Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 6

1 - "Any collection of people organized to promote a goal they share or to resist some objective of government or other groups that somehow relates to the political process." The above definition refers to .....

pressure group

2 - "Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights." This quote explains whose ideas about a social contract?


3 - "Nancy Pelosi's leadership in the House has been awful, I will vote Republican because of it" would be an example of:

Retrospective voting

4 - "Unalienable" means:

rights that cannot be taken away

5 - *It refers to the category of persons who have the same socio-economic privileges

Socio-economic status

6 - ..... is conducted in every Village Panchayat to take a decision democratically.

Grama Sabha

7 - ..... is the head of the Indian Government.


8 - ..... is the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture.


9 - ..... was the governor of Bengal under the Mughals.

Murshid Quli Khan.

10 - 1/3 of Americans.....

Identify as Independents

11 - Interest groups focus on

specific issues

12 - Single-Issue Interest Groups

An interest group that focuses on one issue or opinion

13 - Steps in ..... Process*Identify a problem *Identify level of government and agency to address it *Develop policy alternative *Evaluate pros and cons of each alternative *Implement the decision *Evaluate effectiveness

Public Policy

14 - Cantons?


15 - Which of the following is true of amicus curiae briefs?

A They are used by interest groups to lobby courts.

16 - A ..... is a representative of an interest group who contacts lawmakers or other government officials directly to influence their policy making.


17 - A Constitution is a body of

Basic laws

18 - A country that is not full autocratic or fully democratic is referred to as a .....


19 - A developed country has a ..... GDP


20 - A document of citizens' signatures to get an independent candidate on the ballot for an election?


21 - A European nation dealing with Catalonia's desire to be autonomous is


22 - A good citizen ..... the laws of his country.


23 - A government ran by a few, wealthy people is a .....?


24 - A group of bands linked by kinship is


25 - A group of elected representatives in England that makes laws is known as?


26 - A group of people that share a common cultural heritage, common beliefs, claim a space as their homeland, and desire to establish their own state.


27 - A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a.....

Political Party

28 - A group of people who hold common beliefs about how government should operate.

political party

29 - A period of diplomatic, political, and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Cold War

30 - A person living in a country who is not a citizen of that country.


31 - A person running for office is a .....


32 - a person running for political office


33 - A person that seeks for changes is usually called


34 - A person votes for Democratic candidates based on the belief that the policies of the Democratic Party will be personally beneficial. This type of voting matches which of the following voting behavior models?

A Prospective voting

35 - a person who conducts activities in order to influence public officials


36 - A person who generally believes that the role of the government should be limited int the economy and individuals are responsible for their own well being, usually republican party.


37 - A political candidate has his picture taken as he trips down a stairway. His opponent reproduces this photo and makes it seem as if the candidate were tripping down the steps of the state capitol. This is an example of

concealed propaganda.

38 - A political party is a group of persons who join together in order to

Gain control of the government through the electoral process

39 - A political party that believes in democratic government but also that the government should run some of the largest parts of the economy.

Socialist Party

40 - A politically organized territory that is administered by a sovereign government and is recognized by the international community.


41 - A politician who is "liberal" would MOST LIKELY support

expanding healthcare programs

42 - a process of inducing others into accepting a point of view by means of reasoning and argumentation.


43 - A recognised political party is one that -

All of these

44 - A requirement that citizens show that they can read before registering to vote, used in the Jim Crow South to disenfranchise black voters.

Literacy Test

45 - a sovereign state that comprises a town and the surrounding countryside.


46 - A state is a group of people permanently occupying a definite territory, independent of foreign rule, and having an organized .....


47 - A state or group of states that exists within a sphere of competition between larger states and is often culturally, economically, and politically fragmented and splintered.


48 - A stationary shop is a kind of .....

Neighborhood shop

49 - A Super PAC cannot.....

work directly with a candidate

50 - A system of authoritarian government headed by a monarch and whose position is usually inherited.


51 - A system of hiring executive officers that involves the firing of officials from a previous administration and replacing them with officials from the new administration (Often political loyalists who get jobs, which is called Patronage).

Spoils System

52 - A way of thinking / political system = does not like change, new ideas or new people.


53 - Absence of government


54 - According to Abdul Rashid Moten & Syed Serajul Islam (2015), Islamic political system is based on .....


55 - According to al-Ghazali, the requirements to become an Imamah are: competency, knowledge, piety, descendant of Quraysh (or dominant group) and .....

ability to wage war

56 - According to Islam, rulers must follow the same rules as.....

Everybody else

57 - According to Judaism, prophets are?

Messengers from God

58 - According to Locke, the responsibilities of the rulers to the people is to protect their .....

Both (B), (C)

59 - According to Marx, the ..... will eventually overthrow the ..... to create a society in which there is little gap between the rich and the poor.

proletariat, bourgeoisie

60 - According to the Law of the Sea, the territorial limits for most countries is

12 nautical miles

61 - After being well-established, a group of people called the Haluulan have been fighting with each other about who should be managing internet connection and there has been many minor theft cases occurred in the society. Which stage of civilization is the above?


62 - Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the ..... party


63 - Al-Ghazali is also known as .....

Hujjatul Islam

64 - All of the people eligible to vote


65 - ALL the following are examples of "linkage institutions" EXCEPT


66 - All the registered voters are known as the


67 - An Absolute monarchy is a system of government where

The king or queen has total power

68 - An act of terrorism is different that an act of war because

terrorism targets civilians and non combatants

69 - An advertisement airs on television attacking a candidate running for office. The advertisement was produced and distributed by a group that was not affiliated with nor funded by any political campaign. Which of the following statements explains why this expenditure is not prohibited by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002?

B Political spending by groups not directly affiliated with a campaign is a form of protected speech.

70 - An alliance is formed when :

some parties join for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power in hands

71 - An economic system in which there are no limits on private ownership and profits


72 - an election in which voters determine their party's nominee for an elective office

primary election

73 - An election where only those voters registered with that particular political party may vote to select a particular candidate.

closed primary

74 - an extreme person who wants complete political or social reform


75 - An important non-state actor in any democracy in present times is

Civil society organizations.

76 - An individual who wants to change the political system slightly.


77 - An interest group will hire a lobbyist to do all of the following except

run in an election, making an ally of an government official

78 - An interest group would likely have the greatest influence on policy matters involving

A narrow issues, only a few interest groups, and technical information

79 - An intergovernmental organization that works to promote international connectedness and maintain order

United Nations

80 - An oligarchy is

a country where a group of people rule the country, often like a group dictatorship

81 - An organized group of individuals who share similar political views and work to influence the government in support of those views.

Political Party

82 - An organized group of people who share the same opinion is a(n):

political party

83 - Any violation of Fundamental Rights can be presented to

Both High Courts and Supreme Courts

84 - Appealing to ordinary people by making a candidate seem to be like them.

Plain Folks

85 - Arguments over the ..... led to the formation of the first political parties.

Bank of the United States

86 - Aristotle argued that, the citizens of the polis are the .....

people who are involved in the administration of the polis

87 - Article 31 was omitted by ..... Amendment.


88 - Aurangzeb died in the year -


89 - Authoritarian regimes often compel individuals by threatening harm to their lives and livelihoods. This is known as:


90 - Bahadur shah ascended the throne in


91 - Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in


92 - Because two parties have always dominated in US history we refer to America as having a ..... ..... .....?

Two Party System

93 - Believes in minimal government intervention.

Conservative Party

94 - Bhutanâ€Å¸s biggest Source of development aid is given by-


95 - Bosses ..... people to vote for their political candidates.

all of the above

96 - Boundaries created by using lines of latitude and longitude and their associated arcs.

Geometric Boundaries

97 - Boundaries that follow a feature of the landscape

Physical Boundary

98 - Boundary based on cultural considerations of language and religion.

Cultural Boundaries

99 - Brady lives in a representative democracy. What does that mean?

He votes for representatives who decide on the issues and laws

100 - Branch given the power of Proposing the Federal Budget


101 - Branch most relevant to the term Apportionment


102 - Branch of government that can convene congress.


103 - Branch of the United States government that enforces the law


104 - Branch that can create and determine the jurisdiction of courts


105 - Branch that contains the Senate


106 - Bureaucracy is the name given to

a large organization, structured hierarchically, that carries out specific functions.

107 - Can you identify the founder of Bahujan Samaj Party?


108 - Capital of Andaman and Nicobar islands

Port Blair

109 - Capital of Rajasthan


110 - Capital of rajasthan is.....


111 - Capitol Hill


112 - Central government holds all the power


113 - Choose the correct statement

No regime can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different group

114 - Civil disobedience

denies the legitimacy or rightfulness, of a law and implies that a higher moral authority takes precedence over the law

115 - College students and young people are likely to get their campaign news from


116 - Competitive elections, civil liberties, rule of law, judicial independence, and open civil society are all characteristics of:

liberal democracies

117 - Concealed propaganda

may be either harmless or harmful.

118 - Conservatives would tend to favor each of the following EXCEPT

affirmative action

119 - Consider the following Statements: A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. The Founding Fathers created political parties in the Constitution. Political ideology offers analysis of the condition of the state by examining what works and what does not work. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

120 - Consider the following Statements: By voting in elections, people fulfill one of the most important responsibilities of citizenship. The Democrats tend to be more conservative while the Republicans are more liberal. Some borders are manmade while others are naturally occurring. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

121 - Consider the following Statements: Republicans want to lower taxes. Shared Rights (Amendment Nine) says people have more rights than what is listed in the Bill of Rights Country and Continent name will be on BOTH a Political and Physical map: Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

122 - Consider the following Statements: The Belarusian Government is the Council of Ministers/. An artificial boundary can cause problems when it ignores established divisions between groups of people The freedom of religion is found in Amendment 2 Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

123 - Consider the following Statements: The Constitution sets up political parties. Constitutional & Representative are examples of the types of Democracies . India is known to be a home to a number of tribes, ethnic, and social groups. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

124 - Consider the following Statements: The political parties can be national or regional in nature. Democratic Socialism as a movement (led by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others) is becoming increasingly popular among Americas youth but remains unpopular with older people The Freedom of Information Act resulted in fewer newspapers nation-wide Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

125 - Consider the following Statements: The President of India is the supreme commander of the defence forces in India. Ibn Khaldun explained the stages of rise and fall of civilization which are:a. The riseb. Consolidationc. Contentmentd. The luxurye. The fall Social media and Mass media are nearly identical Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

126 - Consider the following Statements: The United States is a superpower, and therefore, does not establish economic or political relationships with the rest of the world. Political ideology evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescribes a preferred or desired social order Third parties never influence the outcome of an election. They just spend moneyand waste their time trying to get their candidate and issues noticed. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

127 - Constitution of India is adopted in in which year


128 - Country ran is run according to the interests of its ruler rather than its people is called a .....


129 - Cuban Missile Crisis happened in:


130 - Custom is repetitive practices that become habit of one race or community. The incorrect example is

People do street demonstration to protest government policy

131 - Dealing with imports and exports.


132 - Democratic government is a better government because .....

it is more accountable government

133 - Democrats & Republicans make up our nations.....

two-party system

134 - Donald Trump is a .....


135 - Drawbacks of democracy.....

All the above

136 - During the 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution I, people ousted Pres. Ferdinand Marcos and installed to the presidency Corazon Aquino. The assumption to power of the latter was not sanctioned under the Constitution, but the Filipino people overwhelmingly recognized her government as a rightful one. And this refers to .....


137 - Each citizen is guaranteed an attorney, the right to refuse to testify, a speedy trial, a public trial, and the right to confront witnesses and cross-examine all witnesses. What principle does this best illustrate?

due process of law

138 - each person has how many votes to cast

1 vote

139 - Election held to choose a candidate of a particular party (narrowing it down to just one candidate)


140 - Elements of free enterprise and command economy is part of which economy?


141 - ethnic conflicts and is in the Russian Republics


142 - Every party in India has to register itself with.....

Election Commission

143 - EVMs were first used throughout the country for the first time in 2004 general elections. What is meant by EVM?

Electronic Voting Machine

144 - Example of Coming together Federation


145 - Example of state is in political science


146 - FAO head Office is at


147 - Favors MORE federal government responsibility

Democratic Party

148 - Find the item listed below that is not a requirement to be the United States president

A college degree

149 - First Amendment Right where you have the right to give your opinion publicly.

freedom of speech

150 - Fishing and agriculture are ..... occupations.


151 - form of government in which God is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, God's laws being interpreted by the religious leaders


152 - French Revolution began in:


153 - Full form of IAS is:

Indian Administrative Services

154 - Gannon McMoney, a Democrat, is running for President. In an effort to appeal to the political center, he decides to advocate for lower taxes. This is an example of a liberal reflecting ..... points.


155 - GENERAL WILL as concept was introduced by:


156 - Gerrymandering affects:

The House of Representatives

157 - Global organization that provides a forum in which the states of the world can meet to discuss and vote on issues related to international issues such as political, social, legal, environmental, and military concerns.

United Nations

158 - Governing system in which the people govern themselves, from the Greek term meaning "rule by the many"


159 - Government can help solve problems and a bigger government can help solve bigger problems is an idea generally associated with


160 - Governments derive their power from the .....


161 - Guarantees the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and the right to petition government.


162 - Hannah is trying to determine which state has the most mountains. Which type of map would Hannah need to use?

Physical map

163 - Head of district is .....

district collector

164 - Horse race coverage of election campaigns means less coverage of


165 - How an interest group would attempt to influence the executive branch

suggesting rules and regulations

166 - How did other European nations react to the Revolution in France?

They declared war to stop revolution from spreading.

167 - How did political machines get the support of immigrants?

They helped them gain citizenship

168 - How did the American and French Revolutions differ?

The American Revolution established a democratic form of government; the French Revo- lution never attempted to establish a democracy.

169 - How did the lives of some people from the lower classes change under the Song dynasty?

They gained an opportunity to become scholar-officials.

170 - How do large States use devolution to obtain resources?

allow for local self-government in exchange for resource sharing

171 - How many articles are there in Indian Constitution?


172 - How many electoral votes do you need to win the presidency?


173 - How Many Male PRESIDENTS are there in India


174 - How many members are nominated in Rajya sabha by president?


175 - How many parties are needed in any democratic system to compete in elections and provide a fair chance for the competing parties ; to come to power?

At least two parties

176 - how many parties are registered with the election commission?


177 - How many parties are required in any democratic system to compete in elections in order to come to power?

At least two parties

178 - How many terms may the president serve?


179 - How old do you have to be to elect the Senate?

25 years old

180 - How old do you have to be to vote?


181 - How people are organised in a society - by wealth / status

Class System

182 - HYV seeds stands for

High Yielding variety seeds

183 - Identify the Latin American country described below:With over 50% of the population living in extreme poverty, the country has struggled with devastating natural disasters and shortages of goods. Recently, riots have broken out due to food and fuel shortages and demands from citizens for the president to step down due to accusations of corruption.


184 - Identify the principle of justice presented in the example. A doctor earns a higher salary than a janitor.

Proportionate justice

185 - If any Government give official status to a religion then it is a ..... .

Religious State

186 - If Ms. Murray is a political candidate, she will try to win by appealing to voters

who are in the middle of the spectrum

187 - In 1946, the British Prime Minister said in a speech that an "Iron Curtain" had fallen across the European continent. This "Iron Curtain" was .....

an imaginary line separating Europe's communist and non-communist countries.

188 - In a democracy, the final decision-making power is in the hands of those who are

elected by the people

189 - In a parliamentary democracy, unlike a presidential democracy, the head of government belongs to which branch?


190 - In a presidential democracy, who elects the executive branch?


191 - In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls gives Lexical Priority to which two of the following?

Both (A), (B)

192 - In Canadian elections, we use a word "ward". What is "riding"?

It's a municipal electoral district

193 - In colonial America, the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact, and town hall meetings were all developments that led to the.....

creation of representative government.

194 - In his Farewell Address, Washington warned against all of the following EXCEPT .....

expansion of U.S. territory

195 - In India, power of judicial review is


196 - In Kentucky, who wears many hats, including collecting a county's property taxes and serving as the chief law enforcement officer for the county government?


197 - In Malaysia, ..... are the sources for Shariah Law.

Quran and Sunna

198 - In politics, people who fall in the middle range of the liberal-conservative split


199 - In the broadest sense of the term, ..... conveys the ideas of depreciation, not necessarily progress, well-being, and an idea for a rational society.

None of the Above

200 - In the country of Baker, the legislative branch just selected a new prime minster. What form of government is this?

parliamentary democracy

201 - In the modern political system, which issue represents a basic disagreement between Republicans and Democrats?

The responsibilities of government

202 - In the Movie Hotel Rwanda which of the following would be considered classification in the 8 stages of genocide?

Creating the Hutu and Tutsi groups

203 - In this type of government, citizens elect the legislature and then the legislature chooses the country's leader

Parliamentary Democracy

204 - In what article of the Constitution would information about our courts be contained?


205 - In what type of economy, people trade good and services without money?


206 - In which of these states does the CPI (M) enjoy strong support?

West Bengal

207 - In which sea the Andaman and Nicobar island is located?

Bay of Bengal

208 - In which year nagaland state was established


209 - In which year Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country.


210 - Including positive facts and leaving out negative ones.

Stacking the Deck

211 - India aims to achieve land degradation neutrality by the year


212 - India and USSR signed an agreement of 20 years for peace and cooperation in


213 - India can be called Secular if ..... .

the Constitution guarantees the fundamental rights

214 - India that is Bharat shall be the 'union of States' in which article this is is provided?

Article 1

215 - International waters with no state control begins at

200 Nautical Miles

216 - Israel teats other minority like Muslim and Christmas.....

Very badly

217 - It can be broadly defined as the exercise of sovereign authority; in particular, the exercise of authoritative direction or control over a particular unit or organization.


218 - It emerged as an academic field right at the height of Industrial Revolution in Europe which mobilized the entire population in a way that had never been before in humanhistory.


219 - It is the socially-constructed characteristics of being male or female.


220 - It keeps the welfare of the state comes first before the citizen

Rightist idea

221 - It select the judge of International court of justice and nominates secretary general for UN

Security council

222 - Its main concern is to learn how to use power over others to maintain social order and harmony among citizens.

Political Science

223 - Jacinda Adern is a leader in what type of government system

Constitutional Monarchy

224 - Japan is located in which ocean?

Pacific Ocean

225 - Jayprakash Narayan, Ashok Mehta belongs to which party?

Socialist party

226 - Joe Biden is a .....


227 - John Adams greatest contribution as President was?

The American Navy

228 - Junaidah who was just chosen to lead her unit, interviewed her seniors who had experienced her position to learn what to do and what not to do when she lead.She is engaged in .....

political science

229 - Jurisdiction refers to

the authority of a court to hear and decide certain cases.

230 - Labour Ministry partnered with which firm to launch an online "Career skills training" on National Career Service portal?


231 - Laizze-faire

Government should not regulate the economy

232 - 'Latin American Politics is something of a 'lining museum'. The analysis is made by-


233 - layer cake federalism


234 - Legislature in Malaysia is called ..... and consist of House of Senate; ..... and House of Representative; .....

Parliament; Dewan Negara; Dewan Rakyat

235 - Limited government places individual liberty beyond the reach of

the majority

236 - Listed below are types of political culture EXCEPT:

Parochial culture

237 - Lobbyists influence government officials by doing all of the following EXCEPT

organizing political action committees

238 - Local governments preparing a response for an international health crisis would most likely -

develop a public safety plan for the city

239 - Lotus is the symbol of which Party.

Bharatiya Janta Party

240 - Machievelli promoted an idea about power in which politicians should have in order to succeed. What is it?

end justify the means

241 - Managing the economy by altering the supply of money and interest rates.

Monetary Policy

242 - Managing the economy by the use of tax and spending laws.

Fiscal Policy

243 - Mass media has become increasingly impactful on politics because:

all of the above

244 - Mass media uses photos to influence public opinion by showing someone as old, ugly, pretty, making unappealing facial expressions (like yawning), and so on. When mass media selects these images, it can be a source of a/an .....


245 - Monopoly of political power by an individual or small group that otherwise allows people to go about their private lives as they wish


246 - Most people in a developing country work in which level of industry?

Primary (agriculture)

247 - My principal occupation is to combat ignorance and prejudice ..... to enlighten minds, cultivate morality, and to make people as happy as it suits human nature, and as the means at my disposal permit.Frederick the GreatThe quote from Frederick the Great shows his desire to be -

An enlightened despot

248 - Name for quadrant 4 on the political compass

Libertarian Republicans

249 - National policies are made by .....

national government

250 - NATO consisted of

12 countries

251 - NATO is an example of a

supranational organization

252 - No elections?

North Korea

253 - One of four UNCLOS zones; up to 12 nautical miles of sovereignty; commercial vessels may pass, but non-commercial vessels may be challenged.

Territorial Sea

254 - One other good result of a national bank would be:

a national currency.

255 - one sided point of view


256 - One way to see how other people plan on voting is to check out the most recent ..... .

opinion polls

257 - One who is in favor of greater taxation on the wealthy would most likely be called a


258 - Oxford Dictionary defined 'politics' as .....

the activities of a government, politician, or political party

259 - Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia collects the voices of individuals and present it to the public to demand their needs. This is highlighting the function of a political party which is .....


260 - Party members communicate ideas and views on public issues.

educating the electorate

261 - People elect officeholders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf.

Representative government

262 - Pick the country where the two-party system exists?

United Kingdom

263 - Political geography is the study of:

Interaction Between Geographic Space & Political Process

264 - Political parties are allotted symbols by

The Election Commission

265 - Political party that does not have a majority of the elected members.


266 - Political socialization occurs

all of the above are correct

267 - Political, economic, or social equality? Equal pay for equal work

Economic equality

268 - Political, economic, or social equality? Suitable standard of living, regardless of caste, religion, or race.

Economic equality

269 - Print, broadcast, and digital are all forms of


270 - Process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities.


271 - Protection of lakes is an objective expressly states in which one of the following?

fundamental duties

272 - Provincial Government represents


273 - Q3- Belgium solved its problem successfully by:

. All of the Above

274 - Rapid economic and population growth can have all of the following consequences except.....

food surpluses

275 - Read the example and determine which political party function is being described. The Democratic Party pledged 2 million dollars to Maxwell Davis' campaign fund for TV commercials.

Helping to win the election

276 - Red is used in political maps to show:

Major Roads

277 - Removing Property from governmental control and opening it to private citizen control


278 - Rendering services to humanity across boundaries is an indication of providing solution to

natural disaster

279 - Republicans believe if you lower taxes, people would.....

Spend more money

280 - Republicans tend to favor a small government that does not intervene too often in the economy, believing which of the following selections?

the free market is the fairest and most efficient way to govern the economy

281 - Revolutions in Latin America were influenced by

the French Revolution

282 - Rights not listed in other amendments are not necessarily involved.


283 - Rights that cannot be taken away, rights we are born with.....


284 - Rooted in traditional values and existing social ties and institutions.....

Traditional authority

285 - Select which of the following are involved in the process of impeachment

Both (A), (C)

286 - Senator Hoffman is campaigning for reelection in her state. Her campaign message emphasizes how the policies she has supported have benefited her constituents. She has spotlighted job creation and an overall improvement in the standard of living in the state in the past six years. Senator Hoffman is hoping to appeal to which of the following voting behavior models?

A Retrospective voting

287 - Socialists are against.....

private property

288 - Some people might describe Syria as being in a state of .....


289 - Someone who votes for all Democrat politicians would likely fall on the ..... of the political spectrum


290 - Something that can be proven is a


291 - southernmost part of the indian union is

indira point

292 - Sri Lanka achieve its independence in


293 - SS.7.C.2.9George and Martha are both candidates for mayor in Jamestown's coming election. George is an engineer and Martha is a medical doctor. George has been on the Jamestown City Council for five years and Martha is the city's current mayor. Both George and Martha have acted as capable public servants in their roles. However, they strongly disagree on whether Jamestown should invest in building a new sports stadium, the main issue facing the city. What will probably be the most important factor for voters in deciding which candidate to support in this election?

which candidate shares the voter's views on building the stadium

294 - Strong party organization that was historically known for a corrupting influence in politics?

Political Machine

295 - Supporters of Agriculture Development


296 - Supreme consists of one Chief Justice and

33 other judges

297 - Symbol for the Democratic Party is


298 - system in which small groups hold power


299 - system of one party is known as

uni party system

300 - system of two party is known as

bi party system

301 - System or organization for exercising authority over a body of people


302 - Tamil Eelam was demanded in the .....-parts of Srilanka

Northern & Eastern

303 - Tashkent agreement is signed between???

India and pak

304 - Territoriality

Drawing lines to create a state

305 - The "separate but equal" doctrine in the United States was legally established by

Plessey v. Ferguson.

306 - The "strict constructionists" on the Supreme Court are generally committed to

the principle of judicial restraint.

307 - The ..... ..... is the range of views on political matters.

Political Spectrum

308 - The ..... is a center for shipping and trade and is located between Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Mediterranean Sea

309 - The 49th parallel is an example of a/an

Antecedent boundary

310 - The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, understand, and create media.

news literacy

311 - The American and French Revolutions were turning points in global history because the results of these revolutions

inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence

312 - The Architect of Non-Alignment is:

Pt. Nehru

313 - The belief that each people or ethnic group should have its own government and nation-state.


314 - the belief that individuals should be responsible for themselves and for the decisions they make.


315 - The bicameral system of Malaysian legislature consists of Dewan Negara or ..... and Dewan Rakyat or .....

Senate ..... House of Representative

316 - The bigger the ..... of a state the more electoral votes a state receives.


317 - The central subject of study in Political Science is the state and .....


318 - The Constituent Assembly was not a sovereign body in the beginning but it became a sovereign body after

15th August, 1947

319 - The conversation below is part of a political discussion. .....-Lou: I am going to vote for the candidate who will support cutting government spending.Bob: Yes, we spend too much on some programs.....-Which party's candidates are these voters most likely to support?


320 - The Council of the Republic is a regional representative body with ..... members


321 - The current office-holder is also known as


322 - The day we vote for president is called ..... day.

Election Day

323 - The Democratic Party

Is known as the more liberal of the two parties

324 - The Democratic Party is represented by the animal of the


325 - The Democratic party split in 1860 after nearly 30 years in power. What was the issue that split the party?

Slavery - North v South

326 - The difference between the results of random samples taken at the same time.

Sampling Error

327 - The difference between what the sample results show and what the true result would be if everyone had been interviewed

Sampling Error

328 - the dividing of a state, county, etc., into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts


329 - The division of power between a central government and state governments is called


330 - The doctrine of stare decisis would be used to

apply the ruling from a precedent to a current case.

331 - The Dominion of Canada Day (Canada's birthday) was on.....

July 1 1867

332 - The economies of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are best be described as .....

Market Economies

333 - The eighteenth and nineteenth century slave trade represents ..... African migration while the twentieth century relaxation of U.S. immigration quotas resulted in ..... Latin American and Asia migration.

forced; voluntary

334 - The Electoral College favors what type of party system?

Two-party system

335 - The electoral system, first past the post is also known as

Plurality system

336 - The famous speech given by Pt.Nehru on the eve of Independence Day is known as .....

Tryst with Destiny

337 - The FBI, CIA, the U.S. Postal Service, NASA, IRS, and Dept. of Education are all a part of?

The federal bureaucracy

338 - The Federalists are best represented by which of the following?

Loose interpretation of the Constitution.

339 - The First 10 Amendments are referred to as

The Bill of Rights

340 - The first 'Civilian' of the Village is ..... .


341 - The first political parties in the United States formed mainly in response to disagreement over-

the extent of federal power

342 - The following are effects of political apathy except that it?

promotes free and fair elections

343 - The German People are a


344 - The group responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks was


345 - the impact of a person's age and stage in life on his or her political views.

life-cycle effect

346 - The Indian Constitution recognise every person as.....


347 - The Italian parliamentary republic contains

democracy, parliament and political elections

348 - The Jay Treaty expressed the political beliefs of

George Washington and the Federalists.

349 - The largest desert in the world is the


350 - The Liberals currently hold how many seats?


351 - The lower house of the state legislature is

Legislative assembly

352 - The majority social group in Srilanka was .....


353 - The manipulation of legislative boundaries to benefit one party over another is called?


354 - The mascot for the Democratic Party is .....

a donkey

355 - The members of election commission are appointed by .....

President of India

356 - The members of Panchayats are

the electorates of the respective territorial constituencies



358 - The most important element in making a valid poll is

A random sample

359 - The number of electors each state has is based on each state's representation in .....

Congress, both the Senate and House combined

360 - The number of writs that can be prayed for and issued by the Supreme court and High courts.


361 - The opening statement of the constution is referred to as


362 - The organized effort by a candidate to win support in an election; the act of seeking support in an election


363 - The parliament conducts ..... sessions every year.


364 - The Parliament of India can make use of the residuary powers

At all times

365 - The parliament of India has ..... houses.


366 - The part of the economy that transforms the raw materials into goods for sale: factory workers or people who make things out of raw materials (a weaver would make clothing out of cotton)

Secondary economic activity

367 - The Party in Government is .....

Those who almost always vote for that party.

368 - The party of the Elephant and considered right on the political Spectrum are the.....


369 - The passage below is from a political party platform."Our first priority is to promote value-based governance, which requires a fundamental shift away from our current cultural system of exploitation, excessive consumption and unregulated competition..... Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature. We must maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet."Which political party's views are represented in this platform?

Green Party

370 - The passage of the Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act.....

began the most recent shift in political ideology in our country

371 - The people who are eligible to vote in any election


372 - The Police department comes under the ..... ministry.


373 - The Political Party that runs the government is :

Ruling party

374 - The power of a political unit to rule over its own affairs.


375 - The preamble is not an integral part of the Indian Constitution was first decided by Supreme Court of India in which case?

BeruBari Case

376 - The President can impose the Central Rule upon a State,acting on :

a report from the Governor to the effect

377 - The process by which cultures adopt customs and knowledge from other cultures


378 - The Rajya Sabha can have maximum strength of


379 - The redrawing of lines between electoral districts that occurs when a state gains or loses seats in the House of Representatives.


380 - The Republicans believe that the government should.....

spend more money on military equipment

381 - The residuary powers mean the

Powers not included in any of the three Lists

382 - The Sahara desert and Himalayan mountains are examples of which type of boundary?


383 - The School Health and Wellness Ambassador initiative has been launched under which scheme?

Ayushman Bharat

384 - The series of statements expressing a party's principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues is called a.....


385 - The silk produced in the ..... region now found a new outlet in Poona.


386 - the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible


387 - The state of California has the most votes in the Electoral College. What reason best explains this?

California has the highest number of Congressional representatives of all states

388 - The statement below is from a political party platform.We, the workers and our allies, need to take power from the hands of the wealthy few, their corporations, and their political operatives.Which political party's position is represented in the statement?


389 - The Swaraj of today is within the Empire and not independent of it. Who declared this?


390 - The symbol for the Republican Party is

An elephant

391 - The system we use to elect a President is called the

Electoral College



393 - The term Eelam stands for


394 - The term secular means :

a system where there is no official religion

395 - The total value of goods and services that a country produces.....

gross domestic product

396 - The United Kingdom is an example of a .....

constitutional monarchy

397 - The way that a third-party candidate usually gets on a ballot is by :

getting enough voters to sign a petition.

398 - The women's organization called NOW stands for

National Organization for Women

399 - The word "United Nations" was proposed by


400 - The word 'Democracy' comes from the Greek word -


401 - The word 'politics' derived from the Greek word 'polis' which means?


402 - Their Domestic Policy involved a:National Bank


403 - Their Domestic Policy:Favored Business


404 - There are two major political parties in the USA. Why do 3rd parties struggle to win elections?

Winner Take All electoral system

405 - There weren't enough qualified Mongols to fill all the government jobs during the Yuan dynasty. Who often filled these positions?

trusted foreigners

406 - These are the set of rules or pieces of legislation that are formulated by the government and are meant to be followed by all citizens of a state.


407 - They felt the country should grow and expand through industrialization.


408 - Third parties in the United States serve the following purpose:

all of the above

409 - This disputed territory lies West of the Jordan River and East of Israel

West Bank

410 - This is the power of a governor to release a prisoner early and to dictate the terms of that release so that the rest of the sentence can be carried out?


411 - This is where at least 70% of the population agrees on an issue (e.g. Nazis are bad)

A Consensus

412 - This lake is the longest freshwater lake.

Lake Tanganyika

413 - This late American president warned that political parties would have harmful effects?

George Washington

414 - This party favors maximum freedom and minimum government


415 - This party is considered Liberal and favors MORE government responsibility.


416 - This person was a great teacher of ethics and moral values such as respect for elders and loyalty toward family.


417 - This philosopher believed in majority rule


418 - This philosopher believes that in order for a government to be successful, the people must consent to being governed


419 - This philosopher created the idea of checks and balances


420 - This philosopher focuses on protecting the natural rights of life, liberty, and property


421 - This philosopher was in favor of a direct democracy where all citizens vote on every decision


422 - This political ideology believed that absolute leadership and elite rule are natural and desirable


423 - This political party supports LGBTQ


424 - This system of government allows representatives to pick their governments leader (Examples of a leader would include Governor, President, or Prime Minister)


425 - This term influences if someone votes and their belief in making a political difference

political efficacy

426 - Thomas Jefferson wrote the

Declaration of Independence

427 - Those who oppose unnecessary government spending and high taxes

Fiscal conservatives

428 - To be elected president, a candidate MUST win

The electoral vote

429 - To officially put forth a candidate to run for political office


430 - To unify the kingdoms of China, Emperor Qin implemented all of the following except.....

Enforce the practice of Confucianism.

431 - Traders are a link between .....and .....

Producer and Customer

432 - Trading something for something else - no currency involved


433 - Under which Part of the Indian Constitution speaks about Fundamental Rights.

Part III

434 - US President Donald Trump's 'America First' policy is an example of:

Economic nationalism

435 - USA is

United States of America

436 - Using catch phrases that try to win over people's emotions, but have little meaning.

Glittering Generalities

437 - Vatincan city, Malta, Monaco, and Singapore are considered


438 - Violence to achieve a political goal.


439 - voter registration closes ..... days before elections


440 - Voting Model: Voting for candidates from one party for all offices across the ballot


441 - We can define "politics" as:

deciding who gets what, when, and how

442 - What are demographics?

All the above

443 - What are political views?

A person's ideas about how government should run and how issues should be solved.

444 - What are the consequences of the Winner-Take-All system?

Campaigns target states with big populations and swing states

445 - What are the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution called?

Bill of Rights

446 - What are the levels of government?

Federal, State, and Local

447 - What are the monetary donations that people make to a person running for political office?

campaign contribution

448 - What are the names of our nations two major political parties?

Democrats & Republicans

449 - What are the three steps in the election process?

Both (A), (B), (C)

450 - What country is Warsaw the capital of?


451 - What court case forced the states to observe the one person- one vote principle?

Baker v. Carr

452 - What created the electoral college?

US Constitution

453 - What did the Berlin Conference accomplish?

Division of Africa between European countries

454 - What did Thomas Hobbes believe?

People should never rebel against their gov.

455 - What do delegates do at the national convention?

write a platform and nominate a candidate

456 - What do politicians do to raise money for their campaigns?

fund raising

457 - What do the following groups have in common? M.A.D.D., A.A.R.P., W.W.F., N.R.A., P.E.T.A.?

They're all interest groups seeking to draw attention to and lobby for their causes.

458 - What do Third Parties do?

Introduce new ideas

459 - What do you call the system where the presidential candidate who wins the majority of that states popular vote gets all of the states electoral votes?

Winner takes all system

460 - What do you mean by the term "republic"?

head of the state is an elected representative

461 - What doctrine rests on the assumption that the courts should defer to the decisions made by the legislative and executive branches.

judicial restraint.

462 - What does it mean to nullify something?

To legally overturn something.

463 - What does the "E" in P.E.G.S. stand for?


464 - What does the big bang LPG stand for?

liberalization, privatization and globalization

465 - What does the greek word 'Polis' mean?

City state

466 - What does the term 'Judicial Review' means?

It is the authority vested in the hands of the Supreme Court to examine whether some legislative enactments or executive orders of both central & state govts. is following the constitution of India or not.

467 - What does the term Liberalism mean?

A political ideology that believes that individuals are the center of politics

468 - What form of local government uses a hired professional to manage the day to day operations of the municipality?

Weak Mayor/City Manager/ City Council Arrangement

469 - What fundamental principle means the rule of the people?


470 - What has been a negative impact of political parties on American government?

Divisions between parties often prevent government from getting things done.

471 - What is a compass rose

Helps you understand which way is North

472 - What is a drawing with a political theme meant to poke fun at the parties or political issues?

political cartoon

473 - What is a feature of a democracy?

D: All of the above

474 - What is a signed document submitted to an officer regarding her personal information?


475 - What is a system of government with strong centralised power permitting no opposition or criticism and an emphasis on nationalism called?


476 - What is an 'Alliance'?

When several parties in a multiparty system join for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power.

477 - What is an unaffiliated candidate?

an candidate that is not chosen by either major party but gets on the ballot by petition

478 - What is civics?

The study of rights and responsibilities.

479 - What is destroying the Black Forest of Germany?

Acid Rain

480 - What is Evolutionary Socialism?

Socialism can be established peacefully by passing democratic reforms through existing parliamentary institutions

481 - What is feminism?

Ideology of psychological, political, and eco- nomic equality for women.

482 - What is government?

System of laws and people who help keep citizens safe.

483 - What is Islamism?

Muslim religion turned into a political ideology.

484 - What is nationalism?

A people's heightened sense of cultural, historical, and territorial identity, unity, and sometimes greatness.

485 - What is NOT a formal requirement to be president?

military service

486 - What is one POSITIVE aspect of America's two-party system?

It helps keep our government stable and makes it easier to choose who to vote for

487 - What is the best example of a nation state?


488 - What is the capital of Iceland?


489 - What is the capital of Northern Territory?


490 - What is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.


491 - What is the definition of a Political Party?

an organization that coordinates candidates to compete in a country's elections who has similar ideas about politics

492 - What is the difference between an open primary and a closed primary?

Only party members can vote in closed primaries

493 - What is the form of government where the citizens rule?


494 - What is the full form of NDC?

National Development Council

495 - What is the job, identified in the Constitution, of the Vice-President?

President of the Senate

496 - What is the Knesset?

Israel's Parliament

497 - What is the main job/duty of the executive branch?

to enforce laws

498 - What is the maximum number of years a person can be president?


499 - What is the number of Schedules in Constitution of India?


500 - What is the official colour of the Conservative party?


501 - What is the person from which information is obtained?

the source

502 - What is the physical separation of different races into different geographic areas?


503 - What is the political election symbol of congress party?

Symbol of Hand

504 - What is the primary goal of political parties?

to get their candidates elected

505 - What is the purpose of NAFTA?

Make the region more competitive and diversified in the products created and sold

506 - What is the significance of the unification of Italy and the unification of Germany?

To show the impact nationalists movements can have on a region

507 - What is the term for a group of people who combine political power in order to attain a specific and well defined political goal?

Interest Group

508 - What is the title of Aristotle's book during the 4th Century BC?


509 - What is the title of the leader of the United Kingdom?

Prime Minister

510 - What is the vision of Bhartiya Janta Party?

To build a strong and modern India by drawing inspiration from India's ancient culture and values.

511 - What is the voting system we use to elect a president?

electoral college

512 - What must you do before you can vote?


513 - What Parisian landmark was attacked and destroyed on July 14, 1789?

the Bastille

514 - What party wanted a large peace time army?


515 - What plays a critical role in the healthy functioning of a democracy?

Opposition Party

516 - What refers to a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control?


517 - What regions in the U.S. would a conservative most likely inhabit

The South and Mountain West

518 - What role does a lobbyist play in impacting public policy?

They try to convince legislators to introduce, or vote against a bill

519 - What socialization factor has the most influence in determining a person's degree of political participation?


520 - What South American country borders Panama and is the only South American country connected to a Central American country?


521 - What term best represents a government giving power at the local, state and federal level?


522 - What term is defined as the most basic activities that we all have the right to enjoy, such as voting?

civil rights

523 - What theory suggests that a state is a living being with a life cycle and eventual death?

Organic Theory

524 - What two mediums of mass media have become extremely important in electoral politics?

TV and Internet

525 - What type of economic system allows the government to decide what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce?


526 - What type of election is done within a party where the party identifies candidates and appoints staff?


527 - What type of interest group is the Better Business Bureau?


528 - What was event caused the revolution to break out among the people of Paris?

The Storming of the Bastille

529 - What was our first president's opinion of political parties?

He warned our country against political parties.

530 - what was the 1999 war of pakistan and india known as??

kargil war

531 - What was the aim of the USPD?

Remove the enemies of democracy and create conditions for a secure socialist society

532 - What was the ideology of Socialist party?

Democratic Socialism

533 - What was the response to Washington's statement that political parties were dangerous to the country.

Many people agreed that political parties were a danger to the government

534 - What would be an example of an external conflict?

Drawn borders from Colonial Powers

535 - When a political party hands out literature, which function are they performing?

Educating the Electorate

536 - When citizens elect representatives to govern them.


537 - When did India become Republic?


538 - When did Mexico get independence?


539 - When did the cold war began


540 - When did the constitution of India came into force?

26 Jan, 1950

541 - When India China fought the deadliest war?


542 - When is each political party's candidate officially nominated?

At the party's national convention

543 - When is voter turn-out the highest?

for a presidential election

544 - When Jack waits for the end of the political advertisement to see who paid for/published the ad he is .....

evaluating sources

545 - When minor parties, especially single-issue parties, often take stands on and draw attention to controversial issues that the major parties would prefer to ignore, this is known as the

critic role.

546 - When Niti Ayog was formed?

1st January 2015

547 - When the central government is run by a small group of people.


548 - When the government has control of the economic system.


549 - When trying to get accurate information it is best to.....

Use multiple credible sources

550 - when was bhartiya janta party founded?


551 - When was the Commonwealth of Australia formed (also called federation)?


552 - When was the communist Party of India (CPI) founded?


553 - When we buy an airplane ticket or cruise ticket, we pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Sales tax

554 - When you extract raw material from the earth: mining, logging, farming, hunting and gathering, fishing.

Primary economic activity

555 - Where can a Virginia resident go in order to register to vote?

Local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)

556 - Where can the Bill of Rights be found in the Constitution?

First 10 amendments

557 - Where do liberals fall on the linear political spectrum?

Far left

558 - Where is power centered in a unitary system?

central government

559 - Where is the information written about impeachment?


560 - Where should you look in order to find the major differences between the political parties?

Party Platform

561 - Which Ancient Greek philosopher was one of the first to study government?


562 - Which article of Indian Constitution bans untouchablity?


563 - Which Article talks about Free Legal Aid?

Article 39A

564 - Which body would be most affected by a loss of population in the 2010 census?

house of representatives

565 - Which branch of government introduces a bill?


566 - Which characteristic best describes a splinter party?

broken off from a major party

567 - Which city is the capital of 2 states?


568 - Which country is east of Iraq?


569 - Which country is in Asia and Europe?


570 - Which country is NOT part of Latin America?


571 - Which court is at apex level?

Supreme Court

572 - Which direct democracy tool allows citizens to gather petitions and signatures, then vote in an election to end the term of an elected official early?


573 - Which feature separates Europe from Africa and is a huge tourist attraction for Europe?

Mediterranean Sea

574 - Which form of local government is made up of 3 people with both legislative and executive authority over one specific area of responsibility?

The Commission

575 - Which freedom is not granted by the 1st Amendment of the Constitution?

freedom from illegal searches

576 - Which group in France favored radical change and overthrow of the government?


577 - Which group influences government by helping to set the public agenda and filtering which issues the public knows about?


578 - Which Indian state/UT is set to form a Migration commission, to identify the skills of returning migrant workers and provide employment?

Uttar Pradesh

579 - Which individual is associated with the phrase blood and iron as related to the unification of Germany?

Otto von Bismarck

580 - Which is NOT a way that the media affects government?

shape legislation (laws) by influencing Congressional voting

581 - Which is NOT an example of democracy?


582 - Which is not India's neighbouring country?


583 - Which is the biggest parliamentary constituency by area?


584 - Which is the largest written legal document in the world?


585 - Which is the nearest neighbour to Great Britain?


586 - Which is the state religion of Sri Lanka?


587 - Which issue represents a basic disagreement between Democrats and Republicans?

Whether higher levels of taxation should be imposed to pay for more public services

588 - Which leader and group supported the signing of a trade treaty between Great Britain and the US?

Washington and the Federalists

589 - Which of following name is suitable

Social and political life

590 - Which of the countries is not a South Asian Country?

South Africa

591 - Which of the following best describes conservatives' beliefs about government?

It should be less involved in people's lives to promote independence

592 - Which of the following can be contributing factors to low voter turnout in the United States?

Lack of information, Experience, Residential Mobility and Income

593 - Which of the following countries is the example of two party system?

Both a and b

594 - Which of the following did NOT play a major role in causing the French Revolution?

The Reign of Terror

595 - Which of the following happens fourth?

Electoral votes are counted.

596 - Which of the following ideas WOULD NOT be part of the Republican Party platform?

raising taxes to stimulate the economy and help the poor

597 - Which of the following is a reason why the United States has a two party political system?

It developed out of a tradition going back to the 1790s

598 - Which of the following is an example of a good public opinion poll question?

Do you think the president is doing a good job, a fair job, or bad job?

599 - Which of the following is another word for permission?


600 - Which of the following is not a factor of how a person typically forms their political ideology?


601 - Which of the following is not a feature of Election system in India?

Communal Electorate

602 - Which of the following is NOT a reason why political parties exist?

to divide the country into two large groups to simplify elections

603 - Which of the following is not a requirement to be considered a state?

developed industry

604 - Which of the following is NOT a strong centripetal force in the United States?

the many ethnic groups living in the United States

605 - Which of the following is NOT an organ of the government?


606 - Which of the following is not one of the three organs of the government?


607 - Which of the following is not true of al-Qaeda?

Al-Qaeda is a single, non-religious organization.

608 - Which of the following is the best advice to keep democracy alive?

all voters educate and inform themselves and make wise decisions before voting

609 - Which of the following is the smallest country in the world, measured at 110 acres?

Vatican City

610 - Which of the following issues of tension between India and Bangladesh is false?

Water sharing issue of rivers Ganga and Yamuna.

611 - Which of the following languages is the most truly international language?


612 - Which of the following media would generally favor conservative candidates?

Fox News

613 - Which of the following play a role in devolution?

All of these

614 - Which of the following political terms would most likely be applied to the Democratic party's platform?


615 - Which of the following prevented colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains?

Proclamation of 1763

616 - Which of the following reversed the Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford?

The Fourteenth Amendment

617 - Which of the following statements about the Democratic Party is most accurate?

Its members are said to be more liberal.

618 - Which of the following TWO characteristics are true about states?

Both (A), (B)

619 - Which of the following was NOT a cause of the French Revolution?

The execution of Louis XVI

620 - Which of the following would be most like the president?


621 - Which of the following would have to pay the most in taxes in France before the Revolution?

A poor goat herder

622 - Which of the following would result from the direct election of presidential candidates?

Each vote would count equally in determining which candidate won the election

623 - Which of the followings are the functions of political parties? I. Aggregation of power II. Political socialization III. Forming an interest group IV. A link between people and government


624 - Which of the two states were the worst affected by partition of India?

Punjab and Bengal

625 - Which of these countries has a one-party system?


626 - Which of these groups fights for 2nd Amendment protections?


627 - Which of these is a problem with the multiparty political system, like those common in Europe?

All of these are problems of the multiparty political system.

628 - Which of these is not a Union Territory?

All are Union Territories

629 - Which of these is the challenge faced by political party?

All of these

630 - Which of these is the main component of political party?

All of these

631 - Which of these news sources would be considered the most reputable? (having good reputation)


632 - Which one of the following arguments is against the Universal Adult Franchise?

It inculcates anti-nationalism

633 - Which one of the following is not a function of political parties?

Parties do not shape public opinion

634 - Which one of the following is the most visible institution in a democracy?

Political Party

635 - Which one of these is not a political party in the United States

Red Party

636 - which organ of the government ensures that laws and rules of the country are followed properly?


637 - Which out of the following is a 'state party'?

Rashtriya Janta Dal

638 - Which party is at the middle of the political spectrum?

Liberal Party

639 - which party was formed under the leadership of kanshiram?


640 - Which political ideology is described below: favor freedoms of the individual, favor small government, favor states' rights, and favor religious freedoms


641 - Which political ideology is described below: favor large government, favor social programs, favor equality for all, favor education and science


642 - Which political ideology most likely supports states' rights?


643 - Which political party favors civil rights and equality?


644 - Which political party is being described? [Frank believes that government should be actively involved in people's lives so as to help the poor get on their feet. He thinks the rich need to pay their share of taxes to help fund social programs.]

Democratic Party

645 - Which President was the first to hold regular press conferences?

Woodrow Wilson

646 - Which process includes meetings where party leaders and supporters select a candidate through "discussion and consensus"?

Caucus system

647 - Which purpose of government includes riot control?

maintain order

648 - Which regimes is best suited to accommodate social diversity?

A democratic regime

649 - Which right is represented in the following statement? Citizens have the right to approach the courts to have any of their fundamental rights restored in the case of their violation.

Right to constitutional remedy

650 - Which shape most easily fosters the establishment of effective internal communication of a smaller state?


651 - Which socialization factor manifests "the power of place?"


652 - Which state borders Pakistan?


653 - Which State left European Union in 2016?

United Kingdom

654 - Which statement would best fit into the Declaration of Independence?

We believe it is our right to end an unfair government.

655 - Which step of the campaign process would have members of the same party competing against each other for votes?


656 - Which term means supporting or favoring one side?


657 - Which THREE South American countries are located along the Pacific Ocean? (Select 3)

Both (B), (C)

658 - Which type of political party system does the United States have?

a two-party system

659 - Which type of state places the most power in the hands of a central government?


660 - Who among the following countries was not in the capitalistic bloc


661 - Who brought their ideas of government when they came to the American colonies?

The English

662 - Who can vote in a closed primary

only declared party members

663 - Who has the power to declare emergency in India?


664 - Who has the power to modify or cancel laws if it finds find that they don't adhere to the constitution?


665 - Who is called the first citizen of India?


666 - Who is known as the father of Political Science:


667 - Who is responsible for the income and expenditure of a Village Panchayat?


668 - Who is the current Minister of External Affairs?

Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar

669 - who is the father of ideal state


670 - Who is the first women Judge of the Supreme Court of India?

Fatima Beevi

671 - Who is the Government representative or employee in every Gram Panchayat?


672 - Who is the head/associated with the Legislative Branch?


673 - Who is the human resource development minister?

Rameshchandra Pokhariyal Nishank

674 - Who is the information officer in a High School?

Head Master

675 - Who is the leader of ruling party in the lok sabha?

Prime minister

676 - Who is the leader of the Green party?

Annamie Paul

677 - Who is the ruler of Zimbabwe since independence?

Robert Mugabe

678 - Who made the Tennis Court Oath?

National Assembly

679 - Who moved the 'Objective Resolution' in the Constituent Assembly?

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

680 - Who must promise to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution?

the president

681 - Who plays a decisive role in making laws for a country?


682 - Who spoke these words first " of the people, by the people and for the people"?

Mr. Abraham Lincoln

683 - Who supervises and conducts the elections in a Constituency?

Returning Officer

684 - Who was the developer of the Heartland Theory

Halford Mackinder

685 - Who wrote "Freedom from Fear"?

Aung San Suu Kyi

686 - who wrote the book Joothan

Omprakash Valmiki

687 - Why are swing states called swing states?

They are known to vote for both parties

688 - Why are the media more influential on public opinion today than in the past?

Americans increasingly spend more time watching television and surfing the Internet.

689 - Why are third parties important?

They introduce new ideas or issues

690 - Why are women labeled as a minority group?

Women have suffered the same types of discrimination as minority groups.

691 - Why do third party candidates struggle to win elections?

all of these are true

692 - Why is history important for the future?

allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved.

693 - Why is political participation important?

Because the people can participate for example in elections

694 - Why is there an issue between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland?

A long-stemmed prejudice between Catholics and Protestants

695 - Why was the Literary Digest poll of 1936 so wrong?

The sample was drawn from phone books and motor vehicle records (i.e. rich people)

696 - Why was the Petition of Rights written?

To object King Charles I's overreach of authority.

697 - Why was the Three Little Pigs changed?

To show respect and tolerance

698 - Wind, geothermal, and solar energy are all what type of energy resources?


699 - With 2,700 reporters, photogs, and editors this group has the largest news gathering ability

The Associated Press

700 - Yugoslavia was a good example of

nation-state existing in a unified condition


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