Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 9

1 - "EVM" for the first time used in:-


2 - "Liberty and justice consist of restoring all that belongs to others; thus, the only limits on the exercise of the natural rights of woman are perpetual male tyranny; these limits are to be reformed by the laws of nature and reason."Olympe de Gouges, French feminist, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, 1791The passage above is an example of which of the following processes occurring in the eighteenth century?

The application of Enlightenment ideas

3 - "The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." This quote is most like the ideas from


4 - "The National Assembly, considering that it has been summoned to establish the constitution of the kingdom, to recreate the public order, and to maintain the true principles of monarchy"What was the National Assmbly's goals?

To write a constitution with a limited monarchy

5 - *Sugar Act*Quartering Act*Stamp ActThese acts contributed to the start of the Revolutionary War by.....

Angering colonists who believed that their civil liberties had been violated.

6 - ..... allow voters to keep who they vote for confidential.

Secret ballots

7 - ..... are the number of ward members in a Gram Panchayat based on its population.


8 - ..... believe that the inequality in society between men and women is the result of social, not natural, inequalities.


9 - ..... has special powers in the Indian Parliament.

Lok Sabha

10 - ..... is an indirectly elected body

Rajya Sabha

11 - ..... means to judge people negatively ot see them as inferior .


12 - ..... plays a major role and has a large impact on the American political system.

Political parties

13 - ..... said that cricket was a marketable game which could generate huge revenues.

Kerry Packer

14 - ..... seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribe in 2012.


15 - .....a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.


16 - Monitoring - Interest groups often monitor developments. This means they.....

keep track of everything government is doing that might affect their area of focus.

17 - 100% European born in the New World; owned large farms, wealthy, but limited opportunity for government positions


18 - What is Bias?

one-sided opinions

19 - What is Symbolism?

the use of visual images that might represent another thing to communicate thoughts or ideas

20 - How do modern Democrats and Republicans view taxation?

Democrats favor tax increases to support new social programs.

21 - 9 Which of the following best explains how most candidates are recruited to run for office?

C Political parties usually recruit and train people at the local level they believe are most fit to run for office.

22 - A ..... is a system of government in which all eligible citizens vote on representatives to pass laws for them. A perfect example is the U.S., where we elect a president and members of the Congress. We also elect local and state officials


23 - A ..... is an entitlement or a justified claim. It denotes what what individuals are entitled to as citizens and human beings.


24 - A ..... system characterizes the American political process.


25 - A blend of both Republican and Democrat views.


26 - A body of individuals living as members of a community


27 - A boundary that separates natural resources that may be used by both countries.


28 - A candidate whose name a voter must hand-write on the ballot

write-in candidate

29 - A conflict within a nation

national conflict

30 - A country that does not have direct access to the sea due to being surrounded by neighboring states.


31 - A country that is not fully democratic or fully autocratic but displays a mix of the 2 types is what?


32 - A country's morphology which can weaken its stability if an enclave is occupied by people whose values systems differ from the surrounding state is called


33 - A defendant's pretrial rights include all of the following EXCEPT

negotiable bail.

34 - A democracy is a form of government

in which people have the power to change government.

35 - a famous politician; a noteworthy leader in present or past American government


36 - A government where a God or divine ones are given the status of supreme ruler?(Examples: The Vatican, Egyptians, etc.....)


37 - A government where the people elect representatives to vote on their behalf is called? (Rome's biggest contribution to WPT)


38 - A group of people who represent a small minority of the population of their country want to break away and form their own country with a government that better represents them. What type of nationalist movement is this an example of?


39 - A group of people who work together for similar purposes or goals

interest group

40 - A group of people who: 1. Share similar beliefs about the role and purpose of government. 2. Work to get candidates nominated and elected to a political office.

Political Party

41 - A group of people with a common culture living in a territory and having a strong sense of unity.


42 - A group that can collect limited amounts of money from individual donors for a political campaign

Political Action Committee (PAC)

43 - A large group of people who are entitled to vote


44 - A lawsuit seeking damages for "all persons similarly situated" is called

a class-action suit.

45 - A minority government is when

no party won 50% of the ridings

46 - A nation state is always


47 - A party's particular view on a specific issue is referred to as a(n):


48 - A person that believes that marriage should be strictly defined as a union between a man and a woman has a ..... ideology


49 - A person who believes in the importance of change and freedom, favors reform and progress


50 - A person who believes that limited government is best with little oversight of businesses plus strong support for traditional lifestyle choice s


51 - A political party is a group of individuals that .....

organizes to win elections and operate the government

52 - A primary in which voters must be registered party members in order to participate is called a(n) ..... primary.


53 - A procedure in the house where a bill can be forced out of committee when a majority of members desire it.

Discharge Petition

54 - A process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular matter over a period of time

case study

55 - A rapidly rotating column of air that is in contact with the ground and a cumulonimbus cloud


56 - A recognised political party is one that

All of these

57 - A region such a country or multiple countries caught up in a conflict between two superpowers.


58 - A sector which provides service to its customers is called

Tertiary sector

59 - A series of statements expressing a party's set of beliefs


60 - A set of ideas, beliefs..... about how government should operate and how much government should be involved in our day to day lives.

Political Ideology

61 - A society's position on gender roles

gender politics

62 - a state doesn't support either political party on a regular basis

swing state

63 - A state has the sole right to the fish and other marine life between 24-200 nautical miles from shore, this is their.....

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

64 - A state with only one nation within its borders


65 - A state with several discontinuous pieces of territory; can be difficult to govern


66 - A straight line drawn by people that does not follow any physical feature closely.

Geometric boundary

67 - A study of people & culture


68 - A Village Panchayat is divided into ..... .


69 - A voter generally joins a political party in order to

support a party's ideas or candidates

70 - A writ of habeas corpus is an order that requires

jailers to bring a prisoner before a court and explain why they are being held.

71 - According to ..... Man is by nature a social being, and he needs the state to guide him towards perfection.

Thomas Aquinas

72 - According to him, the sole purpose of Politics is to manage the society or state and to make laws and policies.


73 - According to Hobbes, people agreed to give up some ..... in exchange for ..... as part of the social contract.

rights and power / protection

74 - According to political scientists, your political socialization predominately derives from


75 - According to the Rowlatt Act

Indians could be arrested without a warrant

76 - According to the UN, terrorism is considered to have all but which of the following traits?

All violent acts committed against another group of people

77 - After serving as a U.S. Senator, Laura decided to run for governor of Florida. Liz, Laura's opponent, claims in court that Laura is not qualified to run. A judge rules in Liz's favor. What was the basis for the lawsuit?

Laura is not a Florida resident.

78 - After the Conference of 1955, ..... became a symbol of new awakening of the Afro- Asian World.


79 - After the Fall of Rome, what events led to the rise of feudalism?

Increase in attacks

80 - Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded North India times between 1748 and 1761.


81 - All citizens are permitted by ..... to practise their own religion.

Indian constitution

82 - All of the following are examples of mass media EXCEPT:

School Newspaper

83 - All of the following are functions of political parties EXCEPT-

nominate Supreme Court justices

84 - All of the following are positive effects of interest groups EXCEPT:


85 - All of the following expect to share wealth equally EXCEPT


86 - Allocational border disputes occur when

When a resource lies on two sides of a border

87 - Amendment 2 protects a persons right to?

Bear Arms

88 - An economy controlled by the government is known as?


89 - An example of a large state that would benefit from its size would be:


90 - An executive agency that could have been part of the department of the interior, but has the smaller responsibility of setting rules (regulations) that protect the environment.


91 - An independent agency of the federal government established in 1913 to regulate the nation's banking, financial industry, and monetary policy.

Federal Reserve Board

92 - an interest group that wants to contribute to candidates for Congress would most likely

form a political action committee

93 - An official act by the President forgiving a person convicted of a crime and freeing that person from serving his/her sentence.


94 - An organization of citizens that tries to get its members elected to public office and influence public policies and laws.

Political Party

95 - An organization of people sharing common interest or goals that seek to influence the making of public policy.

Interest Group

96 - an organized community living under a unified political system, the government.


97 - An organized effort to gather support for a candidate


98 - Any party with 6% of total votes in Lok Sabha or Assembly elections in four states and wins at least 4 seats in Lok Sabha is recognized as

National Party

99 - Australia has a 'bicameral' system of government. What does 'bicameral' mean?

two Houses of Parliament

100 - Authoritarian, common in communist governments and in some Islamic nations

One Party System

101 - Bal Panchayats are more Popular in.....


102 - Bolivia is an example of a ..... state


103 - Borders that follow regular patterns, usually straight lines

Geometric Boundary

104 - Boundaries set by ethnic differences, especially those based on language and religion.

Cultural Boundaries

105 - Boundary that existed either before humans settled an area or very early during settlement history.


106 - Branch of government that establishes judicial procedures


107 - Branch responsible for Passing a Resolution


108 - Branch that conducts Oversight Investigations


109 - Branch with the House of Representatives


110 - Chairman of drafting committee?

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

111 - Citizens believe in extreme nationalism (devotion to their country)


112 - Combination of laws, regulations, and rules that are designed to serve the public

public policy

113 - Communism is

a system of government where there is only one party and the State owns everything

114 - Consider the following statements on parties:-a. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.b. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders.c. Parties are not necessary to run governments.

a & b

115 - Consider the following Statements: A money Bill is introduced in either of the houses A state governor's name can be found on a physical map: We have temporary and permanent shops in our neighbourhood. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

116 - Consider the following Statements: A person MUST be a registered member of a political party in order to vote in a general election The American Enlightenment applied scientific reasoning to politics, science and religion. The Middle East is the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

117 - Consider the following Statements: As of Wednesday, November 4 there is no clear outcome on who our next president will be. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. PACs are organizations created with a political goal. Their donations to candidates are limited. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

118 - Consider the following Statements: Communism and Marxism are two different terms which means the same. It is necessary to go to market to purchase goods. Right to exploitation prohibits human trafficking, forced labour and employment of children under 14 years of age Which of the following is/are true?


119 - Consider the following Statements: democrats supported business Many states favor the current presidential primary system so any reform would be difficult to make. Stephen Colbert started his own SuperPac Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

120 - Consider the following Statements: Every U.S. citizen must join a political party. The voting age has been 18 since the Bill of Rights were added to the US Constitution. The Belarusian President selects the members of the Council of the Republic. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

121 - Consider the following Statements: Filipino culture is known to be grounded and rooted to religion. By voting in elections, people fulfill one of the most important responsibilities of citizenship. When there are two opposing superpowers of equal strength, there is not a balance of power. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

122 - Consider the following Statements: Fundamentalists could be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc..... Political Science is actually an art ; the art of governing and managing people and state. It is not a science because there is a specific way of practicing it. rising campaign costs have led to efforts to change campaign finance laws Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

123 - Consider the following Statements: In order to be president you must be a natural born citizen Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party Antecendent boundaries occurred BEFORE the present landscape was established. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: In Pennsylvania, you need a valid Photo ID to be able to vote. Polling is always a bad thing If a person is not born here, but they have American citizen parents, they can still be an American citizen. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

125 - Consider the following Statements: It is necessary to go to market to purchase goods. do parties shape public opinion Culture, society, and politics are concepts. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

126 - Consider the following Statements: Ms. Smith loves Grogu aka baby yoda. A registered Democrat can vote for a Republican candidate in a general election. Constitution provides safeguards against and the misuse their powers. by the leaders. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

127 - Consider the following Statements: NATO is a military alliance in which members agree to help any member being attacked. Making decisions that impact the majority of society is a major function of government. States run elections and license certain jobs for the federal government. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

128 - Consider the following Statements: On the political spectrum, the Republicans are considered "Right Wing" while the Democrats are "Left Leaning" China is an example of a one-party system Emperor Qin unified the kingdoms of China Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

129 - Consider the following Statements: Political interest groups try to influence laws and government policy democrats supported farming and workers There are three approaches to studying Political Science. They are traditional, behavioral and, post behavioral approaches. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

130 - Consider the following Statements: Political parties do play an important role in informing the public about the issues and the way government works. Import substitution was one of the major reasons why India's economic interaction with the outside world was limited. A Political Participation can be in a protest Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

131 - Consider the following Statements: Pragmatism is a characteristic of American political parties. Pragmatism is ideas that should be judged on the basis of their practical results rather than on the purity of their principles. Both parties are pragmatic as long as there's not a lot of polarization. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Our genders mirror the way our culture reads us as member of society. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

132 - Consider the following Statements: Republicans and Democrats are the only political parties in the U.S. Former slaves were considered citizens and had equal rights The USA has a limited form of government. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

133 - Consider the following Statements: Some borders are manmade while others are naturally occurring. POLITICAL PARTIES ARE ONE OF THE MOST TRUSTED INSTITUTIONS ALL OVER THE WORLD Beliefs are a person's or a collectivity's principles or standards of behavior and are considered as judgment of what is important in life. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

134 - Consider the following Statements: The 2020 Electoral map had more blue states, than red states. To defend the country and to render national service at time of emergencies is the fundamental duty of a citizen. One of our responsibilities as citizens of the United States is to follow all of the rules and laws of our local, state, and federal governments. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

135 - Consider the following Statements: The United States remained neutral throughout World War I and World War II. Political ideology evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescribes a preferred or desired social order Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

136 - Consider the following Statements: Traditional approach studies political science in a normative way. It asks philosophical and ethical questions regarding politics. The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all constitution of the world. The United States is a superpower, and therefore, does not establish economic or political relationships with the rest of the world. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

137 - Constitution refers to

It is a set of rules and principles that all persons in a country can agree upon as the basis of the way in which they want the country to be governed

138 - Councill of Guardians?


139 - Creating ownership over a defined space, either personal, or publicly


140 - Cuba and North Korea have this type of government


141 - Cultural groups that have no independent political entity.

Stateless Nation

142 - Dad is on the right of the political spectrum. He is against abrupt changes, and he has traditional views. He also wants as little government involvement and spending as possible. This makes him a/an

conservative Republican

143 - dalit means .....


144 - Democracy is a form of government where the people elect their .....


145 - Democrats believe that the government should.....

take a larger role in people's lives

146 - Dispute between State of Maharashtra and Union of India will be heard under ..... Jurisdiction


147 - Disputes between states come to the Supreme Court under:

Original Jurisdiction

148 - Divided into Commitees


149 - Divides power among several branches of government

Separation of Powers

150 - Division of world into two power blocs is called .....


151 - During what Chinese dynasty did foreigners rule?

Yuan Dynasty

152 - Energy from the sun is known as.....

solar energy

153 - Even though the candidates of the 2 "major" parties win most elections, there are other political parties that actively have candidates run for office. What are these parties referred to as?

Both (B), (C)

154 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONEnlightenment ideas question hereditary privilegesFinancial crisis faced by the French CrownNobles refuse to surrender their tax exemptionsAssembly of the Estates General?Which of the following best completes the table above?

Representatives of the Third Estate form the National Assembly

155 - Every year, the Government presents the ..... for the approval of the Parliamnent.

Annual Budget

156 - Example: China cuisine was once divided into two regions: wheat-based in the north and rice-based in the south, but no exact line exists.

Cultural boundary

157 - Expansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to the point that they become global in scale and impact.


158 - Family, social groups, education, and political conditions all contribute to

political socialization

159 - For ..... the best kind of government was monarchy because they did not have to participate.


160 - For your generation, the source for most information is

Social Media

161 - Franklin D. Roosevelt is an example of this political party


162 - From what is composed the British political system?

The House of Lords, House of Commons and the Queen.

163 - From which country federal system is adopte In India


164 - George Washington believed political parties would:

have harmful effects on the nation.

165 - Give the meaning of 'Alliance'

When several parties in a multiparty system join for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power.

166 - Government agencies created by congress with a small area of responsibility that perform a specific service on behalf of the President. The leaders of these agencies are appointed by, and can be fired by, the President.

Independent Executive Agencies

167 - Government organization consisting of 10 Southeast Asian countries that promotes economic and political unity


168 - Group of persons who seek to control government through winning of elections.

Political parties

169 - Haiti's independence differed from other Latin American movements in that

It began as a slave revolt against slave owners and led to independence.

170 - Half hearted lukewarm response to a bill, by the President


171 - He believes that man by nature is a political animal.


172 - Hiring executive officials based on qualifications, test scores, and ability, other than loyalty.

Merit System

173 - Historically, candidates on either side have tried to stay more moderate in order to.....

win more votes

174 - How are Asian values defined?

Values that supposedly reflect the history, culture and religious backgrounds of Asian societies

175 - How are the voting rights of Brazil and Cuba similar?

both set the minimum voting age at 16

176 - How can the power of a king or queen be limited?

By constitution

177 - How does the government justify regulating the airwaves?

Airway is considered public property

178 - How does the United States choose the President?

The people elect him by voting in an election

179 - How has the Internet helped elected officials to communicate with American citizens?

by reaching wider audiences through new technologies

180 - How is the Vice-President elected in India?


181 - How Many Electoral Votes do you Need to become President


182 - How many electoral votes does a candidate need in order to win the electoral college?


183 - How many electors does each state have in the electoral college?

Each state gets the same number of electoral votes as it has members of Congress.

184 - How many freedoms are guaranteed by Article 19 ( Right to Freedom):


185 - How many member states are there in the International Monetary Fund?


186 - How many smaller political parties were allied to the Chinese communist Party when elections held in 2002-2003?


187 - How many times Article 352 was in imposed in India?


188 - How many votes are needed to win a majority in the Electoral College?


189 - how many wars have been fought between india and china?


190 - How many wars have been fougt between india and pakistan?


191 - How often is the National Convention held?

every 4 years

192 - How old must a person be to apply for citizenship?


193 - How would you say blind in a political correct way?

visually challenged

194 - Huge series of canals and waterways linked parts of northern and southern China.

Grand Canal

195 - I do not want any authority over me who will decide my course of action.


196 - Identify which agent of socialization matches with the correct explanation: influences what we pay attention to as adults. The effect of varies with our reading and viewing habits


197 - Identify which political group was most RIGHT WING


198 - If a poll comes within this average % of a sampling error, it is considered a good poll.


199 - If anyone's fundamental rights are violated, he can go to the .....


200 - If we want to know why certain social phenomena happened, such as the television program Eat Bulaga's Kalyeserye gaining millions of tweets worldwide, this field of social science answers these occurrences.


201 - If we want to lodge a complaint in police station ..... should be given.


202 - Impeachment in the context of Indian Constitution signifies :

legislative determination of guilt

203 - In 2005, this nation applied to be a SAARC member. It became the 8th SAARC member in the ..... Summit.

Afghanistan, New Delhi

204 - In a ..... sytem, two political parties are competitive and have a realistic chance of winning elections.


205 - In a monarchy, power is transferred through

a family

206 - In an autocratic government, government power is ..... and citizen participation is .....

high, low/no

207 - In an oligarchy, who has control over the government?

A small group of wealthy and powerful people

208 - In context with the new recruitment system to be followed from 2021 for various government jobs, what does CET stand for?

Common Eligibility Test

209 - In contrast to the prime minister in the UK, the prime minister in Russia is:

selected by the president

210 - In India first general elections were held in the year ..... .


211 - In Karnataka,reservation has been given to women in local body elections is


212 - In Kentucky, this person presides over a trial court with original jurisdiction in capital offenses, felonies, and other cases.

Circuit Court Judge

213 - In Malaysia, there are two main political entities which are Pakatan Harapan Coalition (PH) with several parties in it and Barisan Nasional Coalition (BN) with several parties in it. This shows that Malaysia adopts a ..... system.


214 - In North Korea, they have this type of economy.


215 - In order to be considered a state, a region must have what?


216 - In order to win an election, a major party is most likely to -

appeal to the political center

217 - In the view of Marxists state is

A class structure

218 - In the year 2008 Hazipally received ..... award from the State Government.


219 - In this type of government, citizens have the power by voting for their leader


220 - In Virginia, a citizen may register to vote in all of the following ways except:

by absentee ballot

221 - In what country is the city of Berlin located?


222 - In what type of government the ruler usually inherit or is born into the office?


223 - In which of these categories can Indian national Congress be put?

Centrist party

224 - In which of these countries half of the population lives in poverty?


225 - In which year did Left and B.J.P. supported the National Front government?


226 - In which year socialist revolution took place in Russia


227 - In which year was Telangana formed?


228 - Independence day is celebrated on .....

15th August

229 - Independence movement begins in Lithuania in -


230 - India borrowed the Directive Principles of State Policy from the:

Irish constitution

231 - India opposed Imperialism in the Conference of Asian Countries held in

New Delhi and Bandung

232 - India share common cultural and economic ties between


233 - Indian Constitution allows religious minorities to set up their own .....

Educational setups

234 - Indian State is socialist because :

Indian economic policy aims at ensuring social justice

235 - Insurance companies routinely deny insurance to people that want to buy it because

They already have health problems that become very expensive to the insurance company

236 - Interest groups pay lobbyists to work directly with members of Congress to influence the laws that are passed. It may seem unfair that interest groups have the money to invest in assuring laws they like are passed. What constitutional protection most assures these groups have this power and it cannot be taken?

freedom of speech

237 - Internationally recognized control over people and territory


238 - Interpretation of constitution of India is based on the spirit of

Fundamental rights

239 - Is green, has 151 members and government is formed.

House of Representatives

240 - It can be a complete research design in itself or a specific data gathering method used by anthropologists in fieldworks and cultural expeditions.


241 - It emphasizes balance between extreme ideas and views

Centrist idea

242 - It is a system under which military chief enjoys all the powers and suppress all the protests against him by the people.


243 - It was founded on January 1st 1995 according to the General agreement on trade and tarrif.


244 - Its goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies around the world. In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human nature, and be more tolerant on other people's behavior and actions.


245 - Jaylynn has opened a restaurant serving strawberry desserts. Tien and Marcela are security guards at the restaurant. What business sector are they all apart of?


246 - Judicial review power is with:

Both with Supreme Court and High Court

247 - Known for his work - LEVIATHAN

Thomas Hobbes

248 - Known for his work - POLITICS


249 - Korea is an example of a

multistate nation

250 - Last Governor general of India


251 - Law can be defined as

Rules behind which there is sanction of punishment or reward by the state

252 - Law that banned soft money and forced candidates to explicitly acknowledge approval of all TV ads.

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold Act)

253 - Local governments exist based upon a state-issued ....., which clarifies the basic policies, procedures, and institutions used by a municipality in its operation.


254 - Major issues of conflict during the writing of the Constitution include:

all of the above

255 - Majority means "more than ....."


256 - Marxism, Liberalism, or Socialism? Equality is paramount, but it is not possible when society allows for private ownership.


257 - Media also acts as a watchdog by

Digging up facts about corrupt politicians

258 - Meetings of public officials with reporters

Press Conferences

259 - Message used to convey the summation of intent of a group or individual.


260 - Modern day Mexico, Germany and South Korea could all be best described as having which type of political system?


261 - Money in hand is an example of:

Working capital

262 - Most of the Framers opposed choosing the President by popular vote because they.....

Did not think voters in such a large country would be able to learn enough about the candidates to make an informed decision.

263 - Most of the Mesoamerican empires believed in offering gifts to the Gods. Most of these "gifts" consisted of

Human sacrifice

264 - Most of the people of France belonged to the

3rd Estate

265 - Most political candidates spend their money on the following

media ads

266 - Mountains, water, and deserts are examples of

Physical boundaries

267 - Mr. Smith wants to be governor of Illinois because he misses his old home. However, he finds out he is disqualified from being governor of Illinois, why?

He doesn't live in Illinois

268 - Nadir Shah took away:

Both (B), (C)

269 - Nickname for a Republican.


270 - North Korea and South Korea is divided by which line?

38th parallel line

271 - North Korea has what type of government.....


272 - Number of language in 8th schedule


273 - Offices usually need a ..... to search you or your property


274 - One of the goals is to study the nature of humanity to further examine our roles within a society.


275 - One role of the mass media is to identify .....


276 - one whose legalized force and power is restricted through spread out and specific powers in government

Limited Government

277 - Oral Arguments


278 - Organization extending to the whole society that can legitimately use force to carry out its decision


279 - Our constitution had been drafted between.....

December 1946 and November 1949

280 - Our Constitution is largely borrowed from which country?


281 - Over the past half century, the number of sovereign states in the world

has increased by more than a hundred.

282 - Part European, part Native American; small farmers and merchants


283 - Party leaders pressure a member of their own party to resign because of ethics violations. This is an example of the

bonding agent function

284 - People have a right and a duty to change a ..... that violates their .....

government, rights

285 - People in a society give up some of their rights in exchange for protection.

Social Contract

286 - Person whose views are in the middle between conservative and liberal and may include some of both ideologies


287 - Philosophical political ideas have changed since the founding of our Constitution. Which political party currently reflects the conservative voter's view?


288 - Political parties are organized at which of the following level(s)?

Local, state, and national levels

289 - Political Parties do all of the following except:

Count the electoral vote

290 - Political system = all the power in the hands of one person (or very few ) people


291 - Politics enable Muslims to implement ..... as part of living in a community.

Maqasid al-Shariah

292 - Power shared by two or more political parties is known as

Coalition government

293 - Practice of drawing lines within a voting district that favor a particular political party, politicians or group of people


294 - President X believes that the only way for his country to become "great" again is to impose solidarity among his citizens using propaganda, repression, and expansionist policy towards its neighboring countries. Based on this agenda, President X is an example of a.....


295 - Primarily, political activities are manifested in individual's political .....


296 - Principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity is adopted from which constitution?


297 - Promotes environmentalism, nonviolence, and social justice

Green Party

298 - Public opinion is the

total of the opinions held concerning a particular issue.

299 - Railways is a subject on the

Union list

300 - Refers to the study of communication

Linguistic Anthropology

301 - Republic' in consent to our constitution means

Head of the state is an elected person

302 - Right to Vote is a ..... .

Political Right

303 - Rising campaign costs have led to effort reform campaign finance laws. To reform means to


304 - Rule by one, both dictatorship and monarchy are examples .....


305 - Rules Committee

House of Representatives

306 - Saudi Arabia and Iran are enemies and constantly seek a political advantage over the other. Iraq is located in between them and is disrupted by this conflict. Iraq could be classified as a.....


307 - second largest party is called in india

opposition party

308 - Secular state means

No official religion

309 - Select the statement related to the advantagesof multiparty system

Provides choice to the voters

310 - Separate people

Centrifugal forces

311 - Separation of Church and State would be considered as a .....freedom


312 - Set of statements describing a party's views on major issues.


313 - socialism

political and economic system in which the means of production usually comes under control of a mixture of central government, individuals, and/or the community in general

314 - Socialism as a system of government was viewed as an alternative to what economic system?

Industrial Capitalism

315 - Socialists believe.....

If you have economic equality, all other inequality problems will be fixed

316 - Some of the ideological and conceptual bases of Marxism are the following EXCEPT.


317 - Someone who runs for a publicly elected office


318 - Someone who supports government spending on social programs would likely fall on the ..... side of the political spectrum.


319 - Sovereign power is located at the centre of national government of Kuwait. Which political system is practiced in Kuwait?


320 - SS.7.C.2.9Monica and Max are running against each other for a seat on the county school board. Monica has been a teacher in another district for 15 years and has been elected twice to the school board. Max has no experience in educational administration but he owns a sporting goods store and would like to pay back his community for his success. Now that the county is doing better financially, Monica would like to bring back several student programs that were cut a few years ago. Max admits he is not familiar with the issues yet, but says he is a "quick learner." Why might Monica be considered more qualified than Max for the seat on the school board?

She has experience in the position and knows the issues.

321 - State legislatures redraw district boundaries so that each district contains roughly the same number of people.


322 - State where cherrapunji is located


323 - Studies the way of life of urban people

Urban sociology

324 - Supreme Court case where the court claimed the power of judicial review

Marbury v. Madison

325 - Supreme Court sits at:


326 - Tammany Hall was run by .....

the New York City Democrats

327 - Tax collected by Village Panchayat is ..... .

House and Land Tax

328 - Territorial morphology

Territorial size, shape and relative location

329 - The "Law Day" is celebrated to indicate the :

Adoption of the Indian Constitution

330 - The "Right" is associated with which party?


331 - The ..... party the one with the most elected members-can most easily influence laws by getting all its members to vote the same way on a bill.


332 - The ..... Party wants more government control on welfare, such as free healthcare.


333 - The ..... takes stretches across North Africa

Sahara Desert

334 - The book Prince was written by


335 - The celebration of a national holiday is an example of

Centripetal Force

336 - The central government of the United States is called the

federal government

337 - The cleanest city in India is


338 - The Code of Hammurabi and Chinese legalism both rely on the idea that

harsh laws are needed to control society

339 - The Constitution of India was adopted on .....

26th November 1949

340 - the dominant set of beliefs, customs, traditions, and values that define the relationship between citizens and government.

Political culture

341 - The eastern part of the border between the United States and Mexico is created by which physical boundary?

Rio Grande River

342 - The Emperor or King of Russia is the


343 - The famous 'tryst with destiny' speech that you are familiar with was given by

Jawaharlal Nehru

344 - The first General Election in India was held in the year?


345 - The first Prime Minister of India was ..... .

Jawaharlal Nehru

346 - The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the:

Bill of Rights

347 - The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the:

Bill of Rights

348 - The following are the factors that affects Global Politics except for:

Local Government Unit

349 - The following is part of a political parties platform from 2008."Planks.....called for the United States to assume a leadership role in the fight against global warming, amending NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) to reflect concerns about labor and the environment, and a call for more service through an expansion of the AmeriCorps and Peace Corps programs" Source: Library of CongressWhich political party is this likely from?

Democratic Party

350 - The forced removal of a minority ethnic group from a territory.

Ethnic cleansing

351 - The Fort Worth City Council would be an example of what type of government?


352 - The free rider problem occurs when

some benefit from an interest group's efforts w/o making any contributions

353 - The government is always formed by the ..... Party in China.


354 - The government uses advertising techniques to make sure they are popular


355 - The Great Leap Forward was characterized by

the economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China from 1958 to 1962.

356 - The highest-ranking official in the Philippine Government


357 - The House of Rep would decide who the president is, if.....

no candidate gains 270 electoral votes

358 - The idea that government is RESTRICTED in what it can do is

Limited Government

359 - the impact of historical events experienced by a generation upon their political views.

generational effect

360 - The Indian Constitution ..... .

bans the untouchability

361 - The Indian Independence Act was by the British passed on .....

18th July 1947

362 - The judicial branch's ability to evaluate laws to ensure that they follow the Constitution is called:

judicial review

363 - The Kentucky ..... is the final interpreter of state law.

Supreme Court

364 - The kinds of third parties include

All of the above

365 - The largest speaking language of India is


366 - the legislator's practice of slipping funding for a local project into a budget. The project may have nothing to do with the bill and may benefit only the legislator's home district.

pork barrel

367 - The literal meaning of theocracy is

rule by God (or the gods).

368 - The longest serving member of the Senate from the majority party who's 3rd in line for the Presidency.

President Pro-Tempore

369 - The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were significant influences on United States constitutional development because they.....

placed limits on the powers of the government

370 - The main base of BSP is in:

Uttar Pradesh

371 - The majority of votes in an election is called the

popular vote

372 - The media influences public policy in all the following ways EXCEPT -

tells people who to vote for

373 - The members of the parliamentary committee

are taken from various groups and parties in Parliament in proportion to their respective strength

374 - The methods by which citizens and groups express their desires and make demands upon the government

interest articulation

375 - The middle of Australia is nicknamed what?

The Outback

376 - The motto of the UK is .....

God and My Right

377 - The NAACP, AARP, and NRA are all examples of

interest groups

378 - The Native American group that sought equality

American Indian Movement (AIM)

379 - The Native Americans of eastern America fought on the side of .....-


380 - The Pacific and Atlantic oceans are examples of

Physical boundaries

381 - The Parliament of India consists of .....:

Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and President

382 - The party that is out of office watches the actions of the other party for mistakes or misuses of power. This is called being a

watch dog

383 - The pension of a high court judge is charged to the

Consolidated fund of India

384 - The percentage of Women voters in the first general election were ..... .


385 - the person who already holds elected office


386 - The person who conducts the prosecution on behalf of the State is called ..... .

Asst. Public Prosecutor

387 - The person who is chosen to run as a party's candidate in the national election.


388 - The political spectrum includes people who are.....


389 - The predominance of campaign spending is focused on

TV ads

390 - The Prime Minister works with a group of ministers called?

The Cabinet

391 - The procedures that federal departments and agencies make that govern issues such as the environment, job hours and safety, and transportation safety that are made with the input of those that must follow the rules made (ie the oil industry, construction industry, and auto making industry).

Rules and Regulations

392 - the process by which a judicial body evaluates and rules on the legal authority of legislation.

Judicial Review

393 - The process by which we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Political Socialization

394 - The property disputes come under the category of ..... .


395 - The purpose of a national committee is to do which of the following?

organize and plan for the national convention

396 - The purpose of a PAC is to .....

Raise money for political candidates

397 - The Rajya Sabha gives representation to ..... states and .....Union territories in India

28 & 9

398 - The report written by a writer as per the information given in a complaint is called ..... .

First Information Report

399 - The Rio Grande serves as a ..... border

Physical & Political

400 - The roots of Environmentalism can be traced back to the 19th C revolt against .....


401 - The Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with :

Allocation of powers between Union & States

402 - The structure of state power in Belarus includes.....

Both (A), (B), (C)

403 - The study of people and places on earth is called?


404 - The study of the effects of geography on politics and relations among states; relates to trade, resource management, and the environment.


405 - The supporters of whom were first to form political parties?

Jefferson and Hamilton

406 - The Tenth Amendment states that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are

reserved to the states, or to the people.

407 - The tenure of the Union Council of Ministers is

Not fixed

408 - The term nation-state would best fit which country?


409 - The top government lawyer in all cases before the Supreme Court where the government is a party is the

solicitor general.

410 - The two very first political parties in our country were the Federalists and the .....


411 - The United Kingdom and Germany have the same type of government. What is the legislative branch called?


412 - The United States and Canada are examples of a:

Multinational State

413 - The values that formed the foundation for India's democracy are written in the ..... of Indian Constitution.


414 - The view that " Mankind is using up and destroying natural resources to such an extent that we will bequeath only a barren earth, poisoned rivers and polluted air to future generations" is held by the


415 - Their Domestic Policy:Opposed Tariffs


416 - Their primary goal is to win elections.

Political Parties

417 - There are .....constituencies of Lok Sabha at present.


418 - There will be a writing portion on the exam. Select each attribute to a well-formed paragraph that you think will be necessary to do well.

Specific details from lessons throughout the unit

419 - Third important pillar of the World Trade


420 - Third party candidates rarely win elections. Why?

All of the above

421 - This body is the "enforcement" body of the United Nations.

Security Council

422 - This country is famous for spices in the world


423 - This economic system is based on supply and demand!


424 - This is a political organization.

United Nations (UN)

425 - This is a system of government that means rule by the people:


426 - This map is sometimes referred to as a "birds eye view"


427 - This offers an account of the existing order, usually in the form of world view. It also advances a model of desired future, or a vision of good society. Further, this can explain how political change can and will be brought about.


428 - This party favors little government interference in the economy


429 - This party favors strong federal government, spending more on government social programs, and taxing the rich.


430 - This party supports higher taxes


431 - This philosopher came up with the idea of the social contract


432 - This political party often supports strong state governments.....


433 - This term means "effort by a candidate to win an election"


434 - This type of government will not allow citizens to speak out against the government.


435 - This type of map shows elevation:

Physical Map

436 - This was a tax on all printed materials in the 13 Colonies.

Stamp Act

437 - This West African king 's famous pilgrimage to Mecca made his wealth and power known to the world.

Mansa Musa

438 - This writ is issued when a higher court orders a lower court or another authority to transfer a matter pending before it to the higher authority or court.


439 - Those parties that lose in the elections

Play the role of opposition

440 - Those who have a strong Christian faith and share liberal views

Christian Left

441 - To find a political party's opinions on the issues, look

in the platform

442 - tropic of cancer divides the the country into

2 halves

443 - Type of government with economic equality, everyone owns it but there is still some private ownership


444 - Typhoons Can Be Found In .....

Pacific Ocean

445 - Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. Which of the following does NOT belong to the federal government?

Provide schooling and education

446 - Up to which age education is free and compulsory


447 - uses vague words and phrases

glittering generalities

448 - USSR is

Union of Soviet socialist republic

449 - USSR now is represented by


450 - varsa sandhi ki sthapna kab hui?


451 - We have ..... party system in India.


452 - What are core democratic values?

The beliefs that bring us all together.

453 - What are ideologies?

basic beliefs about government

454 - What are the 2 largest political parties in the United States (select all that apply)

Both (A), (C)

455 - What are the three levels of government called in Canada?

Municipal, Provincial, Federal

456 - What are the two houses of the US Legislature?


457 - What can play an important role in public politics although they rarely win elections.

Third parties

458 - What country is the closest example of a nation-state?


459 - What describes that political parties have to ensure good performance by those within their party?

Bonding Agent Function

460 - What did President Clinton specifically do to be impeached?

committed perjury

461 - What did universal adult franchise mean:-

Right to vote

462 - What discusses the law making and powers of judiciary?

Applied Politics

463 - What does Cabinet (politically) mean?

The key group of decision-makers in executive government, consisting of the Prime Minister and top-level ministers.

464 - What does OPEC stand for?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

465 - What does the "P" in P.E.G.S. stand for?


466 - What does the word compulsory mean?

Required by a rule or law; mandatory.

467 - What factor best explains why Europe is home to many manufacturing industries?

Access to ports and navigable river facilitates the distribution of goods.

468 - What function of political parties is being described? [Most members of Congress belong to a political party and support the ideas in their political party's platform. Senators and Representatives propose legislation and pass laws based on the ideas from their political party's platform. These laws impact the government and society.]

influence policy

469 - What happened to the number of Americans who held mixed political views between 1994 and 2014?

it decreased

470 - What happens in a democracy?

People can vote to influence government decisions

471 - What has been the easiest form of nominating in the US


472 - What is "economic specialization"?

Focusing on producing a few goods a country can make most efficiently, selling them, and using the money earned to buy goods that cannot be produced locally.

473 - what is 1+1?


474 - What is a 'collocation'?

words that often go together

475 - What is a dynasty?

a line of rulers descended from one family

476 - What is a key difference between race and ethnicity?

Race is tied to a person's biology, while ethnicity is tied a person's geography.

477 - What is a news station showing by reporting only on one candidate?


478 - What is a political lobby?

A group of people advocating for a specific issue or individual

479 - What is a political system?

A network of relationships through which government generates 'outputs' (policies) in response to 'inputs' (demands or support) from the general public

480 - What is a race between candidates for political office known as?


481 - What is a small group of people who rule a country called?


482 - What is a system of independent and sovereign states known as?

International system

483 - What is an 'Affidavit'?

Details of a contesting candidate

484 - What is authority?

A government's ability to exercise power without resorting to force.

485 - What is best for most citizens

Common Good

486 - What is bias?

Telling only one side of an issue

487 - What is considered the first World War?

The Seven Years' War

488 - What is Demography?

The science of human population changes

489 - What is front-loading?

When states vie for scheduling their nomination contests at the beginning of nomination season

490 - What is ideologue?

Someone who believes passionately in an ideology.

491 - What is ideology?

Belief system that society can be improved byfollowing certain doctrines; usually ends in ism.

492 - What is not guaranteed by the Texas Bill of Rights

endorsement of Christianity

493 - What is the capital of Germany?


494 - What is the capital of Ireland?


495 - What is the capital of Kentucky?


496 - What is the capital of Macedona?


497 - What is the capital of Norway?


498 - What is the capital of Serbia?


499 - What is the capital of Spain?


500 - What is the capital of The Czech Republic?


501 - What is the effort to influence the way the government operates?


502 - What is the feature of presidential system?

The president holds two position

503 - What is the FIRST public step a presidential candidate makes?

Declare to the nation that he or she wants to be President

504 - What is the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party?

All the above

505 - What is the Libertarian Party's position on welfare

an end to welfare

506 - What is the main activity of Palampur village?


507 - What is the military alliance that was set up by West Europe and the US to align against Soviet influence?


508 - What is the minimum age for holding office in Lok Sabha?


509 - What is the most important global forum for cooperation among states?


510 - What is the most important principle to keep in mind while conducting an opinion poll?

The Randomness of the population

511 - What is the mountain range that separates India and China


512 - What is the name of the second-longest river of Europe? It flows east from southern Germany to the Black Sea.

Danube River

513 - What is the pc version of mankind?


514 - What is the public agenda?

consists of the issues and problems that receive the most attention, time, money, and effort from government leaders.

515 - What is the purpose of the Electoral College?

Elect the President of the United States.

516 - What is the type of citizenship granted when one is born within a country?

Jus soli

517 - What is the vocabulary word that means a position of a candidate on a large topic?


518 - What is unique to a republic?

A republic is a country ruled by representatives

519 - What kinds of things can act as natural borders?

Mountains or rivers

520 - What organization controls the global distribution of the natural resource of oil


521 - What party worried about the federal government becoming too big and powerful.


522 - What political philosophy wants to minimize government as much as possible to prevent encroachment on individual freedoms?


523 - What positive contributions do Third Parties make to American politics?

Introduce new ideas into the political system.

524 - What term describes a countries ability to form its own laws and protect itself without outside influence?


525 - What term describes a political party's formal statements of basic principles, stands on major issues, and objectives?


526 - What term means a country that is completely surrounded by other countries?


527 - What term refers to a set of statements describing a party's views on major issues?


528 - What type of democracy did Greece have?


529 - What was the main cause for the signing of the Magna Carta?

King John raised taxes on the nobels

530 - What was the name of the communist Leader who declared a soviet republic?

Karl Liebknecht

531 - What was true about civil service exams during the Tang dynasty?

The civil service exams often favored aristocrats.

532 - What year did the War of 1812 end?


533 - What's the name of the one political party in Cuba?

communist party

534 - When a journalist writes an editorial taking a stand on a certain issue, he is

trying to persuade people to support his point of view

535 - When agreement between two persons breaks then it is called ..... case.


536 - When companies send jobs to another country this is what?




538 - When does a political party nominate its presidential candidate?

during the convention

539 - When it is time to vote, adults can go to a ..... to vote.


540 - When media focus on one story over another in covering the issues this is known as

Agenda Setting effect

541 - When Shanyu, a member of the Shrumism political party, distrubutes literature about his preferred candidate to his neighbors he is .....

educating the electorate about campaign issues

542 - When the President vetoes a bill while Congress is NOT in Session is called.....

A Pocket Veto

543 - When was Niti Aayog was constituted?


544 - when was the indian national congress founded?


545 - When we buy a farm land, we pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Property tax

546 - When we go for a haircut, we pay a particular tax. Which one is it?

Sales tax

547 - Where are the Houses of Parliament?


548 - Where do most Americans get their news today?

The internet

549 - Where do most people in Africa settle?

Near rivers

550 - Where is the Eiffel Tower?


551 - Where was Napoleon exiled the first time after the failed invasion of Russia?


552 - Which 2 superpowers were involved in the Cold War?

The U.S. and the Soviet Union

553 - Which 4 provinces originally joined in Confederation?

Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Burnswick

554 - Which amendment extended the right to vote to citizens over 18?


555 - Which amendment gave all men the right to vote, regardless of race?


556 - Which among the following statements about the Cold war is wrong?

The US and USSR were engage in direct wars.

557 - Which article talks about Abolition of Titles?

Article 18

558 - Which best defines the purpose of Political Action Committees (PACs)?

To raise and donate money to political compaigns

559 - Which branch has the House of Representatives?


560 - Which branch interprets the laws?


561 - Which countries make up the United Kingdom?

Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England

562 - Which country boarders Iraq and Syria to the North?


563 - Which country is an island?


564 - Which country won their independence for their nation from the Ottoman Turks in 1830?


565 - Which Court is apex Court in India

Supreme court

566 - Which decade would have likely seen several new, independent African states created?


567 - Which did the Federalists believe was the best way to protect individual rights?

have a strong national government

568 - Which document guaranteed the same rights of Englishmen to colonists in the New World?

Charters of the Virginia Company of London

569 - Which event is considered the beginning of the French Revolution?

Storming of the Bastille

570 - Which fashion chain has filed for bankruptcy protection?

Forever 21

571 - Which form of government could Russia and China both be considered?


572 - Which founding father is known as the founder of the Federalist Party?

Alexander Hamilton

573 - Which Founding Father that warned against political parties?

George Washington

574 - Which French military leader brought troops to support the American colonists in their revolution?


575 - Which grievance was shared by both French and American revolutionaries?

Unfair taxation practices

576 - Which group in the Latin American social hierarchy was NOT born in the Spanish colonies?


577 - Which includes to the "Political Science and other Disciplines"

Both (A), (B), (C)

578 - Which is correct?

The 1st wave of feminism gave women the vote

579 - Which is NOT a characteristic of Capitalism?

Classless Society

580 - Which is the most and least populous state?

Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim

581 - Which kind of education combs the social sciences, philosophies, and humanities?

Liberal education

582 - Which language in India is spoken very less


583 - Which Latin American leader was influenced by the American and French Revolutions into lead- ing the fight for the independence of Venezuela?

Simón Bolivar

584 - Which of the following actions is an example of impersonation?

voting under another citizen's name

585 - Which of the following are accurate representations of the Democratic Party?

Both (A), (B), (C)

586 - Which of the following are used by poll workers to communicate with respondents?

Both (A), (B), (C)

587 - Which of the following below best summarizes what impeachment is?

to bring charges against a federal official for trial and potential removal

588 - Which of the following best defines our plurality concept to accumulating votes in an election?

It is a system in which a candidate wins with the most votes in an election, not necessarily needing a majority of votes to win.

589 - Which of the following BEST defines the spoils system?

The awarding of government jobs to political supporters and friends.

590 - Which of the following can correctly stated about the advancement of the media's influence/role in politics?

The early print media and internet bloggers both use personal opinion to sway their clientele

591 - Which of the following countries does NOT have a democratic citizenship participation?


592 - Which of the following countries is classified as an illiberal democracy?


593 - Which of the following form an "iron triangle"?

E Executive department, Congressional committee, interest group

594 - Which of the following incident marks the beginning of new world order

operation desert storm

595 - Which of the following is a cause of the French Revolution?

There was social imbalance within the country

596 - Which of the following is a member of BIMSTEC?


597 - Which of the following is a reason why boundaries cause problems? (Select all that apply)

Both (A), (B), (C)

598 - Which of the following is a way interest groups can lobby the courts?

File an amicus curiae brief

599 - Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the office of president in China and Russia?

The Russian president is directly elected by the people, but the Chinese president is appointed as a senior party official.

600 - Which of the following is an example of how political parties monitor the actions of officeholders?

Letting they know they do not represent the party well

601 - Which of the following is least likely to vote?

An unemployed, 21 year-old, white, single, high school dropout from Savannah, Georgia

602 - Which of the following is not a Constitutional Office?

Solicitor General

603 - Which of the following is not a discretionary power of president

President can make a law unilaterally.

604 - Which of the following is not a disputed site between /India and China?

Lipulekh pass

605 - Which of the following is NOT a form of mass media.


606 - Which of the following is NOT a function of political parties (HERM)?

Influence public policy

607 - Which of the following is NOT a function of political parties?

create campaign slogans

608 - Which of the following is NOT a reason building a community easier in country like Japan?

differing religions

609 - Which of the following is NOT a reason the founding fathers created the electoral college?

They did not believe enough common people would vote in general elections

610 - Which of the following is NOT a strategy for evaluating campaign messages?

Evaluating issues

611 - Which of the following is NOT a type of incentive interest group members receive?

Monetary benefits

612 - Which of the following is NOT a way a Virginia resident can register to vote?

At the polling place

613 - Which of the following is NOT an example of land?

A river

614 - Which of the following is not noted in the Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution?

To cherish by the constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National sport, National Flag, National Anthem

615 - Which of the following is NOT true?

The government has a uniform civil code across India

616 - Which of the following is the best definition of public opinion?

the sum of many individual views

617 - Which of the following is the main reason interest groups are often successful in getting legislation passed to benefit their members?

D A narrow constituency derives the benefits from such legislation but the costs are spread broadly across the population.

618 - Which of the following is the major function of The Judiciary:

Ensuring administration of justice

619 - Which of the following is the most visible institutions in a democracy

Political parties

620 - Which of the following is true of the 2016 Democratic Party Platform as compared to the Republican party platform

There is more emphasis on the importance ethnic and racial diversity

621 - Which of the following is true regarding the establishment of cabinet departments?

The first cabinet department to be created was State and the most recently created was Homeland Security.

622 - Which of the following land masses has only geometric boundaries?


623 - Which of the following states was first to try out Modern Farming?


624 - Which of the following Supreme Court decisions made it dramatically easier for outside money to be brought in campaigns?

Citizens United v. FEC

625 - Which of the following terms is used for the areas when our country is divided into different areas for purposes of elections?


626 - Which of the following trend has occurred in the past decade in campaign financing and spending?

Campaign spending is increasing rapidly, and more and more financing is necessary to support a successful run for national office.

627 - Which of the following types of political participation is Most Common in the United States?


628 - Which of the following was an ideology of the Eastern Alliance

Socialism and Communism

629 - Which of the following was arguably the first interest group?


630 - Which of the following was one of the original political parties in the United States (late 1700s.)


631 - Which of these best describes a political party?

A group of people who have similar viewpoints about government

632 - Which of these countries has a democratic form of government

United states

633 - Which of these is a disadvantage of an economic trade group?

Closing Some Industries

634 - Which of these is not a main religion in Europe?


635 - Which of these is true regarding the party system of any country?

No country can choose its party system

636 - Which of these parties has national level political organisations?

None of the above

637 - Which of these people was NOT executed by guillotine?


638 - Which of this statement is incorrect?

All the above

639 - Which one is Civil

Slaves and Tejanos lacked rights in Texas

640 - Which one of the following is a better way of carrying out political reforms in a democratic country?

The empowerment of people

641 - Which one of the following is the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party?

Cultural nationalism

642 - Which one of these is NOT a part of Nehru's 3 major objectives of foreign policy?

To further the objectives of NAM

643 - Which out of the following is a feature of 'Partisanship'?

Inability to take a balanced view

644 - Which President legally changed his name at the age of 22 years old?

Gerald Ford

645 - Which provides the strongest support for the conclusion that Japan has few centrifugal forces?

Japan has a high degree of ethnic and linguistic homogeneity

646 - Which responsibilities are shared by the Federal and Provincial Governments of Canada?

Both (A), (C)

647 - Which role of the media refers to "horse race journalism"


648 - Which statement about McCullough v. Maryland is not true?

It gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review

649 - Which statement describes a write-in candidate?

A candidate whose name a voter must hand-write on the ballot.

650 - Which statement supports the Anti-Federalists in the struggle over ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

The Constitution should protect fundamental rights

651 - Which subject comes in concurrent list


652 - Which system means there is no government


653 - Which term is NOT a way to describe the United Kingdom's government?

presidential democracy

654 - Which two parties have very similar platforms?

NDP and Green Party

655 - Which type of political system is representative of China?

single party system

656 - Which was the result of the Citizens United v. FEC court ruling?

Creation of SuperPACs

657 - While the media sometimes uses misleading information called propaganda, more often it uses bias, which means -

Favoring one side over the other

658 - Who among the following adopted on open door Policy?


659 - Who appoints the Prime Minister


660 - Who became president after James Madison?

James Monroe

661 - Who became the first Mississippi Republican U.S Senator since 1881?

Thad Cochran

662 - Who can issue an ordinance in Indian Parliamentary System?


663 - Who chooses the chair of a national committee?

The party's candidate for president

664 - Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or not?

Speaker of the Lok Sabha

665 - Who determines the winner of a presidential debate?

Viewing and voting public's perception

666 - Who developed modern polling?

George Gallop & Elmo Roper

667 - Who elect the community government in Belgium?

People belonging to one language community

668 - Who elects the President and Vice-President of the US?

members of the Electoral College chosen by each state

669 - Who founded the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)?

Syama Prasad Mukherjee

670 - Who gave the name Harijan to the untouchables?

Mahatma Gandhi

671 - Who is able to participate in primary and general elections?

Registered voters

672 - Who is Friday president of India

Dr. Rajendra prasad

673 - Who is Minister for Culture?

Josepha Madigan

674 - Who is popularly known as the 'Milkman of India'?

Varghese Kurien

675 - Who is responsible for calling the meeting of gram sabha


676 - Who is the current leader of the Republican Party

Donald Trump

677 - Who is the greater supporter of Israel?


678 - Who is the head/associated with the Judicial Branch?

Supreme Court

679 - Who led independence movements in South America, beginning with Venezuela?

Simon Bolivar

680 - who signed Shimla agreement with Pak??

Indira gandhi

681 - who supported communist Cuba?

Soviet Union

682 - Who talked about 'End of History'?

Francis Fukuyama

683 - Who wanted a strict interpretation of the Constitution?


684 - Who was at the top of the social ladder in Feudal Japan?


685 - Who was responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001?

Al Qaeda

686 - Who was the first non-citizen to win Bharat Ratna?

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

687 - Who was the first president to throw out the first pitch of the Major League Baseball Season?

William Howard Taft

688 - Who was the first Republican President ever?

Abraham Lincoln

689 - Who was the first Vice Chairperson of NITI Aayog?

Arvind Panagariya

690 - Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

Louis XVI

691 - Who was the leader of the Marathas?


692 - Who was the loser of the 2000 Presidential Election?

Al Gore

693 - Who wrote "Long Walk to Freedom" about his struggles against Apartheid?

Nelson Mandela

694 - Who wrote "What is the Third Estate?"

Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes

695 - Why are the media biased?

Humans write the stories, and their opinions are shaped by background and experiences.

696 - Why did Thomas Hobbes believe that people needed to be governed by a ruler with absolute power?

because people couldn't be trusted to govern themselves

697 - Why do the individual voters have more power in a democracy than they do in an autocracy?

The citizens can vote and in some democracies, choose their leaders.

698 - Why is it so hard for 3rd parties to gain traction in the US? (You can choose more than one answer)

Both (A), (B), (C)

699 - Why were the Andhra Pradesh Parliament constituencies reduced from 42 to 25?

State Bifurcation

700 - You must meet all of the following requirements to vote in Virginia except?

Be a holder of a valid driver's license.


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