Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 13

1 - "History is the memory of the Nation" said by:-


2 - "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" was the slogan of.....

French Revolution

3 - "Realm of organized social life that is voluntary, self-generating, self-supporting and autonomous from the state, and bound by legal order or a set of shared rules".The above definition is given by: .....

Larry Diamond

4 - . A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is:


5 - ..... = the absence of external constraints.


6 - ..... are organized groups that influence government by getting electing their members to government positions.

Political parties

7 - ..... is an example of both a Civic Right and a Civic Responsibility.


8 - ..... is an important event of the Cold War.

Cuban Missile Crisis

9 - ..... is the introduction to the Constitution.


10 - ..... is the judicial philosophy that argues the Court should go beyond the words of the Constitution or a statue to consider the broader societal implications of its decisions.

Judicial activism

11 - ..... means free from all all forms of exploitation.


12 - ..... members are the representatives of states and union territories in the Rajya Sabha.


13 - ..... played an important role in the integration of the Indian Princely States.

Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel

14 - ..... refers to the freedom of the individual to live to his/her highest potential by cultivating the conditions for positive personal development. It refers not only to freedom from external constraints on personal development but also internal constrain

Positive Liberty

15 - .....is the main demand of farmer's movement.

To get right price for the agricultural products.

16 - 10 Based on the government system in the United States, which individual activity is used to directly influence legislative decisions?

gathering signatures for a petition

17 - 10 Based on the governmental system in the United States, which individual activity is used to directly influence legislative decisions?

gathering signatures for a petition

18 - 10 Individuals Can Affect Government using the methods listed below:A. Run for Office B. Petition Government C. Volunteering for a Campaign D. Collecting Signatures Speak at Meetings Send Letters Make Campaign ContributionsWhich is incorrect?


19 - 13 What perspective did civil rights groups take on the issue of racial segregation in the South in the 1950s and 1960s?

They felt it had become necessary to oppose segregation with marches, sit-ins, demonstrations, boycotts and civil disobedience.

20 - 2/3s majority needed to remove from office


21 - 435 Members

House of Representatives

22 - 60% voter turnout?

United Kingdom

23 - 650 representatives?

United Kingdom

24 - A ..... would be more likely to support a strict regulation on the ability to purchase a handgun.


25 - A conservative ideology would typically support:

lower taxes for everyone

26 - A constitutions by the virtue of the Tydings-McDuffie Act, the U.S. statue that provided for Philippine independence and draft a constitution that reflect the republican reform.

1935 Philippine Constitutions

27 - A democracy can also be a(n)

constitutional monarchy

28 - A democratic government is responsible to

The people

29 - A form of government in which people set government policy.


30 - A former nation that split apart as a result of devolutionary forces is

the Soviet Union

31 - A group of people who come close to each other to attain their common aim of power is known as

Political Party

32 - A group that can collect unlimited money for a campaign

Super PAC

33 - A group with a shared culture inside a land area is known as:


34 - A landmass surrounded by water on three sides is called a


35 - A liberal person is most likely to believe that

Government should play a more active role in business and social issues

36 - A member of parliament who is a minister or a shadow minister who has a portfolio.


37 - A multiparty system

is composed of parties with special interests.

38 - A national vote to consider a change to the Australian Constitution.


39 - A person on this part of the political spectrum would believe that government assistance for the poor is a necessity.....


40 - A person who lives within the territory of government and is granted certain rights and responsibilities.


41 - A personal story used to support a policy or candidate.


42 - a personal view, attitude, or appraisal


43 - A political party acts as a watchdog because it .....

watches for any mistakes or misuse of power.

44 - A political party holds a huge convention where they formally recommend and celebrate the party's presidential candidate.

Recruit and Nominate Candidates

45 - a political party that believes in democratic government but also that the government should run some of the largest parts of the economy

Socialist Party

46 - a political party that believes that the federal government should take a more active role in people's lives, particularly those who are in need


47 - a political party's statement of beliefs and goals


48 - A public interest group

may work to protect the environment.

49 - A rupture in the crust of a planet, that releases hot lava, ash, and gases from its magma chamber


50 - A set of beliefs held by a political party


51 - A small state such as Switzerland might benefit from a ..... system of government, whereas a large state such as Russia might benefit from a ..... system of government

unitary / federal

52 - A state governor meets with a city mayor and state senator from the same party to make sure they will support the governor's policy on education.

Monitor the Actions of Officeholders

53 - A statement of a party official stance on major issues


54 - A system of government with one person in power, no religion or kings and queens related to it


55 - a system of interest representation in which certain groups are officially recognized by the state in exchange for acceptance of state control and regulations


56 - A system or organization for exercising authority over a body body of people.


57 - A third party is a.....?

political party other than Republican or Democratic.

58 - A war broke between India and China due the escalation of Tibetan crisis in


59 - A willingness by one person or a group of people to defend space they claim.


60 - A(n) ..... is a vague statement with which most people would agree.

glittering generality

61 - According to Hobbes & Locke, what is the purpose of government?

Protect all people.

62 - According to the 14th Amendment, what are the two ways a person can become a citizen of the United States?

Born or Naturalized

63 - According to the Center for Systemic Peace, the world has become more.....


64 - According to the Constitution the president must.....

be at least 35 years of age

65 - According to the Constitution, if a state or local law conflicts with a national law,

the national law supercedes the state or local law.

66 - After losing the majority of their colonial land holdings in the west by 1824 the Europeans looked elsewhere for new colonies. This led to what event?

Scramble for Africa

67 - After the abolition of Article 370 and 35A the state of J & K got divide into ..... UTs


68 - After the census is completed, the 435 seats in the House are redivided up to the states based on their populations. This is called?


69 - After the house's particular committee debates a bill, it must

go to the house's floor to be voted on by the whole house.

70 - All of the following about the First Continental Congress is true EXCEPT

the delegates declared independence from Great Britain.

71 - All of the following are characteristics of a person who does not vote except:

long-term resident of a community

72 - All of the following are possible examples of bias in the media EXCEPT:

a news commentator spending 30 seconds describing the position of those who favor an issue and 30 seconds describing why others oppose it

73 - All of the following have kept African Americans from voting EXCEPT

Federal Court Order

74 - All powers not given to the Federal government, are:

Given to the States in the 10th Amendment

75 - All the people eligible (allowed) to vote


76 - Although the U.S. has multiple political parties, it is still considered to have a .....?

2 party system

77 - An Affidavit signifies (Legal) .....

Signed document where a person makes a sworn statement regarding his or her antecedents.

78 - An effort to gain support in order to win an election


79 - An elected official who is running for re-election


80 - an election in which voters choose among candidates from different parties to fill an elective office

general election

81 - An element of American Political Culture is

Equality of Opportunity

82 - An Imam who is incapable of mental soundness is backed up with another acting Imam who covers the real Imam when needed. But other than attending meetings, the real Imam is still the Imam. According to al-Mawardi this is .....


83 - An income qualification program that determines whether one is eligible for benefits under government programs reserved for lower-income groups.

Means Test

84 - An invisible line that marks the extent of a state's territory


85 - an organization made up of people who share similar ideas about the way the country should be governed

Political Party

86 - An organization that is independent from government to work freely as needed; usually charities that help poor and impoverished countries

non-governmental organization

87 - An..... is a signed document submitted to an officer, where a person makes his own statement regarding her/his personal information.


88 - Anarchists believe government is unnecessary because.....

People are naturally good & do not require government oversight

89 - Andrew Jackson became a national hero after he successfully led the Americans to a decisive victory in what major battle?

Battle of New Orleans

90 - Another word for rules


91 - Apartheid in South Africa was discrimination on the basis of


92 - apparent association between varying factors or variables, as opposed to causation


93 - Apportioned by Population

House of Representatives

94 - Approximately how much of a candidate's budget goes to advertising?


95 - Aristotle became the member of ..... in 367 BCE.

Plato's Academy

96 - Aristotle viewed constitution as the .....

way of life the state has chosen for itself

97 - Article IV states that states may sign treaties with each other, so long as it is approved by congress. This is known as the .....clause.

Interstate compacts

98 - At the Democratic national convention, which animal and color would you expect to see?

donkeys and blue

99 - At the head of the Legislative Branch is .....


100 - At the initial period the age of voter was ..... yrs.


101 - Ayatollah?


102 - Because Europe borders two oceans and has many seas, rivers and canals, what are they going to use as their main mode of trade?


103 - Because the government of Turkey has been encouraging entrepreneurship and passing laws to protect business owners, in what direction has it been moving on the economic continuum?

Toward the Market side

104 - Because the Supreme Court has so much influence over American law and politics, virtually all presidents have made an effort to select justices who

share their political philosophies.

105 - being made to sit separately in the classroom because of one's background is a form of .....


106 - believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role - and especially the power - of the government is minimized.

right wing

107 - Believes in sustainable and environmentally friendly ideals.

Green Party

108 - Believes that government should be smaller.


109 - Between ..... and ..... , the Maratha empire expanded.

1720 , 1761

110 - Borders based on culture traits

Cultural Boundary

111 - boundary physically marked with steel post, concrete pillars, fences , or another visible method

Demarcation boundary

112 - Boundary that developed along with the development of the cultural landscape.


113 - Branch of government that accepts amicus curiae briefs.


114 - Branch of government that has members that serve for life.


115 - Business and industry should be kept in the handsof private individuals.


116 - By which Amendment Act the Fundamental Duties of Citizen are included in Indian Constitution?

42nd Amendment Act

117 - By which amendment the word Secular is added in preamble?


118 - capitalism

economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and emphasizing individual profit

119 - Catholicism and Spanish is predominant throughout Latin America - what is the reason for this?

Cultural diffusion - the region would adopt the culture of their colonizing countries.

120 - Central institute of Indian languages is located at of the following places?


121 - Centralized, Powerful Leadership

House of Representatives

122 - Charter of Fundamental Rights is adopted from constitution of which country?


123 - China's current efforts to invest in African countries while pulling resources out of the African continent are a good example of


124 - Communitarianism is opposed to which two liberal assumptions of the following?

Both (A), (C)

125 - competition between candidates to run for public office


126 - Completed a legal process to become a citizen.

Naturalized Citizen

127 - Consent of the people means

governments and laws derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed.

128 - Conservative beliefs are most likely aligned with which political party?

Republican Party

129 - Consider the following Statements: A money bill can only be introduced in the Rajya Sabha A nomination is the act of officially naming a person as a candidate for office. In the Estates General, the clergy and the nobles could always outvote the commoners

Only 2, 3

130 - Consider the following Statements: A registered Democrat can vote for a Republican candidate in a general election. the US Constitution established the Two-Party System Anthropology is Culture, Sociology is Society Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

131 - Consider the following Statements: Closed primaries promote party unity. The fuctions of the legislative branch is to represent the people,make laws,if required amend laws and oversee the work of the executive branch. The goal of NATO is to create a super

Only 1, 2

132 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is not symbolic The head of our Municipal government is called the 'Premier'. Candidates tend to spend very little on campaigns, to try to avoid the influence of powerful, wealthy donors. Which of the following i


133 - Consider the following Statements: Elections to the President are held in the same manner as they are for state legislature. Culture is not symbolic The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all constitution of the world. Which of the following is/ar

Only 1, 3

134 - Consider the following Statements: Greece has a president as the government Slavery was reestablished by the Republic of Texas At the end of the First World War, America and Soviet Union became competitors Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

135 - Consider the following Statements: I will make every attempt to vote in elections, once I become an eligible voter.al-Ghazali categorized politics into 4:Politics of the prophetPolitics of the caliph, king and sultanPolitics of the scholarPolotics of the

Only 1, 2, 3

136 - Consider the following Statements: Political parties act as a link between government and people The impeachment trial against the president is presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. There is nothing in the Constitution about political p

Only 1, 2, 3

137 - Consider the following Statements: POLITICAL PARTIES ARE ONE OF THE MOST TRUSTED INSTITUTIONS ALL OVER THE WORLD According to Karl Marx, to attain economic and political stability there should be a Utopian society. Ibn Khaldun argued that human are social

Only 2,

138 - Consider the following Statements: Separation of church and state was instituted to keep the Catholic church controlling the government Political parties do play an important role in informing the public about the issues and the way government works. The

Only 1, 2

139 - Consider the following Statements: The 18th NAM summit was held at Azerbaijan in 2019 and included 116 member states and 15 observer countries. Ms. Smith has NEVER seen the movie Polar Express has the election commission officially banned paintings or wri

Only 2, 3

140 - Consider the following Statements: The President can appoint a PM when no party or coalition gets a majority in the Lok Sabha. whigs supported farming and workers Veto is the power of the President to disapprove a law and returned it to the legislative br

Only 1, 3

141 - Consider the following Statements: The U.S. Constitution outlines the purpose and responsibilities of political parties. A partisan is a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. A physical map shows all natural features. Which of the following is/ar

Only 2, 3

142 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Socialism focused on distributing more goods and services to individuals based on need than Capitalism (which focuses more on merit). Left wing politics are m

Only 1, 2, 3

143 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. The government creates and carries out laws in BOTH Limited and Unlimited governments. Because the Electoral College has different numbers of electors in each

Only 1, 2, 3

144 - Consider the following Statements: Those lower in the social pyramid had many rights and freedoms in Ancient China and Egypt. Polling is always a bad thing Behavioral approach focuses on the empirical data infused with the questions regarding ethics in or


145 - Consider the following Statements: Values are firmly held opinions or conviction ALL of the following are other names for interest groups: special interest groups, lobby groups, lobbying groups, and pressure groups. PACs are organizations created with a p

Only 2, 3

146 - constitution day is celebrated on


147 - constitution where Texans were protected from loosing their homes with homestead act


148 - Control over developing countries was exerted through indirect means; literally means new-colonialism


149 - Countries controlled by another, more powerful state.

Satellite State

150 - Cultural & Educational rights are mentioned in:

Art. 29 & 30

151 - Decisions taken by which type of government are likely to be more acceptable to the people and more effective?

Democratic government

152 - Define outsourcing.

A practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally.

153 - Define political party.

a group of people who have similar ideas about government

154 - Deliberately constructed lies, in the form of news articles, meant to mislead the public is:

Fake News

155 - Denied voting rights


156 - Desert region in South America.


157 - disintegration of the Soviet Union took place in


158 - Doctrine based on the idea that an ethno-cultural group, or nation, has the powr to control its own affairs.


159 - Donkey, blue, & left describe the.....

democrat party

160 - Each student in Mr. Walker's class used the computer to select which candidates they would choose for president and vice-president. Mr. Walker gathered the total responses and shared them with the class. The class was -

practicing the voting process.

161 - Encouraging lawmakers in their party to support the party's position on bills being discussed is which role of political parties?

Running different parts of government

162 - Enlightened thinkers based their philosophical beliefs on what two things?

reason and logic

163 - Ethnic islands can typically be found in.....

rural areas

164 - Ethnicity is important because

it reinforces diversity in the face of the globalization of culture.

165 - First Prime Minister of Ghanawas is


166 - Foreign countries cannot have their military or other ships travel 12 miles of the coast of any other country and countries have access to exclusive economic zone.

Law of the Sea

167 - Fragmented states can help create which type of forces within a state?


168 - France is an example of a


169 - fundamental rights

is natural law

170 - Generational rule?

North Korea

171 - Geography could be advantageous to global exchange for all of the following except:

Smaller countries may have limited access to natural resources

172 - Greeks used the term politics for the study of.....


173 - Haidar is a candidate for a position in a society. Knowing that the voters like candidates who quotes the Qur'an, Haidar learned specific quotes of the Qur'an to be used so that he is liked. Machiavelli would .....

agree with Haidar because using religion for political purpose when necessary is logical

174 - Han Dynasty made this innovation that is a device that uses the position of shadows cast by the sun to tell the time of day.


175 - Head quarters of European Union


176 - Here are some of the guiding values of the Constitution and their meaning. choose the correct option(a) Sovereign (i) Government will not favor any religion(b) Republic (ii) People have the supreme right to make decisions(c) Fraternity (iii) Head of the s

a-ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i

177 - Historically, political party emerged in the .....

19th Century

178 - How are the media most influential during an election?

The media decide which candidates and issues are most deserving of coverage.

179 - How did Machiavelli believe a ruler should rule over their people?

With more fear than love if they couldn't balance both

180 - How did Napoleon address the economic issues of the French Revolution?

He created a more fair tax system

181 - How did Napoleon lose power?

Surrendered his throne and was exiled

182 - How did the ideas of the Enlightenment urge the British to outlaw the international slave trade?

Slavery was not compatible with the ideals of liberty and happiness.

183 - How did the U.S. Constitution set up a strong but not tyrannical government?

They set up a representative government, created a federal system, and balance the powers.

184 - How do most states choose their nominees for president?


185 - How does a candidate win a state's electors?

win the popular vote in November

186 - How has social media caused more "fake news" to be spread?

Social media filters out information based on what the viewer wants to see

187 - How many are their in the House of Representatives?


188 - How many electoral votes are there in the U.S.?


189 - How many electoral votes does someone need to win in order to be declared the winner


190 - How many electoral votes must a candidate receive in order to win the Presidency?


191 - How many independent Republics were formed when Soviet Union was disintegrated?


192 - How many members of parliaments (MPs) are there?


193 - How many schools will be covered under Digital Disha Scheme?


194 - How many seats are there reserved for women in local self government

1/3 seats

195 - How many states are in USA?


196 - How many states are there in India?


197 - How many third parties exist in the United States?


198 - How might a political action committee influence government?

By raising funds to broadcast campaign advertisements.

199 - How old do you have to be vote?


200 - How old do you need to be to vote in the United States?


201 - How were the French and American Revolutions similar?

Both believed the power of the government rested in the hands of the people

202 - How were the opressed and the opressor planning to live in independent South Africa?

live together as equals

203 - How would you say the old in a pc way?

senior citizens

204 - I hate seeing these political posters all over the city. I'm glad the ..... will be over soon.




206 - If a leader inherits their position, you know right away it is a .....


207 - If the Liberals want to pass a bill, who do they need support from? (or who will they likely work with to gain support?)


208 - If the public accepts an institution as right and proper, it will have power, authority, and this value.


209 - If you oppose financial aid - you are most likely a.....


210 - imperialism

process of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force

211 - Import means

buying goods from another country

212 - In 1796, after leaving their cabinet positions, these two gentlemen wanted to be president.....

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

213 - In a ....., only declared party members may vote.

closed primary

214 - In a Presidential Government, power is divided into three- Legislative, Executive, and .....


215 - In a representative democracy.....

only chosen representatives get to vote

216 - In addition to the powers given in the Union and Concurrent List, the Union Government has the

Residuary powers

217 - In case of criminal cases, a complaint has to be lodged in a police station and that is called FIR. What is the full form of FIR?

First Information Report

218 - In each precinct citizens all vote at the same .....

polling place

219 - In India who can vote under the concept of Universal Adult Franchise?

Adults who have the nationality of India, have the right to vote irrespective of any caste, colour, creed, or gender

220 - In Kentucky, what are the representatives of each district in the county to the Fiscal Court called?


221 - In politics, a candidate must have the financial help of which of these groups to run a strong campaign?

special interest groups

222 - In texas you must register .....- before voting


223 - In the class Omprakash Valmiki was made to sit on the .....


224 - In the movie Hotel Rwanda, calling Tutsis cockroaches was an example of what stage of genocide?


225 - In the UK the Prime Minister is:

the head of the Government

226 - In the upcoming, fictional election for mayor, the Craigocrat party is competing against the Democrats and Republicans, and Green Party. The Craigocrats are a ..... party.


227 - In what year did the first emperor appear in China?

221 B.C.E

228 - In which Japanese cities USA dropped two atom bombs.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima

229 - Increasing public attention to specific problems is a core feature of the media's ..... power.


230 - India is a ..... country because it has the supreme right to take decisions on internal / external matters and make her own laws.


231 - India is located in

Southeast Asia

232 - Indian State is a ..... state.


233 - Israelis needed a safe home in Israel from

The Holocaust

234 - It always describes human, human behavior and human societies around the world.


235 - It determines the state's political activities, policies, and events, as well as how to allocate power and at to what extent it should be used

Political Ideology

236 - It employs coercive power to ensure domestic order, maintain external security, and promote the collective welfare of the population.the above statements refer to .....


237 - It entails political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, laws, strategy, and war.

Political Science

238 - It is an ideology that is based on the belief that government and laws are not necessary.


239 - It is often defined as who gets what, when, where and how.

Political Science

240 - It is te study of Social Facts

Historical Sociology

241 - It is the base tier of the Panchayati system, located at the uni/multiple-village level.

Gram Panchayat

242 - It is the guardian of the constitution and defender of fundamental rights of the people:


243 - It is the study of the origin of human and its culture.


244 - James Madison called for a constitutional convention to:

create a strong central govt with stability for the states

245 - James was only 4 months old the first time he accompanied his mom to an election. She was voting for the executive branch of the country.

presidential democracy

246 - Jewish relates to .....


247 - John Locke states the government has ..... & ..... powers that the people consent (agree) to give it.

legislative & executive

248 - John Locke was a .....


249 - Joseph talked to his senator about his problems with farm, and the senator proposed legislation to help. Joe will have high


250 - Justin Trudeau is in his ..... term as Prime Minister.


251 - Keyword: Religious


252 - Keyword: War


253 - Lawlessness, political disorder and violence; the absence of government control.


254 - Liberal democracy does not include.....

Parliamentary form of government

255 - Liberals argue that international cooperation:

Can be facilitated by international organisations

256 - Linking Institution

Any organization that connects the people to government

257 - Linking institutions include

all of the choice s are correct

258 - Located in South Central Europe and stretches through parts of France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland

The Alps

259 - Lok Sabha is known as the .....

first House

260 - Lucknow culture developed in the state of


261 - Made up of representatives from every state, they help raise funds for presidential elections and organize the party's national convention?

National Committee

262 - Maintaining Parks is a responsibility of the.....

Municipal government

263 - Marbury v. Madison is most famous for establishing

judicial review

264 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? The source of inequality is class conflict.


265 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? There are many sources of inequality, like class, religion, gender, race, etc.


266 - Marx's and Engels' Communist Manifesto was a response to the .....

Europe revolutions

267 - Meeting of state and local party organizations?


268 - Merit System


269 - Multiple cropping means growing

More than one crop

270 - Muslim region in southern Russia


271 - NAFTA was created to encourgae trade between Mexico, US, and Canada by getting rid of


272 - Name for Leadership Role

All of the above

273 - Name the PM during whose regime Pakistan faced the Bangladesh crisis?

Yahya Khan

274 - Name the political party that emerged out of mass movement?

Janta Dal

275 - Name the regional Party which is Found in Bihar?

Rashtriya Janata Dal

276 - Name the tallest Peak in Africa


277 - NASA


278 - Native American reservations are an example of a

semiautononmous region

279 - NATO was as association of -


280 - Negative campaigning to make another candidate look bad


281 - Omar: The politicians are now trying to push the age of legal marriage from 16 to 18 years old for females. I'm not sure if such an effort will be successful. What Omar said showed the relationship between politics and .....


282 - On what terms did the blacks agree upon while making the constitution of South Africa?

None should be treated inferior

283 - One difference between the parliamentary and presidential forms of government is that the presidential form:

makes the executive electorally independence of other branches of government.

284 - One leader takes control of the government by force


285 - One must listen to both political party platforms in order to -

identify differences between the parties.

286 - One of four UNCLOS zones; water beyond the EEZ is open to all states.

High Seas

287 - One of the civic duties of citizens in the United States and Canada includes -

voting in elections

288 - One of the following is not related to the Central List.


289 - One of the major influences of a third party is its ability to do what?

introduce new ideas or press for a particular issue



291 - Organization that regulates campaign finance in the United States.


292 - Our country is divided into how many constituencies


293 - Our military policy is best explained as

keeping the peace by being as strong as possible

294 - Partisan means:-

A person who is strongly committed to a party.

295 - Party nominating election in which only declared party members are allowed to vote

Closed Primary

296 - People fail to vote for all the following reasons EXCEPT?

The high cost of registering to vote.

297 - People who are on tv to comment on news stories, often shown from the waste up

Talking Heads

298 - Period of world war 1 was


299 - Political parties are generally formed on the basic of .....

Common Interest

300 - Political parties are given symbols by

Election Commission of India

301 - Political parties can be placed along the ....., or wide range of views on public issues.

Political Spectrum

302 - Political parties distribute literature about their candidates in order to -

educate the electorate about campaign issues

303 - Political party that runs the government is .

Ruling party

304 - Polls conducted to determine ideas and beliefs are accurate only if they question a(n) ..... sample of people.


305 - Positive Liberty is advocated by

T. H. Green

306 - Power of Judicial Review and independence of the judiciary was adopted from which constitution?


307 - Power shared among different levels is also called

Vertical distribution

308 - President Adams referred to the three French agents who demanded a bribe and a loan from the Americans as.....

X, Y & Z

309 - Primary election in which only persons registered in the party holding the primary may vote

Closed Primary

310 - Prior to the 2016 election, the largest group to leave the democratic party was

White Southerners

311 - Prohibits the quartering of soldiers in homes in peacetime.


312 - Propaganda can be used

all of the above

313 - Q1:Which fundamental principle says that there are things the government cannot do?

Limited Government


He should have completed the age of 30 years.

315 - Requires grand jury indictment for a serious crime, bans double jeopardy, no loss of life, liberty or property without due process of law.


316 - Right to life is conferred by which article?

Article 21

317 - RIGHT WING SYSTEMS = More power in the hands of government / or few people

Both (A), (C)

318 - Russia takes over the USSR Seat in the United Nations in -


319 - Sawai Jai Singh founded his new capital here:


320 - Sealand is


321 - Select all that are true about Evelyn Gandy?

Both (A), (B), (C)

322 - Select each invention or development that the Han Dynasty was responsible for.

Both (A), (B)

323 - Series of statements about the political parties' ideas on certain political issues


324 - Small, circular shape, easy to defend as borders are not far of a distance from center of the state.


325 - Smaller parties are able to throw their support behind another party

King making role

326 - Social class in the Middle Ages was determined mainly by


327 - Social conditions need to change as quickly as possible.


328 - Solid black lines show the boundary between:


329 - Sometimes countries give up some control of their own affairs to work together on goals they all share. This is a form of .....

supranational cooperation

330 - Sports figures appearing on a box of cereal is an example of which propaganda technique?


331 - State known for backwaters


332 - state whose territory corresponds to a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality


333 - Students of politics are interested in.....

All of the Above.

334 - Study of institutions marriage, family or processes such as change and social mobility


335 - Superimposed boundaries can lead to (more than one answer)

Both (A), (B), (C)

336 - Supported by two parties


337 - Tax levied by Marathas was called


338 - The "P" in PEGS stand for .....


339 - The ..... Clause states that we Congress can do what is "necessary and proper" for our country.


340 - The .....is an important shipping route across Europe and the second longest river in Europe. Flow through or forms the border of 10 countries.

Danube River

341 - The 17th century English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes described life without government as

a war where every man is enemy to every man

342 - The active involvement of people in the decision-making process in a state indicates political


343 - The American political system is best described as a -

two-party system

344 - The bandwagon mentality of voters

all of the choice s are correct

345 - The Chairman of Indian Constitution drafting committee was ..... .

Dr. B R Ambedkar

346 - The concept that society must ensure that people are equal, and governments must design policies to redistribute wealth and status so that economic and social equality is actually achieved.

Equality of Outcome

347 - The Democratic Party & Republican Party in the U.S. are the

two major political parties.

348 - The Democratic party held impeachment hearings against President Trump for threatening to withhold military aid for Ukraine in exchange for investigating his political rivals. What function of political parties is this?

Watchdog function

349 - The Democratic Party is about to pursue an important health care package that they wish to bring in front of the House of Representatives. The Democratic leadership in the House calls for a social gathering to discuss why all party members should vote for

Bonding Agent

350 - The election of the head of the state in the UK are every

the office is hereditary

351 - The Electoral College is made up of ..... points


352 - The Euro is a .....

unit of currency used in many European countries

353 - The fact that campaigns cost SO much money gives an advantage to.....

Wealthy people

354 - The Federalists advocated

ratifying the new Constitution.

355 - The Federalists and the Democratic Republicans emerged as separate political parties partly as a result of disagreement over-

how the nation should develop economically

356 - The following are several definitions of political ideology according to Heywwod, EXCEPT ONE.

A set of political and economic philosophies that centers around core of liberty, equality, economic freedom, the rule of law and democratic government.

357 - The following excerpt reflects the philosophy of which current American political party?"It is the responsibility of government to care for all individuals, even if it means giving up some individual rights and/or subordinating enterprise and initiative."


358 - The functions of the major parties in United States politics include

All of these are correct

359 - The Head of the executive body of UNO is

The Secretary General

360 - The Head of the Executive in India is ..... .


361 - The idea of self government is stated in the first few words of the Constitution. What are these words?

We the People

362 - The idea that people sacrifice some of their rights in order to receive protection from their government is:

social contract theory

363 - The ideals of democracy include all except

free market

364 - The Indian Constitution came into existence on ..... .


365 - The inherent right of a government to rule over and act on behalf of those it governs


366 - The Kurds are a group that would like to be independent. Which of the following is a reason why they have not been able to get it?

They are spread across Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey and it will be hard to give them a country in an already unstable region.

367 - The LARGEST group ever to get the right to vote at one time was:

women in 1920

368 - The largest political unit and the formal term for a country.


369 - The laws are executed by ..... .


370 - The legislative council of J & K consists of


371 - The Lower Chamber of the Congress of the Philippines is known by what name

House of Representatives

372 - The Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights can best be described as

Documents that limit the power of the monarchy

373 - The member of panchayat is also called


374 - The naming of a candidate who will seek election for a public office


375 - The National Assembly set down the ideas of the Revolution in

the Declaration of the Rights of Man

376 - The National Calendar adopted by the Government of India is :

Saka Calendar

377 - The NRA and PETA are examples of

a Special Interest Group

378 - The number of Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi is


379 - The Officer incharge of a polling booth is called ..... .

Presiding Officer

380 - The organ of UNO which has become inactive now is

Trusteeship Council

381 - The original preamble of the constitution was read as

Sovereign Democratic Republic

382 - The Parliament enjoys legislative power over subjects in

both union and concurrent lists

383 - the Parliament of India can not be regarded as a sovereign body because.

All the above



385 - The party election to find their one best candidate is called

primary election

386 - The percentage of large farmers in India is


387 - The percentage of women contestants in 2014 general elections were ..... .


388 - The policy of a state wanting to add territory from another State inhabited by people who have cultural links to their own State is


389 - The Preamble of the Constitution of India declares India is a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR,REPUBLIC. Find the word missing in the sentence.


390 - The process of elimination of specific arms step by step is called


391 - The process where regions within a state demand and gain political strength from the central government


392 - The purpose of state central committees is to do which of the following?

raise money and organize campaigns on the state level



394 - The Republican party believes that.....

immigrants should stay in their own country

395 - The Republican party would likely oppose all of the following causes EXCEPT:

lower taxes for the wealthy

396 - The Republican representative is.....

Donald Trump

397 - The right to privacy is part of which Amendment?

Amendment Four

398 - The roots of today's Republican Party were:

members of the Whig Party and the Democrat Party who disagreed about slavery

399 - The route the candidates take to reach the voters is called

the campaign trail

400 - The Russian leader who helped the unification of Germany was

Mikhail Gorbachev

401 - The second level of courts that hears appeals when someone does not like a verdict reached in a lower court decision. These courts don't hear new evidence, but use a three judge panel to review whether the Constitution and law were followed.

Appellate Courts

402 - The State Government's responsibility for educational planning is shared by the

Ministry of Education

403 - The State of India which China insisting that belong to it is

Arunachal Pradesh

404 - The sue of in-depth reporting to unearth scandals, scams, etc. pitting reporters against politicians

Investigative Journalism

405 - The system of reserved constituencies come under .....-

Power Sharing among social groups

406 - The term "horse-race journalism" refers to the tendency of the media to:

Cover campaigns by emphasizing the relative standings of the candidates in the polls rather than the issues they discuss

407 - The term for a person voting on behalf of a candidate during a national party convention is


408 - The theories of Karl Marx, august Comte, Max Wever, & Emmile Durkhaim

Theoretical Sociology

409 - The third step of decision making is

Consider your options - pros and cons

410 - The two main political parties are.....

Republican and Democrat

411 - The UK is

a monarchy

412 - The ultimate source of power lies in the hand of the people, not by one individual. This is Locke's concept of .....

supreme power

413 - The United Nations goal is to create

peace and stability

414 - The United States Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect a shared concern for

protection of private property

415 - The United States is an example of a .....

Multinational state

416 - The word ..... is a Greek word which means city state.


417 - The word alien means.....

Residents who are not citizens.

418 - The word compensation means.....

money given to make amends for an injury of a loss.

419 - There is one respect in which a democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives. What is it?


420 - Thinkers during the Age of Enlightenment attempted to change the established social order by -

demanding a just society based on reason

421 - Third Schedule of the Constitution deals with :

Forms of Oaths & Affirmations

422 - This amendment gave women the right to vote


423 - This desert is a transition area between the Sahara Desert and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Sahel Desert

424 - This ideology argues that everything about governments is repressive and therefore must be abolished entirely


425 - This ideology favors more government power to enforce economic equality, specifically.


426 - This ideology teaches that government should be actively involved in the promotion and protection of social welfare:


427 - This is another name for "LOCAL LAWS"


428 - This is the idea that everyone must follow the law:

rule of law

429 - This is the idea that government rules at the will of the people

popular sovereignty

430 - This party would split Canada into 2 countries.

The Bloc Quebeccois

431 - This person was a german philosopher and wrote the book the Communist Manifesto. He is also known as the Father of Communism. Who is this?

Karl Marx

432 - This political ideology believe in the supreme importance of the individual and their commitment to individual freedom


433 - This political party favors HIGH taxes


434 - This political party separates voters/candidates

Third Party

435 - Threats of national security have historically reduced the scope of

individual liberties in our nation

436 - To an extent, the media and government have a relationship that is

adversarial and mutually dependent

437 - To find a solution; to settle a conflict.


438 - To get a 'bail' certain sureties should be given at the .....


439 - Totalitarian means.....

Total control

440 - Tryst with destiny speech was given by ..... on 14th August, 1947.

Jawaharlal Nehru

441 - TV, Internet, Newspapers, magazines are all part of the.....

Mass Media

442 - Type of democracy where citizens elect the legislative body (law-making body) and the law-making body appoints the executive branch

parliamentary democracy

443 - Under which article there shall be a Council of Ministers with the PM at the head to aid and advise the president who shall in the exercise of his functions act in accordance with such advise.

Article 74

444 - Understand the following flow diagrams carefully.Diagram (A): Needs $\rightarrow$ Excessive Consumerism $\rightarrow$ Development in -ve $\rightarrow$Facing several tolls on the environment Diagram(B)- Needs$\rightarrow$ Limited Consumerism$\rightarrow$De

Digram (B) portrays the positive effect of development while diagram(A) shows the ill effects of excessive consumerism

445 - Urban means.....

In the city

446 - Usually two separate elections are held in most states-the ..... and ..... elections.

Both (A), (C)

447 - Voltaire purportedly said "I disapprove of what you say but I defend to the death your right to say it." This demonstrates a believe in what right?

Right to freedom of expression

448 - Voters in the United States have a tendency to ....., which means to vote for one party for the executive branch and a different party for a portion of the legislative branch.


449 - Voting districts in the United States are redrawn every ..... years by the state legislatures.


450 - We celebrate 'Voters Day' on ..... every year.

January 25th

451 - What amendment gave women the right to vote?


452 - What are everyday citizens who identify with or feel attached to one party or another?

the party-in-electorate

453 - What are General Election?

The election which are held in all the constituencies

454 - What are HUMAN RIGHTS?

rights that are believed to belong to every human

455 - What are rights that human beings share (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)?

natural rights

456 - What are the 3 branches of government?

Legislative, Judicial, Executive

457 - What are the qualifications to become a U.S. Representative?

25 years old, be a citizen, and live in the state that their district is located.

458 - What are the two main types of interest groups?

Economic and public

459 - What article of the Constitution would contain information about relationships between the states?


460 - What Chinese belief permitted people to overthrow a bad ruler?

Mandate of Heaven

461 - What civilization had the distinction of being the first democracy?

The Ancient Greeks

462 - What could be a factor for why political boundaries change?

Civil conflict or War

463 - What did L'Ouverture, Bolivar, and Hidalgo have in common?

They all wanted independence from Europe.

464 - What do you call a person who tries to persuade public officials to do things that an interest group want them to do?


465 - What do you call the power of the leader to rule and the power to exact obedience of his people?


466 - What document was the U.S.A.'s first government plan?

Articles of Confederation

467 - What does BNA stand for?

British North America

468 - What does MLA stand for?

Members of Legislative Assembly

469 - What does the Constitution say about political parties?

The Constitution does not mention political parties.

470 - What does the primary election do?

elects one candidate from each party

471 - What does the word symbolism mean?

a representation of an idea with a deeper meaning

472 - What economic problems contributed to the causes of the French Revolution?

all of the above

473 - What element of political cartoons is the use of simple objects or symbols to stand for a large concept or idea?


474 - What form of government includes a constitution which limits the king's power?

Constitutional monarchy

475 - What four states does Kurdistan exist within?

Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq

476 - What fundamental principle states "The government is not all powerful"?

Limited Government

477 - What fundamental principle states "The people elect representatives to make laws for them"?

Representative Government

478 - What group of people fought against the corruption of wealth and political machines?


479 - What is a closed primary?

A primary election where only members of that specific party can vote on the primary candidate

480 - what is a goal common to all interest groups?

influencing public policy

481 - What is a meritocracy?

rule by officials of proven merit

482 - What is a nomination?

A process to choose a candidate for political office

483 - What is a political candidate?

A person running for political office.

484 - What is a sovereign?

having absolute rule; holding all decision making power

485 - What is bias in the media?

News reported in a partial/prejudiced manner

486 - What is libertarianism?

U.S. ideology in favor of shrinking all government power in favor of individual freedom.

487 - What is maoism?

Extreme form of communism, featuring guerrilla warfare and periodic upheavals.

488 - What is one problem with polls?

They might not always be accurate

489 - What is revisionist?

Changing an ideology or view of history.

490 - What is South Africa's most dreaded prison?

Robben Island Prison

491 - What is the back bone of Economy is a Political Instrument:


492 - What is the biggest indicator of whether or not someone will vote?


493 - What is the capital of Estonia?


494 - What is the capital of France?


495 - What is the capital of Greece


496 - What is the capital of Slovakia?


497 - What is the capital of Victoria?


498 - What is the earliest and one of the most significant agents in the political socialization process?


499 - What is the economic system that emphasizes freedom of choice ?


500 - What is the electoral college?

A group of 538 people around the country who's vote decides which candidate wins

501 - What is the lower house of Federal Parliament, sometimes called the people's house, known as?

the House of Representatives

502 - What is the main difference between PACs and Super PACs?

The amount of money they can contribute

503 - What is the main purpose of a political party?

to control government by winning elections

504 - What is the minimum pension guaranteed by the Govt of India under the Atal Pension Yojana?

Rs. 1,000

505 - What is the most common theme of laws?


506 - What is the name of the currency (money) that 19 of the EU members use?


507 - What is the name of the group formed by the Prime minister and senior ministers?

the cabinet

508 - What is the name of the river in Western Europe that flows north from the Alps to the North Sea?

Rhine River

509 - What is the official colour of the Liberal party?


510 - What is the purpose of N.A.T.O?

Countries joining together to fend off attacks by other communist countries

511 - What is the role of the State and Territory Government?

Both (A), (B)

512 - What is the state of nature?

No one has power over another, and all are free to do as they please

513 - What is the style of lobbying where a PR firm where actors are paid to display overt and sudden grassroots support?

Astroturf Lobbying

514 - What is the tendency of the media to make programming decisions based on what will attract a large audience and maximize

Commercial bias

515 - What is the term for the aggregate of individuals beliefs and attitudes about government that is shared by a portion of the population?

public opinion

516 - What is the U.S Constitution?

A document that says how the U.S government runs. It is the highest law of the land.

517 - What king and queen signed the Bill of Rights before being sworn in?

William and Mary

518 - What political party has the chief value of equity, is pro choice and is for larger government?

Democratic Party

519 - What Power Source Blew Up In Chernobyl?


520 - What requirements do the people of the state need before elections?


521 - What role is the media playing when it exposes the corruption or wrongdoing of government officials?

the role of a watchdog

522 - What shape is the planet Earth?


523 - What sort of system do we have in the U.S.?

Two-Party System

524 - What Supreme Court case provided states with ultimate power over local governments.

Dillon's Rule

525 - What system splits the power between multiple groups?


526 - What term describes the achievements, challenges, struggles, wars, and great historical events if a nation?

Collective memory

527 - What term describes the range of political views in our political system?

political spectrum

528 - What theory suggested a sea based power controlling the edges of Asia would eventually be able to control the world?

Rimland theory

529 - What type of government has a leader or a small group of leaders with no limits to their power


530 - What type of government is being described? Fidel Castro held total authority over the citizens of Cuba and punished those who were against him.


531 - What type of government represents all citizens?

direct democracy

532 - What type of public-interest group is the NAACP?

Civil rights

533 - What was Napoleon's blockade of British goods called?

The Continental System

534 - What was the Federation about?

It was when the six separate colonies of Australia decided to join together to become one nation

535 - What was the Feudal system in Europe based on?

Loyalty and obligation to the king

536 - What was the main political unit of Ancient Greece?


537 - What was the period of the French Revolution called that saw up to 40,000 Frenchmen executed as "enemies of France"?

The Terror

538 - What was the reaction of the peasants to all the problems in France after the Third Estate created the National Assembly?

The storming of the Bastille

539 - What were two reasons why areas west of Texas were not settled until after the Civil War.

The presence of Indians and the harsh environment

540 - What will happen if you do not perform a civic duty?

You will face legal consequences.

541 - When buy video games, we pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Sales tax

542 - When did the Indian National Congress demand for constituent assembly -


543 - When did women vote for the first time in Italy?

2nd june 1946

544 - When does the new candidate get sworn into office?

January 20th

545 - When Hagai notices that a political ad claims that Mr. Hunt is the best candidate, he is .....

Separating fact from opinion

546 - When keeping up to date with a changing topic, it is best to.....

Check the news a few times during the day to allow for the most accurate information to come out

547 - When parties criticize the policies and behavior of the party in power, they are doing what?

Acting as watchdogs

548 - When several parties in a multi-party system join hands for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power, it is called .....


549 - When the Supreme Court decides an issue, what are obligated to abide by the Court's decision.

all of the nation's courts.

550 - When was Mugabe forced out of office?


551 - When was our National Flag adopted?

22nd July 1947

552 - When was the BJP founded?


553 - Where an entity or person becomes the physical embodiment of the government eg: Lenin and Mao

Cult of Personality

554 - Where are presidential candidates officially chosen?

At the party conventions

555 - Where did Napoleon suffer his final defeat?


556 - Where did the "sun never set"?


557 - Where was the 1931 session of Indian National Congress held?


558 - Which Amendment made Delhi the National Capital Region?


559 - Which among the following cases will fall under civil law?

Naruto files an annulment case against his wife Hinata.

560 - Which among the following has a higher rate of economic growth and development?


561 - Which are works written by al-Mawardi?

Both (A), (C)

562 - Which article describe national emergency in India


563 - Which article empowers president to set up Inter-State Council?

Art 263

564 - Which Article of the constitution of India, is the power to issue writs for the enforcement of the fundamental Rights vested in the Supreme Court:

Article 32

565 - Which branch has the President?


566 - Which branch of government has the power to make laws?


567 - Which country has the lowest voter turn out?

United States

568 - Which country is famous for pizza?


569 - Which country shares land boundaries with India in the west?


570 - Which factors contributed to the financial crisis in France leading up to the French Revolution?

war debt and ineffective government

571 - Which function BEST describes the purpose of Presidential debates?

educating the electorate (voters) about campaign issues

572 - Which government office has these requirements?.....Be at least 30Citizen at least 9 years Reside in the state to be represented

U.S. Senator

573 - Which group had the most power in the Latin American social hierarchy?


574 - Which group tends to vote more than others?


575 - Which heading best completes the partial outline below?I. .....- Mayflower Compact - House of Burgesses - New England town meetings

Development of Self-Government and Representative Government in the American Colonies

576 - Which is a person part of when he or she volunteers to help with a presidential campaign?

the party organization

577 - Which is NOT a qualification to register to vote?

Be 25 years old

578 - Which is not an element of the state?


579 - Which is the capital of Maratha?


580 - Which is the second highest Constitutional Office in India?


581 - Which landlocked nation has a multiparty system?


582 - Which leader of the USSR initiated political and economic reforms in USSR?

Nikita Khrushchev

583 - Which of the followinf are examples of Free Trade Agreements

NAFTA and the EU

584 - Which of the following applies to people in the United States?

People may choose whether to join any political party, or none

585 - Which of the following are NOT part of the inherent powers of the state?

Axillary Power

586 - Which of the following are qualifications to vote in Virginia?

Both (A), (C)

587 - which of the following best describes a political party's ideology

ideas about the proper goals of government

588 - Which of the following best describes France's relation with neighbor monarchs during the FR?

Threatened to invade France to protect their own country

589 - Which of the following best reflects changes in the mass media since 1990

major newspapers publish online edition

590 - Which of the following could be used as a caption in an editorial cartoon?

All answers are correct

591 - Which of the following describes the "winner-take-all" system?

If you win the state's popular vote, you win the state's electoral votes

592 - Which of the following has been a Hindu Kingdom -?


593 - Which of the following is a "check" that the president has on the power of the legislature?

The Veto

594 - Which of the following is a change in relgious practices in the U.S. since 1967?

More religions that are not Christian

595 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a limited government?

All of the above

596 - Which of the following is an abundant factor in village Palampur?


597 - Which of the following is an example of an Affirmative Action policy?

Reservation of seats for SCs, STs, and OBCs

598 - Which of the following is limited in a limited government?

The power of leaders

599 - Which of the following is NOT a direct technique of interest groups?

Use constituents as lobbyists

600 - Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines the political power of a country?

the official language of the country

601 - Which of the following is not a mandated responsibility of citizens of the United States?


602 - Which of the following is NOT a principle of political sampling (opinion polling)?

Distractors for the population

603 - Which of the following is NOT a way to nominate a candidate for political office?

when a political party asks you to run as a candidate

604 - Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which the media affect politics?

By contributing to election campaign funds

605 - Which of the following is part of Congress?


606 - Which of the following is the correct order for the Latin American social order?

peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, mulattoes

607 - Which of the following is the most important influence on the choice made by voters in presidential elections?

Partisan identification

608 - Which of the following is true about 3rd parties in U.S. politics?

They can effect presidential elections.

609 - Which of the following laws created a favorable environment for women to secure freedom and self-development?

Dowry Prohibition Act

610 - Which of the following resembles most a direct democracy?

Election of the class monitor

611 - Which of the following sentences is wrong about Dr B.R. Ambedkar?

He was born in Maharashtra

612 - Which of the following statement is TRUE?

Nation refers to ethnical bases while State is based on legal concept.

613 - Which of the following statements about PACs is false?

The can only raise $ for presidents and congress

614 - Which of the following statements about the Nigerian executive is NOT true?

the executive branch has both a president and a prime minister

615 - Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the two major political parties in the United States?

Separate and largely independent party organizations exist at the national, state and local levels

616 - Which of the following statements concerning Mexican and Nigerian politics is most accurate?

Supreme courts in both countries can exercise judicial review

617 - Which of the following statements explains how the leadership of King Louis XVI was a cause of revolution?

He was considered a weak ruler & often made poor decisions

618 - Which of the following statements is not correct?

The number of members in the State Legislative Assemblies is decided as per the 2011 census.

619 - Which of the following statements is part of a voter declaration?

I am a United States citizen.

620 - Which of the following states has a unitary system of government?


621 - Which of the following systems is followed by the Indian Judiciary?

Independent & Integrated system

622 - Which of the following was not a part of the government under Montesquieu's theory?


623 - Which of the following was the biggest and poorest social group in France.

Third Estate

624 - Which of the following water bodies separates Sri Lanka from India?

Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar

625 - Which of the following would be the BEST ACCURATE COMPARISON of the DIFFERENCE in governments throughout the Americas?

While most governments in the Americas are democratic, many Latin American countries are newer, weaker, and struggle with serious corruption.

626 - Which of these countries would have the most inefficient Political system?

Underdeveloped countries

627 - Which of these is not a feature of Indian democracy?

In India, the losing parties refuse to accept the electoral verdict

628 - Which of these is the most common form of individual involvement with a political party?

registering to vote as a member of the party

629 - Which of these people was recently nominated by President Trump to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board?

Herman Cain

630 - Which of these sounds most like Locke

Humans deserve a government that protects their life, liberty, and property

631 - Which of these statements best sounds like Hobbes?

People are naturally terrible, and need a strict government

632 - Which one of the following facilities is offered by the Election Commission to a recognized political party?

Election Symbol

633 - Which one of the following is a human right as wall as a fundamental right under the constitution of India?

Right to Education

634 - Which one of the following political parties was founded by reviving the Bharatiya Jana Sangha?

Bharatiya Janata Party

635 - Which one of these is not a basic ideal of communism?

A progressive income tax structure that is slightly higher on the rich.

636 - Which pair of words matches the Democrats?

liberal and left

637 - Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Tribunals?


638 - Which political party believes that less government is the best and that government should stay out of the lives of Americans, even in business?


639 - Which political party of the seven national parties was formed as late as in 1999?


640 - Which political party was essentially founded as an anti-slavery party?

Republican Party

641 - Which political party was founded to promote ecological sustainability, social economic justice, peace and nonvioloence as well as grassroots democracy?

The Greens

642 - Which power is shared between the federal government and state government?


643 - Which President modeled clothes in Look Magazine and was on the cover of Cosmopolitan?

Gerald Ford

644 - Which propaganda technique uses facts to favor a product or idea?

card stacking

645 - Which shape most easily fosters the establishment of effective internal communications for a smaller state?


646 - Which state allows potential voters to register at 17 years of age and cast a ballot in the primary as long as their 18 birthday is before the general election in November?


647 - Which statement about Cherokee Nation v. Georgia is not true?

The ruling forced the State of Georgia to return the land that belonged to the Cherokee Nation

648 - Which statement identifies a positive impact of political parties on American political life?

Parties encourage people to vote in elections.

649 - Which station is South Africa is known as the Birthplace of Satyagraha


650 - Which step in the polling process requires pollsters to identify the population the poll aims to measure?

Define the universe

651 - Which third party is to the furthest LEFT of the political spectrum?

Communist Party

652 - Which treaty ended hostilities with Great Britain in 1795?

Jay's Treaty

653 - Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium?

Dutch and French

654 - Which type of PAC is most likely to contribute to candidates from any party that support their ideals/agendas?

Ideological PAC

655 - Which type of regime, which is present in all cases of totalitarianism, is often associated with communist and fascist countries?

one-party rule

656 - Which was NOT a reform of Solon?

Jury trials

657 - Which X-Men has an adamantium skeleton?


658 - Who among the following was not a member of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution?

Rajendra Prasad

659 - Who appoints finance commission in India


660 - Who are one or more people acting independently to bring change in government?


661 - Who belonged to the First Estate?


662 - Who chooses the candidates for contesting elections in India?

Top party leadership

663 - Who developed the 1st democracy?


664 - Who elects Upa-Sarpanch?

Elected Members

665 - Who introduced the Rule of Law in India?

The Indian Constitution introduced the Rule of Law in India.

666 - Who is known as father of political science


667 - Who is known for this statement - "Man by nature is a political animal."


668 - Who is the Father of the Modern Political Science?

Niccolo Machiavelli

669 - Who is the first Democratic President ever?

Andrew Jackson

670 - Who is the first women Chief Justice of a State High Court in India?

Leila Seth

671 - Who is the founder of BSP?

Kanshi Ram

672 - Who is the head of Election Commission of India?

Chief Election Commissioner

673 - Who is the leader of a party's national committee?

the national chairperson

674 - Who is the leader of our country?


675 - Who is the Minister of Development of North Eastern States?

Dr. Jitendra Singh

676 - Who is the President of America?

Donald Trump

677 - Who is the Queen's representative in Australia?

The Governor-General

678 - Who makes most of the important governmental decisions in an autocracy?

the ruler

679 - Who mentioned women as irrational in his writings?


680 - Who OFFICIALLY chooses the President and Vice President?

The Electoral College

681 - Who passes Missouri's state laws (statutes)?

General Assembly

682 - Who said Political Science"begins and ends with the state."


683 - Who was John Adams' vice president?

Thomas Jefferson

684 - Who was the 1st Chief Justice of India?


685 - Who was the leader of the Mexican revolution?

Father Miguel Hidalgo

686 - Who was the leader of the United Farm Workers Union Movement?

Cesar Chavez

687 - Who was the totalitarian leader of Japan?

Hideki Tojo

688 - Who were of the following figures had founded NAM?

All of these above

689 - who wrote the book Republic"


690 - Why did the first political parties form?

Jefferson and Hamilton disagreed about the state vs. central government power

691 - Why do countries form smaller political units?

makes governing more efficient

692 - Why do interest groups donate to campaigns?

to gain access to lawmakers they support

693 - Why do political parties try to align themselves in the political center?

To gain the most support since most voters are in the middle

694 - Why does Florida have more electoral votes than Pennsylvania?

Florida has a higher population than Pennsylvania

695 - Why history is important?

enables us to develop better understanding of the world in which we live.

696 - Why is there a delay in decision making and implementation in a democracy?

Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation

697 - Winning by a large amount


698 - World, county, and city maps are examples of:

Physical Maps

699 - Writings that reflect the opinion of the newspaper


700 - Your ideology is your

ideas about what govt should do


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