Political Science Miscellaneous MCQs Set# 14

1 - "A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means."Why was this included in the Declaration of Rights of Man?

Third Estate was tired of paying all the taxes

2 - "The Third Estate embraces then all that which belongs to the nation; and all that which is not the Third Estate, cannot be regarded as being of the nation."Who does Seiyes not include as part of the nation?


3 - "Women should stay in the kitchen, not in politics."


4 - ..... are private organizations whose members share certain views and objectives and work to shape the making and content of public policy.

Interest groups

5 - ..... creates the laws

Legislative branch

6 - ..... is a point in history when a new party replaces the ruling party, becoming, in turn, the dominant political force.

Electoral realignments

7 - ..... is a Republic country

United States of America

8 - ..... is the Constitutional head of our country.


9 - ..... is the form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people .


10 - ..... is the identification with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country (usually due to being born there).


11 - ..... is the legal way for an alien to become a citizen.


12 - ..... is the most basic or fundamental economic problem.


13 - ..... plays a crucial role in protecting the Fundamental Rights of the citizens.


14 - ..... was executed but helped inspire further revolutionary movements that led to Mexican independence from Spain in 1821.

Father Hidalgo

15 - .....from the present state of Himachal Pradesh was the first voter.

Shyam Sharan Negi

16 - .power sharing is?

the very spirit of democracy

17 - \begin{enumerate} \item The revolution of Russia in 1917 was inspired by Ideals \end{enumerate}


18 - 10 Interest groups hire lobbyists, who speak to government officials to

influence new legislation or government regulations. Lobbyists usually specialize in a particular subject.

19 - 10 states in Southeast Asia create a trade agreement to compete against China


20 - 10 Which best describes the main objective of a lobbyist?

to influence state legislators or members of Congress on issues

21 - 11 Name-Calling is

giving an unfavorable label to opponents

22 - 11th Schedule deals with?

Panchayati Raj

23 - 2 Which of the following describes the Twenty-Fourth Amendment?

D It eliminated poll taxes.

24 - 3 Which of the following demographic groups has voted most consistently for the Democratic Party in national elections over the last three decades?

A African Americans

25 - 8 The Republican Party believes

Believe that housing, income, education and jobs should be provided by the private sector.

26 - A "good" constitution must be.....

definite and clear in meaning

27 - A ..... economy is completely determined and controlled by a central planning authority or the government


28 - A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is:


29 - A boundary based on human traits or behavior and often exists in the midst of a gradual change over space.

Cultural boundary

30 - A boundary that coincides with languages or ethnicities on a map or geometric straight lines on a map.


31 - A boy under ..... years of age and ..... can not be called to the police station only for questioning.

15 and women

32 - A candidate selected by a political party


33 - A caucus is:

a local meeting in which party members choose delegates for the state meeting

34 - A country in which citizens elect leaders and can run for office is what type of country?


35 - A country with a mostly rural population engaged in mainly primary economic activities is probably a

developing nation.

36 - A feeling of intense loyalty to others who share one's language and culture is known as:


37 - A group created to help someone win an election

political party

38 - a group of individuals that have the same views about the government

political party

39 - a group of people who seek to control government through the winning of elections and holding public office

political party

40 - A line drawn on a map to show the limits of a space.

Delimited boundary

41 - A lobbyist is defined as .....

an individual who or an organization that attempts to influence legislation and the administrative decisions of government

42 - A name used by the media to refer to the President and the many federal agencies and people under the President's control.


43 - A One Party System is where.....

Both (A), (B)

44 - A parliamentary executive means:

Executive that is dependent on support of the majority in the parliament

45 - A person holding an elected office.

Political Official

46 - a person or group who acts as a protector or guardian


47 - a person running for office


48 - A political party is.....

an organized group of people with similar political ideas

49 - A political party pays for a series of televised attack ads against a candidate from the other party.

Help Candidates Win the Election

50 - A political party's formal statement of its basic principles, objectives, and positions on major issues.

Party Platform

51 - A position for which a candidate is elected to hold.

Political Office

52 - A primary.....

determines who the nominee for a particular poltical party will be

53 - A principle of constitutional government in which the government's powers are defined and limited by a constitution.

Limited Government

54 - a signed document submitted to an officer, where a person makes a sworn statement regarding his/her personal information.


55 - A system of government in which Republicans and Democrats compete for power

2 Party System

56 - A team of politicians, activists, and voters who try to win control of government.

political party

57 - A type of democracy where people elect representatives. Those representatives make some decisions.

Indirect (representative) democracy

58 - A(n) ..... is a group of persons who seek to control government through winning elections and holding public office.

political party

59 - A(n) ..... is a place with high concentration of an ethnic group distinct from a surrounding area.


60 - According to ....., inequality in society between men and women is the result of patriarchy.


61 - According to Aristotle, abusive exercise of power of a Monarch leads to .....


62 - According to the Constitution, which chamber starts the Articles of Impeachment

House of Representatives

63 - Africa contains ..... independent nations


64 - Africa is a great example of what?

superimposed boundaries

65 - After Independence, who became the first Prime Minister and then the President ofGhana?

Jomo Kenyatta

66 - After receiving the Bharat Ratna , who became the president of India?

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam

67 - After the polling has finished, the votes are counted under the supervision of

Returning Officers and Observers

68 - Aland in the Baltic Sea is part of Finland but lies near Sweden. Most residents are Swedish and speak that language. This is an example of a/an:

Autonomous region

69 - All activities of the PRS, as stipulated by the Act, were given legal & constitutional status, & any violation of this by anybody at any time would be punishable by law.....

The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act

70 - All of the following are NATURAL BORN citizens except

a person who immigrated to the US as a 2 year old

71 - All of the following are ways Virginia citizens can register to vote except -

At the polling place on the day of the election

72 - All of the following can be considered functions of political parties except:

amending the Constitution

73 - All of the people in an area voting in an election are called

the electorate

74 - All of these a re qualifications for being a President EXCEPT,

At least 10 years political experience

75 - ALL political parties are similar in that,

they help candidates win elections

76 - Aminah's friends then came to her and advised her about Islam not encouraging taking revenge. Aminah then bought another pencil to replace the one she broke to Kamil.Aminah's friends has demonstrated .....

positive 'asabiyyah

77 - An association of voters with common interests

Political Party

78 - An economic system in which most wealth is derived from the use of the land

land-based economy

79 - An election in which members of a political party vote to help select the party's candidate.

Primary Election

80 - An example of a country where two-party system exists

United Kingdom

81 - An example of a stateless nation.....

the Kurds

82 - An example of crime case is ..... .


83 - An ideology that does not get registered very often by pollsters and political scientists is the ..... ideology.


84 - An organization of individuals with broad, common interests who organize to win elections, to operate the government, and to thereby influence government policy?

Political Party

85 - An organization of people with shared ideas about government and politics who try to gain control of government in order to implement their ideas.

Political Party

86 - An organized group of people who share similar political views and work to influence government

political part

87 - Andrew Jackson was the first president that.....

was a Democrat

88 - Another name for the Congo is?


89 - any nonviolent, legal means of encouraging or disapproving government action, directed to the judicial, executive or legislative branch

petitioning the government

90 - any organized group whose members share a common goal and try to promote their interests by influencing government policymaking and decision making

Interest group

91 - Any party that has less support than one of the major political parties

Minor Party

92 - Appellate jurisdiction is

the authority to hear appeals from a lower court's decision.

93 - Aristotle argued that purpose of the constitution is to .....

limit the power of the government

94 - Aristotle said that inequality among citizens will lead to a .....


95 - As a result of the expansion of internet and TV as news sources

Narrowcasting increased

96 - As president, Washington established many precedents. Which of the following are examples of precedents established by Washington?

All of the above

97 - ASEAN stands for .....

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

98 - At the end of the French Revolution, who came to power?

Napoleon Bonaparte

99 - Average feelings about political views; not taking one side or the other (someone in this area is called a "moderate" or "independent")


100 - Bandung Conference was held in the year


101 - Based on the table, which would be a long lasting impact?Year -Democratic Senators - Republican Senators2018 -41 -592016 -43 -572014 -46 -542012 -54 -46

a decrease in regulations on businesses

102 - Below are sources of law EXCEPT


103 - Below are the agencies that involve in international law, EXCEPT

Barisan Nasional (BN)

104 - Besides having a primary, what other way is there for a state to choose delegates?


105 - Billy just turned 18 and is trying to decide what party to vote for. He wants to join a party that will spend more money on public schools for our children. What party would he most likely want to join?


106 - Blacks, coloured and Indians fought against the Apartheid since .....


107 - Boundary that is no longer used for separation, but their impact is still felt and seen on the landscape.


108 - Branch that creates laws


109 - Canada is an example of a

multinational state

110 - Canadian Food Processors' Association is one of the examples of .....


111 - CBO


112 - Central Government in India made a law, implementing the Right to Work in how many districts of India?


113 - Choose the correct sequence of 'System of Courts' present in India from top to bottom:

Supreme Court, High Court, Subordinate Court

114 - Citizens are paid equally regardless of their career/job


115 - Citizens in ..... will have complete freedom to follow any religion or no religion at all.


116 - Civic ..... are things a person should do


117 - Civil law includes .....

Both (a) & (b)

118 - Clinton stationed NATO forces in


119 - Cloture


120 - Cold War era theory that suggested that when one country experiences rebellion or politial disunity, other countries around it will also experience turmoil.

Domino Theory

121 - Communism advocates for

government control of businesses and the economy

122 - Communist Party

a political party that believes the government should control the entire economy, and there should be no private ownership of business

123 - Consider the following Statements: - Political parties act as a link between government and the people. In ancient China, Egypt, and Sumer, one challenge was that it was difficult to move up from one social class to another. Post-behavioral approach tries to measure what is happening in the current world of politics in which later reflect on the values and identities of the community being studied. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

124 - Consider the following Statements: "Midnight judges" were judges that were appointed by a president just before leaving office. Most Republican politicians in America consider themselves conservative When there are two opposing superpowers of equal strength, there is not a balance of power. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

125 - Consider the following Statements: A country with a one-party system usually has a representative democracy. Candidates running for election may raise as much money as they can from any source they want. In the USA there is political homogeneity. Which of the following is/are true?


126 - Consider the following Statements: A partisan is a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. To run for presidency, a candidate must be at least 50 years old by the day of the election. The Rights to assembly and petition are in the Fourth Amendment Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

127 - Consider the following Statements: A President of the USA, is only allowed to be elected to TWO terms in office Those lower in the social pyramid had many rights and freedoms in Ancient China and Egypt. There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

128 - Consider the following Statements: A state governor's name can be found on a physical map: Sometimes the sentiments of regionalism get strengthened in the country There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

129 - Consider the following Statements: All political polls are conducted fairly. democrats supported business Behavioral approach focuses on the empirical data infused with the questions regarding ethics in order to understand politics better. Which of the following is/are true?


130 - Consider the following Statements: al-Mawardi argued that the main role of an Imamah is to establish solid economic foundation of a state in which it is the core strength of a state. The Republican Party favors big government In an absolute monarchy, the king shares power with an elected parliament. Which of the following is/are true?


131 - Consider the following Statements: Because the Electoral College has different numbers of electors in each state,sometimes candidates will campaign in the larger states and skip over the small,less significant states. Nizam-ul-Mulk was the founder of Awadh state The national government and local government share power in a Federal system Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

132 - Consider the following Statements: Beliefs are a person's or a collectivity's principles or standards of behavior and are considered as judgment of what is important in life. SRI KISHAN PATNAYAK ELECTED AS A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FROM SAMBALPUR, ODISHA IN 1962 Overriding the presidential veto is done by a vote of at least 2/3 of the members of each House. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

133 - Consider the following Statements: Coalition politics lead to instability. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Primary elections occur before general elections. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

134 - Consider the following Statements: Culture is shared, although each person is endowed with a critical mind to understand things. The 2020 Electoral map had more blue states, than red states. The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all constitution of the world. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

135 - Consider the following Statements: democrats supported farming and workers According to Karl Marx, to attain economic and political stability there should be a Utopian society. Political parties are mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

136 - Consider the following Statements: Foreigners can be a citizen of the Philippines through naturalization. Igorots are known as rice cultivators. Nobles appointed as Governors by the Mughals had no control over Diwani and Faujdari. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

137 - Consider the following Statements: If a person is not born here, but they have American citizen parents, they can still be an American citizen. The Aztecs were not located in present-day Mexico. Machiavelli acknowledges religion as a goal of politics. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

138 - Consider the following Statements: In a dictatorship, one person rises to power and rules the society. In a dictatorship, one person rises to power and rules the society. The Senate is composed of 24 senators who are elected nationally. Each senator serves a three-year term of office, for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

139 - Consider the following Statements: In some states, whichever presidential candidate receives the highest percentage of votes wins all of the state's delegates. The right wing are conservative (not prone to change) in their thinking Republicans and Democrats are the only political parties in the U.S. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

140 - Consider the following Statements: Left wing politics are more liberal (very prone to change) Freedom of Speech for all people The President can appoint a PM when no party or coalition gets a majority in the Lok Sabha. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

141 - Consider the following Statements: Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party Ethnocentrism promotes unity among different societies. The Democrats tend to be more conservative while the Republicans are more liberal. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

142 - Consider the following Statements: One of the suggestions to change the current presidential nomination process would be to have National primary day where all states participate. Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Democratic-Republicans Affirmative Action refers to positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

143 - Consider the following Statements: Over 500,000 earthquakes happen every year A secular state is one in which the state officially promote any one religion as the state religion. Personal decisions are connected to larger political systems and structure Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

144 - Consider the following Statements: Paying taxes, serving on a jury and obeying the law are all examples of Civic duties. Coalition politics leads to instability. The president and vice president are elected by the popular vote. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

145 - Consider the following Statements: Paying taxes, serving on a jury and obeying the law are all examples of Civic duties. There was a representative of native Africans at the Berlin Conference. Laws enacted by legislatures are known as legitimate. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

146 - Consider the following Statements: Political borders can change. The Middle East is the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism. Shiromani Akali Dal is a national party. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

147 - Consider the following Statements: Political ideology evaluates alternatives to the status quo and prescribes a preferred or desired social order Operation Desert Storm was overwhemegingly In Pennsylvania, you need a valid Photo ID to be able to vote. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

148 - Consider the following Statements: Political Science is concerned with both "empirical" questions (why the world works a certain way) and "normative" or philosophical issues about what is right and wrong. The current Constitution was drafted in 1994 and amended in 1996 and 2004 whigs supported farming and workers Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2

149 - Consider the following Statements: Political science is the systematic study of politics. The era from 1968 to present in the U.S. government has been characterized by one party dominating both houses of Congress and the presidency. In political science, a qualitative or interpretive method of doing research is one which involves a heavy reliance on numerical data and high-powered statistical techniques to achieve generalized theories. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1,

150 - Consider the following Statements: Republicans want to lower taxes. The only purpose of a treaty is to end a war. "Winner take all" means that all of a state's electoral votes go to the candidate who had the majority of votes in that state. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

151 - Consider the following Statements: Right to Equality gives right to practice any profession. Only one branch of government, the Legislative Branch, existed under the Articles of Confederation. The Republicans are represented by the donkey symbol and the Democrats by the elephant symbol. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2,

152 - Consider the following Statements: Sangguniang Barangay, is the legislative council which is composed of the seven (7) members. Political Science is concerned with both "empirical" questions (why the world works a certain way) and "normative" or philosophical issues about what is right and wrong. Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

153 - Consider the following Statements: Separation of church and state was instituted to keep the Catholic church controlling the government George Washington supported the creation of political parties. The Parliament is called the Legislative assembly at the state level. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

154 - Consider the following Statements: Since 1982, the United States Supreme Court has held that children present in the U.S. are entitled to enrollment in public schools, regardless of their immigration status Lotus is the symbol of the Bhartiya Janata Party Culture can be define in many ways. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

155 - Consider the following Statements: Social differences means that society are different solely because of their geographical location. States run elections and license certain jobs for the federal government. A government is an organization that keeps order, set rules, and provide services for a society. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 2, 3

156 - Consider the following Statements: The Belarusian President selects the members of the Council of the Republic. The Democrats tend to be more conservative while the Republicans are more liberal. Geometric boundaries can be made despite any physical or cultural land it may pass through. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 3

157 - Consider the following Statements: The federal government does not regulate the media in any way There are ridings and wards in territorial elections whigs supported business Which of the following is/are true?

Only 3,

158 - Consider the following Statements: The federal government does not regulate the media in any way Turnout in presidential primaries is typically high. Naftali Bennett is the New President of Israel. Which of the following is/are true?


159 - Consider the following Statements: The Parliament is called the Legislative assembly at the state level. The state and governments make laws for the welfare of the society; the government removes social evils from the society. Legislative and the executive branches are independent and coequal in a presidential democracy. Which of the following is/are true?

Only 1, 2, 3

160 - Consider the following Statements: The Supreme Court of India is dependent on Legislative. discrimination is a good thing The Tropic of Capricorn divides the country into two equal parts. Which of the following is/are true?


161 - Constitutionalism refers to a government .....

that limits its powers and respects individual rights

162 - Country that has two or more discontinuous, or separate, pieces of territory.


163 - Create Treaties/Agreements


164 - Dealing with the rights of citizens.


165 - Deep and long lasting political divisions


166 - Democracies and autocracies differ in three essential ways; they are

selection of leaders, citizen participation, and checks and balances.

167 - Democracy is better than other forms of government because

it is more accountable form of government

168 - Democrats tend to be more ..... and Republicans tend to be more .....

liberal; conservative

169 - Direct Democracy can be best described as.....

A system of government in which each citizen voted for everything

170 - Directive Principles of State Policy was adopted from which country?


171 - District collectors is also know as

District magistrate

172 - Division of powers between higher and lower levels of government is called.....

Vertical division

173 - Donald Trump is a

former president & Republican

174 - During the Song dynasty, the civil service exams were open to far more candidates, including people from lower classes. This created a


175 - each is a reason why citizens fail to vote, except.....

failure to pay the voting tax

176 - Elections for the Constituent Assembly were held during the year ..... .


177 - Established by a legal document such as a treaty that divides one entity from another (invisible line); plot of land to a country.

Defined boundary

178 - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between


179 - Everyone should have equality of opportunity and condition.


180 - Farmers are most often represented in which ideology?


181 - Favors authority, rule of law, hierarchy and believes old ways are the best


182 - Festivals are useful for .....


183 - First Amendment right where citizens can learn about news locally, nationally, or worldwide, through a variety of sources.

freedom of the press

184 - First Amendment right where you can gather in a group to protest non-violently.

freedom of assembly

185 - First Information Report (FIR) is written by ..... in the police station.


186 - For how many times, a person can become president of india?

No limit

187 - For scholars intent on consolidating the field of IPE the main task is to:

Build upon agreed theoretical approaches and problems

188 - Founded: 1993; Members: 28 in Western/Central Europe; Mission: political and economic integration of members; HQ: Brussels, Belgium

EU (European Union)

189 - From which one of the following India doesn't share its land boundary?


190 - Functions of Election Commission are mentioned in the Article ..... of Indian Constitution.


191 - Functions of political parties include all of the following EXCEPT:

paying lobbyists

192 - government where power is held by a small ruling class (group of people)


193 - Governments have authority

when they have the right and power to enforce their decisions.

194 - Government's only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.

Libertarian Party

195 - Groups that collect and raise money for candidates who supports their views are called

PACs (poltical action committees).

196 - Guarantees the right to bear arms.


197 - Harrold Lasswell defined politics as

who gets what, when, and how.

198 - highest ranking person in house of reps

Speaker of house

199 - Historians have regarded the American Revolution as being of worldwide importance because it:

marked the successful emergence of a new concept in government.

200 - How a political party feels on certain issues is stated in their -


201 - How are the governments of Canada and the United States similar?

Both are limited governments with constitutions.

202 - How are the media most influential in determining what people think and care about?

The media cover some issues and personalities more frequently, making them seem more important.

203 - How can democracy attains peoples happiness and economic prosperity?

All the above

204 - How did information get out about the Arab Spring?


205 - How did President George Washington feel about political parties?

They were baneful or harmful and dangerous.

206 - How do the media affect which issues the public thinks are important?

by the number of stories they report on an issue or the amount of time they spend covering an issue

207 - How does a person join a political party?

Fill out and submit a voter registration form

208 - How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian Constitution?


209 - How many Fundamental Rights have been enshrined in Indian Constitution


210 - How many subjects are there in state list


211 - How many votes can override a presidential veto?

2/3rds of both Houses of Congress

212 - How much % of people are engaged in farming factor?


213 - How often do you vote for a new president?

every 4 years

214 - How often is the Census taken?

10 years

215 - Identify the Latin American country described below:Decades of oppressive communist totalitarian rule that did not offer the country's citizens basic freedoms and the country would persecute dissenters. Recently the country approved a new constitution that would began to introduce some capitalism in the country.




217 - Identify which word is not associated with LEFT WING


218 - If a government is a theocracy, what kind of leader is in charge?

Priests or ministers

219 - If society is to become a communist, which of the following must be removed?

Social classes

220 - If you draw district line to make sure you win a political office you have done what


221 - If you vote two different parties in the same election, how would do you vote

Split ticket

222 - In 1884, several European countries attended the ..... to divide up much of the African continent in what became known as the Scramble for Africa

Conference of Berlin

223 - In a Communist country, workers have no ..... to work harder.


224 - In Ihya ulum al-Din, al-Ghazali argued that politics as the most important craft as compared to other knowledge because .....

it is used to govern people and reform society

225 - In India, Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections are held regularly after every .....

five years

226 - In Kentucky, who is in charge of booking inmates and administering the local jail?


227 - In order to become president, a candidate must receive ..... electoral votes.


228 - In order to keep one branch from becoming too powerful, the framers created ..... to keep each branch in check.

checks and balances

229 - In order to receive public funds for a campaign, a candidate must.....

raise $5,000 from private contributions.

230 - In the court who represents the interests of the state?

Public Prosecutor

231 - In the USA, conservative candidates in the Republican Party are described as


232 - In the USA, the Democratic states are represented by the color


233 - In the USA, the Republican states are represented by the color.....


234 - In the year X, the SAARC member country Y became the first in its region to liberalise its economy. Identify X.


235 - In this economic system businesses produce what the consumers want to buy without government interference

Market Economy

236 - In this party system, a single party wins approximately 60 percent or more of the seats in legislature and two or more other parties usually win less that 40 percent of the seats - Ronald McDonaldRonald's statement above refers to?

Dominant - party system

237 - In which country is democracy not preferred over dictatorship?

In Pakistan

238 - In which of the following ways do political parties primarily rely on to finance their election activities?

D Parties solicit funds from private donors who oftentimes contribute large sums of money.



240 - Individual dignity, equality before the law, widespread participation in public decisions, and public decisions by majority rule, with one person have one vote

Democratic ideals

241 - Indonesia is an example of a


242 - Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a political cause or point of view.


243 - Iraq invaded Kuwait


244 - Is the set of rules by which Australia is governed. It came into effect on 1 January 1901, as part of an Act of the British Parliament.


245 - It aim at improve the science education culture of the world,and preserving the world heritage


246 - It emphasizes the rule of law and the power of the state

Rightist idea

247 - It is the art of politics and governance.

Political Science

248 - It promotes the interest of the society at large over the government

Leftist idea

249 - It was considered the first democratic constitution in Southeast Asia.

Malolos Constitutions

250 - Jaya Prakash Narayan believed in.....

Communitarian Socialism

251 - Joothan book was written by .....

Om prakash valmiki

252 - Judicial review is

the power of the courts to declare federal or state laws and other acts of government unconstitutional.

253 - Judiciary in India resolves the disputes between.....

All of the above

254 - Kamil called Aminah with a bad name. Aminah then broke one of Kamil's pencils and he cried. Kamil's friends came to break Aminah's pencils. What was demonstrated by Kamil's friends was .....

negative 'asabiyyah

255 - Keeping citizens informed and holding leaders accountable is the primary role of the


256 - King John was forced to sign this after failing to raise taxes on his nobles

The Magna Carta

257 - Known for his work - THE REPUBLIC


258 - Law and order is important, but the rights of the individual come first.


259 - Legislative Hold


260 - Leviathan was written by


261 - Liberals are often associated with what political party?


262 - Like the idea of democracy, the idea of ..... has gained ground all over the world during the last 300 years.

human rights

263 - Marshall Plan was proposed in


264 - Marx's main thesis was that the history of man showed that it is a history of .....

class struggles

265 - Media's impact on people generally

Solidify's personal ideologies

266 - Military duty, participating in the political process, and paying taxes are examples of

thoughtful and effective civic participation

267 - Minor parties have contributed MOST to United States politics by

causing major parties to adopt their ideas.

268 - Modernisation is commonly understood as being analogous to:

Both a and b

269 - Mughal emperors kept check on their powerful


270 - Mughal empire started declining it's power under the region of


271 - Name a state which was once a Union Territory?

Himachal Pradesh

272 - Name the autobiography of Nelson Mandela

The Long Walk to Freedom

273 - Napoleon's final defeat in June of 1815

Battle of Waterloo

274 - New York succeeded in cutting its crime .....


275 - No form of government is a system commonly known as what?


276 - Non-aligned movement is opposed to .....


277 - Number of countries which are largest than India in area?


278 - Obeying laws is an example of a civic


279 - Occurs when a corporation merges with another corporation that produces similar products or services.

Horizontal integration

280 - One of the main aim of Bal Panchayats are .....

reduce school drop out rates,

281 - 'One person, one vote' means

One person has one vote and each vote has one value

282 - Open Primary

An election where voters need not declare their party preference.

283 - Operation Enduring Freedom was launched against

all the above

284 - Other Sub-fields of Political Science, Choose 2 other fields that falls under political science

Both (A), (C)

285 - Out of more than 11,000 amendments to the Constitution that have been considered by Congress, only ..... have been ratified.


286 - Part of a political party's plan for how they will govern if elected


287 - Party leaders meet with a senator who is not supporting the party's platform on environmental issues

Monitor the Actions of Officeholders

288 - Party meetings where candidates are selected and the platform is created


289 - Patronage


290 - People from lower income households have limited access to the courts because of what reason

All of these

291 - People not affiliated with any major or minor parties are known as


292 - People vote. Local, state, and national governments each have their own law. Government is extremely big because so many people are involved in running the country. Which government system does this describe?


293 - People who support neither the Republicans or Democrats are called


294 - Pluralism

Dahl's idea that there are groups that share power at varying times

295 - Political action committees pay for commercials that are biased for or against .....


296 - Political candidates use the ..... propaganda technique to prove that they understand the problems of average Americans.


297 - Political economy involves:

All of the above

298 - Political machines took advantage of ..... in big cities.


299 - Political parties are allotted symbols by?

The Election Commission

300 - Political parties are groups of people that are organized based on their political beliefs and goals. In the United States there are two main political parties:

Democrats and Republican

301 - Political parties compete with one another by.....

winning more elections

302 - Political parties have been a part of United States history for over two hundred years. Which of the following is a major function of political parties?

nominating candidates for office

303 - Political parties platforms are based on beliefs. These are called.....


304 - Political parties reflect.....

sometimes both liberal and conservative views

305 - Political parties try to influence the government by.....

getting their members elected

306 - Political Science focuses on three central questions:

Who governs? For What ends? By What means?

307 - Political system = the workers and trade unions have lots of power


308 - Politics is

the struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups.

309 - Polls consistently report that the majority of Americans support

less government.

310 - popular sovereignty means that sovereignty lies with


311 - Power of the President, through the department of state, to decide which countries the United States will officially label as sovereign (not controlled by anybody else and due UN protection) and those that it considers enemies (North Korea, Iran).


312 - Power sharing is desirable because it helps:

To reduce possibilities of conflicts.

313 - power to make all the deciosens was

north korea

314 - Preamble enshrines the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity- ideals inspired by the

French revolution

315 - Presidential candidates participate in a televised debate to discuss their party's goals and platforms.

Educate the Public About Issues

316 - Propaganda device - the use of flags, songs, logos and symbols.


317 - Punishment to an accused can be given by ..... .

Justice / Judiciary

318 - Q5- Which of the statement is an example of horizontal sharing of power?

. Power-sharing between different organs of the government

319 - Race is often described as

identification with a group that is perceived to share a physiologic trait such as skin color.

320 - Rajya sabha is also called

Council of states

321 - Ratifies Treaties


322 - recent times or the present; up-to-date


323 - Recognition of a Political party is accorded by.....

The Election commission

324 - Refers to activities which help you gain a good relationship with the public

public relations

325 - refers to the ability of a popular officeholder or candidate for office, on the strength of his or her own popularity, to increase the chances for victory of other candidates of the same political party.


326 - Renaissance comes from the French word meaning?


327 - Representatives + Senators =

the number of electors each state has

328 - Responsibilities are the ..... of citizenship.


329 - Revolutionary France adopted this means of executing traitors and enemies of the Revolution.


330 - Right wing.


331 - rising campaign costs

require candidates to conduct extensive fundraising activities

332 - Rising campaign costs have given interest groups more influence by allowing them to donate unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns.


333 - Rising campaign costs have led to all of the folllowing EXCEPT .....

they give an advantage to the poor individuals that run for office

334 - Rising campaign costs have led to.....

Limits on the amount of money people can donate to campaigns

335 - Ruler of Iran plundered the city of Delhi in 1739.

Nadir shah

336 - Sadhbhawana Diwas is on :

20th August

337 - SC decision that makes libel of public officials almost impossible

New York Times Rule

338 - Scope of farming activity is limited in Palampur due to:

Fixed amount of land

339 - Select all that belonged to the Federalist Party

Both (A), (B), (C)

340 - Separation of Church and State meant that religion and ..... should be separate from one another


341 - Set of beliefs that one can apply to policies and events; one's political "moral" code and world view

Political Ideology

342 - Signed by William and Mary of Orange; talks about basic human rights.

English Bill of Rights

343 - Society and culture is indeed connected with one another, all encompassing, meaning we visualize culture and society as a complex whole. The following descriptions below clearly explain how culture, society, and politics are interrelated with one another, except for one. Which description is it?

Members of the society are not active in the engagement in political activities.

344 - Solidarity of the senators is also called.....

Senatorial courtesy

345 - Someone who votes for all Republican politicians would likely fall on the ..... of the political spectrum


346 - Someone who was born in the U.S. or born to U.S. citizens.

Natural Born Citizen

347 - Sovereignty under the Constitution belongs to :

The People

348 - Srilanka emerged as an independent country in .....


349 - State the other name of Kanyakumari

Cape Comorin

350 - Study of politics, power, and government

Political Science

351 - Suffrage is a synonym for

The right to vote

352 - System of government in which there are two major political parties competing for power


353 - Television and radio are regulated by the

Federal Communications Commission

354 - Term for when citizens fail to vote because of a lack of interest

Voter Apathy

355 - Territorial representation means:

Geographical representation

356 - The "E" in PEGS stand for .....


357 - the "left" side of the political spectrum; usually describing Democrats


358 - The ..... propaganda technique appeals to people's desires to do what their friends and neighbors are doing.


359 - The ..... provides for parliamentary form of Government to our Country.


360 - The 1st Amendment of the Indian Constitution was made in the year?


361 - The 3 main natural rights are .....-

Both (A), (B), (C)

362 - The age you can 1st register to vote is


363 - The art and science of ruling a government or state


364 - The central subject of study in political science is the state and government, but it is not confined to the analysis of the state alone; it also deals with the interaction of the people and .....


365 - The Champ de Mars Massacre.....

Widened political divisions between radicals and moderates.

366 - The Code of Hammurabi was a major contribution to the development of civilization because it

recorded existing laws for all to see

367 - the Cold War was

all of the above

368 - The concept of senatorial courtesy refers to the

practice of allowing a senator to veto a judicial appointment for federal district courts in his or her state.

369 - The conservative attachment to the institutions and practices of a society that have developed over time


370 - The constituent Assembly has constituted 22 committees for framing of the constitution in which the Drafting Committee was headed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar along with many other members. These committee's have debated, discussed, and negotiated for 2 years 11 months and 18 days before finalising and adopting constitution of India. What activity were these committees performing?

Political activity

371 - The Constituent Assembly held how many sessions?


372 - The Constituent Assembly took almost..... to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution.

two years, eleven months and seventeen days

373 - The Constitution of India came into effect on .....

26th January 1950

374 - The constitution of Jammu & Kashmir was formed in the year?


375 - The Country that supported India for the establishment of Bhilai and Bhokaro Steel plant is


376 - The current Prime Minister of Canada is

Justin Trudeau

377 - The Economic belief that the market naturally fluctuates between boom and bust cycles and the government must use policy to stabilize the market cycle

Keynesian Economics

378 - The exam system benefited China because it

all of these are correct.

379 - The film starts with a man that cut off two of his fingers. Why did he chose to replace just one?

It was too expensive to replace both

380 - The final candidates for presidential election from the Democrats and the Republicans are declared in the


381 - The first woman prime minister in Britain was .....

Margaret Thatcher

382 - The goal is to discover what makes people different from each other in order to understand and preserve diversity.


383 - The goal is to keep social order and harmony among different group of people.

Political Science

384 - The goal of this organization is to open borders and have the same currency to improve trade between members.

European Union (EU)

385 - The goal of this organization is to prevent war and settle disputes.

United Nations (UN)

386 - The government cannot force a sikh to wear helmet because a turbine is an integral part of his religious belief.The above given statement is an example of :

Strategy of non interference



388 - the government of the United States;A form of government in which powers are divided between a central government and several local governments.

Federal government

389 - The group of Nations that established with the continued efforts of India and China in 2015 is




391 - The idea of the Public Interest Litigation was given by whom?

Supreme Court of India

392 - The impeachment process was created to uphold what constitutional principle?

rule of law

393 - The Incumbent is.....

The candidate that is the current office holder in a challenged campaign/race.

394 - The integration of markets, states, communication, and trade on a worldwide scale.


395 - The J & K re-organization Bill was passes by Lok Sabha on

6th Aug, 2019

396 - The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the:


397 - The Judiciary ensures ..... to all its citizens.


398 - The Kentucky ..... meets annually in Frankfort to craft a budget and pass laws.

General Assembly

399 - The Kurds form a nation of people split between Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. They make up a type of nation called.

Stateless nation

400 - The letters President Adams wrote in the XYZ affair urged congress to do this.....

Prepare for War

401 - The Libertarian party advocates for

as little government involvement as possible

402 - The major role of a political party is to

Nominate candidates and conduct campaigns

403 - The majority of Asian-Americans are clustered in.....

the pacific coast.

404 - The Marshall Plan

offers economic stability to western Europe

405 - The members of the Parliament can express themselves in the house in

English, Hindi or mother tongue

406 - The most important agent of socialization in almost every society is


407 - The MOST Important Function/Thing That a Political Party Does Is?


408 - The most populous ethnic group in the United States is


409 - The Mountain (Montagnards) were a group who sat on the.....

Left (comprised of Cordeliers and Jacobins)

410 - The Nazis were super-patriots or


411 - The notion of perceiving the involvement of people in politics as devilish connotes political?


412 - The number of Parliament constituencies in Andhra Pradesh are ..... .


413 - The parliamentary system is known as

Responsible system of government

414 - The party out of power criticizes the policies and behaviors of the party in power. What is this called?

the watchdog function

415 - The passage below is from the preamble to a political platform."[We] seek a society based on personal liberty and responsibility-a society in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives..... People have the right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and pursue happiness in whatever manner they choose."Which political party's views are represented in this platform?

Libertarian Party

416 - The police will record the statements of the ..... .


417 - The policy of Perestroika means restructuring and Glasnost means .....


418 - The political spectrum is based upon what 2 major elements

Social Issues and Economics

419 - The power of a totalitarian government

is unlimited

420 - The present Chief Electoral Officer of Andhra Pradesh is ..... .

K Vijayanand

421 - The present Chief Electoral Officer of Telangana is ..... .

Dr Shashank Goel

422 - The present ruling party of India is .....

Bhartiya Janata party

423 - The process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region is

Ethnic Cleansing

424 - The religion founded by Jesus is and added new ideas to Judiasm


425 - The rise of political parties is directly linked to .

All of these

426 - The set of rights which ensures a life of dignity and honour to all its citizens who live in its jurisdiction

Fundamental Rights

427 - The statistical data of a population, examples would include age, income, education, race, gender, religion.


428 - The term or label (philosophy) most given to Republicans in the United States?


429 - The term politics is derived from the Greek word.....


430 - The then President ....., did not take any decision on the Indian Post Office Amendment bill?

Gyan Zail Singh

431 - The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through


432 - The two major political parties in the U.S. are the

Democrats and Republicans

433 - The U.S. is a ..... because our presidents come from one of two political parties.

two-party system

434 - The U.S. state worth the most amount of Electoral votes.


435 - The United States has a ..... party system.


436 - The United States has a long history of a two party system. What does this mean?

two parties often get the most voter participation

437 - There are ..... High Courts in India.


438 - There are ..... recognised national parties in India.


439 - There are 6 significant forms of POWER RELEVENT to schools and colleges, EXCEPT:

Paul Power

440 - There is a boundary put in place and patrolled by the U.N. on the island of Cyprus. What type of boundary would this be considered?


441 - There is an ongoing debate over the role of money in elections. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002 banned soft money and restricted advertisements in the weeks before an election. Parts of this act were challenged and struck down in the Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010). Which of the following was a consequence of that ruling?

B Super PACs may spend unlimited funds on advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign because they are protected by the freedom of speech.

442 - There was no rule of law in ancient India


443 - These are poltical parties from Honduras

Both (A), (C)

444 - These organizations raise money to donate to candidates based on whether they support the ..... particular views on issues

PAC Political Action Committee

445 - They believed in a agrarian society.


446 - Thin or dashed lines show the border between:


447 - Third parties do which of following?

Focus on a specific issue and take away votes from the Republicans and Democrats.

448 - Third parties often revolve around a political personality, such as.....

Theodore Roosevelt

449 - This amendment set the voting age at 18


450 - This branch of government is responsible for ensuring that laws follow the Constitution:


451 - This field focuses on such topics such as foreign and national security policies, diplomacy and rivalry, cooperation and warfare among states. the statement refers to .....

international relation

452 - This is the idea that all three branches of government have separate duties and responsibilities:

separation of powers

453 - This party believes in tradition which means the way we have done things is the best way to do things.

The Conservatives

454 - This party would most likely want a higher minimum wage


455 - This philosopher believed it was better to be feared than loved


456 - This political ideology emerged during Industrial Revolution.


457 - This political party believes in traditional values


458 - This small Palestinian territory lies boarders Israel and the Mediterranean Sea.

Gaza Strip

459 - This term comes from the latin words res publica meaning "the thing of the people"


460 - This writ is issued to order that an arrested person be presented before it. It can also set free an arrested person if the manner or grounds of arrest are not lawful or satisfactory.

Habeas Corpus

461 - To be naturalized, you need to 1) be over 18 years old, 2) be a resident for 5 years, 3) be of good moral character, 4) speak English, and

pass a civics(civil duty) test

462 - To check; to watch; to keep track of


463 - To vote in a Virginia primary one must -

register before the primary election

464 - Tradition, history, and the fact that Americans' beliefs appear to be split among 2 factions can be noted as the reasons why:

the U.S. has a two-party system.

465 - TV channels are a part of ..... houses.

big business

466 - TV commercials claiming a candidate flip-flops on taxes are examples of

Negative advertising

467 - Under PMGKY package, for the next three months, Divyangs, poor senior citizens, widows etc will get how much monetary assistance?

Rs. 1000

468 - Under which article the Indian constitution states that "Untouchability" is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden.

Article 17

469 - Unregulated money donated to a political party

soft money

470 - Unscientific survey used to gauge public opinion on a variety of issues and policies.

Straw Poll

471 - US told Texas to ratify 14 amendment in which constitution


472 - Used to carry over approval or authority from something or someone that is respected to something they would want to appear good, or have us accept. Transfers feelings from one thing to another.


473 - Uttarkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Sikkim have common frointer with .....


474 - Voters who take part in primary elections are more likely than general election voters to

be strongly ideological in their political views

475 - Voting is a basic ..... of U.S. citizenship.

right and responsibility

476 - Ways government systems distribute power in a unitary state

National government holds all the power

477 - We have a Judicial system -

To enforce the Law

478 - We learn the basics of the democratic process and gain a full background in the U.S. political system here.

In school

479 - What amendment was introduced by the Wisconsin state legislature to control the inappropriate use of the line-item veto by the state's governor, Tommy Thompson?

The Vanna White Amendment

480 - What are features on a physical map?

mountain ranges, rivers, great plains

481 - What are the differences between an interest group and a political party?

Both (A), (C)

482 - What are the goals that a government pursues in all of the areas of human affairs?

public policy

483 - What are the three ways humans interact with their environment?

depend, modify, adapt

484 - What are the two most important agents of political socialization?

family and school

485 - What area is being disputer between Greeks and Turks?


486 - What article of the Constitution would contain information about how to change the Constitution?


487 - What benefited due to a standardized currency (money) and weights/measures?


488 - What best describes the economic system of the United States?


489 - What city has changed over time from Steel manufacturing to Financial service / Lite Manufacturing?


490 - What do we call the revolution that ended with William and Mary signing the English Bill of Rights?

The Glorious Revolution

491 - What do you call a group of people bound together by commonalities in language, history, traditions, and religion?


492 - What do you call the card that is used for voting?

a ballot

493 - What do you mean by Right to equality?

All are equal before law

494 - What do you mean by Special majority?

Two-thirds majority of those present and voting

495 - What document gave French citizens the rights of liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression?

Declaration of Rights of Man

496 - What does a dictator NOT do?

Ask for the input of the people

497 - what does Imperial mean?

belonging or related to an emperor

498 - What does Tammany Hall refer to?

a political machine

499 - What does the "Winner-take-all" system mean in the Electoral College?

The party with more votes wins ALL of the electoral votes for that state

500 - What does the legend tell you?

It tells us what the symbols and colours mean

501 - What does the word veto mean?

to say no to a law

502 - What element of the state that is referring to a fixed portion of the surface of the earth in which people reside that is sufficient to provide the needs of the inhabitants?


503 - What execution method was most popular during the Reign of Terror?


504 - What form of government does the United States have?

Constitutional republic

505 - What happened in Chechnya after the fall of the Soviet Union?

Russians invaded after Chechens declared independence which led to Chechen terrorist attacks in Moscow.

506 - What inspired the French Revolution?

American Revolution

507 - What is "Apathy"?

a lack of interest in a topic

508 - What is a coup d'etat?

A sudden and forcible seizure of government power through illegal and unconstitutional action

509 - What is a grant of money from the government called?


510 - What is a series of markets that is connected like links in a chain because products pass from one market to another?

Chain of market

511 - What is a way that people publicly express their disagreement with a government's policy or action?

Social protest

512 - What is an example of a Monarchy?

The Queen of England

513 - What is an example of something a political machine might NOT do to help an immigrant family?

encourage them to vote for anyone they wanted

514 - What is Appellate System?

If a person isn't satisfied with the decision of the lower court then she/he can always appeal to higher courts

515 - What is Bye -election?

Elections held to fill a vacancy caused by the death or any other house.

516 - What is it called when a state peacefully chooses to split up into multiple smaller states?


517 - What is it called when individuals try to get legislators to introduce or vote a certain way on a bill?


518 - What is political socialization?

The process through which an individual acquires his/her particular orientations - his/her knowledge, feelings, and evaluations regarding his/her political world.

519 - What is round on the edges and high in the middle?

State of Ohio

520 - What is the capital of Greece?


521 - What is the guiding philosophy of the Bhartiya Janta Party?


522 - What is the Head of State in each state called?


523 - What is the key difference between physical and political maps?

Political maps include man-made borders and titles, Physical maps have natural borders and land forms.

524 - What is the legislature of The USA called?


525 - What is the long term legacy of the socialist movement that started during the Industrial Revolution?

worker unions, labor laws,civil rights, and social programs

526 - What is the main cause of air pollution in the United Kingdom?

Air pollution produced by burning fossil fuel in factories

527 - What is the most important duty of a political party

run candidates

528 - What is the name of the Chinese Parliament?

National People's Congress

529 - What is the PRIMARY goal of a political party?

to get their candidates elected to office

530 - What is the purpose of a Nominating Convention?

Officially choose the "ticket"

531 - What is the radical version of socialism?


532 - What is the symbol of the Republican Party

an Elephant

533 - What is the term for when people have similar ideas and beliefs regarding the role of the government and how to get people into political office?

political party

534 - What is the term used to describe the invisible line that separates communist Eastern Europe from democratic Western Europe?

Iron Curtail

535 - What is the upper limit of election expense in a parliamentry constituency?


536 - what is VVPAT?

Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail.

537 - What kind of party system do we have in America at the current time?

2 party

538 - What made it difficult for early US leaders to maintain neutrality during conflicts between France and Great Britain?

Each nation was pressuring the US to halt trade with the other

539 - What party values personal responsibility, is pro life and for lower taxes and less government regulation?

Republican Party

540 - What political party used to be known as the "Grand Ole Party" and formed to help Abraham Lincoln oppose slavery?


541 - What role does the media play in the political system?

all of these are true

542 - What roles do political parties play in the American political process?

Both (A), (B)

543 - What state has the most voting power in the U.S. Senate?


544 - What system is United States politics known for?

Two-Party System

545 - What term is defined as an area of land surrounded on three sides by water?


546 - What type of elections are held after the completion of the term of Lok Sabha?

General elections

547 - What type of government is ruled by force?


548 - What type of government is ruled by one leader who has absolute control over citizens' lives?


549 - What vote determines the presidency?

Electoral Vote

550 - What was one reason the colonists declared independence from Great Britain?

taxation without representation

551 - What was the basis of the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?

That African Americans did not have the right to sue in federal court because they were not citizens.

552 - What was the main reason for the decline of the Maratha empire?

The third battle of Panipat

553 - What was the name of the organizations that often ran city, county, and state politics during the late 1800s?

Political Machines

554 - What were the very top leaders of political machines called?

City boss

555 - What word isn't related with antropology?


556 - What's a Problem With Political Divisions?


557 - When all people are able to participate in government, that is a.....

direct democracy

558 - When breaking a rule, what does this lead to?

to be sentenced either to jail or minor crimes but with their respective consequences

559 - When did interest groups truly first emerge?


560 - When did South Africa gain its independence?

26th April 1994

561 - When National Emergency was declared?

25th June 1975

562 - When was Indira point submerged under water?

In 2004

563 - Where is London situated?


564 - Where was SAARC formed?


565 - Which amendment states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state where in they reside."

14th Amendment

566 - Which among the basic issues in Politics that talks about the right of the government to rule and the right of the government for leadership to exist?


567 - Which among the following is the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India?

[B] Supreme Court

568 - Which Article of the Indian Constitution states that the Supreme Court of India shall be a Court of Record:

Article 129

569 - Which Article provides abolition of Untouchability?

Article 17

570 - Which article talks about "Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment?"

Article 16

571 - Which branch has the Cabinet?


572 - Which case is also known as mini constitution?

Keshvananda Bharti vs State of Kerala

573 - Which class of people tended to vote for the DVP?

Upper class

574 - Which clause of the Constitution allows Congress to carry out whatever law it needs to in order to carry out the Constitution's provisions?

Necessary and Proper Clause

575 - Which colony currently recognized by the U.N. is NOT an island?

Western Sahara

576 - Which country has an example of a Multi-Party System?


577 - which country have bi party system?


578 - Which country is famous for ice hockey?


579 - Which day is celebrated as National Voters Day?

25th Jan

580 - Which document first declared that even a monarch must obey the law of the land?

the Magna Carta

581 - Which document set out the demands of the French Revolution and embodied Enlightenment ideals like liberty and equality?

Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

582 - Which event best represented the shift away from the monarchy in England

The Glorious Revolution

583 - Which event is most closely associated with the French Revolution?

Reign of Terror

584 - Which form of local government is the most flexible, allowing for quick resolution of problems, such as clearing hurricane damage?

The Commission

585 - Which fundamental principle means that the people in the government have to follow the law too?

Rule of Law

586 - Which fundamental principle states "All of people are equal under the law"?

Rule of Law

587 - Which fundamental right is concerned with abolition of social distinctions?

Right to equality

588 - Which groups have been gaining more local power around the world as a result of devolution?

indigenous people

589 - Which house has the power to remove the council of ministers by passing the 'No Confidence Motion'.

Lok Sabha

590 - Which is not a main belief associated with the Republican party today?

liberal ideology/ comfortable with changes in society/ new policy approaches

591 - Which is NOT a type of third party?

Mutual Agreement

592 - Which is NOT true about the Law of the Sea?

It identifies internal shoreline waters as international to ensure free trade.

593 - Which is the largest Party in India?


594 - Which is the primary function of Political Action Committees (PACs) and Super PACs?

To influence elections and legislation

595 - Which leader was an influential Republican president during the Civil War who signed the document to end slavery in the US?

Abraham Lincoln

596 - Which list is the correct order of the West African kingdoms?

Ghana, Mali, Songhai

597 - Which of the following answer is NOT the theoretical sources of the political model?

Culture conflict

598 - Which of the following are not true?

Dr. S Radhakrishnan was the 1st President of India

599 - Which of the following are principles of Positivism?

all of the above

600 - Which of the following are the functions of election? I. To oppose illegal affairs II. Serve the function of mobilization III. Provide legitimacy of the government IV. The means to choose who will direct affairs of the government


601 - Which of the following best demonstrates the media focusing public attention on a specific issue?

The local news station runs a week long story about the condition of schools throughout the state.

602 - Which of the following contributed to the French Revolution?

Heavy taxes on commoners

603 - Which of the following country is not permanent member of UN

South Africa

604 - which of the following elects the president?

electoral college

605 - Which of the following event was the earliest?

Fall of Berlin wall

606 - Which of the following fueled French desires to revolt against the monarchy?

Ideas of the Enlightenment and the American revolution

607 - Which of the following happens first?

Political parties in each state choose electors.

608 - Which of the following is a person that works as a leader of a federal agency for the President?

Civil Officer

609 - Which of the following is a positive consequence of nationalism

Uniting citizens with an American nationality

610 - Which of the following is a reason for the Scientific Revolution in Europe?

Increased knowledge from the Renaissance

611 - Which of the following is an example of a single-issue party?


612 - Which of the following is an example of an "expressed power"?

All are expressed powers

613 - Which of the following is nominated by the President of India?

The Governor

614 - Which of the following is NOT a factor in predicting which people will vote?

your race

615 - Which of the following is NOT a good predictor for who will vote in elections?


616 - Which of the following is not a regime type identified in the modern world?

Western absolutist monarchies

617 - Which of the following is NOT a requirement to be Governor of Florida?

You must have lived in the state for 2 years prior to the election.

618 - Which of the following is NOT a role of political parties?

advising the president

619 - Which of the following is NOT a strategy for evaluating campaigns?

Identifying candidates

620 - Which of the following is NOT an example of a formal political institution?

the mafia in St. Petersburg

621 - Which of the following is NOT required in order to qualify to vote in VA?

Must own property and have a job in VA

622 - Which of the following is not the founder member of ASEAN?


623 - Which of the following is the gaurdian of Indian Constitution?

Supreme Court

624 - Which of the following is true about the cabinet departments?

All are directly accountable to the president.

625 - Which of the following leaders decided to convert Cuba in a Russian base


626 - Which of the following Middle Eastern countries is an example of a monarchy style of government?

Saudi Arabia

627 - Which of the following neighbouring country has better performance in terms of human development than India?

Sri Lanka

628 - Which of the following situations is an example of how poll taxes are an obstacle to voting rights?

Voters cannot participate because they cannot afford to vote.

629 - Which of the following statements is true about REPUBLICANS?

They want government to be small and to play a small role in people's lives

630 - Which of the following took place in 1955

Signing of the Baghdad Pact

631 - Which of the following was NOT an important tax on the colonists?

Proclamation Act

632 - Which of the following was NOT one of Napoleon's mistakes that ended his rule in France?

The invasion of Egypt

633 - Which of the following was the theory that best justified US involvement in the Korean War?

Containment theory

634 - Which of the following would a liberal voter support?

Free healthcare for all.

635 - Which of the following would be a likely consequence of the creation of NAFTA?

US electronics manufacturers moving factories to Mexico

636 - Which of the following would be an example of a Core State?


637 - Which of the following would be the most important reason for limiting the powers of governments?

protecting individual rights

638 - Which of these is an example of a failed state


639 - Which of these is NOT a political cartoon technique


640 - Which of these political systems is a government where power is derived from religion?


641 - Which of these was NOT a way the Kikuyu culture changed after their interaction with the Pink Cheeks?

The tribe became more war like to try to fight the Pink Cheeks

642 - Which of these would a Democrat most likely support?

The government providing health insurance to all citizens

643 - Which one aims to poster an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice and grassroots democracy?

Green Politics

644 - Which one of the following facilities is offered by the Election Commission to a recognised political party?

Election symbol

645 - Which one of these is a Political Freedom established by New Republic?

Freedom of Speech and Press

646 - Which one of these is not a branch of the federal government?


647 - Which party is considered Conservative


648 - Which political party has these beliefs - government regulation of the economy and higher taxes for the rich?

Democratic Party

649 - Which political party is associated with the color red?


650 - Which political party is being described? [In Gilbert's home country, the government owned all property and controlled all aspects of the economy.]

Communist Party

651 - Which right was removed from the Fundamental Rights because of complications related to eliminating the Zamindari System?

Right to property

652 - Which schedule of the Indian Constitution contains provisions of Municipal Corporation?

12th Schedule

653 - Which State has been allocated the maximum number of cities under the Smart Cities Mission?

Uttar Pradesh

654 - Which statement is false about political science?

It focuses particularly on the dynamic interplay between individual and society.

655 - Which step in the polling process requires pollsters to communicate with their respondents through conversations, phone calls, or surveys?


656 - Which strengthened early political parties in the US?

the French Revolution

657 - Which subject is residuary subject

Computer software

658 - Which two parties have been going strong for 150 years or more?

Republicans and Democrats

659 - Which type of government is a republic, people are elected to represent us in the decision making?

Representative Democracy

660 - Which type of party typically introduces new ideas and presses for particular issues?


661 - Which would disqualify a person from voting in the Commonwealth of Virginia?

Currently living in North Carolina for 3 years

662 - While appointing the Prime Minister, the President selects

Leader of the largest party in the Lok Sabha.

663 - Who among the following in UN has always been a citizen of the US?

President of the World Bank

664 - Who became the first Dalit President of India?

KR Narayanan

665 - Who does a lobbyist work for?

an interest group

666 - Who elects MPTC's and ZPTC's?


667 - Who elects the panchayat head

All members of gram sabha

668 - Who has been appointed as the Deputy Governor off Reserve Bank of India?

Michael Debabrata Patra

669 - Who has the power in a democracy?

the people

670 - Who invaded the Mughal Empire?

Both (A), (B)

671 - Who is a citizen?

One who belongs to a country

672 - Who is currently the third party?

The Bloc Quebecois

673 - Who is known for this statement - "The condition of man is a condition of war."

Thomas Hobbes

674 - Who is the ex officio Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha?


675 - Who is the head of government in UK?

The Prime Minister

676 - Who is the leader of the party's national committee

National chairperson

677 - Who is the real head of Indian Parliamentary System?

Prime Minister

678 - Who or what answers the basic economic questions in a command economy?


679 - Who said, "The Constitution is that which fixes the structure of the supreme


680 - Who says human is social and political Animals


681 - Who was the chairman of Order of Business Committee?

KM Munshi

682 - Who was the chairman of the drafting committee of the constituent Assembly?

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

683 - Who was the constitutional advisor of Constituent assembly?

BN Rao

684 - Who was the first Chief Justice of India?

Justice H J Kania

685 - Who was the first deputy prime minister of India

Sardar V B Patel

686 - Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

John A Macdonald

687 - Who was the President of the Indian Constituent Assembly?

Dr Rajendra Prasad

688 - Who wrote that people have the right of overthrow a gov't that does not protect rights?

John Locke

689 - Who wrote the book "Communist Manifesto"?

Karl Marx

690 - Why did Aaron Burr challenge Alexander Hamilton to a duel?

Hamilton had been instrumental in ruining his campaign for governor

691 - Why did France want to keep their colony of Saint- Domingue?

The island was a major money maker to help France pay for wars they were fighting.

692 - Why did Joseph Stalin block the city of Berlin from getting supplies after WWII?

He wanted to make the people dependent on communist Germany for their needs

693 - Why did the Supreme Court rule that a portion of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 was unconstitutional?

Money spent in campaigns is protected by the 1st amendment.

694 - Why do minor party candidates rarely win elections?

Both (A), (C)

695 - Why do people form third parties?

Because they disagree with the beliefs of both major parties

696 - Why do some worry about too much money in politics?

Money could have a corrupting influence on politicians.

697 - Why does California have more electoral votes than Texas?

California has a higher population than Texas

698 - Why is the electoral college system not fair?

it favors the two-party system

699 - Why were the colonists angry about "taxation without representation?"

The colonists had no representation in Parliament

700 - Widespread acceptance of something as necessary, rightful, and legally binding



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