Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 1

1 - There are two kinds of organizations outside Parliament, namely the professional organization of the Conservative Central Office and:

The National Union

2 - _______ was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world:


3 - 18th amendment in Constitution of France was took place in:

19th February 2007

4 - 1922 was the year when Soviet Union was officially founded. How many republics did it comprise at the time initially?


5 - 3rd report is also known as:

Muhammad Ali Formula

6 - A codified constitution is:

One in which all the provisions are pieced together in one or more documents

7 - A constitution which provided for a rigid distribution of powers between the Centre and its constituent units is known as:

Written constitution

8 - A constitutional government means:

A government limited by the terms of the constitution

9 - A large number of acts of indemnity were passed from:

1727 to 1828

10 - A peerage has _______ with the tenure of land:

No connection

11 - A pious young Frenchwoman accompanied de Maisonneuve and in 1642 she founded the first hospital, Hotel Dieu, in Ville Marie. Who was she?

Jeanne Mance

12 - A rigid constitution:

Can be amended only through a special procedure prescribed in the constitution

13 - A Senator must be at least:

30 years old

14 - A socialist state lays emphasis on:

Economic equality

15 - A socialist state lays emphasis on:

Economic equality

16 - A Socialist state stands for:

Social control of the means of production and distribution

17 - A Welfare state aims at:

Providing minimum living standard to all the citizens

18 - A welfare state believes in:

Graded taxation

19 - A welfare state performs:

Both protective and welfare functions

20 - A welfare state:

Restricts individual liberty

21 - A written constitution is one:

In which most of the provisions are written

22 - According to Article 112:

Independent and subject only to law

23 - According to Hobbes people in the state of nature enjoyed:

No rights

24 - According to Hobbes the people:

Could not revoke the contract

25 - According to Hobbes the sovereign was:

The result of the contract

26 - According to Hobbes the state of Nature was a period of:

Constant warfare

27 - According to Kant, actions conform to duty when:

They are undertaken for the sake of duty alone

28 - According to Laski law is:

Built upon general social environemtn

29 - According to Locke people in the state of nature enjoyed only:

Natural rights

30 - According to Locke people in the state of nature:

Had both rights and duties

31 - According to Locke the contract was concluded:

By all members of the community

32 - According to Locke the government was created for the purpose of:

Protection of natural rights

33 - According to Locke the people in the state of nature:

Were governed by the laws of nature

34 - According to Locke the sovereign:

Was a party to the contract

35 - According to Locke under the contract people surrendered:

Only right to interpret and enforce the laws of nature

36 - According to Marx a revolution in the Capitalist society takes place:

Due to growing antagonism between the haves and have-notes

37 - According to Marx during the dictatorship of proletariat:

The state should be used to safeguard the interests of the working classes

38 - According to Marx the dictatorship to proletariat, which will follow the overthrow of capitalism will:

Stamp out the counter revolutionaries and capitalists

39 - According to Marx:

Religion is the opium of people

40 - According to Marx:

State is an executive committee of the bourgeois

41 - According to Marxists:

Great men do not play any role in the shaping of history

42 - According to Plato, Socrates' father was:


43 - According to Plato, Socrates mother was:


44 - According to Rousseau sovereignty resides in:

The General Will

45 - According to Rousseau the two instincts, which governed the action of man in the state of nature, were:

Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

46 - According to Socrates' conclusion at the end of the Meno, beneficent statesmen are like:

Soothsayers and prophets

47 - According to Socrates, learning is a kind of:


48 - According to the 3rd draft constitution East Pakistan should have 10 seats in upper house. How many seats were proposed for it in the lower house?


49 - According to the 3rd draft constitution in Punjab (included in West Pakistan) 75 members should be elected for lower house. How many members were proposed to be elected for upper house?


50 - According to the 3rd draft constitution, from where the head of state was to be elected?

West Pakistan

51 - According to the concept of Plural Sovereignty:

Sovereignty lies in all the associations of the state

52 - According to the first report of 'Basic Principles Committee' to whom the Prime Minister was be answerable?

Both Houses

53 - According to the First Report of 'Basic Principles Committee' who was to elect the head of the state for five years (A cabinet will be appointed to help the head of state that will be headed by prime Minister)?

Both Houses

54 - According to the Force Theory:

Force was the sole factor responsible for the origin of the state

55 - According to the liberal theory private property is mainly:

The result of one's labour

56 - According to the Liberal thinkers the functions of the state should be:


57 - According to the Matriarchal theory the head of the family was:

The eldest female member

58 - According to the Pluralists one of the important limitations on sovereignty is:

International Law

59 - According to the Reform Bill of 1832, the Tory came to be known as:


60 - According to the Reform Bill of 1832, the Whig came to be known as:


61 - According to the second draft the federal legislature was to be consisted of two houses the house of units and the house of people. How many seats were for the House of Units or the upper house?


62 - According to the second drft constitution how the constitution could be amended?

With the agreement of both central and provincial legislatures

63 - After being elected as the President of the first Constituent Assembly, Quaid-e-Azam appointed well-known constitutional exper(s) to prepare a daft incorporating with the laws of Islamic social justice. Name him/them?

All of these

64 - After declaration of financial emergency by the President, what is the period of operation without approval by the parliament?

2 months

65 - After how much time the 2nd Report of Basic Principles Committee was issued?

30 months

66 - After independence of America two parties emerged, those who were in favor of strong centre called themselves:


67 - After the assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan in October 1951 Ghulam Muhammad was mde Governor-General. Who was appointed as Prime Minister?

Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

68 - After the civil war 1861-1864, the southern confederate states had to be:


69 - After the creation of state, according to Hobbes, people continued to enjoy:

Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign

70 - After the death of Quaid-i-Azam (1948) and installation of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din as Governor-General, the type of Government came to resemble:

Cabinet Government

71 - After the defeat of Muslim League in election in East Pakistan, majority government could not be formed. A coalition cabinet ws formed. Who became the leader of the new cabinet and Mohammad Ali Bogra was sent back to his former position of Pakistan's Amba

Mohammad Ali Bogra

72 - All the Social Contractualists talk of State of Nature, which means:

The conditions existing prior to the creation of the state

73 - Alongwith his mentor, Socrates and his student, Aristotle, helped lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science:


74 - Among the seven industrialized countries in the world, which country is the smallest producer of carbon dioxide?


75 - An amendment in the constitution is subject to referendum in:


76 - An amendment is made by:

Ratification by 3/4 legislatures of the state

77 - An enacted constitution is:

Enacted after deliberation and discussion

78 - An evolved constitution means a constitution:

Which has grown imperceptibly over the years

79 - Area, district and city procurator were appointed by:

Their respective supreme soviets

80 - Arthashastra book is written by:


81 - Article 52 of the constitution provides for the president to be:

Head of the state

82 - At the time of commencement of the Indian Community how many years were laid down for appointment to the post in the Railways, Customs, Postal & Telegraph services for the Anglo-Indian community:

2 years

83 - At the time of glorious revolution the cabinet was:

Half formed body

84 - Before First Constituent Assembly be tabled for regular discussion, which incident took place that put the responsibility of making constitution on the shoulders of Liaqat-Ali-Khan?

Death of Quaid-e-Azam in the september 1948

85 - Before Indian Independence, how was the Post of Deputy Speaker in the Central Legislative Assembly called:

Deputy President

86 - Before the passing of the parliament act of 1911:

The duration of the House of Commons was 7 years

87 - Before which Constitutional Amendment, 20 years were fixed for reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha and State Legislature:

8th Amendment Act 1956

88 - Bonapartism means:

Aims at the establishment of an autocratic government with in the Framework of dictator ship

89 - Brezhnev was succeeded by:


90 - Britain came to have constitutional government by:

The end of eighteenth century

91 - By what majority from each of the central legislature, the Supreme Soviet can amend the Constitution:

Two third

92 - By which incident the process of the promulgation of the new constitution could not be completed?

Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly

93 - Cabinet grew with the increase in the supremacy of:


94 - Capital pubishment for serious offences:


95 - Chairman of the state planning committee:

None of them

96 - Communism believes in bringing about changes through:

Revolutionary methods

97 - Communism which was propounded by Marx and Engels and modified by subsequent philosophers believes in:

State ownership of all the means of production

98 - Communist party enjoyed the position of:

Monopolized legality of the state

99 - Constitutional government is often regarded as synonymous with:


100 - Constitutionally, how a law can be made out of the subject in the Concurrent List:

Both (a) & (b)

101 - Conventions enable a rigid framework to be kept up with changing social needs and changing political ideas:

Jennings says

102 - Council of minister frequently issued decrees jointly:

With presidium of supreme soviets

103 - Culturally, Great Britain is:

A Homogeneous country

104 - Customs and conventions are a feature of:

Both written as well as unwritten constitutions

105 - De facto sovereign refers to:

A person or body of persons who actually exercise power

106 - De jure sovereign refers to:

A person who has legal right to govern and command obedience.

107 - Democracy is distinguished from dictatorship by the fact that

It is responsive to the will of the people

108 - Despite the severe criticism on second draft constitution, Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din was optimist regarding the acceptance of draft. But most of the members of Basic Principle Committee did not sign the draft. Which of the following was/were most influential m

All of these

109 - Differenz des Fichteschen und Schellingschen System der Philosophie is written by:

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

110 - During how many meetings of First Constituent Assembly the Objectives Resolution was passed?


111 - During the absence of the Vice-President, the Senate is presided by:

The President Pro-tempore

112 - During the Presidential election the main burden of party affairs is borne by:

The National Committee

113 - During the reign of Peter I Russia gained some Baltic territories from another European country. Which country lost these territories to Russia?


114 - Eighth National Assembly's elections in France were held in:


115 - Eighth presidential elections in France were held in


116 - Elections are held:

Single member constituencies

117 - English constitution is a composite of charters, judicial and:

Common law

118 - English Parliament is a:

Bicomeral House

119 - Every French court has at least:

Three Judges

120 - Every party organization in France has remained:

A brittle affairs

121 - Fifth presidential elections in France were held in:


122 - First National Assembly's elections in France were held in:


123 - First presidential elections in France were held in


124 - First time Labour Party formed government in 1924 at that time the Leader of the Labour Party was:

J.H. Wilson

125 - Following Stalin, who was the next premier of the U.S.S.R.?


126 - For how many days Muhammad Ali Formula was thoroughly considered by the Constituent Asembly in October?

13 days

127 - For how many days the 1st Constituent Assembly met in 7 years?


128 - For how many years, months and days, did the Constituent Assembly work on the Constitution of India:

2 years, 11 months and 19 days

129 - Foucault focuses on the power-knowledge relationship and sees the two as:

Mutually constitutive

130 - France has:

Multiple party systems

131 - France is linked to the United Kingdom via the:

Channel Tunnel

132 - French local govt. System is:

Highly centralized system

133 - French politics is a:

Battle field of ideologies

134 - Generally an evolved constitution:

Can be amended through a very simple procedure

135 - George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel died at the age of:


136 - George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel died in:

Berlin, germany

137 - George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel the founder of:

German Idealism School

138 - George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a:

German philsopher

139 - George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Philosophy of right was published in:


140 - Gorgles refuses to say:

That he can teach virtue

141 - Hegel was appointed Roctor of the University in:


142 - Hegel's tomb is located in:


143 - Hobbes gives right to the individual:

Not to disobey the sovereign under any condition

144 - Hobbes holds that under the contract which resulted in the creation of state:

People surrendered all their rights to the sovereign unconditionally

145 - Hobbes says that the people:

Could not disobey the orders of the sovereign

146 - How are the parts of the Budget known as:

Both (a) & (b)

147 - How does true opinion relate to knowledge?

It's inferior in the long run

148 - How has the nature and scope of international society been conditioned by international legal instruments?

Both (a) and (c)

149 - How many amendments are there in Constitution of France has been amended:

18th Amendments

150 - How many Articles and Schedules were in the First Draft Constitution presented by the Drafting Committee to the Constituent Assembly?

315 Article and 8 Schedules

151 - How many constituent assemblies were made to frame the constitution of the country?


152 - How many members of Constituent Assembly were there?


153 - How many number of sessions were held in the Constituent Assembly?

Twelve sessions

154 - How many seats were proposed for the House of People or lower house in accordance with second draft?


155 - How many visitors came to witness the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly?


156 - How many years the 1st Constituent Assembly lasted?


157 - If an individual was unwilling to adhere to particular precepts and standards of the state Rousseau envisaged, how would this be handled?

Punishment would be administered to force the individual to adhere

158 - If sovereignty is not absolute, no state exists Who said this?

John Austin

159 - If there be any difference, women require it more than men, since being physically weaker they are more dependent on law and society for protection. The above statement, which makes out a case for grant of franchise to women, was made by:


160 - In 1979 elections, Mr. James Challaghan, the leader of Labour Party was defeated by:

Mr. John Major

161 - In 1990 ______ became president of the Russian republic and in 1991 he was reelected to the position in the republic's first popular election.


162 - In a Conferences of Supreme Court opinions which are concluded by CJ and his colleagues in the form of document called:

The Opinion of the Court

163 - In America, a Judge may retire on attaining the age of:


164 - In America, the judges of the Supreme Court can declare any law passed by the Congress or the state legislature to be unconstitutional if it violates the provisions of the Constitution is is technically known as:

Judicial Review

165 - In America, there are jurisdictions:


166 - In case of impeachment of a President, the Senate is required a majority of:


167 - In how many parts, the Budget is presented in Lok Sabha?


168 - In India the legal sovereignty lies in the


169 - In India, when does the financial year commence?

First April

170 - In modern times the Force Theory found a strong advocate in:


171 - In Muhammad Ali Formula bicameral parliament was envisaged; the upper House was to have 50 members of which 10 were to be from East Pakistan and 40 from West Pakistan, and the Lower House was to have:

300 members

172 - In Muhammad Ali Formula in Lower House the number of members from east Pakistan were:


173 - In Presidential system of government the President is dependent on:

None of the above

174 - In the 3rd draft constitution 10 seats of upper house were reserved for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Tribal Areas. How many seats were for lower house?


175 - In the 3rd draft constitution total number of seats for all the units in General Legislature was proposed:


176 - In the 3rd draft constitution total number of seats for all the units in lower house was proposed:


177 - In the 3rd draft constitution total number of seats for all the units in upper house was proposed:


178 - In the beginning, the Senate was comprised on:

26 members

179 - In the broader sense 'liberalism' can be equated with:


180 - In the capital of each department there is an administrative:

Administrative tribunal

181 - In the Constituent Assembly how many total number of Amendments were proposed in the Draft Constitution:

Approx 7365

182 - In the contract envisaged by Hobbes:

Sovereign came into being as a result of the Contract

183 - In the economic sphere the Socialists are in favour of:

Regulation of means of production and distribution

184 - In the First Lok Sabha how many seats were:


185 - In the First lok Sabha what was the Representation of Women?


186 - In the House of Lords are no party whips and:


187 - In the light of the functions performed by a modern state it can be described as a:

Welfare state

188 - In the List System of voting, the voter indicates his:

Choice for a political party

189 - In the new cabinet of Mohammad Ali Bogra, some new faces were included who later played a distinct role in the political scenario of Pakistan. Which of the following was/were these new face(s)?

All of these

190 - In the Parliament, what is the meaning of the Government Bill?

A Bill introduced by any Minister in either of the Houses of the Parliament

191 - In the present century the evils of the theory of laissez-faire were sought to be checked through:

State intervention

192 - In the Second reading, what kind of process is adopted to approve the Bill:

Both (a) & (b)

193 - In the US, the Court of claims was set up in:


194 - In the US, the Supreme Court has increased the powers of the centre by means of:

Doctrine of Implied Powers

195 - In the USA a senator is elected for a term of:

Six years

196 - In US the Supreme Court was established in:


197 - In US, in case of impeachment of President which Chamber sits as the Cief Court of Justice:

The Senate

198 - In which of the following circumstances does democracy thrive?

There is a small surplus

199 - In which session of Parliament, Railway and General Budgets are presented?

First session

200 - In which two Lok Sabha Women Representation was equal

First and Fifth Lok Sabha

201 - Individualism is also known as:

Laissez Faire

202 - International Relations in europe book is written by:

Lossky, Andrew

203 - It would be of lasting benefit to Political Science if the whole concept of sovereignty were surrendered. This statement reflects the view point of:

The pluralistic school

204 - John Locke, a proponent of Social Contract theory, hailed from:


205 - John Major was the Prime Minister of who belonged to:

Conservative Party

206 - Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din was removed on 16 April, 1953. Who was appointed as the new Prime Minister of Pakistan, who was also elected as the leader of the parliament by the Muslim League?

Mohammad Ali Bogra

207 - Kinds of organizations outside Parliament are of:


208 - Kingship in England can be traced back to:

Anglo-Saxon period

209 - La Realided Inventada book is written by:

Ruben Herrero de Castro & Robert Jervis

210 - Largest ethnic group of Russia is Russian. Which is the second largest ethnic group?


211 - Laski regarded the government as:

Trustees of people

212 - Liberalism' is the anti-thesis of:


213 - Liberalism stands for:

All the above

214 - Locke advocated his theory in:

The seventeenth century

215 - Locke concedes to sovereign:

Only limited authority

216 - Locke envisages:

Three contracts - Social, Economic and Political

217 - Locke propounded his theory of Social Contract in the book entitled:

Two Treatises on Civil Government

218 - Locke's sovereign was:

Bound by the existing laws

219 - Lok Sabha has the supremacy in which matter?

Financial Bill

220 - Lord Chancellor is the presiding officer:

Of Privy Council

221 - Lord Chancellor while presiding sits:

On a wool sack

222 - Many of the prerogatives have been ________ by the Acts of Parliament

Taken away

223 - Marx has given numerous causes which will lead to the overthrow of capitalism. Some of the causes are given below. However one of the causes listed is not

Capitalism frees the workers from economic worries and thus makes it possible for them to wage a strong struggle against capitalism

224 - Marx held that in the Communist Society the:

Distinction between bourgeois and proletariat shall not exist

225 - Marx held that ultimately the state will:

Wither away

226 - Marxian Socialists are in favour of:

Reforming capitalism

227 - Marxian Socialists lay emphasis on:

Economic Rights

228 - Marxists aim at capturing power:

By killing the bourgeoisie class

229 - Member of the House of Lords has:

To commit for the contempt of their rights beyond the session

230 - Members of Rajya Sabha are elected by which members?

Legislative Assembly

231 - Mikhail Gorbachev was Soviet Union's:

Last President

232 - Mohammad Ali Bogra successfully solved the problem of language by giving equal status to both Urdu and Bengali as official languages. Which language was adopted as the common language?


233 - Most of the legislation did not come from the Supreme Soviet but from:

The council of ministers

234 - Most of the Muslims gave the approval to the "Objectives Resolution" except one Name him?

Mian Iftikhar-ud-Din

235 - Mr. Harold Wilson came to power in:


236 - Mr. Richard G. Gasey was made life peer in:


237 - Mr. Winston Churchill was Prime Minister

During First World War

238 - Mrs. Thatcher the reader of the Conservative party won:

Three electoral victories

239 - Name the leader of the Congress Party who said that 'Objectives resolution' will put the minorities on a detestable place of servants and slaves?

S.C. Chattopadhyaya

240 - Name the opposition party in the Assembly that raised objections on the 'Objectives Resolution'?

Pakistan National Congress

241 - Name the speaker of the Constituent Assembly who challenged the Ghulam Mohammad's decision of the dissolution of the Government of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din?

Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din Khan

242 - National assembly sits:

Bourbon Palace

243 - National Republican Party replaced:

The federal party

244 - New Wars book is written by:

Mary Kaldor

245 - Newly created (1989) Congress of People's Deputies voted to end the communist Party's control over the government and elected Gorbachev President of the Soviet Union on:

March 14,1990

246 - Ninth National Assembly's elections in France were held in:


247 - Ninth Presidential elections in France were held in:


248 - No bill becomes an act unless:

Signed by President

249 - No incumbent president can be removed by:


250 - Nomination of party candidates for the office of president is made by:

Party national conventions

251 - Normally, what kind of session does the Parliament hold?

All the above

252 - Number of the senators who retire every year is:

One third of the total number

253 - Obama is the president of which country:


254 - On 10th August 1947 the first Constituent Assembly met. Which of the following job(s) was/were assigned to the Constituent Assembly?

Both of these

255 - On the proposal of two assemblies the president can:

Sumit to referendum any bill

256 - On the subject of budget, demands for grant are arranged in which way?

Ministry wise

257 - On what base(s), the Pakistan National Congress raised objections on 'Objective Resolution'?

Both of them

258 - On which ground the draft made in the 1st Report of Basic Principles was rejected?

It did not bear Islamic character

259 - On which grounds the dissolution of Constituent Assembly was challenged?

Assembly is sovereign body and Governor-General had no power to dissolve it

260 - One of the major contributions of the Social Contract theory is that:

It gave a death blow to the 'Divine Origin theory' and paved the way for democracy

261 - One of the protective functions performed by the welfare state is:

Protection of family and property

262 - One of the serious hurdles in the way of implementing the ideals of welfare state is:

Reluctance of people to pay high taxes

263 - Ordinarily, the Supreme Court continues its hearing:

Five days a week

264 - Originally, the United States comprised of:

13 states

265 - Out of 33 presidents 18 had been:

In army

266 - Pamsey Mac Donald became a Prime Minister in:


267 - Perestroika was introduced in Soviet Union by:


268 - Phanomenologie des Geistes is written by:

Geo Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

269 - Political Pluralism calls for:

Autonomy of associations

270 - Political sovereignty is a:

A limitation of English Parliament

271 - President Kennedy was:


272 - President Wilson had been:

University teacher

273 - Presidential Candidate Republicans, Abraham Lincoln gained victory in:


274 - Protagoras is used as an example of:

A rich Sophist

275 - Regions and Powers 2003 book is written by:

Barry Buzan

276 - Renaissance Diplomacy book is written by:

Mattingly, Garrett

277 - Representative of Union territories in the Council of State shall be chosen, in such a manner as decided by:

As prescribed by law in the Parliament

278 - Resolutions of either house of parliament:

Do not have force of Law

279 - Roussean borrowed the concept of absolute sovereignty from:


280 - Rousseau advocated his theory of Social Contract in the book:

Social Contract

281 - Rousseau hailed from


282 - Rousseau was an advocate of:

Popular Sovereignty

283 - Rousseau's Social Contract theory exercised immense influence on:

The French Revolution of 1779

284 - Russia adopted a new currently constitution on:

12th December 1995

285 - Russia got Independence from Soviet Union on:

August 24,1989

286 - Russo-Austrian rivalry was a major cause of outbreak of World War-I Russia fought in alliance with _____ and ______:

France and Germany

287 - Samuel de Champlain founded the first colony at Quebec and was instrumental in its organization and growth. He also served in other outposts, and was responsible for building the harbour in what city?


288 - Sanjiva Reddy became President on:

25th July 1977

289 - Second draft constitution proposed to format a board to review central and provincial legislation. This board was to be outside the parliament, therefore, faced a severe criticism. Term the board?

Ulema Board

290 - Second National Assembly's elections in France were held in:


291 - Second presidential elections in France were held in:


292 - Seventh National Assembly's elections in France were held in:


293 - Seventh Presidential elections in France were held in:


294 - Sir Henry Maine:

Bitterly criticised Austins's theory of sovereignty

295 - Socialism is opposed to:

Unrestricted competition

296 - Socrates Questions Meno's slave about:

The double of a square's area

297 - Socrates reacts to Anytus' disapproval of the Sophists with:


298 - Socrates says that all that the soul endures, if directed by ______ ends in happiness.


299 - Sovereignty has been defined as "Supreme Power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by law" by:


300 - Sovereignty is an essential element of:


301 - Soviet Union made demands also to Finland. When the Finns did not give in, the outcome was war. It started at the end of November 1939. By what name that war is known?

Vyborg War

302 - Speaker is the nominee of:

The majority party of the House

303 - St. Petersburg. The capital was moved to Moscow in:


304 - Stalin exiled Trotsky from the Soviet Union. Where did Trotsky end up?


305 - Stipendiary Magistrates are appointed by:

The Home Secretary

306 - Supremacy of Constitution which is one of the essential eatures of a federal governemtn means:

The Constitution is above all institutions, civil servants and citizens

307 - Tenth Presidential elections in France will be held in:


308 - Term the most important principle of the second draft constitution between East and West Pakistan, which brought East Pakistan at par in the central legislature?

Parity Proposal

309 - The 1st Constitution Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by the Governor-General by a Proclamation dated the 24th of October, 1954 and a reconstituted Council of Ministers was set up. The President of the Constituent Assembly Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din Khan, ther

223-A of the Government of India Act, 1935

310 - The 2nd Constituent Assembly was consisted of:

80 members

311 - The 68 number Constituent Assembly were comprised of 44 members from East Pakistan including:

13 Hindu Members

312 - The American constitution is:

A rigid constitution

313 - The American constitution proclaims itself to be:

Supreme law of the land

314 - The Anti-federalists later on assumed a new name:


315 - The Anti-federalists led by:

Mr. Thomas Jefferson

316 - The assertion that the state is not the only association but one among many associations in society, is:

A Pluralist viewpoint

317 - The best exposition of the liberal nature of the functions of state was offered by:

John Locke

318 - The Bolshevik Revolution took place in:


319 - The cabinet system got a golden opportunity to develop unhampered during the reigns of:

George I and II

320 - The candidates for the parliamentary seats must:

Have complete military service

321 - The chief exponent of the Utilitarian philosophy was:


322 - The communist party was:

Was conglomerate of middle class peasants and workers

323 - The compulsory functions of state imply the functions:

Which every state must perform to justify its existence

324 - The Congress sits at a place in Washington called near White House:

Capital Hill

325 - The Conservative party believes in:


326 - The constitution of 1958 has made the president:

The most powerful authority

327 - The constitution of imposes:

Three tests on a presidential candidate

328 - The Constitution of Russian Federation was ratified in:


329 - The Constitutionalism suffered a great setback as a result of:

Renaissance Movement

330 - The contract envisaged by Rousseau was:

Both the social contract

331 - The country was divided into cantons and in each canton a ______ was appointed:

A Justice of peace

332 - The Court of Criminal Appeal consists of the Lord Chief Justice and about:

Three Judges

333 - The Court of Quarter Sessions is held:

Four times a year

334 - The Courts of Assizes are held:

Three times a year

335 - The Courts recognise only:

Legal sovereign

336 - The courts were to fight for:

The protection of citizen rights

337 - The development of constitution can take place in a number of ways. Some of the methods are given below, but one of them has been wrongly indicated. Tick the same:

Through plebiscite

338 - The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's Systems of Philosophy is written by:

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

339 - The dissolution of Constituent Assembly was challenged by its speaker in:

Sindh Chief Court & afterward Federal Court

340 - The Divine Origin Theory given:

No right to people to revolt against the ruler

341 - The Divine Origin Theory laid emphasis on:

Close co-operation between religion and politics

342 - The Divine Origin Theory laid emphasis on:

Divine rights of king

343 - The Divine Origin Theory of state holds:

State was created by God

344 - The doctrine of Implied powers, first enunciated by Chief Justice Marshall in case of:

McCulloch Vs. Maryland

345 - The dominant character of English parliament:

Is sovereignty

346 - The drafting committee prepared:

Third Report

347 - The electorate in modem times has virtually become an organ of the government, with which of the following writers the above statement is associated


348 - The Elements of the Philosophy of Right, his political philosophy was published in:


349 - The Elitist theory of democracy rejects the view that:

Democracy is a rule of the majority

350 - The English constitution is:

Unitary in form

351 - The executive is crippled by not getting the laws it needs, and the legislature is spoiled by having to ad without responsibility, the Executive becomes unfit for its name, since it cannot execute what it decides on; the legislature is demoralized by libe


352 - The exercise of the military powers of the president is regulated by:


353 - The exercise the power of pardon the president:

Requires countersign

354 - The federalists later on assumed a new name:


355 - The federalists led by:

Mr. Alexander Hamilton

356 - The Final Court in all civil and criminal cases for the UK is:

House of Lords

357 - The Final Court of Appeal in England is:

The Cour of Appeal

358 - The first 10 amendments are called:

Bill of Rights

359 - The first Chief Justice of the Indian Supreme Court was:

Justice Kania

360 - The first Constituent Assembly met as Legislature in:

February, 1948

361 - The first federal judicial is system of the world is:

American judicial system

362 - The first Labour Party leader who became the Prime Minister for the second time is:

Tony Blair

363 - The first Prime Minister of England was:


364 - The first ten amendments were passed by congress on September 25, 1789 and ratified on:

December 15, 1791

365 - The First women judge of US was:

Sandra Day O Connor

366 - The Force Theory regarding the origin of state believes that:

Church is superior to the state

367 - The French parliament is a:

Bicameral house

368 - The French people love to fight for:

Lost causes

369 - The general policy of the Republican was:


370 - The General Will according to Rousseau is:

Always right

371 - The General Will is:


372 - The General Will means:

Will of the community viewed as a living and rational political organism

373 - The General Will, is:


374 - The Global Covenant 2002 book is written by:

Robert H. Jackson

375 - The Government should be a federal legislature having two houses in accordance with the First Report of Basic Principles Committee. What these houses were called?

Both of them

376 - The Governor-General dissolved the Constituent Assembly on the grounds of:

All of them

377 - The Great Illusion 1909 book is written by:

Norman Angell

378 - The greatest achievement of Muhammad Ali's cabinet was the establishment of West Pakistan Act that amalgamated the provinces into one. Mention the date?

30th September, 1955

379 - The group of cantons is called:


380 - The High Court consists in:

Three Divisions

381 - The highest court in USSR was:

Federal court

382 - The highest municipal officer in France is:


383 - The highest political organ of the communist party was:

Central committee of the party

384 - The House of Commons is the:

None of them

385 - The House of Lords is _______ British Parliament:

The upper chamber

386 - The House of Lords is:

Not exclusively hereditary

387 - The House of Lords is:

None of them

388 - The House of Representatives comprises:

435 members

389 - The House of Representatives had initially:

60 members

390 - The important rights enjoyed by the people in the state of nature, says Locke were:

Right to life, liberty and property

391 - The Independence Act also provided that the Constituent Assembly should also act during the interim period as the:

Central Legislature of the country

392 - The interim constitution of Pakistan was compreised on:

Indian Independence Act, 1947 and Government of India Act, 1935 (Amended)

393 - The judicial committee was created in:


394 - The Judicial power of the US is to be vested in:

The Supreme Court

395 - The judicial review by the Supreme Court can be distinguished into:

3 aspects

396 - The King can do not wrong because:

He can authorize no wrong

397 - The King is a :

Guardian of the constitution

398 - The King's prerogatives can be translated into actions:

A Minister responsible to the Parliament

399 - The labour party believes in:


400 - The Labour party was first represented in parliament in:


401 - The labour party was founded in Britain in:


402 - The last occasion on which the whole Privy Council was:


403 - The last secretary general of the soviet communist party was:

None of them

404 - The life peer ages act of ______ gives the crown the power to confer a life peerage upon a manor woman:


405 - The lowest unit of communist party:

Is called primary organization

406 - The main contribution of the Romans to the development of constitutional rule was:

The principle that people alone are the source of all laws

407 - The main function of the sovereign, according to Locke was:

To interpret the laws

408 - The main opposition party in Russian Federation is:

None of them

409 - The main trouble with the American federation was:

Representation of bigger and smaller states

410 - The majority of the cabinet ministers are always from:

The House of Commons

411 - The Marxists believe that capitalism of Hegel contributes to its own destruction:

By paying lowest wages to workers and reducing their purchasing capacity

412 - The Matriarchal theory of the origin of state is associated with:


413 - The member of House of Representatives must be at least:

25 years old

414 - The members of cabinet either belongs to the house of common or:

House of Lords

415 - The members of Constituent Assembly were indirectly elected, i.e., they were elected by the members of the provincial legislatures on the basis of separate election. Which was/were the area(s) where there were no provincial legislature?

Balochistan and Tribal Areas

416 - The members of the senate are elected by:

By group of electors called grand electors

417 - The method of amending the constitution by popular vote is found in:


418 - The ministers are appointed by:

By president

419 - The modern individualists are in favour of a:

Welfare state

420 - The modern individualists consider the state as:


421 - The modern state has been described as:

A welfare state

422 - The National Industrial Recovery Act was passed:

In 1933

423 - The National Union was founded in:


424 - The nature of English constitution is:


425 - The objective of a Socialist state is to:

Establish a just and equitable society

426 - The Objectives Resolution means:

Objectives on which the future constitution was to be based

427 - The Patriarchal theory of the Origin of State holds that:

The eldest male member was the head of the family

428 - The Patriarchal theory of the origin of state is associated with the name of:

Henry Maine

429 - The people representation act of 1948 had fixed the number of members of House of Commons at:


430 - The Pivot of the whole system of government:

Is the Prime Minister

431 - The Pluralist thinkers have attacked the concept of sovereignty on a number of grounds. Which of the following is not a ground of their attack on sovereignty?

The concept of sovereignty is unethical

432 - The Pluralists regard the state as:

Brother of masses

433 - The political parties in France were:

Loose federation of local parties

434 - The Post-Modern State book is written by:

Robert Cooper

435 - The preamble of the constitution means:

The preface of the constitution

436 - The premier is appointed by:

The president

437 - The president during his office tenure is:

In immune from arrest

438 - The president is installed on the:

20th January of the ensuing year

439 - The president of France has the power of pardon and:


440 - The president of French possesses pomp and grandeur:

Never the premier of France possesses

441 - The president of India is elected:

By an electoral college comprising both houses of the parliament and all state assemblies

442 - The President of India upon entering his office takes oath:

Before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

443 - The President of the U.S.A. is both more and less than a king. He is also both more and less than a Prime Minister. Who among the following commentatiors had made the above statement?

H.J. Laski

444 - The president signs ordinances and decrees of ministers:

Council of ministers

445 - The presidential term is:

Four years

446 - The Presiding officer of the US House of Representative is:

The Speaker

447 - The Presiding officer of the US Senate is:

The vice-President

448 - The pressure groups are:

Organisations of universal character

449 - The pressure groups try to promote the interests of their members by exerting pressure on:

All the above

450 - The Prime Minister has the selection of Minister:

A free hand

451 - The Prime Minister has:

A great say in the making of foreign policy

452 - The Prime Minister is the leader of:

House of commons

453 - The Principal of Judicial review was founded by:

Chief Justice John Marshall

454 - The principle of 'greatest good of the greatest number' was advocated by:


455 - The Principle of 'public good' was borrowed by Rousseau from:


456 - The reformist policy first was pushed by:


457 - The revolution of 1958 abolished the office of:

Justice of peace

458 - The right to govern in England flows through the legislature to:

The Cabinet

459 - The Russian S.F.S.R (Soviet Federated Socialist Republic) joined other soviet republics in 1922 to form:


460 - The seats in the French legislature are arranged in a:

Pyramid form

461 - The senate of French community composed of members chosen by the parliament of metropolitan France and:

Legislative assemblies of other community

462 - The Social Contract theory deals with:

The origin of State

463 - The Social Contract theory holds

State was created as a result of contract concluded by the people living in the pre-civil society

464 - The Social Contract theory is based on:


465 - The Social Contract Theory of Rousseau is:

Combines the points of theories of both Hobbes and Locke

466 - The Social Contract theory replaced:

Divine Origin theory

467 - The Socialism advocated by Robert Owen is known as:

Utopian Socialism

468 - The Socialists consider the state as:

An instrument of exploitation

469 - The Speaker of the House of Representatives owes allegiance to:

Majority Party

470 - The state of nature, according to Locke, was:

A period of peace and reason

471 - The state of nature, according to Rousseau, was:

A period of peace and happiness

472 - The term of French national assembly is:

5 years

473 - The term of procurator general of USSR was:

9 years

474 - The term of republic procurator general was:

7 years

475 - The term of the president is:

Five years

476 - The term of US House of Representatives is:

2 years

477 - The term of US Senators is:

6 years

478 - The term socialism was first used by:

Robert Owen

479 - The theory of origin of state which holds that the state is the result of slow process of growth is known as:

Evolutionary Theory

480 - The theory of Scientific Socialism is largely based on the teachings of:

Karl Marx

481 - The three most prominent exponents of Social Contract theory were:

Hobbes, locke and Rousseau

482 - The two important factors, which according to Rousseau compelled the people to leave the state of nature and create the state were:

Growth of population and property

483 - The US Congress meets at least:

Once in a year

484 - The US Customs Court was set up in:


485 - The US has:

Two party system

486 - The USSR comprised of:

None of them

487 - The USSR was dissolved in:


488 - The USSR was established in:


489 - The very first notable feature of the American constitution is:

Popular sovereignty

490 - The Vice President invited to attend the meetings of president's cabinet not by law but by:

By convention

491 - The view that the forms of govenments change according to a set-cycle was expressed by:


492 - The view that the state arose not as the creator of law but the interpreter and enforcer of customs was expressed by:


493 - The view that the state is the March of God on earth is associated with:

The idealists

494 - The water gate affairs scandal was related with:

President Nixon

495 - The Welfare state aims at:

Promotion of material welfare of the individual

496 - The welfare theory is based on:

Democratic principles

497 - The whole of cabinet system in English is based on:

On majority principles

498 - The Word Rex stands for:

The Crown

499 - There are ______ methods of constitutional amendment:


500 - There are how many chapters in the constitution of the French Fifth Republic:


501 - There are several forms of sovereignty. The sovereignty of the King of Great Britain can be classified as:

Titular Sovereignty

502 - There is a cabinet secretariat since:


503 - There is a fundamental distinction between:

The King and crown

504 - There was no provision for the judicial system in the:

Articles of Confederation

505 - Third presidential elections in France were held in:


506 - Thomas B heed was speaker:

From 1895 to 1898

507 - Thomas Hobbes died on:

4th December 1679

508 - Thomas Jefferson became president when Anti-federalists gained victory in:


509 - Through his portrayal in Plato's dialogues, Socrates has become renowned for his contribution to the field of:


510 - To make the constitution of Pakistan was not an easy Job. Including religion, which or the following were major hindrance(s) in the way of forming a constitution of the country?

All of these

511 - Tony Blair became Prime Minister for the second time in:

June 7,2001

512 - Tony Blair became Prime Minister in:


513 - Types of courts in England are:


514 - Uncle Joe was the popular name of:

Joseph G.Cannon

515 - Under democratic system of government the popular sovereignty resides in:

The people

516 - Under Rousseau's contract:

Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

517 - Under the British Rule, who was the First Deputy President of Central Legislative Assembly:

Shri Sachchidananda Sinha

518 - Under the dictatorship of proletariat:

The means of production whall be used for social good

519 - Under what conditions will states create international institutions?

Depends on the school of thought

520 - Under which Act the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was formed for framing the constitution?

Independence Act of 1947

521 - Under which ruler did Russia annex the Crimea, part of Poland, Western Ukraine and Byelorusia?

Catherine II (the Great)

522 - Under whose advice, the President shall have the power of summoning, prorogation and dissolution?

Council of Ministers

523 - Upon the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. In 1991, the Russian S.F.S.R was renamed and became the leading members the:

Commonwealth of Nations

524 - Vice President is described as the:

Dark star of presidential constellation

525 - Voting age in Russia is

18 years

526 - What activities does the President perform in respect of both the Houses of the Parliament?

All the above

527 - What are the distinctive characteristics of international legal arguments?

Both (b) and (c)

528 - What are the distinctive characteristics of the modern institution of international law?

All of the above

529 - What are the three levels of institutions in modern international society?

Constitutional institutions, fundamental institutions, and regimes

530 - What are the total Federal Administrative divisions of Russia?


531 - What does Buran mean in Russian?


532 - What does Hobbes see as the immediate result of a rebellion against the sovereign, or against the social covenant, as in civil war?

A return to the state of nature

533 - What does Jus and bellum means?

Laws of war governing when it is legal to use force to or wage war

534 - What does NEP stand for?

New Economic Policy

535 - What does USSR stand for?

United Socialist Soviet Republics

536 - What is commemorated on Bastille Day?

French Revolution

537 - What is Dependency Theory?

Economic activity in the richer countries often leads to serious economic problems in the poorer countries

538 - What is necessary before a rule can be considered customary international law?

Both (a) and (c)

539 - What is New Frence known as today?


540 - What is the "Fundamental Law of Nature"?

Human beings seek peace

541 - What is the meaning of 'Bolsheviks'?


542 - What is the mercantilist view of IPE?

The world economy is where states seek to maximize their wealth and independence relative to other states

543 - What is the name of the highest point in Western Europe that is situated in the French Alps?

Mont Blanc

544 - What paradox does Meno raise?

How can one look for what one does not know?

545 - What ratio was proposed for the membership of East and West Pakistan in House of Peoples in second draft constitution in the parity proposal?

200 and 200

546 - What the reaction of 1st Report of Basic Principles Committee?

Public Condemnation

547 - What was a "Dom bunker":

A shelter for a rail gun

548 - What was Lenin's real name?

Leon Kamenev

549 - What was the advice of Federal Court to the Governor-General in the case of dissolution of Constituent Assembly?

Form a second Constituent Assembly immediately

550 - What was the decision of Federal Court in the dissolution case of Constituent Assembly?

It upheld Governor-General's decision

551 - What was the judgment of sindh chief court in dissolution of Constituent Assembly case?

Dissolution was ultra vires and void

552 - What was the name of Aristotle's father, which he used to name one of his works?


553 - What was the name of the school that Aristotle established in a grove sacred to Apollo?


554 - What was the name of the treaty in 1918 that ended Russia's war with Germany and Austria-Hungary?

None of them

555 - What year did Lenin die?


556 - What year did Leon Trotsky join the Bolsheviks?


557 - What year did New France fight the Battle of the Plains of Abraham against the British?


558 - What year did the Soviet Union collapse?


559 - What's the French currency?


560 - When a new congress meets for the first time:

The house of representatives chooses it speaker

561 - When Basic Principles Committee issued its 1st Report?


562 - When Governor-General convened the 2nd Constituent Assembly?

May, 1955

563 - When Governor-General dismissed the cabinet of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din?

17 April, 1953

564 - When H.S. Suhrawardy disqualified and consequently driven out of Constituent Assembly?


565 - When the BPC report was adopted and a drafting committee was setup?

September, 1954

566 - When the Constituent Assembly elected a Basic Principles Committee?

12 March, 1949

567 - When the Constituent Assembly passed Objectives Resolution?

March, 1949

568 - When the Governor-General dissolved Constituent Assembly?


569 - When the Mohammad Ali Bogra presented the third draft constitution in the assembly?

7th October, 1953

570 - When was the First Lock Sabha dissolved?

4th April 1957

571 - Which article of the Constitution of India mentioned the posts of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabah?


572 - Which Constitutional Article lays down distribution of work through the Union List, State List, and Concurrent List between the Union and State?


573 - Which great problem became a hurdle in the way of the formation of constitution?

Language problem

574 - Which is the most popular international tourist destination in the world?


575 - Which law officer shall have the right to speak in both the Houses of Parliament?

Attorney General

576 - Which of Stalin's policies did Khrushchev continue?

High military budget

577 - Which of the following is not an example of a law?

Stockwell Day is the leader of the official opposition party in Canada

578 - Which of the following is not listed as a trouble that might affect a state that is too large?

Invasion and annexation from powerful neighbors

579 - Which of the following is not the father or son of one of the others?


580 - Which of the following is true of the lawgiver?

He henerally establishes his authority by an appeal to divine providence

581 - Which of the following loes Hobbes believe approximates the living conditions of the state of nature?

Native American societies

582 - Which of the following practices does Rousseau favor?

Capital punishment

583 - Which of the following relationships does Euthyphro think is unlike the relationship between gods and men?

The groom-horse relationship

584 - Which of the following statements is the most convincing example of the liberal-democratic concept of welfare state: The state should seek to

Provide for its citizens a minimum of material well being without destroying private initiative

585 - Which of the following was not a form of soul in Aristotle's work on the Soul?


586 - Which of these was one of Khrushchev's main policies?


587 - Which one is the mother of all parliaments in the world?

English Parliament

588 - Which one of following statements is correct?

A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

589 - Which one of the following countries possesses an evolved constitution?


590 - Which one of the following criticism against Marxism has been wrongly listed?

It attaches too much importance to the religious factor in the interpretation of history

591 - Which one of the following criticisms against Liberalism has been wrongly listed?

Liberalism lea-Ls to negation of individual liberty by concentration too much of power in the state

592 - Which one of the following defects of the Social Contract theory is correct?

It is historically wrong

593 - Which one of the following described laws as a command of the sovereign:


594 - Which one of the following expounded the philosophy of 'positive liberalism'?

All the above

595 - Which one of the following feature of pressure groups has been wrongly listed?

The pressure groups can be both temporary as well as permanent

596 - Which one of the following functions of state has been wrongly listed as its compulsory function?

Promotion of education

597 - Which one of the following governments operates on the principle of collective responsibility?


598 - Which one of the following group of thinkers do not draw any distinction between the governemtn and the state?


599 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a contribution of Marxism?

It lays emphasis on bringing about changes in the present system through peaceful and constitutional methods

600 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Constitution?

None of the above

601 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Liberal Democracy?

Democratic Centralism

602 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of positive liberalism?

None of the above

603 - Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a shortcoming of the Divine Origin Theory?

It is not supported by history

604 - Which one of the following is a prerequisite of a constitutional government?

All the above

605 - Which one of the following is also known as Laissez Faire theory:


606 - Which one of the following medieval movement contributed to the growth of constitutional government?

The Councillor Movement

607 - Which one of the following merits of Divine Origin Theory has been wrongly enumerated:

It made the primitive man religious and superstitious

608 - Which one of the following philosophers made contribution to the development of constitutionalism?

All the above

609 - Which one of the following state enjoys the distinction of being the first socialist state of the world?

Soviet Union

610 - Which one of the following statements correctly defines sovereignty as a legal attribute of the state?

To make decisions with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of the state, free of external restraint or coercision

611 - Which one of the following statements depict the true nature of Defacto sovereignty?

A sovereignty which is actually obeyed by the people whether it has a legal status or not

612 - Which one of the following statements gives a correct definition of a constitution?

A fundamental statement of laws governing the citizens's political rights, the political institutions, their functions and their relationships within a particular political community

613 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

A socialist state is in favour of nationalisation of lands and mines

614 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Socialist state aims at bringing about peaceful changes

615 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Hobbes failed to make any distinction between state and government

616 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

617 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

The legal sovereign in England is the Queen/King-in-Parliament

618 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Locke drew a clear distinction between state and government

619 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

The modern state performs very extensive optional functions

620 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

General Will cannot be represented through Parliamentary institutions

621 - Which one of the following statements is correct?

Historical and evolutionary theories are the same

622 - Which one of the following statements is incorrect with reference to Austin's definition of sovereignty?

The determinate human superior receives habitual obedience from the bluk of population of given society

623 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

Socialism gives more importance to individual than society

624 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

Socialist state perpetuates class distinctions

625 - Which one of the following statements is not correct?

Locke held that the Governmental Contract was superior to the Social Contract

626 - Which one of the following theories of democracy accords high priority to the political rights of citizens

Liberal Theory of DemocracyE.All the above

627 - Which one of the following theories regarding functions of state stands discharged at present?


628 - Which one of the following thinkers put forth the idea of a welfare state?


629 - Which one of the following was in favour of grant of right to vote only to the educated people?


630 - Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a feature of Parliamentary form of government?

Separation of powers

631 - Which one of the followings is accepted as the true theory of the origin of state?

Evolutionary theory

632 - Which one of the followings is not a feature of constitutionalism?

Supremacy of individual

633 - Which theory of democracy attaches great importance to economic rights of citizens?

Marxist Theory

634 - Which was the important Bill the 1st Constituent Assembly passed?

Proda (Public-representative offices disqualification Act)

635 - Which was the last country to be incorporated into the Soviet Union as a Soviet Socialist Republic?


636 - Who acts as the Chairman of the Election Commission after appointment as Election Commissioner?

Chief Election Commissioner

637 - Who among the following claimed constitution as 'a set of established rules embodying and directing the practice of government'.


638 - Who appoints Chief Election Commissioner?


639 - Who became president of Russia in 2000?

Boris Yeltsin

640 - Who became prime minister of Russia in July-August 1917?


641 - Who became the President of Republican Party?

George W. Bush

642 - Who curbed the judicial Review power of Judiciary through Amendment of the Constitution?


643 - Who declares the financial emergency?


644 - Who defined liberalism as "The theory and practice of individual liberty, judicial defence and constitutional state"?


645 - Who defined Liberalism as "the theory and practice of individual liberty, judicial defence and the constitutional state"?


646 - Who has the authority to call a joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament?


647 - Who has the power to accord his assent or withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the parliament?


648 - Who helped the French drive the English out of France in 1450?

Joan of Arc

649 - Who insisted the First Constituent Assembly to drop the draft, presented in the 1st report of Basic Principles Committee?

Opposition from East-Pakistan

650 - Who is a Xenophon?

Student of Socrates

651 - Who is the author of "Radical Priorities"?

Noam Chomsky

652 - Who is the author of "Superpowers in Collision": The Cold War Now?

Noam Chomsky

653 - Who is the author of Les Miserables?

Victor Hugo

654 - Who is the author of 'The Fateful Triangle": The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians?

Noam Chomsky

655 - Who is the contemporary of Socrates?


656 - Who is the First Consul of what is now known as the First French Empire?

Napoleon Bonaparte

657 - Who make composition of Panchayat under Constitutional Article 243(C)?

Legislature of State

658 - Who many independent states that replaced the Soviet Union


659 - Who of the following advocated the principle of 'Survival of the fittest'?

Herbert Spencer

660 - Who of the following is associated with the statement that the main function of state is to 'hinder to the hindrances to good life':


661 - Who of the following regarded the state as necessary evil?


662 - Who of the following was a great supporter of plural voting?


663 - Who out of the followings made out a case for absolute monarchy:


664 - Who presented the 1st Report of Basic Principles Committee before the Constituent Assembly on 28th September 1950?

Liaqat Ali Khan

665 - Who presented the second draft constitution to the Constituent Assembly on 22 December, 1952?

Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

666 - Who ruled the Soviet Union from the late 1920s until his death in 1953?


667 - Who said "I regard it as wholly inadmissible that any person should participate in the suffrage without being able to read


668 - Who said "No sovereign has any where possessed unlimited power; and the attempt to exert it has always resulted in the establishment of safeguards"?


669 - Who said 'As President, I have no eyes but constitutional eyes. I cannot see you'?

Abraham Lincoln

670 - Who said in his judgment that no part of our Constitution is unamendble?

Supreme Court of India

671 - Who said that "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"?


672 - Who said that "Socialism is like a hat that has lost its shape because everybody wears it":


673 - Who said, "It is important that the assembly, which votes the taxes, either general or local, should be elected exclusively by those who pay something towards the taxes imposed."


674 - Who stressed that 'virtue was the most valuable of all possessions; the ideal life was spent in serch of the Good. Truth lies beneath the shadows of existence, and it is the job of the philosopher to show the rest how little they reall know."

Socrates is cold-hearted

675 - Who succeeded Khrushchev as First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union?


676 - Who succeeded Lenin?


677 - Who sworn as the 44th President of the United States:

Barak Obama

678 - Who took power after the dismissal of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din?

Muhammad Ali Bogra

679 - Who was finance minister in Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din's cabinet?

Ghulam Muhammad

680 - Who was invited by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, to form a new Ministry after dissolving the Constituent Assembly?

Mohammad Ali Bogra

681 - Who was proclaimed the "Supreme Ruler" of Russia on November 18, 1918?

Vladimir Lenin

682 - Who was the 1st President of the Constitution Assembly?


683 - Who was the creator of German Idealism?

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

684 - Who was the Deputy Speaker of the Constituent Assembly (Legislative):

M.A Ayyangar

685 - Who was the Deputy Speaker of the First Lok Sabha:

M.A. Ayyangar

686 - Who was the doyen of the Pluralists from amongst the following?


687 - Who was the First Lok Sabah Speaker unanimously elected:

M.A. Ayyangar

688 - Who was the Free French leader during the Second World War?

Charles de Gaulle

689 - Who was the last Tsar?

Nicholas I

690 - Who was the Prime Minister at the time of Second Lok Sabha:

Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

691 - Who wrote the book Anarchical Society?

Hedley Bull

692 - Who wrote the book Leviathan?

Thomas Hobbes

693 - Who wrote the book Secret Diplomacy?

Thompson, J. W., and S. K. Padover

694 - Who wrote the book The Age of Louis XIV: The Rise of Moderm Diplomacy?

Roosen, William J

695 - Who wrote the book The Laws of War and Peace?

Hugo Grotius

696 - Why do the gods want our sacrifices, according to Euthyphro?

They find them gratifying

697 - Why Governor-General Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the Constituent Assembly?

The Assembly had passed a bill curtailing the power of the Governor-General

698 - Within what period, the Parliament has to approve financial emergency declared by the President

2 Months

699 - Within which period the President has to summon session of the Parliament?

6 months

700 - You may be sure that France will rise free, united and independent, to stand on guard with others over the generous tolerances and brightening opportunities of the human society we mean to rescue and rebuild. Who said this on 31 st August 1943?

Winston Churchill


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