farmers of Palampur grow Jowar & bajra?


144 - Each of the following are parts of the National Party Machinery, except .....

The National Candidate.

145 - Economic theory that lower taxes and fewer regulations will stimulate the economy as businesses and individuals invest their money, thereby creating higher tax revenue.

Supply-Side Economics

146 - Elections in India for Parliament and State Legislatures are conducted by

Election Commission of India

147 - European countries wanted the ..... in Africa so they could take them back to their mills and factories in Europe to make ..... to sell and make money from.

raw materials; finished goods

148 - Everybody votes on every issue there is

Direct democracy

149 - Examples of major nation-states are

Germany and Denmark.

150 - Favors higher taxes if necessary

Democratic Party

151 - Features of the Constitution of 1791 included..... (tick all correct answers).

Both (A), (B), (C)

152 - Federal Government represents

All of Canada

153 - Federal, State or Local?A public library puts on a play for the community


154 - Filibuster


155 - Filibuster" is related to

A long speech in Parliament to delay a vote

156 - First president of India

Rajendra Prasad

157 - Free market is free ..... for ..... exchange among individuals, firms, and corporations

Goods and services

158 - Full form of GDP is

Gross Domestic Product

159 - General outline of a government and how it is supposed to work


160 - George Washington would have been a.....


161 - Gerrymandering

is the redrawing of legislative boundaries by both parties.

162 - Gerrymandering is associated withThe UN The Us Europe South Africa

The US

163 - Given by the people selected to run for President and Vice President at the end of a national convention.

acceptance speech

164 - government controls every aspect of life


165 - Government that maintains existing political order for the benefit of a small elite

traditionalistic subculture

166 - group of people with broad common interests who join together to help candidates that share their views be elected to office is:

a political party

167 - Groups of people who share common ideas on how the government should do its work are called.....

Political Parties

168 - Groups that raise large amounts of money for candidates are called

political action committees

169 - Hamilton's party was the .....


170 - Hammurabi's Code, the Ten Commandments, and the Twelve Tables were all significant to theirs societies because they established

rules of behavior

171 - He proposes that equality should also be attained by the proletariat or middle class.

Karl Marx

172 - High Courts were first established in the three Presidency cities of

Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1862

173 - High school students need a strict list of compulsory subjects and should not be given too many electives.


174 - Higher tier of Panchayati Raj

Zila Parishad

175 - Hot, humid, Dense Forests best describes which climate region?


176 - How are leaders chosen in a democracy?


177 - How can a state demonstrate irredentism?

Reclaim a lost homeland

178 - How did the Han emperors govern their empire?

Create a large, complex bureaucracy to run the government.

179 - How do candidates use big data tools help to target voters?

Pay firms to mine consumer data, census records, & voting behavior in order to supply them w/ names of potential voters

180 - How do modern Democrats and Republicans view taxation?

Democrats tend to favor tax increases to support new social programs more than Republicans.

181 - How do people learn their political beliefs?

political socialization

182 - How does political science differs from politics?

Politics is the activities in the state itself, while political science is the study of these activities

183 - How does the government change the constitution?

through a referendum

184 - How does the media influence public opinion?

Focuses attention on certain issues

185 - How long do you have to have a Green Card before you can apply for citizenship?

5 years

186 - How many Electoral College votes do you need to win


187 - How many electoral votes does a presidential candidate need to win the election?


188 - How many electors does Missouri have?


189 - How many FUNDAMENTAL POLITICAL PRINCIPLES shape American government?


190 - How many members were present when the constitution was adopted on 24 January 1950


191 - How many scheduled language are there in India


192 - How many tiers of govt does the India federation has?


193 - How many villages are there in India, approx

6 lakh

194 - How many years must you be a US citizen to be elected for President?

must be a natural born citizen

195 - How much time it took to complete the Indian Constitution?

2 Years 11 Months 18 days

196 - Identify candidates, emphasize the issues, write editorials, political cartoons, op-ed pieces, broadcast different points of view..... these are all.....

mass media roles in elections

197 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country.2. Preservation of cultural diversity and respect for traditions in this period of globalization


198 - Identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research scenarios and recent development that happened in our country.4. Exchange of culture and ideas in the macro level and breakdown of families in the micro level as a result of eco


199 - Identify the principle of justice presented in the example. A law is passed requiring ramps to be installed for access to public places (like schools) and places of employment.

Recognition of special needs

200 - Identify the principle of justice presented in the example. Seats are reserved in the legislature for SCs, STs, and OBCs.

Recognition of special needs

201 - Identify which agent of socialization matches with the correct explanation: our and the groups we join influence our political views


202 - If the Supreme Court grants a case a writ of certiorari, it has

accepted and will hear the case.

203 - If two people cannot speak the same language, a ..... border exists between them and impacts their ability to communicate.


204 - If voters choose to vote for candidates of more than one political party, they are voting a(n) .....

split ticket

205 - If you wanted a job in government service under the Song dynasty, which of these would you have studied?

the teachings of Confucius.

206 - Illiberal or hybrid regimes are growing in prominence around the world. They key feature is that they

have democratic features, but with significant modifications.

207 - Immunities of the Indian President does not include.....

The President can be arrested or detained during his tenure.

208 - In country Z, one group has unlimited power over the nation. Country Z is a


209 - In Fiji, the vote of the indigenous Fiji has more value than the.....-


210 - In Kentucky, who is in charge of maintaining all county records (marriage licenses, for example)?

County Clerk

211 - In order to be a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. you need to apply for a visa and get approved for one. Upon entering the U.S. you will be given a ....., which is an ID card that shows you are here legally.

Green Card

212 - In respect of commercial banks which entity monitors the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme?


213 - In the last election this party STRONGLY wanted to help the middle class.

The Liberals

214 - In the movie Hotel Rwanda which scene would be considered polarization in the 8 stages of genocide?

Hutu power radio promosting tutsi propaganda

215 - In the UK, parliamentary elections are held .....

once in five years

216 - In the USA, liberal candidates in the Democratic Party are described as


217 - In which of these states does CPI (M) enjoy strong support?

West Bengal

218 - In which year first five year plan was started?


219 - In which year Telgana State was established


220 - In which year was the Communist Party of India (CPI) formed?


221 - In which year was voters age reduced from 21 to 18 yrs?


222 - India is located in ..... hemisphere?


223 - India sent Indian peace keeping force in Sri Lanka in -


224 - Indian Cricket was born in ..... .


225 - India's per capita income is less thanBrazil due to .....

Massive Population

226 - Individuals who are running for political office are known as


227 - Initially, Jefferson sent delegates to France to buy .....

New Orleans and western Florida

228 - Instrument of Accession was signed on


229 - is all people eligible to vote not restricted due to conviction or citizenship

voting eligible population

230 - Is derived from the Greek words "Oligoi" meaning "few" and Arkhein" meaning "to rule".


231 - Israel is a ..... majority state.


232 - Israel specializes in the production of .....

agricultural technology

233 - It Fight against poverty,malnutrition and hunger


234 - It is ..... to join a political party.


235 - It is also called as physical anthropology

Biological Anthropology

236 - It is generally defined as an organized group or groups of interdependent people who share common territory, language, and culture, and who act together for collective survival and well-being.


237 - It is the idea that all human beings are, or could or should be, members of a single community.


238 - It is the study of society.


239 - It is the systematic study of social behavior and human groups.


240 - John Locke believed that people have the right to life, liberty, & .....


241 - Judiciary settles .....


242 - Justice Party- a non- Brahmin movement was transformed into ..... a Political Party.

Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam

243 - Karl Marx's life was saved from the anti-semitic persecution by adopting the belief of .....


244 - kyuba sankat kab hua?


245 - Led by Thomas Jefferson


246 - Legislative branch.....

Makes laws

247 - Limited media access?

North Korea

248 - London, Tokyo, New York, Rio, and Paris are famous.....


249 - Long form of UFA is.....

Universal Adult Franchise

250 - Marbury v. Madison handed down the decision that talked about which principle of government that we now follow?

judicial review

251 - Marcel's family have a farm, and on that farm they raise sheep and grow corn. This is something their family has done for hundreds of years - and sometimes, if they're lucky, they can trade some of their corn for other supplies they need and save some mon

Traditional Economy

252 - Martin Luther was the leader of the


253 - Mass media uses quotes or photos to influence public opinion by showing unflattering images or quotes of candidates. When mass media selects these images, it can be a source of a/an .....


254 - Mawdudi founded .....

Jamaat al-Islami

255 - Max Weber defines it as "the belief in the right to rule". Which is the fundamental concept that state this statement?


256 - militarism

the belief that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests

257 - Minor parties are important because they do which of the following?

allow for different viewpoints.

258 - Monaco is an example of what?


259 - Most commonly understood to embrace solutions by the private sector for public problems


260 - Most elected leaders belong to a .....

Political Party

261 - Most of us gain our basic attitudes that shape our political opinions from


262 - Name of polling organization or sponsor Question asked Analysis of data gathered Date of the poll Sample size Margin of error-All of the following are examples of.....

Elements of an Opinion Poll

263 - Nehru outlined the Foreign Policy of India for the first time to the general public in


264 - Nickname for an independent.


265 - No discrimination on the basis of caste,color,race and gender is mentioned in Article.....


266 - No of Rajya Sabha Members


267 - Number of judges of the Supreme Court is fixed by:


268 - Number of seat in the Lok Sabha ..... .


269 - Of the major parties, which one is most associated with wanting to cut taxes?


270 - Oligarchy was a form of government that was made of:

Soldiers, nobles and landowners

271 - Olive Green Ballot Boxes used for First general election was manufactured under

Godrej and Boyce Mfg Company

272 - Oliver Martinez would like to turn back the clock to earlier ways. Oliver is a


273 - On page 261 of your textbook, there is an image of the SECOND first lady. What is she doing?


274 - One of four UNCLOS zones; coastal states have limited sovereignty for up to 24 nautical miles, where they can enforce laws on customs, immigration, and sanitation.

Contiguous Zone

275 - One of the first parties was

The Republican party

276 - Our Constitution attempts to reassure us that no branch will become too powerful. What principle does that best define?

checks and balances

277 - Packing is when:

District lines are drawn in order to concentrate the opposing party in a few districts

278 - Parliamentary System of government developed in.....

United States of America

279 - Part European, part African; some former slaves, could buy their freedom


280 - Part IXA of the Indian Constitution deals with :

The Municipalities

281 - parties based on a particular set of beliefs

ideological parties

282 - Party leaders schedule a meeting with a governor from the same party to discuss the possibility of her running for office in the next presidential election.

Recruit and Nominate Candidates

283 - people who are concerned with some particular issue or part of the government and who try to influence legislators or to act in their favor, also known as a special interest group

interest group

284 - People who own homes pay

Property tax

285 - Political machines were created in cities in an effort to gain the votes of.....


286 - Political organizations established by corporations, labor unions, and other special-interest groups and that are designed to support political candidates by contributing large sums of money are called .....

Political action committees (PAC's)

287 - Political parties are often referred to as ..... There are many parts that contribute to the working progress of the party.


288 - Political parties link the people to the government by

representing their ideas.

289 - Political parties offer a way for -

citizens to particpate in the political process

290 - Power of the President to nullify act of the courts by completely erasing all information about a criminal case and its aftermath?


291 - Power of the President to nullify an act of congress, or saying no to it.


292 - Power sharing is.....

The very spirit of democracy

293 - President Trump campaigned for fellow Republican Rick Saccone. This represents which function of a political party?

help candidates win

294 - President?


295 - Prior to the French Revolution and throughout the Ancien Regime, what type of government did France have?

absolute monarchy

296 - Prior to TV, which media outlet ruled the political realm


297 - propaganda technique involving the use of a celebrity or spokesperson to speak on behalf of a product of candidate


298 - Recruiting candidates for office and facilitating electoral choice are functions of

political parties

299 - Redistricting

House of Representatives

300 - Reform groups worked hard to ..... the political machines.


301 - Resources which will get exhausted after years of use are:

Non-renewable resources

302 - Right to Constitutional remedy is enshrined in which Article?

Article 32

303 - Ross Perot founded this political party

Third Party

304 - Rousseau's political philosophy furnished basis for

popular sovereignty

305 - Russia and the United States have which type of democracy

Presidential Democracy

306 - Sally works in a private company that has to follow government rules for public safety.


307 - Select all which describes "Political Science and Economics"

Both (A), (B), (C)

308 - Separation of religion from Government is ..... .


309 - Sikkim attained the status of state by ..... Amendment.


310 - Since the early 1980s, the Republican Party platform has been increasingly influenced by

B evangelical Christians



312 - So far ..... elections were held for the LOK Sabha.


313 - Social Darwinism

the theory that human groups and races are subject to the laws of natural selection such as survival of the fittest

314 - Some countries have multiparty political systems in part because:

Proportional representation allows parties with relatively small levels of support to still receive seats in the legislature.

315 - Sources of News information that are widely distributed, such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.


316 - South Africa had a ..... system


317 - Soviet political system was based on the ideology of


318 - Spending category about which government planners can make choice s, can be adjusted by the President and Congress in a given budget year.

Discretionary Spending

319 - State that has freedom over its own affairs has


320 - State that is independent to make their own decisions and laws is said to have.....


321 - State which leader said "the Revolution is over.....we must restrain equality, reduce liberty and settle opinion."

Duport (Feulliant)

322 - State which of these challenges from 1791-1792 was not economic.


323 - Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy show that

Inequalities exist in democracies

324 - Supreme court is also known as .....

Apex court

325 - Supreme Court justices are

appointed by the president.

326 - Syahidah: The Public Service Department has been very responsive to the need of our youth, especially when it comes to sponsoring students to study overseas. I am glad I am benefiting from this.Syahidah is thinking about politics in the scope of .....

Public Administration

327 - system of sharing power between state and central gov


328 - The "few" who made policy in the ..... ruling Sparta were a group of twenty-eight men over sixty years old, joined by the two kings. This group of thirty, called the "council of elders," formulated proposals that were submitted to an assembly of all free


329 - The ..... ..... is the group of voters elected by each state that votes for the president. There are 538 members of this group.

electoral college

330 - The ..... Party favored agriculture.


331 - The 10th Schedule in the Constitution was added in which year?


332 - The 26th Amendment allowed ..... to vote for the first time in all elections.


333 - The alignment of partisanship and issue positions so that Democrats tend to take more liberal positions and Republicans tend to take more conservative ones.

Party Sorting

334 - The authority to determine whether a member of legislature is disqualified under Tenth Schedule of the Constitution is :

The Speaker of the House

335 - The best example of a state among the following is

a mountainous region inhabited by heterogeneous ethnicities which share responsibility for maintaining an independent government and a standing army.

336 - The best symbol of cold war rivalries between the capitalist and communist bloc was.....?

Berlin Wall

337 - The Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) came to power in 1998 as the leader of:

National Democratic Alliance

338 - The border between part of the U.S. and Canada runs along the 49 N latitude line. What type of boundary would this be considered?


339 - The branch of government responsible for making laws.


340 - The Central Government's exclusive powers are enumerated in the

Union List

341 - The citizens choose leaders to make decisions on our behalf. Which type of government is this?

Representative Democracy

342 - The civil service exam to become a scholar-official consisted of what?

Both questions on Confucianism and a written essay/ poem were on the test.

343 - The concept of "critical elections" is most closely associated with

party realignment

344 - The constituent assembly was set according to the proposals of

The cabinet mission

345 - The currency in Great Britain is .....


346 - The Democratic and Republican parties are similar because they

Organize to win elections

347 - The Election of 1800 was decided in the .....

House of Representatives

348 - The Electoral College's primary function in politics is to -

Cast the official vote for the winning candidate in the Presidential election.

349 - The European Union is an example of an ..... alliance.


350 - The fastest growing minority group in the U.S. since 1967 has been .....


351 - The following are the importance of political science *EXCEPT*:

to know the history of political science

352 - The Framers of the Constitution set right to vote qualifications to whom


353 - The Freedom of Information Act has resulted in

all of the choice s are correct

354 - The full form of EPIC is

Electoral Photo identity card

355 - The fundamental duties in the constitution of India were adopted from

American constitution

356 - The goal of this organization was to stop communism.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

357 - The Gulfs located along Gujarat coast are .....i)Gulf of Mannarii)Gulf of Kachchhiii)Gulf of Khambat

(ii) and (iii)

358 - The highest court at the National Level is called ..... .

Supreme Court

359 - The idea that reason should guide society rather than tradition helped cause the revolution and came from

the Enlightenment

360 - The impact of the mass media on the public agenda can best be described as its ability to

focus the public's attention on specific issues.

361 - The Indian Constitution contains ..... articles and ..... schedules.


362 - The Indian Constitution was adopted on ..... .


363 - The judges of the Supreme Court of India retire at the age:


364 - The Kurdish people are examples of which of the following?

A stateless nation

365 - The largest source of immigration since the end of World War II has been from.....

Latin America

366 - The largest stateless nation


367 - The local high school is thinking of expanding the school's parking lot. There are 800 students and 60 teachers and staff members. The most accurate measurement of opinion would be obtained by questioning

a random number of students, teachers, and staff members who drive to school.

368 - The lower house of the Indian Parliament is?

Lok Sabha

369 - The main cause of the Arab and Israeli conflict from 1948 to 1973 was the clash between?


370 - The main purpose of a Political Action Committee (PAC) is to -

raise money for candidates who support the same views

371 - The media play a very important role in the political process of elections. They help -

Highlight campaign issues and community concerns.

372 - The media plays a very important role in the political process of elections. They help by:

emphasizing selected issues

373 - The military operation to evaquate themilitant Akali groups from GoldenTemple in Amritsar is known as?

Blue star operation

374 - The name given to the "working class" by Karl Marx


375 - The new Hindu law gave equal share in the property to .....


376 - The number of members of the Constituent Assembly were ..... .


377 - The official statement of a political party's view or position on various public issues.


378 - The opinion section in the local newspaper would be an example of the media.....

Writing editorials/op-eds/political cartoons

379 - The opposite of political apathy would be

Political efficacy

380 - The parliament is the creation of the ..... that came into effect in 1950.


381 - The parliament of India consists:-

President, lok sabha, Rajya sabha

382 - The Parliament recognised education as fundamental right in the year ..... .


383 - The party of the Donkey and considered left on the political spectrum are the.....


384 - The person who keeps and updates the records of the meetings of the barangay government

Barangay Secretary

385 - The phrase "consent of the governed" refers to the.....

source of the government's power.

386 - The political party which believes in Marxism-Leninism is :

Communist Party of India

387 - The powers of the Executive Branch are defined in ..... of the U.S. Constitution.

Article II

388 - The President comes to Virginia to help a member of his political party campaign for the United States Senate. The President is -

helping the candidate win an election

389 - The President gets to choose or appoint all of the following people EXCEPT

members of Congress

390 - The President helps a member of his political party campaign for the Senate. Which function is being demonstrated?

helping candidates win elections

391 - The President of India can be removed from the office by the PM in consultation with :

Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

392 - The President of the World Bank has always been from


393 - The president vetoes a law passed by Congress. The Supreme Court hands down the decision that says a state law is unconstitutional. The Senate refuses to approve a presidential treaty. What do these all illustrate?

checks and balances

394 - The primary goal of interest groups is to influence

public policy.

395 - The process by which people form their political attitudes

Political Socialization

396 - The process of competition, Conflict, and cooperation in a society is known as?


397 - The process of establishing representative and accountable forms of government led by popularity representations.


398 - The purpose of this discipline is to understand how human action and consciousness both shape surrounding cultural and social structures.


399 - The relationship between Hungary/Czechoslovakia and Russia is an example of a:

Satellite state

400 - The right of every citizen against arbitrary action by national or state governments is known as

due process of law.

401 - The roots of NAM first trace back to the friendship among three leaders. Select the odd one out

Kwame Nkrumah

402 - The similarity in the political structure of India and UK is

Parliamentary Government

403 - The smallest state in India is ..... .


404 - The study of geographical influences on political systems and power relationships is called.

Political Geography

405 - The tenure of Chief Election Commissioner is ..... .

6 years

406 - The term confederation refers to

a voluntary association of independent states.

407 - The term of office for a Constitutional Court judge is ..... years


408 - The term sovereignty has been drawn from the Latin word


409 - The total number of electoral votes is


410 - The traits and accomplishments that fit a person for some function or office.


411 - The two major political parties in the United States

Democrats and Republicans

412 - The U.S. holds a presidential election every how many years?


413 - The UN is an example of what?

Supranational organization

414 - The United States has ..... dominant political parties?


415 - The United States is an example of a(n) .....

Multinational state

416 - the use of something to represent ideas or qualities


417 - The wholesale trader buys a ..... amount of goods.


418 - The winner-take-all system favors the .....

two party system

419 - The written statement of the party's belief is called the


420 - Theocracy

A country where the leader of the main religion is automatically the leader of the country

421 - Theocracy?


422 - There are ..... fundamental rights.


423 - there more than ..... dance forms


424 - They believed that most of the power of government should lie in the state governments and the federal government should be weak.


425 - They want high government involvement in both social and economic issues.


426 - This amendment gives women full voting rights.

19th amendment

427 - This amendment protects freedom of speech


428 - This bill has been discussed in Congress, but has not passed. It would allow children who entered the US illegally to gain Legal Permanent Resident status and apply for citizenship one day.


429 - This branch of sociology studies production

Sociology of Religion

430 - This is an idea that heaven choses China's ruler.

Mandate from heaven

431 - This is the most common type of political participation in the US.

Voting is presidential elections.

432 - This is the power of a governor to order a fugitive be sent to another state to face criminal charges.


433 - This part of the political spectrum often calls for rapid changes in government.....


434 - This party during the Civil War was against the spread of slavery?


435 - This party favors less government programs to help those in need


436 - This philosopher believes the purpose of government is to escape the state of nature


437 - This political ideologies emphasizes tradition, hierarchy and authority


438 - This term refers to putting like-minded voters together in one district to reduce their voting power in other districts. This gives the group representation in a single district while denying them representation across districts.


439 - This writ is issued when the court finds that a person is holding office but is not entitled to hold that office.

Quo Warranto

440 - Thomas Jefferson used ..... ideas to write the Declaration of Independence.

John Locke's

441 - Though changing, america's primary source for information about government is


442 - Time of former president Ferdinand Marcos officially declared this Philippine Constitution in full force effective after signing Proclamation No. 1102 on January 17, .....?

1973 Philippine Constitutions

443 - To agree


444 - To be recognised as a National party how many Parliament seats in how many STATES should it win?

11 Seats, 4 States

445 - Trent Lott and Thad Cochran both

were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and later became U.S. Senators

446 - Two reasons for the increased influence of propaganda are

advances in communications technology and the growth of mass media.

447 - Type of gerrymandering that redraws two districts in order to force two elected representatives of the same party to run against each other.


448 - Type of government wherein the executive is chosen by the legislature:

Parliamentary System

449 - Umpire like person in any court case is ..... .

Judge / Justice

450 - Under a ..... system, the national gov. has all the key power.


451 - Use of violence or threats of violence to intimidate or coerce.


452 - Valen left politics to ..... a career in teaching.


453 - Voluntarily coming together of people and creating the state

Social Contract Theory

454 - Voters doubts make it difficult for this type of party to raise money for presidential elections.

Third Parties

455 - Voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 in the year?


456 - Voting for a president allows citizens to choose the course of America's future. Which of the following statements is NOT a way that a president's decisions can affect the country?

choosing local officials in city and state governments

457 - we can prejudiced about many things like :

all of these

458 - we have more than ..... languages that are people's mother tongue


459 - What are 2 deserts found in China

Gobi and Taklimakan

460 - What are the 3 branches of state government?

Legislative, executive, judicial

461 - What are the factors for predicting who will vote?

Age, income, and education

462 - What are the symbols of the Republican and Democratic Parties?

Elephant (R) and Donkey (D)

463 - What are the three levels of law-making?

1.Federal government2.State/territory government3.Local government

464 - What are the two main parties in the United States?

Republicans and Democrats

465 - What are the TWO parts of the U.S. Congress?

the House of Representatives and the Senate

466 - What are two major political parties in the United States?

Democrat and Republican

467 - What clause in the Constitution was used to justify the Bank of the United States?


468 - What describes the role of 3rd parties in American Politics today?

All of the above.

469 - What determines your states' total electoral votes?

House and Senate members

470 - What did Citizens United vs. FEC (2010) create?

Super PACs

471 - What did the Senate control in Ancient Rome?

Finances and Foreign Affairs

472 - What do lobbyists try to do?

influence the decisions made by government officials

473 - What do you mean by a Republic?

Head if the State is an elected representative.

474 - What do you understand by universal adult franchise?

everyone have the right to vote

475 - What document gives our right to vote?


476 - What does NATO stand for?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

477 - What does the term 'Partisan' mean?

A person who is strongly committed to the party

478 - What element of political cartoons is the difference between the way things are and how they should be?


479 - What form of government bases its laws on the teachings of a religion?


480 - What fundamental principle states "The power of government comes from the people"?

Consent of the Governed

481 - What happens after the popular vote for the state is counted?

Electors from the state cast the official vote for the president and vice president.

482 - What is a civil service examination?

a test given to qualify candidates for positions in the government

483 - What is a closed party meeting where members of the party choose who will run?


484 - What is a federal system of government?

government at two levels

485 - What is a loose association of states called?


486 - What is a Monarchy?

Government run by a king or queen

487 - What is a Political Party Platform?

The collection of a Party's values, ideologies, issues and possible actions to be supported by its members.

488 - What is a Republic?

A form of government where representatives are elected

489 - What is an example of a natural resources?


490 - What is EVM?

Electronic Voting Machine

491 - What is fascism?

Extreme form of nationalism with elements of racism, socialism, and militarism.

492 - What is gerrymandering?

the use of redistricting to unfairly disenfranchise specific groups of people.

493 - What is human capital?

Investing in the skills, knowledge, and healthcare of an employee.

494 - What is something positive about Third Parties?

They introduce new ideas.

495 - What is the capital of England?


496 - What is the capital of Finland?


497 - What is the capital of Montenegro?


498 - What is the capital of Queensland?


499 - What is the capital of The Netherlands?


500 - What is the FCC?

Independent Regulatory Commission

501 - What is the full form of PIL?

Public Interest Litigation

502 - What is the largest State by land area/land mass?


503 - What is the name of the queen?

Queen Elizabeth II

504 - What is the process where people to get their news from information sources are compatible with their beliefs?

Selective exposure

505 - What is the purpose of a political party's platform?

to outline and make clear their views on important issues

506 - What is the purpose of interest groups?

try to influence creation of government policies

507 - What is the result of federal laws making it so that third party candidates to get matching funds for their campaign?

the US stays a "two-Party" system

508 - What is the role of mass media as it relates to elections?

to provide all sides to an issue.

509 - What is the role of the Local Government?

It governs and passes laws that affect a state/territory, through the State/Territory Parliament.

510 - What is the share of taxes of a Gram Panchayat?


511 - What is the strength of judges of Supreme Court at present?


512 - What is the structure, from top to bottom, of the U.S. Federal Bureaucracy?

The President, The Executive Office, The Executive Departments, Agencies

513 - What is the system consisting of courts which interpret the constitution and award judgement?


514 - What is the term for a political party pointing out how another party is not performing for the best of the American people? (its a function of a political party)


515 - What party is would like to see affordable healthcare for all citizens?


516 - What party wanted a STRICT interpretation of the Constitution?


517 - What political ideology would a person that favors no government intervention in economic or social affairs believe in?


518 - What position would most likely be found in the Republican Party?

introduction of lower taxes for small businesses to encourage more job growth

519 - What statement reflects the Republican view on the role of government?

Republicans favor less government, lower taxes, and greater personal freedom.

520 - What System of Government does the United States have?


521 - What term means 'not specifically written in the Constitution'

implied powers

522 - What two men were responsible for the idea of scientific polling?

George Gallup and Elmo Roper

523 - What two parties were formed when the FIRST political parties emerged?

The Federalists and The Democratic-Republicans

524 - What type of leader was Adolf Hitler?


525 - What type of people supported the Federalist party?


526 - What type of political leaning source is MSNBC?


527 - What was erstwhile name of Bharatiya Janata Party?

Bharatiya Jana Sangha

528 - What was Napoleon's return to the French throne known as?

The 100 Days

529 - What was one effect of the French Revolution?

Nationalistic feelings were stimulated.

530 - What was the main accomplishment of the rule of Napoleon III in France?

He stabilized France, and brought industry.

531 - What would be the most accurate source to find information about candidates' views during an election?

a record of the candidates' voting history on issues-related legislation

532 - What's the name of the legislative branch in a parliamentary democracy?


533 - When a non-minister proposes a bill, it is called..... Bill

Private Member

534 - When did the communist party of India was formed?


535 - When did the Election Commission of India (ECI) come into existence?

25th January 1950

536 - When government curbs news, it is called.....


537 - When people come together and participate in electoral process to acquire political power, such organisations are called ..... .

Political Parties

538 - When people vote for some candidates from one party and other candidates from another party, it is called

D ticket splitting

539 - When several parties in a multi-party system join hands for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power, it is called .

None of these

540 - When was the Planning Commission set up?

March, 1950

541 - When was the the report towards a new trade policy for development brought out


542 - when we fix people into one image we create


543 - When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources, it is an activity of the

Primary Sector

544 - Where along the political spectrum do both political parties try to win votes in the general election?

in the middle

545 - Where did Israelis pull out of in 2005?

Gaza Strip

546 - Where is Ikea from?


547 - Where is the largest wholesaling vegetable market in Delhi?

Azadpur mandi

548 - Where the legislative and executive branches are fused. The PM is born out of the legislative

Parliamentary System

549 - Where would you be able to read about the individual freedoms we enjoy?

in the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 - 10)

550 - Which Amendment abolished poll taxes?


551 - Which amendment abolished right to property from fundamental rights


552 - Which Amendment gave 18-20 year olds the right to vote?


553 - Which among the following statement about US hegemony is incorrect?

The country having hegemonic position will possess unchallenged military power.

554 - Which animal is associated with the democratic party?


555 - Which are features of Democracy?

All the above

556 - Which Article is related to Equality before Law?

Article 14

557 - Which article prevents Child labour?

Art 24

558 - Which branch can override the veto?


559 - Which country is an example of a unitary government system?

Saudi Arabia

560 - Which Country is northwest of Iraq


561 - Which dynasty ended the civil service exam?

Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty

562 - Which elected office is chosen using the Electoral College?

President and Vice President

563 - Which factor most significantly impacts whether or not someone votes for a candidate?

Their party affiliation

564 - Which factors predict which citizens will vote?

Age, education, income

565 - Which feature of sovereignty explains the fact that even when the state does not exercise sovereignty, sovereignty continues to live?


566 - Which Five year plan had the objective of "Garibi Hatao"?


567 - Which for the following is NOT one of the three levels of the major political parties?


568 - Which Fundamental Rights has Writs?

Right to Constitutional Remedies

569 - Which government would be responsible for waste and sanitation services?

Local Government (shires, cities, municipalities, districts)

570 - Which group is in majority in Brussels?

French speaking

571 - Which group rarely wins elections, but can still significantly impact the results?

third parties

572 - Which groups focus on one big issue?

special-interest groups

573 - Which is not a feature of Liberalism?

More emphasis on Society than on Individual

574 - Which is official language of India


575 - Which is the principal opposition party in the Lok Sabha after the elections of 2004?

Bhartiya Janta Party

576 - Which level of government is responsible for roads and railways?

State Government

577 - Which level of government is responsible for Trade?

Federal Government

578 - Which method of influencing your Congressman would NOT be appropriate?

protesting outside her home

579 - Which of the below best defines justice?


580 - Which of the categories of charges for impeachment have all presidents who were impeached, or have had impeachment proceedings in the judiciary committee, fallen under?

High crimes and misdemeanors

581 - Which of the folllowing is not a characteristic of a democracy?

people are controlled by a dictator

582 - Which of the following best describes QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH?

It is a research strategy that focuses on quantifying the collection and analysis of data.

583 - Which of the following best describes Republicans' beliefs about government?

It should be less involved in people's lives to promote independence

584 - Which of the following closed the ports in Boston and required colonists to quarter soldiers in their homes?

Intolerable Acts

585 - Which of the following countries had an issue related to the migration of Rohingyas?


586 - Which of the following countries is classified as a consensus democracy?


587 - Which of the following days is celebrated to mark the enforcement of the Indian Constitution?

Republic Day

588 - which of the following does NOT make an interest group successful?

Conservatives Views

589 - Which of the following happens fifth?

No candidate receives a majority of electoral votes.

590 - Which of the following in the Indian Constitution highlights the secular character of the Indian State?1 Preamble2 Fundamental Rights 3 Schedule VII of the Indian Constitution4 Directive Principles of State Policy Select the correct answer code:

1 2 4 only

591 - Which of the following is a belief/ concern of Antifederalists like Thomas Jefferson

feared powerful national government would destroy liberty

592 - Which of the following is a key element in an accurate poll?

all of the above

593 - Which of the following is a non- forming activity at Palampur?

Dairy farming

594 - Which of the following is an example of a nation seeking its own territory?


595 - Which of the following is most visible institution in democracy.

Political parties

596 - Which of the following is nature of political ideology?


597 - Which of the following is not a criticism of pluralist theory?

groups compete to counterbalance one another

598 - Which of the following is not a function of a political party?

deactivating supporters

599 - Which of the following is not a functions of the major parties in United States politics

supporting split-ticket voting.

600 - Which of the following is not a main type of interest group?


601 - Which of the following is NOT a necessary criterion for a state?

common culture and identity

602 - Which of the following is NOT a source of law?

Public Relations

603 - Which of the following is NOT an indirect technique of interest groups?

Supplying nomination suggestions

604 - Which of the following is NOT one of the important limits on the monarchy created by the English Bill of Rights?

The king and queen could not sell indulgences

605 - Which of the following is the biggest change in the family in the last 30 years?

More step-relative families

606 - Which of the following is true concerning the XYZ Affair?

The French Foreign Minister, Talleyrand, demanded a bribe before negotiations could begin

607 - Which of the following is true in respect to Centre State financial relations?

States cannot levy income-tax.

608 - Which of the following provisions of the Indian Constitution was passed without virtually any debate?

Introduction of Universal Suffrage

609 - Which of the following resulted from Bretton Woods Conference:

World Bank and IMF

610 - Which of the following State is not in Eurozone?


611 - Which of the following statements about the reasons for conducting elections are false?

Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the judiciary

612 - Which of the following statements best describes the United States?

It is a democracy with a federal system of government

613 - Which of the following states is NOT linked with sponsored terrorism?


614 - Which of the following subjects is included in the Union List?


615 - Which of the following THIRD PARTIES focuses on environmental issues?

Green Party

616 - Which of the following types of third parties are the longest lasting and are based on a particular set of beliefs?


617 - Which of the following was NOT a leader of the Federalist Party?

Thomas Jefferson

618 - Which of the following was NOT an influence of the French Revolution?

The Reign of Louis XIV

619 - Which of the following was NOT part of the political machines?


620 - Which of the following would describe the 4th era of political parties?

Both (A), (B), (C)

621 - Which of these a national party?

all of these

622 - Which of these alliances were there in 2004 parliamentary elections in India?

All the above

623 - which of these countrieshave uni party system?


624 - Which of these languages in NOT a member of the Romance Language Family?


625 - Which of these religions is the oldest?


626 - Which of these statements is incorrect about CPI (M)?

None of the above

627 - Which one of the following situations is democratic?

The African National Congress of South Africa drew up a constitution which gave most extensive rights to its citizns.

628 - Which organisation revises the voter's list?

Election Commission

629 - Which pair of ideologies best describes Canadian government practices throughout the 20th century?

liberalism and conservatism

630 - Which party believes that individuals should take care of themselves without government help?


631 - Which party is also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP)


632 - Which party is considered liberal


633 - Which physical feature is located in the southern part of Germany and the northern part of Italy?


634 - Which political party believes that the federal government should play a less active role in people's lives and thatindividuals can take care of themselves without government help?

Republican Party

635 - Which political party believes that the federal government should take a more active role in people's lives, particularly those who are in need?

Democratic Party

636 - which political party dominated texas till ww 2


637 - Which political party emerged in the mid-1800s and started the third party system in the United States. This party system lasted from 1860-1896.


638 - which political party ruled in centre?


639 - Which position would most likely be found in the Republican Party platform?

Introduction of tax incentives for small businesses to support better job growth

640 - Which president held about 1,000 press conferences?

F. Roosevelt

641 - Which reportedly got stuck in a bathtub?

William Howard Taft

642 - Which river is being described by these statements?. Generally considered the longest river in the world.. Flows north and discharges into the Mediterranean Sea.. Flows through ten different countries.. Is made up of two main tributaries that converge nea


643 - Which State has highest seats in Legislative Assembly?

Uttar Pradesh

644 - Which statement about the Louisiana Territory is not true?

It was purchased for 5 million dollars

645 - Which statement correctly describes the legislative branch?

It is split into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

646 - Which system of counting votes is used for the House of Representatives?

Preferential system of voting

647 - Which type of boundary is formed by outsiders ignoring existing cultural and tribal differences between groups?


648 - Which type of economy is run by the businesses & business owners?


649 - Which type of legitimacy depends on ideas embodied by an individual leader?

charismatic legitimacy

650 - Which type of spending would Republicans support?


651 - Which US political party would likely approve of a plan for the government to take over all businesses?


652 - Which was a belief of the early Democratic-Republican Party?

The United States should not have a national bank

653 - who actually places the vote for president

the electors

654 - Who among the following is the final interpreter and guardian of Indian Constitution?

Supreme Court

655 - who argued first that equality was as crucial as freedom?


656 - Who created the symbols for the Republican and Democratic Parties?

Thomas Nast

657 - Who decides/votes for the President when the Electoral vote was too close to call or a tie?

House of Representative

658 - Who elects a Ward member in a Village?

Village Voters

659 - Who formed a new party 'Lok Dal'?

Chaudhary Devi Lal

660 - who is a person who is strongly committed to a party or a faction?


661 - Who is known for this statement - "That so few dare to be eccentric makes the chief danger of the time."

John Stuart Mill

662 - Who is known for this statement - "Until philosophers are kings, cities will never have rest from their evils."


663 - Who is speaker of Lok Sabha?

Om Birla

664 - Who is the "George Washington" of South America?

Simon Bolivar

665 - Who is the ex-officio Chairman of NITI Aayog?

The Prime Minister

666 - Who is the father of Political Science?


667 - Who is the head of the Tehseel

Tehseel dar

668 - Who is the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister?

P.K. Mishra

669 - Who kept the country and land safe from invaders in Feudal Japan?


670 - Who led the largest slave revolt in history, and led Haiti to independence?

Toussaint L'Overture

671 - Who lost the Election of 1796, but became the Vice President of the United States?

Thomas Jefferson

672 - Who or what answers the basic economic questions in a mixed economy?

Individuals, Businesses, and Government

673 - Who paid all the taxes in France?

Third Estate

674 - Who presides over the Supreme Court?

Chief Justice

675 - Who was President Washington's Secretary of State?

Thomas Jefferson

676 - Who was the first female Governor of Rajasthan?

Pratibha Patil

677 - Who was the first president of the United States?

George Washington

678 - Who was the founder of Maratha empire?


679 - Who was the last president elected from a third party?

Abraham Lincoln

680 - Who was the only bachelor during his entire time as president?

James Buchanan

681 - Who was the temporary Chairman of the Constituent Assembly

Dr. Sachindanand Sinha

682 - Who was the third party president of the Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party)?

Theodore Roosevelt

683 - Who were called the Peshwas?

A family of Chitpavan Brahmanas who served Shivaji's successors.

684 - Who wrote the "The Power Elite?"

Wright Mills

685 - Whom did the emperor Kublai Khan trust most to hold government jobs?

foreigners, because he was a foreigner

686 - Whom does Supreme Court advise?


687 - Whose job is to recruit and nominate candidates to run for elected office?

the political parties

688 - Why did the scholar in the previous question, argued that it is important to study about power?

It can be empirically observed to affect other people

689 - Why did the Sri Lankan Tamils launch parties and struggle?

To recognise Tamil as an official language

690 - Why do the individual voters have more power in a democracy than they do in an autocracy or an oligarchy?

the voters get to choose people that make the laws

691 - Why does Florida have more electors in the Electoral College process than Virginia?

Florida has more Congressional Representation than Virginia.

692 - Why does the Libertarian Party oppose having national education requirements?

The view such requirements as unnecessary interference by the national government.

693 - Why Hong Kong is not considered as a state?

all of the above

694 - Why is the same event sometimes reported differently by different news networks?

Newspapers and networks hold certain political beliefs (biases) that are shown in their reporting.

695 - Why is the United States refereed to as the Melting Pot?

The mast majority of the population has roots from another country

696 - Why must candidates pay attention to small states?

In a close race, the electoral votes of small states matter.

697 - Willoughby defines politic as a (an).....


698 - Year that Russian forces were sent into Chechnya


699 - Yellow Journalism

Newspaper publishers creating issues with lies and distortion of the truth

700 - You have learned about poll taxes. What group of people did this usually stop from voting?

African Americans


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