Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 10

1 - "Federal of States" feature of the Indian Constitution has been borrowed from?


2 - "I believe my vote makes a difference!"

Political Efficacy

3 - "I think we should continue to emphasize the history and culture of the West, while encompassing the rest, because the West has in fact made the world we know. Anyone who wants to participate in the world community in the coming century had better know how and why the West has defined, and will continue to define, world civilization. Why do I say that? Because everybody wants what we have: science and technology, prosperity, and democracy-that is, our philosophy, our economics, our politics. It is the simple truth that science and technology emerge out of Western philosophy, not out of the philosophy of India, China, or the African nations. Since it is a fact that people everywhere aspire to the material advantages that flow, uniquely I think, from the modes of social organization that the West has devised-its economics, its science and technology, and also its politics and philosophy-I think it is time to stop apologizing and start analyzing what has made [the West] the world-defining power that it is."Jacob Neusner, historian, "It is Time to Stop Apologizing for Western Civilization and to Start Analyzing Why It Defines World Culture," The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1989The author's argument regarding the effects of Western philosophy on the world is likely based on which of the following?

The adoption of European Enlightenment political and scientific principles worldwide

4 - "It's ok to raise in arms to change the government."


5 - "There should be no censorship of media or films." Which political principle is applicable here?


6 - . Japan is a state inhabited by people who identify themselves as a nation on account of common culture, history, language, ethnicity, or other factors. Which of the following best describe Japan?


7 - ..... act as a link between government and people.

Political parties

8 - ..... acts as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

Vice President

9 - ..... criticized Athenian democracy and taught his disciples that statesmanship was an occupation not meant for just anyone.


10 - ..... dropped nuclear bombs on two cities of Japan-Hiroshima and Nagasaki


11 - ..... is important as it serves as a direction on what a political party should struggle for.

Goal formulation

12 - ..... is seen as a crime and has been legally abolished by law


13 - ..... means all religions are treated equally.


14 - ..... means the rule of the best. In ancient Roman society it was represented by the patricians, or upper class.


15 - ..... the condition in American government whereby the presidency is controlled by one party while the opposite party controls one or both congressional houses.

Divided government

16 - .....is political theory that maintains that an individual enters into society with certain basic rights and that no government can deny these rights.

Natural Rights

17 - .....organized cooperatives of milk producers into a nationwide milk grid.

Operation Flood

18 - An interest group is a group of individuals

with common interests who seek to influence public policy.

19 - Which is not one of the four types of Interest Groups?

Multi-Issue Interest Group

20 - 100% European, born in Europe; governed the colony, had most of the power and money


21 - 8) Which of the following is NOT a function of the National Human Rights Commission?

To provide Economic compensation to any victim of human rights violation

22 - A broader concept that includes a variety of ways of influencing another country or group of people, by direct conquest, economic control, or cultural dominance.


23 - A coalition or cooperative arrangement between political parties to promote a mutual interest.


24 - A compact state with a large projecting extension; the panhandle can sometimes be difficult to govern


25 - A conflict that occurs between 2 or more states

External conflict

26 - A country that has no access to water is a ..... country.


27 - A criterion used by courts to screen cases that no longer require resolution is known as


28 - A defined space with boundaries


29 - A Federal system guarantees that there are/is:

2 levels of government (State and National)

30 - A form of government in which power is shared between a national government and a number of smaller political units.

federal system

31 - A full time surgeon is working 50 hours per week. Once a year, he has to calculate his yearly earnings. There is high possibility he might have to pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Income tax

32 - A government limited by rule of law in its power over the liberties of individuals

Constitutional Government

33 - A group of people from different states share a common language, history and religion. They decide to join their states together in order to become a more powerful nation. What type of nationalist movement is this an example of?


34 - A Law making it compulsory to give official information was made in Rajasthan State in the year ..... .


35 - a message that is meant to influence people's ideas, opinions, or actions in a certain way


36 - A method of systematically polling a selected group of people who are representative of the total population


37 - A nation is a

cultural unit

38 - A PAC can best be defined as a -

Political Action Committee

39 - A person who believes government power, particularly in the economy, should be limited in order to maximize individual freedom.


40 - A person who is paid to represent an interest group's interests is called a .....


41 - A person who is seeking election


42 - a place where society discuss the issues that affect everyone

public sphere

43 - a political party seeking to attract people with diverse viewpoints and thus appeal to more of the electorate

Catch all party

44 - a political party that believes in individual freedom and believes the only purpose of government is to protect this freedom

Libertarian Party

45 - A Political System consisting primarily of two major political parties, more or less equal in strength.

Two-Party System

46 - A preliminary version of a legal document is called .....


47 - A pressure group is also known as a(n) .....

interest group

48 - a procedure that allows citizens to remove and replace a public official before the end of a term of office


49 - A recognised political party is

a party recognised by the 'Election Commission' with all the privileges and facilities.

50 - A researcher chose to write about indigenous people in Mindanao and he described them using some concepts such as kinship, gender and power. He tried to compare them to other groups of people. Which of the following fields of science did the statement above portray?


51 - A series of statements expressing the party's principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues?


52 - A set of interconnected entities (nodes) without a center or hierarchy.


53 - A single Senator or group of Senators talk a bill to death by not yielding the floor for a final vote to close debate.


54 - A small rocky body orbiting the sun


55 - A state the completely surrounds another state; inside state can only be accessed from the state outside of it.


56 - A state whose territory is identical to that occupied by a specific ethnic group or nation.


57 - A state with control over its internal affairs has


58 - a system in which the people choose their leaders to govern themselves - this is the type gov't of the U.S.

representative democracy

59 - A system of beliefs and values that define the role of government and the role of citizens in that government

political culture

60 - A system of government in which the government holds strong powers but is checked by some forces


61 - A system of government where power rests in the citizens who vote for representatives who stand for thosecitizens is a


62 - A temporary alliance of several groups that come together to form a working majority


63 - A Village Sarpanch is elected by ..... .

Voters of the Village

64 - A.K. Gopalan was leader of which of the following party?

Communist party

65 - About what percent of people in Feudal Europe were


66 - According to Machiavelli, human need to be selfish in order to .....


67 - According to Rousseau Social Contract led to.....

popular sovereignty

68 - According to the Constitution, from whom does the government get its authority?

the people

69 - According to the Declaration of Independence, what are the three unalienable rights?

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

70 - According to the Declaration, what causes a government to be just?

Consent of the people being governed

71 - Advocates of state intervention in the market think that .....

People should be free to compete and gain and succeed according to their abilities

72 - After his initial defeat, Napoleon was exiled to the island of .....; his second exile was to the island of .....

Elba; St. Helena

73 - All are functions of PACs except -

Nominate and recruit their political candidate

74 - All of these are examples of political participation except.....

Yelling at the News on T.V.

75 - Allowing a political party to put a candidate on the ballot.

ballot access

76 - American, Canadian, French, and Norwegian are all considered a .....


77 - Among the works written by Nicolo Machiavelli are .....

Both (B), (C)

78 - An economic system in which a free market prevails.

capitalist system

79 - An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control or government intervention.

Free Enterprise

80 - An economic system in which production and distribution questions are answered by prices and profits (supply & demand)

Market Economy

81 - An electoral procedure whereby citizens can propose legislation or constitutional amendments and refer the decision to a popular vote.


82 - An examples of a natural resource is

water, fish, trees

83 - An organization that promoted German immigration to Texas in 1840

Adelsverein Society

84 - Andrew Jackson was the first Democratic president elected in 1828. Which of the following was NOT a belief of this party in the early 1800s.

want to outlaw slavery

85 - Another word for basic


86 - Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.


87 - Apart from the given options, there was one more aim that the Indian leaders were committed to at the time of Independence


88 - Article II of the Constitution establishes which branch of government?


89 - Article III of the Constitution establishes which branch of government?


90 - As a business, the media seeks primarily to

Gather audiences to sell to advertisers

91 - As of this moment, the party in power are the


92 - Assertion(A): Air pollution is already a problem that does not discriminate between the "haves" and "have nots".Reason(R): In the long term, this ecological crisis will adversely affect all of us.

Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation fo (A)

93 - At present only ..... States have a bicameral legislature


94 - At the time of Jones Law, passed by the United States Congress which authored by US Representative William A. Jones.

Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916

95 - Austin was the chief exponent of..... sovereignty


96 - Bal Panchayats are supported by


97 - Bans and censorship limit one's right to .....


98 - Based on a system of laws and regulations, and an established bureaucracy

Legal-rational authority

99 - Be a U.S. CitizenBe at least 18 years oldResident of the stateLegally registered voter

Basic requirement to be eligible to vote

100 - Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based mainly on their

social class

101 - being a voting member of a community or organization and having the power to appoint or elect.


102 - Believes in free will, liberty is the core principal in their beliefs


103 - Below are classifications of constitution EXCEPT:


104 - Bir Tawil is disputed land between which two countries?

Sudan and Egypt

105 - Both Republicans and Democrats try to appeal to the .....

Political Center (Moderates)

106 - Boundary disputes that center on the function of the boundary (responsibility for helping refugees, for example)


107 - Branch of government on Capitol Hill


108 - Branch of government that issues writs of certiorari


109 - Chauth was the ..... of the land revenue.


110 - Children's Day is celebrated in the month of?


111 - Choose an Option : Why should we not study political theory?

It doesn't expose us to systematic thinking on justice or equality

112 - Citizens can influence local government by working in ..... groups.


113 - Classless society where the working people rule

Communist Party

114 - Cloture Vote


115 - Collegial


116 - Combines elements of pure market and command economies; government and individuals share the economic decision making process


117 - Competition and freedom for companies leads to a stronger economy


118 - conceptualized as individuals' identifications of, identifications with, or attachment to certain groups.

collective identity

119 - Conduct business on a global scale.

Transnational corporation

120 - Conglomeration ownership of news outlets has resulted in all of the following except

PAC's have taken control of most news outlets in America.

121 - Congress is divided into these small groups of people assigned to consider and change Bills.


122 - Consider the following Statements: A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. Anthropology is Culture, Sociology is Society The Green Party is similar to the Democratic Party, but with an emphasis on the environment. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

123 - Consider the following Statements: A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. has the election commission officially banned paintings or writing on the walls Classical liberals called the state as 'Night Watchman' Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: Alex Tocqueville saw parties as a "necessary evil." Filipino culture is known to be grounded and rooted to religion. Elected officials make decisions every day that affect our lives and voting gives us a voice in those decisions. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

125 - Consider the following Statements: Alliances are created to advance common goals and to secure common interests. As of Wednesday, November 4 there is no clear outcome on who our next president will be. 'The Politics' was written by Aristotle. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

126 - Consider the following Statements: Alliances are created to advance common goals and to secure common interests. The permanent executive is less powerful than the political executive Candidates running for election may raise as much money as they can from any source they want. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

127 - Consider the following Statements: Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have criticized the goals and cost of "socialist" programs Making decisions that impact the majority of society is a major function of government. Inventions of the imperial dynasties included the seismograph, sundial, jade, noodles, and water clocks. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

128 - Consider the following Statements: If the president is afraid a reporter will make him look bad, he can ban or forbid the reporter from printing the story. A citizen can move to the court for justice if his/ her fundamental rights are violated. Political parties do not need support of the people. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

129 - Consider the following Statements: One of the characteristics of American political parties is that is a two-party system. POLITICAL PARTIES DO NOT ENJOY MUCH TURSTS AMONG THE PEOPLE IN SOUTH ASIA. Political Science is concerned with both "empirical" questions (why the world works a certain way) and "normative" or philosophical issues about what is right and wrong. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

130 - Consider the following Statements: Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Absolute monarchy is considered to be a unlimited form of government. Most of the political agendas of the Democratic Party are between conservatism and socialism as far as the scope of their ideas and views of government Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

131 - Consider the following Statements: Superimposed boundaries ignore pre-established boundaries and cultures. A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. In a democracy people choose their representatives Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

132 - Consider the following Statements: The Incas were located in the Andes Mountains. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (aka the McCain-Feingold Bill) eliminated the soft money loophole. Political Science is actually an art ; the art of governing and managing people and state. It is not a science because there is a specific way of practicing it. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

133 - Consider the following Statements: The President of India has the power to appoint judges. Environmental groups try to protect the civil rights of people in the country. Political ideology evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescribes a preferred or desired social order Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

134 - Consider the following Statements: There are ridings and wards in territorial elections Closed primaries permit raiding; a way to sabotage a party's primary. Most of the political agendas of the Democratic Party are between conservatism and socialism as far as the scope of their ideas and views of government Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

135 - Consider the following Statements: There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. The Constitution sets up political parties. Culture can be define in many ways. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

136 - Consider the following Statements: Third parties never influence the outcome of an election. They just spend moneyand waste their time trying to get their candidate and issues noticed. The Republicans are represented by the donkey symbol and the Democrats by the elephant symbol. The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all constitution of the world. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

137 - Consider the following Statements: Third parties never influence the outcome of an election. They just spend moneyand waste their time trying to get their candidate and issues noticed. whigs supported business On the political spectrum, the Republicans are considered "Right Wing" while the Democrats are "Left Leaning" Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

138 - Consider the following Statements: Traditional approach studies political science in a normative way. It asks philosophical and ethical questions regarding politics. 3rd parties often take votes away from the 2 major parties. Republican theory supports the liberal theory of freedom. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

139 - Consider the following Statements: You must join a political party in order to vote in the general election. The American Enlightenment promoted religious tolerance and restored literature, arts, and music as important disciplines. Overriding the presidential veto is done by a vote of at least 2/3 of the members of each House. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

140 - Consumption of chemical fertilizers is highest in which state of India?


141 - Contentious process of state fragmenting into smaller states, which are often hostile or uncooperative with one another.


142 - Continuous surveys that enable a campaign or news organization to chart a candidate's daily rise or fall in support.

Tracking Poll

143 - cricket played in a lane or street is known as .....

street cricket

144 - Cricket was born in England in the year ..... .


145 - Declaring a law unconstitutional is done by .....

Supreme Court

146 - Democracy means rule by:

The people

147 - Differences in political views between women and men.

Gender Gap

148 - Diogenes of Sinope argued, in opposition to Plato, that reason should replace authority in guiding the people, and imagined a free community without government. This type of government would be considered an .....


149 - Direct democracy?


150 - Divisions of the state base on dominant economic activity

economic regions

151 - due to legislatures having a low salary only meeting every other year is known as a

citizen legislature

152 - Each major party seeks to define itself in ways that:

Win majority support while remaining committed to core principles.

153 - election commision passed an order making it necessary for political parties to.....and.....

hold their organizational elections and file their income tax returns.

154 - Electorate means ..... .

Registered Voters

155 - Elongated states may suffer from poor internal communication and difficulty defending borders. Which of the following is NOT an elongated state?


156 - Equal Representation


157 - Ethnicities in the same country come into conflict partly because

they have conflicting traditions of self-rule.

158 - Everyone, including government officials, must obey the law.

Rule of law

159 - Example: Eastern Europe between Western Europe and Russia.


160 - Example: post WWI boundary between Germany and Poland was set by treaty but many ethnic Germans lived on the Polish side of the border.


161 - Example: the boundary between East and West Germany (states that are now combined).

Relic boundary

162 - fascism

a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting the means of production, and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism

163 - FCC policy of allowing political opponents equal campaign time on the air

Equal Time Doctrine

164 - Features of a state

Permanent population, define territory (borders ), sovereignty, government. Provides Security, infrastructure, education, healthcare military protection

165 - Federal program started under FDR in 1935, guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; includes the federal old age, survivors and disability program.

Social Security

166 - feminism

the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes

167 - FIR means ..... .

First Information Report

168 - For Federalists, a loose interpretation of the Constitution would be creating a national


169 - From 1790 to the end of 1791 the Revolution's reforms had.....

led to a huge increase in emigres.

170 - Fundraising dinners try to raise money from ..... to use in the candidates' campaigns.


171 - George Washington was eventually considered to be part of what political party?


172 - Given below are the types of election EXCEPT:.....


173 - GOOD FOR 5 POINTS!President Sakuragi is so busy with so many problems in his government. He does not have noticed that a senate bill is already passed by the bicameral body and is now waiting for his approval. He only notices and eventually rejects the bill today, which is the 30th day since his office received it. What do you think will happen to the senate bill?

The senate bill will be sent back to the legislative branch and will be considered vetoed by the president.

174 - Governing system in which every person participates actively in every public decision, rather than delegating decision making to representatives

Direct Democracy

175 - Government & politics should be separate from religion.


176 - Government can change laws instantly


177 - Great Britain was angry because France started taking land in the .....-

Ohio River Valley

178 - has no say in how he is treated and does what he is told


179 - Having only the ability and right to make others do what you would have them do means that you have:

power and authority, but not legitimacy

180 - Horizontal sharing of power does not include

Division of power between higher and lower level of government

181 - How did Napoleon spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe?

He took the Napoleonic Code to all the areas France conquered.

182 - How did Washington feel about political parties?

He felt they were divisive and did not like them.

183 - How do news organizations make money?


184 - How do you call a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control?


185 - How does socialism differ from capitalism?

In socialism, the government controls or closely regulates the means of production; whereas, in capitalism most of these decisions are made by owners or corporations.

186 - How is the king of Saudi Arabia chosen?

Hereditary (by birth through the bloodline)

187 - How many article are there in Indian Constitution?


188 - How many articles are in constitution of India now?


189 - How many articles of impeachment were passed in judiciary committee against President Nixon?


190 - How many electoral votes does it take to become President?


191 - How many families live in Palampur?


192 - How many members are elected to National People's Congress from all over China


193 - How many recognised national parties were there in 2006?


194 - How many seats are there in Haryana for Lok Sabha?


195 - How many States and Union Territories are there in India presently:

28 states 8 UTs

196 - How many type of theoretical sources in the political model?


197 - How would the federal government pay the war debt off if they took it off the states' hands?

by making states pay taxes



199 - I am the Father of Political Science


200 - I.The cost of supporting the American Revolution was a factor that lead to the financial crisis in France.II.The French Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution and both Revolutions were inspired by the Enlightenment.III.The Declaration of Independence was based largely on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.IV. Both the French and U.S. Declaration documents were influenced by idea of limiting the power of the government.Which of the statements above can be said to apply to the American and/or French Revolutions?


201 - Ibn Khaldun and Aristotle opinions about human nature is similar in which both argued that .....

humans are social being who lives in a group

202 - Ibn Khaldun coined a term which means a sense of togetherness between people in a community. It is called .....


203 - Identify the following beliefs that a part of the DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM:

Advocates larger participation in the social safety net.

204 - Identify the Latin American country described below:The country has a president who has tightened control by cracking down on dissenters with military action, which has resulted in violence in the streets. The president and his military have been accused of human rights violations. More recently, the president tried to introduce economic reform that would cut social security benefits while raising taxes, more riots broke out as a result.


205 - Identify the principle of justice presented in the example. Students receive different marks on a test based on the quality of their answers.

Proportionate justice

206 - Identify which agent of socialization matches with the correct explanation: The more education Americans receive, the more likely they are to participate in politics.


207 - If a state has 55 electoral votes, how many members are in their House of Representatives? *Note: congressional representation = number of electoral college votes


208 - If the electoral votes end in a tie, how is the President selected?

The U.S. House of Representatives votes

209 - In ..... cases, the government is always the plaintiff.


210 - In 1789, the government's bureaucracy was


211 - In a communist society.....

there is no wealth or private property

212 - In a direct democracy.....

ževery citizen gets to vote.

213 - In a poll, what term is given to the population the poll aims to measure?


214 - In criminal matters most cases are settled before trial through negotiated agreements between the parties. This is known as

a plea bargain.

215 - in Judicial language the term Convicted means .....

having been declared guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge.

216 - In Kentucky, this person determines the value of property in the county so that taxes can be assessed accurately.


217 - In Kentucky, what elected official is in charge of declaring people to be dead.


218 - In order for a treaty to go into effect, it must be

agreed upon by the signing of nations

219 - In order to win an election, a major party is most likely to.....

appeal to the political center

220 - In the First Past the Post system, that candidate is declared winner who

Has more votes than any other candidate in the constituency

221 - In The Ordinance of Governance, al-Mawardi argued that an Imam or a supreme leader must be present to .....

manage the spiritual and worldly well-being of the people

222 - In what month did caucus elections take place in Minnesota in 2016?


223 - In which country Russian minority find it difficult to get the right to vote.


224 - In which state does NCP have a major support?


225 - In which year did Confederation happen?


226 - In which year Gujarat state was established


227 - In which year Unification of Germany took place


228 - Incan government can be considered a ..... Their ruler Pachacuti claimed to be a direct descendant of the Incan sun god Inti and the creator god Pachacamac. Politics and religion were fully intertwined.


229 - Independent Regulatory Commissions


230 - India adopted which Parliamentary System?

British Parliament

231 - India borrowed the provision of the First Past the Post system from the:

British constitution

232 - Iran possesses some democratic elements, as all of the following political institutions are elected EXCEPT:

the Supreme Leader

233 - Is a third party considered a major political party?

No, never.

234 - Is Sarojini Naidu a member of Constituent Assembly?


235 - It consists of 76 senators, twelve from each of the six states and two from each of the mainland territories. It shares the power to make laws and is known as a House of review.


236 - It iIt is important to emphasize that a model is not the real world but merely a human construct to help us better understand real world systems. In general all models have an information input, an information processor, and an output of expected results.s important

All statements are true

237 - It includes both the political beliefs and the operating standards of a state

Political Culture

238 - It is a political ideology which adheres to the maxim of strength through unity and desires an organically unified national community.


239 - It is a social science concerned chiefly with the description and analysis of political and governmental institutions and processes.

Political Science

240 - It is based the concept of unrestricted freedom


241 - It is generally defined as the sum of an individual's way of life.


242 - It is the citizen's belief that he has political power and government will listen to him.

political efficacy

243 - It is the middle tier of the Panchayati system, at the block level.

Panchayat Samiti

244 - It supports gradual to rapid change in government

Leftist idea

245 - It values individual rights, freedom, and equality

Leftist idea

246 - It was founded in 1946 for the benefit of the children and women


247 - John Marshall


248 - Keyword: Self-Government


249 - Kim Jong-un is the supreme leader of what country

North Korea

250 - Known for his/her work - ON LIBERTY

John Stuart Mill

251 - Known for his/her work - THEORY AND PRACTICE

Immanuel Kant

252 - Laws are made by the .....


253 - Leadership is obtained by ..... in a Monarchy.


254 - Liberals are related to which party?


255 - LIBERTARIANS believe in which of the following?

Minimal government intervention

256 - Locke emphasized on the concept of social contract which is .....

the government exist by the agreement of the people

257 - Locke's view of government was ultimately based upon his desire to

insure the protection of wealth and property

258 - Majoritarianism gave Tamilians the feeling of


259 - Malaysia, Great Britain, and Japan are implementing the parliamentary system. The following are the characteristics of parliamentary system EXCEPT?

the head of government is the head of state

260 - Many basic guarantees of liberty are found in

the Bill of Rights.

261 - Maquiladoras are

factories in Mexico run by a foreign country.

262 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? Competition is a just and efficient way of allowing the strongest to succeed and diminishing weaker elements of society. Competition is a just way of distributing limited resources.


263 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? Focuses on individual freedom, which is paramount.


264 - Mary Ann runs a car dealership selling only government produced cars. At the end of the month Mary Ann must give all of the money she made back to the government.


265 - Means that citizens give their permission to be governed.

Consent of the Governed

266 - Media often focuses on ..... to keep and attract audiences.

Bad News

267 - Medical practice created by the Han Dynasty of inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to cure disease or relieve pain.â€Å 


268 - Member of one religious community respect the others religious community is known as


269 - Members of the Republican party believe in (check all that apply)

Both (A), (B), (C)

270 - Minimum age requirement to become the Lok Sabha member?


271 - Modelled on the Gram Panchayat, it has emerged as an effective medium in empowering school-going children (aged 5 to 18),

Bal Panchayts

272 - Moderate


273 - Modern day United Kingdom, Sweden and Japan could all be described to have what form of government?

Limited Monarchy

274 - Most extreme version of ..... is .....

Socialism; Communism

275 - Most of Africa's political boundaries were originally drawn by

European colonial powers in the late-nineteenth century

276 - Most of the imperial dynasties were


277 - Mr. Vreeland was born in


278 - My country has so many political parties, I know I can find one that matches my political viewpoints.

Multi-Party system

279 - My friend hails from a country which does not share land boundary with India. Identify the country.


280 - My right as a United States citizen are directly related to my


281 - Name the body of the U.N. which acts like a Parliament

General Assembly

282 - Namibia is an example of a ..... state


283 - National Conference is a party in ..... state.

Jammu and Kashmir

284 - National Income measures all incomes in a country during the time period of .....

1 Year

285 - NATO is a security alliance of:

North America and Europe

286 - Negative liberty should be distinguished from the 'conditions of its exercise' said

Isaiah Berlin

287 - No human rights?

North Korea

288 - Obeying laws, paying taxes, defending the nation and serving on juries are which of the following for citizens?


289 - Of the following, which best predicts the likelihood that citizens will vote?

C Their educational level

290 - on the basis of what is gerrymandering illegal


291 - On what basis are the states divided?


292 - Once a US citizen is old enough, what is the first step they must take to qualify for voting?

Register in their state of residence.

293 - One of four UNCLOS zones; coastal states can explore, extract minerals, and manage up to 200 nautical miles.

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

294 - One of President Kennedy's proudest ..... was getting Stanley Kubrick to direct the moon landing film.


295 - One of the major influences of a third party is its ability to -

introduce new ideas or press for a particular issue18

296 - One way in which Toussaint L'Ouverture, Simón Bolivar, and Jose de San Martin are similar is that they

led independence movements

297 - Only Indian PM who didn't face the Parliament?

Charan Singh

298 - only voting for members of one political party

straight ticket

299 - PAC stands for -

Political Action Committee

300 - Palampur is which of the following type of village?


301 - Palestinian uprising


302 - parties that concentrate on only one issue

single issue party

303 - party that challenges the two major parties (examples: Green Party, Libertarians, etc.)


304 - Patwari is also known as


305 - People between the producer and the final consumer are.....


306 - Poland is an example of a ..... state


307 - Political culture is pattern of individual belief and attitudes towards .....

political system and issues

308 - Political machines controlled which candidates won ..... elections.


309 - Political parties have all of the following functions except?

Casting votes on the floor of the U.S. Congress.

310 - Political parties play a key role in the government, and in helping their candidate win. They also:

educate the electorate

311 - Political party is an association of individuals with a common set of beliefs and political goals who .....

share a desire to take control of the government by constitutional means.

312 - Political socialization is the

process of developing political opinions and values

313 - Political views in between liberals and conservatives on the Political Spectrum are referred to as being

in the Center

314 - Popular sovereignty means

that ultimate political authority is based on the will of the people.

315 - Power of the President to change the sentence of a person that has been convicted of a crime.


316 - Power sharing means

All of the above

317 - Practice of established political dominance over people for economic, political, and territorial gain.


318 - Prime Minister ..... contributed a great deal to improving Sino-Indian relations

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

319 - Process by which people formulate their political attitudes and opinions is know as

political socialization

320 - Process that involves the adaption to a new culture from the old culture of the original ethnic homeland.


321 - propaganda technique conveying that a candidate is a "regular" person, just like everyone else

plain folks

322 - Public Goods are ..... and ..... that cannot be provided by markets, either because they too expensive for a single individual to buy or because if one person bought them, everyone else would use them without paying

Goods and services

323 - Public opinion is best described as what?

How the majority of people feel about government

324 - Rajya Sabha has ..... nominated members


325 - Referendum was held in selected provinces comprising the old Bangsamoro republic for the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Basic Law. This was done to promote development, peace, and order in their locality.

Political Science

326 - Refers to the study of past human cultures through their remains.

Linguistic Anthropology

327 - Representative


328 - Representative democracy is also known as:


329 - Rules based on religion?


330 - Samantha was born in Great Britain and moved to the United States when she was 3 years old. When she turned eighteen, Samantha went through the naturalization process to become a legal United States citizen. She went to a public university and graduated with a bachelor's degree in political science. She married after college, began a family, and now has three children. At the age of 40, she decides she wants to do more with her life and she decides to run for President of the United States. Which factor would exclude Samantha from being eligible to run for President?

She is not a native-born citizen.

331 - Seasonal winds that blow over a continent for months at a time, bringing dry or wet air are known as


332 - Shape of a country in which the distances from the center of a state to any of its outer boundaries is roughly the same length.


333 - Socialism was an alternative to what movement?


334 - some countries, such as , members and supporters of a party choose its candidates.


335 - Someone who represents the party views of a state at a national convention


336 - Something pushes people apart is referred to as a .....

Centrifugal Force

337 - Sometimes referred to as "the Great Writ," ..... is guaranteed by the Constitution and can be suspended only in cases of rebellion or invasion.

habeas corpus

338 - SS.7.C.2.13In the 1950s and 1960s, one of the most important public issues facing Americans was the policy of racial segregation followed by Southern states.What perspective did civil rights groups take on the issue of racial segregation in the South during this time period?

They felt it had become necessary to oppose segregation with marches, sit-ins, demonstrations, boycotts and civil disobedience.

339 - Stare Decisis


340 - State which political club/group was targeted after war was declared.


341 - statigraphy is:

the study of the earth's layers

342 - Strong support of a party and its policies


343 - Sub-government or Issues Network

Iron Triangle

344 - SUPER IMPORTANT: What kind of government do we have in the USA?


345 - Supporters of political parties are


346 - Te tenure of corporation is .....

5 years

347 - Tea Party, Communist Party of US and Libertarian Party are examples of this

Third Party

348 - Texas economy would be ranked what in the world


349 - The ..... is the highest law making body.


350 - The ..... is the supreme representative authority of the people .


351 - The ability of the individual to act independently without fear of restriction or punishment by others of the state.


352 - The act of making or enacting laws. AKA as parliament made law

All of the above

353 - The adoption of a common currency in 2002 also helped to unite the EU. The common currency is called the .....


354 - The American Enlightenment borrowed ideas from .....


355 - The American tendency toward ..... encourages the two major parties to build broad coalitions.


356 - The belief that political power ties directly to economic strength


357 - The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is an example of

Subsequent boundary

358 - The branch of government responsible for interpreting the laws


359 - The citizens in the U.S. choose leaders to make decisions on our behalf. Which type of government does the U.S. have?

Representative Democracy

360 - The concept of political socialization refers to

the process by which political beliefs and values are transmitted to individuals.

361 - The Congress adopted the attainment of "Purna Swaraj" in .....


362 - The Constituent Assembly was formed in .....


363 - The Currency of European Union is-


364 - The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens emphasized.....

popular sovereignty

365 - The Democratic representative is.....

Joe Biden

366 - The division of power between federal, state and local government is-


367 - The document that replaced the Articles of Confederation


368 - The Electoral College

requires that a candidate receive a majority (270 electoral votes) to be elected president.

369 - The element editorial cartoonists use that is the "opposite of what is expected" is called.....


370 - The English Bill of Rights, our Constitution, and the Magna Carta are important because they exemplify which foundation principle of government?

limited government

371 - The essence of democracy is .

Universal adult franchise.

372 - The field of international political economy:

All of the above

373 - The first political parties in the United States were established in the 1790s largely because of political differences between-

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

374 - The first political parties were

Federalist and Anti-Federalist

375 - The following are the varying outlooks of politics, EXCEPT.

Politics as a means to accumulate resources.

376 - The following policies fall within the domain of the Socialist agenda, except .....

Privatization of industries

377 - the geopolitical practice of using capitalism, business globalization, and cultural imperialism to control a country instead of direct military control or indirect political control.


378 - The Government of India launched the 'MyGov Corona Helpdesk' to contain the spread of misinformation on coronavirus on which social media platform?


379 - The Greece flag is what two colours?

Blue and White

380 - The head of our government.


381 - The head part of the communist party in Russia


382 - The idea of our Preamble is borrowed from the

U.S constitution

383 - The idea that the Supreme Court may review the constitutionality of state laws, because the national law is the highest law in the land, comes from the ..... clause.


384 - The ideas of the Enlightenment affected how many people in France viewed political and social issues. What was one way that Enlightenment ideas influenced leaders during the French Revolution?

Revolutionary leaders demanded equality under the law for all social classes.

385 - The Incas created this type of farming that consisted of pieces of sloped planes.

Terrace Farming

386 - The indian national congress was founded in the year


387 - The Israeli citizens are able to vote for which part of their government?

Members of the Knesset (The Legislative Branch)

388 - The JFK-Nixon television debate shifted voters interest from

substance to image

389 - The Korean nation is divided primarily between two states - the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North) and the Republic of Korea (South). This is an example of a:

Multistate Nation

390 - The largest multinational state in the world is.....


391 - The last of the imperial dynasties was the


392 - The law is what ..... says it is at any point in time.

the Supreme Court

393 - The legislative Assembly of J & K consists of

87 members

394 - The list of those people who are eligible to vote is officially called

Electoral Roll

395 - The lok sabha is elected after every ..... years


396 - The Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Petition of Right all:

limited the power of government

397 - The main goal of political parties is.....

To win elections

398 - The main purpose of a Caucus or Primary is for the state to pick a


399 - The main responsibility of the United Nations -

to avoid wars

400 - The majority party is a.....?

Political party with the most elected members.

401 - The mascot for the Republican Party is.....

an elephant

402 - The most powerful upper and lower chamber


403 - The nagar panchyat is found in

Small towns

404 - The name of a candidate for the office of President of India may be proposed by

50 members of electoral college and supported by another 50 members

405 - The Panchayat meeting or Grama Sabha usually begins by reading out ..... of the last meeting.


406 - The Parliament can legislate on a subject in the state list

All the above

407 - The people entitled to vote in a given election are known as


408 - The point when the United States becomes has no ethnic group larger than 50%?

Minority Majority

409 - The power of the courts to determine whether a law or action is constitutional is called

judicial review.

410 - The President of a Panchayat is called ..... .


411 - The Protestant religion was started.....

when Martin Luther decided to challenge the Roman Republic

412 - The purpose of government are to

All of the above

413 - the right to rule is obtained from the will of god

Divine Right

414 - The State according to the Constitution includes the

All of the above

415 - The statement below is from a political party platform."We, the workers and our allies, need to take power from the hands of the wealthy few, their corporations, and their political operatives."Which political party's position is represented in the statement?


416 - The Structure of the Judiciary is ..... .


417 - The structure of the national government's executive branch are established by:

The U.S. Constitution

418 - The tennis court oath was.....

vow to continue to meet until they had produced a new French constitution

419 - The term 'partisan' means

A person who is strongly committed to a party.

420 - The Third Estate was upset with the unfair taxes placed by their government and wanted their own freedoms and rights. They drafted their own Constitution and signed it, this oath is called what?

Tennis Court Oath

421 - The three taxes are .....

Sales tax, property tax and income tax.

422 - The two major political parties in the United states are called the.....

Democrats and Republicans

423 - The two MAJOR political parties in the United States are the ..... and .....


424 - The two major political parties in the United States are the:

Republicans and Democrats

425 - The two parties that have dominated for more than 150 years are:

Republicans and Democrats

426 - The UN secretary-general head office is at

New York

427 - The union list consists of

97 subjects

428 - The United Nations and European Union are examples of .....


429 - The United States has a

two-party system.

430 - The United States recognizes how many states worldwide?


431 - the use of media to convey messages or information related to government issues, campaigns or public offices

political communication

432 - The views of Democrats and Republicans can be placed along a .....

political spectrum

433 - The voters are known as the .....


434 - The word that does not appear in the Indian Constitution is


435 - Their Domestic Policy:Favored Agriculture


436 - There are .....recognised parties in India.


437 - There are several ways to register to vote in Virginia. One of the most common places to register is at the -

Division of Motor Vehicles

438 - These are not only limited to public offices as these also include how institutions like schools, churches, or companies are ran and governed.

Political Phenomena

439 - They were mostly farmers and common people.


440 - Thinks that government should play a bigger role in regulating things.


441 - This city was considered an important trade and educational center.


442 - This department oversees the conduct of trade in the country.

Department of Trade and Industry

443 - This department supervises the implementation of national policies in the local government units in the country.

Department of Interior and Local Government

444 - This is a city that is considered part of a province and elects provincial officials.

Component City

445 - This is the study of society, patterns of social interactions, and culture of everyday life.


446 - This party supports public ownership of big business


447 - This party would tax the rich to make wealth more even in Canada.


448 - This political party believes in social change


449 - This technique always shows the subject of the message in a positive light, but provides little or no information.

Glittering Generalities

450 - This term refers to spreading like-minded voters apart across multiple districts to dilute their power.


451 - This type of country is long and often contains diverse climates and peoples


452 - This type of law talked about the guilt rather than negligence.

Criminal Law

453 - This type of map shows the shape of the state:

Physical Map

454 - This U.S. political party believes that the federal government should be more directly involved in regulating the economy and in providing housing, income, education, and jobs for the poor?


455 - This United Nations body includes all 193 countries.

General Assembly

456 - Three places to respect are ..... ..... and .....

Church, house and school

457 - Time that the President Corazon Aquino created a Freedom constitution Proclamation No. 3, s. 1986 and issued Proclamation No. 9 which created Constitutional Comission tasked to draft a new charter.

1987 Philippine Constitutions

458 - To be a candidate to contest the elections, the minimum age is .....

25 years

459 - To be elected, a presidential candidate must

win the electoral vote.

460 - To be President you must be at least ..... years old


461 - To encourage another person to do something .....


462 - To endorse means

to formally support

463 - Today's massive media conglomerates control what % of daily newspapers?


464 - transfer of powers and responsibility from federal government to the states


465 - UJALA scheme is related to?

LED Bulbs distribution

466 - Under PM Garib Kalyan Yojna, MNREGA wages would be increased by what amount?

Rs. 20

467 - Under which definition is Political Science defined as study of allocation of values?

Modern Definitions

468 - 'Universal Adult Franchise' means ..... .

Right to Vote

469 - Uruguay's national government sets policies that are administered by local governments. This system is best describe by the term:

Unitary government

470 - USA carried out operation infinite reach to avenge

attack on USA embassies in KENYA and TANZANIA

471 - using negative words and bad names to create fear and dislike for people, ideas, or institutions

Name Calling

472 - usually involve celebrities or other respected individuals endorsing or officially supporting a product idea. The person giving the testimonial could be famous, knowledgeable about the product (doctor talking about a medical product) or just an ordinary person claiming a product has worked.


473 - Voting districts are called


474 - Voting Model: Looking at past actions to determine your vote


475 - Voting Model: Voting based on your personal best interest

Rational Choice

476 - What are capital goods/physical capital?

The factories, machines, tools and technology used to make goods.

477 - What are the qualifications to become U.S. Senator?

30 years old, be a citizen, and live in the state.

478 - What are the two main political parties?

Both (A), (B)

479 - What are third parties?

Political parties that are not one of the main two parties

480 - What are two rights stated in the Declaration of Independence?

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

481 - What article of the Constitution would contain the Supremacy Clause?


482 - What can a third party do to a major election?

take away votes from main candidates

483 - What court case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson?

Brown vs. Board of Education

484 - What did Stalin implement to industrialize the Soviet Union?

Five Year Plans

485 - What do interest groups NOT do?

Use the franking privilege

486 - What do political parties, PACs, and Super PACs have in common?

They all influence elections

487 - What do socialists and communists disagree about the economy?

whether all private businesses should be replaced by state ownership

488 - What do you call a document that sets up the current structure of government?


489 - What do you know about the book " The Long Walk to Freedom "

Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

490 - what do you mean by Political Science?

it is a scientific study of political ideas and principles

491 - What document gave us the rule of law?

Magna Carta

492 - What does a political scientist study?

how governments are organized and managed

493 - What does PST stand for?

Provincial Sales tax

494 - What does the "S" in P.E.G.S. stand for?


495 - What does the word consent mean?


496 - What form of government is ruled by the land-owning elites?


497 - What group did the Democratic-Republicans favor?


498 - What idea requires that a person's vote counts just the same as another, wherever they live.

One Person- One Vote Principle

499 - What is "aristocracy"?

a ruling class of noble families

500 - What is a border?

A line that separates two political countries

501 - What is a candidate?

Someone who is running for office.

502 - What is a coalition government?

A government where two or more parties agree to merge to run the house of commons

503 - What is a good way to find out information about a candidate?

reading a non-partisan article about them

504 - What is a government?

a person or group of people who control a country

505 - What is a Political institution?

An organisation that creates, enforces, and applies laws.

506 - What is an amendment?

A change to the Constitution.

507 - What is conservatism?

Ideology of keeping systems largely unchanged.

508 - What is law?

is a system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior

509 - What is loyalty to a party that helps shape how members see the world, define problems, and identify appropriate solutions?


510 - What is NOT included in the territory of a state?

Outer Space

511 - What is on a party's ticket?

candidates for President and Vice-President

512 - What is one of the main ideologies of BJP?

Integral humanism

513 - what is politics?

politics is referred to struggle for power to maintain relationship between power and state which is a desire for an act of will .

514 - What is public policy?

Policies and laws at the top of the government's to-do list

515 - What is republicanism?

The principle that political authority stems ultimately from the consent of the people; and the rejection of monarchical and dynastic principles

516 - What is required before a citizen may vote in any primary or general election?

Voter registration

517 - What is social democracy?

Ideology promoting welfare measures but not state ownership of industry.

518 - What is the best indicator of if somebody will participate in politics?

Socioeconomic status

519 - What is the capital of Cyprus?


520 - What is the capital of Hungary?


521 - What is the capital of Italy?


522 - What is the capital of Portugal?


523 - What is the capital of South Australia?


524 - What is the capital of the Andhra Pradesh


525 - What is the condition for any party to be recognized as a national Party

6% votes and Four seats in Loksabha

526 - What is the European Union?

A political and economic union of European countries that allow them to be more competitive globally

527 - What is the fastest growing demographic int he US (and world)?

65 years old and older

528 - What is the full form of BPL here

Below poverty line

529 - What is the media doing when it informs the public about the wrongdoing and mistakes of government?

Holding government accountable

530 - What is the name of the present Prime Minister?

Boris Johnson

531 - What is the name of the president's bodyguards

The Secret Service

532 - What is the name of the state/territory that Canberra is located in?

Australian Capital Territory

533 - What is the official colour of the Bloc Quebecois?

Light Blue

534 - What is the public sphere in reference to politics?

a way to measure human development

535 - What is the purpose of a platform committee?

developing policy statements

536 - What is the purpose of government?

To organize, protect and make laws

537 - What is the slogan of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana?

Mera Khata Bhagya Vidhata

538 - What is the southernmost tip of the mainland of India?


539 - What is the true meaning of "Secular"?

All religions are equal in the eyes of the government

540 - What is the Westminster model?

A system of government in which the executive is drawn from, and (in theory) is accountable to, parliament

541 - What makes an election democratic?

All of the above

542 - What political party began with workers uniting and is total government control?


543 - What position would be found on the Libertarian Platform

Support for absolute freedom of speech and religion

544 - What role is the President fulfilling when he tours the country with other members of his party?

Chief of Party

545 - What serves as a rule book for our government?


546 - What Shawnee Chief led the Native American Confederacy against white settlers on Native American land on the frontier prior to the War of 1812?


547 - what should be regularly updated with the patwari?


548 - What societal problem did Karl Marx attempt to address in his manifesto? Choose the best answer.

The exploitation of the poor by the rich

549 - What two questions did Aristotle use to categorize governments?

'Who rules' and 'Who benefits from rule'

550 - What type of election is where candidates run as independents without party affiliation?


551 - What type of State government is most associated with checks and balances?


552 - What was Americas first national mass media?


553 - What was the 3rd Estate's proposed solution to the organization of the Estates-General?

The concept of one man, one vote

554 - What was the aim of the SPD?

Establish democratic socialist system by democratic means

555 - What was the main reason that the National Assembly formed?

They wanted more voting power

556 - What was the name for the 1955 alliance of Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Europe that were the counterpart to the western alliance?

Warsaw Pact

557 - What were the Democratic-Republicans called first?


558 - What would a combustion modern engine require?


559 - what you mean by Rigid Constitution?

If the constitution of a state cannot be amended easily

560 - What's the point of running campaign ads that show candidates eating french fries at a football game, relaxing on the lake, and/or playing frisbee with his family?

to make the candidate easier for the voters to relate to

561 - when china attacked india??


562 - When did India got freedom

15 augest1947

563 - When did the kingdom of Hyderabad got merged with India?


564 - When media focus on who is leading or losing the presidential race it is called

Horse Race Journalism

565 - when shimla agreement was signed?


566 - When the people of Paris heard that the military was going to stop the revolution their response was to

storm the Bastille

567 - When was Communist party of India Marxist (CPI-M) formed?


568 - when was the Telugu Desam party formed?


569 - Where is the Supreme Court of India located?

New Delhi

570 - Where was the first summit of NAM held


571 - Which "major" party has a more conservative platform?

Republican Party

572 - Which amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18?


573 - Which amendment gave African American men the right to vote?


574 - Which amendment has been used to defend media from government censure?


575 - Which article in the Constitution deals with the Executive Branch?


576 - Which article is for protection of interest for minorities?

Article 29

577 - Which branch writes new laws?


578 - Which can have the most impact on a political election?

the mass media

579 - Which country has limited resources but excels at tertiary activities?


580 - Which country is located in South America along the Pacific Ocean?


581 - Which country is the closest in the world today to being a true nation-state.


582 - Which country's ethnic conflict gave rise to the term "balkanization"?


583 - Which economic sector collects natural resources from the environment?


584 - Which factors helped cause the defeat of Napoleon during his invasion of Russia?

the severe winters and large size of Russia

585 - Which former U.S. President's face is on the \$2 bill?

Thomas Jefferson

586 - Which governor attempted to propose a new constitution but was not adopted?

William Allain

587 - Which group desired the social and political change that led to the French Revolution?

The Third Estate, who carried all of the tax burden

588 - Which group influences government by serving as a watchdog to expose issues in government?


589 - Which headline best demonstrates a political party monitoring the actions of officeholders?

The Green Party accuses Mr. Hunt of tax evasion

590 - Which if the following is NOT one of the three main principles of justice?

Proportional Representation

591 - Which Indian state has maximum number of MP in Lok Sabha?

Utter Pradesh

592 - Which is a recognized political party?

A party that is recognized by the 'Election Commission' with all the privileges and facilities

593 - Which is NOT a way that a party exists?

Party corporation

594 - Which is the smallest state in terms of area?


595 - Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?

demand of the Third Estate for more political power

596 - Which Latin American country requires its citizens by law to vote?


597 - Which leaders and groups disagreed about the French Revolution?

George Washington and the Democratic-Republicans

598 - Which of the below best describes what a Theocracy is?

Rule by god or religious law

599 - Which of the following are examples of UNLIMITED government?


600 - Which of the following are Republicans NOT known for?

Equal Rights

601 - Which of the following best describe theories in general?

Theories are described in such a way that scientific tests should be able to provide empirical support for it, or empirical contradiction ("falsify") of it.

602 - Which of the following best describes the similarities between the French Revolution and Latin American Revolutions?

Both revolutions involved oppressed social classes fighting for equality.

603 - Which of the following countries is called the "Graveyard of Empires"?


604 - Which of the following country was not a member of Baltic states?


605 - Which of the following describes sources of political legitimacy in China an Iran?

Ideology and economic performance in China, and religious authority in Iran.

606 - Which of the following enjoyed the zat rank of 7000?

Both of these

607 - Which of the following happens second?

Citizens cast their vote for president.

608 - Which of the following is a "check" that the Supreme Court has on the power of the other two branches?

Declaring laws and acts to be unconstitutional

609 - Which of the following is a cash crop sown in Palampur?

Both the above

610 - Which of the following is a consequence of the rise of television broadcasting?

Candidates are more capable of running for office on their own by appealing to people directly through TV.

611 - Which of the following is a function of political parties?

Helping candidates win elections

612 - Which of the following is a supranational organisation?


613 - Which of the following is a valid reason a person would want to vote for a specific candidate?

The candidate served as mayor of a town

614 - Which of the following is an accurate statement about the voter turnout rate in the United States?

D It increased sharply when eighteen year olds were given the right to vote.

615 - Which of the following is not a feature of Indian parliamentary system?

All of the above

616 - Which of the following is NOT a major defect of the Electoral College?

Popular Vote is directly reflected by the Electoral College

617 - Which of the following is NOT a requirement for being eligible to vote in the U.S.

You have to be a taxpayer

618 - Which of the following is NOT a role that interest groups play?

Campaign funding

619 - Which of the following is NOT a Roman contribution to Western Political Thought?

The Magna Carta

620 - Which of the following is not an independence movement


621 - Which of the following IS NOT something a party can do?

Elect representatives

622 - Which of the following is our national anthem?

The Star-Spangled Banner

623 - Which of the following is the definition of a unrecognized state?

a sovereign government whose authority is not recognized international/by other country

624 - Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs)?

B They make campaign contributions to gain access to legislators.

625 - Which of the following is true?

The 2 major parties dominate and minor parties don't have a real chance.

626 - Which of the following most closely resembles a Republican viewpoint?

Government should be less involved in social programs.

627 - Which of the following organizing principles lacks a consistent ideological foundation, and instead emphasizes hostility towards elites and established institutions?


628 - Which of the following requirements exist under the Freedom of Information Act?

Federal agencies must disclose to individuals information contained in government files.

629 - Which of the following statements about political participation is FALSE?

Political activity is an important part of the everyday life of most Americans.

630 - Which of the following statements is not true?

The date of implementation of the Indian Constitution is November 26, 1949

631 - Which of the following terms refers to choosing a person for a job/position in the federal government? The president of the U.S. does this when they choose civil officers and judges.


632 - Which of the following was a cause of the French revolution?

government debt due to overspending and involvement in wars

633 - Which of the French estates formed the National Assembly and began running the country?

Third Estate

634 - Which of these examples is NOT considered a form of online participation?

Mailing a letter to a local congressman asking him to propose new legislation.

635 - Which of these is a right and a responsibility of a U.S. citizen?


636 - Which of these is NOT a goal of imperialism?

None of the above

637 - Which of these is not a good reason to say that Indian elections are democratic?

India has the largest number of voters in the world

638 - Which of these is NOT a part of the seven-sisters?

West Bengal

639 - Which of these is NOT a power of local governments?

Postal Delivery

640 - Which of these is NOT one of the major U.S. political parties?


641 - Which of these is techniques uses an image to represent another idea? (Key Word: Represent)


642 - which one of the following is not a characteristic of sovereignty?


643 - Which one of the following is not a component of a political party?


644 - Which one of the following is not a land locked country with India?

Sri Lanka

645 - Which one of the following is not a political party?


646 - Which one of the following was not given primacy by the makers of the soviet system?

No state control over the economy

647 - Which organization was founded post WW2 with the goal of political security and peace?


648 - Which party system does India follow

Multi party system

649 - Which person wrote "The Wealth of Nations" and believed the government should have a limited role in business?

Adam Smith

650 - Which political ideology is government systems based on extreme nationalism, choosing state over individual?


651 - Which President holds the record for holding the most press conferences?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

652 - Which President reportedly slept 11 hours a day?

Calvin Coolidge

653 - Which propaganda technique implies everyone is doing it?


654 - Which right was established by Magna Carta in 1215?

the right to trial by jury

655 - Which sector of people has been recently included in the Ayushman Bharat scheme?

Migrant Workers

656 - Which state claims that Taiwan is part of it?


657 - Which state in India enjoyes special status

Jammu and Kashmir

658 - Which state was carved out of Assam from the following


659 - Which statement is true?

All the above

660 - Which Supreme Court ruling found segregated schools unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education

661 - Which system of government does India have?

Multi- party

662 - Which term best matches the form of government described below?A one-party state where one party has a monopoly on all political activity. A state ideology upheld by the ruling party that is given status as the only authority. Violators are exposed to prosecution and to ideological persecution.


663 - Which term describes a state with control over its internal affairs, independent of outside influence?


664 - Which third party believes the governments sole job is to protect your freedom?


665 - Which type of primary election is only open to party members?


666 - Who among the following is the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party?

Kanshi Ram

667 - Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?

The President

668 - Who became the Prime Minister without being a Member of Parliament?

Deve Gowda

669 - Who benefits from mercantilism

Upper class of mother country

670 - Who decides whether a person is guilty or not?


671 - Who did Kalraj Mishra replaced as Governer of Rajasthan?

Kalyan Singh

672 - Who distributes portfolios amongst ministers?

Prime Minister

673 - Who has given the slogan 'Garibi Hatao'

Indira Gandhi

674 - Who holds the power in a direct democracy?

eligible citizens

675 - Who introduced the concept of Two-Nation Theory

Muslim League

676 - Who is it that formally charges a federal official with misconduct and impeachment?

House of Representatives

677 - Who is known as the father of Indian Constitution

Dr BR Ambedkar

678 - Who is the Chief Minister of Karnataka

S Yediyurappa

679 - Who is the first President of India?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

680 - Who is the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party?

Kanshi Ram

681 - Who is the head of the state?


682 - Who is the leader of the Conservative party?

Erin O'Toole

683 - Who is the minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution?

Shri Ramvilas Paswan

684 - Who is the targeted audience of presidential debates?

Undecided voters

685 - Who of the following is a U.S. Citizen?

Josh was born in Spain to two U. S. citizens

686 - Who or what answers the basic economic questions in a free market economy?

Individuals and Businesses

687 - Who scrutinises or checks the nomination papers?

Returning Officer

688 - Who started cricket in India first?


689 - Who was the 1st law minister of India?

BR Ambedkar

690 - Who was the chairman of Credential Committee of the Constituent Assembly?


691 - Who was the father of the Constitution

Dr. B. R. Ambedakar

692 - Who was the First Governor-General of free India

Lord Mountbatten

693 - Who was the first president of the U.S.?

George Washington

694 - Who was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety, and the architect of the Reign of Terror?

Maximillian de Robespierre

695 - Who was the oldest to become the PM of india?

Morarji Desai

696 - Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

697 - Who wrote the book The Republic


698 - Who wrote The Spirit of the Laws in 1748?

Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu

699 - Why do third parties usually fail?

All of the above

700 - Your neighbour owns your land, and you own her land



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