Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 12

1 - "Make new laws to be inclusive."


2 - India has major National Parties?


3 - ..... are people who attend and vote in a nominating convention.


4 - ..... believed that a sport was essential for a balance between the body and the mind.

Gandhi Ji

5 - Which option presents a clear point of view?


6 - Which of the following is incorrect :

The President nominates four members of Anglo-Indian Community to Lok Sabha

7 - A ..... is a type of government where one ruler has complete and total control.


8 - A ..... is a voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules.

social contract

9 - A 3rd party that is devoted to an overriding set of beliefs is known as a .....

Ideological party.

10 - A benefit (positive view) of interest groups is that they

help stimulate interest in public affairs and on significant issues.

11 - A boundary that follows follow distribution of cultural features is what type of boundary?


12 - A candidate is a

person running for political office

13 - A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867, used in the Jim Crow South to disenfranchise black voters.

Grandfather Clause

14 - A collection of all the efforts a candidate makes to win an election.


15 - A conflict that occurs between different nations

Ethnonational Conflict

16 - a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise


17 - A dynasty is.....

a family or group that rules for several generations.

18 - A free rider is .....

someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it

19 - A geographical division or area from which Members of Parliament are elected.


20 - A government that uses religion as the authority for laws.


21 - A Grama Sabha or Village Panchayat meeting should be held ..... .

Once every month

22 - a group of people who officially elect the President and Vice President after the general population has voted

Electoral College

23 - A group of workers

Trade Union

24 - A key thesis of the 'end of ideology' and 'end of history' arguments is that.....

No-one believes in ideology any more.

25 - A large body of people united by common origin, history, culture, ethnicity, or language.


26 - A meeting of members of a political party to choose candidates for upcoming elections.


27 - A member of parliament who does not control a portfolio and sits behind the front bench


28 - A military leader seizes control of a government during a revolution. He has complete control and kills anyone who opposes him. What kind of government does this nation have?

a dictatorship

29 - A motion of no confidence against the Government can be introduced in:

Lok Sabha

30 - A party platform is.....

A written document that gives the aims and goals of a politcal party

31 - A party that breaks from a major party is a/an

splinter party.

32 - A party's state office hosts a conference for party members to discuss the party's goals for the state.

Educate the Public About Issues

33 - a person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference.


34 - A person who likes a bit of both liberal & conservative ideology is called a


35 - A physical boundary between the United States and Mexico

The Rio Grande River

36 - A policy in which almost everybody benefits and almost everybody pays.

Majoritarian Politics

37 - A political party advocating economic liberal policies and social conservatism.

Liberal Party

38 - A political party formed to represent the interests of ordinary working people.

Labor Party

39 - a political party that believes that the federal government should play a less active role in people's lives and that individuals can take care of themselves without government help

Republican Party

40 - a political party that is not one of the two major parties in the country; a minor party

third party

41 - a political system in which two parties dominate the electoral process and control the government

two-party system

42 - A primary in which on the declared members of a party are allowed to vote for that party's nominees?

Closed Primary

43 - A process of giving something up in order to settle differences.


44 - A region not fully integrated into a national state that is often marginal or undeveloped is called a


45 - A set of beliefs about political values, how a government should run, and how that government is involved in the role of a citizen's life.

Political Ideology

46 - a state that contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination that agree to co exist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities

Multinational state

47 - A straight line boundary is known as a ..... boundary.


48 - A study of revolutions would most likely lead to the conclusion that pre-Revolutionary governments

fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people

49 - A system of voting whereby the voter indicates his order of preference for each other candidates listed on the ballot.

Preferential voting

50 - A trial balloon allows government officials to

observe the public's reaction to a potential policy shift

51 - A whistleblower is

someone who brings public attention to gross governmental inefficiency or illegal action.

52 - A writ of certiorari by the Supreme Court orders

a lower court to send up the record of a case for review.

53 - According to Rousseau ..... is the highest organization we can be born to, live in, and die in/for.


54 - Activists in or out of government who pull together a political majority on behalf of unorganized interests.

Policy Entrepreneurs

55 - Advocates of the free market think that .....

People should be free to compete and gain and succeed according to their abilities

56 - advocating neither extreme left-wing politics nor extreme right-wing politics.


57 - After a bill is introduced by a congressional house, it must

go to the appropriate committee to be debated.

58 - After LBJ succeeded in passing both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, African Americans shifted to the ..... Party in large numbers.


59 - All are predictors of who is likely to vote except -


60 - All of the following are characteristics of a person who votes regularly except:


61 - All of the following are similarities of political parties EXCEPT:

revolve around a political personality

62 - An Autocracy is when:

a single person has all of the power

63 - An election in which voters choose candidates to represent each party in a general election?

Direct Primary

64 - An election is

a process used in a democracy to choose representatives.

65 - An office created in 1939 by FDR that contains the closest advisors to the President (Even closer than the cabinet) such as the National Security Council and Advisor, Council of Economic Advisors, the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of the Vic


66 - An official change to the Constitution is referred to as an


67 - an order from an appellate court to order the records from a lower court so that it can review the case.

Writ of Certiorari

68 - an organization that raises and distributes funds to candidates running for office

political action committees (PACs)

69 - an organization that seeks to achieve power by electing its members to public office

political parties

70 - An organized group of people who share similar political views and work to influence government is a .....

political party

71 - Any political party has ..... basic components.


72 - Article I of the Constitution establishes which branch of government?


73 - As a result of the French Revolution, Enlightenment ideas

Flourished and helped cause revolutions in other European countries.

74 - Asymmetric federalism refers to:

a situation in which some subnational governments have greater or lesser power than others.

75 - attempting to explain all social phenomenon in terms of how self-interested individuals make choice s under the influence of their preferences.

Rational Choice Theory

76 - Auto- (Greek) self, Kratia- (Greek) power, to rule


77 - Bandwagon Effect

Voting phenomenon describing voters' supporting the poll leaders

78 - Basesd on geographic features of Earth's surface. Examples include bodies of water, mountain ranges, and desert regions.

Physical boundaries

79 - Before the French and Indian War, these two countries had a long history of fighting over in Europe

Both (A), (B)

80 - Before they vote, Americans often learn about each of the political parties' ....., or the plans and ideas a political party stands for.


81 - Being in favor of or against a person or group in an unfair one sided way


82 - Belgium Shares borders with France, the Netherlands, Germany and?


83 - Belgium shifted from .....- to federal form of government


84 - Between the years 2007 and 2013, the number of Democratic governors decreased and the number of Republican governors increased. What statement below is correct based on that information?

More Republican issue positions have shaped federal policy.

85 - Blast from the Past: What happens to Birth Rate and Death Rate as countries industrialize according to the Demographic Transition?

BR/DR decrease over time

86 - Boundaries using rivers

Physical Boundary

87 - Branch given the power of Making Rules and Regulations


88 - BYE Election means ..... .

For one or few vacant seats

89 - Candidate is defined as

a person running for office

90 - Candidates can accept up to \$5,000 from.....


91 - Candidates get money for campaigns by .....


92 - Candidates want to spend time in states with ..... populations because they have the most electoral votes.


93 - Changes in political forces and alignment have produced ..... distinctive party systems in the U.S.


94 - Choose the best definition for legitimacy:

Popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority

95 - Citizen involvement is critical to a(n) ..... system of government.


96 - Collegial or Steep Hierarchy


97 - communism

economic and political system in which the means of production usually comes under control of the central government

98 - Completely surrounds another state which is dependent on surrounding state for travel and trade.

Perforated state

99 - Conservative


100 - Consider the following Statements: A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. The Council of Ministers includes the cabinet ministers Which of the following is/ar

Only 2, 3

101 - Consider the following Statements: An individual may contribute as much as they want to a candidate's campaign. "Winner take all" means that all of a state's electoral votes go to the candidate who had the majority of votes in that state. State whether th

Only 2, 3

102 - Consider the following Statements: Analogies are when you compare 2 things that are the same. The minority French speakers of Quebec, Canada have been able to work peacefully within the political system there. France won the French and Indian War. Which o

Only 2,

103 - Consider the following Statements: Freedom of Religion was granted in Texas The members of Lok Sabha are elected by the People , directly. Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

104 - Consider the following Statements: Human Rights are given to people by virtue of being a human being. They are to give each person an Ideal guarantee a decent life. Each state in the United States must allow voters to vote in all elections within that sta

Only 1, 2

105 - Consider the following Statements: In Mexico, citizens only vote for the president (executive branch). Country and Continent name will be on BOTH a Political and Physical map: The freedom of religion is found in Amendment 2 Which of the following is/are t

Only 2,

106 - Consider the following Statements: In order to have a government, there must be a source of power. The Mayans were located in parts of El Salvador, Belize and Honduras. Affirmative Action refers to positive efforts to recruit minority group members or wom

Only 1, 2, 3

107 - Consider the following Statements: Laws enacted by legislatures are known as legitimate. France won the French and Indian War. Political Science is actually an art ; the art of governing and managing people and state. It is not a science because there is


108 - Consider the following Statements: Nizam-ul-Mulk was the founder of Awadh state The American Enlightenment promoted religious tolerance and restored literature, arts, and music as important disciplines. The Bill of Rights were added to the Declaration of

Only 2,

109 - Consider the following Statements: Operation Desert Storm was overwhemegingly Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science are essential i n understanding human behavior and social groups. Native American Tribes in the United States have sovereignty ove

Only 1, 2, 3

110 - Consider the following Statements: political parties are easily one of the most visible institutions in a democracy. On the political spectrum, the Republicans are considered "Right Wing" while the Democrats are "Left Leaning" Lotus is the symbol of the B

Only 1, 2, 3

111 - Consider the following Statements: Post-behavioral approach tries to measure what is happening in the current world of politics in which later reflect on the values and identities of the community being studied. Personal decisions are connected to larger

Only 1, 2

112 - Consider the following Statements: Powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people. The permanent executive is less powerful than the political executive You must join a political party in order to vote in the general

Only 1, 2

113 - Consider the following Statements: Right to exploitation prohibits human trafficking, forced labour and employment of children under 14 years of age parties are not about a part of the society and thus involve partnership. Elections to the President are h

Only 3,

114 - Consider the following Statements: Shared Rights (Amendment Nine) says people have more rights than what is listed in the Bill of Rights There are more members in the Lok Sabha than in the Rajya Sabha. The national government and local government share po

Only 1, 2, 3

115 - Consider the following Statements: Some tornadoes can be over 2 miles wide The symbol of the republican party is a donkey. The Democrats tend to be more conservative while the Republicans are more liberal. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

116 - Consider the following Statements: Sometimes the sentiments of regionalism get strengthened in the country 'The Politics' was written by Aristotle. State whether the following statement is The League of Nations was established after the First World War. W

Only 1, 2, 3

117 - Consider the following Statements: State whether the statement given below is The Second World War proved to be far more destructive than the First World War. The Prince was written by Thomas Hobbes One of the goal of studying political science is to make

Only 1, 3

118 - Consider the following Statements: The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (aka the McCain-Feingold Bill) eliminated the soft money loophole. Because the Electoral College has different numbers of electors in each state,sometimes candidates will campai

Only 1, 2, 3

119 - Consider the following Statements: The head of the government has absolute control in an unlimited government. Political Science is actually an art ; the art of governing and managing people and state. It is not a science because there is a specific way o

Only 1, 3

120 - Consider the following Statements: The head of the government has absolute control in an unlimited government. The first-party system of the United States, which featured the Federalists versus the Anti-federalists lasted from 1789-1828. Anthropology is s

Only 1, 3

121 - Consider the following Statements: The law of reciprocity involves the idea that if I do something for you, you should do something for me. Native American Tribes in the United States have sovereignty over trial land and affairs. Non material culture can

Only 1, 2

122 - Consider the following Statements: The political parties can be national or regional in nature. A money bill can only be introduced in the Rajya Sabha The USA has a limited form of government. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

123 - Consider the following Statements: The political parties can be national or regional in nature. Generally speaking, the more a country trends toward socialism the higher the taxes will be. Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party Which of the foll

Only 1, 2, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: The President of India has the power to appoint judges. Interest groups may run ads to get the general public on their side. Antecendent boundaries occurred BEFORE the present landscape was established. Which of the foll

Only 1, 2, 3

125 - Consider the following Statements: the US Constitution established the Two-Party System The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all constitution of the world. The U.S. Constitution outlines the purpose and responsibilities of political parties. Whi

Only 2,

126 - Constitutes all the land and water within its external boundaries, the sea, within a three mile limit of its shores, the bays and estuaries, and islets bordering its cost.


127 - Controls the military and can formally declare war.

Executive Branch

128 - Countries do not have the right to seach for resources in Antarctica due to

global commons

129 - Country A has decided to adopt a government that is popularly elected, a constitution that provides and guarantees individual freedom and rights of its citizens, and a policy that accepts and recognizes all religions. Which among the following ideologies


130 - Daud: I've searched in past text and found out how the constitution of Malaysia was formed. What Daud said showed the relationship between politics and .....


131 - Definition: a boundary that no longer exists but evidence of it still exists on the landscape.

Relic boundary

132 - Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting

Dignity and freedom of the individuals

133 - Democratically-controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or collective groups to control production and distribution.

Socialist Party

134 - Denmark is a good example of a nation-state because

nearly all Danes speak Danish and live in Denmark.

135 - Division of Korea along the 38th Parallel took place in


136 - Dr BR Ambedkar , one of the greatest leaders of India, shares his first experience of caste based discrimination in .....


137 - During the War of 1812, the British attacked Washington, D.C. Which two structures were burned?

White House and U.S. Capitol building

138 - During which war did the US & Soviet Union work to develop alliances to expand power?

The Cold War

139 - Enumerated powers of the Constitution are:


140 - Equality before law is mentioned in ..... of the Indian Constitution.

Article 14

141 - explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions)


142 - Favors LESS support for social programs

Republican Party

143 - Federal, State or Local?A child doesn't share chocolate in class

None of the above

144 - Fernando wrote an essay stating the reasons for his strong support of a presidential candidate. He mailed it to the editor of the local newspaper who published it in thecommentary section as -

an op-ed piece

145 - Find out the International organisationformed under the initiative of Tito,Nasser and Nehru.


146 - First female President of India

Pratibha Patil

147 - First Five Year Plan started from?


148 - Following the Civil War, who was the first president to be elected representing the Democratic Party?

Grover Cleveland

149 - For a bailable offence only ..... can give permission for bail.


150 - For Muslims, being involved in politics can be a form of .....


151 - Forces that tend to divide a country


152 - founder of political science


153 - Fundamental Rights are essential for

For All round development

154 - Germany invaded Poland in 1939 claiming it wanted to reunite the German minority living in Poland with Germany. This is an example of:


155 - Give one moral reason as why power sharing is good?

people have right to consulted on how they are to be governed

156 - Giving public offices to political supporters

spoils system

157 - Government actions or advice about the economy. Such as production means of production etc

Political Economy

158 - Government directly controlled by one person


159 - Government organises ..... to reach people.

press conference

160 - Government transfers of income from taxpayers to persons regarded as deserving

income transfers

161 - Great Britain increased ..... to help pay for the French and Indian War.


162 - Group of voters with common interests who want to influence the government by electing their party's candidate into office


163 - Hammurabi's code of laws and Qin dynasty legalism are similar in that both promoted the idea that

harsh punishments for crimes will lead to a more orderly society

164 - Hazipally received ..... award from Central Government.

Nirmala Gram Puraskar

165 - He defined politics as "who gets what or, when and how".

Harold Laswell

166 - Historically, Iceland had only one period of human migration. The country has never been invaded and possesses a common culture and language. As a result, Iceland is regarded as a good example of which of the following concepts?


167 - Hitler's Germany is an example of this type of government.


168 - How did Communism believe wealth should be distributed?


169 - How did the Reign of Terror change the French Revolution?

Revolution took a radical turn as thousands were executed

170 - How do most states try to prevent voter fraud?


171 - How do political candidates raise money for their campaign?

(PAC) and Superpaces

172 - How is the number of electoral votes decided for each state?

by the state's Congressional representation

173 - How is the Speaker of the House of Representatives elected?

Simple majority

174 - How many independent countries are there on the British Isles?


175 - How many levels of Government are there in Australia


176 - How many nautical miles does a country have in terms of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)?

200-nautical miles

177 - How many political parties are registered with the election commission of india

Less than 100

178 - How much medical insurance cover per healthcare worker was announced under PMGKY by government of India?

Rs. 50 Lakh

179 - How surplus produce is being sold at Palampur by big farmers?

Town Market

180 - How was the apartheid era for the black natives?

racist, brutal and repressive

181 - Ibn Khaldun was born in .....


182 - Identified by physical objects placed on the landscape; could be a sign or fence/wall.

Demarcated boundary

183 - Identify the correct order of the five steps of a polling process:

Define the universe, construct a sample, prepare valid questions, interview, report

184 - Identify the correct type of poll to each definition. Exit Poll

an election poll taken by interviewing voters as they leave a polling place

185 - If you were to vote for all Democrats, you would be voting a(n) .....

straight ticket

186 - In ....., a third-party candidate could do well because officials are elected based on the percentage of the vote their party receives in the a general region.

proportional representation

187 - In 1950, Coca-Cola marked it entry in India with the opening of the first bottling plant by Pure Drinks, Ltd, in New Delhi. The company exited the country in 1977, due to the implementation of India's Foreign Exchange Act. What factor has impacted the bus

Political Factors

188 - In a ..... economy the government owns most part of the economy and decideds what will be produced and sold.


189 - In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives who create


190 - In America, our government is a ..... This means that we have the right to vote and elect our leaders.


191 - In case the President is disabled, the way the Vice President becomes President is determined by the.....

25th Amendment

192 - In France, the social classes were called:


193 - in India right to property is a

Legal right

194 - In Karnataka,D.M. Nanjundappa Committee was formed to remove

Regional imbalance

195 - In Maharashtra seats are reserved for women in local self-governing institutions.


196 - In order to win the presidency.....

the candidate must win 270 electoral college votes

197 - In our democracy the people vote .....

for the people we want to represent us in government

198 - In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Court held that

social segregation did not violate the Constitution.

199 - In the 7th SAARC Summit the ..... was signed and in the 12th SAARC Summit the ..... was signed


200 - In the Electoral College process -

electors meet to vote for President and Vice President.

201 - In the late nineteenth century, the "bosses" of urban political machines often.....

accepted bribes in return for favors

202 - In the mid 1960s, much of the south switched their political support due to their opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. The party they began to support for the remainder of the 1900s was.....


203 - In the United States, a political party is made up of a group of people who

work to get candidates elected to political offices.

204 - In this economic system the government makes all decisions about what, how, and who will receive products that are made

Command Economy

205 - In THIS election, voters choose the candidate to represent the party in the general election.


206 - In this system of government, all power lies with the central government. No smaller units of government exist.


207 - In this type of democracy, the law-making body (legislature) chooses the leader.


208 - In this type of government, each person votes on each issue and it works best for smaller numbers of people.

direct democracy

209 - In Union Budget 2020, which scheme has been launched for women self help group?

Dhanya Laxmi Scheme

210 - in which constitution did Texas pledge allegiance to the confederacy


211 - In which country, the people of Russian minority find it difficult to get the right to vote?


212 - In which of the following political systems, do citizens have the least political power?

Autocratic Dictatorship

213 - In which of the following states there is no Legislative Council?

West Bengal

214 - In which year haryana state was established


215 - In which year sikkim state was established


216 - In which year the state Re-organisation Act was passed?


217 - Independent voters.....

Do not support a particular political party

218 - India adopt FPTP because

all of these

219 - India follows

Mixed Economy

220 - India has major National Parties.


221 - India is located in the..... part of .....

Both (A), (B)

222 - India shares land borders with how many countries?


223 - Indian Air Force Day is on :

8th October

224 - influencing the actions and policies of a government; getting and keeping power in a government


225 - Interest groups are groups of people who -

are bias by nature; they share a point of view and join together to influence public policy.

226 - Islam does not separate ..... and .....

religion, politics

227 - It act like a global parliament to discuss world issues

General assembly

228 - It analyses the social behavior of human beings.

Sociology of Religion



230 - It is the systematic study of society and social interaction.


231 - It refers to the state of being intellectually gifted and/or having physically or mentally challenged conditions.


232 - It refers to the study of humanity through the application of biology, cultural studies, archaeology, linguistics, and other social sciences


233 - Joe owns a shoe store. At the end of the month Joe decides what to do with his profits.

Free Market

234 - Judicial branch.....

Decides what the law means

235 - Lake Albert, Lake Victoria, Lake Nyasa are physical boundaries found in.....


236 - land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are all examples of.....

factors of production

237 - Led by the Speaker

House of Representatives

238 - Legislation introduced and approved directly by the electorate


239 - Legislation that gives tangible benefits to constituents in several districts or states in the hope of winning their votes in return.

Pork-Barrel Legislation

240 - legislature must do this every session


241 - Liberal, conservative, libertarian, and socialist are all examples of

political ideologies

242 - Limiting corporate and/or individual contributions to a PAC was found to be in violation of.....

1st amendment

243 - Linda yells at Bill, making fun of him until he agrees with her.


244 - List of candidates on which you cast your vote


245 - Listed below are principles of islamic political order EXCEPT:

Social Relationship

246 - Lobbyists make themselves most valuable to decision makers by .....

furnishing needed information and research to government officials that would be costly to obtain on their own

247 - Lobbyists today are people who MOSTLY

work within the governmental process to affect policies.

248 - Local governments such as state or country systems may have some power, but they are under the control of the central government.

unitary government

249 - Majoritarian act of Sri Lanka was passed in which year?


250 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? the free market is the best way to preserve individual freedom and rights.


251 - Media is important for a true .....


252 - Mohan is planning to start a business, what should he be doing first?

Find out the needs of the customers he plans to fulfil

253 - Most political machines were run by the .....

Democratic Party

254 - Muckraker

Type of journalism that called attention to an issue

255 - multi-party systems are more common in countries with.....governments


256 - 'NAMASTE' is a portal of which Union Ministry of India?

Ministry of Ayush

257 - Name for quadrant 1 in the political compass

Moderate Democrats

258 - Name of the organization that created Israel


259 - Name the two leaders blamed for the Champ de Mars Massacre.

Bailly and Lafayette.

260 - Non-aligned movement demanded establishment of .....

New International Economic Order (NIEO)

261 - North Korea is an example of an


262 - Number of union territories in India.


263 - Often represented by the elephant, this political party appeals to white males, elderly, employers, and the wealthy.

Republican Party

264 - OMB


265 - On September 5th, 2016, Reliance Industries commenced the services of its wireless telecommunication services, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited or Jio in India. Subscribers were entitled to unlimited LTE data and national voice, video and messaging services,

Micro Environmental factors

266 - On what ideologies does the Indian National Congress rest?


267 - One component of authority is force, what is the other?


268 - One of the limits of using public opinion polling for determining policy is:

Survey respondents do not receive expert testimony on the likely consequences of their decisions.



270 - One of the two major modern American political parties. It emerged in the 1850s as an antislavery party and consisted of former northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats. Now the party is conservative (pro-life, anti-affirmative action, anti-too much gover


271 - One of the two major political parties in the United States - typically associated with more liberal political ideology.


272 - One similarity between the Prime Minister of Russia and the Prime Minister of Great Britain is that both

can be subject to a vote of no confidence in the lower house of the legislature

273 - One way to become an American citizen quickly is to

Serve in the military for 1 year

274 - one-sided point of view


275 - organized groups that attempt to influence the gov't by electing their members to important gov't office

Political party

276 - PAC

Groups that use campaign contributions to influence government

277 - Parties that arise in bad economic times are known as

economic protest parties.

278 - People between the producer and the final consumer are .....


279 - People vote on issues directly or vote for representatives to make political decisions for them.


280 - Pinoy ka, Pinoy ako, Tangkilikin ang sariling atin! This is an example of ..... ideology.


281 - Political parties gain power through

All of the above

282 - Political Parties recruit and nominate


283 - Political party is an association of individuals with a common set of beliefs and political goals, who.....

share a desire to take control of the government by constitutional means

284 - Political, economic, or social equality? Equal access to high quality health care.

Social equality

285 - Political, economic, or social equality? Equal opportunity to pursue an education

Social equality

286 - Politics in which the behavior of citizens/policymakers and the agenda itself are shaped by technology

High-tech politics

287 - 'Politics' is derived from?


288 - Power of the President to deal with other countries including making treaties with other countries, appointing, sending, and receiving ambassadors, and deciding which countries the United States will officially deal with, and on what terms we will deal wi

Foreign Policy

289 - Primary elections are held among party members to select:

people to run in the general election

290 - Prime Minister?

United Kingdom

291 - Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.


292 - propaganda technique involving the use of symbols to convey a message or feeling


293 - Read the example and determine which political party function is being described. Ms. Moulden, the chairman of the Republican Party, asked Mr. Hayden to run for mayor of the city of Winchester.

Recruiting and nominating

294 - Read the example and determine which political party function is being described. Ms. Sumner, a resident of Frederick County and member of the Democratic party, has a booth set up at Jim Barnett Park where she passes out flyers about the candidates for go

Educating the citizens

295 - Reapportionment

House of Representatives

296 - Referendums?


297 - refers to the unrestricted flow of goods, services, and productive resources between countries

free trade

298 - refers to various means of communication


299 - Representative democracy?

United Kingdom

300 - Revolutions in France and the US shared Enlightenment ideas in all the following areas except

what religion governments should promote

301 - Rich people and wealthy companies should pay more taxes than the less wealthy


302 - Right to Education has been inserted as

Article 21 A

303 - Right to Form Association is a-

Civil Right

304 - Right to property took the shape of legal right by way of

44th Amendment

305 - Rising campaign costs give an advantage to what type of individuals?


306 - Sam is hoping to find territorial features like state boarders. Which type of map should Sam use?


307 - Samba's work in the lesson is related to ..... .

Attender in cooperative society

308 - Saudi Arabia is ruled by a .....

Monarch (King)

309 - Saudi Arabia specializes in the production of .....

Gas and oil

310 - Select the two main parties of the United States

Both (A), (B)

311 - Selective exposure refers to a person's tendency to

Choose media similar to ones views

312 - Separates France and Spain

The Pyrenees

313 - Since 1982 to 1987, Haryana was ruled by which political party?

Congress Party

314 - Since it's independence who was elected as the President of Zimbabwe?

Robert Mugabe

315 - Sinhala was recognised as the only official language by the Act of


316 - Small political groups of the Sikhs were called


317 - Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism call for which of the following?

A mix between socialism and communism where democracy is used to make some decision over ownership of resources, regulations, and distribution of resources

318 - Sovereignty

Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.

319 - Spoils System


320 - Staged by a campaign primarily for the purpose of being covered on television and in the press.

Media Event

321 - State list include


322 - State the name of the Assembly (parliament) after the Constitution of 1791 was passed.

Legislative Assembly

323 - States with very small land area.


324 - System of governing in which the central government maintains control over the entire country.


325 - System of government in which the central government shares authority with regional subdivisions.


326 - Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet and other means of communication

Mass Media

327 - The "glittering generalities" propaganda technique uses

words that sound good but don't have specific meaning

328 - The "Party of Lincoln" is the

Republican Party

329 - The ..... is a body that investigates the enforcement of rights in India. It does not have the power of prosecution, but it can make recommendations to the courts.

National Human Rights Commission

330 - The ..... problem occurs when people fail to join a groupbecause they can get the benefits the group offers without contributing to the group's efforts.


331 - The ..... propaganda technique uses words in a certain way to favor a product, idea, or candidate.


332 - The ..... State has the largest number of Lok Sabha member.

Uttar Pradesh

333 - the ..... was violated of Omprakash Valmiki and Ansaris because of the way in which they were treated.


334 - The .....&.....countries, which became independent after the Second World War supported the idea of non-alignment

Asian and African

335 - The 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 26th amendments all provided or protected ..... for various groups of Americans

voting rights

336 - The 4 elements of citizenship are:

rights, responsibilities, loyalties, & requirements

337 - The ability of a court to put a guilty person on probation, in prison, or to death


338 - The ability to influence others to do what you want them to do.


339 - The administrative head of a Ministry in Indian Government is :


340 - The American colonists used the slogan, "No taxation without representation," to express their belief in the need for -

the consent of the governed

341 - The Anti-Federalists advocated

altering the Constitution to include guaranteed personal liberties.

342 - The Assembly adopted the constitution on 26 November 1949 but it came into effect on 26 January


343 - The Bahujan Samaj Party stands for the cause of:

securing the interest of the oppressed people.

344 - The Belarusian President is directly elected by the people of Belarus for a ..... term of office


345 - The Berlin Wall is an example of a ..... boundary


346 - The Bill of Rights protects ..... from .....

The people; government

347 - The boundary between North Korea & South Korea is an example of

Superimposed boundary

348 - The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.


349 - The concept of checks and balances allows

each branch of the government to be able to check the actions of the others.

350 - The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves is known as what?


351 - The Constitution of a country may reflect the ..... and ..... of the people of the country.

ideals and aspirations

352 - The country that has extended its support during Indo-China war is


353 - The Declaration of Independence states that people have .....

certain unalienable rights

354 - The Democratic-Republicans stood for all these except .....?

believed everyone was able to make an intelligent decision.

355 - the Eastern Alliance was led by


356 - The elections in the USA are every

four years

357 - The elections to Constituent Assembly were held on the basis of

Communal Franchise

358 - The electoral college is

a body of people who actually vote in President & VP

359 - The electoral college is made up of how many members?


360 - The essential characteristics of a state include all of the following EXCEPT:


361 - The Federalist Party tended to be Pro.....


362 - The first political parties resulted from arguments between ..... and Jefferson.


363 - The following are disadvantages of Quantitative Research EXCEPT:

Quantitative Researches cannot be done remotely since it needs to get information from a large sample size so data can be analyzed quickly.

364 - The following can be classified as forms of political apathy except

refusal to rig in an election

365 - The formula for the number of electors in each state is.....

the number of US Representatives plus the number of US Senators from that state.

366 - The Founding Fathers believed that political parties:

Would become a source of division and friction

367 - The general election candidates elects:

The presidential candidates

368 - The great political thinker Plato wrote the book .....


369 - The group that officially elects the President of the United States is called

the Electoral College.

370 - The idea of the state was established by:


371 - The idea that states should have all powers that the Constitution does not give to the federal government or forbid to the states; theory that individual states are independent and have the right to control their most important affairs.

States Rights

372 - The ideology supports a strong central government that sets policies to promote equality.


373 - The Indian Constitution says that no one shall be subject to discrimination by any State, institution, group of persons, or person on grounds of religion or other beliefs. Which political principle or value is applicable here?


374 - The institution that drafted the Constitution of India was called the

Constituent Assembly

375 - The issue of migration of Rohingyas is associated with which of the following countries?


376 - The judicial system provides a mechanism of courts for resolving disputes between citizens, citizens and the government etc. It refers to which role of Judiciary

Dispute Resolution

377 - The largest proportion of nonreligious Americans are


378 - The laws by whom are they invented?

by Congress on all kinds of matters, such as speed limits on highways.

379 - The leadership model most closely aligned with micropoloitics is .....

Transactional leadership

380 - The Magna Carta of 1215 is important for establishing which of the following?

the principle of limited government

381 - The main objective of our National Movement was ..... .

Both the above

382 - The main point about a democracy is that the power ultimately rests with .....

the people

383 - The main responsibility of the United Nations .....

to avoid war

384 - The manner of taking the money or property through a deceit.


385 - The many different ways that people take part in politics and government.

Political Participation

386 - The model of development that we are following is heavily dependent on the ..... use of Energy


387 - The most accurate indicator for how someone will vote is


388 - The news media can influence this by highlighting issues perceived as meriting public attention

Public Agenda

389 - The number of political parties registered with the Election Commission of India is

more than 750 parties

390 - The Panchasheela principle was signed between Jawaharlal Nehru along with


391 - The Panchayati Raj System of India baesd on which amendment of the Constitution


392 - The people of ..... have been fighting for several years against Russian to form an independent country


393 - The political party which believes in Marxism-Leninism is -

Communist Party of India

394 - The population of the UK is:

49 million of people

395 - The power to strike down particular law passed by the Parliament is called .....

Judicial Review

396 - The pre- requisite for the enforcement of DPSP is

adequate resources

397 - The presence of increasingly conflicting and divided viewpoints between the Democratic and Republican Parties on a variety of issues regarding policy or beliefs.


398 - The present Chief Election Commissioner of India is ..... .

Sunil Arora

399 - The President of the United States is an example of which PEGS?


400 - The process of a the House of Reps. Or the Senate calling for action in the form of a bill or something non-binding (not legal), such as an act to support the troops.

Passing a Resolution

401 - The Republican Party is also known as the

Grand Old Party

402 - the right to vote


403 - The Rio Grande Valley was the ..... area of the state to be settled by .....

first, Europeans

404 - The roots of today's Democratic Party are:

Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party

405 - The scope and actions of government are the focus of media's role as

A watchdog

406 - The state boundaries of Colorado are examples of:

geometric boundaries

407 - The System of Courts in India is known as:.....


408 - The tenure of gram panchayat is

5 year

409 - the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, religion, cuisine, language, and all other products of human work and thought in a group or society


410 - The Trans Saharan trade route helped spread

New ideas, culture and religious beliefs

411 - The two groups begin to agree on some common points.

Consensus Building

412 - The United States of America is located on which continent?

North America

413 - The upper house of the state legislature is

Legislative council

414 - The US has a two-party system because

of the division between federalists and anti-federalists

415 - The USSR came in to being after the Socialist revolution in Russia in -


416 - The value of social contacts, associations, and networks individuals form which can foster trust, coordination, and cooperation.

social capital

417 - The winner-take-all system should be associated with the .....

Electoral College

418 - Their Domestic Policy involved:No National Bank


419 - There are ..... states and ..... territories in Australia.

6, 2



421 - There is more than one political party to choose from


422 - These are biased and hire lobbyists.

interest groups

423 - These lines, more often called borders, are created by people to separate areas governed by different groups

political boundary

424 - These powers are for the states


425 - These powers are given to Congress through the necessary and proper clause


426 - This "third party" is known for wanting the workers to rise up and get fair wages.

Communist Party

427 - This amendment gives us the right to a quick and speedy trial by a jury of our peers


428 - This amendment protects against cruel and unusual punishment


429 - This branch of government is responsible for making laws:


430 - This candidate wanted to make laws about Tooth Brushing

Vermin Supreme

431 - This ideology is the ideological focus of the Republican Party in the United States


432 - This is a term that is used by partisan political people to describe when a court overturns a law or action of the political branches of government and, in doing so, makes laws.

Judicial Activism

433 - This is advertising that plays on the emotions of the audience to try and sway their opinion one way or the other:


434 - This law has since changed, but how was the Vice Presidency decided in the early days of Presidential Elections?

whichever candidate was the runner-up, or got 2nd place in total number of votes

435 - This major political party believes that the government should play a less active role in people's lives.


436 - This media tool is usually used after an unexpected event in order to share information with the press and to allow them to ask questions:

press conference

437 - This method of Political Science deals with the gathering of statistical data on various government agencies.

Mathematical Method

438 - This party favors more business regulation


439 - This party favors weak federal government, spending less on government social programs, and less taxing on the rich.


440 - This party is knowns as the "Grand Old Party" or GOP


441 - This philosopher believes in popular sovereignty


442 - This phrase means " a group of people with similar views about government and politics."

political party

443 - This politician founded the Democratic Party

Andrew Jackson

444 - This type of election generally has the highest voter turnout.


445 - This U.S. political party believes that if they help the nations economy grow, poor people will have a better chance of finding jobs on their own, favoring less government regulation of the economy?


446 - This writ is issued when the court finds that a particular office holder is not doing their legal duty (or is doing it illegally) and is thereby infringing on the right of an individual


447 - Thomas Jefferson believed that people have the right to life, liberty, & .....

the pursuit of happiness

448 - Tick the odd one. The four elements of state are.....


449 - To determine or to judge.


450 - To enroll people to support a group or idea


451 - To favor one side of an issue is to be.....


452 - Two or more states at war with each other

multi-national war

453 - Type of democracy where citizens elect the leader.


454 - Type of gerrymandering that disperses a group into several districts to prevent a majority.


455 - Typically, what is the legislative branch (lawmaking) branch called in a parliamentary democracy?


456 - Unicameral parliament?


457 - UNO stands for

United Nations Organization

458 - uses "everyday people" to appeal to audiences

plain folk

459 - uses facts and figures to show one side as positive and the other side as negative. The message shows only positive information about the person, product, or idea being promoted, and it shows only damaging information about the opposition or competition.

Card Stacking

460 - Vatican City is a microstate completely surrounded by Italy, which classifies the Vatican City as an.....


461 - Weekly market closes in .....


462 - Weekly markets have ..... shops.


463 - What animal is the mascot for the Democratic Party?


464 - What are the three Scandinavian countries?

Norway, Sweden and Finnland

465 - What are the two current major political parties?

The Republican and Democrats

466 - What are the two major political parties?

Democrats and Republicans

467 - What constitutes a cultural feature? (Select all that apply!)

Both (A), (B), (C)

468 - What country is currently the largest multinational state?


469 - What cultural movement caused people to seek more education, become more individualistic, and sparked a renewed interest in classical Greek culture?


470 - What determines the number of electoral votes a state has?

The number of senators and representatives

471 - What did Camillo di Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and King Victor Emmanuel II have in common?

They all wanted to unify the Italian people.

472 - What do both a monarchy and dictatorship have in common?

they are both an autocracy

473 - What do many people call the island/continent/country of Australia?

The Land Down Under

474 - What do we call the difference between political parties?


475 - What does "suffrage" mean?

The right to vote

476 - What does the document "Magna Carta" say?

All the people must obey the same laws

477 - What element means "using an object to stand for an idea"?


478 - What has territory, a population, sovereignty and a government?


479 - What is a democracy sausage?

Popular barbecue food sold at fundraisers during Australian elections.

480 - What is a form of government in which the citizens' rights are protected, and there are limits on the government's power defined in a constitution?

Limited Government

481 - What is a legend

The legend tells you what map symbols represent

482 - What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?

It is a fundraising organization for candidates.

483 - What is a 'Portfolio'?

An area of government responsibility, looked after by a minister, such as health or defence.

484 - What is a Social Institution?

An organization of schools and different nationalities.

485 - What is a tariff?

A tax on imports

486 - What is agriculture?


487 - What is another word for a rule?


488 - What is Confucianism?

A system of ethics formulated by Confucius and his disciples that was primarily outlined in The Analects

489 - What is environmentalism?

Ideology to save an endangered nature through regulation and lifestyle changes.

490 - What is it called when someone has citizenship in more than one country?

dual citizenship

491 - What is meant by 'Defection'?

Changing party allegiance

492 - What is meant by the following statement, " When the tsunami of 2004 hit the south and southeast Asian coasts, it was observed that the destruction of mangroves and the building of commercial enterprises along the shoreline was the reason for the greater

Both (A), (B)

493 - What is NOT something that the people of the Northwest Angle have to deal with when leaving "the angle"?

Finding a special fishing spot

494 - What is one feature of the political system created by the original Constitution of the United States?

dividing powers between the national and state governments

495 - What is the capital of Albania


496 - What is the capital of ALL of Australia?


497 - What is the capital of Austria?


498 - What is the capital of Moldova?


499 - What is the capital of Romania?


500 - What is the capital of Slovenia?


501 - What is the expression of facts without distrotion by emotion, prejudice, and interpretation?


502 - what is the french revolution (ONLY PICK ONE)

clergy or church officials who lived a life of luxury

503 - What is the insurance cover payable to the nominee on the death of the subscriber to the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana?

Rs. 2,00,000

504 - What is the job of the MPs?

Propose new laws

505 - What is the largest country in South America?


506 - What is the name of the exhibition, organised by the Ministry of Textiles, for promoting Geographical Indication (GI) crafts?

Kala Kumbh

507 - What is the name of the mobile application launched by the Government of India, to enable people assess the risk of coronavirus infection?

Aarogya Setu

508 - What is the name of the Senate voting system?

Optional preferential proportional voting system

509 - What is the party system in which opposition parties exist, but a single party successively secures election victories?

Dominant-party system

510 - what is the political election symbal of congress party?


511 - What is the political party with the most elected members called?

majority party

512 - What is the primary responsibility of the legislative branch?

Make laws

513 - What is the procedure of removal of Judges called?


514 - What is the process by which people gain their political attitudes and opinions?

political socialization

515 - What is the retirement age of Supreme Court Judge?


516 - What is the role of mass media in elections?

all of these are true

517 - What is the term for a person's beliefs that can change how they feel about the government and make a change in public policy?

political efficacy

518 - What is the term for the process which immigrants can become citizens.


519 - What is the title of the United Kingdom's leader/head of government?

prime minister

520 - What is the weather in GB?

sometimes warm, sometimes rainy

521 - What is your Quest teacher's name?

Mrs. Hammond

522 - What is ZANU-PF?

A political party of Zimbabwe

523 - What major country was behind the "Iron Curtain"?

Soviet Union

524 - What native group was from New Zealand?


525 - What of the following governments lack a source of power?


526 - What part of Roman government did Polybius state as the most important, as it was the one left for the people?

The Assemblies

527 - What Physical Regions Describes The Netherlands?

Low Lands

528 - What should you look at closely to understand different kinds of maps?

The title of the map and the legend

529 - What term describes our relationships within our country?


530 - What term describes the spreading of culture?


531 - What term do we use for the English laws that eventually came together under one united legal system?

Common Law

532 - What type of economic system was introduced by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela?


533 - What type of government would work to obtain and complete the tangible, not what is necessarily best for the entire community?

a realist government

534 - What type of power that exercises its expertise or special knowledge that is used to influence other people?


535 - What was Napoleon trying to do with the Continental System?

To blockade England from trading in Europe.

536 - What was 'shock therapy'?

The transition from central planning to laissez faire capitalism advocated by the International Monetary Fund

537 - What was the basis of Liberal Feminism?

Liberty and Political Rights

538 - What was the name for the period of Robespierre's rule in which many "enemies" of the Revolution were executed?

Reign of Terror

539 - What was the name of the battle in which Aurangzeb died?

The battle of Panipat

540 - What was the secret police in Germany called?


541 - What world event sparked revolutions in Latin America?

The successful overthrow of European governments

542 - When asked to consider under a veil of ignorance, nearly everyone chooses to distribute resources in a manner that benefits .....

The lowest rungs of society

543 - When can be the president's office be vacant?

All of the above

544 - When did China face the worst famine of the world?


545 - When did pearl Harbour attack took place?


546 - When did the kingdom of Manipur joined with India?


547 - When do electors cast their official votes for the Electoral College?

After the popular vote

548 - When finding a reliable source, which of these is important to do:

Verify the date on the website

549 - when india became a nation in ..... our leaders were too concerned about different kinds of inequality that existed .


550 - When minor party candidates pull decisive votes away from one of the major parties' candidates, this is known as the

spoiler role.

551 - When people come together and participate in electoral process, to acquire political power, such organisations are called .....

Political Parties

552 - when the 2 parties work together when making decisions


553 - When the competition for power is among three or more parties is called .....


554 - When they took the Tennis Court Oath, the Third Estate vowed to

Write a new constitution for the government

555 - when was communist party of india marxist founded?


556 - When you have 2 world superpowers dominating the planet.


557 - Which amendment gives you the right of Religion, Assembly, Speech, and Press?

First Amendment

558 - Which animal is associated with the Republican Party?


559 - Which branch has the Senate?


560 - Which branch has the Supreme Court?


561 - Which country did Napoleon try to invade that wiped out most of his army?


562 - Which country has a Parliamentary Democracy?


563 - Which country voted in 2016 to pull out of the European Union?

United Kingdom

564 - Which direct democracy tool allows citizens to vote yes or no on a law that has been proposed by the legislature, but given to the people for consideration? Does not require petitions to be signed!

Indirect Initiative

565 - Which features of Indian constitution has borrowed from Germany?

Provision concerning suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency

566 - Which form of government requires all citizens to take part in politics?


567 - Which group believes in an active national government?


568 - Which group influences government by hiring lobbyists and forming PACs?

interest groups

569 - Which group influences government by voting and running for office?


570 - Which group represents the largest stateless nation in the world?


571 - Which has the most power in the Australian government?

The People of Australia

572 - Which house is better placed with regard to control over the executive?

Lok Sabha

573 - Which is incorrect about ROUSSEAU.S social contract theory?

the creation of government by a community followed the prior organization of the community itself, the community can change the government without dissolving itself.....

574 - Which is NOT a primary function of a political party?

reviewing Supreme Court rulings

575 - Which is note one of the benefits of power sharing?

All political parties get their expected share

576 - Which is southern most latitude of India


577 - Which is the largest democracy in the world


578 - Which is the largest state of India in terms of area?


579 - Which is the last step in the lawmaking process?

Bill is signed or vetoed by the President

580 - Which is the smallest state in terms of size?


581 - Which Latin American country borders the United States?


582 - Which Latin American country is an isthmus?


583 - which level of election is most likely to have more voter participation?


584 - Which level of government is responsible for parks and sports ovals?

Local Government

585 - Which list is the correct social order of Feudal Europe?

King, Bishop, Nobles, Lords, Knights, Peasants

586 - Which members are elected by people?

Lok Sabha

587 - Which method do polling agencies use to contact respondents?

House Phones

588 - Which Ministry was held by Shri Raj Nath Singh before he took charge of Ministry of Defence?

Ministry Of Home Affairs

589 - Which monthly is published by the National Commission of Women?

Rashtra Mahila

590 - Which movement fought to provide minorities with equal rights, including voting rights, in the U.S.?

Civil Rights Movement

591 - which national had the maximum refugee population by origin in other nations? (2020)


592 - Which of the features have not been borrowed from constitution of USA?

Five Year Plan

593 - Which of the following are examples of Mass Media? (Select all that apply)

Both (A), (B), (C)

594 - Which of the following belong to the "life long classroom" that helps develop a person's political attitude?

All of the above

595 - Which of the following describes the caucus method of nomination?

Party members debate the candidates' merits and vote in public to select a nominee.

596 - Which of the following DOES NOT describe one of the major functions of political parties?

Writing laws

597 - Which of the following groups of people were targets of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Both A and B

598 - Which of the following happens when people sacrifice some natural freedoms so they can have the freedom that comes with security and protection?

social freedom

599 - Which of the following is a reason Third Parties are formed?

All of the above

600 - Which of the following is a TRUE statement about splinter parties?

Most of the important minor parties in the nation's history have been splinter parties

601 - Which of the following is a word that means to betray your country?


602 - Which of the following is in the Concurrent List in the Constitution of

Population control and family planning

603 - Which of the following is NOT a criticism of Affirmative Action?

It is a Western import and not appropriate for the Indian context

604 - Which of the following is NOT a criticism of interest groups?

They keep a close watch on public officials.

605 - Which of the following is NOT a major function of political parties?

working the polls on Election Day

606 - Which of the following is not a similarity of political parties?

Show only liberal or only conservative views

607 - Which of the following is not a stage in presidential elections?

Debates and Advertising

608 - Which of the following is NOT a way an eligible voter can register in VA?

local voting precinct

609 - Which of the following is not included in the fundamental rights in the constitution of India

Right to adequate means of livelihood

610 - Which of the following is not one of the three categories of charges that can be brought on a federal official for impeachment?


611 - Which of the following is one of three basic economic questions that a government must answer?

What goods and services will be produced?

612 - Which of the following political parties was created to support farmers and factory workers?

Populist party

613 - Which of the following scenarios explains how demographic factors affect voter participation in elections?

A Wealthier individuals are more likely to become involved in campaigns because they believe that their actions may influence the candidates.

614 - Which of the following statements show bias?

An organization endorsing, or supporting, a Democratic candidate.

615 - Which of the following statements that describe the nature of the soviet economy is wrong?

People enjoyed economic freedom.

616 - Which of the following states might be classified as an Islamic theocracy?

Saudi Arabia

617 - Which of the following states was not formed in the year 2000?


618 - Which of the following things accompany the social cost of development ( Displacement )

Both (A), (B), (C)

619 - Which of the following was an important goal of the Congress of Vienna?

to establish a balance of power in Europe

620 - Which of the following was NOT banned by the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

Motor voter laws

621 - Which of the following was NOT found in totalitarian run Italy?

established democracy

622 - Which of the following word has not been written in the preamble of the Indian Constitution?


623 - Which of the following would be a semi-periphery state?

Saudi Arabia

624 - Which of the following would be considered a semi-autonomous region?

American Indian Reservations

625 - Which of the Gorbachev's policies was a reform centered around economic restructuring


626 - Which of these describes the main purpose of an interest group?

To influence government officials on a specific issue

627 - Which of these doesn't have Bicameral legislature?


628 - Which of these explains a difference between political parties and interest groups?

Political parties address many issues, while interest groups usually focus on one issue.

629 - Which of these is a National Party?

All of these

630 - Which of these is an accurate difference between Primaries and Caucuses

Caucuses are a public voting system where candidates are discussed and Primaries are formal voting

631 - Which of these is not a branch of Political Science?

Political History

632 - Which of these is NOT a check the executive branch has on the other two branches?

declaring laws unconstitutional

633 - Which of these is not a feature of monarchy ,dictatorship or one party rule?

Citizens taking part

634 - Which of these is not a function of the constitution?

It ensures that good people come to power

635 - Which of these techniques is very difficult and Ms. Rachel does not recommend trying to discuss it unless you are SURE it is being used and you can explain how?


636 - Which one of the following is a feature of Dictatorship.

Rule of one individual

637 - Which one of the following is not a national political party?

Samajwadi Party (SP).

638 - Which one of the following state legislature is Bicameral?

Jammu & kashmir

639 - Which one of the following statements about power-sharing arrangements is correct?

Every society needs some form of power sharing even if it is small or does not have social divisions

640 - Which party has dominated the Federal Government in recent decades?

Neither of the major parties

641 - Which party was formed to fight against slavery


642 - Which philosophy did Emperor Qin use to rule China?


643 - Which physical feature is located between United Kingdom and France?

English Channel

644 - Which political party believes that there should be less government interference, less taxes, and a strong military?

Republican Party

645 - Which political system would you say does the least to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens?


646 - Which principle means "No one is above the law"?

Rule of Law

647 - Which problem was shared by both American and French revolutionary leaders?

significant domestic opposition

648 - Which propaganda technique is the use of symbols to convey a message or feeling?


649 - Which purpose of government includes national parks?

public service

650 - Which purpose of government includes the police?

maintain order

651 - Which river do Syria, Israel, and Jordan share?


652 - Which schedule of Indian Constitution contains provisions related to defection?


653 - Which schedule talks about allocation of powers between Union and States?

7th Schedule

654 - Which scheme has been launched to end TB by 2025?

TB Harega, Desh Jeetega

655 - Which South American country is located along the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean in the northern part of South America?


656 - Which statement regarding the XYZ Affair is not true?

The Americans agreed to pay the bribe

657 - Which term best matches the form of government described below?Government with a sovereign leader who came into power by marriage or offspring; they had complete control with no limitations from constitution or law. They are considered the head of state a

Absolute Monarchy

658 - Which third party wants little to no government interference?


659 - Which two countries are located on the Iberian Peninsula?

Spain and Portugal

660 - Which two European countries have a parliamentary democracy?

Germany and United Kingdom

661 - which two nations have done away with masks if both of the vaccination shots have been taken?

Israel and USA

662 - Which type of gerrymandering is characterized by combining like-minded voters into one district to prevent them from affecting elections in other districts?


663 - Which type of government do the people have the most control?


664 - Which type of government has an individual (monarch) that serves as a ceremonial leader only.

constitutional monarchy

665 - Which type of government is being described? The leader misleads the people into trusting and believing in them but then turns out only to do what is best for themselves.


666 - Which viewpoint is associated with the Republicans' platform?

smaller government

667 - Which vote actually decides who becomes President?

Electoral vote

668 - Who are communication channels and news sources by which people receive information?


669 - Who are the two American Political Scientists mentioned in this topic?

Both (A), (C)

670 - Who came up with the Veil of Ignorance?

John Rawls

671 - Who conducts the elections in India?

Election Commission

672 - Who do lobbyists represent in their attempts to influence government?

Interest Groups

673 - Who does the work of measuring land and keeping land records


674 - Who had the highest tenure as the PM of India?

Jawaharlal Nehru

675 - Who is a person who lives in and belongs to a community?


676 - Who is the head of government in a parliamentary democracy?

The Prime Minister

677 - Who is the head of the Executive branch?


678 - Who is the head of the government in the UK?

The Prime Minister

679 - Who is the longest serving Lok Sabha speaker?

Balram Jakhar

680 - Who is the only sportsperson to receive Bharat Ratna?


681 - Who mandates that the Indian State be secular?

Indian Constitution

682 - Who said "The Revolution is over" after the Constitution of 1791 was passed.

King Louis XVI

683 - Who was Australia's first Prime Minister?

Edmund Barton

684 - Who was part of the Federalist party?

Both (A), (B)

685 - Who was permanent Chairman of the of the Constituent Assembly?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

686 - Who was the first chief minister of Utter Pradesh

G B pant

687 - Who was the first prime minister of India

Pandit Nehru

688 - Who was the first woman chief minister of India?

Sucheta Kriplani

689 - Who was the labour minister in independence India

Shri Jagjeevan Ram

690 - Who was the second president of the U.S.

John Adams

691 - Who was the zamidar

Ameer chandra

692 - Who were the first 2 political parties?

Democratic-Republicans & Federalists

693 - Who would be the most affected by a new draft law?

young men

694 - whom do political parties have register themselves?

election commission

695 - Whom do political parties have to register themselves?

Election Commission

696 - Why did the Commoners want to destroy the Bastille?

It as a symbol of the king and everything wrong with France

697 - Why has voting rights expanded in the US

has been moved forward by amendments and civil rights acts.

698 - Why have there been calls to reform campaign finance laws?

Rising campaign costs

699 - William and Mary had to agree to this list of expectations before taking the throne. It included: no establishment of Parliament, the right to petition, no raising of taxes.

English Bill of Rights

700 - With whom should we register a complaint in the police station?

Station House Officer (SHO)


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